iP ffl'ff 'IW' I., mm. if. . ,rit:cl 3011? l '"J: if. 1.1' k,- oei 1- -q m;jf. ,1 . d La rji,J of bi ;s" : . ijl. '. ; . - -. . - -'. v .. t:s'f 'Hfti 'iff "" )-i VOLDftIB LIU. ! RALEI03, N, C SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY- 28, 1852. iri AIT. M I h f fhti tr2vS ro-JouJ Is p.blii"isd eW-wxly aMy, 7 SEATON GALES, EDITOR AND pori.. IIIM8: $4 per uin ; la advance $4. $3 Mr uin ; u advaaes $t 54. Fn the Semtocklr, rtke Weekly, RATES Or ADVKRTISINO : ASTESTTOatrTT. 1 ZmZZimt raralar prtoe to idmtbm by U Ta. twuswaents InserWd ta Um Send-weekly, wtu also apoaer 1 the Wsefclr. ft" ehar. T-LeUr ts th Kdttor al a rosr-rai. "register BOOK AMD JOS mwnm mm, Tk subscriber having recently refitted Vis office heaatuul and extensive asaortmeat of BOOK AND JOB MATERIAL, it prepare! to execute, with neatn, erery variety of BOOK & PAMPHLET WORK. ALSO ia lb best style, and at but a I rifling advance on North ern prices. To enable him to do this, ho ha received af assortment of beautifully tuune 1 Card, of dif ferent txes and faocr Stattrmery. with which ho w prepared to fill order for Ball Ticket, Circular, aad all description ol Brons and Fancy Colored Printing. II kaa, alw. aa asaortment of oztra-aited tjpe for XAXXOIX 70STXSS ui SHOW ITT.U, ad will i pa re no paint to ro'let per rot aitafact!on in Hie rzeeiiion of all wwrk with whieh he hll ho entrusted. S EATON GALES. C. B. ROOT, WOULD re4ecfullT annoaiio to th and i.a.Hlemeo of KaWigh. and I ho public fonrrlly. thai he ha recently returned fr-ai the Karth with a uow, beauttfiil and spleodid alack of WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C, &C, which ho tz on-pared to ll lower than aoch articlos ho tier twen ankl in thia markK at any praoo lime. Hiof hiiacelf pi' cat attrotion t-. the ek-ctinn . hi bo-k!, be ia confident thai, fur Bao ty and Fahin, no anperior aloek waa er before ezhioit4 in ftonb i;arelir. 3 Hi ertiweai ia made op f a very freal arioly. and con-iaU, in part, of the following anu lee: JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS Gold and filrer l.eer Watche. Anchor (Minder, Vertical Eacapen-nia, Gold iM Steel Uoard Chana. MeaN. Keja, lofether with a lro aaaortment of Breaat Pin. Fineer Uin, Ear Kioa. G-dd od Kilrcr Pencil, U .ld Pen. Thimble. Medallio, GoUf Heart and Crooe. Mantel CUck. Gi.ld and KilTor moaoted Cane. Card Case. Toil I Bottles and Ladies. Toilet Work Base. Chemen and Backnaanton Board, fef erl Pen-, Gilt,nxrl, Glws and .Satin Bead. Jet Comha, Sejar Catet, Razor Straps, Fume J- . 4-c- SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SiWer Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt and Maatard Spoon. Lalle, Soar Tons. Butter Knitre. Sil er.mBBtel Coco Num. Ctors. Caodla-Siicks, (Ninffera and Tray, Cake Baket, Coffee Greqnea, nrittauia Ware, in aetta or ingle peicea, miTer ana Plated Cup, Silver and Ivory Napkin Kings, ate. t SPECTACLES. Oold. Silver, Blue and polUhed Steal Spectacle. Perifocal Steetacle Glse. a uew article to ui the nri of all Mraons,' very aaperior Fli GUanes Chat may k adjaated in any frames at any notice PCRFUflGltT. Camprising Powdrr Boze, Cologne and LaveadVr Water. Toilet Powder Shavine: and Toilet Soap. Ala Hair, Tooth and Shavine Brashes. CUTLERY- A larse assortment of so peri or Razors, I'ocket and Pen Koives, alao Dirks and Bawie Knives. MUSICAL IXSTavfJ-TIEXTS. Spanish Guitar. Violin, Clarionets, Flntes, Ftfn. Guitar and Violin Struts, Extra Violin Bawa dec ro. Watches and Clocks repaired in superior style. Aa hi own eeraonal attention will he riven to the department, those persons having article to re pair aany rely on tl.ir being well and fttihfaHy azeouted Gold and Silver man a facta red U order. Highest price given for old Gold sad Silver TO 8 PORTS 11 Elf . ...c TATtOCT SJX BAB REL 8EtFRKTOl VSJ SJ1U HErtUTlilw C B. Root ha slew received s fins lot f Doable It.rreT Gn Rifle. Pistols of all kind. Pow Jer n..V. shnt IU. Bird Ban. Packaces of Bald- Imnroved Elastic and Indented Gaa Wad- diaf.sVo.aV DR. WILLIAM R. MILLER, OFFICE ABOVE THE LIFE IWSU B'AIICE OFFICE. RaUIgh July Mnd, 1831. T. C. WORTH CaHiiiioii aud ForwaraiBK Kier- rhKHt WILMINGTON JT. C. July l't. 1851. 53 ly p. SAVAGE & MEARES, Couinuguion, FOaWllllXG IEICI1JIT8, WlUCHTOTOX, N. C. August 9th, 1831. ly ft Western Hotel. OTZHtsI HOTEL, a short distant West of the gsjb Cspiiol Square, is opened for th sce'anmsds tian af the Trav.lliot Community, and the Propria- tar would be much pleased to board gontleman hy tba week, month or year. He will ne his best efforts ts Bio and render comfortable, all who may ehaii him. and ha respectfully solids s share of public pf eases His Stables will ha attended to by an active and attentive Hostler. WM.T. BAIN. Raleiffh.Feb. 4t h. U TOOTH SOAP AND BRUSHES- A FURTHER supply af Tooth Soap and ss XV. perior Teeth Brashes, for sale by P. F. PESCUD. November 13th. 1831 98 ITklCKEN'S NOVELS aad Tale complete in. 4 II af volumes, price 8b. W. L. P0MER0Y, CLOTH SACKS AND FROCKS. tlHT E bare on hand a very large assortment at WW Cloth Sacks od Frock whieh are aww sailing very cheap. E. L HARDING 4- CO. December 4ib, 1 83 1. OS JOSEPH WOLTERING, : Afauafactarerisna Deaglcr la the FolUnoUgjJrlicU. i2A,JV. C STOVES ; tin, iro aad copper wares gans and piato a or all aorta ; powder. shot,eaps, powder tf udu and shot cliargera. a ia aartssi of pock et and table cutlery, the celebraiad Pine ladia steel razors, mortice lock, wjtn wkita . mineral knobs, froo. 80 cant t 4 improved rim locks, New Ha Ten lock, carpenters ri Lie:, alidiog 4ot lacks, people a lock, best furniture look, dead lock, novel ty lock with win end kaoba, mineral lock. viU Ja pan ntoaating. nrttc locks with iron holts and keys, mortice locks with whit kaoba, rural look with white mineral kaoba, plats locks, smoke-hesse lock, mortice closet locks with bras Irowts, aaest lacks, hor locks, faocy buohod pad locks, in pa I tent dropped Japan padlocks, rim drop latches. L Bolwin's night latch, improved bow latoaea. cap- board luck latchea, poreelaia knobslh beat aver ia , this City or Stata, miaeral doar knob, screw, aaa hogaay and pearl white door kaobr, miaaral draw knobs, furniture kaoba, pearl whit hell lla, axle pulleys, Blake's aids palieys. wardrobe hooks fan cy coat and hat hook, window spring, rial blank ahattor hinge, . C. Palmer' window baU,CUrke bait hinges and superior east butt hinges, curtain pins and h indie, coffee mills, candle sticks, dag collar and chains, cloth, , aad horse brashes. Also, Carpenier'a, Cooper's, Tiaaer's, aad Black smith's Tools. Also, nails, fcrews, Kythblade, shtep shears, bras lamp, hand bells, irao chaias, grabbiag hoes, spriag-balances. plyers. spades, shovels, Uoea, aad irsns, paos. vice. pumpM, Back's patent improved cooking stove, and in short every thing Beaded by farmers and mechanics in the hardware line. At, a Misapply of CARRIAGE TRIM MINU3, such as carriare axles and spring, car riage hand potent leather hub hmda, power loom lace, enamelled canvas, figured maroon, damask alpaca, extra fias cambric, aad friog. Oa hand, al so, a t supply of CARRIAGE and BUGGIES. Smoke-house, Jail, and Bank Lacks made t or der, warranted not to be picked or broken, aad to give satiafactioo. i I he subscriber is alst prepared to execals any and all work in iron, steel, bra, coppei , aVc. Gaa and pistol made to order. Alao, strainer for Tur pentine Du'lllene. All order ezecuted promptly and in tUa best maoner. lrtu- subscriber doe not aell lower then any body rise, and do good work at lair prices, then he will give it ap. r.ocourare I tome industry. New is the lime. Call oa I he sub-criber at. Rileieh. Wake County, North Carolina, or send y'oar order by letter. JOSEPH WOLTEUING Raleigh, Sept. 1G, 1831. 78 If AMERICAN A.D OUiiaiT Aa2Y CITY OF WASHING I ON. CavcT th Direction of Aaron Haigkt Pal - saer of Jiew York. Counsellor of the Su preme Court of the United Statu, for th Jolunetng object. 1 Ceedottinr profe-MOiial basinra in ths Su preme Court of the United State. Especial attea- tioa will be given to cases of California Land titles eonuag ap oa appeal. 2. The proaeautioo and recovery of all Claims. in law or Equity, against the United tate, before Congress or the Ezecutive Departments, or against Foreign Governments before Bosros of Comtawajon- err. 8. The settlement of accounts with the Slate, Treasury, War, Navy. Post Office and laterior De p rtmenis, and obtaning the remission of Fines, Penalties, aad r orleitnre, Tor alleged vtolattou oi he Keveaoe. Peat Office, or mher Laws, 4. SecarmR liners Tateat for loventioa frosa ths United Slate or from Foreign Government and wrocerisf Land Warrant and Poasioao aa dcr the various Pension Laws of the United Mtotor, 8. Collection generally, embrriat Debts, Leg aeie. aad laheritaucea, in the U ailed Stales aad Foreign Couatrie. C Investment of Fairds in the United Plate ana sute mncKSBDo ioans, auu uu ouao ana a -1 I r, . I I Murtgae of Freehold Entate. Mr.Fiuii wa Director of the rw Yoax A- aratCAH ad Foieto Aocxcr which be established ia 1830, a.nd which became eztrnielj aod advan tagpoaaly known ia all parts of the enmtnercia! wr-rld He has vianed Europe twice oa the bnai- ass of aid Agaey. Hi second tour was made under ho immediate ansnic of Messrs. N. M. Rothschild tk Sons of Loudon, with thir special ltersof introdactioa and credit in hia favor to the different branches sf that Hoase, and their Oort. pood eat in the chief eiiies of Europe, oa bosine connected with the negotiation of American tHocks and ia favorably known to many of the lending for eign beaker and emiaeitt gentlemen of ths legal pruleamon abroad. All ComwiaiMCattoas addressed, post paid, to the aadersigned, will receive prompt and faithful at- ention kp He is solelv authorised to settle the Agency Butdnesa and Concerns of the late firm of f aimer x buethea Tiaoslation from the leading European langua ges ezecated with fidelity and despatch. Office SNouth side f rennsTlvani Avenue near tba Treasury Department XSJ Keiors to the Heads of Departments and Bureau, at Wabingtoo, and to Senators and Members of the two I Congresses. AARON H. PALMER At Willanl's Hots! Washington, Feb. 1st. 1S50. 0 in its. wolterihg MESPECTFLJLLY announce to lb Ladle e. Raleigh and surroandiog country that shs ia now receiving Der rAl.L snd W INTER STOCK af FANCY GOOD, embracing China goads, fine tron-ston dinner -oatu, lea-asUs, and enps aad us- cars su fins as aver beougnt l this City. Also. GROCKK1ES of every description. MU SlCAL INSTRUMENTS, c, whieh wiU b sold low lac cash. Jnt recervad, a fresh supply of CONFEC- TIONAklEtt. Thankfal for nasi favora, aha soliciu a couti a a nee of th same. WILHELMINA WOLTERING Ralaieh, Sept. 13th, 1831. y 7 To Cotton Planters. wcxcp nnas7rao lUNNY andBlmp Bagging, 44 iacbeswidc .S. osle-rop and twins. ALSO 130 pairs Men and Buy's Brogana. Men and Boy's Kin Sbaetee. W omen's leather Bootees, with a seneraJ sssort- meat oi oaoea. Black and white Wool Hats. 73 Point aad Daffle Blankets, Cradle Blankets, ' J.BROWN. No. W, F.yeltsviU St, Rslaiga, Oct, 6th, 1831. 81 JVS't RECEIVED. -, 0 pairs Mens' fine Calf Pegged Boots. " 12 Morocco and Patent Boots. 11 pairs . do do Opera do 24 do do do Jenny Llod Shoe. Made by superior worlfaetrid f the latest style a. i. aTITII. January 31. 1832. 10 JfOTICC. 58 hereby gasl that appUcatma will k mda, a ibw aiD ration of tor masiins, ia taa tiank o the Su or Worth Carolina, tar a eamincaTnl T. SaaBMaftha tockol Um said Bank ia the aasna of Wa. MaEaUrs.Ua ongmai eoriiaeata o 27 far 10 kSliaras, dated 2 4 U April, law, naving hMll lol. TH08 WALTON. Aim's. J. McENTIRE Morganton.N. C , Dec Stb, 1851. 39 3n of Trade.' United States CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Wholesale Wnrerooins, NO. 177 &. lt7iMARKETST- (.1 or tli hide nbove Fonrlli) AT THE - RED DOORS " THIS New and Extetisue KEADFMad Clo thing Establishment, recently opened by the Subscriber, offer inducements to Southern snd Western buyers in regard to low prices an I im mense v-irieiy or Htock, rsrely to be met with. The inerense of Sales from a very liberal patron ace, hs been such ss to Wirmot their nrTering Clothing at uv$ally ow prices, and carrying out th system of Lmg Salet and Smalt Profit V ZT Orders from any part of the United at ate promptly executed and with eseeil ear. IKEEO, BlfcOTH Kll At CO.. Pfalladclpbia. Peon. P. S. Facilities will be offered "oyer to pur chase on regular citdit. Usual discount afewd ( CA Butert. Dee. 13ih. 1851. ly lot Look I ns; 4 ln Wnrcbanne. RICHARDS KIN6SLAN0, MANUFACTURER. AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN louiixc amu ; aid ipouteu of Lookiugatalaaa Plate. JVo. 38. Courtland Street. JYtw York. Ths atteution of elouihera Buyer is respectfully solicited to his extensive stock, comprising every variety aud style of Glass now in us ia thu Coua Uv. D-r. 30 1M. 3ino104 SAUDLE ANO IIAHIES ESTAB LI9II.T1EIVT. THE undersigned tenders his sincere thanks lo his friends snd nameroas eastomen, for the wry liberal patronage bestowe-l on him sioce his commencement in buain- ia this city, and hope, by a strict aud diligent at teat ion lo his busi n"S, to retain their confidence and to ecors a ooatiouaucaof their fa vor. Havinr bad the mialottune to loss h Store House hy Fire. he ha lakrn a Store on lbs West side of Fayette viilr Wi reet. iu Pence's Row, 2d door South of P. r . resent Urttg Store, wbeiehe wnl contiaue to conduct his business as heretofore.- Havinr in hi employ toe brst workmen the conn' try can produce, an-l the best materml, he is pre eared to make o order any ami ev?ry article man. fact u red in tun line oi ousiuevs, wnn naenty anu isp-tteh. All kindsor.egairing ate aoae promptly. The tolloin comprises a list or roods enntant- ly kept on hand, aad which ah all he sold at priors lo suit the limes. Gentlemen's best plain and stitched Ssddl Snnnish do. all kin l Samerset and Shafted ditto, full Quilted Spanish sod Washington C overed d". Common Ssddles, great variety, Ladic Saddles, all kind. Boy's snd VVsggoado. Cotch, Bugsie ai.. I si age llarnesy,- Wasron and Cart Harness, all kin Ik; SudUIe tiugs. iiiidles au Martioealea. itW kind-, Trunks and Travelling Bg, Bnffaloe Robr, Coach, Bougie and Riding Wbip,all kin.ls. Waggon. PI inters, and Ufov rs do, Skiring Harnrns, Hag and Bridle Leather, Sheep aud Hog Skins, Saddle Trees. Girth and Straining WVh, Enamelled nnd Dash Leather Stinup Iron and Kndle Ui a, all kind and pat tern. Couch, trig and Buggi' Harness Mouutioj, all Pattern"; in fuct, all articles usually kept iu regular Saddlery Storr can be bail here. U. W. 1J. HLTCHIIXGS. January 1st. 1832. tf 1 D. G. LOUGEE. Dealer in Clock t, 11 caches, mid Fancy Goods, ALo, Coofectionarv. Clears, and VarirUe. Sign of the Big W atch, c&f.Dsnoito'. iv. c. Watches, Clocks, aad Jewelry neatly re paired Janaary, it- 3 sJiwHAwiT AHb MOVING associated with them William a Noble, th busln-ss will hsreafler be Conducted in the name of Furman, Davis, & Co. Saw J FuawA. Jno. O.Davis. Wm.G. Noblb Ws have removed from 197 I'eail St , to our new aadcomoHtdioos Store, fro. 18, Courtl-tnd Si., caarly opposit tU Mtrthnnti ad Wetter Hotel. where w are now receiving a large aud Well seleo ted slock f Mll.KS AM FAINXY ( l$, well adapted to the trade ; cousistiug, iu part, of lb following articles, vtz: Silks, Fancy Dregs Goods, Muslins, Laces. Ribbons, Glovet, Shawls, Handkerchiefs. Cravats, &c., &c , Sur. which we offer on the most reasonable terms. W salieit a eall from our friends when they next vi sit the city. Orders for Goods will meet with strict and prompt atteattoa. f KM aim. DAVIS, dt CO. New York, February 2 th, 1832 4t IS Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. T 1HE undersigned hss sold snd pot up in North Carolina, within the peat two years, upwards erlivu nuiiunpu riAiu end tbe oon- a WW BvT 1 S . -'-. nwsavvt.. . . suutly increasitig demand for them is the best evi deao ofthe quality of my manufacture, All orders for lnztrameuU must be addressed to. JIUH.VS Plan Manufactory No. 2 Liberty St. Baltimore. List of Prices Pianos in beautiful Rosewood eases, built ofthe finest material, of the latest style and improvements, metallic plate and entire metallic frames, cost as follows: Octave 200 to 0300, V ' 930 t S350, 7 " . 300 to 8300, Grand Piano from 8300 to $1000. Oct. 3d ISO! 6a pd80 Cwmpetlfion, thn rife JtV ils'J (frJT . . S . TTTtH ftri VI it I U1 h-J Lk-JUrr. ' , jr K-ll tal t j TAPU FANCY DRESS COOPS IpTO 0 f fvSHOCj &Mn I t LassMaawMwaHMHBaW Ism 31132 6Q0 Cocoaouta, fresh, iHt pounds Ooshaa Cheese, t00 do 8moked Beef aod II 4ms, ln Kitts No 1. Mackerel, .014 bbs. do 1 Box best Pearl sWarth, ALSO ON -THE WAY AND DAILT EXPECTED! SO OOOSegard Miff-rent brands, I.IMiO n or Uoebea Uutter, . 300 do tUt tthelt Almonds, 100 do Walnuts, 100 do Palm ants, 1.S0 hoxf Snr'linns, very cheap 23 do Raisin in whole and quarter boxes, I Barrel rJalmon. 1 barrel of Lar4 I ease preserved Ginger, I rise ef Prone. I would jnt sy (hat tbeahnve Goods were boucbt in New Yoik ty an ezporianeed resident of that are, tar cash, which will nabl3 we t sell low. am deieruiiard to sell as lew as aav man ia this place. L. B WALKER. November IS, 1851. 93 CHARLESTON PREPARATORY fflUlE session uruiis tust it ut ion will Wgiwontbo II .first MssdVry in April, and terminate on Hi last Saturday in J uly. The different Chairs will be occupied ss follow; AnMotay and Physwlogy by F T. MILES, M. D. Institute and Practice of Medicine, by D. 'J. CAIN.M I). Meter! Mediea and Therapeutics, by F. PET- RE POHCHBll, M. D. Obsttri snd Diseare of Wome and Children. by E. BELIN FLAGO, M, D. 1 ha Chair of Surgery ha ieen offered t a ren- ileman aw in Europe, wlia it is hoped will accept it. Should he not do so, it sill be filled be fur th lime aipoiniad for epeniHg ib 8chool. Clwieal lust radian will be giva at lb Marine Hospital nd Alio House, by Dra, D. J CAIN and J. FOKD PRIOLE.AU. Duriiig the session id the Mediea I College af th Stat ol oatb-Carliua, tn rnbers of th Class will be examined regularly on the lecture delivered in that iusittutioj. The Student will be shown cases among th pa tients of the Teachers, and such a can be taken :o the U cio re rooui will there be ezkibited t them aud explained The most distinguished Surgeons in the city have promised, abeuevrr I bey can do,o esmveaicatly, to perform operations before th Cla. Uoctors K L KUuY and J. S M1TCHEL.L. who hve each a large tbstetricil practice, will (a well as I he i.:chrs .) gi ve t he St udents access to 1 f their case of ibis description, which they eau witli protmety bs allowed t" visit. In short, ample oituorluuities will be afforded for arqainar pracicaf, well as theoretical knowledge ol tba pfoiessuiQ Her inoriaary statistics prove that Charleston po-ts'S s salubrity of climate enjoyed by very fa w cities in the world, and strners are a longer de terred from visiting her ia the summer. Uoard and lodsiu can be obtained I row 3,30 to 8j a work. 'I erms, fifty dollar, inclading ezsainaUona da nag the winter. Jaa.26. l5i. tlA 8 EE3 Kaleixh & Gaston Kail lioad. A T a meeting of the Director of the Raleigh Xl aud Ga-ton Kail Rood Company, held at Gas. uni, ea lb Utith of January last, th following ia- Ulmmsts were callod fw .' 10 per eeut. on the 1st. March, l8aX, W0 - on the 1st. May. 20 an th 1st. July, " on th 1st- Sept, For th oonvauirne of tockhalders. the Pri- dent. Treasurer, or either of th Director, will re ceive and giv receipt for iastalmeui. laUrest will be allowed on all anticipated, aad will be char ged on all deferred, p;nvrnl Th Stock or all delinquents on the 1st. and 2. instalment will be advertised for sale.f nut paid brCore the 1st. March n'll. ,y onier of the Hoard ef Directors ; Kaleigh aad Gaston Kaitroud Office, W. W. VASS, Trea. Feb. 6th. 1832. 8w II Stand i rd, Warrenton News and Petersburg Intelligencer, copy. RlClltTlOjSD, PKTI'BUItC, nrst. sb w r n n vwrnfti COMPANY HAVE now on the line their new and powerful low preure steam propeller-CITY OF RICH MON D, H. W. Foster, master. She is double iron breed aad fastened ql to taauy slips of twice ber tonnage; she b fine state room accommodations for p-seuger. aad no pains will be wanting lo nakn ber a ojular vessel for persona travclias ibis route. Freight will be taken at about packet prices, and good delivered with certainty of time iu few hour after uipm-nt- Thenew Steamahip, CITY OF NORFOLK, will take her place on the line in a few days. Dne notice ofthe times ef sailing will be given also, in a few days, Wgether with terms for Passage, Freight, do. J MUS. UKAISCH, Agnt, Petersburg; F. WILLIS, Agent. Norfolk, MAlLLEK it LORD, Agent. 108 Wall Street, New York, F. RANKIN, Agent. Richmond, Va. Jan. 10, 1832. 3mo 6 Csl EAT EXC'ITC.T1CMT IN NORTH CAROLINA! Tbe Rattle I, txjrnu. and 1 inteuol to lljrht my way through for U031K IKUUaiTKYt F YOU WAN i TObAVEA COUPLE HUN- J.L DICED DOLLARS, send n your orders for Turpentine Stills, Caps, Arms and Worms Also, Brandy Stills, and any kind of Copper work, Brass. Machinery Ac The price or nun-cups. Arms, ana w orms, sr at WW as follows : By the pound 37 cents ; or by contract worms, gioo 483 323 385 I3 830 Hi5 7M 830 SOU AU work will b warranted for 12 months, fir snd burning excepted. His werk will also bade- hivered within fifty miles of Raleigh, at ths shortest notice ; and if 1 fail t deliver Stills la the Ume greed upon, I will forfeit $3 for each dsy lt, ta th purchaser. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, Sept. 16,1831. 73 y .Normal College ITnHF next Session will comroeuc ow the 3d of JI March, at which lino ell who intend to enter during the term, should bs present. Carriages for conveyance to the College, wtu ieav im iwwwjpg ' - ... . . places on tbe zna; wreeosoorw- , Ashboro'st lOznd Uxington st io. ., B. CKAVEW, rresHient. 16 Feb 2. 1832. it 1 ON THE BANKS IN, THE crTy OF RA LEIGH, Jhst Printed snd for Sale st (hia Office. 7 barrel Still-wip, Anns end 10 do do d 12 do de d 14 do do do lg do do do 16 d do- d 28 do d da 83 da d d 30 da d 38 do d da R. S. THOMPSON dc QQ.j , u l'' t ' til WHOLt8LB DEALCRI I If TIN WARE AT NORTHERN PRICES, AMD MA30rCT0BKS Of A14. Of A Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Wm-k. ALSO. DEALERS IN Castings, Sheet Iron, Bar Ltad,, Tin. Plait, ' Stoves: Wire. Zinc, toe.. livwis um m 'vj." THE obcriber having considerably ' enlarged 'their Iwnines would repoeifuh rnvtt the' Cowatry Marchanb. f Virginia and North Casaliaa loan azamiaiiap of their ezien!, assort meal af Piain and. J spanned 11 a Ware, assuring j bent, Uiey can salt a low a any hons North, and tit articlrs soperior, bing of their own ihanofactiire. And, in addition to their stock of Plain nd Japanned Tin Ware, they offer for sale low the following articles : BrUiaauia Tea and Coffee I'ots and oup,Ldws Do Tea and Table Spoons, Cators and Goblet " " A Ubat ta Te and Table snd I'laled Seon-. Plated Table and Dessert Forks, in sat Do Candlestick. Snuffers and Trays , Fin Plant bed P'Urnt Coffee Pats, all stars . Coffea Urn ami Vtesk Dishes Waited Coflee MilU and Teakettle Brill annia and Glass Fluid 1 . Tall Brass and Briltaunia Caadleslick Pocket aad Table Knives, Razor, dx. Axes, Hatchet aiid Hammer, Spade. Shovels and Forks Molasses Gstes, Fsncetsand Cat Tacks Pa-on 1 1 'ounter Scales, various size lock euaminelled and Bras Preserving Kettles Large Bra Wash Kit tie from & to 30 gallons Castings, consisting of Pots, Ovens, Bpidar and Skilleis Wood Sugar Boxes, Tubs, Buckets and Brooms Matches, Blacking, and Shoe Brusie Together with a Isrge ssortmenl of Fancy Goods It. 8. THti.M VW)?i & t;ti . Lower eud yc-roore sL Petersburg. Vs. Aug. 28 6mo 7U AGENT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND t DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BROKER, nO.SOBUOAOWAT, NEW-YORK. AB.STITH tenders hi services to the Mr a. cbants, I'laxters. and Citizen of North Caro baa, im! to Sou hern Mrrhnte gnrlly, as Agent, Commission Metchant, and Dry Good and Grw-ery Hroker.ia the C4ty r New-York; and will attatid to any bnsiaess ia hi line either ta The sale of Produce or Merchandise, OR THE PURCHASE OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Shoes. Fait, Furniture, Carnages, Mu sical and Agricultural Instruments, Bagging, Rope, Drugs, Medi cines, Stc. Sfc. He flatler himself, as purchaser of Goods for the ttouthern Tied, bis ipnence having beep etigagsd lor tbe last six teen year ia the retail trade Hi the middle ami lower pari of North Cerelhsa and intheci y of Raleigh will t-aable him to give en-. lire satislsciion to th Meichanis who way entiust lo hm their order. Unconnected with any est' blisbment in iNew i ork. and devotiu. hia whole liwia lo acquaint bimll auhlbe value of Goou d every description, attending the auction, sal, and being presrut to improve every opportunity to beaa- fit his customers, he can save more inn hi com misuns to the Jlercliant, and the lacunvcsurncs and expense o! a trip lo New-York. IhetactiDat uoous sre constantly varying in prices and sty lea, anu always decline a the aeason advance. kcown toailin the habit of buying Uoods in New. York. A great advantage will ibetefora be afforded to the Southern .Merchants in having a competent agent, whose tntarost it wiU be to avail himself of every opp.munity for their benefit, s.id who can. through btm. keep up their stocks by get tiug good as their buiines may require, and avoid trie necessity ol laying in st one time a neavy stock lor tbe on; and tbe inconvenience of s urge me nt of tall falling du about th same time. He can a so get hi good more frequently ,and of Isterand more desirable jl, and at lower rates, and there by keep ap a constant excitement and attraction. Marchaut, and other persons disponed to emotay him. will pieise forward with their order their re-. frnees, or in name oi inns with whom they usually neil in Arw-i ork, and in all instance h will give them the prelerenoe, unless ha can fiU tbeir ordei on better term elsewhere. ' H ask bat ana trial mt bis last a snd judgment to iaswr latase or der. Hi commission will l two and a half per rent- Address A. tf. Stit. Iew-York. REFER TO Ex. G v. Charles Manly. Raleigh. Wm Hi1, Emj SerJy oKlat, Kaleigh, G. W. Mordecai, Pres. Bank ef State N. C. Ra leigh, Dr J. O. Watson, Pres. Mo. In. Co. Ks'eigh, D. W. Home. Esq. Oiau.e Hill, Florida, Henry Bryan, Columbis, Alabama, Maihew Shsw.Eq. Washington, N C . B. F. Moore, A Ho. Gen. N. C. Raleigh. Hon. J R. J. Daniel. M. C. Halifax. N. C. Andrew Joyner. Esq. Weldon, N. C. Bennet B. Bell, Esq. Wsrsaw, Alabama, R. H. Lewis, Esq. Greensboiough, Alabama. Green T. McAfee Esq. Tallsileg Alabama. Thomas Hill. fi-q. Baker Coanly, Gro, New-York. Feb. 80. 1832. ty 13 ' CHEAP GOODS. rr ECEIVED this day frem New Yark, th fel- lowing artieUrs, at redaead price, vrs : pin's sauerior black French Bam basin. Ladia's superior Wck raw silk boas. do do do English do James' 7-8, 8-3 and 4-4 loug cloths. Irish Linen from 33 to 80. Pillow case Linen and Cotton, 3 4, 6-4. aad 9 4 unbleached sheeting, 12-4 bleavbed do ' BIsck snd white Wadding Coloured Cambrics, paper Cambrics, Spool Cettoi, White and Coloured, Cadet Satinet, Tweeds Cassimere. tor boys, all wool. Black, Olive and Green Kentacky Jean, Black Merino aad 3 thread Cotton Hose, White Cotton Hose. SHOES. 180 pre Negro's Heavy Bros us, 60 nrs Women' heavy Beats, ISO do assorted Calf aud Morocco pegged naskiaa. Xi. USriTH- Jaauary 31, 1858. 0 , wJ . . , , - o "ts"" . Steamship, ; no AiaOiiB.;,, X3O0 TONS BURTHEW.. k n?EA EAVES City Point every Tuesday t evening 1 at 8 o'clock far Maw Yorlb ' u Rmaming. tho ROANOKE laaiNey Yorfc avry Sstorday alianoai at .4 a'claclcA Her aceoaamodstione arc of tho iawiffiw am dor snd nor twtal ronBing usao aaaiu s)owa.. i Pssaag (far includVd.) to or froaa City Poist 8M3. Tickets iasaed at my uajce - 8AML.G BAPTIST. FetrslMrgVav. Februsry 19th, 1832. ' 1 6 r ,ir- : 1 1 " . tl" ma m - i f jf m Hianns.' - 1 Mi I lucn .or.r M"0Y .taeeivian t I ha North CarsUn: Masic Store, splendid ssortaaent ,of Piano from, the.CsIebfaied Factory af Ksata ,J( Garble, Usui; mora, who-received, the first , Premiums three years t ' 1. laid idin -...1 loan . iksi. in auiiccsnon, u 105a, si ow, r. "TT oal Exhibition of the Mist ef Maryland. . . .', 2 Grad Plane. tix,a modern style, bandaoms , wood v t.5ft do do. willi carved ornaasnts fiopv,. t700r to , . 81000 Square Pispo, splendid 'ca'tyinyg,, ornsmenlf ( ' . j,o. , t . . . . viVr Sqoard Pisho, spleadia carving ' G6lble Hjle.'. A , i".'a." ' - $40ti Comprisimz' Ocfaret 'either at UU)iC9 r mnk?tmB. Stilts in ira Entire fret JVitsk Scvzar Ptiiro, splendid carving oVttsmM" '" wie, ' .1 r Drtrnnt l: 2 J do t do ' da do "Gothic""" Sf style, do do' t 409 do do square ror. eie. rtea Ta'netr. onajsrg la9b stand. , do do 4 375 do do - raaddo donrnam'd with mmlarn mould in . do do 10. 875 do d d do ds rlain finish). ofaupario. wood. i. . do do do 100 no 330 325 .323 do hollow cornered ease, of eo Tsldeta, or a scroll stsnd. do- ' do Si . d do i do d . on modern leg. do do uo do square cor cas. Goth, natter a Tablet aodoctn. Issa. do Us 8 d do huliow do .de nlsin Tablet, snd oclngan legs, , do do 7-8, du do tqusrs do do plain leg , Comprising C Octaves, Entire Iron Frame. do do faxfaionable style essr, onia metited with mooMinc. 300 do do hollow cornered ease, and a cornard ogee leg, j 26 do do . sousre cornsred case, wotbis TsMeta. lei lo muh, 280 Comprising 6 Octaves,' Iron Plate and Bsr do do hol'ow rnrnered case, on a scroti stand, Dm wis No. 81 27 do do - K ! dr dw on lamed ' legs. 130 do do square do da fane Tab.. lei, less t : ate i 5"0 do do do do do nfaiS do 223 DrawiaMni the bove novibers can hd seen st tha Music St are, ol when desired any aumbrf can be sent to pei sous WLhing to sxsaiis.' DRAWISGI A-ND PAINTING Bristo- Board, superior aoajity, AJbam, Tinted Board.. F a her Pencil. Tinted drawiaa aaper. Carv v is in the piee and on stretchers, vaiion ix rami, (HI, Varnish, Brushes, Palett knives, Pl. ett cupe, Maol sticks, black and whtie Craj ondc. ire. in short ev-ry thing iieeessary for the tasteful snd beantiral aceonrdishmeat. . ' Pmrin ('over, Gutta Peicba fiffure-l and plans lined with c aih, in mder to secure the raon against the dampness cf the almost. hrve, a new and spleadid article. A choice selection of new and popular Music this day received, ynd tor s4e by - .4 K. W. PETERSlLj A,' Raleigh, Jjn 5tlv,ll32. Mjargre Ss4e of Public Itndn ttk s - rtoridn. i mjOTICE 1 HEREBY GIVEN, 1 1.. I : tbe nn lj dersigtn-d will, in parsu-iuee f law, oCCet 41 Ptsuli A uctiri before the Conrt Hoo door fn tha- savrral eaaniiasa horinlter stated, thai fat lowing valuable U allocated by iU-a a.tawriiyi t a"CeHgres to said Slate, foe 1 as part of th grant purpoaes of Internal tin prove m en ts. These.. Lands were, m eood Part, selected immediately after tbe U. t sorter, and ate believed to embrace some ol the best in tli. State f r the froductiot, of Corn, Coiton. ruisar.TotiacCk and Tropical fruiUsawl other taeJy adap-ed in the Turpentine and Lnv ber busMie". The Land will be ouared in naif eigh hs , j JtfferseM Count, an Monday, 12lh April 1852, about seres .26. tHU Maditen, Monday. 19th. about SJM0 Htimvtoa, Monday, SCth. about Ottumbia. Mondsy,:3rd Msy, sl..ut Ataekus, Wedutsy 5lh May, shoot Let if, Mo'ay, I0ih May about 3frrta, Monday, l?th May, about , llemando, Ben ton J M-nday, tub May 2.440 . 3120 9,520 30,480 about 48 60 Hilteori, Satordy, 29-h May, TERMS One fourth cah, the other fourths payable in thieerqaal trjnaal insulmnts wnn inter-4 m advaare. or if any pafcnasef pT ler it. fiv- per ceut. will b ducted from tbe cre dit iaulaU apon the payment of the whole par chase ssuney at tbe ziiae uf snl. 1 i -j i DAVID ki. WALKER. - Registry ef Public Laads for the Stats 4 Florida. Tall thass'-e. Janaary -ZSh, H52. 3inzi , jtewyork : u WIRE RAItme VVORKS. PUBLIC abantioa i ittviied to a new imprav. taont in maaufsctarvng rrori Raviins, Grating Ke oade from Iron Tod and Wrought ifttru designated WITTO Italllllff. : i It 1 tbe most axsirrtruii zscumcsz for ponHe or privat grounds, hirms, csnrrteHes, bsieoniesvyer aaan,aroor,ete. etc.' Wiudow Guards and GtsttlUr: For store, dwcllmas. "Innstic asvlum. nraiousv steajnsbips dtc. Iron Beifsteads, with wire sscaiags, tr e gnsra, coal and ore screrns, and a varietjf ffi articles to numefoaa to' mention, which this jnyein. tion rs susceptible . rKwsesviuir convenience neves before known, revolting from the hnproveiiieiit for whfen tats artei was patented. or elegJinee, oeniMned wfth strength, for the beauty of it i6pa anorahlo variety af detrfgn. and ssbeoralry for cuefn nana, (at an bair toss than east-iron, J H ta alley e. tber onrivalled by any thins as yet offered to tho panne s mm praw i crossing rao is aw swam ea taat oaaa mua ia otaer, ana mw nratasi sutvortisven to each iadivada part structure. It is believed that fabrics formed of th Case Iron Raitinav in ordinary na la eanahla af WW ill " - o- ---vis aasw - 'virwaw , f whhstandiag; Pi tea vavysVoa SO Oeiit Mltitr .. . J? r.- . . , - liaral foot. The jiuhacribee alio maoaJactarea- ... , . WIB FENCES,;.. r J toe enclosing farm, railroad. Darks, lawns, etc. giarauitfel to resist cattle, borses, sheep, etc, which are beooniwg extensively Bsed, and' greatly disti rsisbed by lightaeaa f apparDca and olegaMO l furtn.; IMtog imperceptM) at 4 :hert distance iha ejew MtbasauiutorrBDied, the ppOfpecP nnlnjawd. snu tai oeauiy oi unascapa aatmpsireoi .bf fence is made od n htieiy new jlsn,' being pokbW, yet secare. Tbwhol0 niay bcr'ukra .1 down aad transported with tbd satM Otcilsiy i ardtbary iron ros, -rncs (roav .0 1 W red, including 4r?n Fots, froo. 1,2 to tat Opaft, inquiries is? erosauuieaeoa to tpa rrpprwscr.wjH ars-w f wsaijnwagastVd -a4j0atred8y,iifT. Wiasa ..Voi-rN WUp. Kaihsg Work 3 aad IwfaiaUosV, t ;th,s-' iv'f wx-li w' JN JB , oilvaf MnaJal awarded Kv ,Aiint4l:bdi' ; site, I8i0. JB. J MedaJa wad bjf ;FsooUw lliiaiMVgtZaiMllSs?., yUu , - v jMaary 3thla3L. . ,Zn It,, ANOTHER 'nsfToii htwyedaaf fcrsafl .-. .-ii . . S'tV"S-'Jf l' -.' PICTURE FRAME ''' " TfaunfisetorT. tp.Tafsyj "rer'f fWE andendgned SMfaetare and offer for n&d li the following article at Northern twiosai',.! Portrait Frames, richly, erasmenul aad tsMa c0 Picture Frame f rilt and fa AfiV faTWwl ssaaal s. la Daguerreotype Frame a larg and aaatUtalaxw rtaeatef new swod ' 1 1 Lacking Glass Pla. af all siac ad UrniA ta f'1 Piwire Glsas, Frsach. first quality, frem aOxSw incnca ouw . . ( ; i . Rate Glass, for stares aad dwelliaes: farniahsal is order '" i ' - (posJtl Rssettes, af si) sizes, lor builders' in terior work '..-. t) I i , . . AL0 J W.r F,Jlia iko braaahro lV-c''ul?- 'a f Y pexern -and larnaiaa. French M irrors famished to ortfer. CT Country mdert by m.Tl Will receive protnat atteotioa. - -" s - .- .5 FRANCK A CLOTSR, onwos sin sso joins. Riehmond.duly 13. IfSl . - . 37 l.y. PRODIOIUU BAKGAINS .! Ill Clothe Ca8Sjiuere. Ve8tlnff. READY-MAD E CLOTHWO. ' -: -ate dko., Jkc. ' .. 'TWsrl.9 Ftt,r ' Clssal-B but tliatltas iiothius; lo do wlta. the cheap omIn aHlm: Skt new iMiR m' Successor talks firm of Oliver & Procter, - ' sigm orthc ii. it. it.it. Biorr pea fnmcloit, A. 1 tt I f, I. ADMISSION FREE. Tho. M. Olive,, lhe ,ie ,m p, 0,jrt fc prorterT evil nsvaeif of the very first opporlaaitr, lo inform tl patron, .din said arm oftl! fact and lo aalicii ram beoiarniinuaree ottheir .opport- ected by Mr Oliver, with great care, from tba lata ni Donations, embracing CiUhs, passimres and Vestingt ofeoeroeo' hur and grade. Dress-SAtrts, Under-shirts, Drawers, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, , 4-.t Infsct, efcrythiuf usually kept by Marchsat Tsilors or Clothiea. . 1 ball ha ZmlJnSi pwpil or Mr. Oliver's in fact, having bean Obter X Procter'. ceavwerfw the ls.t fo8fleen manih0 I shall have charge of the panuloon. .d east la. narimoni mysi-Tf and I have bad ezctuaivs chsrsg f km iha ilsi firm for the last live ysai. .. "s Every thing will be done that can he dona lo ire suVaetioM and to render tha sUWishaatjit apuiiir witb iu natron. ProfMMJi. .k.-tr.., - giv papular witb its patron lk.n....... m ll . ; iaila' r-' ni"iif svsiowed upon fir, I ahull endeavor, by asahiuou atti . i . . ' OS bosiawss and a dosirt to pb-a, U, morit m eoMBi. asBarwaa ON HAND AND AM nvrvwfKn 'a.t.i' 'Is evtBien of CLOTH I N G, of every d?ijw ".and "tyle, of any .wn and Northern aBfa- V oicn, neing naac under ny wa sa .prv.s.on . fuM. recsmrrssnd. " . Fi M lB J' i- td tS SSmT Contraor. from W& f Aieti l, to Raleigh, will eomeeo rimoal thav day, with new and . mforlable CW ad lOLLARS,tbs.me a. before. Th Sta., H0ao3 are, in Fayetieviilss. tha F.i. tit- n . T! t.13 at lMdr.p.,t 9 P. M. tram FsTl l OSP Id, from Raleigh, daily. uaJStiSm&1 i idURDOCK MrKINNON, . DAYID McNEILLt Feyer tevill. Jnfy 1. 1831. u tf. $0 Wila'Su'ar enraj isboalder. tt"", ."1 StIIS. Ola. ror saieity Petorsbatg. Ao.. ,8sv83L ' Jy Little Better. Yet! . nr aktM exatiiltie for Tonnelreat. D'H IB hDvcrrDer hmi jh received direct Uom lb :A.orb aaahrnf, ibshar ...u,. .i-j' h4. taJiich.wilt awable him to aanuieetur a SJ. qesJnf H Mmtraa -3-W 4 H would respaptuliy ialorm th Pallia tat kI " ',tnit,ii"n ftilb tho best arMclos i-hfo lMVi Y-- W f" i aWlotkm-r, Peaa-.a frombe neighboring vilUg aajgowaa. rM haaa hen toforo asot North; can rrtr-jda thsai tie with -a gaod aw aniet of work, and at M hsw a pncf byaandiog lhawxlsaioaasv' "y r- , AU. constantly ow hand, I ho much l4wvwd: SBUCKwl VOTT0JH TTJFSanS Vm7 . F" , aw, wolas, Lnaga.and Eaay. i uMts ma.atacrei tU Vaiioo sty I.- Alao. re- pewtng anal ranavstmg wld'Hslr SisXtrasaws. drc ' tTT-. 7 .. I AUfdats fhswlrfnrl Bzrj.lsjJ-U -u.li.u1h m SCnTrrBl UaOVs IM w m VKIffll T? MM WW I -m tT .,T , I MHitlV UiDBKfl, , U v UphoWterei and MaUreas lfekr. sUlsigb,Oct tfi, Igt. 3 , tg fit e -'- JJUVtvl so rtHBHiHB Moabrain Batter, for sal hy, 1 Mam. vvrti. Petersbnrg, Nov, aT, 1831. V tr-,; -.: - Coffee. " 80 bags Riaaait Lagoayrs Cofla. - For ale Iry si r : . J ! , t iFEEBJsES, WHITE, DA VI DO. as ; retersborg, Aog. XBtn. 1 83 1. , A, $AT Of ThisfllBlstowsI I4M.' I ru tt j .Just to hand , - ' BV A . m t m. mmm . l-.': .IL4 '-; -sft t'nf!kr.vytvutsr FEKBLEa.VHITE.DA Y13 d CO. retcrthoig. Aag. lgth, 1831. 'sT' iVj-jfT-JfrtrM-vwyrStsavy-s-s a rain-.' '' .i ; J v r AMi WWWI ns), t os receivea aafl ivT y,' I w;h.i. s. tuckgr. ,,3'?vi'vs ni-d ii Stag .t

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