THiRAlBIGM IT awaryd7 pnrtjiaga, 3 1; Saturday, VApriiriO," 1852." , .... AnttifHtM eWaea te trf i ft t St ' dliASBt, h law n . ... .it S.a.l-tV- rfwur tar I, HO. a w. Jiim. 2?2r &zb?s&?i Trm,T;VirT. JiMM a LEWIS, ... i a . -.f1l.l-l --t a-th Btatas af a UXD, rat " L - w. 11 Ml-TMrfh iJ5M.rfS? -aBIX WX-XB. flW&Ol BOX. tVlU VDUKr-TToS. D. - GOODUt, WILLIAM 3. COX, ; v ' V V '"V I f Oar Whig friend do not appear l have forgotieB.or failed to make prliw fcfl Contention oc tfe -3h et ot throogboat the State, have held primary (nee.iej to effect a fail aad haimsoeiooe ttodiie. We Mtietpaie a gtorioes gathering f good WVtgs and tine npoo that rccesioa ; and such an inler ebsnge of views sad harmonising of d-tereoces, ti will enable each delegate to return to those whoa be re prevents, streegthed ia Whig faith and wanned wih zeal and hope for the good cause, and impart in them that efwhusiaut which will secure na a perfect triumph at the election. EDITORIAL PERPLEXITIES. Reader ! have yew ever bee no nnfortnnate aa to mount the editorial tripod ? o become, .in propria jnos or ex ejfeie knight of the qatfl aad aciaaoral If yon have not, yes have bet little idea of the nneeaving labor and perplexing cares of editorial life. One number of a paper ie aearee rer'teed for press, ere the fancied repoae which may be indulged, from almost aacecsing labor in ita preparation, ia interrupted by the Foreman 'a demand for copy for the succeeding issne ; and, no matter what may be the dearth ol newa whether Congressmen have been frittering away whole weeka in idleness at eight dsllara a day, or condescend to famish items, Is Brown and Wilcox, in illostration of CongreMional digni ty whether peaeaandrquWt go hang in hand with smiling plenty or War. sod btoodahed stride with meagre want over' the land whether harmony, loog a stranger, has been restored lo-0eoocratic ranka. or the -. belligerent elemento ef Yoang America" and Old Fogyiani' "etitt widen the breech whether newa was plenty aa blackberries in July, or uearee aa edible in Raleigh market still oar paper, mast be made np over twenty long columns, weekly, mast be filled with new matter for our readers a rariety of tastes mast be catered to, tad at of .which take umbrage, if not aattafed ! The duty of furnishing original matter for hie editorial columns , ie not the bartben of an editors life. Still, he is expected to have a brain aa 'proline and exhaustless aa the WixaKfa magic bottle, which can funush, at. call, learned dissertations npon themes' political, pailisophkal or moral, with the same readiness as Wise, Whiskey, Gin or Hot Punch are ponred out by the Wizard of the North f and that, too, whether his brain be racked with aching pskuvmaddy as Mississippi water, or clear aa whistle -his disposition sweetened by sueeess or soared by disappointment I That which elaima most hia at tentioo, is the selection of matter from his ex- . changea ; and thia uek, to be performed weB. re- q a ires the perusal of some twenty or thirty papera daily not the mere desultory reading for plea sure, which leaves the ehoiee to articles whose captions strike the fancy but the patient silling of almost interminable rabbtah. lo seen re even the passable aeleetioba with which be is at last able to grace hia columns. And yet, bow doubly per plexing moat be tbeearee which devolve npon be who unites the triple dndes of editor, publisher aad proof-reader I With all ita perplex ities, however, it ie a thank leas task. No matter what the, disposition to ptesse, there ait those who will condemn; however zsaloo for the good of hia party, those who will cavil athiapoKey; however generous in gratuitous labors, those who will expect moreVand, from the lack of editorial matter to the publication of some harmless pun, (salt finders no less among sub seriberf than sponging readers of his paper I ' Let thoae who .iioagtan an ediWa cares to be light, prescribe for fbemsehres the task of filling a aerap-bpok with aeertam number of just each ar ticJes prigmal and selected aa will toil not only hia own taste, but that, of ethers i task which mast be matter what the, hindrance, and be will Jnara, in his own daKomfitnre, ia sozne degree, to appreciate the perplexitiea of an editor. He will learn mat to write or safe well, he must (ksnk well; and that to da either, even cnoeeding the ability, req aires so ordinary time and industry. rVr lb expression of lhaae remarks, we will, aa a temporary usurper of the tripod, be pardoned, when we inform our reedera that we have been harrassed with some of the duties which we have feebly attempted to portray. t At a public. Cotnmencernent ef tbe Uau TeraHy of Pennsylvania, held April 3rd 1852, in the Musical Fund Hill. Philadelphia, the Decree ol Doctor of Medietae was eoaferred by tbe Rev. Jehu Ludlow, D. D . Provost, upon one hundred and fifty eight gentlemen : among wboar.'vere tbe roOowmg front North Carolina. i. I James P. Bryan. Leror Channell ' Ptr f" Hines .Samuel t. Iredell, Robert H. Wyche, Ral. gn; inomaa-j. zwyam, Allmaad Holmes Joha Ct Monk, Clinton ; James M. Johnson. Hm cerson S. Norcum, Edenton ; Robert 8. Primrose. XT . W a - mar W w 9 "twpera; jonn aa. mansion, taneeyriUe; Jo eph W. Sessoms, Bertie, J. G. Smith, Wsdes- woagh; WiUiam .U-1 nomas, Luisburg; E. a. Uaagbtea. Tyrrell; JUenaeWLCottevrar borooffh: Jaaa d.: ' riiMltH A L...JU CaWcleugh, Lexington; James L. a Beck- s i tmm . Thx i i 'izx at unuooTHL-lattr setoSnts of the recent fire at Cbifiomhe, Ohio, xute that two thousand of (be populafloa are houseless, and Mxt from six to ejghf hundred Uousn dofJara r"1" property use been consumed. Borx or in Betrr. We havs tivmA Jhe April No. of thia vaiaahle onblieatioiL mA Would again commend it to the patronage e'fSouV era Planters, to whose interests it is laithfully and - . ... I I Illlll.' -r MMM GISTBft THET)EMOCRACf 0?PHKX We haTttecslted fmm a friend at Washington, a copy of the tpeeeh af Ih. Towttwnd, an Qhk Democrat In jCowfiaaaeSaln j the fjoritioa? the party ioOhio, aadnc;jrsliig means for har-. moniaihg the conflicting elements which sew di traev ib It ia a Dresioua -morsel for the' Southern win f the Demoeraey J un4 wal ahan DuWahT next week: extracts'whtch 1 we commend metdothiwtriR7ftr, State. I be Oide IVoWraey wifl nor aahtnU to the That finaht y nf the Comproraiso, as a parte lest, ta eH dent, fSrom ih position tea aesuroed, as eenned by Dr, Townaend ; and, that , the success of Gov. Wood and.hU fjarty in thereceBt electiona waa the result of thia poakion, which carried with them the Abohtioa Western Reserve, ie certain. Taken ia connexion with thia, the recent, manceu vexing of the party, from the refusal to adopt the Com promise platform by the Congressional Cascna, to the silence of the Virgiala Convention, all plainly indicate that the distracting leiemeeia are . fa be harmonised by stifling these measnree m the Pre aidential eaavaaa. The following from the speech most this week soffiee: I now come to -the question which, perhaps, interests us mostH What must be done to secure the .harmony of rbej Demfcratie partyy ' Demo eraU throughout the country I suppose, agree on certain great and fundamental principle,, while there mar wQea be foond amoef them some disa greement 4m their applies, ion; paricalarJy on this question ot slavery it ie apparent enough there are great differences ef opinion... What will yoa do1 Will yoa adp4 some stringent party fest, nod de mand that all who ore to be recognised aa belong ing to the party shall aaheerme to itl .- Thie nlaa would probably result in seen a purging of the party as the gentleman fiom Georgia recommen ded; but I respectfully submit if it Is not probable that the pperation might tesnh as in ebotoa eases, and the parent be afterwards found in n atate of rollapsef If yoa undertake to exdaoe froea the Democratee party all those who.boldiag the great doctrines of the Democratic faith, diaCke the instt taobn ofslavety, you will, I imagine, scarcely re tain a corporal's guard in soma of the States. - But I believe the Democracy of Ohio intend to maintain the spirit of their own Stale platform, and will not quietly submit auaa iwiorsecaeat of the compromise aseasntea, some ef which are di rectly hostile to our own avowed political creed. At three several State conventions, (the last heJd on the Oth day of Aeguet last.) a recusation was adopted preeevdmf the one I read at the com meoeemeni of my remarks. It ia aa follows: RuolMd. That the people of Ohio now, as they always have done, look upon slavery, in ay part of the Dawn, as an evil, and unfavorable to tbe foil development of the spirit aad practical benefits of free institutions; and that, entertaining ibese sentiments, tber will at nil tiroes feel it be their duty to use all power clearly given tSem by the terma of the national compact to prevent its increase, and to mitigate and finally eradicate the eviL" CONNECTICUT ELECTION. The election for Governor and other State of ficers look place on Monday last. Knednck was the Whig, and Seymour the democratic candi date for Governor. The returns so far, axe too agre to indicate the result The election tor members of tbe Legis'atare turned principally up on the Liquor question, and the political eompelx' ion of many tunes haa been comnleterr chaneed The election haa doubtless resulted in the sue. ccst of the democrats. There ie no choice for Gov. emor, but there will probably he a -democratic majority of 20 tn tbe Legislature. As tar ae beard from, 12 democrat and 6 whigs sre elected to the Senate, with Litchfield county, electing three Senators, to hear from. New Harea gives a whig majority of 600. MISSISSIPPI WHIG CONVENTION. The Wbigs of Mississippi hare called a Coa ventioa to meet st Jackson on the 3rd of Msy, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Whig Na. tioaal Convention. AFFRAY AT CLEVELAND. Mr. McGibony, Marshal of Montgomery, Ala who came on to arrest: Gnat, the merderer, has been arrested at Cleveland, Ohio, for shooting and badly wounding Mr. Fuller, tbe clerk of tbe Wen dell House. They had both been drinking toge ther, ia ia said", previoua to the affray. RECEPTION OF KOSSUTH AT MOBILE. The reception of Gov. Kossuth in this ewy, has very unexpectedly been most hearty aad cordial. He haa met much, sympathy, aad aa enthusiastic meeting has seen held, at which the eeatimeata expressed, by Senator Clemens were totally dis avowed. Many distinguished Alabamiane were present at his reception, aad gave him a hearty welcome. In eonseqaeoce of these 'manifesuiions in his fsvor, his departare for die North haa been postponed for some" days. tr We are Indebted to the Hon. James Brooks, of New York, for a pamphlet copy of hie able and thoroughly practral apeeeh delivered in the House of Representatives on the 20th ait, while the De ficiency Bill was under consideration. The apeeeh abounds with important stalieiical and other format ion, collected with much care, and- hirhlr vnlesbJe as ahosring eorreetlg and pertinently tbe causes which produced, tbe deficiency the bill un der consideration was designed to remove. r We sre also indebted to Hon-J.T. Mora head and Letcher, Members of Congress, for recent favors. 17 Toe South Side Democrat expUin the re markable apeeeh nf Conx Stockton by declariog . i . . a ... . i , inai ine omasonore wan -inconuneoHy tignir on ! the occasion.' By the way, the Commodore nasi rreisfd bis speech, and. io ita modified form it la I aot no oDjeciienable to; tbe Democratic friends, aa tbe first report. -JSlill it ia prnleettve, federal, and WebtUruk, tboogh be declares he la a strict con- suaction Democrat. tiA i v.i h:., . I3T The Whigs of Sao Francisco hart issoed a pattiotie address to their brethren of tbe State, ealOng npon them to assist ta niaBtamng; those, which, ss Whigs, they believe est ual to the welfare of tbe country. T1 7 fk that California is sufEering from eonvpt legislation fa the JSute, and that the time has come for the true Whigs there to pay more regard W the wel- laraof thesuteandcouairy. . fiOur thanks are due to Hon. R. F. Stockton for a . pamphlet copy of hie reroarxa on the Dre- seotalion of the Reeolutiona of the Legislature of New JereeyVapoo the rreajarsaniss aieasarea. tST- Oat ickxeaav and tb jubba wUl begrimed fa leam thatadafirU JaHVltl T . Li- , . i ; .i.; flit. , . 1.. entabhstW IroathMf-aT.toQia every morainflat 1 a'etoct- except Sundaya. T' ? gXTeaterdar nseniag. HuLrrich.cooB-i-f on the Wilmington' fcLRaleigh BUrond. took no a inM,eout fiva. mdee from towa. on auspicion of placing rails oa the track. He waa hat S short distance from where a railnad been placad across i-fi.i -ii.H.ii it.i--i rr Tf . " r.- hra gout rente he dM so in eroer u oato work. wjsiw was comrnweo w tan oy nsuceiu, ler. Wilminrto Jottrru$. 3llR 7nLL0RffnrfrWHIcrM The WaVkbgto-'trorWpo torn ivowrvrvu no pny ppf Vr I witness teas most truthrulir says', 'in a srjier aaiea tw i 15th:., , -.rr'T'tn Ivii- "Mr Faiamre, jfhe is an aspiraot for the eoe eetsiori, does not take Say pains to promote hia views.' He certainly does le-a in reUthm to the matter, so far ha hie prospects are! concerned, area for the nomination, than PresidentaJ aspirant ever dkl"-,, . , ," v Jrj t. - And this is what the country nnderatands and the people believe -of Mr-Fillmore. From tbe moment be entered npon the duties ef tbe Presi dentaJ office comp ieated, emhnrraaaing and dif ficult as they were rendered by the critical condi tion of the country hia eele study haa been to do right, aad he has done it most fully moat soccessv- fully f-' .i-i..-f -is w-"! ! -,i . He is jnetrf regaroVd ss a wise and good man n sound and patriotic statesman.- Few persons are able to maintain an uolmpalred popularity through along official term, buthehss done more -4e haa earned a popularity,-. Ha began with none or very little' in ,tha Snith."' Tbe general feeling was one of distrust but now h'sprty, at least in every Southern Siste.. ie almost an unit in hia favor, and U is an upbyi busineae with hie political opponents to find matter for carping. Tea dignity or hie coarse aad character aurdu a tratefui epniraat to the fasay Intrigues of sspiraa s le n Presidential nomination the "old fogies"' and the "young humbugs,? arko III Congress with the clamor of their partisans and fuffiemea. la all this furor; we hear nothing Jroar Mr, Fillmore-, nor can his sharpest enemy detect in his conduct any thing like shaping. official power, patronage and influence to mere private roda. . DANIEL WEBSTER. Mr. Webster was siztv niae rears old last Fe bruarr. Durkoc the whole active period of hia life he haa risen very early, aad does so still of- teoer before. Ire o'clock tnan alter it and get tinar throueh more work before a majority ot Uw- vera and statesmen have breafaated thaa meet of the better sort nf them do in the whole day. In the eummer season, while he ie nt Marabfield or at FraaklM, ne wgenerauy wat among aisnae MtiU.bav his plessnreitd keahh. or four o'clock to toe ipotbuij t ana in toe course ei toe lorvoooa, : . . r : r be ohen walks more nUes witn bin gua on ots shoulder, or caichea more fish, thaa most young sportsmen in twice the time. His spirits are generally fresh', and for hie years gay, except when anxioua about 'the business of 1MB country , ojs esicrnsi svnees sin uuuupairvu. be to aa quick or hearing aa be ever waa, much more so thaa some men like to have him; and be can read aa fine print withoai spectacles aa be could at twenty. In short,, his physical powers are preserved lo a degree most extra rdinary. eon eideriog his age; and, as to bis intellectual facui- tiee. dm manreilotis memory, the promptness wrtn wniea be can command all twa resources, kit wise judgment of affairs, hia osaesive power never so lormidaoie aa wnen assailed; art laese are uo tuached. and fill wiUt wonder all who approach him. Boston Covritr. SCOTT AND HARVEY. The death of tbe latter renileman, having lately oceaired, while be waa Governor, if Nora Scotia, an exchange has given us tho following interes ting anecdote of bim: - Dunne the late war he waa Deputy Aijutaat General in Canada, and waa in several beuUes, io- elodiiis: that at Luudy'e Lane. At the battle of Fort Erie, be was several; wounded. "At tbe battle of Stony Creek the Americans were defeated; but Sir Joan narrowly escaped being a hot. An American rifleman waa jut pre senting deadly aim at his commanding figure. wnen n sword wrack aside tne firelock with Ibis expression: 'Don't shoot thst British officer; be is preventing the snedciog of Mood. Sir Joba was riding among the eombetainta, attetnptiag to stop i be carnage, l bs officer who' struck aside the rifle was Gen. Scott, end the occurrence led to the greet friendship which afterwards existed between tbe two veterans. CoatifODoai STocxToat'a SrsscH. We pub lish en the preceding page extracts from the roost remarkable speech of Com. Stockton. We commend it to tbe attention of our Democrat ie friends, If they can eon sent to to into a Nation al Convention with New Jereer Democrats who adore Webster, who advocate a Tariff for the pre lection ot American inaeatry, wno pray that "pe rennial flowers sbaO ever blossom on the gravea of the Federalists, thaa whom a purer band of patriots and more honest men never lived" their consciences mnst be compoaed of something very lime inaia Kunoer After auch a speech, says the Petersburg Intel ligencer, it might be expected that Commodore Stockton weald lose political fellowship with the free-trade, anti iron Democracy of the Southv But no such thing will roUow. The Commodore msy not get the nomination .- r n oa account of his want it he ahoold happen . :. .u. rv " r tbe Sooth would throw on their hew for him a high aa they did for Mr. Polk, when he wrote hia famous letter to Mr. Kane of Penasrlvanuw There-ie no such thing aa political dyspepsia in the Demotfraey. When you show us a physical ly dyspeptic ostrich, we will show you a political ry eyspeptie Uemoerst. rne Democracy can non form its atoroaeh to anything when hopes of of-' fice gild the moraeL FmyHUmriU Observer. A Wssbingten eorresTnden.tof the New York Crjmmereial sayr "vl u He n new and Terr extraordinary course baa been taken by the Senate in retard to their in- tercourse with the President. If I am aot much :.r l .k . t--r- z u,-,i,.t,1 ur. us e now oeiorv lurm, ia ae - eret session, a resolntion which imoliee a sort of which implies a sort of censure upon Dim lor not permitting them to re view tne papers in relation to n nomination which they had considered and confirmed, and also to re-eonsider tbe aominatien itself, some weeks af tor they had confirmed it. If this be true as 1 believe it to be it will place the Senate in aa ab surd position before the counuy. . Ifthts be true, then the President is right, and ought not to yield, ano) i am eery sure he will not. 4Jut,or this mat ter, more anon,'' 17 The Si. Louis Times remarks that the tide Of entnuaiasm set strong m hoasathTa faver at A - a . . . the North, and -probably excited, hopes that he thought would certainly be realized ; but hki pro- grass to tbe West snd Sooth, has already ooened hia eyes, and, the farther he advances, he will find Southern hearta ahveto every mitinct aad feeling , oi painotiam, out wna cooler, heaue. thaa they bare been Civencreditfor. who wiUdoubUessDav I him every attention, but will never commit them selves to bis dangerous doctrines, or com promise tne Hme-nooorea principles ot their U there, ,Tbis we oeltere to he sober truth. Isttitko to Enaai.TK5. A gentleman who removed from Boone County, Kentucky; to Mis souri, writes back the following flattering account of that country : . . . - . Jfo vary trntr aaid that I bad sought my for tune ia the hind nf Pakea; but like to the ancient Prop beta andhtiag,I nought but never bund.' Yoa wished to know what I theaght of this peon try and the people thereof.' Ad for tbia coaatry, ths land if as cheap aa dirt, and good enough I but tbeehmaie la raiay.b owy andsfeliry. Thepeo- H n n- uni m, WI MinWWI . r. a,A a. I.-- ,j. .- luvyftrswiak-- As for the! people of Sltasouri, they are perfect -Gbnatisaa. i Thev fulfil the Scriptures to the letter,' where says I " let uod be true: but every mar a liar Don't ale. a. "a e a . &?fJj;X iiuihi ... y , t-lilt mw rerrte thai the elrnliid nfliirta K a- 1-; the President J?ran I l-.rr-.kM. trrJU ikT .k.. -r T.-t..-n T U .. M..i .kii-t.n..-t-. .K.k tM.' -tl eJ..": 1 r... L.-A;--..;n4.fsMM iWrrrx. The mil list of the UuTfang waa I iweiv' fail!-- nf r-.fM - Th alrv ikaTiiiiv. later .m.-m nR.iu has. m K n hrHi .l. . . . r, . I aa t ranee a Teat, ne Axmatera m foreign Affairs and of War receiving one; hupdred and irw ihousn-lTttne. a from jut-jng mw Aw is repmenuuian than the others.-f: ; i A rneeVa rlorOoe? tie WaigaVfjEdg- eomne was neu in the Town of larboro" oil ne Sfdinsu for Jhe pt Donxse af a raoin Mar DeJecatet ' to tbe Whig State Conventions a tr )jOn motion; James Waddel was called itf the Chair, aad R. H WlnWrie appointed Secretary. The lotlo wing preamble aad .resolutions were then presented sudsdopted : " . ; WHxaxs.T'he Wtugsof EdjeeombeCeanty approve of Vie Convention, to. be held tit the city ol Raleigh On the 23th, iosL, ;or the purpose of aominaliog a 'candidate for tie office ot rjfotreradr of the State, and ofeeleeiiog Senatorial Delegatee to the Whig National Convention, and two Pres idential Electora for the State at large, ajMdeair to be represented rathe aarae Therefore, , ' Reaohxd. That the Chairman nf thia meeting appoint twenty Delegates, to represent this Cun ty in the tate Convention, nnd : also tea Dele- Eites to attend the District Convention to be held r the purpeee of selecting a Delegate tn tbe Whig National Cooreiilien, and a PreskleUial Elector for this Gmgrensiedal District. I ' ' Rohcci, That while we hare heard with plea Sure of "the nominetion In' several ' counties of John Kerr, Esq., of Cs welt, n gallant cttarcpion In oorranks. yet eonfidihf id the inteiliirence of the Whig party, we, will cheerfully support tbe nominee of Um Convention. ' " I Rem red. That we view the Whig Party as tbe great National eooserrstjvc perry in the Union. And that whatever of enHghUnsd progress has marked odr career as a haiioe, has found iuatard iest ad vocatea In' the Whig ranks. Resolvtd. That although' we sympathise with the politically oppressed in every country, and sincerely hope that I be' time may epeedily arrive when the iron heel of despotism may cease to in filet its tortures upon its dowo-trodden victims we hold that to thine own self be true," is no less essential tin natiooaf than individual prosper ity that the policy of Government up to this time, has been to cultivate relations of v friendship with all nations, to form M en tingling alliances'' with none that this doctrine of Washington was not intended for a day, or a year ; bat for all time, aa a political maxam : Thai, therefore, the acbeme which has been projected by time serving po iti c is us for eelfish and unworthy purposes, to io rolve this government in European politics is de serving of unqualified condemnation, and should be discountenanced by every lover of his country. Rtsolvd, That ths Whigs of Edgecombe bo. Iieve that the Compromise measures of 1850, lo their natural bearing aad relations, were tbe best that could have been desired under the circum atancea, and that aa no one of them can be re pealed without destroying the harmony nf the whole, and aa some of them from their nature are placed berood legialatire control, and aa they were passed in the spirit of concession and com. promise they should be regarded as" a final set tlement" of the different subjects they embrace. Rmhtd. That we know ao higtier law' than the organic law f our Govern meal ths Consti tution of the United States that we are in favor of the Constitution ae K ie without modification oJtnendment. Rttotvd, That we deprecate tbe feeling of see tionality, that has, to a certain extent, ahowh it self h. the Wait; tanks that aa the Wliar oarf r North and Soaih look upon the qoeatioo of Sis ve ry as settled by tbe Compromise ; and aa we be lieve war Northern brethren have given their adhe rence in good faith to this settlement, and are die posed ia hke faith to carry It into execution ; and as we believe that when the reason of a thing cea ses to exist, the thing itself abouki cease : there fore, that we re afann our adherence to tbe time honored and long chertahed policy of onr party, and appeal to our brethren of the wkraV country, ia the name of our party, ;ta principles, and its pur poses, te forget paat differences, forgive past grie vances, and move in one solemn column, and act aa one man, against our political opponents in the approaching contest. Rtaoivd, That we are devotedly attached to the Union aalt w; aad that we abhor and detest all kinds of fanataeiam, particularly disunion and se ceaeion, abolnionism and freeeoiliem, whatever found, ss tending to subvert the greatest political fabne ever iBetrtutea tor men e government. RmcUtd, That Mn.Lsao FiLUfonc, for hia em went nationality, bis disinterested patnotiam, and his unflinching integrity, no less than for his soundness and conservatism upon all questions or Whig policy, u our first choice for the Presi dency ; yet we will support the nominee of the National Convention, u he be sound upon tbe Cora promise. . Rttolfd. That William A. Graham at one of the noeKsons ef our State whom we delight to honor that we hare a roost exalted admiration for him aaa man, a patriot and n aiateemaa, and that he ie pre-eminently the first choice of the Whin of Edeeombe, for the second office within i be gift of the American people tbaf are believe with tbe nameeof Fdrmore and Graham nailed to onr mast bead, tbe Whtge of North Carolina will Tally aa one man, end re-assert. in the most I - - - - il.. um.1. I Tki fa ta w'nh rli'n. ftk. I poignant sorrow and regrel, we hear of fJie non tinned illnesss ol that dwtinguiahed and palri tac statesman, UtuIMKY tUAt we Uuat he may yet he spared, to enlighten onr nationai council by hia wisdom and experience. Under the Drst resolution tne Uhairmaa ap pointed the following delegates: To the State. Convention, R. Cbapman( K H. Lewis, Jno. D Hrmaa. Dr. J. Lawrence, Baker Slatoru W. H- Powell: J. B. Lewis, Dr. Jas. Phillips. Thomas Jefferson Stewart, J. H. Powell, Mai. Weston, J. P. Hughes, Thos. C Hyman, Dr. B. R. Wataon, IW rVavlMla fPsinl ntloTfrn n Wriavkt ln.iiiria .an , bfl( avvBanawna vnjrw a v m ims abwwatasr -aaavas ane p Jonathan Elus, ana Nathaniel Matbeurson; tn which, en motion, the Chamnan and Secratsry To tbe District Convention R. i vnaufSSB, iv- 11. Lwia, rfua. nytuan, ur. j 1 I n. wi. ui.;.. Tk- i.r. .rv.- . u.v.. nrvv waiB ew 'eawv wvrvin awnemn W nvavaan a a saw a ea an iel Msthewson. and M. WedetL On motion, Raelvtd, That ss the Whigs of this Coaarr have no immediate organ,' the Sou therner be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting, and thai a eqpy ot the aame ne sent to the Raleigh Register for publication, and that the other Whig papers of the State be requested to copy, 4 ,. : . ,. JAS. VVEDDELL, Chma.. R. H. WINBOKNB, See. ANOTHER LOCOMOTrVB. We mentioned the other dsy the reeept bf the Wurnlmrton fcRaleieb Rail Road Compaay from the North, of a aew Locomotive for the use ym o a Road : we learn that an additional one. oi great power,; iret crass engine, has Just been shipped by Noma fc Bra, or Philadelphia tor a uxe oesu Thie looks as though the Road had something to aolrtimingfon HiraU. ' , NE W'YORK, TH B fSOXJTtt AND THE h4 i..v-j . r WEST; ".'' i. t - . The New York Herald f Wednesday anynt "If Boston haa felt the blighting effects of abo lition, auUiflcatioa aad treaeoa, New York is be ginning, ia ber turn, to reap ibe same bitter ex penence from the name eauee. .. it .leere is an un usuar' scarcity of Soutnera merchante at this time at oar hotels, ws knew at toast .bow to ae eoeaifor If Uusahblitioa huejind cry w to continne. we must guess where, it wiu uuera mercnanta wi go ? "TB."W &T.r! W,f . .... .'. . .... - ... rMBuxew lor iheir uQOa, aaa ine wane ui ine I A Cm BoTJamea. my son, take this let tar to the noat-omceahd nar the postage oa it . 1 - . . . .f. ...arm i mtci a a a kji vi uwa puMtim a""- I and when no one waa kkm. IsHcped yours in nothing, and ugh n? gLuger cake with tba t iCx' 1 i'n 1 . ' " ' " .ii'.Ji at WeUon were detaioed beyond the uatlal hour i rJU -..ui-. ik Wilmininna tnJn I to... vL ;.k t R.itiir.a Tin. .n,t ; t . . T " - ' 1 bv the nsnU-a-on al a luua Steam toe rrio-waa Mrfornied. in Iwo kvnrt Ma -ianto.toclad 1 big trrfagva distaxce of 80 miles, arriving at Pertsmoutb in full time for the rtraaiboav, 'congrTonIlV ! TntfiiniroiriATr-pri-6;i85? t I 1 Nf It, t SRA Affc J! it fkW . The Cbxw UaTu twa fn the Secretary of the Interior, in retpoeae to a resolution? of tiieenateahowing that there will be dn trffhe St.'Rs'lndisna 44.fJ05. under tbe tree y made witU? the NewTork Indians by RH. GiIlett Reed strd ; referred to tbe Com mittee on Indian Affairs. ... , r T r " - .jroattarrxaTEirrrom.:: : I ? lfr Bell aaid that the jofotresorbtions upon the subject of nonintervention were fixed for to day, and be had the floor upon that subject, but as a desire had been expressed intake; up olherbusL a ess, aad as the .chairman nf the Committee oa Foreign Relations (Mr. Mason) was anxious Uf speak oa those resoTalioas before tearing the city which be purpeee d doing to n few days, he would yield tbe floor to-day, and would move the resole tions be postponed .till to-morrow, when he Would give way to tbeSeaator from Virginia; iJS' Mr Masofi thanked the Senator for his. courte sy. - - - . "The resolutions were .then pxjstnoned tllf to axTXXSxjrTATtoa or exuroajru. . ? w . Mr. Downs moved that'the Senate proceed to tbe consideration of tbe btlf supplementary to "An net providing for the taking of the seventh and subsequent censuses of the United States, and to fix .the norhbef.of the' members of the House of Repreaeotaivea, and provide for their future ap4 portionment- among aereral Sutes,n approved Msy 23, 1850 And the modus waa agreed toJ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. thx contraaMna ttexsoau. Tho Speaker announced the first busiaeai in order to be the followiog resolution of Mr. Jack son, of Georgia, offered two weeka ago, and -on which the previoua question had been moved,1 nsmeiyr - AesorneJ, Thst we recognise the binding effieaj eyofihe eompromiaes . of the Constitution, snd believe h to be the intention of the people general ly, as we hereby declare it to be ours individual ly, to abide auch compromises, and to sustain the laws necessary to carry them oat the provision for the deli very of fugitive slsves, and the act of the last Congress for that purpose, included and that deprecate all. further agi ation ot ques tions growing out of that provision, of-the qoea tioo a embraced in. tbe acts of tbe last Congress known as the Comproaiiseand of questions gen e rally connected with the inetitotioo of alavery, as unnecessary, usetesa, and dangerous. The notice of the achate upon thia resoletien and HilHrerfe amendment, waa given tn our last issue, Tne resolution, after five hourr debate, waa adopted, with tbe amendment. Ia the Senate on Tuesday tbe joint resolutions affirming jas policy of aon-wtervention were !nr tber debated by Mr. Mason, who apoke in -their aupporr. --fi- In the House af Representatives the Nay Dis cipline bill wasdiseusaed and passed over infer mally; and snbsequently the Homestead bill waa considered in Committee of the Whole en the atate of the Union. ARRIVAL OF THE BALTIC. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE.' Affitvn us XagUnd mni Franc Austria Cof- Naw Yonx, April fitlw The Steamer Baltic arrived here about 9 o'clock this morning, bring ing Liverpool dates of the 24th ulu, with 36 pas sengers. xneLavD- The Amerieaa Minister had aa audience with Lord Uolchester, at the B rd of Trade, on the 33rd nl. Ia the House of Lords, on tbe 23rd, Lord Beau mont called tbe attention of the House to tbe state of affairs on the river Platte. On tbe 23nd. Lord John Ruasell after intima- tine that Lord Derby 'a explanation ae to tbe dis- eolatioo of Parliament waa eatiefactory, prdposed that the House pasa the army and nary eatr matea whhout delay. Active preparations were making lor the ap proaching elections. Toe arrival ot cut. j. wj. rremont tn ang:ana has created considerable Interest, rxiscK. Wholesale arrests and transportations contin ue to be made in France. A railway tram arrived in Paris on. the 22ud from Nievera, bringing 33$ political prisoners from that Dopartrcvcnt. They were all condemned to traneporutton. M . Uirardin has been allowed to return to Pa ris, to attend to some private affairs. Tbe Baok bad advanced tbe credit on public eecuritiea to 100,(00 franca Pans letters state that in the pudget lor 1503, hich will shortly be laid before the lesislaiive corps, n reduction of tbe army will be proposed 1 to tne extei to the extent ot, from ou.ouu lo QdfMM men. but Gep. Cavaignac preriooaly to refoeiog hia seat m the iefislative chamber, wished to cooeult Qen. Lamoricierra and Bedeeu on the subject, and ac cordingly applied for a passport to Belgium, where uiey msne. xoe creqerai was iniormeu iaa ne could hare the passport, hut that, he would find tbe frontiers dosed againsT him on hie return. He therefore declined to accept those terms. Tan President, was present . at tbe review, on Monday 20th in, the grand square a.f tbe Tuitle Kvery thmg ; phased . off with the greatest eclat, and on an retarn to the Ely see, he was greeted with cries: of Vive L'Emperor.' The Hanxariaa Commitee left Vienna In bad f temper, the Cabinet having mused to msxe any ? -i " fi . I would never eunrjorta Uo vera men t whose nrolea- I i im ia Hnnnw m with a common Austrian province. XT The Silver Coinage and Gold Ingot Bill has .1 ' passea tts uuru reaaing in tof .senate, ano i to tro into effect oh the first of June next. The full a S W. -a v - S . provides that from thai date the weight of the half dollar ahall be one bu ndred and ninety two grams; and a Qarterdollar, dime and hall-dime, -shal be, raspecuvrly, one-hajr,one firth, one- tenth o tne weigni oi sm. e" eouar. r is aiso provwes 't . .?. il it. r . . i for casting gold , and eilver-Tdeposited tor that nurnone--into hnra of ingots ot either pure I or of standsrd fineness, as the owner rnay preler, nsv Dreler. with a S'smp upon the aame : deaignauog its weigM sndneaeesf hat no- pieco, ot either gold l or wi to, ivuMm hwish us- uigi ingots of a less weight , than .ten- ouajcea. except pieces nf one ounce, of two ounces, of, three ounces, and of hve euncea. all of wbksh eieees of less weight thsa ten Onega, shall be of the atandard oneness, witl their weight and fineness stamped upon tbera f but in cases where'tho gold and silver ditositel to be coined or east into bars nr tngots, there ehaD be a charge to the deposit fir, -in additon-'tothe enarge now maoe ror renptng or og ins ue taila. of one-half of one per cent. 'The bill fur tber provides for tbe coinage of' a go.ld prece of the value oi three dollars, the device and Shane t be fixed bir he' Secretary of the Treasury' This ie a remedial measure.' Tbe appredatioa of oar ailver coih ;a' a commodity haa become greater than Its value as a eeitt' within! the coun try.- Hence it gradual disappearance. T6 coin dollars .or half -dolls is. wktvout aoroe alteration in toeir .wetgat onfy tor the, oeQeBt ot exnorters who can i 4 higher nnee aWadTTiereYore. to I BTUS IS BIBI -, t. , . nmMr relatirt ralna wita guia, ao) 141a xeeps it wiuun the eouairy--$uia -1'; n: rfnrm. ' vrtirfi'r!rt . ,9-frr ir-r- 'T Of all tbe actions a wicb thsevil psasjoaa "J?L "IZ-jrrjZl S J"JTXr lis -mithimi afkr i ta aasaa aniritart set of th t--.--.k -.-- rt k---jt the wholesome blood fc and .whsas gtslipe, envy revenge root Uiemselvesm alsoder 1.4 vsuki as soon r trurt nrypura with.thf,yriadsbip Fith aaogmaar take a aarpeet a mjs-d, er a liar my heart, as bold eommaniou ef tors, Irieodahiper iatnrestjs toe epicabto an aaetrymous SAQACnYXPDQGi iThe fbtlowrar euriouar instance htrelated, bf the Edinburgh Weekly - Register: a ; t The.anil belgeVto n Heferared chemist, who tried opoe; itthe&ct, f i eertahf peUon, and upon the next day - ndmlnltorad 4 eoniter, poisen, which had. ths effect of - preserving the offered, hianj .but wpoJd nofpneh r Different sorts of poisonoue, dings. were preseRtear o bim; but be resolutely ufneed alLt .BreeAwaj. offered, but he would not .touckit; meau.but he turned from it, water, Vat he would not drtak,, Tp reassure birn hia maste offered him bread and, meat ot which he himself ate in the dog's preaencat and of that the sagacious .animal hesitated not nr partake. He wan taken. to i fouQtain," but he ' Would drink nowhere, but from, the water gushed free kn freshv T1 is siisued seve ral days, until tho' master, touched by. the ex'ra erdinary inteUigence tf tbe poor' creature, resolved to make no more attempts npon him. with his wa ter. The. dog is now very gay and very happy , but will eat nothing that he does not first see bis maaier toubh, nor wHl hS drink except from the purest spot of thn.frountaib,. t ,x Nobody abr Jikitr LteD In Cleveland, a man who had.purchaed' aMkkettQ the Black Swan's concert; returned u,tothe agent whh the remark that he was Hot to be bnmbogged. He had teamed on good autberiiynhat the woman cal led the "Black Swan" was nobody but Jenny Liod blacked'tip. ...j ; " 4 ;':' -tf r . .' "'i-1 "'i ' ni,, '..-rf Kf f : Enghsh mutton; EngTTsh groused Ettt mA, orougnt over on Me, are serrea wp ut ue new i ors hotels, in ail their native sweetness. a;r N.C. ritHE annual raeeOpi of the North. Carolina Stsie : L Medical Society will be held pa Tuesday ?th 11th of May next, at Wilniogton. r.r r Tht Phjaieiaos threughout the titate are respeet fully requested to sttend. ... E. BURKE HAYWOOD, ( Uor. and Bsc.t c: . ApU 6.1853. i . . . Xfl-clU The Wilmington papers wiU please espy tiU day. NEW BOOKS.; . IVR TEA RS in' an English i Uaiversitv. 2 vols. . By Ubarlee As tor Bristsd. Aanaal of Seisntino Discovery, for 1833, Hchsol for Hesbsada. by Lady Balwer LyUn. Reesllectionsef a Literary life, or Books, Piacee and People. By Miss Millord. Wesley and Methodism. By Isaae Taylor. NtghU iaA Block House, or sketches f border life By Henry C, Watoo. , r ... T ,? The Head of the Tamily. By the Alhpr of The Of ilvie snd 'Olive - For sale by '& " H. D. TURNER. -. Ratelga, April ttfr. 18W. 19 Mercer Potatoes. A FINE lot Mercer Potatoes to hand snd (or I P$L sale by f... . U W. PECK dt CO Cheap Cotton Cloths. f GOOD supuiy of "heavy Cotton Cloths to bacd oa and to sell cheap by L. W. PECK CO. Cotton Tarut, A! FULL assortment, snd for sale on reasonable terms L, W. PECK Sc CO. - April 8,1833. 29w' , SAVE YOUR MONEY. CHARLES P. FRIJEMAir A CO.. , (latx raxtatxs, hodgks sIco.) . , I J rfl p Q I" t G T S ailfl JobbeTS. 144 Broadway, - : ?. 1 DOOR SOUTH OF LTJ3SRT7 ST.. NeW'York eAVE now on hand, and. will be receiving daily throttgh the season, .Ztfen Goodt direct from the Eampean maaufsctnrers, snd 'ia$h Ami. w ow juwu vwiuitss wwmjt variety of the latest and aaosteeaatiful designs imported , - Many of ear goods ere maaafactered expressly te our order, from our own designs and patterns, and stand unrivalled We 'offer' our aoods for aerr Qui, at lowrr prices thaa any credit House in' America can afford . ii a- ' AH purchaaerawill find it greatly to their interest to reserve a BOtion of their meeevsnd make sel ect ions -from eur great variety ef rich cheap gssaV. VUVU. .v WHU.ia " o LI c HIU vein Bonnet iks, Satins, Crapes,! LUtes, and Tarts- Embroideries, Collars. Cheoisetts,Cs pes, Berthas. UabitSj Bleevea, CuDJ( jsgtogs, and Inserttngs. Embroidered Keviers. Lace, and Hemstitch Cam bric Hdkfi BIod pinsionand Embroidered Lace, for ' . . 1! . 1 ' ..P . brtndersd. tares tvr gh.wk, MantUtM.and VeiU. ' Honrton, Mechlen, Valeneieoea, and Brussels English and Wove Thread. 8myrna,lisle Thread, andCoOea Laces.' ' " v r- a Kid, LUIa Thtead, Silk, aad Bowleg Silk, Cloves, nd Mitta ;.- . , .'I i .---$ai;U j Prenehand Aasetican Aruhcial Plowers - v . ai ; French Lace, English, American, and Italian I : Straw Bonoane aad Tiiatatinga.! J ' - 5 .rr. !!. TZ .. jwf itVfcO'a 'LL attend promptly to all harness to hie care Bt west l eanesaes, North HtssiSaipn and Kaiitern AtkanasaiVsy Tatea, ;rf:u , J 1 , DR. WM T;TAIt.OrtS P"- DAYir MEL VI LLC, Nsw-Yofk j. Memphis, Feb. 141858. ' t7 ly vSatltlleryan Harness ! f The S oiaertbers bsvs entered into eoi V A partaerabf the 8addlery-ad Hemess ttsiaeee'ead are preparedV to serve the nu&lie 1 r : . Ljii. V" iLii... 1 . BASOUS paM, naasBBa, wjwuti .uainrj other article Bsaally kept iri such .establishments and nil , work: lea . witfi them win,, us executed wUh despaich andto the.astisfacUoAef.castomara. J Due ef the arm toiaz the . pateutoa of JiSaxa's pauanKTxn .rsTsaf ADivsraaitSaiaepDaia, order, aad warranted W-4"aw taia saxtais wiu ne mauvte to be pleasant arKl agreeabls. yj ; George nshpc returns nts a ainasra thanks for ihm eatrewace teMtefbre s iibsvlHr extsndednethha; and A, ea i iaa nope, dv incv sueauon: to merit still furuie orders sad pstranss. gj Ws expect tar keep on hasfd a raw .-ret. rats Baggies, and wfll giveoargsins to such as may avian tonarcbase - ' t34?J Onr establishment ia on .'he1 rrneref 'the-lejf fronting Fayettevilld Bweet occupied by J.T. Mar- a S. atai mi . mm . " ' 1 i. a riott, esq , aaa eepan w iiiisms.-nsywooa ea v;e. February 3n4, 1839, ' -t4a i t'fi;)tl , a," i eawaWawaBBBesssaat s Ami am anxious teelosVm veld hnlsi: aft ' 't.U ... .(-.- 1 . sobs iKuvvwi w u mtjumni vu .ctMua ior- wmt ,sJ4v iiuiwvMvftpn-a. t s - rsbmarj xao, ia- . t,t,. ... w3ceJ0 . t -rrfv j-ii v'wa''-'' TifteemDalla rtrtr fuN AWA Yreoi tba Suhexriber.statut thp th -W t pjtpi xea ,W4iagtoa, dark color, tf. vears. e4d fast 4, or t inches' hick. U I k1 bea4 t"s.wsss y wa hur when erv which tMke, hi M'ewhamlwTlaft. a.h.ow. mV w oe. wsjaaagj roei 1 tV uHS y -raagn aMjaamnaa-l trj.upss as I aJieainsa.r!v f.. i 1 and !wrd anyperson wbn win neuver bjbb is ne tn uraavniw tmntyv rof r the! nxtiea aoum or .irioii, or tsft aonsra, 10 eoofl rTTteafiae to aim la Jail, an that can get nirn tAiMi ; (Reported ejprudjj&iJU Reguter.) lo the tijMKf38&izchfat fJorviHbme .jroTtbii:Wb mendment qj toe fugitive "Slave Law the tiey Uw; TheiW)rj,tka4',b diiarWftwrl-lfeic4ll The Steamer Alrtca kax arnvetL Qottort do)! Kt rffleerSwnbf mhriyeTerer sin &!&ittt&iVi9W tine scarce . and much wwte.r fine rtttia, 4 thyUfVlsilliniiiE 't A T( ible aw..- a t . ti. it . t. Low Backed grt , 1 . Neilv Blv. i- r -. LataluessiMestoeaneesesaettkeMi 9lere1 . uetgiyAsrH 10180 4 mauBAHCB coqPAinr 01 : raw m y,i aua rtirairf ipn, ispavti flft HE Beaf erDtfeetQs fcf tfe Jotb'at II Muinalf nsuranee CoopaaT. at ita annual rnse-5 Uog held in thia city s the 13th day or Jaauary. I 32, levied se assessment of 3 per cent, na atlhs ' Premium notes of the company natsundine a tha 3th day ef Decent J, 15 1? ' : r . Thia, with oss-sant par ienC levied ' fSepismbef 2nd, 1849. one per eent levied NovemhsV th, 1830. one per eent levied Serflber lfcjfSl wu;ek ti per eent on all notes. ikHfc , le" asajessnsn,t ea) the Snd September, 184ft. end rsmainng uoejpired end eneanerlled, on the 16th December 1831. These assessments, under tbe pOviione ef the set ef Incorporation, 'will be pay We on or before the 20th d.y of April, 183;, AU persons haviog pressi um notes in ths ofSce will bIssm rmlt menW thereon withae JtUl delsy ss practicable. . , VJ der of tb Board, . U v .J0im:PAIftDQE,iJee. WW tor Sale lu Alabama. a .fi' IH AYE 50Q Aoressr aa good fttoa Land, aa ean be foand J where inhe Uta. ef Ala- oasaawnusa, not saving myself sufficieat feroate cult!tet f .will sell "ttpqa the. BKt favorable terms. Of the auQ aeres ?a are cleared aad ia good stole of cultivations 358 seras-are. id (kf swatnpa and positively eannat bs sarpasasdfae fins kuauy by any Land- .-mmt ' rdha, t?ais;j? Thu valuable Uactf Id h Jeweled-17 atilea I i. one mi ae upper reaen 4Tee. est tne Atabanta River. le of Magnstia Marsnge-hs largest largest cotuja growing county tn tne etaia. . v, h Adiatningnaidtrso f lQd,w n Imet ef soaal atse sod Quality. 1X8 Acres ef whiek i-, t-' j and which wiaieasod iqoftaTrahle tern.aWV s namber pf years,-tor. any oe pnrchasiehaja Land.v The had lies level ajud in fc healthy ToV , Persons, desiiing to purchase Cotton, Lands jn, Alabama, Would do welt to examine the above tracr 1 refer to Addias Uoere, Esq. Wb.ite'e Store, Asasn Co, ff. Q., oery Ccmael Christ,. Lawl '4rpeulars.'M4reas?cJ f DemopoHa," t B'JWwOk?J,;itide toaw wrTl"5ff r eP7 umes aad tesward March, 18 1852 f- :!-r-nt! 1 v?ie-S pi?w-l S500". Reward rinAKEN frera eM'wHiam&UOl eAbrMeoan- . " r ... A n B,f6Wf fhruary Lat. by Jofca . r Wooda, mjr Horse and NegreQirL ,L w.O-ds ia about 25 year, old; feet hifN vrh shout 133. or HO pouds, fair skin, vethwfref eyes, light hair, aratly white eye hrows. And rad dih beard. W hea ha left, hehada ieatee, were wte hae k pants and rest, couoa . velvet cap, nearly tilack.and U-ota.' , feet 8 lucbes mgh short hair; eye somewhat red tbM lips, delicately formed, of goocouutsnance Xosdaeare;? speaks lar ; teW wh jtV andi hs 'h narleewik. TA "d several gingbaat; calico, aid blur toned ssthern hornespunf sear on one eresst, caosed br a burn. Ths sivt The Horse Ve her. fsjr rears old Weirnfta 3 feet 3tBhes U,h, hlacs; sImu Uii; heavy uiaae, both "ef his hind feet white end wee of his fore feet whJtoddged .k m-Atif.iiA'lW T"- The hbevi reward willed given for the delivery Wbde 4o4 tbd egre Ofrl to the JaUr er SbetC iff ef QfWhorps county,- Cc'Abyf(fmsUoa toat will enable the subscriber to appreh.nq Weeds, nr to recover the Negnr andorss. or eitlier, will be iwai7 rewsraeo v A.:jrva.j 1 - je-r Mm Af t " JOHN THOMTOls'; fiQ. 17. NORTH THlRTjarRSiET. -:.Vr PTflTi MTi Vtr. Vttt ml-md T TTKR-J.T, WATBONV attoef Warreatoa ST, JjJJ 0 hsriM rewo.ed 4e. PWUds phi a Mden eaged ia the ft RPWARnuHaeaslinake abnr ff knv ?ul4 reyirectfaliyjnyite. the: Menaala ef Mja) ifwiH, ssu otcr seutacra otstesvas sau aaa examjew theU tsav WBhtoeatiy cew end will be-aohi en as avorable: terms ae iaraajr the .market ia thls- reeatry. e jfMm't aTs 'Ja a e ana . . .- . . jautsqwpBJaw fetM 11858. . r-i Wta3- ! Ss;"v S rt ej 1111 II T A weni - 'lex 1 ?XA fwtfgirrfti fly ' 'tf siT".'. TSTWwm fod a beantira! .jMaorfnieRt pt Staple . . . ' . - f . . -v., M-7rSlXT,' ,Z: f2r ""racing every arti cieuaosf -Ih Dry Goods Stores. AUo, Hardmatt 1 4f? f?M f. &rUh 4e4 f 7 . . uiuwuioerssre nsi ty receiviagthalrrpriospurehsse, hlcfi l txteaslrr aadispMat of cheapness cannot earpassed bv nnyinxneir tifs .n swy nre eyee graxatVasHpact faronra and beg a rXauUuaaee ef the aame. . -3 -O 4 -iGEOgT. COOKE. Raleitj March j5tt,183f. 1 5- tias. pws:u T - : iMLt - R -LAlUS-ks, Lswas nf I I rr C--w.k W-..1 rU. ean tj.... ITT bench, Worked Oiler, .try Jewl. $V Ui. Einh'4 end r-ia ssCUiiarie Hd'sri--, Swias andlMasKw EdgJ ags nnd; laastfinani t j BeUHBS,Kdgtaca and laeertiaga, . : ' . i .Ladies Coi'U KM and ilkfOtovwJtdi1 1 tJests KM end 8ilk ,n,. Rllr PMBeh HnHaiti mm.t ai-T-, , - - m ! . etrrifcayattatUat. 71 Raleigh. March 16, 1832." ; :,ej.X,f ta 11 !,Uandleai,&:?l.iib AVick. --'WIi.lAMaj HAYWOOD CO.f?n KaNi'lKAIl'Tfll lYAlfTLr. f 1 11 4 U, 80. and 16tle boaniy 'land Vsrrai 1, m. 1 .. 1 vn aasaaia'itMt ui u u-m un . nn t Oafifp3n arOnifl neclaril (iUU$p Iff Jfft" RCCCiFErxM-n v - ChS Music Store a Idt ot mkf .hi. ' lllllt 14 WJ T I 1 I'J ll T Wm Itecelre