Published Semi-Weekly id Weekly by HELPER Sz QHPtN TEEMS OF STJBS0EIPTI05. PAID INVAKIABLY IN ADVANCE. KEMT-WEEKLY, single copy, per annnm, . . . $4 OS WKEtLY, M " " M ; 0 to club of ave, at the rate of a 60 " of tenor more, at the rate of.... 9 00? WANTED A WIFE , We imagine the author of the following J is rather hard to please, but we think if any of our young lady readers will fill the bill he will make her a good husband. I want a wife, a Ant rate wife A girl that' all my own, To cook iaf meal and cheer my life. With smiling word and tone. I want a kind of apple girl, Ripe, rosy-cheeked and sonnd ; Whose tender feelings sorter qolrl And tarn me all around. - A girl with cheeks and holly-hocks ; Idustrioua, kind and true. That's mart enough to foot my socks. And mend my clothes like new. A girl that ne'er will pledge a vow . T any chap bat me ; . That's been brought up to milk a cow, And have warm cakes for tea. Like tatlow dips her eyes most be As melting and as bright ; They'll do to court by, you seo. And save another light. She mast be graceful as ths bell f - Upon the lily found ; And make such butter as will sell For cents fifty a pound. A very Bentimental poet, seeing the gam bols of an ass-foal in a field, vowed that he should like to send the little thing as a pre sent to hisj dearest Matilda. ' Do," replied one of his companions, " and tie a piece of paper around its neck, bearing the motto : 4 When th;s you, see remember me.' " " The "VYinvcrly novels were written to build Ahbotsford; ' Jlasselas " to pay a mother's .funeral expenses; the 44 Vicar of "Wakefield" in the hope of discharging an unthrift's debt Somebody has given utteranc to the following scrap of philosophy, which if it be not good is at least cool : 44 The. poor man's purse may, be empty, but he has as much-gold, in the sunset and silver in the moon as anybody." At Placerville, a Methodist minister went to a tin shop to buy a blowing horn. ."Select ing one, he asked the clerk whether it would make a loud noise V 44 O, yes," said the. clerk, 44 a h 11 of a noise ?" 44 Weir replied tltq. minister, "as I want it to blow at camp meeting, I don't think thatj kind of a noise will suit," and walked off. j A justice, better versed in law than in gos pel, not long since married a couple in this way : "Hold up your hands. You will solemnly swear that you will faithfully per form the duties of your office, jointly and severally, acoi ding to your best skill and judgment, so help you God. Fee one dollar." Wise men say nothing in dangerous tims. The lion called the sheep to ask her if liis breath smelt ? She said "Aye," and he bit off her head for a fool. He called the wolf and asked him. He said 44 No," and he tore him in pieces for a flatterer. At last he called the fox and asked him. "Truly," said he, "I have got a cold and cannot smell." T he fox knew what lie was about. I say, Jones, how is it your wife dresses so magriificently, and yciu.always appear out of your elbows ? Jonfcs (impressively and sig nificantly,) 44 you sec, Thompson, my wife dresses according to the Gazette of Fashion, and I according to my Ledger." A littlegirl, just past her fifth year, while chatting about the beaux that visited two of the sex in same house, of more mature age, being asked, "What doyou mean by beaux, Annie ?" replied, "Why I mean men that have not got much senses.". A gentleman was describing to Douglass Jerrold the: story of his courtship and mar ri age how" his wife had been brought up in a Convent, and was on the point of taking the veil, when his presence burst upon her en raptured sight, and she acepted him as her husband. Jerrold listened to tfie end of the story and quietly remarked. 44 She simply thought you better than ram." What dthe sailors do with the the ship makes in a day ? knots A pretty female artist can draw ( finally with a brush and a blush. the men A forte that is too much stormed now-a-"days. The piano-forte. When, was beef tea first made in England ? When Henry VII dissolved the Pope's bull. , i Nearly every evil has its compensation. If a man has but one foot he never treads on his own toes. Who is the greatest poulterer in Shake speare ? Claudius, King of Denmark, be cause he "murdered most foul." A woman's tears arc generally more effec tivchan her words. In such cases, wind is a less powerful element than water. The more a woman's waist is shaped like an hour" gliiss, the more it shows us that her sands of life are runningout. It is singular fact that the ladies who know how to preserve everything eslse, can't pre serve their tempers. Yet it may easily be done on the self-scaling principle. It is only to "keep Hi? mouth of the vessel tigUly dosed." V TTFI SBMI-WBBKIIjY edition. New Series. RALEIGH, N. C.,. AUGUST 27, 1867. Vol. l.-No. 18. ! i - ':','"T REGISTItATION. i nxjJ9.uAmxa Bboond Miutabt Dwrarex, ; I Charleston 8. July ISO, 186T. No. 60. . f The following appointments of Register! are announced. The persona named will be assigned to dutv by Poet Com mandera as members of Boards of Registration for ths several Registration Precincts they may establish within their commands. Commanding Officers of Posts will fill vacancies and report their actios to these Headquarters for confirmation. Two Boards of Begtstration will be organised for each County In North Carolina having more than six election prtcinct. except the Counties of Beaufort, Cumberland, CravenBdgeoombe, Granville, Halifax, New Hanover, Wake, Pa vle and Wilson, which shall have the Boards provided ft In this order. KMriiiters will be reaulred to take the oath prescribed 4y the Act of Congress approved 8d July, 1862. Blank forms or Wis oain 01 omce win ue iuruisnea u x-ubi wtn manders and when duly subecribed and sworn will be re turned to these Headquarters. The election reeinets established by law or custom as voting ptaee Hi the Coontter and Chics of North -Caitv- llna will be designated by Post Commanders as the places for Registration. It is desirable that not more than six of these and preferably a less number, be included in a Registration precinct and assigned to one Board, so that ample futilities may be afforded for Registration. Every Board ef Registration will choose its presiding officer, who wlU, represent the Board and announce lis action uaon all matters coming before it, Regulations for the government of Registers in the dis charge ci their duties will be duly published as soon as practicable for general Information. NORTH CAROLINA. ! roet or MoaoAirroH. BnrnxCouirrT J esse Fisher, Stephen Ross, William William, Thomas Hawkins, Jacob Abee, Robt. II. Alex ander. " i McDo'K.L Corim W. A. B. Murphy, James McCall, James Bailey, Wesley McKesson, W. R. Poole, J as. W. Lyon. I - Kcth hrfob Cotnrrr John Anderson, J. C. I Harris, Robert Fiorney, W. 11. Logan, Jossepb Wilkie, Vincent Michael.; Polk Couktt John Logan, J. W Hampton, Jr., Jas. Brown, I). M. Abrams, 8. G. Hamilton, Paul Mills. IIsjr.sB.ooN Couhty A. II. Jones, Tbos. Gibbs. Jesse R. Justice, Thomas F. Bird, W. W Anderson, Simon Bor ing, ji Tbansixvania County 8. J. Tracy, J. M. George J. H. Duckworth, Robert Hamilton, J. B. Woods, Edward Merrt11- W . ' , 0, HaTWfjon Covjttt G. W. B. Garrett, J. M. Shook, C L. Cunningham, Tbos. B. Evans, Allen Uousen, Jack son Walsh. , , jACicsoa CorUTT R. H. Cannon, Alfred Zachary, J. D. Buchannan. Virgil Bryson, Jackson Ward, David L. Dillon, ii - Macon; CouKTT Rev. Mark May, J. L. Strain, C. F. Rogers. . E. Love, J. J. Jennings, Jonathan Ford. Clat qomnr John A. Shearer, Harvey Penland, J. N. Bell, Ji M. Galloway, AmosLedford, George Love. CuisoKfu Coctttt N. G. HoweR W. H. H. Dickey, i. L. Sinwms, Gea IlalL Gea W. Dickey F. P. Axley. YAKCEt Coctttt William Ray, John W. Berton, A. J. Hensley, Clias Pinland, J. W. Garland, Joshua Williams. MrrcHt,LConirrr Wilson Burlison, Gut red ge Gar land, Stephen Street, Peter Harden, Nero P. Oaks, John Frazer. Madiso CotTKTT G. W. Gahagan, F. M. Lawson, A. B. Sams, M. A. Chandley, Henry A. White, Robert Ray. BuvcOmssb Coitktt Rev. J. C. Stewart, G. F. Pinland, A. M. Guder, Samuel Weaver, Marion Roberts, W. U. Moore, j !i POST OF RALI8BCBT. WATArtfk Corwrr Samuel n. Bolnlan, William Van Conner, John Harden, Bartlett Brown, David Norris, Alfred ITiamas. Cauww.l Cornrrr Clinton A. Cilley, R. R. Wake field, A. J.iRominger, Alex. Ligbtfoot, R. B. Bogle, Jere emlth. ii Alxxaxieb Cocimr W. S. Teague, Tbos. Sterewald, E. M. Stevenson. Wilkks County George H. Brown. J. K. Sinclair, Ralph Holbrook, Caswell J. Smith, W. B. Seegrist, Robt B. Bryan, j Aana CotrNTT Edwin C. Bartlett, John H. Carson, Edward Bopwer, William Gowlng, James Garvey, Francis Bryan. i Allsohaxt Corrrr Goldman Hagain, Danlol C. Jones, Henderson Cheek. A. B. Carson, Francis Bryan. John Mtbew!9oti. Sckbt CoirnrTT Joel ITunt, Gilbert A. Lowe, Robert M. Jarvts, E. F. Taylor, John Simmonds, 'ohn Peel. YADxrs CorwTT Dr. Belson B. Ben how. Joseph Wil liams, Thomaa Martin, Alex. WUliams, Eobt. G. Zachary, A. N. Tomlln.! IaxDru. t'opim John H. McLaughlin. W. H. George, W. Williams, James F. BoU, Moses A. White, John llc Cubblns. I Davis CocjNTY John Lunn, Thomas Brown, A. T. Clements. 1 Row ax ConxTT Moses S. Holmes, C S. Morlng, Jas. Hurns. Rev. Tliornton Butler, Thomas E. Brown, J. II. Hawkins. i j POST Or CHABLOTTE. Clfvt--Latd porWTY .John Y. Ay dlotte, Decatur G rep, L. A. Botts, Sahdcrs Wright, John Williams, N. D. Davis. Catawba Couhty A. J. WhitneT, John K. Ellis, J. C. Clapp, Franklin Caldwell, Wilson Snyder, Drury Hamil ton. 1 Lracout Cocrtt Chrlstion Beall, N. n. Hill, R. J. Sifford, J. H. Hint, Ellsha Saunders, Edmond Saundors. Gastor Corimr M. J. Aydlatts. James Hoffman, Ell Parsons, James Rhyne, Anthony Yltman, Wm. McKee. Mickuiktio Cocbtt W. F.' Abrena. Solomon Sif ford. Henry MjcCombs, R. R. Rca, U. P. Helper, John Davidson. j ' Ubiok Cocktt W. Newsome, Jonathan Trull, Danlf 1 Benton, Daniej Tomberlin, Hugh Downing, Calvin Ro- SCababbps Oocbtt John McDonald, D. H. Abbott, John Harris, Cyrus Alexander, Aaron J . Yoist, George Melcher. Htawi.t Cotra-rr W. H. D. Greene, Srauel Mann, Eli Shankle, W. Hi. Randsll, Jack Davis, John R. Duke. Awson CoristT E. FulUngs, Joseph Allen, Henry To wcll,M. McFarland, John Jar vis, Alexander Uttle. POST OP oriessbobo'. Stobbs Couicnr W. W. McCaulea, P. H. Oliver, Walk er Oonn, Charlps Moody, W. C. Matthews. Aus'in Dur ham. '. ''. Forsythb Coa-NTT J. B. Crist, cuarics Mauser. Han son Phipps, J. H. White, Jr., Munroe Phillips, John P. tWest- , nAnmof CorSTT John E. Cramer, Issae Kenny, William Berrier, Richard Ayres, William Bodenhamer, Philip Bale. Kaboolph Coutttt Isiiae Lee, Levy Cox, S. W. Blair, Wm. Brown, J. W. Steed, Alson Brown. Guilford Coihtt John T. Poe, John A. Prltchnrd, R. Y.Davis, Harmon Unthank, Josse Bonbow, D. 11. Lar tische. Km kixoiiam County Thomas Carter, Alexander Ray, Alfred Sanders, John Underdon, Thomas Cummins, John M. Lindey. Caswkll CoriNTT Alvln Lee, R. H. Jones, S. G. Sid dle, William Taylor, Thomas Bay, Pharoah Glass. Alamance CorNTY Daniel Clapp, James S. Pugh, Wm. F. Jones, Peter Holt, Heseklsh May, Ppencer Sanders. post of balbioh. Pxbsoh Coukty John H. Jones, John Buchannan, R. P. Martin, C. Hi Jordan, M. W. Faulkner, W. G. Scott. Orange CouitytR. C. Swain, M. D., John W. Carr, W. J. Uogan, Thomas Wilson, Jordan Swayne, John Han cock. Ciiathah CorNTY Jno. B. Drake, Henry Smith, Thos. Dixon, Abner Bright, Gilbert Love, Willis Bird. Wakb CotrNTT Theodore Joseph, Hanson J. Hughes, T. t. Lee, SoIouiob Pool, Wm. White, Francis Lainson, Granvillb Coubty Lewis H. Kittlles, Calvin Betts, Thomas W. Poole, G. W. Blacknall, John Peed, Aaron Pratcher, B. Walker, Abram Hlnton, Wm. Tyler. Warrkn Couwty M. W. Williams, John Reed. Chss. D. Carlton, John A. Hyman, Benj. R. Browning, William Cawxhorn. Franklin CotrNTT R. H. Timberlake. A. W. Pierce, Hllliard Dunstorx, Nat. Harris, J. H. Williamson, Dr. Wm. M. Crenshaw. 'POST OF FAYrrTBYILtK. Ci-MBESLANn County E. L. Pemberton, T. A. Byrnes, W. A. Mann, Darvid McDuffle. John C. Calahan, Duncan McComiick, John J. Minors, M. H. Leavy, Ja. Bowman. Harnett Coi-nty Henry Faucette, J. D. Ryalls, Jacob Reardon, R. J. Narls, J. McCoy, N. McLeod. Moons Coitnt-y-S. Mc8. McDonald, John McDuffle, AWlom Kelly, ;Abel Kelly, John Bwcann, J. A. Barrett. Montoomiry County W. H. Robinson, Benjamin De Berry, W. Lassllter, L. Simons, Martin Simons, Sidney Lcdbettcr.. Richmond Corsosv Dr. Owen Hartley, Jas. W. Mead, John O. McDonald, Alfred Baldwin, Sidney Leak, Barrick Bob t wick. i POST OF GOJLOBBOROV Watnb Couwrr John Robinson, Jesse HoUwell, Hope Bain, H. S. Grant, Lang Nixon, Arnold Bull. W. J. Garrison, I. B. Cook", Matthew Holt, Ishara Woodali Greenb CorNTT James 8. Smith, Richard J. Williams, George Beeman, Sydney A. Busbee, Sanders P. Cox, Luke Sheuhcrd. ; Wilson Couhty Nathan Fallersby, Willie Daniels, Israel Harden. . Narh County Benj. II. Sorsby, Jr., Geo. W. Cooper, Jesse J. walker, Jacob Gug, Fred. Arrlngton, Benjamin Jones. Halifax County John McMahon, Robert Howard, Horatio H. Buihtll, John H. Rcnfew, James Basmore, U. H. Smith, Jdha P. McAuluTo, Uriah Benton, Henry Eppes. Nortiiaiiptoi County Isaac Peel, Joseph Clvali-r, Ueorge a. vt eauiurs, iK njatnln Franklin, K. U. i'arKer, Raffln ralAon. 1 Eoobcom bb ChUNTY Frank F. Bennett, John Vaughan, W. H. Knaiip, Ctias. B. Bartlett, Thomas Newton, Willis Brown. A. M. Lb, U. J. Dixon. Alexander McUabe. Lenoir County Lemuel 11. Aldrich, Pinckney Hardee, Richard wmtcacld, f. t. wiins, A. J. liOfUn, James 'Waters. POST OF WILMINGTON. Robeson, George L. Baxter, A.Golden Smith, B. b. Mor- reL 1 i Coi.tTMBCS Cousrrr T. M. Smith, M. Powell, J. A. MauUsby, David Strothers, Frauds Lennon, Henry C, Mofflt. ! ItouBsoN CocKTT (X 8. Hayes Daniel C. McNeil, John Moors, James Sinclair, Carry WUkins, Caesar McCullum. Bladrn County A, W. Fisher. Daniel 1 Bine, Chas, Lewis, John Cranston.- Justin Bunnell, F. F. French. Nbw Hanovib County W. B. Jones, H. E. Scott, Henry W. Penny, W. H. Pickett, Isaac M. Peck, B. . Ashley, Edgar MlUer, F. D. Hewlett, George W. Price, till Duplin County Samuel B. Woodmaasee, John E. Fus Bell, Ed. Martin, John M. Graham, L. A. Merrlman, I. A Newberry. BAMPaoir CotrNTT W. L, Robinson, Nicholas P. Chest nutt, W. J. CTaddock, Mile P. Owen, Clifton Ward, Jos. Wilson. I post or FLTKOrrH. Tybbbu. Cowittt B. T. Bikes, John Carroll, Horace Holmes, Hesekiah P. Lewis, Jesse Bikes, G G. Re a. Washington County M. C MoNamara, O. W.Jones, J. W. Wynne, Frank James, J. E. Jackson, A. M. Phelps. Mabtih County -F. G. Martindale, J. J. Smith, Ben nett Burgess, E. B. Downs, Alfred Jordan, James Calioon. Bbrttb CotTNTT-Frederlck Miller, James F Kline, Augustus Robblns, Hon. Lewis Thompson, T. P. Henry, Jonathan S. Taylor. , H bktfobd County Charles F. Campbell, Stai key 8. HarreLL, Jacob Hulleman, Lawrenoe Weaver, W. C. Jones, Thomas W. Coster. Gatks County Timothy H. Lassiter, John Brady, Asbnry Beid, Jacob Morris, Peter Parker, Orville Green. Chow ax County T. T. Bruce. Daniel V. Etheridge, Joseph A- Be bee, John Page, J. Ward, Martin L. Brinkley PxayuiMAifS County Edward Alberteon, Timothy Morgan, C M. Manning, Thomas Bikes, Henry White, Isaiah Nicholson. Pasquotank County Frederick 8. Proctor, Robert Doherty, Petr Johnson, M. B. Culpepper, Wm. Krauss, T. A. i Cakskn County Wm. Morrissett, Matthew Taylor, Henry Pool, James A, Bpencer, John M. Forbes, John C. Tatine Cubbituck County Robert S. D. Holbiook, Samuel Dowdy, George Baum, John Evans, Dr. W. H. Cowell, Ricbard Etheridge. post of nswbebk. ' Cbavbn County Charles A. Nelson, F. D. Slatcher, Richard Tucker, Nelson P. Angela, J. W. Dev. Moses D. HilL,H. P. Doane, Charfes Hlbbard, Clinton D. Pleraon. Onslow Countt Robert Sellenk, Dalirl A. Hargett, Charles Sheppard, Calvin D. Morton, David W. Scott, John Munro. .Cabtbret County Thos. C. Allen, James E. Whlte huret, David Henderson, Jno. J. Henshaw, Thos. Daniels, Oliver W. Henry. Jones County Joseph A. Hascall, N. P. Smith, Robt Hade, C. R. Colgrove, Thomas G. Gillett, John Andrews. Beaufort County William M. Cherry, Albert E. Ed ward, Augustus Powers, John H. Dewell, Horace N. Wa ters, James N. Redmond, John S. Gordon, Jordan King, T. D. Smaw. 6' Pitt County J. n. Jenkins, Davis J. Rich, Cornelius H. Gibbee, Windsor Crandall, Isaac A, Rosekrans, J. G. Hart.- Hyde County Bannister Mldgett, Jesse 8. Mason, Joseph Hodges, Benj. C. Jennett, A. B. Howard, Edmund S. W oog. The Rejrrsters hereby appointed will be immediately notified by the Post Commanders, to whom they will re port at once for the necessary books and blanks. All communications from Registers will be addressed to the Post Commander. Orders and instructions will be transmitted to Boards of Registration, through the same channel. ; By command of Major-General D. E. Sickles : J. W. CLOUS, Capt 8Sth TJ. S. Inf., A. D. C, and A. A. A. G. gATTXE'S DIGEST. A Digest of all the Reported Clases, both in Law and Equity, determined in the Courts of North Carolina, from the earliest period to the year 1866. By William H. Battle, a Judge of the Sapreme Court. 8 volumes Ntehols, Gorman 4 Neathery, Agents, Raleigh. Price William Eaton, (Author of Eaton's Forms) says : UI have examined, with care, a considerable portion of the work, and it affords me pleasure to express my very favorable opinion as to its merits. The plan of yonr Digest, I regard as an excellent one, and I appre ciate, very highly, the learning, skill, taste and accura cy which you have exhibited in Its execution. The work will be exceedingly convenient and useful, both to the Bar and Bench, and I hope that Its patronage may be equal to its deserts. Chief Justice Peabson and Judge R&ase, of theSuJ preme Court, say : We have had, in use. ever since Its publication, last Fall, your admirable Dioest of the decisions of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, from the foundation of the Court until this time. The arrangement la conven ient and the abstracts accurate ; and we and the profes sion are under many obligations to you. We regard it as indispensable to the profession In this State. It should be in the library of every Lawyer." FromJodgeP. P. Morris, Philadelphia. : "I have looked ever the Digest with great interest, and find it remarkable for the precision with which the point decided Is stated, and for the assistance afforded the enquirer by the numerous heads introduced. The work Is of interest to all Law Students and be must inval uable to North Carolina Practitioners and Jurists. pmLLLPS' EEPOETS Of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, at the June Term, 1SG6, and January Term, 18C7. Price Law & Eqnltv, June Term, ... - fiOO - ' Jan'y ... - 4.00 Address NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATH ERY, Jul. 17 tf. Agents, Raleigh, N. C. "piTORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. EVERY YOUNG MAN desirous to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education, should attend the old es tablished PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE and - NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, Corner Baltimore and Charles Streets, Baltimore, Md. Founded in 1S52. Chartered in 1354. THE ONLY INCORPORATED INSTITUTION Of the klDd in the State of Maryland. THE LEADING BUSTNE8S COLLEGE OF BALTIMORE. THE ONLY COLLEGE IF MARYLAND Which has introduced the system of actual business practice to any extent. SPLENDID BANKS, T BUSINESS HOUSES AND OFFICES In successful operation. Every Student becomes a Merchant, Book-keeper and Banker, and goes through with the whole business routine of Buying and Selling, Shipping, Importing, tc, &c. THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE UNITED STATES. Every Youncr Man should write immediately for onr large Illustrated College Journal, contain ing Terms of Tuition and full particulars, which will be sent by return mail free of charge, with samples of Monev, Commercial and Business Papers and lieantaful Specimens of bpencenan lenmanship Address E. K. IXjSLEK, Principal, jul 19-ly. Baltimore, Md. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 24 & 27 Broadway, New York. Opposite Bowling Green, On the European Plan, THE STEVENS HOUSE, is well and widely known to the travelling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to. merchants and busi ness men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city is on the highway of Southern and "Western travel and adjacent to all the prin cipal Kailroad and b team boat depots. - - Xtua ainvxtiso iiucsiu bas liberal accom modation for over 300 guests it is well furnish ed, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with gas and water the attendance is prompt and respectful and the table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the season at mod erate rates. lhe rooms having been reiurnishcd and re modeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO., 23-tf Proprietors, i RECONSTIIJCTION. 8 UPPLEMENTAR7HEC0NSTR UCTION BILL A3 PASSED BTBOTH HO USES OFCONGRESS. ; . ,. " . . Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House jof Representative of the United States of America in Congress iassembled. That it .is hereby declared to have been the true intent and meaning of the act of th second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, en titled an act for the more-efficient government of the rebel States, .and of the act supplementary thereto, passed on the 23d, day of March, in the year 1867, that the governments then existing in the rebel States of ' Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 'Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana , Florida, Texas and Arkansas, were il legal and void, and thereafter the same govern ments, if continued, were tp be continued subject in all respects to the Miutarjr Commander of the respective Districts and to tlie authority of Con gress. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the commander of any district named in said act shall have power, subject to the approval of the Gen eral of the armies of the United States, to have effect till disapproved, whenever in the opinion of such commander the proper administration of said act shall require it, to suspend or remove from office, or from the performance of official duties and the exercise of official powers, any officer or person holding or exercising, or pro fessing to hold or excercise, any civil or military office or duty in such district, under any power, election, appointment, or authority derived from or granted by, or claimed under any so-called State or the government thereof, or any munici pal or other division thereof, and upon such sus pension or removal such commander, subject to the approval of the General aforesaid, shall have the jwwer to provide from time to time for the pcrf ormance of the said duties of such officer or person so suspended or removed by the detail of some competent officer or soldier of the army or by the appointment of some other person to per form the same and to fill vacancies occasioned by death, resignation or otherwise. Sec 3. And be it further enacted, That the General of the armies of the United States shall be invested with all the powers of suspension, removal appointment and detail granted in the preceding section to district commanders. Sec 4. And it be further enacted, That the acts of the officers of the army already done in removing in said districts persons exercising the functions of civil officers and appointing others in their stead are hereby confirmed ; provided that any person heretofore or hereafter appointed by any district commander to exercise the functions of any civil office may be removed, either by the military officer in command of the district or by the General of the army; and it shall be the duty of commanders to remove from office, as aforesaid, all persons who are disloyal to the gcvernment of the United States, or who use their official influence in any manner to hinder, delay, prevent or oljstruct the due and proper administration of this act, and the acts to which this is supplementary. ; Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the 1 wards of registration provided for in the act en titled " an act supplementary to an act entitled ' an act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,' " passed March 2,eighteen hun dred and sixty-seven, shall have power, and it shall be their duty, before allowing registration of any person, to ascertain upon such facts or infor mation as they can obtain, whether such person is entitled to be registered under said act, and the oath required by said act shall not be conclusive on such question, and no person shall be registered rnless such board shall decide that he is entitled thereto; and such board shall also have power to examine under oath (to be administered by any memler of such board) any one touching the qualification of any person claiming registration. But In every case of a refusal by the bwanl to reg ister an applicant, made in every case herein after provided, the board shall make a note or memoran dum, which shall be returned with the registration list to the commanding Generals of the Districts, setting forth the ground of such refusal, or such striking from the lift : Provided that no person shall be disqualified, as a m'emlwr of any board of registration, by reason of race or color. Sec. G. And be it further enacted, liiat the true intent and meaning of the oath presented in said supplementary act is (among other things) that no person who has been a member of the Legislature of any State or who has held any ex ecutive or judicial office in any State, whether he has taken an oath to support the Constitution ot the United States or not, and whether lie was holding such office at the commencement of the rebellion or had held it before, and who has after ward engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof, is entitled to be registered or to vote; and the words "executive or judicial office in any State " in said oath mentioned shall be con strued to include all civil offices created by law for the administration of the general law of the State, or for the administration of justice. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the time for completing the original registration pro vided for in said act nay, in the discretion of the commander of any district, be extended to the 1st day of October, 1867; and the boards of regis tration shall have power, and it shall be their duty, commencing fourteen days prior to any election under said act, and upon reasonable pub lic notice of the time and place thereof, to revise for a period of three days the registration lists ; and upon being satisfied that any person not enti tied thereto has been registered, to strike the name of such person from the list. And such board shall also, during the same period, add to such registry the names of all persons who at that time possess the qualifications required by said act who have not been already registered, and no person shall at any time be entitled to be registered or to vote by reason" of any executive pardon or amnesty for any act or thing which, without such pardon or amnesty, would disqualify him from registration or voting. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That section 4 of the said last named act shall be construed to authorize the commanding general named therein, whenever he shall deem it needful, to remove any member of a board of registration, and to appoint another person in his stead, and to till any vacancy in such board. Sec. 9. That all members of said Boards of Registration and all persons hereafter elected or appointed to office in said military districts, under any so-called State or municipal authority or by detail or appointment ef the District Commanders, shall be required to take and sulcribe to the oath of office prescribed by law for officers of the United States. Sec. 10. That no District Commander or mem ber of the Board of registration or any of the officers or appointees acting under them shall be bound in his action by any opinion of any civil officer of the United States. Sec. 11. That all the provisions of this act, and the acts to which this is supplementary, shall be construed liberally, to the end that all the intents thereof may be fully and perfectly carried out This bill has been passed by both Houses of Congress and sent to the President for his ap proval. -yATSOyS GALLERY. PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored in Oil. PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored in Water Colors. PHOTOGRAPHS, in India Ink. PHOTOGRAPHS, in Pastcll. PHOTOGRAPHS, Large. ) PHOTOGRAPHS. Small. IVORYTYPES, Porcelain Pictures. AMBROTYPES. FERREOTYPES. All execntuted with neatness and dispatch at Watson's Gallery, Raleigh. N. C, jul2-ly RlilSfli, GENERAL ORDERS. THE CAROLINAS order from gen. sickles for the relief o destitute-immediate collection of cer tain debts prohibited. IIdqr's Second Military District, Charleston, S. C, April 11, 1867. General Order No. 10. The general des titution prevailing among the population of this military district cannot be relieved without afford ing means for the development of their industrial resources. The nature and extent of the destitu tion demand extraordinary measures. The peo ple are borne down by a heavjp burden of debt, the crops of grain and garden produce failed last year, many families have been deprived of shelter, many more need food and clothing, useful implements and anxilliarics of husbandry are very scarce; the laboring population in numerous localities are threatened with starvation unless supplied with food by the Government of the United States ; the inability of a barge portion of the people to pay taxes leaves the local authorities without adequate means of relief, and the gravity of the situation increased by the general disposition shown by creditors to enforce upon an impoverished people the immediate collection of all claims. To suffer all this to go on without restraint or remedy is to I sacrifice the general good. The rights of creditors ! shall be respected, but the appeal of want and ruf fering must be heeded. Moved by these consider ations, the following regulations are announced, and they will continue in force with such modifi cation as the occarion may require until the civil government pf the respective States shall be es tablished in accordance with the requirements of the Government of the United States. The com manding General earnestly desires and confidently believes that the observanoe of these regulations and the co-operation of all persons concerned in employing fairly and justly the advantages still remaing to them, will mitigate the distress now existing, and that the avenues of industry, enter prise, and organization thus opened will contrib ute to the permanent welfare and future happi ness of the people. First : Imprisonment for debt is prohibited, un less the defendant in eqecution shall be convicted of a fraudulent concealment or disposition of his property with intent to hinder, delay, and prevent the creditor in the recovery of his debt or demand, and the proceedings now established North and South Carolina respectively, for the trial and de termining of such questions, may 1 adopted. Second. Judgment or decrees for the pavment of money on causes of action arising between the 19th of December, I860, and the 15th of May, 18C5, shall not 1 enforced bv execution against the property or the person of the defendant Pro ceedings in such causes of action now pending shall be stayed, and no suit or process 6hall be hereafter instituted or commenced for any such causes of action. Tiird. Sheriffs, coroners and constables arc hereby directed to susjwnd for twelve calendar months the sale of ah property upon execvtion or process on liabilities contracted Trior to the 19th of Ddccmber, 18G0, unless upon the written con sent qf the defendants, except in cases where the plaintiff, or in his absence his agent or attorney, shall njxin oath, with corroborative testimony, al lege or prove that the defendant is moving or in tends fraudulently to remove his property qeyond the territorial jurisdiction of the Court The sale of real or personal propertv by foreclosure of mortgage is likewise suspended for twelve calan- dar months, except in cases where the payment qf interest monev accruing since the 15th dav of Mav, 18G5, shall not have been made before the dav of sale. Fourth. Judgments or decrees entered or en rolled on causes of action arising subsequent to the 15th of May, 1865, may be indorsed by execu tion against the property of the defendant, and in the application of the money arising under such executions, regard shall be had to the priority of hens, unless in cases where the good faith of any lien shali 1 drawn in question. In such cases the usual mode of proceeding adopted in North and South Carolina respeetivclv to determine that question shail lie adopted. Fifth. All proceedings for the recovery of mon ev under contracts, whether under seal or bv pa- role, the consideration for which was the purchase of negroes, are suspeuded. , Judgments or decrees cutcred or enrolled for such causes of action shall not Ik? enforced. .Sixth. All advances of moneys, subsistence, im plements, and fertilizers, loaned, used, employed, or required for the purpose of aiding the agricul tural pursuits of the icople, shall le protected, and the existing laws which have provided the most efficient remedies in such crises for the lender will be supported and enforced ; wages for labor performed in the production of the crops shall be a lien on the crop, and payment of the amount due for such wages shall be enforced by the like remedies provided to secure advances of money and other means for the cultivation of the solL , Seventh. In all sales of propertv and execution bv order of any court there shall le reserved out of the property of any defendant who has a fami lv dependent uiKn his or her labor a dwelling- house and appurtenances and twenty acres of land for the use and ocrupation of the famiiy of, the defendant, and necessary articles of furniture, ap parel, subsistence, implements of trade, husbandry or other employment of the value of $500. The homestead exemption shall inure only to the ben fit of families that is to say, parent or parents and child or children in other cases the exemp tion shall extend only to clothing, implements of trade or other, employment usually followed by the defendant, of the value of $100. The exemp tion hereby made shall not be waived or defeated by the act of the defendant The exempted prop erty of the defendant shall he ascertained by the Sheriff or other officer enforcing the execution who shall specifically describe the same, and make a report thereof in each case to the Court Eiglrfh. The currency of the Uirited States de clared by the Congress of the United States to be a legal tender in the payment of all debts, dues, and demands, shall be recognized in North and South Carolina, and all cases in which the same shall be tendered in payment and refused by any public officer will be at onco reported to these headquarters or to the commanding officer of the post within which such officer resides. JSinth. Property ot an absent debtor or one chanred as slich without fraud, whether consist ing of monev advanced for the purposes of agri culture or appliances for the cultivation of the soil, shall not be takcu under the process known as foreign attachment ; but the lien created by any existing law shall not be disturbed, nor shall the possession or the use of the same be in any wise interfered with except in the execution of judgment or final decree in cases where they are authorized to be enforced. Tenti. In suits brought to recover debts known as actions ex contractu bail, as heretofore author ized, shall n6t bo demanded by the 6sitor nor ta ken by the sheriff or other officer serving the pro cess ; in suits for trespass, libel, wrongful conver sion of property, and other cases, known as ac tions ex delicto bail, as heretofore authorized, may be demanded and taken. The prohibition of bail in cases ex contractu shall not extend to persons alout to leave the State, but the fact of intention must be clearly established bv proof. Eleventh. In criminal proceedings the usual recognizances shall be required and taken by the proper civil officers heretofore authorized by law to take the same, provided that njxm complaint being made to any magistrate or other crson au thorized by law to issue a warrant for breach of the peace or any criminal offense it shall be the duty of-such magistrateor officer to issue his war rant on the recognizance of the complainant to prosecutes without requiring him to give security on such recognizance. Twelfth. The practice of carrying deadly weap ons, except by officers and soldiers in the military service of the United States, is prohibited. The concealment of such, weapons on the person will be deemed an aggravation of the offense. A vio lation of this order will render the offender amcd- uble to trial and punishment by military commis sion, w nancver wounding or lulling shall result from the use of such weapons, proof that the per son carrying or concealing a deadly weapon snail be deemed evidence of a felonious attempt to take the life of the injured person. , TJdrteerUh, The order heretofore burned in this military department prohibiting the punishment of crimes and offenses by whipping, maiming, branding, stocks, pillory, or other corporal pun ishment is in force and will be obeyed by all per sons. Fourteenth. The punishment of death in cer tain cases of burVlary and larceny imposed by the existing laws of the provisional governments in this military district is aloIished. Any person convicted of burglary or of larceny, when the property stolen is of the value of $25, of assault and battery with intent to kill, or of assault with a deadly weapon, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and Bhall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor for a term not exceeding ten years nor less than two years, in ths discretion o the orart hav ing jurisdiction thereof. Larceny, when the val ue thereof is less than $25, shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor for a term not exceed ing one year in the discretion of the court Jnfteenth. The Governors of North and South Carolina shall have authority within their juris dictions respectively to reprieve or pardon any person convicted and sentenced by a civil court and to remit fines and penalties. Sixteenth. Nothing in this order shall be con strued to restrain or prevent the operation of pro ceedings in bankruptcy in accordance with the acts of Congress In such cases made and provided for witn the collection of any tax, impost, excise or charge levied by authority of the United States, or of the provisional trovernments of North and South Carolina ; but no imprisonment for ovei due taxes" shall be allowed, nor shall this order oi any law of the provisional governments of North and South Carolina operate to deny to minor chil dren or children coming of age or their represen tatives, nor to suspend as to them any right of ac tion, remedy or proceeding against executors, ad ministrators, trustees, guardians, masters, or clerks of equity courts, or other officers or persons holding a fiduciary relation to the persons or the subject of the action or proceeding. beventeenth. Any law or ordinance heretofore in force in North or South Carolina inconsistent with the provisions of this General Order is here by suspended and declared inoperative. ' liy command of Major-Gen. D. E. Sickles, J. W. CLOUS. Capt. 38th U. S. Infantry, A D. C. and A. A A. G. LAW BOOKS FOR SALE ! We have the following LAW BOOKS for sale : STEPHEN ON PLEADING, 2 copies. CHITTY'S BLACKSTONE. JONES' LAW REPORTS, vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4. IREDELL'S LAW REPORTS, vol. 9. DIGEST, 2 vols. JONES' 3 vols. These Books have been somewhat used and can be had at a bargain. jnl 12 NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY. L.VTO The origin of MINT JULEP, Being the sad Story and I amen table fate of the fair Mjnthe. A HUMOROUS POEM. A few copies of this popular Poem still on baud. J Seut by mail, post paid on receipt of fifty cents. NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY, jnl .12 tf. Raleigh, N. C. v THE RUKAL GENTLEMAN, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, PUBLISHED, BT J. 33. ROBINSON & CO. Office, No. Devoted to . 2 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore Md. Do rticulture. In this Department we give a practical experience. Floriculture. We give especial attention to this branch of Rural life. Fruit Growing. Upon this subject we wiil give yon the licnefit of the practical experience of the best fruit growers. Stoch Raising . This Department will have able articles from writers of experience. Agricultvre. We devote much pains to give thoughts that wiH aid the young and old. Houselceeping . The good receipts. housewife will find many valuable TERMS One copy, ono year, in advance, - - $1.00 KW Energetic Canvassers wanted Everywhere. To whom 25 per cent commission will be allowed. For further information, address as above, en closing stamp. jul 19-tf X7"YERS BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN, (formerly A. Bolmar's,) AT WEST CHESTER, PA Within thirty miles from Philadelphia. Seven daily trains from that city. Situation very healthy ; the grounds cover 24 acres ; the buildings accom modating 150 boarding pupils, but the number is limited to 100. Course of Instruction thorough, extensive, and practical. Corps of Instructors large and able, The scholastic year of ten months commences on the First Wednesday in SEPTEMBER next. For Catalogues, apply to WM. F. WYERS, A. M. jul 23-w&sw2m. Principal and Proprietor. rpERWILLIGER & CO., , Manufacturers of the IMPBOVBD TRIPLE FLANGE Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES, With Combination and Powder-Proof Locks. Warranted free from Dampness. Manufactory, 180 to 192 West Houston St. Depot, 100 Maiden Lone, near Pearl St. jnl 26. ' New York, 7 : " . bateJ or advertising. One Bqusre, Ant htsertton, $1 00 " - each mbaequent lnaertioa,.. 60 One duare, three itontha, 6 00 " M six months, .....10 00 " " twelvemonth,.,... IS 00 Two squares, three! months,.. .10 00 " - six mdntas,. 1500 twelve months, 25 90. One column, twelv months, auo 00 Braines Cards, duel square or loss, per Tear, 8 00 Advertisements net specified as to time, published till ordered out and ohafged accordingly. All advertisement considered due Cram first Insertion and collectable accordingly. JOHN KICH0L8. J0UK C. GOEMAJsi JOHN ii; KEATIIEBT. JICHOLS, GORMAN St NEATHERY PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOB PE1NTERS, BINDERS AND BL1IK-B0QK ffl A CF ACTLUERS RALEIGH, N. C. The proprietors of this popular establishment (one pf the most complete in the south) give their entire attention to the prompt and artistic execu- tion of BOOK AN D JOB PRINTING. Their stock of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPERS, CARDS, &e., is large and varied, and having been pur chased at wholesale prices, for cash, can be fur nished their patrovs much cheaper than the same material ean be bofight from retail dealers. ATTORNEYS, CONSTABLES, CLERKS, and SHERIFFS furnished at short notice with BLANKS of every description ; also MINUTE DOCKETS, TRIAL DOCKETS, P EXECtTTION DOCKETS, MARRIAGE REGISTERS, ADMINISTRATOR'S BOND BOOKS, GUARDIAN BOND BOOKS, TAX BOOKS, fijc, etc., Ruled to any patent and Bound to order. t I SCHOOL and COLLEGE CATALOGUES, CIRCULARS, REPORTS, DIPLOMAS, etc., gotten up in a tasty style. OLD BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, I MUSIC, PERIODICALS, LAW REPORTS, etc. Bound in any 6t jle. i Publishers and Agents for the sale of BATTLE'S DIGEST and PHILLIPS' SU- PREME COU REPORTS. THE YABBROUGH HOUSE, i ! - iFaycttevUlc Street, RALEIGH, N. C, T Have the pleasure of announcing to my friends 1 JL and the travelling public, that I have leased the i YARBBOUGII HOUSE, I for a termlof yeari The house will be RepAIXTED and FlfRSISHED with new and elegant furniture at once. 4 I return sincere; thanks to my patrons for their very kind and liberal patronage, received while in charge of the EXCHANGE HOTEL in this city. I promise that the Yarbrongh House shall nave no snperior in thd South. J. M. BLAIR. 14tf j JcMresrji Monthly Magazine, 1'5IVKCSalXT ACKNOWLllHJKD THS MODEL, PARLOjlt MAGAZINE OT AMERICA. ture nd Model CrtUgcs, Household Mature, flemg of Thought, Personal and Liter ry Gossip, (Including spe cial departments 00 rasnions, instructions 011 ncuiui. Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amusements etc., all by the best authors, ad profusely and artisti cally Illustrated wits costly Engravings, full site, useful and reuADie i-wxema, r.muruiw3ri?, ouw a wustmui. cesshm ef artistic novelties, with other 'useful and enter taining literature. I No person of refinement, economical housewife or lady of taste, Can afford to do without the Modol Monthly. Sinale copies 80 cants; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents: either mailed hw. Ysarly $8, with a valuable premium; two copies f 5 00; three copies i.ow, nve cupie $12, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the first premiums to eah subscriber. AddrCM V7. JENNINGS DEMOREST, I No. 4T8 Broadway, New York. PcMoresfs Monthly and Young America together, $4 with the premiums for each, aug 18-t