A- pester. mm i jVlK ''V' 'T V'k'Sll IX JJjJ j-' i 1 '. hi V" V'i h Published Semi-Weekly and Weekly by HELPER & CHAPIN PKOPBIBTORB. TERMS OF SUBSOBIPTIO!. PAID INVARIABLY IN A D VANCE., BEMI-WEEKLY, single copy, per annum, WEEKLY, " " t " .$4 00 S 00 3 SO a oo " to clnM vi nva, un m - " often or more, ki the rmtc of. SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY Family and Political Newspaper, CONTAIN TIIE LATEST NEWS, LATEST MARKET REPORTS, POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE, DOMESTIC RECEIPES, HINTS ON AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, STOCK RAISING, INTERNAL REVENUE DECISIONS, GENERAL ORDERS, and a large amount of USEFUL AND MISCELLANEOUS HEADING. 0 TERMS : DAILY, siDgle copy per an nam, . $9 00 SEMI-WEEKLY, single copy per annum, 4 00 WEELY, 8 00 to dubs of live, at the rate of 2 SO " of tenor more, at the rate of. ... 3 00 Send for Specimen Copies. EJ DANIEL R. G00DL0E, Editor. IIELPEKJ' & C II A P I N PROPRIETORS. Raleigb, Aujrust 16, 1807. r.V TUG RALEIGH REGISTER New Series. QEEAT NATIONAL Double Track Route TO THE WEST. BALTIMORE & OHIO AND RALEIGH ! AND GASTON RAILROADS. ; Persons wishing to Travel or Emigrate to the Western or Sooth Western States from this part of North Carolina, are informed that permanent arfangements have been made between the above Bail Roads, by which Passengers can obtain THROUGH TICKETS, at the Office of the Raleigh land Gaston Rail Road at Raleigh, to $T. LOUIS, Mo., CINCINNATI, OJiio, 1 CHICAGO, Illinois, INDIAN APOLIS, Ind., CLEVELAND, Ohio, ST. JOSEPH, Mo., I CAIRO, Illinois, Memphis, Tenn., UI VILhE, Ky., MIL WA UKIE, Wis., DETROIT, Michigan, PITTSBURG, Pa. . ., KANSAS CITY, Mo. i COLUMBUS, Ohio, i and ALL Western and South Western Cities. Passengers going West from Raleigh via the Baltimore & Ohio Roil Road, can either take the route via Portsmouth and Bay Line of Steamers to Baltimore, or the route via Richmond & Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail Road to Wash ington City, where close connections are made with three Daily Express Trains on the Balti more & Ohio Rail Road for all Western Cities, leaving as follows : Leave Baltimore, i Hail Train, 8.45, A. M. Fast Line, 5.20, P. M. Express Train, 9.45, P. M. ' Leave Washington City, Mail Train, 7.45, A. M. Fast Line, 430, P. M. Express Train, 8.45, P. M. The advantages of this line over all others in Palace State-Room Day and Night Cars, Saving ip Time and Distance, and so few changes of Cars combine to render this the mo6t pleasant and de sirable route, especially to Families, or Ladies travelling alone. There being but one chanire of . Cars between Baltimore, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and but two to ct. JUmis, Uairo, Chicago and tjhe principal Cities West and South, j From five to ten dollars will Ihj saved by pur chasing through tickets, besides a great deal of annoyance at Points where Cars and Baggage are changed, whereas Passengers holding tirough tickets will get their baggage checked tiirough, and all transfers of Passengers and Baggage are made without any additional expense to the Pas senger, except the cost of through tickets. Pas sengers on through tickets can stop at any point on the route, as through tickets are good until ysed. Passengers leaving Raleigh, Saturday morning, will not be detained at Baltimore or Washington on Sunday ; they will tuke thc Fast Line for the West in the afternoon. LARGE PAR TIES and FAMILIES, wishing (o emigrate to the Western and Souths Westtm States, should address me, several weeks before Starting, ns a reduction will be made to Parties of ten full Passengers and upwards, if timely notice is given, besides receiving all further information. ! For through Tickets, apply to J. M. Pool, Gen. Ticket Agt., or to Ticket Agent Raleigh & Gas ton Rail Road, Raleigh, N. C. j LOUIS ZEVLMER, ! , Gen'l. Southern Ag't., t I Bait. &. Ohio R. R. j i JOHN L. WILSON, ! j Master of Transportation L. Mi COLE, B. &. O. R. R. ! Gen'l Ticket Agent. I B. & O. R. R. july 81-3m. PROSPECTUS OF THE WESTERN CHRONICLE, ncolnton, North Carolina. - To the People of Western North Carolina : ! The loyal Union party of Western North Car olina have long felt the need of a thoroughly loyal Republican paper, to advocate their cjaims, bnd coritend for that freedom of speech so lone denied ns by the enemies of the Union, who, when their cause failed, scarcely hoixxl that their lives Mould be spared, now encouraged by the "policy" pi Andrew Johnson, use every means in their power,! by falsehood and misrepresentation, to jniake our friends in Congress believe that no loyal element exists in the State, and that a general am nesty is necessary to insure peace and quiet to par section ; while the trutn is, it would be the initiatory step to scenes of crime and bloodshed. 1 1 nc jeople, we say, of the Western portion of the ittute have long suffered in public opinion for the want of a souud, unbiased loyal press to refute these vile Blunders and hurl hack the abusive epi thets bestowed upon us. We propose to supply the desideratum, and earnestly ask. the co-opera tion of every true lover of his country in our ef forts to aid in securing peace, justice, lilierty and equality to all deserving those inestimable privi leges. Let every man put his shoulder to the wheel, and we shall soon see again the laws of our country obeyed and its supporters honored, instead of the oin grumbling and undisguised hatred of that particular class of reltels, who, while support ing with all their influence the cause of their mis taken ami ambitious leaders, yet took very good care to get themselves into fat offices somewhere in the rear of the contending armies. In the absence oi ready money with winch to embark in the enterprise, we propose to our fel low-citizens, one and all, tha following plan by which a paper can be established : Let every man subscribe and exert himself to the utmost to ob tain subneribers and the money in advance, and as soon us we get 500 names with the accom panying $2 each, we shall at once purchase the requisite material, new from the foundry, and, at the earliest possible day, issue the first nnmlier of the paper. We have conversed with several pro minent gentlemen, ana have received asbnranccs of their iaid and supiiort. Let every man do his part, and the work is accomplished. The paper will be calleU the WESTERN CHRONICLE, and will beja thoroughly Union Journal: and a staunch supporter of Republican principles. It will be mailed to subscnlers at the low ratq of Two Dollars per j annum, which was the old-jtimc price of a weekly newspater. V e placet ithus low that every family mar take one of theirl ouyn, and not depend on borrowing their neighbor s, as well as to encourage our colored citizens) fwho now have equal rights before the law, to know and understand the events that are transpiring around them, and whose duty it is to see ana, read ior themselves. We pledge that the Chronicle shall be a paper that every man may read with profit to himself, both wiite and black if they love their countrv ami heij laws. The Publishers "tieing practical printers, guarantee the general appearance of the paper, ivhile the Editorial Department will reflect wnatevjer judgment and ability they may possess W e ask the Inends of Law and Order to inter est themselves in liehalf of this enterprise. Send in as mjany names as possible immediately, so as to issue tne nrst number at an early day. All jcommunications and subscriptions should be addressed to J. C. BOMAR & CO., Publishers, Lincolnton, N. C. pOBj SALE- A RUGGLES ROTARY CARD & BILL-HEAD PRESS, in good order, and will dp excellent work, for sala low. Size bf bed. inside chase. 4 1-2 by I 6 inches. NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY. semi-week: RALEIGH, JMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. EVERY YOUNG MAN deeiront to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education, should attend the old es tablished PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE and NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, Corner Baltimore and Charles Streets, Baltimore, Md. Founded yx 1862. Chaxtibkd is 1854. THE ONLY INCORPORATED INSTITUTION Of the kind In the Bute of Maryland. THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE OF BALTLMO&I. THE ONLY COLLEGE IF MARYLAND Which has Introduced the system of actual business practice to any extent. SPLENDID BANKS, BUSINESS HOUSES AND OFFICES in successful operation. Every Student becomes a Merchant, Book-keeper and Banker, and goes through with the whale business routine of Buying and Selling, Shipping, Importing, fc., &c. THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE UNITED STATES. Every Young Man should write immediately for our large Illustrated College Journal, contain ing Terms of Tuition and full particulars, which will be sent by return mail free of charge, with samples of Money, Commercial and Business Papers and Beautiful Specimens of Spencerian Penmanship Address E. K. LOSIER, Principal. jul 19-ly. . Baltimore, Md. gAlTTLE'S DIGEST. A Dijrest of all the Reported Clases, both in Law and Equity, determined in the Courts of North Carolina, from the earliest period to the year 1866. By William II. Battlk, a JudVe of the Supreme Court. 8 volumes Nk-hols, Gorman & Neatliery, Agents, Raleigh. Price William Eaton, (Author of Eaton's Forms) says : "I have examined, with care, a considerable portion of the work, and it affords me pleasure to express my very favorable opinion ao to its merits. The plan of your Digest, I regard as an excellent one, and I appre ciate, very highly, the learning, skin, taste and accura cy which you have exhibited in its execution. The work will be exceedingly convenient and useful, both to the Bar and Bench, and I hope that its patronage may be equal to its deeerts. Chief Justice Pearson and Judge Reade, of theSu; preme Court, say : We have had. in use, ever since its publication, last Fall, your admirable Digest of the decisions of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, from the foundation of the Court until this time. The arrangement is conven ient and the abstracts accurate : and we and the nrofes- sion are nnder'many obligations to you. We regard it as inainpensanie lotno proiesslon In this State. It should be in the library of every Lawyer." irum Judge f. f. morris, Philadelphia. : r 'I liaye looked over the Digest with great interest. and find it remarkable for the precision with which the point decided is stated, and for the assistance afforded the enquirer by the numerous heads introduced. The work is of interest to all Law Studentsand be must inval uable to North Carolina Practitioners and Jurists. HHLLLPS' REPORTS Of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, at the June Term. 1866. and Januarv Term, 1667. .Price Law & Equity, June Term, ... - f 2.00 - - Jany " .... 4.00 Address NICHOLS, GORMAN A NEATHERY. jul. IT tf. Agents, Raleigh, N. C. STETEWS HOUSE, 21, 23, 24 fc 27 Broadway, New York. Opposite Bowling Green, On the European Plan, TIIE STEVENS HOUSE, is well and widely known to the travelling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city is on the highway of Southern and W estern travel and adjacent to all the prin cipal Railroad and Steamboat depots. HIE MKVliJNS liULSK has liberal accom modation for over 300 guests it is well furnish ed, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. I he rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with gas and water the attendance is prompt and respectful and the table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the season at mod erate rates. ihe rooms having been refurnished and re modeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. OHASE & CO., 23-tf Proprietors, LAW BOOKS FOR SALE ! We have the following LAW BOOKS for sale STEPHEN ON PLEADING, 2 copies. CHITTY'S BLACKSTONE. JONES' LAW REPORTS, vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4. IREDELL'S LAW REPORTS, vol. 9. DIGEST, 2 vols. JQNES' 3 vols. These Books have been somewhat used and can be had at a bargain. jnl 12 NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY. "UST PUBLISHED. TURNER'S U- FOR 0. ALMANAC, 18C8. We are now prepared to furnish the above Almanacs to Booksellers, Merchants and Dealers, in anv quantitv. Orders will be promptly filled at $8 per hun dred, or $75 per thousand. WILLIAMS & LAiHIJfcTll, Booksellers and Stationers, sep 6-tf . m Raleigh, N. C. EXCHANGE HOTEL, RALEIGH, N, This Hotel having been re-built, in part, 20 rooms having been completed and neatly fur nished, will be re-opened for the traveling public, on THIS DAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD. The old friends of the former Exchange, and the public generally, are cordially invited to call and see, and be entertained with Good Accommodations, Good Fare, on Moderate Terms. W. H. CUNINGGIM, sep 8-1 w. Proprietor. N. C, SEPTEMBER 24, 1867. RECONSTRUCTION. 8 UPPLEMENTAR TRECONSTR UCTION BILL AS PASSED BY BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That it is hereby declared to have been the true intent and meaning of the act of the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, en titled an act for the more efficient government of the rebel States, and of the? act supplementary thereto, passed on the 23d. daj of March, in the year 1867, that the governments then existing in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana " Florida, Texas and Arkansas, were il legal and void, and thereafter the same govern ments, if continued, were to be continued subject in all respects to the Military Commanders of the respective Districts and to the authority of Con gress. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the commander of any district named in said act shall have power, subject to the approval of the Gen eral of the armies of the United States, to have effect till disapproved, whenever in the opinion of such commander the proper administration of said act shall require it, to suspend or remove from office, or from the performance of official duties and the exercise of official powers, any officer or person holding or exercising, or pro fessing to hold or excercise, any civil or military office or duty in such district, under any power, election, appointment, or authority derived from or grunted by, or claimed under any so-called State or the government thereof , or any munici pal or other division thereof, and upon such sus pension or removal such commander, subject to the approval of the General aforesaid, shall have the power to provide from time to time for the performance of the said duties of such officer or person so suspended or removed by the detail of some competent officer or soldier of the army or by the appointment of some other person to per form the same and to fill vacancies occasioned by death, resignation or otherwise. Sec 3. And be tt furtlier enactea, mat the General of the armies of the United States shall be invested with all the powers of suspension, removal, appointment and detail granted m the preceding section to district commanders. Sec 4. And it be further enacted, mat the acts of the officers of the army already done in removing in snid districts persons exercising the functions of civil officers and appointing others m their stead are hereby confirmed ; provided that any person heretofore or hereafter appointed by any district commander to exercise the functions of any civil office may be removed, either by the military officer in command of the district or by the General of the army ; and it shall be the duty of commanders to remove from office, as aforesaid, all persons who axe disloyal to the gc vernmcnt of the United States, or who nse their omcial influence in any manner to hinder, delay, prevent Or obstruct the due and proper administration of this act, and the acts to which this is supplementary. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, mat the boards of registration provided for in the act en titled " an act supplementary to an act entitled 4 an act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,' " passed March 2,eighteen hun dred and sixtv-seven, shall have power, and it shall be their duty, before allowing registration of anv person, to ascertain upon such facts or lnfor mation as they can obtain, wbether such person is entitled to be registered under said act, and the oath required by said act shall not be conclusive on such question, and no person shall be registered vnless such board shall decide that he is entitled thereto ; and such board shall also have power to examine under oath (to be administered by any member of such board) any on touching the qualification of any person claiming registration But in every case of a refusal by the beard to reg ister an applicant, made in every case herein after provided, the Iward shall make a note or memoran dum, which shall be returned with the registration list to the commanding Generals of the Districts, setting forth the ground of such refusal, or such striking from the hit : Jfrovided, that no person shall bo disqualified, as a member of any board of retristration, by reason of race or color. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the true intent and meaning of the oath prescribed in said supplementarv act wuamoBg other things) that no per-nywho ha been a member of the Legislature v. my State or who has held any ex ecutive or judicial office in any State, whether he has taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States or not, and whether he was holding such office at the commencement of the rebellion or had held it before, and who has after ward engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof, is entitled to be registered or to vote; and the words "executive or judicial office in any State in said oath mentioned shall be con strued to include all civil offices created by law for the administration of the treneral law of the State, or for the administration of justice. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the time for completing the original registration pro vided for in said act may, in the discretion of the commander of any district, be extended to the 1 st day of October, 1867 ; and the boards of regis tration shall have power, and it shall be their duty, commencing fourteen days prior to any election under said act, and upon reasonable pub lic notice of the time and place thereof, to revise for a period of three days the registration lists and uixn being satisfied that any person not enti tled thereto has been registered, to strike the name of such person from the list. And such board shall also, during the same period, add to such registry the names of all persons who at that time possess the qualifications required by said act who have not beenalready registered, and no person shall at anv time be entitled to be registered or to vote by reason of any executive pardon or amnesty for any act or thing which, without such pardon or amnesty, would disqualify him from registration or votmg. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That section 4 of the said last named act shall be construed to authorize the commanding general named therein, whenever he shall deem it needful, to remove any member of a board of registration, and to appoint another person in his stead, and to till any vacancy in such board. Sec. 9. That all members of said Boards of Retristration and all persons hereafter elected or appointed to office in said military districts, under anv so-called State or municipal authority or by detail or appointment ef the District Commanders, shall be required to take and subscribe to the oath of office prescribed by law for officers of the United States. Sec. 10. That no District Commander or mem ber of the Board of registration or any of the officers or appointees acting under them shall be bound in his action by any opinion of any civil officer of the United States. Sec. 11. That all the provisions of this act, and the acts to which this is supplementary, shall be construed liberally, to the end that all the intents thereof mav be fully and perfectly carried out. This bill" has been passed by both Houses of Congress and sent to the President for his ap proval. YATSOX'S GALLERY, PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored in Oil. PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored in Water Colors. PHOTOGRAPHS, in India Ink. PHOTOGRAPHS, in Pastell. - PHOTOGRAPHS Large. PHOTOGRAPHS. Small. IVORYTYPES, Porcelain Pictures. AMBROTYPES. FERREOTYPES. All execntuted with neatness and dispatch at Watson's Gallebt. Raleigh. IS. U. jull2-ly EDITION. PLATFORM OF THE NATIONAL UNION REPUBLICAN PARTY. The delegates representing the loyal people of North Carolina, assembled in Convention in the city of Raleigh, on the 5th day of September, 1867, for the purpose of perfecting and strength ening the organization of the Republican Party in the State, and in order to aid in the great work of preserving and perpetuating this Union : Resolve, That the Republican party in North Carolina reaffirms the principles enunciated in the Convention of true Republicans which assembled in this city on 27th day of March, and does fully accept, adopt and sustain the principles and measures of the Republican party of the United States. 2nd, The confiscation of private property for political offences, is repugnant to Repub lican liberty and ought not to be resorted to, except ob nu uicwcuuuj uecesiufcy lu save we lire oi tne nation, after all other means have been tried; and the Republican party in North Carolina does not consider that the present condition of ronblic affairs justifies the confiscation of private prop erty, and hopes that no such necessity will arise. 3rd, In order to carry into effect the prin ciples of universal liberty and civil and political equality, every male citizen of the age of twenty one years ought to be allowed to vote in all pop ular elections, and be freely admitted to the ballot box, unrestrained by compulsion, threats or vio lence : and such are of the requirements of the proposed constitutional amendment, so far as it relates to the question of suffrage. 4W, l hat while the Republican party m North Carolina faithfully and energetically bus tains the policy of Congress on the subject of reconstruc tion, and will spare no effort to secure, under it, the restoration of the State to the Union, it is nevertheless constrained to call the attention of Congress to the continuance of the disfranchise ment and disability now imposed upon thousands of true and loyal citizens, while as many thousands of the devotees of treason and of continued schemes against the peace and integrity of the republic as are invested with the full powers and franchises of citizenship, which they are using, to frustrate the efforts of those who are labor ing, thus trammelled, to perpetuate the Union, to place the national peace and safety on a sure foundation and render eternal the great and correct principles of Union, liberty and equality. 5th, That the President of the Convention, immediately after its adjournment, by and with the advice and consent of the Republican Execu tive Committee of the State, shall -appoint a com mittee of loyal and well informed citizens, to con sist of not less than one from each Congressional district, to urge upon Congress to remove, within just and safe limits, the disability complained of in the above resolution, in time, if possible to Hntrammel the efforts of true and loyal men in the approaching elections, or as soon as it can be judiciously done, and that authority is hereby given to sai l committee to speak for the repub lican party in North Carolina as to the limits and conditions within which the removal of such disa bility can be safely and justly applied in this State. FARRAR & CO., RALEIGH N Now offers for sale a New Stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS, BIBLES and TESTAMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, Latest NOVELS and NOVELETS, SLATES and PENCILS. Standard POETICAL WORKS, LAW BOOKS Fine ENGRAVINGS, Framed to Order, SOUTHERN HARMONIES, PRESBYTERIAN PSALMODY'S, BAPTIST HYMN BOOKS, METHODIST HYMN BOOKS, DIAMOND DICKENS, BEECHENBROOK, PHOTOGRAPH BIBLES, North Carolina Form Books, Cantwell's Justice. We are Agents for SleuFs Celebrated PIANOS. fST' Blank Books Ruled and Bound to order. Orders from a distance promptly attended to jnl 2 -3m BRANSON, j AKRAK & CO. D. W. C. BENBOW, HAS JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE he has ever had. DRY GOODS, HATS and SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, HARNESS MAKER'S MATERIAS in end- less varietv. GLAZIER'S MATERIALS full supply. PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS sup ply extraordinary. GLASS OF ALL SIZES A LAROER sup ply than usually kept in this market Peruvian Guano, Raw Bone Phosphate Lime, Plaster, and Plows. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. SHEETING, COTTON YARN, SNUFF, NAILS, CANDY, bMUxaJUSK TOBACCO. All for Sale at Wholesale or Retail. PAPER HANGINGS. WINDOW SHADES. &c AL80 AGENT FOR Wheeler & Milleck's Thrasher & Cleaner. P. S. His Store at at Jamestown is well sup plied with all the above varieties, at same prices as sold at, in Greensboro. WANTED, AGENTS. $250 per month the year round, or 900 percent Profit on Commission. We guaranty the above salary or commission to active industrious agents ar thfiir own homes, to introduce an article of m- riiarnhlnr,ilitv in everv household. For full particulars call on, or address G. W. JACKSON & CO. sep 3-w4w 11 South St, BaltimoreMd. T I ERWHJJGER & CO., Manufacturers of the IMPROVED TRIPLE FLANGE Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES With Combination and Powder-Proof Locks. Warranted free from Dampness. Manufactory, 180 to 192 West Houston St. Depot, 100 Maiden Lane, near Pearl St jnl 26. New York. Vol. l.-No. 21. TO SHIPPERS. NORTH CAROLINA. STATE RAILWAY LINXS, Tthat rmn to ii! T11 OLD RALEIGH & GA8TON RAILROAD, . SHORTEST, OTJICKE8T, SAFEST AND BEST Lh?t NORTH! ASUX SOUTH, TO BK LEFT OUT IN THE COLD UNLESS SHIPPERS SPECIALLY BAY VIA B. & O. R. R! i Wa inaugurated and are th GREAT TBSOVOS INLAND AIM USB S0JJTM "r " 4r bt .unereat in this KOid-Mberebr South, than any other line. Notice. The Great Inland Air Line Freight Route, via THE RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD ts the Short Line for Shippers, and io direct your Freight, or they will 1 route. 'on are required so e taken by another To insure or City Point, Va., via Raleigh , Gaston Railroad', and a; snip as luiiuws I J1"0 , '7-Mercnant8' Miners' Line, end of Central Wharf, E. Sampson, Agent. JT llm aHJLW TURK OIH TWtrrtr, QAAM.u.. Cp-SWppirig Point, Pier 37, North River, Foot BeecE President. weenwicn t., cor. Dey; N. L, McCready, fltUJU JTH1L.A I) Kl. P HI A f TTi A n i , T ' "u"8 mo .Baltimore iepot, or o I 8 oieanieraUM Delaware Avenue,: W. P. Clyde. Agent T ' jbum ji4jytiMORK;-Blmjr Steam Packet Y"- 1 ""c oieauiem, root union Dock, L. B. Parks Agent, or Powhatan Stakmhnut n m ihh aft1 . ! wig9-tf Preight Agent, Raleigh, N.'c. J'HE RURAL GENTLEMAN, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, rVBLISBZD BY J. 13. -uoBiNsoisr & co. . 2 N. Eutaw Street. Baltimore Md. Office, No. Devoted to Ho rtieulture. In this Department we give a practical experience. Floriculture We give especial attention to this branch of Rural life. Fr U it G r 0 u n g. Upon this subject we.wiil give yon the benefit of tne practical experience of the best Fruit growers. Stock Raising . This Department will have able articles from writers of experience. Ag r icultvr e . We devote much Bains to give thoughts that will aid the young and old. uiu.c,eejy. The good housewife will find many valuable receipts. TERMS One copy, one year, m advance, - - $1.00 Bgjaergetic Canvassers wanted Everywhere. To whom 25 per cent commission will be allowed. ror further information, address as above, en closing stamp. iull9-tf N T I C E AM RECEIVING and opening and constantly adding to my STOCK OF GOODS ' On the corner of East Market and Davie Streets, better known as the Rankin & Mc'Lean Corner, GREENSBORO, N. C. My GOODS are ALL NEW and well selected .and consist of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, . GROCERIES, 1 B001S, SHOES HATS, LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS, in short Everything usually kept in this Market Thankful for past patronage, I ask a continu ance of the same. Call and see, before purchas ing. Terms exclusively CASH OR BARTER. There is a hitching lot, at the end of my store, for the accommodation of my country customers 20-ly S. STEELE. N. F. BURHAM'S CELEBRATED French Jonval Turbine Witter? Wheel, This WHEEL, the Greatest Invention of the age, surpasses all other wheels in power,onomy of water, and steadiness of run, simple iu con struction and a masterpiece of workmanship. It is not liable to trot out of order, and from its position in the flume is accessible at all times. It is cheaper than any other wheel (of the same weight and finish) in market. r3S Send for circular. . Persons ordering these Wheels can have them nut ud bv most competent workmen at a j small cost. Address all orders to E. H. C HESTERM AN, Millwright and Engineer, Richmond, Va. aug 3rw3ml Sole Agent for Va. & N. C. TRrNHNG PRESS FOR SALE A No. 4 Washington Hand Press second hand but in good order for sale low. Address, HELPER & CHAPIN. mz 13-tf Raleigh, N. C. -n TE. " ' j. uauvu, ior au lime lo come, tWUOf HUitkiM Mtoaitatfagly lar that can and Will five more dlanath tn on ri,; x--7v T - "v fviuw, xwrui oiiu RATES OP ADVEETISnrO. One aqnare, flwt lnertloii,....:.l'.!.V.,'.;. .$1 00 so vuo quints, , tore mo&uuk.. j " '1 lx monthiTT... ' " '1 twin wmhn i ., ( . :f;v ;.& is oo Two square, Uirae months,.. .10 00 " twelTa liWUlll.,.,,,..,,..!! Jl" . .16 00 monttM, 1.; . ; .; 28 80 "jf. , One column, twetoe tuuieM uuaa, one qnare or lesC, perytr,.v 8 00 auioruKUieuiB not mente not spedned aa to time, published tUl and charged acoordinly. -iaemenW ooaaidred doe from fin ineertkm Ordered out and chari All advertiaementa tod collectable accordingly. JOHN KICHots., JOHN C GORMAN. VJPHN B. XBATHKEY. jVflCHOLS, GORMAN St NEATHEEY j-ks- I PHAcncjn BOOK AND JOB PB1NTEES, 1 - BINDERS AND 8L11IK-B0 0 E II A X lj r i C-T VEER RALEIGH, Nt p. The nroDrietors of this nninlir AnfAhlisbinATit (one of the most complete in the south') trive their entire attention to the prompt and artistic execu tion 01: book: and job 'RLNTLNG. Their stock of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPERS, CARDS, &c. is large and varied, and havinc been pur chased at wholesale prices, for cash, can be f ur- ! 1 1 i 1. j , 1 1 . 1 .1 msneu meir pairuns mucn cneeper man tne same material can be bought from retail dealers. . . ATTORNEYS, CONSTABLES, CLERKS, Hud SHERIFFS furnished at short notice with! BLANKS of every description; also MINUjTE DOCKETS, TRIAL DOCKETS, EXECUTION DOCKETS MARRIAGE REGISTERS, ADMINISTRATOR'S BQND BOOKS, GUARDIAN BOND BOOKS, TAX ROOKS, &c, fcc, Tinlfvl in tiiv nntem and Bound to ordnr. 1 SCHOOL : and COLLEGE CATALOGUES, CIRCULARS, REPORTS, DIPLOMAS, etc. gotten up in a fcaty style. OLD BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, MUSIC, PERIODICALS, LAW REPORTS, etc. Bound in any style. tW Publishers and Agcnte for the .sale of 1 : . . BATTLE'S DIGEST and PHILLP8, SU PREME COURT REPORTS. "YyERS BOARDIBfO SCIIOOI FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN, i (formerly A. Bolnifir'a,) ) i ! ; . i AT WEST C II E S T E R, f.P A., Within thirty miles from Philadelphia. Seven dailv trains from that city, Situation very healthy; ij'-; .wl.. OA iifraa tha hill Ifl In fra APnilW . !' modating 150 boarding pupils, but the n timber is ." , limited to 100.. VW. Course of Instruction thorough, extensive, and j; practical. Corps of Instructors large and able., . 1 ne scholastic year of ten months commences on the First Wednesday in ; SEFTEMBJSH 1 next. For Catalogues, apjdy to . : , WM. i. WYKKS, A. M. jul 23-w&sw2m. Principal and rWprietor. ) LIITO. The ontpn of MINT JULEP, Bemg the ml Story and Lamentable fate of the fair Mutthe. - A HUMORQUS POEM, copies of this popular Poem stall on' A few hand. Sent by mail, post paid on receipt oi, jtftt CENTS. s NIOWOTJ fiORMAN & HEATHER it U ' jnl .12-f-t Raleigh, N.-9i?; -; ATew Flour t New Flour IJj.j f First iqualitr of FLOUR from new wheat, jn received sou mjt bjuw i' "'X, . 1 1 ,'j-tr -'" -. t-.Tl ''- t', n