Published Semi-Weekly and Weekly by HELPER & CHAPIN FftOFSI B TOR 8 . TERMS OF SUBSOEIPTIOU.' PAID ISTABlABtT IN A D V A H C B BEMI-WEEKLT, single copy, per annum WEEKLY. " ' " v" , to club of Uve, at the rate of .$ PO 8 9 of ten 'or more, a toe rate of . '. . . 3 THE UALKIGII REGISTER DAIL SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY Family and Political Newspaper, CONTAINS TIIK LATEST NEWS, LATEST MARKET REPORTS, POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE, DOMESTIC KECEIPES, i HINTS ON AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, STOCK RAISING, INTERNAL (REVENUE DECISIONS, GENERAL ORDERS, and a large amount of USEFUL AND MISCELLANEOUS READING. TERMS : DAILY, single copy pet annum, 48 00 SEMI-WEEKLY, single copy per annum, 4 00 WEELY, 8 00 to clubs of five, at the rate of. a so of ten or more, at the rate of. S 00 tS' Send for Specimen Copies. DANIEL K, G00DL0E, Editor. IIELTER & C II A P t i; PROPRIETORS. i t frit". Kaleigly Anyust 16, 1867. New Series. kQREAT NATIONAL Double Track Route THE WEST. TO BALTIMORE & OHIO AND RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROADS. Persona Trailing to Travel or Emigrate to the Western or South Western States from this part of North Carolina, are informed that permanent arfangemeuts have been made between the above Hail Roads, bv which Passengers can obtain THROUGH TICKETS, at the Office of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road at Raleigh, to ST. LOUIS, Mb., CINCINNA TI, Ohio, CHICAGO, Illinois, INDIANAPOLIS, Ltd., CLEVELAND, Ohio, ST. JOSEPH, Mo., CAIRO, Illinois, MEMPHIS, Tenn., LOUIVILLE, Ky., MIL WA UKIE, Wis., i DETROIT, Michigan, j PITTSBURG, Pa., KANSAS CITY, Mo. j COLUMBUS, Ohio, aid ALL Western and South Western Cities. I Passengers going West from Raleigh via the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road, can cither take the route via Portsmouth and Bay line of Steamers tol Baltimore! or the route via Richmond & Fjredcrickshurg and Potomac Rail Road to Wash- inrton City, where close connections are made with three Daily Express Trains on the Balti more & Ohio Rail Road for all Western Cities, leaving as follows : Leave Baltimore, Mail Train, 8.45, A. M. Fast line, 5.20, P. M. Express Train, 9.4.r, P. M. i Leave Washington City, Mail Train, 7.45, A. XL : ! Fast Line, 480, P. M. Express Train, 8.45, P. M. I The advantages of this line over all others in Palace Statc-ltoom Day and Night Cars, Saving in1 Time and Distance, and so few changes of Cars combine to render this the most pleasant and de sirable route, especially to Families, or Ladies travelling alone. There ling but one change of Cars between Baltimore, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and but two to St.. Louis, Cairo, Chicago and the principal Cities West and South. i From fine to ten dMirs will le saved by pur chasing through tickets, Icaidcs a great deal of annoyance at Points where Cars and Baggage are Lchaned, whereas Passengers holding through tickets will get their bag gags checked through, and all transf ers of Passengers and Baggage are made witliout any additioiud expense to the Pas scugcr, except the cost of through tickets. Pas sengers on through tickets can stop at any point on the route, as through tickets art good until used. Passengers leaving Raleigh, Saturday morning, will not be detained at Bui ti more or . Washington On Sunday ; they will take the Fast Line for the West in the afternoon. ' LARGE PAR TIES and FAMILIES, wishing tio emigrate to the Western and South Western States, should address me, several weeks lfore starting, as a reduction will I made to Parties of ten full Passengers and upwards, if timely notice is given, liesides receiving all further information. i or through Tickets, apply to J. M. Pool, Gen. Ticket Airt., or to Ticket Awnt Raleigh & Gas ton Rail Road, lialeigh, N. C. LOUIS ZIMMER, Gcu'l. Southern Ag't., Bait. & Ohio R. R. JOHN L. WILSON, Master of Transportation L. M. C( LK, B. &. O. R. R. Gen'l Ticket Agent. B. & O. R. R. july 81-3m. DROSPECTUS OF THE LL WESTERN flFROTTTOTE. Lincolnton, North Carolina. To the People of Western North Carolina: The loyal Union party of estern North Car olina have long felt the need of a thoroughly loyal licpublican paper, to advocate their claims, and contend for that freedom of speech so long denied us by the enemies of the Union, who, when their cause failed, scarcely hoped that their lives would be spared, now encouraged by the "policy iof Andrew Johnson, use every means in their :power, by falsehood" and misrepresentation, to mnkc oar friends in Congress believe that no loyal element exists in the State, and that a general am nesty id necessary to insure peace and quiet to lour section : while tne trutn is, it would be tne initiatory step to scenes of crime and bloodshed. The iteoulc, we &av, of the Western portion of the State liuve long suncrcu in public opinion tor tne watot of a sound, unbiased loyal press to refute these vile slanders and hurl tack the abusive epi thet liestowed upon us. We propose to supply the desideratum, and earnestly asit the co-opera tion of every true lover of his country m our ef forts to aid in securing peace, justice, liberty and equality to all deserving those inestimable privi leges. Let everv man put his shoulder to the wheel, anil wc shall soon see again the laws 01 our country obeyed and its supi)orteTs honored, instead of the oicn irruuiMing and undisguised hatred of that particular class ol rells, who, while support ing with all their influence the cause of their mis taken and ambitious leaders, yet took very good care to iret themselves into fat offices somewhere in the rear of the contending armies. In the alsence of ready money with which to embark in the enterprise, we propose to our fel- low-citiKcns, one and all, tha following plan by which a paiicr can lc cstuUished : Let every man subucribe and exert himself to the utmost to ob- tttin subscribers and Vie money in advance, and ns soon as we get "00 names with the accom panying $2 each,; we shall at once purchase the requisite material, new from the foundry, and, at the earliest possible day, issue the nrst number or the paper. We have conversed with several pro minent gentlemen, and have received assurances of their aid and support. Let every man do his part, and- the work is accomplished. The paper will be calleU the YYJSTJJiJtJX CHRONICLE, and will he a thoroughly Union Journal, and a Staunch supporter of Republican rintfijlcs. It will be mailed to subscribers at the ow rate of Two Dollars per annum, which was the old-time price of a weekly newspaper.- We place it thus low that every family may tatte one of tfieir otcn, und-not depend on borrowing their neighbor's Jaa well as to encourage our colored qtizcns, wno now nave equai ngms oeiore tne UIW, LU MIUW UI1U UUUUBUUIU tllC CICUU IUUI. MI U trnnspiring around thorny and whose duty it is to see and reuil for themselves We pledge that the Chronicle shall be a paper that every man may read with profit to himself, both white and black, if they love their country and her law. . The Publishers, being practical printars, guarantee the general appearance of the paper, while the Kditorial Department will reflect whatever judgment and ability they may possess. , We ask the. friends of Law and Order to inter est themselves in behalf of this enterprise.' Send in as many names as possible immediately, bo to issue the first number at an early day. AU tommuiiications and subscriptions should bo addressed to ' J. C. BOMAR & Ob.;1 Publishers, . 'p..1; : ' ' linoolntonN. C :T70R SALE,, i , o as .-AIlTt.i i, Iriaii -id. JL, . A RUGGLtS RQtARYljARD BOGHEAD PRESS, In good order, and will do1 excellent work, for sale low. Coze di oea, insiae'cnase, i-z Dy A !TUhnL lilCHOLS, GORMAN & FEATHERY. llALEidil -s E IvE I - IE E! L RALEIGH, "MFORTANT KNXOUNCEMENT. EVERY YOrjTfQ MATT desiroo to obtain a thorough Practical Basinets Education, abould attend the old es tablished PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE and NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, Corner Baltimore and Charles Streets, BAXTWOBB, lift Focxdbd w 1S52. Chabtxbxd ik 1864. THE ONLY INCORPORATED INSTITUTION Of the kind in the Bute of Maryland. THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE or baltcmobm. THE ONLY COLLEGE IF MARYLAND Which has introduced the ivitem of actual business praotica to any extent. SPLENDID BANKS, BUSINESS HOUSES AND OFFICES tn successful operation. ""G Every Student becomes a Merchant, Book-keeper and Banker, and goes throagh with the whole business routine of Buying and Selling, Shipping, Importing, Ac, fcc. THE MOST EXTENSIVE! AND MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE" UNITED STATES. Every Young Man should write immediately for our large Illustrated College Journal, contain ing Terms of Tuition and full particulars, which will be sent by return mail free of charge, with samples of Money, Commercial and Business Papers and Beautiful Specimens of Spencerian Penmanship Address E. K. LOSIER, Principal. jul 19-ly. Baltimore, Md. "RATTLE'S DIGEST. J A Diges of all the Reported Clases, both In Law and Equity, determined in the Court or North Carolina, from the earliest period to the year 186ft. By William II. Battle, a JndVe of the Supreme Court. 8 volume. Niohol, Gorman & Neathery, Agents, Raleigh. Price Yt iLUAX katox, (Author or Eaton's Forms says : I have examined, with care, a considerable nortioa of the work, aad it afford me pleasure to express my very favorable opinion a to it merits. The plan of your Dibbst, I regard as aa excellent one, and I appre ciate, very hlgnly, the learninr. sk.UL taste and - aocura- ey which you have exhibited In Its execution.' The work will be exceedingly convenient and useful, both to the Bar and Bench, and I hope that its patronage may be equal to Its desert. Chief Justice Pxabson and Judno Reads, of theSa. pre me Court, say : We have had, in use, ever since it publication, last Fall your admirable Digest of the decisions of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, from the foundation of the Court until this time. The arrangement is conven ient and the abstracts accurate ; aad we and the profes sion are under many obligations to you. We reyard it as lnaispensaoie to the profession in this Htate. It should be in the library of every Lawyer." .From Jndge r. f. Morris, Philadelphia. : "I have looked over the Digest with treat interest. and find it remarkable for the precision with which the point decided is staled, and for the assistance afforded the nqutnr by the numerous heads Intniilniirt Tne work la of Interest to all Law Students and be must inval uable to North Carolina Practitioners and Jurists. KLLLLPS' EEPOBTS Of Cases sreued and determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, at the June Term, 1S66, and January Term, 1S67. 1'rtoe Lw A Equity, June Term, ... - J2.00 - - jan'y - .... .w Address NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY, Jul. IT tt Agents, Raleigh, N. C. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 24 & 27 Broadway, New York. Opposite Bowling Green, On the European Plan, THE STEVENS HOUSE, is well and widely known to the travelling public The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the city is on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to all the prin cipal Railroad and d team boat depots. THE SnSVJtJNS HUUSE has liberal accom modation for oyer 300 guests it is well furnish ed, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. I he rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with gas and water the attendance is prompt and respectful and the table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the season at mod erate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and re modeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO., 23-tf Proprietors, LAW BOOKS FOR SALE ! We have the following LAW BOORS for sale STEPHEN ON PLEADING, 2 copies. C KITTY'S BLACKSTONE. JONES' LAW REPORTS, vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4. IREDELL'S LAW REPORTS, vol. 9. DIGEST, 2 vols. JONES' 3 vols. These Books have been somewhat used and can be had at a bargain. jul 12 NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY. TrrST .1 PUBLISHED. TURNER'S H. a ALMANAC, FOB 1868. We are now prepared to furnish the above Almanacs to Booksellers, Merchants and Dealers, in any quantity. Orders will lie promptly filled at 8 per hun dred; or $75 per thousand. WILLIAMS & LAMBETH, Booksellers and Stationers. Bcp 6-tf . Raleigh, N. C. JJXCHANGE HOTEL RALEIGH, N. C. nThia Hotel having been re-built, hi part, 20 rooms having been -completed, and neatly: fur nished, will be re-opened for the 'traveling public, efi THI8!DAYi SEPTEMBER 8RD.'. The old generally, are cordially invited to call and Bee, and be entertained with GoOD ACCO MMODATioim, i uood x ahe, on moderate itikms, - W. H. CUNLNGGIM, Proprietor. 1 sep 8-1 w. N. C, OCTOBER fphe Gr-reat Southern J BLOOD MEDICINE, 'DR. LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF ROSADALIS, A Safe and Certain Onre And the only one yet discovered for SCROFULA In all Its various forms, such as CONSUMPTION, in Its early stages ; ENLARGEMENT and ClckkAtiok of the QLAjroe, Jonrrs, Bovxa Km xkts and Utkbus ; CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, CHRONIC SORE EYES, &c, ALSO SYPHILIS, IN ALL ITS FORMS, DISEASES OF WOMEN, LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINT, PAIN IN THE BACK, IMPRUDENCE IN LIFE, GRAVEL, GENERAL ILL HEALTH ALL SISKASSS OF tHI Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. tST It thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor and bad taint, and restore the entire system to m healthy condition. It is perfectly harmless, never producing slightest injury. The ROSADALIS is hot a Secret Medicine. The articles from which It is made are published around each bottle, and it la naed and recommended by the Medical Faculty, wherever It ha been introduced, a a. LTv Itive and reliable Medicine lor Disease of the isiooa. ver and Kidneys. Used and Endorsed by the Leading Physicians everywhere it is known raxr-AHKD snr bt f J. J. LAWRENCE, in. D., Ciiemist, WILSOK.N.C. PRICE $1.50 PER, BOTTLE. For sale by all the principal Dmggist la tha United i ciaies am canaas. 3S Sent anywhere by express on receipt of price. BOLD AT WHOLX8AXX BT D. BARNES & CO., 81 Park Row, New York. OARR, BOYKIN & CO., 29 Hanover Street, Baltimore. K. WILLIS. Wilmington, N. C J. H. BAKER, 14 Roanoke Avenue, Norfolk, Va. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! , See that J.. J. LAWBENCK CO Is blew oa bottle and stamped on the cork. . -j-.ii.M-..'l 1 AB letters of Istqaaryf Aa, promptly answered. Auareas For sale by WILLIAM t HAYWOOD, 0ctl-4au : ::: 1 rr rra. i wneeier MiuecKs inrasaer suean6E. aaVLr(ri inna'J -Jm : ii-KtutJ AVTrT?" wf';"a) i 1 w ::,(.. lt.AmV"IWil!W - ... ... -j- j . . -,r ...f-u I -. rr: rfllirfilM ianl1 inn. 1 Jtnt in mrwl tirAetr . 'Ml'lil' H '.ft J; T.J"U11Ki H i'l'if onuai dim, Bonw. rejr w E E MS I l it EDTTIOlSr. 18, 1867. Alfred Williams. CM. Lambeth TIJLIAMS fc LAMBETU, ffo. 40 Fayetteyille St, Raleigh, K. C, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS Standard and Miscellaneous Works, Masonic Books, Jewels, regalia, Books on Stock and Agriculture, Stationery, Printing and Wrapping Papper, Printers supplies, ' " ' School and Office Requisites, Albums, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &c t We have the pleasure of informinsr our friends and the public taat we are now receiving a large and well selected stock of articles in our line, t recently purchased by one of the partners in New tne partners lnisew I York and Philadelphia, on the most favorable terms, which will enable ns to sell at lower prices than the same Goods have been sold in this market. We would call the particular attention of School Teachers and others to our stock of School Books, Bcnooi Jfeqnisites, &c All order teiU receive prompt attention, and at prices, we guarantee, to give satisfaction. Call on ns and examine oar stock at the Book "Store lately occupied by the M Field and Fireside.'' opposite tne new National Bank, jul 2-3m"l WILLIAMS & LAMBETH. THE YARBROUGH HOUSE, FayettevilleStreet, RALEIGH, JT. a, T Have the pleasure of announcing to my friends JL and the travelling public, that I have leased ' the YABBROTJGII HOUSE, fora term of years. The house will be Repaxctbd and Furnished with new and elegant furniture at once. ; I return sincere thanks to my patrons for then very kind and liberal patronage, received while in charge of the EXCHANGE HOTEL in this city. 1 promise that tne I arbrough House shall have no superior in the South. J. M. BLAIR. Htf rkv. c. w. WX8TBBOOK. . W. DB. W. X. ALBRIGHT. ALBRIGHT. yV'ESTBROOK NURSERIES) GREENSBORO, N. Westbrook & Co. The attention of the public is respectfully called to the large and well selected stock of FRUIT TREES, GRAPE VINES, SMALL FRUITS, HARDY EVERGREENS, and SHRUBBERY, Cultivated and for sale as these Nurseries and Gardens. Special attention is invited to a very large lot of CATAWBA GRAPE VINES, for vineyard planting. The quality of these Vines cannot be excelled, being grown from strong cuttings, and well rooted by thorough cultivation. The Senior Proprietor is the eldest son of the late S. W. Westbrook, the pioneer Nurseryman and Fruit Grower of the Southern States, and is thoroughly skilled in this department of Rural Enterprise, having been engaged ; in the Nursery business fifteen years. f A large portion of the "Old West-Green Nur series" is connected with this establishment, with several large bearing experimental Orchards of the best American and European Fruits. There fore the Proprietors are well informed as to the most suitable varieties for general cultivation. The Fruit tiade is quite profitable this season to many of our citizens, who have only small orchards, and domestic Wine making is on the increase. Who will make a paying investment in a large Marketing Orchard, or a surer one in large Vino yard of the best Wine Grape in the State, bearing regular and abundant crops every year r Send your orders to WESTBROOK & CO., Box 66, Greensboro, N. C Catalogues, with list of prices, names of varie ties, and a great deal or information, sent to all applicants who enclose a three cent postage stamp. Orders for Fall and early Winter planting solicited early, as the season for transplanting begins in November. JEJNK1JNS & JrEKKi, Agents, sep 13-2m Raleigh, N. C. D. W. C. BENBOW, HAS JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE he has ever had. DRY GOODS, HATS and SHOES, GROCERDZS, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, HARNESS MAKER'S MATERIAS in end- variety. GLAZIER'S MATERIALS fall supply. PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS sup ply extraordinary. GLASS OF ALL SIZES A LARGER sup ply than usually kept in this market. Peruvian Guano, Raw Bone Phosphate Lime, Plaster, and Plows, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. smarnNG, cotton yarn, snuff, NAILS, CANDY, ROPE, SMOKING ,i lr.M ;: TQBACCCv; .. ... ., . . All for Sale at Wholesale or Retail. PAPER HANGINGS!' ' "' i i i an i. u pii '-WINDOW -SHADES,; &a ; ALSO A-OKKT FOB , olied -with all the above varieUes. at same prices ' as sold at, in Greensbora k.i - I.t! Vol. l.-No. 28. TO SHIPPEES. NORTH CAROLINA. BOOTH, TO lS LEoA - SHIPPERS SPECIALLY SAT VIA R, A G. B. Rl W iBMifuratcd And are th " y QXAT TBSOUOB IKLAKD ATS ZJJfX BOUTS StuTwlKer1 -barotfnawm savinctte people fro. Taxation, for allS tom JXe"' nd we nnhesJnj dere thTt e Notice .n,. n r ? . -lTtuma Av freight RouUt, via THE RALEIGH GASTON BAlLROAD, ts the 8hort Line for Shippers, and you sr ran lorect your Freights, oXwKbj' required so anotber Wml!3fiP& W this Great ;fL. M,e'j direct roar consigners to mark EatoftV?? iH"?!. Porfsmoum. VtZ Z 2& L0,tY..r, Bieh & Gaston KaUroai and Iret" Greenwlch S eor.Dey; N. L McCrSSy! P.'ClydeTAgent ' - ' "-.yare Anae i W. V Df AST D M T MI . ' n irr !-lm Steam Packet . v n, ooi unlonltock. L. B. Parka AirenL, or rownatan KtPimkn.t r nr. t (v. a . k. vw,, n DUWk hart augS-tr t- C. R ALLEN, Prelght Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THE RURAL GENTLEMAN, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, L r-tTBusaiD si J. B. ROBINSON & CO. Office, No. 2 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore Md. Devoted to Horticulture. In this Department we give a practical experience. Floriculture. " We give especial attention to this branch of Rural life. Fr u i t Grow in a. Upon this subject we will give you the benefit of tne practical experience of the best Fruit growers, Stock Raiting . This Department will have able articles from writers of experience. Agricultvre. We devote much pains to give thoughts that will aid the young and old. Housekeeping. housewife will find many valuable TERMS: The good receipts. One copy, one year, in advance, - - f 1.00 Energetic Canvassers wanted Everywhere. To whom 25 per cent commission will be allowed. For further information, address as above, en closing stamp. jull9-tf N T I C E AM RECEIVING and orjeninir and nonsfcantlv adding to my STOCK OF GOODS On the corner of East Market and Davie Streets, better known as the Rankin & Mc'Lean Corner, GREENSBORO, N. C. My GOODS are ALL NEW and well selected and consist of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOO IS, SHOES d HATS, ' 4 LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS, in short EYeiTthiiig usually kept in this Market Thankful for past patronage, I ask a continu ance of the same. Call and see, before purchas ing. Terms exclusively CASH OR BARTER There is a Mtchimj lot, at the end of my store, I tor tne accommodation of my country Customers XO-iy S. STEELE. N. F. BURHAM'S CELEBRATED French JouthI Tnrbine Water Wheel, This WHEELy the Greatest Invention of the age, surpasses all other wheels in power, economy of water, and . steadiness of run, simple in con struction and a masterpiece of workmanship. It is not liable to get out of order, and from its position in the flume is accessible at all times.' ' It is cheaper than any other wheel (of the same weight and finish) m market. ' '.' Send for circular. t3f Persons ordering these Wheels can hare than pat np by most competent workmen at a small cost. Address all orders to & H. CHESTERMAN, .- !MUIwrignim4 Engineer, : ,i i .? r f. ; r;- f 1 j RicbmoBd, .Ya.' ' ' ,- .aug8-w3n t Sole AtlciVavis N.C, ' ' a I v i -i,s'. l..;-.r..u vti? .,. --TtxnnTxrn vnves tvo qatv ' -..i- nlland. Jresw-acond nana for sale low.-lAddress '.:' miTtnm- rrr tTXT " 1 ng 13-tf Raleigh, N. C. wot- BATES pI ATiVESTISIlTG. One sqoare, first Insertion;... L '. ....$1 00 " M each snbseqnent Insertion, 60 One square, three months,.... ft 00 six mootba....... ; ..10 00 M M twelve months,.,, 15 00 Two squares, three months, ,.4 ........10 00 M u six snontha,.... ...... ..... 14 00 " " twelve month,. 35 80 One column, twelve months,. 300 00 BuBinee Cards, one square or ksea, per year, 8 0J Advertisements not speciasd as to time, published tt ordered oat aad charged accordingly. AD advertisements considered due tram first Insertion and collectable accordingly. - -jy -'v , . JOHN NICHOLS. JOHN C. QORMAN. , . , JOHH B, HEATHEBT. PRACTICAL , : (! ' ;i BOOK AND JOB PESTERS, BINDERS AND BLiiiB00K nil trnc three, RALEIGH, N. a. The proprietors of this ulkr establishment (one of the most complete (ti the south) give their entire attention to the prompt and artistic execu tion of ' 1 BOOK ANLV JOB PRINTING. Their stock of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPERS, CARDS, &c, is large ' and Taried, and having ' been pur chasod at wholesale prices, for cash, can be fur niahed their patrons much cheaper than Che samo material can be bought from retail dealers.-' ATTORNEYS, ,; ' 1 ' CONSTABLES, CLERKS, ' i 1 and SHERIFFS furnished at short notice with BLANKS of every description ; also MTNTTTR DOCKETS, TRIAL DOCKETS, EXECUTION DOCKETS, MARRIAGE REGISTERS, ADMINISTRATOR'S BOND BOOKS, GUARDIAN BOND BOOKS, TAX BOOKS, &c, dsc., i ' ' . . 1 . , Ruled1 to any patera and Bound to order! SCHOOL and COLLEGE CATALOGUES, CIRCULARS, REPORTS, : DIPLOMAS, eta, gotten up in a tasty style. ' OLD BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, , . music , ' ,r;',l : !"' i PERIODICALS, - j ; LAW REPORTS,; etc j 1 , vi'.: no :-j i;- ti Bound in any style. 1 - I ,.1 .- .; . " i - . i it I c ( i :' . . .1 ; ,:..-.-..- )...,;, I Publishers and Agents forihe sale of BATTLE'S DIGEST ftnd ' PHtmPS' SU PREME COURT REPORTS. ! L TTO The origin of MINT JULEP, Being the aad Story and the fair Mtnthk. Lamentable fate of A HUMOROUS POEM. . - ' i.-i ii. i i.- A few copies oi.tnul jwpular' Poeni .'atill on hand. . :.K , i , i Seat by mall, post paid on, receipt .hSTirrr CHTaV : .... .' - NICHOLS, GORMAN & JJBATitERY, jui.i2-tt , ; ;teaieigh,N.c. -!,-! . i-i, iUxjm vrztft I r , A!)VBBXI&B3bXSIT.J HiiT FORTBEJeTNA'IM'INSU CO. ; 17,000,000.00 T?A.Uftrl of! War. rLCnnw. f General Agent for the State of North Carolina) payment in full for the policy of John F. Sanders, dec'u., rto. io,wt , for ir,000 and a divides of 60 per cent on cost. WHXIS IL SANDERS, .!:.Attorneyior Mbs. Sakdebs & Children. sepS-lm. W AH TED. rt-f.- ) : 4 f I a mwmwwI nA anecMsful Female Teacher desires a aituation in a private family Bring in Kbf Southern State.- The. best rewrencw given. AddeMbo68t,Richmona, vv t-i . Kyu-oi. NewTldttrt NeWFlOttrir ' " Urst tfualWM JTLJOUi. nwaasw -wsksu, juon nl 28, 1. U. DLU- o.

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