T - ' Published Semi-Weekly and Weekly by' HELPER & CHOPIN PBOPRISTOES, TERMS OF SUBSOEIPTION. paid ikvabiablt ih advance: - - MM M HrHiTT-WEEJLLY, Single Oopy, per iuiiuiu, ,.. w WEEKLY, " " " i i. . . 8 00 to cluba of nva, at th rata of 3 60 - of ten or more, at the rate of . . . . 3 00 REPUBLICAN ADDIIE8S TO TIIE PEO PLE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The apparent purjKcB and tho action of the late Convention, assembled in tho City of Raleigh, on tho 4th day of September, having met the open disupproliation of many Republicans in the State, and ruisod serious apprehensions of discord in tl e pnrtv, the undersigned beg the indulgence of their fellow-citizens in submitting the following views, and exhorting all truly loyal and Union men to ,.,y,n,r,v nnH nnitv of action, reirardless of the temporary and accidental prevalence of injudi cious and unfortunate counsels. The Union Republican Tarty of the nation must I relied upon to settle our present troubles and to restore the lately insurgent States .to complete harmony with the General Govern ment; and to render such restoration permanent, to prevent a speedy renewal of recent strife, ami to guarantee the future safety and integrity of the Union, that party has assumed, as a Iwwis of reconstruction, certain fundamental principles, the establishment of which, ax thu popular senti ment of the voting masses in the lately retiellious iStatua, is held as a condition precedent to their Wing admitted to the exercise of political powers in the nation. It must be borne in mind that these States are to be restored not merely to being governed them selves, lut to the exercise of equal powers in gov erning tho whole conntry. They reliclled against tho Union, and waged a war for the establishment of certain principles of their own until they were sub dued by those in whose government tliey now seek to lie made again participators and equals. Before being raised from the condition of the vanquished ami restored to the rights ami lowers of govern ors, it is not unreasonable that they 1 required to renounce the principles for which they waged ttie unsuccessful war, and, accept such as urc now pre.'. ribed as essential to Itlie general c:icc ami welfare. But, in us much as the people themselves, and not the States, are the real repository of political power, it is required that they give evidence of a opular renunciation nnd acceptance, in good faith, and not merely a temporary acipnoceiiec from exjiedieiicy, in order to recover tne j-ower to renew tho late strife and revive a lost cause, lie-, construction has licen delayed only lieeause of their failure, so far, to manifest such a disposition, and for the establishment among them of a pre vailing sentiment in-accordance therewith. The preparatory policy of Congress lias liecn conduct ed step by step with this view. Its first step was to wait for a voluntary nianitc station in the elec tions ordered by the I 'resident. But adverse counsels having prevailed in those elections, the "Constitutional Amendment" was proposed for their voluntary acceptance by which certain prin ciples were to 1 incorporated in tho Constitution itjtclf, and a snijicient numler wf individual citi- 7; Mlllfi- f .... j . ' ' - - i ; - ' ; --. ' - V sEMI-WEBK:L"2" EDITION. New Series. RALEIGH, N. C, OCTOBER 18, 1867. Vol. I.-ISTo. 29. of their own race, aud of one officer, lately in the federal service, (Gen. Latlin,) .who met only re proach and insult for raising his voice in advocacy of moderation arid prudence. The election of Gen. Abbott as permanent Presi dent of a North Carolina Convention, 'was follow ed by tho election of four Secretaries, two of whom were strangers lately located among us, and two colored men. It could hardly be ex pected that the Congress of the United States would be likely to view the action of a Convention so controllodJae expressive ofTthe true sentiments of "this StateV br the success of a party under it as affording sufficient evidence of the temper and spirit of our pfople, to justify the restoration of the State to iti rights and jiowers in the general government. ' But an effort was, nevertheless, made to quiet the public mind by committing the party in this State, distinctly and authoritatively, upon three points, to-wit : 1st. Against thepurjiose or desire of confiscating private property for political of fences in the present condition of affairs ; 2d. In favor of providing in the State Constitution for tit extension of the elective franchise to every white and colored man alike ; 3d. In favor of the removal of official disabilities from true and loyal citizens within such limits as Congress may deem safei and prudent in tfiis State. The " Committee on platform and resolutions," after full and pro longed deliberation, reported to the Convention throe resolutions embodying these sentiments, and recdmmended their passage. But these resolu tions were met by a rcjnitition of excited and im moderate discussion, and voted down. It was unfortunate, that the motion upon which the first of tho resolutions was rejected, was made, not by any: native citizen of the State, white or colored, but jby a prominent politician from the State of Ohio,' (Col. I teuton. ) The other two were reject ed on the motion of a gentleman from New York, (Col. Peck,) now resident in Wilmington. On motion of a native of the State, by birth, but who now is, aud has lieen for some thirty years a resi dent of the City of Washington, a plan of party organization was adopted, so repugnant in its de tails, t the customs and usages of our people, and so effective in the hands of any who might seek to place our government in the hands of strangers by controlling the colored vote, that it cannot fail to excite additional alarm and distrust. A "MPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. EVERT YOUNG MAN desirous to obtain a -thorough Practical Business Education, should attend tb old es tablished PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE and NATIONAL TELEQRAPtllC INSTITUTE, Corner Baltimore and Charles Streets, Baltimobc, Md. Founded is 1862. ! Chateu in 1854. THE ONLY INCORPORATED INSTITUTION Of the kind in the State of Maryland. TIIE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE Or BALTIMORE. THE ONLY COLLEGE IF MARYLAND Which has introduced the systum uf actual business practice to any extent. SPLENDID BANKS, BUSINESS HOUSES AND OFFICES in successful operation. Every Student becomes a Merchant. Book-keener and Banker, ami goes throoirh with the whole business routine of Buying and Belling, Shipping, Importing, ic, &c. TIIE MOST EXTENSIVE AND MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED KSTAnLISHMRNT OF TIIE KIND IN TIIE UNITED STATES. Kvcrv Young Man should write immediately for our large Illustrated College Journal, contain ing terms ot tuition and full particulars, which will lie sent by return mail free of charge, with samples of Money, Commercial and Business 1 ajicrs and Beautiful Sjiccimcns of Spencerian Northern gentlemen should 1 encouraged to 1'ciimanship Address tile among u.i by extending to them every court-""! K K. LOSIEIt, Principal. jul iJ-ly. Baltimore, Aid jsc'iis supjKiscd to entertain hostilo purposes were Ut !e excluded trom tnc exercise or political pow cs to give to ttie well disposal the ascendancy artd control in public affairs. This proposition was rejected by such majorities and in such n spirit that it was considered to have Income ne cessary to create a new iiricni element in tne rcliellious States by conferring the elective fran chise uixni the colored imputation, and to cstali lish military governments for the maintenance of bUvlience und order while the spirit and disposi tion of our eoplo were lieing again tested. In this coiulkiou of affairs we uro now culled upon to act. The principles sought to le established upon tlrj sound bivsis of popular sentiment, as prelimi nary tu reconstruction, may bo fully summed up in two propositions, v iz : 1. A faithful and willing adherence to and sup port of the Union atid of tho government of the I'nitcd States and n quiet submission to its au thority under the Constitution. 2. Civil and noliticul euunlitv anion.: all citizens. irrespective of race or color, and the protection of white and colored ;ulike in all the rights, privi leges and immunities of citizenship. These are the principles of the I'mox Bki'L'U mcan Party, and are the only text of a true, ' hii'itni'il fir'jii?li tii. :ir restoration to the rights nnd mv.vcis appertaining to a recognized Suite in the Union, awaits and is dependent on tho establishment of these principles as the pre vailing sentiment of the people. The government hiis refrained from executions for treason, from banishments niid from confisca tion. It docs not now susiHTrd-any threats over us; but ajieals to a voluntary Kmse of returning luvulty and duty. The mas-ps of our people who have leen so lung excited and misled, seem now disposed to yield to reason and justice. It is the dutv, and 'should 1 purpose of every true KcpuMi cmi" in thJ State to encourage and advance this dispositioli of the people, not ouly by inculcating the great principles of "Union anil Equality,",, but by reinocing every obxtacie to i progrem. Our adversaries have retarded it in North Caro lina, riot so much by reason and argument, as by apieuls to sectional prejudices ana misrepresenta tions of the purposes nnd designs of the Hepu!- I liinn Party uisin distinct and collateral points. Thcv lmvc charged that party with .hc design. 1st. Toeonliscate the lands of tl nose compromised in the rrUdbon to le parceled out among the col ored citizens; 2d. To pcrK'tuate the disfranchise ment of the whites from the ballot Ikx, while the whole of the colored men are enfranchised, and thus secure the political supremacy of the colored race in the Southern States ; 3d. To continue the official disabilities now imposed on native citizens i f the Suite, nnd thus, in effect, place our gov-' urnineitt in the hands of strangors who have lately Buttled among us for the purpose of Iwcoming our rulers. These unjust charges have had much effect upon the uninformed masses of the jieople und have raised up apprehensions and hesitancy even among the most steadfast friends of the Union. The fear exists that the colored vote can 1k, controlled against all native citizens in favor of those who can parade militnry services in de stroying slavery, and having themselves no inter ests to U' endangered ly confiscation, may, the more easily, delude the illiterate and credulous with viu n "hopes of having the lauds of their jie.ighlsirs parcelled out among theini. Such ap peals to the colored population would inevitably produce alienation ami prejudice i-etwceu tne races fatal to the establishment of a safe nnd ' wholesome public sentiment, anil dangerous to the jksik'c and good order of society. That thcs.T apprehensions might lie quieted by having the position of the party tqwin these ami other oints distinctly nnd unequivocally set forth nnd promulgated in North Carolina, it was (deem ed cxcdicnt and proper that a Convention of Republicans should 1 called to meet in tho City of Raleigh, on the 4th day of September, 18C7. The Convention was accordingly assembled ; but its action was not such as w as hoped, and expect cd It was, confessedly, unfortunate that after the courtesy shown to reccut settlers from the North by making a prominent politician from the State of 6diio, (Col. HeaUm,) the temporary Chairman of the Convention, they should have de manded, and by appeals to the colored delegates on the ground of military services, pecured the rejection of one of the most prominent and worthy of tho native Unionists of the Suite, (Gcn.'Dtx-kery,) and have placed in his stend, as pe.rmnncnt President, a stranger from thoStnto of New Hampshire, (Gen. J. 0, Ablxrtt,) a gentle man previously unheard of by the mosses of onr pooplo, or known only as1 an officer from the fed ral armv who had recently located near Wilming ton in this state. It is still more to 1 regjjetted thut the colored sieakerS from Wilnnngtflipr and it vi.initv seconded by a ccntleman from - New York. fCol. Pock.) in advocating th nlni'tmti nf fsUn. Ahliott. should have ased lan guage suggestive of purpose calculated to in crease previously existing apprehensions. They puraded tho military prestige of their candidate in lighting against slavery, while they reproached the native citizens of the State with struggling fo lerpetuate it, and charged Southern Union men. with acting eithor from cowardice or from a hope to save their slave property by-terminating tne war short of emancipation. The effect of these appeals upon the colored delegates) wa manifest ed by the excitement and enthusiasm with which f bey rejected the counsels of the more considerate esvr and kindness, and !v discountenancing the re vival if prejudices, which should never have ex isted, and ought now to le forgotten und buried forever. But while our people are willing for recent settlers among r.s to juirticipntein our pui licj affairs, it is not natural that they should view with favor, tkc appearance, even, of an effort to place their ' government, entirely in the hands of strangers, to tho exclusion of those whose infor mation, interests and exjrienee so much better lit them to understand and manage the manifold interests and exigencies connected with onr pre sent .unfortunate condition. It must npiear to the people unkind aud unjust to take advantage of their helpless condition, by exciting apjieals and delusive promises to the most ignorant, and most unsuBjecung ana uociie oi our opuiauon, and thus raise up enmity and antagonisms among us, ruinous to the colorel man, for whose rights and welfare every good citizen is now solicitous, and destructive of the efforts of those who arc tailoring to prepare tho State for a return to the Union by bringing the popular mind in cordial itnitv with the great principles of the Republican Party It cannot lie expected that a Convention in this State apparently controlled by such influences and distinguished by such action can command the apiirotiution and contidencc oi tnc people ot iNorth Citrcdina. Hut it i -iviscul and hnpad thai aa true Republican will almnrtnti the party or abate bis zeal in support of its principles, because of the temporary and occidental ascendancy ot i:i advised and imiro;icr counsels in a single assemblage. Rather let our adherence to and support of the Republican Partv 1c increased nnd strengthened thatbv the.triuinph of its lxilicy, we may sec the Union reconstructed and confiscation thereby ren dered impossible the "Constitutional Amend ment" adopted and universal suffrage under it the fixed law of the land and the otnciai disalnl- ities removed from evcrv one who is true to the Union and who discountenances all efforts to keep alive animosities and prejudices threatening to the peace and integrity oi tne uaUon. lift the peo; U- meet in tneir re.-.pei r.vc counties and districts, by their own spontaneous action, and- put forward their own candidates men true to the Union and trustwrothy as Republicans and I iv supporting such, manifest to the nation that ii North Carolina there exists such a prevail in'' sciitiment of nationality and such voluntary oliedience to the laws ot the laud, that our restora tion to rights and jiowcrs iu the government, so far from lieing dangerous to the peace and welfare of the Republic, will add strength to the great edifice of Union, Libeuty and Equality. Uv requiriug each candidate to announce un equivocally his opposition to confiscation and Ins desire for the admission of every white and colored man alike to the baliott liox, the jieople may pre vent (he ignorant and unsuspecting colored citi zen froh U'iiig deceived by vain promises of land donations, into an attitude of hostility and conflict with his white ncighliors, no less ruinous to him self than detrimental to the lace and prosperity of the State. Aftvr a satisfactory State Constitu tion shall have Ikjcu framed, should any true, Union men, under official disability, lie elected to HE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLD DR. LAWRENCE S CELEBRATED ROSADALIS. READ THE FOLLOWING HOME CERTIFICATES FROM PHYSICIANS. We hereby certify tht the Rosadalis is prepared by a Physician who is' an experienced Pharmaceutist and Chemist, nnd that his remedy is mn efficient and reliable one in 8CROFULA, Syphilis, .fee., it having performed some remarkable cure, in this vicinity. W. A. DUGGAN, M. D. E. BAKNLS, M. D. R. W. KING, M. D. Wilson, N. C February 4th, 1806. Wi- hereby certify that we regard Dr. Lawrence's Gom- Sound Extract of Roeadalis ai a Keliable Alterative, c. A. D, MOORE. M. D. Wilson, N. C.,May 10. I86T. L. A. STITU, M. D. "I .1 IaI anv position, l (ingress win, uuunuufcs, remove such disability in each case, in defferenee to the wishes of a true and loyal constituency, and thus protect the people against a transfer of their gov ernment to the hands of strangers. However much the conduct and spiritof the late Conveutiorimny lie deplored, and however mnch it mav have increased previously existing appre hensions, it is vet iu the hands of the lieoide to pro tect themselves at the ballot lox, and to secure a restoration of their rights, nnd of j.rosrity and noucc. bv co-ojieratiujr with the Union liepublicnn Tarty if the nation in the support of such mea sures and the enforcement of such laws as have been adopted for the security and preservation of tho Union In this work the intercut of the white and the colored citizen is identical. Let there lie no ill feelinj; nor antagoni.-iu lietween them. But let each, turning a deaf ear to the appeals of disunion agitators and designing office hunters,. maintain lirmly tho Constitution and laws of his country, and to the extent of his ability, lalior to advauce the great principles of justice lilicrty and equality. PnosrECTUs of the ' WT-STFRIT fiTTRiWTflT.TV Lincolnton, North Carolina, To tite Peojie of Western North Carolina: lhe loval Lnion party ot VV estern .North Car olina have long felt the need of a thoroughly loyal Republican paper, to advocate their claims, and contend for that freedom of speech so long denied us by the enemies of the Union, w ho, when their cause failed, scarcely hoped that their lives would be spared, now encouraged by the policy of Andrew Johnson, use every means iu their power, by falsehood and misrepresentation, to make our friends in Congress believe that no loyal element exists in the btate, and that a general am nesty is necessary to insure peace and quiet to our section ; while the truth is, it would be the initiatory step to scenes of crime and bloodshed. The people, we Fay, of the Western portion of the State have long suffered in public opinion for the want of a sound, unbiased loyal press to refute these vile slanders and hurl lmck the abusive epi thets bestowed upon us. We propose to supply the desideratum, and earnestly ask the co-operation of every true lover of his country in our ef- ftirts VtT nM!n 9(Aurmg "WJCy- jmili i;i I j 1 equality to all deserving those inestimable privi leges. Let every man put his shoulder to the wheel, and we shall soon see again the laws of our country olieved and its supporters honored, instead of the open grumbling and undisguised hatred of that particular class of rebels, w ho, w hile support ing with all their influence the cause of their mis taken and ambitious leaders, yet took very good care to get themselves into tut offices somewhere in the rear of the contending armies. In the absence of ready money with which to embark in the enterprise, we protose to our fellow-citizens, one aud all, thu following plan by w hich a paper can lie established : Let evcrv man subscribe and exert himself to the vtmost to ob tain subscribers and tite money in advance, and as soon 'as we get i"()0 names with the accom panying $2 each, we shall at once purchase the requisite material, new from the foundry, and, at the earliest possible day, issue the first nnmlicr of the paper. We have conversed with several pro minent gentlemen, nnd have received assurances of ttieir aid and support. Let every man do his part, and the work is accomplished. The paper will lie called the WESTERN CIIRONICLE, nnd will be a thoroughly Union Journal, and a staunch supporter of Republican principles. It will be mailed to sulKcnbers at the tow rate of Two Dollars per annum, wnicn was the old-time price of a -weekly newspaper. We place it thus low that every family may take one of tieir own, and not depend on borrowing their ncijjrhlxir's, as well as to encourage our colored citizens, who now have equal rights before the law, to know and understand tho events that are transpiring around them, and whose duty it is to see and read for themselves. We pledge that the Chronicle shall lie a paper that every man may read with profit to himself, both white and black, if they love their country and her laws. The Publishers, being practical printers, guarantee the general appearance of the paper, while the ixutonal Department will renect wharpvpr indement and ability thev mav possess. j a . , We ask the fnends of Law and Order to inter est themselves in liehalf of this enterprise. Send in oa many names as possible immediately, so as to issue the first number at an early day. All communications and subscriptions should lie addressed to J. C. BOMAR & CO., Publishers, Lincolnton, N. C. Edgecombe Coun'y, N. C, May 2d, 1867. Dr. J. J. Lawrence Dear Sir : Please send me im mediately per Express to Tarboro, two dozen more bot tles of your Rosadalis. I have carefully examined its Formula, and have used it in my practice in a number of cases. I am well pleased with it I think it, beyond doubt, the best Alterative I ever used. I have tried it in several cases of Scrof uU and Scrofulous AfTections, &C,, with much satisfaction to myself and patients. I have' also used it in Secondary and Tertiary byplitlis, one a terrible case of eight years' standing in hichit acted with surprising and satisfactory effect making a quick and and thorough enre I have, therefore, no hesitation in recommending it to Physicians and others, as the most reliable Alterative now known. Respectfully, yours, &e., A. B. NOBLES, M. D. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 24 & 27 Broadway, flew York. Opposite Bowling Green, On the European Plan, THE STEVENS HOUSE, is well and widely known to the travelling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of. the city is on the highway of Southern, and Western travel and adjacent to all the prin cipal Railroad and Steamboat depots. -? THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accom modation for over 300 guests it is well furnish ed, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and Well 'ventilated provided : l j x xi j ',' . . wxui as uiiu water uro actenuance -is prompt and respectful and the table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the season at mod erate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and re modeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. UKO. K. CHASE & CO., 23-tf Proprietors, , gATTLE'S DIGEST. A Digest of all the Reported Clasea, both In Law and equity, determined in toe (Jourta or worth Carolina, from the earliest period to theyear 1866. By William H. Battlr, a Judge of the Supreme Court. 8 volumes. Nichols, Gorman & Heathery, Agents, Raleigh. Price $25. William Katos, (Author of Eaton's Forms) says : I have examined, with care, a considerable portion ol the work, and it affords me pleasure to express my very ravoraDle opinion as to Its merits. The plan of your Digest, I regard as an excellent one, and I appre ciate, very nigniy, tne learning, skul, taste and accura cy which you have exhibited in its execution. The work will be exceedingly convenient and useful, both to the Bar and Bench, and I hope that its patronage may be equal to its deserts. Chief Justice Pearson and Judge Reads, of thebu" preme Court, say : we nave naa, in use, ever since Its publication, last Fall, your admirable Digest of the decisions of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, from the foundation of the Court until this time. The arrangement is conven ient and the abstracts accurate ; and we and the profes sion are under many obligations to you. We regard it as indispensable to the profession in this State. It should be in the library of every Lawyer." from Judge P. P. Morris, Philadelphia. : "I have looked over the Digest with great interest, and find it remarkable for the precision with which the point decided is stated, and for the assistance afforded the enquirer by the numerous heads introduced. The work is of interest to all Law Students and be must inval uable to North Carolina Practitioners and Jurists. TO, SHIPPERS. NORTH CAROLINA. SJZJS RAILWAY LINES, Jthat crkd to be! THE OLD RALEIGH A GASTON RAILROAD. THE SHORTEST, QUICKEST, SAFEST AND BEST liNS. NORTH AND SOTJTH, TO BE LEFT OUT IN THE COLD UNLESS SHIPPERS SPECIALLY SAY VIA B, G. B, Rl , We Inaugurated and are th , GREAT TBSOVOB INLAKD AIR ROUTE to all the Northern Markets, and hav successfully worked the Lin to the entire astlafanttoa of HMppera, North and Sooth, for the last tea wears, as the Tin 7BV,liB'ijr5.Sn,PPe North and South Carolina will testify. We paid the State near Seven Hundred Thou sand Dollars for her Interest in thia- Road thereby saving the people from Taxation, for all time to come, 40i000 peryear; and we unhesitatingly declare that we can ana wfJl give more dispatch to all points. North and South, than any other Line. Notice. The Great Inland Air Line Freight Route, via THE RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD, ts the Short Line for Shippers, and yon are required so io direct yot r Freights, or they will be taken by another route. To Insure Inland your Freight. or City Point, Va., via Raleigh & Gaston RailroacL and FROM S 0S7YJV.-Merchante' & Miners' Line, end of Central Wharf, E. Sampson, Agent FROM NEW YORK:-Oi Dominion 8teamship Co., Shipping Point, Pier 37. North River, Foot Beech' St, Office 187, Greenwich St, cor. Dey; N. L McCready. President " u .PnLLA VELPIIIA :-T Yi a Annamessic, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Depot, or Clyde's Line of Steamers, 14 N. Delaware Avenue : W. P. Clyde, Agent FROM 'RAL T1MORE. Baltimore Steam Packet Co., Bay Line Steamers, Foot Union Dock, L. B. Parks Agent, or Powhatan Steamboat Co., 90 Light Street' hrt C. B. ALLEN, aug 9-tq Freight Agent, Raleigh, N. C. i i I. - . One square, first tnaertiosvi i. .....$1 00 " ' each roocMoent insertion............ B One square, three months,... Ok six months, 1..,....10 00 " " twelve znotrtha,...... .U 00 Two squares, three months.. 10 00 M M atx month,.... ......16 00 ; ,v twelve montia,k... ..35 M One column, twelve months. i 300 00 BuataOsd!, com square or le, per year... 0 0) Advertisements not specified aa to time, published tt ordered out and charged accordingly. , : All advertisemaenta eooatdared due from nrai Insertion aodooUectabU aoeordtaelj.1 ; ; . - A Wonderful C are of Scrof dous White Swell ing. HOME CERTIFICATE. I hereby certify that last September I was attacked with' White Swelling or the left Knee ana also wun an enlarge ment of the glands of the neck one tumor reached a large sixe. The swelling of ihe knee was enormous, and was attended with the most excrutlating pains. I was so re duced that I was confined to my room over three months. My leg was so completely drawn up, that I could not bend it at all. I tried various remedies, and they failed to give me any relief. I was iu this condition when I commenced t.tw rir Uwmicp'i Rosadalis. The swelling in the knee and neck began u subside before I took all of the first bottle. By the time I took the second bottle, the swelling of the neck entirely disappeared and that of the knee nearly so. After taKing tnree Domes x iouna my self completely well able to walk as well as ever, c LATIMER WILLIAMS. Wilson, May jm. Rosadalis will cure the very worse cases of Chro- ic Itiummatism. nOME CERTIFICATE. Wilson, N. C, Mayo, 1S6T. I hereby certify thnt 1 was cur-d of long standing Chron ic Rheumatism, by taking four bottles of Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. JAMES WILLIS. RosiuMls Cures Carbuncles, Boils, Pimples, &c. CERTIFICATE FROM AN OLD AND MUCH RES PECTED CITIZEN OF GREENE COUNTY, NOW A RESIDENT OF WILSON, N. C. T hrehv certify that during the summer and fall of 1S66 I was severely afflicted with Carbuncles hrvtng had aa m.nviui fourteen large Carbuncles, and twelve ordinary Knit. i .nnnrea so mucn irom mem iub a oiuw hui rc out of the house half the time for several months. Being induced to try Dr. Lawreuce's Rosadalis, I was entirely cured by the use of one bottle of that truly valuable medi cine. W. A. BARDEN, Sa. Wilson, May 11th, 1967. Consumption, in its Early Stages can le cured, BAiraoBK, Md., March 4th, 18ST. near Tr. Lamrencs .- Mv daneter havinc been cured nf ft deei.lv seated disease of the funn bv your Rosadalis, T fel it mv dutv to make the fact known to you for tne benefit or others. She suffered nearly two years wiu a hard cough, which troubled her day and night; at last the emaciated form, glassy eye, night sweats, together with the couch, told too plainly that it was Consumption, beyond question, eating at ner viiais. uur rnysiciau remedies brought no relief. She was advised to try your Rosadalis, as a tonic which sue am imagine my surprise and gratification, when I fouud her appetite re turning. iowiy sne regainea ner strengin, ner cuuju and night sweats gradually ceased, and she is now, after taking five bottles of your medicine, apparently as well as ever. Yours, respectfully, 5 Mbs. E. A-NJN SMITH. pTTTTJ.TTS' BEPOETS, Of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, at the June Term, 1864, and January Term, lseT. Price Law & Equity, June Term, - - - - $2.00 u u Jan'y " .... 400 Address NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY, J ju!. 17 tt Asknts, Raleigh, N. C. TEE BUBAL GENTLEMAN, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, rCBLISHXD IT J. 33. ROBINSON & CO. N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore Md. BIV. C. W. WE8TBROOK. O. DR. W. X. ALBRIGHT. W. ALBRIGHT. YVESTBROOK NURSERIES, GREENSBORO, N, C, Office, No. 2 Devoted to LTo rticultur e . In this Department we give a practical experience. Floriculture. I We give especial attention to thia branch of Kural life. Fruit Growing. JOHN NICHOLS. j , JOHN C. GORMAN. J0H2T B. JTEATHESY. I JkJICHOLS, GORMAN A NEATHEKY PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS , BINDERS AND BLANK-BOOE II 1 1 C F A C TO R E R , RALEIGH, N. C. The proprietors of this popular pstabliahment (one of the most complete in the south) give1 their enure attention tatne prompt and turtietao execu tion ot . listen truH en hi net jgajnil mvn j uie practical experience or growers. Stock Raising. This Department will have able articles from writers of experience. yyATSOX'S GALLERY, PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored, in Oil, VlIOTOGUAl'llS, Colored in Water Colors. PHOTOGRAPHS, in India Irfk. PHOTOGRAPHS, in Pastell. PHOTOGRAPHS, Large. PHOTOGRAPHS. Small. IVORYTVTES, Porcelain Pictures. AMBKOTiTES. FERREOTYPES. AU exocututed with neatness and dispatch at LAW BOOKS FOB SALE 1 We have the following LAW BOOKS for Kale : STEPHEN ON TLEADING, 2 copies. CHITTY'S BLACKSTONE. JONES' LAW REPORTS, vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4. IREDELL'S LAW REPORTS, vol. 9. DIGEST, 2 vols. Rosadalis Cures all SHn Diseases. SALT RHEUM CCUED 1 REMARKABLE CURE ! ! Da. Lawbbsck, Wilson, N. C. : My Dear Sir for the last ten years, until recently, I suffered with an inveterate eruption or the aKln called by Physicians " Salt Rheum," with which 1 suffered ter ribly; the pain ana licning was auuut ilmiwmhu. m. tried several of the best physicians in Europe and this country have visited several celebrated Springs spent thousands or aonars, ana ianea io eei any ueiier. iu December, 1866, being in Charleston, S. C, I was told by a gentleman at the hotel that Tie had been cured of a had tetter bv a medicine called 44 Rosadalis." I resolved to try it, without any nope inougn m us uomg me any good. I procured a bottle of Messrs. King & uatssidey, and commenced lamug iu iiuumis, k hit iiuuiik, ui t was tmnrnvintr. I boucht four other bottles : Dut before oommenclDg on tne last iwo, i iouna x wbo cuunew;ij wfillthe disease havinc entirely disappeared. Enclosed find One Hundred uonars, wnicn please ac cept as a token of my p-aiuuae. w ny ao you noi maae your invaluable Rosadaliis widely Known T i our sincere inenu, W. T. SELTZER. Mnior John W. Dunham, one of the editors of the Wilson North Carolinian, says in the issue of the 20th April, 1S67 : u I believe from personal experience, isat the Kosadaus is we nnesi ionic ever prepared. The attention of the public is respectfully called to the large and,well selected stock of FRUIT TREES, GRAPE VINES, SMALL FRUITS, HARDY EVERGREENS, and SHRUBBERY, Cultivated and for sale as these Nurseries and Gardens. Special attention is invited to a very large lot of CATAWBA GRAPE VINES, for vineyard planting. The quality of these Vines cannot be excelled, being grown from strong cuttings, ana well rooted bv thoroujrh cultivation. The Senior Proprietor is the eldest son of the late S. W. Westbrook, the pioneer Nurseryman and Fruit Grower of the Southern States, and is thoroughly skilled in this department of Rural Enterprise, having been engaged in the Nursery business fifteen years. A large portion of the "Old West-Green Nur series" is connected with this establishment, with several large bearing experimental Orchards of the best American and European Fruits. There fore the Proprietors are well informed as to the most suitable varieties for general cultivation. The Fruit taade is quite profitable this season to many of our citizens, who have only small orchards, and domestic Wine making is on the increase. Wbo will make a pavinc investment in a large Marketing Orchard, or a surer one in large Vine yard of the best Wine Grape in the State, bearing regular and abundant crops every year r !Scnd your orders to WESTBROOK & CO., Box 6G, Greensboro, N. C. Catalogues, with list of prices, names of varie ties, and a great deal or information, sent to all applicants who enclose a three cent postage stamp. Orders for Fall and early Winter planting solicited early, as the season for transplanting begins in November. JENKINS & PERRY, Agents, sep 13-2m Raleigh, N. C. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Their stock of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPERS, CARDS, &c, is large and varied, and having been pur chased at wholesale prices, for cash, can be fur nished their patrons much cheaper than, the tame material can be bought from retail! doalen. ATTORNEYS, J 1 I ' i . j' CONSTABLES, i CLERKS, i -and SHERIFFS furnished at short notice with BLANKS of every description ; also ! I u MINUTE DOCKETS, i Agriculture. We devote much pains to give thoughts that will aid the young and old. Housekeeping. The good housewife will find many valuable receipts. TERMS : One copy, one year, in advance, - - $1.00 t5f Energetic Canvassers wanted Everywhere. To whom 25 per cent commission. will be allowed. For further information, address as above, en closing stamp. jull9-tf T I C E JONES' 3 vols. Watson's Galleuy, Raleigh. N. C. jull2-ly QLD LIGHTNING RODS REPAIRED. J. C. CARTER, WITH LOUGEE BROTHERS, Wr.nl H rAHnwtfnllv inform the citizens of Raleigh and the public at large that he is prepared to re nair Old Lightning Rods at short notice, as he is an experienced workman in the business. '' tW Call at Longee Brother's Shop. - "7WA2TTED TO BENT A, PLAN9r: T T These Books have been somewhat used and can be had at a bargain. jul 12 NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERY. JUST PUBLISHED. TUMEE'S H. 0. AT.MATTAO, fOR 18C8. We are now prepared to furnish the above Almanacs to Booksellers, Merchants and Dealers, in anv quantity. Orders will be promptly tilled at $ a per nun- dred, or $ a per thousand. WILLI AJMft 6i LAMUl!;iil, Booksellers and Stationers, sep 6-tf . Raleigh, N. C. D. W. C. BEKBOW, HAS JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK of GENERAL ALEKC1LA-N DlZti lie has ever had. DRY GOODS, HATS and SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, ! MATERlAS in end- Enquire at this office. "POE SALE. . , sep 24 A RUGGLES ROTARY CARD & BILL-HEAD PRESS, in goodoroer, and wiu ao excellent wors, for sale low, Sie bi .bed, inside chased J 1-2 by "?H 0 inches. ' ' " ."... sep 13-tf NICHOLS, GORMAW & JNJSAiixCitti. tW Beware of Counterfeits. tW See that J. J. LAWRENCE & Co., is blown on the bottle and stamped on the cork. sr3 ALL LETTERS OTf INQUIRY, CvC, FKOaUTL, ANSWERED. Address J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., Wilson, N. a ltpScrti anywhere ly Express on receipt of Price. , , For sale by ' : HARNESS MAKER'S less variety. GIAZIER'S MATERIALS full supply. PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS-sup- ply extraordmary. GLASS OF ALL SIZES A LARGER sup ply than usually kept in this market. N AM RECEIVING and opening and constantly adding to my STOCK OF GOODS On the corner of East Market and Davie Streets, better known as the Eankin & Mc'Lean Corner, GREENSBORO, N. C. V My GOODS are ALL NEW and well selected and consist of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, B001S, SHOES & HATS, LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS, " in short Every thing usually kept in this Market Thankful for past patronage, I ask a continu ance of the same. Call and see, before purchas ing. Terms exclusively CASH OR BARTER. There is a hitching lot, at the end of my store, for the accommodation of my country customers 20-ly. S. STEELE. EXECUTION DOCKETS, . MARRIAGE REGISTERS,' ADMINISTRATOR'S BOND BOOKS, - ! j i .- GUARDIAN BOND BOOKS, TAX BOOKS, &c, dec, . , Ruled to any patera and Bound to order, SCHOOL and COLLEGE CATALOGUES, CIRCULARS, REPORTS, DIPLOMAS, etc., gotten up in a tasty style. OLD i BOOKS, : NEWSPAPERS, ' MUSIC, .. J PERIODICALS, 1 LAW REPORTS, etc Bound in any style. T N. F. BURHAM'S CELEBRATED Publishers and Agenta for the sale of BATTLE'S DIGEST and PTTTLIIPff SU - PREME COURT REPORTS. 1 - ' " t pUJTO. i The origin of MINT JULEP, Being the sad Story and Lamentable fate of the fair Mixthk. A HUMOROUS POEM. A few copies of thia popular Poem still on haud. . Sent by mail, post paid on receipl of run t cents. i -j;, NICHOLS, GORMAN & SKATUJUix. jul .12 tf. Raleigh, N. 0. French Jonval Tnrbine Water-Wbeel, This WHEEL, the Greatest Invention of the I utrei. sn masses all ether wheeU in power, economy of water; and steadiness of run, simple in con-KfrriV-rinn Rnd a masteroiece of workmanship. It ' PernviaD Guano, Baw Bone Phosphate is not liable to get put of order, and from its xcxutuu v, r portion in the flume is accessible at all tunes. Lime, Plaster, and Plows. THE YABBBOUGH EQUSE, ; i Fayettevllle Street, c RALEIGH, N. C, T Have the pleasnreof anarondng tomy friends JL the and the travelling public, that have leased YABBBOUOn HOUSE, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. SHEETING. COTTON YARN, SNUFF, NAILS, CANDY, ROPE, SMOKING TOBACCO. All for Sale at Wholesale or Retail. PAPER HANGINGS, . WINDOW SHADES, &c fora termof year. Thehouse willbe and FUKK18HKD with new and elegant furniture . .. . l 1 I -X .1 . It is cneaper tnan any omer wneei ol uie siuue weight and finish) in market fg Send for circular. t'2$- Persons orderine these Wheels can have them put up bv most competent worameu ai, a ni wiw. tnr t.vt SlLt Address all orders to ' L. X retom sincere thank to my patrons for their E. H. CHESTERMAN, MUlwright and Engineer, Richmond, Va. aug3-w3m Sole Agent for Va, &N. C. . . . ii i . n huqivu1 while m Sfif e lCHrNGlOTEL i. this dty. I promise that the YarbroughIioMe ahaU have noanperior iiM South. .... J. M. BLIR, lltf ... .. V .. r. ,, ,-.;l4 'M.t, , . ' ' WILLIAMS' $ HATWOOD, , a.i : yFS&???L JfT?8u.r.j 1 plied with all tje above w W aOUl SU. US UlMB cct4 m. - : .ALSO AGKNTFO.' Wheeler k Milleck's Thrasher k Cleaner Wf AKTEDr . TwTar nbnr f Hew TWnr i l ' .WW... :.!'.. J I i im V ww . l-; r.A .rfnl Tflmala Teacher I lri ' iL''.i - 1' -V L P..S.-t-xlia.btore aiswameawwui oiAujr- "-"- TvIUTtA Th best references sdven. received ana tor sax ovrnnii? Li;l m .11 tb-ahova varietiea. at same pricea any Bouthem Btato. j.iEWJKl Ka tTiTi ,bF i a- m-OT; D. 8XEDGET34 lull

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