? iT32k -11 iLLLL dJJ ilIU)aliJilJ JL MJJ ilJJi JLUliJLU 1L JJ JJJJ Jill-. PKOPBISTOBI. ' ' . " . --r " ' 1 ' " -: TEEMS OF STTBSOBlPTIOir. PAID IKTABIABLT IK ADVANCE: SEMI-WEEKLY, (ingle copy, pr annum, $4 00 WEEKLY. " " " " 00 to club of Ave, at the rata of 2 60 of tea or nor. at the rate of. '. . . 3 00 THE RALEIGH I SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY Family and Tolitical Newspaper, Great Inducements For 1868 1 NEW AND SPLENDID PREMIUMS, New Books, Choice Engravings, Premium Sewing Machine To be Distributed to oue Etc, Etc. Subscribers ! ty Send for specimen copies'-containing our List of Premiums. IE IE IK2 IEj IE ID I TIL" OUST. New Series. gCE THE NTIFIC AMERICAN o . FOR 1868, WORLD. The proprietors of the Raleigh Register will spare no pains or expense the coming year to make it a hrst class newspaper 10 every respect. Besides other able writers, we have secured the services of Rev. Henry Hardie as Traveling Cor respondent, whose interesting letters, over the signature of " Itinerant" which have appeared occasionally during the past year in one of our city cotemporariesattracted such universal at tention throughout the State. The columns of the RROISTER will each week be enriched .by one of his admirable letters, from, different parts of the State, startling news, incidents, local matters and rcmmiscnces, together with facts and prac tical suggestions concerning the Agriculture and Mechanical interests of the State, which will be alike very entertaining and instructive. Secial attention will be paid to our Washing ton, New York, and Local Correspondence from every part of the State. Its Editorials will be devoted to the advocacy of sterling Union Republican Principles, pay ing special attention to Local, State and National affairs, sustaining the plan of reconstruction pro posed ly Congress, and opposing every form of Proscription, State or National, but will be fear- lens and, outspoken in its advocacy of the rights of all. It will also contain the LATEST NEWS, LATEST MARKET REPORTS, POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE, DOMESTIC RECEIPES, HINTS ON AGRICULTURE, BEST PAPER IN THE Published for nearly A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. This splendid newspaper, greatly enlarged and improved, ia one of the most reliable, useful and interesting journal ever pupusbed. Every num ber is beautifully printed and elegantly illus trated with several original engravings, repre senting new inventions, novelti in Mechanics, Agriculture, Chemistry Photography, Manufac tures, Engineering, bcience and Art. Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors, Engineer! Chemists, Manufacturers, people in every profes sion of life, will find the Scientific American to beef great value in their respective callings. Its counsels and suggestions will save them 'Hun dreds of Dollars annually, besides affording them a continual source of knowledge, the value of which ia beyond pecuniary estimate. All patents granted, with the claims, published weekly. Every Public or Private library should have the work bound and preserved for reference. ' The yearly number of the Scientific American make a splendid volume of nearly one thousand quarto pages, equivalent to nearly four thousand ordinary book pages. A New Volume com mences January 1, 1868. Published Weekly. r Terms : One Year, $3 ; Half-Year, $1 AO ; Clubs of Ten Copies for one year, f 25 ; Specimen copies gratia. Address MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. t5TThe publishers of the Scientific American, in connection with the publication of the paper, have acted as Solicitors of Patents for twenty two years. Thirty thousand applications for Patents, have been made through their Agency. More than one hundred thousand inventors have sought the counsel of the proprietors of Scien tific American concerning their inventions. Con sultations and advice to inventors, by mail, free. Pamphlets concerning Patent Laws of all coun tries free. U5 A handsome bound volume, containing 150 mechanical engravingsand the United States cen sus by counties, with hints and receipts for me chanics, mailed On receipt of 25 cents. dec20-tf 'HE HEW ' YORK TIMES- R&LEIGH, N. C, JANUARY 10, 1868. ' . : ..... . ( W. C. BENBOW, 1 THE b4bT Vol. 1- No. 27. A Political, Literary, and Miscella neous Newspaper. Enlargement of the Daily, Semi-Weekly and ' - WeeJdy Editions. '' D. GREENSBORO', . , 0, vHAS JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE he has ever had. -J! N. F. BURHAM'S CELEBRATED French Jonvnl Turbine Water Wheel. This WHEEL, the Greatest Invention of the age, surpasses all other wheels in power, economy of water, and steadiness of run, simple in con struction and a masterpiece of workmanship. It is not liable to get out oi order, and trom its position in the flume is accessible at all times. It is cheaper than any other wheel (of the same weight and finish) in market. W Send for circular. d?" Persons ordering these Wheels can have them put up by most competent workmen at a small cost. Address all orders to E. II. C H ESTERM AN, Millwright and Engineer, Richmond, 'Va. aug 3-w3m Sole Agent for Va. & N. C. rjiiLE YOUNG LADY'S FRIEND, Specimen Copy 10 cts. THE LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE, Specimen Copy 15 cU. These are favorite monthly Periodicals. Beau- ful premiums offered to getters up of club lists. Scud for Specimens to W. T. IIOrtNKK, Nov 2 tf Buffalo, N. Y. HORTICULTURE, STOCK RAISING. INTERNAL REVENUE DECISIONS, GENERAL ORDERS, nd a large amount of USEFUL AND MISCELLANEOUS READING. SyCull "t our Office whilst in Raleigh, at the Register building, opposite Yarb-ough House. TERMS : EMI-WEEKLY, single copy per annum, $4 00 DELED FRUIT FOR FAMILY USE WEEKLY, 8 00 to clubs of five, at the rate of 3 50 of ten or more, at the rate of. L II B B I N G 300 For $4,00 we will send the Weekly Register and the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post, for one year. The Post is well known as one of the oldest and best Literary Newspaper in the coun try. For $5,00 we will send the Weekly Register and Gody's Lady's Book for one year, or if pre ferred we will send any $4,00 Magazine published in Philadelphia, New York or Boston. Great Premiums. For every new subscriber, or old subscrilier re newing his sulscription and sending us $3,00, we will Bend a large and splendid engraving of Abra ham Lincoln, Gen. Grant, or any of the distin guished Union Generals. Or every subscriber sending us $3,00 will be presented with the world renowned book, Carpenter's Six Month at the Whil e House with Abraham Lincoln, many thou sands ot which have been sold. Price $1,50. For 2 subscnliers and $6,00 we will send Col. John W. Forney's letters From Europe, a book thnt sells for $2,00, or we will give any $2,00 book, ii'om any .Bookstore in this city. For 5 subscribers at $2,50 each, ($12,50) we will send one half dozen Silver Plated Tea Spoons worth $4,00 or 4,00 worth of Books as above, to be selected by the getter up or the club. for xu subscribers at fz,nu eacn, (za,( we will send a Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, worth $12,00. or $10,00 worth of Books or Sta tionery, to be selected by the getter up of the club. For 20 subscrilwrs at $2,50 each, ($50,00) we 1 will wild a Common Sense Sewing Machine, worth f or $15,00 worth of Books. For 30 subscritttrs at $2,50 each, ($75,00) we will send an Empire, or a Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, worth $50,00 or $25,00 worth HELPER & OTIAPIN, PROPRIETORS.? TEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. , J- J. Pleasantly situated on the Delaware ltiver. thirty miles North of Philadelphia. The very best advantages in all departments of a thorough and accomplished education furnished, in connection with a pleasant home. For Catalogues, address, 24-2B Rev. JOHN H. BEAKLEY, Jl.1L Families or Schools, desiring to supply them selves with a good article of Dried Fruit for winter use, can have any kind, or an assortment, care fully selected and packed in half -barrels or barrels, by applying to the undersigned. Apples, peeled and unpeeled Peaches, Pears Cherries and Plums, now on hand and constantly shipping. E. A. VOGLER, sep 13- lm. Salem, JN- C. TEMORESTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE, j ' universally acknowledged theModel Parlor Maga. zine of America: devoted to Original Stories, Poems. Sketches. Architecture and Model Cot tages, Household Matters, Gems of Thought. Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on Fashions), Instructions on Health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profusely illustrated with costly Engravings (full size), useful and reliable Patterns, Embroideries, and a constant succession of artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste, can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, dO cents ; back numbers, as specimens 10 cents : either mailed free. 1 early, $3, with a valuable premium ; two copies. $5 50 ; three copies, $7 50 ; five copies, $12, and splendid premiums for clubs at fo each, with the first premiums to each subscriber, d?- A new Wheeler & Wilson SewingMachine for 20 subscribers at $3 each. Address, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New York. Demorest's Monthly and Young America to gether $4, with the premiums for each. Nov 5 tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD CO., ) Superintendent's Office, Raleigh, N. C, Oct 14th, 1867. ) On and after October 15th, 1867, Trains will run on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad as follows : Mail Train leaves Raleigh 10 10 A. M. Arrives at Weldon 3,17 P. M. Mail Train leaves Weldon ..10,35 A. M. Arriv es at Raleigh 3,50 P. M. Freight Train leaves Ralei h... 7,00 A. M. " " arrives at R eigh. .5,00 P. M. The Mail Trains make T rough connections with all points North. A. B. ANDREWS. Oct. 15. tf. Supt. Tran The NEW; YORK Tikes .has, recently been en larged to the size- of the London Times, and ia now one of the largest and cheapest newspapers in the world. Each number of each edition con tains eight pages of seven long columns each, making fifty-six columns in alj. I It is always printed on good paper and in clear tvpe- making it the handsomest and most legible Newspaper in the United States. The Tikes aims, first of all, to give the earliest and most reliable NE WS from all sections of the United States and from all parts of the World. Its Correspondence, Foreign and Domestic, in variety, fullness and literary interest and ability, ia not surpassed by that of any other journal. In the Southern States especially, from which it has been so difficult to obtain reliable information, the Times has 4 large number of able, intelligent and candid correspondents whose reports of incidents and opinions are of great interest and value ; and from every Capital in Europe it receives early and reliable intelligence. In its Editorial Department the Times seeks to criticize passing events of every kind with can dor, intelligence and a paramount regard for the best interests of the community. It avoids al ways appeals to mere passion, and aims to direct and convince the judgment rather than appeal to prejudice. In politics it maintains the funda mental principles of the Union Party seeking the Restoration of Peace and Union upon the ba sis of Equal Rights and universal justice, and urging always and everywhere the elevation and improvement of all classes of the commnnity. I n dealing with the South it will insist upon a just and considerate policy demanding full and steady obedience to the Constitution and laws of the Union, ample protection for the enfranchised slaves in all their rights of life, liberty and property the development of the material resources, of the country, and the general advancement of ail classes of the people in education, morality and religion. All topics, in all departments, foreign and domes tic, will receive in the Tikes full and careful dis cussion. In Literary criticism and intelligence, the TlKES will be especially full and complete. Elab orate and extended Reviews will be made of new works that may deserve them, and no pains will be spared to make this Department more than ever satisfactory. The Agricultural, Cokkercial and Fi nancial Reports of the Times will be prepared with quite as much care, and will be in every re spect at least as full and satisfactory as those of any other paper. Its Reports of Congressional and Legislative Proceedings, of public Documents of value of all kinds, of Proceedings in Courts, of public meet ings, etc., etc., will be full and reliable. No paint or expense wiU be spared to make the Times the most valuable, interesting and re liable nenspaper in the United States. It has a very large corps of able and experienced writors in every department, and will add to their num ber, both at .ome and abroad, as circumstances may require. The following are the prices of the several edi tions, payable in all cases in advance : The Daily Times, per annum $10 The " " (Sunday Edition included) 12 Semi-Weekly Times, one year 8 Semi-Weekly Times, two copies one year. . 5 Weekly Times, one year 2 Weekly Times, fiv copies one yew 8 Weekly Times, ten copies one year 15 These prices are invariable. We have no travel ing agents. Remit in Checks or Post-office Money Orders if possible. Address H. J. RAYMOND & CO., nov 26-tf. Times Office New York. THE RURAL GENTLEMAN, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, DRY GOODS, MATS and BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLD DR. LAWRENCE'S CELEBRATED ROSADALIS. GROCERIES, SHOES, HARDWARE and HARNESS MAKER'S Jess variety. CUTLERY, MATERIAS in end- GLAZLER'S MATERIALS full supply. PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS sup ply extraordinary. GLASS OF ALL SIZES A LARGER sup ply than usually kept in this market. Peruvian Guano, Eaw Bone Phosphate Lime, Plaster, and Plows. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. SHEETING, COTTON YARN, SNUFF, NAILS, CANDY, ROPE, SMOKING TOBACCO. All for Sale at Wholesale or RetaO. PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. ALSO agent for Wheeler & Milleck's Thrasher fc Cleaner. P. S. His Store at at Jamestown is well sup plied with all the above varieties, at same prices as Bold at, m Greensboro. READ THE FOLLOWING HOME CERTIFICATES FROM PHYSI CIANS. We hereby certify that the Rosadalis is pre pared bv a Physician who is anjexperienced Phar maceutist and Chemist, and that his remedy is an efficient and reliable one in Scrofula, Syphi lis, &c, it having performed some remarkable I cures in this vicinity. W. A. DUGGAN, M. D. E. BARNES, M. D. R. W. KING, M. D. Wilson, N. C, February 4th, 1866. We hereby certify that we regard Dr. Law rence's Compound Extract of Rosadalis as a reli able Alterative A. D. MOORE, M D. L. A. STITH. M. D." WUaon, N. C. May 10, 1867. jyj" ORTH-WESTERN FARMER, An Illustrated MAGAZINE OP RURAL LIFE, A Journal of Agriculture. Horticulture and Household Economy. Royal quarto, (28 pages,) handsomely bound in tinted covers. Terms $1.50 a year. This is the largest, finest and cheapest farm Journal m the West, and eual to any in America in every respect. It is in all respects a first class Rural Magazine, and during the past two years has met with the greatest success of any paper ever started in this section, The third volume begins January 1st, 1868. Look at the following offers : To each subscriber a copy of the Western Farmer's Annual and Rural Companion, for 1868, a book of 64 pages, containing a Calendar and list of farm duties for each month, practical essays on Agriculture, Horticulture, Home Adorn ment, ixc, price In cents, wm he given as a premium. To agents we offer Sewing Machines. Hand Looivs, and a. variety of other useful ar ticles, books, &c, on the best terms ever offered by any publisher. Fanners, Farmers' Wives, Farmers' Sons, Farm er s Daughters, or any one else with energy and industry, can make five to ten dollars a day with out leaving their own neighborhoods. Everybody will either subscribe for the Farmer and get the A nnnl free, or buy one of the Agent, to whom a large commission is allowed on all they sell. A Liberal Offer : We will Mod s copy of the Annual, a specimen copy I the t armer( contain ing full particulars,) and subscription papers, all post paid, for twenty cents. Now is the time to make up clubs. All who subscribe now get three numbers of this year free, in addition to the pre mium. , Addres, T. A. BLAJNl), decl3-tf ' Indianapolis, Ind. N E W GOODS AT PUBLISH ID BT J. B. Office, No. Devoted to ROBINSON & CO. . 2 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore Md. IIo rticulture. GREENSBORO', N. C. In this Department we give a practical experience. Floriculture. We give especial attention to this branch of Rural I life. Fruit Growing. Upon this subject we will give you the benefit of the practical experience of the best Fruit growers. Stock Raising. This Department will have writers of experience. able articles from Agricultvre. We devote much pains to give thoughts that will aid the young and old. The good receipts. Housekeeping. housewife will find many valuable TERMS STEVENS HOUSE, One copy, one year, in advance, . - - $1.00 tS Energetic Canvassers wanted Everywhere. To whom 25 per cent commission will be allowed. For further information, address as above, en closing stamp. jul 19-tf LAW BOOKS FOE SALE 1 We have the following LAW BOOKS for sale : STEPHEN ON 1'LEADING, 2 copies. 21, 23, 24 & 27 Broadway, New York Opposite Bowling Green, On the European Plan, THE STEVENS HOUSE, is well and widely known to the travelling public The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men : it is in close proximitv to the business part of the city is on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to all the prin cipal Railroad and Steamboat depots. THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accom modation for over 300 guests it is well furnish ed, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The roains we spacious and well ventilated provided with gas and, wftler-the attendance is. prompt and respectful rand the table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the Reason at mod' erate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and re modeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests, GEO. K. CHASE & CO., - 23-tf Proprietors, WrASTED TO BEET A PIANO. TT Enquire at this office, sen 1341 CHriTY'S BLACKSTONE. JONES' LAW REPORTS, vols. 1, 2 3 and 4. IREDELL'S LAW REPORTS, voL 9. JONES DIGEST, 2 vols. " 8 vols. These Books have been somewhat used and can be had at a bargain. jul 12 NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERT. yATSOX'S GALLERY, I AM RECEIVING and opening and constantly adding to my stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, On the corner of East Market and Davie Streets, better known as the Rankin & Mc'Lean Corner, GREENSBORO, N. C. My GOODS are ALL NEW and well selected and consist of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, B001S, SHOES & HATS, LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS, ? in short Everything usually kept in this Market Thankful for past patronage, I ask a continu ance of the same. Call and see, before purchas ing. Terms exclusively CASH OR BARTER. There is a hitching lot, at the end of my store, for the accommodation of my country customers 20-lv - S. STEELE. rp the Bond Holders of the 5 0- BALL EOAD COMPANY- OFFICE N. C. RAIL ROAD COMPANY, ) Company Shops, N. C, Nov. 9, 1867. ) Most of you having agreed with my predecessor, Mr. Webb, to take new for your old bonds, l taKe this method of informing you we are now ready for the exchange. To capitalists I would say, we will sell $300,000 of eight per cent coupon bonds, secured by mort gage on the Road, and payable in five, ten, or twenty years, as the purchaser may desire inter est payable semi-annually. The debt of the Company is about $700,000. Bonds to fund this debt will be issued. The property mortgaged to secure the payment of these bonds is worth in currency seven millions of dollars. There can be no better security. The bonds wiU be sold only at par, JOSIAH TURNER. Jr. Not. 18 aw, Prest N, v, R. R. Co. -ft .: EM Q RESTS YOUNG AMERICA, Edgecombe County, N. C, May 3d, 1867. Dr. J. J. Lawrence Dear Sir: Please send me immediately per impress to larboro , two dozen more bottles of your Rosadalis. I have carefully examined its Formula, and have used it in my practice in a number of cases. I am well pleased with it. I think it, beyond doubt, the best Alterative I ever used. I have tried it in several cases of Scrofula and Scrofulous affec tions, &c, with much satisfaction to myself and ?itients. I have also used it in Secondary and eftiary Syphilis, one a terrible case of eight years standing, in which it acted with surprising and satisfactory effect making a quick and tho rough cure. I have, therefore, no hesitation in recommending it to Physicians and others, as the most reliable Alterative now known. y Respectfully yours, &c, A. B. NOBLES, M. D. Wonderful Cure of Scrofulous White Swell ing. home certificate. I hereby certify that last Septemler I was at tacked with White Swelling of the left knee and also with an enlargement of the elands of the neck one tumor reached a large size." The swelling of the knee was enormous, and was at- tenaea wiin ine most excruciating pains, l was so reduced that I was confined to inv room over three months. My leg was so completely drawn up tnat i coma not nena it an. l tried various remedies, and they failed to give me anv relief. I was in this condition when I commenced taking Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. The swelling in the knee and neck legan to subside lefore I took nil of the first bottle. By the time I took the second bottle, the swelling of the neck entirely disap peared, and that of the knee nearly so. After taking three bottles I found myself completely well able to walk as well as;ever, &c. LATIMER WILLIAMS Wilson, May 12, 1867. Rosadalis will cure the very worse cases of Chro- tc HAeumatism. home certificate. Wilson, N. C, Mav 6, ")867. I hereby certify that I was cured of long stand ing Chronic Rheumatism, by taking four bottls of Dr. Lawrence s Kosadahs. JAMES WILLIS Rosadalis Cures Carbuncles, Boils, Pimples, dec. CERTIFICATE! FROM AN OLD AM) MUCH RES PECTED CITIZEN OF GREENE COUNTY, NOW A RESIDENT OF WILSON, N. C. I hereby certify that, during the summer and fall of 1866 I was severely afflicted with Carbun cles having had as many as fourteen large Car buncles, and twelve ordinary Bods. I suffered so much from them that I could not get out of the house half the time for several months. Being induced to try Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis, I was entirely cured by the use of one bottle of that truly valuable medicine. W. A. BAKDEN, SR. Wilson, May 11th, 1867. THE ETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO OF HARTFORD, CONN., THE DISTINCTIVE FEATURE OF A STOCK CO MJ."A NY. By the Stock Plan the full cash effect of the Premium is immediately secured to the InsnraL the Company taking all the risk. By the purely mutual plan, the full value in insurance of the Premium Paid is not secured to the Policy-holder, uo uutes a portion oi tne risk bimself. Examine the Hans of the Etna before Insuring JL (sew here. It was chartered 47 years aso. Its. Cnnitiil and Assets to the 1st July. 1867. is G.0OaorHV and has paid losses, during the last 47 years, amount ing to and now has over ONE MILLION above liabilities-, and is at this time oue of the strongest com panies in America. On the .Partiolpatins T'fe man. von can nnv one-half of the Premium in Gash, and a note for tne otner nail at b per cent, interest, and vou will not be called upou to pay said notes, but they will be absorbed by the profit you be entitled to' after a1 O.l - tuc .u year, viz : 50 pe cent. Dividend, le returned to you cancelled and the notes will by the Company. v e challege comparison with any other invest ment yieiaing nnvtnintr like such alvAntm.-rns results. I he "Connecticut Mutual" boastinclv claims to i ii. i . . . . i : . . oe ui largest, oest, and cheapest Company in all the country with 16.000.000 of assPtW Sh BATES OF APVEETTSIlfG. One square, first insertion,. .. .....;..'......,....$ Ot " " eaca subaeaueut i aertkm - SO One square, three month a,............... ...... 00 lx monuu,... ie 00 " " twelvemonths,.... ....10 CO Two squares, three months, .10 0 : " at months, , Is (0 " twelve months.:.......... to One column, twelve month,.. ..900 CO isuainem Cards, one square or leaa, per year, $ (0 , Aoveraaements not apeclflen an to tune. DUbUahrd 1 1 . ordered out and charged acoordingty. ah aavertiaementa uounaerea uu man nrst inaerami and collectable accordingly. t , . JOHN C. JOHN GORMAN. NICHOLS, i, JOHN B. NKATHK&Y. JJICHOLS, GORMAN NEATHERT PRACTICAL -: ; . it BOOK-AND JOB PRINTERS; BINDERS AND IL11I 00 04 II Y : i l 1 .,. . umu uer members ou per cent. Uivulent last vear. Kemember you must be a member 4 vears before getting it and she has now droimed down to 50 per cent. Like the "Great Eastern," she seems to be drop- uig oacK. into a "saier haruor. I 1. T 1 1 . . .. ijuua. m uurus iwport, at page 6ia, and you wm see me ioiiowing statement total amount of losses and claims Unpaid, $272,700.00, and -18.000 of it resisted. - In this same report you, find ho such statement about the iittle ;t.a. With her $7,000,000 assets sne. is now paying her members 50 per cent, dividends. Then coin tare her Non-Forfeiting En dowment table, with this most advantageous of all companies, and sec which has the Cheapest ruies : Etna. Cosk. Mittttai.. 14 to 40 $36,53. 15 to 40 38,74. - 20 to 40 52.52. 52,26. 30 to 50 55.04. 1 he above tables nre on each thousand dollars, and continue 65 years, in like proportion. And the reason that the .Etna is drawing fire from these big guns is simply owing to the fax-t that her officers can handle $7,000,000, and pay more dividend than the purely Mutual, with $16,000,000, and pay losses besides. The ETXAhas aveniged 1,500 new policies per month since 1st January, 1W7, in the aoe of all opposition, and there 18 still boom in this Sound Life Boat. W. H. CROW, General Aaent. augz&-im.j RALEIGH, N. C. The proprietors of this popular establishment (one of the most complete in the south) give their entire attention to the prompt and artustic execu tion of BOOK A.NT3 JOB PRINTED Their stock of PLAIN AND FANCY PAPERS, CARD &c, is large and varied, and having been pur- : chased at wholesale prices, for 'cash, can be f ur- ji nished their patrons much cheaper, than the same material can be bought from retail dealers. 1 14 to 40 $34,78. 15 to 40 36,80. 20 to 40 30 to 50 ATTORNEYS, CONSTABLES, CLERKS, 50,58. and SHERIFFS furnished at short notice with description ; also BLANKS of every for N. C. & Virginia. 5 PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored In OIL PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored in Water Colors. PHOTOGRAPHS, in India Ink, PHOTOGRAPHS, in Pastea ' PHOTOGRAPHS, Large. PHOTOGRAPHS, Small rVORYTYPES, Porcelain Pictures. AMBROTYPES. FERREOT Y PES. AH execututed with neatness and dispatch at WATBOH'e QaLLKttT. Baleigh. N. C , ' ; jull2-l7 the beat Juvenile Majpwine, Every Boy and Girl that sees it aays so j all the Press- says so ; and Parents and Teachers confirm it. Do not fail to secure a copy. A good Mkroscope, with a Glass cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two bladed, pearl Pocket-Knif e, and a large number of other desirable articles, given as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, $1 50. The November Number com mences a new volume. Published by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, J ,,. .: -i .-. 473 Broadway, New York. Try it, Boys and Girls. Specimen copies, five cents, mailed free. Nov5tf Consumption, in its Early Stages can be cured. Baltimore, Md., March 4th, 1867. Dear Dr. Lawrence: My daughter having been cured of a deeply seated disease of the lungs by your Rosadalis, I feel it my duty to make the fact known to you for the benefit of others. She suffered nearly two years with a hard cough, which troubled her day and night ; at last the emaciated form, glassy eye, night sweats, together with the cough, told too plainly that it was Con sumption, beyond question, eating at her vitals. Our Physician s remedies brought no relief. She was advised to try your Rosadalis, as a tonic which she did imagine my surprise and gratifi cation, when I found her appetite returning. Slowly she regained her strength, her cough and night sweats gradually ceased, and she is now after taking hve bottles or your medicine, appa rently as well as ever. Yours, respectfully, Mbs. E ANN (SMITH. Rosadalis Cures all Skin Diseases. SALT RHEUM CURED I REMARKABLE CURE! Dr. Lawrence, Wilson, N. C: My Dear Sir For the last ten years, until recently-, I suffered with an inveterate eruption of the skin called by Physicians " Salt Rheum," with which I suffered terribly ; the pain and itch ing was almost intolerable. I tried several of the best Physicians in Europe and this country have visited several celebrated springs spent thousands of dollars, and failed to get any better. In De cember, 1866, being in Charleston, S. C, I was told by a gentleman at the hotel that he bad been cured of a bad tetter bv a medicine called " Rosa dalis." I resolved to try it, without any hope though of its doing me any good. 1 procured bottle ox Messrs. rung at uassiuey, and com menced taking it. Finding, to my surprise, that I was improving, I bought four other bottles ; but before commencing on the last two, I found I was completely well the disease having entirely dis appeared. ' Enclosed find One Hundred Dollars, which please aecept as a token of my gratitude. Why do you not make your invaluable Rosadalis widely known? u Your sincere friend, W. T, SELTZER. Major John W, Dunham, one of the editors of the Wilson North Carolinian, says in the issue of the 80th April,-1867: "I believe, from per sonal experience, that the Rosadalis is' the finest tonic ever prepared Beware of Counterfeits, ISf See that J. J, LAWRENCE & Co., is blown An the bottle and stamped on the eork. p "MPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. EVERY YOUNG MAN desirous to obtain a thor ough Practical Business Education, should attend tne oia established PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE AND NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC INSTITU tE, Corner Baltimore and Charles Streets Baltimore, md. -MINUTE DOCKETS, , .; TRIAL DOCKETS, EXECUTION DOCKETS, . MARRIAGE REGISTERS, ADMINISTRATOR'S BOND BOOKS, GUARDIAN BOND BOOKS, 1 TAX BOOKS, &c, dkc., Ruled to any patera and Bound to order. SCHOOL and COLLEGE CATALOGUES, CIRCULARS, REPORTS, DIPLOMAS etc., gotten up in a tasty style. . OLD BOOKS, . .. NEWSPAPERS, MUSIC, PERIODICALS, Founded in 1852. Chartered in 1854. LAW REPORT, etc, THE ONLY INCOEPARATED INSTITUTION Of the kind in the State of Maryland. TJIE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE OF BALTIMORE. THE COLLEGE IN MARYLAND Which has introduced the system of actual business practice any extent. Bound in any style. to SPLENDID BANKS, BUSINESS HOUSES AND OFFICES successful operation. EST" Publishers and Agents for the sale of BATTLE'S DIGEST and PHILLIPS' SU PREME COURT REPORTS. m Every Student becomes a Merchant, Book keeper and Banker, and goes through with the whole business routine of Buying and Sellin Shipping, Importing, etc, etc. The Most Extensive and Most Elegantly FurniiJted Establishment of the kind in the United States. Everv Young Man should write immediately for our large Illustrated College Journal, contain ing Terms of Tuition and full particulars, which will be sent -by return mail free of charge, with samples of Money, Commercial and Business lleautitul bpecimens ot bpencenan Address E. K LOSIER, , Principal. Baltimore, Md. & The origin of MINT JULEP, Being the sad Story and the fair Mintilb. Lamentable fate of ALL LETTERS Address J. J. of Inquiry, answered. &c., raoMPTLT LAWRENCE, M. D., Wilson, N. C. tWSent anywhere by Express on receipt of Price. For sale by 1 - WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, Dniggists, Raleigh, N. C. eet4-&a. A HUMOROUS POEI. A few copies of this popular Poem still on' haud. .1 Seut by mail, post paid on receipt of rarTT, cents. NICHOLS, GORMAN & NEATHERT: jul .12 tf. Raleigh, N.C. Papers and Penmanship H ORSE STOLES. jul 19-ly. 66 B ON TON." The QREA TEST BLESSING of the AGE is DANFORTH & CO.'S BO'N TON SOAP, Its use will save TIME! as clothes wash quicker ; LABOR! ! as clothes need less rubbing; MONEY 1 1 1 as one pound will go as far as two of ordinary soap. It will not injure the finest fabric. It will remove Grease-spots, &c Get it, and prove for yourselves. We also continue to manufacture our CELE BRATED XXX FAMDLY SOAP. ' 'DANFORTH & CO., 70 Murray Street,' New York, j Stolen from my stable, on Monday night, the 9th instant, a SMALL BAY HORSE. He has never been altered, is eight years old, white, spot in the forehead, three white and one black feet, and a large knot in his side ; mane cut short, and is branded on the left shoulder J. J. 8. ' The loser is a widow, with several children, said will lie thankful for any information that will lead to his recovery. , ' " ' ", ' : sepl3-tf EDITH SAULS. J70E SALE. . i A RUGGLES ROTABf CARD Jfc BIL&HEAD PRESS, in good order, and will do excellent w'orky for sale low. Siae bf bed, inside chase, 4 )-? by o inches. - . 'NICHOLS, GORMAN it NBATHEBYj 1 ' New Floor! I TVTew Tlowr 1 First quality of FLOUR fiom new wheal.ffust received and f, r r-t;. at V" "1 t ?fcti SLEDG17Sro .A i 9 Y , I .

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