4 i i TTTTT. A TYET.PTTTA. Uahcmiy cf , Hedicine'Jaiid ' SSrgery. OrganW, 184k , Char y the Legislature, February 6 ' - nents to Charter, Fsbruary 15, I860, an. i 15, 1865. r .. t Two fuU sessions of Lectn each 7ar, com mencing the first of October, Mid continuing nn 11 April The Directing Rooms are open, and private lectures and quizzes continue during the ntlrv year. , ins nnnewm ronun Christmas, or for 'three months, and the second an til the first of April, or three months; the two omtitat'"g one f au course of lectures. -: Exami nation of candidates for graduation will occur at he end of each session. . i REQUISITES FOB GRADUATION. The requisites for graduation are three sessions of lectures, sad three rears only : or f oar sessions, including two years spent at the Tiuversity. ' TUB SYSTEM OF MEDICINE TAUGHT. r-ihe UniTorsitr is a liberal medical school, in which all branches of medicine and surgery are tenght, including the preparatory studies, without regard to any sectarian news. Hence, while they . deprecate the exclasiveness of Allopathy, Homce ' paihy, Eclecticism, Hydropathy, etc, tbey believe that all principles of cure and therapeutical agen hnuMh tamrhtin all well-rejrulsted medical schools, and that every intelligent, honest, and thorough practitioner is entitled to oil the courte sies and privileges of the prof easiest, without re gard to his peculiar notions in therapeutics. . .1 . w ;;, FEES. ' .' "7. The fees for all branches, including all the tick eta, matriculation, and dissection, are sixty dol lars a session, or one hundred dellars per year. Those who purchase tickets only have to matrio alats once, which makes the second session Fifty five Dollars, Including demonstrator's fees, or One Hundred and Ffteen Dollars for a full course. To aid young men of moderate means, the Uni versity has issued five hundred scholarships, which are sold to first-coarse students, for Seventy-five Dollars, and to second-course students; and clergy men for Fifty Dollars, each constituting the hol der a life member, with the perpetual privileges of the lectures, and all . the teachings of the school. The only additional fees are a yearly dissecting and matriculating ticket, each of which is Five Dollars. , - THE ADVANTAGES OF SCHOLARSHIPS. The student holding a scholarship can enter the College at anytime daring the year) attend as long as he chooses, and re-enter the Institution as frequently as desired. It requires no previous reading or study to en ter the University on scholarships, hence all pri vate tuition fees are saved. Students, by holding scholarships, can prose cute other business a pari of the time. The candidate for graduation can present him self at any time, and receive his degree as soon as qualified. . In case a student should hold a scholarship and not be able to attend lectures, it can be transferred to another, thus preventing any loss. Parents, guardians or fnonds ef students wish ing to purchase scholarships for them, a year or more before their attendance at the University, can secure them bv advancing one-half the price, and paying the balance when the student enters Physicians and benevolent men can bestow great benefit upon poor young men, by presenting them a scholarship, and thus enabling them to obtain an honorable profession. - THE REGULAR FACULTY. . jixxa McCUHTOCK, A. 1L, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. Wh. PATjns, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Pathology. . C S. Gatnrr, A. 11, M. D., Professor of Chem istry, Pharmacy, and Toxicology. E. G. Daltok, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physiology. ; H J DoucT. AM.. M D.. Professor of Mate ria Medics and Therapeutics. A R Thomas, M D., Professor of Anatomy, General, Special, Microscopical, and Pathological. JOSJCPH 8. LONOSHORB, M D., Professor of Ob stetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children. E D BuCKHaJr, M D., Professor of Minor ur gery. PROFESSORS OF SPECIAL BRANCHES. A tXYXXBT, A M., MND., Professor of Clinical Medicine. J 8 LovoeaOKX, M D., Professor of Clinical Obstetrics. C J Laira, M D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. L Oldshvx, M D., Professor of Urino-Pathol-ogy. I Ltjkxnb, M D., D D S., Professor of Dentis try. C MUBFHT, M D., Professor of Medical Juris frudence. W M COBZrELL, M D., LL Professor of .'Jygenene and Physical Culture. R B Wkatjcx, A ML,MD., Demonstrator of Anatomy. NEW BOOKS. Panrx'g Pbaotick or Mkdicixs. The work is now complete. It is a royal octavo of one thou sand pages, and contains a full description of all diseases, including those of surgery, and of women and children, together with their pathology, his tory, symptoms, and treatment, and is claimed to be one of the most complete, elaborate, and exten sive wojks npon these subjects ever issued from the American press. Price, Seven Dollars ; post age, 50 cents. Nrw School, Remedies. An octavo, contain ing a full description of all the concentrated and new remedies used by all schools of the profes sion, and a complete alphabetical materia medics. Price, Five Dollars. To those who order both books, Ten Dollars postage prepaid. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. A Semi-Monthly Journal of Medicine, Surgery, ' rhiaiology, Hygiene, and General literature, devoted to the Profession and the People. The cheapest medical paper in the world, pub lished every two weeks, at the University Build ing, Ninth Street, south of Walnut Single copies, -. 1 00 Five copies to one address, 4 85 Ten " 7 50 Fifteen M - 9 80 Twenty " 10 00 The getter-np of the dab shall have one copy Eatis. It is also the cheapest advertising medium the world, as it reaches nearly all physicians and druggists, besides having a large popular cir culation. The price for advertising is ten cents per line, seven words making a line. No papers sent or advertisements inserted unless prepaid. Address, W. Panne, M. D., Editor, 2tf ' Philadelphia, Pa. C TTTANTED TO MAKE AN ARKANGE . V Y ment" with a LIVE KAN in every coun ty, who wishes to make money, and can give good references. No capital required. Will sell a ' business now paying $1,500 per month, and rely ; on the profits for my pay. Address J. C TTLT0N, juLWL Pittsburgh, Ps, TAHHEL1VS HOTEL, HIGH POINT, N. c, Pr opr i e 1 0 r. The traveling public may rest assured of finding rood.. and comfortable accommodations at this nonss,,f , 4-38-pd '. ;: THE YABBEOUGH HOUSE. :.h; JFayettevillelStreet, " ' l"! RALEIGH, N. (7., XHavetht pleasure of announcing to my friends and tba travelling public, that I have leased h , '.- . TAxuznovcninoiJSE, lota term of ysars. Thshoose vHUbs; RxPAnrriD and fuaftisHXD with new and elegant faraitare atones. , t 7 --Ut ..'isY , I return sincere thanks to my patrons for their ' Tery kind and liberal patronar, received while in. charge of ths EXCHANGE HOTEL In this dry. I promise that the Yarbrough House shall have 00 superior iath South.; IL BLAJJB. V SOMETHING NEW UNDER TltE SUN. - r- ' J1 f r 1"! 1 , rtrn I 1 n ii ii ii -ijua am i -m .a .nrAnMii1 DioASHod r&ad the fol- 3 gjff ija MJ ) -r lowing, j.; .J ;;f ; , "... t i -l -. r-Let all who have been given up by doctors andTpoken of as incurable; read the following. r L sas-tet ail who "can Wieve facts and can have faitiTin evidence, read the following. "Knott att men by ffM pretentt, That on this the twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, person ally came Joseph itayaoca to me, and being duly sworn, deposed as f ollowst That he is the sole general agent for the United states, sad . dependencies thereof, for preparations, or medicines known as Maggekl'8 Pills and balvk. and that the following certificates are ver batim copies to the best of his knowledge and be lief. .'! ' JAMES SMETTRE, p Tu 8.1 Notary Public, 1, ., jTJint 1, 1866. Dr. Jfaggid .I take my pen to write you of my great reUef, and that the awful pain in my side has left me at last thanks to your medicine. Oh, Doctor, how thankful I am that I can get some .i t nvr write it enough. I thank you seam and again, and I am sure that you are real ly the friend of all sufferers. I could not help writing to yon, and hope yon will not take it amiss. s 3 , , James Mtkbs, 116 Avenue D. This is to certify that I was discharged from the army with chronic diarrhea, , and have been cured by Dr. Maggiers mis.-v New York, April 7,1865. 27 Pitt street. The following is an interesting case of a man employed in an iron foundery, who, in pouring melted iron into a flask that was damp and wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and on him in a perfect shower, and he was dreadfully burned. The following certificate was given to me by him about eight weeks after the ac- dent j . ' New York, January 11, 1866.; My name is Jacob Hardy ; I am an iron foun der ; I was badly Jburned by hot iron in November last; my burns healed, but I had a running sore on my leg that would not heal 5 I tried Maggiel's . . . . . i in.: : Salve, and it curea me in a iew wees, xma i all true, and any body can now see me at Jackson's Iron Works, 2nd avenue. J. HARDY, lift Joerick street. Extracts from Various Letters. " I had ne appetite ; Maggiel's Pills gave me a hearty one." w Your Pills are marvellous.' I gend for another box, and keep-them in the house." "Dr. Maggiel has cured my headache that was chronic" u I gave half of one of your Pills to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day." u My nausea of a morning is now cured." " Your box of Maggiel's salve cured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your salve behind my ears and the noise left." u Send me two boxes; I want one for a poor fannly." " I inclose a dollar ; your price is twenty-five cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." M Send me five boxes of your Pills." " Let me have three boxes of your salve by re turn mail." t3 I have over two hundred such testimonials as this, but want of space compels me to conclude. J. MAGGIEL, M. D. FOR BILIOUS DISEASES. Nothing can be more productive of cure than these Pills. Their almost magic influence is felt at once and ttie usual concomitants of this most distressing disease are removed. These remedies are made from the purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not harm the most delicate female, and can be given with good effect, in prescribed doses, to the youngest babe. POR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS, And all eruptions of the skin the salve is most in valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of theeviL dr. maggiel's Pills. Invariably cure the following diseases : Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Dropsy, Debility, Headache, Indigestion, Influensa. Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Complaint, Lowness Of spirits, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Scalds, Diseases. Fever and Ague, skin Each Box contains Twelve Pills. ONE PILLIS A DOSE. N6tice. None genuine without the en srraved trade-mark around each Dot or box. signed by DR J. MAGGLEL, New York, to counterfeit which is felony. tKept by all respectable Dealers in Medi cines throughout the united states and Cana da, at 25 cents, per box or pot. 81y CLEMMONSV STAGE LINE, jFOR FAYETTEVLLLE and WARSAW. On and after the first of July, my line of Stages will leave Raleigh for Fayetteville, MONDAYB, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Returning, they will leave Fayetteville on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. Travellers will find on this line good horses, careful drivers and the best Concord Coaches. Agency in Raleigh at the Yarberough House. Warsaw to Fayetteville. The stage leaves Warsaw Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Fayetteville for Warsaw Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. jul 6-lm. E. T. CLEMMONS, Cont'r. A Certain Cure for Itch. XA. This troublesome disease can be effectu ally cured in from two to six hours by the use of this remedy. Avoid all POISONOUS OINT MENTS, they are Dangerous. This remedy has been used with great success for nine years and has given satisfaction to all who have used it. As a cure for scratches on horses it is unri valled, effecting a perfect cure in from 2 to 4 days. Certificate from mail contractors and farmers cer tifying to the cares it has effected will be shown to any one. Prepared at the Laboratory of B. F. SAUNDERS, Chapel Hill, N. a MARVIN'S PATENT AKVH AND DEI PLASTER, AND Burglar Proof SAFES. .!. ." WARRANTED the best in the World 1 Nev er corrode the Iron. Never lose their fire proof qualities. ' Are the only Suit filled with Alum and Dry Plaster. ' Please send ot call for an Illustrated Catalogue. V C ' V , MARVIN & CO, . s - 1 -Principal Warehooaest "fr , Now. $65Broadway, New; York -o .o. I21.;,heettiat street, Philadelphia ' .mn-na k XTT . BTT15T TOITPHfl . ... - . ... , ..... . . t -. ; LrrtEB FKOM W. G. CLARK, JGSq. hi Ah. Atlaxta; GA., April 19,1867. T S. THRASHER. ESO-r-DKAE S: J . It affords me much pleasure to communi; cate to yon the following resolution o'f the South ern Press Association : :' ' "; ' HAMt&M&. That as a testimonial ef our appre- .timi fnr the zealous, faithful and effective ser vice of John S. Thrasher, Esq.. as Superintendent of this Association in years past, "we hereby ten w him th thank of this : Association, and con fer npon him the complimentary position of Agent of the soutneni rress Assocmuou w uw vsj The terms oft ' commendation empioyea in uie ahnve reaolntion do no more than justice to your important services daring your Superin tendency- service . which none , naa neiier vyyn mmi; v know, and none can more highly appreciate man mvoAlf ' Should occasion reauire. I shall be glad to avail myseii 01 tne aia proviueu xav vj ua olution. ' ' - . ' k Very respectf ally, yoar obedient servt, W. G. CLARK, President. J. NOTICE-" v iV . -; T Would respectfully request evety Daily Tri- JL Weekly, Semi-Weekly, Weekly and Monthly Journal, South of the Potomac and Ohio rivers, and the 86th deg. 30 min. parallel of . latitude West of the Mississippi, to publish this advertise ment twice, and send to me at New York, each time, a copy of the paper containing it, post paid, with bill for same. . It is'detorable, in my combinations to procure cheaper printing paper 'for Southern journals, that I shall have the fullest information regarding the sizes of paper used by the se veral publications, and I can procure it in no other way than by request-, ing particular attention to the need of sending copy of the publication with the bill, . 1 desire it Bent twice to provide against mail failures, and that they be post-paid to secure post office delivery. J. S. THRASHER, 192t . Box 5,939 New York. PEIS PENCILS. The best and cheapest Gold Pen in the world is the PEN." It has - been proved by use during the past Twelve Years.' These Pens are made with special reference to mwothnest, fiexibiUty and eaty writing. These (roods can bo, sent by Mail as surely and more promptly than by impress, in ordering, be par ticular to state the style of Pen wanted, whether fine or coarse, hard or soft . We manufacture Short Nib Pens of all sizes, at some price as Long Nib. All Pens are warranted for one year, and are fourteen carats fine. Send for a Circular, civine exact styles and prices. Pens re-pointed on receipt of 50 cents. E. S, J0UN8ON & CO., 44 Nassau St, New York. O PEERS' PATENT CLASP AND HOOP O IRON BANDS FOR BALING COTTON THE SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST, NEWEST, SAFEST, QUICKEST And m all respects the best method or securing the great Southern Staple for transmission to market. The following are some of its advan tages ; lour bands can be put on as soon as one rope. It is from ten to forty per cent, cheaper than rope. It does not rot from moisture or burn with fire. It does not slip or break and consequently pre vents waste. . It is so simple that no person can make a mis take in applying it. WANTED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF SPEERS' COTTON CLASP AND HOOP IRON BANDS In everv Countv of the States of North and South Carolina, for the crop of 1867. BLANKS FURNISHED AND LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Address SPEERS PATENT COTTON CLASP, Care Union Register, Greensboro, N. C. Valuable Wat Power For Sale rp HE LIBERTY ISLAND WATER-POWER, X 2 miles from tho-Depot at Company Shops on the North Carolina Rail Road, is now offered for sale. It is located on Haw River, has an abun dant and constant supply of water and good fall. It is one of the most easily developed and valua ble mill sites in the State. Will be sold or put in as stock in any good manufacturing business. The power is sufficient for any business, and the cost of improvement would be small in comparison with most sites. For further information apply to the Register Office, or to the subscriber at Com pany Shoo. T. R. SIMPSON. 8-3m. ATCII & PHELPS, BANKERS AND BROKERS, GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS. U. S. k Foreign Newspaper Advertising Agents, 19 Broad St., astd 57 Exchange Place, It cw York 3tf REMINGTON'S FD2E ARMS, SOLD BY THE TRADE GENERALLY. UPWARDS OF 200,000 FURNISHED THE U. 8. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre, Navy Revolver, 86-100 in. Qalibre, . Belt Revolver, (Self-Cocjiing,) Navy Calibre, Belt Revolver, Navy Siz Calibre. Police Revolver, Navy Size Calibre. Jew .rocket Revolver, (with Loading Lever.; Pocket Revolver, (Self-Cocking.) Repeating Pistol, (Elliot pt) No. 32 Cartridge. Repeating Pistol, (Elliot pt.) No. 22 Cartridge. Vest Pocket Pistol, No. 22, Cartridge. Gun Cane, using No. 32 Cartridge. Singhi Barrel Shot Gun. Revolving Rifle, 36-100 in. Calibre. Breech Loading Rifle, No. 2 Cartridge. Breech Loading Carbine, No. 46 Cartridge. U. S. Rifle, (Steel Barrel,) with Sabre Bayonet. U. S. Rifled Musket, Springfield Pattern. Our new Breach Loading Arms have just been approved and adopted for MUUsry service in En- Hion, Nsw York, AQEirra. -Moore & Nichols, New Yorkt Poultnev & Trimble, Baltimore ; Henry Folsom & Co., New 0 rleans & Memphis' L. M. ; Ramsey & ' Co., St Louis.- ltf. A. ,W. LINDSAY, T j pe 4 F o u n;4 , 60, D UANE 6Tv X ' 1, f-Kvm Took Cnrr: IThe JBwufer ispr ,. don type from this MtabliahmenL.f - i 14-tf GENTS WANTED"'" , ; V In every County of North' and South (Carolina, tol LOUTaO SMIU , .. . a Lloyd's Kew Donble Map, . : of North America on the face, and a COUJT1I MAP of the United States on the back, covering 24 mnmtr feet of mnslin. with rollers. &c Other agencies can be given, u aesirea. ; Agtu iu from five to twenty dollars per day. WABKETl xt. JUAivocL&Xji General Agent Lloyd's Map. inl Sfl : 1 Columbia, S. C. I All Carolina Barters inserting this notice to the amount of "$8 will receive a copy of the map in payment...'. ,1 . JpERRET & CCS Celebrated Watches, Full Jewelled Leyers, in Coin Silver Cases These Watches are the most accurate time-keepers now manufactured, and for durability and fine ness of finish, are not equalled by any sold in the We have received a large invoice of these justly celebrated Watches from the J! actory, wita m structions to retail them at Wholesale Prices. WE SHALL THEREFORE EEDUCE THE FBC R&DtTCfi fHE PlJC FBOli $40 TO $25.' An opportunity never before offered for buying anv extra fine Watch. These superior Watches are not sold as cheap Watchet, but for the very bett quality. They can only be bought from us, we having the EXCLU SIVE AGENCY FOB THIS UN ITKD STATJOS. Any Watches with the name of PERRET & CO., not bought from us, are imitations. Every Watch fully guaranteed, sent by Express, C O. D. 40 & 44 Nassau Street, New Vort OTARCH GLOSS. O The most economical article that can be used, costing only about one cent to do the wash ing of an ordinary sized family. Gives a fine, ivory-like polish to linen pr muslin Effectually prevents the iron and dust from ad? henng to the cloth. , Makes old linen look like new. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, thereby savmg tone and labor waslupg, ' . 1 . . II . 1 1 1 1 warrantea not ra injure uie womes. Twenty-five cents per cake. Liberal discount to the trade. IMPERIAL BLUE. Best in the World. Soluble in hard as well as soft water. Warranted not to streak the clothes. Ten-cents per box. liberal discount to the trade. Acents wanted everywhere, to sell the above articles,, to whom we offer extraordinary induce ments. Samples sent post paid on receipt of above prices. Address NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. ltf No. 218 Fulton St, New York. 50 PERCENT. SAVED By using B. T. BABBITTS Labor- saving Soap. This Soap is made from clean and pure materials, contains no adulteration of any kind, will not in 1 ore the most delicate fabric, and is especially adapted for woolens, which will not shrink after being washed with this Soap. It may be used in hard or soft waters. It will remove paint, grease, tar and stains of all kinds. One pound warranted equal to two pounds ot tamily Soap. Directions sent with each bar, for making three gallons of handsome soft Soap from one pound of this Soap. Each bar is wrapped in circular containing full directions for use, printed in English and German. Ask your grocer for w B. T. Babbitt's Soap," and take no other. B. T. Babbitt, Nos. 64,65, 66,67,68,69,70, 72, and 74 Washington street, New York. MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP. 50 per cent saved by using B. T. Babbitt's pure Concentrated Potash or Ready Soap Maker. Warranted double the strength of common Potash, and superior to any other -saponifer or ley in the market. Put up m cans of 1 pound, 2 pounds, 3 pounus, 6 pound and 12 pounds, with full directions, in English and German, for making Hard and Soft Soap. One pound will make 15 trnllons of soft Soap. No lime is required. Consumers will find this the cheapest Potash in the market. . B. T. Babbitt, Nos. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, and 74 Washington street, New York. 50 PER CENT SAVED by using B. T. BAB BITS qest Medical Salaratus, " made from com mon salt. Bread made with this Salaratus con tains, when baked, nothing but common salt, wa ter and flour. Nos. 64. 65, 66, 67. 68, 69, 70, 72, and 74, Washington street, New York. 50 PER CENT SAVED by using B. T. BAB BITT'S btar xeast rowaer. Ugnt Uiscmt, or any kind of Cake may be made with this Yeast Powder, in fifteen minutes. No shortening re quired when sweet milk is used. Nos. 64 to 74 Washington street, New York, ltf. "DROWN & PERKINS, -U Publishers of Sheet Music and Music and Music Books. We would respectfully call the at tention of Choir-Leaders and Singing School Teachers to our establishment, where all kinds of Church Music, Glee and Anthem Books can obtained on the most favorable terms. The lone experience of our Mr. Perkins be in Musical Conventions, Choirs, the Concert Room and Sunday School, enables him to give advice and information on all points of musical intere as to the selection of proper works of instruction formation of Musical Schools progress in musit- cal studies, and items of general interest to comH posers, leaders,' teachers and students. Sheet Music furnished the on usual terms, with promptness and dispatch. Country orders solici ted and selections made for pupils? teachers, concerts, &c, &c, &c. NOW READY; Will be True to Me, The Orphan Wanderer, The Rose Bush, Fairy of the Wild wood. T. E. Perkins, SOcts. 30 cts. 30 cts. T. E. Perkins, T. E. Perkins, H. A. Brown, 80 ota, 30 cts, Memory, (for Baritone,) H. A. Brown, Foot of any of the above will be forwarded on receipt of one dollar. a. Send for a Circular. BROWN & PERKINS, ltf 420 Broome St., New York City. CHAUSSIER'S EMPRESS ! A FRENCH PREPARATION FOR THE HAIR, It is not a Dye, but will restore Gray or Faded Hair to its original color in one week cures all Diseases of theScalp, removes Dandruff and all irritations ; prevents Hair from falling off from any cause ; compels new Hair to grow on bald heads when fallen off from disease ; is free from all disagreeable smell ; will not soil the finest linen ; is the Fipest Toilet Article ever produced (elegantly perfumed,) and is warranted in every instance or money refunded. For sale qy Drug gists generally, Weeks & rotter, Boston, sole Agents for the United States, For Physicians' and each bottle. ltf Jichmond Type Foundry. THE ONLY MANUFACTORY OF TYPE on southern soil, south of Baltimore. The Proprietors of the above Foundry have al so united with their Foundry a complete PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE Having on hand or fmrnishad to order, every ar ticle requisite for a Printing Office, from a Bodkin to a Tea Cflin der Press. Type and Printing Material from n7 Foundry North furnished when requirad, Wc can and will manufacture in Richmond as good an article, at the same specimen prices as any Foundry North. We respectfully solicit the patrooagi of the South. . HBSBY Or PEL0UIZE ? CO. Ws refer yon to avery Printer in the City, Wis also desire every Newspaper in (ha South fa Popy this sdvertisemcnt for ope nMh lendw M one copy of their paper, and rsceivB fteir pay for sncfe advertisement upon purchasing five times th4 amoont of their bill from us.' -H, L. P fc CO. nl , rOS BALK XT LOWJtST- CASH PKICES AT ' B. W.GLEN V8 DRUG STOKE, JIarlet Street, E ENS B O B O,t ir. C. Xi ' -v. I have a very large stock of . , PAT E N T XM E D 1 O IN E 3, ' Consisting of,,. PILLS, PAINKILLER, MUSTANG LIN- AMENT, BABSAPARILLA, CHERRY j PECTORAL, COUGH SYRUPS and BALSAMS oj ' - aU kinds, DIARRHEA Preparationt, 1 WORM DESTROYERS - VERMIFUGES,, CASTOR OIL, COD LIVER OIL, PAREGORIC, LAUDANUM, BATEMAN'S DROPS, GODFREY'S CORDIAL ' STRENGTHENING PL A 8 TEHB, -MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING 8 TRUP, HI VE 8 YRUPt TURNING'S BALSAM HILV8 BALSAM OF HONEY. THOMPSON'S EYE WATER, FAMILY MEDICINES of att kinds, etc., We have also Black Tea. Cocoa, Chocolate, Farina, Corn Starch, Tapko, Barley; &c, &c xancy louet boaps, uolcsnes, Extracts, rom - mades, Hair Oil, Ac., &c . . Dr. Uhanssiers celebrated KMrKESS prepa ration for the hair, Starch Gloss, Emperial Bine, &c, &c . i; ' ' Syringes of Rubber, Metal and Glass, 1000 now on nana. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, AMPUTATING INSTRUMENTS, Pocket Cases, &c LIQUORS, ' Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes. HENNESSY. Cogniao Brandy, Charles' London Cordial Gin, Old Bourbon Whiskey, 8cuppernQng Wine, warranted pure juice of the grape, Lon don Porter, Scotch Ales, &c, &c Our friends from the country will please give us a call, it being our intention to keep a CHOICE AND SELECT STOCK thereby hoping to give the - THE BE8T SATISFACTION. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. shall continue in the practice of Medicine, and attend to calls in town and country. Calls promptly attended at all hours. I have added to my means of cure, Dr. Hadfleld's Equalizer, Which is unequalled in the treatment of Chronic Rheumatism, Epelipsy, Ac, and will take pleasure in furnishing Physicians with this apparatus and tae territorial rignts anywnere in tms state. April, 1867. FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the valuable Farm, in CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, con taining SOO Acre The farm is situated in the Southwestern portion of the county, in the midst of the beet Coal and Mineral region of the State ; being in one mile of the Ore Hill Iron Works, that have been success- tally worked during the late war. Th celebrated Mineral Springs are also about one mile distant. The improvements consist of a large TWO STORY DWELLING, well finished and painted, KITCHEN and SERVANTS HOUSE, Large Framed BARN and STABLES, all in good order. The House is beautifully situated on an elevated position, surrounded by a large yard of about tour acres, niiea witn lorest trees, wnich form beantiful scenery and effectual shade. 125 acres have been in cultivation, the balance in original forest, consisting of Pine, Oak, Hickory, Dogwood, &c, &c. ; 10 acres in GOOD MEADOW, and 50 acres more could easily be added if wished. There is a FINE YOUNG ORCHARD of selected fruit, just coming into bearing, con sisting of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries, &c. Also, an Orchard of about 8 acres of the natural fruits in full bearing, many of the varieties are equal to the grafted kind. The Western Railroad, from Fayetteville Greensboro, (now building) 50 miles now in ope ation, passes nea the property the Ore Hi Depot being within a mile 01 the land. The cars now running within 10 miles of the farm, ana the Road is exDected to be finished dnrincr the next year- -pta Chatham Roilroad, now partially graded, and the Cheraw Railroad all centering in the mineral region of Chatham country, will pass near this property. Thus making it very valua ble for investment. Good Mills, Churches, School Houses, Masonic Hall, large Tanneries, &c, all within convenient distance.' The subscriber being about to remove to the- Eastern part of the State is unable to attend to' the property and will sell on reasonable terms for cash or credit. To any one wanting a good Wheat, Oat and Grazing farm, with good water and healthy location, the above offers a chance not often met with. Address TARLTON THOMPSON, sepl7-tf . , Goldsbero, N. C. Or would refer to Dr. A. B. CffAJTN, Raleigh; JM. U., wno formerly lived on the property, WILLIAM J. SHARPS Improved Billiard' Tables, WITH HIS PATENT CUSHIONS, Well known to be superior to any now in use, Manufactory, 43 Mercer st, New York. nHE great popularity of Sharp's Improved X ' Billiard Tables has rendered it necessary to make extensive arraiurements, 111 order to supply the increasing dentaad, and he is now prepared to fill any order with whiph his patrons, or f he public generally, may favor him. W. j. Sharp having bad practical experience for nearly twenty yeara.in the manufacture of Billiard Tables, and having made a number of val uable improvements, he guarantees a Table, which for elasticity of touch, mechanical construction on scientific principles, and elegance of appearance, will challenge competition. His newly invented patent Cushions having been pronounced by the most competent judges to be superior to any now in use, he is enabled to furnish he het JJjlJjard Table manufactured in the United Spates, snd sustain tha .name which (Sharp's Tables so lustlv bAve acanued. - Balls, Cues and Tnn)mjngs constancy on hand. MU gojjtnpns repaired at short notice. , Orders by Send for descriptive circular and- price list. - - Wfc J. dSHARP.. 8Jy 43 Mercer street, New Tork..T -PMPIRB SHUTTLE $EW1KG MACHINES are spperior to Hi others for ParaUj' and wariHTapynrmg rurposes. , - ; 5 Agents wanted, y-Address, - ' LifC r mrDnn o Wk , I.: ' V... - tap f VU i , . i mi -I lti ii iitor auk Tv?ta t ir:a mtt- ; f Haying, rmrchaaed the JOJX, JOTfTJNQ DEPARTMENT of the REGisTEnffioeJ ehallr be pleased' to see all toy old patron, and" all others nth pro ' that aM ' illuirhnii fr Kn. printed either wmmw V UV0U V .'V tlU f Vj PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, WW HAND BILLS X, .:' :,:! c-..A ..Jiy.l-,fH .1 BLANKS of a! kiod., BUSINESS CARDS, : . i "WEDpiNG CARJDS VISITmd CARDS,5, ' " ' ' LNVrrATION; CARDS, : (CULARS. BILL HEADS, Ji i. - . : LETTER HEADS, COTTON LABELS, , TOBACCO LABELS, ) Or any other "kind of printing. t All vfork promptly delivered: when promised, and guaranteed to give satisfac tion, , . Terms : C O. D. ' Prices' reasonable. ' ' JAS. W ALBRIGHT; Greensboro,Ni G.' Jnne 12, UILFORD LAND AGENCY. , OF NORTH CAROLINA. BRANCH OFFICE, RALEien, N. C . PRINCLPAL OFFICE, Geesnbobo', N. C. Personshaving Agricultural and Mineral Lands Water Powers, Town Lots and all kinds of Real Estate for sale, are -resoectfnllv invited to nlace them in our hands for that purpose, as our facil- ties for bnngins: purchasers from Northern States and placing property prominently before the pub lic, tnrougn our advertisements, and also through our agencies and correspondents in the North and nr . . TTT"- . esc, are unsurpassea. ne are now wawnajor LANDS to be placed tn our hands for tale, m order to sell to a party of substantial farmers from the North, ' ' ' ' Our terms are as folldws : Persons placing property in the hands of the GUILFORD LAND AGENCY of North Carolina, will be charged five per cent. commission on all amounts realized. Five dollars entrance fee must be paid when the property is placed in our hands. Persons at a distance wishing to place property in our hands should give ug an accurate descrip tion of the same, If Agricultural Lands, they should specify the soil, number of acres of cleared and timbered lands, the kind of timber, what is raised on the land, what kind of improvements are on the premises, how far from Railroad and from county-seat'; whether it is well watered &c If Mineral Lands, they should state what kind of Minerals, the indications, &c, always sending a good fair specimen of the ore. 'Itwonld also be advisable to send a sketch of the land to us. REFERENCES: His Excellency Gov. Worth, of N. C, Hon. W. A. Graham, HUlslwro', Hon. Z. B. Vance, Charlotte, Thoa. Webb, Esq., Pres, N, C. R, R, Hiflslwro. Hon. John A- Gilmer, Greensboro. CoL Thos. Ruffin, Graham. Hon. John Letcher, of Virginia. For terms of sale, entering Lands and all f urth- er information, address or apply to 111. THK1M, Agent. jul. 2 Sin. Raleigh, N. C. WATCHES AND JEWELBY. B. F. STANTON, WA TCH MAKER AND JE WELLER, Greensboro, N. C WATCHES, CLOCKS XSJt J E W E Xi . 'i Neatly repaired, by experienced workmen, and on reasonable terms. All fine Watches warren ted twelve months. All kinds of Produce taken, at cash prices, in exchange for goods or work done. ltf IOLLAK Ac SON, 37 John Street, near ' Nassau, and 692 Broadway, near Fourth St. New York, The first Manufacturers of onlv GENUINE MEERSCHAUM GOODS on this Continent. The largest and finest selec tion in New York. . Enabled by extensive and fa vorable purchase of the raw material . for the next year. to. sell lower than, any other house. 11 pes and Holders of an particular Bhapc cut to orde; Also repairlnar. Roiline, 1. Every ar ticle stamped, with ear name, and warranted gen nine. Send for Wholesale or Retail Circular, Letter Box, 58415. .1 CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restore to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy , after having Buffered for several yearn with a se vere lung amotion, and that dread disease con sumption is anxious to make known to his fel low-sufferers the meansTf cure: To all who desire it, ha will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a stntE fctfKE for CoNSTTMPtlON, ASTHMA, Bkoxchitis, CoUdBa, Colds and all Throat and Lung Affections. , The only, object of the adqeftiser in sending -the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread formation which he conceives ; to be invaluable, ' and he hopes, every: sufferer will try his remedy, a it will cost them nothing, and may prove, a blessing. Parties wish ing the prescription, PftBH, by return mail, ' will please address . Bov, EDWARD A. WILSUN,f; 18 ly Willianisburk4uns Co., New York, T7" ITRnKFVT?. A T.AS KrffiWR . Tea and Coffee Boilers,, Glue Pots, Oil J All the Cooking for a family may. be done vith Kerosene Oil, or Gaa, with less , trouble, and at less expense, than by any other fuel.? ' " ' ' Each Article mamifactnred'by this 'Company is gnarantee4 IP' perform aU that is' claimed foe it.' JUraljdnttotbetaTuK. r - s :. KiROSENElJUD?' HEATER CO. Jtf . ' i-v 3d(-rearl StNetllf. Tv''" Thorougnly qualified' t tpacli the' English and French langnases. witfi Musio ot the Piano and first rudiments of Latin, desires Atuftticu'u some pnvataiamuymTJua hssi references will be i' fiii i J a - JTeasani HillJf. J nrTrmirrnmmtmmtm m i mm - - - - - JvW!J UT WILLIAM H. BERNARD, . No. 3, South Water Street. ThsChkapkst Daili NkwkApebT rr North I ob South Cae6lisa! I l it V- The STAR -contalm latest' Tcteomnb patehes ; Local New s ; Reports of Markets and General Jjatelligcnte. " Tebjk or -SrskAlFTIOS i MaH1 t ki. scribers at Two Dollars and Fifjr Cents for Sis. Months? OneDollar and Twestyfiv-e bents for Three Months. ' v - i , . , ADVERTISING RATES iower tnan those or any "Daily Newspaper in either of the Carolines 1 Address all communications to W. H: BERNARD, Proprie o . NovJS lm. SATURDAY EVENING POST. A BEAU . TIFUL. PREJHUM ENGRAVING. K- duced Prices to Clubs.' "The Saturdav Evenini- Post' bives a beautiful steel neravinff names One of . Life's Happy HoursT 26 inches lona bv 20 inches widey to every single (2.60) subscriber. and to every one sending On a Clb b." ; ' " ' ( - ic wiw conunenein HWOTHMnrneror jaaaary anew story, called The Outlaw's ; Daughter f a . Tale of the South-west," by Emerson Bennett, au- uwtui juo imuiioiuHuig r yrent, a ran le Flower," isfctf tti-nvm i.v efts ,(.v) ' This wUl be f oUoed, by, other BdriaV stories from the best authors,. Miorter, stones. sketches', letters, regularly' given. ( agrictiltural articles. &. c, are The Post is neutral in politict--beinc etcliurive- ly devpted torLiterajnr and does net discuss Po litical or Sectarian ' questions -leaving these to political and religious press, i '- ' It offers amotm its Premiums, Wheeler & Wil son's Sewing JMaJuwe.,Sily.er, ..Plated .Tea Sets, Spoons .mniPUfhers, Gold.. and Silver Watches, Double "Barrel Gnns, Allen's Rifles, Melwleons, Clothes WUlgeB)VAppletoli'8,' CVelopedias, &c. New subscribers who subscribe now for 107, will have, their names enteral on the list of the Post at brice, and receive the whole year 1807 be sides '"s ''' ") " .,! .Terms. 1 copy, and the large premium en graving '2.50 ; 4 copies 6.00 ; 5 copies, and one copy gratis,' 8.i0 8 copies, and one copy gratis, 12.00; 20 .copies and jorie ebpy gratis, 28.00; 1 copy each of Post ana Lady's Friend, 4.00. , The getter up of a Club will always receive a copv of the the Premium Engraving. "Memlwrs of a Club wishing the Premium Engraving must remit One Dollar extra, " , . . Those desirous of getting up Ctul or Pre mitmV lists,' should enclose 5 cents for sample pa per, containing the particulars, . Address . IL,. PETERSON Ca, tf JO Walnult street, PhiMeh'hi.ax ,',,, ? 1 1 1 1 , ii, . i . .. ... . ( )nly a fc w ' more subscribers ' are' required to insure the speedy issue of the Great illustrated ' 1 uer ... . , ., v.v tr I 1 H THE WEEKLY PBSSB. which in size aid appearance will resemble"' ' H A R F E B8 WBKttr, but in value will far transcend that publication. The P&ess will be an embodiment of the spirit of the age. , , . Each department will sparkle with the genius of the moot em ment writers of the day. An original , . . ; ' , SERIAL STORY of the most brilliant character will be commenced in the first numlier. 1 ' THE ILLUSTRATIONS will je' 'entirely' original: ant of fhe most atrraetlve' style and nathro. '.,. "1 -1 . u ..: f The ireat expense . and ; labor , involved, in this enterprise render it necessary that we should start withan-'-'i ? - ' - 1 :' ENORMOUS CHlCULATipN. J'; In order to do this, we shall do as fofloirs : $10)00 in sums of , 100, will; be distributed through the first edition. To every given nuitf Iwr of papers $1(V) will be allotted. Every, copy of the Press will be enclosed in a stout wrapper, so that the papers containing the greenbacks ill not. be known by their external appearance, and all purchasers will have an equal chance for Jtlie. money ami gifts. ' ." Besides the $100 BILLS, orders will be enels. ed in certain, copies of the edition for the follow ing ' ' ' 1 GIFTS: ' " ; 5 Grand Pianos (Stem way's). Value. . . fl Grand Pianos (Chickerings). Value. .' 1 Carriastc,'fron C.-WittyB Repository t . tach. .f."HK) , . CM) , . HOI) lu--uoid w atcnesi . t ... w , ... . u Ki) 17." KM) 75 4. . Aieiotieonsr 10 Ladies' Gold1 Watches. ? 1"' 10 American Silver .Watches ; ; . ' . i ;l t ; . ,. a Music Boxes ...;. 6 Elliptic Lock-stitch ScwingMachines 9, Wheeler and Wilsou'sSewiiig Machines. 4 WilcoX & Gills' Se ingf Machines '. . , . . 50 Photdtranh Albums .V . ' ".'r !" . ' :" . ' ' . . 4.1 10 The Imlance to consist of Accordeons, Tea Sets, Silverware, &c; No Dollar 'Jewelrv. No gift w ortb less tlmn Ten Dollars. : ' ! TIIEPRESS will be mailed to an address upon the receipt of price, TEN CElT8,or eleven copayi for f 1, twenty three for ftf, and sixty for ; : 'Address, nl f i" .:. . !' it 4 !i STUART 6 CO., -j.rj . i r "Nkw Yori: PRBas,' V . - , - - - - - - - - . r u. No. 61 Broadway, New Yerk -City. Nod 8-tL d. EM1IRE SEWING MACHINE CO. t, lUSCIPAL OifFlCB, GG Broadway ' ' ' "" ' . New'Yojrfc. Great ImpTove'tnent' fn SewingMactiibes.-'' Em pire,' Shuttle.. Croak Motions SeKihir Machinei i 1 1 mily called to; Pnx TOMF and Imjpr0ve4rlIannfjictUffa)g- Machine for Tailors and. Root and. Shoe Factorv. Agents wanted, to whom a ' llbeTar discount will bo given; No consiffnments mnde. i ' ' ltf r. NUUU5 SEWING MAC1HNE CO: ' Ei ioneer Foundry ; MA CHINE) SHOPS, "Greensboro, N. The' uniloriogTied respectfullv ianfto&nces to the puhlin- tbfvt he isr soe proprietor of the above c. talilishmen.t, aqd haying re-dUted, and fnrniKhl the same' with' now and improved machinery, lie b prepaired to do,--in the best manneryall kiiuU of casing and Macluno; work f, safh as, manufactur ing arjd repairing Thrcsjuiig Machines, Horse Po w-. ffs, &craw't;nttert,-v5oTn Rhcllers, Mill Ueanng, Hows and Ho Castings' Ovens,- Skillets, Lids, ana aii ianua 01 casting. . , . ( t ,, Bbkcksmlthiuir and' Wood work nrdniptlv done. Work taken1 from' the 1 depot" in Gwnshoro, and delivered to. the railroad agent free'of ;4rayagc, AU kind ox marketable produce taken in ex change for work." c'Jl IC TARPLEY. 9tf l'0& Wti UiJ t 1 Ji ii tAratiA rtrJi,i ill tfe.. . ,t m AmMmi street Bt tiNORFOLRjVA.r Wont CoUfJO AXdrMs OuJT, a iBU Co., a. I A Ma is tans rendered , noiseless in aion, Its. mot ou being all positive, it is noit liable to cet biit of or der. It!is the Wf Family :MacftinT'4fofW Is Li 1' ms,I ' o4k 9vt oUJ'.y 1

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