'T ,? 14 ftij Vi4iiiirfT .. 1 . Mn v J - - sa-a If r Published SMihWNldy and Weekly by HELPER- & CiVPIlSr .1 JiS VI ,f . i ,4 rffiMT tJ Ktt nirjet'e r J- ail ., !... r m. .till. 4u Oh square, first Jnaartitf' A. Ma "ertion,..'. ...... i ' 'si": rBOPKlBTOBt. 4 ... , i . i. -r Tt XT! ' 7. .ITU J On saaarej tare, mon '.; ,' if! -'i'I "U -': J.' 'it '' ' i J-).!.. ' Jl" -.ffrlif ' lt: 'uV .1 1;t to 9V':-P-Wf d ' iJ "oiu$ i ; mifjo h i A tWr' t t re " ... . , momths ................ ,,10 00 J" twel mo -........'.jiS.iiaiSW TweaqiMna, ttirso ...,.,,...,.ioo One eolnaa,' twvtr BnonUu,'..; v.... ...!. J ;.:2.7.SOO t . ry .11.1. I I I I ..,:. I I . l it a r-.- a i: !i i s ' s i i rv i i , l i i r i i i i i vh.. : ..v.ii' ii i r il l ST ' I-PI I T lit I UM ;f8Q I rin I :,t i ; . .'it 1 .1 1 -; lr-- ' a v . TT.-:!.- n - k. i Kait Jim i" biii til ) LnaT tl VI 1 1 it V u if f ! i B3ZD: 3E,!3I! 3? UNT'!0 Krfttf i Hi ttt nw .vcm hf n"MiJ -Ct linisv w ; tii- i tT4l-4-5iS;'a ,1flvl7T i -r 1,:;"T?B Vol: .Lii-No.' Cu4tlMMUNlMi.M Ne 'Series! Advwrtiaeatuits not necified wta I bUbrd till ordawd ont and charged scooxna tly. r i . I 'j.. I --' teems or STJBSOBnnOlf. ' : PAID IITilUBLT IX'ADTIHCI: 8Fjn-wnacur, Jafiopr. pMnnmt oo WEEKLY. " .......... S 00 to chiba of nva, a tha rU of IN of tan or mar. i tha rate of . . . . 1 00 SPEOLJL, NOTICES, r ft- : i I r.i ! ;0 W. AUadvertiMiaeitaoaBaMard Bxst inMgrtkw - aadoi)lactabtoaoardmr. t U , .TIM ' ' 11 II '' ' U .' tt. I r-r i' mt i r - YOU MAY BE TOO LATE. . Be warned la time. Disease likejlndigestion and Dyspepsia are not to be trifled with. - There b such a thing as being too late in these nutters. Inflamation, or Seh-rhue Cancer, or some other dangerous disease maj ensue, when all restora tives, no matter how potent, would be ineffectual. Do not delay then. When the symptoms of Dys pepsia are first experienced resort at once to the great restorative medicine, H OBTETTEB'S J..' STOMACH BITTERS, and yoa will be safe. Bat few disorders in vol Ye greater suffering, and if not in itself immediately dangerous, it is the source af many deadly maladies. Even if it did not tend to greater evil, the mental and physical misery it produces la alone a sufficient reason why no pains should be spared to prevent or care it, In no country on the race of the globe is it so com pletely domesticated as in oar own, where it is ham n nearly srerr- Iwoseboli TIOSTET TER'S BrOMACH BITTERS are universally conceded to be the sovereign remedy for this an noying disease, as they act directly upon the diges tive organs, correct and tone the stomach, and ' give renewed vitality to the system. Acting de lightfully nfton the nerves and soothing the brain, renders them efficacious as a mental medicine, as well at a general stomachic If taken as a pre ventive, they will be found particularly well suit ed to the diseases arising from the Unhealthy sea son of autumn, and their use will prevent the creeping, unpleasent sensation often complained of when the chills are stealing slowly upon the pa tient Faib Ground Hospital, Baleigh, Jf. C.,July 2f,th. J Office hours for the dispensing of Medicine for out-door patients from 8 to 10 every morning. A. B. CHAPIN, Surgeon in Charge. ; Insurance. We have in our Office a Chart, giving the sworn statement of a number of Life Insurance Com panies, made to the "Insurant Department of the State of New York, for the year ending Dec 81st, 18C6," in comparing which we see that the CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE is larger and far exceeds the five ether Companies represented in this State as follows :.. TheJEtna Life, Brook lyn, Equitable, Manhattan and North America Their total Assets, combined, are $12 886,867.14; Connecticut Mutual Assets $13,316,275.97, larger by $429,408.83. The r dividends, paid to po.icy holders, 221,942.99; Connecticut Mutual dividends to policy holders, $531,458.00 larger by $309, 515.01. .Their expenses and taxes, in 1866, $1, 372,169.55; Connecticut Mutual's $723,230.42 less by $648,939.13. Their ratio of expenses to premium and interest $20.13; Connecticut Mu tual's $11.11 less by $9.02. One can see, at a glance, how much more it costs, in proportion, to wo-k a small Company than a large one. Their dividends paid to Stock- holders $78,762. The Connecticut Mutual s onlyT .Stockholders are its 55,000 Policy holders, and they now hold (Dec, 1 867) $ 1 7,000,000. A large amount of this money is invested in real estate and State bonds, so there is NO safes, nor cheap er investment for a man to make for his family. It has become such a prosperous institution that it interest alone more fla n pays losses notwith standing the large dividends it annually returns to its Policy holders. Another grand feature: All its policies are -non-forfeitable for a stated amount the contin ued Life after three payments ; the ten year Life and Endowment after two payments. We have branch offices in ten of the principal Cities and Towns in thjsState, where facts and statements can be had, and applications taken. The Company "employs no travelling or itinerant Agents." "The Company requires that their Agents shall thoroughly identify themselves with its interest." S. D. WAIT, Gen. Act Office with P. F. Pescud, Agt., Raleigh Doe. 23 116-sw&wtf tSTJOEL ASHWORTH, of Randolph conn- ty, respectfully announces himself a candidate for ENGROSSING CLERK of the Convention, decll-tf COL. FORNEY'S LETTERS FROM EUROPE. T. B. Peterson & Brothers publish this day the public letters written by Colonel John W. Forney during his late European tour. They form a large duodecimo volume of over four hundred pages, printed on the finest paper, handsomely bound in cloth. These letters contain the author's obser serrations on European society, politics, amuse ments, manufactures and educational and religious institutions. That the Colonel's field of observa tion was an extended one, these missives attes by the many different countries and cities from which they were written. Col. Forney visited and describes London, Liverpool, Oxford, Windsor Halifax, the birth place of Shakapeare, Paris, Beraa, Lake Leman, Baden-Baden, Heidelberg, the Rhine, Brussels, Antwerp, the Hague, and many other places of note. This collection of letters will prove a valuable and acceptable addi tion to our series of books of foreign travel. Colonel Forney disdained the use of guides and guide books, formed his own opinions as to what was worth seeing and admiring, and gives his ex periences and conclusions inhe bold and decided style for which he has become noted. His book is fresh and original in tone, containing as it does a copious index, and worthy the attention of all intelligent readers. It is complete in a large du- I odecimo volume, with a steel engraved portrait of Col. Forney, bound in cloth, gilt back and gilt sides. Price, two dollars ; and is for sale by all booksellers. 24-tf A SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE. A Scholarship, in the Old Established Practi cal Business College and National Telegraphic Institute of Baltimore, for sale on seasonable terms. An excellent opportunity is here pre sented for a young man of limited means to acquire a practical knowledge of Book-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, and Correspondence, and to learn the-principles of Mercantile Law, Ac. Apply at the Register Office. L, jnl23tf. INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a receiut for tha removal of Pimnti. Blotches, Eruptions, etc.. on the skin, leaving tha aarne, soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained Without ehanm hw ail!t-aaM. -' ' . THUS, F. CHAPMAN. CrarreT ,yJ WRWly. -883 Broadway, NeSrTork. v 4;-'r' to coNsTjMpTTvjEi ' ;.;;!'.4i,5'j t ! The Her. EDWAkb A. Wilson senil Cce of charge) to all, who ; desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using the sim ple remedy by which he was cored of a fung affec tion and that dteadfnl disease Consmnption. 7 Ba only object is to benefit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try his prescription,, as it win cost them nothing, and mar prove a bleviing. incase address X ucuno v g!6ly r RBV1. flDWARD A. WILSON No.1 oH65S South. Second St., Williamshnrg N. Y. . . -t?TTrTa rt v'-ttttt , . A Gentleman who Suffered for years from Ner vous Delolity, Premature Decay, and all the e facts of. youthful Jadjscttumv will, for the ssjrt of suffering humanity, send free to all.wlto need lty the reeeipe and directions for making tie bim pie remedy by. which he vess rurel. Sufferers wishing to profit Iby the advertiser's .experience can do ad by addressing, hi perfect confidence,' j t ; . ; . t-1 J" JOHN.B. OtiDA'N,' n; ngl61y.' ' ZOedan BtvN.X,-' '" 1)X VTS"5VTCaETABLE ' PAIN KILLED, ' Taken internally, it cures sudden ls; copgh weak stomach, general debility, nursing' 'sore month, canker; Uver complnint, or imligestion, cramp and pain in the stomneh, locl Complaint, painter's cholic, Asiatic cholera and dysentery. Bold by all medicine dealers. . j may " v. NEW MARRIAGE GUIDE. AH E88AT FOB YOCNO MftN. on l'hysiologi cal Errors, Abases and Diseases, i incident to Youth and Early Manhood, which createiinH)dl-i meats to Marriage, with sure meuns o relief. Sent in sealed letter envelois free of clutrKe. Address Dr.; J. SKILLLN 11DUG11T ON, How ard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. oct l-sw3ui To Youko Medical Students. vVe htve a blank certificate of scholarslup in the l'hikulclphia Univemt of medicine and surgery, which we will dispose of at a low price. Ihc, purchaser will be entitled to full instructions, until gradua tion, in the Medical Department, smbracing Anat omy, Surgery, Physiology, Materia Mcdicn, Chem istry, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women anrtCliil drea, Principles and Practice of Medicine and Pathology. ' Having bought ont Mr. 8. MARCH'S FAC TORY stock late Norfolk Agricultural Works including all his " FAMOUS MARCH PLOW PATTERNS, ' is now constantly engaged in manufacturing PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, SCREW COTTON PRESSES AND HAND TRUCKS, CARTS, WHEELS, WAGONS, BARROWS, PLOW AND OTHER ( 'ASTI.'iGS, &C, SiC, &c. His experience in the business, from hnrincH been superintendent of the works, mikes hirn well acquainted with the wants of the farmers in the OLD NORTH STATE, iul having an ex tensive Factory in actual operation he is intro ducing er turning' to good effect, $1 e host im provements of the dav. ! . All orders sent to liim for FARM TOOLS of any kind will receive prompt attention, and 'be filled with superior articles at tlie lowest Factory prices. Address, C.UORL'M, , Southern Agnculturnl orks, jNorfblk, V a Persons vfishing to call will find the works near the Cemetery gate ut No. 16, 18 aud 'J(i .Nicholson street. t. . , i . lUot-tf, HE ONE HUK1)KE1 AM lOHTV- seventh Term of the University of North Carolina will beginon Saturday, Jan 18, 1808. irof. Kerr will, till the chair of Chcimstrr, Geology and Mineralogy ,"and competent instruc tion will be given in the Department of MctapVys ics, so that the programme of the Annual (Jata logne will be continued until January, 1808. i Tuition r if ty Dollars a term. Board not more than Fifteen Dollars per mouf h. For Catalogues or more particular insinuation, apply to the President of ,tiie University, HON. JJ. U SWAIS, LU I)., dec31-3t Chapwl Hill, N. C. GENTS WANTED FOR THE QRAYJACKETS, And how they lived, Fought and Died for Dixie, with Incidents and sketches of .Life m the Con federacy, Comprising Narratives of Personal Ad venture, Army Life, Naval Adventure, Homa life, Partisan Daring, Life in the Camp, Fiel.d and Hospital, together with" the Songs, iSalladsJ Anecdotes and Humorns Incidents of the Wat for Southern Independence. There is a certain portion of the war that will never gc into the regular histories, nor he cm bodied in romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved, convey to suc ceeding generations a better idea of the spirit of the conflict than many dry reports or care fnl nar ratives of events, and this part may b- called the gossip, the fun, the pathos of tlie war. This il lustrates the character of the leaders, tlie humor of the soldiers, the devotion of w omen, tlie brave ry of men, the pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardships of the service. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Pictnr esqneand Dramatic, the Witty nnd Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, and the whole Panorama of the War are here thrillingly portrayed in a mas terly manner, at once historical and romantic, ren dering it the most ample, unique, brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Amusement as well as instruction may lie found in every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit,mid authentic history, are skulfully interwoven in this work of literary art Send for Circulars and see our terms, nnd a full description of the work. Address, JONES BROTHERS & CO., dec31-2t Richmond, Va. DANIEL CK TOWIiE. ' RICftABD C. BADGER. FOWLE & BADGER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Raxeigh, N. C, Will practice in the Supreme Court of Xorth Carolina, the United States Circuit Court, tlie Superior Courts of Wake, Johnston and Chat ham counties, and in the Courts of Bankruptcy. decztKun . , JOHN, THE BARBER, respectfully nnnonn- ces to his old inends and customers that he has removed from nar the Court House to Fav- etteville street, in the basement of the building occupied by Mr- A. D Royster, confectioner, Ht! invites them ar.d strangers visiting Raleigh tb call and se him, promising to serve them artist cally in all the branches of his business. Jan3-tf. ; - ' .', a yi k ., THE NONPARIEL Washing; Machine Strong, Simple and Practical. It is a Squeezing Machine : warranto dnot to injure clothing ; geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, and 150 turns of which will wash thoroughly the bulk of six to twelve shirts, according to the size of MacMne naed.. . . , r ; r, -,., je .,.n A OlSL OK BOT CA Opebaxjb IT, and Six Tears' experience proves the. Nonpariel to be the only Washing Machine made which stands .tha test of time and use. Jl; is nnapproachaWe;if6r (Speed, JFowr oiMEJfeelitvent. .j n,X w ! AQC2ris VV AJrTKD.Bend for free Descriptive Circulars topjaYrKEATBIO dc24r8m 184 Water St, New tort nw-ftVt1-? ::-;-iftjrriHi-ii.i i-.iiitfilw A !PoLtTicit;lcLiTHibTAKTi MiscEtlA- BiiLirgeifumt 'bj !ftypqily't .ely 'caid . . ,TU $iv iY0K; iTimes has ; reeeutlj , been tnr lorixl to the sue o , tiie. London -Timetavd is how .onsj of Xha largest, ani cheapost newspapers in the' wokriv.Eikh ;numlbfe tains eiht'fa!i:e8 of seven. Ions: 'cbTuuuis eich. making' ffty-fiiQ 'colairins "fit all. 't'U always printei:bu 'fjfper'ind1 fVt-Teftr tvpe--maklng H 4he habdsomebf Bnd:'most legible "ai wsparier in The WnitedJStateftji'' a.J n-t ,!n'i n .tv-n; M,ThcTTjc&8'ainn,rst of all. to give'the-erliest and njObtxel'ahla'JVff ITiS from ikiectkUB trf the United Ij W?s; and from all; partfliof .tha iWorkk lU Co R sxsro ( D pi' Op or qijru, od , DomostScjia variety, f$lp&i acid torarjrjter4 and. fcfeil&vJ is not surpassed by ;tl)at f aiy ptherjjoarnat. Ja J uie eouincrn rnaes cpecur.worapiCirAfcnas Ut! mt'!tt tobtam rpliahre W6rirtion,Se TlMta hftri s large' trd'tnber of Wble, mtelligent and candid correspondcTits 'whoke" reports' of inchjehjts and opinions are'-6f 'great in teres and valni;' an4 from every Capital in Etiropot received eariyand reliabla intelligence1 of m . J iy - ' In its EDiTOiSUb Department the Tiues seeks to criticize passing eve&ta-of every kind with can lor, intelligcDce and a paramount regard for the bcbt jiutcrcsta of,. the community. . It, avoids jd Vays appcala to mere; passion, ajid aims to direct and convince tlie j utlguiont, rather tJian appeal to prejudice. In .'politics .it maintains tiae funda mental pririrfle of the 1'nion l'arty seeking the Reoration of Peace and, Union upon the Im sis of Equal Rights and . rnitersal justiee, and urging : always -and- veryhere the elevation itnd improvement of all classes of the oonmvinitr: fn dealing with the South it will insist upon jtMi and, considerate policy demanding fall and steady oliedienoa to Ahe Constitution and laws of -the Union,ample protection for the enfranchised slaves in all their rights of life, lUierty and: property tlie development of the material resources of the country, and the general advancement of all classes of the people in education, morality and rehgion. All topics, in all departmcnits', foreign and domes tic, will receive in the Times full and carefuj'dis-. cusnion. 1 ; : In Lttebary criticism and intelligence, the TlMts will lie esjiecially full and complete. Elab orate, and extended Reviews will be made of new works that may deserve them, and no, pains will( be Spared, to make this Depaitment more than, ever satisfactory: ' . ..-.. The AbmcrLTtTRAL." COMMERfciAl.' and.Fi- XAXciAiii Reports' of the TliCns will be prepared , i . . 1. 1 1 n v - : ii 1 wim quite tis iniicn care, and win ne in every re sjiect at least as full ami satisfactory'' as those of any other paper. " ' v- Its Reports of Congressional and Legislative Proceeding!), of public Icnineuts o value of ail kinds, of I'roceediugs in. Courts, of public meet ings etc,' etc., will lie full and reliable. .- ifo pnifis or rrpe'he ic!U te spqre$ tgrnako the Time the most talunble, interesting and re liable nejiKpaper in the Un ted Strifes, It has a very largo corps of able and exjiericnml writers m every dcpnrtiirnnt, and will and to their nnm ber, both at' orae and aU'oad, as ' circumstances may rotjniro." ..! :, - ' ' ' Tlie following are the prices of tlie several, edi tions, parable in all cartes in advance i The Daily Times, per aiiuum.y.. .$10 Tlie " '" (Sunday Edition included) 12,. , ."Scmi-v cekiyTliines, one year, .... d, 1 Scmi-WtH-klr TimpsSuo copies. one year. . 5 , . vAVeekry TimeTtae.ytiirf... ' , ' WeelilvmiVfirVttTncs 'ohe ear . : . :' '. "9 UWwkTf'Thlw'twi't'i The-pricerafeihVftnable. VebvriotrBvefJ in agents. Kni in:hecka Or Post-fice Money Orders if pos.silla. Adtlress ';'' - IL J. RAYMOND & CO., : Jhuies VJtce Iiew lvrk.. rpHE RURAL GEKTLEMAH, - A MONTHLY JOURNAL, J. B. TiOKiNSON'& CO. iffi. e, 2o. 2 N. Eutaw , Street, Baltimore Mik Devoted to .;. ,, , ; Ho r tic ulture. In this Department we ive4V practical experience. F I o r ,i c u I t u. r e . , We give csjiccial attention to tlus bratich of Rural life. . . " f.4 '. . . F u i t Growing. Upon this subject we wiil give yon the benefit of the practical experience of the bc&t Fruit growers. 'Btoet 'liai sing . This Department will have able articles from4 writers of expericnee. A g rieultv r e .' We devote much pqins to give thoughts that wM aid the young and old. . , , Housekeeping. The good housewife -will find muny receipts. i , -E M S : valuable One copy, one .year, in advance, -y - - $1.00 E3? Energetic Canvassers wanted Even-where. To whom 2T per cent coinjiiksion will be allowed. For further , information, address as above, en- closing siainp. jm ly-u f . AW-BOOKS FOR BALE I 7 : We havti the. following LAW BOOKS for sale .- '''!- ! , .. . i STEPHEN ON PLEADING, 2 copies. ' :.. ! .' . -:t -! . . , CIirrTYS BLACIvST"ONE. ' . ;. i: ' '. . I i. " ; ' -r ' , JONES' LAW REPORTS Vok 1, 2' 3 and; 4. ; IRElSEtL'S LW RErORTS,,!VoL. (j' ,' ' " : . DIGEST, 2 vols., :i, ... v : ' .'-.i ' . -' - JONES' .. . " , .3 vols. - ..:;' - ,: .. : ' V r,. .. .. .- ; : .... . lliese" Books have bee a somewhat used and can lie had at a bargain. , . : .' ,fj i, jullS i NICHOLS, GORMAN & ' NEATHERY si : : t- j .?: l.t.r "WATS02TS GALLERY, ' ; h i :.,! ' J-;i;l; f'l'j li'tl'--'. 4V-'", W-'u-'' f PHOTOGRAPHS,' Colored in Witer Cofcrsl . KXtTtfYrnnvf ATtia Tti;. Tt,v .' m: ,K:TMpJIOTt)GIlAPHSy 4nPastelLJ tfi i .J. Lji I lit PHOTOGHAFHSLarge-fc !,i 1 . nu .jt tprtorrGRAPHS: SnSaU.1 A V VJ,4.y 4X44 I'Ji 1. ITlTJXtft.444 A 4V4iiA49. . I T vir Wa'WAIBROTYPES.A ;-iX: .All fexedotTited.fiitJaiinntaaa -and 4isatch at WATtWlvOAlXEXT; lialeigh. N.Ca . tAmi HAS ,.JUST-r RECEIVED THE5; LARGEST arutuk ot liJtitAlH iAiJAHDliJ5 pie, Mu4ver fcatTjTfvi.j -;?i-m i..; :. y -" toiwa-y "1?tj- aLJ'f?ijt f'l vt -k ' Ht DBY, GOODS; t ;i'.iuic.irx.i -; ii" ! ;' n 'i) . .-4 'V n.'S Jiivr 'i virwdifc 'HATS aM J : ' ,Ji i j -.t ersmr. -n-ftsiUr SHOES, OROCERJES, M id r -?. -iiIa-.-K f,ft'i ?HARIWAllEsjur3 mi ru-tf dii-ft-bi.'o-!'! "5 ?.i'fj '::'! o J"iiC-GUTLERY iedl ptAsilUsrtZi' a 1rAtihiii . lets yarjety. f GLAIR'S liTE1LAXSfBuppiy.',; t (GLASS lF-.AIJE. SI2ES A 1JIROER enp pjythart usualykept ia tliis mnrket'i 'I f!i 'jp.irt' f .'.Ht-.- : r.i -dJ . ' "- 1 f Peruvian Guano, Eaw Bone-Phosphate , ... Lime, Plaster, and Plows. , field and garden seeds. .. ; sheeting, cotton yarn sntf. nails, Candy, rope, smoiong TOBACCO. All for Sale at Wholesale or RetaiL PAPElt HANGINGS, V . WINDOW SHADES, &c AGBNT FOR oinii-m-sTrN?AT3MFR, ; : ' ' ' ' An ninstratcd ;' 5 MA&AtiE OF RURAL;. LIFE, A Journal of Agriculture, Horticulture and Household Economy. Roval quarto, Ct$ pages,) I nannsomeiy nounu m imteu ewers, .lernis i,io i ayear: 'This is the lait,est8iMl.qheApest. rnrm' JiMimnl in thu Kt nnil ennui (a utiv in I America m evertv respect. It lis m all respects a Hrvt rhisR Iftrml Miurnzini'. and dnrtn the nsust ,7 V " 1 .1 two years! has met with the -greatest' success of any paper ever startid'iu thia-section;' -The third voLame beirins : JannarT 1st! lKtiK: - ' c ' - ' I Look at tlie following otters : ' I . . i. . i I .. . I. : I yv" Buiuua.i ui; vi. n'c , n ixM u i .barmer Annuid . and . Uural Coiupaiuon, for I too -. 1 i. f pi. . . : - i 1 i ' 1 aiiil fist of fanh 'duties for each month, uracticai I 21 LAN IK. til r Ilue. .-i mi Mining m MiiimHr i esbays.on Agriculture, Uorticultore,Houie Adorn- - - - . 7 ' rTi. i ment, ic, rice eilS, will I .given as a premimn. 'To agents we offer Fewing Machines. tland lxyvs,"anu r. variety of other tisctdl ar- ticles, lwoks; &c, on the best terins ever offered byjiiiy ppblisher.'. : ' ' " "' ' "' ' ' Ktrmers,Firrmers,'Wrvea, Farmers Son.; Farm- Hand Loovs," and n variety of other tiscfdl ar- era Daiuffhtcrsi or an? one else with enerrv and industry; ca make; live to ten dollars n day with-: ont Wtiuirtheir owu roightarhoudsv' Ereryliody- ... . , -., , . AnnnaLfree, or buy one of , the Aireut, to whoaid a-larcbiimiksion i a'Uwl on "aU thev aelL Ann in l)C.St nnke no clnhs. All who slcnhe nowcet numberi of- tliii year free; in addition1 to the pr nuum. Atulres, ; I. A. JJIjAJNO, decVJ-tf Indianapolis, Ind. ST E W G O OPS AT GREENSBORO', N. C. I AM llFXOVINlaiidopemngandcoustontiy adding to, my stock of PALI AND WINTER GOODS. On the Corner of East Market and Davie. Streets', uener ktiovvti ns me tr Rankin St Mc'Lean Comer, GREENSBORO, "8. C. Mr GOODS arc ALL NEW and well selected and consist of i '' ' ' BRT GOODS, : , CLOTHING, : . ' ', GROCERIES, 'BOO IS, SHOES 45 HA T8f LADIES' HATJS AND BONNETS, . in short . . i . Eveiytliiiig usually kept in tkis ilaiket Thankful for post patronage, I ask a continu-I ancc of the same. Call and see, before purchas ing. Terms exclusively - ,r rf C AS II OR BARTER There is a hitching lof, at the end of my store, for the accommodation of my country enstomers '20-Iy ' . SlKKIti rji e - the Bond Holders of the ( fa.?EAIL BOAD (MlaiAiro :u ,:;,:i;', ; i - ' ' :....- OFFICE N: O. RAIL ROAD COMPANY,1 ) 1 OOmpaSy Shops, N. .;Nov.i, 1867,:" J ; Most of ypu havmg agreed with my predecessor; Mr: Webb, to take Tiew for your old bonds; I take! this Method of informing yott we are' now ready; for the exchange. '' ,v fn :.:. T-f Td capitalists 1 would say, w e will sell $300,000 of eiicht per cent coupon bonds, seeured by mort gage on i tha . Road,; and, payable in , five, ten ,. or. twenty years, as the i purcoaser inay, aesue-tui-'r-cst payable smi-imnually , .. , 1 , " The debt pf the Company w-about $700,000.-. Bonds to fund this "debt will be issued. ' ',- . Tha property mdrtgaged to secure the payment of tnese oonas is worxa pi currency sejen muuuus of dbltarsj :'T!ierecaribe ho better security.'1 "Tmy-Twnds wilt be sola tmly at par. '" ' JoSIAHmJRNER, J. f .Nbr.il8r5wj3; l r TEMO REST1S Y O UNrG A ME B IQA the bestIuvnilfi MiVgaanc-jEvery BQy.and Gji that sees' it savs so : .all the Preta savs'.'sd-; azi Parents andeachers c6nfirnIt., 'Do not fidT0 secure a copy,. " A goodjNIicrttscdpewith a 'Glads' cvlinder to confine living object, or'. a good two bliidr!Twfir, PbtAetl&ife: and k' lr4tr number of otheP desirable-' aVtioles, given as piroiiums to each BUbseriberi M "l l n M'.'s d!t ulx t'' PAINTS, OILS;' AND DYE'STOFFSnp: -ii Vrri i.iT .r-!air iaihrHttttibxi : i is ALSO AGENT FOR I 7 Wheeler & Milleck'S Thrasher & leaner. fvcralc casca rofula and Scrofulous affec- and the notes MM I returned to yon cancelled -tions, &c; with much satisfaction to myself and by tbeCoinpanr' ' sh; . 'P. S.-Hls Store at t Jamesto is well sup-! V?' '.! sed it hflary and We cliaUegeWirhMrisdrfwith iky other latest, plied with all the above varieties', at same prices Tertl"y Syphihs, one a ternble case of eight ment yielduiS: anything gke snctL advantageoos i- .u.i l n-.. - years' xtandme.l in which it acted with surrjnsins reKtilta. , ' ' T 'V i i. i, rv . ', , -,. . and am. r Fppnmfjn cnpr;i xcp runner, iconiain v , 1 fnl.rticnlhr.)- paid,' for' twWisV cents. ''Now is the time to "J8,r r . 'i-7 "s I Tearly;$l 6. The4 Norember If umber eomj PaLlished bf -i W: 'JENNINGS DEMOR22Stn i iu ova im'i e 4r3rwadwyNewXprk.a Try itiioyji .aEirla ipedmen copies flye cents, mailed free, v ' Not 5 tt ' D h BU.R I FtER :ft f :i!xx HEoto) D Rl ;n L AMRXM 'C t V Si r J ; oi v r rREADr; THE JFOLL0 WING : V t r. .j fiOf.lE CERTIFICATES FROM PHYSI- -tw iti-.ij .; J. ksi'"! v- l !' r a. I '' bk-MlAf?fi3o sifpo iroitfi-. . Wlp hereby.certifjj that the ;Rosadalis: is pre pared by a Physician who: is an experienced Pbar nxaredtist iid Chemist,' irrtd'that hil rrtnedyis an tEcient nd reliable cake in SckotdiA, Swphi liaj. &c., it SATn; jPrfoxm sojnA.rarkalihl AnVmt Aft iYua vi5niv Jhus ,J L Ai&yj.tinwirAl Dl)GG?AII,'Sl:b , -. . . R-, KiNGM, D..if - WilsonN! C. February 4th, 1866. "". . .We, hereby, certify that 'we regard DrTuwi rence's Compound Extract o Rowdalia us a relit able Alterative ' " ' -' ' A; 1) '"MOOREM. D. " , i '!.. .; :. L. A. JSTITH, M. D. : WUsonN. C. May 10, 1867, . . ' -v--. . . . ! " Etlgecombe County, N. C, May 3d, J.8(J7. Db.jJ. J. La wT ENCE-i-I )eat- Sir Plearse send me immctliately J per Express to 'Tarbom, tw dozen more liottles of your .Rosadalis.- I have carefully examined its Formula, and have used it in my practice in a juwnber-ef -cases. I am well pleased with it. I .think V beyond doubt, ibo. best Alterative I ever- rueed. I have tried it in tatkfairT effeot-Hkme a nuick ud the-: . rough care. : I. re therefore, oo hesrtatwn Mn rccotiuucndmgrt.tPhysKiaire and others, as the most reliable Alterative-now known. IJcspecttujly yonr8,L&c., ' : , I ..i-i?t- OUUi5, 1L1), J L wonaerjui ItursojzcrojuiQm ) tuts, bweU- ; . . f. r f'y i- ' ., Thomb certificate. . tl !.: 11..1 f tr I tacked with. White SweUimrof the left, knee tj -u, 1.,,. t. r uu u vuiiuptiiicm m oaau vi tTrt nwk fojie tnmbr ' reached alargesizc.1 fthc glfiriSTr the knee was: enormous, and was" at- .tended with the mc eXcnid.nting; pains: I was .iiiuu "ii l ' v. luuab.CAUuuium, iiiuiia. Jl ntu I so deduced that I wns cfinei' to nv rcm over inneu to inv room over so completelVdrawYi' it an. I tried" various to give me- iy relief . . . i . . i tnree mantiis ' aiv Hir ww up that J could "not bond 1 .. . . -mmai ma anrl IKmtiiiliul T u o ir. ! i stj VV'111 wi vr ii VU M WllUlllIIVi lrvillLJ I i)r. LawrenceV i Rosadalis. :The swelling in the knee and neck, began to. eulwid .lfore 1 took all QT the first bottleL Rv the time I took the,K-oud i liottle, the swcTIiog. olfiio neck entirely disap-, pcaifqd, atid . that, of the kpeq nearU- so, '.After, taking threi 'bottle 'I ioimd iiVvself completely wenble to walk t weir asVer, c! . , l)ottle; the swcTnnir.oi dio neck entirelr disai)-; . i . . - a . .t i ' m- -a ' : t " . I ! ' . - t : . .: . r inufp wtt t Vaxc" ' ; Vf Usbn, Mav 12,'lB7f ' ' - - o--,- ; , v.-. ;!-' -. -.' k: - i ... -. f . . .-.rfil.vi, . ..!'. ' - .. . . .. 5 Wil&a.N. C4 May'B, 6X, -' Ai T 1 i1 x J.I JAIES W1LIJS. IiosaJaKs rCurcs Carburtcle, Bo'dx Pimples, de. CERTIFICATE FROM - A. OLD AKD MUCB RE8- r,jPCn'ED C(TIXEJfOF: GBEESi: ODtTSTT, NOW A RESIDENT OF N. C. I'hereby certify that, daring' the summel"and' fall of 186& I was severely atiticted with- Carbon. cles having jiaa as many as fourteen large Car buncles, and twelve ordinary Boils. I suffered so ranch from them that I eoukl not got oat of tlie house half the time for several monuis. , Being induced to. try Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis, I was entirely cured by the use of one bottle of that truly valuable medicine. W. A. IJAKLUiiJN, SB. Wilson, May llth, 18G7. Consumption, in its Early Stages can he evred. Baltimore, Md., March, 4th, 18C7. Bear Dr. Lawrence : My damrhter havimr lieen cured of a-deeply seated disease of the longs by youf Rosadalis,-! 'feel k my duty, to make the fact known to you for the benefit of others. She suffered nearly two years with a hard eongh,' which troubled her day and night : at last the emaciated form, glassy eye, night sweats, together with the cough, told too plainly that it was tkn- mimption, beyond question, eating at her vitals. Our Physician s remedies brought no relief. Jshe was advised to try your Rosadalis, as a tonic which she did imagine my surprise and gratinV cation, when I found her appetite returning. Slowly she regained her strength, her cough and night sweats gradually ceased, and she is now, after taking five bottles of your medicine, appn- rentlv as well as ever. Yours,- respectfully, ' , ; ..- MB8..E.' ANN SMITH. Rosadalis Cures all Skin Diseases. SALT RHEUM. CTTKED t REMARKABLE CURE ! t Dlt". IxaWreKCB. Wilson, N. C: My Dtr Sir For tlie ' last ten. rears, until recently, 1 snifered'with an inveterate eruption of the slan-called by Physicians 'Salt Rheum," with wUidt-I suffered terribly; the pain and itch ing was almobt intolerable; i tried several of the licst Physicians in Europe and this countryhave visited sevaral celebrated sunnes-r-spent thousands I of dollars, aud , jailed to igei. any better. lq 1ot cembef; 1866, being in. Charleston, i?, . 0., J was told 0y a gentleman at the hotel that he bad heen cureo or a una tetter uy a meaicine caiieu ivaea dalis." ' I resolved fo'-trV it, 'without 'any hope though of its doing wie any good; i procured a bottle rof sMessrsi: King & Cassidey, and com- mencet taAing it. finding, to ray surprise, that I was improving, I honght four other bottles ; but before commencing on the last two, I found I was completely well the disease having entirely dis- &nuearaL a ,4U4i4UOl3A , I HA , AA4444Ulaa 4111019, 444V.M laease aecept as a token of my gratitude. Why Xiiicioeca , nna . upe, unnarea upuars, wmcn Art 'vnn rf mhVa vWnvtnvol.ml.lfl HinilnlTa wlilplv Uiownr a our biiccrc irieuu, W.T.: SELTZER: 'Maior Joha w. Dunham; One of the editors tha Wilson' worth Uarmntan. bavs m the issue . 4. . ... 4.F htt 20tb Amil. 187 s "1 belifeve, from per- sooal experience, that the Uosadalis ia the finest k ever prepared,? -v. -r ' -4.- r'Bcware 5f tiomitetleitB. ,: ? ,; ' i fcsr'8ce that' 3.U. LAWRENCE & Co., i Mown &bc this bottle ;and;stkmped on the i AK&WEJUhD- fit xji&mimifa m ii) ' r; , tSTSent anyw7.ere fa'EvrWii teteipt cf t hits. ..-I tWILttAMS ifc HATWODif -M . cot 4-fca. . i ; fi r . i i- jjjj, l yt a jivwriuaui .. t .ii' r-t- THE ETNA UFE IKSUaAKCE C0 ':ic- OF HARTFOflD r nrixJ iki',hiI 01 ? THE DISTINCTIVE FEATURE5 " ' . ' .' ':,.-;.: :..',-. . '. ' .: r? OF A"5 "Vri! T,.r v-r .1M : . . 1 u;". i , - J,- .'j'V Hi-iil i..,'til;;" ' ,,S.T:o C,K ... C OMJ?.,A2 Yf TBy the Stock Plan, the full cash affect of he Preraimn is immediately seenred to the Insured the Companr taking ail tW rfckJ p fiy tte purery SPf1 piflf. the f uU Tahaojw insurance of the Preminm Paid is not secured to the Policy-holder, ho takes a portion of the risk himself.r " - s ! .aii. vfrrjf ii-ir ?f iii aiv. vlT, L t nlOrt aharswed 4 ea Jgo.- Ite)IrTTtafymf Assets tojtbejlst nly, 1867 $6,000,000 has feaijl losses, during the Jast 47 years, amoo. and O ' , Jl. ' and now has over ONE MILLION iab?re iiabili ties,"ftnf is at this time xue of the strongest com panies iaT America 1 ! - - 1 ? Panjci,atliig L fe plan, yon can pav oue-half of thPremiaiu ia Cash, and a note for the other half at 6 per cent' interest, and you will not tecalrecf upon topaysaid notes, but they will ? arMfby-tiie proSt yoo be entitloi to' after uic vear. viz : SO pc cent. Dividend; TheCVwfrtyVTik trTiTTy! be tha largest, best, audi cheapest Company in all the country with $16,000 00Q of assete. She nttid'liei' members 60 nr&A dM.it7i-c' Rememher yontnost be,' member '4 rears hfor getting if aud has- n)w (hwrn-od down to AO une the "litest Eastern," she seems to bejrop- -s .iuia Hf mmor," -if0. B ? .Kepot a fstgB . 81, and ijroo " oCC IU lOlIOWin'r.Ktfltnmprit: . . ii??L20,,,, f IoJe and fhnms Unpaid, w.uo, ana SlSJUUtlof it nw.KtMt. ' t .u r , nn" a'e,' voy d 110 such statertent 8 ' t,ne .llttle .tka. With, her $7,000,000 , b"e now paymg ner-memiters 60 per cent. i - i , " -r - x r - i .'; s, . , rf'-'h :b;dnMeo of npnM, and see wh.ch has the Cbeape ? ' ' ' J , riTe.aa8i uecinpareherNon.FbrfeitingEn t 'TJiA, Co jr. Mutual. a A . . Ar . uliVi 2i? X Hto 40.'$363v. 15 to 40 88,74 1 2040 "40 '67.52. ' , on". i . ' i" w Tr- 658- J! , arBi' f : ':-i a WaaMSU.: irsIiriiaciVpV' T.-' batFthef 'jKtha is drawfng iRre r 0 to M i ;64i - 1 IIP 31TMVP. m i ab (1 conllrihe 65' tears, ' ..' ' r ' And th reasorftbatFtbef 'Mtxa. U drawfn? fire trom, .these Kuus n, ainnltr owine to tha fact that W offleiers bd j$7)00,00py and pay -j niore-dmdeml than the! purely MutnaL with c w: nwi mirk ? i - i.. . i . lneTSAihas avesaged..laew.iUeieB per month since 1st January. 1867. in the face of all Soutut LifBoatoC vw. ,vy. h, crow, w . General Agent. , . fo'rN. C. & Vlrgima.' aog28-lm. MPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. EVERY YOUNG MAN desirous to obtain a thor ough Practical (Business Education, should attend uw oiu esiaoiteiiea i ' PRACTICAL -DU8INB88 COLLEGE A"D NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC INSTITU CE, Corner Baltimore and Charles Streets Baltimore, fti .' FOUKDED IN ISaii.' Chartered in 1854. TUB ONLY INCOEPASATET rNSTlTtmON -'' Of the kind in the State of Maryland. THE LEADING . : BUSINESS COLLEGE . OP BAlAtMORt. TIIEjCOLLEGE IN r MARYLAND YtHiich has introduced the system of actual business practice . ! to any extent SPLEXDID BANKS, , t, , BV8INJSS8 HOUSES AND OFFICES in suoces&f ui operation. Every Student . becomes a Merchant, Book keeper and Banker, and goes through with, the whole business routine of Buying and belling, hhipping, Importing, etc-J etc The Most ExUnsio aud Most Elegantly , , " Fdrnidied EsUtblisltment ' -of fahindtntns'' ' , -:- 1 United? State. t Every ..Young Man should writo immediately for r our lanre iTiusfrated Colleire Journal, contain- ing Terms of TmtW;and f nil partictllaTS,wrhich will be-snt by return mail free of charge, with Ram riles of Money. Commercial and . Business I T Jl V . . ' . Papers and Beautiful Specimens of Spencenan Penmanship: AddreaS .-- ' r ship; ., .' K. LOSIER, PriacipaL : . Baltimore, Md. ' jul 19-ly. ot( t n TON-" 'it -1 Me v w l . .. i i .. ' . Mi n The tiiiyl tiJLKtmin ( or tne M U ' ' !" ',' ' " J ' iOASFORTIl. &"COS -J i.ith V. SOAP. ft '17 .i!.i 3 Ita s will safe-. : .-1. - i t3 liJ. TIME!- clothes, wash quicker ; L ADO Ut as clothe need less ru iooingt MONEY I a one pound wdll jgo as 1 far as ; r 'S'T-fS' it' It wiU not in lore the finest fabric. . ift will remove GreaaVepbtf, ftctS? Jl ' v : ciLmA'pt'Jm'pkindo i - i We jsisa continue 'to manufacture our. 4lSLE r B"lLATED JX35t FAMILY" SOAP. ' - 1 7Q Murray treet, New York, T 4-? JOfM cooanAjr.; tons, hcathebt. JlTICHOLS, GORMAN KATHEa; , in .. x. - jtc-s "a-ii ltHi5Cir,?j?r'c"f -tat. ::h -.:ti .; '-' raAoncaX r-s'isTfcUJuiii&t 7 ftiM:!.tr-i 1 ? .!,i',i?';i vft.-v ffrli itrtvJtj!.-ii BOOr'AlTD.JOBlPiaKfiBES r 'i .If St? C1 fIsfrftan--Kl 0 'ISftVr'1 ' liiNDERS AND . 'A' A- tuilV1 V Mil V . ... .t . t 1 7'i!.' ! H'llJ BW!t: v. t,i'rr. &Jr.wxi -r I .; i i- ? ftJ .7 'I vf.f;:t I, it Tho proprietors of th pormlar MtaUishmenr (one of the most complete in the aonthl jriv thai . entire attention to the prompt and artistic execn tiolicf "-' ;'''' ,V.ii4i.: if.;.-'.. y.c I MtiJ i i .t BOOK , AJfD? JOB 'PRmTDiaJi yv ..v.m .fi. '::f r.-a ? '...oj ovi u f. i r . '. ..-i.i i.J .: 4i- l!if.:r' ; Their stock of . , . , , -' .... i- ! v.ii i . ii i 3i4i ' oi''i. i PLAIN AND FANCY' PAjHUSI fyA&ti ! - ' ; '.. i.:'.",'. ! i r.-ultiI.-vi" ' ,-''' " i.k,; toX , tR.lt x'i &c is large and taried, and having been: port ' chased t wholesale , prices, for cash, .can .ba fur-r nished their patrons much cheaper tiiao the' same, material ciui ha htknD-bl: fnsrti iWaII UUmj .P !':: '. 'I ATTORNEYS . 1 ' if ! 4-' it'll a . ' i. coNsTAja,,. ; i i I I-!".. ','7'i' CLERKS, it .'1 'i;.." : ' and SHEItlFFa fnrniahed at short notice with BLAKalS ol evert ' v .W . , . ., 6f.f , WJ ; MINUTE DOCKETS, im i 'i .' TBI AlV DOCKETS, .-. i V .7; i:r i'fj-Ti M jbjLbt;uTiox(i jxxau!rrsiiW-f .'. ' . v , t i-'.r MARRIAGE REQliTERS.,,. AUMTNISTRAtOlrs BOND BOOKS, GUARDIAN BOND BOOKP,' TAX BOOKS, &c, oaj' " , ' : - . f CV 1' f . Rulod to any patera and Bound to order. SCHOOL and COLLEGE ATAtbGrCES,1 ;'. ( -' I... . 'Jill .'Ji I .CIRCHjLARS, REPORTS, ! DTPLOMAS 1 etc., gotten up in a tasty style. ' OLD BOOKS, y if ..(..,, ' . : ...... . i ... NEWSPAPERS, , ,, . , ) l ' ' I.'" MUSIC, iV. PEIUODICALS, j wl i i i . . , .. .... . LAW, REPORT, Bound in any style.. :toi... .'i tt-i". tW Publishers and Agents or th aalejot .fi BATTLE'S DIGEST and PI IIP PREME COURT REPORTS. The origin of MINT JULEP, . .' i , '. it i. : ).?,. at'.-- Being the, sad Story and lamantaHe fata of ; the fair Mdtthe, r..i! i a nuMOROUs Poem. A few copies of this 'popular' Poem still ont haod. it-L-ili MJ'ni &v a 1; ii 4T-. ' - Af cksra. ". ' ' oeai djt miu post jHua-.au .. Jwp ( w. wurt NICHOLS, GORMAN U NEATHEST, " ' jul.l2-rtf, - j . KaiatgBtn.il. is TTOESE STOLEX - "li'.'.l Stolen trom my suuua, on aionaar nignt, ina 9th huUnt, a SMALL BAT ROR8K . He baa never been altered i eifct years okt, white apaCI in the' forehead, three white. and, D Uck fetj and a large' knot in' his side;' nutoe cut short, and is branded oa the left shook J, J. 8. ' Jatt 3 , The losar ia a, widow, with aevend hildrea, anit' will be thankful for any mfarmation that irilllead r to bis reeoverr.' '.' ' " Pz:,? -aepiaUtt-....X. : l I EDITH 'SAULS, u A RtJGGLES ROTARY CARt IlTlX-ITEAD ' PRESS, good order, and VQ1 no vtcaUteiatk, -f for sale low. .Sbedj-fasMa jehaaei .Mhy.! : NICHOLS, GORMAN ft NEATHEBY. i 11 j Ii m Tint quality of FXOUR from newVbeatoatT and for aal- t '' 1 w...r aiusl recerfd and for aal' t -j Jul S3. 1 h'.( i I I tfi: .. v 5,' ir- (