. . RALEIGH, N. 0. FRIDAY HORNING, DECEMBEB, 15, 1876. VOL. rxrn -K0. 94.. PRICE FIVE CENTS. pL m: m mr n mm: wm . ! 1 . 1 i RAILROADS, Ac UALUQH . BOAS GAST02T SCHEDULE. BAIL Man, nuia. Un Raleurfc...... SI0A.M, Arrives at Waldo ' 00 P. M. Leav Weidoa IS 40 P. M. Arrive at Reletca 8 4 P. M. t Lmti Raleigh.... Arrive at Weidon Un WtMoa..., .. 5 00 A.M. .. 8 SB P.M. ... tUJLH Arrive et Raleigh ... t It P.M. RALEIGH AUGUSTA AIR LI?.' Charrs of Schedule, to Uka affect ) a a. Monday, uctoeer swa, uni Tmta ktovmo loun. EMVa KaUlrn 1MA.K Arrive at Cameron. 18 TT M. Tun Mavuaa ManTB. Leave Cemeroa. 100 P. X. Arrive at aUletgh . 40 P.M. All tniaa will nmk aad nans R.ID R. R. N. C IMvMoa araaaiBC at Carv with eaatloa. . - 90 rtaatae for Breakfast at Cery. . JOHW & wpruiR. oet tl-tf "" ! ' 8tiptotedt. BAIL- WAy.;,jji.i KfCMMORD ItpjLlmUUt, RfCHMOWD A DAinriuui B. w s.C, Pituioit, and, North Wswrrtir X. C. & W. COXDKNSED TIME TABLE, S rc aw eaat eW .Senile, 0. IS, 187ft. .. flAIVQ VAST Ijwifliwaon ,.. 10.08 A. M. Oa. lanai ... ' . 1L AlriMMbUA.... - , S.41 P. M. i nli at Balilhnr LIS Lmm fv aiuvL f t il t. ooo no: Laava Chariotto Alr-LiaaJooe' " Baliabwrr " Oraanabore.... " DaarriUa M Daaoaa.. M BarkavW..... ArrHa at RteataoaA.. . OOLNO MOUT1I. Rteafaai.i... "1 BurkarllU " Dnadea. " IWavilla T.Jo " 9.U is.S8r.tl 1S.4S AM -?.4 . TJ0a.lt. 10.48 -" 8.58 r. M. S.80 " ...A4 10.U J0.87 OraaaKia),i;:.r.i(. ftallabarv M Atr-Lina Joae'B trrtaaalCaarlotW... Tntla. 0OIS0IA8T. iMrt Orenboro.... ' Ca. Bbopa. . .. Arrive at RaMfh.... ttolAaboro.... GOING WIST. LeaTa Ooldaboio.... Arrive at Ralelga.... Leave Co. Bbopa. . . . Arrive alQreeaabora 10.08 A. at. 11.SI " 9 41P.M. 5.15 " 10.10 A. M. 18.80 P. M. AlStA. M. 8.35 NH8i Weatcrti it. C. WL U. (Salb BaAXCH.) Leave Greeaebore. . .: 6.50 P. M Arrive at Relets .00 " Leave saleau T.S0 A. M. Arrive at ttreenabora. . . .9.85 . Paweoter Trntaa leavtag Ralegh at 13.84 P. M. eoeaeet at Oreeaahoro wlla tk 8onth era boaad train; making Ike quick rat ihee lu ail ouBieera cnraa. JOHN B. MACMtlRDO, ' Gent. Paaaengar Axeat, RiefamotML Va. ptCOMOMD FJCTRRBBOBG R. R. C CoauBeaeioe; Oct. Mtk, 1875, Tralat ' tkia roa4 wUl raa aa followa : LftAVa Ricntalio, 8ootm. ttlO A. M,. Tkroajra Mafl: T:45 A. U., freight Traia 1:45 S. M Tnrtmgk Mafl ; & P-'k.rrij Train. latTa PmaaaoiM, Hoara. T:S0 A. M., Prateht Trala ; 18 M., Threark Mall; 8 P. M. tratfkt Tralat 748P.M., Tkroagk MaO. Coaeaaa attacked to an freight trelaa lor accomotodaUoa of peaaeagera. Thla Coaipaav effera apedal iadaeeraeata to the ahippUf pabUe oa Una of tke Raagk OaatoaT Ralek Aagueta ao4 Weetera M. C. giRroela, to tke way of low freight PrttNlTUata? WABIEBO0W9, A. W. FRAPS, Perettevtlle Street, OapoeKe the Mar ket, and Ceraer of AjretteTille and Oavta BtrVl. N Keepeaa heed a large eatertmeat f all ttylea of f " . ' : FURNITURE : a it :ft - Parlor, Dieing Rjoat and KIUkaa;am Walaat, Staiead aad Palatel Chaiaaw fate Ortteetag Caeea, Banaaa, Waaketoada, Bed iteada, Wardrobet, Qaaa aad Wood Beat Ckalra, Reckiajr Ckalra, aad all otker artlelea of Parnltare foe ad la atrat-elaaa eatobliab rot. ' MATTRattBWa to order. ct -Sat . . . i v . ..) .- Oflter4 Protactlaiai Afalai Lm 8) j Fir aMR4l LM. W. H. OBOW General InsnraACd ent, . KALKIblat, K C. ' ; Repretent JaVe-MlaviBA trii iaa Coa pantea: Jktaa Ptfa latmraiioe Oo.) PUceoJ fire Co., Mattoaal FlreOo., . ... OfBartford. i Hit Oa-.. v Ruwaj'ai Ttra Oen ' ' II,., ' . - i ail lii 1 1 Aaetto Orar t4,(MMLjMM Tba aUaaUooal Ik patlki k) mpeetlullV ceiled to tbeee aabtteDtial taeUtatiaaa, a. Ford leg ample Indeaioiiy aaglt-Sa MISCELLANEOUS.' H IIXSBOBO BECOKDER. . . .. tflOA . . ' THE OLDEST PAPER IM. NORTH CAB OUMA. Tke RBOORDER, apart froet Ma poUtieal taerlta, oflera aaperior iadaeaoMale to tke BwrchaaU of Raleigh at a Media m of edvwr UalDg. ltkaaahtrge aad trwreaalDg ctreala tloa In the eoaaUea of Orange, Alaaaaaw, Peraoa aad CmwbU aad especially In tkoat aeetioaa of Orange end AJeaiaaee, aaoyt elowlr aoaaeeted by the IntoraaU of tnda with the city at Raleigh. The aMrehaatt of Raleigh alU Bad it wtly to their advaalaga throueh thla taedlaaVto baild ap a atetropol Itaa wholeeale trade, aad eaaterapoa Raleigh tke haalneaa tkatfoea to otker etatee. Maaafaetarera will alao proBt by the grow ing ipirtt of agriealtaral Inproveareat, aad tke teadeaey to tke adoptloa of lebor-aeving anuklaery, to reaek tke eara and eyae of a large aad totolllgeat elaaa of read en tkroagk tke awdtaai of toe Recorder. Par partknuue addreae ' J.U.CAMIROK, t Editor aad Proprietor, ang 80180? HUlakora, N. C CLOTHING! Q 0 (BEAUTIFUL BT00K: (1) (FAU WINTER !L0TniIIG!i VtA iif r''il i.'i i.'ifttiiAiiilii'ii'tii"'ii A .'ii " ' IS NOW BEING OPENED j. bj. KORESBArar. CLOTHIKd HOUSE, H ICorKr FijetlTille & ILirgett Streets. 0 Thanking the rood ettlient oil Raleigh and Wake coon ty, for Ihelrl liberal patrooage In the put, I aa sm them that I aball eadearor an laertt It in ike latere by keeping rood Good at the loweat living 0 luricea. Give ate a call betord kaykng etaewbere. We takapleaa-l bra in aaowiBK our atock and tell ng our prieee. CLOTHING ! piIE HOBSIJKO STAB. WILMINGTON, N. C. First-Class Democratic newspaper. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANT DAILY NEWS PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA.-". THE ONLY DAILY PA PE Pnblwlied in WILMINGTON, 8 City of nearly 20,000 Inhabi tants, and the Great Centre of North Car olina Trade. SUBSCRIPTION; One rear, $7.00 400 3.SS Sw-flonths,- Three Months, V AeJweriiateg Bttlca Beaaetnablc WM. in BERNARD,! . Editor & Proprietor, -i WflnminrUntN.C. , 1TOTlB. W(ll be aotd to the hlfka bidder at U.ti Ceart Hooae la ReMgk, ea BetardaT iota ear of Pot ear aest a amn at mum ryiag tawafcdeoawty a Rvaver DaaOeak- aai tberaad trsdtur fM Ralilth to Teriero. avtoWee; the htaae of tke krW levtiiii af the htht Caartee Bhrtoa eeW dee'd, the hwdaefi obaaaiMhef Caariaa Hertoa aad other t eoeUiaing aboat atoe haadred a TaM lead le aoM a ad era power at ante la a atortegage wmcb amy i teiwd to th Regtataie af Wakeeoaary, Be"k aa, page ea. " iOflKPU B. BATCH ILOR, BOV 1M4 Mortgagee, THE SENTINEL E 8T1BLISHXD AC6C8T HI, 185. The Sentinel. 61IO PATH A! T!S CAFITOL rf'-i.. The Sentinel The palrfle ao far as, we can read their wlahet, desire a vehicle of theoght at the metropolis 4or the naasee not simply for tboee who follow Id Ike mum wake or altor the " shibboleth " of a claaa, but a wjediym of luter-communlcatloo, with tafacient verge and space for the liberal, conservative, loyal sentiment of all shsdes to Hod veut. The SENTINEL wlU be loyal aud in- Konaoas to both Federal and Stale govero tneuta. It wUl aasula tlia military authort Uea la the preservation of quiet and order, aad la enforcing the orders of the govern ment. Not a disloyal . or unkind word asalnst tba covernmanl o( the Union of tbeee States shall pass oar Dps, but It will be true without sycophancy, honest without flattery, nor will it lie to shield its own throat. It shall advocate sound principles and aupport good men. Its molt is not 1 prin- siplea, not bmsu, but principles and men. A bad man can And no qaarton with the SENTINEL. A good man a ma a of treth, of high toned Integrity a gentleman In the true senM, honest and capable, If we are not deceived, can alone claim oar support After eleven long years of trial, adversity and changes of fortune to oar people, stands to-day poo the sane platform oa which Its venerable founder erected it. Fee mora thaa eleven years the SEN TINEL baa stood guard for the rights and liberties of ma people, ana to-aay, wnen toe Stale has emerged from the darkness af rad ical rale, aad the futare la as fall of hope and promise aa the past was dark aad gloomy, It repiedges Itself to the hitch ear vice of the good people of tba great Slate of North Carolina. THE SENTINEL Appreciating Lie wants, conditions and necesslllej of the people, Axes the following rates of subscription : SEMI-WEEKLY. One year. Six months, 4.04) One month. WEEKLY. One rear, to 'amRi The age and standing af the SENTINEL (toes tt aelresdaUoo, bath dally and weekly etMUoes, which readers R, aa an adverttoisg adinm, law Beat at Lee State. Merchants aad others who desire to sastola aa old In aUtauoa by their advertising patronage will Badour.tHtoa vary jeajooable AdJreta, . ,:- it . : SMITH, BATCH ELOB A CO., Ulolgh, N. ej. HAVE YOUR P ffll U 6 DOirt) AT THR SBNTQntXf OFFICII. . .:-'V . . i- . . - A9aUmdldAissranfl af BOTH PLAIN' "AND FANCY. O (T FANCT CARDS all atyiea with sum 0 lOcta. post aaM. t. & IkMn Mi- AU.sVme.Ca, M. Y. ' ' MISCELLANEOUS. gEXD FOB TUE BENTI&EL. Semi-Weekly and W kly 84.00 aad 02.00. Both editions preaeot a full cowtwudium of all the new of the daj. The fullest and freshest paper from the State Capital rostage prepaid on both editious. 8EVT-WEEKLY. One year ----- f 4,oo Six motitlia, . ... 2.00 OLtrna. 5 aad nnder 10, each one year, ' 9 8,50 10 and under iO, each one year, 3,00 One coor era til to the sender of a club of tea or mora. WEEKLY. ONE YEAH TWO DOLLARS. SIX MONTUS, - - ONE DOLLAR, Club arrangements will be announced be fore 1st January, its? J. It Is not required that clubs lie made -.ip at one post-otUoa. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Remittances should be made by Chtt-k Postal Order or Regiatered Letter. VALUABLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. The SENTINEL baa always bad a large clrculalien among the best people, aad la recognised as a most desira'de medium of communication between bu-inesn men and the public. It la , THE MEKCnANTB PAPER, THE FARMER'S PAPER, . V TE MECirASlC'SJ'APER,, THE FAMILY PAPER, THE PAPER FOR EVERYBODY ! 7 Terms of Advertising Furnished on application In person or by letter nt th Is office. ADDRESS SENTINEL, RALEIGH X. C tW READY FOR AUENTS-THE Centnnial Exposition SCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. A graphic peo-plctare of IU history, grand buUdlnfe. wonderful exhibits, curiosities. great days, etc. Profusely ulaatreted, taoroaghly popular aad very cheap. Mast aell Immeaaely, 5,000 AgeaU Wanted. Bead for fuU pa tlc ultra. Thla will be theehaace of 100 years to coin money fast. Gat the only reliable nistory. HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., 733 Baaaom Btreet Philadelphia. CAUTION: Be not deceived by premature beoka,aaeaBuigtoBe "olnouU" and eUieg what win bappea in Aug. ana opv 0 IT-4W AGENTS 83 elegant tll Clironioe, l 100 for 83. National Chromo Co. Philadelphia, Pa. YY7A5iTEI. Agents male ami female V V to axil P rinraa ererr where. (hie ascent alone has retailed over is, 000 and still at work. WHITNEY CO., dec 6-8m. Norwich, Conn, a. 3S---S 5 :oiijimiRii a- If w Urn II I CINTB. DU CENTS. B ft CENTS. OU CENTS. HERALD TI1E DURHAM "Will be seat to any addrau nntll t SOVEmtBEB 1A FOR THE ABOVE AMOUXT. I - . - . . . , N',w Is the time to secure a flrst claaa CAMPAIGN PAPER - f , . Fir the email price of -gAftHTNL tJUCEXTS rTAICENTS. K A CENTS. iJVCENTS. JV CENTS 'N JuljM-ht, O END S5c to . P. HOWELL A CO.. New O York, for PhamphM of K pares, eoa aalabm HsUafSOOO aewapapevaiaad sstlmasas tlO to 25 per Day &:J UM iaa MiiZ O0 M- kmmm. Ma i a "a e em, 4 ljUl4Zlt 8. a7w w ti aUBP.n a a m INSURANCE, &e. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY of new york.' Vibe issi'bawce oxly. ESTABLISHED 1853. Cstah Capital, Catak A sects, vver 3,0)0, THIS COMPANY IB PURELY A FIRE Insurance Company. Haa ae eoanee Uon with Life or Marine Insurance. The large majority of IU 10,000,(00 of Aeseta are "United Btatrs Boada " The Paaaiivai Racairra or evsa 88,000, ow ABLuaUy best attest tba appreelatloa o the Buslaeea and Comsoercial World. I repreaeat tke Home la thla City, and aak the attention of my friends aad the public to lie , UNEQUALED CLAIMS, auring them the raaracr iaDiaum rs. W. A. TURK, Ag-i. Office McKee Butidlag, Comer of Wilmington A Martin Bla hot 1 Sm AGENTS WASTED IN Every Town In North aad South Carolina THE MISSISSIPPIYAUIY FIRE AND MARINE ISSCLUNCE C4MPAIY . 1 or Memphis Tennessee. lawk Capital . f3O,0)e)O. anu souin cannula, I uiae pieuure in nc commendlng it to my friends and the public generally aa a sound healthy and conserva tive Company, well managed, with a large I n . ..iL -1 ii W a . ti - " ' ' ' and prootaDle usioess. . Good responsible sgents wanted In every town ana county in the two sutee. Addreea, W. A. TURK. Gen 'I Ajjt A Manager, Box 169, Raleigh, N. C. Office In McKee Building, Owner of Wil mington A Martin Sis. nov l-2m MISCELLANEOUS. 4 FOKTXKE FOR ONLY ONE IX. DOLLAB. First Dollar Qnarterly Drawls', at New Orleans, Tuesday, January 2, 1877. Louisiana State Lottery Go This Iaelitalloa was regularly incoreraled by the Leglslatare of the State for Educa tions puraoaes in 188 with a capital of 1,000,000, to which It has since added a reaerve fund of $350,000. Its Grand Mncle Nnaiber Drawings win take place monthly. Tba aeaaea af 1877 peer with the follewlng schemes CAPITAL PRIZE 13,OOv. 1 00,000 Tickets at fl Each. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, $15,000 1 PRIZE, 10,000 1 " 5,000 I " 2.S00 t " 81.0U0 2,300 5. " 500 2,500 10 " 2M J.50 i0 KM 5.000 100 " SO 5.000 200 ' 25 5.000 500 10 6,000 1,000 " 5 5,000 ai iejxihation raizu. 9 Approximation Prises of $100, 800 9 75, 7S 9 50r 450 l,H9d Prises, umosntinu to t6,525 Write for circulars or aend orders to CUAS. T. HOWARD. New Orleans. I.a REGULAR QUARTERLY DRAWING on February 4. 1877. Tickets $10 each. Cap ital Prize $.10,000. dec 5-td. TRIUMPH TRVM CO.. 83 BOWERY, N. TT, TO WHOM WAS AWARDED THJt Premium Medal. for the best Elastic Truaa and Supporter at the last teaaion of the GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR eorea a ruptcre la from SO to 90 daya and offer 1,000 dollars for a cats they cannot cure. They employ a FIRST CLASS LADT BUBOEON. Terms moderate. Caeea guaraBteed. Or der filled by mall. Examination free. Tba aaual diaoonats to patroaa. Bead 10 eeata for deacriptive book to rof. W. H. BCRNHAM, M. D.. mar : 8-dly Chief Sargeoa TRIFLING Wim A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS Jam WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all dlraases of the Throat, Langs, Chest aad Mucous Membrane. - f- iti ir, ., PUT UP ONLY IS BLUE BOXES. WdbyallOggU r. it. crittb: tNTON, T Uiira AvsNirr, New York. Hi TBTABUSIIED i5 .4.... ROBERT A MARTIN A CO,, Grocers Mi Conunissioi ItTikanli, No. 11, Sycamore Street, V PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA. . ConsbrnmeaU of Tobacco, Cotton, Wbeat. Ac, solicited aad wkich wUl kavd faithful peaaoaai attention. . nuy SCRIBNEB for December, now ready, and which cootalna the opening Chapiers of "Nicholas Mtatara.M wulbe read with eegw eartoalty aad interest. Perhaps ao BMre readable number of thla magaaine kaa yet beea leaned. Tke three smaumra of Bcata aaa for Auguat, .September, and October, containing the opening chapter at "That Laaa o'.LowrVeH wttl "ba gtvea 10 every aaw sabectiber (waoreqoeta it), and wboae enbeertpUoa beglna with the preeeat volume, t ., with the November ammbee. ' . Babacrlpttoa price, 14 a yar 35 eeata a number. Special tonaa oa bound volaaeee. Babeeriba with tba iieawael beokeeHee, er sead a cheek or P. O, aaoaey order to BcBiaaaa A Co., 743 Broadway, KAf. . ' . -'.' '.' TILE SENTINEL FRIDAY, DECEMBER IS. ZACHARIAH. a mcoaraxiox roa tbs 1 'heathkk miKKB." From the Chariot tetvilie Chronicle. Which is why I remaik And 1 say what I mean That for ways that are dark And tricks that are keen, Old Zachary, he is pecallar, Which the same it is plain to be "Old Zach," ls his nsme. And I shall eot deny That Inatead ef the tame Old Nick might Imply Hit Inalincts malicious the better ; Wkich the devil is seen in bis eye. Twss November the eighth. And the votes had been caet: Sam Tildeo and me Theaght we had 'era at Inst; Yet Zach played a trick on Samuel Aad me in a way not aarpasaed. Which we bad a small game. And Old Zaeb toek a hand. It was Euchre the same . He did well understand So ka smiled aa be eat at the table And winked at the canvassing ban J. Time be swore a great oatk That the thing couldn't be. And ha ck-ached his fiats bol. And said: "Listen to me : We are raiaed by fraudulent ballots We must have a fair coasting, you tee.' In the eceee that easued, ( They did all lake a hand i The boxes were opened. The ballots were scanned r And doctored to salt the occasion.' For which they did weU understand. -i In the box; which wet strong, - - fv&MeV -fir r'' -Gm ' Ta utrHha rrt -- s . fc. And If increase of ballots w re heeded. Tliey smuuglvd tlieni in through the cracks. Thus the card were all slocked. As the order Zach gave, Aad my feelings were shocked At the trick of the knave. Which he plsyed with latent to deceive And perhaps In tba end to enalave. Bat the game that was plsyed, It was fearral to see. And the way they did cheat. Ileal the "Heathen Chinee''; Till at last they put down for R U , Which the ssme bad been dealt to S. T Which Is hew they did win And the President choose ; Heads" Ruthy shall wln- 'Talla" Sammy shall lose : Which the same tbey are free to maintain With the troops they are ready to ase. Which is why I remark And I say what I mean Tba) for ways that ara dark And fur tricks mist unclean. Old Zach and his "paraV are peculiar. Which the tame It Is plain to be seen. DEAD LEAVES. The Food and Raiment Nature rtrea tba Carth. Dead leaves should not be allowed ta go to waste and be blown by the wind lar away freiu the places where thev ara required to afford a mulch and manure to the roots of fruit trees, vines, sfirubs and flowers. They cantata the ingre dient necessary for promoting the growth af ulaats, which have been ex tracted from the soil and brought into a tuitable condition to be absorbed by the sponge-like mouths or tibrous rood. All tba dead leaves that lail frem the fiuit trees, vioea. canes, etc., ebauld be collected and applied at much to the roots or the piauts from which the fell, and kept lu piucv by Druab, or m covering of coinpoat heavy enough to keep them down. Dead leaves are useful far covering strawberry beds, rhubarb aloolt, and the roots of peren a la I flowers. They lorm valuable ma torial for hot beds when nixed with alternate layers af stable manure, as they absorb and moderate the clrong heat arising from the latter, and give out a mild heat for a considerable length of time. Dead leaves may be used with good effect fur covering pita of celery cabbage, carrots aud other vegetables repairing protection from treat '. a LOOSE REIN. A Tight Ram the Mistake of Driven. Wliv Is It that so many of oar far mer, and nearly all of oar city carters Insist on uaing a light rein ou working horses f When a harse left to hit natural inclination has a heavy load to npU, he can best exert his baek-bono into eoe eeotinuou line, and this he will invariably d if not prevented by a tight check rein. Some claim that It prevents a herae from falling down, and when a man can raise mnwau over a fence by a lift of hia suspenders, we will believe it. W hen a horse falls, a tight rein will most eflectually prevent bias from getting en bis feet agaiu. MARRIED LQTl. A Cheerful Hearth of More Worth than Gold. Da not run much frein home; one'a own hearth is of more worth thaa gold. Many a marriage begins like a reay rooming, and then fella away like a anew wreath. And why t Because the married pair, neglect to be as well- plraslmrto ekch other after marriage aa before. Endeavor always to plaaaa one another. Consider, ye daughtora, what the word "wife" expeeeees. The tear ried woman it the husband's domestic faith. ' Hit honor and bit heme ara under her keeping hit well-being in bar band. Think of this! And yon ye son be faithful buebande, and good fathirt of familiea. An emiueut judge used to any that in hia opinion, the very beat thing am aaid by witneaa, to a roaoaei wa tba reply given to Miaaiug, the barrister, at tba time leader of hia circuit. Ho waa defending a prisoner charged witK stead ing a donkey. Xbov proaeewtor had Ml tha animal tood ap to a gate, and wham fas) tetana, it waa goo. Miaaing waa Terr never in . hia examination) of taa witneac "Do yon mean to aty, Hnana, the Honkey waa stolen from that gate r I mean to say, mrp giving im jnagw aadrorytaly look, at tba aaatisM pointinftar the eottnae), "tha an wwa WHERl ICBM ARM ICADB. Tha Labor of tha Shop aad Farm tba beat Tratomy ohool. . . In glancing over tha list of lacoeaiful botlnaaa man tha larga partioa of thorn will b found to have racalvsd thtlr ear ly training for Ufa-work oa tha ftrm. Our landing profeea leoal men g mar ally were Iraload in tha oaaamon tvaoolaal th cauntry, and there learned babita of Industry and ftugality, which to U ground-work of socceaa. Oaoatry Wyt , farmer' aeaa that labor aa tha arm during the summer month, go to achool Ira daya in tba week in winter, and work at heme oa 8alurday, think their lot n hard one la cemanoa with that ef their city cousins. But Hi they but know it. thaa kaaoM of labor give them an appreciation of education that boys never noaaea. The country boy eaiigbta in geing le achool, Wallet th city chap hatee the monotony ef the Mhoel-reoos, an! accent ta Car the met that huge majority of the soccaaaful men In the various walk of life spent their early boyhood on the (arm. Boyt just vetging lata manhood In the city feel that they have mere re quirement thaw those la the country, and therefore spend more, aad acquire habits of improvidence AiaJMtiiealiy oppeelte to snceeaa. When aoce bred la the bone it requires bat a lew gener ation to spoil the stack, and new tin-pot-tattoos have to he annas irons tba country before bualneM er profsaalonal life can regain It itcaagth. BotiseM men in the city forget to what they ewe their tuccees, and In their desire ta give their Son the beat ef advantage, do that which enervate Inetead of ttrength ens. The poor may be attuTtd with inch advanUgee, but It tains aelideoial and a tprinkiing of kardabip to mska tha miiij , Let not Ike in oi( fiirmerij; VbiHt' mi eye on the innglnarr sdvantaget of their city coueina wbilat their own chance or success sre many per cent, higher than those ol city boys. Nor 1 it necessary t success that farmer sons tbould follow the vocntleo ef their fathers. If tbey have talent for trade or prof national lifh let them embrace that which tult their InclinaUoa, and never leel that becana they work hard and exercise telfdenial to-day they are never to rite above the level of clod hoppers, rjuch trial are In truth but advantage ef a mors aubctaatial order, nd will make t tori log men of tbeee who make the moat of them. AORRXABLI PMOPLB. To be Agreeable la to Appear well Pleased. One of the aeereto ol being agvaakla it to appear weUpaaatad with the com pany, aad rather to eeem well mill lain -ed by them than to brine; entartatnmant to them. A man thus diinoaad, per haps, may not have much learning er any wit; bnt if be has common aease and aomething friendly ia ak behavior, iloonoiliata mea'a ntinde more thaa the brightest parte without this diapotntion. It ia true indeed that we should not di embleand natter in company; butamai may be very agreeable, atriotly evnaw tent with truth and inoerity, beta prndeat eileaee where he ennsot ooaenr, and a pleaaing aawnt where be can. Now and than you meet with n peraoa ao exactly farmed to please that he will gain upon every oo that hears orbs Eolde him. This disposition it not merely tba gift of nature, but frequently the enact of much knowledge of th world and command over the paeaions. CLOVER. The much N fleeted Wealth ef Agricul ture. Scientific men in Europe have fouad out by investigation that while heath clover plant, fas a geed eoiL are term ing oo hundred pound ol steans and leave that will make hay, the root be low, divested of dirt, will weir h fifty -six pound, allowing two veer for growth nd three cutting ef the clover, two of th second year and one of first. Clover roe is and" stubbl more than pay the pay the oott oi product! on at manure to the land, whether yen fertilise for a crop ol corn. oata, wbeat er barley, er what not. A turf that bat grown for low years na been worth tax tons ef hay for manure. It 1 good economy to sow about on hundred pound of land Blaster te the acre of clover, te enlarge th crop, let all farmers learn how te make sterile or thin land become fertile. It hi as easy to make poor land become fitt la ted and manure, a It I to make a poor pig gain In fleth. Siak grass and clover labor for yen, . : - 7- OMNTENMIAL QTJR8TION. When the Old Century Bad suae the New Bee-ins. There are tome qoeetieot that never seem to get settled, and here is one of them, propeuawtod to us, for the hun dredth time: "Fleas hav th kindness le inform m whether tha nsxt century begin with the first of January, 1900,or Mi flr of Jauuary, IWI." When did tb present century begin f Or,; to make it plainer, when did tba Brat year er Ant day begin'! At the birth or Chr 1st, of course; and the aacood year commenced the very memant the Brat year wa completed, and not before. Thus the next etttoTy Mguuivlth the" Orst or January ivoi aince it takes me whole of the year 1900 te .make up tha nineteenth century. x WBLLOPT. A Comfortable Rome aad atoaerato laoome n Fortuae. 1 i Ton are well oft when von are In a, healthy neignbcsAood; wiUaoough to aat aad drink, aeomfortoba. well vwati- latod a ujuat to sleep ia, and you are paying i II your exneaee and laying np sonaething even slowly for' a rainy day, and in addition to ail thin, aoamjriag knovtodge and atMngthamuigfaw etuv tctor. iomsTnawhoesitBarnaeom- bines all the preoadiag advaaageeahoald n eeatoioty nniaae tt be for anoth taiatr. Happiaam dews not' aaoa great wealth ao mack aa M taaspmaeaee sag inisiitiwn aad Bvoral eeiture. : V i f ' LI '- -

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