lieblial. ' lb ftiUoist -dltr4lAWy jO the tlit eityn - ' i - Werners Mil oto ' : -. . Western mall snlres ' '!! Kastern mail clears . .. 1 n M. :40 P. II. 2:15 P. M. 12 ;40 P. M. Kastern mail rrlw, Chatham ttaMeftW 1WU It i A. M. Chatham mail arrives 4:45 P. M. 9 ' A. M. 6:50 P. M. ' A. M. 1 K. A (. K. R. mall dosee ' R.1U.U.IL nail arrives R. B. closet Thrrwsa northern vbtH, A 0." K. R; arrive , Oftlr hour fro derirerlng mailt from TsSO A. M. to' 7 P. M. ' " I Money onlert art Inmwl -ami pa)fl Win "iiT a. . io f r. at. LHurtetn be registered front 8:IS A. at to 4 P. II. - . . 1 THE SENTINEL FUIDAY, DECEMBER IH. Cotton Market. Carefully eorreeted by On. T, aroaaeb Co. No. 4 Mtrtl street, Ttafelgfc, 2. 0. Middling,' fit. Low uUltllins, Low M.ililling St. good ordinary p tj j Goo.1 ordinary, . .rf! .. Stain, - Market active. J-' . lujali lOjalO lOialO, -Wain U10J ii No diptlieria lu tbecfty. "' Tho Era hat rniitMo the third Aoor of fjulley store. - ' J 1 Dirara 4lrtjr taunt srs rr ported prowling rosod la the eity. . Tiat art kr4 now, W UiflB. i'iji h Rffnrt ly and by," tlipll Iwlwiav. Warooa tofctvuM aiaaur pertor inane of "OiayABwHeawCoarto." f.' 0. PorWB"of V Good Tmiij). air bac.trtanifi fsmu lecturing toiuv . ,..fck.BiUlikaowa4VIUrs It. niiMtM mWiacd to brtng iMr btattkoU. J Citineao iiUu villi which to mak la- au(?url tllaminatloni art gwlUag ' la tba thooMnML't ' ' ' A Ulytfrjpifiv)i bl0a of the i-j'T 4 fiiti'is i ' ; ' . Taira-rikrUet1utnUk) n- nult on tb 'artJf AvyMfera und coun- Tteal'ii waatlier of tba laat two 4uy brought liCjl W botitiaj m4 aiuiHitf. Tbc legtslatrtra made no apimjiiriatlon for Ibe limuuural. ' tVivnlo rubfcrlptiuaA, dtrfray all tba attemluat Mpenaa, r fRed as e rotals'alie M appliejj to MifsJ ly all th girla the paat week, from A bad cotd pohjlt of view; amlt aB thegjrw from a cardta'aliiabdpIilt," ' ' . ' For ahootiag a bog Uiree aegroea were committed to the Wake Jail. Saeh tubnf 1aa Indulgences ly iportsnieo are iot rt cogiiuied u IrgltUui! bjr V uhorlt People continne tp ik with'a cooWe'ntlil air and persuaalraawlle:. 'Jadgiuglreia yoar latest advices, who do yeutfilnk Is elected ," And whwa we aatwrr " doe't kaow"' they more off in s mood of melaneholy. Arbitration Closed. . . ' The ease arbitrated in taU eily before C II. Wiley, of flaHtbary, aad Joha Wbite, ' Warrentea, (be North Corollmi, Land Coim imny and Df, jfcGnHaftV r- BeaUy4 tn nett, puroaaatrt of Pea MH, ia Caatbata, has been deterailned 'by award effSMto l he plalulitf. Personal. a;h)li Cof 5fan1eirffllaf If hfe trough noJ cor. liuimr arrmar ol me wholeestoeJetamglioaaaaf Vf. C. Beownihg & d J..330llrb(hrSy X 'flift noute' ls doing an Itnawaee trade, and much is owlug te its gemMenMaly aoJaswaa Qriffla. . Ixaig in iy he live and prosper, j"1 : Bummoaed to Waahlnarton. ' Ju lsiFowte, Secretary Howerton, Jndco, lees and elections, Later telWams re, cilled lM Nnii to all, W ufce Fowl concluded 1d bJkV avtart V.4eSiali'oaal rapltal knyboavaod left yesterday maralng.' Filed Bta Bond.. .' -,'nt. ju-. . ,i John B. Neatbary U PrltroU8rdUry la Goveraara Uoiden Caklarl) iat Arogdaa yeatetiJST llleil M kodle(M.0 Is Treaaorer of (beVoaatjt Qf Wi4. it,acsre Jy neeeeaary to ld. to the face of giving aucb a bond la these times, that )(r, Nea'tkl ai) ta. aequlalU qaalUloalloas by try tlatlona aai Blanketa. '-- -; .',"r 4 ' DrUUeknell of Um Yarbreagk Uvnae ad ti. baiaftJooitataV9ardir,n inaJ guralion day, to rough It He says hlt'lt w3nBiity0j& a,- dale those who have already applied to him, even if he were to' pu't"tetl to twenty In 4 Therefbre he advises all ta cam ftreparei) Patent An- BrakeaX""'-1 The safety of trtrVH 1 ihuVh WcrMSAI oi the ortn tajoiHa saiiruwtf! iy tba aiucii ment itif tt basa Uies train. With these a train tl full speed ral K.'. I - l .. t.t:i iV (.J J w- wiuuiii t a iiiaii wiiiiip uihwi iiauwi . .. . ' . . ..-'.! -i--ii.,:t (" ii-u-iM, anu uoioitiy is me precauinit imih ior ne saieiy or )asiene lore inevitable re inevitable ltixber "Mil ..( Vila I tie - iwui euureiv avokJed. Ibus savlaa eral tlioiuand dollaia eWry jtxf fo il eoai- .. . . , .; ta.:.i.K (iorMaarldbegaW aaMMma tli tuajoriiy on the adeptTon ottbd atnenci JLCnfsToitS'iaineli Jtnaary let, 1p7 sooe i-A 1.1 r. nut ike oe I... I r mk. will nod aer. Mil Tba rundKif OT'WH.1 Somethtas W S5M.tMKI T IboiAb; vert odored the ab)l treuarar to i 'conipro- nikjorf taajr tif fuaUUig raft, v But uu ex, OhMI hi TatMitilaariJ meef bAu tba uo baodi vera not prepared hj Treat urrr Jeuklnt, au uponte badeemad It bett' cot to Incur until It aat ascertained that the credilori ol the data lateoded to Uka the Uant of the funding act propoaed. Fundlnf tbo Cttjr Dobt. Vm r i Tueadb nlgbt tba Board, tif Aldcruieu mattBo tilCMt af itatlgbt i pbQiatt in to consider tin city deat, propoaed to be fhnrted. There -wul not much oaUeerot te the meeting, and the verdict may itated at "petblng to it." If the debt ia not fuuded w uliderttand Ibt) tcrewt af cooipirltion are ready to apply to its collection, and the qneatlan jeemt to be "will the bird lBg,ir. wait to be made to ting." J. Tlldeo, iHlrtcen lelten, and that Vance's majority 'It Uiirteea thousand, bitnitserifeH short ia the lignlUcance of bifoiBcident by omitting toiui4 t)iM the'ooloolea wklch op U.e llbertiea it will be tlie work "of Vance ad TIMea to perpetuate, are remembered a the " original thirteen." Tba Railroad and tho InwiraoOf , The authorial of Jii raJirJa )yin into the cltjtjBjiakti'fJcTy argpjiyen for the quick and cheap transportation of ?uUrato the iaiugunuioo. Caps. A. B. Audrewa, suierintendent of the North Caro lina road announces hU rates at two cents et mile, each way, tad the special train will be ran wits reference to the best accom modation of the pabfic arriving In prOer time for lBtdrMirV!a8ilpThgeo atnot to tl-tain Um peoplo .after Ut iufcttguratlou f be Nation! Hotel.. A very unjaet aniL.gratuktvat report was Inyjlccolation m dnr ar tarn ae to the iftet WoM'tlmi " rtriet sad teeteVl the Boyden House at Salisbur'. 'Vf art authorized to say that the Nalioual t not to close on the Ortt of Jaaaary or at any other time. Home fifty member af tba legislature and three Judges of the I'J- precna eotat have engaged rooms at the Nalloanl, and we lean that Governor Vance has beepoken permaaent qaarters there for the Bt si aaoaths. -. . v i, Fire at Horanead City. A fire, consuming the out-houses of UM tlacon House, occurred at UoreJiead City Monday nlgi.t. 11 r. Sublett, the proprietor, who wa away at the time, hot been pecu liarly unfortunate, fief' was proprietor of the Sjrattwood at Richmond, wbea It buried in lTe, and last September he was flooded out of the AtltJHIc hotel (it Beaufort. In this conwectloB 'We mention that, Mr. Sablett will re-onen the Atlantic at Beaufort seaside resort it Will AOt, be (iirpassed on the AUyco ., , ! 1;, ( r A Jolly.rasbMRfaan ,4 t. Tlint jolly good fellow, and beat of men Jease Cf iMcWiVf1 Pefrimtftfiil, itaanch sad inMcial friead tho Sentiaui tllii on Wednesday to settle the tho tux of hit county, of which he It sherilt. He weight 275 II w, In invnilier of the national fat men's club, and the meet jovial of the let He bat ben not iced In alt the papers of the coantry as the heavy sheriff, and is constant ly ia receipt af couipUme&lary , ieUora aad papers trota all parts of the United States. He is the closest collecting sheriff lu the Statef andapeakawtU ofttkatBnancial con dition of bit couaty. BhcrUf jacocks U one of the hanpsomest as wel! a one of the cleverest awa ia Nor'A Carolina. Postponement of the Bmanclpation Celebration,, , (SI , At aa odjoorned moetiug of tba colored ptoploHeid lathe Court House T$ evening to take action regsrdiiig the Jro- posed ceubriuoa of emancipation day wtiicli falls on the 1st of Jauuary prax., the follow ing preamble and resolution, offered by O. Hunter, Jr.,,sirWiMiWrjf adopte.1 : , WhEKSAS, The inauguration of the Gov ernor of North Carolina will by law, occar on the lat of Jaiuiary, and , WheseXs'' th ti eftktent'dAire to wiu nesa the iaaagilral eereraoaka which oarrr with laeas Ibe daaUfliea ol every North Caro IWau, wiietlier he be white or block, for the nextfuur . jeaxa thereafter, tJawefora, . .. . ; i Kzaoivto,- -That ww, the colored people af staiaigh aad tVakw sweaty. , da poatpoae oar 14th anaiveraary celebration of aha proc lamation of emancipation, which occur eu the 1st,, pres., until the rnrt prbx.. In cos tecjuence thereof. We commend our rolornl fellow cltilea for their very proper action and patrMtldex pretsions in this matter, and trust Ibey Vlll an'e'rSlfra in J than uu) thing wbici wcaraad aloce.tht Issumiice of the emsnctpstion proclamation they annually commemorate. 1 aOSTAKZM XIMOME8S. TberataCJBduJgeoceaaof Paranu. 1 The father who, for a great pwtiart of Ida lite aaa struirgled with fanwillmr Umt hit elik)rea should have kMtuilur experieute-. iSo he deniet himtell Indulgcuce In even necensary thing ahjktahA m lauave as1 puake for ma iaially. The taeHhei1, fenatmbetiotj how lilrorwerrKmseh4e1-tM tier lu her glrTlioed,- permtt beif daugh ters to lead jive) domestic eaub and iudolonce, ttiinkiugtliat in to doing the tuake:iUa)J test 4oliirUa0 in het power of maternatlove. Aa a natural aubtico'efthh.-iew-nthw faef o us young ftieu ana women pai fectl y use If aamur.alliaa, nractkaivi urooMt.of life unable lo spe wl h mtalortuael L I.. . ..11 , I ... .1 111..-. I. I.: I bcrenl; it ntunt be built up from witblii madeto well bpotr himtell, U think fet himself,1 W act fotilwlf.' thadoaer amUe gravasftfU4 uiaaliood begin te develop within bias. It ia no kindneat la awrrouad him with euckr attatibn irjd care, , that, U, wilCTot V campalleil tif teara tlie ieaaon m wii-ieuauce, w paur eatpdtryaf'a)etahiMntikope. The real ciowns of tliis-woiid are crown of Thirtee. ' ? , N liL a HHwf 4 Kit W ff TULL7 SENATE. By geiator Troy : A rcsolutloa of in struction to (he State OeologUt. Re questing hiru to furnish to lb General AiseruUly. tuch statistics aa ha may think of value in enabling the General AA-embly la docldo npo the proprlttj t ettablwhing ft department of agri culture at the Uuiyerslty. Also what atapajcaobtjiaAaaia v atatqatopia rroui fraud In Ibe purenats or commer cial fertilia.J rasaed ttcqpc rtading. JUil to alter the mode of ptyiug tell- cltort. Provides that solicitora thall net receive halt feet ui any action in which the defendant ia acquitted. Pi ed its several readings, yeas 28, htyt 1, .Senator Cunningham, by content, k bill to authorize the town of Milton tou to eubacribe $10,000 to the7 Milten & Hulherliu Xacrow Gauge Uailread, '"Wnirl riff no uiiiifi atU(Hi pse etuju.l. llie houet. or if there be no poor haute in anyonnnty, at tuch place at the couDty coniniiattoneri may select. .Seuolor Troy moved to make pedal order fue January 12, at 13 M. Seuator Koblns moved to lay on the table. ! . k . i if Senator Akcw urged inimediala Ac tion. .Seuator Trey withdrew his rustlon abd nkd -fbfthe previoua quoatioo, Ida e!f araw-aamtafiied. Mid ther I aAd fdiBMg'&llrlt'to 4)aii. f bill- ou its HOUSE 11EPUESEN T ATI VE .' Monpav, Dec. 11. hill to amend aectfou 2 chapter 26, Battle's Iteviaal. wa taken op ami 'pasted lta several reading. Hill it extend tlie time of the sheriff of 1)mv couaty to settle with the State Treasurer, wa lakeu up und placed iti third reudiug. On motiou or Mr. OrmouJ, the bill to ainenj i,Lap 23'J, law r 171-'7jT was taken up and pajwed it several raaduupt. f UepeaJa the law to pro hibit selling, liquor near JUltlo Jd-'re.ek J, vllt give to eeroHi of tbe" teutlf two or three bt tho terrltrrrlet west of the MUebari for their exclusive tne 'was taken up. The. ronolutlon wa4 Intro duced bv Willlarusao, colored. Mr. Cobb moved to refer to the com mittee on Military Affair. Mr. Carter, of Uunceoibc, moved to refer to the Committee an Insane Ay lum. WHliaiUKOu, col., aid that he had come to the conclu-ion that the two races could net live in tbc south ia that barmeuy that wa necessary aud desir able. In this opiauto ba was backed by a large portion of hi race. He moved to postpone the further consideration of the matter nntllJan. 10. Mr. llnnlx moved w table tho whole ruaiter. On tUi motion the jrejt and na;t were called, and the molion was loxt by a vote of yeas 37; najrei 50. Williameon' motion to postpone until Jan. 10 wat adotcd. . liy Mr. bhetwtll; A rcioluliou toaii point a oiat cotuuattee to connlder the constitutional araendaacnts. The re solution provide that the committee shall consist ' live pt) , lbs part of the senate 1 and tight Ob the part of the house, who shall sit tho days during the recess1 when they tnhnll hear uge tioot from all quarter. end furuisb the general assembly on it reassembling it it h an outline of the concltmuos at to whnt legislation nr.dor the recently adopted aruendrocuta Ut needed. So, On motion of Mr. SUotwell tie rules were eutpoaded, lbo- resolution was takeu up for conaidetatTon. Mr. Cooper did net tea the pecM&uy or utility af the proportion. Mr. Parish was heaitily in favor of it. Be had not made np hie mind as to the cxa t course he should pnrtue in (lit mailer; and would lik-, U have the' beneAl f the viowt of distinguished gentlemen throughout the ttato. Mr. Houck moved td strike out that portion oi . the resolution which" allowa Ihecemmittoe the arae per diem as members of the general assembly dur ij; this three day's eMien dnrinj the rejoess. ' .sAfler quite aleuglhy debate the reto oa wis adopted? (jn molion of Mr, Cooper, tlie bill to reduce the price of public printing wa Ukea tip, but pending any actkui the lieur for the SPECIAL ORDKR waMtunounced, which was the inajerity and minority reports or the committee ou privilege and elecliont in regard to Umi right of ,Uhq W. Uunbam U a teat on the fl Hr oflhe houie, aa a member from New Hanover, and the validity of the election for members of the lou of repreeutativct lu leader and New Hanover countiet. The questions which the report dis cuss were: i 1 1 II 1. Hew many members is New flan over couujy entitled to on the floor of this bevse . ' ... ' , ,', 2. I lender oouuty entitled to a re presentative in this house? . 3. Is Alfred UJyd, the altlifag Wi ber, eutitled to a seat in this house from Ptodcrijouotj? , .J, tyiiether Jehu W. Duoliam U bet otitled ton a oat in thia bouse, by reasoa of the votes cast for fhlm at the lt tied ioof , : , , . . 5. Art Jama'a Wilson and Joeejh C. Hill,, the witting members, entitlod to acuta ia thia house, from 'New Hanover cottnll? r- 7" : ,C,.How fbaajf caadldatci for scats lu Una haute were Voted far In New Han ewer and Pender countiet at the bate elecllsn for memaett of the general aa- setnuiv; what were the ptmct of Jhote caudiuale, and, bow many voles were cant for each?. The question recurred unon the adoption ofSW ftAaU MpArCirglMd bjt. Mt tjjit Mbtg7,ttantom tad Mc XttkiAfrhtSHmfA these ela- ttonst"'"' iirtiit'.'v, v -,u'r Fiiii iivfimU eouaity ft New HaAOtar, zvjtmt iue teattoi Aitreq tioyu, aittina ' memter from New ilanovet uoiy, ie aJacUfed faeaaii 1. Tliat tba tpakerf thia bowaa h fiJrtu the' wovernnr that thar-amm ttt Xbni member of thia .boat from ft ounty of New Hanavwt Mr vacant, to the aad that aac lection may be) bald to 'All the afttne.11" t-i' -a The tuajoriiy, icport, tigoed ay Ifeairt, , Hendertoe, Pinnt, Pnmell, CUrK oruavesi aid: BarrUba,;ei folh that the elctieX. membus.Of tfaia heoaa to Ntw Hanover aa4 Ewndet tn. Dprwri or pnupcrraT Tonntt members from New Uaaovc. Meaara. Viloa and Hill,' aad thtr tilting mem- oer from rnaer, Airreq L,iya, coi., ire fnlitled to reUlw thelraeaU, ana bet h be discharged from the further centlaef at ou ox too matter. Varieua motiana to potlnoae uutil aftar the rectsa were ' ditcuaaed to crest length, and finally voted down. The queailon recurred upon the mi nority report, . Mr. MorbTfl Wek tin floor h advocacy of lti adeptloh and tpoke te tome length. . ,t -: Mr. 1 innix tupported the view of the tnalertty f the committee to ad elaborate argument. . Mr, Cartori, of f Buncombe, argue J at leugtb m -favor or mo rainorttv report, vMr.Bagley favored the adoption of in minontv re part. Mr. Wilson, of Tranajlvanla, offered a resolution rentietunz tho committee on prjyileget npd, tlecUos tf prepare a aenet ot questiant emoractng ait the matter of law involved ia Uiia contest from New Hanover and Pender conn lies, and that the speaker of tho house be requested to ask an opinion from the jusUoet of the aupremo court upon the subject n soon at possible after the meeting In January aext. . The ruaoluliou km placed on (be calendar. Mr. Ruaaell took the i1Kr iu uppot of the majority report. Pending deilnite action the home ad- jetuned. SENATE. NrtrrTrH dat. Tcmdat, Dec; 12. Senator Folk: Bill to aid inthacon- atruction of tbc Lenoir aud Chester Nar row iimge railroad. Plaosd n tbf cal endar. Senator Cuningbam moved a auapen- aion of the rnlea ia order to take np the bill authorizing the town of Milton to subscribe $10,000 stock in the Milton and Sutberlin Narrow Gaage railroad. TaVen up and pasted eecud reading nuauimouHly. Trauamitttng various bills auu rosolu- tiont, among them a mentation tn raise a joint committee to visit and investigate tlie affaire or t Jo Western North Uaro lina railresul. TOucurrin in tho 'house amanduito eaU iavirtIo- oTth of said cpmmitte on the parrt oi the r uate, Meesra. Troy a,ud Dortoh, 11W htr,iMf UuhlL. P.ti f1iiUi were tusDended and the bilL odatuw to shad fishermen in Albemarle Sound, was taken up, and on bis motion was amend d so as to netuiJeUbe aqaada of Carri- tuok and PanUioo also, au l tbo bill passed its final reading. . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tckmut, Deo. 11 Mr. Parrixh, for eommittee au insane attylam, reported favorably on H. 11. Ke. 71, to repeal sua ameud certain tedious of chapter 6 of Battle's Revissi, in relation to, the management of the in aane asylum. Placed on the calendar. Mr. Roae: Bill to repeal aoetion 4, chapter 136 of BatUe'a Reviaal, which 5ives te Pender county a representative, udioiary. Mr. Purncll a bill to be entitlod "An act fco secure totub-oontraotora,material-meu and mechanics a lien, supplemental to chapter 65 ot Battle s Revuial. " J u Uimary. ' Mr. i'uruuil: UM to ue enutleu "An act to more effectually secure a uieobau- RftfieB o pwal sroparty, anCfer other purpose Jndiciury. On niotiou of Air. ttosa, the rules were suspended and a B. No. 103, H. B. No. IOC, waking Cape Fear river a lawful fepoe was, taken up aud paused its several aaaiaswA audiele4 te hetirolktwor OTtittaatinti. ttaiiiti tit Under Uiis heal the cousidoation of the majority and minority reports of the committee on privileges and elections concerning tlie reprosenttt6n of New Hanover and Pender rountios was re snmed aa the nnfloisbed business of yesterday. After consiueraDie atscusstou irom tuc aklvocatca of both reports, Mr. Moriug oalfed the previous question. The oaU for the mam qaestiou was bus tain ed, and the resolution offered yceterday by Mr. Wilson, of Burko, to refer the matter to the supremo court waa put and lost The craennon then reenmnir nnon the adoption of the minority report, Mr. Moring calleifor the yeaa aud nays, wbioh call Wa sustained. And the report rejected by a vote of 39 nays, 27 yeaa. The question then being the adoption of the majority report, it was adopted. Mr, Moring moved to reconsider the vote adopting the majority report aad to make tba motion to reoouaider the spe -oial order Saturday January 5, 1877. Mr. Pinnix moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table, upon which Mr. Moring called for the yeaa and nays. The metion to table prevailed. Yeas 37, nay 30. '. This leaves the representatives from New Hanover all in their seats, Mr. Moriwg gavt hotioe that he wonlj file hit proteatiagainat the action of the honee iu the adaption . of the majarity report of the ooatmittot ou privileges and elections. The sneaker announced Messrs. Hen derson, ltote aad Spake as the house branch of apeoiai commute to visit Western inaane asylum during reoeas and ascertain what appropriation! are necesrary. SENATE. TWIHTIKTH DAT. I , , . , Wkpmkiax, PH'. 13. Messrs. Robine aad Dortoh were ap pointed by the ebeir to examrbe and re- , LJI. ... ...... fVHWini w . f It i Mtf Hobina, lor the coram ittee, re ported eleven bills' and resolutions as properly enrolled, wbioh were ratifletl. The pneiiMnt annouuoed that ' the hour bad arrived wbioh had been agreed upon by both branches of the general assembly for adjournment, and wishing senators a aaf e and pleasant . journey to their homea, and a merry Christmas, de clared the senate adjourned until Satur day December 30 U76, at 12 w. -s ; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wkonbuat, bee. 13. n. The speaker appointed Messrs. Pr rssk, McBrayar and Harris as terapoairy oommittee on enrolled bills., , tiAj, , Ua motiou of Mt Parrisb, S. it in eraaflifcb readings, aJW waif Ordered to be enroffod for tatttteaaoaV'.! - " "" ".: 1 -' "XHi motion OfMK trfish, a' R. 154, f lavbr of the public printer, waa taken upend, passed ila..aeoud aud i third twasliBa,svnd ma ocdarad to ba aaroUed for ralittoatioa. '-f J - i i. , B,' H'W, H. fi'lftl' a bni -forlhTe-Bef of aWilfii and tea eolteotorm, was takvea jap aad pal upo ita aeooad lead iasy. ,!. nt w 'i -:.' Mr. Cooper ofe.-4 at) tmearfmont to Ma MeOwMiaae aabad lea atll nf-eb roik tbera not being a nuorum anawer fat) toauair aaatew furtksf aotioa,1 otr fl bill waa postponed . Mr. PairiaL for the texnporary com. mittee on enrollad bills, enbmitted billinmportanoo- of adheruig to tba rnlee and reaolntiona aa properly enrolled. Tba: bills i duly tattned try the epeekor, who, theav declared the boaae adjonrned until Saturday, December 80, 100. t t CAPTIONS OT Acta and Resolutions passed by the Oenerai Aeaembly la Bseolon Novem- oer ana December, 1870 ACTS. Aa act te amend taction 4, chapter 21, of Ad act to validate election returns. An act to rental chaster Tt of I ha lawa of 1871-71, being an act te cheese Samp son county from the 4th to the 5th Judicial dittrict. An tel te lie entitled an act to nrevent throwing or shooting lute railroad car. , Au act to be entitled aa act te provide for tkt preservation of Ute elsetloa returus of governor, lleatenanl-governor and other officers mentioned M tectloa to, cbuiiter 5t, of Uatlie't Rev lta 1, and for electom of praxl- dvnt and vice-president. An act to be eutitled an act for li e relief ef i J. Hatch wtil, aherifl of Beaufert county. Aa act to be en titled an act te amend chuplera 17 and 343 of Baltle't ReviaaJ. An act to be entitled an act to prohibit the tale of Intoxicating liquors within two mile of Jerusalem, liberty. Concord and Cherry Hill eharchea, Davie county. At act to be entitled an aetta amende Hon 471, chapter 17, BaUV Revisai. An act to b entitled sn set to receive con victs la the penitentiary for one year. An sit to ba entitled tn act supplemental to a supplemental act to lay on and establish tho new coauty of Pamlico. An act to be entitlod aa act to exland the time for the ergaaization of the Itecky M t Mills. act to Iir entitled an art for the relief ui ,'jrchajer of certain lands In Clay and Alucon counties. An act lo be entitled an act lo prevent at tempt to iiurii il welling apd other houses. An set to lie entitled an set to Inceroorste the town of Cameron, in life 'euatity of Moore.. An act to be entitled an act to e.temnt the Cheraw and Sallsbary railroad from Die pro visions of an act of the general assembly, ruined March 1Mb. 1875, known a chapter IS) of Uie laws of lt-'75, entitled an act in relation to the (ramie of railroad. .. act io. Ilnljtie4. aiauud.jiu.1 prove tonal property. An act to indemnify Galea county for lb support ol certain lunatic. I HU I 'Id An act to be entitled an act to provide Tor the construction ef certain road In the couelle of llurke, McDowell, Mitchell, Yan cey and CaldwelL An act to be entitled an act to amend chapter 239 of the law of 1874-75. An act to be entitled au act to make Cape rear river a lawful lence. An act lo he entitled an act In laver of Madison eoaaly. An act to be entitled an act lo prorida fertile registration of certain deed and other Instruments of writing, and q mnK.e valid the registration ef ethers. ' ' RKSOXITIOXS. Kesolutieu on revised constitution. Resolution In relatioa to per Jle.n and mileage. Resolution In favor of the employees of the two houses of the general assembly. Resolution in regard to the public debt. Resolution In favor of J. S. YVUco.v, Sheriff ol I'atquotaok county. Resolution On adjournment. Resolution of Instruction te the committee on public building and grouads. uetoi latioa of instruction to our renreiou-1 In Csngress, ' ' 4 ' ''1f tat Ives Resolution In relation to the inauguration of Hon. Z. B. Vance. Resolution of instruction to the joint com mittee on penal Institutions. Resolution In relatioa to priulia the amendments to the constitution. Resolutipu it) favor of John W. Ueckatiill, tax collector of Bertie county. Resolution in reference to the lnteniul Revenue laws of the I'ulted Stulea. Resolution iu reference to the Wilmington A ffehlun railroad company., Resolution in favor of Hon. K. M. Pear son ami others. Resolution to raise u joint comiiiilU'c lo visit the Western Insane Asylum. Resolution to reiiiircthe PreftkMif. of M Western North Carolina railroad compass to r port progress of collection of the claim against lieo. W. Swepson aad M. S. Utile Held. ItesolaliON lo pay tlie public printer. Resolution regarding the Knrolliag and Juogrosslng clerks. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. lieu. Uuer U a bowling radical Congressman Hewitt Is very positive Ibat Tiideu will be inaugurated. A full set of democratic county official iu Forsythe for the Drat time since tli,Wjajj tirnnt has expressed himself as appre hensive that Tiluen cannot be kept Out of the presideacy. Col. Wui. Johnslou ia lecturing on geolo gy lisfore the youag mens christian associa tion ef Charlotte. - Mayor McAuley ef Monroe was seriously injured in jumping from the train as 'it u preaclmd Ike Cbailotle depot. The enterprising Dr. Benbow ef Oreens bore is exerting himself la behalf -of the Moual Airy and Narrow Oaage Uailread. tiecri-tary Don Cameron It engaged to be married to a young lady jusl coining o-i the carpet of Washington society, Conkling ami Blaine have aot spoken for ten years. They are slrawtars in the senate. Tbe New Yerk Stateamsn loftily dlsdalms the Mulligan man from Maine. Waller Moere, son of the ex-theritl of Granville assaulted W. A. Davit, editor ol the Torchlight for strictures on his father,, Nobody hurt. ,y,:r ! Tliutioard, "tj' a New sarloass corree- bondeni, would hot I veasaved to go tar if a bad not neuo Mtsarances giv ii I'ywMlcan vlei- en to tbera hyWtiQi tots taat their ictloa it might be, wona oe iHSisioea iv si went. JearchLc: ia; unlike any ether, and . htA ''cqlal. Hia jmprpye fff nel vagcmhlo, t4 ptoerUet ; restore gW hair to a f1'sly, nttural lor ; Restores fadd, dry," haak) alt falling hair; restorr! Ilrcs, give gr to the hair; restores bair to r maturely bald headi; rcmovea dandruff, liBuiora, tcaly eruption; retuovet irrita titu, itching and tctly dryness to sr- -tiqla produces tuch womlorftd-cflecta. Tr k, eall for WooiPt Iwtpfrrvtrniair Ittstorattv and aVa't U jHff mitk ong Mr tsrfVIi.1 Sold by aU drugrgiatt , iathiaVpWe and 'dealert -e-rywacrej Trade awpplied at- manufaciufert prices uyU. 1&. UOoX vo., vnicago. noif now ior. . 'Cpt 5- eowlfm a'r .ia- fiiaVr so.;-: wanTtoiett an dcaue aaattii ewoo wantage aaa uua atuij. 1 saw -wavwmim woamany rathTwiam tray I i-fi.",. r iwaV ,id Wit-Virv T- Tv lllj. VrJT. eomttetiiw mmt , I 4awaa.t(-.-.-.W c,r,K , v ite; i BITTf nnnaaMu V "The longer I nve the wore I feel tlie onaooe- oi auneruf to. ue rniea k I lM laM Ann tnm n.ll I. I which I have laid down foe myself, ia iwlatiun to snob mattarsi Pirat, To bear a iitUe s posmblo,;of what is to the preiudioe. of othent Heoond, To be lieve nothing of the kind till I am i d-aa'JMqtd to it. Third. Mover to drink in the spirit of one who eirenlatee an ui report t-x-air Ui. Always te mod' erate, aa for at I can, the nnkindneat which is expressed to arils others. Fifth, Always to believe that if the other aide were heard, a very different account would be given of the matter. I con aider love aa wealth, and aa I would xe- aiat a man who should 'come to rob my bouse, ao would I a man who would weaken ry regards for any farrman bet fog. I consider, too, that persona are east iulo different moulds; and , that to ask myself. What ahould I, de in that pontou't aituation 7 ia not a just moile'ff judging. I must n:t expect a han' nat urally qow ana jeervod, to set at poe that is natural lr warm and affectionate: aud I think it at a great evil that people do uot make more allowance for eaeh other in tbit particular." OFNBBAL NEWS. Upon the uiiaslkin l reicuuirily, the college iu which a vote for Tilden wat S4 wj clearly tlie one held under the lawMtOYCgua. There wa- not the tlightett difliculty our uoilue means used U influence action. A Mstatuorai (ILiwIlU of the Wth tay: Xe' has jut leeii received from Ibe interior ol that Presi dent Lords and hi cab, net have, boon captured near the city ef Mexico. Gea eral Escobedo, seretaiy of wail, with several others, was kIiuI The ov, rn- merit of Ierdo U utidoubtedly over thrown Monterey ami .Saltiilo have declared iu favr of lvleiaH atd sur- reuilwadtudthout lighlioK. I he whole nertficro ftonlier of Mexico, except Matamoraa, U ia possession ( I the tup porters ef Igleaiat. - Hi fricud in tlila city tire bow out with music and tordie'1 celtbrauiig lusu.ces. . , - MARRIED I v -reeled by It I H msWM. II. DODD, By Appointment from Board of Trade. KiLEIOH, p.. Jj.' OBSCBAL MABK.XT. toltou Ilea, new, 10o Bundled do. " " H " Cotton Bagging Ibi to yard 500 yard. 13J 5.TSiii00. 5 E0 S 75 45 1110 yiitalt tUaal Hal '4 lOJallt m 2123 - 50 ' 80alOO SOW 100 ctkaio Flour. North Carolina, Family. Extra Corn new Corn meal Metis, Clear Rib Sides. Lard Western Coffee Rto Sugar White. do Yellow Bait, Liverpool, flue.,.. Leather, Red Bole Bugler, Sfth Carolina. Beeswax F-KK Rgs.... Oat, shelleJ .,. " sbeaf Fodder,... Potatoes, sweet... " Irish . The Raleigh Sentinel. Subscription Bates ti i :i ' i -In Advance. Weekly Sentinel, one year, postage p'd, 2.00 - six moiiUm, " " t.eo For Ibe campaign, . .60 That our realtors mny ee with what liivor our paper is received by our editorial breth ren, we give below a few extracts enibra(n 'wluit thev say" of ns: , i NOTICES OK TIIK PRESS. Newhern Times, Rep.) Tbe leading drmooratlc paper in the Atte. j Toisnot Transcript. TJtMllMfh Sentinel under Ita new iuoa-' irer and proprietor I grestly improved, and Is now one of oar most valued exosaate. ' fFrom the Salem Press I Tbe Rateisrh SeatineL under tbe ae m anao a Cement ha been much Improved lu aisuner and matter. w have been la reralar receipt of tbe Daily Sentinel f t a week or aaere, and hope ft daily visit will conliaae. Bonc-. Imen nnrnbtr esa be seen at this oulee Price of tbe Da By t$ per aiinuui. : , (Frottltha Fayettevllle Wlde-Awakr i 1 he Sentinel, the name of whiuh baa been s terro to radicalism since - Hold a pledged "the last dollar and the last man ft tn fa aupport of the t 'iffdert State goverti ment, ha passed Into new bands, and I as suming an attitude from which it wl I burl macy- destructtre canister Into radical ranks. (Greensboro Masonic Journal.) Ibe Kalelgb SenUaul came to us laat Wi d, neadav aa a morning; dally and decidedly Im proved. Tbe new managers and editor prom, lae to do better in the future, and present a better paper than th Initial number. 1 lsy may perhaps do it, but we can't se much cnance ior improvement, ornucuien, wa wish ou ucree. H I fl Hit ' .(ttubeaoulan.J The Raleigh SeiitinelHSdW Ui pfesant msnaaement. Is ver. arnrrally improved. It contalu aa much reading matter aa hereto fore, and iaone ol the very Deat dally pawrs In thl atate. In common with a great many people of thia a ate we revere th name of tbe Sentinel, aud will always learn of it pro peril y with prlds snd pleasure. They have reduced the rate for the cam palm, a win be seen te Brother column, t l l. - rYh,burg(Mi.)efJd. V Tb KatelKh Sentinel Bead no euloey from us. Every one that resda stands oa all important topics of tba day, and aitbeugh soma may differ with It, yet all oaa say that it la aJnl re hi Its course, end I working for the best Interest of the Vop1 of Ndrtb Carolina. - - I Murphy Be I IssJlvini Herald.J Tbe Sen tl nel is a . living exponent or de--Wr. aeekiiftM MkM 4flntllahs4 arrUment. to prove the necessity of rat to r- Ing both stats so astttaaVau araaent to Bef nw pusnar set aiaaiatasneat illakas aa M aoaWoe aasw tse aet iosruai ia the )ad,lutrealair-law ura faroasiaeoet it Ra ai rv aaaaatalalna ta hicbsav W fgreeef -uay. itwaj demeerat Jathf esa wlwaiiaa Bsaaaaiia aw altaaiaie to atA bvww. 1aotr abaa IK tof Its Iv aiidaseats srtaMtasWitaaa a-alttafiltAtaa. MaaaliV Woatdl Mtrlbwta te tka a-atyn-Mt fat tka Ilaflv IfaatlBeL aaA this issmiii a at ia-il t- ' '-t rlrmhi 4 tte eatsajT-a aw taw MivaMW W HULr.t)AI,h IAMI riCIUtluaotlnewlUiVa.afk4laaiI Tralaal loftA. r . . .. i i Kailboab CoatrAsr, V Ts.wvtabetKjjreir ' a a a a TTt A rNS . O to t taU, effect Monday ,'ov, 20 tb. . -- -- UUL.U OOLTli. NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Petersburg dally at (MA. M. Arrive at Weldoo aT-. liw Neon n aXKIlEttS kXTKESS. , ... i Leave rMmtOuCmtm M "A- M. Arrive at WeAuVjt!t(m, ,v, 1? A' at. FREIGHT W1TB' rA86EltGER aCOACB r ' ATtACUD.rv .rf ; Leave Peterebnrr daBy" ' (except Snnilay) af, , , - , 1 1 4S A. M. Arrive at Wejdua at ?, J ' iP. M. PQIKO sTQAtTAt. : M.(J j NEW TOEK aJUffiryd. ,.. Leave Weldoa dajl 'af Jf?'!s'6 F. M Arrive at Petjpbaig.,?; ) P, M. SOITHEKH iXPRKSa. ' Leave WehJoa daily at 3 40 A. M. Arrive af Petertburg OSA. N. FREIGHT WITH PAB8httEft, DOACII ATTAOflUAtviird Iave Weldon daWy (ractV..,) . Sandavkat iti fen '.im. , ( IA l. U Arrest eeteistiartf at. h-,.! p. m- First class eoaetitw wlirrmi threagli be twaon Witmiugtea and New York ou day trains and sleepieg car. on sight trains. No change of oara, Through tickets told t all 'Eastern and Southern points and baggae checked through :' R U.DCNN,' Suerialcndeot of Traassortsuoo. L. B. CJURKE. , e H'leitcfieTefTrtint. tlec-13-tf.' '- ' -! .i Cf "1HESAPEAKE ASD OHIO R. H. rXsstKdia Daramiiirr. '. 1 C0XNKCTI0NS tF PAKESCiER TOAlXS FROM lUCHXOXb. A. M. -ytdJ.JaTly except gsaday I)sUy west ot Ulnton. , " Arrives ht GordoB vllle il I p. M.i ttmiwcHngwHIira. Mid laud Train st 1 M P. trrivfag at Wtsh lpgteu C 00 P, L. for all polms Jiortb. Arrivea at Chartotuvillt Its pfl., Cu neaiug.wlm V. Midland Traht at ; 1 53 p. M.. arrlvlajr at Lynctkurjf t M P. If:, tor all point South ;T Arrive at rTontlngtoa J. P. M. . S 44Aeoonutliioo, 4aAy ex cept bandar, axxivea at fjefdonsviue !,30 i. connecung wiu, vil AfulJaad,. Train at 740 P. M i arriving at ffashlnclon n Si M.. arriving ab Ltnehbara; 11 a7 a: M.. for uie noout. . Arrives ai Jlualisgtoa 4 46 P. M., connecting closely with Chesapeake and Oak Packet Weaaterefot ClaHnnatl, 'Loals vHh), . St.. Lemef Ohleaaw, ' aad ail ether pwata kt the WtstVortlrwasiaiid Soatliwest. FROM HTJXTfSrGTOJf' P. M. 4 OO-Mall, dally to Ilintsn-b'al'lT eaeept Sudayr Kuat of Mlntonj, '-Arrives al Chasteusvuie 11 4A Ar U. aoaeectiae wUh Va. Midland Traia at 4 M r.Hu. sr rlaing at Lyoehbarg iOO P.Jt. for aUpoiiss South via Va. and Tenoessee ft. Ar rives al Gordonsville 12 35 P.M.. connect ing with Va. Midlaad Train at 1 16 tV M. ar riving at Washington 00 P. M. for ail Points North, , .Arrives at Jtlchnad t 3U V- ' I : nti' f ; -A. 1W. 10 80-Express, daiia Arrives at Cbarlotttville 1 60 A M., connecting with Yfct Midland Train CT 5 A. M., arriving at Inchlkrg U 01 A. af. for all Poiau bouUi. Arrivw at tioruonsvUie J SA. M. eouuectisg wlll Vs. MiataadTmin ai X 60 A. M. arriving at WsshlngWn. A. M,, for all Points North. Arrives at Richmond 6 a A. ii . eoaneatiag with RiehinofKl and batvllie f 60'A. M.,nd ittiemnead and Peterabarg 7 A. It. Tminstior all foints 8"lht y. .ii-. n lbs ll J iil nr. Imst A. M. 8 10-The train from Washington arrives at Gordonsville 12 40 P. M., and connects with Cnaeake and ' Ohio Mail trains both for Richmond nnt Hnntlngtoo. The to K M . trwla nsw "Washington ar rives at GordonsvIM 2 44 A;f. anw con nect with Cheea'peake and Ohio 'Express trains both for Richmond andCinctiinay. A.M.'iy OOLTli 'fala,'fr4' tehbaw lirrlves at CharlottsrirlH ll M A. U. ami tconneetiwith C. 4 0. Kail rwltt 3f ifuut f Tfrgfoti ind atGomltinsfHt MMt.WyJMx v. be r. stall tram ior lrtcnmonu. The R. 'D. nnd'Rrtttraihi' arrtvtni: from Wia Soulb at 800 f. U. owinactAilli Ckesajicakeand Ohio Express traia, leaving Richmond at 10 15 for "the JTettaajd cONWAVrrfovfARrj. Ceo. Pass. A Ticket Aef. Richmond Va. W. at. 8.; DCNNV" M,,,r - ' lf'"-4t. a,yv . . ,,, v . tim .i ,i H Will II .) nil Ii VnauesUpuftbly, the, , beaf auatakned work or th kind iiiba WorM.'i UI i. Harper's J&gai&&, ; V - I i. ..i ri'w-i-i a?t iItja id1 y -i 1LLU4TKATELX. .U . '1 The1 Magaxtile ha J attsmed In 'fftouF'qnt'r I tereentaey and aaors t ettstswee to taat -1 aoait waarait may beaaal ot , at tea wants of Dr. -lhBMn,.u ft is vaax to Man aad useltsi to praise.'; Xha lastre of. u lour axo a' lalned reputation hat mcreaseq aathi years have ptaaed, sad its future Seems a, brUbt If not brighter than at say time since the golden tine of prosperity settled around ft later and best ywMAVwoMpw , --.fTitrpW- JtfwrffliV I' markevtlvHl tatne eaartetsrlstlcr whleb irave Uelrwalailua tvom the tra with the better (dtsst tauten. ,1Jt combiiMs re4). aasUar wltA illastrsttaris In a way to make clear, snd vivid ,th facts presented. Pictures merely desttUed to catch the ays ef the Igaoasat siw lr rtd.rt)Cif.vUjfrfuiJ ;UMl;nllj In ,:;i . .- -Jl raw i-ii ti., j , . t. .( TCtlMsj -' Postage free to all MTaertbera In the ' .'i ,:ii.l '- i . i .if Habi'BU'i Maoaxihb, one year .t4 0O ii 00 inclmb) prepsyniest ot U, S. pietsge hJtjKlbU.ntr,, ..,,,.,; ' :'R ' qubscrtptiaot Wi usarta Havixixe, tear, tltf "Or t nut, ana nun, w one saareas ior one ot.two of Harfier't Pertotft- eala, 10 sAdrast trena teari az tai: atir sveewiw vivs. fNfl -rwi Aa Xxtra Copy ev stlhefrlha sfataxtue, Weekly, or Jiasae, wlii be aupoilad grails fur every tyjubot lva lubaorib r avt 4 un each, la one remltUose ; or, 81 to fe Tor su uo, without extra copy r pottage free; V Back Bua-bor .eta, be tupplk j at , any Ths Vblnuies 'oi lb MagaVlae comnw wfth the Numbers for June and Deeembe .... ... ... . . - u .. ... commsn-'e and December ef eseb Year." rnrtaerfptlrtrrs may' eewmstsle vlthawytiaajiiiev. Wbto M ! Wsparlasd iti' WiU U' uiMraasaoo-i .ttia ,ta MbWrtbrr begin witb.Uis IcatsuunksBSif .the qprmot volume, and back , ambers wif t tJutB!c6rdingli. r-rrtrf" ..r jf.j " A rionn!te-t1a' atTt ' fttw.vw eaasprlstnKiiMt Vuiasasa, ta sirtt atwla-4-ami let, wiD be ata by spmaa, areicW afwx (Miiaa ef asiabassr,1f a )Li per vol urea, tan gle voln mes. by mall, post, aid, S 00. Cloth ease. , ior innaing, an eenu, ny mau.'-post- A". e-.-i,tt! 'ti 'av't a,t ... . -.. in A compute Analytical Index (d ibe nisi nitvyolumsa hf liarpsr'a afanrroe batiest ii artbrftaed, resierfti kVaftabl Mr rstsr- nee-tba vast vesatd wtaalth w htfaataa Uoa wbtok tHBWUUilaat aMa seiodleal,a par- r ftetrlrapM kre Mox tovfe,f yTttd AflfWfhte tnenf wtiboat fh m-ttt We-W ef Deeper Bemaarat Ai at ; e"ir Adaasjas lUWM-attayjraiRAM. aaraV ..i dl lot v Ida Hat fsTtaasiiaa - wiua iivrin. 1-.!. : ... 1 itjay wutaeu laeas. very caaap. ..j..j ..... ,-: ..... fo d aaw -(trid bj mtUni . .rtift idsf ffrttdtf . ' cat-- VtC Ma-Jtot -4. on A',

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