' " ' T 't - - i unii , i ii 1 1 i f f ; i.jya-...,..," ,i , .-...-.... ,t,,;...,.,- IIWK I " I - - . r - . - .. ' , . T-r- r i-T " . -.rwi t "'' jCT "K -' V A. -.ii-Wl --r--: ; "SJ. f ... rfjMitKi. r.. V . '.:. ',1.1 . T .1 r.! ! )-, 1 " .... vol. xxNp; Till: SETiyEL " OOCWTTOOTIHRMiNt. Sajialf of& JU' . c Cr?i P ?8 - From "ewBraluty Dec, .8, j" ; , , 4Kratyi'l,Ittt9it-ib1ftlewicf proposed eta to lkaMeoUoa ! tfaa rmwm! : Mbblym, Mi pMtlint Mkif, baroUlor'1 xpiMMd' Wy thwri, : on tb abjMWI '-omity "gfowfluiwil'. 'They desire to tIl- J BlUtatiOi to the tat to null wide ' ik fctaif the ft ittiaf fjBteid. e4cjH U eomtniiwicmert, hd the Wwstioft of iwrtioft of tlifl !& by tk Wopfe: ytiioh, 1b nafjepiigued ouKaiwy W give Um Oounlf yej ryEtfo idcratiou of thene acU, helieiriiift fw awMit irfilm exiatiug mytvm that iwato erdar, ot roufawtt) a. poasiUj atteod tliirloDtl)Ui - u " " . "!" a Very wpoiTTy, ' JW lcf& oifxrt, ChAWM Afro Aa OQATI, V'MWI 8bOT1UH FSfl' IJI Tliejpiaetiij-'neuiuJjf wttli Cufo lljlK'tof nJU jb"! v ' , tUat wul Article BUal bo. JTlop,' Jo Sbc. 1. la aefcuity than alniB b alenl bieauiH)r tty tit qnaliftad o imm UrmJ plM44e4 far the eltalina ( mauben el the saaeral aneaiMy, tl foUowiagoAleers?' A trwMrer, nrreyor and rigixtw f deeda, SV)- t.'tiJiir br Ihe1 du!j oftho juntfc1ifti(: pettofc,-hereinafter pro idedft't to exbrmno a gouoral RtiprrTii iufl andntrdl of the peool and cliarit Ue iuatitatiana, obooU.toada, brklgee, leryiag ot tyixa, , m flaeooef. of tbe couuty, aa M v paaambed by la. The jastioea ahal baTp jxwer to elect their clerk from tlm qiiaTifled Totera of ttttdMay. o. ': ... -Hae'.B, 1 hll be the OMf. of Ui' Oiaii!pc.erR firtt elaoted , ut each oonuty, to divide the eawe iuto cooveu ieDt diatricM,ll't('4(erifa) the bonn -drieaiad prescribe the . uauae of the aid diatricta, aud to repert the name tp the tDtl ""inWy befyrA' the first dny of Jtiorfry. 1H69. ' Hgii.i Upep t&fl "piirojral of the re- portif prbtideinor frl tSatoregoing eo (Mi, Tijhae fietterMsetoy ftjetaid diatricla aiiall ue kuOwj) ua tairtisl.ips. SttJ. 5. In rvcry tfcwnslifp, Urt e xpt Uc (he peace shall be, appouitct'ly the goTeriorr kj y aud. JfUU the advice ad coo sent ul the aeunte, ho ahnll be divided by tliuuTuruor iuto three clam Maud bold their offloe rur the; tepiw of forfr, eight, bd twclw 'yearn,' reiiptO tirelj; to that euQ third aiiall beap)ouit ed by eacA faboeedp goVeraor, by and with (lie adTice and ooDseut of, the aen Whd allaff Doldtheir oflca..or the firm bpyfjf JtiW.,14fl4t,,iea8t oue of theAmaiVttipqUiiia eeobtoww4iip, nhatl nntg tf.paaa ililr-, be of tbaMe po litkal rawyijtkte ternof ajnkmg appoiLlrueiif Th geitcral jtwo may "provide f Of tW aipoinlmeBU by the goTernqr, of irrUftilr of jastioea of the SjaoB W tsrtteetiuil' tdwiiaad in tfiosr (ovnablpa iri "wlrlcli oitioe auil towh are situated, la"0try tewnship there thall alaobe- bleprilany eUH'ted.a) atobr.obmraiU, ' dohmstbjg iof three pprJout, Srhose duly aftutl be prescribed bylawi wr- Ti., ' . Sec. 8. No coaaty oily, town or other muuicipal corporattoai ahjtil amtraot any ileUtv piedgo its faitk, tor 'loan Jta ere J it, dor thai! any tax be letter), Or leblnd by any offioedl OfttWi awMe; ' eioept-far the u wmry eipetiM tbRf; uulom, , by Me of a luajorjly ol the qtatitled vter therein. c !.n Hue. 7. J;. intmey abeU, b drawn foura any cbph'ty trearuy, exuyt by aur tbo9tl,oUw. . t ..irKi.- !. Sao- 8., All hue kvied by any coun ty, fcity o AtyVM d valorem npon all property' u lM aaMsceif urouertt exempted "by tli.oouetitiition. .8ii V That oouqty Uoeni litut eieeK ed under the pmjaioua of tjiia, axiiele BTJlftfotf''5heir;'diiUc teri Juy ifU'f approM of iiOa' cqnUUitio by ,ti cugreH of the United Bttear. 'IVaVPkJTJr owrbi aiiall appuif a allMHMit wuwUr , arf jnttioea of the puciacU ooutity, mho shall hold theitplaeaa.adlil eectiona, & and 6 of t'i arlUle ahalt hare been carried into fleet-'' '.-'h ..".-.'! SboII. AU charters, ordinance and proviaIi)ita reUtio to manieipad oorpo rationa. shall, tegaata ia faro an til legal ly cfaangedL'smJeaa iacenaiiaeiit wittj the viaUb4elliaJbsrWitf)ft:' ' 1 WU 'Xo fcotttrty , ejty,' town ft (ther njuaicfBaloorparanoAaiiaU aAmae 07 bay; aor .shall a7 , tH ; be Jeaiedor colleeteil for the mm met of any debt, or reotiy r iodMUjr k aid or snpport '' of btuaioil pwer by v statute la I modify, Abange-nr abrogate 'ST ,laDfl ' all ef the prorisiona o tllia rtlcleah(IQbetilBte ot'jeH W Ueruplf. except section 7. v auu 10. 1 . t, ., Kuar-ih-Tkfli the office of oponty x mifsioner ia frrteby WxJIWhfcit ' .-J'Wn W ectJod eveT j iUoI 7 of litt eoMWtntioa of Uia-ei iaraoafliea hrmwithta hafeby abrattttd si d all laws and parts of lawa,"1b eoo- ,rhWwUra1IfW(T., -"" Sbo. 5. That (hie not shall fek effect f rjn nd after its rttjflcjtiou ,Ile genets aasecilly of Xorth Cro linadoenaciv u . ..,. , , Ihat tU jiuUces of tlu peaosv ia the taverwl aoanwea af UtaUtesjahaU W Mdeateieiaw aba ofioaa, povert.aavd pmiefreod , ttaateak h duties) fcawiitafcaie bituagitig ea4 -pertaining M tiOewaty tWMtalo6rp M, lot breach of amtjahall heitjeot to MM ItotfpeiSftffO 'J01- .,, ofpWand quartelf seatlons shall be ex-offlcio clerks of the jnatioea of the it W it aimiwi. i j ni'iim -imtwi; n m i1"" ""' ', ,' 'I'i: pti'lri . - 1 ' tteitce,' aJ BcretTir of th connty Wrd f adttoiKoa, -ia thfib icspectlva counties, sludl be subject to like pajrw and jHwaltitW." ' ' ' ' ""' Siso. 8. That the justioes of the pr ia their respective counties shall elect an experienced attorney preperlj- qualified toadvixe them ia all nutttve fertaioiug to the discharge of their dnti-t,' Who abali bold his office for four yenraf and the Jastices abuU alUw aaoh attorney deqaate eoaapeneation for' the service rendered under tbia aeotion. Bar. i. .T'bat all- laws, and' ptrU of laws, in conflict! with thia -act, are re pealed.' ; . -i' cv..& That Ibjaaot shall take effect noavsn ww ! nnuwuii. AX hi M TSTABUSH i ST8TM Of COTRTB lit na aavsaAii oocimas v turn WIAJBV " ' '' ' " "' ' The geueral aseembly of XortL Caro-JidaJu-o4ut: t'. i 1 r i- " ' Sec. L That , courts of record, to be styled "courts of pleas and quarter w .re Lereby estaWi-hcj; anl ld in the aeV8T.ll OorjDtie In the kwiis. be het side, ou the dnvs fcllow..v. to wit; (.Insert oouuli.-s aud day for quarter ly semions of tlW court4') Bi0 8; 'l"ht tue jasticM of the peace ia eaeh dietriat of a oouaty known at a township, aliall elect one of their Bona ber chairman, who ahull hold hia office for four -years; and the chairuM ao elected- ahaU be jadges of said oourte, in their respective oonuties. . Slid. S. The terms of said oonHa shall begfu as hereinbefore stated, and shall continue six daye; unless the business, be arkrtiar dlsposod of. Hoc. 4. That the Justices or the peace tit ttw Wreral tiotmtfes halt. In apt time ,irft .tba ame, aumber Ot Jurors, for earH ot the term f the said orbt aud utiI 1 tie tftme rules and rejtnla X,!oJi','a ar-&rifpTsetliNa Vf km tot hrc. 6. That jurera and witnesses, attending said courts, shall receive the sama compmsaiioa and mllejue, as ja ror and witnesses Ue superior eoorts ; aud ad mitiiitterial officers shall attead said courti , now raqnind by law to attend the swperier coarte. Sec. C. That the Justices of the peace shall from The qualified voter of their respective ceuutiee,elect tli clerk of said courts who shall receive the ante fees now allowed by law, th like cases to clerks of the superior courts ; and before catering upon the duties ef their otfke, shall take the oath prescrib ed by law, and irive band in the sura ol ten thousand dollars with like condl tirmtH Bhd like securty and under nil the rules mid regulations, prescribed by for Bonds ot the clerks of the m- erior cou: t. Sec. T(int any three of the judges sbali !e fWipeu'ttU. la hold the term of sai.l courts ; and shall have exclusive jnrisdiction to try and determine all caes ot anstnrdy, and hill power to hear, try, nml determine, and take cog nizance of, all civil actions, excepting all peclal proceeding ; all matters juris diction w Iwi enf -rrow oonfrrrtd upon rlerk ef the euperior eoirrta, n juigcs of probatu (excepting the probate of deed-, and v.lier instrunieut requiriag fit'wl.u ion ); mid all criuiiuul aclioua ex.-cptini,' tiK( b. That the attorm-s of tho Justices ofTBe pfqpo, shall act or and pn behalf of the state ia said oodrta hi tlir resj'ective oountie; and shall pruaeoute all flatten oognizable in said courts, and receive the aaiue fee at are allowwl by law to solicitors in the snporior oourts in like canes. Sac. 9. That the pmotioe and proce dure of tba aup-mor oourts, shall, ia like eaaea, govern in said eoorta. -' Hao. la. Tfaat .appeals may be- bad from tho jmrgraonts of rail oourts to the superior courts. In all criminal aotiuua, Ufiuii giving required security; aud, in all other caaoa, wdateat aeaesda art How allowed by law, subject to like provis ions, and Under the same rale and reg ulations, a are prescribed in Title XII L oh, 'lit', a p. excepting 301 If id ohiipter; and the clerks of said couita shall make dne returns tl'ierpof to the superior court, and, file a transcript of all the proceifiiiKS and" judgment, in Ihocasa appealed, with Uw clerk who shall docket tbo case 'on the trial docket fur a new trial, at the ensutog term ( f said superior court. - ritc. 11 . That said Court "hall have ud Qjsatoise every power and prcroga tivo necensary to the enforcement of their jurisdiction, ' ' and the conduct of tuuvVHsiueea, wbich-iata-eavercieed by taaaalor''o4rv. -L --i-- -f .Swo. 12. That if, from any cause, a sntaV.iest namber of iaige shall not attend for holding said ooujta, any one of the.tiidea may adjourn the oourt, froin div a ?day. Mot' axceetbpg tbros) Sec. 13. That all laws, and parts of law, in ebrfBict -with this act, are re pealed. bco. la. That thia act ehall take effect from and af ter it ratification. A BIO TURKVT HUNT. Fori Vorta (Tex.) SUadard. . A geatleman who has last r turned from a four-day' bunt la Wrker county BDtanaed us that In that length of time ha aadtiis comrwnlon bad killed 200 wHd tnrkey.- We oeuld carcely be HevabU story unlit having accompanied him to bis wagon,. we found the same conietely loiub d down with fine, fat lurkeyn. lie had no difficulty ia die poeioK of Uiem at the low price of twenty-rive cents each. Ho reports game plentr on Bock creek. ' jO; B, BA? CIIELOU, , v; : . ; ": .iTtoiiKEY-AT-LAV. ; ii Bnttxtm hr -the 8nraffle Mid Federal Court and is tiMC6srt of the fh Judicial Dilrtct- ' t - ..!! V I P q X FANCT CAuDS all styles with name lOcta. iMMtntdd, B. Ulsted, Ka sAe, Rna C0.. N. Y, ;:;s.,., .TBirusoi .. WITH A COLD 18 ALWAT8 DAKflKRODS a sara tesMdy foe COTOHS, aad all J leaser oLJM-iaroat,. Maaja, wasa aaa aiaeeaa Meobtaaa...,- 1,. 3fii'. M ri .FUT C? OHLT IS hVX BOXaX t i. Bislsla'w-1 C. H. CRITTENTON, T. biiTB Avao, Kew Turk. RALEIQH, N. 0.: W V Hfl' i' V'fTfTlM 'M MISCELLANKOUiir SCKIBXEIs for Derantbef.vjow ready, and wbk eeutaiiMtheoitenlob chapter of i" MttwUi Mtatara'atU be rvad with tuftsr curlonlty aad intereak - Frtospa ao mure reailul6 uumhor et thia nisgmui b yet been fuae.1. Tb thrcs numbsis of 8cm b Tnm for Aagttst, ' ttememher, and October, ontatalag tbe pceW vbapUia of -TbtA Lm o' Lewrle's," will be given so ' every imw .solMorltMr (wbo rwu. it)t aedvsass sauscriptioa Ikus wttk the pat-seat volume, f. wllh the November nuiuber. , , 1 ftnhseriptlon price, 14 a' year 86 rest a ImnaifcarJ iatelal -torauoa bouad-Votaress, aasacrtbe wiia 4aaaarKk ookrtn er SiaiHHKH A 'I VO., IV II)rodwy,il. y.. v V i'lfE Or" iAl-W.1 "' .'i .li .1 Kirti') by virtius of tha pimer 'eoafarrcd Axn im la aded of 4uat untUA to aiu oii tbe Wll di of IVb-usryibrt, l L. L. Ssuadera and VT. L amfrulers, sod wlih-h M Only tee Istered to th lce tft the tiertster ot-1 keed for Wax euaia v ta lawk 67 at aars M ; 1 shall; aa ftturtUr Ihe k day of Muvsnlwr , J&S 3 vtry ' ' w hlcri It. B, Ba' next (ell lo ca at U Uurt ui)yM ooo ta y vsiuauie iracL ui iaou un SaiHidiirt.' F1 , nnrt mldet ytnir en Mmh Cnsek, d ln1K the land of A. W. abstlea, W. M. Iloyl til and otliera, and coUUjUg liutia kjodxud and twelve TBy conilnt of prior mortgagee s fee flmple tttfc wilt be ol4 and conveyed, the proceeds of sale bein Ural applied to the payment of the debts of said mofltagaea. .., JOUS OATLINU. Xiustee. ' octSl-td. - G ASTOH llOCSfi S. R. STREET, rtei-KiRTOB. The GASTOX KOU8E ha. for nearly half a century, maintained a ropulaUon as one oi ine heat Hotels al the South. wlucU it fully sustains nndor "The prvseul nin BemesU . Mf Fersons who come to the const ef fr;ist an Uh, oysters and othir irood things from the water, are a-ivised thai New Berne is the Bnt flih market nn the Atlantic coast. JV 5-tf. CEIW FO THE SEXTINEL. Semi-Weekly and Weekly, M OO and fa 00. Both sdiliiins pr -sent a fnM i niiip"id.uiii of all Ihe i es of tlie l.i) . The fullest an 1 fresbest piper Iroia tin State Capital. Postap- prepji I 011 1 ion.". SKM;-WKfckM.V. Oae year - - . - - -ttix nionlli , - - - -onua. Sand nntler in, eicii one yeir, 10 aud uiiuer f ). neh aa year, ( i-epy er.iU3 to tns ionder of u leu or uwr.!. . '.VKKkl.Y. $ t.DD 2,01) 11(1 ONE YEAH ?li.iuXT:;s, - Cluh -.rrauou.i-iii fo"t' 1st Juni.jrj, 1 r" "i Ii ii not ri i'iired two dollars. - on;: i'ollai:. :,! li" aii'iuii::i-i'd he tliat clnh.i lie made up -at one post -omrv NOW ITriE TIMK T nemiUaiice should bo made by Clieck- Pumal Order or Registered Letter. VALUAULli ADVET1-Ustf MEDIUM. Tlie SBNTlNBC hm alwo.va had a large circulation (inoog tbe b r-l po-.ile,- and is recognized as a uuwt leir..lu.i uieiinra of communication between liu-iness mrs ntul the public. It is ; tuf. iu:n6iusTd rAFKi:, Till: KAUMKK'S i'AI'KIt, TIIK MECHANIC'S PArKR, THE PR0KE!5SIONALMANS FAFKR, Tin: family kvrEit, THE rhWWiH-FOIl liVW8aY I - Terms of Advertising FiifnlslioU on application In person or by lijUer at th i office. ADDRESS 6ENTINBU: RALKIGU N. C CLOTHING! 1 1 ; Q BEAUTIFUL STOCK -OF in FALL & WINTER 0 H IS NOW BEING OPENED AT CLOTHIKG HOUSE, H fohcr rajPtUillc & ftirc it Streets. 0 Thunkins the oood cilteens ol Raleigh and Wake comity, (or theii liberal pntrnmure m th pst, 1 ao- wrelliMia Uuitl. shall eodeavoru merltitin ti.e (stunt y keejdiii nod (Joixl.-i uX the -(Wi V Uviad urio. t.ive me a xull laiiori liuyinu elsewhere. ' We lake pleas- 0 fire in mowing nnr stock nod tell ng oor prices. 1 1 CLOTHING ! flfTANHOOD" k tf l . AMJUAV VMM ar viiwarin iMWiwwuna, M vn4 fkvala WJ knowa nmtt, lirr e Bmpla praaartpUua. KhKa. m wws h mm mmmw Mtari!laiT. MS Bunkaod. aa4 i nlef bnMubt oa br umm. At InsndiMiu. Atenm asin.ii TUESDAY UORKtNG, JANUARY 9, 1877. itirv -; I) UY GOODS, &c. I) Vt At tf B HO. Beg lt laava to inform their cuatomerf tost have removed to the well kaovo stand of lame M. Tovlr. Ko. i2 iajetteTiHe Street, Itdgb, It, C, "which they have flttsa! ai aiirly aaw.aad RlDYMAl)ECLOTITG ! . roa a ex. aors aaa cutuaN. Men' flack 6ult HOM, Men's Frock Suits for S 00; Men' frovV I alme 8ulU TTfrBtt(toVf: k B't Vine tjUek ftolt from 17.Wadt Bbe' Fs.y vJ ' ulul to t, :-.)' Ca4tlnrtlK4 S to tlhi Chll dW'4 utUtetet0j Oyewsta3 tttfl). , . comE' And oixbuitei., , Oept's (Vrolabrnff Oood , Hamburg Zig lTg9 and Inaortlona.-Tfotlons, Boete ' ry, Otovee, Canabrtoe, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, Hats, -. caps, rurw; fto. r .,. y coss-STiao or Frbita, Alpaca. Ms iix. Delaines. Ghig tm, Cotton rlsida. Cottonades, Kentacky Jcam., Oalnirc, Catnhrlcs, Blue Dvnina; OsnaburK. Tlcllrit, Flan nels, Ltntevt, c. Blearhed anil Browa BbVetlng and ttidrtlnas. Thanking our frlenda for their liberal pt ronatre to the pstt, w fel confident that .11 our aew ateiw with New Ctoods, boefrbt at the lowest prion, w will be able to plesse aU, Ucapectfuily, D.S. WAITT0.BRO. No. 57 Fayeltevin Street, oct 4-lf Balelfh, N. C. TO THE POINT. MO.S'KV IS SCARCE, SALAIOKS AND a-axes are low, the country unsettled and disturbed, ilappily there in an olW fur Ik&ie evils; tvl II. A B. 8. TICKEB. by their ttt Bf SffM, naTe laid in adJl lianai supplies for CA9H, and are rnablni liierefore to sell GOOD UOODS at the VERY LOWEST TRICES. We hava 111 lureH slock sf Men's Wo men aud Children ' SHOES in the city, (no Jtl stock or slwddy work. ) at tlie very lowest prices. LADIES DRESS UOODS. very low. LADIES CLOAKS and Ml AWLS, very good and very cheap. MEM'S CLOTH) AND CASH. MERES, Kriiluky Jeaas, Ac , extra ordinarily tow. MEN'S ami HOV.V HATH, the largest stock iu t!i ati.le, from 10 CeuU up to best ailk huts S- MEN'.- uud i.ADii -i UDEItWEAK, Shlits an ! Drawers, and the ltert I'N LAlWRIKD Sf'IRT in the stnte for! AN., tl.e h-t LAt'NDlIU.D S1HRTS .i.,y lui vr, tlW Whiu.-aita Aiu.-h.hi . $l.2i. PItlXTa and N. C. PLAIDS, full stock, fast colors and very. . 'ft. alt, "A penny .-uved is a penny made," lirlnis m tlie iiemiiea and make yourselves omfiirl w'le unit liappy. Dolwitiiataaling I lie limn. dec Mf W II. R ". Tt'CKER. Unquestionably tbe best sustained work of the kind In tlie World. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. XM(t jf the 1 The ' azazine baa attaluial iu t ooe quar ter century aud more of existence to 1 aif point where It mav he said of It, In tbe worJh of Dr. JOU.JMOU, "U Is vatu to Mams and utiUn to praise." The lustre or us lon aro s talned reputation nns Increased asth years have passed, and Its fntnre seems as brtnat If not britfhter thaa at any tine tiara tbe golden i ue .it pr.iapttritr settled around ILaJater aud bt vir: JifVjie. Ovrptrn Monthly t marked -by the same rharnrterfsties which sravc Itctrenialton from the t)f Witt the better class rtf rea.lers. It coinlHoe reatll.K matter with Illustration In a a ay tj inako clear and vivid tbe facts preseuted. Picture merely designed to catch the eye of the Ignorant are never In- rlcd7 xmrnmwmm-. TEUTI.s : Postage free to all Subscribers In the . United States. . Uiiris'l Kiduill, oae year...... 14 00 1 4 00 Includes prapayanent ol V. 8. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to IIiu'Stf?s MaosZISs, WieKLT. and lUHK. to on address for one rear, 10 00; or, two of Harper's ' ..-lodi-eals, to' one address for one year, t7 00; postegaroae, An Extra Copy of either the Maiar.lne, Weekly, or Bassr, wul bs supplied gratis for every Club of. Five Uubacrlb a at 4 00 each, In one remittance; or, 81 copies for SKI 00, without extracopy : postage free. Back numbers can be auppliod at any time. The Volumes ol tbe Magasine commence with the Number for June and December of each year, eubacrlptlona may commence with snv number. W hen no time U sneelfled It will be uiideratoRd that the snbteriber withes to Dln with the tlril number of the. current volume, and back numbers will be sent accordingly. A complete Bet of Harper' Magazine, now comprising &8 Volume, In Beat cloth bind tap, will be seat by eaprmt frelKbt at ex peut nf purchaser, for ii 85 per voiums, Sin sle volume, bv mail, noat.ald. 8 IX). Cloth cases, for binding, 68 cents, by malL post paid: 1 A complete Anslvtlaal Index to the first Fifty Volumes ef flipper's .Vssranlne hasjnst been pabltshed, render lv t s-llable for refer ence the vast and varied aith. of taiforma Woo which conttUntrs this nertodicai a per fect .Illustrated literary- cyclopedia. 8v, t icrn, o tw; naif vair, nv 21. prepaid. ' ' Sent postage 1 MewsreW-'s are not to eonr this advertise roent wlihout thf erpl-esn ord.r of Harper ft Brothera. A.wreis. ;;a;.per & buothers n, v OV2J-IL DKAlKOKED to aaallfy TOC80 M for the active dut let of Ilia, ' BL81SES3 THAI.HINO a specialty. OTJ 1 1f 8TITTJTIOK th most Berngb, complete and practical la la Lotted fetatea. . TOCNU MiJi deabrtag aSTAKT IH LIFE, FAKKSiTS aavlnc so Da or waids to educale, are invited to writ to u for catalogs and particular. total CoUetisteTee. 8rj7.a0. Ko vacaUeu. Ka -r at aary time, ' Befewaess aat patroas aad (pratee ataieat, , AdtlnM j BnOders Mo. 8 aad 8 N. Charles U., BalUator. . EN MISCELLANEOUS. ,m j M JOTIC'E MI.E V ALl- !) rirliin. f a deoras of Hie Frohalo Couit ot Wake county, j will on Monday tlie 51 h Uy of February, oiler tor public sule, st theConrt House (loor. In thectty of Kaleih, the following tracts of laud: Lot No. 1, lying on ike road leading froai Wllmlnrfon to .Italeigli, and containing 4181 acres: Including abeat SOU acres of weir Unmered land. Oa thU tract there u a good dwelling lioaae with six room aad nrsttiite onthoines, ajrood mill with cotton itln and everything eootplelf. A hw a aew store bouse oa the WlliMingtoa road. Also a floe orchard and well of gead wster. This tract will be divided Isto to lots to suit aurcbaaiMV. Lot Ha. i, J)iac on the RaJoigh aud Vllmingtun road contiguous to the first Bstned trad and eeatahilag tl ore. These lands are aitaatod ea the Wuniingloa and Smkblield road txl T allies from the ctty of Raleigh, and about t mtle Iran the railroad, aud are very volaable tor funning purposes. Terras of sale, one half cash, balance In 12 month with title re tained until paymeat of purrhnse monev. JAV1D LEWIS, Coaiuiwioner. t fTti'RE WARE ROOMS A. W. FRAPS, Fayettevtlle Street, Opposito tba Umr--ket, aad Comer of Fayettevtlle and Davie Btreeta, .... RAL.EIOH, 1ST. O- Jaif 4s(Si ft$imxit af slvles of ,.,... FURNITURE: Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen; Black Walnut, Stained and Painted Chamber Beta, Dressing Cases, Bureaus, Waabatauds, Bed steads, Wardrobes, Cane and Wood 'Beat Chairs, Rocking Chairs, and all other articles of Furniture found ia a first-class establish ment. MATTRESSES made to order. et -3m ARLINGTON HOUSE ! Corner 8th and Church 8ta., LYNCH HI KG, VA. Tl,: Mouse, which la thercoct convenlei.tly loi aie.l of any Hold iu th. city, has recent ly been URKATLY KN'LARliED, ard Is one of thi most Commodlms nnd best Armored Hotel in tho South. Tbe Kurnimre l all ew, 01 bamlsoiue Ji t . d f the best (UaHty ; In hon, .'A'HE ASiLi--TO It complete In all its appoinlmelits. liavlng teaaeu iue aoove iiotei lor u u-rm of ais, we will, in a few days, OPEN IT TO TUE PUBLIC, Aud lefer totlie reputatiou of the "AR1.INC- TOS" at Danville aa the bctt guarantee. we can kIvb of the style In which we will keep the A1U.INUTON" AT LYNCHBURG. A well liU'hte i room on the first floor will be kept for the exclusive Ufe if SAMPLE MERCHANTS, ITOmnlbus to and from Trains Free. ELDEST & SCQ VILLK. . Also Proprietor of the Arlington, Dan Vllle, Va. 1 oct ii tf 50 CENTS. CENTS. 50 CENTS. ENT8. THE DURHAM HERALD Will be tent to any address until NOVEaf DKIt 14 FOR THE ABOVE AMOUNT. Now is the tfsje to secure a Srst class CAMPAIGN P A IJ For tho suiajl price of E R KAflENfS. OU CENTS Jul: J3-tf- KftfCENTS. KC CENTS. CENTS. t)J CENTS Gr OOD KE WS FOR BOYS AX UIKLH. To meet the demand for a cheaper 8t. Nicn.'LAS Gift Bo .k, the prlre of vols. I and II baa been reduced to S each. The three volume. In an eleesn; l'br.ry case, are sold for (10 (In full silt, f 15), so that all may give their children eeomolete set. Ibeae volumes cootan mere attractive material than fifty dollars' worth of the ordinary chil dren' book , Subscription price. 13 a year. Th three bound volume and a subscription for this year, only t'J. Kui.scrlbe Hh the neareet newsdealer, or send money in check, 1 r P. 0, money orders, or In registered letter, to gen bn aa A (Ja, 743 Broadway, N. T. nov-2-tf. nARPEXTEH. HEIRS, 'EXT ' OP Kl. WATEI. T!:a children, or grand children of Benjauin Carpenter, whe, married a daushter ol Roblnsen ghake.f.rd, about 1800, and reel ed is Wake or the adjoining ceuntlea of North Carolina, will camoiDoicate wllh me at once, they Will hear of some property that aUl be greetlr to their advantage and aooa obtained. Send a copy of your pedk gree. A (hires, - ft .afl-J.'.OHW P. JATN.:AttoTiejr,i 1 T Murray Street," TJew farki " December li, 1878, dee 2J-wltt L INSURANCE, Ac HOME LNSUHANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK: FIKE IKIRACX 0LV. ESTABLISHED I Cnah Cstpltat, Casta A aerie, over ,Ow,v)w rlI8 COM FAST 18 FURILT A FIRE laewranee Costraajr. Ha ao eonaes- ttoa wllh Life or Marine Insurance. Th Urge rnajorltv of Its tn.flOO, 0 of Asset bra "L'ailed eiat Bondt." Tbe Premium RccsirT or ovaa 18,000, 000 Ananally best sttee lb appreetatloa c the Basluau aad Commercial Wor d. I represent the Home In thia CI y, snd aak the atteatloa of my friend and th public to ita I'NEQUALED CLAIMS, assuring them the rsarscT imdbmsitt It offers. W A. TURK, Ag't. Office McKee Building, Corner of Wllmlngtoa fc Martin Sta. , BOVit-SlD Offered ProteetloB Against Loss sy tire and Life. W. II. CHOW. General Insurance Agent, BALEM.U, X. V .'..4... 1 .: ...J.-t.... jt.i. mnies : . . . . JEjtna Ufe Insurance Co. ' Of Hartford, National Fire Co., , J German-American Fire Co. , Hoffman Fire Co., Howard Fire Co., I Of N. T. Combined AsseU Over $3.,000,000. The attention of the pnblic Is respectfully called to those substantial lnntitutions, af fonling ample indemnity augl6-3m nOOl) AOEXTS WANTED IX Every Town iu Nortli and South Carolina HIE jIISSISSIPN YALLET FIRE ASD MARINE INMAStElWY or Memphis Tennessee. Cash Capital - 300,000. 0 In taking the management of the Mis sissippi Valley Insurance Company for North and South Carolina, I take pleasure In rec cnimnending it to my friends and tbe public cene.nlly as a sound healthy and conserva tive Goiniwny, well managed, with a large ajsd profitable business. Good resiionsib'.o agents wanted In every town and countv in t' e two States. Address, ' W. A. TL'RK. Geu'l Aj;'tA, Manager, ' Box 2hl. Raleigh, N. C. Oilice 111 MtKcu Baildiiitf, Comer of W : niinglon A Martin Sis. nov 2-2in 331 BOWERY, N. Y., TO WHOM WAS AWARDED TH? Premium Medal. for the heat Elastic Truss and Supporter at the last session of the GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR cure a rupttre In from 31) to 80 day and otter l,ouo dollars for a case they cannot cure. They employ a FIRST CLASS LADY SURGEON. Terms moderate. Cases guaranteed. Or ders filled by mall. Elatnluallon free. Tbe usual discounts to patrons. Send 10 cents for descriptive book to Prof. W. H. BCRNHA'T, M D.. iw,d4y -Chief Hurgeoi. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. The Louisville COURIER JOURXAL, Largest, Best aad Cheapest Faailly Pa per In the Called Slates. EDITED BY HENRY WATTERS0N. The Courier-Journal ia a oomblaa. tion ( made In lNfiH) of three old Louisville nnners. vl: the Journal, established in lKM): the Courier. In 143; and the Desaoerat ia 1844. Its reputation It aaliooal, as well as its circulation, and it Is Iironounced one of the ablest, spiciest, wit tiest, strongest ami heel arranged papers m the world; its matter lieiae especially adap tel to the Merchant, the Farmer, Ladies snd Children. TO AGENTS AND CLtjlJS. Extraordinary inducements in the way of cash commissions sna vaiuaoie premiums are otlered to agents and clubs. Valuable standard Books, including a new edition 01 prentice s roems. almost given a war to new subscribers. Anv nf tlie hnniil&r Mairaxinea and Paaers of Ihe day furnished In combination with the rnurlrrJeornal st mum less man subscription rates. , A SPLENDID MAP OP THE SOUTH, Sim SSli:i2 itches, bsndsomelr colored. vsrolebetl nnd bang on rollers, .retail price a-. mniu.,1 free rvrfitjarn and the Vtsssk. ly' Courlcr-Jourual, oue year, (or TERMS OF Pi nsCRIPTIOS. Iailv Courier-Jonrnnl.H rear. 81 00 Sbbi'Imv Courier Journal, a year. i Ot Weekly Courier-Journ.il, a year, 2 Or in clubs "f live at 81.70; of lea at 81.60; and of twenty ami over at l.50. I'ottaje in (i caifi firrnaid by the fro- pnctori.j cwim.n nnlM iwla nf fWkka and Mair aaioes. and Dwcriptiv Circulars, sent fre on applicatwe. Letters th.mW be addressed to W, N. HALDEMAM. Presides t Courkr Joarnai Co., Loatsville, Keotacky. . 'swAwlL V ANTED. Agent male aad less I IT to sell Plots res vverywhera. Use gent alone ha retailed over 16 808 aad still at wora.-"" auiinai a iur- dec -Sm. , Morwlch, Coon. TOOvMrww J PRICE FIVE CENTS. RAILltOADS, fee. Ii A LEIGH ft GA8TON HAN- BOA u 8CUEDULE. ait. raaia. Leave Raleigh Arrives at Weldoa Leave Wf'don. ........ ....... 8 SUA. M. 8 00 P. M. 18 40 P.M. 8 40 F. M. Arrive at Raleigh tsaocea raaioaTt Leave Raleigh.... Arrive at Weldoa. Leav Weldoa.... Arrive at Raleigh.. 8 00 A.M. S P. M. 88AM. 8 16 F. M. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIB LIME. Chair of Schedule U take affect s. at. Moadaj, October 8UU, 157t 1 Taata Moviws Souta. leave Raleigh 8 10 A.M. Arrive at Cameron - 19 T F. M. Tbai Moviae Nostb. Leave Caateroe 1 88 P. M. Arrive st Italeich - 8 40 F. M. AB tralaa will annraaek aad aaaa K. A D K R. M. C. Dlrlaloa eroetlnr at Carv with eauttoa. ) minute for Breakfast at Cary. JIOHN & WUIUER. oct ll-tf BuperinteadsaU Orrics of Bcraanm bdswv. Pbtbbsbobo RaiLBoao CoatrAir, Petersburg, Va , November 10, 78. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS to take effect Monday Nov. 98th GOING SOUTH. NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Peterabarg daily at 8 68 A at. Arrive alJrTeldod at .... IiesKeoa SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Leave Peterabarg dally at - 11 60 A. M. Arrive at Weldoa at - - - 4 86 A- M. FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave. Peterabarg dally , , Arrn-8-Al WW4aaat- - 3-4 B. M.. OOI MO ROBTH. NEW YORK EXPRESS. ' Leave Weldordaily at - - S 00 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at - ( 30 P. M. SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Leave Weldon daily at - - - 1 40 A M. Arrive af Petersburg at - - . 6 OS A M. FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave Weldon dally (except esauayi at - - - - f IS r. M Arrive at Petersharg at - - II OS P. M First class coaches will ran tbreneh be tween Wilmington and New York on day trains snd sleeping car on Bight trains.. No change ef cars. Through tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern points and baggae checked through iu tl. DUNN, 1 Superintendent of Transportation. L. E. CLARKE, Dispatcher of Trains. dec-13-tf. QHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R. R. rASSENOKR DErARTUKNT. CONNECTIONS OF PASSENGER TRAINS FROM RICHNOND. A. 91. 8) 0 Mail, daily except Sunday Daily west ef Hlnton. , Arrives at Gordon vllle 12 46 P. M.. connecting with Va Mid land Train at 1 18 P. M.. arriving at Wash ingten 00 P. M.. for all point North. Arrive at CharlottSTille I 36 P. M.. can netting with Va. Midland Train at 1 66 P. M . arriving at Lyncbbarg 6 00 P. M., for all iioiiiLa South ; Arrives at Huntimclon 10 00 A. M. P.9I. 3 43 -Accommedatloo, daily ex cept ftuuday, arrives at Gerdonsvllle 7 30 P. M., connecting with Vs. Midland Traill at 7 40 P. M , arriving at Waahingtoa U XV P. M., for all point North. 1 SI. IO 44 Exoress. dallv. Arrives at (tordonsville II 40 A. M., connecting with Virginia Midland Train at 1 60 A. M., arriv ing at Washington 7 30 A M , for the North; Arrive al Charlottesville 3 35 A. M., con necting with Va. Midland Train at 7 66 A. M., arriving at Lyncbbarg 11 i;7 a. M., for the South. Arrives al Hantingtou 46 P. M., connecting closely with Chesapeake and Ohio Packet Steaaer for Cincinnati, Loals ville, 8U. Leuis, Chicago, and all other points in the Wst Northwest and Southwest. FROM HUNTINGTON. P. HI." 4 OO-MalL dailv to Uintoa-Dallv except Sunday, Eaat of Htntoa, Arrives al Charlotuvllle II 40 A. M., connecting with Va. Midland Train at 1 65 P. M., ar riving at Lyncbbarg 6 00 P. M. for all point Sooth via Va. and Tennessee R. R. ; Ar rives at Gordonsville 1x35 P. M.. coanect Ing with Va. Mkilaod Train at 1 10 P. U. ar riving at Washington 0 00 P. M. for all Point North. Arrives at Kicbmood.4 30 P. M. A. Jit. 10 80 Express, daily Arrives al Charlotuvllle IMAM., connecting with Va. Midland Train at 7 65 A. M., arriving at Lyacbtmrg 1107 A.M. for all Points South. Arrive at Gonlonivllle 8 36 A M. connecting with Va Midland Train at t 60 A. M. arriving at WashlDgtoa 7 30 A M., for all Points North. Arrives at Klcamoud 6 30 A. M.. connecting wllh Richmond and Danville 7 SO A. M., and Richmond and Petersburg 7 SO A- M. train for all Points Sonth. A. HI. 8 IO Tbe train from Washington arrives at UoraoBsviue 11 40 Y. ., and connects with Chesapeake aad Ohio Mail train both for Richmond and Huntington. The 9 60 P. M. train from Washington ar rive at Gordoosvllle I 40 A. M. and coo sects with Chesapeake and Ohio Express tralaa both for KichsMod and ClodnnaU. A. H. t)-The trala front Lynchburg arrives at CbartoUavule II 66 A M. and connecU with C. A O. Mail train for Hunt ington and BtUordoaavtlle 1X40 r. M. with C. A O. Mail train for Richmond. The R. A. D. and R. A P. train arriving from the Soalh at 8 00 P. M. connect with Chesapeake snd Ohio Express train, leaving Kicnmona at 10 o r. a. wr we west anu North. CONWAY R. HOWARD. Geo. Pasa A Ticket Agt Richmond Va. W..M. a DUNN, Engineer A Bapt. dec-13-a Ovr CBuV BorXBIRVBBDBBV, PrrsBsacita Kailboad CoMrtar, Fetenbarr, Va., NoveMber 84, 1878. CIlAt.E OF ftCUEUULE TO lake eflect SUNDAY, November I6th : GOING SOUTH. Leave Petersbu-g at 0:80 A. M. aad 1:37 r.u. Arrive at eldon at 8:S3 a M. and :! r.u. GOING NORTH. Leave Weldoa at 7J5 A.H. and 4 r.u. Arrive at Petersburg at 11:46 A.B. and 7:07 r.a. Trains eonaect at Pete sburg arid Weldon whh trams for all southern and northers potats. TlckeU sold to all southern, south wetteru, aortbern and eaat ens poiaia, and baggage cheeked through. B.T. DOUGLAS, Baperiateadeut. febUdAwtf - x OARD1NO HOCIE Coawaa or Hiij.sboo' its Dawsoa Bra. MR8l HAKJtiKT ANDRHWB aeeosa aisdsn tea 0 twelve Borders wttk r wttav OotlodKtBg, JrVeaea locality, oary tw aaacrvs west ad

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