J4 ' I" J ft i if ill if" V 4 M "a "I'M IB Vr.'. 1 t '! " i .1. 3 '1 !t - Tux Haitian PesTjSFt. I pitUbeJ on Tuesdays and FriM;s by f i . ith, : Bstche'ior A Co., Bad Willed to subecribers, post age prepaid, at Wwr dollar W, two dollars tor tlx inontha and on dollar tor Hires months, In all eaae payable in ad vane. ,Clty subscribers sorred by carrier at tha above rales, or forty cents a month. Tin Wkmltbxttkil t published every Saturday. . Hull tubacriptlont two dollar! mt peyesis to aH cases la ad vsece. ' Tfo BdUca Ulteh of anonjnions' common! cations. Wt can out aadertake to return re- lected manuaeruit. . . Oar ubetrllier will greatly obllza as by - giving prompt Inforraatioa of any delay tu Address all communications, whether on business or otherwise, ta Tub Sextixbl, Raleigh, N. C. ' TUESDAY, JANUARY , 1877. ' Thl la a gaod time fot honest repub licans In congrees to mak records worth having. Tito people are on tho walcb and t bey hare Read me mories. mi i la ,mm i n nr ' Senator Norwood, of Georgia, ia an old newspaper wan. , He, tilled four weakly paper io one ear, but started a fifth aa if nothing had happened. ' A memorial to congress, like the one Kent from New York and Philadelphia, in retard to the count ef the electoral vote, U'recelving the signature of th leading busing men of Boston. The TCfttWekj democrat pave de termlnod ta kola1 a atate convention on lb 18tb of January at Louisville f for tha purpose oL taking couaeel en the preaent critical atate ef public afl'air. The baala of rrrff Mentation ia to be io the (alio of one delegate to every 100 - votea caat far Mr. THden in the Novern bcr election. The North Carolina atate debt and how to adjust it m a. new baais, la now - - Aiuiliwasl)t)j?to' regard to" the debt f Tenneagee, and Indeed of every othe - ' southern atate, la a mere question of time. The funding acheraea and jobs will be ct aside aa leading to repudia tion or robbery, er both. The electoral vote for president and vice-president fa to be announced in congress en the second Wednesday f February, which thia year ia Saint Val entine a day. Aa Ilayea is a married man and Tllden a bachelor, the latter ia the only one of the two who can de cently and appropriately receire such a valentine aa the presidency. The New York (Sua savs : It ia won derful to think of, that a man who started poor, waa born of poor parenta, and had hia own way to inake1, should in a lifetime accumulate a fortune of eighty or a huodrcd millions. Thia ia what Cornelius Yaaderbilt did, and ho dies the richest man in America, the richest we hare ever had, and one of the richest men ef modern times. Mr, Vanderbilt clung to life with surprising tenacity. lie was an example ef the , advantage of maintaining habits of temperance in all matter of food and drink. I Th Q. Washington telegraphs to the AiWnig?li,'Tbfl fljiinifln-ofiartful ob server here ia that the original conspi racy of Hayes' friends ia unchanged ; that at preaent the purpoae of the con splratora to use the army to inaugurate him and seize the government Is fixed, and that the people may aa well make up t.beir minds at once whether they will submit or resist. Any division in tho south or any endorsement of the ''good Lord, good Pcvlj policy," of Wade Hampton.' would make the cause of honesty utterly hopeless." xue rt'ebburg (uaas.) Star, an ex cellcnt paper, it going to start a doily. We are glad of it. We started a daily once. We - ran it nearly six mouths. and theii paused. Since then we take a lively interest ir su':b enterprises. We have no doubt the Star people will make the daily work, and , we are quite poii tive H will snake lliesa work. , A man who goes a through, life without having started a daily paper, misses a rare and valuable experience. Falling down stairs with a enok-etove will hardly com pnsate kirn. Why is It, that While the Democratic Investigating -Committee of the House, in Louisiana, Florida and South Caro lina, sit with open doors, the Republi can Committee of the Sea ate, ia those State, held their sessions in secret f Is it trutor falsehood which fear theflghtr Which are the people moat likely lto cosnX acceptas tree, the reports ef the mittees that ' have nothing to conceal, and ak onljf that the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, shall be known, r the reports of the committees who t ike their evidence and reach their con' elusions In wett The advocates of the caucus system insist that it hat always been used by political parties, m Order to preaerv and enforce diwipline. , But wbat has it dona for the 'country t 'Genera! Jack son wasloldthatif bo vetoed the United States bank bill he would break op the party. " "Very well," he replied j "if I do not, trie bank will break op Ike country.' Take the legislature of North Carolina, composed of 170 member. If 86 of theee go into a caucus, with closed doora and aworn to secrecy, 41 of I the caucus can not only bind the other 42 memben, but make and nnsaake the whole sUlo oyernmepki.Thia ialhe domlnUoq of a , mloorltj! .nd pot of majority, be. enforcement ot .,uu party1 discipline broke op the dome eratic bartv at Charteaton. in 1850.", hft the Ea.t be TVpreseted. We have thought lor tome time that onr legislative cancuaea were organ'zed on an Improper basU. Under the pros ent ysteu no county l represented which doea not send a democratic mem ber. This plan wo do not regard as Just or proper. By Its workings the eaxt rn section of the state U phtclicaify shut out from all participation in the government ef tha policy of the party anil in many Instances questions are decided which affect the eeunlies in which the negroes have a majority more nearly l hats any other In the state, without one word being aaid in bebalf of those comities by auy one qualified to represent tnem. The evil of which we apeak is pe cu)iarlygreal now. The geneial a' eably at its present ecanion -must pro ide a system of government for coun ties. This is a subject in which tho eastern counties are more deeply In tor ested than any ether portion of the state. This question will probably be settled by caucus of the democratic members of the General Assembly. In this caucus aa it Is at present organ iced the east is eatirely without re pro. sentation. This state of sfTairs calls aloud for remedy. More than a hundred years ago the world changed front, be- causo of taxation without reprcsenta lion, and we must insist that questions which o deeply affect so many of the good people of the state tball not be passed upon without consultation with them. The manner ia which thia much need ed reform can be brought about is very simple. Let the democrats of the counties which send republican mem bers to the legislature,' send to Raleigh as members of the democratic caucna as many representatives as their ooun ties are entiled to stud to .the lower ojjseoflbe neravamb, Ui ner to bo prescribed by the executive committee of each county and let them be accredited to tho chairman of the democratic caocue ty the chairmen of these committees. We regard this plan as probably the best which can be urued in order to attain the object sought. If however thia plan should be thought impractica ble on account of the difficulty of find leg ge ntlemen who could spare time to remain in Raleigh (taring the eskns of the general assembly aud the ex pense which Uiey would incur in so doinc ; then let the executive commit tee of the democratic party iu every negro county choose some gentleman residing In Raleigh who shall represent theaa in the cancus. One of these plans or one similar to and including both ef tliem we hope to see speedily adopted. The democrats of the east are equally Interested with the democrats of the west In the wel fare ef the democratic party ; even more so; for eastern North Carolina can have no hope iu the future unless the state is governed by the .democratic party. They can hope for no- relief from any aiher party aud any future success of republicanism will meau the remanding of that section of the state to the conditio from whkfe U he just emerged. For these reasons we de mand that the eastern democrats shall assist in shaping- the policy of that party in wbe.'e success lies thier only hope of prosperity. Shall we have a Fair Count. Tho more we consider the state of na tional politics, the more closely we ex amine the drift of public opinion and the tendency of events, the more thoroughly do wo become satisfied that no apprehension need be felt that any man will bo placed in the presidential chair who ia not rightfully entitled there- to. It is doubtless true that certain cor rupt men iu the' republican party con ceived the idea of stealing the presiden cy for Mr. Hayes. It ia donbtleaa true that ia their plana they have received the cordial and active) oo-operation of the present occupant of the White Hdose and that their schemes of villainy received at leas tha tacit approval of their pretended leader but real tool Rutherford B. Hayes. - It is doubtless trns that Morton, snd Iioean. and possible to stifle tbs voioo of tbe people, and, regardless alike of their ofBoial oatha, and the duty, whioli aa citizens, they owe to the country, to foist upon the nation a ruler not of its choosing. , But, while we are satisfied that theee things are true, we must remember in making np tbe statement of the case that there are many members of tho re publican party who wilt not throw away all their chances of future preferment by joining in an insane attempt te over throw the will of tbe people. , Mr. Terry, the president of tbe senate. baa done nothing, aa yet, to warrant tho belief that he will arrogate to himself powers never before claimed by any vice-president. Mr. Conklihg has already said that be would net be found in the ranks el the revolutionists. And while Mr. Blaine has np to the present time been silent on tbe subject it is gen erally understood that he will not suffer himself to bo Jed by the worst element of his party. ( These three senators exercise a very great influence with the sens tor of their own political complexion and we are satisfied that no. revolntionary scheme can succeed against their mflaenoe, And eo we regard the fears of uamrpation. of anarchy and of war, with which out people have been plagued, as without solid foandatioo.'and , we hope ia the near future to one these ears dismunsd and tho rsonmotton of bnsinese activitv and confidence. -. i 'i-ir.'j u ,- The Resignation ef Judge Watts. , Last Friday Judge Watte resigned hia position. Of hie career aa judge we have now nothiue; to aay. He has re tired to private life, and over bis faults we will throw the broad mantle charity. The main question which this reoig nation brings up ia who shall be selooted to fill the vacancy. This question will be decided, and we do not doubt wisely decided by Governor Yanoe, and will the first important exercise of preroga tive which he will bo e tiled upon to perform. It is needless to say tliat the governor's action will be awaited with very great anxiety. One of the moot effective weapons we have wielded against radicalism in North Carolina, aa argument which we have need unepar- iugly and wbiob the. moot astute of the republicans have not been able to answer baa been its prosti tution of the judicial branch of onr gov ernment to a partisan leveL For eight years we have never ceased to deplore this soiling of the jndioial ermine aa the very greatest calamity which has befallen us. and during all that time we have claimed that under democratic adminla tratim the judiciary would be rescued from the dirt and mire of party politics and reinstated ia its former proud po sition as the guardian and custodian of the peoples fortune and liberties. We most not be false to these pledges and by onr coarse endorse the worst actions of onr enemies. It will be in the high est degree unfortunate if, in tho selec tion of the first high judicial offioer which falls to our lot, Governor Vance, to whom we have delegated the power of selection, should bo swayed by any considers ttoo farther than that of fitness for the position. This is a matter into which party considerations must not in trade and with which professional poll tk-iaas moat not moddla. , The iutereste f the wha4s etopte-of fott mm in rwVeAiA Ihia matter , u& XL awtoriaf business welfare of the state is to be considered paramount to all other tilings. The vacant judgeship must be filled by sums man who is distinguished for purity of life, dignity of character and knowledge of law. We are satisfied that Governor Yanoe will pursue the course which we above present, and we say what we have said simply to remind him that his decision upon this, the first important question which baa arisen during bis new occu paccy of the gubernatorial chair, i awaited with great anxiety, and that he ia expected to prove himself now aa he haa done in the post, tho governor of the stale and not of a party. The Rings at Work. The lilies are moving in ou the new admiuistra ou. Their newspaper tools, their arms of sinkers, understrappers, whippcr Mappers aud hangers-on are all in line, t-ady to move forward with the alacriu of the hungrieat bread-aud- bulter I i '..i.le the world ever saw. The W iluiinKi;s aud Weldon railroad com bination i ' oekiDa; U control the At lan tic ami North Carolina railroad, to shut off N- wbcrh and Morekead City. thus puitii an end to th old fogy's (?) Idea of cl.i President Caldwell ef the University for an aft sad west line through i.h state, making Beaufort harbor hi n. Ire-pot for the Mississippi valley and Ue great north-west. For the accoiui-lisliment of thia grand de sign a geiirU man from Goldsboro baa been select) d for president of the At lantic and North Carolina road ia whose bebalf cvny prominent man in Wil mington (' Influence In politic haa already v. i.tten letters to Governor Vance. Somu'-h for the Newbern division of the new North Carolina system lately squinted' at by a city contemporary. For the western division, Wilming ton is moving for the control of the Western N'Tth Carolina railroad, which, if she i Miccessful in her efforts, is to become pari end parcel of the Carolina Central. The Seutiue.1 gives aotice that it is still on guard. Any movement In favor ef schemes which are alike antageniatic to the interests of New bet n and of Athevilie, of the tide-water section and of the west, opeua tbe fight in which hw tl,a" oerftiHj d. The Impeachment ef Solicitor Harris. I Resolutions of impeachment againat J. C. L. Harris, solicitor of this district, were presented in the house of re pro sentalives yesterday. The introduction of these resolutions was due alike to the state and to Mr. Harris. Pending their consideration it ii improper for the Sen tine) to ray anything touching the guilt or innoceuce of this gentleman. Early in the late campaign the Sentinel preferred the cliargea under which be I to be tried. These charges are now in the bands of men wlio Will deal with them nnder oath aad they should be allowed to do so without outside interference. We are sorry for our little friend Be a. aelt, el tbe Herald. It must be very painful te be kicked by pne member of m family and lie gged by another. We are afraid that the May hare tome grudge against the poor bey. We can't aay, however, that we are aorry that the marriage ia broken off. Our expe rlence ia that a married man is a thor oughly useless piecs of lumber about a newspaper office, and while we de not like the vacillating course of the Herald, we should be terry to see it go down because Iu young editor waa pointed at a M BauiIUt. tha BMrrfed man " LEGISLATURE. ,.; 8E5ATE. - -FnnuT, lan. 6, 1877. The senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. Lion t-Gov. Jarvia ia the chair. Tha journal of yesterday waa road and approved. ( MESfUOB nOU TBS BOCSI. Transmitting resolutions of respect to the late Dr. P. M. Winchester, aiambot of the house of representative. Placed on calendar. Also resolution ia t svor of the late confederate soldiers who lost both eyes in aaid service, with amend ments, which were concurred in. nrraoDocnow or bill. Mr. Lilu: Bill to declare the discip linary rights of escret benevolent soofe tiee in this atate. Referred to tbe com mittee on judiciary. Mr. York: Bill to incorporate the Wilkes Valley railroad company. Re ferred to the oomauttee on internal im provements. Mr. Hand if r; Bill to amend the char ter of the town of Dallaa, in the county of U as ton. Placed on calendar. Mr. Dprtch: Bill in relation to the draining of lands. Referred to the com mittee on the judiciary. Mr. Finger: Bill accompanied with a petition for the relief of Geo. W. Oansler, of the county of Catawba. Referred to the committee on propositions and griev ances. Mix Moore, of New Hanover: Bill to incorporate Independent Order No. 3 of Grand Lodge of Bamaritana and Da ugh tera of Samaria in America of the state of North Carolina. Referred to the committee on propositions and griev anoee. Mr. Robinson was granted leave of absence in consequence of his ooansotion with the committee appointed to soli the Western North Carolina railroad. Mr. Mebane, of Rockingham, waa granted leave on account of indisposition. MxaeaOB moat thb housv, Transmitting resolution ia relation te tbe burial expenses of the late Dr. Win chester, asking the concurrence of tbe senate. Placed on calendar. Also resolution of inquiry respecting election retnrna, requests the public treasurer to furnish the general assembly with a atatement of the amount paid to of state offloer. and tooonntiea iaaak- to'tthrf return vwtdM'tfte&m,: Placed on calendar. CALBNDAB. Bill to incorporate tbe Milton aud Sntherlin Narrow Gauge railroad com puny come up. - The bill passed its second reading, and, on motion of Mr. Cnningham, the rules were suspended, the bill passed its third reading, and waa ordered to be sent to the house without engrossment. Bdl to incorporate the town of Lanrin- burg, ia the county of Richmond, amended, and, on motion of Mr. Short, the rules were auspendtd, and tha bill paased its third reading by a vote of 83 to 5. Bill to make gold and silver s lsgal tender. The committee on banks and currency reported adversely to tne bill. Mr. andifer moved that it be indefi nitely postponed, and the motion pre vailed. Resolution of instruction to tho pub lic treasurer in reference to amount paid suerina lor making election returns, passed. Bill for tho relief of the tax payers of North Carolina, was indefinitely post poned. Bdl to amend an set to charter the town of Dallas, passed its third reading. On motion of Mr. Ferguson, tbe vote by which the bill for tho relief of the tax payers of the state, was lost, was re considered, the bill was amended and passed its third reading. On motion the senate adjourned until to-morrow at 10) o clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FarruT, Jan. 5, 1877. The bouse wss called to order by Mr, Pinnix. member from Davidson. Tho journal of yesterday waa read and approved. PETmona abd mimohial. Bv Mr. Da via. A petition from certain eitiaena to prohibit the eel of spiritons liquors within 3 miles of Wsyaesvillo eoilege ia Haywood county. Proposi tions and gnevaneea. By Mr. Rowland: A petition to pro hibit the sale of soiritous lianora within 3 miles of Iowa church, in Robeson county. Propositions and grievances. By Mr. Xonnt: A petition for tbe in corporation of tbe town of Canova in Catawba county. Committee on oorpo rat iou a. BIPOKTS OF OOITKITTEKS. Mr. Shackelford for committee on en grossed bills reported sundry bills and resolutions properly engrossed which were cent to the senate. Mr. McLean for oommittee oa claims. Mr. Staples for oommittee oa judieiwy, Mr. MoGebee for oorrmittee on finanoe. Mr. Ondger for . oommittee oa proposi tions aad ffrievaaoss and Mr. Henderaoa for committee oa corporations reported aaoa sundry bills aad roaoluuons whtob were placed on calendar. ixtbodcctiob ob Bixxa. The following bills were introduced. pissed their first reading and were placed on tne calendar or reierred to proper comiiittees: By Mr. IPariah: a bill to extend tho ch arter of certain banks. Calendar. . i By Mr. Davis: a biU to prohibit tha sale of spiritons liquor within two miles of wayueevuie college, in uaywood county; by Mr. Fonnell: bill to ' amend an act entitled aa act to prevent tbe de . strnotion of fish in the waters of Black river and Six Rons, in the counties of New Hanover, Pnder, Sampson, Cum berland and Harnett; by Mr. Moring: bill to amend section 3, of chapter 106, Battle's, Reviaai. Proposition and gnevaneea. By tu. xonnt: a kill to Incorporate the town of Canova, ia Catawba county. Committee on oorporationa. By air. Morug: a bill te be entitled aa act in relation to averments ia bills of indictment. Judiciary. BILLS OB BBCOBO BLADLXO . Sundry billa for relief of tax payers, tax coUectora and sheriffs were pat upon their second reeding and the committees to whom they bad been referred report ing unfavorably oa them, they were on motion laid oa tbe tame. The following billa, upon their aecond reading were, on motion, referred to the judiciary committee. xtiu to repeal chapter 74 lawa 1874-70 in regard to tbe rate of interest. Bill to regulate the rates of interest. Bill to amend eertain sections of chap ter Battie'a Reviaai - On motion of Mir Pinnix. Jadaw Barnes was invited to a seat within the bar of tbe house. " Mr. Baarley moved eeaneaaioa of tha raise to take np H. K, 73 asaeriaing the pablto treasarer to pay the f aaeral ex-J passes aad the npeaeea of mveyfng lbs renwins ef the tats Dr. P. M. Win chester io tMr last resting place. The roles ware anapeaded aad tha resolution waa adopted od ordered to be sent to senate without engrossment 7 Mr. Baffler, with permission, intro duced a bill to incorporate Albemarle Ledge No. 74, L O. tt F., of Hertford, Perquimans ooonty, which, nnder a supenatoa of the rules, passed its aev era! reading and waa ordered to be en grossed and sent to the senate. Leave of absence was granted to sev eral members who were unable to reach thia city bocaaas of the enow aad lee, and to Mr. Btaples on aooouni ef sick- Bill to amend chapter 63, section 62, Battie'a Reviaai, with a report from tbe judiciary committee offering a substitute. Too eubotituts waa adopted, aad the bill as amended pasted its aecond reading. Mr. MoGeLe asked leave to withdraw from the hands ef tbe committee oa in ternal Improvements, & B. 62. H. B. 184, a bill to be entitled "Aa act to au thorise the town ef Milton to subscribe $10,000 stock to tbe Milton and Suther lia Narrow Gauge railroad," and moved s saapenaien of tho raise to pat it apoa Its passage. The bill passea ita ' aecond reading. H. R. in favor of News Publishing Company was taken up and adopted. A memorial from the medical profes sion waa taken up and referred to com mittee on pro position and grievances. Mr. Purnell'. bill for the relief of the tax-payers of Wake county, extending the lime for the redemption of property sold for delinquent taxes till July 1, 1877, waa taken ap, paased It aeveral reeding and was ordered to be en grossed aad sent ta the senate. Resolution of enquiry, respecting the' amount paid out of tha public treasury for making election return, waa taken np, adopted, and sent to the senate without being engrossed. Mr. King, from the committee on en rolled bill, reported sundry bills and resolutions properly enrolled ready for ratification. MBBSAQKS. Several message were received from the senate informing the bonse of tbe passage of suadry bill and resolution. BUI to amend chapter ISO, private law of 1878 '74, passed its several readings and wa tent to the senate for cxmctebc"';,':'H;,!'''-;':'"'''' ' ' i ffl&lW$BWWttte$9tan '?4?t35feV and went to the seuate for concurrence. Bill te Incorporateilellevue cemetery, of Wilmington, passed Ita aeveral read Inc and wa sent to the tenate for con currence. , H. R. in favor of Judge Settle wa taken up. The committee . to whom It wa reierred amended by ttriklng out 1100 and imertlng t-TO. The amend ment was concurred in and the resolu tion adopted. Resolution In favor of Thomas II Amp son wa taken up and defeated. House adjourned till 11 o'clock a. m. tvmorrow. SENATE. Saturday, Jan. 8. The Senate was called te order at 10 o'clock, Lieutenant-Governor Jarvis in tbe chair. PETITION. Mr. Cuningham presented a petition from certain planters of Northampton county, relating to the Illegal traffic in cotton. Referred to tbe committee on proposition and grievance. REPORTS OB COMMITTEES. Mr. Dortcb, from tbe committee on propositions and grievances, Messrs. Scale and Sandilei , from the committee on corporations, and Measr. Wilson and Stewart, from tbe judiciary, tub- milted reiiort on various blHs, which were placed oa the calendar, COMMUNICATION From Messrs. C. H. Broaden, J. L, Robinson and R. F. Armtield, the com mission appointed by the laat General Aasemniy to purchase lor tne state tne Western North Carolina Railroad, sub mitting a report in full ef their actioa The report was read and a proposition seal to the House te print tne tame. MESSAGE FROM THB HOUSE. Transmitting the following bill which were referred te appropriate commit tee : Bill te incorporate Albemarle Lodge No. 74, I. O. 0. F., In the oounty ef Hertford. Bill to amend section 57 of chapter S3 of Battle' KevL-at. Bill to Incorporate Bellevue Cemetery. Bill to amend chapter 136 of the law of 1873-'74. Bill for the relief of the tax-payer el Wake county, Resolution In favor of Thomas Settle. Resolution in favor of the News Pub lishing Company. IMTBODCCTIOX OF BILLS. Mr. Cuningham t BUI te protect cot ton planter. Referred te committee on prepositions and grievances. Mr. Bennett: Bil to repeal chapter 60 of the laws ef 187P-72, brought for ward in Battle's Reviaai in chapter 73, sections 40, 60 and 61. Referred to committee en Judiciary. Mr. Wilson : Bill te Incorporate the Winston Baptist Church. Reierred to committee oa corporation. Mr. Sandifer: Bill to amend chapter 113 of Battle's Revissl. Referred to committee on the Judiciary. By the aame : Bill to repeal chapter 39 of Battie'a Revise!, and chapter 1 12 ef the law tf 1874-'75, amendatory thereof. Referred te ecmuiittee ou tbe judiciary. Mr. Moore, or ntw Uanover : Bill to provide far working the public roads of the State. Referred to committee on propositions and grievance. Mr. Latham : Bill to define and de clare the punishment for burglary. Re ferred to committee ou the judiciary. By the tame : Bill te amend section 144 of chapter. 17 of Battle's Revissl. Referred to tbe committee on the judi ciary. Mr. Folk : Resolution In favor ef C. H. Brogdea, 3. L. Robinson and R. F. Arrafleid and attorneys employed by aaid commission for ' services rendered te the Bute. Referred to committee on finance. ' Mr. Lilea : Resolution instructing the Attorney General to brine suit to re cover by the State, the Stele's Interest la the locks and .dams of Deep River. Placed en calendar. ' Mr. Scale : Resolution of In true lion to the committee oa agriculture, manu facturing aad mining, te devlae some meant tor the protection ef sheep hus bandry. Placed en calendar. , - CALENDAR. Bill to amend the charter of the citv ef Newborn, wa on motion of Mr. Green, made the special order foe Tues day 16th at II o'clock. ; il ul ta regulate the practice or deals- try in the Stete snbtUtaU frota the committee waa adopted aad amended, and after some disc nation tbe bill failed to past by a vote of 17 1 17, the Presi dent vptiog In the cerative. Bill to amend section S3, of chapter 105, of Battle's Rental, waa indefinitely retpoaed. , Bill to aid hi tha eons traction of tbe Chester eV Lenoir Narrow Gauge Bail road, and the Catawba A Caldwell nar row gauge railroad, wa oa motion of Mr. Folk made the special order for Monday next at. 11 o'clock. Bill to repeal a prohibitory liquor law relating to Uofse Creek Island church, waa Indefinitely postponed. Bill to repeal act act relating to Jones county, waa postponed en lit Toaaday next. ....,.. Resolution of Inatructlmi to the com mittee oa agriculture, manufacturing and mining in reference te sheep hus bandry waa adopted. Resolution of iustiuttloa to the At torney General ia refrrence to bringing suit to recover li lnteroia f tbe State la the locks aud dam Of Deep River, was referred to lite committee an the judiciary. BiU concerning the pauper ef the Stale was laid oa the table. On motion of Mr. Troy the: vote by which the bill relating to the practioo of denistry failed to pas, waa reconsid ered, and the bill waa recommitted. On motion, the Seuate adjourned un til Monday morning at II o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Saturday, Jan. 6. Tbe House was called to order at 11 o'clock by the Speaker. The Journal of yesterday wa read and approved. PETITION. By Mr. Terry i A petition from cer taia eitiaena of Bicbmoed county againe the Incorporation of tbs town of Lum -borton in ajiid county of Richmond. Under rules laid over. REPORTS Of COMMITTEE. Mr. Gndgerfor tha committee on pre positions aud grievance reported back sundry bills. Mr. Shackelford for the committee on engrossed bills reported back sundry bills and resolutions properly engrossed, which were sent to the senate for con currence. ' HILL. 1 Bv Me. Marine t A bill to be entitled rtoeru lj from foottee'scoarto. Judiciary. - Br Mr. Geffrov : An act to incorpo rate the , town of Beaufort, county ef Carteret. Corporations. By Mr. Doggaa t Aa act to incorpe rate Repiton Encampmeut, I. O. O. F., ef Tarboro, Edgecombe county, N. Ct Committee on corporations. By same : An act to incorporate the town ef Sparta, In Edgecombe county. Committee en corporations. By Mr. Singletary : A bill for the pro tection of legal notices. Judieiary. By Mr. Powell : A bill W be entitled an act to establish county government Rulea were suspended and the bill or dered to be printed. Leave of absence was granted to aev eral members on account of sickness, Mr. Simpson of Polk waa reported tick, at bit room. Senate bill to authorise the town of Milton te eubecribc 1 10,008 to the tlock of the Milton and Sulherlin Narrow Gauge Railroad waa taken up and paas ed It third reading with a vote of 83 yea, no nays. Bill to extend the charter of certain banks passed its several reading. Adjourned until 11 o'clock Monday. The Grand Central Hotel, New York, waa the first leading hotel to redace aad ached ale its rates sccerJing to the locstlou of iu rooms. It now charge f 2.50 and 3 00 per day JTTENTIOS ALL! r GREAT BAHKRCrT SALE OF JEWELRY. Oareeerptef to cents w wtU send by mat postpaid, all of the followlat; piece of few airy, via: 1 pate- Gold Plated Engraved Bieev Button,, one tet Gold Front Shirt Studs, 1 Collar Bind, I Wadding Rio, 1 Roll rut Watch Chtia and t Gent's Rot Coral Searf Pin. We offor thia great bargaia merely to draw attention to oar baelaesa, aa we haas all kinds of watches and jewelry at ow prices. Send for Catalogue COLES A CO., 785 Broadway, New Fork CRy. JSTABLISIIED 183 ROBERT A MARTIN A C . Grocers asi Commission MM No. 11, Syeamor Street, PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA. Coostcnments of Tobacco, Cotton, Wheat, aseT, sottctte aad whiev wrrr aavr mtKat persoaal attention. July S3 dJ a THE LARGEST t THE CHEAPEST THE BEST MAGAZINE. Combination of tne TJaeful, tbe Xnter isdsdag aad the Beautiful. h:::tV fa'sil Ml;, The Model Parlor aCa-asino of America, Contains the essentials of all others, include lag Homo Interests In all Its department. The only Reliable Fashion In all their de tails. . T The beauties sad atllltlos of Literature, Poetry, Sketches, 8 lories. Music, Floricul ture, and every bra oca of entertaining and usefsl reading calculated to enliven and elevate societv sod make our homes attrac tive, akeful aad happy, y This unrivaled Magaiine will eomaaonee iu sixteenth year with January. 1877, aad a heretofore, of new literary, entoruiulng and usefsl tuhjectt to which It Is devoted. With each number will be given a superb colored cabinet picture (worth th whole cost of the Magasine,) In oil, Bwonted en a seat ready for framing. Every subscriber at throe dollars is en titled to the selection of a promiam of (walea there ars eighteen, delivered or forwarded Immediately oa receipt tf the sebscripUoa. Every article offered Is ef flret nastily, m eludlBg Book, any ons worth the price of Mbscriotioe; Chromos from Celebrated Painting and eqaal to the origlnala, of large size and suitable (or any parlor; Pocket Cook Stoves; System of Dress Cat Unar. (thia faealvad ika klirla, rvm ni-l reward,) SUvsr-Plated War of aU klsds; Stationery, Liaeo Marker, etc, eu., etc. FOR CLVBS. We have larger and more valuable pre, Bilama, Including Books ef sll kinds, SUver Plated Ware, Bracket Ssws, 8cisoora, Stereoscopes, Games, Table Cutllery, Clocks djunUble fables. Fluting Machine, Hun ting Machines, China, Dinner and Tea Seta, and' numerous ether desirable srticle of bleb Biol! kM will be tarnished on appU- eatloa t4fte pnMteva W. JENNINGS DEBORE3T, ' ITCaatHtb fttrsvt, N. tV O r FANCY CARDS all styles with asm Wt lecte. post paid. J. B. Hnsraa, Nas sau, Rene. Co., M. Y. BATXKOADS, Ac QHESAPEAKE AND OHIO R. B. rABBBMOBB pbtabtbbbt;"" CONNECTIONS OF PABSENGEB TRAINS FROM RICHJfOJfD. A. at. --BTatt, dairy except Seaday Dairy west ef Hlotoe. Arrives at Gordo! vUle IS a P. bL. eoanectiag wttk Va. Mid land Trala at t IS P. at. arriving at Waaa Ingtea to P. M lar all point Xorth. Arrtve at CbarlotUviue IMP. M.. eso necting with Ta. Midland Trala at 1 6ft P. M-. arriving at Lynch berg as P. M., for ad poiata Sowth ; Arrlvse at Haatlngtoa ttOOA-af.: P. H. t eAecomajedatloa, dally ox oept Hoaday, arrival at Gerdensviue T 90 P. at., eoenocUagwith Va. MKUaad Train at T 49 P. M., .arriving at Waawngtoa 11 S5 P. M., for aU poiau North. P. Be. ! AsWEipress, UHy. Arriveo at Uonioarrilla S 4S A. M-. eoooocting wiU Virginia Midland Trala at S 60 A. M., arriv ing at Washiagtea TM A. at., for the North ; Arrives at Chariot lesv 111 SUA. Jf., coo aectlng with Va. Midlaad Trata at T 69 A. M.. arriving at Lyachberg 11 ST A. M.r for ta .teeth.. Arrives at Hentmgtea 46 P. M.. eososctlng eioosly with Chsseemko aad Onto psckst Btoaaisrs far Ctacteaatli Leal, ville, 8k, lamia, Chisago, aad all other points ia the West North west aad Soatawcet FROM HUNTINGTON. . Jf. 4 MaiL daily to Hintea-Dallv except Saaday, Seat of Hlatea, Arrives tf CbsrtotuviUe 11 46 A. M.. eooaoetlag with Ta. Midlaad Trala at 1 66 P. M., ar rtvlsB at Lvocbbars 6 00 P. M. for ail aoiau South via Va. and Teanecea R. R. t Ar rives at GordooavUle IS S6 P. M. ceeaoet ing with Ta. Midlaad Train at 1 IS P. M. ar riving at Washington S 00 P. M. for all reinta north. - Arrlvse el aUeassead 4 so P. M. A. M. 10) 1 -Express, dally Arrives at to A M., eoasieetiag with Caattottaville 1 60 Va. Midlaad Trala at T 66 A. hL, arriving at Lyachbarg 11 07 A. M. for all Poiau Boath. Arrives at GordooavUle 1 S6A.M. eoeneetlDg with Ta. Midlaad Trala at S to A. Bt. arriving at weettingtoa TWA. ., for all Poiau North. Arrives at Rica stood 6 SO A. M., coeaocUag wUh Rjchstoad and Da-jville 7 60 A. M.. aad Rlchewid and Potersbarg 7 60 A. hi Train lar all Poial South. A.' M. 1 -Tb trala from Washington arrive at Go.-4oavllle II 40 P. K., aad eonnocU with Cassapeake aad Ohio MalS trains both for Rich stood and BaMhjgtoa The 0 60 P. M . traia fnot Waauagtoa ar. rives at Gordonsvllle I 40 A. M. aad oocl acetawtta ClissaBealr- aad Onto Exaresa .trsiM t9lJ.Rlcj)e - A.a.-49ae.ria &aml.barB' arrives at CbarioUsvUie 11 66 A. M. and eoonecta with CtO. Mall train tor Hant ingtoo aad atGordooavilU iie p. M. with C. A a Mail train far KlchsBos. . The R. A. D. and. R. A P. trains arriving from th South at S 00 P. M. eeaaeet with Chesapeake and Ohio Express trala, leaving Richmond at 10 46 P. M. fur the Wast aad North. CONWATR. HOWARD, Gen. Pat. A Ticket AgL Riebmosd Ta. W. M. 8. DUNN. Eagiaesr A Sept. declS-tf. RALEIGH St GASTON RAIL ROAU SCHEDULE. mail raaia. Leave Ralelgk: 0 SO A. at. Arrive at Weldoa.... S to P. at. Leave Wetdoo IS 40 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh S 40 P. M. TBaooea raaieav. Leave Raleigh S 00 A. at. Arrive at Weldoa S P. at. Leave Weldoa I (0 A. M. Arrive at Raleigh S H P. M. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIR LINE. Charrs of Schedule to tak affect 6:M a. m. Monday, October SOth, 1076: Taani Movrvo Socts. EoavoRalalgh . MA. at. Arrive at Cameron. IS 7 P.M. Team Moviao Hobtb. Leave Canwroa , 100 P.M. Arrive at Kaielgh 40 P. It. All timio will approach aad pats R. A D R. R. M. C. Dtviaiea iroeefagat Cary with caattoa. SO minutes for .Break fast at Cary. JOHN C WINDER, oct Il-tf BaporinteadeaU Orncs es Sciwaiavaanaat, I rwraaaaoae R tn.aosa CoanraBT, V Pirslmig,Ta,MovemserlA, 187. ) COHKDULB OF TRAINS kJ to take effect Monday Nov. SOth GOING SOOTH. NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Peterabarg daily at - (MAM. Arrive al Weldon at - - - - 11 00 Neoa SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Leave Petertborg daily at - It 69 A. M. Arrive at Weldoa at - - -, 4 S6 A- M, FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACn ATTACHED. Leave Peteraborg daily (except Sunday) at . - 1 46 A. Mi Arrive at eidua at - - S 46 P. M. aonro mortbi. NEW TORE EXPRESS. Leave Weldoa dally at - S 00 P. M. Arrive at Ptrtersoarg at - - 0 N P. M. SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Leave WaMoa daily at ... 140 AM. Arrive at Petersburg at ... 06A.M. FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACH , ATTACHED. Leave Weldoa dally (except Saadiy)at .. ... 0 IJ P. M Arrive at Pstersbarg st - - IS 06 P. M First class coaches will ran throagh be- twMm WllnilnthM -wl Mm, m A- tralna and eleepltg can oa algal, trala. Throagh tickets sold to all Eastern aad Soalheru poiau and toggaeeieekedtaio-ra R. H. DUNN, Superiatendeat of Transports Uea. L. B. CLARES, Dispatcher of Tralaa. dec-16-IX. . Orr caor ScraanrTBSDaTiT, PavaasBcme Railboab CoMeaar, Potersburg, Vs., Novooiber M, IbTS. CHANGE OF iCDEOllLE TO Uk eflect SUNDAY. November lith : GOING SOUTH. Leave Pstsvsbarg st 0:80 a. m. aad JflTr.at. Arrive St side at triH a a. aad tM Km. i wjsnat twin. leave Weldoa at 746 a., end 4 v.. Arrive al Peterobonr at llioS A.M. aad 1M1 T.u. mtna MMwl al Pata akatw mmA VaMaa wtth trains for all toothers aadaerthera poiata. Tteketseeldto aU soataore, oalh westora, aorsaoni and esatora poiata, aad Vaggage caoekad tkroorh. H. T. DOUGLAS, 4 BaHHtotasBt. fsb lSdAwt B ABDINQ UOkVSE Coawaa or HrLuaoao abb Dawbov Srs. MRS. HARRIET ANDREWS aeeooa aaodase teo or twelve aordor vttB rwtth ootlodaiag. ' Plaaaaa locality, ealy two aanan west of UooapMoL i ootid 101 1 GARPEMTER, nElRB,NEXT OF KIN, WAMTEU. The ehlkirea, or grand chlldrea of Benjaaila Carpenter, who tsarriod a daughter of RoUnsoa Shakeirord, abeet 1800, aad rsatd ed la Wske or the dointng ceantWs of North Carolina, win Oemataaicate with am at once, they will boar of tbato troperty that IU be greatly to their advantage aad fooaostolned. Seed a copy efyoar pedi gree. Addrsss, JOHN P. ATNE, Atteraey, ., I Murray Street, New York. .Tjeembsrsi 1S7A dczx-tll3t V

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