THE SENTINEL TUESDAY, JAMUABT . 1877. LOCAL MATTERS. Sleighing baa pMMd tow slash. Mr. Wyana, w rt glad to hark, 1 Mt of danger. Hlckaaa Lodge of Good Templars jtU t-igl.t ? . . ',, .. , Hsverlsy'a minstrels srs sgala heading this way. ,,,J" s 1 i The eolil wtatber has played havoc with I'm isbbHa and blrda. TIm weather le wsnasr aad th aoow aa4 tea la last dUsppeerlng. Rsssors reach aa of eoatampuUad aprtog raaa at tha w fair groaada. We rare sack bar that Iba aadUas thaw will raa Vaka ewaaty hi dabt tar aw bridges Tha togtasetar la hard at work Soma oaa hat proposed a re-revtsioa of BsUhro BarlaaL ' Capt O. 8. Dedley of WUmlagtoa kas baaa appelated oklaf dark la tha depert- Tha jraoag ladiai frees Cbarlotta have goo, and Raleigh now beasts eaadry la- elpleal Byroa'a. PuwagaM by tha BaMgh aa Gasto railroad rapart aa lea brMga Eoaaoka at Gasto. Oaa bub baa sudwe really goad reaola- Uoa. Ba wears that dariag 1I7T ha will aat taaeb a drop at Bqaor aalaee be it sick ar waata soss. j Tali to tha wart Of prajtr ardarad by tha Evaafotteal AQlaaea. Tha bat ajaailag la tola eft; was hold at tha Presbytsrisa cbareh. Another hop tovadaw e t tab atae aoaaa Um tUa kJL Lent will eeen ha Ybad;rhiaipaoaryelahto4ok Tba Yoeng Man's ChresUaa AseocJaUoa h) doing greet good. 11 has dariag tba laat aonih distributed ltt cords of wood aad aba at Ti ratloaa to tb poor of our city. Albert Batta waa baadllag aa aid ptotat ChrlaUaas klgbt In Aahtor aad blaw at tha Bills logar af his laft band. Aaethar laataaaa af am! boy with a piatoL Bat Uoa't let the lagiebuar iaterter. On, so. A eorrtapoaaont af tba Petarsoarg Past says UiateUchBtondle witboat a belle. Oar daUbarataJadgMMtlatbM at least a s young tsdles can ba toaad ta U city af U1B who would randar notad a dosea Tlllagw a( doable IU ais. If however Biehawad b) disposed ta complain BaMgh can spars bar aaaagh ta aat bar ap la baalaaas. Last Salarday waa a foarrally dhMial day. Bala, mow, sleet, ao basiaeas, aa cash, as aurket, ao aathlng daaeribas Ik Tba alast and slash wr disagreeable, and wa ssw bat oaa class of paapla who were happy. That class ambracad tha abkjsitaas peopla who saea la aprlag ap Uka Magic, each oaa arMad with a long book, containing soodry "little bills." Tbs stars sssjrefees to shin, aad radicals aaaaa froM raaoallty (possibly) bat tbass eoUaeters always tarn ap. Bat for their prsaaaca oa tba streets Bale day, everybody woaldhav thoagbttt was Sudsy. Of all tha anplassent nights we remember UhsvswIUaaseiL that night baatalL Tba pitlass raia pattarad apoa tha raafaadtha streets leaked Bka Minlatara rivulets. Tba ladicatiaos at ssldalght wara daetdadly favor abla far a big fMad to Naasa rirar. htlltoai as eWbwrlla Bafiraad, . Banalar Caalaghaav af Fwreoa, Mjaat now angagad hi spaaing ap a railroad aa tarpriaa whtth wlB eooet tba rich UUia town of MQtM with tha BkhMoad k Da, villa railroad, and to a ahart Uass tharcaftar wUI titaadtoto a aeclte af tha suu which has baaa lackad ap from eR rsilrwad advaa cagee, aad which, aateolablng to say, holds In Its top tba raal wealth, .tba toast crops, tba beat Iliad granaries, aad baraa af yallow laaf tobae, ta all tha Mat. MUtot of U- to Its sias la thastaia, and vraa aaw, airdlad by Oaa rlvar and withoot aaaaas of U aspor tatloa, kkaspruaparad to aptta af all ha Sis. advaaUgaa, and Its n.wthaals to-day can baaat a credit north that hot law towns can lay clalw ta. Tba railroad wlfiglraB aaw Ufa aad that aptoaiBd asaatry aroaad It wU poor bka aa auay. stnaM tot Ik all lbs waalth afUsaaU which Is saw aitbar wag oaad hr aUlas 'nad aallaa, or ato laft aa tha groaad to roi,ar pariah to tbabandaof tha f araMrs far waat af railroad tsclItUM to pat It to tba Markat Gad apaad Mr. "Cntf.ig haMaadhto bU; ba baa atraek tha right chard to ratlva his toacntry, and It was tba bcatnsw yaarYdssd of hla Wa. Baraara hia raaiarkai ' . .4 'j Ma. Paaanajnt Tba bill baforaasls of that cbaraatar which absuld at ones com raacd tha fatorabla eoasldaraUon of this body. It praposas to allow p!, at tbair owa sxpaoaa, U add to parnMnanttoiproTa. BMat aad capital, aad it aaka aa atbar aid troM tba stata than that which ska to raadr U aflbrd ta orary gaod ontarprtoa aa act of tocorparattoav Oaa at tha tanatoi of tha raadwill aa at Miltoa, a tawa faaaoas far ks faraMr waalth, for Ju aatarpriaa aad for tha fertility af tha raa wraaad it; aad V tba raad to ballt, thla ptoea will uka a new ntart, aad tba totpartaat caaotry adjaesat will ba greatly beacltad. Tba paopla af Mlltoa atl to ba allowed to tax thaMselvas for aa aatarpriaa ta which they ar aojttally tataraattd, and ta da thiaftar Ua tba aatJeL In all probability, thai uiprasa ajoat will bring a heart capiul t Milton, will toad to aUMr ImproTeaMot, aad wili aa a heo Hi to a iarga part af tha hast tahaos ragloa oT Oa stele. It will alao be oar Irat axampla of a narrow gaaga, If wa azospt tba road that they are baUdtog troai Booth Car olina Iota Weaiera Morth Carolina; aad It will raooaraga others to baild aach roads wbsrs aeaatoi, wltbaat atato aid. I know tha peopla coocenwid la Ula; they are to aaroeat, aad they ara BMa of high character aad pablia aplrtt Thay aak of aa what Vir ginia raadUr matasV and UMhil bafara as la a eapr af Ue Viraiaia iaw. with chaas af aaaa, Oaa and af lb prop Mid road la oa tha BichMond and DantUla railroad. abihtaUltstroM lOltaa, and the eatarprlas will briag ory Boa region of aw suu within reach af tha Markets af tha vorld. & aad It la tha aafy way ta which thla deatrabta ' ascttos Is Bkeiy to ba bewadtted by tbarahV - raad sjsism of thai coaatfy. ... My peepie to that aaettoaw and In Parson; bara paid aach aad freely far raada to atbar eoeticcs; aaw thay aak oa(y U baallawed to hate iiaMsarrsay' Barely this iqaast wiB be proMptly granted. . t , , THB WBATHXB. Tua Tbeudors Thomas Cat bu drivta fraa bto psat on tba hos top by bad Mow that the snow is dluppearUg wa ba ds arafaaelr to aspretlita the wladon af ear city fatbsra io having red mod pot oa tha (tree la. Tba trato sa lbs Bicheiond 1 DaarlDa toad ooatauad twenty boars be twaan Grasnabaro aad BaidsTills. ptotoaos twanty tear Bi as. Caass Soow. A aa slipped apoa lha corner by tha aaw paat-office Batarday aad broke ail ribs, his back and tba third eoaMaadaeat, or be dldat ha Bight hare den aa. Up to dale only thirteen poena on -tha baaatlfal snow has baea handed aa far pnhUcatioa, froa which wa loter that the aalls are delayed. As s spectatso wa gira tha foltowtog fsrsaj "Ok tha soow, Us baaatlfal aaow, OsalDg right straight to tha aarth below, rtoraaalnaT UaaS to ft kiad Of abaoL a Hat Uka a drunken am dawn ta the street" J. D. Bracks, Insaranos agent, to atop plag at tba Yartwro Hoass. . Bar. C. T. Bailey occupied tba pulpit at Swain Street BapUat chareh Banday aora tag. Theo. If. Rsmaay, grsad worthy chief taaptor, baa eoaalasloaad Bar. W. 8. Creasy and Dr. Deraagbsa district drpatias for tba mawatola diatrieU Bar. Dr. If. H. D. Wllsan, preaUiQg aider af BaMgh district, preached tw able aad InstrasUv ssnaona at Kdeatos) Btrset M. B. chareh, oaBaadsy aoralng and avaatog. ckcackf rataiaalcBTrwa, fns Tono is Maswui Ptus.-Tbaas deaarradly celebrated and popmlar aedfclna bara aflactad a rerolstioa ta tha healing art, aad proved Ue hUlacy of aereral aas- la which hava far aaaar saara ehatracUd tba pi agues af Medical science. .The ato) supposition that "CoaansipUoq is Ineerable deterred phytlckaa IrsM atteMrtlag to Bad fcwlUUreceoclladWMfclvM witboat Baking an eflert to aacapetrema dooa which they aappased to be inavotd- It to sow profwd, no waver, that Coa- ptiaa can be eared, and Uat It has beea cored la a very great Bomber of casta, boom of tbaaa apparently dnperate ones, by Scbsack's Pshnoato Syrsp, atoas; and to by the aaa aedldae la eoanac- tloa with Bebsaek'a Sea Weed Tenie end Maadrake Pills, ooeer both, according to Aa reqalreMceti of the csm. Dr. Bchenek hlMaetfwbo enjoyed aala- UrnrpUd good haalU far asore Uan forty yeara, eraa aapposad at aaa Mmo to ba at tba very gaU of death, ato peyeiciane having praasaatisd Ua case hopaifaa. aad abaadoo ad hia t his fata. Ha waa1 eared by tba aforesaid aMdieioee, and, nines hla recovery, Many thoaaaaJf atallarly affected bare lr. bcjmsck s wita ue same renarx- ablesnccees. Full directions aeconpasy aach, making It aot abaolately accessary te persenalty aee Dr. Gchenck nnlea patieots wisk Ueir taogs examined, end for this psrpoae be to pro- fen Ion ally at his principal office, Corner SUU and Area bis., niiaaeipnia, every Monday, where all letters tor advice no sat ba addressed. Bcheack'l asdleloaa are sold by sit drag- SOUTHKBK WOhOtN SINGS THB WAS. Chicago Tines Maw Orleans Letter. stranger cai stand tlx months in the sooth, and, nnlaas he earry creden tial! t eotne family, or happen to have some accjnaintancoa, ta all that tins he will acttreely see a dosea aoulbera wo nun of tii better class. ServaeU wad cesrtesaas are nbeot all ons sees in poblte. I nttoadW a theatre In Xaw Orleaoa ooe sight, aad there were not ta exceed six ladies present. Another night, La Colombia, at theatre there was hot ons weroan ureeant, an ane was eridently from the country. . Ooe eeee her and there on the alreets in lb cities eonae froal Ignres In desp buck and vailed with deepest crape, hurrying timidly along, and evidently nnxtons to terminate their public appearance and tetarn aca mer to lha aeclsaieti of their home. Thle te espectally tha case in the Creels or French quarters of New Orleans. The women tuere seem nans, wh never venture) out in publto. They They can not then the world wilb their oW time splendor, and hence they will not face it all fTTATUTIOS Or BUICIDK. published list f 552 suicides, com mitted n tag the year la7B.ceUiM an tetorentiag atudy. Ths mala mieidea are placed at 441, the females at 111, and children at IB. By lb list it ap pears that poverty waa 4k chief in ducewent which led the despairing eouls to take their Utm, nlnely-eigbt of the 562 ending their sxlsUocs tor this can. Insanity claims to next Mnest num ber, 61 1 and temporary , btaanlty, BO. Fertyflvw pepl ooaaitttd suicide a account af family or domaeilc troubles, and 54 on acceunt of love. Tblrty-eeven war driven to emmlt tb deed by wbtoky. and 11 by rellrlow. Ths moot popular ad of anldde In v egos fee me to be by shooting, 141 baring resorted t this method ; 117 hung tbsmselves sad lit swsJlowsd peiaoo, 80 drewaed thenuelvwe, 25 cut tksir throats, aad 8S pat themselves out of tha way after leee approved methods. Xln of Ue list wb eoesmittsd Suicide war mnrdersrs. Tb irreeieat effeoto haw eometimee the SMaUlaat esAee. life fa eooatantly asorinoad by neglest of oongha and when n 15 ent bottl of Dr. Bail's Ooaurh Bvmo wontd aave ths aaf- ferer, . .- . -. ' . tcarch has produced it. Wood hnpvwTod. Hair Bsatoratlv is unlike any ether, asd has no equal. Tb Improved ha new vegetable tenie MOTJertlee iiestorwa frrey hair to s glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and failing hair; restores dresses, gives gorto ths hair; restore hair to prs aataraly bald heads; remove dead ruff, hamors, acaly sraptioas; mmovee irrit. tion, ttehing and acaly dry seas. No ar- ticls prodvee saeh woaderfnl effeeta. Try it, eaJl far Wood's Improved Hair Beatorativa, and afoaf I rdtffwitk mtf Ur tiicU. Bold by aUdraggtots In this pises snd dealers verywbsca. Trade aupptied at snsnsfsctafsri' prices byaA. Cook 0,. Chicago. Bole Ageato for the TJnlted States and Can ada, aad by J. F. Henry, Cnrru M Co, Mw XoraV -j s- j ' aspt, a wswllm ' , : - THE 9ENMTT AFFAI& BKNBAtlOlt OP OOTHAlf BOCHTT. Bpeonlatiosa as to tb Causae af tha Aitecoaalnft . Bnmor of a Ohollea- fresa Wenaett, who baa toft Town Boma Particulars. Philadelphia Tlmrt, Saw Tokjc, Jaanary 4. Tbaasaault on Jsme Oenlsa Benaetl by Frederick May, on the sidewalk in front of tb TJnien CIub,' has Utsrslly beea th town talk U-day. 'Hs must fight!" moundod along th fashion able avenues, the maaainc being thai Bennett mast challeog May. There waa soms difference of opinion, however upon the qneetlen whether under the cod a man who has been cowhlded may properiv send a cnaiMoge. ononis Mir Bennett assert the right to ohallsng Mr. buy, the latter U to said may pre perlv rsius to ackaewledze anv lettei frm th proprietor of th Herald, hoongh he could not honorably reluat l givw Mr, liennett satialactiea tfui th publicity of ysstefday'e pummsling. The frteada of both ace mod to faacy that a duel must follow the cewhidins Msmbsrs f the Union Club said that they could at nndersUad haw a Igl t could be avM!ed. Mr. reUertck stay, however, aaiu thla evening: "I have heard something about n challenge from Mr, Bennett, but nave received to word from him." THB MYBTKBtOCS CAUSE. The part of the affair that excitee meat speculattoa, however, le relative to the causae thst led to the cowbiding. Tb marriage engagement between Mr. Bennett and Mies May, whil broken oB by mutual ceoaent, waa uoqueetionably ordered to be nullihed by Mies May' father, and uajowtloosbly po f the iwaaon waa that Mr. Bennett bad, in addition to being continually in hia cupa for a yenr or more, eald some thinirs concerning Mine May at which l.. -:amlty took offense. This Ulk is said to have been made to as me of Ben nett's club companions and it soon reached tha ear of th May brother. Vr tU their father they instated that the match moat b broken. . NieMy.wa willing in overtook some of Bennett's amicable settlement $ beoc tba inter view in which sbs told hun frankly that she could not live happily with him, and in which ba aa frankly replied that he waa unworthy f her, and at which tba engagement wa dissolved. This waa what lha brothers were waiting for, and then they began to prepare to chas tise Mr. Bennett in public. It is aaid by one wh should know that one t Mr. Bennett'e ofleuaive remarks In a public place waa that he did net wish to msrry Miss May snd that he wa tired of her society. He ouppo-cd he must msrry ber, but would give any man a hundred llioussnd dollars to take her off his hands. . Bennett's friesd esy thai he would scorn to touch May in retaliation unless in a duel. They aay it ia idle to repreacdt hitn aa a cow ard and predict that be tf ill a-M upou a meeting. Aa to the affray itself, the weight of testimony aeems to be that Mar, with his little raw-hide whip, cut Bennett fonr times acros the laoe, each blow bringing blood. Bennett then rushed en May, tad making a motion toward hia hip pocket, gave May the impres sion that Bennett wae about to draw a weapoa. May, therefore, struck Bon nelt twice in the face the second blow knocking him to the sidewalk, which waa boob stained with Bennett's blood. Then May coolly sat down foraa luaUnl pa Bennett'e body, avd, rising, walked leisurely away unmolested. Bennett waa assisted to the club boue. U AnTroBD. Ceao.. Januarv 4. Jts. Garden BeuaeU and a friend passed through bare oa the sxpreU traiu this noon, closely closeted in a drawing room car. They had ticket for Boalou. The Raleigh Sentinel. Subscription atosIn Advance. Weekly Sentinel, one year, pouge p'J, 1. 00 That our readers asy see with, what fnvor oar paper to received by our editorial breth ren, we giro below a lew extracU embraclcg "what they say" of as: ' NOTICES OF THB PRESS. (Newbern Tunes, Rrp. Ths leading deraoeraUe paper In the Ute. Proa Ue Salem Frew I The Balelfh Senttael. nader the asw man agssaeat aaa beea aoea iaproved to Banner and Matter. We have beea la regnlar receipt of the Dally BeaUnel tr a week or More, it.i h3pe tta dally vialU will con Una. Bpee Iraew awmbsrs eaa be aeea at Uto office. Price of Ue Daily BS per anaant. roa th Payettsvllle WMs-Awaks.) BeaUDel. the aaas of which haa been s terror to rsaieallea elnee Ueldea pledKed "the last dollar and Us laat man'' to Us support of th Itoafederste Btetes govern aent, haa paed into aew bands, and U aa aaaitog s aUrtuda from which tt will hurl away a destructive esaJaler tot radical ranks. , , JOreeaeboro Maaoalc Joaraal.1 The BaMgh aeaUaal eaase to as hut Wed, needav m a aaornlng dally and decidedly Im proved. The new aaaagers snd editor prom be to do better In the future, and preeent s bettor paper than the Initial number. They ay perhaps do tt, bat ws eaa't see aoca cbaa for Improvement. Gentlemen, we wiaa jvm eaceeea. ntobssoaka. X Th BaMgh Beatiael, aader the present nusmgeaeat, Is verr sraerslly Improved. It eoataios aa araeh reading nutter aa hereto fore, aad toeae of Ue very best daily papers iateiaetaie. Ia eommoa wttb a rreat many people of Ula s ate s revere the name of tba aenttael, aad wul alwaya kara of Ua prosperity wttb, pride aad pleeeare. They havs reduced the rates for the eaapaura, aa will be eeea l anotaer coluata. , Tlekebarg (Mlaa.) Herald. The Baleteh acaUael aeeds ao eutory from as. Every aae Uat read It kSewe hew tt sUads pa aU taportaat topics of Us day. and although soms amy differ wtth it, yet all eaa aay Uat ft Is sincere to tta course, and to worktop ftrthe beat interest ef Ue people rMarphy Herald.) The BeaUnel le a livtae; esaoaeat of de- asoerwey, aeektag, by the force mt poll y of n raatntw ln both state aad aalioaa! arokeransat to the fraidaae e Ue awn watts party. Vn iwM preeent able auasgasneat it takes sa enviable poalttoa saw g the beat )oarnala ia Ue toad, toereaasac the forsser promlai ef tta aaas, by assJntaialng Ue hhlbest de? gre of egHsnry. geery deaaoerat ia Ue Mewatelaaaheola take tt, aad every rspabls eaa who does not desire aa addiiksa srriaUa to hla brow, ehoaM ehaa Is, for tta avrsaa sty aissMoiiM eauaUoabt. Wtth h aaa fscllwaa, Marpay wwaM cewiilW the ewpport el tba Defty istliil, aad set Mr to aseeHlaa to baaed e U estiaelva ttwahv ttoassdoyed by u terald's eepy TOE LECIBLATCIIE. :. fcEXATX. 1st district, Octaviua Coke, W C Mer cor, d. td, Charles Latham, W T Cabo, d . Sd, O AMebene, t. , , t 4th, John Bryant, (col.) r. . 5th, WsMabon,(col)r.) tth, Joseph B Btickney. d. 7th, N Boddier H 0 WUusms, d. 8th, George Green, r. Sth. BP Askew d. 10th, John D Stanford, I P Dortch d. 11th, WW Dunn, t. t 12th, W U Moore, (col.) r. , 18th, J M Bennett, d. 14th JL Stewart, d. lit h, II B Short, d. . leth, W C Troy, d. 17th, L R WaddeU, d. 18th, R W Wynne, r. 19th, t W Thome, rr ! MHb, Job W Graham, John W Can ningharn, d . Slat, II. T. Hoghee, eoU, r. t?d, W Q Albright, d. t3d, wlf Mebsne, d. S4th, T X Holt, J I Scales, d. 5tb, MS Bobbins, d. zeth, H C Dockery, r. 17th, Ed R Liles, d. S8th. L 0 Heflfg, d. , 29th, T J Moore, d. 80th. W H Crawford, d. 31st, B B Roberts, d. . 32d, T J Tilaon d. 83d, John G Marler, d. 84th, Ti Nicholson, Tyre York, d 85th, Harvey Bingham, d. 8th, O If Folk, C P Young, d. 37th, B M Finger, d. 38th, R W Seodifer, d. . . 80th, M II Justice, d. 40th, Themes D Johnston, d. 41st, O B Furguaoa, d. 42d, J L Robinson, d. House af Representative Alamance, Daaial Worth, d. Alexander, Milton Stevenson, d. Alleghany, S L Vaogban, d. Anson, B I Dunlsp, d. Ashe. Joseph Todd d. Beaufort, D W Jnrvis, d. Bertto, W T Ward, r. Bladen. Jno H Clark, d, Bnttrswick, D L Russell; r. - - -Buncombe. M B. Carter, J C Sams, d Crrtiia, K liarnsa, . -Csldwsll, J M Houck, d. Chmden, J R Abbott d. f Carteret, W V Oeoffroy, d. CaawelL The llsrrieon, I ml. Wilsoa Cary.r.: Uatawba, V Mcu xouas, a. Chatham, J M Moring, R J Powell, d. Cherokee. J W Cooper, d. Chowan, T E Ward, r. Clsy, W H McLure, d. Cleaveland, R McBrsyer, d. Columbus, V V Richardson, d. Craven, V E Clark, II II Simmona,d. CamberUnd, I W Godnin, Ueorge M Rose, d. Currituck, Dare Davidson, M II Pinuix and Jsmes A Leach, d. Davie, Charles Price, d. Duplin, A G Moseley, J O Kenan, d. Edgecombe, W A Duggan, Willie Bunn, r. Foray the, J M SUKonl, d. Frsnk'in, John A Willlsmson, r. Gaatou, W G MorrU, d. Gutca, W t Roberta, d. Granville, H.U.Ken,W II Crews, r. Greene, W P. Armond, r. Guilford, Lyndon Hwaint.J N Staples, Halifsx, J A Whlt. J II Reynolds, r. Harnett, 1 H McLeso, d. Haywood. F M Davis, d. Henderson, J l.liood r. Hertford, J i Uorton, r. . .. , Hyde. tV 8 Carter, d. Iredell, A C Bharp. A F Gaither, d. Jacknon, G VV gpeke, d. Johnson, J Ryals Kerquunl Smith, d. : " Jonea, J F Scott, r. Lcuoir, J K Davis, r. , I iucoln, B 0 Cobb, il. Macon, DrRuth, d. !dison, Rollins, r. Martin, N B Fagan, d. McDowell, J 8 Brown, 1. Mecklenburg, R A Bhotweil, W E Ar drev, d. Mitchell, John G Heap, r. Montgomery. W T II Irwin, r. Moore, J D Mclver, d. Nash, T P Brsswell. d. New JVanover, J C ill, James Wilson, r. Northampton, Onslow, J D Shackelford, d. Orange, C E Parish, J Knox Z7ughe,d. Pamlico PasouoUnk, ugh Cole, r. Pender, Alfred Lloyd r. Perquimana, Willie Bagley, r. Person. M McGehee d. Pitt, Elbert A Moye, Samuel Quin nerly d. Polk, Jas K. Slmpaon, d. Randolph, T L Wiuslow, Dr.Michsel Fox d. Richmond, W R Terry, r. Robeson, Alfred Rowland, Murdock McRaed. Rockingham, James P Dillsrd, P M Winchester d. Rowan, J S i7enderson, J 9 McCub bias d. Rutherford D Bean d. Ssmpson, N H Fsanell, J A Biuell d. Stanley, J E artsell d. Stokes, Walter W King, d. Surry, J F Graves d. Swain Transylvania ' . Tyrrell, Edward Ransom d. Union, O Austin, d. ' Wsks, T R Purnell, J E Bledsoe, Jas Funis, M G Todd r H'arren, O H King. D R Johnson r H'ashingtoa, 8 L Johnson r. WaUuga. WB Council d. Wayne, Owen Peel, Frank W. Ay oock, d. Hllkes, J. C. Uorton. d, J Q A Bryan, r. I rTilsoo, R ITSingeitsry d. Yadkin, J N Hsmpton d. Yancey,- IF v rrorlitt, d. pICHMON J A PITER8BURO B. B. CT Conimeaelng Oct. Stth, 1875, Traics t: this road will run as follows : i road will rua as f Lbavb' Bici rs BlCBMOSD, BOUTS. 5:10 A. M.. Through Msfl ; 7: A. IL, Freight Train ; 1:45 P. il., Through afaU J I P. M., Freiftht Train. Lsiva Psraaaacaa, Nostc 1M A. M., WnWA Trata ; 13 M., Through Mill; I f. hL freight Train ; 1M P. M., ThroaghMsO. Coaches attached to all freight trains for necomasmttatiow of naaieogera. This Ooapeay offers apeeial todaeeasewU te Ue ahtppjng publto oa line of the RsXjrh so us snipping puDiie oa uno os see n A Oastoa, Ralilgk Auruato and W N. InsilrMda, te thoerey f towl sad ssaangir rsies. T weetera trelght ' A. BHSW f . Baportnleadea ' : Air-tf atSS Sa K mmm F VsS mkrm la tbt mn utM'kiMl f WHOLESALE CASE PjlfCES ( evrected by VM.JL DODD, By Appointment from Board of Trad, - tiLaues, Dee. HO. osnsasL aitut, Cotton ties, new, 100 Bundle. ... 0) do. ". 1 80 ... BJ Cotton Bagging 2J (ba. to yard 500 yards 13J Flour, North Carolina, Tamil y.... S.Ti.OO. " Kxtrs' .... 5 fOas. Corn new 65 Cora meal, 44 Meats. Clear Rib Hidee VlalO Urd Western ?SaU Coffee Rio 90a28 Buxar Whit llsll do Tellow lOialli Salt, Liverpool, ftoe 1 Leather. Red hole 21a2S Butter, North Carottus........... K Beeswax aoas Bgga Rags . 3 Oeta, ahelled 60 ', sheaf 80al00 Fodder , rXkJMO PoUtoes, sweet SU3 " Irish erxajo NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RPI.EXIIIII OPPARTIKI. J V TV TO WIN A FOKTlaiE. Second Grand Prswlnjr, 1877. at New Orleans, Monday, February, 5. Louisiana State Lottery Co. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legialatar of the State for Kduea tionsl purposes In IMS, with a capital of 1,000, 000, to which It has sine added a reserve fund of 9350,000. lie ttranel hlngle Ihanaaer Dravsinaja will uke place moauiy. it never scales or poet pones. Lok at ths following scheme: CAPITAL PBIZE taa.OOs). 10,00 Tickets at AS Earn. ua aw pnirra. Vysj t PRIZE, 10 00 5.00(1 5,000 5,000 6.000 ,200 10,000 1 t 5 10 15 lo 100 tM 500 4,000 92500 500 250 100 50 15 10 5 5,000 ,250 5,004) 20.000 irrKoxtXATiox rsizxs. 9 Approximation Prises of 9200, 1800 9 " 125. 1125 9 " " 7j, 75 5,022 rrizos, smoantliig to 9111.100 Write for circulars or send orders to CHAS. T. HOWARD. Knw Orleans, l. THIRO GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING. Munduy. March 5th. Capital I'riw $:i0,(H)0 Tickets 910 rack j:a 9-til. Prime Enjoyment for a Tear. Lr. than 4 Ceutt c W.rk. MAKR HOMK ATTKACnVK BY INTRO DUCING tii mm as post Which for More than BB Tears ha iH-en the liest ST0BT, SKETCH aad FAHILT PAPER, as is well knswn all over the I'niteil Slates. It Is published weekly, contains eiht r pagea, clearly printed en good paper. fllM with the choicest atoriee and gketches by the "iMWl writers; not spasultiiiml trasili. Imt fuch us a in. 'i her Is willing tn have fci-r children reS. The whole tone of the paper is pur ami elevating. Il also containa Historical and Biogrupht ral articles; Scientific; Agricultural and Household DepartmenU; Fashion Article weekly, fresh and unexcelled; Ilsrworeu." Notpa; Literary Review; News Netes; Bors' and Girls' Columns; and Strong aad Spark ling Editoriuk etc., e'.c. Is just lech a paper as everybody laves to read, and the price is only TWO DOLLARS A YE Alt. Sample copy containing club ratis, etc., sent on receijH of a :t-ccnt stamp. Address, o. H94 BENNETT eV FITCH, 736 Bamaon 8troot, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B. Be mire and affix the nsmber 894 before BESNETT A FlTCH, so that wo rosy know through what paper the subscription comes. OTICE OF BALE OF LAND. On MONDAY, ths 6th dsy of Fehrsarv, 1877, I will all st pahlic sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Ccurt-bouse door is the eity of Balelgh, a lot ef land in the said city si Raleigh, bounded as follows: Ba. ginning at a stake on north side of North Carolina Railroad sod running thence 55 feet northwardly to a stake, thence east. waidly SO feet to a stake, thence southerly 7 feet to a stake, thence northwsrdly 35 feet to the beginning. This sal ! made under ami by' virtue of a judgment ef the Superior Court of Wake countv. In a certain canse wr.rein jno. u. Blakels plalnlM snd J. A Hinton snd wife are defnadaets PLUMHER BATCHELOR. td Commissioatr. 0JJT SELLING IMMENSELT--THK Centnnial Exposition DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. The enly cesiplele, richly illustrated, low price work, 750 pages, only 93 50. Tresis ef the entire history, grand buildings, won derful exhibits, curiosities, great days. etc. The beet of 100 years to coin money fast, ss everybody wants this work. 1.000 sgeOts appointed Brat four weeks. (5,000 wanted, tot rn'l particulars rklress quickly, HUBBARD BROS., Paba., 788 Sanson Street Philadelphia. CAUTION: Be not deferred by prematura books, assuming to be "official" etc 15-W QOOD NEW FOR BOYS AND ' sUIBLa. 7 To meet the demand for a cheaper 8t k7 . . . tilt O k. k. mIm a mI. 1 and II has beea reduced Co I saeh. The three voloaeea, la aa elegant library ease, are sold for 0(0 (In full lilt, 015),, so tl at all saay givw shear chDOrea aeaawtilete set. These volansea eoota'n mors sttraetivs material tbaa arty o.lars' worth of th ordinary ehQ- greas.foos,i. ;. ,t., . j :: auheertptloa prlae, tl a year.'' The three boaad volumes sad a euwecrlptio for thsj aewsdeaters, er ooad ssoaey as cheek, it P. O. asooMy Orders, arm refietersd fatter, to t Beaiaaaa AOs, ta Brood way, B. I. B0V494I. MISCELLANEOUS. HOLIDAY. -PliESENTS AND - Centennial Laurels. A T H IP LE CROWN FOB Wheeler & Wilson. TOTES AND THEZZ DIPLOMAS! ! TIIEIU NEW ROTARY HOOK LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES. TBB STANDARD SEWING MACHINES Of THE WORLD. Compare Wheeler s Wilson's Cen tennial Awards with the Award for any other htacblne. PBM THB OFFICIAL RKPOUT8. FULL TEXT OF THE REASON8. 1. A Medal and Diploma for the "NEW WHEELER A WILSON 6EWING MA- Cl'INR," tor the following reasons: "A Lock-eutcu bewlns Machine, unsur- aaased Is ths fine workmanship of its nans. snd possessing great orilnelliy, great adap- Ubility to aiaerent classes ol workv uotn on Cloth and Leather, beestr-of Stitch, esse and rapidity sf Motion, snd completeness ef display." I. A Medal snd Uiploma for Uis "ew WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MA CHINE." for superior quality sf work ia Leather Stitching." 3. A aeaai and uiniema ror ccn tnu MACHINE NEEDLE-WORK. 'A saner dispute of Naedle-Wofk eie- coted apon the Wheeler A Wilsoo Sewlsg Hacnineav eiqrrlstte ia .design sod Asisnv from tbslijfhteet gsny to lbs beartoet WHEELER S WIU3K MT'G Co. 44 FOURTEENTH ST., UNION SQUARE, NKW YORK. swZt. & K(f A MONTH to Active Men sell e)UU lag our Letter Copying Bosk. Nu press or water need. Sample copy worth OS 00 FREE. rWI sUmp for circular. EXCELSIOR M'PG. CO., 99 Madison sn I USDearlmra St., Chicago. VEGEirnE Pmifte ths Blood. Rmovatt$ snttf Invigorate ths WhoU 8v$t4m. m sroicntAL PKoPKKTm arb UleralivB, Toale, lolTeBt ud Dlnntlt. vsosmti is anoe eseiastveiv mea as yalees of earefally aeleete barka, loou aad herbs, asd se trooglT eoooeatratsa, that It will eflectusllT eradleaio from the ajsieai ever tela of aioswrsitsi, aerorwl e alejaaor, Te- or. Caaoor, Caaeaveae BfaaMV, Cryelswtae, Ball faboasa, BrrliiUite sslnaiss, Caahew, aVataiaase as sa ataaaaeb, and all diesaees that arb froai tav nre blood, aclaslca, laMaaiaiatory so araaio Baoaaiatteas, Nearalia, Uoat aad Bataal Caasatalato. eaa soil be effectually eared th roach the blood. For Vleovoead BewMive Pin esse of the akla, arWosasae. sasalee. Iooheo IU, Tetfter, ioaM-aaeMl aad Woc waras, TaoarruiB has never failed to oSeet a For ralae la I be llaeh. KMaor Coaa Ilaiaie, Braawv, Veasalo SVoahaooa, aoorrbra. arisinc from internal ulcere- ttsa, aad aurlM diseases aad Oeaotwl Ve blltif, Tiomsa acts directly apoa the as ef these complaints. It InTtrorates aa etrengthens the whole system, ecu upon the se entire orssas, allays inflammation, carat sieer atloa and ragalatee the bowels. ror taiarra, asraaeaeia, ssaaitaai C Sleearee, rolailaiioa of lao Ueart. HoaaaCae, Pitrs. Nervoaearea aad ssoaoral Froetratt mt lao Norvoao areeraa, no SMdirlBe has (irsa each par tact setaracaoB as the TBorrma. It narlSes the blood, cleanses all of the organs, and pos- i mm a eoauoiiiof power over ue aervoas ays- tern. The reaarkable eorse effected V sosmra have ladaced waany physlciaas aad apotheearles whoai we kaow to prase ribs aad ase it in their ewa faodlles. In fact, VsOwrnra to the best remedy yet dlscoreted for the ahoredlneiM, and lathe only reliable sL.)D rUsUsTlhEB ystplaeed before the public. H. n. STKVENB, Boston, Maaa What U Vegetinm T It Is a con pound eatractod from barks, roots aad herbs. It to Nature's Kemsdy. It Is per- I ectlv barmlses from an bad effect aeon the ra te ItlaaoarishluaiidstroBathenlDC. it acts direetl apon the blood. It quiets the nervous iyitaiBni Its you food, sweet slesp st nlflit. It to a (rest panares for oar aaS (athers aad awtbers, for It gitos them strength, auiate their eraes and gires them Matore's sweet steep, as Droved br wauv aa aeed serosa. the anal Blood Partner. Uto a soothing rasasdv for oar children. It baa relieved and eon It ta verv Dleesaal to take i ever? child ie It. It relieves end cares all dlsissss originating from impure blood. Try the f coa time. Ulvelta fair trial for yoar complaints j tea Voa will say to yoar inona, neig noot ana ualauaea, try It ; It has eared bm. aorrnrs for the complaints for Itch It to raoommeaded, to baaing a larger sale throagheoS the United Stalea than any other one assdieiao. Whyr Tecwtsavs srtu Vasw CasMsoc B Excelled. CsasLawroww. Mass., March IS, ism Mr. H. K. Bravsna : Imar Sir This to to eer- rira that I haaa naad voar " Blood Preparation " la my family for aereral years, and think that, for aVrofula or Cankeroua Hamors, or Khenss atte A Sect Ions, It cannot be eseelled : and, as a blood purine! and spring medietas, it ia the bast thing I have ever used ; and I have aaed almost everything. I eaa cheerfully rmnmnnse it to any one in need of each a medicine. IWWMrA.riwrMORv U kernel! Street. (Jives Health, 8trenftS and Appetite My daagbtor has received great beneUt from taoaMorthoTBOSTIirB. Her deeUaing health waa a source of great anilely so all of nor friends. A few bottles of the Tsoaruia res tored bar health, strength and appeuto. N. H. T11.PK.1, Insnraare aad Raal Estate A rant. No, 4S Sean Boliding, Boston, Mass. rnpuel it L L ITKT1M, lottot, Iio. ITSCTSE B SOLD BY ALL CrUGSSTI. OPIULI Brwf yrrfi!iBF ftasjafl orsjanSj,jm Ba :4-rejrr ewtfi-rl nialrtwi' wftimv smI avian r dr fMnimlif. Dr. Cat ' WasisirjMntaSlaU eT OB. B, BATCH C LOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BALEIGH, N. Q. I'rHCl.cJ In the Snunmi snd Federal C-iurts an I In tl e Courts of the (Kb Judicial District. - . .; TR1FL1.NQ WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANOEBOUB Use) CARBOLIC TABIHTS s sure remedy for C0V6H8, aad sll diseases Sf tewThroet, Lan, ynest sinr-aoeoas oaa us ane. viPirtCTONLTISI BLUBBOXE8.V '. Solg by an DranMs. i v." . X. CaUTTINTON. T Slira Avaswa. Ksw Tork. MISCEUAtfEOCS. G' LIWEB ft LATE ROOFTXG. VAIXT Alt ft CEaEST, FIBB-FBOOF, F-CONOhUCAL, ORNA MENTAL. Contains ao Tar, Saves Relogileg, Pre serves Tb or Iron, Steps all Leaks. sorsTs wama n trnr town. A roof may h covered with a vary cbosp shingle, aad by appBsstis of this slots be made to last from 20 to IS year. Old roofs esn be patcted snd exwted, looking ajach better snd Issttsg aiuch longer tba aew shingles witboat the slate, far eoe-tkird Ue cost of ra-ohingllog. This paist is Men- oau-t Ore-proof agalaM spark or Byiag rabers, aad for tin and boa has a aaasl. ss It expands by beat, eeo tracts by eoid, and win aot eorroas in ta sjoat sxpoosd places. Roots covered with Tar Sheathing Felt can be made water-tbrht at a small exooase. The Slate Paint la - , Extremely hcasfl Two er three rallons will eover 10 aouare feet of shingle root r 40 to 0 sanaro lest of tia. Woo, Mt, matched beards, ar aay smooth aorfoce; aJthoogh tb palsthass oesvy Body k MssaUv soolrsd with a braah. aad aaither crack la winter aor rsss ic saajBor. Oa deemred shinrloa It fills aa tha hale aad pores, aad gives a aew eabetaotlai roof that mat tor years. Carted r warped shingles tt brings to their places, aad keeps tbest there. It All an aU hole la Fait roofs, stope tb leaks, aad althoagh a alow dryer, raia will aot a Sect Its lew hoars after aiyiag. As nearly all paints that are oiaca contain tar, a sara yos obtal r geoolae article which (for shingle roofs) is chocolate color, whoa first aoolMd. abaawea is-ahout a atoath ta a uniform atat color sod is, to all lataat aad purpose, elate. Oa Tla T Iraa Itaafh oar red color Is asaatly preferred, oaa coat being eqaal to 6ve of sny ordinary paint EsUmatea prompUy Itrrnlsbed. Par BRICK WALLS' oai brurht rod Is Us oelv rwl labia slale paint aver iatrodocsd that witt eflecta ally preveat danpoes front peaetratieg and discelariae; the plaster. i firv-Praar New Befa. Mills, foundries, factories aad dwelllnrs a specialty. Materisla complete for a aew sleep flat roof of rubber roofing costs a boat half Hie price or re-eniogiing. For private houses, barns sod balldlass of al aeeerin- tloas It is far superior to sny other rosftng in the world for convenience la laying, aad combines the ornsmaiital annenmnen. dura. bility, asd Ore-proof qualities of tin, st ooc ihird (he cost Tsa C GsavxL Usw. , . usstvi tub weaiiy. - Ctatt half tb price of whit lead, lasts longer, covers mere, looks better. I Practically tested twenty years, and has proved far superior to ordi nary aetata every time. The paint It BEADY rua KiOa in su Known shades, can be ap plied by akt one with nerfect success, on either inside er ootside work, loors, walla, fences, Ac. ; warranted elastic, water-proof, aad sot to peel, chalk o!T er crack: dries 2uicklya asr surface, forming a smooth, m, elastic snd beaatlful paioa, Ssmnle card of colon and estimates free. MAXl'AACTOSESS OP Slate and Marble Mantels. New designs, beaatlful colors, matching enriieta, trimmlajs or decorsllons In rooaw. V) e have a Urge namber set ap In our ware rooms for Inspection, and are selling at very low prices. Very bandnonie designs for $ 1 2, $18. tilt, tit, and $15. Book of desbxns asd price list sent oa application. NEW YORK CASH fKICB LIST, 1 sal. slate r'rliia lutiul, cm and bos. II 20 S "5 0 10 " " aodkee, 9 Ml tbmrct (iWifftiloj -- IS W I harrel, nb.Mit 40 gallon SO 00 roll 1M Si)iturefl.) Ollnes' I!u i Booting, 6 no 10 lb. ranUiiues' Cement for chimneys, er large Holes or cracks la roofs, 1 1.) Brutlieii. "5c, 1.00, 1.60 sad 2.60 each L'naiuel Paint, ordinary shades, per gal. 1.01 Orders from pajties not known to us must be accompanied with the eah, or satisfacto ry city relerdace. We do not send Roods C. ). u. lota custom solicited. Correspon dence invited. Send fur Illustrated circular to N. Y. SLATE ROOFING CO., Limited Cedar street, New York. J. A. BUGKRSi Agent, Bloodworth sL, op. Cotton Exchange, deC lS-w4tswliu Rslrfgh, N. C. A Complete Pictorial History of tbs rtmee." "The beat, cheapest, aad esofol Family Paper In the Union." Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES or TBB PBB8S. Harper's Weekly should be In every fauiil thron'hout the land, as a purer, more In leresling. higher toned. Uittr-illustrated paper Is not paklished is tills or any other country. Cooiraeictal Bulletin, Boston. of ths day that in Its essential characteristics is recognised as a national paper. Brook lyn Eajle. The leading article In Harper's Weekly on political topics are models af hlgh-toaed discussions, snd Its pictorial illusUalioos are often corroborative argument ef ao small force Examiner and Chronicle, N. Y. The Weekly baa to a Kill larger degree distanced all competitors as sa illustrated newspaper. Its editorials are among the most sale of their kind, snd Its other reading matter la at once learned, brilliant, aud amusing. Its Illustrations ere sbuodsnt aad ef .are exeeltenbe. ChrJtlun Advocate, N. Y. TEfUHB. Posts Woe to ail Subaoribar ia the United State. Uu pur's Weekly, one year, 14 1 0 4 00 Includes prepayment of U. 8. post age by the publishers, Subscriptions to Harper's Itagaslne, Weedy aud Basar, t one address for one year, $10 00; or, two ef Harper's Periorti. cals, to one address for one yeart 7 00 ; postairs free. An 'extra copy of either the Magaslne, Weekly, or Baser wilK be supplied gratia fr every club of rive subewibers of 4 OS saeh. In ons remittance; or six copies for $20 00, without extra ropy; postage free. Back numhere can be supplied st sny time. The volumes of thi Weekly commence with the year. When no time Is mentioned, it will he anderstood that tba aabscrlber wishes to comaence with the aember aext after the receipt of bis order. The, annual volume. of Harper's Weekly. In aeat cloth biodiag, will lie aent by ex press, free of expense, (ur $7 00 each. A complete Bet, Com prising twsnty volumes, sent os receipt sf cash at tha rat of ft 1$ per vol., freight at expeossof purchaser. Cloth eases for each volume, eui table for binding, will bu sent by mall, postpaid, on recerptof $1 00 each. Indexes te each, volume sent gratis on re ceipt of sumps. Newspapers are not to copy this adver tisement witboat the express order of Harper k Bret hers . Address 'HARPER. A BROTHERS, New Tork s END SSc to O. P. ROWILL A CO.. Rew York, for Paaasphlet of UN) Daces, eun- telessg 1 lata of KM) Mwepapere, aad eatlasatee Showing coat of advertising, BwrchT-ly AGENTS lor boat Chase la tb world to eotu avooey. Address U. S. BAFETT POCKET CO., Newark, M. J I'll I lilllll

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