XL vol. xxmNO. 100. RALEIGH, N.O., FBIDAT tlOENHTO, JANUAEY 12, 1877. PRICE PIVB OIHT8. THE SENTINEL FBIDAT, JAXUARY 12. 1877. BOHAH WOhtBM. Then- Beauty Unrivalled. Frost Waldemar Kadea'e uemk of tha women of Bom, embodied to T. Adolphn Trollop' recant Italy t "They ax iba direct eppeelle f a wrau urate, wboee Mosse trea- aa art waond rownd a genus, aresniy litti bend. Bad wboM blua eyee look, Tea by day, aa thongs thry- ware full of ths BongHaaneTofateonlight. Ths Romas woman typifie clear decleien. tths ia ths repreeeaWilve of eerlont aad maieeUc womanhood. Har beeaty ia celebrated all svsr tbe world, and ha no rival throughout tha teat of Italy. Pair haired Koeaaa women era vary rare. Bat tha wealth of black lock ulu magnificently with Uia. rich brows of thalr complexion, tsellowed by a rienthern ana, aad with tha ssraegrsnat flower red of their Hp. (tea liestt. aeaa aad coquetry aa that of tha IT a, politaa woaaaa are foreign to Beaoaa rentals na are. These woates Basra like sueesa, with Bee broad-ehouldored aod broad-hipped nguree aad nexible walata. They da aot bead or wata from aide to ida aa they walk, but glieM along with aweeping draperiee like ao many wandering goddeetet.. Theaa phyalcal attraction are accompanied by a dignified, grecioo bearing', and the halnobtla pwlare, the noble (pooch of the Bemaa woaaaa tosecsllarly fasci nating. No one who hae once foil the charm of th.r eloquence, . who, deen. . fuif tone aMiftowlog -vowola am a harmouione aa iao atawe oas ova neawee. wanw aiw jpyi, t are only in a latent eondUtoa aateng tha poor peaaaat woeaoa of tho Oaav pagna and the female population of tho TraiUvere (literally "Beyond ribar.M the i) Darter of tho city which lie oa tho me aide of tha river ae tbo cattle of St. Anr elo and St. fetor') who like fine plant chocked la their growth by oniavorabie arrooeaiiif eondiuooa. Tha rich high-born beauty bloom and aeurUhee like tho flower and thraboin tha luxuriant Reman garden t tlie wretched peaaant woman of tho Caaa pagaa U poor, haggard tanned by and jreaiber. But her gait, too, ia prend, her eye aleo lame brightly they turn a, alaa, with hunger aad rover, two maladies hereditary in bar blood I There I character la her feature ; aad even when her countenance ahall bo utterly withered and wrinkled aad die colored by year, hard work, aad weath er, it win yet oeiuu or character toeugb it be aa ugly and hag-like aa that of aa old witcn. ia oiuataeee and aiaagree able aharpnaea which ago impreeeee upoa tha woaaaa oi otbeo JSuropaaa coontrlea i not een among thenj. They are all nt to earvo aa painter' modeia. And let It not bo auopoeed that tbo gily-dred, dark-eyed girla, aad tho bam ahepberd with diahevallad loeka, whom one aeoa In the Via Sietera and oa the step of the Trlnita da If onto. or theatrically grouped in the neighbor, bood of the painter' tudiov, are aot to be found among them. TUB CHlBXIBflT MAM, agaborad for Wboaa Kma Kalafcaua Bet up tam oimmpawno Hoyaily. From the Vlrglaia City Oaroalelo. Sant Bally waa brought before the Po lice court Monday oa tut pic ion afhav- log been concerned with a number of petty brcoaiea. Tha man waa glvea until S o'clock to plead, and then allow ed to go oa hi owa recogniaaBoe, which la polito terma meane, 'Get out or town avfaat aa you oan, and don't over thaw upagaia." e Thla man baa a peculiar hiatory. Ho came to tho coaat aavoral year ago, round tho horn, Uia real name la Van Veckland, and hia family. Who have leag aince diaowaod him, are among tho flnt in New York city, holding forth ia a palatial reoldenot oa Fifth avenue. Getting Into evil ceureea tho young man ran away to aea, aod ia 'Friaoo ceiled Wtntell Smb Baiiey. For aooio Uue ho erred aa a canvaaaer for tho Bvaolng Poet Before ha took to drink hia ac tivity a a eanvaaaer waa proverbial, and hi tolid cheek the envy rf bia aaeo cialee. He waa tho chap who telegra phed to hie father ander an aaeumod name. Yeor aon ia dead i what ahall Ido with tha body" and beat tho old gent out of 190 for luroeral expeaeee, which kept him glonouely drunk for three week. The writer once called to interview Victoria Woodbull and feoad i'a'! tbere, tiling in a rocking chair, hia foet retting on top of tho love, talking to Vic. and Tannin on tha moat familiar term. He had knowa ibem both in New York, and war indulgiog hi ooo vertatiooal procllvlilee aomewbat la thla etvlet , "feay, Teaale, bow doea tbo old town lookatooolkfti Vks hain't changed a bair ataoo I taw her met. 8bovo old apit box la range and give ate whack at rt" Tanalo puahod the eaittooa aa dlreet- ed, and Bailey, throwing hk bead to tbo right, east a etreamoT toonooojutco over Vic'e tap, mad whoa It atrock tbo spittoon tbo vetael a book froaa centra to clreumiaroaca. Ho could atrika a apit- tooa auctooa toot off wita a ptnt or t- baoeo joke and never epill a drop en the carpet. Ue knew all tbo notable and waa never aba bed to tho nreeeace of high dignitaries. Ho called on King Kalakaun at tho Grand hotel, aod hia mtleety wae ao taken with bia aaag froid and ootid AoMrteaa cheek that bo tet op the champagne royally, and BallV la a bnrtt of geaeroeity, offered to ativo him out to the Cliff. ... Bailey to bow a aot aad vagabond. LAMK LASSOES,. LOOK. Druggiot' Ctrenlar. A pint ef milk taken before retiring at night will cover the acra waleat beuee. There are manv lean and lank female who tirh for the rathionable meamire of piuntpnee. ed who would bo vattly improved lo health could their fifureo he rounded with good, aolld fleah, Noth '? " "r coveUd by this women th.n a full figure, aod nothing provekea 'o of tho Bpner build? a the eaneoioutaeee ef ptump aea hi a rival.- Iu oaM of fever and auaMnoroompkuaUDilk li bow glvea wlih eicellent raanlta, Tbo idea that milk 1. faverUh. Aaa ggplodoAr- IHa s great nUtake U aerimp tbo milk pitcher. WOB8S TEAM 8BIXSB8. air. CMars'a Sohenve Ibr Providing Country mm wHh Homee. Kew York World. HI Mr. Thoe. O. O'Ham, who claim to be a aecond cousin of Daniel OCnnnell waa to here lectured laat Bight at 111 berate. Hall, la Prioes street, but no aodieaco being preaent ho addreaead hi remark to the World reporter. lie wiabad, bo eald, to gatoOBgroM to aell him 90,000,009 aerea of land, to bo paid for br enbacripUene t tbie waa to ue divided aa hi traeta of tan aetss each to hare turnpike eosttrseted oa it and all aaedera Improveeaests. Erery poor Iriehansn to tha United 8 la to aad Caaada and Ireland waa to bo entitled to ana of thaea traeta for Both lag, sot to eecore to ail a noma, w in feaei Mlitv of thla prelect ho tad no doubt. tisvsrsl poreona having arrived by thU tiate, Mr. 0Hera waa prevailed upon to aecond the altltorat and deliver hi leetors. Tsars won to the United aUatMsart Canada1 be aaii, "a num ber of IrUb, which varied la hi Oiled front three tnillima to fiAecn atlllioo, aad ha theaght that a autnber of theee. which varied from one hundred thoue and to five hi.adred thonaad, ought to eooM to thU city oa St. Palrick'e Day tha railroad traneportlag thaa free both wate, and aaaemUo la 100 large hall. Xvery aaathar a eon of them thewld be pot to hie oath that ho waa of Irian Birth peiare he waa auewed to isten 11a prepeeed to have the great aatt meeUag over held. Thee Beet Inge emed to be meant to Impart ad dittooal lootro to a procoeeloa to be comnaeed. of three waaaaa Thaflrtl at to be draw by thirty 'two' botaatv antr la to eoautn omb areea tacwta. Diu c8 th ha HUM bf ' hone, aua la it are to bo pneete and btohona aad mwiatera of all religion. Tho third aad laat la aleo to bo drawn by twenty bora, aad ia to accommo date all ladioo aad geatlemea, of all re' Ibrieua. who anhtcribo to par for the kails. Mr. O'ilar fluUbed hi oloqoent apeoch with a fervent appeal to every Iriahmaa of all religion to eend hia borao, if ho had baa, for aveaty-fire Would bo seeded. I WDTTBR8. mtereottna; MeteerolocteeJ Besunlaoen- ooo DnUaa; several eraturteo book. HawLoadoa Telegraph. Sow la the lime lo trot out para graph about remarkable w Idiot, win ter that have ditinguibed themeelvea by being colder or warmer than the law allow. No wall-reguUled newapaper will neglect this duty. JUferriag back to our book, we find that La 1172 tha temperature vu to high that leave came out on the Ireee in January, and bird hatched their brood ia February, In 1289 tho weather waa eaually mild. and tbo aaaldena of Cologne wore wreathe of violet and corn-flower at ChrUtma and Twaltb-dav. la 1431 tbo tree flowered hi tbo month of March and tho Tinea ia tbo month of April. Cherriea ripened la tbo eame month of April. Peecbee appeared in May, aad little hove commenced to fall out or ap pie tree a little later. In 1678 the tree were covered with leavea in Jan uary, and the bird batched their young in February, aa In 117. In 15S8 the aame thing waa repeated, and it la ad ded that tha beat corn waa ia ear at at Eaater. To the beat of our memory there waa Ia Franco neither mow nor front throughout tha WtnUr of 1S38, 1607, 1609, 1617 and 1669. Finally, la 1663. ma ia the north of Germany, the atovea were not lighted, trace flowered la February, and outdoor bouquet wore ahoweredon tho aowapaper oificea without an-aber. it aeeme but aa yet terdar. Coming to later datee, the winters of 1846-47, when It thundered at Parte on ih 28th or January, and that of 1866, the year of the inundation of tbo Baloo, may be mttntloned a very ild. , Search has produced it. Wood'e Improved Bair jtoeeorairvi la nnlike any other, and hat no equal, Tho Improved ha new vegetable tonic propertiee restore grey bair to a glomy, natural color; rettorea faded, dry. birth aad falling hair; rettorea dreitee, givea gorto tne heir; rettorea bair to pre matorely bald head; remove dandruff. humor, eealy eruptiona; remove irrita tion, itching aad acaly dryneat. No ar ticle' produce tueh wonderful effect. Try it, call for Wood'e Improved Hair Iteetorstive. aaid eWt put ejf witk ay Mr artidt. Sold by all drugjris".? Intbia place ana dealer everywhere. Trade eupplled at manufactnrera' price by C. A. Otok Oo Chicago, Sole Agent ror tne umtea Dtate end uan adast sad by J. F. Henry, Curran eV Co., New Tork. ' " ept. eowltsi " ''-'' ": ' OD SELL ISO IMMKNELY THK .Ce&timial Ezpodtion DESCRIBED AND ILUlaTBATED. The eery oamplete, rtchly niaatrated, tow prtoa work, T60 page, oety, 01.60. Treat of tboosUraaletary, grand beudlago, wo, sernd eahibtta, cariaatUa, great day, etc: Tee beat chance of 10 yeara to eois atoaev tost, aa everybody waoU thla work, l.eoo ageata apaeiBted Int ItwXweaka, a,00t waatea. rer ranparueuaraasareMqaictiy, HCBBAKD BKOa., Fab., . T3S naatoai strem PhAaaoiphla. CAUTION: Be aot iterini by sieaaatnre sooat, emuaiiag met -smeiai" ete. 14-W i . . GOOD NEWS FOB BOY AMD OIBJLS. J To attet the daaaaad for a cheaper St. Hiosoua flltt Book, the price of vote. I aad II ha bees rtdeetd to each. The tkree volaaea, fat a eleraat library eaae, are old for aw (! fall ibt, OIS), to ttat all ewyalvetaeareklklfeeaeampieUett. Tbet aalaaaaa aoate'e bhmo ttraettve aaaterhri thaa atty doUara' worth ef the ordinary eail area't book . i' abaeHDUoa eric. It a rear. Th three boaad volume tad a tabreriptaga for thla year, only I'a. sakaarlbe with tbe eeama aewidmftra,ereena mosey to, ebetk, tr P. O. mosey orders, to ragtotetes letter, is Boa Baas va rawoaeway, xt. i. , APAA AMOXTS )sAcilve e$0UU S LeU Ke areee or water ated. Saawle o esaa rKEK. Seed atams far TlOiCTHte Active Mas aeil- vepymg book. dreeiar. KXCELSlOt WTO. CO., ft kadlm a4 lUDearnora -SL, Ckleago. MISCELLANEOUS. SCKIBlf Eat tor December, aow ready, aad which oMtatoaibe opening chapter ef Mlehola Mmtara ." will bt read witk oager esiloalty aad tetereM. Parhapt so store readable aaBber ef thla augaaliie ha yet been toeatil. Tb three asmbaw ef Sosta. aa for Aagarf, SepteiabOT, aad October, eoslauUng the epeeleg r hapten of "That Lata o' Lovrtt't," will be glvee to very sew abaeribr (who reqneau it), and wboae aabtutpMos eegtaa wwa me trmnt vomate, L .. witk aba Morembar aumher. ubaerlpuoe prtoa, 14 a year 88 eenU aumbar. Special tarsues boaad voloatt. Sabteribe with the aeereet bOokteUer, or end a eaeea or r. u, BMeey erarr is aVsisass A Co., Tit Broadway, 9. T, MOTICB OV SALE. : By virtne of the powa.t eoaforred upoa m la a deed of tnut executed to me oa we Mb day of Feb-aery, WH, by L. L. Saandert aad w. U Bauadere, aad which It duly reg latere to the emot of the Regteter ef Dcada for Wake eoaaly la Book IT at page SbS j 1 hall os Batarday tbe Sttih day of Noaiaer Beat tell for eaali at the Court Hoaae dot r ia Baleigb. tb very valuablt tract of land oa wbkth, . B. Baaadert, Iao., now mid 'yiag oa Manh Creak, edjonUag tbe lead of A. W. Shaffer, W. M . Botlao aad other. aad eontaioiag lore aunarea ana twelve By OBtBt of prior mortgagee a fet laud title wUI be aold and eoa rayed, tbe proceed .of aala betBg flrat applied to the payaMBl OX we deD of aaia aKKWagoe. vnn eaiunii, tiaawe. et It-tda. G ASTOX TOCSE XEWBEBXE, . V. 8. R. STREET, Pnoi'mrrwi. The dABTOX rtOl'SE has, for nearly ball a centary, maintained a reputation a on of th beet Hotel at the South, which it fully attaint aoder tbe pretent man acameet. LaT Peraon who come to the eoaat of least oa tab, oytera and Mher good thlogi from tbe water, are advtted that New Berne to tbe flneet Ith market on the Atlantic jyS-tl. gEJID FO TOE SENTINEL. Semi-Weekly and Weekly, 4.00 and 13. OO. Both edition preeent e of all tbe sew of tbe day. full compendium Tbe fnlleat and freebeft paper from the State uapitaL Pottage prepaid on both edition. SEMI-WEEKLY. Oa rear f 4,t SiiBionlna, .... 1,0 CLCBS. 5 aad ander 10, each one year, 1 3,50 10 and ander to, each one year, 3,00 On copy grailt to the tender of a club of tan ormoiay ONE TEAR - - TWO DOLLARS. 8IZ MONTHS, - - ONE DOLLAR. Clab arranuemenU will be announced be- lore ut January, int;. It 1 not required that clubs lie made op t one poet-Qfllce. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Remittance should be made by Check, Puetel Order or Registered Letter. VALUABLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM Tbe SENTINEL haa always had a large circalatleo among the best people, and It recognized at a most desirable median) of communication between balneat men and tbe public. It it THE MERCHANTS PAPER, THE FARMER'S PAPER, THE MECHANICS PAPER; -THE PROFESSIONAL MAN'S PAPER, THE FAMILY PAPER, TBS PAPER FOB EVERYBODY 1 fJT Terms of , Advertising Furnished on application in person or by letter at lb it office. ADDRESS SENTINEL, RALEIGH N. C CLOTHING! (beautttul stochQ OF PALL & WINTER SCLOTOilfG!! 0 . , , , H (GESTS FURNISHIKG GOODS f H IS NOW BEING tyPEHEtT i J. M. BtMEMBAVHt L0THISa HOUSE, H toriTcttiiiHargeltStwt!. 0 Thauklastae rood ettiaen e Raleigh aad Wakecoeatv.fbr tbeii liberal patronage la the peat, I aa rare una mat i mail endeavor u merit It la the futare by keepint Kood Good t th lowest lliloi 9 Kce. Give me a call be (on ring elsewhere. We takenleat- phn in tbowing our aiock and tell- U ang our price. CLOTHING;! JO Abduo oijbe Vsswas or Rnuaoao' aao Dawaos Ira. . MRS. HABJUKT AM0RKWB - aeepm medate aea or twolvo berdera was it wtte ewttodgtag. :;'...; ,, mmi loeamy.ssiy two equare west Of theeaettol. - M 1 lOt DRY GOODS, 4c. D. i. wAiTT m Brno Beg leave to Inform their eaatomem that taey aavs leaorea to u weu snowa eland ef leasee M. To a km, U. 52 fajetterille Strtct, rUIrigh, IX which they have Ittrd ap eattralv saw, aad nare mm wn u wati aatorard'etoekef ' '' BEADY-MADE CLOTHING! voa sax, aov aks cmildbbn. Mae's Back Butt 400; Mea'a Frock BulU for U 00: Mea'a Frak raulian Batta rrom 1 10 to M' a' rla Black Sotta boa I1T.B0 te aae; Bon' Faaey Batbw Buna ie aa; soye- new m a ouua ao ae sta van. draa'a Salu as to fife Ovemete as aalJO. cuai akv uavrauiiEU. . Oent'e FttrniehmsOooda, Batnbore; Vbr- inaTa ana inaertions, Kottssis, Hosie ry, Qkavee, Oeanbrtos, Moots, , Bboee, DmbreUsa. Bate, . Cape. rare. dec. DOMESTIC DBY COODB, . oowtiariBS sv r '" ' Prtn U, Alpaoaa, kterinoa, DebUere. Okag haaa,Cous rlelda,OeUosde, AeaUeky Jean a, Caasim'tea, Cambrics, Blu Denims, Oinaberg, Tlcklnrs, Flan nels, Lmseys, Ae. Bleached and Brows Bheetinrs aad Bhlrtln. Thaaktuc our frlead (or their liberal jm roaage la tha peat, w (eel confident that . oar aew atore with Mew fioods, bought at the lowest prices, we will be able to please all. Respectfully, I). A WAITT A BRO. No. 7 FayeMevill Street, oet-tf Raleigh, M. C. TO THE POINT. VfOXEY IS SCARCE, SALARIES AND i.VA wage are low, ine eoantry uneulel aad dsiarbed. lUppily then la an- offset artb evlhT- IUMt.-l.,t'".'fl&.,'"'' W.',.ilia,0; ..'...V'A.1 by their CASH SYSTEM, hare ialil ra addi tional supplies for CA8H and are eaahled tberefere Is aell GOOD GOOi&et the VERY LOWEST PRICES. We have the largest stock ef Mens Wo men and Children' SHOES hi the elty, (no eld atock or ahoddy work. ) at th very lowest price. LADIES DRESS- GOODS, vary lew. LADIES CLOAKS and U AWLS, very good and very cheap. HEM'S CLOTHS AMD CASSI. EBES, Kentucky Jeans, te , extre ordlnarlly low. MEN'S aad BOYS' HATS, the largest stock In the attta, from 40 cent up to best silk hats for f 5 50. MEN'S and LADIES UNDERWEAR, Shirt aad Drawer, aad the beat UN- LAUNDRIED SHIRT in the state for SI. Aim the best LAUNDRIED SHIRTS, ready fur wear, 2100 Wammilla Mutllo at lis. I PRINTS and N. C. 1'EAIDS, full atock, fast colon and very. a , To all "A peony tared It a peony made," Bring on the penoiea tod makt yourselves oooi(orulle ami happy, notwUbataoding th limes, dec J-tf W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. TJnquestlonably tbe beat sustained work of the kind In tbe World. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. The Magatiae hat attalbwi ia Its one quar ter century and more of .existence to that point where it may be said ol It, In the won), of Dr. Johnson, "It la vain to blame and useless t pralM." Tbe lustre of Its loo ace a taloed reputation baa iaeroaaed atth yeara bare passed, aod IU future seemt a, bright It aot brighter tbaa at any time stoca 'he golden hue of proeperttr settled around lis later aad beat yeara: Brooklyn Eagli. UTvrt JaWAfy Is marked bv tbe aaaie characteristics which cave It circulation from the trst with the better class of readera. it combines reading matter with illustration! la a way to make clear and vtrld the facts preasnted. Pictures merely dealaned to eateh tea eye of ths Ignorant an never la- serted. OAwoo ewraai. TERNS t Poetas-e free to all Subscriber in tbe United States. Habfbb'b Kaeaaiaa, one yetr 14 00 14 00 Includes Brenayment of V. 8. vostac oy tse puotuaers. DBoaenpuoa to sumraa's MAsaaiaa, Waaaxv. sad Baxab, to ti address for ons rear, elO 00; or, two of Harper's Periodi cals, to one address for on year; 17 00; postage free,- ' 1 Aa Extra Cosy of either the kfacestn. w 4.1. U-LI- iu l. llvT for aTery CluboT five SSbecrib ra at 4 00 eaea, in one remittance ; er, Nt copta lor BO 00, without extra copy I postage free. Back numbers csn be supplied at any tune. Tbe Volumes ol the Hacaslne commence with the Numbers for June and December of eech tear. Subscriptions may commence with aay number, when ao time is tpaclned It will be understood tbat the subscriber wishes to begin with the Orst aumher of the earteet volume, and back snmbera will be sent accordingly. A complete Bel ef Harper's Magnate, bow comprising SS Volumes, In neat cloth Madia-, will be tent by expreee freight at ex pense or purcneeer, ror a ao per volume, an gle volumes, bv mall, postuaid, S OS. Cloth eases, for binding. SS cents, by mail, post paid: A complete Analytical Index to tha flnt Fifty Volumes of Harper's Magaxlne has Just bee Published, rendering available for refer ence tbe vest aod varied wealth of Informa tion which aoaetitatM this periodical per fect uiustratea literary eycioaeuia. ere, l loth. S 00 Half Calf, fi S3. Sent postage prepaid. MewsMnera are not to eonv thti advertise ment whhea the express orarrof Harper Brother. Addrtf. I.ARPER BROTHERS V, I. ovMl. t i RHYA!dtTRATTO:JSCL DJC8INSNED to ouallfv T0CNQ MEM for th active duties of Ufa. BUBIVESB TRAINING e specialty. OCR INflTITCTION-tb meet tasroagh, eoMpleto aadpraetlcaltatae United eutea. TOUKO MEM sttlrtog aBTAkt IM Ut E, PARENTS'-having sons er wards to edaeate. n lavtud to writ t a tot catalogse tad panleslan ' i Weal jm seanwae m swr.w m i rat aay time. BWiranm mi astrona H W.tADUtR, Bafldan Voa. aat: a m. Cbarlee Be., Baltimsn. INSURANCE, Ac HOIflE INSUEAN0E COMPANY OF NEW YORK! FIRE IMSVRAMCE OMLY. BSTABUBHXD 18&S. Cnah Cr.pllatL - mW, Caaii Aaesta, avvcr rlW COMTAKT IB ft BUT A FMtt Inaniaaes Oemeaay. Has ae eonse. Uos wtth. Life or Mama lassraae. . The Urge majority ef Its tt.OOOyOO eg d ttat s an "Called Stat s Bonds." The Paanre-w Eacnttrn of eves M.OOa, 000 Aaaaally beat attest the appreciation o the Business aad Commercial War d. I npnsent the Home In thla CI y, aad ask the attention of my friends and the pa oils to it UNEQUALED CLAIMS, assuring them tb rsaracv rwoavvrrT tt offers. W A. TUEK, Ag't. Office McKee Building, Corner of Wilmington Martin Bta. sot tto Oflfered ProtectlM Agsisvt Lens by Fir) 4 Life. AV. H. OKOW. ' BALEIGfT; X' d ' '- S A-ahirlrr.rWwVS KopresejU tM loliowieur tor class Jcav panie : - tna life Insurance Oo., JBtam Fire Ineuimnce Co.. Phcaalz Ptre Co., Of Hartford. National Fire oo., j German-American Fire Oo.. Hoffman fire Co.. Of . T. Howard Fire Oo., Combined AtaeU Over $35,000,000. The attention of the public tt retpectfallv called to these lobstantlsl Institution, af- (ordlng ample indemnity aagl-3m Q.OOD AGENTS WANTED IN Every Town la Itorth aad South Carolina M MISSISSIPPI TALLET FIRE A3D Wsl IHSCRASCICOIFHT or Memphis Tennessee. Cavah CsplUtl 900. In taking the management of tbe Mit- tltsippl Valley Insunnce Company lor Nerth 1 and South Carolina, I lake pleasure In rec oommending it to my friends and tbe public J live company, wen managea, wiin a large nd profitable businee. Oood respoBtible egentt wanted In every town and county In the two States. Ad (trees, w. a. tlks, Geo'l Art t Manager. Box ?9. Raleigh, N. C OlDce in McKe UuiMing, Corner of Wil- mlnKlou A Martin SI. aov S-Zm JIIE ARLINGTON HOUSE I Corner 8th and Church Bta., LYNCHBURG, VA. This Beoae. which la the most coavealeotly located of any Hotel in tb city, has recent ly been GREATLT ENLARGED. acd la on of the moat Commodious and best Arranged Ilotela In tbe South. The Furniture ts all New, of handsome design. acd of tbe best quality ; In short, TtlE ARLINGTON Is complete lu all it appointment. Having lea tea tae aoov noiei ror a term of years, w wfll, ia a few days. OPEN IT TO THE PCBLIC, And lefer totbe npuUUoaof the "ARLING TON" at Danville aa tb beat guarantee w na gin of the styl in which we will keep the "AHLINGTOX" AT LYNCH BUBO. A well-llghtod room on the Int floor will be kept for the exclusive ute of SAMPLE MERCHANTS, t3rOmalbus to sod from Traiaa Free. SELDExTsOOYILLE. Also Proprietors of the Arlington, Pse ville, Va. oct l-U 50 CENTS. CENTS. 50 CENTS. CENTS. THE DURHAM HERALD Wtll be sent to an ji address until NOVEieTBKK 14 FOR THE ABOVE ' AMOUNT. Kow is the time to secure a tnt clan CAMPAIGN PAPER for tb email pries of 50Sf50S50ra Jul7 M-tf TTENTION ALL I ORE AT BANKRUPT BALE OF JEW ELK 1 . On receipt ef 60 cents we will seed by mad postpaid, all of tbe following piece of airy. vtK t pair OeM Hated Kaieved leave BaUona, ewe est, eesd front Bhwt Blada, I Collar jd, I Weeding BicA 1 Roil rUteVatck Clulaand 1 Gent a atone Coral Scarf Pis, We offer Uia gnat bargaia msmy ts snw awaties te earewanim. atlownrleM Bead far fntahwaw t.i COLXt CO TBI Broadway, New. Perk MISCELLANEOUS. rLINE SLATE ROOFING, aTAIIlT UV tnBlMrT, FIR&VrROOP, ECONOMICAL, hUUITAL, ... OKMA Chotslaa ao Tar, Save fcle-aKilDgbng, Pn- eervM Tin er Iron, 8tepe all Leaks. Aom waxtxs m btbsv row a. A roof may he covered with very aheap shingle, aad by sppltcalioa of thla alaje be made to hurt from 30 to 13 yean.' Old roofs can be patched and seated, twang ajach better aad laUag much leagar than saw shingle without tbe alata, tor ess-third tbe eest of ssshist;lrag. ' That palst ht raim CAU.V On-pesef tgalart aparas sru lykag embers, and for tta aad lroa haa ns eqaat tt h expands by beat, eontraeu by coid, and wig aot semes is the meat expeted ntnoss Roof eovered with Tr hbeatklng fait can ue nu wawtignt si amau expense. The Skua Palst le - ' - I Extrsanety Cmsatpf Tws sr tbna rauon will cava IBS amaara test of ahlagle not, er 0 to to aqaan ant of tla. Iron, fed, matched-bearda, or aay smooui sunsce aitnoagn IB -ftalnt has a neavy soay ll is easily atkvlted sith a brush. aad neither eraekt In sinter eor rant le lammer. On decayed abtnxwe tt flltr-sn tba helet d porea, tad give a aew ammonia! roof mat lasts for yean. Curled er warped thlDglee It brings lo their places, and keen tbem there. It nil ap all bole la Felt roeft, atop la leaks, aad eHboagh a stow dryer, nla sill not aflect It a tow hoanaftar appfyug. At nearly all paint that an black contain tar, he tan yos estate ear geouiae article which (tor ehtngi rooai) I chocolate color, wbea Brat applied, change m imnn a a, earn te a antrorm ttare color ad It, to all lalesta aad parpost On Ttar mr lvttLmt Oaf red color i atoally srejaired; see eoat neing ejuai to nve ol any ordinary paint. EamalibsM.to "foxniaBsAwWSMi "WALLS bar bright led to the aalf iSUable tiata paint ever Introduced that. will eflecta- sny preveat dampneaa from peeetntlng aad diaceiarlag the piaeter. . FtrePror Ksw Rmesfh. Milhv feumlriaa. faetoriea and dsstliaca a specialty. Materials complete for a aew sleep Bat roof ef nbbvr reoflng cost a bent half tin price of re-aUingitog. For srrnu bouses, barns and buildiaga of all (Inert p- tioet it it tar superior lo any other roeHog In tbe world tor eonvealenee la laying, aad combinee tbe ornamental appearaaoe, dam nuiiy, ana nre-prooi quailtin'bl tin, at one- tmru tne con. no tab cb ubavbl Used. BEST IN THS WORLD! Costs half the pries ef white lead, lasts longer, covert mere, look belter. Practically letted twenty yeara, and hat proved far superior to ordi nary paints every time. Tbe paint ia READY FOR USE la all known ahadea, can he ap plied by abv one with perfect lentoea, on either inside er eultlde work, floors, walla, fence, Ac ; warranted elastic waler-proaf, aad aov lo pott, chalk elf or crack; drks quickly ee Ar surface, terming a smooth, Brm, elastic nd beaallful pain, rtample card of colors aad estimates free. MAMCAACTt-BEBS OV Slate and Marble llantels. New dnlgnt, beautiful colon, matching ! carpeta, trinmlnga or deeoratlon ia roeat. We have a Urge aembereet up ia our ware ; room for iniectlou, and are selling at very low, price. Vary handentne design for til , Hef $20, $2, and i. Book sf deaignt tad price list tent oa application. vbw tobx estn rates utr, 1 gal. elate r'Bng palot, can aad box, 1 10 fi ' ' ' 6M 10 and keg, 150 I barrel (M gt'tont), If 00 1 barret, about 10 gallont, 30 00 1 roll (200 square ft.) Glloet' Ra js- r IRooflic, (00 10 lb. can Oiiaa' Cameatfor ehUnseya, er Urge holes or eraekt la roofs. 1 li Brushes, 75c, l.oo, 1.60 aad 1.60 each Enaanl Paint, ordinary thades, pergaL A04 Orders from nsitie not kaswa ts at mast lie accompanied with the eath, or satisfacto ry city nierdace. We do not eend goods C. O. D. Tore cost on aoilelted. Cerreapea denee Invited. Bend for illastrated clrcalar to N. Y. SLATE ROOFING CO., Uailted I Cedar street. New York. i. A. ROGERS, Agent, Blood worth St., ep. Cotton Exchange, dec la-wtlswlia Raleigh, N. C. A PAPER FOB TBI! PEOPLE. . The LoaltvUle COURIER JOURNAL, Largest, Best and Cheapest Family Pa per In the United Mate. EDITED BY HENBY WATTERS0N. 'The CavauierIsnraMtl ia a comblaa. tlon (made la 186) of three old LouiavllI paper, via: tbe Jmejj ami, established la 1830; ths f)ssricr, la 1843; and the Deasscrmt In 1844. Its repuUtion It aatlooat, sen ii lit circulatlen, aad It U proaounced one of the ablest, spiciest, wit tiest, strongest end beet aitaaged papers la the world; llaiaatter Jwiae; eepecnllv adap ted to tbe Menbast, ths Farmer, Ladles and Children. TO AGENTS AND CLUBS. Extraordinary Inducement In tbe way of cash eomminieoe and valuahl premium are oSered Is sgent aad daba. 1 Valaable ataodard Book.laoldina: a nw edition of Prentice's Poems, almost givea a ear to new tabacriltert. Any of tbe popalar Magsxlan and Papon or tae day lu routed ia comtnoauoa wtu ue Cssirterxloarw sJ at mack leas thaa tabscriptioo rale. ' i , A SPLENDID M AP OF THE SOUTH, Ebte Z8ixSl iachea, baadssmvly colored, varnlahwl n d bang on rollen, retail pries 1 ; mailed free of postage, and the Weclt ly Coaiierslswssi one year, for T TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTIbN. " x Daily Casrierslesraal. a year, 11 M Saedsy Courier-Jourasl, a year, ' I M afaekiy Courier-Journal, a year, i M Or In cjukt of gve at $L7; of lea at $1.M; and of twenty aad ever at 11.60. Po$tagt i'a mil coses prtpmid ay the Pro yineforv.J , Specimen copies, lists of Books and Mag. aiiueaTand Descriptive Circalara, teat, tree oa eppliealioe. , .. , letter ahould be eddreteed t W. N. HALDEMAX , Preakiant wrierJosraal Cs., Loe Is villa, Eeatecfcy. - v, swAslt. r : . ..'v t . . VAKTBAgansa male aad :,I U lawattl.Pletaree .evarysbasev-. One ageat alone haa retailed over IABM ass attli atwsra. WBTTNETA CO I dec i-3m,i Norwich, Coaa. RAILROADS, &c tQHESAPEAIX AXD OHIO B. B. OONMBCnONB OF PASSTHGES T1AIM8 rBOX KICH502TD. A. Mf. M-MaU, dally sornt gnaday Dairy west sf Rlntss. Arrtvs a Gordoa ' vUls II 4a P. M., eoaneoiiag with Va. Mid la ad Tnln at liar. lfZarrlvlBg tt Was. Ingtss 6S P. M.." tor all polnu North. Arrival at Charlottevliie 1 Sa P. at. oeo aeeUng with V. Midland Train at 1 M P. at. arriving t tyaebbarg i a p. M., for en -pee Bnsthr Antvar at HasBngton P.M. til A (Soawtilinin, aVtOyea eept Sabsay, arrivaa si OevdenerlUe T M P. M., stsneetlagwith Va. Midland Train at T at P. M., arriving at Waabbagten II Sft f. H, far aB nohiia Korth. , r. at. IS AA-Expreat, dally. Arrtve at Inrdoaevins t M A. JL, eoanactlng with Virginia Midlaad Train at I M A, aiTarriv tog at Waabtngtsa t M A. M , for the North t Arrives a ChartottaevtUe I U A. hf., ens aeetlag with Va. Midlaad Train at TWA. M.. arriving at Lynchbsvg II 07 A. htn tor lb Boat. Anlvnat HunOegtoa diiP. hi, ceaoecttog closely wilt Cbeaepaaka aad Ohio Packet 8teamera tor Cladsnstl. Loaia-ville,- 8t, Lsaia, Chteags, and alt other pointo la tha WeatWorUseatasd 8 athwart FBOhi HUjrrrafOTOH. 1. . 4 S-MalL daily is Hastes Dell? except Basday, Seat el Hlntas, Arrivaa at Caariottaviile 11 f A ht, eoesecUng with Va. Midtoad Ttaia at 1 as P. hL, ar- rlilag at Lynebberg as P, M. tor aU nosata Soelh via Va. aad Teat me a B B. t Ar- rivet at Oordeoarlll it S8 P. M.. eoaaect- log wiihVa. Midland Train at 1 10 P. at ar- riving at Waaalagtes 100 P. ht for alt . Patau Sorth- Arrive at AlcbawaAd SO I A. Bt. IB aWExpre, salryAmvee at - i - . ICbsristiudUslM I M rnnaontlnr arllh , atmniaoiajni w mm mwmmm vnv'mmmmsmi at Lyschbarg II 7 A. M. tor all Poiaui So lb. Arrivei at GeedoasvUle IMA.!, anseertiag wtU Vs. Midlaad Trala at t M A. M. arriviag at Washington IMA. k., .. tor all PolaU North. Arrive at aUchmssd IMAM.. eoaaecUng wlih Richmond aad Danville IMA. M., sad Btehawnd aad Petenbarg 7 90 A. 11. Traiaa tor ail Poiatt Soeth. A: S IS The trala from Waablagtoa arrive at slsrdosevul 1140 P. ht, aad sanneeU with Cheaaseake and Obis MaS traiaa both tor Richmond aad Huntlagton TbstMP. If. train from Washington ar. rlvae at Gordoaavills I 0 A. M. aad onnl aecu with Cbeaapeake and Ohio Express train both for sUcbanond aad ClndnnaU. A. Bf . SSS-Ths train froaa Lynchburg arrive at CbartoUanlle II 66 A. M. and coanectt sith C A O. Mall train tor Hant Ingtos and atSerdosaville 11 M P. M. with a A O. Mall trala tor BlchaMnd. Tha R. A. D. and LAP, train arriving from ths Sooth it INF. I. connect with Cbeaapeake and Obis Etpnet train, leaving Richmond at 10 46 P. M. tor tha Weat and North. CONWAY R. HOWARD, Gen. Pass A Ticket Agt Rich mood Va. W. M. 8. DUNN, Engineer A Bunt. dec-lMf. RALEIGH & GASTOX RAIL ItOAIf BCHIDCLX. nan. tbaik. Leave Raleigh K A. M. t M P. M. IS 40 P. hi, 40 P. M. Arrive i at Well Leave Wetdoa..., Arrive at Raleigh. Taaooss vaslonr. Leave Raleigh...... Arrive at Weldoe... Leave Wsldon Arrtve at Raleigh... B 00 A. M. I P. M. S (0 A. M. 1ft P. M. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIM LINE. Change of Schedule ts toko effect SiM a. m. Monday, October Xh, 1170 : Tsais Movue locra. XsavsBatolgh SO A.M. Arrivs at Cameron. IS 7 P.M. Tsai Movtaa MobTB. Leave Osmeros X 10SP. hf. Arrin at aUleigh.... ......... . 40 P. bt. AU trala will approach aad pern R. D R. K M. C. LMvfcnon eroesingu Carv with eantlon. 90 minutes for Breakfast at Cary. JOHN a WINDER, oet It- h parts tend eat. omca or gprsaiavaansss. FsTsasncne Raosoas UoavAat, amaamasayaaanj twaiiasaaaraas vvvaBvar JSaW B f Petenbsrg, VaNsvember 18, l87n. SCHEDULE OF TIIAIN8 O to take effect Monday Nov. 20th GOING SOUTH. NEW YOBK EXPRESS. Leave Petersburg daily at - S M A. M. Arrive at Waldos at - - 1100 Neo BOCTBERN EXPRESS. Leave Peterabwrg daily at If 60 A. M. Arrive at Weldoa at - 4 M A M. FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave Petersburg daily (except Bender) at . 45 A M . Arrive at Weldua at - . iUP.H. SOIKO ITOBTMi NEW TORK EXPRESA Leave Weldoa dally at .- - 3 00 P. M. Arrive at Pesnsbarg at - - a M P. M. SOUTHERN EXPRESS. -Leave Weldon daily at, - . 1 4 A. M. Arrive at Petersburg at - - - 1 06 A.M. FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave Weiaon daily (except Saaday)at - - - - 14 P. M Arrive at Petersburg at - - 11 M P. M Pint etas eoachea wilt ran threagh be- Wllmktalas nnd New Tork os dav train and atorplag cart as night traiaa. Ma . h . n it aT mm K Through ticket aold leall Eaatsra and Boaihere poioU and bafga cheeked threagh , R. H. DUNN, Superintendent of Transportation. L.ACLAREE. Dispatcher of Trai. dec-lMt , . . ... Orr tn er Sowamai tsasa i, I'avaaasiias-Batfcsoss Uowranv, Petersbwrg, Va- November S4, 1875. CDANOB OP SCUEXtCLE TO taJwehset 8UNDAT, November tSth t SOINO SOUTH. Lean Petenbsrg at s-JO a. m. and SA7 p.m. Arrtve at . etdoe sttg A.M. sad AMs.a. . OOINO NORTH. ' leave Waldos at TitS a. a. aad 4 r.av Arrive at Pmerabsrg a 111 a.M. and 77 p.. a VTBSts eesaect M Pet sesrg aad Weides whh tntos fee aU eestheiB and asrthers petota. Tteketo sold to all sestltera, aoath- BaSain natal sahthrcT.WWSLA.. " -'-'?""-'.(- Sasaiktliaieal. lleblMAwtf nrrAUHooD ;iiE3Xo: LLETj WWd BL uTTaV- limn .1 ak i ifTintaSiS.