7 I . " " f- . - - 7 ,,.J 4 4y-1'm 9 0 i W i-Vf ';t,:tiJ ,. i'.4i iu lii i 'r 1' " ' ' -' ' , . . . r( 1 -"U r 4y f : j ? vol.: RALEIGH, N. 0.. FBIDAY U021TIIT0, JAKUAEY 19, 1877. cxin l-NO. 102. PRICE FIVE CE1TTS. i i. u ... n IP A. At W; -J aA.' - A. : ,- . II I 'SO X . r. wr 4 THE SENTINEL FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1876. Carnal Items. The Globe-Domocrat of HL Leuis claim that the hand t Mr. Tilden would be mora potent in Illinois polittci at tin present time, when the Muatorlal question to all absorbing, it it bad not already made Ita Indelible mark la the politics of Oregoa. . Tba New York Werid thioka that l'reeideat Grant aa saw a great eppor tuoity, in the matter of Louisiana, to atone ior former blunder respecting that state, and t a large degree to blot out tbat stala from bla record. The Wilmington (X. C) (Star ia glad toscc so suuca good reeling and proa penty who exhibited Uireoghout tb atate, and it believes that the improved condition of affaire arlaea from better government, and a wise regard for the welfare of the people on the part of the rulers. The Harrlsburg Patriot evidently strike the key-note, when It expretee the opinion that the voice of the people as expressed on the 8th of January hat been heard at Washington, and la already canting the radical conspirator tn halt In their mad career of usurpa t'ou and oppression. The New York Suo, in referring to the political complication in Louisiana, justly remark that the conspirators at Washington have tried In every way to confuse the public mind in regard to the real fact in that state, where the radi cal rascals have been oppressing the people for man j ytara uudar the KuUa ...... 7-.-P" Jjar; -tri pumvmm viewing tbe acta or the adminiatratian. curtly asserts that it ha committed many unwarrantable, unlawful and oa coottitutlooal acU, and it hat treated the constitution a Daniel O'Coonell once boasted he could treat any act of rariiaroeot, "Urive a eeacn and alx through it. ' The St, Louis Republican Is out In a sbsrp protest against Congress taming over lis exposition appropriation ot million and a half dollars le Ihiladel phla lor the beneflt of greedy stock holders, and it concludes by saying that alter such a specimen or centennial vir tue, decent people will rejoice that the anniversary comes only once in a hun tired years. Thatcoaservalive paper of New York, the Journal of Commerce, which se largely represents the business interests of the country, say that the political complications have added great weight to ins general depression prevailing:. and enterprise of all kinds seems te be I almost wholly paralysed by reason of the great ancertainty existing as to cul- . ruination ot events. The Richmond Enquirer cells atten tion to the fact that the game and fish of Virginia are being wantonly destroyed both for sport and gain, and it calls upon the legislature to enact such niess- ures as will tend to preserve the birds and beasts of the fields and forests and the nB of the streams, from the im proper inroads at the enthusiastic de volees of gua, snare, net and book. STABTUKO AND CONCLUSIVE. Washington Capital. The Hon. Zachartah Chandler was for three hour before the committee en elections and privilege f the bonsei and was put through an examination o embarrassing tbat at last, after decline ing to answer several embarrassing quesuens, be asked tbe privilege or time to answer. lie was given until next Monday to consider. The committee have proof positive in their hands, being meeesges over the gentleman's signa ture, that be advised tbe maaipulatiag of the ballot la the disputed states, and provided a corrupUou fund for the purpose. Mr. Chsndler was not shewn tbe proof possessed by the committee, and whether be aeswere or ant, the re mlt is precisely the name. Thus we hftvecominir to the em-face, to be tested by tbe light of day, the dark conspiracy which was organised to cheat tbe people ot their choice and con tinue in power the gang of dishonest officials who, not content with degrade ing their places, have plotted to destroy the government by au attack on the ballot. . In addittan to this fact, for the truth of which ws hold ours aires responsible. it is reported (hat lite president, sick of Hayes as Hayes na been sick or him, has Gcueral Sheridan nreparine a re port that will ahow conclusively the uU tor eorrapuon of tbe Kallon metioa. and that he will therefor) be forced to recognise the Nicholls government We give wis as the rumor upon the street Uue act is well known apon the streets and in the hotel and olubs, that Gen. Sheridan ie open h) his deannlcationa of uaaison wens, ana asserts,, t use bis wn language, that In his report he will "sail1 that ejeatleman. Tho do the righteous prevail and eons fusion and defeat coma to tho wicked. Oat of their own mouths are the con eoiraten convicted and pot to abame. We learn from a witness that Chandler left the committee-room pale and hag gard, and driving home, eent ror uar field and William. Chandler. These be able advisers, but the great political manager cannot escape the pit he haa dua himself. Tbe repbiicane are sadly depressed, while the hottest lover of their constitution and coon try are re joiced. . CURIQU8 INVESTIGATION RB8ULT, AND Wilaiingtoa Star. , A friend writing na from Long Creek, Pender county, having beard that when a creature of any kind Wee bitten by a aaake a formation similar to tha reptile making the attack would be (band, upe investigation, attached ta tbe livar of the abject so bitten, and doubt ing the corrcetaea) ef the theory, sreot loiheauble ofdiseecttng a dog knowa U have be biUea hy what i known a A beach-h af snake, whan aa object resembling a snake, aboat tea Inches In length, With stripe down It back, and With a mouth resembling the ash known a a took,' was foaad attached to the dog' liver. NORTH CAROLINA. Tanoe's inaugural has got into soma of oar far western axonangea. O. W. Q T. Bnmesy win take tha Said in the temperance caose in a lew days no tax. Th board of trastess for tbeinstito tion for the deaf and dumb andthe blind, having organised, are besieged by appuoanm ior posswons wihubibut gua If yon have not applied do east otv We learn thai Dr. It WL GoneO, of Mount Veraoa BpriBgs, Chatham coun ty, died very suddenly on Batnrosy last. Dr. GorraUheld a polW for $3,000 in the North Carolina Borne Iasnrano company. We hear that a aooistv is to be or ganised ia oar town by the todies, the member of which, will not speak to any young asaa possessed of "kamaa vt' net or in other words, who are ad dicted to strong drink. Look oat for squalls. Conourd Bon. While the late heavy snow wee on ths around, a sportsman irsd hi ron at a rabbit in a bole under a stamp and oa going np to the place, found six rabbit, "dead aa a hammer" and frosea so hard that tn shot ooukl not penetrate the rabbit fired at How' that for oold weather. Concord Ban. Goldaboro can be made a great busi neta centre, and even one or more tao- toriee should flourish bare, if our hwA- neea men uoaid oboose to pat forth tbe needful exertions end we hope that with tha beginning of tbe new year there will be an awakening among them af a spirit of enterprise. AJlthinaa consid ered, oar boainese mea have by pradeoee and economy weatnerod tbe storm of tbe iv improved witnin tbe last few year. Strong competition between the railroads aad eonaeqnaat low freights has enabled oar cotton borers to bay dose compered with price realised in the northern markets, and also to sell supplies ear reepondinKlv lew to the fsrmers. The shipments of ootton from this place for the year ending Sept. 1, 1876, may Im given in round numbers at 20, 000 balee, and this ought to be increased to 23,000 the present rear. It can bo done, if our boainee men make up their mind to do It. Messenger. HARD TIMIS TH1 CAUU. Timee will be "hard'' as long a In tare st on money will be high. Interest is high when it exceeds the increase of the national wealth which Is s 2 18 to 8 per cent, per annum. How is it pos sible for the manulacturer or farmer whose average annual profit Is three per cent, and who is working on one-balf borrowed capital at six to tea per cant how to it post I bis for hlnr to pay each Jiigh interest, except by cutting down tbe wages or tnos tn bis employ ; to starvation rates t When wages are re duced tha people consume less; pro- qocuoQ aecreaseei workmen are aia missed, their time wasted, and them selves aad the nation poorer. By oar present system, fourteen to fifteen cent are paid by the government and people aanoally to the national bank for every dol tr Issued by them to the people.aod these same national banks pay only one per cent, w tne government ror wis money. Let tbe government have no favorites, but loan money at nominal interest, lo all who have good security, and business will immediately revive and flourish, i . ..it it ; r ' Home msnufacturea another cause of the hard limes to that our lew tarflf on imports sables foreign eapt talis la to undersell American manalactarera In our own market, and this competition forces American employers to reduce wages. BOW BAR-ROOM LIQUOURS UADB. Pbilsdelpbls Bulletin. There may be seen dally on Chestnut street, a msn dressed in fiuiltle ap parel, with a great diamond upon hi brMt, vainly endeavoring to ontglliUr tha magnificent seltaire upon hi finger. In a German University he learned chemistry, and not even Llebig know it better. Hi occupation to the mixing and adulteration of liquor. Give him a dozen of casks af deodorised alcohol, and the next day tha whale will repre sent tha nam of a genuine wine or popular spirit. He enter a wholesale drugstore bearing a large basket en hi arm. Jfiv peuads ot Iceland moss are weighed out to him. To raw liquor thla imports a degree of smoothness and aleaginoueneea that givee to the Imitation brandy the glibnea of that which I the moot matured. , An anuria gent called eatecha, that would cloee tbe moutn ot an mx-staoa, u next in order. A eonpte of Ounce of strych nine are next called for, and quickly conveyed to hie breast pocket and a pound or white Vitriol to as silently placed in the bottom af the basket The oil of cognac, the sulphrlc acid, and other artioles that Jfivs Ore and liquid poison are always Rent ia ; tora. . The mixer boys these thing ia Various quarters. They ara staple of the art. THS MaY-BKNNHT AJTAOL Petersharg Isdex-AppeeL It seem tone generally agreed now that bat oee shot we exchanged between aeera. May and Bennett: aad that no body was injured. Bennett citondoa tinelr left for Europe Saturday on the City of Richmond of the nmaa line. The reports of his marriage wKh Mtos Hay are nttertr astounded. it is said be will, remain abroad for two year. Nobody seems to know what baa become of May. If the first mrolea of northern society can prod owe no better specimen of ohivalroa romance than this, we sag goat tbat they would do well to roost lower hereafter, and to have lee to n- mark about the baroarou eouta. , , THOUSANDS OT TKXAS CATTUI From the Ompas CbrisU Times. c .. ; 1 . Owins to tha drooght which prevailed for so loagta the falL' preveatiag the fatteamgof eaUla and tha growth of grass, aad tsihswing their power of bear ing the inelsmsaciss of tha wiatsr, many maad eatUe are dying daily from etarratson and ether enaese. The lose to the county aad to howaerolatock will be very great, v DRY GOODS, Ac TO THE P0DIT. ONET IS S0ABCE, 8ALAB1B8 AND if A ware srt ww, the eoei etry asssUM aad distarbed, tor these svUs: llspoilr were is aa onset VT. II. dk R. . TUCKEB. by their CASO SYSTEM, bare laid in siidl Uensl supplies for CA8H. sd ire enabled therefore to sell uuuu uuuira si we VERY LOWE8T PRICES. W ham, lha lannHl itnck af Hob's Wo. men sod Children's S110E3 In ths eUy, (no oh! stock or sbouuy worx. ) i tne very wwest prices. LADIES DBESS GOODS, re7 Jtow LADIES CLOAKS and SHAWLS, very good and very clieep. EN'S CLOTHS AND VASSI EBES, Kentucky Jesns, Ac , extra- onliosrtlr low. MEND sod BOYS' HATS, lbs largest stock is the state, from 4 cents up to best silk bits for J5 60. MEN'S and LADIES UNDERWEAR Shirts sod Drawers, aad the beet UN LAUNDRIED 6I1IHT in the slate for f 1 Also the best LAUNDRIED SHIRTS, ready for wear, 1100 Wamsutta Moslln at tl.25. PRINTS and N. C. PLAIDS, full stock fsst colors snd vsry. V. It tl A Mn n mhJ I. Mnn. Mn .la 1 -all ;ie3wffteiswi 47wi yktjp'v wrfaa'W'iB deel-U W. H. A B. S TUCKER. CLOTHING ! Ibeatjtltul btockIQ (!) OF FALL & WINTER ICLOTOIHGI! 0 AMD H , GENTS FIRNISHING GOODS Ij IS NOW BE1NO OPENED a - - J. if. ttOSENBAVH'S CLOTHINQ HOUSE Corner Fijfttrillt A Hargett Streets. tn H H 0 hi Tbanklaath rood cttiiens oil Raleigh and Wake count v. for tlteiH liberal patronage In ths past, I ss tors tbsm tbst I Shalt endeavor Ui merit it In tbe fntere by keeping soed Goods at the lowest livlnn 9 iriees. Give me a call bstenl baying elsewhere. We take pleas-l hire In showing onr stock snd tetl-l 0 ng ow prices. CLOTHING ' JOABDING IIOCSE Coassa or Hillsbobo' isn Dawsoe Bts. MBS. HAKK1KT ANDRKW8 aceon- aiodate tea or twslva borders wltti r with out lodging. rieatant locauty, only sws squares wni 01 ths captUH. st laiot TBiFLING WITH A OOLD U ALWAYS DANGEROUS Vie WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS s sare remedy for COUGHS, aad all dleeaaes of the Throat, Ln(i, Chert sod Maeoos MessDraos. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. Sold bv sll DromrtaU, - P. N. CRITTENTON. T BiSTa AVtsos. new I on. r-ATIONAL HOTEL, CAPTTOIi SQUARE, RALEIGH. N. C. C. S. BROWN, Fbomuotok. Tha Natldnal U aae of ths beat SITSOKed. sad the BMMSperfaeUy veatllated Hotel la Ihe Stale, and bates delightfully ettaated by Capitol square, M Is on of the best Bummer iMldeaees Is Interior North Carolina. The Bsia portion of ths baUdlar I ean straetsd with the view to afford BOITa OF ROOMS sad PRIVATE FARLOKS to soeh nests ss desire thenv for Political Headquarter the National Is ths beat adapted Houss m tbe eKy, harmg ares ranorso we grouse aoor with privsts apsstawau. Uniua or Capitol Sqoare, with Ms shaded Walks, gmad forest oaks and beautiful hrubberr Is one of the prettiest aad moet dellrhtful rasofts la the eouatry, thuiaSord fcag the geests of the NaUoaal aU the ad vaeUgss ef oae ef the handsomest llttls raras la las UBitau niates. A msrulftneat double pertleo, fronting sod overlooking Capttoi Square, ezteada along the entire front of this really handaosas bulld kag, readsrug tt the aost aeslrablshoass le the eHy for ladles, ehtldrea aad sojoarasrsof The eaoLsaadrsadbrsesvloeattoaef the national. ksabtossapviM one whole eaeaia, kssps It tree floss ties sad saasquitoes taroagh the entire Sasasaer. A row of slucletorv office, suitable for & loess sad prefessioaal gewtleawa, Is st ed to Ihe Betel, aad alwaye at the aar- vsce or eaca es ocsiro teaaa. ) , Ezpsrteaesd sad aoUte. Portors aUeadall trmiaa with rood Coaehaa sad BaaTcaes was ana, aad gcasts ef the NaUoaal tnay rely ea good yettsatloa, aeod fare aad esesikat drlaklag water. Bath Boomt ud Water Closets i l.K V;, .7 . t't ,.. iiti. -l A' ARB OJr ITUI IUWI. :.' Ki eri. the basfsssat ts As ieat SALOON iTBILUARO ROOM Is the etty. IXs-U - - -,.., MISCELLANEOUti. f MASON HAJILIN 'v ( onsnrnxoztqAiTO Dare been oanlmottsly sjslgnsd the, MP1RI RtStt la 1k Scvatml -:- BeejeUattae - Of snob InstrameDta, at the D. 8. CENTKST NIAL, 187, aad are tbe only ergses as signed tfcbj rank. Their soperiorUy is thus declared, not la one or two respects oory, ant hi sll tbe Important quail lies of aa ergaa. - Afeedal aad dlptoma hare ales bees swarded tesev hat ssedeis of sqaal velae were awarded alt articles dssassd worthy of reeogniUoa, aa that ssaoy makers eaa advertise "first - sdsls" or "lilgheat awards.'', Cempsrative rank In Sxeetlence bss bssa determined by the Judges' reports alone, la Which the MASON A HAMLIN ORGANS are unanimously assigned " THE FIRST RANK nt the several requisites" of each instruments, snd are tbe only ones assigned this rank. See Judges' reports. This result wee aot unexpected, for these organs here an norm iv taken aigaess awards la seen competitions, there being less than sis as cepdons in hundreds of comparisons. Th were swarded Srst medals aad blew honors at Psris, 1868; Vienna, 187S; Sea tlaga, I87S; Philadelphia, 187. baring Urns been awarded highest honors at Aocirrs Rsqcissd EvBBVWBBsa. SfD roa PaBTRnrLAas. EVERT WORLD'S EXHIBITION at which tbey have competed, and being tbe only American organs which ever obtained any award In Europe. NEW STYLES, with improvements ex hlUlted st ths Centennial t elegant new essea in great variety. Prices very lowest cos. slstent with best material and workman ship. Organs sold for cash or Installmsota or rented aalil rent psys. Every organ warranled . la ei ..entire Saliificllnn .to i4neaaaiUa1.piuieAaars AtMraaiK- ivir-t Wjv1 Tremettt Street; iMetper - "maw - - ipiara, - New York ; 80 sod 81 Aduns street, Chicago, oolS-lw 'piIE ARLINGTON HOUSE I Corner 8th and Church Bte., LYNCHBURG, VA. This Bouae. which le the moat conveniently located of any Hotel in ths city, has recent ly neen GREATLY" ENLARGED, and is oee of the ssost Commodious snd beat Arranged Hotela In the South. Ths Furniture ia sll New, of handtoms design, ana or ins nest quainy ; m soon, THE ARLINGTON Is complete lo sll Its appoint men tt. Having ieaaed ths above Hatel for a term of yean, we will, In a few days, OPEN IT TQTHJ PUBLIC, And lefer to the repuUUon of the "ARLING TON" at Danville as ths beat guarantes we can give of ths style ha which we will keep the "AHLINGTON" AT LYNCHBURG. A well-llftiMi room oa the tret floor w 1 be kept for the exclusive ate of SAMPLE MERCHANTS, r-c70mnltme to and from Trains Free. SELDEN&SCOVILLE. Alto Proprietors of the Arlington, Dae Tille, Va. Oct Sl-U 4L -A , A PAPER FOR T PEOPLE. Tbe Louisville COURIER JOURNAL, Largest, Best and Cheapest Family Pa per in tne tailed states. ') EDITED BT HENBY WATTERSON. Ths CeniierAonrnaJ is a comhlna- tion (made in 1868) of three old Louisrllle papers, ris: the Jsnrnsl, established In 1830; me courier. In 113; ana ins DcBBOcrsU in 1844. IU repnUlien its sstionsl, as well as Us circslstien, snd it Is pronoanced one of the ablest, spiciest, wit tiest! strangest and best s tranced papers In the world; its sutler betas especially sdsp- teu to lbs Merchant, tbe f armer, uuiies sna Children. ( TO AGENTS AND CLUBS. Extraordinary mdaoemesU In the war tt ab eommlssioas and vsluaMa premiums are eflered to sgeots aad clsbs. Valuable standsrd Books, including a new edition of Prentiss's Poems, almost given sway to new sabscrihars. v Abt of tbe popalar Maaasines and papers of ths dsy furnished in combination with ths fjoanetslonrnnl st much lees than subscription rates. A SPLENDID MAP OF THE SOUTH, 8lse t8xSl laches, handsomely colored, varnished a d bung en rollers, retell price tt; mailed free of postage, and the Week &CbBriersIoiirmaL one year, for JeMa TERMS OF SCBSCRIPTION. Daily Courier-Jonrnal, a year, fit 00 Sundry Conrier-Joarnal, a year, t 00 Weekly Courier-Journal, s year, I oe Or In elnhe of five at SL76: of tea at tl.so; snd of twenty aad over.st 1.M. Pottage tn aS eases prepaid hy the Pro- pritxort.y Spectmea oooiea. Hats of Books sad Mss ssinss, and Descriptive Clnculars, seal free Letters should be sdureesea io ; W. N. HALDEMAN. Preeideet Oourkr-Jooroei Co., Loaisrllle, KstKocky' ' 'wP-nlwMll PHE BUBFREESBOB EN L qUIBEB. Aa I ndapead eat Weakly Xewepaper. The Organ ef the absweke aa4 Meherru aee- Uoeai ureuiaiee sa tumj-pm aad Twelve State. Is thS offldsl ergaa of Northampton and Hertford counties, sel has a Unrer circulation ta them thaa aay paper pabliabsd. Ae aa advertlsmg medium. It eaauot he sarpmssd m Raslsra Carolma -. Tsrms, fs par rear, ja aaraaca, mn months .V:r' ; - ' 'I" : , WARD a aLABSi, aa-a. eaa xwa aglAU Maifrssshsra. h, MISCELLANEOUS. A SPLENDID OPPORTITNI TW TO WIN A FOBTCNE, Second Grand Drawiag, 1877. at New Orleans, Mooday, Febreary, A , Lonisiana Stata Lottery Co. TblsInsUUlioa wss regularly laeorporaled by lbs Leglslatare. of the State for Eduos tionnl purposes In 188, with a capital of $1,008,000, to which R has since added s reserve fund ot 8SS0.000. ita Orawel Stmgto Nanamer Drmwtngs will taks place monthly, it never scales or post' poses. laws at the km lowing , CAPITAL PBiaSB S8A, 40,0S Ttckef sU SA Emrm. LIST OF PB3ZE8: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, 1 PRIZE, I SU.0M 10,000 &.000 6,000 5,000 5.000 S.tOO 10,000 6,000 S,tM 6,ooe to.ooo S " $2500 S $1,000 10 " 600 JS ISO 100 100 100 " 50 150 t5 600 10 4,000 5 ArPROXIMATION FBIZM. t Approxlmstlon Prises of $200, 1RO0 0 " 1125 t " 75, 675 5,012 Prizes, smounting to $111,100 Write for circulars or send orders to CHAS. T. HOWARD, New Orleans, La. THIRD GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING, Moadsy, March 61b. Capital Prixe $J0,000. Tickets $10 each. jaa -td. CEAD FO THE SESTISiEL. C -.W' r! Wastf T" - srv - iroMwawwj:,?,., - - Doth editions present s full compendium of all the news of the dsy. The fullest sod freshest psper from the State Capital. Postage prepaid on both editions. SEMI-WEEKLY. One year .... - $4.00 Six months, .... 2,00 CLUBS. 6 aad under 10, each one year, $ S,60 10 and under 20, each one year, 3,00 One copy grails to the ssnder of s club of tea or more. WEEKLY. ONE YEAR - - TWO DOLLARS. SIX MONTHS, - - OXE DOLLAR. Club arrangements will be snnoubced be fore 1st January, 1877. It IS not required that clubs le made up st one post-office. NOW IS THE TIME TO 8UBSCRIBE. RemlUances should be made by Check Postal Order or Registered Letter. VALUABLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Tbe SENTINEL has always had a Urge circulation among the best people, snd Is recognized ss s most desirable medium of communication between business men and tbe nubile It Is THE MERCHANT'S PAPER,' THE PARMER'S PAPER, THE MECHANICS PAPER, THE PROFESSIONAL MAN'S PAPER. THE FAMILY PAPER, THE PAPER FOR EVERYBODY I fJT Terms of Advertising Furnished on application In person or by letter at th n office. ADDRESS SENTINEL, RALEIGH N. C XTOTICE-SALE OF 8ALL 1 BBIA. Br rirtue of a i decree of the Probate Court of Wake county, I will on Monday the 5th day of February, oiler for public sale, at the Court House door, in the city of Raleigh, the fol lowing tracts of laud : Lot No. 1, lying on ine rosa leaning irom Wilmington to Raleigh, and containing 4154 acre. Including about soo seres of well timbered land, on in is iraci mere is s good dwelling bouse with six rooms and tlrstrate outhouses, s good mill with ootton gin snd everything complete. Also a new store bonse on the Wilmington road. Also a fine orchsrd sod well ot good water. This tract will be divided into to lots to salt pnrchssers. Lot No. 2, lying on tbe Kalelgh sua wumiogum rosa contiguous to the first nsmed tract and containing 911 seres. These lands are snuaieti on tne Wilmington andSmithneld roads at 7 miles from tbs city of RaWirh, end about t mile from the railroad, and are very valuable for farming purposes. Terms ol sale, one half oasn. balance in It months with tille re tained until payment of purchase money. VAV1U LAW13, Commissioner. ArAA A MONTH to Active Men sell ?S.M It F Intr our letter Convlnr Book. No press or wster used. Sample copy worth i lyi chick. Hann usDin Mr eineuiar. vrrviAciA U'ira. CO.. S9 Madison 'and sTisonai lSUNaroorn bl, uaicago. HEADACHE. DR. C. W. BENSON'S CELERY AKD CHAMOMILE PILLH ars prepared erpreaaly !o care Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Head ache, Neuralgia, Nerve ass esa. Bleepleesoess, and will cure any ease, Price 60 cants, postage free. Sold by sll druggists snd country stores. Office, 100 North Eetaw Street. Baltimore, Md Rbtbbbscb : G. i. LESTER, Css)lsr Howard. Bank, Baltimore, r : HAVE YOUItv n ill in DONB AT TH aKNTINKL OFFICII. A Sfflea114 Aasortaieat sT BOtfl PLAIN AND FANCY. MISCELLANEOUS. Q. T. STBONACH di. Grocers and Cotton Bayers. Na 4. MARTIN ST. 1,500 Sicks Geano, 100 Sacks Salt, (0 Barrels Sogsr 50 Boxes Cheese, 2,500 lbs. C R. Sides, 1000 lbs. Breakfast Bacon, . Uaaasl Hamuli Uaaseti IM Barrels Flour, 80 Barrels Lime, SO Kegs Nails, all grade. M Barrels Syrup. State Fair Halts totlom Yams M Tierces Lard. 25 BnckeU L-.rJ, Mackerel, 1, 2, S, wbolcstle or retaiL Shot I Shot 1 1 Shot 1 1 80 Bsgsall Sizes. BAGGING! BAGGING I t HW Rolls. 1 100 1-2 Rolls. 50 Bbls. Mullets. nov4-tf rjLINEls SLATE BOOFING, VJI fAllaX Ansa CEBENT, FIRE-PROOr, ECONOMICAL, MENTAL. ORNA- Con tains no Tar, Saves Rb-SlilngUng, Prs- ssrvss Tin or Iron, Steps sll Leaks. aocxts waxtxo ia grisv rows. shingle,' sad-1 VyerVffeRte'ortiatSR hotter aad tenet Ins weeh leerer tbaa new shingles wlUiout ihe slate, for ooe-tklrd ths com M reeuingllng. This paint Is rascr caixt fire-proof against sparks or flyisg embers, snd for tin snd iron hss no eqssC as ii exusnus by iteel, contracts by ceid, sod win not corrode lo tne most expeeed places. Roofs corered with Tar Sheathing Felt can oe maoe waur-iigiii ei a small expesse. Tbe Slste Paint is , Extreaaeljr Cheap! Two or three gallons will cover 100 squsrs feet of sbiogle reof. or 400 to COO sauars feet or tie. Iron, felt, matched-beards, or sny smooth surface, although the palat has a neary oouy n la easily applied witb a brush, and neither cracks In winter nor runs lc summer. On decayed shingles it Alls up ths holes snd pores, snd gives s new substantial roof uiai msts fur years, carled or warped shingles it brings to their places, and keeps lliein there. It fills up sll holes In Felt roers, stops tbe .leaks, and although a slow dryer, rain will not sflect it s fsw hours sfter applying. As nearly sll paints tbst ere black contain tar, be sure yos obtsin our genuins article which (for shingle roots) Is chocolste color, when first applied, changes Is shout s month to a aniform slate color and is, to all intents snd purposes, slate. Oa Tla or I roa Boofb our red color ts usually preferred, one cost being equal to five of any ordinary paint. Estimates promptly furnished. For BRICK WALLS oar bright red is the only reliable slate pslnt ever introduced that will eflecta slly preveat dampness from penetrating snd Uiscalariag the plaster. FlrProof New Hoofs. Mills, foundries, factories snd dwellings s specialty. Materials complete for a new steep fist roof of rubber roofing costs abost half the price of re-shinglTng. For privats nouses, barns and buildings of all descrtp tloas It is far superior to any other rooaoc in tbe world for convenience in laying, and combines the ornamental appearance, dura bility, aad Ore-proof qualities of tin, st one third lbs cost. No Tib cb Gbavbl Usan. BEST IN THE WORLD! Costs halt the price of white lead, lasts longer, corers mere, looks better. Practically tested twenty years, and baa proved far superior to ordi nary paints every time. Tbe paint Is READY FOR USE in ail knows shades, can be ap plied by ast cms with perfect success, on either Inside or outside work, floors, walla, fences, Ac. ; warranted elastic, wster-proaf, snd mot to peel, chalk ' off or crack ; dries 3 sickly oo asv surface, forming a smooth, no, elastic and beautiful pains. Sample card of colors and estimates free. MAMCAACTCBBSS Or Slate and Marble Mantels. New designs, beautiful colors, matching carpeta, trimmings or decorations in rooms. We hare a Urge number set up in our ware rooms for inspection, and are selling st very low prices. Very handsome designs for $12, 918, $28, $22, and $25. Book of designs ssd price list sent os application. SSW VOBK CASH PKKTt LIST. 1 gal. slsts r'dng paint, can snd box, $1 20 5 .. .. "6 00 10 ' " - ' snd keg, 0 50 i barrel (20 gallons), 14 00 1 barrel, abuut 40 gallons, 50 00 1 roll (200 square ft.) Glines' Ru j r t Roofing, 1 00 10 lb. can Glines' Cement for chimneys, ' or large holes or creeks in roofs, 1 25 Brushes. 75c, 1.00. 1.50 sdd 1.50 each Enamel Paint, ordinary shades, pergaL 2.01 Orders from pajties not known to as must be seeooipanied with the eash, 'or setlsfscte ry city referdece, We da not send goods C O. D. Yocb castom solicited. Cerrespee dence Invited. Send fnr Illustrated circular to N. T. ELATE BOOFING CXX, Limited Cedar street. New York. , 1. A. ROGERS, Ageat, Btooswnrtb st, op. Cotton Exchange, dec 15-w4tswlm Raleigh, N. C. CENTS. CENTS. THE DURHAM HERALD Will be seat le sajr address aatS NOVEefBEIt 14 FOR THE ABOVE AMOUXT. " Kow w the stme to secures tret elsss OA MP AION PA PER Vnr the I 50S.-50&50 JalyU-tf '' - CENTS. CENTS AGENTS tar hsatchaaes la tha srarU to cola ssewAddrees CL SAFETY POCKET CO., Newark, N. I T 1 11 Ail J. RAILKOAD8, tie RALEIGH A ROAU GASTON CHEDUUC. RAIL Alt, TBAIB. Leave Raleigh .... Arrives at Weldoa. 10 AM. mm. M 40 P. M. 40 P.M. Leave Weldoa Arrive st Italstga.o. I vnaeoea raneer. Leave Raletgh..... Arrlrs st Weldoa.. Leave Weldoa Arrive st Raleigh.. 00 A.M. P. M. 10 AM. up.m. RALEIGH A AUQUSTA AIR LINE. Chaegsoffchedalsto taks sffeet tJOs. m. Monday, October Kith, UTtl Taaia Merrse Sorra. - Reave Raleigh 00 A.M. Arrlrs st Camsroa...... U TP.M. Tsaih Monse Moara. Leave Cameron 1 OOP. M. Arrive st Ralelrh 40 P. M. AU tralos wlH appreaek aad pass 8. A D K SL M. C. Uvifkm areaatagai Cary wtlh eautioa. , W mlaates for Breakfast st Csry. ! JOHN C WINDER. oct U-tf Omen or SoraramsTMDrr, 1 PersasBUBO RaiMoaaOostraai,. Petersburg, Vs , November 16, 1870. ) SCHEDULE OF THAIN3 to uke effect Moadsy Nsv. 20th GOING SOUTH. MEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Petersburg daily at . $ 60 A. M. Arrive at Wsidoo at - - - - llOONooo SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Lesve Petersburg daily at - 12 50 A. M. Arrive at Weldoa at - - - 4 Si A- M. FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACH ' ATTACHED. Leave Petersburg dally , . (saceitt8adayat 45A.lft Arrvs"WeiBarv-'rF.'If', Leave Wetdon dally -'- loop. at. Arrive st Petersburg st - - s 50 r. M. SOUTHERN EXPRESS. Leave Weldon daily at - J 40 A.M. Arrive af Petersburg st - - - 0 05 A.M. FREIGHT WITH PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave Weldon dally (except 6aeday)at .... It P. M Arrive at Petersharg st - - II 05 P. M First clsss coaches will ran Ureush be tween Wilmlnrtoo end New York on dsy trains and slerplBg ears oa sight trains. No cbsngs of cars. Ttrouirb tickets sold ta sll Eastern snd Southern points and beggas cheeked through at. U. UUK, Superistendeat of Transportstlos. L. R. CLARKE, Dispatcher of Trsiiuv dec-13-tf. ESAPEAKE AND OHIO B, R. PAMRXOBS DSrASTSBKV. CONNECTIONS OF PASSENGER TRAINS FROM RICHNOXD. A. M. O-MsILdsllysxeeptBuBdsy-Daily west ef Hlotoa. Arrives at Gordon : viile It 45 P. M.. eonnecUog with Va Mid land Train at 1 10 P. M.. arriving at Wash ington 0 00 P. M., for sll points' North. Arrives st ChsrloUsvllls 1 SS P. M.. con necting with Vs. Midland Train st 1 65 P. M., srrlvtnir st Lyocbbenr 6 00 P. M.. for all poinU Sosth ; Arrives st Huntinrtoo 10 00 A. M. P. 3 4 Aeeommodstion. daily ex cept Bandsy, srrlvw at Gerdensvlils 7 SO P. M., connecUng with Va Muilaad Traiu at 7 40 P. M., arriving st Wsshingtoo 11 S5 P. M., for sU points North. P. M. IS aA-Eipreea, dally. Arrives at Gordons ville 1Ua.IL, eoaaeeting with Virginia Midland Train at I 60 A. M., striv ing st Washington 7 SO A M, for tbs North; Arrives at Charlottesville SUA. M., con necUng with Vs. Midland Train at 7 65 A M.. arrivios at Lynchberir 11 07 A. M.. for Sooth. . Arrives st Hsntingtoa 0 46 P. connecting closely with Chesapeaks ssd Ohio Pscket Steamers for Cincinnati, Loais rllle, 8t, Leuls, Chicago, and all other points in the West Northwat aad Soathwest FROM HUNTIXOTOX. P. H. 4 Mail, dally lo Hintoa-Dally except Sunday, East of Hiutoa, Arrives st ChsrtotUville 11 40 A M., eoaascUng wtlh Va. Midland Train at 1 55 P. MH ar-rirlna- at Lyncbbarc 6 00 P.M. for sll points Soetb vis Va. snd Teeneesse R. R. Ar rives at Gordonsville 11S5 P. M.. connect ing with Va Midland Train st 1 10 P. M. sr riring st Wssklsgten 1 00 P. M. tor sll Points North. Arrives st Klcbmond 4 SO P. M. A. M. IS Express, dslly Arrives st Charletuvllle I 60 A M., coenecUng with Vs. Mldlaed Train at 7 55 A M., arriving at Lynchburg 11 07 A M. for all Feints South. Arrives st Gordonsville I S5 A, M. eoenecting witb Va Midlsnd Train at t 50 M. arriving at Washinctoa T SO A a., for all Points North. Arrives st Richmond 5 SO A. M.. eoenecting wlih Richmond and Danville 7 60 A. M., snd Richmond end Petersburg 7 61 A M. Trsiss for sll Psiats South. A. H. i lw -Tbe train from Washington arrives st GordonsvIHe 11 40 P. M., and eooascts with Chssspeske Bad Ohio Mai: trains both for Richmond and HuntlniUKi- TheOMP. M. train from Washington sr. rives at Gordonsville 1 40 A. M. and osal necuwlth Chesapeaks snd Ohio Express trsiss both for Richmond and Cincinnati. A.M. -The train from Lyncfabarg arrives st Uhsrlottsvtlie II 66 A. M. snd connects with C. A U Msil train for Hsnl Ingtoo snd st Gordonsville 12 40 P. M. with C. A O. Mall train for Richmond. Tbe R. A. D. ssd R. A P. trains arriving from the South st 0 00 P. M. ceaaeet with Chesapeake and Ohio Express train, leaving Richmond st ie 4 r. a. nr the West and North. CONWAY R. HOWARD, Gen. Pass A Ticket Art Richmond Va W. M. 8. DUNN, Esgtnesr A Bapt. declS-tf. Orr csor BcrsBiarsspssT, Pmasavaa SaiLuoab CowrAir, ' M . b V- . a. urw CBAN04E OP SCUEDCLB TO Ukeetlict SUNDAY. November !5tb : soma booth. Leave Petersbarg at 0 -M a a. aad MT r.M. Arrive st Weldoa as 9M a m. aad tMr.u. IJOINO NORTH. Leave Weldaa at t Jt A.M. aad 4 r.a. Arrive st Petersburg it 11:40 A.M. aad 7:07 - r.a. TrahM ceaaeet at Pete share end Waldos with ftratas for sll soathsra sad northern sss. - Tickets sold to ell seethe re. soath- westara. aerthsra sad eselsra cnbua. and toggege cheeked tlMvert, .. u. t. uuuuuae, Baperietsadeet. feh UdJtWtf MtUtasane Asylaa, a BAKER. Appli cants meat Jmve tesUaoalalo af capacity. Ac , WHITAKt, i BtewerJ. dee 2t-St 1 &LCirwr,i vy tx-r; ysa a