Y L .ipr 1 M V fan, n (III VOL. -NO. 103 RALEIGH, N. 0., TUESDAY MOENpTQ, JANTIAEY 23, 1877. PRICE FIVE CENTS. v THE SENTINEL TUESDAY", JANUR? A W ADDUNO-MATCH AT OILlf OBB. Inordinately fat Mm Warping thm- NltMttHMtMMI. , . v. Ksw tk World. :, . ,t . , Tkm "Equestrian Oumi aad tWd' Sparta" as tho Hipaodromn livened last ermine by a fat men's foot- raoe, opea to in; bod capable of turn ing zuu ponnue, ana mercunuy or an mercifully asperated into urea oem The heavy-footed bating been weighid and haying atrippod down dooo to their pillowy proportion, amoiea rorwt pon deroaaly upon the track. First came Joseph Deersley; who bad no belly to spank of bat wWteadt op 234 pounds tT fUbwness duwioeed over a consider able leirth W tmUi' h tad tba tba of polo, Janeefiuber amaTixt if ai thing aeooBdarr may be intimated James Ilube. JEsUmatiBgr fiota hia front extremity ba bad a start of owe quarter of the track, bat bia back waa plumb with tba aeratoh, and k promised ha would start from that bk1w Ha weighed 810 poouda, aad if ho had bia down wonld bavn baan tall loan. Pat- nL lli.l. rii. -...1 Biltera by tba atartar, followed with 26 pounda, and alter turn Joun lion witn 229 ponnda of atomaoh rolled np like aoet padding is ft trained and distended undershirt There ware several otbera al, among them Dan Began, who waa not fat at all, bnt who had bona and mtucle enongh to tnrn Uie eoala at 215 pounda. Several who did not weish 200 . wunda wilJi. their eterooata were ignoia- Jamea IInbr waa by all odda the moat attractive pedeatriaD,and waaencooraged and hounded on by the entire Hippo drome: lie made more exertion than all the othera combined, bnt, owing to the quantity of him, he bad only achieved a few feet when Krgan paaaed the scratch on the third round, and the gong rang dectaring the heat finished. Huber oama back in a state, and they put lemona in hia mouth, lost aa they do in . i v . l ir. . Tt- i i iuo umrKei. ru noun nan aepc on, and after ba bad made the third round be claimed the heat, becanaa, ha aaid, tlis o lli era bad only gone around twioe. The claim waa diaallawed, and Hoff grew aa violent aa waa poaaible without breath and with ao muoh atomaoh. But the lean umpire waa Arm, and the fat men were gathered again, and pretty soon the cry weut up, "They move, they move I" Hoff bad made np hia mind to ran faat tins time and get around three timea before there should be any chaooe of cloning the heat. Accordingly he atarted off like a pumpkin going down a cellar baton; bat he had scarcely bounded and bumped over seventy-Are feet of apepe when he aat down in the track and threw up his umi wildly. He waa carried off lnurmnruig that he bad won that heat also. James Huber did not take part in the aecond heat, not having had time to return from the point which be bad reached in hia first. Bony Dan Began won it and got 129, and cloaed the raoe, CIVIL RIGHTS IN NEW YORK. Tbe liberies Minister's Suit Aratnet the Proprietors of the As tor Houaa. Milton J. Turner. United State min ister to Liberia, began suit a few weeks cro affainat Allen k Dam, proprietors of tbe Aatar House, for $3,000 damage for rerumng to entertain nim la tbeir hotel on October 12, 1876. An order to ex amine the plaintiff d bene ease, on the gnmnd that he waa about to leave the country to diacharge the dutiea ot hia office, was granted by Jadge Daly on Monday last, and the examination took place Monday evening, at the Hoffman Honae, lasting front la p. m. to 4 a- m. At the hoar of adjournment the eioas examination by ex-Judge Curtis, ooun- sol for the defendants, waa sot yea eom pleted, and it was stipulated that it should ba continued by a special eom' m union to be aent , to Liberia. The plaintiC who ia a full-blooded negro, drove np to the hotel in an elegant ear rUxre drawn by a pair of spanking bays. On the box waa a white ooechmaa and by his side a ooloseel white footman nearly 6) feet high. Both men were, in handsome silver trimmed drab livery "ml wore black oockadee In their bate. The plaintiff was aooompanied by his colored mend, Air. LWwnin, taa oete hra ted water man of tba Custom-house. and both were ushered into the meeting roemby the footman aforesaid. .The -plaintiff not only paid for tba .room, but also entertained the whole party with choioe wines and clean, Mr. Tomer. although born a slave, and the sen of a aiave woman, is a man oi varied accom plishment, a fine linguist and a good lawyer, aa bis at Toggles with Judge Curtis under the cross-examination clearly showed. After a long aeries of queetiena, Turner wa oom pelted toad' mit that tba only material damage he had suffered waa the ram of $2 which he paid a porter to carry his bannura from the Astor House 'to the International hotel. "Did the porter demand that sum of money f asked Judge Cortia. "No," VM me feply: "l gsv it as a KTataity." " - ! -v "Then it vraa simply an act of beneryo- lenoe and cnanty oa your part r "It waa." replied the diplomatist. "Then that aattlea the queetion of damagee," aaid Judge Curtis, smiling, aad Mr. Tamer looked muoh disoon- carted. Tbe" counsel if Allen k Bam claims fiat the civil rights bill, under which this action Is brought, is unconstitutional and opposed to the organic law of tbe land, and that at ttte time in question tne hotel was actually full. At the close of tba examination yes terday meriting, Mr. Turner said: "I aui a negto gentleman, and I propose to pusu mis. case to tbe last extremity, ana ui find out whether I am ft citiaeaor We oopy the above from , taa . New York Work to show tmr oolored-people how moch their northern Irienda really think of All shoahl Wtlkct that with the lose of I hettlth, less of enjoyment and happtaeas toes 1 follows. A eoagh or cold quickly aader-j im the heall, aad shoald be cbeckea by in proaip ass or. Batra Cacm syrspr OOOD DBAJL Or A TRADE. Mr. Bdward Matthew Axcbanffea His Baal Batata for a Ballroad, The Boeloa Advtrtlaar rives tba de tail) of an arrangement between Mr. Edward Matthews, of thlt city, and tba Charter Oak Lift Insurance Company f Hartford, by which the Utter obtains real estate In this city Tallied at J.wu, 000. ' From tba account of the Adver tiser it tBDeara that the Charter Oak, soma yean azo, advanced oyer $1,000. 000 on bond tad mortgage to Mr, Kattliewa en the property, while other parties did the fame, mull the whole lien on It amounted to tl.700,000. Mr. Matthews has been anxious U dispel of the property for loma time fa!r yaluaUon, but owing to w Dop lit the real eaUta market "v aista of Xos. So. , . 69, 7J, .73, 78 a J tlo 1 17,10, SI, , I XoeM, 57 an 7, 19, Vi and ojasw aueet: and IIS Heir Cb'orclt Btreot aad X. 53 Exchange place. It la rented mainly for aloraa and banker' and brokers' offices. A short time ago Mr. Matthews waa forced to suspend payment, and ha proposed to the In surance company that they, being the heaviest holders of mortgagee, make an efl'ort to relieve kiaa by takiug the real eaiate and paying hint eotae cash, by mean of which he might satisfy bia other creditors. At tba same time tba Charter Oak Company bad aa hand bond of the Caoneclicot Valley lUilroad to the amount of 11,260,000, which a former president, interested in tba railroad, had aaddled upon them, and which the atate !0auieb'bebir pw4eB3e'-the businew OT the road bad ptoved unre monraUve and the Interest on the bonds waa in default. The Charter Oak' officers did not consider their In vestment In the rond worlhlcta, aud always maintained ihat,ln proper hands, tne read would prove prolltaule. They, however, could net undertake to run it, and have been looking for seme one to take the bonds off their bands ; offers were made to them but not accepted because believed to be below the true value of the bends. - , ..., Under these circumstances Mr. Mat thewi was offered the bonds of the rail road, together with the mortgages held by the Charter Oak, and the others hey had bought up ou the . real estate la New York, aud $235,000 in cash. This he finally accepted, and it is now understood that he intends devoting mmscil to improving tbe railroad pro perty so acquired. The Matthew retorted to m the fore going article ia well known in connec tion with the Carolina Central Railway. LEONARD SWETT. A Painful Rumor Authoritatively Con tradlcted. Mr. Leonard bwett came Into the parlor and greeted the reporter warmly. "Tins is a very tad aaair, Mr. swett, ' said the reporter, aympattieticaily. Whftt'S that?" asked Mr. Hwett. "It 1 very melancholy, but we must all come to it, sooner or later." "What is it? What are yeu peak ing off' we sbouid all be prepared, Mr. Swett, we knew not when the hour may come, Mr. Moody tajs " "W l.at is all this 7 Why have you come ?" "In the nitdst of lire, Mr. bwett. we are In death. How lo your por lamily teke it, Mr. Swell V Take what? Talk out. Have yeu any bad new? Tell it nulit out, man "Yes, sir, I have bad news. In tbe flower of his fame, in the strength f hu manhood, in the pride of hi middle aire, one of our most respected ciusens baa gone from among us, and 1 have called with tbe Tribune'a sympathetic condolence to learn the amount of in surance." "Who is it? Somebody dead ? Who Is It f" Let me break it geutly, Mr. 8wett ; it is yourself, air. There la a rumor down town that you are dead." " 'h.Mbn'11 wamI nr Iml i In t " "Think well Mr Swett, before deny Ins it Some of the mt wealthy and Indeniial of our eitixtns say It is ao." But I ay it I n't. I ought to know. Look at Aie." "Xow, Mr Swett, you understand the rala ef the law -that where there is a preponderance of evidence on the eoe side, It shall be assumed that the side presenting such prej)onderance shall be deemed to be correct. There are many who say you are deceased, and against them you offer your unsupported word. What la the intelligent public to think T" om a nupiuiuauiy, x am nut Isn't that enongh. The reporter reflected. He knew Mr, Swett, and knew him . to be a high- minded, lioaorabje gentleman, and be hated to doubt bia word; but he remem bered numerous oaUs on Mr. swett for news, whieh he benignly, good nstared- ly, but firmly refused to give up, and what wamtttr that the rmMrtril mind should dwell ou this oharacterWio of Mr. Fwett. I'd like to stats flatly that vdaare stiltalive. Mr. Swett, but I dislike to be sooopod, and I am fearfuL Couldn't you write a disclaimer or something I oouid sbow in tne event or any trouble. "It isn't naoeesary. When I tell a man I am not defunct isn't that suffi cient ?" Tea, ordinarily: but here's this story believed by so many, and what right have L an bumble reporter, to flaunt the lie in tba teeth of these respect uble citisens T I might eay there is some doubt about the matter, and ask tbe public to suspend judgment until you can make a atate ment. fiat then you miirht not make a statement after alL and then where aa I f Ha looked calmly at tbe reporter and breathed hard. "Could you tell me any facts about your late lite, Mr. Swett? . ' ' 5 you jwyw a? soetWnjr ifigk t wis waownawty ai res r . M ean only say thai I ait alive aaJf W Thstet-x r4 - Yerv weU. Mr. 8eU m rive your aUtemeut aa eom lug froa yow, and you eaa aetalf with thoea , wh atarted the rumor, afterward! Good migkt, lit. Svwtt.". " f DRY GOODS, TO THE POINT. IfONSY IS SOARCK, 8ALAB1ES AND ill waxee are low, the country aoaetuea aad disturbed. Ilappily there Is an (bet for these evil: W. U. B. ft. TVCKEB. by tbelrCASU SYSTEM, We laid la addf. tlenal supplies for CA8II, aad are enabled therefore Mien UOOl) GUUna at tae VERT TPWF.ST PRICES. . mib town of Lauren bu.... mend county. Tbe motion ptetatta and tbe bill paaaed Its several readings, and was ordered to be enrolled for rati Ay.ttnn. e Mr Henderson "SCA-vit-" lalTEoOJrt '."aadSUAWI, r ftirf&tig wrj cheap. HEX'S CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES. Kentucky Jeans, Ac , extra- ordlnsrily low. . ' MEN'S and DOTS' HATS, the largest Stock in the state, from 40 cenU up to best silk bats for f 5 M. MEN'S snd LADIES UNDERWEAR, Shirts and Drawers, aad the hcrt US LAUNDRIED SUIBT la the stale for f 1 Also the best I.AUNDRIKI) SHIRTS, ready for wear, 2100 Wumtutta Maahu l.25., Tw-aiL-A peony -saved is a penny made, Bring on the pennies aud oiuk yourselves comfortable and happy, notwithutautjing the times, dee 2-lf W. U. A U. S. TUCKER. CLOTHING! i (beautiful btochQ (5 OF- FALL & WINTER! fa H H iCLOiniHGf I AKO mliB'isiiiiiG cisi; LS NOW BEING OPENED AT J. 91. ItOSKVUAl.'n'S CLOTHING HOUSE iCorner Favettrilfe & H.trwtt Streets. 0 Thanklns the trood cltwcns ell (Ulelgh snd Wakeeonnty.fdr their liberal imtrminjre in the past, I as hi pare theai that I shall endeavor l huerit It In the future by keeplnt! 9 trood Goods at the lowest living brlcea. (iivo nie a call berorH buying elsewhere. We tako pitas- 0 lure ID showing our stork and tell ng our prices. i CLOTHING ! C 31 L 4 3 . as u s -iS a P4 a h s "c I3; SIIllili il . w o a c m a 9 S O 3Hli;ill T7 m m els 53 m ATTENTION ALL I GREAT BANKRUPT SALE OF JEWELRY, Us reeeipt of M ceats we win seed bv mail postpaid, all of the following nieces of jewelry, via 1 1 pair Cold Pistol Kagrsved 8leev Battona, eoe aet Gold Front Shirt Stada, 1 CoUar Stud, 1 Wedding Ring, 1 Roll Plate Watch Chain and 1 Geot?s Esse Coral Scarf Pie.' We offer tills OasAV Bargain ssersty to dra tOentla U BBttmhuata we have all kinds of watches and Jewelry at lewprteee." 6end for Catalocas. - GOLK MOrfH BaoaowAV Maw ToB 4 mm il i I 1 1 ii i $10 to 25 per liar!; "H rhS-oi! S --3 ka -1 ;sS.ni!iHii t ( MISCEUiNEQtS. ; nASOM it IIAMLIJI OABZtlfiTOnbeONS Have beet ananlmonalv aalgned the . H .-..., i.-i-k .. ,4,. ., -FU BASK taa ji Nvensl Of such Instrameats, at tba Xk 8. CENTBN. MAU 1871, aad are the aaly argaaa a. slge4 this rsak. Their superlotiiy in thus declared, not tn oaa or two reapeeti oaly, but la all tbe Important qaalltlea of aa orgaq. A medal and diploma have also been awarded them, bnt wedsls of eqoal value were awarded all' anklet deemed worthy of recognition, so that many make ean advertise '-flrst medals" or 'highest iata' ' 1 ' - ' ! .verank InexeeUence has bees cl.t MVd by tliejadgae' reports aluoe. In which tbe MA80N k HA It UN ORGANS are unanimously assigned M TiiK KIUST RANC ia tbe several requisite!" of saca Instruments, and are the only ones assigned this rank. See Jutlgot' reports. Tl.li result was aot unexpected, tor these, ertrans have uniformly, taken bfgtat awards in each com petitions, there being lees than sit ex ceptions la beadreds of comparison!. Tbey were awarded Drat meduis and bigbeet honors at Paria, 18M; Vienna, mix San tlaga,1 1875:. Pbiladelubia, l7t bavin thus been awarded highest honors Aaws Baqtiaao EviarwvBBB. Semo roa PABTtrVtABS. EVERY WORLD'S EXHIBITION at which tbey have competed, and being the only American organs which ever obtained anv award la Europe. NEW STYLES, with improvements ex hibited at the Centennial; elegant new cases in great variety. Prices very lowest cos- slstent With bct material aud workman hip. Orcanc sold for cash or liistallincuU or. ted wpttt.-BS; ps mi--,Ev5 Wtrt(f O feTVe entire . satisfaction .. to rtfuroed. liliutu-uted eataloerues sent tree. MAUO.V A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., lif Tnmoat street, Bneton: 26 Uatea suare, New York ; 80 and 81 Adam street, Chicugo. nol5-tw RATIONAL HOTEL, CAPITOL SQUARE, RALK1UI1. N. C. C. S. JJEOWNrl'BOMUKTOB. The National la one of the best imaged. snd tbe saoat perfectly veatllated Hotel In (he Slate, and being delightfully situated by Capitol wjuare, It la on of the beat Summer residences In interior Nortb Carolina. The main port lea of the lmlldlne Is oon- itructed with the view to afford SUITS OF KOUMSand PRIVATE' PA KLOKS to aucb guests aa deara them. For Political Headquarters the National la the beftt adapted House In tbe city, having larg Parlors on tba ground floor connected with private apartments. Union or Capitol Square, with IU shaded walka, grand forest oaks and beautiful shrubbery Is one of the prettiest and moat delightful resorts In the country, thoi afford ing the guests 'ef the National all the ad vantagea of one of the haadaomest little l'arka tn the United State!. A atacnUceat doable portico, froatlnc and overlooking looku entire Capitol Square, eaUnds along the entire front of thlsreall ly nanuaome nuud ing, rendering It the most desirable house In the (Ity for ladle, children and sojourners of every elais. . 1 OS cool, anaUf aad nieeey jacauoa attaa National, Itself oeeupying one whole leuare. keeps It free from flies and muaqultoes through the entire Bummer. A row oi singie-story onces, auitanis lor islneis and professional rentlemea. is at tached to the Hotel, and alwara at the ser vice of eueh as desire them. experienced aad polite Portrrs attend all trains Willi good toacbes and Baggage wag ons, and geeats ef tbe National may rely on ooa aiieniion, Rood rare ana excellent rlnklnc water. Bath Booms and Water Closets ARE ON EVERT IXOOU. tar-In tbe Itaerment In the beat SALOON an! BILLIARD HUOM lu Ike city. U9-U SCRIBIEU for December, now ready, and which containitheonoolnz chapters of " Nteholai Mlntnrn " will be read with eager curiosity and intern!. Perhaps no more readable number of this Biagaxlne has yet neea laauea. i Be tnree BumDers oi eoaia- mbb lor August, . Beptemoer. sua Octoner, containing the spelling chapters ot "Thai Lass o'.Lowrte's," will be given to every new sabscriber (who requests it), and whose aunsenpuoa oegins wna tae present volume, ., wiia uie novemner aumner. nuDscnpuoa price. I a rear 86 cent a number. (Special term! on bound volumea. Subecribe with the nearest bookseller, or ssoa a caeca or r. u, money order to BCBiBaa Co., 7v jwoaaway, M. 7 IOARDIKO nOlTSE Conwm or niwnoao' aim Dawson Bts. MRU. HARRIET ANDRKWU . aceotn- saodate tea or twelve borders with r with out lodfflnir. Pleasant locality, only two squares west of me capuoi. it 18 lot TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWATS DAHGEROUS lae WELLS' CAKBOLTQ TABLETS V.'. a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all Jlreaaes of tba Throat, Lasts, Cbest and Uucoaa Membrasa. PUT CPONLT IN BLUE BOXES. Bold bv all Druggists. N. CRITTKNTON. T 8iitb Avsrub. New Tprit. TBICnPIl . TBUSS . - 834 DOWERf , N. T., a , TO WHOM WAS AWAKDBD THB Premium Medal. ' for the beet Elastic Trass sad Supporter at tae last sessioa of tne t : GREAT AMERICA! INSTITUTE TAIX ceres a ruptcre In from SO to 90 days and Her I, WO dollars for a ease tney rsnnot cure. They employ a FIRST CLASS LADY BtiRGEOH., , Term! moderate Csiea raraaleel. '- Or ders fllssd by mail. Examination free, The uauai oiscounia lo pauuus. oeaa tu en fee descriptive book to i . Prof. W. IL BCKNHAK, H. B., marftIy ' Chief Surgeon HID ISc loO. P. ItOWELlr CO.f Mew lettl.laePbaaBBkMef 100 nana, essx talatef UsUef SOU) aewapapars, s a 4 ail I ma tea bowing coat Of advertiah ; Y.i-"1,-. i i ,i I, i , i , i 25 PANCT CARDS ptt styW Whb same Mets. poet paid. J. & Dvsn Mas- ear, MISCEIXANI MISCELLANEOUS. SPLEWDID OPPORTVNI TI TO WIIs A FORTUNE. " Second Grand Drawing; 187T.7 at Kew Urleans, Mondsy, February, 6. ' il ' .1. , i , Louisiana State Lottery Co. fbla IasUtuUoa was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the Stale for Edoca- tlonnl purposes In 1868, with a capital of si.uw.euu, i wnica it ess since added a imuvs fund ef (.150,000. lis OrMd Mnvla Naaiber Urswlagi will take place monthly. It never seal us or post pours , Look at the following scheme; ' CAPITAL PRIZE 9S,M. 40,4M Tickets at i Eark, UST OP PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PCIZR, tJi.OO M l PWZB, 10,004 1 " MOO t " 2500 v 6,000 5 " fl.OOO fi,000 la &oo a, ooo U " 25U S.200 taa jes 10,000 10 " I 60 6,000 VM " 25 ,250 500 " 10 5,000 t,000 ' S 20,000 ArrsoiDunoH rxius. !) Approximation Prises of 9200, ft " 125. a 75, 1800 1125 675 5,022 Prizes, amounting to f 11 100 Write ror circulars or send orders to CUAS. T. HOWARD. New Orleans, La. TIUHD GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING, Monday, March 5th. Capital Prise 90,000. TickeU 10 each. .(,, v ... Jaa.-UL..,: Semi-Weekly and- Weekly 4.00 and ta.OO. Both editions present a full compendium of all the news of tbe day. Tbo fullest and fresbert paper from the State Capital. Postage prepaid on both editions. SEMI-WEEKLT. One year 4,00 Sixnplbs, ... - 'i,o clvbs. 5 and under 10, each one year, f S,50 10 and under 20, eecb one year, S,0 One copy gratis to the sender of a cloli of ten or more. WEEKLY. ONE YEAR - - TWO DOLLARS. SIX MONTHS, - - ONE DOLLAR. Club arrangement will be announced lie tore 1st January, 1S77. It is not required that clubs be made up at one post-ollice. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE Remittanees should be made by ChccW Poetal Orilor or Rfgistered Letter. VALUABLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. The SENTINEL lias always had a lurg clrcuhitlon among the best peoplo, and II rcoognizeil as a most desirable medium of eommunksatiou between buflneM men and the public. It la THE MERCHANTS PAPER. THE FARMER'S PAPER, THE MECHANICS PAPER, THE PROFESSIONAL MAN'S PAPER, THE FAMILY PAPER, THE PAPER FOR EVERYBODY ! Torms of Advertising Furnished on application in jicrwn or by letter at tli It office. ADDRESS SENTINEL, RALEIGH N. C HAVE YOUR r nil in DONE AT THE SENTINEL OFFICE. A Splendid Assortment of TYPE i DOTH PLAIN AND FANCY. TAT ANTED. Agents male and female IT to sell Pictures everywhere. One sgent alone has retsiledover 15.000 snd still at work. WHITNEY k CO., dec 5-3in. Norwich, Coon. HEADACHE. DR. C W. BENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE FILLS are prepared express); to enra Sick Head ache, Nervous Hoiiilncho, Dyspeptic Head ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, and will cure any case, price 60 cents, postage free. Sold by Sll druggists and coantry stores. Office, 106 Nortb Eutaw Street, Baltimera, Md.RKrvessoB : G. J. LESTER, Caster Howard Bank, Baltimore, Md. OTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the powers conferred upon ae la a deed of trust executed to me on tbe Ub day ot Febinuy, 1874, by L. L. Saunders and W. L. baunders, end which la duly res Istered lu the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county in Book 8T at page 288 ; 1 shaU on Saturday tbe Wth day of November next sell for easli as the Court House door ia RaJelgb. tbe very valuable tract ot toad oa which R. B. Baundert, Esq., now resides lying on Marsb Creek, adjoining the lands ol A. W. ftbeffer, W. if. Bmrlaa and otbera, and containing three hand red aad twelve By coBsent of prior nortgageea a fee simple tltla will be sold snd coawyed, tbe proceeds of sale being 6 rat applied to tbe neyaent of tba deMa of aM mortgagves. r . s' n , JiiMM OATUlia, Tiuatce. "ect l-tds, , ;v . .. , V- ' 1 T 7ANH00D : bava trta4 known imHtL a, tae apeeaf ears as i leiauKbwe en kv druiM kailu Inmdluu. Auoxvm ATIW4 A imimMSM l I I INSUttANCE,.fcc HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORKi " riRE INtVRAKCE OXL. ESTABLISHED 1853. Cash Calla t'Msb Assets, ever MN,MO t,o,o rpUU COMPANY IS PUKLT A PIR1 A Insuraaea Compaay. Has no connec tion with Life or Marine Insurance. Tbe large majority of its I9,000,t( of Assets are united Dlatts Bonds. ' Tbe Pismick SscBirrs or ovbb IS.OODl 000 Annually nett atust tbe appreciation ol we ousuiesa ana uommereui wor.a. I repreaent the Rome tn this Ctiy, and ask tbe attention of my friends and the pubUe Mi lie UN EQUALED CLAIMS, assuring tbem tbe raarscr nrosasm ft onars. W A. TURK, Ag't. Ofllca MeKee Building, Comer of Wilmington A Msrtln Sts. dov 13m Offered Protectlou Against Loss oy t ire and Lire. W. H. CKOW. General Insurance Agent, RIIEIGH, X. C. Represents the following Unit class Com. Hatumai nr oo.; j v " German-American Fire Co., i Bottaan Fire Oo., I Of N. T. Uoward Fire Co., ) Cenblited Assets Over $36,000,000. The attention of the public is respectfully called to these tu!t:i!Hiul Institutions, af fording ample Indemnity augl6-3m. 1 LINES' KLATE HOOFIItr.. FIRE-PROOF, ECONOMICAL, MENTAL. ORNA- Contains no Tor, Saves Re-Shingling, .Pre serves Tin or Iron, Steps sll Leaks. aoexts wanted ii evebv tows. A roof may be covered with a very clteap shingle, snd by application of Ibis slate be made to last from 20 to 25 years. Old roofs can be patched and coated, looking much belter and laaliuir much lontrer than new shingles without the slate, for one-third the cost of re-shingllng. This paint is pbaoti i'aixy tire-proof against sirarks or flying em iters, aim lor uu and iron has no euuaL aa It expands by beat, contracts by cold, and win not corrode in tne moat exposed places. Roofs covered with Tar Siieathing Felt can le made water-tight at a email expeuse. The Slate Paint is Extremely Cheap ! Two or three gallons will cover 100 square f.-vt of shingle roof, or 40S to 600 square feet of tie. Iron, felt, matched-boards, or any smooth surface, -atfjousli the paint has a neavy body it Is easily applied with sltrusA, aud neither cracks in winter uur runs 1c summer. On decayed shingles It fills up the holes and pores, and gives a new substantial roof mat laslg (or years. Curled er warped xblngles It brings to their places, and keeps Ihimi there. It Alls up sll holes in Felt (oefi, slops Ibe leaks, and although a slow dryer, ruin will not sdect It a few hours after applying. As nearly all palnta that are black contain tar, bo sure you obtain our genuine article which (for slilulo roofs) Is chocolate color, when flret applied, changes in alx.ut a month to a nnlform slate color and Is, to all intents and purposes, slate. On Tin r Iron Uaofh our red color is usually preferred, one coat liein equal to, live of any ordinary point. Estimates promptly furnished. For BRICK WALLS our bright tod is the enly reli!i)) ilule paint ever, introduced that will ellectu ally prevent dunVpness from cnotraling and disceleriag Uie planter. fire-Proof Kew Hoofs. Mills, foundries, factories and dwellings a specialty. Materials complete for a new sleep flat roof of rublier rooting costs nliout half the price of re-shingi,ng. For private boaeea, barns and buildings of all descrip tijjns it is far superior lo any other rooliiw intiie world for convenience in laying, and oom bines the ornamental appearance, dura bility, aad fire-proof qualities of tiu, at ooa third the cost. No Tab cb (j ravel Used. BEST IN THE WORLD1 Costs half the price of whits lead, lasts longer, covers mere, looks better. Practically tested twenty years, snd has proved far superior to ordi nary paints every time. The paint is READY FOR USE In all known shades can be ap plied by any one with perfect success, on either inside or outside work, floors, walls, fences, Ac. ; warranted elastic, water-proof, and not to peel, chalk off or crack ; dries quickly en akv surface, forming a smooth, firm, elastic and beamlful pains. Sample card of colors arid estimates free. banl-aaotvbebs or Slate and Marble Mantels. New designs, beautiful colors, matching carpets, trimmings or decorations la rooms. We have a large number set up in our ware rooms for inspection, and are selling at very turn prices. Very handsome designs (or $11, f 18, $20, 122, ami 925. Bsok of designs and pries list seut us application. sew rose casu mica list. 1 gal. slate r'llng paint, cau and .box, f 1 10 5 . rt-- " ' 4 oo 10- " " " anjkeg, IH I barrel (20 gallons), - 100 1 barrel, about 40 gallon, JO 00 1 roll (200 square ft.) Glinei' Rnwr Rooting, I M 10 lb. can Ulinea' Cement for chimneys, sr large boles or cracks In roofs, 1 15 Brushes, 75c.. 1 00, 1.50 and I. AO each Enamel Paint, ordinary abades, per gal. I.0 Otders from paities not knswB to bs mast be accompanied with tbe easb, or satisfacto ry city referdnce. We do not semi goods C O. D. Ym a custom solicited. Cerrespen denes invited. Heod for lllost rated circa lar to N. Y. SLATE ROOFING CQ., Limited 6 Cellar street. New York. , J.' A. ROGlkOS, Agent, Dlood worth it, on. Cotton Excbanga, dec 15-witiwlm r Balelgb, S. C. t. n ab vs icnqoL, RALEmn, roraPED 1841 ,Tbe EeVentisU Tern of tbls Btbsol wis commence aa tba first day of febraaiT. For circular, apply to tba Rector, ' y . - y ALDERT BMEDE3. , jaal2187Ibv - - 1. " V. - i KAJXROADS, &c. PsrsBSBvaa Eaaaoa CoMraaV. I naaiauas auuoii uonraar, . Pstarsbnn. Va . KomW 18 Irts I SCHEDULE Or TKAINS to take effect Monday Nov. 20th GOING SOUTH. NEW YOBK EXPRESS. Leave Petersburg daily at 8 50 A M. Arrive at Wetdon at -nao Neoa SOUTH KRM EXPRES& Liave Petersbarg dally at II 60 A M. Arrive at Weldou at - - 4S5A-M. FREIGHT WITH PAS8ENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave Petersborz daily 1 (ewept Sunday) at . - 46AM; Arrive at Weldoa at - - 1 15 P. M. SKHMO KOSTH. KEW YORK EXPRESS, Leave WeUloa dally at S 00 P. M. Arrive at Petersbura; st - - f 30 P. M. SOLTTTEKS ETPfiES9 Leavs Weldoo dally at - - - ! 40 A. M. Arrive af Petersburg at - - - 6 05 AM. FREIGHT wrrn PASSENGER COACU ATTACHED. Leave Weldon dally (except SBBday)at . ..... 6 16 P. M Arrive at Petersbarg at II 65 P. M First class coacbes will run tbrOugli be tween Wilmloftou aad New York oaday tralua and sleeplag cars pa sight trains. No change of Cfrs. Throogh Ucketa sold to sll Eastern and Southern points and baggae cheeked throogh - R. H. DUNN, Superislendeat of Transportation. L. K. CLARKE, Diapatcber of Traias. dec-U-tf. -tHESAPRAEE AS OHW . JL ratnaanrn namiaui '- - -- .. FOBICHSrOWD. A. Iff. OO -Mall, dally except Sandaj Daily west ef Hiotoo. Arrives at Gordon; Tille 12 45 P. M.. eonnectlog with Va. Mid land Train at 1 10 P. M.. arriving at Wash Ingtou 6 00 P. M., for all points North. Arrives st ChariottavUle 1 35 P. M.. eon necUng with Va. Midland Train at I 65 P. M., arriving at Lyncbbore 6 00 P. IL. for all points Sontb ; Arrives at Huntington 10 00 A. M. P. H. 3 d4 Acconimodalloo, daily ex cept Sanday, arrives st Gsrdensvilie 7 30 P. M., connecting with Va. Midland Train at 7 40 P. M., arriving at Washington 11 35 P. M., for aU poinU Nortb. P. H. 1 M-Expreas, dully. Arrives at Gordoniville I 40 A M., connecting with v inrinia aioianu inui iu w a. M.. arriv ing at Washington 7 SO A IL. for the North; Arrives st Charlottesville 3 35 A. M., con necting with Va. Midland Train at T 65 A. M.. arriving at Lynchburg 11 07 A. M., for the South. Arrives at Huntington I 45 P. M., connecting closely with Chesapeake aad Ohio Packet 8 learners lor Cincinnati, Loais- viile, BU, Louia, uncaco, and ail other points In the West Northwest and Soatbweat FROM HUNTINGTON. P. H. 4 OO-MalL daily to Blntoa-Doilv except Sanday, East of Dimes, Arrives at CharlotUvllle 11 40 A M., connecUnc witb Va. Midland Train at I 65 P. M., ar riving at Lynebbars 5 00 P. M. for all points South via Va. and Tennessee R. R. : Ar rives at Gordoniville 12 35 P. M.. connect ing wllb Va. Midland Train at 1 10 P. M. ar riving at WasbiagUm 6 00 P. M. for all PoInu North. Arrives at Richmond 4 30 P.M. A. JH. ! 90 Express, dally Arrives at Charlettsvlile 1 50 A, M., eoaneeUng witb Va. Mldlaad Train at 7 53 A. M., arriving at Lynchburg 11 07 AM. for all Polats Soatli. Arrives at Uordonsvllle 2 35 A M. connecting with Va. Midland Train at t 60 A. M. arrivlni; at Washlnrtoa 7 30 A. M., for all Points Nortb. Arrives at Richmond 5 30 A. M., connecting wllh Richmond and Danville 7 50 A. M., and Richmond and Petersburg 7 W A M. Trains for all PolaU Soalb. A. M. IO-Tlie train from Washington arrives at Gordoniville 12 40 P. M., and connects with Cheaapeaks and Ohio Mail traias both for Richmond and Hantington- The 9 50 P. M . train from Washington ar. rives at Gordonsvllle 1 40 A. M. and con I nects with Cbeeapoake and Ohio Express trains both for Richmond and ClnciuaaU. A.M. 9 00 The trolu from Lynchburg arrives at Clmrlollsville 1165 A. M. and connects with C. k O. Mail train for Ilant- inston and at Gordoniville 12 40 P. M. wllh C. A O. Mail train for Richmond. The R. A D. end R. k P. trains arriving from tbe South at a so P. M. ceanect witb Chesapeake and Ohio Express train, leaving Kicbmond at 10 m r. u. nr toe west sad Nortb. CONWAY R. HOWARD, Gen. Pats, i Ticket Agt. Richmond Va. W.M. a DUNN. Kagioeae k SnpL dec 1S-U. RALEIGH A ttASTOX RAIL KOAtl BCUKDCLC All. VBAI. Leave Ralelgb Arrives at Weldon.... 9 Be A. M. i P. M. is m P. M. P. M. Leave Weldon Arrive at Ralelgb.... rnaotroB rnaioirr. Leave Ralelfib Arrive at Weldoa.. Leave Weldon Arrive at Ralelgb.., 00 A. M. i P. m. 5 ISA. M. ( U P. M. RALEIGH k AUUL8TA AIR LIVE. Chazre of Beheddle to "take effect 6:10 a. ai. Monday, October JMb, 1879 ...... s Tbaib Movmo Bouts. leave Ralelgb flSOA. M. Arrive at Cameron. 13 7 P. M. Tbaib Movibo Nobtb. Leave Cameroa I... 1 00 P. M. Arrive at Ralelgb..... 0 40 P.M. All traias will approach and paaa U.kO R. R. N. C. Division croeslnr at tarv with eaattoa. i K minutes for Breakfast at Cary. . JOHN C. WINDER, oct 11-tf Buperiateadeat. Orr CBor gUflBIBTBBPBSt, Prrsiascaa Hailboab Coaraar, Peterabttrg, Va., November S4, 1879.' CnAHGE OP SCHEDULE TO Uke eUect SUNDAY, November 26th I GOING SOUTH. Leavs Petersburg at 0:80 A. w. aad 147 p.. Arrive at Weldon at 9M A M. aad 65 r.M. GOING NORTH. Leave Weldoa at 7JB a.w. and 4 p.m. " Arrive at Petersburg at 110 A.H. and T7 r.a. 'vrUna eoaneet at Pets-staff and Wetdon with trains tor all southern aad Bortbera points. Tickets aold to all eontkern, aoatb weatent, northern aad eastern potsta, and baggage checked throo DoDflUlg,'' r. - gapertaUadent feb lAAwti - - gftfk A siONTatoAcllvo Men tell. aar IiUi f!nnln RnJr No prsss or water aaed. Bain pie copy worth 9104 FREE. Bead staatp lor elrtslar. EXCELSIOR VrO, OCU H Madlsoo aad 132Deartra St, Cblesgo, 1