fBIDAT, ifeBBPABY 3, 18 7. Only thirty-four more days of tfrant- urn inoladlog Sunday. r3,$ortU. Ctrqlioa legislators u miking M M1F nM m4 p3lte a sum of money. uj mil uiin;! i Iteinsuratfce sys the Philadelphia Timet appear te.be improve, of transferring life Insaranea p)lfj-b ld cr, without lue snseut from a oru-. pany that U already bankrupt to one thatU selng to be a shrewd wot ef prolonging lb agony., . Tho committee f lite whole cf the Georgia Legislature baa determined to refer th ,oeslia of calling a coovea- itoa,, lb amend the constitution of that state to the people! JV tbs tame time i lie question of removing the stale capi tal will be submitted. - Tne New Orleans Picayune colcbrated iu fortieth birthday oo Frklsy lt. It declares it now enjoy a large measure of opular palruun;-e otil l more ex lenJivelrculalon tliau cvir bcfoie dur in j tU bliot-y ail unuuneimeht whl.-b will tie rend with pteiuure by the fiieads qf the! Picayune throughout llit corni try. The count of the electoral vole pro reeded In joint tesaienj-if the two houses yesterday as fur as i Florid without op position.? When that nude was reached threei ltore-were prevented one for Hayes, two for Tildeo, atid ob jection was also raised that iuo of the Hayes electors was a federal cilice hold er, when the whole matter went to the Grand 'commissioner, and the two houses on joint session adjourned until the commissioners shall dteldeaud'be ready to repot t on lh Florida rne. 0 .'tfc.iiit ViUi p Tff . - ''"WneWtriB.'it. Col, appoiaca"by . the governor judge for tUio - judical dis trict, ia a gentleman of splendid North Carolina antecedents, good connections, thorough culture and fine association. He ia brave, gerteroua gentleman, and in every position, he has occupied, in military, civil or aeeial life, ha filled the measure of a full grown southern man, la th late wr he rose from major of the second regiment to the command of the famous Bsmsenr brigade, and the peraonal affection overwbere expressed for him by the members of that noble command tell us with what conspicuous gallantry General Cos bore himself on every field where "those North Carol in inna" were alike the pride of Jackson and of Lee.' Ia 1868 General Cos became solicitor of this district and for six yews he filled that office with credit to himself and the universal satisfaction of tha people. These classes themselves say of him that Solicitor Cox never did a negro an in justice or took advantage of the Iguo ranoe and weakness of a poor tnau. i Ho war- chairman of the democratic! stato committee after the death of Hon, D. M. Barringer, and in the three cam. paigna pf 1871,-75 aud 1870 he led U dsuiaontio party in the state to success, and in. the last, to the grandest triumph it baa ever known. , , ' .General Cox is not a partisan in the broadest ' sense of that term, fie putriot, epreseutuig the best element and highest aspirations of the national) ydPmWacy, "and he" will carry to the iMtucn uouiing of parusan pernios. He is a native of Halifax, reared and educated at Nashville, Tennessee, aud is a gradual I J raok.ua eoUege and the Lebanon law school of that state. He practiced at the Nalmllo bar in copart nership with Hon. John O. Ferguson for six years, and marryiag Miss Battle, of Tarboro, permanently settled iu this pity iu 1809, awoe which time ho haa been ue of the prominent men of. the stats. ilia mother wm a sister of Mrs. Weldon N Edwards, and ho was related to the luU. CUiat Jastico Baffin of Hillsboro, J udgeOox t forty six years old. He possesses the capacity and qualification for ejadge.erjd vr believe his career pa me bench W,ffi vlodlca te the propriety of tno appointment and meet the hichesl eipeclatipnt of th friend and admirer! of Ooaerai Cos throughout the state. Solicitor Harris. A- . i no Boiicnor aaa concluded te resign. A select committee ol the House hat been . for several weeks patiently aui iudustrioasly inquu log into the charge against lfr, and several witness frenj portions of the district hare been exru iued. 4 'l meetings of the pmmil tee: toeuclter Uarru. wita ht oane Mests;;.SmIth and Stren Busbce an llusbce, Co)onol , Waller Clark ao.i Judge Fowle, has been present with evi .n . - : ' f'' ' i or j privilege mj cross-examine witnesses aud make all possible aud proper eiet fence. At the conclusion of tbe Inves tigation th( testimony is found to bo so overwhelming against th. Solicitor that he and his eouueet propose te ahando$ the Held by resigning the ofice, and alf lowing tho prsccediug to stop, which ia dfMihtlnia ill m raaftfc ihrn'TAni viiii-a for, him; and it t certakily beUr, for the Bute that the committee ahall agree . n.i .i.V; e.i.l" .i: i IU HTIWIUHHUU Wl UtV UJBbVCC fcUS that a ledKMi aod expeni iva Impeach m v, trial houfd b gone through with. tlie Seutme'l is thus vindicated and 8iniaiaed iafnatftf otM-heaviest 'and nu)t ieriout cliargca li luis, node, our nj auageoimiti brought against any one, AnT weya"re" as "careful naU juai uarge wnnr wruoea ay auosunuai evidence thst we cm now recall ha In, stance wherein we have don injustice to a sinu'e Individual, .a been called upon te make-correction of a misstate meutsf ay importanea , s fee tiny any one. ; -4? 0 : '" We de not rejoice at the downfall of Solicitor Harris. While it ia gratify iiiK to wUoes the process f puriucai t!on of the public rervice !' u all over lliii country, and plea lirable te feel that the barnacles are being cleared ofl ttie bottotu et-tlio. ship of State, -rtr1s with no personal pleasure tliat we note the coming to grief of ev $ those" whom "ifce", Insolenca of office ai4 tlie pomp of paver have nude for getful alike of their duty aud the ordi aryproprlelNwflire. st ' Stlicitor HarrU beloDgs to t lat class which hai liysJ, aitics the war, on pub lic patrooage, and who hid coaae te feel that power and patrouage were In herent tij;lUi exclusively 'heir ou. II has held oltics (rem bis very you'.u up, and It'ui's'at (a said of him, that M I tlie pmdiK-t of public plunder. But this t-et is begtnuiu; to promt- uaic dewa the shady walks of obscurl ty, and W0 shall all presently have for- gollea the as, or remember them ooly ras a tale that is told.' Oeserratlas; the Mate's t'baritles. It will be a matter of deep and lasting shame to many North Carolinians, that the good name aud fair fame of their State should have been tarnished by the political desecration of those inatita Uouh, which, in the benevolence of hor great heart, the ratablisaed for the care, comfort ' and. education of thetstricken of God. h , i The ignoble work began in 1868, un der that rtgime of radicalism we had hoped never to see the Democratic peo ple of the State adopt and imitate. On the threshold of a wild? career of wis- government, the likt ' of which the world has Bcaroely acen, Governor Hoi- 1868, startled the Stst wrtb Mte-werds " 'Efery Office and overy employmeut in tne Suuo, from the mosi inferior to the moat exalted, must be filled by the friends of reconstruction and of the new State constitution. So far aa the Execu tive ia concerned this purpose will be in flexibly maintained. So here we have the origin of the broom policy iu North Carolina, for the credit of which several gentlemen, of different sections are eouteodiug in ref erence to the late campaign. But there can be no question that Holden, Pilgrim Ashley, Lafliu, Ueweose and company, are the authors of tlie chimuey sweep policy in North Carolina politic. Perhaps the hearts of the people ef this State were uever more stirred with melancholy iadiguatiou than when the Republican party invaded with politics in 18G8 the Insane Asylum and the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution. We gather'somewhat of the feelings of-those dsys from articles iu the Sentinel from the pens of the Reverend Win. E. Pell aud the accomplished Ston Gales. We quote : TUB LUNATIC ASTLt'M. Sentinel July tth, 186s. We have alway regarded this Institution-as the noblttl cAnrittr of the State. Founded in the spirit of benevolence, and owint its oriidn t purely phuan turopio motives, it has, together with the Inatitution for the Deaf, JDumb and the Blind, beeu a monument of tile pure benevolence, and the refined intelligence and humanity of the State. Under every change of sd ministration until now, (he foul touch of partyism has never been permitted te enter their walla. Even when cutler the oontrol of Directors of one political faith, the high philanthropic purposes of botu tuese iu stitutioo have never been disturbed by the craven and miserable cry of partyism. We learu the new Hoard of Supervis ors have removed Dr. Fisher, and aps pointed Dr. Lucene (irinoui, or uran ville, Superintendent. We regret that Dr. Grissom should allow himself to be placed in such a position. He is a good country physician, but his devotion to politics, for the last seven years, has not improved his medical knowledge. We may be In error, but we are strongly impressed with tbe belief, that no oidi nary physician ia at all qualified for the post no one can be, who has not made the subject of the medical treatment ef the Insane a specialty, and who has net experience id the management or such Institutions. One of the most intcllia gent and thoroughbred physicians In the, State, whose American aud Eu ropean medical aducatien is equal to that of any ot our acquantance, remark ed to us, two years ago, that he would Knot, for one moment, think of bringing fiiaquaimcawiaitorancit a position iota competition Willi those ot Dr. r uuer. oca fublio chkitik4. r tSentlsel Jn1ylthl8 In no posaiblo effort which Govoruor Holden could have mads, to add to tha bad odor in which ha ia held by the trae and good people of the state, could he have been mora successful than by his shameless prtisth movement against tbe two asyrams. The characters of the men, their incapacity, and Iktn tha pur pose to place those two institutions wider partisan control and influence, are too ridiculous and abominable to admit of auy delence, whatever, s, t , At a um ; whea both iuatuution were more largely asefol than at any period of their history, to have conceived the dan'ra of tiistarbing their opera-- tiona," simply with the view of placiag thewhole matter under a strictly radical Ttgimt, without regard to the wants of the poor unfortunates for whoner benefits these institutions Were established, was simply diabolical. x ,. . B W U we SBOW. Mr. Uolden. and hia abettors ia this math-, are tb only J peopis in ina state wno sver oouid crook tne idea ot making these asylums parti kan iuatitationa, to be Controlled by po- I i ; 1 . i: a . . - uuoy vmuMi ami mumaoai. - v 7 H either Dr. rasher nor Mr. Palmer. aor aay officer ooaaeeted with the two institutions, have, ever ootid uctad them in the interest of say party they .have' conducted them ; Idr the .psbple Of the state, steadily leepiag la .view tha real interests of the poor , nnfortmiaiea eom mitted to their cars. If eithar of tbem had shown a aisposition to manage them in tba interest of a partr. they would net have been there, or wa aboHh) have nrged the!' rem oral. They have avoided even the appear ane ef partyism ia their administration, aad we protest against introdacing It lata the maaagemaut of those institution. 1 : It U Jliu l !) filala an J . In tiiosa l lnktitntlAna. If tha ftaneml Asseiobl has any sense of moral responsibility and f lbs claims af tha unfortunate clasaea provided for by these Inatita lions, for tht body forthwith to .enact lawa taking their control from Governor llnldes, er from say PWy , Bat it was net simply that the feel Inge af oar own people Were outraged by the political Invasion ef tke sacred pifcloct where repose the Mentally dead, the people ef other Slates were astonished and horriued at a spectacle never before presented, we believe any where lo tbe United States, Tha BaU llmore Sun c em meeting on tba removal of Dr. Charles FUber, under the approi priat head of "An Insans Proceeding," said: . UatUeror Sua laly I J, 186. ) It ia almost impossible to eonoeiva that politicnl proaeription "can extend fo fD ce of an ssyltun for 'the insane. ' This subject occupied th attention of 1 Oon ventios of Superintendenta and offiosra of inasn ssylums in the United States, which was lately held, ia Boston, and it wsa the ananimoos expression af opinion, by Northern and Southern gentlemen present, that it waa against tba interests of society to make changes in tbe offices ef insane asylums on account of politic cat idea and sympathies anterUinsd by iuoambeata throng boat tlie war. - On this occasion the venerable Dr. Htribliog, Superintendent of the Virginia Asylum for tha insane, at Staaaton, who has in trodaosd so many reforms in the1 treat ment of the insane, that he is entitled to be considered a public benefactor, made a apeeob, tbe liberal and humane sentiments of Which elicited a aniveraal response. AU medioat men know, that the treatment ef the insane is a epeoialty, which demand net, only long special study and training, but a peculiar combi nation of gentleness and strength of will, of moderation of character, evenness of temper.and great system and energy of ac tioa. We refer to this subject in no par tisan view, but would earnestly say that if partisan proscription is to be extended to such institution a these, the public wb2ap3lBieiafe&sb sow avtanr! for friends of this raifor"-' vuuaW w&rn&rav onsW iv y' shalt tsa (loprittu u tu w enagBt ened and compssuonate treatment available. We had not apprehended that any North Carolinian, during a democratic administration, could tugzeet an lmita lien of tbe grovelling policy and degrade leg practices of the Radical adoimUtra tioa of 18C8, in reaped to (he chsrita ble institutions of the State, but tha competent managemeuts of these lusti tutious would remain undisturbed as ex amnlea of Democratic wisdom aud lib erallty. We bad hoped, to be spared any agita lion, or discussion ou this subject, aad abeve all that our pen should not come unser requisition for criticism, bu the chrifire Which has already been made at the Institution fi r the Deaf Dumb and the Blind, is of a char actor to make u- Let that we should bo re crcant t. lively nu the sutj churitUk i'y net to speak out posi v. Mi comnrehenfirencsii : of dcsecrallug the Slate' 1 !FE INSOBANCE. Cn mlence ot the Sentinel. Avi . N. C, Jnnv. 27th 1877 Id joU' i:ekly edition of the 29th ln slant. I iv' urntitled to note your re marks uivi Life Insurance, but ms pect thai iIm gentlemen "who is moi therousMv conversnut with this pro fession ilmi: any other man In tbe state," has Inn .! 'ently Imposed upon your credulity. lion he attributes tbe pres ent Loi:r.r.ie troubles to the "note system, ' nuA "high: taxation.'' As matter f 1 . t-1 the note system of prcnT' ium is not f itself conducive to insnl vrncy. but was perhaps more ausceptl ble t u li coudilion than the "all cash ictem." I'r reasons hcreiuafter no ted, i o Isng as the policy-holder1 notes, (tfi' t n generally for the one half oreacti pri- -'lumj were new as otixetu to claims Bt n.iiturity, lusolvcucy ceuldnat have re : d other than by an absorp tion af l K'at a part of the cash por tion of tic premium, a dituger quite Incidental lo our system as to the other wiib however a amaller margin, lor ex peoses oJ the aote company, in coime quence of its smaller cash receipts. Tbe present embarrassment of companies has artw it frora twa causes. 1st Ks'ravagance of management, eviduueeti by such Item a o (hours sat aries, gratuities to officers, discounted or commuted agent's commissioners. high rents, aud other incidentals, to gether with the enormous comuiisaious and allowances paid agent. Under tnia latter neaa suon commissions as forty to. fifty per cent is aa uausual per centage, now paid by companies, at oresent oneratinff In the State ! Zed, A enriukace in the lvalue at real estate investments, as well aa the com paratively limited Insuranco effected. mud and embezxiemeat of muds have , proved powerful auxiliaries, la the impoverishment of companies, but the two principal causes are as I have stated. Taxes, is quite a small item in coat' parisori to ones I have cited, and Is us ually paid iudirectly by tbe policy1 hold er, e liner in the curtailment of dividends, or provided for la tne "loading" charged, ami added to that which is technically termed tne "neit, or Skeleton" pi em' lum. Were not expenses in excess of this "loading," tbo "reaeive" or fund which is set aside t accumulate, (and out of which losses are presumably paid,) would not be encroached upon te aucu extent, as brines the company resources belaw tke legal standard, aod into toe bands or a receiver. rrauu anaiaise exniots enable many companies to proaent a plaustblo ap pearance, yet wo tax .taws or tbis state have dona much t facilitate their opera tions. DeparttsetiialHf upervisisu . after many years trial is being abandoned, and the dangers are such as to reaulre prompt action at the band afour law makers. Iu the abseace of any sal guard, permit me to suggest, that tba remedy consists in sa absolute deposit of unquestioned securities, by each, life, fire aud marine Insurance company doing busiaesa in, but not Incorporated la thectate.. Such evidence af, good faith would benefit both pelicy-holder 'and company the ana by .security treia lose the other by restoration of confidence. and exclusion of wild cat companies. : T. T ..-11-. , ' awspecuutiy, "Fauces," LEGISLATURE. -!;! SENATE. I t The senaty was caQad to order at 1050 a at, Lieutoaant Govaraot J arris in the chair. Prayer by Bev. E. B. Rich, of the ait T V V ' -- The joarnal of yesterdiy was read aad approved. , axforra or cxpm carmBa f air York 'from the committee on en groesed bills, and Mr Graham from the Flnaaoacomnlttea, submitted repnrU. MxasAoi fboh the Bona. A message waa received from the house announcing concurrence in sous' amendment to certain bills, and an aouncing alto the passage of certain bouse bill and resolutions, aud asking tbe concurrence of tha senate in the same. These were apirepriately re ferred. i xTBODtWTiow ovatf.ui awn aJwoi.rrioK, TSyllr Askew: i. bill1 to require the coiuii'laaloners ef Jooes and Ienoir to ran out and 'mark a definite line on a Certain portion of the border between aid counties, which is- now not suQiol eatly marked, lie I erred to the commit tee on prMition4 aad grievances. By Air Scales : A bill coucenilng the fenco law aa la the countios of Austin, Unioti nnd Guilford. Judioiury commit--tee. By Mr Crawford: A resolution in favor of The. Hampson. Committee on Finance. Dy Mr Troy : A resolution orioatruo tiou to tbe public treasurer, The rule were su-pended and the rc-oltiihm was considered and adopted. My Mr WaddeU: A bill to amend scctious 1 aod 2, chap. 117, Uattlo'a Itevlsal, in relation to dower.. Judioi- ary committee. By Mr Holt : A bill for the relief of the North Ctirulinn Statu Agriculture1 Society. F.uaiics omniiltee. Loii motian of Mr. Graham, the rule wsere Mieudcd aud the resolutlou of Mr Lnharo, irtvlding"that the rules be amended so as to roakVthe hour for the moetiugaf the senate 10 a. m., and Uio hour for Us adjournment i- p. m., .Ka,sJ.p; tfeSStoSwt S U4i it-imimtMmKttai tor ftaysai arut noes oo ui,patsagc.T)f the resolu lion. Both calls wsru auatsdued, and the reaeiution amenueii bv t Troy so at to strike out "2 p. m." stid Insert "st pleasure," was adopted by a majority of the senators pi c sent, but the poiut of order was raised by Mr Coke (hat uo majority or the wliole number of sena tors voted "a To." and that such malar ity woe necessary to chani;e a standing rule. ll)o point was sustained auii tbe resolution was declared lost. Col. John F Heke, ef Lincoln, ap peered in the lobby, and upon motian of Mr Sandifer, was invited lo a seat on the floor. TUB l NHX1H11ED Bl'SlNEBS, the resolutions iu favor of the colored race, came up as the unfinished business and Mr Graham moved to refer. Upon this metioo Mr Nicholson asked for the yeas and nay, which call was sustained aud the vote btdng taken, the motion to rt-K-i prevailed. CALENpaa. Bill lo be entitled an act lo prevent Willul inlerlerence with the water-cocks valves, Ac, of the Western Iasane Asylum, camo op from the calendar. passed its second reading, and on motion of Mr drahnui the rules were MiKjteuded urn! the bill sua out upon lis third read ing and passed. . Substitute for house resolution nut hi rising the governor lo employ clerical assistance was taken up, and passed Its second reading. Mr Cunningham moved lo refer to the rinauce committee. Jysst. - After several amendments, all of which were rejected, the resolution passed it third reading, yeas 23, nais 8 Mr Crawford moved to reconsider and to lay that motion on the table. Adop ted. Bill to strike out word "'onof' in liae 31, chap. 230, laws of 1874-'"5, and in sert In lieu thereof the word "live," m ported back from the judiciary commit tee was, upon metioo, referred to the committee on propositions and griev ancea. Bill le prohibit the rale ol liquor within one mile ot King's Mountain School, Cleavelaud couuty, w.is taken up and upon motion, referred to ha committee on propositiuus mid uriev auces. Bdl to preveut ..the carrviuii ef con cealed deadly weapons came up and, an motion or Mr York, wi Indefinitely postponed. iial in relation to carpeting the onice ot tne principal clerk of the house, came up and, upon motion of Mr Latham, was referred to the committee on finance. Bill for the removal of road exemp tiens in the county of Clay, came no anu passed us second reading, aua use rules being suspended on motion of Mr Bobloson, passed ah Its third reading. Bill in relation' to the larceny of money. Passed its second readtug. The vote being taken tha bill passed its third and final reading. , Upon motion of Mr liobiusen. the seuale recoosidered tbe vote by which It indefinitely postponed tlie bill In relation- to ilia carrying' af concealed dead) wtaponaand the bill was inform ally passed over. Bill to amend chap. ,17. sub-chapter 3. Battle's ltevisal. came up on its second reailintr and passed. It pro vide for the revising of jury lists bien nially instead of auaually, as at pres- ULJ Upon motion of Mr Finger the rules were suspended and senate bill 318 in relation to the public school laws of the state, Mistaken up and made specie1, order for Wednesday immediately after (be cfll of the morning hour. Bill In relntion to the employment and payment of laborers making aod repairing the public roads, reported upon adversely by the judiciary commit tee, came up and, uikju motion of Mr Troy, was laid upon the table. Bill to amend chap. 17, aec, 237. Battle's Revisal, reported upon adverse- y was, upon mottou or Mr Bingham. Indefinitely postponed. , lieselution m relation lo the Jurisdic tion of Justices of the peace, came Up from tbe caleudar, and was adopted. Ileus rcsoimiea Instructing tbe state treasurer to make a demand upon the receiver for construction bond-holders of North Carolina railroad for interest an tha eeaatructisa bonds of said road owned by the stale, cunt ss on iu second ruadiog . ; renomg acuoo, tba Wtata ijeuraco. HOUSE OF BEPBESESTATITES. At 11 a. m., Mr. Speaker Prfe called tha naosa ta order. ; - Journal af Saturday read and ap proved." . i , ' -; Hiuioaa. , Mr Hansons presantad a petitSan from the citizens or Wsshiagton. Heferred to tb committee on propositions and grievances. Mr Taagbai presented a petition fram eeriain 'cltlxena of Alleghany eounty. Oommittae an cauoliee, cities, towns and townshipe. , 1 KKPOKTS Or COMMITTEE. Mr Shackelford, from the aownalUea an engrossed bill-, submitted a report. BCSoLUTIONa AMD BIIXsV , .By Mr Council t A hill to lav out a public road from Pliinea llorton'a Wilkes county, lo Deep Gap, Watauga county Lotmiite on railroad a, post' read and Turnpike. . By Mr Bryant: A resolution to print 100 copies af tba act ta allow sheriff and tax-oolieclors to coiled arrears ef taxes. Calendar. . By Mr KbotweU i A bill to incorpor ate tba trnaleaa of Sugar Creek Presby terian church, Mecklenburg aouoty. Committee on corporation. . ' By Mr Moring : A bill te incorporate Bynum Manufacturing Company, Chat bam csunty. Committee ou corpora' Hone. By Mr Richardson : A bill to amend chapter 52, section 22, B.tttle's Uevissl, changing tbs place for comparing lbs vote r the 15th renstorial district, from Lee-. ville, Robeson county, to Lonnon's Cr6 It nds, Columbus connty. special. obd:i. Bill to nllow tities or 3,000 lnuahi tauu aud upwards le levy a special tax fur the support ( graded schools, with a tubstitu a fioiu Finance committee, was taken up. The substitute waa adopted aud tlio bill, as amended was ordered to be printed and mado the speciaLordur for Friday uext at VI mi Bill to allow the commissioners of Graham county to levy a acial lax, was taken up ou its third reading aud passed by a vole ef yeas 73 ; nay 0. The bill to allow lb commissioners of iswaiii county lo levy a special tat tn order to build a bridge across iho Tuok aaag river, was taken up aud passed its third reading by a vote of yea C7, afeei -m)t 6 -). to aaWribe $;fjttO the Narrow Gauge Railroad Company, was taken up aud passed lis second reading by a vote of yes"68, nays 2. By oonsent Mr Staples introduced a resolution iu relation 10 the letter book of the governor of North Carolina now held at the city of Washington. Cal endar. On motion of Mr Mctit hee, tbe revu uue bill (machiuery.) was made sxclal order for 12:30 p. in. to-morrow. f The senate bill to aid in the cousltUc liou of the Chester & Lenoir and tlie Caldwell & Watauga Nurrow Ga ige lUilroads, waa taken up. The bill passed it secoud reading. Under a suspension of the rules the hill came up on its third readiug aud pus-ed. Ou moiion el Mr S'.aples, the resolu tion iu relation to the letter books of the Governor of North Carolina now held at Washington, was taken up aud adopti d. Ou motion of Mr Bryant, the resolu tion to print 100 copies ef the aot lo al low sherilfs and tax collectors to collect an ears of laxes, was taken up. Mr King moved to amend by fur making each member of the general assembly with a copy and strike out the provision requiring the secretary of (tat to furnish sheriffs and t ix collector. The ameudment was accepted snd the resolution, as amended, was put to a vote and passed its second reading. Jty consent, Mr Powell introduced a reajluiion t authorize the committee on public buildings aud groun.li to employ an architect In reference to tha proposed new mansion for Iho governor. Placed on the calendar. Adjourned. SENATE. TtntsDiT, Jau. 30. Th senate was called to order nt 10:30 a m., Lieutenant-Governor Jarvisin the chair. Prayer by the C. B. Vaughn, of the city. The journal of yesterday read and ap proved. - BILI.S awd nBsofctrtoss. By Mr. Williams: Bill to prevent dis, crimination by railroads in freight charge. Referred to tho oommltU on internal Improvement. By Mr. Troy; A bill to appoint a ape oial commission for New Hanover coun ty, Plaoed on the calendar. Pn motipu of Mr, Scales, a message was sent to the house of repreaentativee proposing that th general assembly, on Friday next, ro into an election of six teen trust os for the state university. LNFIKlSmtD BUSINESS - Being the consideration of the bill commending the state treasurer to make a demand upon tba receiver lor tbe North Carolina railroad for the interest due the state on said bonds, cam up on tbe third reading.and paased by a unani mous vote. Mr. Robins offered a memorial and resolution' from tbe oitiiens of Randolph asking that a reward be offered for the arrest of Til man Cranford, who had com mitted a mnrder in that county. Re ferred to the committee on propositions 1 SPKCIaA ORDER for 11 o'clock w..s tbe bill for the tipcedy completion of tbe Western North Caro tins railroad on its third reading. . Mr. Holt offered an amendment to strike out all that portion of section 6, providing that tbe governor should ad vance such sums of money as may be allowed by law, not exceeding at any one time $25,000, that being rendered unnecessary by an amendment to anoth er section, which was adopted. On motion of Mr. Scale, the bill was considered by soot ions. Mr. .Robinson moved, to amend so ss to allow sUJ service to the directors. Tbe motion did not prevail. .Mr. Troy moved tbe followinir aa an additional section : Sec. S. that the directors on the part of the state shall provide for tha ap portionment of tha private stock to the bona fide stockholders who shall he en. titlod to the asms under th provisions of the set ratified March 13th, 1875, aod no private stockholders shall bo entitled to vote in any meeting of said company. until auoh apportionment ia' made, and oeither shall any direotor on 4ba part of tbo individual stookholder parUcipst in tha meeting of said directory until they shall b legally appointed after the distribution of atoak, a above pw- Tided.? , 'Z.. , . vT , Tha amendment wa adopted. . Mr. Troy moved to add after tha word convict, i Una sixteen, tha follow- Ing. "which labor ahan U a&argad against said road by the stat tie r sr. after dadnotiaf tha avwrsg oca of aaainiainina- then, aadv in ao easss shall boat a las amount then is provided for insertion 7 nfthia act" Tha motion fraudl '. "-'.; . Bastion six wa then adopted. Mr. York moved to strike ant Wsnty tboaaaad dull,- and tnasrt "nny Uton saad." The motion wa loss. leas W; naya 10, aa follow: ism -Messrs. Askaw, Ciogham, Cua ingbam, Dortch, Dunn, Heilig, Utbam, Mareer, Moure, of Mecklenburg, Nichol son. Robin, Robert, Ssndifer, Soalea, SUwartand York-18. Nays Mesars. Bryant. Caho, Coke, Crawford, Frgiioa, Finger, Folk, Green, Graham, H dt, Johutn,Mebaur, of Bertie, febne, ef ibtckingbam. Moor, of New Hatiovi-r, Rliuir, Tnorae, Troy, Willinms and Wynne 19. Mr. York moved t amend tb bill so "that tbe provwuows f 'kU set shall aot extend beyond two Tears from tb day ot iu rstinoation." Lot. Mr. (kales moved to ametx) ao as to secnr to tbe state a lien on tba read sad it property, all mon'eya advanced, or may hereafter be advanced, as interest on bonds or otherwise. The motion waa adopted. Mr. Troy moved to amend So ss to giro Dnektoan branch one-fourth of tb coo viols, instead ef oasvhalf, as provided in the bill Tbe ameudment was lost, Mr. Ssndifer moved to amend tbe hut section so aa to' road aa follows: "Sen. l'J. This act shall be in fore from and after the first day of May. 1877, and to th first day of May, 1879." Mr. Johnston moved to amend ao that th bill shall be in force from and after its ratification, which was adopted, Mr. Troy moved that the track on tbs Dncktown branch shall be a narrow gauge road. Tbe motion was lt Mr. Msore, of Mecklenburg, then sd dressed the senate in support of the bill. votb uros its riMAt. rassAoa, The question then recurring upon the paaaaK of the bill on its third reading, the bill passed by th following vol: Yea Me"- Askaw, Bingham, Bry aut, Caho, Crawford, Dortab, Dunn, Ferguson, Finger, Folk, Greeo, Gra ham, Heilig, Holt, Hughe. Johnston, Mtbaac, of. Bertie, Mebano, of Rocking ham, Moore, of Mecklenburg, Nichol son, Robiuson, Sandifer, Scales, Stew- OT irT&w teki'SS'l f Wvmnd York-8 ?. Wynne and York 8. Mr. Robinson moved to reeousider tbe voto just takeu, and further moved to lay the motion to reconsider oo the table. The latter uiutiou prevailed. Heu:kt then adjourned till to -morrow at 101 o'clock. nOCr5E OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ti tboai, Jan. 3a The house met at 10 a. iu., and wa lied to ordor by Mr. Speaker Price. The journal of yeaterOay waa road and approved. Tlie resolution to authorix i the com mitt on publio buildigs aud grounds to employ uu architect to draw up plans and apeoilications for a governor man- atou, at an expense not to exceed $100, wa tuken up on it second reading and failed to pass. A resolution iu relation to advertising sale of ral estate by sheriffs, wsa taken up and referred to tlie committee on the judiciary. - A reaeiution of inquiry as to the dis position of tbe fund arising from the states interest iu the North Carolina railroad, waa taken up on its second reading aad passed. Under a suspension of the rules the resolution waa put upn it tuird reading aud passed. A resolution of instruction to the com mittee ou county government waa taken up aud adopted. A bill to provide for the ooustrnotiou of tba western Insane atylnra, with an amendment from the oommittae en ju diciary was taken np. The amendment wa adopted, and the bill, as amended, waa put upon its second reading. The bill provides for an appropriation of 1100,000 to be expended upon tbe asylum at Morganton. Meesrs. Graves, Todd, of Ashe, and Bagley opposed the bill upon grounds of tho impoverished oouditi a of the state. Mensra. Parrish, Pinnix, Leach, R)se and Henderson favored the bill. Mr. Cobb moved to postpone till Fri day February 9th, aud be mads sprout order for 12 m. Prevailed. sracub OHDKR, 8. B. 172 to. amend the charter of tha city of Newborn in Ciaven couuty, re ducing the number o7 wards from seven to five, being the special order for 12 m. was taken up on if third reading. Mr. Clarke, of Craven, took the floor in opposition to the passage of the bill and spoke at some length. The question recurring upon tbe pas sage of the bill upon its tuird reading Mr. V ilsen, of &ew Hanover, called for tbe yeas and nays. ) Mr. Staples, in tlie chair, put the question for a call of tho yeas and nays, and deoided that there waa not a suffi cient number up. ( Mr. Clarke of Craven appealed from the decision of the chair and asked for the call of tha rolL. The roll Waa called aud 90 membeil answered to their names, and 18 respond ing to the oall for the yeas and nays, it waa sustained. Mr. Sbotwell presented s petition signed by the mayor aod nine aldermen of the oitv of Newborn, asking for the passage of the bill. Mr. Henderson called for the previous question, whioh waa sustained. The question recurred upon the pas sage of the bill on its third reading, the clerk called tho roll, and the bill r eased by a rote i f yaa 63, naya 30. Mr. ODtrkb of Craven, for himself and a portion of th republican members of the boase, entered protect agaiust. the aetion of the bouse in the Hortton-Mad-dry contest election. MAOHIKBBT BILI,. The kouso, on motioa of Mr. Pinnix, resolved itself into a. committee of tbe whole on the machinery bill, and Mr. Spaaker, Price vacated his seat,: calling Mr. Pinnix, of Davidson, to preside over th. committee as chairman. On motion of Mr. Ransom, tho read ing of tbs bill a a whole was dispensed with, and the oommittee proceeded to the oonsideratioo of it by seotiou At 2T o'clock Mr. Johnston, of Wssh iagton moved that the oommittee rise snd report progress. The motion pre vailed. ,i Tb committee accordingly row; and Mr. Moring assumed the chair. Mr. i Pinnix reported the committea of tbe whole had bad under consideration tba bill to provide for the collection of taxes by the state, etc, kuowu as tha machin ery bill, and had considered eight sec tions, and the amendments theretj. bat: bad ooma to uo , resdulioJ, aud asked have ta ait again t-uo at 121 n ihxk of As'ja, no.ed that th house new adjourn. , -- ? . " 1 ' , - , 1 Th asotioat was axjwd In and aeor g J ingly Use Imw adjusjrsol. BEXATC ' WxnarsMT, Jan. 8L The aenato was aaflsd I crd at 10 o'clock, lieutenant Uoreraor Jrv a in th chair. . Tb joarnal of yest Iay waa n a I and aipruVed. , mswuocnow or mua. By Mr. Troy : A bill toptotnot tha fanners froaa ua position ia tba porch of fettuisera. lUferrad to emacaitt on agriealtara and atittf art urea, ' By Mr. Caho: Bdl to require ninety day reeidene re towns to enable per suns to vote. Referred to Judiciary eotnmittee. By Mr. Tr.iy: Bill to provide for tha a dleotivw pnbliaaUoa of agriooltaral ats tsstiea, Bafemd to ersmmitlee en eri anltars aad ssaas fast wees. Mr. Folk i itrodaoad a bill lo oastroct tb waatern laasas aayien. a bill to giv widows further time to 4wnt ftom ' thoir aaabaid' will. Referred to tb eommitb on tba Judiciary. Mr. fXobinaoa introdneed a rsaulution la favor of th Newa Publishing com pany. Beforred to tbe oommittee ou printing. A message waa received from the boas of representatives, proposing that tb number of trustee for th univer sity shaald be twenty instead of twelve, aa proposed by th sonata on yesterday. Th proposition of the house was con eured in on motioa by Mr. Scale. araciAL oanna WkS the education bill reported by the i-omuittee on education. After various nnimportant ameuc menta, on motion of Mr. Scales, waa made th special order to-morrow at eleven o'clock. Moors, (cot) from New Hanover wua granted permission to oast his vcte in the affirmative on the Western N. C. R. li. bill passed yesterday. " He was also gixntad permission to in troduce a' bill to annex Eagle's and Smith's islands to New Hanover eounty. Ou motion ef Mr. Htauroed, Hie eeo ste adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wkditksdat, Jan. 31. The boase met at 1043 o'clock a. m . tfySr iiv. mi -. ' e ' Tltf joorn ofyesruaWM 'KWsnd approved. bills aao rbwli-tioxs. By Mr. Hill, (col.) s resolution ef in quiry concerning a colored insane asy lum. ' Caleudar. By Mr. Todd, of Ashe: A bill chang ing the boundary line between tbe coun ties ot Ashe and Wilkes. Propositions and grievances. By Mr. Carter, of Buncombe: A bill to be entitled an set concerning the sub scription of Buncombe oounty to the Spartausburg and Aaheville railroad, judiciary. By Mr. Reynolds, (ool): A bill to 1 e entitled sn aot for the compilation of the public laws of tbe state. Judiciary. By Mr. Bonn, (ool): A bill to be en titled an act to amend chapter 89 laws of 1874 '75 entitled "an aot to smsnd chap ter 5 seotioa 4 BatU' Bevisal," ia re gard to preventing colored children b mg bouud to whit masters. Judiciary. By Mr. Crews, (ool): A bill to be en titled an aot to repeal chapter 237 law of 1874-75 iu regard to the time of holdiug elections in this state. Judiciary. CALENDAB Under a suspension of the rubs a bill to authorize the comiuiaiiouei j uf Chat ham ooanty to appoint a tax-collector o collect arrears of taxes for the years 18G.0, 1870, 1871, 1872 and 1873, wa taken up on its several readings aud passed. Mr, Moriug moved to reoonsidur the vote by which tbe bill just passed it third reading and to lay that motion on the table; Tba. latter motion prevailed. Under a suspension of tba rule a bill authorizing the commissioner of Wash ington oouuty to Uvy a special tax was taken up on it third reading, and pass ed by a voto of yeas 79; uaa 00. Uuder a suspension of tha rales senate resolution providing for the election of trust for the university, was takeu from the caleudar. Mr. Henderson offered an amendment to strike out 16 and insert 20. Adopted. The resolution ss amended by Mr. Henderson was concurred in. Bill to secure tha batter drainage of the low lands of tho South Yadkin river waa taken up on its second, reading sad pasied, under a farther suspension of the rules the bill passed its third nad iug. wsclal onoctt. Bill to repeal chapter 81 public laws of 1871-75 relating to rat of interest) snd to regulate legal rite of interest was taken np ss tbe special order for 12 o'clock m. At the close of Mr. Siugoltary'a re marks tbe' house resolved itself into a committee of the whole, on the consid eration of the bill to provide for the collection of taxes by the stato, Ac, known ss the machiuery hill. , Mr. Pinnix, chairman of the commit tee, assumed tbs chair. Ott motion Of Mr. Bagley, tho sec tions which are diviled iuto sub-division; were considered by said sub divis ions. 1 At 121 o'clock the oonsiderAtion of the bill was resumed by taking up sec- -tious 9, 10, 11, T2. At 20 minute of 1 o'clock Mr. Kenau moved tbe oommittee rise -and report progress. Mr. Henderaou assumed the chdraud Mr. Chairman Pinnix reDorted tint tho oommitle of tha whole bad had the ma chiuery bU under further consideration but had not completed their labor aud ask leave to sit again, to morrow at 12 o'clock. Tho oommittee was grant hI leave a asked for. Oa motion, the boose adjourned till 10 o'clock a. tn. to-morrow, HEADACHE. DR. C W. BENSON'S CELEBY AND CHAMOMILE FILLS are prepared expressly to cure Sick Head, sche, Nervims Headache, Dyspeptic llead ache. Neuralgia, Nervsusa , Sleeplessness and will core auy ease. Price 60 cents, posing? Ire.). Sold y sit druggists aad coaiitry stores. Office, 106 North Kulw Street, Baltimore, Md. Rbverexcb : G. J. LfUTEK, Casi'ier Howard Bank, Baltimore, A TTEVTIO ALL! UftKAT BANKRGPT SALS OF JEWILKT ' On receipt t bO cents we will sead by wall postpaid, ah of tbs following pieces of ' jewelry, vixr 1 pair Gold Plated Engraved Misers Bottoos, obs set Gold Front Sblrt BtMs, I Vellsr Bind, I Wsstdtsg Ring, 1 Roll Plat Watch Chats aad 1 ttsal's Rom ( Coral Scarf Pla. ; Wa effer this grsai kargals siersly to araw attratloa to par basuiras, s w haa all kind f watches aad jswslry St W prtis. gaud forCatalogn ' OUllt A CO., Ma Broaway, Kew Fsrk A.