7 7 .';. 'A . ,f . . TIIE'SENTINEEFtiii -. - ----.-1 LOCAL MATTERS. Ctta Market. Carefully corrected kj Oo. T. Btronech A Co No. 4 Martla Itmk' Raleigh, H. C. MMilm.. Hi Uw middling, M j , LowUiddUns St. good ordinary, Good ordliary, J ' SUInt, Market" (hiH wtUi few buyer. UUUI it ueuioi Th night hive turned Into toft, tweet moonlight , "A crop year f prodigious fertility," what, tht tan M for 187 J. ft putled the msjortty. ' itild mora wedding la tbs breeze, but will answer oo ouestlons on lb subject Tb depression caused by the political uncertainty has greatly tlliaalated stealing, We are glad to announce, that Beaalot John G. Hurler is not dead.. The Winston Sett lel hopes for hi recovery. I ( Tlie pretentious Sickle, 1 tearing the toot- lo, " In God we trial, is coutlnaally getting lato conlribation Iwses Sunday, In place of half dollars. C 1. IMck. Slogeltory, tke member from WiUmi. is a credit to U county. He is -well tialiiice.i and his inllaenc for good Is felt la a'l Important legislation. The roads leothng Inte the city are much improved withiu tb last few days, bat the load of wood that are offered for sale are are whole IMds "eottoit' not Vt picked OJtand'Whlte a tbe driven snow, and In aeverul luslanc (lie fanners are hauling up I ant year corn. A eorrefpendeilt writes tbal la a trip of three weeks through the counties of Wake, Franklin, Warren and Halifax, I did not dud a single opposition to taxing the dogs. Notwithstanding the snow and ice blockade and the detention of the nails, conntry merchants say that drafts ou them from tb north come through with unremitting regu larity. The people begin to understand that the policy of a newspaper that belongs to no r.ng or clique, may mske for Itself personal enemies, while society etself, which It serves. becomes its ardent adherent and support er. Comity government passed its second reading yesterday In the senate. Merely ap points magistrates by the legislature and leaves to the magistral the appointment of commissioners. This seem the set Had plan of the legislature. With careful consideration for the senti' nients of his tontllnepts, that aver safe sad a lway-to-e-reHer-B-8enatot, -Jobs W, Cuningham, cPTorrYOt?d a, en the bill appropriaUaaayenty tfionsawj dollars im tun nowr raimau. i i - f 5, jia.u m VbPH X" , a. s: If the good Vtreiof tb iftabor with to know whai th4r ItibUtarcvatfo'BlghU we can answer far i squad w left slttiag at the Tarboro last ereaiatt with their bands on their chin listening to the harpists play " Don't be angry with me darling. " The Two Senator. A.Kiltoo man.TUUed Waablagtoa City the other day. H wished to boar Conk lins's speech on the electoral LbllL Ho thought of Senator Ransom at once, and ap plied to him for a pass into the ladles' gal' lery, or the reserred gaHery "What lock V said report. "Oh,lr,Iwaa charmed with Eassom," lid hlllto man ; ' 'his manners overwhelmed me, and he readily gar me pas and sent a page with m to the galleries. " "Did yo got In r Not la a Mile of It. There waa a swarm around ta door, a rat oouldat havt ma In between their legl." What the r. 1 rJ "I wet back to Ransom and told him I OMldnt gat In, and he heard ma M graca- fully, and regroUod It so Uoderly,, I almost Imasioed I waa at a dancing school learn ing lbs balaaoa step." , . Well, did yo got la T I Tea, whan my seaacs cam to me, 1 roasoaed that : Ransom has just been re elected for ais year, but Merrimeu Urn is almost nt I'll try him. So I went to Merrtmoa aad told him my difficulty, and la a easiness way, he. called to the sergeant- at-aratt and said to him : "Show this gen tleman to a seat la the mdles' gallery." H out thrown Ilk I waa creased : had no trouble at al I et 4 eooi seat i and n (inkling's admlrabls peech," MMUng of b HW FwnlteatUry Board The new board, consisting of D. M. Car ter adT. H. Brigg o(Wa 0. G. Tate of Guilford, Geo. hi. Thompson of Chatham, and Geo. 8. Cole, of Moore, met yesterday and organtted vy me election waa Carter, Esq., cbalrmaa. They aotlBedtb old board they were ready to receive the in ttitutioa, which asked for fifteen dajrf la which to br B j ap th aflalra of the old ad- minlstration. Personal. .. . . Messrs. P. F. Daffy and VT. 8. Ball, the accomplished editors, repecttvely r the Patriot and New Nortk State, of Greeos borvare at lh( yaiorooglt, Our aister city boasts tb potsemloa f tw abU edi tors, wall matched, and It' It a eelnddence that they art tola Dorthsra geetleauuv V, r H. Tatter, W tbt etrtork; llenl it datmlcihag with Mr. Bost, a HQlsaoro stmajt' x !' '-yr agastiM .far February is Wfieo A comet Wb todt Uagulas; 0emor- Nti cu that oat all eonpeditors. i. i mm The Atlantic Bomd. W leini Governor Vance be ap- pointed the followtag gentlemea director the Atlantis and North Carolina road A. J. Galltwty of Goldrtoro; Jamct Parrot and Jeiin F. Wootn of Unolr ( Jobs Hughe and George Alien of SwberB ', mod Silas Webb, Usury Darb) and Janus Laaa of Pamlico, Kumor bai it that tb Gov- mar favors John Hughes for president of tb road. A SUant Shar. Barber who have gained a temporary lay Mat In their patronage la New York, by oflering a ihar far flv cent, or a eleaa have with a BchoMer of bear ft tea cents. aWrfliitod by ttieMiJiatt gtilA a tbaMtlal artUt, In . RktV .V; Wljo ad vkaafa ilkr iaavfc, 4 ahep if trwdtd from morultg aatu nlgiil, ana people wale many aquam to And th magic sign. Only oab thing 'now hinders Mm from amatslag a coos-aj fortan. lie it tnahl to Bad as laUata. i lie give them stioA hoar and latrodaces them to all the hook agent he know, bat thy cannot got error thefr bi metallic theories : tbry tUll' prefer th ipeech that Is silver rather than tb silence wbka goklao. The force of habit la so straaK that saeoea la bardlf . within reach Ladiauat tin ibolltW ol tkarupoolng, for th Srmeet padlock cannot prevent tht Inevi table question, "Shampoo, atrT and tb eeaaliy Inevitabl sequel,"' Head needs It, sir, it's very dirty." Would that o bad on la Ibleigh. Woaloyan Pemaiei CoUv at hlurfroa- Tbe usual Fe'trua.ry coacert at this instl- tulion will be dispensed with this year, it having been found that the Interruption to study, occasioned by the time dtveted t toe preparation, together with tb heavy xpens to the young ladle fr ' special evening drew, are not eopented by any aahlag1a whatl t ;'6 a eoawt-Mrt"sr aWMtulttt'-a thought, to show off the pretty puplll and their oiaaical attalameots to lb public. Tais excellent aoaool 1 ander the capable supervision of Rev. Wm. G. Starr, who has carried it to a high degree of success, aad whose sound prodance end careful Jadgmont in the discharge ef hi duties has secured fdr him the unquestioning confidence of the trustees and patron of the college. The health of the studanU has been remarkably good duriag lb aessioa about to close, there has been bat one case of serloat ill ness. The spring session commence on February 10lk. JUST BK CONSTRUCTED. A Citizen Who Haan't Visited th Capitol In 13 Toars. Col. Back Tucker of the Arm W. II. k Bv & Tucker visited the capital to-day, the Irst time be has entered Its doors since the 13th day or April, 18G3. At eleven thl morning he will call on Governor Vance and the rest of ths state officer, and for the first time in twelve years will take a look In on the legislature. It teem a little lingular that to prominent a citizen as tht oelonol, living within a stone' throw of the capitol, should be such a stranger to it; but tuch It tbs truth, aad ths way of it Is this: On tho morning of tl.o 13th of April, 18(5, Sher man took postessioo of tht capitol, and to lookitg around for Governor Yaooo, be couldn't And him, aad as the next best thing, be tent an armed patrol after Col' Buck Tucker to march him ap and make him tell the whereabout f Vaace. He was Inside of Wheeler! lines but Sherman didnl knew it. Ths guard marched ap th colo nel. Where! i Vaate T aald3Uarman, I am not bis keeper," ald the colonel. You shall tell me," m bo "(the colonel used an ugly little word of three letter) "If I will !" Come now," mildly reasooet Sherman, "I bare the power to either aakya tl where Vance Is or c!ss render you very aa cetifertabte." Well, air, I believe, he is going to stay to-night at CapL Allen's, six miles west of thUclty." "Cotoael Campbell." said Sherman, turn ing to hia adjutaat general, "order a saddle horse and a gaard for this gentleman to g oat to Capt. Allen't and commanlcate with Vance." " I iwear, General," said Colonel Buck, 1 cant ride boraebhek ; I bavent rod a horat in forty yaara." vfhoa order a carriage," said Sherman. General, ru bo" (that asm ugly little ward) "if Tm going," said CoL Buck. Why, sir Tasked Sherman. L- "took bore, Geaoral, I don't mind" going through yoax linos, but if I waa to approach Wheeler's men, la company with oa of year armed Yankees, souadt, tir, they'd riddle m with mere bullet than then ar hole la a honsyeooi.-" Sherman laagbed heartily. "What kind of a man ar yo V aald he, "I gaeat yooV right ; t won't toad jou. Go'eut and brtog eGoreraerOrahaas and Governor 8walo, ni tend them." ' " i 1 They'll do much better," tho colonel said. ' They're old men, and both married, and wouldn't be a mack lot Ma young back like me on bia Brat leg.", Th best of humor prevai)d,ai)d Swain and Graham were soot for, aad ur enough held tb do ll red Interview with Vance, bat though Col onel Buck Invited Sherman to toe him, And both quaffed many a drink ef th ripest Id com together, It so sickened him of vitit log Ui capital that he harat been back there la twelve years, but now feel that tb Id war time ire pact, and a new era baa set Is he will be on band exactly at eleven. Truly, we ar getting back to tb old day before the war, the oldest men shows aignt of It. PenonaJly tho Greensboro' Patriot coa- gratflatoa JsJge Settle oa hi appointment to Florida., Duffer is alwayt lerel) H It not the man to crow rtr a whlpp.-dehirien od spar him when hetdown. j";' Tba ahoapett -uttbed t caeat (be aodtrtakar (who ta generally aroamd, wbea eough and cold prevail). If to bar and is Dr. . Bnll't Coogh Bynm, paiiry, wards lo bs Incorporated. , J l,ni,SItw en dtpottt la th Charlotte batika.' . i mh i" .j'.ws ..,.? aVT Tboiau WabU el Hills bora I improving from bit paralytic stroke. ' fc Wagon loads of Virginia apple" os'li- Ing la Winston at f 1 a bethel. i At the gtaad ball la hooor of JHik Alaxl Ih Nerfelk viyoung 'laoy tainted "Irr the Grand Pakt't arms, ., ,t; .r Directortof tbt MUWt and tfutberUn raU- read will attembl promptly In Mlltoa th 7th last A routing meatrng bj tipeeted. Father Evtnt wilt bug oat hU latch string. The second, , Noih ( CaroUua regiment turned out four judge tinee the war. Jadg Bya am, Hlluanl, Falrcteth snd Cert ayyw art td;!;H i CoNsrMfTrrc Tact Notice Erery mo- meat of dey arakt your ciU wore hpe-j leas, and much depaotu on bt jadlcka hotce efanmadyt -Tat) asaeanl of ttstl meny lsvor, a( Utv ScaeacVl Pulmonic Syrup, a a cur for Consumption, far ex- eeeoa an.inat can n uroagni to support lb, pretension of any other medicine. , See Dr. Scbeack Almanac, eentainlng lb cer tlflcats of many person of Ihjf highest ro pectlklllty, who hare beet restored to health, after being pronounced Incurable by pbylcian of acknowledged ability, Sclienctj'i Pulmonic Syrup alone has cured many, a these evidence will show bat 11 care Is often promoted by the emplogmeat of two ther remedlrt which Dr. Sebcnck provkla br th purpose. These additional remedies are Sebenck's See Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pill. By the timely use of the medicines, acoordlag la direction!, Dr. Sclienck eertifles tKat most any case of Consumption may be cared. Dr. Scbeack la professionally at his prla- elpal office, Coraer Sixth and Arch St., Pbiladelpkla, every Moaaay, where all let ter tor advice mast be adareraoi. ' ; Tbe. Improved ha new: vegetable tonio properties ; restores grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restore dresses, give gor to tne nair; leitorea hair to pre maturely bald head: remove dandruff. humor, scaly eruption ; remove irrita tioa, itching aad acaly dryacss. Ho art tide produces ucli wonderfnl effect. Try it, sail for Wood's Improved Hair Itestorative, and don't b put Jf nith any other mrhtu. Bold by all druggist In tbi place and dealers everywhere. Trade aupplled at manufacturer' price! by C. A. Cook ft Co., Chicigo, Sol Aircnt for the United State and Can ad as, and by F. Uunry, Curran ft Co., now sura. sept. S eowlSa , INSURANCE, Ac. Offtoreel Protection! Agnlnd Loss y rirr aM Lire. W. tl. CKOW, General Insurance Agent. RALEIGH, IT. C Represent the following first class Com panies : . i Mtnm Ufa Insurance Co., Etna Fire Insurance Oq., Fhoanlx wire Co., Nattooal Fire Co., OfBajTSford. Oei laaii-Amoricaa Fire Co., Hoffman Fir Co., I' Of M. T. Howard Fire Oa, ComblBcd ActeU Over $35,000,000. Tlie aUentioa of the peblie It respeeUulli illy called to a, obtsntial iaatitotioaa, af. tordinjg asiple4Mdes)nity i gia-n HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORKi i rlBE IXSURAHCaS OLV. KSTABLISHBO 1863. f - Cftsm Capital, Cab Aiacta, ower $0,OOO,Xr TBDJ CO It PA NT II PDMLT A TIRE Insunaoa Compaay. Has ao eonao tioa with Life or Marine Insurance. - Th large majority ol IU e,000,(( of Asset are "United 8tat- Bon da." The PaamcM ucatrra or ovia 13.000. 000 Aanually beet attest th appreciation oi the Boaiaea and Commercial Wor d. I repruaeat the Home m this Cltv. aad aak the attention of my friends aad the publl to IU UMEQUALED CLAU13, assuring them th rtarsc UDlMam B offer. . , W A. TURK, Ag t. , aM?fflcs) ateKee Bufldlng, Coraer ef 0 WUmlngtoa JfarU Bta -novIm ' i .i i ... i i, . i , t f OS; B, BATCnCLOR, -Practieo In th Supreme and Federal Court aad io the Court of the Itk Jadlctal District, ... . : , , ... . , .. i noOD NEW roil BOYI AX VX ' OIBIA,' ii . TA saeet the demand lor a cheaper 8. BiowoLia 6tft-Book the pries of volt. I and II has bee reduced to Soaeh. - Tht three volumes, in an elegaat Tfararv ease, arc aoM ;f I0 (la raU tUt, H), ao that all may giro their ehtldrea a eomplets set. These volumes contain mors attractive material than flfty dotfcaV worth f Aa i I trdlnaaybtt- dren s books 8u abacrletkm prieo, 13 a year. The Urea nd volumes and a eabeerlptioa for this hound yea, only lis. Baoeerlbe witb the aearast Bowtdoalars, or ssad money in check, tF. O. monoyerdsra, oc la regiatarad letter, lo Boataaaa Co., HB Broadway, N. T. aov-20-tt .1 yy w. joweb, ; A TfoiJiS T A T5 t' A' , - Ralkih, N. c. ' Practice In Supretts and Federal1 CturU and In th Conrtt of the th Jadletol District Cslleetient Pretnptry tMdV I H warta M IhtStato.-'- i '--" m Jaa Sa-twAwly "' t s' - - ' Snrb'tsi to o.t. rU3WttLA(Jrj.,w Tort, for Pbamnhlet of IU) pajraa. eoh-" tabling Usttef S00O no a i papers, and sotfmitiit howtar soatoi Mverasmg. NEW iVDVElSTISEMENTB. 2r ASCYCARM16 VltW iaate lOcta. post paid. J. ti. Hcrrao, Nas- , Keo. Co., R. J.?"-, - TTTTT T wn h i tifiiwifi Mattov f '1.4'VC .tl.iit'l WELLS'. OARl?OLIO TABJ-TO a ara romedy for COUGHS, aad all leae of the Throat, Luaa, Chest and ttuioiu Homoranol ; t, n'i.Xi.l , PUT UP ONLY IM BLUE BOXES. Bolshy alt Drurrbto. TTCMtaM, f bixra V W. CRTTTg ATm, newiork 1 LUCKATIT C BU8INEM, UT We want SOD mora, tatflaas Cewlui MaeUlae Agents, aad 800 aa of energy and sMUty to learn taetmslaea ef leU g Bowleg Mactilne. , Compeuatioa 1-laeraJ, but tary tog accordlna to'Abmtr, Character and Qualiueatlom of tb Agent. For' parOea- hua, Address Wllaaaj Kttwlaa- Mai-huaa Cm. rumr. 827 4 829 Broadwar, jiewlcrk, or New Or Itaat, la. : a dj.w nA-tu m lAG'TS WANTED FOR H1STOIYM II EXHIBITION It roc tain 130 tne earravlnn of balleinn and scene fat the Sroat Eshtbltfoa ae4 astho only aatbemic and complete history pub lished. It reaaa ' ra4 buUdlDi;, wonderful sxhibtu, euriealtiea, great oveaia, ote. Very cheap and sett at slrht. itttm Afentaold 48 copies In one day. Send for our extra term to Agents and a full descrlp tlon of the work. Address National Pub llahing Co., Phlla., Pa., or at. Louis, JJu CAUTION, tfenllahaeasri worthless book a th KxaitloB are being etrealatod. Do not bedeoetved. See that tn book you buy contain S7 page and fine enicravlnga. WONDtRrCt BUCCISt f 91,000 OVTHB Centnnial ICzpodtioxi DESCBJBD AND ILLUSTRATED. , Sold ta 60 data. It betas: the onlv eomplets low pries work (770 pages only 2. 50 , Uoatlng of the entice hlston. arand auilduura. won derful exhibit, curiosities, great da) i, Ate.; illaatrated, and 1.W cheaper tbaa any oQier; everybody want It. Oa new agent clear 860 la 4 wee hi. 1.000 arent wanted, bend 1 qnicklv ib4!B0f of abi, epwdota lit am- 0 CAUTION! Beware of falsely etaiumt offl clal and wort bis books, Utai for proof. il L- 1. HOT1CB. W twma thm IftrfftMtj m4 MI wiUaVtj tVUkaaafsTf re t a th KmA M Wt. VtL It anulai a av aa wa mmm natf rv, i mnt- mmmt 9mmm , aataatw , , itta m , fc4 . pmm vi.t Jwaarf. 0iiaa1t nil I lit allll alanaat nnlrt tam Vratat. tail ladWtMnaatlt Utorj aM. Ma u4 traja.Mtl ! !,. a nataral.attk Muraji Urn. t"7,a. t r,a lalail riwlrau all BMIO A OO TOO aroadwa,, H. V. TWELVE "r,kti5.aSfc fovncoaaiiiArtow. owa. at a raaca. PtaaMJai itt rat, Erwr. raakalk . kamopt rj"" CKW Macblat Thrii4 ratttr, tmi ar nniiM hw. Can.. Tmt H.ii. p. StM Mi.t Situ. at. . Sat M t aatMM tMrif. u i trfl&almtl. ry Indacttntnt mmm. BWIOS A CO.. 7eo IrnU.... u . SIX vTioinraT rantont.aat mi if uuaaiATiUN a OOLLAwa. riainra 700 Broadway, Now ow fork. AGEVrftTREES. We can employ a few more Agents tblt teton to sell our Fruit Tree and other Mareery Stock. We can give steady em ployment to men of energy and ability. Hatltfactory references as to honesty and business capacity moat be given; alio a bond lor faithful performance of duty. Ap plicant, will please stats ags and previous occupation. FRANKLIN DAVI9 A CO.. 10C0 Main Street, Richmond, Va. cb-a 77-w-at. NATIONAL HOTEL, IIALEIGII, N. C. Renewal af Lepe, Iwili J 25t-. J". I have to-dtv renewed mv lease on ths Natlotnl. i et-. ut closing, it will con tinue to be kept as heretofore. SUPERIOR TO ANT HOTEL , in tie city, as to the table and attention to gaesta. Mr. Mary Wrerm has charge of tho Call aary Department, which should he a guar antee of it txoelltxver. Jan IS-St C. S. BBOWN. OCRIB!lEB for December, now ready. KJ ana wnicn cooutns tne opening chspterst of " Nicholas Minturn." will be read with eager curiosity and Interest. Perhaps no more reattaoie numner or mn msgasine na yet been laiued. The three numbers of Bcaia mbb for August, ;8eptember. and October. containing tbe opening chapters of "That Laaa o' Lowria's,'' will be given to every new sabaerlber (who requests U). and whooe anbseription begins with tbe present volume. a., win the November number. Subscription price. 14 a veer ' 85 rents a number. Special terms on bound Tolas. gnbecribe with the nearest bookseller, or send a check or p. U, money order to ocBianna A Co., 743 Broadway, N. T. HAVE YOUR ton I DOZfB AT TOT BXNTINBL OFFICII A .'il I I i iJ A i i A 8p4cBtlll AaaorUment f ) . ,. - TTPB 1 WANTED. A-ent" male earl MmU to tell Picture efeifwheiw. One ageat alone pat retaih-devvr 18 000 and still at work. ' WHITNET Ca. ' aee'A4IB.," . wfc, Coi!n. O ALE. f- 'Bj virtue of asrtgtiment' made tht '14th of Feb. 1877. I tt sell on Wednesday1 ' the Jtth lnat. at the court beast at auction the uncollected Dotes and accouit of J. hi. For est to., ana aiso niose or , h. forest. w Wat- wJta-wN m . i. n. FLEWING, Aslgnee. jB-n-u. Oar Pest Poison is a Safe, Sure and Cheep Destroy er of the Potato Bug, Tobacco Fry,Cabbage,Oarrant and Goose berry Vorta, and ef all Insects that eat th leaf. Unlike Pari Green and other aoiaofu It eaa ba entirely dissolved In water aad ap plied by tprtnkiiog. not mjanoa to piasia. Notdaagaroa to aaa. Jierer fallt to kill. Coato abort Zoeentaaa arse. Pat up in half pound boxes, enough lor two acres.. Price 60 eeata.- Sead ior Cirealar srltb TaaUeto autla.. Ala kill House sua. Coekreahes, Bataaoasiicav : .,i r . ; . KKAJaNKT CHEMICAL WORKS, IMA BoS 13t, ti Cortiandt 8tw N. V. Jrirefcr-r r lENTO Dwrhur the aost ive rear tk waUHbov caraiuiiv iminil w wocmimtui earea IUhdfruaiUwaaao VKtiKTINK. imt mtmy aauol fcia aasb a ia ni to pari act health, altar karliif ai pcwlad a MaaU sofMB mm niiwii aaw mm mm JBaai aa, tAlnln iiiihiiiaiiaa ihiaial aiadlctaaa. I lisawUnal rnnla, AlKsatlve, Ttaaa. BolTan aad IMaiatta. Tkars Is ae dianaa of lMhaaMania far whkh Ua-W!M1T oa at h Ma wtta oarfaet aafety, as m ease aot eaaiaia any jaacaiiw or It fe wiaipi4 eaetaatvslr ml berks, rwm aa aaruK H m w? n, wo hmi every ekiMakaa II. II af aad fvaaM, at th following evlilsa wlli aaewi Valuable Evidence. I. J ii II I mmmmmmmMLtJ V gUiitjp u jwmmitswTjsa '. O. T. WaUav, 1. I, tarly owdola aqaaracajh, Biitaay Salt led la Provliliaia, H. BMthMl la rrmla . a. L, mmrnl oliablaavldMHM. HauMaheald tail U aVat thai HMlaMelal I the iatll M ta mate eaaaraaea wlh ths oaa of VfAirriNB! tm ike aiav. Mr. wauMrs mil 'T, wae aew ii lavaiaaeist . . . ratHrmawrK m. t,sMTaaJmrr If M. R. t-ravaaa, Kaex ' . hi val I staai am mr Vtfcllll.IL My fatally havo t4 It fut dt Um two lean, la Baroaa4eM1lty It k hnalaahlo, aa4 1 aai Band M loan who saay Malta lavtawrallafc Saawatia laalr. V. t. WAUL lit, ronaarlj Patuw of aVmaUaawaarta, I Wai aoaaa u, as A Walking Miracle. If a. H. B. Iranaaoi law fUiwTaoack a stnai'i t want to h totm roa vast vauEnaa aa Last Chrlifm 8avrala met erpraw. la aijr irilia laia maaiaf alrms ajUaarlf mm hmiowsi VH mm mrnvm m mn anaa. oua oa ! thlab. 'Which taeaaat. m haad, ahaahaM laaatlx akall iv lali laa. whloh two phvatclaaa caaui to aatpaiato th Mmh, thoafh upoaeoasartstlnaeoaclalad ae to do as, wj whola body waa ao fall of aerof ala; Ilia; damad It advlaabla to eat the sore, which was painful hayoad daoerlptloa, M thai was r : -.irt ml aiattar raw sroai this oae aora. . i pbralelaas all fare aas ap to die, aad 1 ' : 1 titer eoald do ao ator for BM. Both of my las war drava ap to my soat, aad It waa lboaht If 1 did got ap aata I would hsaorlp- plo fr Ufa. Whca in this eoadltloa I aaw VEOFTIXE adrertiaMl, anj eommaaeM taking It la Starch, aad fttUaaad oa with H aatU I had aa ala teaa bottlea, aad thte momlag L aia, aoiag to. ploach core, a wall mmm. TjUt atHranaaa' ar It It a lrah U aa aM raaad walking and working- laruuolasion I aU add, wheal I was andav In inch great niacin, fivaa that raadfal dlian, Scrofula, 1 prayed to th Lord aeoTeto tak aw oat of thia world, hut as VaoaTwa haa unilhi hlnttlim of healt ol health, 1 attire m over to Uv. Uia I aiav b of torn aervlcoto uv fillow-mtu, aad 1 know of ao btttar war to aid seaaring haauaitjr, than to Inrlma Ttia tklt tuliittal of ar eata. with aa saraatt hops that ev 1U pabliah 11. awl It I BalaaffAtHtf rfrt irwA. I .liC.TBatjiTIIIlll llf II Tl "L Reliable Eviderice. V a. H. B. Srsvitas : )IB I jMI Uaar air 1 will uott ehaarf ally add rf tasuV nony to tbt great number you havo already ro celted In favor of yoni great and good sadiciM, VKOBTINE. fur I do not tblak SWough ran ba said In lis praiM. for 1 WMtrouMtrfovtrMyaar with that dreadful dlataM, Catarrh, aatV bad aoeh badtoughtug apt lit that It would atom at tliouih I eouia Dsvsr nreaUM any nana, aau VEUKT1NK has eared tit and 1 do foal to thank Ood all tlie tiro that tber It so good a BMuiclnt aa VfolKTISE. tud 1 1 Af tl. tuwt auullMna fur eoui sinking feelinira at the ttomach, and advlao aTtrrbody to take tho VEOKTIKE. for I eaa aaturt them II it oaa of th bast magician that ever a at. Corner Magaiine jtauia t..... taiBinniigt, ataaa. Prtptrtd by L L ITEVE0, Bottii, lift VE&m 13 SOU IT ALL 0RUG6IST8. PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS. Which may lie dena with one-fourth th usual expense, by using our PATENT SLAT. PALM Fifteen Tear EsUblfched. i t f H1XKI) READY FUU UBE. Fire-proof, Waterproof, Durable, Ero nomlcal and Ornamental. A roof may be covered with a very cheap shingle, and by application of this date be made to last from 20 to 23 year. Old roofs can be patched aad coated, looking much better and lasting longer than new shingles without the slate, for Owothlrd the coat ofroshlngllng The expense of slating new shingles is only about the cost of simply laving them. The point is fire-proof sgalnst spark or fly ing embers, may be easily tested by any one. . r-IH(Il It atop r-Tcry Leak, aud for tin or iron has no equal, as it ex pands by heat, contracts by cold, and never crack nor scales. Reors covered with Tar Sheet bins Pelt can be made water-tight at a small expense, snd preserved for many years. This Slate I'aiot is Extremely Cbeap. Two callous will cover a hundred square feel of siini:le roof, while on tin, iron, felt. matched boards, or any isootb urftce, Trom two qaaru to one gallon are reqaired to 100 sqaare feet ef surface, snd although tbe paint baa a heavy body it Is easily spplied with a brasb. No tar I nard In this Ootamoattlata therefore it neither crack la winter nor run 10 (ammer. - ' On decayed tblnglee, it lilt up the boles and and pores, and gives a new substantial roof that will lost for years. Curled mt warp ed shingles It brings to their places and keeps them there. It fills un all holes to salt roofs. stops the leaks aad although a alow dryer. rain does aot affect It a few been alter ap plying. As nearly all paint that are black coataio tar, be sure you obtain oar geaaine article, which Mr shingle roofs J is Cboeolate Color . when first spoiled, changing la about a month to a uniform date 0010-, aud h, to a intents and purpose, (late, 'On to. Koexn our red rotor is nasally pre'erred, e one coal Is equal lo Dve or any ordinary pain. or ' Brick Walla ' our bright red is tbe only reliable Slat Paint ever Introduced that will effectuily prevent dampness rem penetraUag aaa discoioriog ere iWuWM house snd fence, or s Drtming coal en 0m buliflngsj ; 7 A ,1 rtb i o 1 HOT Oor only colors Chocolate, Red, Bright Red aad Orairc,' " J " Mew York Cfc Prtew Mat. 1 Gilloa, caa aad box, a 1 rt ' t.l'0 1 SJ a m 9 90 : l oo i. - w. . ... Z0 ., .half barrel, , ., j 40 ,' oo barraL ,, 10 lb, cement for bad fetk. , . W bar ip atock, of .purown manafac tare, roofiug tnaterlal, eicy , at the following lew prices: ". .,'.. x 1000 rolls extra Robber Roofing, al Scent per square toot Or we win furnish Rubber Roofings, Malls, Caps, and Slat Paint tar aa rUtaaiaw too, ft 41 cnu BSfoarfloot. iUOO jaUt ft TarreaVitoaAag italty at ij cento per aqiarot)oU ,,i 3000 rolU 3-pty Tarrd Roofing Fel at tl rt per wuare foot. ' ' " WO will Tarred Wmatuing, Ot" cent lr 'OfjaaMfsaf.-'' ' ' 0000 gaPest lra Enamel Palht, wifsed ready far use-, inelde or ewtsWe work, at l per gallon, an atieov. lue I0M inea' BiH RUt Fteor. ' . wtirabl. -V0 r fvjrpwtoe Fleer, ' '-I00 1 (Jraflon Mineral v... " S 00 liwa it'tVB Virf.liu a.1.1 Jm' i aa Ppeclsl price per toi r car-load Jbti . All ordert mast be accawipanied javth th awotiy, o aahect to- days draft ea wtU haew paniaa.r.-, tf fi.io - Mi' cirfTrsuTE'Mrn'CoxpA iltotbluklt rha and w til taasraxLAKEOuajiov im) vvavrKUig jiaL w are Beat afmreA teluraish alleiaaasawrlsiioa tmpto)uMatiakfm,1thwhll'lw lime, or for their par momeata. Baalnaas new, ggtit and protilaUa. Person foi ther IVWiI learn from 60 cento to 1.00 par tvming. and a proportwaal tasi by devoting their whole time to the baslnea. Boy and girwrara aeany aa macb a men. Thai ao whose thia aotie may send their address. and teat tb bast neat ws make tblt aa- Derailed Br :T0 inch at art not wU satis had w will toad fne dollar to pay lor tbe trouble of writing. Full particulars, sample worth eovwt) doHare to eemmeaco work aa. aad oopy of Home and Firookla, aaa f tbetorgeat and best Illaatratad PabHeatMift, all soot free by mtlL Reader, ff Ton want ptWaMmt. protluble work, addrsat: J.V. , GKOUtiK 6TLN80N A Ctt.T.r Jaa tt-tf . Portland, .iULfc Til B M l' P FR E F. BBO B fi 5 OIIBKH. Aa Indeneadi Orgaapf tbe loeaok aad Mtaorrfa Bee-, Uoast Ctrcalale ta Tbtrty-NlB esatrttpa aad Tandvo BtateC it the ofse4alorrli pf Moriaamptoa and Hartford eoentiaa, and ksa a larger clrealatloa ta them than ear paper pabiiansa.. as aa aaveniamg awuiuat, n can aot he Surpassed la Batter Carolina. Terms, $3 per year, ta advance. II, for sis' "WAKO at BLAKCf, tfTi. fad rWs., jagli.tt . Marfreatboro. n. .4- 4 r. '55 Si c a e K 5 t-H w x -i-BCAVi IITf a sit e- B O it 1877. THEillJABTURLY REVIE W AND T?T, AOKWOOD'SM AO AZIN . T topfrd Stott Fobliihlnr Cunpii. 41 aUBCLAT IT.. NEW TOKK. ! CoDtlnne their authorized Reprlot of the reCB LEADUK) QDSBTERLr BBV1IWS. , EoiMttntoH Review (Whig,) 1 Ixwdos QuABTERt.T kbvibw (Conservative, Wkhtmikrteb Review (Liberal.) Brituu Quarterly Rettew (Kvasjcltcal, AND .. , 1 itkwootfi EdiB.ufgk Hagiilit. i The British Quarterlies give to tbt reader wall digested iafermation upon toe great event la contemporaneous history, and lontain masterly criticisms on sll tbst m resb and valuable In literature, as well as a summary of the triumphs of sclssce and wlferrTrJtfjipC rt likely to convulse all Europe c for dlccussioa, that will ae treated with a thoroughneo and ability ae- wbere else to Da, found, nltclc wtxxl Big tin la famoa for stories, essays, .and sketcbet of the highest liter ry merit, , . ..ti y TERMS (lacladiug Postage)). l. s I rATABLg gnucriT if kvrnm. For aay one Review, For any two Review, For any three Reviews, 10 00 n ou fw art toot Keviewt, For Blackweodt Magazine, 4 00 For Blsckwood sne on Review, 7 00 For Blackwood aud two Review, 10 00 For Blackwood aad tare Reviews, ' 13 00 fag tymjtetod and the four Reviews, 15.QTJ -CLTJBS. A diacoant of twenly per cetL wiilbe allowed to clatia of four or user person. Thus: tour ceplei of iilackweod or ef one Review will be tent to one address fort 1 1.80, tour copies of th tour Reviews MC Bitck wood for $48, and to on. ' ' r j Msw suaocrtbert (spplying early (he ibe year 18T7 may bare, . without cbarsjnv th aamber for tb hut quarter of 1871 oi aaah periodical they may subscribe tor.'- ' Neither premiam to sabaorlber aer dif eeaattoclaba can be allowed ntiles (be money la remitted direct to the tntWrtr. J No premiums given to clubs. Circulars with, further particular may be had tn nnnliratiott. -wi . i Tktt Lfiaird titt Piblithlig fitmpaif, 41 BARCLAY ST., NEW T0UK. i CAHPENTER, IIEIRS.KEXT Or KIN, WANTED. The children, orpaLowfUdsea of Benjamin Carpenter, who' i ia taughler ol Robinson 8hil. .HSOO, and resid- l la Wake or mnTg- counties of NorA Caoliniu "mioato -wRh me at rsa4U fwUl r of iefproperty HBttllbe yretl!rto,tj,tir a.ljr.iii age and atllte ..Teatirw.v.ir .l u sge and Aobtadut i kdii4aqron.pedl tf? JunjLAYKK, XttornVy. . soaaouieoM; gree. W t 7 sfnrrsy hirt"Kw York. IPeceetaer It, 1ST 7 i arm r - - ai docJ-wI42t rotrcEoiXiT 7n$Xm 1. 1 (,!'. 7 : .1. ' Ml'. i ,T3 T77.l-TT J . Ay vlrtpe of, A 'deto Ml f tatr' Fratiatt rt el WAkt cohnfy. I wM ea Monday tb dsr M VelWaary. oSer for public eat, it Court Hduw doer, tatk ekvof Raklaib. the foiiowipg Trawe or load: v ; 'Lot JTo. 1, lying on b0 ntd leading front Wilmtntrtlwl (A ' vfrttaairrK ' hf iharaf at Ini . iah xio. i, lying on id rota leeuinjj irowr 4 Itlbm tl&i acres. IncluUlag about S00 acres ol watt Umbered land. Oo this tract Were Is t good dwelling house with, six rtomt aad firstrst patoeusea, a good antt wlthootion am mmi ararTtliLtf awntnuOaL . A La., av nana tore howee oa the WUmingtoft' aoad.' Alto f e. one orcaara ana wen good-water. tBito tract win be dlvUod. lata to lots to suit purchasers. Lot No. I, Ij lng on th Baleigb aad Wllmlagtoa road eontlgaoet to tbe Bret atmetKmsMaXl torBalnlalSIf lead are situated, eultk I 0-" JSfFti- U:b:'.U I'll 4fei 4 n a o I Sfe 2 I S o -a a 3 3 '' uylS:;-fi wumirtrptkaaMrts4uorai at 7 mile from tba etiy of RalefifTi,' and kboat 1 mUe fraia tho rallreesViavt arTry valsable ff fanning perpoaee, s Term ef tale, one barf , be is awmtot tttto rs tained antii payment of parehaa amoay, . D4TJP LEWIS, I . '' Tairastbwer.' T?TABLUHFJ lUl'ST-AthvleAA Maui .2 xma j nan .XAaun .an jt viajaj.i hit i'f ' W ,Ai r..-;Vt.Hf'.,-,h);b f-I b,lt . .uii' t H iUiA ht0 M ' .1 .WlmHL A te ' .iaaiff f (tot fit ! .r a' "(I .dv ,is-'ii rfiw' ,r) , I wviVA SK .'A ( n l i i l itiiol ,dJtI .1,. r.l V 7f ,lJfl i l.VJ ; , -i.JmH. 11 V ,ll.Kf Li ,M"nna U I ,SlK! ",Tm. ,t (. ,da . . r-r.AX A II ff l . t1 J V ,iU6I t Jiauit? IT .1 ,lUW .1 ..nun'rr U H .dm b .aaedaui' a .r .ii ie i ,ti.s, t.liA. i) VJ ,lV ( .'-.avhU. V. W M- I I ;H If T .tlHS : .."LitioH 1 Id .diC? : nii-Htil ) H ,dJP? " .' "I.I M i,J Ji.t i- .j(.liaH I) .i ,4tfla .b .-itH T ..!: rt !i 'I 1. i i . . ; i - L ? ..il .: . - l it t-t .1 ,.l i f al -i.-,.y 'i . l.tf- W ,M Art The Sent ai'l"H I I .tif . i n.itit- ' 11 lv ttwH u . . taf.au' f V arsl an tir r fbw piiW4kAf a ft mettrojoir. , m ic asWtirat man tor - - those who loUOWIBt, ante w6T alter toe'jbAbftth: W-r t taatKnrV an.. ",-WV " r - a.w oi mier-commn and spec for tbe Bberar, rasorraUve, loyal itlment of all shaded to add vWntXis" t t la Jio A A '. .'m'.M'm') t The SEHTIBEt wiB ''be' loyal aad in genious tor both Fwderaf and 8talf goVern- ment. It wll luatato tht military aotllori- Jieg ,i prtsefviyc q ;url ) peJer; snd la enforcls,! rdr ot,Uig(iarn ment Not a dtolrail or) uakhr' word against the gorerrjratMft 'W 'the VMow of these States hA' past ar 'npl,'ot' K will be trte.wJlliontyco'rry,honcf without OsUtryV;nr will ft U to htoJ4,f wn tnroat. i, It ahall advtcato teuad pUadfAMiand iupport good men. It motto It nwtbrlu- ciples', aot' taek,' but prthclples aucf inn. A bad man can Jnd po quartor the oKliTtHBU. A good maa-r-fi ida'.o! truth, of high ittegrltjur-a tkvftVM IB tb true aeaa, honest aad capable, If w ar feot deceived, caa aloo dslal our ssnptjrt. After eloven lontj jrearl of trial, adversity and changes of fortune to nor people, stand to-day upon UMaatne plaUorht oa wire. Its veneraMotomderareetoaii. ' For more thtd' etoveo ers 4h BEN TIN FX ba Meet) gward fcti taw ngbto and iiberue ol tb people, and lo-uay, when liie Slats ha em treed from tht darkness mi rad leal rn and too Tatar. to, M fullof hope snd promls s the i pssti was dark, aad gloomy. It repledge Itself tb tho hiidt ser vice of the good peopU t tb fireat Stite of North Carolina. rifn. A Vi ,Ijv.': i-tux J t. , leb!' i t. Mir. i: ,) nvii- THE SENTINEL . !'n y i I ,3i.'!. wants, ' eoatftnons and .' .'!' I A Appreciating the wants,'' necessities of the peotHe, In rate of snbscriptlM i let the ton owing bscrlpilMi Jt - . .3v.u-.ri -- (. .';v S.,ti . j . y .-l a i ,t)lll . ' I : . 1t l- Ons year, Six months, One month, 1 11 .1 ' .. iK'3-1 : t.o ' ' IT . , -W. V, . .SO. .49 (i . .- !. "t I, .jliK li.i' ; t . -vi U'A wtir i' ihiim: : - vrKEaU,rt ' J.I a'l.'i Ll -J-wt.W 1 m "l - ' i--'l On jeAt : li. .-'.'It I ".-(! V TO Tb age and atoadlag af tbeSBlrTINEL give it a clrculaUoo, both dally anr weekly edition, whlcar render Kf at U'tAfertialng madbaa. the tawt tn tb fitats Btarefaanu and otbera who deaira to tattaib aa.OaaJn sUUsUoa by thtla.hltTth.-tt Baiwaags will Bid our rate very resuwaautat w, l5a C3 uau in, L ; l..-: . f I ,BJI Address, .bat id elfrrii, lATCffErB-ArcO , AQflQ Cant be made by- trw-ngeut . rj)t U V every month aai aM btaaeaM w furnish, bat theaswilaagM worg-tiar aatlly earn a dosen dot lata adtf riirUaltkrown tootAitieskn Have Moom .to-x4)iaJbor. Btolneaa pleasant and teherabla. .Vapten, aad boys and girls do a, Waft al mod, "Ws win1 furmsa yoif a qornpleit Outfit frei, .The beslaeat pay botter than inythingte. W wiu near espess er ttaruag yee 'rarucsr hrm Jtraati.-WHIa Wirl iaa ' Bfcanttttl aarf hr TreeLi' "Write rid wm, ' Pmrmt. aad mochanica, their ton and daughtara, Aattell claSMtB la need al paying .work. Jtt ome, should write to u aad learn all abjMjtbe work at one. How Ja,itb Um. Don't work at nc.u 9m Jutb timi Janao-tf b ,,., ,M ttgnsfs, fM no ' l ' l irm rr lOHBSTONE . AND aliiBBtE iVa m,u j WORKR. I I ..II r ttM4alWU MJUmX, l -. si- Bfotmr flUA'tPftw ojflbrlnt -hut evert of MarbW aad OMbiiw Wdm at-i - a-' V&t&S mmUje-lflslckb4,(rer. ehaslhg abwwhtre aftdyoi ii b contfbeed LnLflSTcan pMmbe f rabe ImpIsIu i awajt. can. . swjmcraoer CATlt-ftfctjuliBt r It alwaya cure. , 'A , wy 0-.j

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