THE SENTINEL; ijliJapsaBi FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 TUB lAGULATIJBB. lMdiMcCUvJn, WO Mer cer, d. td, Chsrle UUhw, W T Caao, d . M. IMI 1 UBd, th, Georp Onh, r. th. fir Askew . 10th, Joha D Stanford, I F Dottck 4 lith, wviwr, , Utk, WHMira,(eol.)r. 18th, JMBwMtt,d. 14th, J L (tmiL d. 13th, H Short, a. nth, w c Tw. a. I7tLRWeddell,d. lfb.BW Wynne, r. lUtK. T. Haghco, eoL, r. Wd, WO Albrtfhd. ISd, VR MtlMM,' 84th, TM Holt, JIBealas,d. Uth, M 8 Bobbins, d. . toth, H 0 Dockery, r. 17th, Kd B litardr J8th.LOH.Ulg, d. Ifth, T J Moon, dt SOth, W H Crawford, d. S1H, BB Roberta, d. iu,t; rUaon d. S8d,JbnG Matter, d. Mth, T A Nicboleea, Tyre Terk, d. 35th, Harrow Blnrhaaa, d. Mth, O N Folk, C T Toang, d. 37th, 8 M Finger, d. 41st, Q 8 Fnjwaeon, d. 4Jd, J L Robuaoa, d. r BMpfMiuuiv Alaaaaac. Denial Worth, d. Alexander, Mlltoe StTBon, d. AlleghaaT, E L Ysagban, d. Aaooa, BIDaalaB, d. AiM. jrowph Todd d. "lhiemesBtbV.-B ark.'J VWHm,' d. l-&bum, W Hanies, d. CaldtnU, JMHomck, d. Oanaden, R Abbott d. Carta. W .VGooflrw. d. GtfvolW Tbo. IIirUon, lad. VjM Ua, D il D Tomjl d. ' Chtiu,MMorit, B JPown, d Cherokee, W VMpor . ,OIavlaad,R JacBrejer, d. fiotanibat. V V Rlcnerdaoa. d. 'n.- r w w lr..v tr W ati.. J VIWTVV, IT VMM A " CtttbMlud, t W Godwia, CrMTgoX Bom, d. i . uUattltrtkj,-- ridtoa, M H Plaalg ad Jasae. A Tittfk. d. ' l)i,CfcrWWc,d. DrtliB, A GMoMtei, a O stsaaA, d. Ugweaeaha, ' W i Dqpt, Wlllk Feawyth. J JtStoflord," 4. r. Fraklin,John A WiUia-soa, r. , QaatoaW 0 aforri. d. OrMTmcW-'OUgwvWB Crews, l 6rn W P. ;Amoad, r. 1 OalUDnV LadM 8wial, J JT BUpteA 4.,' !r .irabvt mi 1 f iv I BUfx :J A Whit, i H Bayaoldv t. Him Hit 111 4 UWU, X. Hartford, J J Urtoa,r. Hvdo. r 8 Carter, d. Indall, A 0 Sharp, A F Gaithar, d. Jaekaaav O W Spaka, d. Joaaa, J F Bcott, r. Ltaolr, J X Darla, r. LUok,BjOCobb,d, ,MM,;DfBojh,d. . Madiaoa. BoUiaa,r. -Xartia, N B Fagaa, d. McDowall, J 8 Brawa, d. , Jtltehall, Jahn O Heap, r. ' -iloatgomarT, W X H lrwia.r, 'Soon, J D McItot. d. t. " Kafch. TP Brazil d. Haw Aaonr, J C Bli, Jaataa Wllaca, r. Karthaaiptoa, Unalov. J D ShaakeBmd. d. '. jgtaaga, 0 B Pariah, J Kaoi A(ha,d. FamUoo PaaqaoUakjraghCola, r. Pwder, Alfrad LJoyd r. Paraoiaiaaa, Wtllia Bagtay, r. Palk. JaaK. 8ta.pao d. WlaahMr, UE.Mfchaal . J. --r, Wlabaioart. W MTotryt ;mBateoJOimd Bowk M a-4i fvrt ft i-r ' Baetiagtiaafc jaaaaa C.JTiachaatard.' Bowaa, T 8 ITaadaraaa, 3 8 hloCnb Wa.. 'A Ratharfard. D Baaa d. , aVawW V JVVawaaU. J A Biaaall 4. Btaalay, 4 M artaaU 4. acakayw-alter W B3ag, d. '"bjaFajniVFGaaaoad 'ijiiw. aawwa naaawaa au 1 i j "tTaa, fl laall :i.'it r ;-i., r warren,! tt aaag.ujav jonsaoar ;v jaabiagto, .X, 1 rraTaara ir mi waant m. . lFaraa Owaa fval, Ftaak WAf, 1lkeaY . O.-tHortoai dL"' J O A ''BrFha,-' " JribwttlTKagwltatTd. ' hradkia, J B Baaiptaa Tt. ; r;. ' Yaacay, y W Proffltt, d. IliBOXDAYlW Mdaf 4( 8)4: 1877. 1 will aa 88 MbQ ala to tha highaet btadar, far caah.' at tha Court ha 1 door la Ua city af Rajiiga. a lataf kad la the aU .. atti of , Balalgh. aoaadad as Mawat aw. gtaaingata ataka wa aarth aid at BarU Carolloa Railroad and toamisg then M laat aorthwardli to- a ataka. thence , wardty 9 fact to a, ataka, tbaae aaathawy 7Vfietto a aiace,. ueaoa aorvawaraiy u :faetttMttfaaiBtV. ; '.V ; -T't ; TbH Bala aiad aaoV aaMbt irtM at a , JodgaMBt at th gaparior Cout of Vaka county, la a eartata caaaa wtarala Jao. C ; Buk a iH.aadBjaft 1 , PLnOOtB BATttSXOt. td tn, j 001 eMtrsrciiitt.d.! 4, m r " , r fif a? s'- -to. 1 hi 7 ,t tt! 1 Ml!)1 (I . Fat aoa1 poring Mtant tog Chldwttt tad Werrimoaj toU of I87J, wnasgad hy rimsT 7 1 MAii oovimxt. It T B OfTttaak Oaaaaa ,. ir in 67 41 raaaapiaac . .. 1061 10 14 T IK 10 MM VMV 'ioi 74 Byd... ...... ....... faalarti.Mfc VIM rtu.. ...... ,9.1 " IT). 4 - '1614 jots 17, 1 ak 1M7 laoi w UN JUfwtfMoMi oHfcy...., 8 COaO TSff 181 nu in 47 , M4 i. "tH lm Ui7 ' ,1,-. :... t70 1M ..r 1W0 : M ...i W0 ; 1971 1IUV a40 17 10197 ' M61 107 i m tat 1M 110T 1967 Cravaa ,. NftaaaiaMa .... Warm HaUfas 11MS TtopnbUcaa lajarttT-- THIBL0 rOITBVril 1481 9W 1774 a NT MT 1M 174 K4! low ism wo ISM Waka. Oraavllla... rrmaklla . . . Maah 1804 1I79J Ktpublteaa lajorMy....1. W6 firrn Raadolaa .777 Davhlaoa .... Oanfanl -Alaaaanca..... Paraoa Oaalow.... ......... 7 K 4M .... I , .... I Daplla 1780 :MM; .UJ , . i... . ...'i.T -iOT 1484 7 ..-"W VlWl. I68 .... HarMttT. aa .... ;:w1 w . Jm , Caajbarlaa. 18W 198 .... f n :iW .... .... Hadaa... UM 144S X4 .... , IM , ,-WVO Colaaaua :. 1004 , .... ! 'i7 Braaiwlck 711 7W WU4 04l K Carlarat W 7 ' .... if ,114? '706 .... 441 Itoara. 1081 , -BBl , . Sa- latt Mu .;rJcPiatawi4);arityvl ',;?,. AoV- ISM 130 ISM 1616 IM- 1831 170 1015 1101 81 1415 14M 1468 1S01 80S 830 10M1 ' 14157 Oaawall Backiacbaak. Btokaa. PitawaraHa aworlty. EXTU I 1681 168S .... I 4 ' 8008 1768 47 j & 17 .... tt 1014 104 .... 184 1488 ,1191 1018 ..v. IT ! 48 SW .... 8UI I 8KB 48 1161 Sit .... W I ls KM 1038 681 .... SW : UM 73 fill 8381 .... MO , 8488 SBfft 987 .... 89 1148 788 OS 708 .... 1W im MS 1881 488 8 j 1871 446 I374S j 10418 J 486 I 8798 " . ; 408 MoaUaxaaary.. Rlehawad.... Staalay Cahairaa TJnloa htaeklanbarg. Laeola Catawba..... Daiaaratte ajorKy .. ....... ...... .i... 887ll UTEBTn DISTRICT. t2f 'S lSi w ! ' ITadkla.: 75 888 17 ... I Davie........ 886 M , ; MH1 707 I m mm ilia aaa 1 .............. .ww mzz .... ti .... .... .... .... Iredell 1788 94 .... 744 Alesaadaa. Mf W .... 158 809 S68 .... 457 Wtlkee 10M ISM 880 .... ' 1871 1477 a?-'::::::::::: S, " . :::: :::: :::: :::: Wataaga 486 868 I .... 88 .... ...i .... 1M08' 8574 459,.' ,Jfl9Q ' I . ' l DanMratla eiakirltr. 1588 (1 ,1 ,1 ,.. i.i. ,r Inaaaaaaaa . avawaasama.. . 1 CaldweU'. ...1 18W I SBTT..1. I 407 II 1178 1 860 , .... toi b k. I ana . I axa I inn nut 1-. I , W. mWw .... r-w ........I ' .... ., .w i. . I vww 1 .... f . VIW 1 aeeetaad 10W M7 .... 558 1756 ml .... I Mttcboa iw n aaa .... M Yaaaay........ 808 878 .... 181 V hUDowell 708 flB . tW 860 648 N Traaaylvaala 879 808 .... 178 Baneoabe. 1538 1114 .... 484 1908 1180 .... 788 U4lo 685 Ml .... .... Haywood....:"..... 74 480 .... 898 .... laeaaoa... ... M ! 80S , , H m , walaH..i.... ........ ' ' 888 .... Maeoa...:... U .... 685 747 Clay. . 868 148 ..i. 110 jj '.. .... .... I vrahaar. ...I. 1 1 " I I I " . I t 4Chaaha 7444r4' - H ...M I .... 1 p:::::::::: : MS :::: :::: :::: 506 I 716 I ffll I .... 7S1 I " 7M I .... f .... - ' hsw1:au.J.M, Ut I; . Pairrat iJorHy.....!J.......-t.... -879 i ' 7. : : ; , , ;:r r- ,v - ' 0 "in JfiS: II ' riAltfiCTCgn aw i , .(towwia'A-3 l t.i'.MidM ' I - ii ., , ,. i ii .. I..Z -t I T-h BBl. CABTKB. . . r Tl-i j j j ;,;ATivwJiAiWiWi::!. t i if Mi :u Hi.:. j,,-Wvu,.......f l I -Pfaaa a the fkaraaw aad Federal I i umhiii - -t-: loncaa anr, ' - ! I I" n t rl jt tniiR.-- , Ji ).. (MCA H' 7 M iheotiw K ora-afjW DI8TBICT. tir. UVJTIU hTAiOaiTIXS. '7: a. .... :tf ' W7 ', M 1 :::: ' .... .. ... .... 'iai 1W .... t 140 jr'W 'V 1004 BMfTXUCr. iiai PUTaUCT. DI8TBICT. 74 41WJ 4487 IW1 1 auo 7 m DI8TBXCT 10W 1714 301 150 ijai im two im istw 7188 :lWtf 1181 lata 1016 M 1 1 Mi 18 18 ...... "m D'STBICT. 61 B EBB A TED. TOMBSTONE AND 1IABBLE W0SIJ3. SELLING CHEAP. MB CAYTOM. Ooraar of Menan and Bloant Sta., la new flaring hla itock of aroie ana uraaua wora at REDUCED PRICES. Call aad examine hi Hock before par ehaetag ebwwbar and roa wU be eaarloead that ha b) prapaied to girt yoa better bar gala thaa yoa eaa procure abewbera, a be baa bow oa hand tha beat atock of aurbl la the etty. ' Grra him call Reaxmber the place JOHN CAYTOX, Corner Blount and Morgan. K O. Bo JOS, Ralelgb, If , C "Ccntmd 'Ezpcdto VmBMtuSJUt ABO ILLUSTBATED. ' The eity eawpleU, richly Ulaatrated, low price work, 750 page, oaly 1.60. i Treats f taeeotirahlatory. graad hailding, woa- aortal axhiblla, aarloelUea, great day, etc The bmahance of 100 year to eoia awoay fast, a everybody want thl work. . . 1.M0 feinted Brat four waek. AM 'or fuU partlcolar addreaaoaiekly, HUBBARD BK()fl.. Pwhav" 78J Saaioai Straot PkUadalphla. . CAUTION? la not deeefrad b mnn HCOLaTBtoeoaaUfteeerfiag VDOD OF ALL OlSCRIPTIONS at hla yard at tha loot of , Harga Be, wait. s 4aa-i-aw-tw, I - TO TDK SCUALB BBOTUER8, i - (i . Brawanoflb,;. ; CLBBATP. JUSER BIKE, . , , '. MajwaMaw J4eyv , , THEO. JOSEPU'8 Gormai nl iEcrlcrj EclaiiraiL Bamtt Mid BtSOmt Strwta, RALEIGH, X. 0 t Mr. JaasDh ka Uad aa hi Saloon with apaoVal rahrano to tba olort aad antar taloaMat of kh) goatta, and Iha aahtte I larttad to aa loapactloa of kl aeooaiaiaila ttoMaad atcatof tha eraataro eoaforta ta Um lioa of hi otartalDBMnU 1 m alwajr asppltod with Iha fraabcat aad htttaat . OISTESS, BIED(5 ASD TEND50X, 1 mrni la th kaat aad all Iha variad tyla waoK aia ' nil Ba itoekod wltk a fall aaaV-wwralaU ttnaaf thalaaat Wlataaad Ltqaora, laportad aad 8CBALK BROraERfl CELCBRATKO LA- T , OEK BEES A SFKCMLTV." r Iakia BlllterB I oot of Hi 8 seat TaUel la tha city, and la th . - BeoeaHleai Kaaa I a TaWa of aaw bmmM aad daalffa forth antartalaaMat aad paitlata of gacata. Thankful for pact patronage, Mr, Joatph rajpaetfuUjr lovltea from tba cIUmo and ojooracra la Balalgh a lait U hi qalat. waU ordered and oompleu adabllthnieot 00 8AUBJHJBY AMD HARCETt StBEXTS, Jut wart a) UaMgh Matkml Bank, act l-tt - '' AGENTS Ibr beat chaaeo In Ui world to cola aioner." Addrcaa V. 8. SAFETY POCKET CO., Nawark. N, i rpiB BOBMIWG 8TAB. 1 j 9 Fint-Claa Democratic Keaper. LARGEST CIRCCJLATION OF ANY DAILY NEWS PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA. THE 0NL7 DAILY PAPE - . f ...... Published io WILMINGTON, a City of nesrljr JO.OOO Inhabi tants, sad the Great Centre of North (Car olina Trade. I SUBSCRIPTION One year. Six Month, Three Month, .$7.00 4.00 2.25 AdvertlalBg Bute BeaeejambJe t i '-i Addre, ) '"' 1 '; -" Wis. n, BERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, .Wilmington, N. C CAR PEWTER, HE IBB, NEXT OF lilN, WANTED. ' Th children, or grand children of Benjamin Carpaatar.-who awrladva daughter ot RoUaeaa Sbakelfurd, aboat 1880, and redd ed la Waka or the adjoining eenntie of Mart Carolina, will ceamaoicate with ate at eace. they UI hear of aoeta property that all! bo greatly la their advantage end oeaeeuiaed. Bead a eapy of year pedt giea. Adiliea. ' 1 : , : . JOHN P. JAYKE, Attoraey, 7 Mamy Street, Mew York. December si 187. do IS-wiatt NOTICE AEE or BBIA. ALU : , i By rlrtaa of a docraa of Dm Probita Court af Wake eoqnty, I wU oa Monday the 5th day of February, ofler for public aaw, at the Out Boos door, to th city of Raleigh, th following tract of laud: Lot N. L tyln oa the road leading from Wlialngtoa to Raleigh, and containing 4151 acre. Including about S00 acre of wen timbered land. On thl tract there ii a good dwelling boase with (Iz too) aad Bnirat olhoM, a good mill wlibwoUoa gla and everything complete. -dleo a wew More boase oa the Wilmlngton-Toad. Alao a Sua orchard and well of goedater. Thl tract will be divMed tato to lot to aatt aarcbaeera. Lot Ke. t, h lug oa the Raleigh aad fllmlogtoa road eonUgnoa to the Brat named tract aadwaataining (If aere. Tbea landa are i tea tad oa the Wllmlngtoa aad SmilhSeM roadav at f mHe from the city of Raleigh, aad aboat I mile rem the railroad, aad are wry velaable fer farming parpo. TaraMofaala, aao bait cash, balance ta IS atoolha with tkla re tabtad aatil payment of perebaee money. DAVID LEWIS, -'. ; - Comm! 10 to 25 per Day 5 CkMlaiMliarr4NJliO0rlll.lfn ! O -ir av, mrif N.rk4,.artiik m UBIVEBSTY OF NOIITII - -, - CAUOLIKA. .' A,'- i:. fjuia Eax, W. 0. ' Tba Mzt aataloa of tha UnlTeraUy win begin oa tba td TbamtaT la Jaaaarr, 1877, BJP P. BATTLE, awAwlt , .-.FiaMdaaL . IDE AELINQTON H0TJSE I ' Oornar 8th aad Cboreh Bta., LTKCTJBTJRO, VAy , Tab Bmh, whtk U ta aunt aoawtontty kwatad of aaj Uotol la tha citj, hat recant bjaaaa '" , r . . " GBEATLT ENLARG aad la oaa tha BMat Oaauaadloa aad hwt Arraoga4 Batala la tha , fexua. Tha rarakara la all Maw, of handaoma dadia. aad at tb aaat aaUt; b) ahart, TUB ABUICITOH b emapiata at aft tt ippotataeaU. Barli( laaaad tha abora Hatat tot atra of yaar, w wftf,' b a fcw aaya, ' OrSX ITTOTHE TVBUO, Aad ratartotha rapoUUoaof tha"AUKO- TOS" at Daarfll m tha bart gaaraataa wa eaa girt of tha aijla m which wa wffl kaap tha 1 "ABLIXGTOJi AT LYNCHBUBG A wcll4l(bta j ro on U Brat lour w . hakapt for tha excltulr 111 of SAMPLE MERCHANTS, tyOaialbat to and f rom Traloa Free ' seldenTscoville. AIM Proartetora at tha ArUaJrtoo, Dm Till., Va. ' octll-U G ASTON HOUSE. 1 le E ITB CR N E , C S. H. 8TREETj-PiroritTOK The GASTON HOUSE ha, for nearly hall a aentory, maintained a nrnutatlonai on of the beat Hotel at the Sooth, which It folly aoatala under the preeent man agemeat All Peraona who come to the eoaat to hast oa Bab, oyatert and other wood thing from the water, are advlaed thatliew Berne I th floeat Cah market oh the AUaalto coast. j S-tf. A PAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE. The) Emolnlllel COURIER JOU11NAL, Largest, Beat aad Cheapest Family Pa per la the I'nltod Slates. EDITED BY HE BUY WATTEES0N. 1 . a -Srmaaaa , , The CoarterHleiiriial la a comkina lion (made In lseS) af thro eld Louiiville panen, vis: lb JcanuU, eeUbliabad in 1830; the Cmarler, In 1843; and the D8ICTI la 1844. Iu repuUtien iu jatioaal, a well a IU eircalatieo, aad it la proaoaneed one of the ahleet, apieiaat,' wiu tleat, treegaat and beat arranged paper in the world; Its matter beiac eepecially adap ted to the Merchant, the Farmers Ladtee and Childreav s - TO AGENTS AND ciiCBsl. Eitraordlnary (adacemeat ia the way of each conimlMion and valuable premium are offered to ageata aad elaba. " valaabie etanaard Booki.tneWdln: a aew adKioa af Prentlca' reea). ehnoet given aeay to new aabonrlben. AOVOf IMDOMMr MaMtMHTka!! Pnaera of the day fdrnlabed la copbktation with the CmwrietsTwonial at mot lee than abaeripUan rates. T - . , . A SPLENDID MAP OF THE SOUTH, Sice !8iS8 laches, handsomely colored, varnlsbd a d banc on rollers, retail price 82; mailed free of postage, aad the Week F -oirtetsIOBrBl, pne year, for TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION? Dailv Cearier-Joarnal. a Tear. til 00 Saaday Coarler-Joornal, a year, . 1 0 weekly Uouner-Jouraal, a year, X 08 Or In club of five at $1.71 of tea at $1.80; sd of twenty and over at 1.50. Pottage in all eojrr prepaid by the Pro- prut or i. x Specimen copies, list of Book and Hc- sin! and Descriptive Circular, aant free oa applies uoa. Letters should be addresaeu to , W. N. HALDEMAN. Presldeat Coarler-Joornal Co., Loaisvllle, Kentucky. wAelt TBItlBPlI iTBCSM "' M1 384 BOWERY, N. Y., TO WHOM WAS AWARDED THB Preininm Medal. i far tha beet Elaatie Trass and aopporter at the laat seasloa of tha GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR care a rnptcre la from SO to 80 day and agar 1,009 dollar for a oaae the eaanot care. Theyemploya , FIRST CLASS LAPY BURGEON. - Terme (sodeaatai . Casak gaaraateed. Or der SIM by k U. Eaamiaatloaj free. The aeaal dlsauauMe patron, aend 10 eaau lor eeaerikUve book lo " ' . Prof. w O. MvBffHAM, If. D aar:S-dU Cl(kfargeoa T. BABVa SCHOOL, ' saunoji, rooMOBD 1848. The Seventieth Term of thl ft-boot will commence ea the flrat day of February. f or a eircamr, apply to tne Rector. ALurJKT VMEDES. jn 11 1877-1L VALUABLE' HOTEL PBOPEBTV FOR SALE OR RENT. ' THE CITY HOTEL FORMERLY JAR RATTS HOTEL. PETERSBURG, VA. I offered for aale, or will be rented lo a good tenant, oa REASONABLE TERMS. , x ' Tba boaat has many advaatacea. re gard Uatloa, Ac. and via the regular boeae for MEALS oa th Atlaatis Coart LtaaBallroed, which lesura a good petrea ag,v Far Term Ac., apply U.,.. , 8. A. PU'JaMEat lWfirg Y aa-ia-iv . .... v - tfi , few T""a I -ija'!;r"3 GENER AL INSUR ANCE AGENTS, RALEIGH, N.LO.! FIFTEEN FIRST CLASS COMPANIES REPRESENTED COMPRISING SOME OF THE , ODDEST AND STRONGEST IN THE COUNTRY. ACCEEGATE ASSETS OYER TWENTY BILUOXS DOLLAS. , . ' ' ' ' . - .!-.. ' ' ' BEfESTY-FIYB THOUSAND DOLLARS IN BONDS ON DEPOSIT IN THI8 STATE FOR SPECIAL SECURITY OF OUR POLICY HOLDERS. Address, jsa. 5ly. " . ..THE 73 " BJBrn BmT1 maSmSm aBaw a A I INSURES ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000 0) ASSETS, MAY 5, 18T6, 158,378 1 B,,ATTICI3:y c. KMSTKAD JONE8, Pbksident. O. W. BLACKN ALU Treasurer B. W. BE8T8KOBBTAKT. Partie desiring to insure their prvperty should patrooisa this Company, lor the fol lowing reasons: It la a safe corporation, combining ealveocy aad stability, (two of the most essential xInt lo aa lasocance Company, ) aa th following certificate from the SeeretaTY of State sets forth: " STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Depabtkbnt o State, Raleigh, Msj 6th, 187C. To AU Worn if May Ccneera .- Thl 1 to certify that I hat thoroughly examioed tha "business affair and finance '' af ' The Seothera Uaderwriter' Association," Raleigh, North Carolina, in accordance with the provisions of an act to amend aectlocs 42, 43 and 44, ' Battle' Revlsal," chapter Z. rati nHl 191 aay oi aarcn, A. v. ihio, nea apoa soana; pnaciuie. wiuiin ine prevuiona i it cnarier, am ft Ptarwfiof fta eewrttieer wtiKit mm wwe wrgapww trsw TOiftd;81gta,BatdBm ; 7090 00 . .adjteojr4f Noltt CW)lilui, Connty and Cltv Bon Ja, rmaaket value, ) ' " " " 19,875 00 Mortgages on Real Estate in N. C. (fin liena.) '33,196 00 Cash on hand, in Bank and in banda of Agenta, ' 10,108 19 Total, la accordance with the authority delegated the Report of said Company tiled this day. Given under my hand and seal of office. It protect the Klicy-holder, for ijj Charter require 6 per cent of Ibe premiums re ceived to be deposited with the State Treaaarar for that purpose. It etockboJdera are among the prominent basineaa men in North Carolina. It I nnder the centre! and management of native North Carolinians. It officers are known throughout the State. It will insure your property on the most reasonable terai. It will keep your money at home. . Live, Active, Reliable Acent wanted In every part of the State. Address, R. W. BEST, Raleigh, N. C. QOOD ACE.XT8 WASTED IN V Every Town Iu North and South Carolina TBE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY FIRE AND MARINE ISSLHAIECE GOMPIST or Memphis Tennessee. Cauda Capital - 9fM,000. O In taking the management of the Mis sissippi Valley Insurance Company for North and South Carolina, I take pleasure In rec commending It to my frlaada and the public generally as a sound healthy and conserva tive Company, wall managed, with large nd profitable buineaa. Good responsible agents wanted in every town and county In the two Slate. Addrcaa, ' W. A. TURK, Genl Aft A Manager, Box 2a9, Raleigh, N. a Office in McKee Building, Corner, of Wil mington A Martin Su. nor t-tm Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. NOTICES OF THB PRESS. Harper' Weekly should be in every famll throughout the bind, as a purer, more in tereailng, blsber toned, beiur-illust rated paper la not published ia this or any other country. Commercial Bulletin, Boston. The Weekly I the only Illustrated paper of th day that In Its essential characteristic I recogulaed aa a national paper. Brook lyn Eagle. The leading article in Harper' Weakly en political topics arer models of high-toned discussions, and it pictorial itlustjalion are often corroborative argument of no small force Examiner and Chronicle. N. Y. The Weekly has to a still larjrer degree distanced all competitors as an illustrated newspaper. It editorial are among tba most able of their kind, and il other reading matter is at once learned, brilliant, and amusing. It Illustrations are abundant and of .are excellence. Christian Advocate, N. Y. TERRS. Poatago fro to all Subaoribore In tha United Statoe. ' Haper' Weekly, one year, $4 Co $4 08 Include prepayment of U. 8- post age by the pabiiabar. Subecrlpueaa to Harper's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar, to one address for on year, $10 00; or, two ot Harper's Perlodl. call, to one addreas for one year, $7 00; postage free. As extra copy of either the Magasioe, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratia for very club of five sabacribrra of $4 OS each, la one remittance; or aix copie for 820 00, without extra copy; postage free. Back a anthers can be supplied t any time. The volume of the Weekly commence with Iha year. When no lime is mentioned, tt will be aodcrstood that the kuascriber withes to commence with the number next after the receipt of hi order. The annual volume of Harper' Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will lie aeut by ex preat, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete net, comprising twenty volume, arnt oa receipt of cash at th rate of $5 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. Clath case for each volume, callable for Binding, will be cent by mail, poet paid, on receipt of $1 08 each. - ladexe ta each volume sent gratis on re ceipt of stamp. ', Newspaper are not to copy this adver tisement without the express order of Harper A Brother Address HARPER A BROTHERS, ' New York. i , AGENTS WANTED FOtt THE STORY Of CHARLEY ROSS. Written by hi father. S complete account of thl moat mysterious abdoctlon and excit ing search. With fc-lmile letters snd U luatraUona Oataeu all other hooka One agent took afty order In one day, .Term liberal, , Address, .j v , , - JOHN E. POTTER A CO., Publiaberv 1 aelMw r PbUadaipMS LAWRENCE k WIN8TON. ana so nnatnattata company la "doing bail- ofBc; . , $162,879 19 to ma by tint Legislature. I hereby approve W. It. HOWEKTON, Secretary of State. MISCELLANEOUS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS" AND Centennial Laurels. a triple co nv FOR Wheeler & Wilson. THESE WTTPA? AND THESE DIPLOMAS!! THEIR NEW ROTARY HOOK LOCK STITCH SBV.'INO MACHINES. TIIK STANDARD SEWING MACHINES OF THE WORLD. Compare Wheeler S Wllaon'a Cen tennial Awarda with tba Awrarda Tor any other Machine. from the orriciAt. bkpokts FULL TEXT OF THE REASONS. 1 A Medal and Diploma for the "NKW WHEELER k WIION SEWING MA CHINE." for the following reatona: "A Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine, unsur passed 1 the One workmanship of h parts, and poeessing great originality, great adap tability to dlBerent claaaea of work bylb on Cloth and Leather, beauty ot Slitch, ease and rapidity of motion, ami complrleurtM of dUplay." I.A Medal an Dltrioma for the "New WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MA CHINE," "For saperlor quality of work In Leather Stitching."' 3. A Medal and Diploma for SEWING MACHINE NEEDLEWORK, "A aaperb display of Neeilie-Work exe cuted upon the Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machines, exquisite In design n! flnlih. Horn the lightest ganae to the heavier! leather." v: WHEELER & WIflON M'F'tt CD. 44 FOURTEENTH ST., UNION t QUA UK, NEW TORE. (w2L 17wTABM8ilED 183j lid ROBERT A MARTIN AC',, Grocers and Commission 'Merchants No. II, Sycamore Street, 'PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA. Conelirnments of Tobacco. Cotton. Wheal, Aw -solicited and which will bare faithful panaoal attention. JulywtdSn JICHMOND A PETKRSBURO R. F. (. Coeameoclng Oct. Mth, W75, Trait a his road wil run aa f ollowa : Laltva Ricraono, Sootb. 5:10 A. 14.. Through Mall; 7:45 A. it. Freight Train ; 1:45 f. U., Throngo Mall; 5 P.M., Freifrht Trala. Latva PiTBHaatrao, Noam. TM A. M., Pratght Tram ; 8 M., Tbrouvh Mail; 8 P. M, Frbt Trala ; 7:85 P. at . Through Mali1 Coaehea attached to ell freight irahia for aeeommodacloa of paaaaairera. TalaVempaay offara apaeial Inducements K toe ahlpplnf public oa Una of the RalKb at tiraaroeu KaTebrh AVfaaU and Western V. U JtaAroada, hi thewaj of low frcbrht aad Pasaaagat rate. ABHAW . Aw-tf 8aperiateadet