'-' - .T- ill 6 p 0 7 H S R H ST . m m MK' MM ;iv miscellaneous: TEE MAGIC OF TffTTRTf! I The sprightly correspondent of thl A;rtnJ; Irtelligencer who is travelling through Syria, and at last aetounts: had reached the mrW .f Bialbeck or Heliopolis, gives the followingdescrip tion or' the effect which, his flute and the negro ,uuu; "", "t-'"" lu uescenaants oMshmael !" In V??8 through Syria, as in otheVparts- of the world, I always carried my flute wiUi me;, to relieve the. lonely hours at night, and excite! a social feehngam.ong the natives. I had fluted my way after the falion-ot Goldsmith;.through many a difficulty ai d now I was resolved to see what the magic of music would do in removing the prejudices of the A aba. As f hlltt nt ,n th-' comer, and pulling off bur shoes, as , ;; custom required, we spread our mats close b , and .sat down cosily tonjoy the cheerful fire, mv friends ; . '(the Southerner and the English captain) slmokin - their chibouks, while' I brought forward my kn'ap v I sack, and began putting the. pieces of my' flute to .. gether. The Arabs, who tad begun to'crpwd in, T wrgreatly interested in the strange instrument 1 v tht"! was getting under way -; and Vosef, who Was ji,uci pvuw. ti tus civilisation,' sac oy enjoying' their remarks; and giving m aPranning interpreta tion. So no thought it was a sort of pistol, with a large toT.ehhole; f ut this notion was ridiculed by thje mom knowing ones, whoald it was iplairr to " . see that it was new fashioned "nine, ami that i they wbujd soon &ee me put . the bowitoj it,- and -; bgm fo imojee. "".!. 1' 'r , .kf'Atlak 1 got jail the pieces? adjusted, aiid com- rnanding.jsilence by a mysterjous motion? of the hand, corimione. dj playing that classical air of .' " yl Zip Coun." hich I dare say; vas never heard before among the-f ruins of Baalbeck. There was the most breathlesf attention' on all sides,interrupt- ed only by the suppressed exclamation of Tahib - -Tfhibf ( Iood, good !)-when I blew a very shrill . or false note ; and ; soon the women andr'ch.'lren from the neighboring house began to crowd! in. and ' '-'there- was gradualjf a larger circle formed ' -- l j- the room, the audience squatting down in rows, tin j I tll2re wa-scarcelyppa.rnogh'fjft "; to bfeltne. f l Ij'bleaway wijtb4all mj mv'ht, tor: not only was M ' I excited with th eV success ci' art experiment, but nuner inspirea wiu tne music I was making, which . J :issur you was not bad? -'The familiar airspf home made mej fen timetal, andI meff ;d into tjie dole-. ; fu I air "Xxjve me bat my heart a?f.: i ;7 not aj damsel seemed disposed tolisten to lw Theyfcommenced m the very middle ot the most pathetic strain""" call for "Old Zi p iWi." When I had ended tl r j was no end or the tahibs. Mr: Coon was a dec: 1 . J hit. ; "In order to vary the entertainments, silence was commanded anaiih.and losef was desired in ox. P1 ain th.-it -there would be a son? : that it was a ,sqng of an old black gentleman who lived in A merica, w ho . was a. pacha among ' the blacks at he -as called Uncle Ned because ho Was so venerable , and, being very-old, the hair' alii fell out of jhis hetid, and here was no hair at all in the place w l itere the hair ouirlit to nrow : thnt .1 I i . nadn t an y eyes t(seer.with, and consequently was as blind as a iiost jor stone wall, or any thino- else that i- su t neither h pposed to -be deficient in eyes ;. that he id teeth (to eat bread with, and he had to let. the b read alone and eat something eLse : that jis canes in the break. , which was about air average of sixteen feet ; and ' eyentua.ly, that oiie .day when he "was out in the field, a horrible monster,' called Grim Death, came along -ana caught mm by the heel and carried him and he 'was siever heard of any, more except in this sojng, whica vas written in commemoration of i these Thcr upon, hiving excited the most profound interest ii the the history of Uncle Ned, I launched forth ltitd the ong;, keeping as near thoj tune as i.r possible. inu going; through, all the motions des- f the'baldness of his head, .the absence of ;-his tc t i, and the length of his' fingers, ' At length. Avhon 1';; - Death se r . a sudden rnveu atjthe lmal catastrophe, when urnn zed the old gentleman; ly the hei-1, made liiotioii :k the heel of one worthy who was sittinir near completely: upsetting him! with g a laugh from the audience th it fright, an seemedr.s if.it 'woiiM neven crw toan end ! "A; It w as the test hit of the the 2. comjiletely removed jail constraint, i i " Tlie Women hid gradually . ered their faces, lBET . 1 "mv- "iv-Ki uni uiiiuus as nnr, tn n moved uv music and a srnnt of 'srwMfihiMiW?' FATAL TISE OF CHLOROFORM? : Ji The Dpston iTtca.77';contains a Iono- divmmr.Y-if from iiJC. 'larreil, in relation toiatleath by chloroibr nyccid4utally administered atthd Massa- . chusetts peneral Hospital It appears that chloric prt sulphuric ethvri is used in; the hospital,: in pre- tf feter.te t'lTihk-rufttrin . Tl li roe oner;ilirns wivn tw- f i. r -' 1U1 iirsi. was lor a contracted hand, land, the Patient w;is otl,r.w1 : with wkit was 'suhmwsed to te -ldrip ' orierati: wis 'pcfnned, and the patientl escaoed without 4ny otheif' inconvenience than a si irht sore ness oi the throat The second casfe ';was f:r . :1 i - i a tumor side of tl on the right ie ;:CO. iDlirillf thf .mpratirm ,;;,.' i e'ahie .- near dviiiir. but. w;k s:ivo,1 ' TLa c; ijjse w-h so w-Ji:rfi proveJ tafiil, was that .of a vn:ifno- mfln t i ' Jr-" i " T, about. tu :nty ye.js. lJ, a native of Irelaiid, who ;1 had his a:in entagltl in the machinery of a bark Ijiliil; about live dab, before. He -refused to have ft, -anp-utatcd until mortification ; had taken place. i'Mn baturuav the iiin'rafii ifivf..i..u,i - t?i. 4 "rv- ""1! lM;u iue operation was laccomplHhed in about two 'miniitps. ' Tnt .L ;i V.-K1 ffl Vffli 1 ! TT O.l A nr. I ii.- j fiiiishedr i 1 . j--v.JIJ CfcO J Li n tlZ t was perceived that his pulse' was ranid- failing " V'o. )", H arreti continues : - Jl.was grten! to suspend the! (lressmr':jin,-l swasti water .on his face. winch u- Mrt,'k.l";.H..l i iUr . . j . . .. ' ".. done. 'OtwltihstiUKlillo- tin's: flirt rnlivitl,,!. ;pufewei t oudimiuishing, and soon ceased. II it n 1 "vivii I was" to ai appearance entirely dead. Artificial re- pi ration was directly produced by "moving, the lynbs; were, rubbed, anwnonia, w;xs mo applied! to the nostrils and mouth, and m ike lbs; the entarilv w hen the se thinid failed. ;-.lhto tlic mouth, as in other cases. Soon after this j 7 " w vviuvVU : to pur gnkt joy, a slight inspiration followed, and . the eflorti being continued, his respiration improv .ed, though he breathed with difficulty, ofing -to thj quautity of niuc;is in the lungs. By great cf : fortsjon t he part of the gentlemen standing: arouud ,uu'Jl:ftio i.r.ivUiU'UuiQr Jii'm on his side, so as to drain sponging ihe back part of his moutb', heVas l?6m time to tnne relieved. . y ; f ' I ' ; At an empty spoon into hismouth, (and pounhg some brandy and a:ater from kth be? mtp it, ho was madd'to swallow full v? A " R't,miiln. swallow fully. A stimula iwels was also administers ting im'ection into the bowek was W After aiding inJqleMing his-lungs for some length h1mlwas thtfc Le miglrt be removed to occsiona C : ter wasgn; en spoke "and "f n liniii r i V which! he iswallowed readily. Hp alar. mi diiMypru! nil n, -. i i - u .1. . j "-v until iha L.. , T 4UCBu: propobeu to mm " of "the'liprf r.-Ji L nand on tne region U1C e4rt- Mus Uit nnp,1 ir, fill : inere was to obs'truction ?X Tt ' V,ruu larynx, fol niucuslssuei f the pwtoff t at his whoil CEI ' llaviD remained with himamtil thepulie had lecome rrottygood,nd tTie respiration" four I : - ' -t better, we aourned, to meet again in an hour and a half. PiaciDg at i the same time the house sur geon at his 'side, with- instructions to keep his throat clear of mucus, and j support him by stimu lants, with the strongest injunctions not to. leave him till our return. I " Shortly before the time: fixed for the return of the surgeons, which was half-past three o'clock, the ' house surgeon, percieviug his pulse to suddenly fail, and that his breathing was: more hurried, uncover ed the stump to see if it was bleeding; and found some etfusion of venous biood, probably, produced by the liquefaction of blood from chloroform poision. He' then cleared the mouth of mucus, which he had hardly completed when the patient breathed, his last without anv effort or. convulsion." Dr. "Warren states that chloroform was placed on the table, instead of chloric ether, by the inistake . of a new xflicer of the hospital." ERICSONS CALORIC SHIP. . This is unquestionably one of the most interest ing mechanical experiments. of the day. Scientific men are watching the result with eager curiosity ; not that a hot-air engine is a new invention. A Scotchman put one up some years since, which failed. A small-engine, bmlt according to him, is said to Jiavewotk;ed Keltic at jail events,.hed.hj3 fsjends are so well satisfied with its performance,' that they have gone to a great expehsejn building avessel and machinery to iry the experiment on a large scale. ' a i j The first great economy is to "be in fuel. Mr. Ericson proj)oses to lose no heatxcepf by radia tion; The hot air escaping from theyliuder, pass es through an ari ingemen)f wire gauze,: or at all events is brought in contact "with fb large la metal lic surface as to deposit its'caJoric immediately. A current of cold air in the opposite direction, follows or takes the caloric deposited in the tubes, and ex panded bynt, enters the cylinder. Thus Mr. Eric-' son expects to use the same heat over and over a gain pxcept what ii lost by radiation or leakage. Indeed, if it were not for this unavoidable waste, we Jo not see why he would not have he long sou"' t for Perpetual motion. " - ' Little fuel will be necessary, and the great draw Wfe in steamshi ps, the . transportation of coal. Ss f avoicU d, and increased space, made available for freight-i-two savings whicwill' kill the steam- 1 engijie if they can be carried out. .The waste of heat-producing material in the most Improved steam-engines, is enormous. We have heard that only one-fifteenth' is actually of use in the best en- guies, auu m oruiuary ones only one twenty-titth.- The rest of the heat is lost by escape, .radiation EXTRAORDINARY LOCK. f J 4 r The editor of (he American 'Artysan was recently shown a piece of mechanism which certainly -oes a head of anything in ie shape of a lock that we have ererseen or read of, in the essential of security i from depredation. It is called Yale's Magic Lock, and is as absolutely unpictable as the kernel of a walnut would be without damaging the shell. The only opening is a circular lorifice, half an inch in diameter, for admittingihe; key, and through which there is no possible access to' the tumblers i by any instrument whatever not j even by the key 'ftself, strange as that may seem! By a singular " con trivance,, a portion of the ikey is detached jafter in sertion, and sent to a distant part of the locq where it moves the tumblers, and; where the tools of the ! 4Ughtr could never. arrive except by. first b!:ttterinT - me iocii.-io uitcec. i.iie i puceo. xne ue--rOirTe!rera interior of a small pistol barrel, and hating, no opening In the interior, .basis "of the-lock, Iwould not receive powder enough to blow it jen. -The lock is therefore absolutely gunpowder j proof also. Among other peculiarities, the key is suscep tible of from forty thousand' to one million of chang es A change of the key changes the lock also in the act of locking, so that one may have la new lock every day for hundreds of years ! By a change of the key after locking, it is rendered impossible to unlock, even with the .Same kev, until back again. One may thus lose the key or have it, stolen, and still entertain no feaj-s of tha 1 14 lock s beincf opened with it. The proprietors of! fer a re- .ward of "five hundred dollars to any one v hb will picked it through the key hole, using w latever instrument he pleases, and taking any length of time ne mav desire. THE NAILS IN THE POST. ri-i i i i mere was once a iarmer who had a son named d care- " ate so reW and fol foTfuTr-fte every time you do wrong I shall drive a niii into . O 1 T. mis post, to remind you hQjr often you are naiio-hty ; and every" time you do right I will draw oijefout." 5 llis father did as he said he wouldand 'every day he had one, and sometimes reat mim nails torive in, but very seldom one to draw out At last John saw the post quite coverecf! with nails, and lie began to be Sshamed of haning so many faults ; so he resolved to be a better bck; and the next day he was so good ai;d industriols that several nails came out : the d.iv nftAr it ,Jo0 i, - '7 j . it, tio cij e same thing, and so for a long time, till at Ieijnh it came to the last njul.. I His father theth cadefhrm and. said ', ; j: ' " Look, John, here isf the very last nail, an now I m going to draw this; are you not-glad r John looked at (he post, and then, 'instead of ex pressing his joy, as his father expected, ha burst' into tears. " Why,", said his father, " what is' (he matter ? I should think you would be delighted ; the nails are all gone." 1 ' ' " Yes," sobbed John, " the nails are all but the scaks are there yet." gone So it is, dear children, -rt ith'your faults, and your bad habits ; you may overcome them, you imay, by degrees cure them, but the scars remain.! Now take mv advice, and uliotiovor aj u doing a wrong thing, or getting into a bad habit, lyi eery ume you give up to it, you "tuci uitu, auu inat win leave a scar on your soul, even if the nail should be afterwards cirawn out. Lfiid's lJaper. A Disappointed Visitor. A citizen, recently " "uuiii mis tue- iuooue icorres- pondentot the A, U. Delta, tells, with j much uumor, oi some equivoque, that minted in; a con versation he had with an English officer, wW uu- w lu ovueu iu j. acKennam s armv. 1 L . j m,vu urtvc uceii, men, in America " For a very short timet and it is long ao-0." " Were you ever in New Orleans "a." lv " Not exactly in it although or.ee very near it." "And did you notsvisit the citvJ" ! xSot let von I whp hXitf j coum mat r, 1D iana there was a large par y 0f US. too. Whn t ... . l V ul " T lot i in tK. j ? i , w uur oristmas dhiner m the city-but though we were very warmly re- jve turned round and went to Mobile PdS' but , tvuiu uui accomniish nur rek veiling in Alabama veryitempUngoallclcmd" ed to return ; ..and, on the 1st of April, lhve eft for home-the day selected forTembarlation forming an appropriate finish to our foolCS : Here a sudden spasm oC recollection struck the ,nl,,,rer with the force of a galvanic batter. 11eJeiSn f i1?6 lst" aut the year tltiU, a sheep ccfuld be hono-ht in t?i-..j i j t-.&.. "wiu lucre some time n a:a i very pence " and whpo ar a. .- ? L...J. ---..vuwu6u xur leeamff one From the Warrenton Newi. XST A tT U l mnT ii.i. ttwiiiii i n , Sir ;-1-We have recently had the pleasnrB of at tending! the semi-annual - examination of Messrs. Graves and Wilcox's School, one of two excellent female Institutions established in your village. In saying (hat we were highly gratified by the indica tions of? intellectual : progress which we witnessed, we but j express a sentiment which every one pre sent must have experienced. In all the various de partments of study there i were manifest evidences of judicious training and of accurate acquirements. So far; as your observation extended, the young ladies without exception acquitted themselves with distinguished credit. The promptness of, their re plies, the brevity yet lucid clearness of their explan ations and the decided merits of some of their original essays gave evidence of somewhat greater intellectual maturity than we are aceustoned to see displayed on similar occasions. While we - were pleased jwifh the commendable proficiency display ed in the more substantial branches of an education, we were not Jess gratified to witness the degree of excellence, to which the pupils had attained in the v a no us tashionable and ornamental accomplis'h We were from time to time regaled with meuts the melody of soft music, to which the ingenuous modes ty&nd ""igipst en ta tva-- fealy - t'usMr. songstress' not unfrequently lend new sweetness. Nor less pleasing were the beautiful spc '. iiens of painting and of fancy work wftnWli!-Ji tie apart ments were tastefully decorated. vWe profess not, sir, to be a connoisseur in the' fine arts. But. we will hazard our plaim to correcl taste upon the opinion, that many of those paintings which minis tered' so myeh to the inncwenideTighf the oc casion, jivill for correctness of outline, for just dis tribution of light and shade atfd for g&filral chaste ness of jexeciitiorj, compare favorably with similar exhibitions in any Institution f the country. Sure 1' the Muses from their lar : retreats must smile henignantly upojianf Institution ? wherein their favorite arts are so 'cultivated. " 4. As we gazed, mass ofiyothf but thm!- ' destined s tions of t' "on that assembled !Iig' ;.oe, we could helors are I fascina e! ladies hard arm?. Jrcleus ' sblid 3 with Iiments, y their i,he unerr- .. ...wo Ol v. admiration we within it. ened few. But fnfiii wreathed branch of ar Additional 1 1,1 c very glance ing- shafts of t But, sir, jt are looking sitrtit Oa ... jseJi) whom we are indebt i " r ed for so ricli a literary banquet. To enlarge ujwn the merits of Messrs. Graves and Wilcox is, we ap prehendf a task uncalled for in your community. Their ample experience and eminent success as in structors, their accomplishments as scholars and their wiorth as gentlemen have long siDee effectual ly, recommended them to public consideration. Aided by an effective corps of assistant instructors they have -established an Institution which is a credit !tb the State and which has added materially to the; prosperity and reputation of your village. There js 'one connected with the Institution one whose extensive attainments and the chastened ele gance f whose manners need scarce -be mentioned amongl those w,ho enjoy the pleasure of her ac- quaintaliceOorhe for majny invaluable lessons in early life. That power if ..lucid exposition, that peculiar fact in en gagingjthe youthful fancy, and above all that un erring gentleness of manner, by which she so en dears herself to those entrusted to her guardian ship are treasured among the most pleasing remi-. uiscencps of our life. That the. Institution may long continfue, to receive that munificent share of public Ipatronage which its distinguished merits have so justly earned must surely be the sincere desire 'of every true friend of education. J. ; THE CHILD'S PRAYER. A boy, some two or three years of age, was overheard, one evening, as he was retiring to rest, resisting the 1 authority of the, nurse, in what was unknown to the f'!t her, - till he went into 'the room to inquire. . ?T crib, and reft endeavering L 44 What is t. , 44 She ' won't s slant! upright in the i the nurse was her. , b efore I lie He knelt c in a subdue-1 44 God r head on i ;.Waslnot ble in its i. e. :YcrWitly, and 1 these words iown, put his i go to sleep veuder, valua- orthy of being classed with the I'Cltlll trt mo a t ; n - of the penitent publican j It was iis own way o tAt""B "S "is euiouon oi reverence towards God and the iu.c c.i ueatauu, enectuai on that account, LET IT ALONE. BY CHARLES SWAIN: Though the bowl and the bumper With spirit be filled; Though the' nectar, like Jove's, Be ambrosia distilled! Though wit, song, and laughter Lend joys of their own ; Take counsel from caution And let them alone ; Let them alone. Take counsel from caution And let them alone ! If a friend have a scheme, That he shows, very clear, Will bring you two thousand, Or upward, a year; Though it seem like a fortune, ; To other hands thrown, Take counsel from caution, And let it alone : Let it alone. Take counsel from; caution, i And let it alone! 'The fountain of fortune, But ' -erly flows; Weai "i a moment, ; As tu jy goes! And Wine's giddy laughter, Tis easily shown, . Brings sorrowereafter ' 7ho let it alone j . Let it alone. ; Brings sorrow hereafter ? So let it'alorie I - ir Walter Sgott Jn t,;. t- i' following kmmhfc 'AT draws the much lelsf exailn"1, "re ' might hive been pected" ' ffiL. exaffo-erated it- i: pweriy is not c0eriiea , it is on the extreme ver nrnm misery : their mi t misery sties, even . w uuia scarce serve for mV- veh ln Scotjand-and their r jffie refufee of.a rar-shon A o J:T seem tne bodies wi! th h ;.iJ..-. "posea ontneir you would think nothino" but wretchedness, that so manv sKrcc na Ta i Irnul some knot I give, and D ace t . . , Oil 9K .TmoJnil r . . J you m all tha r ""luuai oeiore "-v. niuie simplicity of Parad tise. ORIGINAL POETRY. For the Southern Weekly Post. FOREVER! BY SHADWELL. Fokevek ! In that simple sound What awful meaning lies! Forever! In one word are found What volumed mysteries! The mind would sometimes break its chain, Those wonders to explore, But still essays that flight in vain And cannot leave the shore. The mighty ocean in whose tide Is lost the stream of time, Is deep and dark, and wild and wide, And boundless, and sublime ! No line can reach the gulf profound, No wing its spaces fly, And yet our thoughls will hover round Thy verge, Eternity. Our mortal moments flowing fst, To the vast ocean tend. And must be lost, when life is past, In being without end.' As rain descends and disappears, Commingling with the sea, So mingle life's dissolving years Eternity, with thee. written for the southern weekly post.J THE POST-SCRIPT PAPERS. BY THE VIC Ali OF WAKE. A REMINISCENCE OR TWO. We were in one of the t cities of our sunny south once, when the following incident recorded itself In our memory. ' One of: the morning papers was relieved of the usual dryness that characterize the columns of a daily of shipping lists and auction sales, by pre senting in a conspicuous corner an original and beautiful little poem, by the gifted but unfortunate S. The poem attracted a great deal of attention, and elicited much remark ; more than it otherwise would have done,' from the fact that the ciiy was the home of S, the theatre of brilliant successes to him, as well as the arena of criooiny reverses. The -lines were delicate, tender and sensuously sweeter and seemed to touch a chord m every heart, which vibrated the longer on account of the associations connected with the history of their composer. "Poor S? " Beautiful lines" "sweet poetry." " Poor S." again, was upon almost every tongue, connected with some little anecdote of good or ill fortune, which S. became the subject of. We had never seen "S." One morning about this time we saw a man of fine appearance, intel lectual cast of countenance, and graceful action, with his hat off, standing in the midst of a crowd, at one of the .principal corners declaiming -in,.a finished style of elocution from one of the most pathetic monologues of mad " Hamlet." ' We were told it was " poor S." He was intoxicated, and from the storediouse of a richly furnished mem- ory, vyas rolling out at random those treasures that had made him once so rich in apt quotations. Was it not a pitiable sight ? Once he had been the Nestor of the Southern press, and with Mr. Ritchie had been almost the only man in the whole Union that could give pa thos to a political article. Once he had but to speak, and the whole phalanx of southern demo cratic editors wheeled into " column" llis editorial dicta were the political axiom tests of his State, while neighboring States yielded to the sway of his opinions and now, there he stood not the jest, but the melancholy central, object of a crowd, that looked on and pitied ; casting his pearls, not before swine, but under foot of men. A sad pic ture of genius debased a heart benumbing scene that drew tears from more than one eye. Through association another incident that left its impress upon one of memory's sheets brings itself into view. It was in one of the villages of a southern State. A statesman an honored Senator had to address a large audience next 'day, and had retired to his rooni, where several of his friends still lingered. and it-was-Tranaecr". WWig&rW ,unu Fge 11 ion- upon something which 'made him give an involuntary start, followed by a scarce ly perceptible shudder, or nearly concealed tremor as if the statesman attempted to subdue and con- ceal the feelings and sympathies of the man The man' mastered and the .tears welling up iu his eye .trembled ther for a moment, and coursed down ns cheek He intimated . to us the reception through the paper .of news from the West, which brought information : of the death of a protege of s-on of poor S,-who had rapidly risen to the rank of a Colonel m the array, and had been mas sacred by the Indians in Oregon, We left him alone to his grief. themselves pictUreS f tLe vanit? of Jife Fresent A man who has once revelled in sn, JLa X- ULJ. 1(11 I sumptuously, every day, seen his opinions become edicts once a leadiurr politician Id.,,. et, in wild delirium, become the centre of a street throns1. A son of his on the. tWl.u r e. ..i Honour of his countrv anl l.w u;.:.. v .- iiim with talents and enero-v ennol, tr, i: tmction in the field he had chosen, laid low k t . tomahawk of the relent! A statesman. ess savatre. arrested in iha -rJ:4..,i c i popularity by just such bon eti Zl wng the hearts of , the humbleit of us . ,,,,1 17 -adminnn: friends, to seek In inta . -A , Det,,t Solhillg ,Wt tlle I- Iieader. i thnro n..f . i...-,. 1 , fv. AH is vanity, saith .the preacher." EDITORIAL LEVITIES. "Turkey is struorn-Hnor in r j.i .,, change. " ll ueut' x' D avifon'Thl We Sa a " pay.it on Ihanksgivino- day. It. ,0,uxu nature. w - hic ucul oi u The dauo4ifi A.e n -r . 70 "w. v" VJCU. XI aird at Southampton lately ", a .7 c. A& Ul yKlu -Rosas harried a S pan- Aiie uaugnter ot llans Eich eirberirW -:"T . ueirgraemstien amntnn cli ti.'i aiortu- , -j3 "irtiueu to "'.""J- iue nappy brideornnm', ' -t" . o " s name she chawed ho ; "r ."I1Alz!leaaur..and waatoolon;. UWHUSe ner tami,7 name What 'letSr Wname is that' Mliich th addition letter becomes a woman's ? An .v. nf nnA sired from .L,- 1 lxn answer de- wv, icnuer o me rent "Ben Johnson was originally a bricklayer We. know a o-dod m -jer. originally pipellvers - "TS "ho ston of Pennsylva Used VTL L??tTl& of a noted admirer of Bn IUUK uim ioo near the fire. We any one can admire 6am." 4. i l- . onaer it his ar1mirat;An don't see how newVoVeRchr-T,0"Pt hasjust Polished a scandal -'w5 hJ curiousl7 Reeled scandals e object to the use of " new" aad "novels" m the quotation above ; novels of a scSi dalous character, are nothing new from her pen. Moreover, scandal from her, has ceased to be " nov: el," no matter- how "coufected.' . About twenty novels Itave sprung up like the lean kind in Pharoah's dream, to devour that one fat one of Mrs. Stowe. Mrs. S. has gone over tne field and left the stubble, so tar as tne prouw are concerned. Those who bought Mrs. S.'s work didn t care for the truth ; those who are disposed to, know it already, without purchasing the replies. " There is a great demand," says a Yankee ped lar, "for a species of plaster which will enable gentlemen to stick to their business." There is also a great demand for a " plaster," thaf, will ena ble "Yankee pedhus" and, others to stick to the truth. We proffer the receipt gratis ; it is to be found in the 9th commandment. r BEAUTIFUL HYMN. The following has often caught our ear as among the most musically melodious specimens of poetry every written in our language. No tolerable reader can "peruse it without being charmed with the mu sic that dwells in the mere word placing. Read well with proper emphasis, and accent, it is de lightful : Hark to the solemn bell, ' Mournfully pealing ! What do its wailings tell. On the ear stealing ? Seem they not thus to say Loved ones have passed away ? Ashes with ashes lay, List to its pealing. Earth is all vanity, False as 'tis fleeting ; Grief is in all its joy, Smiles with tears meeting ; . Youth's brightest hopes decay, Pass like morn's gems away, Too fair on earth to stay, Where all is fleeting.- WThen in their lonely bed, Loved ones are lying ; W hen joyful wings are spread, To heaven flying ; Would we to sin and pain, Call back their souls again, Weave round their hearts the chain Severed in dying ? No, dearest Jesus, no ; To thee their Saviour, Let their free spirits go, Ransomed for ever : Heirs of unending joy, '1 heirs is the victory ; Thine let the glory be, Now and for ever. Some captious critics affect to believe that there is no beauty in hymns. How often in "profane" poetry do they fina anything so sweetly and softly beautiful as that ? It sounds like Che soul strain of a christian poet, improvising a funeral chime "pon the most -delicate toned vesper bells Written for the Southern Weekly Post. DANIEL WEBSTER. BY Dll. COWrER. Can this be death ? Then what is lifeer death ? " Speak !" but he spoke not : " Wake !"&ut still he slept : But yesterday, and who had mightier breath ? A thousand warriors by his word were kept In awe : he said as the centurion saith, 44 Go " and he goeth ; " Come" and forth he stepp'd. ' The trump and bugle till he spake were dumb ' And now ! ! nought left him but the muffled drum. Byron. , A sun of intellect has forever set the marked mind and master-spirit of the Age has left us the greatest of men has descended to the tomb -a thousand halls are hung with crape and millions mourn ! ! A mighty republic has lost its brightest ewel a sister State, an immortal son the Senate, a shining statesman the constitution, an able de fender the Cabinet; an illustrious associate Law, an able advocate Liberty, a tried friend Elo quence, an orator a devoted wife, an affectionate husband a loving son, an attached father society, a rich endearment the world a goddike man !! ! Behold ! a promising child is born : that youth ful star of this western sphere is seen steadily to rise ; its expanding light dispels each adverse cloud its genius brightness attracts every anxious eye increasing grandeur swells to a meridian sun onwarl, upward, its rays are those of life, of love and profit to all mankind." Myriads look upon its brilliancy its influence spreads over the inhabita ble globe, civilized mind and the united human heart; and travelling throughout its destined course it goes down calmly and leayes-hehind an unfading memory of its brilliant setting!. And such was tay'ulisJ.gjjeh theareer of him who so and ever will be his fame ! "The nation deeply mourns the loss of so great a man. Born in a re P.i1 4es,ned hy God to become illustrious h e lumiled the rmnd rWJTT l,;., if.i , out, Endowed o v-v.i.j "io iian.er marKea by nature with fnlonts : gifted with a mind unsurpassed in time, ancient or modern, msp.red with genius and versed in philos ophy, be lighted up a world with his wisdom, and awakened by his eloquence the attention of listen ing senates and slumbering millions. Command- :t"Yu?m a ? for"Va frame, that r cnUI every Deholder; and the splen dor ot ins intellect was ed sentiments of his Own good heart Manly and exalted, he represented nnt ti, a,.v. cate tints of the rainbow or . tissue of the white nny ; but a riffantic oak towrmo- an.l nrun,i;,T : . . "a,U5 "even, the oZ "ri. i:liSe:WWS deep-rooted in irt,r i t ere to destroy the ma jesty of ,ts bearing. Profound in literature d versed m the classics, he was the brilliant Sc " . and vvi!!-iti.. i . - i , r "'iinaiit scaoiar as tl iSr t ngU'td Politician. Educated for the Lar, he was no less i!l..,v.. : . , than in the hall. f i.,: " m. ar,?u ture of th thw .J".' -e,0(luent m defence ic - couniry, and touchingly pathet whilst anneahno- to t.i .i f . t.-i,i,. e.i r wu"-fi',w;u uiousantls; yet tlUlV SUb llllft in nr-r,r ...i , ., ' ct ,. . -iicii arouna tne -nre-side o his home conversing with select friends. Look 5 in? i" riLfJ8ever.libt yo d"esire,and still 5ou Jal beho d h,m grand in all his resources, brilliant KB ... ;&AU cuy. ue was oneof .Jlll uie gous make immortal one of those men whose names shall never diereat grand, glorious onginal. upon, whose head the hands ot Providence have rested and showered a orU the superiority of & of a divinity above us. ujnainty v nether we view him at the Bar pleadinr in thunder tones of eloquence JJ i 7 "g ln ious client-whethe; we see h 7m XL ' " i"" Senate chamber with brightening ey , moving St ture imposing look, diving deep into queTS of mighty import to his beiovrl , 0t we see him emvraped in solitary thought alone the Cabmet directing the whole powers of i v.vuui,i y wnetiipr in of his r.n""!." the feS a principle involved in the Law ve vr t j? oeanurai ana lair whether Marshfaeld jrazmer uoon his u . . at , . y i ""(; "CIUS. 111 pro- 1 1 1 ' F ie inosi nooie torest, tl plain, the towering mountains or Bring mountains or the w,Ma lft vnor ----- ?...,s uia orom m t solemnity f night with christian admiration e"ln,tof works of his God. thftf,.ll"r".. ",t8,n? the e ., ' 5 " "1WU from the sea, or countless I tl T? of heaven, or yet still hiiwf higher, noblerT holW with JJible in hnn.1 raoA; .? , ' the sublime nf ul WdU ,es of Job or ever we see, Vhenr w7 71" en- old Daniel Weh.tV; "a: n.ver, we be- greatness of mind, exaltation Tof soul Tl""0 tr"e about him that t,P,n;o. soul: TI,ere was him, would be but quickly -to pronounce h greatest of living mean ! , Illustrious ano lmiuunni man ue i,.ui , L. smiles of rich' fortune to assist him h,. haij e favors of friends to herald his fame I 0; 1, ed for them not With firm resolve aJd ( mined will he went forth scorning alike opultrT and friendship ; and trusting to the might v !-e which fell upon him from on high jhe niai-che.! ward through every opposing tide' to gl0i-v name! What though the clouds envelope'l l,j his transcendant genius could penetrate :m,l T1' yond them the bright and cheering sun 1 1 though trials and adversity began with him ;u ( ly life, he resolved to dislodge them, and the v uf,' gone. He towered alone his fellow-men as a m, ' tain high above its companion-mountains; ai,J ' name is written on a place in his country's hitjry where age after age, generation after .,K!..UjJ admiring men may look from every land; a;: j 'j see shining in unclouded splendor. He c.,ino-J' us dressed not in the warrior's garb; and n., of battle, no bloody victory proclaims his lazziir deeds. No; his field of action was the sphere-. mind his glowing triumphs were of lieawn-d cended intellect; and greater than a Cie.sar or a: Bonaparte, he ruled men and nations not by sword and cannons ; but by wisdom, reason, sense '. quent in .speech, his sentiments chaste, striking an(j forcible, imaginative if needful, strong, concise, to the point in debate, he could picture with beautt reason with philosophy and sweep before Liniali argumentative opposition. 'LTis mind was as com prehensive as the world is wide as profound ss the sea is deep, elastic as the very air he briatl, llis patriotism and love of country as utidoul.tnj as the existence of his God, and his genuine zenith as bright as the sun that illumines the heaven-sill's name resounded in foreign lands as Lu Jiy a, in his own ; afnd his brilliant fame rode iijum tl, swift wings of the winds and whs borne to the molest parts of the earth. Kings and crow ns trembly at his influence ; and tyranny and despotism T4. frrn-n Iik lfm.3 ill... c.-.v-.-ii-t . cti-. ,1-.,., 1 -i ty, human liberty was w ith him a irlow in.r tiin-. and he rejoiced in the progress of freedom. f upheld the oppressed, he scorned government-; o- f posed to hvjman rights, aud his silver tongue pk-aj in golden language and in strains of anel sut- ness for the rights and privileges of down -t red J(ll J lands. In his olwn republic to w horn she is so mum indebted, for her existing greatness, he stood ij r colloseari grandeur. When war threatendor ik-t "- hostilities actually existed, tlie eyes ot all cit.. ns were upon him, trusting to Ins liulgiiien't an tained by his wisdom. And when internal tr.i and political excitement were arousing man air;llK man, citizen against citizen, and brother alllv. ' brother,' throughout the length and breadth oftih land. How magnanimous were his e 'for Is ! Ilotr ! patriotic and disinterested his energies! AUa; ; mighty ability and power did he exhibit in the de-1 fence of the constitution and the Union! man! Forgetting all private interests, discard',-' all selfish ends he threw the immensity of h f mind and the splendor of his eloquence in the Lai-i lowed cause of his weeping country; and, enlyht-1 ening his people, dispelling the dark clouds tin: ft were obscuring the blue sky of her prosperity L caused the sword of civil war to be returned "to its sheath, the sun of security to come out from t!t mist, the stars and the stripes to rise still higher, and quietude and peace, and harmony and love to pervade in every American breast ! ! MagnammoM act of a most magnanimous man ! Never was iht character of Daniel Webster more beautifully emphfiecl fhan in that eventful time. Never will i gratefulepublicv cease-to remember the majesty his mind, the loftiness of his patriotism, the gance of his oratory, or goodness of his heart .' Xever shall the proud recollections of his untinnf activity in the common cause of liberty and Ink native land fade fi-Om the memory of his devote:! fellow-countrymen ; and whilst an American bl a mind whilst an American has a heart, shall s splendid deeds and majestic greatness of the et, nal Webster be fresh and green; time will but ad brighter lustre to his fame and when this net and the monuments of the present day ln.n shall have mouldered in the grave, and the ( it ries shall have crumbled into dust, the vork t now existing men the polished name of tin- j lustrious statesman, orator, and defender or country, shall be read in shining letters highirf the front of the magnificent temple of iWi liberty. llis commanding statue shall stop f millions passing by, and he shall live the wote of his age, the admiration of eternity. I "He alone Remains unshaken. Rising he displays His god-like presence. Dignity and grace MmaPAAiiijK?1ybM?-ioin,d Suhlimpst vlrhu J .- c H'u : ' auu uesire oi tame Thfn J"f tlCe Puve?,the laurel 5 in his eye Th ef t,nS?abIe epark, which fires jt j J Patriots ; whil h brow supports Undaunted valor, and contempt of deatK " 7 Republics are grateful. Republics will L merit ; and a grateful people will ever divivhi who have hyed for human good and who I J nave aitlilully been devoted to the! intent U &.v,.jr yji njc-ir country. I ho truo patriot uguis to praise the illusti nous characters of neut men; and the upright mind' and feeling will never hesitate to accord to such as esteem and fond remembrance, those quality intellect and virtue which shine so clearly, m ii brilliant course. 'Tis true,.nothing can be spi nought can be written, no talent however Ir. snail add. a single plume to the can of fan Webster 0; his glory is his own-bis r- "ceus "oc tne pen. the orator. tb IrA the marble or statue. lie hJL, written his his deeds of living light upon the present future time. The woi-ld is aware' of his abi'm -the world Well knows the man ! Hut m weeping, mourning, bereaved . country io -dwell upon his excellencies, loves to hear her mg citizens proclaim his greatness ; nwTuVr eyer be found willing and ready to do honor tJ 1 gitted dead, whose entire lives , have been (! r tO her Karv'tfa ...1 . .1 U ...vc ruuse entire pnf'rrnes liilt-'i uirected to her w elf;1 1 il., .-.wi. rD'hi;-"-1 niuuaa ins inrnnn imi4 l. lis r-niilili m:iV I D1'- throus irhout the WorU o' ,1 .JHrxr-t1 auu many are the prayers coniuieu ; his spuit to him who gave it. Yes, the you--and the aged the blushing maiden and tieb? ant boy. The affectionate father and tender a -er, the citizen an.l tl.o oi u n l,.-m.c hi.e rtam-. . .1 . J it- e i. ., , - -" oiavc, ail, mi, iiu; " , r felt the loss of one so great, so grand ! He bejin PYnmnL .' .1 & , , b. .,lri 1UI- ln(J scnoar ,n jus IIHU-T study he shall be a beacon of lirht to bi-f, men, awakening, a desire to be like him en tv fn tI,e learts of his country-men. He as a splend'dsio-n hirh f..-r dirartiE?1' p""J lame he shall be as a lii-b do"" day or as a pjjar of fire in da,.kl)essaS nN the sea to call the lost mariner in from I ' and safely conduct him to happiness ami i, . es, the sire shall teach his prattling diM II' uis name, the widows n.h fimula ' - v ' iiivj L 1 J v. 1 C 1 1 tl 1 1 -" - t only son. the hono ,f s.r& W I r m-mr IB i.i-.1tJ' W on and be. nnp-litn l.i'm fl, oo.irincr :ud the fresh-made lawyer, the politicians, the W:cf orator, the young men of this wide-spreaJ jef will with united action take him as a gu"Ie.:j mav tha K,;i. i i i .i. ,,!en' j ...s. uiijjiimt-s. ui nis ueeus, me .i-j -.- , j. Tllii la'ln-l. 1 . . .7 " --..iSt1'11 tne greatness oj tne man, w so that at a distant period 'Ihev mav ex'!.lU.t0 . sreneration. having ..-.. l.nr .niJ tell if - ..vim ma. inrough the mtluen of tha rr, .i ;c i. iv.i.... i U of the I thus cended ! Ys, he lias gone to the silent tomb! t jun his race, and left' behind him a stream ot lectual light upou an admiring universe. 11)1 ' ft r Jfv Y t V ) . . . S