T - " ' i I ,,,,.,1 , .M&Hh. -."-' - - - " J 3 .J'.:-. '.; - r i . -Til- ' . ' 'A i : " ) .... - . . ;;. , i r--tei-':.: . - 1 i ... . : , '. ' '. - . ' ', . . i. .. ..: ' . " . . . : ; j , i : ' " 3 p.- .1'-; i'i --mm (President's Message concluded from Jint page.) dqxiire .additional appropriations. I- trust that these appropria'tioiis will bo made, and that this wise and beneficent policy, so auspiciously resumed, will be conti nued. J . j - - , - Great car should be taken, Loweverj to Com mence, no, work- which is not -of sufficient ' import atjce to the Commerce of the country, to be viewed as national in1 .its character. But works which have been commenced should not be discontinued ;- until compk-i.ed, as otherwise the sums expended will in most cases be4 lost. j '.: .. NAVY DEPARTMENT. . :v;' Thb reporr from the Navy .Department will in . " form you of i.he iKosperous condition of the branch of the public service committed to its charge.. It C Prcscnt3 toTf'ar consileration many topics and sug- jrfe-i : "I v . gestibns of l.ic!i I ask your approval. It exhibits .t o - vi . wcuviiy. m me operations or me. jr'iii.iiiMiiuuiiiig iiie. piiji year. . ; The preparations for the Japan expeditions, to which I hale already alluded ; the arrangements - made rfor thp expIorat)nuid sur-ey of the China Stsj the Northern Tacific, and Bhering's Straits ; t.he incipient measures taken towards a reconijoiss- ance of the cmtinenfbf Africa eastward of 'Libera.: -tlte preparation .for. an early examination of the trmutanes or- tue Kiver Xa 'l;Ua, which a recent decree of the provisional chief of the Argentine Confederation has. opened to navigation ; all these . enterprises, and the means bv wliieh tbpv arp. m'n. tposed'to bejiceomplished. have commanded mv jmi -ijipropauon, ana 1 have no doubt will be pro "ductive oLmmt, useful results. .. 5 . xv ' Two' officer of the navy were heretofore .instrue- : ted-to explore the whole extent of the Amazon river from the confines of Peru to its month. Tlie' return of one of iliem has placed inthe po&iessiou .of I the . .Govern'meht an interesting and valnable -account f)f the clia'racCirndesources of a'coun- tryfab()iuiding in the materials of commerce, arid V IV VI U 1 II tJ L1M I V 111 lil' Ul W I 11 prove' ;iu Hiexnnistible lund , ot we:ilth. 1 The re- I'ortjpf this ' exploration will be-.coinmunicatecl to v- yaijas soon: as it isfcomph'ted j-' . A inong othe'r su bjocts ofibredftdlyou jfjTioticft by . 'the: Secretary of Uie Navjyd? select fqr'speciaijcom ; mediation, in view of , its connexion wii the.inter : : iestsiof the .navy, thV planssubmltteot Jy hirfi f : j the ; jpstablishinent of a penffafnegt corpS'ott 4dira :, j and'the sugirestions fie h;is prented for tHeriv. :?ganizatiuu of:the Naval Ac'tdSmy- & ' Itf n-lereuce tbtho Crst ci' fV -rr-1 r occasion. " to.piiy thaf I think it eierfi- i Vi v cTency: of the " sei'vice, ... 4 ii as st ififruence' .ow gfeat- . -it niust'-t-xert upon the navaldi . : ly disturbed bthe increasinof. spuU finsubordi- : .nntlpn, resulting from bur present' system. The I'lan proposedjt'or tteL organization of the seamen intern the authqiity ' ,of ' command ships er and. security of our It is lx-lievde that any change whicli profibses 'permanently to 'dispense with this mode of punish'- merit, should be preceded by a system of en-'-i Itstmet which shall supply th'e navy with seamen of them meritorious class, whose good deportment liftd pride of character may preclude all occasion ' for a. resort to penalties of a harsh or degrading .nature. The safety of a ship and her crew is oftqn. - dependant upon immediate obedience !to a com mand; the aivthorit to enforce it must.be equally : ready. .! ; ' . : ' r. The arrest of a . refractorv seahian. in such mo- ''ii-.-srsftrot only deprives tu the tnip ot luaidpeusuuiv 40i aid, but imposes a necessity for double service on. others whose fidelity to their duties may be relied' .upon m such an emergency. - The exposure to this . -invrcased and arduous labor, sirice the passage of theiact .f .1850, has already had, to a most observ , able and injurious extent, the. efiect of preventing ' thecnlisfhient of the best soamen in the navy. The plaii now suggested is designed t6 promote a 3pr.dion of service in which. this-objection will no longer exist. The details of this plan may be es taLtished in great part, if not altogeth'er, by the , xeeutivc, under the authority i of existing laws ; but .1 liave thought -;it .. proper, in accordance with thej suggestion of the Secretary of the Navy,, to submit it to your approval. -- ' r he establishment of a corps! of apprentices , for the navy, or boys to be enlisted until theyjbecome vpf age, and to be employed under sr 'frons i ;"as;'.tho.Navy. Depart nitnt. may devi in the report, I cordial ly. approve 1 'your. 'consideration; and L also co irstion that the. svstem for the! seamen may be. most usefully engi. service of our merchant marine. - Tlit-. jitl. i - .nr.rtlM- of the nrnnrtt to which I Vj Jiave :refvrred tha l teorganization ! of the Na'val , y Academv I recommend to your attcnti'm as a project worthy of your encouragement and support. ,-' fhe vhliialHe services ajready- rendered by thi iu- . sti'ution entitle it to the continuance of youijtos- Mt r.ng cave. ; i ' - 1'OoT OFFICE. '. ' . Your attention is respectfu'llv called to there. port of the Doslmaster General for the detailed ope- ; r,atloiiOt; Ins doartm'tit -during the last fiscal year, from which, it will be seen that the receipts from -postages for that time" were less by 1,431,006 ' than; for the; preceding fiscal .year, being a decrease of about 23 percent. ' j . ! ; This tiiiliiiuitioTi is htti ibtttable to the redaction .in the rates of postage made by. the act of March 'K 3, TSol, wluch -Tcdueliovi took -t;lkct at the1 coin !' menccment of the last fiscal year. . ' Atth ugh in its operation dnn.ng the last year ; the ikt referred to has not fulfilled the predictions ''. of its friends' hy increasing - the correspondence of ! the country in proportion to the reduction ot. post age. I should nevertheless question the. policy ot r returning to higher rates. .Exjxirience warrants the Y expectation that as the community becomes accus '' ' tomed'to liCap postage, correspondence -will in ' Vcre;isQ. It is! beloved that from this causfS'and from the rapid growth of the country in population y and businetSj tife: receipts of the Departmentfmust 1, ultimately exceed its expenses, and'that the country . '- ; may safely rely upon the continuance of the presen t .' cheap rate of postage. 1 ' 1 ' KEITEIIATED SUGGESTIONS. ' r In fbrirjcr. messages 'I. have, among other things, Tespectfullyj recommended to the consideration of Congress the propriety- and necessity of further legislation for the protection and punishment of ; foreign consuls' residing in the Uuited States ; to : revivo with certain modifications .the "act of 10th , March, . 1S33, to restraiir-unlawful military ex r , peditions against the inhabitants of conterminous - States . or territories ; for the preservation . amt protection from mutilatiorr or j theft of the papers, records, and archives' of the nation ; for authdr izing the fenrplus revenue, to' be applied to the. payment of the public debt in advance fflthe i: time whenl it will become due ; for ertabfish ; - .rnent of If.nd offices for the salelP he r uWic a - and'sl'io 'aiifbrnia and .the Terr?' ; ! : for. ihe cbibstri?ction-o'f a road (mm. ppi valjey toJlheTacific ocean ; forth c lept of bureaa of agriculture for the,proiuj of that . interest, perbapsthe most impjrtant in the country ; ibrthe prevention of frauds upon thGovcrnment in ' applications for pensions and bounty lands ;for the establishment " of a uniform fee '-. bill, prescribing a specific compensation for every service -required of clerks, district attorneys, and marshals ; for au ' thorizincr an additional refrimpnt rf T:MH:V: ,tutti;isRes-..a- itdicius. Substitutfor the law of Sei I tul-cour fefe teriiber.: 1850. abolishing corrorhmunahmonf: it'd 1 lie if-wi R .; ' ' . . o I I j oai.ui.ici.ui i.ijr BUMrtius tut? puuey 01 Luat act, unaer i o-owi ,u Til-'. -r v.,'ll'wn.i n uiiA uitu '.v- ma ; r U - ' - : n -1 i i i m et ... r. t .J ....... :aua tne ora rj ;,and tor tuimiing our treaty stipulations with ; with equal diligence and energy as our own;" tr determining .the relative rank between the i naval and civil officers in our public ships, J iTTccii me oiiicers,oi ine Army ana ravy m the various -grades of each ; for reorganiz ing the naval - establishment by fixing the num ber of officers in 'each grade, nd providing for a retired lis, upon reduced pay of those unfit for ac tive duty; for prescribing and regulating punish ments in the navy ; for the appointment of a cop- i mission to revise the public statutes of the United" j States, by arranging thenr in order, supplying de ficrences,. correcting" incongruities, simplifying their I language, and reporting them to Congress for its ' final action ; and for the establishment of a com mission j to adjudicate and settle private claims against the United States. I am not aware, how ever, that any of .these subjects have been finally acted upon by Congress: Without repeating the reasons for legislation on these subjects which "have been assigned in former messages, I respectfully re commend them again to your favorable considera tion. . THE PCBtIC OFFICES.! I think it is due to the- several Executive De 1 partments of this Government to bear testimony toj the efficiency and integrity with which they arej conducted. With all ilie careful -"superintendence which it is possible for the Heads of those Dei partments to exercise, still, the due administration '' and guardianship of the public money ' must very much depend voii the vigilance, intelligence, and fidelity of the subordinate officers and clerks, and especially. on tlrose entrusted with the settlement and adjustment of claims md accounts. tl4 am gratified to-believe that tliey li1y,geeraily'pr' formed their duties faithfully and well. . .TUey are appointed to: guard the api)r6aches;o ;the ptibLic Treasury and tliey occupy positions .thatex; S them to all the V'mptations and reduction wiiw the cupidity of peculators .arT vaudulenC caim- . ant can prompt them to employ. J' ItTjl bbiit a wise precaution to protect the liovernm'ent against that sourcofwschiefand corruption, as I. fat as can b done, bythenactment. of all legat penaltj es.The laws, iff tijs respect, are supposed to-b. detective and I therefore deeni it myduiy o';eai your jittentioa "to the?snbject,'and torecomnjeritl f!:lt provi.,Iont)e made" by- law for tR pfinishment, not only of tnose wBo shayaceept tjribesJbut also of those who KaU theT; prtmisev givtcf offer to 'vo to arv ( ithbse 'officers or clerks a-lidba ifir re- It g"oi- relating Uo'S&f iriatteflof 'thei ais-teen ihniiiform jxalict oCthis Govern- suiiu irom an interfereffce insthe domes tic affairs pother nations. The confeuei jwifen'tn't while the nations of Europe, haye- oeen engaged in f" ! rnsi ,wars, our country lSas.nurstied4ts neaee- se ta unexampled prosperty and happiness wars iahich we hav6beetr compe!e(l toen- uetence ot the- rights and- hWor of the,, have, Been .fortunately; of shortfeturation." t During, the terrific coniesi pf nation against nation, wnicii succeed eU , the benchl?evolution, j we, were enabled by thewisdom and firmnessof 3res'?3efit Washington toj maintain our -neutrality ' While othernations were drawn into 4this ide sweeping whirlpool, we sat quiet and unmovedupori our own shores. While the floWer of their numerous armies ' was wasted by disease or perished by hundreds of thousands upon the battle-field, the'youth of this I favored land were permitted to enjoy the! blessings ' or peace oeneaui tne paternal rootv VV lule the States of Europe incurred enormous debts, under the burden of which theirsubjects still groan,; and "; which must absord no smatf part of the product of the" honel, industry of those countries for genera- tions to come, the United States have once beer? enabled to exhibit the proud spectacle of, a nation free from public debt; and, if permitted !to pursue our prosperous way for a few years longer in peace, we may do the same again. But it is now said by some that this policy must be changed. Europe is no longer 'separated from us by a voyage of months, but steam navi gation has brought her within a few days' sail of our shores. -We see more of her movements, and take a deeper interest in her controversies. Although no one proposes that we should join the: fraternity of potentates who have for ages lavished the blood and' treasure oftheir subjeots in main taining "the balance of power,''yet it is said that we ought-to interfere between contending sov ereir.s and their subjects, for the purpose of overthrowing the monarchies of. Europe and estab lishing m their place republican institutions. It is alleged that we have 'hitherto; pursued a ditierent Course from a sense of ouc weakness, but that now our, conscious strength dictates a change of policy, , j.l tliat t is conseauently our duty to mingle in these contests and aid those 'who are struggling for liberty. i This' is a most seductive but dangerous appeal to the generous sympathies of freemen.- Enjoy!ng as "-we ;do the blessings of a free govern men t, there is no man who has an American heart th,at would not rejoice to see these blessings extended to all other nations. We cannot witness the; struggle between the oppressed and his oppressor anywhere without the deepest sympathy for the former, and the most anxious desire for his triumph.; Never theless' is it prudent or is it ' wise to involve our-. selves in these foreign Avars ? Is it indeed true that we have heretofore refrained from doing so merely from the degrading motive of a conscious weakness ? . For the honor of the patriots who have gbne before us, we cannot adniit it. Men of the Revolution who drew the sword against the oppressions of the mother country, and pledged to Heaven "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor'M to maintain their freedom, could never have been ac- tuafed by so unworthy a motive. They , knew no weakness or fear where right ;or duty pointed the Way, and-it is a Jibel upon their fair fame for us, -while we enjoy the blessings for: which, they so nobly.. fought and bled, to insinuate it. " rI1ie trutlys that the course which they pursued was dictated by a stern sense of international jus tice, by a statesmanlike pradence and a far seeing wisdom, looking not merely tq the present necessi ties but to (he permanent safety and interest f'.the 'country. The v knew that the world is governed less by sympathy than by reason and force ; and jt was not possible far this nation toi become, a "propagandist ot ire.e principles without array ing against it the combined powers of Europe ;and that, the result was more likely to be the overthrow of the republican liberty here than its establish ment there. j. History has been written, in; vain for those who . can donbt this. France had no sooner established a republican form of government than she mani- ; fested a desire to force its blessings on all the world. Her own historian infortrsns that, hearing.of some petty acts of tyranny in a neighboring principality, " The National Conventi n declared thai she would afford succor and fraternity to all nations who wish ed to recover their liberty ; and she gave it in charge to the executive power to givejordera tolhe gener als of the French armies to aid all citizens who might have been or should be oppressed in the cause of liberty." Here was the false step which led to her subsequent misfortunes. She soon found herself involved in war with all; the rest of Europe. Tn !-less than ten years her government was changed from a republic to an empire and finally after shedding rivers of blood, foreign powers res tored her exiled dynasty, and exhausted Europe sought peace and repoe in the unquestioned as- cendency of monarchical principles. Let us learn wisdom from her example. Let us remember that revolutions do not always establish freedom. Our ' "own free institutions were not the offspring of our revolution. They existed before. They were plant ed in the free charters of self-government under which, tue English colonies grew,, up, and. our revo1 lution only freed us-from the dominion of a foreign power whose government wast at variance with those institutions. ! t t-14 . But European nations have had no such training for self-gojernment, and every effort to" establish it by bloody j revolutions has been, and must, without tnat preparation, continue to he afu ore. Liberty. unregulated! by law, degenerates into anarchy, which soon becomes the most horrid of all des potisms. Our policy is wisely to governjourselves, and thereby to set such an example of national justice, prosperity, and true glory, as shall teach to all nations! the b essings Of self-government, ana enterprise arid 'success of a free the unparalleled people. CONDITION AKD WANTS OF- THE COUNTRY. We live iii an age of progress, and ours is em phatically a eounjtry of progress. Within the last half century the ri umber of States in this Union has nearly doubled, ie population: has almost quadru pled, and bur boundaries have-! been extended from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Our territory is chequered over with railroads, and furrowed with canals. The inventive talent of our couutry is ex cited to the highest pitch, and the numerous appli cations for patents for valuable improvements, dis tinguish this age' and . this people from all. others. The genius1 of one American has enabled our com merce to move against wind and tide, and that of another hksrannihilatied distance in the transmis sion of intelligence. The whole enterprise Our common schools telligenee among the j people, and on fast accumulating the comforts and ! -r This is jn part owing to'out peculi our fertile spilaud coraparativy iplu but much ofis"also vjng tq-ther tionunderijwhich welive, to "thi i .y .lationf )ular m?titu- 1HlVfWhlch every man feels - to engage ia .-et'ui.pu.iujt, according to his taste 'or inclination, '.othe eu- tire confidence thatberson f"I rr tv ' De in- f ae ftlie ' and itli)rotected3;by thellawsfe But'whV cause of tlVuinpara3leled growt1 t4iige.gce,'Aarid , weaftor'' ' Uormncjt ,Ttist keep' enterprise? and white ; laws, and irestrains7 "tigtitstf !neig protect, hm stfegthtb y .in" ten. r prog nee Ib'uid . Itts gfetted,! Ii HhouH ' for : OtliCTS I i' . mer. are cou the organic la.. Hes of 'hum ait tl .. to -eiigageiin any wiiuv. .eady ..pt a ! neigh bor- ing pBople,. regardless ofihejusc of thesht!'er prise, and without ! looking iUtn fatal conse quences to ourselves and to the, cause ot popular government. Such" expeditions, h - ever, are Often stimulate by mercenary ' individuals! whobexpect .to!sharetue plunder kr profit tfthe enterprise without exposing themselves to'dang, and; are hHl .on.byjsome irresponsible foreigner ""wlio abuses the liospijtaiiry of cown Governmcfrt b)- sedu cing the )out and igiiorant to join in his scheme ot personal 'ambition or revenge, under the false and delusive pretence of extending The area f freedom. These reprehensible aggression hut "re tard tlie true progress of our nation ami feiish its' J.' i ' ' . I. 1 1 A 1 ' , . "W 7 uiir inriie. iiiey snouio. tnerelore. TPfinvp i(va dignant fi owns1 of every good citizen who sincerely loves his country and'takes a, pride in its prosperi ty and honor. Our Constitution, though not perfect, is doubt less the best that ever was formed. Therefore let every proposition to change it be well weighed, and if found beneficial, cautiously adopted. Every patriot will rejoice to see its autherity so exerted as to advance the 'prosperity: and honor ofthe na tion, whilst he will 'watch with jealousy ony attempt to mutilate this charter o"f our liberties, or pervert it powers to acts of aggression or. injustice. Thus shall conservatism and progress blend their har monious action in preserving the form and spirit of tlie Constitution, and at the same time carry forward the great improvements of the country with a rapidity, and . energy which freemen only can display. . -. . 1 , t ! CONC ".. In 'closing this,-my h ation, permit me, fellpw-citizei. . u on the prosperous condition c jved-co .ntry'i Abroad its relations with all - Wcign , powers .are place in itlie- family; of .natis cheerfully rtfeogi nised. At home we enj" happiness, public and private, wlr" ver "illen to the Jot of any otl; s t,'.' ding to our own citizens a y of vvhich on so large a scale I k, .r instancenr country is annually afforui.-, a refuge and !a home to multitude'saltogether without example, from the old World. . ' : We ove these blessings, under Heaven, to the happy Constitution and Government which weie bequeathd to us by our fathers, and which it is our sacred duty to transmit inall their integrity to our children. We must all consider it a greatdistinc tion and jrivilege to have been chosen by the peo ple to bear a part in the administration of such a Government. Called by an unexpected dispensa tion to its highest trust at a season of embarrass ment and alarm, I entered upon the arduous duties with extreme diffidence. I claim only to have dis charged them to the best of an humble ability, with a single eye to the public good ; and it is with de rout gratitude, in retiring , from office, that I leave the country in a state of peace and prosperity" . t j ' MILLARD FILLMORE. Washington, December C, 1852. The President's Message was jecieved at the of fice of the. Southern, Weekly Post at twenty min utes before 3 o'clock," p. m.j and was in type at twenty minutes to 7 o'clock. !. A Tru th for Parents. The Rev. Dr. Duff a man of eriiinent practical wisdom, as well as of etn-t inent piety, says : " I am prepared from experi ence to say that, in nine cases out often, the hoards of accumulated money given to children, by whom they were never earned, and who acquired no ha bits of industry, or thrift, or Jaboriousriess, prove, in point of fact, rather a cursethan a blessing. I am prepared tq substnT,f:-'' that as a matter of fact, not merely from ' owledge of the subject, but from the nen who t have been of Watchful and Ci its,v cultivated not only jin Oreat Britain, i 1 America. But it is a melancholy fact, that so little do parents know of the mass of misery thev are aceumultinr j. y j - & lv their children in heaping up these boards for thm: so little do they think . how big with misery these hoards ."are." Let parents of this solemn truth, and do erood . witE ':h instead of treasuring it up for their 1. Pretty Smart. Bishop Hedding, speaking of the muddy travelling at the West, -mentioned a case of Irish wit The Bishop was moving along in a gig, his horse in a slow walk, when an Irish man, on (foot, overtook him. " Good morning," said the bishop. ... "Good morning, ycr honor," replied Pat ' 44 Yoqseem to have the advantage of me, in our modes of traveling, my friend,' continued the bishop. " An' X'll swap with yer, if yer plaze, sir," was the quick reply v . SAINT CEISPIK'S SUPPER. The truce of Nice had brought a respite to the struggle between the two powerful and glorious rivals whose names filled Europe, and whose swords, Lalternately victorious, had reunited the world. The; campaign of Italy, and the deliverance ot tne Pope, blockaded in the Castle of Angelo by the imperial army, had made Francis I. halfforgfet th misfortunes of PaviaJ Charles V. was lament ing his want of success ,in Africa, and preparing for an incursion into Provence, when news reached, him of seemingly but trifling importance, yet im merse in its results, because of; the vast projects it disturbed. Oje of those turbulent cities of Flanders, whose free urghers could not readily accommodate them selves to the despotic government of Charles,; was in open revolt. It was iinportant not to permit such an example to spread, and the emperor de termined to go in' person to chastise the rebellious city. Uemembering the generosity of his rival, he asked permission to pass through France. It rs beautifal to read of this heroic confidence still more beautiful to know that it was not misplace! ; and certainly in the life of Francis I., this noble page of generous forbearance is worth alb the ad vantages that the retaliation for the captivity of Pavia could have brought hi in. , The turbulent citizens of Ghent were soon oblig ed to submit; but perceiving that the leaven of t country "s ftiU offSt had spread, and was rapidly fermenting in Js are Miffus ' -1 the' neighboring cities, Charles-believed it most ; prflent to prolong his stay in r landers, m order to pn firm and strengthen his authority. turing his stay he made a long visit to Brus sels, where he was fond of walking alone, and sinijdy dressed, to study the manners and opinions of the inhabitants. One evening as he was stroll ing through the streets, -.wrapped in a mantle of coarse cloth, his face half concealed by a hbod such as those worn by the townspeople, a savory smell issuing from a bake house caused him to stop before tho half-open door. Looking in Ik perceived a magnificent igooe, worthy to deck a royal board, which had just been taken from the spit, and was now reposing on a bright tin dish;-lfe A young woman was bargaining for the tempting bird, when Charles entered and offered a -higher price. The girl gave him a cross look, and, tojhe surprise of the baker, who found his goose going, at double its value, named a still higher sum, and throwing her money on the counter as she spoke, seized the prize and ran out of . the shop. Half vexed, half laughing, the monarch follow ed, determined to ; discover who was the spirited woman that had thus defeated him the great emperor the King of Spain and of the Indies. ; The young woman hurried through many dark and dirty little streets, to the great discomfort of her pursuer, who followed with difficulty. At last having reached a lane dirtier and narrower than any through which she had previously passed, she disappeared under a low and ill-closed door: Charles stopped, hesitating to follow, when a burst of joyous laughter within struck his ear. " By my holy patron," cried he to himself, "there seems to be a fest here. I will have "my share of it too. That fine goose shall not have passed so near to my mouth without my tasting it." ' The king pushed the door as he spoke. It yield ed easily, and guided by the noise of the revelry, he proceeded along a narrow corridor, at the end owhich was a second door, through whose crack ed pannels streamed a brilliant light. Raising the latch, he found himself in a large room, in the mid dle of which, on a well spread table, the goose lay in triumph, flanked by numerous pots of beer boVtles or wine. About twenty men, whose aprons and odor revealed their craft, were seated on stools around it, listening with shouts of laugh ter to the history of the contest-for the pride5 of their festive board. The stranger's arrival was 'no pleasant surprise,-and it was with a bent brow and angry eye that one of the; party demanded to know what brought him there. " Parbleu! my masters, I have a long march to make, and one of my boots leaks. I hope that one of you will put in a stitch I can pay for it " "You come in an unlucky hour, friend," replied the other. " We are celebrating the. festival of our patrons, Saint Crispin and Saint Crepinien,this evening, and it would be a great lack of respect to them to work- even though it were for a thousand crowns though it were for the Emperor Charles V. himself P j The stranger smiled, and plunging his hand in to the deep pocket of his vest, drew forth a bright piece of geld, and threw it oh the table, saying " In that case you will ! at least let me stay awhile and share the good supper. Here is something to moisten it xhh " - -j - The argument was : irresistible. By a sponta neous movement the twenty stools pressed closer to each other, so as to afford space for the twenty first, which was immediately occupied.. The sup ber was a long and merry one, thanks especially to the good wine provided by the strangers gold. It was a political one, also, for not a subject that interested Flemish citizens escaped discussion. The emperoi was praised and blamed but all join ed in lamenting the loss of their Flemish liberty. The hour glass had often emptied its sand after the curfew had sounded, before the revellers per ceived the flight of time, and rose to return to their several homes. "And as the wine had been good, so also was their gratitude warm. To thank their generous guest more worthily, it was unan imously resolved to conduct him in a body to his dwelling, and notwithstanding his remonstrances, the emperor's single will was obliged to submit to. the twenty wills united against him. "Where do you live ?' cried his boisterous com panions, i ' - "Near the Imperial Palace." " Faith ! that's a fine quarter for a bourgeoise; but after all, if one has money one may live any where." - The party soon reached the palace gates. " In here," said the stranger, smiling ; and separating himself from the group that surrounded him, he presented himself to the sentinel, who instantly re cognised and saluted him. "But who is it?" i ' "The Emperor Charles V." answered the sol dier. "The Emperor!" echoed all, falling back in as tonishment. ' 'No one dared to break silence. s t 44 What, has no one anything to ask from me ? I do not forget that I have double scot to pay first for my share of the goose, and second, for cer tain excellent counsel, by which I shall not fail to profit" . - : , " Well, sire, since you desire it, we will ask tou a favor, not one either, but two. We pray you to permit our corporation to take tor its arms a crown ed boot, and wear a sword on the festival of Saint 1 s- , o ))' f9Pm 8 supper. The Emperor smiled. " Is that all asked he. 44 All." I " 'Tis granted.'' S " Long live our Emperor !" shouted1 the twenty voices. . j "Hush ! silence !" cried Charles laughing ; "not even I have the right! to disturb the slumbers of our good citizens." The shoemakers of Brussels have still for device the crowned boot ; and for more than a hundred years after this adventure of the great Emperor, they never omitted to gird on their swords on Saint Crispin's day. They loved, tooj to tell of the in cident we have just related, adding, as they finish ed, that the Emperor was too wise to despise good counsel, however low the source from which it came, "and he had more than once confessed that he had well profited by Saint Crispin's Supper. i THE LOST FOUND. The facts which follow are furnished by a re liable correspondent, and contain sufficient of the " raw material" for a good novel. WTe are assured by the narrator that the statements are literally correct. . Some sixteen years since, a youg gentleman in New-York citv contrived for a while to pay Ins ad dresses to a beautiful girl there, the daughter of a worthy but obstinate Pearl street merchant, who wss opposed to the young man's visiting his daugh ter. He persisted in'his endeavors to win the young ladv. and! at last was forbidden to enter the man s liOuse. . Still, the lovers contrived to meet occasionally afterwards; and at the expiration of some six months, matters having been previously so arrang ed, the girl consented to marry the youth who .loved her, and for whom at any time he would have perilled his life, so deeply rooted was his affection for her. He did not seek her fortune, for he was in the enjoyment of a handsome salary as principal "book-keeper in an extensive jobbing-house, and his prospects, pecuniarily, were very fair. But the parents were obdurate, and he was driven from the house, j . As we have hinted, at the end of half a twelve month, they agreed to be married, and all he re quisite arrangements were made, the evening was fixed upon, even the chaplain had been engaged but, on the morning ofthe day proposed secretly for the nuptials, the whole plan was discovered, and the, match was broken off, peremptorily, by the absolute authority of the -parents. Time passed on. The daughter was sent to a distant part of the country tor a while ; and the young man, disappointed and disheartened, left New York for the west. Meantime, a person to suit the taste of the parents turned up a man of considerable means, but old enough to be the young girHs father ; and a mjitcli was arranged, after long persuasion, be tween Emma and this man, and she wedded him at last. . Three; years subsequently, the young man found himself jn New Fngland, where he settled, and took a wife also, finding it not good to dwell alone ; and some dozen years or so passed away, with their thousand-and-one changes of place, or circum stances, and of fortune. From the time of their separation, the original lovers had never met. The young man became the father of three little ones, and then lost two of these, which bereavement was soon after followed by the death of his wife. Time flew by. He had been a widower some years, and his oldest daughter had got to be quite amiss. He had been fortunate in his business, and resided a few miles out of the city, in a sweet " little cot tage, unclouded by sorrow," for the day of his mis fortune had long since gone by ; and he endeavor c'd to be contented .and happy, surrounded as he was by the comforts of life, and in the enjoyment of the societv of his dear little daughter. One day last month he was returning home m the afternoon, and upon entering the cars herfound them all full. He sought a seat, and found one by a lady about thirty years of age, beside whom he sat down, and the cars soon moved out ofthe depot. 'As they emerged into the the light, he suddenly turned to the lady, and exclaimed, 44 Mad am ! Emma ! Is this you V He didn't know exactly what he said, but it was a fact that he was on the seat with the girl to whom he was once engaged to be married, whom he had really Joved, and whom he had neveriseen from the day of their cruel separation.. A mutual explanation quickly succeeded. Our widowed friend ascertained that his former intended was onj her way to the north, upon a visit to her friends, j. That she had been married nearly eleven years, had but one child livjng, and her husband had been dead over two years. He pointed to his pretty cottage as the cars passed on, but did not leave the train. He proceeded forward, renewed his acquaintance, found the lady her own mistress, proposed to her again,, for he believed her as lovely as ever, and won her, sure, this time ! And we record the fact with no ordinary degree of pleasure, that within three weeks the lovers were actually united together in marriage, in the city of Boston. The Effects ofFe;ar. The following is quot ed froni the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, a periodical in which we should not look for a 6c titious narrative, yet the story is wonderful : A young man, twenty-three years old, came from the mines to San Francisco, with the intention of soon leaving the latter place for home. On the evening of his arrival, he, with his companions, visited tlie gambling saloons. After watching for a time the varied fortunes of a table, supposed to be undergoing the process of " tapping,1' from the con tinued success of those betting against the bank, the excitement overthrew his better judgment, and he threw upon the "'seven spot" of a new deal a bag which he said contained 1,100, his all the result of two years privation and hard labor ex claiming, with a voice trembling with intense ex citement, " My home or the mines." As the dealer slowly resumed the drawing of his cards, with his countenance livid from fear of the inevitable fate that seems ever attendant upon the tapping process when commenced. I turned my eyes upon the young man who had staked his whole gains upon a card, and never shall I forget the impression made by his look of intense anxiety, as he watched the cards as they fell from the dealer's hands. All the energies of his system seemed concentrated in the fixed gaze of his eyes, while the deadly pallor of his face bespoke the subdued action of his heart.. All around seemed infected with the sympathetic powers of the spell; even the hitherto successful winners forgot their own stakes in the hazardous chance placed upon the issue of the bet. The cards are slowly told with the precision of high wrought excitement. The seven spot wins. The spell is broken reaction takes place. The winner exclaims, with a deep drawn sigh "I will never gamble a gain," and was carried from the room in a deep swoon, from which he did not fully recover until the next! morning, and then to know that the equi valent surrendered for his gain was the color of his hair, !. now changed to a perfect white. A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE. j JUST PUBLISHED NEW & PRACTICAL FORM BOOK 0 10 STAINING Forms of all thoBe legal instruments im- p: .ti.i. to De Known BY Tlfc PEOPLE OF NORTH CAROLINA, nd designed, also for the use of r Justices of the Peace, 'Sheriffs, Clerks, Constables, Coro ners, tyc, fC. compiled and arranged from the best authorities, By CAXYIN II. WILEY, Esq. o which is added, The Constitution of the United Slates and of North Carolina. . The number of Forms in this work is much larger than can be lound in any Form Book heretofore published in North-Carolina ; and while it is hoped they will meet the wants and exegencies of the public, it is also believed that their ac curacy may be relieved on, having been examined and approv ed by some ot the most eminent lawyers of the State. From tlie alphabetical order of the subjects, and the complete alpha betical Indtx, it will be easy to find, any desired matter con tained in (he book. '1 he price ofthe book will be One dollar, for which sum it will be stnt to any part ofthe Sate by mail free of postage The trade will be supplied upon the usual terms, Orders iHuld be: addressed to , . W. D. COOKE, at Raleigh fcr Mitors in th- State who will give the above two or three insertions m their papers before thelirst day of January lcxi, and call attention to the work editorial ly.thall receive a copy ol the book by mail free of postage, whenever a mark ed iavy of their paper shall be received at this Office COMMENCEMENT OF A NEW VOLUME; j - - TUT? " WEWT.V PHQT v ; 1 JJJJ T ! X J. UUI bgua jost one year agb, os an experiment,. has become m, of thest fcopu Jar and useful enterprises of th country 9 -Its success in North Carolina was immediate ; and bavi extended its circulation and influence into other States u lw? gins new year with a name indicative e't iu widening of operation. ' . ' 'a THE " SOUTHERN WEEKLY POST", though not a mere provincinl Journal wil still bp dov,,tori all the interests of "NORTH CAROLINA ; and while J laboring to promote the cause of Education, Internal In provements and Industrial Progress in its own State it w n continue to be, also, the champion ot Southern Right- ni,H x the promoter of Southern Literature, ' na The volume a! really puolished, the Editors feel at liberty f1'"' nU. pv.v, .... ...6 ... Historian Statesman or bcholar oi North Carolina, as any one vnlum of its contemporaries nnd predecessors in the State, and th because the subjects have been more varied, the matter niorl extensive and the local new3 and topics more numerous THE SECOND VOLUME begins with brighter pects ' pros- &m mrmmAL Emrm has been engaged, so" that there will be a 'distinct persoifcto preside over each of the departments of - ' NEWS, MISCELLANY, AND LITERATURE; new contributors have been employed, and correspondents secured. Preparations have filso been made to furn'sh a number of SUPERIOR EMBELLISHMENTS, and in the course ot the year wul appear the i ! new historical novel . ' . . .MEMOIRS OF A FUGITIVE SLAVE, BY CALVIN H. WILEY. Other attractions the paper will have,mskingifcpecnliarly the Organ and Fr end of Home,' but as the Editors intend to per form to the letter all their engagements . they will this tear as they did the last, leave the public to judge by their actions rather jhan by their promises. TheSecond Volume of this FAVORITE PAPER FOR. THE. IIO.HE CIRCLE, commences on the Fourth of December, 1852. W H,ir f particularly to call attention to the low price oi subscription ofthe Post: It is furnished to clubs of twenty, at ONE DOLLAR PEE ANNUM!! with.one copy in addition free) to the person getting up the club. Terms TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in Advance . CLUB PRICES: j. Three Copies, $5 full price, . . $6, Eight Copies, A. 12 " .16, Ten Copies, 15 " . 20, Twenty Copies, ... 20- " ; 40. (Payment in all cases in adtance.) Where a club of eight, ten or twenty copies is sent, th person making up the club will be entitled to a copy extra. PREMIUM. Any person sending us a club of eight o more ubse'riberg, with the cash, shall, in addition to the extra copy ot the paper, receive, by return mail, lree of postage, a copy of a new OUTLINE MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA., This map is about 10 by 19 inches and is intended to give a correct representation of the form and relative position pfjll the counties in the State with their Federal Population, mi average amount of Taxes for five years. It is the only map of the State that has ever been published in which all the counties are accurately laid down. All articles of a Literary character may be addressed to C. II. Wiley, Greensboro', or to the Subscriber, Raleigh. Busi ness letters, notices, advertisements, remittances, &c, &c, should be addressed to W. D. Cooke. OCT Postmasters are authorized to act as Agents fortn Southern Weekly Post. ADVERTISEMENTS Of a proper character will be inserted at the following rates: For 1 square of 14 lines, 1 insertion, $0,75 1 do. 1 month, .. 1.50 1 do. 3 months, 3.00 1 do. 6 " 6.00 1 do. 9 " .. 850 1 dp. 12 " 10.00 Business Cards, $3 for one year. For a quarter, half, or whole column a liberal discount ui j be made. ' - ' 03" Advertisements should in all cases be marked with the j; number of insertions tfesired-rotherwise,, they will remain un-, til notice 'to discOntfittir taivenmwdtix "charged according to " the. above rates. The particular attention of advertisers is called to this notice, as it is not our wish to require payment for an advertisement for a longer time than is necessary, and we do not wish our columns filled with advertisements that are out of date. WILLIAM D. COOKE. Proprietor. ' A NEW AND COMPLETE MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA. THE undersigned will publish in the course of the year 1853, A NEW, LARGE AND COMPLETE MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA, Five feet by three, well engraved and finished in the finest stvle. r It is admitted on all sides, that such a work is a great de- Biueiniuiu iii uur oiuie, anu n is m consequence 01 tne ire quent enquiries on this subject, that the undersigned have embarked in the enterprise. The only attempted work of this kind is that of McREA, published in ' : and since then the Counties. Towns. Roads. -and Post-offices have increased in number, and all our works ot internal Improvements, with small exceptions, been set on foot. . ; , . It is intended that the NEW MAP, now proposed to be published, shall contain, accurately laid down, all the Natu ral Features of the State the INLETS, HARBORS. SOUNDS. LAKES. RIVERS, CREEKS, MOUNTAINS, AND GAPS : . Also, the public improvements, and artificial divisions, the COUNTIES, COUNTY-TOWNS, CITIES, VIL LAGES, COLLEGES, PUBLIC ACADE MIES, POST-OFFICES, POST-ROADS, TURN - PIKES, PLANK - ROADS, RAIL-ROADS AND CANALS. THE rates of all incorporated Roads, Canals, kc, &c, whether begun or not, will also be given ; and to render the work more attractive and interesting, it will contain the STORES, DWELLINGS, FACTORIES AND SCHOOLS, of all those subscribers who furnish the necessary informatioa. Accompanying the MAP will be A STATISTICAL REGISTER, in the nature of a ' GAZETTEER, containing statements of the population, trade fcc, &c, of fi?rincipa' Towns, descriptions of improvements, products of different sections, &c, &c. TERMS.-The MAP andREGISTER will be rum shed for - - - . . 6 50 The Map alone for - - - . . 600 The Register alone for - - - - - l 00 WILLIAM D. COOKE, SAMUEL PEARCE, C. H. WILEY. Jtt Information front any source, and which maybe of ser vice in the making of the above work, -will be thankfully received ; and those who wish to subscribe and to have their dwellings, places of business, &c, designated, should state the distance and directions ofthe proposed localities from the C-ounty lown, and mention the names of the Roads and u .7;? on, ,which they are situated. All communications should be addressed to - , W. D. COOKE, Rleigh, N. C. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL IS RALEIGH. -THE SUBSCRIBER will open "a School of this descrip J Hon in the city of Raleigh, on the first Monday in Jan- with a 1 j , 9 hJgh PuPiis be expected to have al- ordfnYr ' The first session will be' one of five months. Some half S f.may be accommodated, if preferred, in the Principal s family, at 812,00 per, month. ' . trench extra .r 10,00 blyi?n advance VC exPe.n'wi'.i bo 'expected' invaria cJLTim - " L. WADDELL. ACTTLTT OF WasB.I1 TiTOX CoT.T.rnp. T.pxineton. Vi JLLii '.JL '..ll.T.i ' IlPinrtnr. r-.r 1RUSTEESOF STAUN rot Arincvv Staimtmi. Va.. r'a., Kev. H. Rcffner, . D., Kanawha co.. Va., . . . "on- A- H. H. Sxu; jit, Secretary of the Interior, Was" wton citv. Va -T. Striblin j, Western Lumrtic Asylum, Staunton- jev. W. H. McGr ffev, D. D., University of Virgin Rev. R. H. Philus, Virginia Female Institute, Staunton, Kev. B M. Smith, Staunton, Va., rr. Judge J. W. Brockenbrocgh, U. S. Court, Leng10"' a-' Judge L. P. Thompson, Staunton, Va., 1 Rev. Moses D. Hoof., Richmond, Va., Hon. S. S. Baiter, Richmond, Va.. Rev. J. J. Smyth, Everittsville, N. C, Rev. B. H. Rice, D. D., Prince Edward co., Va. Muaiy j miieo to Uscnty-five pupils. The u French languages will be soundly taught, uiuiuusuiuuree 01 ii flinr.motiAr. a .1 1 1 :.. --imi

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