.- - w7.t . .. 1 . fiK.-. fur?, 'fki 1X1 J'-L -r - 1S A M I LY NEWS? AP ER VtDXTOS. I . 1 "D fl CZ ' - JJ V nijtefT aLoiit it winch I ooM $TUj!r1Ul;$ir'Oi.',''A. raptery, fan! ikw. bew . lillM . i. t1 -f e??lb M?a 85. i 3CJ ifw tw heart -j., ' J.lq'rins o'er 6ctHHi huthu 2eftt hUMvith tender gah ;?ftfroaM rttrt forth. v v rtitrirlih tMr dim relief : ' yrfnX'n the worth ' .3ftBir--the luxory of grief ! ., V .- " ' v- ' . .-4 . r,-WthJrrinj5;oe, . v Vrk Kpkeo jrfctb JTawiipe would have prmu'd, ISein failed that rou trtlch Lotc'4 teoiple Unpraid; I ia the !itt with manr 4 jarful iafrtltnde-bat arho. :, eik Ver in -Iwaaiiiw t Tee t'e flower of nigh, . da"7e their eet 1-reath on high florin of hd'ty.aiLht ,J rtWKeedoiu of tnjr grateful t'tgh. , A' Z7ihe,rt9nH of aand . , r ' -rJI ttV wrids Repeat well, their wit crow ded atral. ' rnaad iheNratera as they slowlj fen. JW " i dtt&sVth swp hi e)d. Rer-ipanfttnanwT, mijttiijKm w row old, " ' rtrlatinft Upure. '"- ,'wtNP f-- Wy V? 'JrVwa the Seathrra Uttnty- Mrtfencer. J Vt TXU JLOSH TUIE3 OF : (I,tlUlTSI)ICT. . . .ry fHMnii U JJ ori lle I sxly of oni wo'm4ow. M U leflce of tin Siate then ami ' .v. Jetn.- 1 f It iniru than ordinary interest in j mm -toim ? ;lhw'' aTMraid Paul U-ing a aiticu'ar,j rrVtJ of mine, and, moreover, the t-;te j resenting ; SttbwIMngulMr and inv.-teriou f-HUir . Tlie de- 4 firlVIaiil was Hie of the bt naUirel and. most - JipaCeabhj citix'us .fthe cmjniv, aud, until reeentlv. 1 efbie ibis rx part fightni-.', lia I been on tenns f mud trieiidshii- wi;li the genUeinan tixn juu5 NHsnu.ly was iii).iie. n.e n-im.i ji -. ""Hi barueter ; - one knew the can-. of it ; V. "rtwiy one' kn from the eliarac er of XiLfctn, that oine exfiaordiniiy provocation hat eeti pven hiiu: it wa impossible to guess what it. '"I wa"u batter inf .riued tha a the re-t "Thvii Desvliim came to tmploy ine in tlie case, I ..tV-t o-aa myatlf of the facis. To ail iiniir. tf.!stww)ly rep'iesl tliat he .hud acted as he liad ? , for itO" I aud siiffi.'ieut reasons but that he 1 not cnow tii say iinjre.. I told hntl that it ri "JwiaiNAil I for1 me -to defend hiin un'ea he uUmI I'taue me in poases-ion f 1w fact, and as- j - m . . 1 I ..11 I rvd bain that wba itewer lie cominumc-ina uiiki i 'held ii strict rtfe-si.nal and Jeriial iirtifi- - you know u a- ca'culate t b- a IHde iivh l,. lwj..'.;ll nothing I could say -prtWlooed any j and the thing being 8o sudden and the part i-e--.an" ib bw determination. I w;n ub ut ahan- ! ing strangers, t'v yon umler-iaiid i""and I I k. d ' -n1.nkve.iaeV'reinark:ii4 to him that if he fclf several v. bune, and re itched' 'tiarrow y. . fr . me .cunl)Jenov In Id' ctiu-el, r h-h eiio'igh to in-i anwer. Sam m'-icly repliel, ? Why, a- .to ih. "fiayieli him th' ts he ii:ght la assured ', girl oMite, if )ou lin au hl-r, she behaved very f'-qibj biw. iutere-t tlian uiy wish' that j wtll. he laghel a 'little at tir-t, b it i hen. L'a ii z'r 4?5f"wlrere be wou d Ihj better Suited, i showed how it hurt him. she s.imd to fe. I for JiV.sWU$dlhat ii wits fr. m n- w..nt of con- h in. anil let rhe re-t take a I the laagh.'V '1 f-;t ;;i'i rae thnt he n Tim d. and that he regarded better satisfi. d with lhi explanation, ana delei m n- Wl4 sanie-t-elings of fnend-hip he hal al- tl on my c-.ur-e. H-lfrfw; ID, .nJ oirciud' d by telling me that ! The judg-, in the mean time, was on thorn of t rrtn-eiJ t iske his cae he should employ no anxiety. U- h. d n cotiver1 ing wi.h tie- ch-ik, rfcswver. but wrould let the matter iirttcee.1 ' ami sheriff. and.Stxte.'a Aitorney, but to n pur- LiBt OlerR. i J loi i u m i . . . - i: i . ......! tiJ 'not see ati.v fpU ecpinr seven punish. neut as the case if Ue t hi re:i d ihat Ii- extvte.l if, but ""m svijpwl llwoald, if it were (Hjssible. prev. lit ingwil to The cae" .me up in the Jcr wf ihng ad was tried. Thefct .ri-rbt o plainly ,e ''loogb. Tue a-ault -.fl, IHib'ie, ot the a.iuai-; the wvapoia wuhwbicb the iefenUnt l U given awfal Uatitrvbiiiit ba Jiead atai il,. liMrfl to nsr vent ireeir ver u B,r verj, fmmt.m mm - . . " . . . . . . Sa ' Xh t!wdrd saKtJy lerdnr.in me ; fXhMf -Nowr.d n, JO Mbsfw do ) !. 4101 tMne-appl, r joi.ei J't C-i.. tR i.rostmt'e O U-itt. Of eonrae on : tlu. tnrv hjDml the defendant ifuil ' ' k -".r'J? I . . : .. i i . i .irr j.rt retaiiit-u ivevinm in cuwuv uu- ; LkuMns cireu it to tlx ths puaWiment, j r . t . i Vf. ibVtRatute, the court was U-und to iin Vi wm soiunhinir of a martinet in ht 'Vileti fsV. Pwjttjr tfooxl disciplinarian anilJ . . .m. i Iims ui rt iu iroud ortler. I yM I';W""" " w,' , . , , , Ka4 iK'of Ute wnr r4aiKr .f the law irM-pOratlon we fell ;by the p.i.le j5eorta"tdpat lbe exceMs ; bnt w-s .jlxisl !"-;' ! tleSanlf tv telol that a gn-al d. a of .1 ia folt ftWbiin, am! a general wwli that r,- r rpt out of the ycrA. "-V.t li-.L- rjr Jt ln. CL. wasan ftj.L'Tll- Mlars neeninfr under ' a l. Amid mt fitKl ' ipvflin rf m case Hi.:.... iliuj; and feU 4' a little disappoint la&J vexed when Uie .xamioaiioti tfi-pH aliort .PI .j' . i J - l.t tlM w T m r- and tin like. , .. 'TL.u MiffMUMi naed bv I '-nyoinpU. sau." and was evidently J Jee"in . ,, , .. rjt .i.ii.t v ... travel it- T1e' first paue, in" the caue be was . .i " TL . ierrinf lfve him -MTwilw-irtnni'y calling me wurii.g d.wn Au throat a l-ottle .f sjants of n-7. I JuaM of owifs : Said l -Br, h"t entine, and asking him, as he left bun gj ?JiLwws1uD Wrfewpr'' lUdlbvW Ayted -UoX uinappleaopw- UisU RA ,vinediifHice 30t telTme. it lmnVeo any , utrutvr -vi . f m i rr www jum Kw io luriu of il.wvl tokl him I rrallj iraa ignorant of it--aa wu jtrery otw ele;;baj I Wt urw that it wa otaethiag t' 71d r clieot"' cmluct m CettrrJijMoVlV.( reftiawJ toWI it lb ine.TIie Jsdge tl. a aorrtl in? 1 haJ Iet tlr see t; jr client, anf fjvt"hinf iv'aUte it tm Uie f vfS.i! -4 'e ohW rf K.-jer Vehrht l.rit, ln lwl 1 IriTTTI IllHlliH II HIT TTTW1 ' CWm ' V 'WO I topd,' aliovki have to make an exam pi of him I toJt Taul aid. anl toll biro wltnt the j"d-e li tiL aaid,,a!id aillJ rqr rn cottna 1 1 hi lluu oV. bg f itli n ffrc He utitl niil.lly but rea olutelj refund to' make anr explanation. I ft-H a oWI vxed at iliia, aa it aei'inkl u m, mo-t unreniMnallf cikJiicL Jit-volrinj; the thing in my mil!, I gt more and niofv bothretl the more I thought aUut it I began to lu-k at the ciicum- Ma?icei mure nnrrotrly ; that it was 4i fharn or j trh-k M vrv evident ; no man w..u!l have ta- j ken audi a be-tinfor fun : that the r.voe.it': n i lid nt toodi any d -netic r.ehitkua v huh (he de-, ! ft njanl.might haveleeired to keen from, beiog -x- i 'nie!, whs apjiarnl from tne f :ct thatruiy cu-nt ; h;nl no relativea 'in the country; and the oiilv mrl he ever went to ee wa Cuin'a Mster. There ttvre two facts I male aiireof: the tirt. that this ineeliiig waa innnnliateiy afft-r ".C u:u-h return froiy iew. Orleans, which cciirred a few lay atl. r IWchiin ljimelf luid arrived from that city ; the cofi'ft that CoUin liad k-t out of . the way and had recoivtnl a imte tlnrtiy ler"re court from IW vhim. I iiia'dw up my mind liat t!i; !man-l orig inal d iu Kniiti-lliiiig thai had. occniied l iwen the parties in New Orieanv 1 hApned to know, to that Samuel Robert- ono. f the 'cutt-t chaps ', we Iwi.d ahout town, and 'tip to trap' in what-v.-r i 8v stirring wherv r he hapjn'lied to ; was in New Orleans at the time tlies young gi ntleinen ! were there; and I aetermmei to g.-t he tact out of htm if I eui.l 1. -Short1 v a?ter breakfast, on the next thy after, the verdict, the judgment n II delayed, panly y my request ahd partty by tiw judgeV, curiosity being yet uaapeae.l I sailed out with a jau kage iu .my hand a if going u the' poat o'Jice. Sam was on the tie t. 1 knew if there was . anything- to be c.ncea'd l.v him, the only way to get at it was by a coup d'tfat. Sa, halfasMng linn, I-turned Midden ly him. a l Mitting my hand on' his sin Wilder, and lkng hiin, in the eye. broke into a lauh aviinr, " S un,' j that quarrel betwei-'n !M ch in and Couiiu- in New ricaiis, ami me iiiing u grew iu i: asu i it the. queerest idhtir that ev.r hapj'Hed ? lam defending B'echim, and, would you U'iieve it I he never told nie up k l4--t Bight what was- the 7-, r. r - .If t . . . . . . , TT n 1 T ma i I " mriH I "-r ohj iv . HriiUT" l wna-nwsTwir BipTjoTao'i - witrra"r4A knowing air. as if 1 knew all about it. S.un. eyes , twinkled as he answered, 11. i) , 1MI,I ll t.K' ll nne'lest tii-e f biminetw you ever ln-aul f;" Yes," said 1, "it is ; and we inii-t -M l'anl ut ot this .-crae the j'l 'ge i a iperisliuultwe d-W 't do smu thinir, six nioiiths in' ja;l is the verv .nrt time we can tep here tr N. w Oih-ans i;i't l'aul of with. Now. Sam, ' jn-t I me the ai txtiiar- .of the m.itit r in a -l'MJ-uinl'. r-iand ll ein ; f- r Volt klniw aliV !tscr- paln V " between l'aul s st ilelln lit ;.n.i i'iir milil huit ihing . inigh'tily, ati.l I v;i:a to know -acti. how lie ea-e sfcjm !. ' 'N-,'" -aid Sa.m. " I can't do it. I jir. ini-i d V nil, on holier, tliat I v. u'dii'i '.tietitioti it to a -otd. and I won't do it unl- ss I am cmpe'i' d. S vou lie-dn't ask me nine- you bring a no e from l'aiii relieving itieTroW the j ledc." I s aw h was ie lei unued, aad it was ueie-s t pr ss the p int. I had a vague idea that a woiraii wa- in.xd up in the matter. .n.J was afraid of some ep :-ure of that s-rt; so I led oat blind t -In J out, " V 11, well, S.nn, if vou SU'ind on points of lionor, ' of course that ends il ; but JtLt extiaiii this thing I 4." I .1 . -II I 1 . I . - . . i now tnu im uui i-mae unu. r me c -icauisiauce- i . .i ... .. i.. :. tt . : i i.:. i.- . i Hse; tnev oirv lntiaineu nis curiosiiy the mm the mv-tery seem, d uisvfut tble. II ciime to mv ;:rv; 7' room twic-e thai liigitt; but. I was out 1 tf me ' posed, but ii tibser ;hg :l ' e. inm was nol i mi the Mihjict. . E-irly itf" the. nioining. a- I was . I sent, lajcain.e leas-iin d. . Hi- Hn.-r on -w from in taking a c Miif'rtable snooze, hi Honor came in- j 'touch a fn sir .jmd of i. bac o. ii jo-iu d it in hi o my room and woke nie up. (it;t Up, B , get j right ih.-ek. wiptsl hi-m .uth nealy vxjdi his Inm I in why do v ' sei s. late in the nioi ninjr .'- us a ti.it naoil. I ihe judge was in me nawi oi . 1 I . w 1 .1 I I I" sleeping until a late break f.ut.),. 1 got. up. aud be fae I could get on my paniaioon. ha ojiem d the coiiversaliou. B" said he, thi thing aboat young 1 re; Beeehim distresses me a great .leal. I reallv concerned about h ca-e : and if you w ill tell "me how that difficulty originated l-l -I shall feel better al tout it. My in nd would yes. mv roin.l would be relieved. .' Of course, B-, yot . ' '. II ... .... .1 . 1 I . ,1 kiiow mii ai-oui me ii-aner, ami i .-snie be t the interest of your c'ient to reveal the whole i l J i l.:. ' Wl.... i, f anair ie-ci-tiea-iy m luierntt. .tt I CutdfVirn I really dal n.t knttw.'and c-n-.d no timl'OOt as yet ; but I thought 1 had got the clue to the. mystery, and, if he would aid me, it could all lie brou-ht to iillht :' I was co iviuce-l. tliat if it did Ci me ut, it w ould make d c detllv for the ben efilof Paul, whom 1 knew -t-' bst iiicajab.e of ma- T i liieu il. citaracter quite social le : Uechim talk king a watoil assault uji'ii any one, e-jtee ia.lv iit- -j ed a great d -al of Ku xvilb-, il.e g ri, fas'. ions and on Cousins. The judge t dd ue 1, iiuglit rely oa him. and he woUid .-ee if any onej dartd to hold back anything which it was pr.tj.er to bnt-g out. tie was so communicative as to assure me that. c-neialiv ieakiinf. he was a man of but little cu- riositv ; imletsl. he sometimes repnu lied himself. n.l ln w'.f often reroch'e.l him. lor not knowing ihinifs. that is. hV said, he meant jv not know- ing ti.iiigt" er onal matter-, g-p. and so f r li, ami thai he never git anything bat what was play ed like a trai.bill ail over town ; but. in i his case. as a mere mailer of sis-culati-'H, he coufrts.d he did feel desirous of uuravellmg Uh. ri'hlle : iu fact, ii nwivil i n hU .niiul be i-iiiiuI'i'l rvt last iiisht : 1 . I W.I -.e mm ..I!..up !. 1 1 ..w Aid -an. I he even dreamed of a fellow fumiieiiig A w and tur- rged, ian-apple opwn IIis Honor LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA . '-i yORTH CAROLINA UXIVEJISITY, CHAPELILL FAJtTICCtAKS Or Till LATt CoilMENCtMENT, SEE INSIDE. For tlu - n went, into many inge.iio9 theories ami ?ur inie- in elucidation of ith iiivt-t iv : lut I It-It as Mir - tliat hi explication w.is niuie fanl-iful tl i:.n irue. Fin ling a gn-at in li-pition alill, to revt-al nnv- thing. 'on tlu- jart f UWhiiii. and f aiing lhar, if lie "Were prent. he would interpose oiyeciioli to the pres. nl aii n of the jiroot a-- io th provocation, I anaiigi-il it so that the sherirf shotti'l ch tain I'anl t'roin the c urt liotise until I cou d g t the t alimo ny iu. In order to a more pet feet ttnd tstaieling f the matter, I ha I a- veil state here that Hevchim was a voting gentl. man who ha l funic two or th"fe year btfore u lot ati d ' in the c uulv. aul d iH'f a r-neral la-nl !!ir-ti v atii itiHevtiiiir luiine.-R. : nrveing lain Is, tc , having before bun r ngag. d ; a- piinnpal in an ;.c nh inV. He had grnuu.i t. d at the ci llee at Kiiowille, Tei re-e, and cheri-h'd sntiin'n's of great revcrenc-;-- for his wner;. hie ul,n. tnattr, wh c'a showed a v.rylive- i Iv conditioii il tin moral s iiibilr.ies. lie thought ery highly "f tlie nVjK-tflalile pci-iet v ' that s nie- what Mri'iudt vil'iuc nu J conceive 1 a magnified i lea of I he burgh a- a mot jopu'ou-, wealthy and flourishTHgtm-trop)h.s. 1 v. iily leiievc he cuitsid Titl Kn"Xville at 'tic the Athens ami l'ari's of America, abotitling in ull t!ie refinements and slruing with the p. I nh of a tare and ex(nite civ liilion the s ai of h-arii.tig. the In-me of luxury, an. I the mait of coiinncne Leiteii, and ait, and great men. and r tiiu-d m d's, anl cultivated inan- ' iieis. and womipii of a tjK? tliat Un-y uevr Ufore had le mould I into, there at m am. led, in I i- par tial fancy, piodigal of uth genet- u- appMH-iati.-n. Tlie luagnirieeui sclf-tlelu i-ai of l-ar id Captain Jackson, nniiioilaliz -il by E! a. scaicely eipia.h d the haJUiciu ili.n ot l'aul (jxoaa the tigh.S and i'iiiEi, iih wr m-ii .rwii i mm ii i mm i III persist fn enilmg . t Tn . . . - cuy ot iirMvxviii, -h'at oiit-of ilie w n . ihat oilt-of the w il , tiof-to 1 g ttetl to, s!eJ'V t -v ii. tifly mil' s fi. m i!.e Viigrtii.i I lie ;.nd a il.ott--and nuns from anywhere e.-e. 1 -ea!; of il i it !o-iai r al t'nins. J'aui bad i con :. i .u ai- in the u'ti a'.;on f iiauu r-.1 Hi.- i i - . t 1 a as, of comae, tn t he 'found iii Klii'il!e. He hi tl il L.I al iltinl tor ta-lnw'-ab.e lh I i it' ii!e t t lie ci t I e 1 1 at d t.i-tiioiijihic I tv was ii.iieri ns, t f Ivuoiv ilit -. liil-t C Tv and n .'HH were ai III li i'i n- lo him To g bl' k t K i .i e iilld -jet t . the 1 1 of t.'.t l"ll ti-eie, W S the ,.lime top i .li.ii til l'illls iilll- ba:oti. Apart from ih - h u hrehnitii KiiiiM i.n.-m, i 'all . was aa cxi e .eiil t II. iw, sotiieu h.!' vaiJi, sen sitive I' ;t Ian t, ;ti d: I nl i -klliiied ; -on. ihilig. pit ; t- niiou- as' tvj I'a-hi. 'it. s!e .tad rii.n.in i- ; intlct d, tie "ills had out to I . IT 1 1 d h'tll iis a -ol t of ill e. lean Ihummeil, "tin- irl.ss of fa-hiot and the mould of f.rm" ahuattrn w hich he plum t-d' himself ii"t a halt, .ni l I am son y to Vay it, In i iJ Hot bear hi- I I'.i-hmg Ih tiois i.s liietkly: as 'could have been h"t. il dor i n !cr the circlim stiiiieesi He h;ul writicii hack llie Iriei; !- of hi iottth. (as Mr. MatMwb r h;ith it,) in Knowillc, h.it he was "lowinjr moie lei.Tihd lo h:-f:te: in- mind w ii- caiine", he -;iid, th.eg!i hi- exi.e hal, it tii-:. go ie 1 1 i baid w th him l ut tie- inai.tn is f tlie li ili es were vxitlel tly. he was . pleased to liiiuk. under his ini ioiiaiy labor, iinpjoxing. and h nVu-t say !or these nati e, ti '.'it th v had t Dic ed ih ci. U tslucii g ivo him Indies ot 'further tiv i.rz .an n. Th .t i here coll' 1 1-e a:ivthia lif-yonii l!.e pit h of l ti. it-lie III to whijii KiioXM?- I. tl IT 'lie. 1 con tl not be i e on lis t:.iiii . cul ii e ioeiic-. I g .t out a s i'ipoeua ami. s-jit -the sheritf .fti-r li b ru wi h o.-deis lr in the jnd.e t r his nuiie- liate atteii ian e, J he c ui t a- iu -e i "ii. and I pr 'x.se. taking Up tliis maiteof Bee.ililli's befle die u-ual bu-iii-s I" the tiav w..s k;,c into. . J-amin I cine iiilo lhi coiiit soan w i.iit ii -e"tn- i kerihn t, 'cate'l him.-. It comlortablv m hi ciiiinv I V'-aretl his throat, blew hi-Hose, ai.d -preatl out his countenance iuina pleiisiintautl eneoiiraging skew ' and directel me to jwi-cettl wiih tlie witness com- uieiiciiig as the oe-tmnin and leiun tue witness at lake hi- lime. I. R-ilteits tx-k the stand.. He testfi--d to this ef- leci : indeed, ibis is n- ariv a literal transcript ot mv noie--, taken at the tine. '"Witness knows ihe ' pai n-- hay kit -wii ibeiii for three years is iui J mat ly acqnaiuted with Betchftn, lieing a Teunes I -s an. and having U-eu at one time at Kiioxville ' knows ins; Bs chim and Cousins were on goal jtfiuis; i. .deed, quite fra ml y mail May hist. In C tuipany wuh witness tiiey wel t together t-t New (hleaia; went by way of Ja.kson and the Missis sippi liver; arrived there the 13th of the mouth conxtT-ed together a g"ol d al c nxvr-aiion of sh-i.-i y : Cous.ns li-ieind aUeiitiv. ly, knoici the iMtties matt nave i een Iriemllv. Air.ve.1 in New 'Clean on the 18th alaut Id A. M.. Monday ; in- leu-l-d to remain until Timrs.:iy ; no 'boat going . up untJ Tu stlay night. To.k lodging- at the St. Cbarle.- Hotel. Heard a conversation "going on le-!.tw.-eu the lro suhj- ct, th' modeZ CoU-ins had betMi ! in the city ami the hot I, fictptiently, he -aid knew the. runs ami ;he einpieite; ie.ch iu hadd been at ihe lst bote s in Knoxxille. knew th ir rales, but had been from Km.xville a good while. j ihfrrfvrt was rusty was not certain bui that he i might iil.ike some awkwar.,1 blunder might be ! fatal lo Ins t haiat t-r; C-u-ins ffored lo act as cicerone said B. might rely n him ' l put him through ; tld him t take item from li'in- lieeth iiu ibaaked him kimily. At three the gong rai-g far uaaQer-f irtis wens in the geuUemen s siuiog .... SAamMMia:pr' wawi w ywj ' ti . . r ' "w I y wjwwwMMnMWMMpaMMiMa U ""-, ' ' I niiw " mm-tr. n - room. 13 started r-thought at tirst that the steam engine that work-d the cooking stove in the kitch en hail buist its b iler. C. told him it was the goiig : l'. a-ked him if it was net a ntw thing -long as he had be. n m Ivu xille fin I never heard of sueh a thing asketl C. ifh could Illicit? -it. Went to dinner bill' of fireHas baud d ; b. wished to know il there was aoy lyvister to trans 'late1 ike French I is lies- said, leie' was in Kiio.v vdle; got along pretty welHlWiTil just a It. bad tidi. n a piec it iiiie apple on h s putte, the waiter c.iine a'oiij ,aiidjiit a green-colored Uow i elure every guesiV plate with water and a sma I .-I c6 of 1. moii in it. Dei chilli asked Ct us.ns what that was. C rephtd, Sop-f.r the pine ii.ple.' . said he ihoilgnt so. lietchim took the bowl and put. i. ih bii nl al4 and then put the pine-apple; in Uie Ihjw I, und commenced cutting up the apple, and sdired it ar. ui d m the Utii I v,tii hi.-fork, and aie il, pitceau r pi--ce. h. kept h:s eyes on the bwl tl d not ot helve wl at was passing al-out h'im. Many jK-r-on- at lable-tiv e hui.dit d at lea.t ladits, d.iiid.e-, foieigners, iiiou-tachetl Icilows ; began to be an lujiruar on the tht r side of the table; evvrj- bodj- ff'a to looking dowu al Ueeih im eye glasses J.ui upa dotitie-b.irre.lel spy g.iisa (as witnen suppo-td) 1 vedtd al him by a man at the, head ot the tabic, wlio slot d up to uraw 'a ltMid u kyu lottd laughing woiutii put: 1 1 g haiiukerchiebs ur tjapk.tis, tJw une.-s is not c r la.n whuh) Ip their inoii lis. B. got through with the pi lie apple. CtUsina had been laughing Mill the rest ctinpo-td h m-elf now, and u.-ked B. - how he liked' l In, pine-apple f B. answered iu these words ; I think the pilie apple very gool, but don't you think the 'sauce is raiiier insipid f" Hke the woU' pretiy lou J heard at soiuedis- i ante great seu.-awou- i muioderate lauyht r- - :trK-ar.tiut v me cugiUu con- l sulVchrk, sheutieinau from these imeriore, may he leeve to a prem ole iiige,' .;r.iiik wuh ad t: e iioiiois. Itetciiiiu seeing "he tu-s. turned .u mi old man lie.xt hnu and a bed It n wa- the inalU l aliy news of an exciting t harace r l i e old iiiitn, S iO ii.li brokei an hi gli-hniaii rej bed that he, If., "had bevh lliakiii' ;i:i ass of him.-th he had leh eaiiiig t iu ot' in j lingt-r-t'on I."' B's f.iie 1 giew as red as a beet. th li pale '. he jumptd bitk, tried to creep o. it by beiu.lng his lu.ultlowu t e low the thiiiis - ri-.satd on au-l knocked oVii the wail, r wilh the cojlec-- spilt" 14 oil il tUi.g I. dy btiiggered ba. k iuil Uh ag.-iin-t a t'r nc . iiiiiii Ntote uis i utiles--knocked him, heiid sinking' head, ot-r iigiiiust au. Iii.-hmni'- -.uUiitl -iwo du.-i- next tiK.i t.inLj- I' r lichlll'iu k.iifd,-;' ('eh. S.cre. Fior legie rose and pr po-ed three chtcis f r the geii- lien an of retiring hab.t- ; rncrnl : w aica I iiroua'd 1 the board uproarious doings : Tom Pmcide tailed oil lo Icheai-e the sc'lie---iolle--appiaU-e lei t.TiC : j Beech: i n got oUtib-rot w lure" his hat was tan bare-headed to tlie bar (.') "tiilled for h;s bd.- i ev -er gol his dollies i a-n t'. tie -t'eanib .;it shut him st It U in llie'state. ivoui tor two day-hinr uf i-.i liie 1'ic ayui.e iie.x'1 i: -.li iii - in. iiames liivcn. B. cone hou e saw L'on-.ns w hen he caine u - ; i.eked idin within an inch t.i ids life with hit ku- ry.siick. Wuiie-s fm tliei saiih not." " es," said ihejii'lge, aud servetl him right. Ju-titi.a;ioii ct.r.q ietc ! o i nu r it, cleik.' i Uuriiig the de.ivery of this tesiiiiiouy, y. u may j be suit- ihat the crc-wti ware not very seiiuii- ; but kTotvuig how sens, :ive Beechiiii was ou the sill j it ,; I va- cj. gtaiU.aliitg Tj..- ifthatlie Wais not piifcent. . Turning ho.. i ihe. wu ie-s a- be fiui-lu d. 1 wa- pain ed lo e-- Befcciiim --he h id coiire in after liie tiial , began, jioor Paul! sittii g on ihe i" iuii weeping pi.eoi.'-.y . 1 Hied to console him 1 t .ld him in.t ! to inli.il il it v;'l- Si mere Iftljil telle but he Old I :,siiieeZ' d my iii.nd. ai d hr. keiily -aid,' " B., thank t ii : . u aie nu hit nd : I .-h -l lu v ,-r f nel t; u : ' 'you meant it for tin be-t: you have saved tny j -iHJtly, but y ou hav ruined my character. Gouu i bye, I leave this morning. Koltert-- w ill settle your fee. But, B., as a ft. end t.ne leqiest; if you can he.pil don't let this -thing get back .to Kiioxville." "Et iukrsjritMS rtmiaUcitur Argot." Accordingly raulleft for good ami all. What ItCt ame of Inn) I d u'l know. 1 did hear of one j Paid Beechim in CVit'oruia ; but whether the same one or not, I cjui'i say. lie was mimed iu the pa pers as a manager of the tistau Fi.u.c so b..ll of 22tl February, 184U. Hi- U.mor made a solemn ami affecting thafge to the audience, generally, comm. in. ing the uiod eration of young Berchim. ; See, said his Honor, ' the way that this thing works. Most iut n would have seized their gup, or bow ie, on such terrible aggravation, and taieii ihe lif- of the culprit; but this young g.Miilentiii has set an example which oid-r head, might! wall copy ; he. has conteuietl biiii-e f with takinga club and giving hint a go--. I, sound constitutional conservative lickings and you se--, gentlemen, the fiuil'ier remedy has aiisweied every g.s d pur)os ! The Court adjourns tor re freshment." , A teroti iueetini a friend who had lately labor ed un b r a fit f tiiS g -ut in.piired aftei hi- heailh. au-l was answered 5k-o. I am sorry you are no better," rejtl'eJ the gentleman, 'fo.r 1 hoped ou w ere recov- re 1 in t--io ! '' What is the, d i tt t iter ueleew a thought Strik ing yam, aal your 6shi-gantt ti e Atl. ntc ? In the . i e r ise you have a notion, in the other an ocean laii ocean) has vou. There are no gaiss witbout pains. uueworW w tir Uiiril" tnjavLgt umg about tlie roof in dexpair. Uv prvcuretT aHla tj.e Vohe fi4 it fc i l4iiltr lull il mm fP fr.m r. a.-liinir ilia ,w . 11.. . a;..;' . ho v ever, on arnvirg at tlie top ot it, Ujran after making the sign of the cro& aud uieiitaily solicit-, ing the favor ot Heaven, to dirob up by some pipes.1 A he did ta the tlaines burst torlli trout all parts, and played around hiin, 'bur he continued to as cend, though more than once the pipes cracked a il about to give way. The spectators gazed on him wuh teiror, execting every uu ment to ee him fall and b kil-etl. Al l.t-t he reached the loof, where ino pwr man wa- tril running to aud f o, expect ing every moment to be his hist. Passing a rope vhich he had cairietl up to him, Marine '.old bun how to tix it. He then, on Hndiiig it wa solitily ' fixed, told tlie man to let himself uo a by it, ami io cling by his knee to the p;pe ; aud he wrai th's t to .li w him the w ay. As iheim u wete des teiitimg, a setUicle whnli rhaus could ouly be seen in KuMia w;w w iiiiessed the va-t crowd uu c -veied, and sih litly made the sign of the cross. lioth the men reiicUed the groUad afeiy. A great number of HrjoU4 imineui.Heiy gathered round Marine, aid coiigia.uhited him on his heroism. lhank you V ihey cried; you re a brave and re-olu.e fellow ! Ma Go-I giant OU lieaitli f A ; giutlemaii appiotuhed him, ahd gave him twtniy- nve miier rouoie; uu.l V e other bystander piess-' el money on him, caih aicordiujr to his uiean. A iiiil.lary t fficer wlip was piveut.wok him to viie of ihe gove-nun u; ftliuera, and bad a ncord of hit i.eioi-m t.ktu down iu wiitiu. Shortly after the uian left for his tiilagT, and resanied hi'usu.tt eia-p.-yineii!. A tew days later be had trccasiurt ffk I .o ai. felcrai.urgh to see rut auuL On his nu w as summoned before the Grand Master of Police, aud was told, to his great a-tonishmen', ihat the hiujeror, having heard of his heroism, Ksird to see him. U waa with a beaitng fit-art, and wifch a seu.iioent of veneration, that ihe peas ant etitt-rtd the palace of the sovereign. Never had he liioug.it or dreamed that God wouid accord h.m, a jioor maa ..f t te people, the happues of contem plating closely ihe yi-uge of the rajiurch, to see ni- august hps open, atnl address him in allable terius.His Maj iy, the EnijK-ior, nceived Marine Hr h& cabinet, am'l tleiinia.1 t .4,1,1. hiin 111 thesd U-turn r-- Immiuu it tivu. n'-"i-t ml uwu. i.yn. braoe me, an I tell uie how Uud s c -tided vou t Marine related siinj-ly what he bad doire, and, wlieti hi! had c -nciud tl, hi- imp. r al Majesty kind ' ly sa.d, Mj.i now, iiud may (iod.be with vi.a. If ever you want anything, c -m- lo me a-, olten as you pl a-e I' His Majesty d 6iued to confer on .darine the metial all .wel f-r saving lit", jiii or "leicd a. -ii m ot'oiie hiiiiilred and fifu silver r-.ubles :-t.i t.c gueii lo him. 'Iii is event wi:l leiiiain engrav - d. in lasiing ch .rac.ers, iu the nunu-ry t.f Marine, a: d the piayer i t GckI preserve the hinperor and our hoK liti-sia i' will ari-e from the ooltoui of 1 ever, itUis-iati h.ar;."' MANNERS OF THE TUBES. , In a netv wotk jti-tt published in Eag'ai.d, es, titled I "K.iiul le- in S "iitliein Sclavoni '' Lv Nri rrbaur. a is ine loho.vnig descrij-iioii ot an j - : ' vjiiin.-n travel.-! incident, inu-tr.niv. t l' the manin rs . the Tan k-: l.ainiing at B grade, Le found lor ihe ti-t time mail hi--.. ii.i.i'iig e i it-iK-e, no officious band leajy lo sv..e his oagrtge. A few iiaces t-tl III lioi:t ot ii tavern, s it sevei; 1 Turkish poi tei's su-ok- .ii li'tir ng p:le. The 1 ),,ctoi doi. biles- 'ookttl ( ..f . pie eiroiign, oe-ltl tils poi lluaut atl, but ho'. one of tiieln i os - i . tier his serv ces. "Wi.l no one tarn a pi. ce of moiiey?" I at his' calktl oul to the suiok i-, as I tb-erved that my I wardiig was likely to lead tu no other result than j earning my own- baggage, 1 "A.I of i.s, winiiiUi' rep'ied tiio orter-, almost i n t - . wi. h one v.. ic-.-, ; "But vvh c.l ' yoti wish ( bir. w niiti'ii stiri'u.V from i le-ir se-ns. tt J- .-hall sciVu.Xuj WLoiU "Collie w h. i w i ll was mv i ej-ly. I he poiteis puil'eil bar I at iheir pipes iin l look ed at eac.i other m i Mice. At last Olle ol tii-ll), seemingly the -!d st. spoke: "Alhi," he '-a d. '"have vo'u had a j b to-d x I" "N-," vta-. tde rt pK of a slender ju.iu .Moor, w llii le 1 tioiist r. "Tmn carry the j the othei; iiiiil the IO take p )s-.'Ssi. Ml of j n '.einan's b igag ." i j ned Moor rose from a:s -tone set my p-M tmal.leau. , As active ii"W a if h id prev! tivly -c me'l apathetic. Ai'il I' d the way to Zuani.t. (literally ihe building, p ir ex.-eiietice.) an Itoltrl wineii may vie with the b--st in Europe as regards stiuclure aud apfte trance, but where l'r, .Neiget-anr had great tiith. uity m rinding any one to receive hiiu aud attend lo his w ants. A Armv xviiii 1 a n n KKs. As-vou arewliirl ed ov. r the Hudson Kiver Hi lroa-1 at the late o. f.ity miles an h 't.r, says, the Albany Eventng Journal, you catch a glimpse, every m mile or two, of a iiiaii waving something like a white. ocket handkerchief on the eud of a stick, with a satisfac tory sort ot express n of countenance. If you take the trouble to c uu:, you will find that ii hapiiu some two hundred times between East Alba nv aud Thirty First street. It looks like rather a u-tle-s ceremony, at first glance, but il is a r-tty iinjsir tint one, nev.-itheiess. There are two hundred and twenty -five of these flag m n stationed at in tervals along the whole hngth of the line. Just beftre a lr;ii;i is to pas. each one walks over his beat, and itok to see that everv track ami fe. ev- : ery turin-1. switch, rail, clamp and rivet, is in g od order and free fi. in o'truciion.' If so, he takes ; stiintl with aw lute fligaud waves it io the approath i ing train as a signal to come on, ami coine on it ' does at full siteed. Il th re is any thing w rong, he wav.-s a red Hag, or a'l night a retl lamp, aud tlie engineer on seeing it, promjKly shuts olf ilie steam, and sounds the whistle to put dowii the brakes." Every inch of the road is carefully examined after the pas-age of each tiaiu. Au-lriau . spiouage is ha-dly in .re strict. Vitii such an eri.-ctive olky, accidents from oliruttious ii(mhi ihetiack lecoiue almost iinpuf-sible, unles there is gross negligence ea the part of the wai&m as. wwHmM vw wwr- wp. r- r i m. its - a . ' . nitnin a i . ana iitira na& i - " - m. r J least a aoiatr uayTTino wgjaa urt. -i J buy loaf of bread. v ; ; " ' ..T iji"Vi DonH yuu, want Ue money to4wnrwbls!T t' UN; to boy brea.1 . : u Are yoti hungry f . ' ! 'Very." ' S It - w Ct -ti Id yon eat' a loaf of bread - if jotrgot it T u eS. - .- : ' Come in then and I aill see what 1 can do for you." , ; Ue was led into the dining room, a stoat terrain summoued, and a loaf of bread and glasw 7"' of water put on Uje uble. lie was then mvitLj; to lay to and help himself, and particular ia4rao T" lions were giren the servant to give the fellow a sonnd whaling in case he did n4 ent theTosJVv crust and all. The poor fellow, who evidentfy " no more in want of bread than be wraso a coat " with ten tails to it, went at the tak bravely, bnt could n't Ai-coinpl.sh it and the food, he bad swal lowed beure row in rebellion at.sach aif.ldeis, and after a-i hour's hdor hevwaa forcI to yield asdT ph ad sit knesa of the stoinaeh. .' lie waa well ilinub- -ed ami kicked out of the house, and lb choice.. blackguardism that he hurletl I tack when rally free,' . .... : i .. . .! ... t . tf r on t ii ecu every one luat ue was no uk cojecs v( T s inpatif. Clkbical D;ostTtv---A Irieud u U me, says a c triesotybdeut .f iheJLu'icb-rbjOckrr fur May, the folwiuir as haruiZ wHXBTTwJ' undct UikI well does uihiMaU Uiatfal WiirnitT whHt& aV, iviitfH1 rtn. uuied by ibose w bo wear the reaxure or uie pulpit in meir intercourse with the people of their charge. Door-hell . rings : the Her. Mr. it introduced to the family-room, where three child- ' ren are busily engaged at play, snuggled in the c truer of the room, the mother diligently engaged iu -ewing. She ri-ei to meet the" minister," and salutes him, while be, with lofty, cold, repaiMVe dig niiy, says "Good .morning, Mrs. , are yon' well I to-tlayf" ABd as digniliediy takes a teat. 'After a moment's viuse, he say, in tlie same 'unbenling, unfaiiiiliar manner I trust, madam, thatgpu have bt-eu well silica I saw you lastl'' hnk yw,aif. tiinie - th. x. oner paow. I iKipe'ronr-tssmiiy hare teeu, and aT? Trnrestvrr' --W. u, I ijmuV mi asi.lc from tiie Sruluary -ickness of child m. . Ae other pau-e. "1 tristtlnft you have found consolsv lam an. i rejoicing; since my last viit?" ete etc. And thus' pased away some en or fifteen mmntes the children all the whde having suspeudel their play with a kuwl 4f in lesciii -able fcar, which chil dr. n only c in look tirst glancing wonderi'tgly atech titer, ami inuiiingiy at the mother. Rising to depart, with, the same unrelaxing dignity, toe clergy man said "l leavje my bjesSiiig with you ati-J your fui'ily, Mr-. , aiid wid bhl you good -morn ing. Ui itl.y had the dt or " l-seJ, wlien a. little boy of four years ran toward his mother, and clinging tightly to In r dress, raised his eyes intpuiringly, and with al! the simple taruestnes of a child, saal n M.-iimna. luAiumaJ waeTdat Hodf" -I thought the in piiiy convey, d a moit iiiiortant les.-n, anl one -o plain that none iould misunderstand or mkinter pr. t it, coming as ii. did from the Hp of iuBocent ch.ldhood. ; ' Black and Fair. Hair. There is rather an , amusing a tide j on "Htunan Hai-," in "a late number of the " London Quarterly Review." In ' turope, the fair, st haired inhabitanu are, foand , i.orth of the parallel of 48 deg. Between 48 deg. and 45 deg. paradel, there is a debatable land of dark brown hair, and to the tropics' the races art"1 generally black j haired. There are exceptions, ' how ever, to thej lines, as the Venetians have been disiiuguislied fr g Id n hair', while in Ireland the Cells have Is en d st nguished f r black hair. In America, however, among the Anglo-Saxon races, very fair people are Lund iu the piue Woods of the Southerh StatesL The idiffeVencfe of oohr in the hair it owing to , the tint of the fluid which fi U the hollow' tube in each hair. This fluid has been analyzed by Liel-ig, and the result jshow, "that the beautiful golden hair oes its brightaess to au exetss of sulphur 'and oxygen rh a deficiency of carbon, whilst i ltck hair owes! its jetty a-pect to' an exeese of car bon and a deficit ncy of sulphur and oxygen. Few, ' perhaps, have ever bestowed a thought upon the ; number of. hairs in the human head. A German, t it set-ma, has applied himself to tlie Us Icof coaat j isg ihem, and give us Uie result of bb labors X ! In a blond one. he and 140.040 ; hi a brown, 100, I 44Q : iu a b'ack, 102,62; and in a red one, 88, 740." j Th red appears to.be the cMrscst, and vet we find si ky ami coarse f.iir-haire.1 people, and some have red hair of a beautiful soft, silky and wavy ap ; tearance, whilst others have it a -coarse a wiiV : and as bright as a brick. Scimbfic Amnion. . Sleiohwo ox a Railiload. That vaia't the shrewdest Yankee, who, a (ew days since, ai VI i Ian, N. 11-. drove his ox U tm and sled, toaoad with . wood, upon the track of the Eilroed, because it ! was smooth and so eav for his aaimala. Ha Jmm along for some distance, the sled fiidnf Ms bttvtta the rail to a "TT' bo; directly he beard the train ; ami then again he saw it booming and snorting, and bearing d-wn upon Buck and Berry like a monster man of-war upon the slight ranoe of a Nuth Sea I antler, tauxee attempted to pet tried .tor Aa, but tlie iron ribs held and t'-en he j him f;it to lli : er passin-g lt e track. The point of the cow catch- , er paswing ween and under tlie oxen, the yoke J was instantly! broken into splinters, and tlie wood j was f-cauera.1 in an rgvins nmnn anoui ana on 1 1 .asset 1 the train as if nodiing had happened. All ! the poor man conk I do, was to gather ep the frag ment., and turn his neck -broken oxen into beef but he muttered very bard against the "farml 1 meanness of a lag team running over a little one.'' I -M-SWW-M-WMWMMW Wntv a pian g.les reluc'-sntly to his sTork, be is i"t fit to be emjJoye.1, nor ia be food for any thing unlet his saMtel as wall as-pkjpicml pefnwto are bestowed, upon wbafceve.- ho naaartiiea tooa -r, : l i I i 'J 'ii- Mme - m i '. i . -i- ' '- i