i . " ! . I --ft--.,.-; - -t- .!- ' ULVIN H. WILEY, V I LTi'IA M I). CO O KE. W-n ELTON WADDELL, JR A FAMILY NEW S PA PEE NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. EDITORS. ( PER ANNUM. - -,- . -'4 I' ( Sli efcoteli all tjje Snteste of Tortf) aw)lmr, tritcatton, ricultuve, $tet&tmt, Mttofy fyt &lfrtkzts, &t. vol. ii -m 31. HA LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1853. WHOLE NO. 83. ( - - ' ' ' 8 - ' : ' ' - ' ' ' 1 , f , i s' - . ( f- " ... . .. f , . , - -' .':- r ".'-...- . ' ' " r . ' "T."' ' ' ' ' : ' ,' ' . . ' ..' y "- , "( - t' Iwm !; - - - ' " SELECT POETRY. THE STREAM OF TIME. . BY JOHN SWAN. : It is a silent stream . i Calm as a quiet sleep : To a stnmge repose, L The still stream flows, "Where the mourners cease to weep. It is a wide spread stream,- And every valley fills; It covers the plains. And the high domains . Of '"the everhihting hills. . It is a ceasvless stream ; ( - t ore ver flowing fast, ', Like a solemn, tide The oean ide , Oi the farpunfathomed past. . Itis a mighty stream; ' Y Eesisiless in its sway ; The loftiest thi'igs. The strongest kingv It carries with ease away. L. It i-s a precious stream ; : For pearls of price untold Reward the care Of thie. searcher there, And its sands are sands of gold. Through silent realms of night; Through" every glorious dime : J5y night and day Qh its wijierspread way, Fast flows the stream of time. . SONG TO KATE. ,We find the followiog in the Burlington (Vt.) Sen tincl, and feel pretty w-ll a-surcd that e do not err in attnbutinir the authorship to John u nitty editor of, that papiir : ity ;eyes ! how lj love you, You sweet little aovc you 'Tl)ere's.iio one above you, Mosttbe.iutiful Kitty; ' So glossy ypur" hair is -Like a sylph's or a f .iry'., And your neck I jleclare is -Exquisitely pretty! ' . Quite Grecian your nose is, . " And yoihj.cheeks are like roses So' delicious 0, Moses.! Surpassingly sweet 1 Not the beauty of tulips, Kor the taste ofmi.it juleps, Cka compare wi;h your two lips! j: Most beautiful Kate ! fcsaxe the i .Not the black eye of Juno, ' ' Nor. Minerva's of blue, no,- Nor.Veiius's, you know, ' '" Can equal yoiSr Own ! Oh, how my heart prances And frolics and dances, : "When, its radiant glances, . J r ' Upon me are thrown ! ' . . . And tiow, dearest Kitty, It's not very preity ' Indeed, it's a pity, . : - r;i To keep me in sorrow ! r ' So, if j-ou'll but chime in, We'll .have done! wi.h our rhyming, Swap (Jupid for Hymen, . ' - And be married to-morrow. SELECTED STORY, THE DIVORCED HUSBAND ; . 'j V OR; WOMAN'S LOVE. ', ' Wjho is that very; beautiful ?" asked a young Englishman of his companion,, as they leant for a moment against one of the marble pillars, to con- ' temnL'rtft at. leisurp. the pnelmnt.imr eprif -vpli.inli a r;; " . ' r . "o v; v Parisian ball presents to the eye of the stranger. The young girl afluded to was exquisitely lovely; with a petite and child-like figure, a fair, bright fue-and a pair of the1 most mischievous blue eyes tlii I Sepuld bo imagined although the demureness of lier Present attitude made them annwar softened i .if not subdued. -Her head was bent a little for- ; Avaiu. ana a nrorusion 01 i'r u. si nnv cur s it- nn- on hfir w ntft shou hWs. and contrasted st.ranmdv ! ' . ! . 'I i . In ' th'oip lirir!itnpc with birk iin(jr!ilrl luii. t' . ... J V..'.J ' ..... . . . . - w . . . .... v, . I il W . her-satin robe, the front and sleeves of which were clusnod with iliamniidi nf inesl itn:i)ilt '-vjiIiip ; - r . - . ; : . . j ' . By her side sat .a young man, attired with stu died plainness," although the turn - of his finely- felia)ed h.ead, the, tire of his dark, melancholy .eyes, and; the e troubled' expression of his pale, handsome s, rendered him an object of whom one features wo'Uld know more r 4 It is Mademoiselle Verncy, replied the young and on the eve)f marriage with that solemn look JPg personage by- her side. ' - r one must be very yolrng ? said the Eiig.ish- man bhe is scarcely eighteen, was tue replv : "and!. jwiiiul as she is beautiful." "And her lover ?" i ' " ' '.."Ah! th ere lies the disparity; he has nothing ' nMsnltitalt. r,.l,; j j i - j: absolutely notnin? and is as nronn as he is noor ! uv iesieiie, witn tier beauty and her" fortune, ; o 1, 4:, .f,!- i v n,-.f tr. ho .:ur i..,a' i i i i17, i . i al and we seriously advise the lover not to De might have chosen her a, husband among the no- , t , Q t n . V.ls nfthp Imrl K,.f i r i i absent longer than he can help. !iS MWeun i3 CLTashS !: The following day, Auberfn found the whole . wit enough to persuade ffiia fffi LPartrdrawf UP l kmtollowx-. " Persuade her ?" repeated U e nS Sm an ' " his -large arm-chair at' the !ead of a table V -" Yes. f.r sdie is butV.S Za 1 J covered with parchments, and:M. Dumont, the nd- i'ivL- T.r...i,- . ?. .. . r . . .f :.ed her mind and repented a dozen times before I she comes of age. And as -for.Aubertin's haviii agy real disinterested affection for her, we know ! too much of the world; to believe that, mv friend " ! ,Ulg 'Ana tne young count laugnea scornfully, as he drew his comnanion away. . -"You are ill, Claude V said Lestelle, anxiouslv '?s she -watched the changed expression of her lov- face,: and marked his haughtily contracted brow and flashing eyes. " Have I said any thin '.to offend you ?" , '.Will you forgive me, dearest, if I confess that' ri. have not heard a word you have been saying for f tne last . five, minutes f murmured Aubertin, ab- -ij.ue young beauty tossed bacK tue curis irom . her white brow, and put up her pretty lip; but she r 'lid not reply ; and the long silence that ensued was I- hroken at length by Claude. r " Sha 1 1 tell you, Lestelle," he asked, in a lov . :voce " hat the Count de Tours hi just been saying about us ? and he speaks, doubtless, from the common rumors and'opinions of society." '; As you will !" replied Lestelle, coloring slight- -ly, and trvieg to speak with 'inditiVrence. : " lie callt d you a; fond, romantic girl, Lestelle, and me an adyentHier 1" :. " And can the idle words of such as he have the power to move you thus, Claude?" said Lestelle, gently ; "or do you think," she added with an arch smile, " that such a prize.as mvself is to be r attained without exciting euvious j-eifi:frk f i That,. I am foud and .romnntic I confess : ever since I can remember, in my drerrms of young romance I pictured to myself an ideal being whom I could Iive; but never were' girl liood's? visions realized as mine have been that is, if my hero does not spoil" all by his too scrupulous pride:" ' ' " 13ut I have not told you all yet,1' continued ; Aubertin, while his haughty frown relaxed beneath the witchery of her smiles: "he said, too, that, but for me," with' your wealth and beauty, you might have commanded one of the most spleudid matches in the kingdom." . i j '' And would that have insured my happiness ?" asked Iv-stelie, "Oh that we lived in the old times of the fairies, and that I might have one wish '' : "'And what would that be ?" inquired her lover. "That we might change situations with one an other : that you could have 'all the wealth,; and I be a poor girl, blessed only with your affections ! Claude, I should feel no humiliation, no gratitude in receiving all from you love would have equal ized 114!" . ' ' " I fear that your creed is rather a theoretical than a practical one, Lestelle," said Aubertin, with a mournful smile. " if I could but convert you to its belief, I think I shmld have nothing left to wish for," repiied the young girl, in a whisper ; and there was 110 shade fipon tlie-'open brow of her lover, as he mingled in l',e hrjlliant throng with his beautiful and devoted miuess. The evening passed away ns . evenings do when we are most h;tjy ; for,Jwith all its lieart-buiu-ings, its disappointments occasioned, perhaps, by' the absence or coldness, of the only one amidst, a thousand for whom we have dressed and smiled- a ball is a blight e'poch-in the' lives of the vouiig. "1 shall see you to-morrow, CiaiKie ?" said Les telle, in a timid voice, , as .tliy 'stood together, waiting for her carriage to draw up. " Of course," replied Aubertin, gloomily: "I have received a formal invitation, to meet vour guardians and the notary, to sign the deed relative to the finaf settlement of your property." "It will soon be over f said Lestelle, laying her hand imploringly upon his arm. "And you will bear this trial for my sake, Claude,?" " Mv sweet Lestelle ! but I will make no prom- ' 1 ... -j ises. ' You shalr see how patiently I will listen to M. rradel s arrogant taiiwts, and now Dumbly sxia gratefully I will conduct myself !"' . . " Claude !" interrupted Lestelle, almost tearfully, "yo,u. are speaking now in bitterness and mocke ry v . ' " No, en. verite " replied her lover, laughingly. But good night now, Lestelle, and God bless you.". ' lie relinquished the hand he' held, and ns the carriage whirled rapidly away, the smile faded up on diis dips, and he walked home in moody thought fulness. , ' " ' It was a severe trial for the good spii it.of Claude Aubertin; much as. he loved Lesteile, to consent to owe everything to 1h.t to subject himself to the mortifying surmises of those who judged -of him by their own worldly and perverted imagina tions. Ai.id there were times when he almost de termined to give her up for ever, although the de struction 'of his own peace and hers should be the consequence ; while at others he thought of doing something to prove himself worthy of her love. But a name and fortune are not very easily obtain-' ed in these days, even by the roost talented : and "in the interim a thousand things iniyht happen. Lestelje ipight grow old or die ! or she j might cease to love hi in for the heart has its changes and its seasons, none of which however,-resemble its first freshness and purity. The attachments of our "girlish days may last through- womanhood, i and even to old .age itself; but every year we live, more of earthly feeling, more of the world's wisdom, m '"lcu 111 v v"- v i " i ii i i i l becomes less unseltisti less iueai moie luuomu peihaps, but less passionate and devoted.! And. who could; be sure that the faith- of one so beauti ful arid admired as the young heiress would be preserved pure and unbroken, through trial and temptation, amidst ambition and flattery, and with him to whose protection she had clung so conn- Singly, absent for an unlimited, period; in a foreign land? ' Woman's fidelity is proverbial; but'afteT all -we are but mortal, and "Look through thp world, and this .truth you will find. . That once out ot sight, you are soon out ot mind." It was all very well in the days of old, when, on the departure of the true knight, the constant fair one would shut herself up iu h,er lonely tower, out t l j 1 - A .1 ..l..,, r,.l , 1 "111 1 XT r, . .i.' ..i : 1;., ii7 iit-p mail nnc pm nv i ir wiarv uiLeiviii in iia- I tening to the noble deeds of hi ancestors, and em broidering a gorgeous scarf to present him on his- ' . .1."-- J e -Vn f.ll,-na onrl return; in. in uiese uavs w.uair, iumK,.'u. . J , 1 t heanx. tti e vou n sr ama nee lias a mucu naruer ui- J . I. . ' tary a hard featured, cold, methodical-looking be nW seated at his right ; while on the opposite side. Lestelle sat with her elbow resting on the ta- ble and, her head bent down ; , and as sue sngniiy raised it on the entrance of her lover, he saw that her eyes were red and swollen from excessiv-e weeping. ! lliivluS bov'ed to tn.e tnue' , - t . trembling hand ot lesteiie to n,s nps i. I down' and waited caln1 f i . T" I mence tne t.usiness inai, au. .u'uS- "v. - ; frether. IO . " . dm 1 .1 1 " You are aware, M, Aubertin, .said ine oia gentleman, at length, " that my ward is- very young, and. that, in accepting1 you for, her future husband,"she acts-cdntrary to my wishes, and de monstrates the natural wilfulness of her sex ?" ." All this is not new to me," replied the young man, while he stole an arch look at Le?telle, who was watching him with breathless anxiety. " Well, then, we may as well come to the point at once.- Without mv consent vmir marriaire can- not take iplace until Mademoiselle Verney is of age a period of which it wants nearly three years; and your signing this, deed, by which the whole of her property is settled unalienably upon herself, without giving any oue else power to' draw or. dis pose of one sou of it, is the only condition upon which the hand of Lestelle shall be yours." A crimson flush passed over the cheek and brow of Claude. Aubertin, and there was a moment's pause, during which the keen. glance of the old ,irtao, the cold scrutiny of the notary, and the plead-i mg eyes of the anxious girl were faiecT eagerly up on his face. The struggle, however, was but o short duration ; and, with a cheerful smile upon his face, he held cmt his hand for the paper, and glancing rapidly over its contents, instantly affixed his name. " It is well," said M. Fradel, complacently, "Now,, mademoiselle." The hand of the young girl trembled so violent ly that Aubertin was obliged to guide it; and when the signature was at length completed, she flung herself upon his bosom, and wept long and passionately. Even the notary was moved into something like sympathy, and, gathering up his papers, hastened to follow his patron from the room, and leave the lovers at full liberty to give vent to their feelings; but reiraixl for the timid and weeping girl, who clung ,0 him so fondly and imploringly, subdued the offended pride of Claude Aubertin, and he had little difficulty in soothing her fears, and winning back the sunshine of her happy smiles. A few days after this they were married, and the three sucrfii ding years which glided past so happi ly with them, are marked in characters of blood in their eountryWnnals. Now. it was that the innate nobility of the mind asserted its superiority over the mere hereditary nobility of name and station lhat the barriers of rank and aristocracy were beat en down, and men owned no limits to their own wild wills. Claude Aubertin was a. revolutionist in the best sense of the word his proud spirit had' been, stung by the woridly scorn of those whom he inwardly despised ; but -hot for this did he turn upon his oppressors not for any feeling save the pure and holy love of liberty ; and when that name became prostituted to the very worst purposes when it was made the watchword to crime and blooJshed -he yet clung 'to it as in his first .hour of youthful enthusiasm, and trusted eve rything to its power when the first intoxication should have passed away, and be succeeded by an age of reason and rationality. Lestelle loved her husband too well not to have imb ibed his principles ; and the costly saloons of la bcller citoyenne, as she was called, were nightly thronged with the leading political characters of the times. But Lestelle was no longer a girl, U3U"!S "w,u tuc iuuwii.gs KiausDiuopp3'jQrid'-:Qf::&afety nad, conformed to the it. .tier smiles were less trequent, and tiad often a purpose to answer which those who looked up- o 1 her fair and bright face never dreamed of. There was many a proud aristocrat who, although he j knew it not, owed life aud fortune to that beauti iul and resistless pleader. ; The only cloud that rested on the happiness of Lestelle was occasioned by. the scrupulous reserve of A-ubertin on all affairs' connected with her prop erty nor could her fondness and devotion remove the unpleasant feeling which, a consciousness of his Aotal dependence upon his wife was likely to. en gender in his proud and sensitive spirit ; and al though she tried to obviate the difficulty by a lib erality which pained far more than it pleased him, still there were moments when he bitterly felt the want of funds which could only be drawn-through her instrumentality, and which he would have died rather than ask for. Of late it had been observed that Lestelle was much altered : she would sit for hours in an atti tude of deep thought, and was peevish and ab stracted when roused, as if the plans which she was-evidently arranging in her own min.d required the concentration of every thought and energy. She would be absent, too for hours together, no on ; knew where, accompanied only by her attend- j ... ..U- it. 1. . : ... I 1 .- J ,J A am sue, me genue ana timid, wlio but a tew months before had feared to venture from home! without the protection of her husband. But Au bertin, altlKmgh, he felt the alteration, asked no questions : he had too much faith in her affection to have the remotest idea of the fearful shock that awaited him. One morning, contrary to her usual custom, Les-. telle took her breakfast in her own apartment, send ing a message by her maid requesting the presence of her husband at twelve exactly in her boudoir;' and Aubertin, not being" abl at the moment to in vent any decent excuse for refusing to comply with her request, reluctantly promised to attend her at the hour appointed, determined that the meeting should be as brief as possible, as he imagined that it merely related to matters of a pecuniary nature,; a subject of "which he always entertained a nervous, horror. , ' '-'Is it possible," thought Claude, "that she can have generously anticipated my wish to possess sufficient funds at my disposal to prove of bene ficial service to our country ? And yet, even if it were so, and her guardian consented, I would nev er accept them !" At the appointed time Aubertin presented him self at the door of his wife's boudoir, the first glance at which confirmed his previous suspicions as to the purport of his visit. Lestelle was not there, but M. Dumont the same whom he had met once before at her guardian's stood bending over a very business-like sheet of parchment. " Pray seated, monsier " said the little notary : " Madame Aubertin will be here directly." . j. Claude bowed coldly, and took the offered chair in silence.' Glcrious times, monsieur !" said Dumont, rub bing his withered hands together; "glorious times we live in now ! The age of liberty in every sense of the word !" Claude acquiesced by another bow. " You have doubtless heard of the new law of revolutionary divorce?" continued Mr. Dumont; " a very good a very excellent law, monsieur ?" " A very convenient one, I should think," replied Aubertin, laughing in spite of himself at the solem nity with which the old man spoke! " Claude Aubertin'" said the notary, after a pause, " I am a man of few words a man of bu siness and it is as well to come to the point at once. Lestelle would avail herself of this oppor tunity to be divorced from you, and has purposely left us together in order that I might inform you of her wishes, to which she entreats that you will offer no opposition." . " Accursed liar ! it is false !" exclaimed the en raged husband "I will never believe it!" " Claude' said a gentle voice by his side, " as I hope for your forgiveness hereafter, he has spoken nothing but the truth ! And now for both our sakes let this scene be a brief one. At a future time all Bhall be explained, if you will on ry sign the pper that sets me free to act as I please;" Lestelle I" exclaimed the bewildered Aubertin, "can it be, my , Lestelle or do I dream ? What "av 1 done that . you should deceive me thus ? ess ! Have I ever sDoken one harsh, one un- kind word to you, that I do not strive the next moment to atone for, and obliterate from your memory by my caresses ? Have I not for your sake prostrated my proud spirit, and dared the sneers of the world ? ay, and deserved them for I trusted I consented to be dependent on a woman and now she scorns, despises, deserts me!" " Dumont," said Lestelle, looking imploringly towards him, " I cannot bear this'!" Aubertin had forgotten the presence of the little, notary, but he now looked proudly up, and, recov ering his usual calmness, said : "One more question, and I will sign, . Lestelle, as you hope in Heaven's mercy? do you this deed willingly?" " I 'do !" said the wife, faintly. " And our divorce will insure your happiness ?" "It will !" she replied more firmly. "Then be it so." -But as the pen trembled in his hand, he looked once more upon the flushed countenance of her who was soon to be lost to him forever, anil added, in a hoarse voice, " Do you re member the last deed we signed in this man's pres ence?", "Perfectly," replied Le: telle ; "and it is that recollect on which gives me strength to act as I am doing." ' Aulertin bent down his head, and a hot tear fell upon the parchment ; but there were no traces of it as he returned the document, with a low bow, to the trembling girl. j " You are obeyed, mademoisdle " 'said he, with a mocking smile, as he moved rapidly towards the door. The white lips of Lestelle moved fast, but they uttered no sound. She attempted to nfsh forward and arrest his progress, and her feet seemed glued, to the floor ; but M. Dumont understood her wish es, and hastened after the offended Aubertin. Well, I never could have believed it so at tached as they seemed to each other !" said a young citizen to his companion, De Tours the same aristocratic count who, but a short time before, would scarcely have condescended to breathe the Kflin HI r aa Ilia. rlfTwin friend, but whom a Troner equalling spirit of the age. " I always told you how it would end !" said De Tours; "the romance 0 the young heiress has uaa t;me to cooi aDj sie seizes the'first opportu- nity that presents itself of becoming free again !" " And poor Aubertin, what has become of him ?" "Why, they-sav he takes it very much to heart; and no wonder, seeing thatdier fortune is scarcely reduced, and herself, if possible, more beautiful than ever." At this moment they were interrupted by the entrance of Claude Aubertin himself, with Lestelle leaning on his arm, or rather clinging, in her sweet, graceful, manner, while her bright eyes sparkled with happiness as she listened w:th a Hushed cheek to the whispered accents of her husband, on whose I countenance a smile of triumphant exultation min gled with deep love. " What's this ?" inquired De Tours of a person who stood near him, and who happened to be the little notary, M. Dumont; "I thought that the Aubeitins had availed themselves of the new law, and were divorced ?", "And so they were, and married again this morning !" said the notary, with a knowing twinkle ,of his cold, grey eyes. i . . " How strange !" said De Tours. i " Not at-all : according to the first marriage set tlement, which took place when Lestelle ws a minor, the whole of her property was so! tied up by her guardian, that, without her permission, Auber tin had no power to draw a single sou of it ; but on coming of age she ha3 availed herself of our new law of divorce, in order that the money may be re invested in her husband's name only." " It was a noble deed !" said De Tours ; "but Au bertin did not at first know her reasons for wjshing to be separated from him for I met him late last night, in the Rue St. Honore, without his hat, and singing the Marseillaise hymn in a frenzy of despair and excitement." ' ; " The brief trial which his feelings have under- gone was unavoidable," said the notary ; " as his proud spirit would never have been brought to consent to the sacrifice." " De Toure," said the young citizen, impressively, and after a short pause, " ages to come, when our tearful struggle for independence will be remember ed only with a shudder, the conjugal devotion of this young girl shall remain as a tale to tell around the peaceful hearthstone of a winter's m'ght ; and her name be added to that golden scroll on which the recording angel notes down ' the noble deeds -T 1 1 of woman." ' A Choice of Evils. Two young officers were travelling in the far West, when they; stopped to take supper at a small road side tavern':, kept by a very rough Yankee woman. The landlady, in a calico sun bonnet, and bare feet, stood at the heid of the table to pour out. She inquired of her guests " if they chose long sweetening, or short sweetening in their coffee."- The -first officer, sup posing that "long sweetening" meant a large portion of that article, chose it accordingly. What was his dismay when he saw their hostess dip her finger deep down into an earthen jar of honey that, stood near her, and then stir (the finger) round in the coffee. His companion, seeing this, , preferred" "short sweetening." Upon which the woman pick ed up a large lump of maple sugar lhat lay in a brown paper on the floor beside her, and biting off a piece, put it into his cup. Both the1 gentlemen' dispensed with coffee that evening. This anecdote we heard from the sister of one of those officers. The girls think of hymen and can't help sighing. When their lovers forsake them they can't help crying. They sit at the window and can't help spying. They screw up their corsets, bring on consumption, and can't help dying. ' THE EOYAL ARMS IN DANGER. It was with truly affection ate alarm that we wit nessed the erection of a scaffold a little while ago in front of Buckingham Palace. We . began to fear that it might be again necessary that the Royl residence should be permanently .enlarged, to correspond with the recent permanent -enlargement of that very popular periodical (eyery new number of which is greeted by the nation with all the affection due to number one) rthe Royal Family. We should have been extremely sorry to find that the comfort or convenience of theinrnates demanded a further outlay in bricks and mortar on Buckingham palace, and we were, therefore, delighted to discover that the scaffold was only r ndered necessary by some repairs that were need ed to the arms of Royalty. It appears that the Unicorn had got something which turned out to be a sparrow's nest some believed it to be a mare's nest in his eye, while the Lion was suffering severely from-the loss of the tip of his tail, which was frost-bitten, and had crumbled off during the continuous cold weather in April. We are happy to, say that everything which skill could devise has been done for the noble an imals, and the application of Paris plaster to the Li on's tail has restored it to the proud position which it ought to occupy. The Unicorn's eye has been cleverly couched, and its cure is now a matter of ocular demonstration to everybody. The 'wounds, of the animals having been dressed, the interesting crea-ures were supplied with an entirely new coat of whitewash, in time to correspond with the new uniforms that will be worn on the occasion of the birthday of LTek Majesty. Punch. Solecisms.- We advise our New England friends to eschew, both in speaking and writing, all Yaukee phrases that do not convey the exact mean ing of the woi-fds. For instance '"turn out the tea," instead of to ''pour it out." There can be no turn given, in this process, to the spout or handle of the tea-pot. On the contrary, it cannot pour well unless it beheld straight. To " cut the eggs," instead of to " beat them." The motion of beat ing eggs does . not cut them. Braiding eggs is still worse. But we believe this braiding is not the same as cutting. What is it? It is wrong to say that certain articles of food are healthy. Wholesome and unwholesome-are the right words. A pig may be healthy or un healthy while alive;, but after, he is killed and be comes pork, he can enjoy no health, and. suffer no sickness. If you have been accustomed to pronounce the word " does" as " doo," get rid of the custom as soon as vou. can. Also, give up saying " pint" for "point," -'jint" for "joint," " anint". for " anoint," &c. Above all, cease saying " featur," " creatur," " natur," and raptur." In New England it is not uncommon to hear the word " ugly" applied to a bad temper. We have heard, " he wiil never do for president, because' he is so ugly." On .ur observing that we had always considered the gentleman in question, as rather a handsome man, it was explained that he was con sidered ugly in disposition. A British traveler, walking one day in a suburb of Boston, saw a woman out on a door-step, whip ping a screaming child. " Good woman," said the stranger, " why do you whip that boy so severely?" She answered, " I will whip him, because he is so ugly."- The Englishman walked on ; but put down in his journal that " American mothers are so cruel as to beat their children, merely because, they are not handsome." . No genteel - Bostonian should call Fanenil Hall "Old Funnel," or talk of the " Qui nsey Market," instead of " Qu'incy," or speak of " BaCon street," or "Bacon Hill." That place was so called from a beacon, or signal pole with a light at the top, and never was particularly celebrated for the pack ing and smoking of pork. The word " slump," or " slumped," has too course a sound to be used by a lady. When you have exchanged one article for anoth er, say so, and not that you have " traded it." The Behavior Book. Labor. The following is a beautiful tribute to Labor. " Why, man of idleness, labor rocked you in the cradle, and has nourished your pampered, life without it, the woven silks and wool upon y.our back would be in the silk worm's nest and the fleeces in the sherpherd's fold. For the meanest thing that ministers to the human want, save the air of heaven, man is to toil indebted, and even the air by God's wise ordination, is breathed with labor. It is only the drones who toil not, who infest the hive of the active like masses of corruption and de cay. The lords of the earth are working men, who can build or cast down, at their will, and who re tort the sneer of the "soft handed," by pointing, " to their trophies wherever art, science, civilization and humanity are known. Work on men of toil ! thy royalty is yet to be acknowledged, as labor rises upward to the highest throne of power." Labor is not only essential to true dignity and independence, but to happiness. It is necessary to ensure the strength and health of the body, with out iwhich the mind must suffer and become the prey of anxious and fearful thbughts. Without oc cupation of some sort, there can be no conlented ness of heart. It is the greatest preservative from both sorrow and sin. The hardest work in the world, and the most demoralizing, is doing nothing. bto state or individual can prosper where Labor in any of its forms is despised. Philosophy and Fish. It may surprise some readers to learn, that in the latter part of the six teenth century, kingdoms were thrown into con sternation, and the learned men of Europe into a whirlpool of controversy, by a simple herring. In 1787, a' herring was caught in the Baltic, having something like Gothic characters marked upon its sides. This odd fish was taken to Copenhagen, and the Danish and Swedish savants declared it to be an omen of some signal misfortune to the human' race. The king, unsatisfied, sent it to Rostock, from whence it made the tour of the German universities, each learned Theban giving a different interpret ation of the mystical letters. Ponderous folios were written on this enigmatical fish, the general idea being, that it foretold the conquest of Europe by the Ottoman, In 1596, a somewhat similarly marked herring was caught on the coast of Pomer ania ; and Eglin, a distinguished professor of theo logy at Zurich, wrote a bulky tome, to prove that the mystical marks gave the long-required explan ation of the dark passages in . the Book of Revelation. HOME. BY REV. WILLIAM CROSWELL. I knew my father's chimney top, Though nearer to my Imart than' eye, And watched the blue smoke reeking up Between me and the winter sky. Wayworn I traced the homeward track, My wayward youth had left with joy ; Unchanged in soul I wandered back, A man in years, in heart a boy. I thought upon its cheerful hearh, . And cheerful hearts'" untainted glee, And felt, of all I'd eeen on ear.h, This was the denrest spt to me. SWEET THOUGHT. Whenever we find our temper Hiffled towards a parent, a .wife, a sister, or a brother, we should pause, and thiuk that in a few months or years they will be in the spirit-land, watching over u, or perchance we shall be there watching over them left behind. The intercourse of life between dear ones should be like that between guardian angels. As charming Hunt sings : . How sweet it were, if without feeble fright, Or dying of the dreadful beauteous sight, An angel came to us, and we could bear To see hiro issue from the silent air . -At evening in our room, and bend on ours . His eyes divine, and bring u from his. bowers, News of our de;r frie'nds, and children who; never . Been dead, indeed as we shall know for ever, Alas! we think not what we daily see About our hearths angels that are to he, Or may be if they wiil, and we prepare Their souls and ours to nieet in huppy air A child, a friend, a wife whose soft heart pings In unison with ours, breeding its future wings. have Turkish 'Female Names. In a recent work, giving an account of a female boarding school es tablished by Missionaries in Constantinople in 1845, is given the following with regard to names : ' Doodoo in American, signifies Miss; and it is always placed after the name instead of before it, as with us. Tokoohi Doodoo is Miss Queen. This is a very common name with the Armenians, and we always have had several of that name in school. Soorpoohi Doodoo is Miss Holiness. Aroosiag Dooloos Miss Morning Star. This Morning Star is now an assistant in the school, ami a very im portant helper. Aybraxis Doodoo is Miss Good Works. Sophik Doodoo is Miss Wisdom. This Miss Wisdom has recently been Married to Mr. Glad Tidings, viz: Avedis, which in American signifies good news or glad tidings. Another one has been married to Mr. Resurrection, viz : Haroo tuu. ' Scraping Acquaintance. The Gentleman's Magazine gives the following as the probable origin, of this saying : The Roman Emperor Hadrian en tering a bath, saw an old soldier scraping himself with a tile. He recognised the man as a former comrade, and ordered him a sum of money and a costly set of bathing garments". Thereupon all the old soldiers of th imperial army became as anxious to claim fellowship with the Emperor as thKirk patricks are endeavoring! to establish kinship with the Empress of the French. As Hadrian eatered the bath the day after that on which he had re warded his former comrade, he saw dozens of old soldiers scraping themselves with tiles. He under stood the intent, but wittily evaded it. "Scrape one auother, gentlemen," said he: "you will not scrape acquaintance with me !" The Bible. The present Loid of CasLel, Dr. ) aley, was conversing with a nobleman on the a bounding of certain moral and social evils, and the latter said to the Bishop, " What remedy would you propose for them, Mr. Daley ?" "The Bible, my lord," replied the Bishop. He then enumerated auother class of evils; and asked "what remedy, and received the same answer " The Bible." He then mentioned some, which he of course conclud ed would have some different antidote ; but, to his s'urprise, the Bishop still replied " The Bible my lord." 44 Why Daley," said he, " you are a quack ; you have but one remedy for all diseases." " I am so far a quack,' said the Bishop, " that 1 do believe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to be the only remedy for the moral wretchedness of man, under every possible variety of circumstances. , . i Curious Device in Grafting. The garden ers of Italy sell plants of jasmines, roses, honey suckles, &c, all growing together from a stock of orange, myrtle or pomegranate, on which they say they are grafted. But this is a mere deception, the fact being, that the stock has its centre bored out so as to be made into a. hollow cylinder, through which the stems of jasmines aud othe"r" flexible plants are easily made' to pass, their roots iutermiugling with those of the stock. After growing, for a time, the increase in the diameter of the stems thus enclosed, forces them together ; and they assume all the appearance of being uUited to one common stem. Force or Fillal Affectiox. The Savannah Republican, of Monday last, has the annexed af fecting paragraph : ' . " An Irish domestic, laboring under a fit of men tal derangement, produced by excessive fever, imagined that her mothep had just arrived from Ireland. Overjoyed at the thought, she sprang from her bed, and rushing by her attendant ..nurse," ran for several squares towaid the jnarket dock, where she was under the impression the vessel was lying, on board of which was the object of her solicitude and attachment She was overtaken and brought back in quite an exhausted condition." . The Christian Choice. I am frail and the world is fading ; but ray soul is immortal, and God is eternal. If I place my affections on earthly enjoy mente, either they may take wings like an eagle that flieth towards heaven, or my soul may take its way with the rich fool and go to hell; but if I choose God for my portion, then mercy and goodness shall follow me whilst I live, and glory and eternity shall crown me when I die. I will therefore, now leave that which I sh all soon lose, that so I may embrace that which I shall always enjoy. Divine Breathing: u Ma, how high you reckon I am Vu Well, I don't know, sonny how high, are you 1! Well, I'm ten feet three, inches or three feet ten inches, I don't know which. I'm some tall aint I ma f '-i;' j I l mi i i W. 3 i

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