LVIN H. WILEY, ! U Illiam d. COOKE.; ; TTELTON WADDELL, JR., J LJ A M I LE W EDITORS. -- . ( PER ANNUM. , i BeDotctr tf all t!)e Snteists of fortf) ' titarolmo, tiucrtttou, ricttlturc, Citemture, $ltto$, ti)c iHrttltcts, &c. IL XO. 32. IU LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1853. WHOLE NO. 84. S P M-TTTf 1V.L1.-U SELECT POETRY. 1 THE STEP DAUGHTER. fe have rarely read anything more touchingly ntifulhan the following lines. She i not mine, arid to my heart Perhaps she is less dear , , Than thoe wh of my life are part This is the wri I fear : I And ever in the dread to err By loving those the best, More gentle have I been to. nor, i -i. Perhaps than all the rest. ; ' ' Has any little fault occurred, j; .' Thiit umy rebuke demand I Erel can speak a hasty word; : Orjift a chiding hand, . ( An angel's form comes flitting by, - . 1 look so sad and rnild ' ; A voice floats softly from the 'sky, " Wbuld'st harm my-orphan child 1" '-. j . No-r-wittiesS. thou and ail above .- 'I'llschcrish her as mine, . Or may I lose her lather s lovej A love that once was Chine! SELECTED STORi THE SURGEON'S ADVENTURE. x the year 1836, as a young surgeon of Flop ed Alberto Kin uetti, f, caiioa Atuerio itiquetti, was returning at a hour to hi wQ house, ha stumbled over the ly'ofa person who was lying near his door, and in fee My, fofhelp. Ever anxious to succor the. ,ie-sed, Riquetti, with the assistance of "his ser if, lifted the stranger fiito his surgery, where he sst several very dangerous wounds which he ad about . his person ; and then, as the night too tiu; advanced to carry him anywhere, he hiih to bed. ' ' ' )n the following morning he found the patient l,lhat he entertained very little hopes of his very ; and as -to remove him .would have been isputally fatal, he allowed him to remain where Was. On the second j;iy he was so bad that luetti doubted his surviving four-and-twenty Irs iflnger; and having acquainted him with' Mtuati.on, he1 proceeded to inquire his name and Ion, and sought to ascertain if he had any fids or relations whom he would desire to see. to whom", should his death ensue, he would wish event to be communicated. The man answer-' hat,'with respect to his name, he was called pardo: but for the rest, he req nested that a t-ssor tnirht be sent for, to wlom he would o.fcjiown whatever was necessary. his desire was complied with, and what passed .(.en tne 'patient and priest ot course remained ; aiown. lmt when the holy man came-forth j therstrauger's chamber, his whole demeanor ! ted awe and terror; - his cheeks an'd lips' were ties his hand's-trembled ; and ever and anon tied them, up to heaven, as it praying for the o! ?a great sinner. Iiie only , to desire that, when" the 1 was dea.!,' he should be immediately inform.' t the circumstance. Jowever, Gaspardo did not die. lie was in the - 8e of life ; and a good constitution, and the itaut care of the surgeon, saved him. As. soon was wen enough to walk awuv, he lett ins pfac tor's house, expressing the most ardent grat- tor liiqirptti s kmdness," and calling down ings on his4Tead for the , persevering skill and which had rescued him from the grave; but Went as he came, unknown. No word had he j dropped that threw the slightest ray of light lis past history or future whereabouts, -and iu memory of the young surgeon lie lived only as Ispardo, the wounded straumr." tne winter of -1839, Alberto Kiouetti was Ed with an indisposition for which, as it had t m ' . chiefly induced by, too much application to usiuess, a little recreation was pronounced the roinedy. . So, with this view he resolved on ixcursion to Rome, where he promised himself p pleasure in inspecting the antiquities, more feciaily the ancient Etruscan tombs, which had Ily excited so much interest amongst the learn- land most of whicii wercVvithin a ishort distance n : . . . . ne cny. ; for tile sake of those who may yet be unac inted with the history of these curicus relics, it y be as well tokinention, that the Etrurians were ilebrated people of Italy, anterior to the lo- bs. and.6eeunvin?r the couhtrv west of the Ti- I J p,. T J Having giyen this little sketch of, one of the most interesting specimens of antiquity in Italy, we will now return to our horo. - j It was onXfine morning of the early spriig that Alberto Riquetti started on his expedition! to the Etru can tombs, the first visit he propose being to the metropolis of the ancient city of Veil j-a city, by the way, which it cost the Romans insjny a . hard battle to win, and which, after holding out a siege of ten years, was at length taken by their fa mous general, Camill us, about four hundred years before the Christian era. . Veii, or rather the spot where Veii once stood, is situated about twelve miles from Rome, on one' of the roads to Florence. For the first nine! or ten miles the way lies along the high road, but, at a village called Fossa, it diverges, and for about two miles more leads across some fields, till it termi nates at a place dalled the Isola Farnese,! where there is an inn at which travelers put up, and where, although the site of Veii is two miles fifr ther still, they are obliged to leave their horses and carriages, as beyond this point there is no practi cable road. - ; The Isola Farnese is a quiet little hamlet situa ted on a rising ground, surrounded by cliffs, and streams, "and picturesque rocks, and murmuring waterfalls, adorned by the pretty inn and an an cient and venerable fortress. The inhabitants, who are all shepherds and vine-dressers, ''are extremely civil to travelers and have an-air of innocence and rural. simplicity that, to a frequenter of cities like Alberto Riquetti, was quite irresistible. I . " Here," thought be, " must the crimes, and vi ces, and rtiiseries of a great city be unknown, and. probably unsuspected. How few of the diwellers in this little E'ieij have ever extended their jtravels even as far as Rome ! Their vines and their flocks are enough for them. Above want, and ! below ambition, their minds must be. pure and their lives happy. It isquite a subject for a poet." j The inn keeper, too, was the most civil and ob sequious of inn-keepers quite a pattern of jan inn keeper; and Alberto Riquetti was so champed and fascinated by all he saw, that he resolved to make the Isola Farnese his head quarters, and thence ex tended his excursions tthe different objects of cu riosity around: As the first day was" to bo devoted to the necro poiu ot V en, after refreshing him.-elf with of bread and a glass of wine, he set fortl words tie uttereu 114IIA i.llf lltW 1 1 a crust on his expedition, having informed his hot thai, as he should be occupied all day in the sight-seeing, he should not care to have any dinner, but ,hat lie wished a good supper to be provided against his return at night a request which the worthy Bon iface asured him showM be strictly--attended to. " Indeed," he said, "he was generally in the habit of acting as cook himself, and he thought he might venture to prohiise his guest a ragout,' the! like of which he had never tatedhe was partipularly famous for his ragouts ; indeed," added he,;" most travelers who eat them rind them so ffood, that they are never inclined to taste another." j T Except of your, making, I suppose V saidrRi quetti, smiling. j - " Of course that's . .understood," answered the host. ; .. "Tolerably conceited fellow," thought our trav eler, as. lie foilo we'd his guide in the direction 'of Veii, The guide seemed to be of the'same opin ion, for he chuckled and laughed, and appeared greatly diverted with tliis explosion of the host's self-love. "I suppose you have a good many travelers here ?" said Riquetti. " !- f " JSot in the winter, answered the rnari, are the first we have seen for this lonfj timei come from Florence V . ' I " Yes, I do," replied. Riquetti. " How did you know that?" j " I happened to'hear the postilion that drove, you tell the innkeepejr so, and that you were mat ing a tour for your health ?" "That's true, too; said Riquetti; rather wander ing how the postuhoai, whom he had never seen him. 'you You "The extent ot! ju's:h not rrreat. territory which they possessed, it i i was nevertneless diviaea into he different States, each of which was jrovern- by its respective! king, or, as they called him. iumon ; and nn sDite of the diminutive space y occupied on the globe, they were, relatively to ir, a 'very powerful people, wealthy, urious and refined. The taste and-proficiency )had attained iii the ne arts, as well as much their manners, custcmis, and modes of living, fe been placed bfore us in a very extraordinary nner, by the discovery of the ancient tombs ve alluded to, which are, in fact, small cham s hollowed out of the sides of hills, and which ear to hare been the resting-places prepared the mortal remains of the wealthy and the no . Although the bodies which reposed in these :ient receptacles have long mouldered into dust, i although the Etrurians, with their kingdoms i their principalitiei, powers, wars, councils com--rce, luxuries,' virtue, sviperstitions and vices, re Jong passed form the earth, and some faint orJs only remain to tell us of their greatness, yet Ai their tombs they speak to us again. -Here, their " very habits as: they lived," they lift up fir voices and cry to' us " Behold '. thus did we he thousan(Lvears ag:o '"for the namtintr nn ;Walls of these excavations show Us this ancient le in almost eVery condition of life. ' We see !tn at their banqtiets and their diversions, at their Tiages and their funerals, engaged in their ath c games, and even on' their death beds. Nu. turiuus. auu .vaiuauie pc.iujciia vi uicii ur- belbre, should have leafned so much about "It's dull traveling alone," continued the man; "particularly when a person's sick .and ; out of health ; but periiaps you are a bachelor, and have nobody to look, much after you ?" ; I i "I am a bachelor, certaiu-ly," said Riquetti, rath er amused at the curiosity the man wasiexhibit ing. - " Unsophisticated nature," thought he -'savages, and uncivilized people, are always in quisitive ;" so, without taking offence at the inter rogations, he answered as many as the guide chose to put to'him. Jn the meantime they advanced slowly on th.e road; to Veii, stopping ever and anon to inspec'tie different points of view, and examine everything that appeared to present a vestige; of antiquity; when, in rounding a point of rock, they came sud denly upon a little hovel, before the door of which stood a man scraping and tying up in-bundles the sticks which, at another period of the year, are used for training the vines. At the sound of the approaching footsteps the man" lifted up his head, ents, vases ands se dwellings of f g m which the1 and as his eye fell upon the surgeon, he started visibly, and an expression of surprise passed over his countenance. He even parted his lips, as if, upon the impulse of the moment, be was about to speak ; but suddenly closing them again, after. giv ing one look at the traveler, he stooped forward, and silently resumed his previous attitude and oc cupation ; whilst Riquetti, who had cast but a pas- ; sing glance at the man, and who attributed his surprise to the suddenness of their appearance, walked on, and thought no more of the matter. It was drawing towards the afternoon, and our traveler had already spent some hours among the tombs, whom, on emerging frem One of them, he observed the same man, sitting on the ground, near the entrance. He seemed- to have wounded his foot, -and was stanching the blood with a band kerchief. The guide approached him, and asked hira what was the matter. " I hurt my foot yesterday," said he; " and be incr obliged to walk thus . far to speak to bid Gui- seppe, the exercise has set it bleeding-again, say in which he bound the handkerchief round his foot and arose. ' As he spoke, there was something in the voice and the play of the features that struck Riquetti as familiar to him : and that this approach to recog- afrnor, have also been found in nition was legible in his own face, was evident, for . .11.1 . o ' 1' the dead, as well as the 6arco- furians were the most powerful and resolute en- res the risincr emnire of the Roman9 had to con- d With an1 nn innnnnroil till nftPr lonO" 8 and. much effusion of blood and treasure had ousted its strength. . ' the man instantly frowned, and turned away his bead. He, however, seemed inclined to join the party, or at least his way lay in the same direction ; for he kept near them, lingering ; rather behind, as if his lameness impeded his activity. ' Presently, at a moment when the guide was a few yards in ad vance, and Riquetti between the two, he felt him self slightly touched upon the back, and on looking round he beheld the virie dresser with the fore-finger of one hand placed upon his lip, as if to enjoin silence, whilst in the other he held a pi ce of linen stained' with blood, which he stretched out towards the traveler, shaking his head the while, and frown ing in a manner that Riquetti was at a loss to un derstand, and which, as the injuction to silence was perfectly intelligible, he foibore to a!sk. His curiosity, however, being vividly awakened; and indeed Jiis fears somewhat aroused, for he thought the gestures of the man seemed designed as a warning against some danger that awaited himself, he endeavored to keep as near him "as he could ; whilst he kept his eye pretty constantly fixed upon his guide, whom he imagined must be enemy he was admonis hed to distrust. " Who is ihat man with the wounded foot?" he. inquired. " That is Gaspardo, the vine-dresser," was the answer. Riquetti had thought as much, although the ap pearance of his former guest was very much alter ed by the restoration of health, and a considera ble acquisition of embonpoint ; but with the con viction that it was Gaspardo came-also the convic tion that the warning had been well intended, and that the danger was real. But it was not easy to know what to do. He was two miles from the inn, in a lonely place, and the evening -was drawing on there was barely light enough to enable them to see their way back to the Isola Farnese. It is true he saw nobody near him except his guide; but he had himself no weapon, whilst the other might be armed besides there might be enemies in ambush that he was not aware of. However, there was nothing to do but to return to the inn as fast as he could, and this he did, taking! care to keep the guide in advance of him all the way ; and, .to his surprise, he arrived, there without any alarm, or without perceiving anything in the conduct that could have excited the slightest suspicion. "Surelv," thought he, " I must have mistaken Gaspardo's intentions he must have meant to en treat my silence with respect to himself; and the bloody cloth was for the purpose ofe recalling my memory to his wounds, and the circumstances un der which we. formerly met. He is, probably, for some reason or other, afraid of being identified. This must be the true interpretation of his ges tures. It would be absurd to suppose ! can have anything to fear amongst this virtuous, unsophis ticated people. Comforted by this conviction and resolved, in compliance with Gaspardo s w ishes, to ask no ques tions about him, Riquetti, having .called for his supper and a bottle of wine, set himself, with a good appetite, to his fare. The first dish consisted of some fresh-water fish, of which he partook spar ingly, reserving his appetite for the ragout, of whose merits the landlord had so confidently spoken. The Odor it emitted when the cover was lifted appeared to confirm his predictions the aroma was very savory indeed. bo the surgeon lifted a spoon, and helped him self to an ample portion of the stew. i hen he took up his knife and fork,; but, just as he was pre paring to put a morsel into his mouth, hesuddenl stopped, and, placing his hand on a bottle of wine that stood beside him, he said : "By the bye, have you any good Bordeaux ?" " I have ho Bordeaux,," answered the host, ' but I have some good. Florence in flasks if you like that." ' ' "Bring me some," said Riquetti. "This ragout of yours deserves a glass of good wine !" And the host left the room. Xo sooner had the door closed upon him, than the movements of the sur geon" would have extremely puzzled a spectator. Instead-of conveying the savory mess from his plate to his mouth, as might naturally have been expected, he conveyed it with inconceivable speed to his pocket handkerchief, which, with equal ce lerity, he deposited in his pocket, so that, by the time the. host returned, the plate, was empty. " This is a capital ragout of yours excellent, in deed !" said he, as he poured out a tumbler of wine, and tossed it c-ff. A suspicious eye might perhaps have observed that bis cheeks and lips were blanched, and that his hand was unsteady ; but the wine brought back the blood , to his face', and the host perceived nothing extraordinary. The rajxout being removed, some bread and cheese were next puodueed, of which he slightly -partook, and then the table was cleared, and the host retired. As soon as he was gone, Riquetti, having set a chair against the door, to prevent his being too abruptly disturbed, took out his handkerchief, and very closely examined its contents, after which he restored the whole to his pocket, and began pacing the small room from . end to end, with a counten ance in which anxiety and apprehension were visi bly depicted. He looked at the window, and ap peared to be deliberating on the propriety of get ting out of it. The thing was practicable enough ; "but then," murmured he, "I could not find my way to Fossa; I should not know in which direc tion to turn ;" for, as we have observed, it was yet but the early season of the year, ant1 it had already been long dark. "Besides," added he, " who knows whether it would be safe to address myself to any one there, stranger as I am : it might be running from Scylla to Charybdis. Gas pardo ! Gaspardo ! where art thou ?" These were but thoughts scarcely formed into words, and yet they seemed to be answered, for at that moment his attention was roused by two slight taps on the window: There was nothing before it but a cali co curtain ; this he drew aside, and then on the taps being repeated, he gently lifted the sash. " Go to your bed-room as soon as you can," said a tuned voice; "put out your light, and when you hear the signal, open your window, and, as quietly as you can, descend a ladder you'll find ready for you ;" and the speaker, whom the light intheroom showed to be Gaspardo, turned quickly away,l adding " Shut down the window; be si lent and cautious !" Bravo, Gaspardo 1" whispered the surgeon to himself, as he obeyed his injunctions by closing the window and replacing the curtains "Bravo! If you're a villian, you're a grateful one, at all events." Having removed the chair from the door, and seated himself in an attitude of great ease and nonchalance, he drew a book from his pocket, which he placed before him, and then rang the bell, and ordered some coffee; "and then "said he, to the host, "I sha.l be glad to have my bed got ready, for I am tired of my day's work, and I V - CC 1 .1 mean to oe ou. eany in me morning. The coffee was accordingly brought and drunk, and then Riquetti requested to be shown to his bed-room, which proved to be a small apartment up one pair-of 6tairs. As he expected, there was no fastening to the door of any sort; so, having placed the dressing table before it, and inspected the place all around, not forgetting to look under the bed, he took his portmanteau under his arm, put out his lights andj with a beating heart, sat ... tlown to await the promised signal. He did not. wait long. In less than half an hour, a few small pebbles, thrown against the win dow, summoned him to open it. He. could not see the ladder,, but he felt it, and stepping out, he carefully descended. As soon as his foot touched - thejgrouhd,' Gaspardo, who was there to receive hira took him' by tb hand, and whispering, u Now run for your life !" he crragge'd him forwards; and eading him up hill nd down hill, across fields, over hedges and ditches, and through the water, without ever pausing to take breath or to utter a word, he at length, after some hours' flight, sud denly stopped, and Riquetti perceived they were on the high road. ; .Now, said Gaspardo, "you are within half an hour's walk of the city : you are safe. Farewell and God speed you ! I have paid my debt !" And with that he turned and walked hastily a- way : and. though tiiauetti called after him. and begged him to stay and speak with him for a mo ment, he never so much as turned his head, but, departing as rapidly as he could, was soon out of sight. lhe surgeon looked after him as long as he could see him for it was now the dawn of dav : and. when he could see him no longer, having breathed a prayer for his preserver, with a grateful heart he took his way to Rome, where, before ever seeking the rest and refreshment he so much needed. he requested aji interview with the chief officer of the police. ' "I have," he said, "most important communica tions to make ; but before I say a word, you must ob tain for me a promise, that, whatever discoveries may ensue from - my disclosures, the life of one individ ual shall be spared. He has saved mine, and I cannot endanger his." This condition being acceded to by the govern ment, Riquetti proceeded to detail his adventures, and to display the contents of his handkerchief; and the consequence of his communications was, that thes virtuous, obliging, and unsophisticated vine-dressers and shepherds were proved, on invest igation, to be leagued banditti, of whoin the inn keeper was the chief. In the month ot March, 1839, no fewer than forty of them were brought to Rome and condemned to death or other punish ments, according to the amount of crime proved a gainst them. The worthy host, so celebrated for his excellent ragouts, expiated his enormities on the scaffold. Besides the evidence of the surgeon, many circumstances combined to show that, when short of provisions, he had been in the habit of supplying the deficiency by compounding his dish es of human fleah. ' Itiquetti's apprehensions had been awakened by observing something on his plate, which his anatomical science enabled him to recognize as part of a human hand, thus furnishing the interpretation to Gaspardo's warning gestures, and opening his eyes to the danger of his situation. Numerous travellers seem to have fallen victims to this atrocious conspiracy ; but these wretches ad mitted that they never attacked the English, as the investigations that would have beeri set on foot by their countrymen, had any of them been missing, would infallibly have led to a discovery of their in iquitous proceedings. It was some satisfaction to the surgeon, that Gaspardo was not found amongst the troop ; he had not been seen at the Isola Farn ese since the night they had fled together. It appears wonderful that within so late a period, and within twelve'or fourteen miles of a great city, such a villainous combination could have subsisted ; but such was the fact. Silk.- The quantity of silk annually consumed by women and balloons is so great' that it is really astonishing how worms and raui berry trees keep up the supply. According to the Paris Review there are in France no less than 130,000 looms for silk, of which the products amount to three hund red millions per annum. The fabrics of Lyons yield about or nearly two-thiidsof that sum a moiety of the whole is export ed-three-fifths of the exports are from Lyons; the United States consume the greater part. Competition is formidable abroad, especially in Great Britain and Germany ; but it was acknowledged at the Great Exhibition, that Ly ons retained preeminence in designs and tissues. The 70,000 looms of Lyons employ 175,000 individuals; one half of these are dispersed over a radius of from twenty to twenty-five leagues, the others are in the bosom of the city. There are 300 manufacturing firms, embracing from 450 to 500 names. The average earning of the operative is 30 cents per day. scientific American. m At the late Woman's right convention a resolu tion was reported and laid over for the next meet ing, that if justice was not fully done to the ladies, and soon, that they would stop the population of this country ! " Angels and ministers of grace defend us !" They will have us there ! About the sauciest affair we have seen of late, is an advertisement in the New York Mirror, beaded " To persons who think of dying,", and offering several eligible cemetery lots on moderate terms. m m The most strikirjgr case of moral turpitude is re lated by the Lantern : One of the prisoners re cently convicted, and being conveyed to Sing Sing, said his brother was a New York Aldermau, and he wasn t ashamed to own it ! One of the latest fashions for trentlemen is the "barber pole" pattern for pantaloons ; the stripes ascend spirally round the leg, giving the wearer uie appearance ot a double-barrelled cork" screw. Jean Paul thus cautions young girls : youn$ men fall on their knees before you, but remembe it is but as the infantry before the cavarly, that the may conquer and kill ; dfr as the hunter, who only on bended knees takts aim at his victim. A learned young lady, the other evening, aston ished a company by "asking for the loan of a dimin utive argenteous, truncated cone, conve on its sum mit and semi-perforated withf Bymmetrical inden tatiohs. She wanted a tlimble. THE OLD FAMILY BIBLE. W hoever has traveled among Scottish hills and dales, cannot have failed to observe the scrupulous fidelity of the inhabitants to the old family bible, a more honorable trait of character than this can not be found ; for all men, whether christians or infidels, are prone to put reliance in those who the make Bible their companion, and whose well thumbed pages show the confidence their owners possess in it. A few years ago there dwelt in Ayreshire an aged couple, possessing of this world's gear suffi cient to keep them independent from woe or want, and a canny daughter to bless their gray hairs and tottering steps. A gallant of a farmer became enamoreif of the daughter, and she, nothing loath, consented to be his. As the match was every way wot thy of her, the old folks consented, and as they were desirous to see their bairn comfortable, the two were made one. In a few short years the .scythe of time cut down the old people, and they i;ave ineu oouies io uie uusi auu lueir souis 10 iut Creator. The young farmer having heard much of the pronfised land ayont the sea, gathered together his duds,1 and selling such as was useless, packed up those calculated to be of service to him at his new home. Some neighbors, having the same itching for adventure, sold oft" their homes and homesteads, and with the young couple set sail for America. Possessed of considerable property in the shape of " silver," this company were not like the gener ality of emigrants, poor and friendless, but happy, and full of hope for the future. The first thing done after the landing was, the taking out the old family heirloom, and returning thanks and praise to Him who -had guided the barque to a safe ha ven. As the farmer's object in coming to this country was to purchase a farm and follow his occupation, but little time was spent in the city he had arrived in, and as his fellow passengers had previously de termined on their destination, he bid them fare well, aud with a light heart turned his face to wards the setting sun. Indiana at this time was settling fast, and having heard of tis cheap and fer tile lands he determined on settling within its borders. On the banks of the Wabash he fixed on a farm, and having paid cash for bne-half, gave a mort gage tor the balance, payable in one year. Hav ing stocked his farmland put seed in the ground, he rested from his labor, and patiently awaited the time when he might go forth to reap the harvest ; but alas ! no ears of grain gladdened his heart or reivarded his toil. The fever of the country at tacked him, and at the time when the fields were white with the fullness of the laborer's skill, death called him hence, aud left his disconsolate wife a widow, and his only child an" orphan. We leave this first sorrow, and pass on to wit ness the struggles of the afflicted widow a year af terwards. The time having arrived when the mort gage was to be paid, she borrowed the money of a . neighbor, who had been very attentive to her hus band and herself, one who knelt at the same table with her to renew their professed obligations to the giver of all good. Hard and patiently did she toil to repay the sura against the promised time ; but all would not do ; fortune frowned, and she gave way to her accumulated troubles. Disheart ened and distracted, she relinquished her farm and stock for less than she owed her christian neigh bor, who, not satisfied with that, put an execution on her furniture. :On the Sabbath previous to the sale, she took courage, and strengthened herself with the know ledge of having wronged no one, went to the tem ple of her Father, and with a heart filled with hu mility and love, poured out her soul to Him " who turneth not away," and having communed side by side, with her christian neighbor, returned to her desolate home. ,- Here her fortitude had like to have forsaken her, but seeing the "old family bible," she rever ently put it to her lips, and sought for consolation from its pages. Slowly she perused its holy and inspiring verses, and gathered hope from its never failing promises, and while the tears flowed freely, her heart seemed to say Within this holy book I trace, The life of Christ, his wondrous grace, His anxious care and holy love, Not earth's, not mine, but heaven above. The path is clear, the track is sure, Why wait I then, these pangs endure ; O, grant my God my life may be Sincere .and prayerful, Lord, to thee. It is said to be a bad sign to see a man with his hat off at midnight, explaining the principles and theory ol true democracy to a lamp-post. I ; A Western editor cautions his readers agains Hissing short women aa this habit made him round shouldered. - The day of sale having arrived, her few goods and chatties were, in due course, knocked off to the highest bidder. Unmoved, she saw pass from her possession article after article, without a murmur, till the constable held up the old family bible. This was too much. Tears flowed, and" gave silent utterance to a broken heart. She begged the constable to spare her this memento of her revered and departed parents ; and the humane man of the law would willingly have given it to her, but her inexorable 'creditor declared every thing should be sold, as he- was determined to have all that "was owing to him. The book was,-therefore, put up, and about be ing disposed of for a few shillings, when she, sud denly snatched it, and declaring she would have, some relic oi those she loved, cut the slender thread that held the brown linen cover, with the in tention of retaining it. The cover fell into her hands, and with it, two flat pieces of thin, dirty paper. Surprised -at the circumstance, she exam ined them, and what was her joy and delight to find they each called for five hundred pounds on the bank of England. , On the back of one, in her mother's hand writing, were the following words : " When sorrow overtakes ye seek yer bible'." And on the other, in her father's hand " Yer father's ears are never deaf." The sale was immediately stopped, and the fam ily bible given to its faithful owner. The furniture sold was readily offered to her by those who had purchased, which she gladly took back. Having paid off her relentless creditor to the uttermost far thing, and rented a small house in the village of -, she placed the ballance of her money in such a way as to receive interest enough to keep her comfortable, and is now able to enjoy the pre cepts of the old family bible without fear or moles tation; Her time and attention are devoted to the bringing up of her bright and blue-eyed Alice, and if the happy smiles of the countenance may be con sidered an index of the heart and mind, little Alice bids fair to be a shining star in the community of which she at present forms but a trait. At the meeting house in the centre of the village, may be seen every Sunday, sitting about half way up the south aisle, a lady about thirty years of age, dressed-in deep mourning, with a" face glowing with the beauty of holiness, but on whom may be seen deep traces of subdued sorrow. At the pub lic house in the same place; and at the same time, may also be seen a being in the garb of man, bloated, and. sitting over the poisoning bowl. -The one is the possessing widow, the other the pro fessing neighbor. The Poet Moore at the Falls of Niagara. In the Memoirs. Journal, and Correspond of Thomas Moore, edited by Lord John Russell " wno has given an eloquent and beautiful delinea tion ot the character of the poet,) we find the fol- ' lowing account of Moore's visit to the falls of Ni agara in a letter to his mother : "Niagara, July 24, 1804. My De arest Mother : I have seen the Falls, and am all rapture and amazement. 1 cannot give you a better idea of what 1 have felt than by trans- scribing what I wrote off hastily iu mv iournal on returning. Arrived at Chippewa, within three miles of the Falls, on Saturday, July 21st, to din ner. That evening walked towards the Falls, but got no furttier than the Rapids, which gave us a prelibation of the grandeur we had to expect. Next day, Sunday, July 22d, went to the Falls. Never shall I forget the impression I felt at the first glimpse of them, which we got as the carriage passed over the hill that overlooks them. We were not near enough to be agitated by the terrific effects of the scene, but saw thiough the trees this mighty flow of waters descending with calm magnificence, and received enough of its grandeur to set imagin ation on the wing which, even at Niagara, can put run reality. '"I felt as if approaching the very residence of the Deity ; the tears started into my eyes ; and I re mained moments after we had lost sight of the scene, in that delicious absorption which pious en thusiasm alone can produce. We arrived at the New Ladder, and descended to the bottom. Here all its awful sublimities rushed full upon me. But the for mer exquisite sensation was gone. I now 6aw all. The string that had been touched by the first impulse, and which fancy would have kept forever in vibra tion, now rested at reality. Yet, though there was no more to imagine, there was much to feel. My whole heart and soul ascended toward Deity in a swell of devout admiration which I never before ex perienced. Oh ! bring the atheist here, and he .cannot return atheist 1 I pity the man who can ' coldly sit down to write a description of these inef fable wonders ; much more do I pity him .who can submit them to the admeasurement of gallons and yards. It is impossible by pen or pencil to convey even a faint idea ot their magnificence. Paintinar is lifeless ; and the most burning words of poetry have all been lavished upon inferior and ordinary subjects. We must have new combinations of language to describe the Fttlls of Niagara.' " The Belgian Law of Divorce. Some few years since, a young Belgian lady, fresh from her convent education, appeared in Society, captivated a young fellow-couniry man, with well oiled hair and patent leather boots, and after an acquaintance, of a few weeks married him. The happy pair sojourn ed, as is often the custom' abroad, with the father and mother of the lady. The young wife was a gay lady, and Her husband was quite as gay a lord. At every ball or party in the capital they were present, . and, as mar.-ied ladies, are especially selected by continental gentlemen for what they call " ador ation," the young wife, although she got no more of it than she liked, was honored with considerably more than pleased her husband. The latter re monstrated the jady rebelled and " my wife's mother," ut solent matron, supported her daughter. The husband settled the matter' by putting on his hat and retiring to his own paternal mansion. The marital feud was now intense, and the conjugal couple were only of the same mind touching one single subject -application to the tribunals for a ivorce. This was done; but the Belgian law will allow of no such annulling of a marriage contract until the angry parties have renewed their demand for "a divorce orice every year for three years. Our young couple nourished their wrath during this triennial period of probation thrice made the de mand, and were duly summoued last year to hear consent given that they who had been one should thenceforth and forever remain two. r rom dinerent sides of the court the married pair witnessed the un tying of the knot ; and when they were free, they passed- out of the common portal into the public street. Approximation hred friendship, and the gentleman offered his hand to the lady in token that there was no uiahcc between them, friend ship had no sooner lit his toreh, than he illumined the cinders on the chilled altar of love ; and the young couple walked together to their first marned home, whence the husband "has never since per manently withdrawn. Three-Score-Years-and Tek.- When I was a bey, I used to think tbree-score-years-and-ten a very sufficient spell of this world. I wondered how anybody could grumble at so liberal an allowance of life ; and, indeed, tor my Own share, i would no more have hesitated to give up my claim t the odd ten years than the gold sellers do at the diggings to throw the odd ounces into the bargain. That, I say, was in my boyhood, when I was too far off from what I was dealing so generously with to be able to understand anything about it. I know better now. Three-score and ten might have suit ed the Israelites very well when they were wander ing in the wilderness ; but I am decidedly of opin ion that Moses when stating the limit, in his pray er printed in the Book of Psalms, made no allusion to us. In fact, the period in itself is objectionable, inasmuch as it is not a period at all, but more like a semicolon. It is not even an even number- which is odd ; resembling more a half way house than a final resting place. It makes me uncom fortable to hear people talking of three-score and ten, as if they thought it improper to fly in the face of Moses. Chambers. ' If there be a class of human beings on earth who may properly be Renominated low, it ia that class who spend without earning, who consume without producing, who dissipate thearmngs of their fathers or relatives, without bringing any thing in of themselves. ' . u Dick, I say, why don't you turn that buffalo robe t'other side out f hair side in is the warmest M Bah, Tom, yoa git eouL D9 you s'poae th animal himself didn't know how to wear liis Hide! I follow his plan."

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