.1 A FA MIL Y I EW SPAP ER-fJ E UTIU L IK POL IT I C S. EDITORS. TERMs iTWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. ntcrrsts of frlorfl) Cm-alina, tnttqtton, Sericulture, literature, $Xch flic iWarfects, fcc. VOL. II X0. 33. RA LEIGH, NORTH CAHOLINA, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1853. WHOLE NO. 85. CATVTN H. WILTSY, WH.fIAM I). COOKE. lyttelton WADDELL, JR SELECT POETRY. THE HOT SEASON. BT O. W. HOLMES. Thf, folks that on the first of May, , . : Wore winter-coats an! hose, Began to say, the first of June, V'Oh my! how hot it grows." At last two Falrrenheits blew up, ';. And killed two chilclren mall '." And one barometer shot dead . A tutor with its ball ! Now all day long the locusts sang Among the leafless trees : Three new hotels vvarped inside out, The pumps coild only wheese : Aud ripe old wiae that twenty years Jlad cobwebbed o'er in vain, Came spouting through Jhe rotten corks, ' Like Jory's best Champagne ! The Worcester locomotives did Their trip in half an hour : The I-owell cars ran forty miles . I)e fore they checked their'power; , Roll brimstone soon becamea drug, ' . And toeo-Toco's fell ; Air askedfor ice, but every where Saltpetre was to sell. riump men of mornings ordered tights, I5nt, ere the: scorching noons, Their candle-moulds had grown as loose As Cossack's pantaloons ! The dogs ran mad men could not try If water they would thoos : ; A liorse fell dead he only left Four red-hot rusty shoes ! j - But soon he people could'uot bear The slightest hint of fire ; . Allusions to caloric grew A flood of savage ire; The leayes on heat were all torn put From every book at school, ' j And many blackguards kicked and caned, Because they said "keep cool !" The gas light companies were mobbed, v The bakers all were shot, . The penny press began to talk Of -Lynching Doctor Nott : Arid .all about the warehouse steps Were angry men in droves, - Crashing and splintering through the doors To smash the patent stoves 1 ' ' ' ' '' ' . i ' . The Abolition men and maids Were tanned to such a hue, "You scarce could tell them from their friends, . Unless their eyes Were blue ; ' And, when I left, society " IJaJ IwjraG it J iizrcicnt gvtarda, i Arid Brattle street find Temple place ' Were interchanging c;irds. SELECTED STORY. THE HEIR AND THE HEIRESS. AN ADVllNTCKK AT TERM. In the early part of themonth of October of the 'year 1822, having passed the night at Spoleto, which 'still looks as if the fatal earthquake of 1703 had shaken all the inhabitants out of it, we pro ceeded, after breakfast,-over the mountains to Ter ni, visiting by the way the curious remains of an ancient aqueduct, and an ,arch called the Arch of Haunibal, under which he is said to have passed in triumph after the battle of Thrasimene., Though we had but fifteen miles to travel, yet, as we had to creep ovar, the Apennines part of therti, it was towards the middle of the day when we heard our postilions crying 5' Via ! via!" -as we dro;e up to the d-or of the hotel at Terni. An odd-looking1 foreign "carriage-. that impeded our way nioved for ward upon this s.ummoits, and we took its place ; and, having alighted, were conducted to a room on the first floor." . 44 Vill there be time enough for us to seethe falls to-day ?" was bur first inquiry ; for we were anxious to reach Rome on the following evening, and to do this an early start was necessary. ; "Certainly," said the host, "provided your ex cellencies (excellencies are cheap there) do not lose time." ." , :'.''. . y However, the air of the mountains had given us an appetite, and .it was agreed that eat' we must before we did, anything else ; but it was- arranged that! whilst we took our repast, a carriage should be prepared, and that we should set out immedi ately afierwjards, In the mean while, we took our sats at the-window, and looked abroad to see what was to be seen, . " What is that building opposite ?" inquired I of the waiter.' x ".That is the jail,"'he replied. , 44 And whose carriage is this at the door ?" slid I: for the odd-looking foreign carriage was still thej-e. . - ' ; "It belongs to the Count -'.and Countess of Z- ," - O answered he. " Thev are iust going to the falls. Two .minutes afterwards we saw the footman ad- yance to open the door, and presently a gentleman and lady stept out of the house and entered the vehicle. After handing her in, the count turned around and said something to the host which gave us.au opportunity Of catching a glimpse of hi? wee.- It was, a young and handsome one, dark, and somewhat sallow ; his figure, too, was good; and he was well dressed, in a bine coat, dark trous ers, and light waistcoat. Whilst he was speaking, the lady bent forward to observe him, and as she aid so, she caught a view ot our, English phizzes at the wind aw, and" looked up at us. " Iteavens I what ati Italian face that is !" I ex claimed to my companion. V hat do you mean i said he. "Why," I mean," I replied, "that there is. a ready-made romanca in it." " What sort of a romance V inquired he. u Why " I answered, "Vandyke is said to have predicted, on seeing a portrait of Lord Strafford, that he was destined to come to a bad end : and that the lady's face reminds me of the prediction. here's surely a very' strange expression in those features!" . ; ' " She is very handsome " observed my friend. Very" I renlied : and so he was dark com- ploxioned, magnificent full black eyes, a finely form ed mouth; and nose, though these were rather on a large scale: and with that uniformity of color, often l8o hiautiful ifi Spanish and; Italian women. She - aturea m a pale silK Ol venire uc TOf, uy ' blond veil. ' Whilst- we were making these obser vations, the gentleman stept in, the carriage drove ;away, and our luncheon being shortly iannounced, we ceased to think more of the Count and Count ess Z . As soon, however, as we had satisfied the claims of hunger, we remembered the business that was before us, and calling for our carriage, we proceed ed to the foot of Mount St. Angelo, where we alighted in order to walk up the hill. There stood tti foreign carnage ; and I rather hoped that, as iia naur wc . ti4 -viewing the falls, we might ' have another opportunity; of inspecting the hand some pair. Some children, who are always in wait ing to earn a few pence by showing travellers the way, here joined us, and advancing leisurely on ac count ofiJthe heat, we commenced the ascent. ThereKwere gales at different- intervals on the road, at each of whiJi some children were station ed, .one or two of whom, after lettingus .through, generally feii in our train. I think we had pass ed .two or. three-of i!i--t;, when .we saw 'per pie has tening down, tiie rjoutitaiii toward us, with aspeed that implied -tiny were urged by some more than common motive ; and as they drew nearer, we dis tinguished a clamor, mostly of children, al! talking: as fast as they could at the top of their voices, and gesticulating with the utmost violence. ; " What is the matter P said I to our little gt.i Us. . , " We don't know," said they. ' They then curried on a dispute arnojngst them selves, in which some siiid " yes," and others 41 no," but we could not understand more of their jiatois. At. length one of them, pointing at the advancing group, cried out, with characteristic energy, " Yes, tlit?re he is ;" and-o.i looking forward, I descried in the midst of the 'party, waiking so fat- that he seemed either ' under the 'influence of the highest excitement, or else tryng to outwalk his com pan- ions, the owner of the ciirriage, Count Z- - lie was barehead'-d, Ins waistcoat was unbutton ed, and one side of his coat was toi'n clean off from the lappel to the waist. His face but no Kuseli might have painted it-r-words cannot de scribe it ;, the deadly hue, the white lips, the star ing eyes, the horrid distortion of the,. whole fea ture ! What is the matter ? What is the matter ?" I exclaimed eagerly, as we reached the party. But they all dashed past us, whilst the whole of our train fell into theirs ; and iif my -companion bad ndt laid violent hands on one urchin, and .pre vented his secession, we should have been left stand ing on the hillside by ourselves. After straining our eyes after them for some minutes, guessing and wond-ering, and perplexing ourselves as to what had happen d and whre the lady 'Could be, we ro solved to hasten forward with all the speed we could, in the hope of having our curiosity sati-itied, and of perhajis meeting the countess at the farin-house, or. cottage, which we. understood was to be found at the top, of the mountain. ' - When we gotii sight of this dwelling, our lit tle" guide ran forwards; and we presently saw him talkirg to a woman who was standing at the door, and who-intimately 'appeared to be the kmly living . sou! left upon the hill. The woman gesticulated, ' the boy held up hi hands, and 1 once more called out " What is the matter? Where is the lady ?" " Dead !" was the reply. " Dead !" w reiterated in amazement. '.!' " Dead !" 1 repeated the woman'; ".murdered drowned gone over the falls-- by this time you wouid not find a remnant of htr as big as my hand she must be dashed into a thousand pieces among the rocks! When the aentleraan ascend"? ed the hill," she continued, in answer to our ques tions, u he 'drove the cluldren back, and desired them not to follow him; and when they reached this place, he threw, money to those who wanted to conduct him, saying' he knew the rails as well as they did, and needed no guide. Most of them returned ; but two, either from curiositt', or in the hope oPgetting m-yre sous, followed at a little dis tance, hiding themselves amongst the! trees that border the river. They had not been out of' sight above a quarter-of an. hour, when the chil ren came -running back,, all aghast and. ut of breath, to say that the gentleman had condticied the lady to a spot very hear w here the river falls over the precipice, and that there t! ey saw him stoop down and look into the wafer. He then appeared to in vite the lady to do the :uiie, and seemed to be showing her sonietbinu in ihe stream.! The chil dren averred that she appeared unwilling, and that he rather (wived her 10 yoihply. he thsjt as it may, however, u sooner did she stoop, tharj, going be hind her, he gavegher a sudden thrustand pushed her into the river. She snatched at his breast as she fell, but he tore himself from her grasp, leaving : one side of lis coat in her hand ; and; in another instant she was over the edge of the precipice, whirling in the torrent, and tossing among the rocks. ' One piercing scream alone w as heard to testify that, she was conscious . f her fearful fate. " Ere the children had well ftni-diedj their tale," the woman added, "the gentleman himself appear ed in the state we saw him." j Whether be was so overcome by remorse as to be unable to attempt giving the color he had intend ed to the transaction, or whether he saw by the demeanor of the people that it would be useless, remains uncertain; but, whatever his motive might be, he merely glanced at them as he passed, clasp ed his hands as if in great agony, and then hur ried down the mountain at the pace we met him, followed by all the inhabitants. There, then, was my romance, even to the dire catastrophe; complet ed already ! t J It may be imagined with what strange and awe struck feelingsi'we proceeded to view the fallsl The river that flows across the top of the hjlls is called the Velino. On each side there are trejes -I think the willow and the ash 'which droop over its mar gin, and cast a deep shade, on, the water. We walked alone the bank till we approached the tor- rent,-and, within a tew yards ot the precipice, we thought we could discover the very spot where the catastrophe had happened. The soil on the edge of the bank had evidently been newly disturbed. The grass, too, was impressed and trodden, we con cluded bv the count's feet, in the moment of. the struo-o-le. There was someth mg white on ine ground. We picked it up : it was a little scollop of very 'fine blond a morsel bf the veil I had ad mired ! We were dumb with horror ; for every thing was so vividly present to our imaginations, that we felt as if we bad actually witnessed the murder. . . j Our anxiety to learn what wa going on below rather precipitated our movemeuts ; so jwe descend ed the hill, and getting into our carriage, drove I round to the bottom of the. falls, to tab th. other view of them. . A river; called the Nera, flows Tound the foot of the mountain, into which the cascade tumbles ; and -as the clouds of white spray, tinged here aud there with many a gorgeous hue, tossed in graceful wreaths before us, we more than, once fancied that we caught shadowy glimpses of the veil, the drapery, or the pink bonnet of the poor victim. But all these were the mere tricks of imagination. ( All must have been whirled away by the rushpf .water, n4 carried far from the spot When we arrived at the inn and. eagerly inquir ed for the count, " He is there," replied the waiter, pointing to the heavy looking building on the op posite side f the way ru there in the'jail." "And what will they do to him ?" said I. The man shrugged his shoulders " lie is a noble: most likely nothing." j On the following morning we proceeded on our way to Rome, but not without making arrange ments for the satisfaction of our curiosity as to the causes which led to this,1 melancholy catastrophe. What follows is the substance of what we heard ; The late 'Count Z -''had two sons,; Giovanni and Alessandro. The family was both noble and ancient, but, owing to a variety jof circumstanees, the patrimonial estates, which had once been large, had been gradually reduced, till there was scarcely enough left to educate the two young men, and support them in the dolce far niente that became their birth and station.' In this strait, the old count looked about for an alliance that might patch up their tattered fortunes ; and it was not long be fore he found what he wanted, in the family of the Count Boboli. Boboli had been an adventurer: in short, no one knew very well what he had been, for his early history was a secret. All that was known was, that he had appeared in Rome at the time of the French occupation, and that he had found some means or other of recommencing him self to Napoleon, to whom he owed his patent of nobility. He had also found the means of accu mulating immense wealth, the whole of which was designed for his be tutiful daughter and only child, Carlotta. The count of a hundred ancestors found no difficuity'in obtaining the acquaintance of the new-made noble ; and as each could bestow what the other wanted, they very soon understood each other, and a compact was formed between them, well calcfilated to satisfy the ambition of both. It was agreed that the beautiful Carlotta should be come the wife of the count's eldest son, and, in exchange for the noble name of Z -. should carry with her the whole of her father's immense fortune. The wedding was appointed to take place the day after Giovanni came of age, of which period he wanted six months ; and this interval it was that was the cause of all the woe. GioVonnf no sooner saw his intended bride than he became desperately in love with her. Never was wealth purchased at a less sacrifice : he felt he 'would rather a thousand times resign evtry ducat of the fortune than resign the lady. He devoted the whole of his ime to attending her pleasures and following her footsteps ; and the consequence was that Alessandro, the youn ger brother, to whom hi was much attached, and who was generally by his side, was thrown much into her company. It seemed to have been uni versally admitted that Alessandro was the hand somest of the two. Some said also that he was the most agreeable : but on this point the world appears to have differed. -Unfortunately, the mind of the beautiful Carlotta entertained no doubts on the subject ; she resigned her affections, heart and soul, to Alessandro. Relying on her influence over her father, when she found that she could not fulfil the-engagement he had made for her without dis gust, she threw herself at his feet, and implored him either to bestow her hand on the younger brother, or to break the compact altogether, and permit her to go into a convent. Neither proposal, however, accorded .with the old man' ambition ; and the only effect her entreaties had was, that he adopted means to keep the object of. her attachment out of her way, trusting that, when she no longer saw him by his brother's side, she would cease to make comparisons -disadvantageous to her intended, and would be resigned, if not happy, to become the wife of Giovanni. But Carlotta was a woman of sterner stuff than, her father had reckoned upon. Absence had no effect upon her passion opposition rather increas ed than diminished it and, at length, a few days before that appointed for the wedding, she took an opportunity of disclosing the truth to her unhappy lover, and entreated him, by the loye he bore . her, to resign her hand himself, and to use all his influ ence to procure that she should be married to his brother. The poor young man, desperately in love as he was, could at first hardly believe his misfor tune so near the consummation of his dearest hopes widiin three days of the longed-for happi ness and the. cup was dashed from his lips ! As soon, however, as he had sufficiently collected his senses to speak, he told her that, from the moment he had first seen her, he had only lived to make her happy ; and ' that he had looked forward to spending his days in that, to him, most blessed vo cation ; but that, since he found that this was a feli city not designed for him, he had nothing more to do with life. - Finally, he promised that she should be obeyed, and should become the wife of his brother. He then went home, and, after writing to Alessan dro, detailing what had led to the catastrophe, he stabbed himself to the heart. The younger brother -,had now become the elder heir to the title, and the legitimate claimant of the lady's hand and fortune. But, alas ! he was no more disposed to marry 'Carlotta than she had been to marry Giovanni. . Old Boboli, by way of separating nim trom his daughter, had contrived to get Inm sent to .Fans ; and, by his interest there, had managed to place him in some situation about the court, where the young man soon found his heart assailed by the charms of the fair Mademoi selle Coralie de la Riviere, who showed herself not insensible to bis admiration, and whom he loved with all the intensity that belonged to his nation and to hie peculiarly ardent character. His brother's letter, therefore, was a coup de foudre. The titled fortune had no charms for him without Coralie ; and, besides, with that instinct that sometimes seems to guide our loves and our -hates, from the very first interview he had with Carlotta, he had taken an aversion to her. However, he obeyed his father's summons to return immediately to the Abrujzi, where stood, frowning amongst the mountains, the old Castle of Z , but with a firm determination to refuse the hand of Carlotta, in spite of every means that should be used to in fluence him. But when people make these resolu tions the; should take care to keep themselves out of the reach of everybody whose interest it is to induc them to break them. We are all apt to think.Tesolutions much less brittle things than they are, tI; they have been tried in tie furnace. Ai thougTr Alessandro from the first had boldly de clared that nothing should ever persuade him to marry a woman whom he had always hated, and wbbm he now hated Infinitely more, since she had beii the cause of his brother's death, his father's VJjMi nbt give way one jrjch Whilst be fdu&i lais aVeraoh &"'a-'feneaaiBraiiQf!itc resolution gradually gave way before the old man's firmness bu the one hand, his mother's tears and entreaties on the other, and his own horror at, the idea of his ancient house and all its honors sinking into utter penury and hopeless obscurity, when it was in his power, by marrying an heiress, to restore it to all iti original splendor. i Whethe, at this time, any fore-falling shadow of the futur had passed before his eyes whether the idea that he might wed Carlotta, secure! the fortune, and then find meansi to be again a 'free man, had evei presented itself to his mind wheth er he. had allowed it to dwell there whether he had given it welcome hugged it, cherished it, resolved on it an now never be known ; but, leer tain it is, that, he suddenly changed his mind, avowed himself prepared to obey his father's com mands, and ready to lead the daughter of Boboli to the altar. Theperiod for the wedding was then fixed; but in the Meantime he returned to Paris, where he said the duties of his office called him. When the time arrived that he should have re appeared, he wrote n excuse, alleging that he i was still detained by business; and this he continued to do, week after week, till the period appointed tor the wedding was clos at hand. At length, or the evening before that fixed for the ceremony he reached home. He had travelled, he said, with the greatest speed, having only been able to obtain a certain number of days' leave; and added, that the very moment the marriage was solemnized j the bride must be prepared to step into his travelling carriage, and accompany hiro back to Paris. Car otta, who, with her father aud other members of . both families, was. waiting for him at the Castle of Z , made no objection to this arrangement. She must have been aware that he did not marry her trom choice; but the amount of his aversion, or that he had another attachment, she didj not even appear to have suspected. She probably im agined that the wealth and importance he' was attaining by her means, and the compliment! she had paid him by her decided preference, were sufficient to expiate the wrong she had done his brother, and trusted to her beauty and her love to accomplish the rest. Or perhaps, under the influ ence of an uncontrollable passion, she never paused to think of anything but its gratification at any cost. However this may be, they met with calm de corum in the presence of the family, and of the society assembled at the castle ; but it was after wards remembered that, after the first salutation, he had never been seen to address her. On the followiig morning there was a great deal of busi ness tc be transacted, many arrangements to be made, and he was so fully occupied till nighty that the voting couple scarcely met till the houf ap pointed for the solemnization of his marriage, when lie and his friends entered at one door, whilst the bride and her party advanced by the other, j The company were magnificently attired, the chapel blazed with light, the pillars were twined 'with wreaths of flowers, the air was redolent with: "the perfumes of the incense ; but the bridegroom stood with averted eves, and it was observed that when the deremony was concluded, he did not approach his .bride, but turned away and addressed his mother. The whole party now withdrew to the salle a manger, and supped ; but ere the repast wasj well over, Alessandro's servant entered to announce that the carriage was at the door, and all was ready ; whereupon the bride and bridegroom rose, ; and, after a hasty farewell to their friends and relatives, quitted the room. " You'll reach Terni to breakfast," said Boboli, as he conducted his daughter through the hall. 1 es to a late breakfast," replied Alessandro. " Let us hear of you front thence," said Boboli. " You shall hear of us from Terni," replied Ales sandro. ! " A.dieu, my dear father !" cried Carlotta, waving: her handkerchief as they drove off. " Adieu, my child tadieu ! May the Virgin protect you !" cried Boboli, as he turned arid re entered the castle. ! Many of the party asserted afterwards that she had appeared agitated and uneasy during the sup per; and some declared that they had observed her watching her young husband's countenance with an eye of terror and perplexity. Her maid, too, af firmed that she was quite certain her lady's; heart naa tailed, and that she had some misgivings that evil awaited ber. " When t gave my lady her shawl and bonnet," she said, " she shook like an, olive leaf; and when I asked her if anything was wrong, all she 6aid was ' Madre di Dio, jieta ! pietaP" ' They travelled all night at least all the remain der of the night, for it was past midnight; when they started only stopping to change horses, and had arrived at Terni to a late breakfast, as Boboli had predicted. Whilst the breakfast was preparing, the young countess changed her dress ; add the maid asserted that she here again betrayed consid erable agitation, and that she heard her say to her-, self 4 Ah ! mio, padre f a hi ! Giovanni P The waiter and the host who had attended them, re marked that she ate nothing, swallowing only a little wine ; and that the count himself appeared to have little appetite. No conversation passed be tween them, till, suddenly, her husband asked her if she was ready. She started at the sound of his voice, a if it were something unusual to her ; but immediately rose from her seat, and said 44 Yes." w Come, then," he said, aud giving her his arm, he conducted her down stairs. The horses for the falls had been ordered by the servant immediately on their arrival, and were now waiting at the door ; and it was at the precise period our story has now. reached, that we had looked out of the window, and saw them enter the carriage and drive away. 44 What did he say to you," I inquired of the host, 44 when he turned to speak to you on the steps !" " He desired me to have horses Teady for Spo leto, as they should start the moment they return ed from the falls." Your waiter says he will escape because be ttoble-k-i8 that ao T " It is possible," replied the host, shragg'ag his shoulders. But he did not escape : the young Count Ales sandro Z was condemned and executed part ly, however, through the strong interest tbat Boboli made against him. Nothing more of the mystery was ever disclosed, except to his confessor. " He died, and made no sign." A CANINE SKETCH. - The following capital dog story is from the re cecUyblkbtd rork of Jobfa T. IrvirgEsq.; V nephew of Washington Irving. His volume is en titled "The Attorney :" Just then the door opened, and Mr. Rawley walked in, and close at his heels 6talked Bitters. Both seated themselves ; the one on a chair, and the other on end directly in front of the surrogate. Mr. Jagger looked at the dog with the solemn' eye of a surrogate, and shook his head as only4a surro gate can shake it. 44 Are you one of the witnesses ?" inquired he of the dog's master. . ' 44 1 am, sir," replied -Mr. Rawley. 44 1 was sub poenaed to testify ; and here's the document," As he spoke, he laid upon the table a paper which, froin having been several days'in that gentleman's pocket, had laded from white into a snuff-color, and was particularly crumpTed. W hats that animal doing here? demanded the surrog ite. He hasn t had time to do anything," replied Mr. Rawley. 4- He comes when I comes. He goes when I goes. He's a peeler." Ihe animal must leave the court. It scon- tempt of court to bring him here," said Mr. Jag ger, angrily". " Remove him instantly." Mr. Rawley had frequently been in attendance at the police courts, and once or twice had had a slight taste of the sessions, so that he wa not as much struck with the surrogate as he otherwise might have been, and he replied : 1 make no opposition, sir ; and shall not move a finger to prevent it. .There's the animal ; and any officer as pleases may remove him. I say nuf- fiu ag'in it. I knows what a contempt of court is; and that ain't one." And Mr. Rawley threw him self amiably back in his chair. " Mr. Slagg !" said the surrogate to the man with a frizzled wig, " remove the dog.'" Mr. Slagg laid down his pen, took off his specta cles, went up to the dog, and told him to get out ; to which Bitters replied by snapping at his fingers, as he attempted to touch him. Mr, Rawley was staring abstractedly out of the window. The dog looked up at him for instructions ; and receiving none, supposed "that snapping at a scrivener s fin gers was perfectly correct ; and resumed his pjeas ant expression towards that functionary, occasion ally casting, a lowering eye at the surrogate, as if deliberating whether to include him in his demon stration of anger. "Slagg, have you removed the dog?" said Mr. Jagger, who, the dog being under his very nose, saw that he had not. 44 No, s;r. He resists the 'court," replied Mr. Slagg. 44 Call Walker to assist you," said Mr. Jagger sternly: Walker, a small man in drabs, had anticipated something of the kind, and had accidentally with drawn as soon as he saw there was a prospect of difficulty ; so that the whole court was set at de fiance by the dog. 44 Witness !" said Mr. Jagger. ' Sir," exclaimed a thin man in the corner, who ' had been subpoenaed, to his own great terror, and who at that particular moment had an idea that he was the only witness in the world starting to his feet, under the vague impression that he .was to be sworn on the spot, and thoroughly convinced that testifying and committing perjury were only different names for the same thing. 44 Not your-the man with the dog." Mr. Rawley, looked the court full in the face. 44 Will you oblige the court by removing that animal ?" said Mr. Jagger, mildly. 44 Certainly, sir," said Mr. Rawley. 4 Bitters go home." Bitters rose stiffly and went out, first cast-, ing a glance at the man with the wig, for the pur pose of being able to identify him on some future occasion ; and having comforted himself by a vio lent onslaught upon. a small dog belonging to the surrogate, whom he encountered in the entry, was seen, from the window, walking up the street with the most profound gravity. Local and Confidential. 44 Town boys," are proverbially smart; and now that lapse of time will bar any accountability, we put upon record two 44 dodges" of our boys during the last year ' Several shows had been along, and more were coming, but some of the boys being hard up, were put to their wits to raise the wind this was soon done.An abandoned toll-house stood on the Valley Turnpike near Staunton, with its gate posts apparently still 44 in force" thither our youthful ! 44 financiers" would daily repair, ana graveiy sany from the house to levy black-mail on every way-' faring 44 stranger." Quite a thriving business was done in this way before it was found out and stop ped by the 44 proper authorities; It is a pleasant and healthful custom with, the lair ladies of Staunton to promenade daily on the plank walk leading to the Deaf Mute Asylum.-- One evening some young ladies thus recreating, espied a very handsome young fellow sitting near the walk fondling a young hare, and holding it to their view ; supposing him to be one of the mutes they clustered around, and expressing great admira tion for him and the hare, soon spelled upon their fingers the question 44 What would he take for it ?" The question was answered in the same language, " A kiss from each of you !" The bargaiu was struck, the property delivered, and the, pay given and received with a hearty good will on both sides, when unable to contain himself longer.the young . scamp laughed out for joy, and ran off exulting, to join nis comrao.es wno were sitting in sigui. w o the success of the experiment Staunton Spec. Before the days of the teetotallers, a neighbor of Dr. Bisbee saw that gentleman, at an- eany hour of the day crawling slowly homeward on his hands and knees over the frozen ground. " Whv. don't you cret ud. Mr. Bisbee? Why don't you get up and walk?" said his neigh bor. u I w-w-would, b-b-butit's so almighty thtn bera that I m a-a-afraid I shall b-b-break througu I It is ft enrirmitv in pa t.ha man who IS not " as much in favor of the temperance cause as any- .wouy. CHILD OF THE ANGEL WING. 44 Oh, sing me a song, as I fall asleep," Said a little one with a lustrous eye 41 Or tell me a tale of the flowers that peep In the bright green woods that reach to the skv And the heavens are blue ss our Nelly's eyes Or tell of the child with the angel wing ' Who walks in the'garden of Paradise 1" I sang him the song I told him the tale, i?- ! by. hi? 000011 m we thought he slept, mat stealthy and bright near his pillow crept' 1 hen my words grew faint, and my voice sank low, And I said, m thy dreams may the'seraphs'sine, .But he whispered soft, as I rose to go 44 Oh, tell of the child of the angel wing !" Then I sang again-rbut he restless grew,1 And tossed his young arms as he wildly spoke, And a burnir.g red in his forehead flew, As the moon went down and the njorninbroke But he spoke no more of the spring's bright flowers . And he thought no more of his sister's eyes; ' One name alone, in his feverish hours, ' Was breathed in a whisper that pierced the skies. 44 My mother," he said, and hi? eyes waxed dim, For the sense, with their wavering lustre fled', And he never knew that she knelt by him Whose sun went down at his dying bed ! He has gone wffere the seraphs sweetly siug His story was brief as the sunset dyes He walks with the child of the angel wing, In the flowery gardens of Paradise,! DREAMS. Dreams can be procured by whispering in the eais when a person is asleep. One of the most curious as well as authentic examples of this kind has been referred to by several writers. "1 find the particulars in a paper by Dr. Gregory, and they were related to hiin by a gentlemau who. witness-,, ed them. ' ' The subject of it was an officer in the expedition to Louisburgh, 1685, who had this )eculiarity in so remarkable a degree, that his companions. in the transport were in the habit of amusing themselves at his expense. They could produce in him any kind of a dream, by whispering into hisar, espe cially if this was done by a friend, with whose voice be was familiar. At one time they conduct-, ed him through the whole progress of a quarrel, wuicn enuea in a duel; ana when ttie parties were, supposed to be met, a pistol was put into his hand, which he fired and awakened by the report. On another occasion they found him asleep" on the top of a locker, or bunker, in the; cabin, when they made him believe he had fallen overboard, and ex horted him to save himself by swimming. They told, him that a shark was pursuing him, aud entreated such force as to throw himself entirely- fiom the locker, upon the cabin floor, by which he was much bruised, and awakened of course. After the landing of the army at Louisburgh, his friends found him asleep in his tent, much an noyed by the cannonading. They then made him believe that Tie was engaged, when he expressed great fear, and showed an evident disposition to run away. Against this they remonstrated, but at the same time increased his fears by imitating the groans of vthe wounded and dying: and when he asked, as he often did, who were down, they named his particular friends. At last they told him that the man, next himself in the line had fallen, when instantly he sprung from his bed, rushed out of his tent, and was aroused from his danger and his dream together by falling over the tent ropes. A ' remarkable circumstance in this -case ' was, that after these experiments, he had no distinct refl ections or fatigue; and used to tell his friend tbat he was sure, he was playing some trick upon him. A case entirely similar (in its bearing is related in Sraeille's. Natural History, the subject of which was a medical student in the university of Edin burgh . ; . . A singular fact has been observed in dreams which areexcited by noise, namely, that-tlie same sound awakens the persons, and produces' the dream which appears to him to occupy a considerable time. The following example, of this has been re peated to me : A gentleman dreamed that he had enlisted as a soldier, joined his regiment, deserted, was apprehended, carried back, tried,- condemned to be shot and at last carried out for execution. After the usual preparations, a gun was fired ; whe awoke with the report, and found that a noise in the adjoining room had produced 'both the dream and awakened him. Ihe same want of notion ot time is observed in dreams from other causes Dr. Gregory mentions a gentleman who, after sleeping in a damp place, was for a long time lia ble to a ieeimg of suffocation whenever he. slept m allying posture, and. this was always accompanied by a dream of a skeleton, which grasped him yio- lently by the throat. He could sleep in a sitting posture without any uneasy feeling ; and after try ing vartons experiments, he at lat had a sentinel placed besjde huh, with orders to wake him when ever he sunk down. On .one occasion be was at- . tacked by the skeleton, and a long struggle ensued before he awoke. On finding fault with his atten-r dant for allowing him to lie so long in such a state of suffering, he was .assured that he had not lam an instant, but had been awakened the moment he began to sink. The gentleman after a consid erable time, recovered from the affection. . 4 m m Tmt Secret. "I noticed" said Franklin 44 a mechanic among a number of others, at work on a house erecting but a little way trom roy office, wno always appeared to be in a merry humor, who had a kind word and cheerful smile for every one he met. Let the day be ever so cold, gloomy or sun less, a happy smile danced like a sunbeam on his cheerful countenance. - Meeting him one morning, I asked him to tell me: the secret of his constant hmw flow of SDirits. 44 No secret. Dr.." be re- .plied"; 44 1 have got one of the best wives, and when I go to work sue always has a kind wora oi encouragement for me ; and when I go home she meets me with a smile and a kiss, and then tea is sure to be ready, and she has done so many little, things through the day to please me, that I cannot find it in my heart to speak an unkind word to anybody.' What an influence, then, hath woman over the heart of man, to soften it, and make it the fountain of cheerful and pure emotions ! Speak gently, then ; greeting, after the toils of the day are over, costs nothing, and go far toward making home happy and peaceful." " , TV vnn doubt whether two skulls are better than one, just undertake to row against the tide some 3 -. ' - day