' ...'jr.- RB1 1 -1 i?r, 134 S OUT atif - Ml . .1 L f it if! A DAV AT HAMPTON COTJBT. The following interesting letter from England is copied from the New York Observer. v . Of all the places in the Qld World, there.isjiot one so rarely rich in historic interest as this glri ous structure which Cardinal Wolsey built and gave.away ! V " Why are you building a palace so much more splendid than any of mine ?" his jolly old niaster. Harry the Eghth, inquired of the Lord Chancellor?- : ' . - . - " To make it a present to your, majesty," was the ready and wily answer of the ambitious Wol- 8y- - ' ;: - It stands oh the Thames, twelve miles out of London, and is the great resort of the public, for. whose pleasure: the grounds and halls and galleries of art are now freely thrown open. I history I shall give as I go on with my letter! It was Friday morning when I rode out there. Not the pleasantest morning I could wish, but the onlyday I 'could command .before leaving the city, and if I did not see the palace now, I never should. I must not pause to speak of the many classic pots I passed in that morning ride" :the haunts of Pope, of Thomson, of Gay, of Cowley, of Oliver Cromwell, and a host of others known in their Country's story. I reached the.palace about eleven, and wasi surprised to find myself alone oh the ground. The armed' sentinels were., pacing , the great (Joorway, which were open as it an army as well as; a single traveler might" enter, but J was' peuiiy summoned to stana. -- mere is no aamis sion here to-day : it is Friday." '. This was a blow to my Jiopes. amiLI asked if tbA rule was inflexible. "O yes," thlTa. ver, there's a great many comes here Fridays who don-'t know the rule, but they never gets in : they try to hire somebody to show them the apartments,! but the porters is all gone, and there a nobody to , show them. Yoii can't get in at all." ; ' V Here was a dead j failure. "A 1 ride of twelve miles to see a royal palace, and any one of -my guide-books would Kave told me it was closed on Friday, but thoughtlessly I had come on thoniy t . day when it was shut, -and the only day : n&lh to spare oeioro leaving. 1 was- more man disap pointed vexed at my, own dullness, and made res-, oiuuuuo uwi iu uo ho -careiess in iuture. xne gar- less in dens were open and I walked among the beds of flowers, and under the bowers of beauty, gravelled and, shaded walks a mile in a straight line, and lakes with gold fish and sparkling fountains on ei ther hand, but even these, more luxuriant and paradise-like than I had ever seen, seemed but to ag gravate my disappointment. I sat down in an an- ; tique ch'air in a lovely hook, and promised myself not to mention my visit to Hampton Court to any if my friends. Several parties had been out to see it and returned to me with glowing descriptions, and now I had come alone and' was to return as I l came. A thought struck me. My vener,able fa ther had often said that he never knew a door that would not open at my asking, and he had of ten been amused, in travelling, by the facility with which I gained access to the most inaccessible pla ces. It had always answered in America, why should I not experiment upon it in England. I determined to try. Finding a servant oh the grounds,. I asked if there was a gentleman any- r where who had any connexion with the palace, to whom I could apply for some information. He led me to a door, and gave me the gentleman's name. I called upon him: sent him my card : he invited me in, and received, me courteously. I'told him I was ashamed tasay I had come on a fool's errand: carelessly had visited Hampton Court on Friday, and must now return to America without seeing it, unless I could find access to-day. He said that during his residence there he had -never known of the apartments being opened ex cept on the appointed days: that crowds1 varying from 500 to 5,000 were there t daily, and some times 15,000 had visited it in a single day : and ; on Friday the doors Vere never opened : but, and then I began to hope, .but, said -he, " it would give me great pleasure to walk with you through the palace-: the porters are all away, but if I cau get the-keys we will be our own porters, and take our , own time." And he soon found the keys: and we mounted the king's staircase and entered the halls of Henry the Eighth. " ; The story of Wolsey, the Prime Minister of Hen ry VIII., is familiar to every youthful reader. And it should be. His life is the grandest lesson for - statesmen, and indeed for all mankind, that English history, presents. By rapid strides he rose from obscurity to be more powerful, more wealthy, and far more luxurious than his monarch ; and then he fell like Lucifer and perjshed miserably, by poison, to escape the shame of the scaffold. In thedays of "'. his greatness he resolved to make a palace of unri- . vailed glory. .He called on foreign and domestic '. doctorsjtopelect the healthiest and the fairest spot ; in the wmity of London and this being chosen, he bought up thousands of the. surrounding acres', and converted them into parks, and gardens, and i hunting grounds. He lavished untold sums of gold v in building a house that covers eight, acres of ground, with apartments . to lodge and entertain some thousands of guests ; and these he embellish ed with the most costly paintings"; and every luxu ry that the wit of 'man could suggest or a volup tuous imagination conceive. The records of the revellings that once made these" halls jocund for successive months, appear like romance to us who live in days when vice is less public, if not less ommon than in the times of our ancestors. The king accepted the present of the palace in 1530, and Jbere he sat up his royal residence and "right regally he held sway in these now peaceful courts. I have just been in- the Chapel Royal, where suc cessive monarchs have heard prayers. Here Ed ward VI. was baptized with Archbishop Cranmer . for god father. Here Jane Seymour, his mother, -died a few days afterwards;, arid here the many wived Henry VIII., having disposedin various ways of five, was married to Lady Cathariife Parr. Here, too, James the first presided at the famous conference between the Presbyterians and 'the Es- ' tablished Church, and but of that conference grew pur. present translation of the English Bible,. Queen Anne, his wife, died here, Charles I, was monarch and Cromwell was master after him, and here cel ebrated the nuptials of his daughter. After the restoration, successive sovereigns resided here, but I will not weary you with the history. William III. adorned the palace and made extensive inn proyements, and there are monuments of his. taste on every hand. But what is now the use to which litis' all applied ! The state apartments embrace a series of magnificent rooms in the central palace, a quadrangle .with a fountain court in the centre, Here is the Guard Chamber, the King's Presence Chamber, the Audience! Chamber, the King's Drawing Room, the King's Bed-room, the Queen's Bedroom, the QueenV Drawing Room, the Queen?s Audience Chamber, the Great Hall hung with the most remarkable tapestries and emblematioals flags " These and many other apartments I have not cam ed are now hung with paintings al? but innumera ble, by the most illustrious masters, making galler- ies of priceless value; portraits ot tne most distin guished men and the most beautiful women, in teh costume of the times in which they lived : on many of which I could descant at any length, but in : such a wilderness of paint, I know not where to begin. I could more easily recite the great men whose portraits are not here, I was hastening on lest I should be trespassing : on my Jcind and excellent friend s courtesy, dui ne insisted on my proceeding leisurely and studying all that I wished to master. And there vrp enjoyed the silence and solemn quiet of these old halls, . ii - . . . ., s ; . wotting upou me iaces of men and women that nau once shone in those very courts. One chamber contains all the frail beauties of the licentious court of Charles II. Another is filled with scenes from Holy - Writ, making strange contrasts now as of olden time: here is the portrait of a little man, Sir ' Jeffrey Hudson, who was so' very small, that at a feast given to Charles L he was actually served up alive in a cold pie : and then we have a full length portrait of a man seven feet, two inches .high. . PhiibsoDhers. Doets -and painters, kings, queens and statesmen, priests and people are here in end less ranks. It was so much better to be alone in this study than in the midst of a crowd, and my ffuide was so familiar with the pictures, that he en livened the hours with anecdotes new and enter taining? and I was not unwilling to give him one or two in return. And when we had at last com pleted the circuit, he sent for the keys of the old kitchens unused for two hundred years, where the Cardinal's feasts were prepared. The fire-places were sixteen feet across, and the iron bars still stood in them on which the spits rested to roast the meats before huge fires', and then we explored the old vaults where the rich wines were stored, and we thought, for a cardinal, that Wolsey must have had things quite comfortable; "And now it is dinner time, come and dine with me," my new friend said to me as we emerged from the lower regions. And in spite of all my- protes tations to the contrary, he insisted, and the rest of -the" day was spent at his hospitable board. We had a good' time there too. ' And was not all this as handsome a specimen of kindness to a stranger, of genuine urbanity, and "hospitality . as you ever met with, I refrain from the mention of his name, I tk.t I -l.ct.ld .flfcoj hint if I did QOt, but I take a-pleasure in recording it as not only English, but beautiful, and an incident that I shall "pherish when ! return to my own land, where such attentions to strangers will I trust never be uncom mon, as I am sure they are not here. In America, we have thought our English brethren selfish, cold and disinclined to open their hearts to strangers, especially to those from our country. L have not found it 'so, and do not believe it is so. A gentle-' man -g ywayS kind. But I know &nd in -any land, as he was to wh that few are so whom I am "indebt ed for 'one of my most agreeable days in England. "Vs I joquired . at table, to what Uses these scores of ' apartments in these long wings are put which we have not explored. ".f These," he replied, are all occupied by families; of distinction and merit, by the kindness of the government, which-thus confers upon them, free of rent, a home when by a reverse of circumstances, they are in need of such provision. It sometimes occurs that the widow and children of an officer who has fallen ih his country V service are thus made easily comfortable for life by being housed in these grand old "halls! .where ihey may live in a style that suits their taste and means surrounded by elegant grounds, and everything-.to please the eye and promote the healtb? thoughithere is no thing of it all they can call their own." It is very much the same with the richest and " greatest among men. .What can they -have but what they et and drink and put on? They may gaze on their parks and fountains, and so may the' deer that browse in them and the beggars who look through the gates. And when they die, there is the end of it. Still it is a fine thing to be the owner iof such grounds as tbeseI have not a doubt. And so I returned to the city, musing on what I had seen and felt during the day. " 1 had dined in the palace of the sovereigns of England : had trod the courts where Henry V1U' and Edward VI. and Charles I. and Cromwell and Charles II. and William III. and others of the royal line had feast ed, and I asked myself, is any one of them happier or higher than if he had never been monarch of Englaudl 'Ireneus. DESCRIPTION OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE. From the offical publications 'of the Association we compile a description of the-Crystal Palace.- ' Reservior square, on which it is erected,, lies at the northern extremity of the city, west of the Crotan distributing reservior, and between that vast erection and Sixth avenue. . The Sixth avenue railroad runs directly past it ; the Fourth avenue .railroad runs near it; and it lies immediately in the vicinity of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth avenues the main i thoroughfares of that part of the city. The mam features of the building are as follows: It is, with the exception of the floor, entirely con structed of iron and glass. The general idea of the edifice is a Greek cross, surmounted by a dome at the intersection. Each diameter of the cross will be 36,5 feet 5 inches long. There are three similar, entrances; one on the sixth avenue, one on Fortieth, one on Forty-Second street. Each entrance is 47 feet wideband that on the Sixth avenue is approach ed by a flight of .eight steps; over each front is a large semi-circular fan-Jight, 41 feet -wide and 21 feet high, answering to the arch of the nave Each arm of the cross is on the ground plan 149 feet broad This is divided into a central nave and'two ' asiles, one on each side the nave 41 feet wide, each aisle, ,54 feet wide. ' ... i " "N The central portion or naveis; carried up to'the height of 67. feet,1 and, .the semi-circular arch by which its is .spanned is 4Yfeet -broad.. There are thus ii effect twdLarched naves crossing each other at.right. angles, -4 J feet, broad, 67 feet high to the crown of the arch, and "365 feet longer, and on each- 'side of ihese qaves is an aisle 54 feet broad, and' 45 feet high. The exterior of the ridgeway of the nave is 71 -feet. Each aisle is covered by a gallery of its own width, and 24 feet frbtn the floor. The central dome is 100 feet in diameter, 68 feet inside from the floor to the spring of the arch, and 118 feet to the crown; and on the outside, with the lantern, 149 feet, The exterior angles of the build ing are.ingeuiously filled up with a triangular lean to 24 feet high, which give- the j ground, plan an octagonal shape, each side or face being 149 feet wide.- At each angle is an octagonal tower 8- feet in diameter, and 75 feet high.' ' Ten large, and eight winding staircases connect the "principal floor with the gallery, which opens on the three -balconies that, are situated over the enfrance Jhalls, and afford ample space for flower decorations, statues, vases, &c. The ten principal staircases consist of two flights; of steps with ,two landing places to each ; and eight winding stair cases are placed in the octagonal tewers, which le'ad' also to small balconies on the tops of the tow ers and to the roof of the buikliag. The building contains on the ground floor 111, .000 square feet of space, and in its galleries, which are 54 feet wide, 62,000 square feet more, making a total area of 173,000 square feet for the purpose of exhibition. There are thus on the ground , floor two acres and a half, or exactly 2 52-100 ; 'in, the galleries one acre and 44-100 ; total, within an in considerable fraction, four acres. . - There are on the 'ground floor 190 octagonal cast iron columns, 21 feet above! the floor, and 8 inches in diameter, cast hollow, of different thick en ess, fr.om half an inch to one inch. These columns receive the cast iron girders.. These are 26-1-3 feet long and 3. feet highr ind serve to sustain the galleries and the wr ught iron construction f the roof, as well as to brace the whole structure in every direction. t The number of lower floor girders is 251, beside 12 wrought iron girders of the same height, and 41 feet span, over a part of the. nave. The second story contains 148 columns, of-the -sameshape as those below, and 17 feet 7 inches high. 'These- receive another tier of girders num bering 160," for the -support of the . roofs of the aisles, each ; have being covered by 16 cast iron semi-circular arches, each composed of 4 pieces. The dome is supported by twenty -four columns, which go up above the second story to the height ; of 62 feet above the floor, and siipport a combina- tion of wrought iron arches and girdere, on which rest a cast iron bed plate,l so constructed as to re ceive the 32 rios of the dome. The light is com municated to the dome through the lantern, as well as from the sides, on which 32 escutcheons, in col nre,l o-lasa nnuntinir the -arms of the Union and its several States, or the emblems of the different nations form a part of the decoration. J The building is supplied with gas and water in every part. The gas is designed for the use of the police, in protecting the property by night, but is so arranged that, should it be deemed expedient to open the buildiner in the evening there will be ample light. The water is accesible at numerous points, with convenience for drinking, also for the attachment oNiose, in case of fire. The general mode of erection by base pieces, columns, connecting pieces and girders, is the same with that of the great Hyde Park building, but the construction of the arched nave and of the dem is of course entirely peculiar, and the general effect of the building is completely different. V i EEUGI0N IN CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, April 22. The time has been when religion was a scarce article in this country. It is better now, and the moral, religious sense of the people is improving every day. The Methodists have their coheren ces, their circuits, their stations, their preachers and exhorters all over the country. The Presby terians, ever vigilant and industrious, are in all the cities and towns acquinos an mnuence, and sway I iner the noDular feelim? ffreat extent ; and the fBantkt's are enuallv intfawiousif not so flume- rous or mnuenuai. jlq& episcopal mihs uounsn in the cities, where they havf able tninistecs: and the the handsomest churches and the-VCathblics are prosperous at the old missions in 'San Francisco and other places. The American population com plain of lack of talent in this church among the "fathers." The emigrant' -need not fear being without his accustomed church -privileges in this country. The great dangerHs that he will leave his religion behind him. There are several ways leading out of California to the "great high-way of which we read m the good book. The Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians, Presby terians and Catholics, all " have their lines which they say connect with the " highway of holiness ;" and each line is furnishing: suitable cars to accom modate the " travelers to eternity" who start from California. Do you see those plain looking cars yonder ? lhat is the Methodist train. 1 he little noisy strong-looking locomotive you see there is the John Wesley." It always starts off with a tre mendous load. " The road runs meandering upHhe rivers, across the prairies through the woodSjTjy all the towns, along the settlements past every hufc and to the very tops of the mountains, aid the train stops at every place for passengers. The passengers' are zealous and enthusiastic. When they start they give a loud, long shout, and you would think the '" kingdom of heaven suffered vio lence and the violent (were about to) take it by storm." On their banner is inscribed, "religion in ear est," and as they pass through the woods they make the welken ring with the song " Bright Canaan, bright Canaan. I am bound for the land of Canaan." .londer is the mptist depot, lneir cars are stout, the seats uncushioried, the conductors exact ing and circumspect, and the pass mers numerous and pious. The train is drawn by the " Baptisto" Greek word to immerse. It is surprising how so .small a locomotive can take so heavy a train over so rouodv a road. They have tunnelled " mountains of sins," and bridged the hollows o; " iniquity ,".but water has no terrors for them, and hence they go plumb through the river Jordan " io Canaan's fair and happy land Where my possession lie." , -i But see there ; do you notice that .beautifn train of cars yonder, with handsome gothic win dows and velvet cushioned seats ? Do vou see the the surplice, the silk gown, and the golden cross That is the Episcopal train. That erorceouslv mountea ana smootniy running locomotive is "Henry the-Eighth." It sweeps over the solid Trail as if propelled by Ericsson's new motor." there is a large, sprinkling of lawyers in that tram. It is the most fashionable and gen eel train .1 , i f Vf "Tl TT . ' mat runs out, or v. ainornia. line unitairian are not fairly under weigh yet.) They take toward heaven a vast amount of wordly wisdom, theolo gical learning and pious gentility. It is suppose that St. Teter, who has the keys, is of opinion that the passengers who come in these carsre his rela tives and descendants; albeit he does'nt like the name of the locomotive; Henry the Eighth ;" in his opinion having been a great scamp. lhe iTesoy terians, however, are dome the best business in California.. They train the mind, in ciucaie mnexioie morn is, nave SKiutui engineers intelligent conductors, and well arranged cars. They run through a hostile country ; thev come in contact with baabatn Dreakers, gamblers, and drun kards and pounce on the " hosts of sin" everv where. They are skillful in a manoeuvre, and dis piay superior gene ram uip m a ngnt. lue road t - L I-l . n 1 rr... runs through all the towns; they have missiona ries in all the important places ; they have colpor teurs or runners on the steamboats beating for passengers,-and Satan himself cannot get up an enter prise without danger ot having a .Presbyterian af ter him to spy out his plans and borrow thunder. . But listen to those chnnesj the Catholic train is about to start. . Those old cars,.look as though they were made a thousand years ago antiquated, dark gloomy, rusty but very stoiiC old cars. They run tuu, however, feee tne crosses and Latin inscrip tions, and see those "Sisters" bonnets. The. more one looks around' here the. more he sees. to interest bn. . ' : . . The roads from California connect- with that old line from Rome, which was started eighteen hun dred years ago, and is sumwsed, to be the mcst di rect way to heaven. - . Correspondents Missouri Republican : - . - -I . The Mirage in AustjulLa. That curious opti cal illusion, the mirage, nmy be occasionallv wit nessed on the plains of Australia. I first - beheld this singular" phenomenon "ne hot summer's morn ing; the sun was shining, Cbe wind hushed, mid the sky. cloudless,' when the plain J was journeyino- over appeared suddenly transformed into lakes of jglis tening silver. I rubbed nTy dazzled eyes, gazed again and agjain, stampei'the ground, and peered at "the sky, in order to "be convinced that J was indeed on terra firma, so beautiful, so strange, and so fairy-like, was the prospect." The idea !of a mirage did hot immediately cross my mind as. 1 had neither read nor heard that the phenomenon had been witnessed in the Australian colonies. Travellers in the East .had recorded that mirages . in those parts have all -the appearance of water those 1 witnessed in the. Australian colonies' had a somewhat different aspect ; for though they reflected images as-distinctly as water, they Jooked so hard Snd metallic, that no one would take them for that element. I could Mearn. nothing, satisfactory from the colonists as tb"wheh or jinder what cir cumstances these illusions take place. I myself have seen them only when the weather "was hot and calm ; they are probably induced by the mass of atmosphere on the plains remaining at-rest, while the stratum in contact with the soil becomes, heated by caloric disengaged from the parched earth. I remember, on one occasion, a breeze sprang up, when the silvery scene presented a series of undulations, and then suddenly vanished A,- Ytralia as it is. , ' ' Th acker Air o n the Ethiopia Mikstreis. When humour ioins with rhvthm and music; jand appears in song, its influence is irresistable ;.",its - chanties are countless; it stirs the teeungs w iov, peace, friendship, as scarce any moral gent can. The songs of Beranger are hymns of love and ten derness ; I have seen great whiskered jprencuuicn warbling the ' Bonne Vieille," the "Soldats au pas, au pas," with tears rolling down their moustaches. At a Burns' Festival, I have seen Scotchmen sing ing Burns, while the drops twinkled oi their fur rowed cheeks J while each rough handjas flung out to grasp its neighbour's while early iscenes and sacred recollections, and dear and deiignuui iucui pries of the past came rushing back at the sound of ( the rsoftened bAAW " MIUlttMl I Ul VAk3 KAU heart was full"; of love, and friendship, and home. Humour 1 if tears are the alms of gentle spirits, and may be counted, as sure'jthey may,; among the sweetest of life's chanties of that kindly sensioui- ty;and sweet sudden emotion, which exhibits itseii at the eyes, 1 know no such provocative as humour. t is an irresistable sympathizer; it surprises you into compassion ; you are laughing and disarmea, arid suddehly forced into tears. I heard a humor ous balladist not long since, a minstrel with wool on his -head, and an ultra Ethiopian Complexion, who performed a negro ballad, tnat l comess mois-. tened these spectacles in the most unexpected man ner. ' They have gazed at dozens of tragedy queens, dying on the stage, and expiring n appropriate blank verse, and I never wanted to wipe them. They have looked up, with deep respect be it said, at many scores of clergymen in pulpits; add with out being dimmed ; and behold a vagabond with corked face and a banio sings a little song, banjo strikes a wild note which sets the whole heart thrill ., ing with happy pity. Humour! humour is the mis-' tress of tears ; she knows the way to tmjons laca ryrmrunC, strikes in dry and rugged places, with her encnaniing wana, ana oias ine iouuwiu.gusu? and sparkle. She has refreshed myraids more from. her natural springs, than ever tragedy has watered from her pompous old urn. ! i Hoodwinking the Pigeons. Pigeons are much more injurious to the gardener and farmer than crows, or any other of the feathered tribe. It is "said that a pigeon eats its own weight of food in a day, and that principally of a vegetable na ture. A new sown field of barley or peas is, there fore, a glorious treat, and will be made' short ivork of by a nock, lhe boys and farm Jads ot ftussex follow a cruel and strange plan of thinning flocks of marauding pigeons. Going to a garden or field likely to be frequented by these animals for the sake of plunder, they stick into the ground small pieces of paper, twirled into the shape or a tunnel the pointed end downmost. Into each of these pa- per funnels they place a single pea, ! The boys having left the ground, the pigeons soon arrive, and commence looking about for food ; and seeing peas ready, as they imagine, for. the picking up, they pop their head into the funnel, which, sticking to them, they hit up and immedi ately mount into the air, as if with a nightcap drawn over their "eyes. . Under such. hap'ess cir cumstances theysoar aloft in a perfectly straight line to the zenith; till lost to the eye of ihe behold er in the clouds. How far the poor creatures thus proceed into the heights' of the atmosphere, it is imposible to conjecture. It is certain they contin ue their hi,ht till nature is exhausted w.itbin them and death releives them from their raiserv. Down they then sink through the yielding air; like a bul let ; and so straight upward has been their course, that they generally fall within a few feet of the spot whence they took their flight. We do no remember, of seeing this remarkable peculiarity insfhe flight of the hoodwinked pigeon noticed by naturalists. Strange Infatuation. Some ten! years ago there resided in this State a gentleman, his wife and two daughters, who . were as much' respected aa any family in it. - Blessed with a competency of earthly goods, and surroundlbyHiostsf of friends, their happiness seemed as . near perfect as human beings could expect to enjoy. Six yeafs since this family left here for the south, where the liusband and father took to drink, and in two' years became a bankrupt and a sot. Next, the wife and mother became a drunkard, and now we understand the two .girls are inmates of a low brothel in a city on the Mississippi river. What a commentary on the free use of ardent spirits. In six years a whole family of respectable people reduced jfrom afflu ence to the deepest depths of degradation. And yet how many cases of a similar nature are to be met with every day Richmond Morning Mail. i -. rr- j ' Copious Rains. We have been blessed in this section with fiue rains, for, the last two or three days. The sky is now (Wednesday) very cloudy, and we have a promise of more. If the seasons are good, we will yet make good crops, as the corn was not beyond redemption, as it is in some portions of the State. The accounts from the lower counties are gloomy in the extreme, and many planters will not make enough for seed. ' - Athens Banner. The Royal Christening. The christening of the infant son of tier Majesty and his Royal Highness, Prince Albert, took place on the evening of the 27th, in Buckingham Palace. The sacred rite was perform ed in the private xhapel in the Palacq, which wa du ly prepared for the occasion. Two rows of chairs of crimson satin and gold were, placed on each side of the centrej for the use of the Queen, the Sponsors and the Royal personages' in viled to be present. The principal compartments or pews, (two on each side of the clmpel,) were appropriated to rhe representa tives of foreign powers connected Witfl the Royal family and the Sponsors, and the Cabinet Ministers. The altar was ined with crimson velvet panelled with gold lace, and on the communion table were-placed the golden vessels used in the Sacrament, with sal vers and two large candlesticks. Seats of crimson and gold were placed for the officiating clergy; The font was placed in advance of the hani pas ; it was a most elegantly formed tasza of silver gilt, the rim was formed of the -leaves and. flowers of the water lily, and the base from, which its elegant stem sprang was composed of infant angels playing lhe lyre ; Jn the front was the Royal arms. The font was placed o a fluted plintb of. white and gold. Over the altar was a fine piece of tapestry, representing the baptism of our Saviour. The chapel was brilfiantlv illiiminat-r ed by large globes of light, constructed on a scientific principle, so that no orifice is visible ; these globes being also inserted in the roof. ;. Lady Caroline Barrihgton with the infant Prince having taken her station in front of the font, and the four iilus'tjrous Sponsors having ranged up on one side, tbejArchbishop of Canterbury commeced reading the -BapfjsBBal Service-. i . On readhing thaf portion for the naming of the child the Archbishop demanded ' of the Sponsors how it should.be named, when the King of Hanover answer ed, LeopohiiJeorge Duncan Albert, and his Grace baptized it accordingly. - .Queen Victoria was -present, and wore the Koh-i-noor among her diamonds. Prince Albert, the King and Queen of Hanover, the Prince of Prussia the Princess of Prussia, the Doke and Duchess of Saxe Coburg, Gotha ; the Grand Duke and Duchess of Mechlenburg Strelitz, and Other roval Dersonap-a wa I present . - - The Heart of Richaro Ccemt de Lion. A corres pondent of the London times offers a suggestion for the consideration of the committee who Are now dis cussing the subject of a statue to the j lion-hearted King. Every one acquainted with English history will remember theaffecting disposal of the remains of Richard His body, by .bis last will, wa3 directed to be buried a the feet of his father, his bowels among the rebellious Poitouvins, and his heart at Rouen That heart is now without a shrine in the Museum of the town of Rouen, and the- writer suggests to the committee that a deputation should at once be a: pointed, to wait npon the authorities of town, and so-' licit this reho, which might be entombed! beneath the proposeu siaxue. THE EDITED BY . CALVIN H. WILEY, WILLIAM D. COOKE, LYTTELfON WADDELL, Jb. . RALEIGH, JULY 23, 1853.' Ternu TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in Advance. CLUB PRICES: Three Copies, $5 full prie, $6, - Eight Copies, 12 " 16, Ten Copies 15 . 20, Twenty Copies, 20 . " 40. (Payment in all cases m advance. 1& Where a club of eight, ten or twenty copies is sent, the person making up irson making up the club will be entitled to a copy extra ADVERTISEMENTS Of a proper character will be inserted at the foil owms; rates t or 1 square ot 14 lines, l insenioii, 1 ', do. I month, ., ',' 1 do. 3 months, 1 -'. "do. 6 " ,1 do. 9 " v 1 do. 12 " , . $0.75 .. 1.50 .. 3.00 ,. 6.00 .. 8.50 . . 10.00 Business Cards, $5 for one year.. For a quarter, half, or whole column a liberal discount will ..'' . . be made. ' .... XT' Advertisements should in all cases be marted with the nnmlvft of .insertions desired otherwise, thev will remain un til nodcetttjhscontinue is given, and be charged according to. the" above rates. The particular attention of advertisers is eauea to uus nouce, as u is not our wisii iu iconic jjujnii for an adftisement for a longer time than is necesssary,,and we do jjpj; wish our Columns filled with advertisements that are oundflate. "i AH articles of a Literary character maybe "y-SJ1 Southern Weekly Post, Raleigh,' N be addressed C." Busi ness letters, notices, advertisements, remittances &.C. &C, should be addressed to W. D. Cooke. " . - - -55r Postmasters are authorized to: act 88 'Agents forth Southern Weekly Post. - : r - , " ' W1LHAM D. COOKE. Pkofbieiob. , - " Y-B. Paimer, the American newspaper agent, is duly, em powered to take advertisements and subscriptions at the rates required by us. His receipts will be regarded as payments. . Mr. H. P.' Douthit is our authorized agent for the States of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. ' With the view of varying the contents of these columns, we will furnish our readers with a note or two of our impressions derived from our present visit to New York and a brief inspection of some of its most prominent attractions. We left the pleas ant borough of Norfolk on -Wednesday morning, the thirteenth inst., late in the forenoon, on board the new and noble steamer, Jamestown, Capt. Parrish, with a fine company of friends, and bore away down to Hampton Roads in gallant style, enjoying, with all our hearts, the beautiful pcenery of those spacious waters,and inhaling, the inspir ing sea-breeze with the most lively sensations of pleasure. Leaving Hampton and Old Point, with their lovely environs, on our left, and the old sand colored fortress of the Rip-Raps on our ruzht, we passed out between the capes Henry and Charles, and in a short time were fairly embarked upon the broad bosom of the Atlantic, surveying Uie bound less expanse of waters and the receding shore line in the distance, with a degree of pleasurable excite ment seldom experienced before, and a feeling of security, con firmed, every moment by the majestic march of the steamer, moving steadily and proud ly over the blue ocean with whose waves and wincls she seems so well fitted to contend. The James town is truly a noble structure, an ornament to the Southern, waters. Considerably larger than her consort, the Roanoke, she is in vevery respect adapted to the sphere of duty to which she has been appointed. Her accommodations are remark ably commodious and elegant, and her tables are constantly supplied wk j&$ry species- of substan- uai anu uencaie provisif ujor toe necessities oi tne inner man. We would be false to our Own feel- mgs if we should, fail to bear testimony to the kindness and courtesy of her officefsand their as sistants. To our friend the i-urser. Mr. Smith, we c M. J are under many obligations, for a degree of polite attention seldom extended to the casual passenger, and we wish him a long career of seafaring life as pleasant as our own voyage on the gallant steamer. After a night of calm, steady progress, during which we were rocked sweetly to sleep by the ocean's swell, we began to approach the white beach of the Jersey shore, and were soon in sight of-the Light House at Sandy Hook, lhe Hirhlands, Staten Isfend, Loner Island, and the Narrows.-- The approach Co New York is a mngnificent one from the sea. The villages and handsome resi dences that line the shore,- the fortifications that defend the harbor, and the rising spires of tjie four cities that fill up the background of the picture, render the prospect as enchanting as any that. the most brilliant pencil fiould portray. The tall brown spire of Trinity Church gradually grows upon the eye, and finally engrosses its interest above all oth er objects. " ' .Well, we are in the great metropolis, and are rattling away in search of lodgings. The St. Nich olas is full, the Metropolitan is full, and assured that all lower New York is similarly crowded, we hurry up to Willard's, near Union Square, where, we are so fortunate as to secure a p'lace near the attic. And now we will .see, what is to be seen. Our readers- no doubt wish to see through our optics, the great lion of tne day, "The Crystal Palace." Let them take an omnibus, in imagination, and ac company us to the extreme northern limits of the city, where the Croton Reservior rears its huge . walls,and the Latting Observatory pierces the clouds. We pass the Hippodrome,' and a vast number of new Hotels, Restaurants, Saloons, Show-tents and Refreshment Stalls, aiid find ourself at the entrance of the Pa ace. Externally, it is. a noble and mag nificent structure, with a'dome rising from the in tersection of the cross, ofvast ar)d imposing gran deur. You enter and see at once the most impos- ing of all the objects now there the huge colossal equestrian statue of -Washington, by . Marischetti. It is a work of very noble conception and design, reflecting great bonor upon the artist, and subject, we think, to this criticism, that the person of the Father of his country is represented as too massive and Herculean, to correspond with oar ideas of his real appearance. Behind this statue, and at some. distance, stands a colossal statue of Mr. Webster, of the fidelity of which we are not so well prepar ed to speak. . We cannot begin to tell even a tithe of what is already to be seen in the various apartments but one thing the public ought to know, which is,. that, although the inauguration ceremonies have been dilly performed, the exhibition is ' very far from complete, and those who desire to see it in its ma turity would do well Co wait several weeks longer. There is, however, a vast amount of splendid Cut lery, Porcelain, Embroidery, Firearms Carriages, and countless other articles of utility' and orna- TOMif.. in examining which rrmnir'.j V ' ; 8 icht now. be profitably soent. b l The Crystal Palace is rapidly becttjD . cleous'of a,new and very unique citv oil tVinoa triKa ff (rot.ham wli , t - l uv--v j - LuitKy th life by catering to the- appetites and fi the fln . LUC 1J u VlObliviat : MUM J was the centre of a vast concourse, att oi OUi- w the inauguration ceremonies, aud by th a.j ii i : " "ri it. conea io me puL u immense niiiitar sion, anu uie sceue preseuiea on that occa;. one well calculated to-insDire tlic ...l . trv -and the fruits of her industry ..j " u genirj- The foreigner was there, gazing no doubt miration at the success with which the ore 4'' men ts of the Old World may be people of the New. imitated tv New York is at present throngod" .with y;-. trom all parts ot the country. The streets stautiy hill ot people, evidently strangers pear to be there to see more than to -o are 6a incus aic uu iuc a.ier(, io IUHKO Uie most of th portunity afforded them of draining the y of their guests. Scenes of amusement of ev aginable kind are in constant operation, and"! ver stream is continually pjaying from So 1 TIT ' . . . "til ana western pocseis into the ticket box. counters of Broadway., He did not Ruffi,t : ii. u f L i i ju mu way lwr mo ucsv ui reiisons, out Weijj how to sympathize with the suffering of 0a We wish we had time to describe andmorir more, but it cannot be, and we clyses bv wisli" that many of our readers may soon enjoy jjfce selves, a voyage on the Jamestown and avriti the Palace. DESTINY OF AMERICA. It is not profitable, generally, to indulge in va. speculations in regard to the future! But ready know so much of historical philosophy yj, be able to foresee, from the causes now in operatic what may probably be the -fortune or the-fat' various nations. According to a general law l ascertained, there is a succession of stages thro which all great powers are compelled to jas L their origin, rise, growth, duration, and dgdine.i-e the guiding topics, of history, and can, ia m3ST obvious influences to which all nations are freqaeai ly exposed. It required, however, but little oW vation to convince us that our own1 country is culiar in its circumstances and character, and tiat no analogical reasoning can throw any satisfactory light upon the probelm of ourfuture destiny. W8 are sailing as it were in unknown seas, which neither science nor adventure has ever before penetrate and where we may at any moment perish on hid- hid- U den rocks, or discover unexpectedly a new worii It is the career of Columbus, imitated for yet notia U purposes, attended by dangers equally appalling, and sustained by hopes far brighter than- those hich inspired that heroic adventurer. Nothing more complicates the question of our future duration and prosperity than the great va riety of races constituting our population. Such mingling of people of- different blood, languages, religions, and habits, was probably never hon before in tfa history of-mankind.. Many differed nations have: often existed under the same -general government, and, een now, in Turkey and Austria, a number of distinct races' are found grouped to gether under the same imperial rule;. but itisS known that little actual blending aud intermarriage occurs among them ; they are kept Asunder by re ligious prejudice, and the broad barrier of caste, a well as by the boundary lines that generally sepa rate the districts they inhabit, and it will require many ages of wise legislation and familiar inter course to combine them in one harmonious vbok. But the case is far different with the races foundii .ler.- ne uie unueci states, itie original colonies were founded by emigrants from different quarters of tie .wol'U- The English in New England, Virgin - tne Carolinas and Georgia, the Dutch in. New York, r the Spaniards in Florida, aud the French in Louis ana, were at first distinct and J separate from one another; but from the day when our independwe was secured, the lines of demarcation have growing fainter and fainter, ancl the prejudices ate'd-by different forms of speech and belief, have' been wearing away with the constantly increa?:.; intercourse between the various States of the IVw The variety of our people has in the rneantiro! increased beyond all parallel. Besides those already named, we now number among our fellow citizens, the Scotch and Celtic Irish-, Germans, Swedes, V wegians, Africans, Mexican. Indians, and -Chinese, and the streets of some of mir trront. riiip are be- coming as much confused as was the plain of BH . - - with' the multitude of tongues-spoken by the m habitants. This difference of language, however, fOnftt.lt.lltP a pmnnarahuclu clirvViv Warrior if) and business intpVrnuraA TUn varinm imoortci - r w h v v 1 dialects are gradually but certainly yielding to th predominant Anglo Saxon, and the day is not dis tant when no" othertongue :will be employed by any class of our people. But it is a serious qn tion, suggested by the vast increase of foreigner1? every part of the 'country, whether our maimers. our principles, and our opinions, are not in dan' of serious detachment from contact with ueni whether foreign bigotry, prejudice; and cant are not quite as likely to be imputed in some degree liberalityare to be adopted' by them. The mnuw influence'in these respects, exercised by Americans and foreigners, is obvious to-everv thinking perw11' It .is constantly exerted and constantly felt, nd tb fate of-oiir mnnfiTt ,N. ua rrpilniniD''ir'' - J ViCpciJUS UpUll l" " " power of the one party over the other. If it sboU .. .11 cue enu, tnat tne prejuuiuca 1 possessions of the foreigner have-been overcome ,a the conflict, by the pervading influence of .QUr,re institutions and liberal opinions, then we wf' fidently anticipate a glorious future for these Unit States ; but if, on the contrary, the American cbr acter shall lose more than it gains, and begin to lean towards the errors and vices of Europe, then farewell to all our hational hopes, farewell to Pr' manent freedom, and enduring prospetity ! r' along by the tide of time, we must soon be engu ed with the old empires that have disappearedi ,D the vortex whither all other nations are tenuiy The contrast between native Americans si eigneriis in nothing so great as the com rati?a strength of their prejudices. We havs been i : t 1 her f exer iise a . e die , tther t reat c shor x Is for f the V acci I que fes, , Intag - Ident ' fxhibi d tc nind the i 1 P PI( erner Vhicl triples jioreo jrican thei tube I . in r ude ae of of 0 be iseV $dica is pec it,a( K;e c lary boc Is th k ti jreig Sas r W, 1 wi ng o I ml aes. I -hi Veei i' Uu, Int; Tl pern Cr k wi'.'. Seji wl ) Ivisl k: tied k fete 'tV ,'4 hi f iy'e Uie !ve, iijs c,i, liy ai tl - ljt( "to; f '- ou tha i cten 1 ses 1 A