CALVIN H. WILEY, WinLIAM D. GOOKE. TJYT1TEIrON 'WADDELL, JR. II POLITICS. ;two dollars PER ANNUM. rlmtctr to all flic 3ntf rests of itortf) Caw to, Mutation, hrtculturt, iterator, Jtes, iWatfccte, &c. , If" A FAMILY N E W 8 P A P E E I E U3 R A L 13 t S ' 1 t ,i '; ' "' i , ; i i1:. OL. II XO. 35. RA LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATUEJHY, JULY 30, 1853. WHOLE NO. 87. SELECT POETRY. THE DOG-DAYS. BY JOHN G1, SAXE, "Ilot .'hot! all japing' hot r-CrtY Cries. IIeaven- help us all in tliejje terrific days ! Tlif burning sun upon the e:irilt is pelting With his directest, fiercest, hottest ray, - Fat men, infatuate, fan the stagnant air, In rash essay to cool their inward glowing, While with each stroke, in dolorous despair, : They feel the fever growing ! , j ,Thc lean and lathy find a fate as hard, For, all a-drv, tliey bunt like any finder Beneath the solar -blaze," till withered, charred And.crisped away to cinder ! E'en stoicsnow are in the melting mood, And vestal cheeks are most unseemly florid'; ... The very zone that girts the frigid prude, . ' Is now intensely torrid I The dogs lie lolling in the deepest shade ; ' The t)i"s are all a-wallow in the gutters,' - And not a household creature cat or maid, .But qderuously mutters! , - t - ' ,'. . "'Ti's dreadful, dreadful hot!'" exclaims each one Unto hisvveating, sweltering, roasting neighbor, Then 'mopsf hre-brow, -nd sighs, as hu had doile A quite Herculean labor ! And friend! who pass each other in the town, -S.iy no gftod morrows when they bouie together, But only mrufter, with a dismal f rowii; " yi.x'd, horrid weather !" v v niicTirudent mortals curb with strictest care All-vagrant curs, it seems the queerest puzzle, The dog-star r.iges, rabid, through the air, ; : .Without the. slightest muzzle .! - But Jove is wise and equal in his sway, However it seems to clash with human reason, IIis! fiery dogs will soon have had their day, : Atid'men shall have.a season ! '..' THE GUILLOTINE AND AN EXECUTION. The following interesting description of the Guil lotine and of an execution by it, with the attending ceremonies, is from that sprightly . volume just pub lished " Wild Oats Sown Abroad : " . v In-visiting the guillotiue, some 'months since, I had expressed a desire to witness an execution, should any take place during my stay in Paris. ' I "n a i ariiTus rtwr gowt u i tie uinnuuaiiw;, . night. I received a 'vert polite invitation from Mon sieur Henri to be present this 'morning whilst lie performed his duty npon some .unfortunate victim, whose, organ of detruc'tivcness. hail led hipi to knock: out the brains of one' of liis fellow creatures with a hammer. ' Executions in Paris, considering the population .': are -mite rare, and always take place in the mrn- j ing, without any previous anr.ouiicenient. The j criminal himself is only informed of the hour tho nijlit before. All this precaution is intended to j prevent, a crowd, -and n!o to avoid whetting the j appetite of the people with the sight of ih'e Guillp- j tinein play.. It isj generally erected after mid- .niirht, so that few, except those in the immediate j 'iieirhlorhood, can have time to congregate between daylight and the. moment ot the execution. j . Eight o'clock nvajs the hour appointed, 'and ve- weie advised to be there in season, a; the govern- J me n't 'is very punctual in its peif nniai.ces. yt was hardlydaylight wlien we reached, ttie Harrier of: the Kite 'St. Jac.iiue,.- . We found but few persons j there. ' A small body of mounted -mvn.icipa! guards t formed the inner circle round the -spot ; immedi-j ately' behind these were stationed sotu-i grenadiers,': three or four paces apart. The majurtt v of -looker j on a"pjeared td bp; s.J.liers off duty, and the ubi: auitous ' gamins " of the Kauburg. We, as invited guests of the executioner, were conducted into the smaller circle, and placed only a few yards from the instrument of death. The platform . of the guillotine had a 'railing, and -was rather higher than I had expected, there being sunie eight or ten steps to inpunfc, so that the execution may be seen some distance oil". The guillotine itself is a verv simple contrivance nothiug but two perpendicu lar shafts about eighteen inches 'apart, and some 15 or 20 feet high, lietweeu them, near the top. the axe, or "knifcC is held suspended by a spring, which being touched, it descends rapidly along the grooves in the sides of the shafts. The axe is triaugularly jhaped, and leaded at the top, so as to run swiftly and forcibly. At the lower part of these shafts is a wooden collar ,to htUie neck. 1 he victim . stands erect a short (distance off, on a foot board, which reaches up to his breast. This board .t-j JJtxKiveM" t"jv ,n eiiA oa stiAnin prove unruly; and turns upon a pivot in the centre, so thatthe executioner merely raises up the lower end of the board- it immediately bnugs the man into a, horizontal Dosition. with his neck in the collar the spring is at the same time touched and the knife falls'T-4a box receives the head, and a long basket, which runs parallel with the victim, re ceives the trunk. , ;W hile we were! awai tins? the arrival of the prin cipal' personage in the drama, we overheard one ot the sruards o-ivinir an flecr.iint. of the execution a O 1'3 . w ' ot riesche, 'of " Infernal machine" memory. I asked him how many executions he had witnessed. cUaJ. not recollect ; but he said that he bad seen Persons executed in fourteen minutes. At the tifne d could not ? credit this assertion, but I soou had evideccej of the possibility of the fact. rly as it was. t,l a crowd heom to increase rat itlly. They laughed and joked together, as though it was a farce instead of a trairedv thev were ahou to witness1. There was quite a ludicrous dispute kept up for some time between the occu pants of sundry trees near the' sc;?ne of action, a'id the "gens darins," who insisted on their va cating this leafy Eminence. Plenty of vitticisms "ere banded about as these ragged climbers Ktamlda.l o... e. i. v"iu r pan Qmnon si unr Frenchman's auimal its. . prisoner came in a close carriage with the Petitioner. He alighted, apd paused a moment the foot of the1 steps to speak to his confessor. J1 was a young man, stout, but small-sized, and pressed in the blue "blouse" of a laborer. His ?ace was' pale as death, and his step somewhat im sdy. He had probably never seen the guillotine, over the instrument, and at last stare upon the clitterino. knifa which had just caught the ravs of the morning Bun'i There must have been one dreadful concen- tratbn of agony as that poor fellow's imagination shaped the fatal process. The mere silver of the knife is nothing; but who can paint that one irr-. stant of consciousness as the first noise of its des cent strikes his ear before its cold edge passed with the crushing weight of eternity to its fearful goal, . He had scarcely mounted Che sca&dd, and eeITo4iifr"v mm to life "waist, fin a' pushed him gently forward. His 'feet rose with, the motion .of the board, and there he lay, per fectly horizontal, with his feet downwards and his neck in'the collar. The knife came with a whiz-v zing sound :the head jumped forward the trunk quivered convulsively, but was instantly rolled into a basket; an i every trace of that unfortunate man disappeared from sight, save the " gouts " of blood upon the knife ! I cuild scarcely believe my own eyes ! Was it possible that life had been taken ? But a moment ' since, 1 had seen that man step out of the car riage ; and now lie was gone vanished dead! It was the quic kness of thought hardly time for an emotion. His rapid transit from the carriage to his wicker coffin forbade even sympathy. He. passed away like a shadow almost too quick for the exercise of vision. No evidence of violence 'no struggle no torture no apparent agony no : lifeless body no distorted features, to brand their '; hideous impression upon the spectator. With the ! exception of a cold shiver as the henvy jar of the ! knife broke the painful silence, there was' no dther feeling produced in me during the execution, and j that, too, was momentary. I 'had nerved myself i for horror, and there was not enough to shock the i most sensitive. . The 'guillotine that name of terror, which has sounded the shame of. France in every quarter of the globe appeared to ine the most "humane of instruments'. , We all looked at each other as if there ought to be ' more : There was -an unsated j something, which almost amounted to a desire fir : anotjier victim, as "if the appetite increased by what, U fed upon. U e could partly accou-it for the calm indifference with which man after man was sent to; the embrace of this infernal machine during the period of the first Revolution. There is a neatness- -a despatch a cold blooded apathy about the whole affair that deceives, a man into the belief that all is mere machinery. It only wants the aid of steam to make it perfect. There-is ni Realizing sense of violence and one almost doubts ' jvhether the, victim be a man of-straw, or real riesh and blood. It would hve sounded very natural to hear the crowd cry out " Give m another ! and L - -1 w- tlaiv - &ee." 1 by no means bloodthirsty, and yet 1 fear I should . have ioined in. I . The executioner was a very benevolent Jooking ; individual, with a soft, sleepy eye, and a certain : quiet, gentlemanly manner, that was quite insinu j ating. He Iwntded the. criminal up the platform with the polished grace ot ire aucier.t '-egiine, na no doubt! begged his pardon as he removed the poor feilw's cap. ( . After the execution,, water was thrown upon the instrument. The head was thrown into the same basket. with the trunk, and both handed over to the dissecting knife. I not iced 'two drummers, sta tioned near the scaffold intended, perhaps, to drown the voice of the pat ty in case he should ad- 1 .1 - 1 I . ll'.. . IT.,....:.. r. 1 rt.,.,l i dress ine crowu-. . it was uiu lituiiui slu'j'uu ! Louis XVI. when he attempted to sppak. I afterward went to .the Ecole Pratique to see the remains. The neck had been very smoothly .-5evered ab'-ut the third vertebra. The expression of the face - was remarkable : not the leas', .trace of there was a settled sorrow an intense sadness i-iiii- no it s ,ir i uir nisto i on oi ieaiuie, uul about every line of that palid v isage. It had riiore the apparance of deep sleep than deaththe sleep that follows mental exhaustion. We were satisfied that no muscular action could have taken place after the blow and as to the blush which is said to have suffused the face ".of Charlotte -Cord ay when the executioner held up the severed head, and slapped her chock, it is all absurdity French nonsense. Yet, for mere superstition sake, if a person could feel conscious for a second or two after decapitation, and be aware of one's mutilated ; condition, how excessively awkward must be the i sensation ! one must feel a sort of " dividend du j ty " a two-fold existence like a broken series of. ! ejquations. Yet it must be a moment of refreshing' intellectual energy cut off from the earthy part the vile body: grand subject for speculation! j W by don't somebody give us "The Ketlections ot a Decapitated Man?" It it turned out stupid, ue might excuse himself for want of head. Three Years Labor on the Bible. The fol lowing calculation of the number of books; verses, ivnr-W lattora. Are. . contained in the Old and New Testaments, are said to have cost the calculator three years' labor. They are, therefore, supposed to be worth reading, and perhaps preserving : OLD TESTAMENT. 1 No. o Books, 39 . " of Chapters, 929 " of Verses, 23,214 No. of words,.- 591,439 " of letters, 2,7 28,100' The middle Book is Proverbs.' The middle Chapter is Job xxix. t j The middle Verse would be II Chronicles," xx, 17, if there were a verse more, and 18 if there were a verse less. . ,- " The words and occurs 35,543 times. I The word Jehovah occurs 6,855. The shortest verse is I Chronicles, i, 25.; The 21st verse of the 7th chapter of Ezra con tains all the letters of the alphabet. The 19tl. of the II Kings and the 37lh chapter of Isaiah are alike. 'i - NEW" TESTAMENT. !' No. of Books 27 " of Chapters- 260 " of Verses 7,959 No. of Words, " of Letters, 181,358 828,580 Thfl middle Book is II Thessalonians. The middle Chapter is. Romans xiii, if there wer were a chapter less, and xiy if there were a chapter more. The middle Verse is Acts xvii, 17. The shortest Verse is John xi, 35. ' OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. No. of Books 66 " of Chapters 1,189 " of. Verses 31.173 No. of words, 773,69 ' " of letters, 3,566,480 The middle Chapter, at least in the Bible, Psalms CXVU. The middle verse is Psalms cxviii, 8. for his eye ran settled with a k THE DRUNKARD'S BIBLE- " Mr.' President," said a short, stout man, with a good humored countenance, and a florid com plexion, rising as the last speaker took bis seat, -" I have been a tavern-keeper." - i At this announcement there was ft movement through the whole r6om, and an expression of in creased interest. ' " Yes, Mr. President," he went on. "I have been a tavern keeper, and many a glass have I sold to" vou and to the Secretary there. and to dozens of othtratthat I iaijiiirlaiiffiJ a gin-toddy and brandy punch have I taken at your bar. but times are changed now, and we have begun to carry 4he war right into the enemy's camp. And our war has not been unsuccessful, for we have taken prisoner one of the rum seller's bravest generals ! But go on, friend W , let us have your experience." ; "As to my experience, Mr. President," the ex taVern keeper resumed, "in rumselling and rum drinking for I have done a 2food deal of both in my day that would be rather .too long a story to tell t night, and one that I had much rather for get than relate. It makes me tremble and sick at heart, whenever I look back on .the evil I have done. I therefore usually look . ahead, witn the hope of doing some good to my fellow men. 1But there is one incident "that I will relate. For the List five years a hard-working mechanic with ; a' wife. and. several small children,' came re gularly, almost every night, to mv tavern and spent the ereniinr in the. bar-room. He came to 10 w drink, of course, and many earnings went into my till. , ,, , , i .1 a dollar ot his hard , , , , last ue ofLiiniu n perfect sot working scarcely one fourth of the time, and spending all he earned in liquor. , His poor wife had to take in washing to support her self and children, while he spent his time,'-and the little he could earn, at my bar. But hisppetite for liquor was so strong, that his week's earnings were? usually all gone by Tuesday or Wednesday, and "then I had. to chalk up-a score against hmi, to be paid off when Saturday night came. The score gradually increased, until it amounted to three or four dollars, over his regular Saturday night's pay, when I refused to .-eH him any more liquor until it was sct!.ed.. On the day after I had refused to sell him, he'came in with a neat mourning breast pin, enclosing some hair no doubt, I thought, of a de ceased relative." This he offered in payment , of what he owfc I accepted it, for'the pin I saw at once was worth double the amount of my bill. I did not think, or indeed care about the question, whether he was the owner or not; I wanted my own, and in'my selfish eagerness to get my own, I hesitated, not to take a little more than my own. " I laid the breast piu away, and all things went 1. 1,. .wl.ihi liiih Iya xrradnallv irot h- Uipd-agjun, and qHn lcut ot01ieujpb--A llUUOI. x IS nine Ie inuii"iii. mc a ran ui uiflw i,. , , . " i. .-i t. i andirons, and a jmirs of brass candlesticks. 1 took tlie.m and wiped off the score against him.' At last he brought a. large family Bible, and I took that too thinking, no doubt, I could sell it for some thing, i "On the Sunday, afterwards, having nothing to do dor L used to shut up my bar on Sunday, thinking it was' not respectable to sell liquor on .1. .... 1 T 1 i . . -1 1 7.. 4.-... .. lliai uav i opeiicu liiim uuui. ui iuik.iiu o wmm Bible,' scarcely thinking of what T was doing. ... - - .I- place that.l turned to was the family record. There it was stated that on a certain day he was married to Emily . I had known I'jmilv when 1 was a jonng man very well, and nad once thought seriously of offering myself to tier in marriage. I remembered her happy young face, and suddenly seemed to hear the tone of her merry laughter. 1 " Poor creature !" I sighed involuntarily as a thought' of her present condition crossed my mind j and then with no pleasant feelings I turned over the next leaf. There was the-record of the birth of four children ; the last, had been made recently, mid was in the mother's lap. "I never had such a strange feeling as now came over nie. I felt that I had no business with this book. But I tried to stirle my feelings, and I suffered my eyes to rest upon an open page ; these words arrested my attention : "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: whoso is deceived thereby is not wise." "This was just the subject that under the feeling I, then had, I wished to avoid, and so I referred to another place. There I read " Who hath woe ? Who hath sorrpw ? Who hath wounds? Who hath babbling I "Who hath redness of eves ? They that tarrv lone at the wine. At last u ouein use a serpent, it sungein ... 1 J. 'l l-'i Al 1-1 . . . O like an adder. . " I felt like throwing the book from me. But once more I turned the leaves, and my eyes rested upon the words : " Woe unto him who giveth his neighbor drink ; that puttest the bottle to him and makest him drunken." ". I closed the book suddenly, and then threw it down. Then for half an hour I paced the room backwards and forwards in a state of mind such as I never before experienced. I had become painful ly conscious of the direful evils resulting from in temperance, and still more painfully conscious, that I.had been a willing instrument in the spread of these evils. I cannot tell how much I suffered during that day and night, nor. describe the fearful conflict that took place in my mind, between the selfish love of the gains of my calling, and the plain dictates of truth and humanity. It was about two o'clock, I think, on that eveningUhat I opene'd the drunkard's Bible ag un, with a kind of despair ing hope that I might find something to direct me. 1 opened at the Psalms and read two or three chapters. As I read on, 'without finding anything that seemed to apply tQ my case, I felt an increas ing desire to abandon my calling, because it was injurious to my fellow men. After I had read the Bible, I retired to my bed but could not sleep. I am sure that night I thought of every drunken man to whom I had sold liquor, and of all their beggared families. In the brief sleep that I obtain ed, I dreamed that I saw a long lot of tottering drunkards, with their wives and children in rags". And a loud voice said " who hath done this ?" " The answer in a still, louder voice, directed, I felt to me, smote upon my ear like a peal of thun der r "Thou art the man !" . " From this troubled slumber I awoke to sleep no more that night. . In the morning the last and I most powerful conflict came. The question to be decided, was : , , 1 f Shall I perf myltavern, or at once abandon the dreadful traffic in -liquid poison ?" f Happily I decided never to put to any man lips the cup of confusion. My next' step was to turn the-spigot of every keg, of every barrel of spirits, wine, beer or cider, and let the contents es cape on the floor, My bottles and decanters were likewise emptied. ' Thn l came and signed your total .abstinence -pledge,vand what is better, never t r as ed nnt'U WW. v'ffc "WW.-R"!'''' B-iWfWrresident, 1 am .keeping, at my old stand, Temperance Grocery, and am making restitution as" fast as possible. There are at least- half a dozen families that my tavern help ed to make:poor and wretched, to whom I furnish a small quautity of groceries -every week, in many cases equal to . the amount that used to be spent at mt bar for liquor. Four of mv oldest and best f customers have already signed the pledge by my ! persuasion, and 1 am not going to rest until every man that I helped to ruin, is restored to himself, ; his; family and society." A round of hearty applause followed his address, and then another of the reformed drinkers took the floor. ' " THE BANK OF ENGLAND. I have been making a most interesting and in structive visit to the Bank of England. For ad mission into the interior of this remarkable build ing, to observe the operations of an institution that exerts more moral and political power than any : t?: soereiM ill ijU(u ic, vuu uiuai & , 1 ' -, , . the Governor ot the bank, and have an order from i) una as given to me through the Barings, whose kindness; especial ly that of Mr. Mr. Slurgiss, I have constantly ex perienced. The Bank building occupies an irregu lar area of eight acres of ground: an edifice of no architectural beauty, with" not one-window towards the street, being lighted altogether from tire roof of the enclosed areas. The ordinary - business; apartments differ from those in our banks oily in their extent, a thousand clerks being constancy on duty, and driven with business at that! But to form any adequate idea of what the Bank is, we must penetrate its recess es; its vau'dts and offices, where we shall, see such operations as are not known in Wall street. I was led, on presenting my card, of admission, into a private room, whereafter the delay of a few mo ments, a messenger eaiie and conducted me through the mighty and mvsUriotis building. Down we went into a, room when the notes of the Bank re ceived vesterday were now examined, compared with the entries in tit e books, and stored awav. The Bank of England never issues the same note a 'second time, it receives in the ordinary course of' business about is8Q0,000, or $4,000,000, da51v" in ; no-tes? these are out un in nareels i;- r -y x . . . . v : (orAArj 11... .i.Kjf deu( -:a i lii e Zt . ' l 1 a i ' date ot their reception; and are kept ten vears, at , . . . . e . .? . ..-i j .... x" . the expiration of Vv'hicU period they are taken out and ground up in the hill which I saw running, and made again into piper. If in the course of these ten years any dispjte in business, or lawsuits, should arise. concerning-the payment of any note, the Bank can produce tie identical bill. To meet the demand for notes fo constantly used, the Bank has its own paper makers, its own printers, its own i ,, . , , .1 . r j . 1 tt fyri L u nil -1 vi fir. I i 1 1 1" vm 1 1 I . I I 11 1 1 i i .1 1 1 11. t ' . even makes tne macaiiery by wnicn tne most or its own work is -doneJ A complicated bu' beautifvl operation is a regis ter, extending from ' he. printng office to the band ing offices, which mrks eveiy sheet of paper which is struck off" from tie press, so that the printers cannot manufaetim a single: sheet of blank notes that i not recordei in the Bank. On the same principle of exactuss, a sha is made to pass from one apartment to another, lonnecting a clock in sixteen business Hugs of the establishment, and regulating them iith such piecision that the whole of. them are alws pointing to the same second of time ! f , In another rom was a ijachine exceedingly sim ple for detectin light golc' coins. A row of them dropped one one upoa a spring scale; if the piece of gold as of the standard weight the scale-, rose to a cerpn height, and the coin slid off upon ' one side intoH box ; if less than the standard, it rose a little jtnd the coin slid off the. other side. I asked the higher what vas the average number of light coins fat came intoliis hands, and strangely enough heid it was a question he was not allow ed to ansvw ' The nexirooml enteral was that in which the notes are epositd which are ready for issue. " iWe havathirt-two millions of pounds sterling j in this roop," pe officer remarked to me, "will you take aJittWof it ?'' I told him it would be vastly agrftab and he handed me a million of dollars whioh ceived with many thanks for his liberality, but I insisted on my depositing it with him again, asj would be hardly safe to carry so much money P the street. I very much fear that E shall never f that money again. In the vault beneath the &r was a Director and the Chier, counting thegs of gold which rnen werepitching down to thi each bag containing thousand pounds sterlf, just from the mint, his world of money seeni to realize the fabjs 0f Eastern wealth, and re new and strong impressions of the magnitude jthe business donjhere, aU(i the ex tent of the lations of this e Institution to the commerce (the world. u0r N Y Observer. Pboveril Philosophy Honesty .The man that would teal a pin, vypuid perform the same operation u)n a crowbar. Were it as easy of con cealment, be mn that steals not from fear of the mill farutstrips the lighwayman ; for the lat ter has a gjd quality tlnj iormer lacks courage. Honesty is l the heart,, ad not m the fingers : it is a naturalnd not a cultivated plant. There are no gradati s in roguer,au who overstep the charmed 1 or honestv hear the. same stamn. Honesty tthe half-way :30use to pjely . anJ 'tj3 there the jtigued warfare on m's journey of com petition, tes rest and refeshraent. Honesty may be raggedfor a season, the sfmn( pieart toat beats 'nefh the tatters Lfe a contempt for well dressed jpery as he pi arui a confidence in the patljbefore him. rpe man that makes not a sacrificeh the cause of hnestv is but a bubble oh the dirt water of roguVy, that sooner or later bursts,tnd forms a part c tne filth. Br Diogenes Tcppj-- Diogenes. . : H' A tape-grace of arenchman ODce said that old ple were fond-,f giving good advice, be caus they were no, long- aDie to set bad examples. ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. A. few years ago, there lived in New York a young Frenchman, whose pocket was understood to be often empty, and whose head was generally considered to boast a vacuum as great. He was a man of few words, his silence even going to the verge of unsociability, and his acquaintances con sequently were limited. " Some said his habits were coarse, his conduct licentious, and his honesty more l-Han questionable ; and, perhaps, JLhere-wat513t' respetfmg; fixed religious principles, strong passions,-and tastes above their means. Suddenly this stranger disap peared from New York, and soon ceased to be re membered there, except by a few who laughed oc casionally at what they considered an insane dream, which, it seems, haunted this young adventurer. He entertained, so they said, the absurd idea that -destiny had great things in store for him. He be lieved, in short, that he would yet mount the j throne of one of the most powerful European king doms, and that nothing which could be done to prevent the accomplishment of his fate would suc ceed. He might, indeed, be kept out of his inher itance for awhile ; but of his triumph ultimately, there was no doubt whatever. This man, as the readernay have guessed, was the nephew and heir , of Napoleon. Twice, in pursuance of the destiny which he believed to be his, he invaded France, once before and once after his visit to thus country. The last time his means seemed 'so inadequate to the end he aimed at, that most men laughed in de nsmn ; in fact, one general shout of contempt went up from one portion of Europe to another. It was , the fashion to cahim a fool, except with the few j who called him insane. For several years he lin gered in prison, condemned to ihcarceration for life in consequence of his last invasion of France, and lingered there practicallv forgotten by the world. At last, however, he managed to escape. But so j impotent was he considered generally, that the ! news 'was scarcely regarded by any one. He now j went to London, but only to find the -verdict of New York repeated. Even the few sagacious men I who, like Peel, thought they saw more in him than j met the general eye, forbore to state their opinion ! publicly, lest their reputation for sagacity might ; sulfer. All at once, however, his dreams turned up realities. .Louis Phiilippe was dethroned ; a ' so-called republic was established in France; and the nation at large was called on to elect a Presi !ent. The fool ot Boulogne, as he wasNiick-nam-m1, offered himself a candidate. He. was elected by an immense majority. Once in his seat, he set to work to prostrate' all other rivals, and to destroy every party but his own ; aridj strange as it was :hen considered, this bold undertaking has succeed ed. Cavaignac, Thiers, Montalembert, and every other leader of eminence he outmanoeuvred and. ruined. .j JIfi.js .iwvv consequently Emperor of nnce. j But this is not all. Scarcely had he been seated in his imperial chair, when the horizon of Eastern Europe became ominous with war. Month by ! month the clouds have thickened, in spite of mb j rnentary glimpses of sunshine, and now. 'there is j every prospect of the commencement of a general j European struggle. It only depends, in truth, on i the will of this man, the former adventurer in New ( York, the "fool of Boulogne," to say whether war ; shall break out or not. ' England, trembling for : her manufacturing and commercial interests, is ; willing to permit Nicholas to occupy the Danubian i principalities, sooner than to draw the sword. But if the French Emperor declares that this occupation cannot be submitted to; if he says that France, ; sooner than permit the outrage, will cross the Rhine alone ; England, in self defence, will be coru ' pelled to take up arms; and the arming of these ; two powers involves, as every one knows, aconti ! nental war. 't Thus Louis Napoleon holds in his j hands the destinies of Europe. His decision will turn the scale. He can save Turkey, or give the i Czar Constantinople. He can raise Hungary, Ita j ly, and Poland to their feet, or keep them prostrate, 1 and do either with a word. The man, who, a few j years ago, could scarcely command a dinner in New York, now orders the fate of war or peace in j Europe, and, perhaps, the fate of western civiliza i tion. Is not this romance ? AVhere, even in the ' Arabian Nights, is there anything to surpass it? ' Philadelphia Ledger. i . .. ! Interesting Statistics. The whole number of languages spoken in the world amount to 3,064, 'viz: 587 in Europe, 937 in Asia, 27 c' in Africa, jand 1,264 in America. The inhabitants of our j globe profess more than 1,000 different religions. . The number of men is about equal to -the number of women. The average- of human life is about 33 years. One-fourth die previous to the age of seven years,- one-half before reaching 17 yeai-s of age, and those who pass that age enjoy a felicity (?) refused to one-half the human species. To every 1,000 persons, only one reaches 100 years of age; to every 100, only six reach the age of 66, and not mOro than one in.-OO lives to. RO vparjjafaar--, there are on the earth 1,000,000,000 inhabitants and of these. 333,333,333 die every year, 91,324 every day, 3',730 every hour, 60 every minmte, or one every second. These losses are about balanced,. by an equal number of births. The married are longer lived than the single, and, above all, those who observe a sober and industrious conduct. Tall men live longer than short ones! Women ,have more chances of life in their favor previous to be ing fifty years of age than men, but fewer after wards. The number of marriages is in proportion of 175 to every 1,000 individuals. MarriageTare more frequent after the equinoxes that is, during the months of June and December. Those born in the spring are generally more robust than oth ers. Births and deaths are more frequent by night than by day. The number of men capable of working or bearing arms is calculated at one-fourth of the population. . 1 Some of these statements are rather singular, and yet many of them are susceptible of an easy solution. That marriages take place more frequent ly in June and December than in other months of the year was just what we have always suspected was the case. Those who marry in June do so be-, cause they can't help it ; while those who connubi alize in December, do so doubtless to guard against the chilly pillows which distinguish the frost-bitten months of winter. The matches which come off in J une are commonly love matches, and are brought about by green fields, and the contagious influnce of bobolinks and yellow birds ; while those which happen in December are brought about, in a degree, ' by. mixing plain mathematics with the market val ue of flannel under-garments. JV. T. Dutchman. LILLTPUT STEAM ENGINES. Two-of the most interesting curiosities in the English department, and probably in any depart ment of the Crystal Palace, are two small steam engines, both of which are complete in all their parts, and yet so small that the aid of the micro scope is needed for their inspection. One of these, a high pressure engine, stands upon an English f fourpenny ' piece, arid excepting the fly wheel it might be covered with a thimble. Both of these engines were made bv Mr. Warner, a watchmaker, . TiSnTtteiT&rcTW work was manufactured, when we are told that the- -' scissors which Mr. Warner used in its construction, were so small that it would require some hundreds of them, to weigh one ounce. It works, it is stated, with precision and great , rapidity by atmospheric pressure, (in lieu of steam,) and when it is in mo tion it must be truly wonderful. The screws, valves, pistons, tc, which compose it; are innumerable, and it would require, we should think, the patience of Job to place them together, each in its proper place, and so as to discharge its, proper functions. -Mr. Wrarner is reported, to be a practical hand at such work, and from this we should judge he is fully competent to invent and arrange machinery for the use of the inhabiwntsof the invisible world. It must be.wonderf'ul to see this puffing, and blow ing, and laboring, upon your hand, and in so small a thing to see demonstrated a power which has revolutionized the social condition of the whole human family. In the same case with this engine is another, which may truly be' called a fairy work, although twenty times larger than the one already' alluded to. This one being large enough to meas ure, we are enabled to inform the curious as to its liniensions, which are as follows : Length of beam, 2 1-4 inches ; height of supporters, 1 3-4 ; diameter, 3-8 ; and length of stroke 8 ot an inch. It is composed of upwards of two hundred pieces, has governors, parallel motion, air pump, and every other appliance of the most perfect engine. It is put in motion by blowing through a tube, and is reported to work in every particular correctly. These machines attract much attention ; they are most ingenious specimens of workmanship, and well repay a visit to them. yew-York Herald. Ax Affecting Scene. Lieutenant Parsons, in his " Nelsonian Reminiscences," relates the follow ing : ' . "Richard Ben net, when morfally wounded in one of Nelson's battles, had requested that a miniature and a lock of his hair should be given by Lieutenant P. to his sweetheart Susette, in Scotland. , . The -gallant lieutenant thus described the interview. " It was at the close of a day, when a bright July sun was setting, that I arrived at the pretty cottage of Susette's mother. I tremulously stated who I was. to the most respectable matron I ever 6aw, of French extraction. In broken and bitter accounts of heartfelt grief she told me her daughter's death was daily expectedj aud requested time to prepare her to see rue. " At last he expressed a wish to see the friend of Richard Bennett ; and I was admitted to the fairest daughter of Eve. And 1 found the world unequal to her charms. She was propped, up -with pillows, near the open lattice of her bed room that was clustered with roses. Her white dress and the drapery ofthe room accorded with the angelic vis ion who now turned her lustrous eyes upon me, veiled in long, fiinged eyelids. She held out her transparent hand, and gently pressed mine as I stooped to kiss it; and, as she feltjny tears drop on it, softly murmured, "I wish I could cry ; that would relieve my poor heart.' . She gasped for, breath, and, respited with diffiulty. 4 The lock of hair quickly1, let me see it!' She caught at it wildly, pressed it to her lips and heart, and fell back. Her mother and I thought she had fainted ; but the pure and innocent soul had returned to God God who gave it. Preserving Frcit in Bottles. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, peaches, in fact any fruit may be preserved .in air-tight bottles, so as to retain its natural flavor, with but little labor or expense. . The. following is an excellent mode: 44 Fill the bottles quite full with fruit not quitfl ripe ; place them, with the corks put lightly into them, in a copper with cold water up to the necks, and gradually raise the temperature of the water to 160 degrees, and not exceeding 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep them at this temperature half an hour ; then take each out separately, and fill it up with boiling water from a kettle, to within an inch of the cork ; dri ve in the cork firmly, tie it over, and dip it immediately into bottle wax, and lay the bottle down on its side, to keep the cork always damp. To prevent fermentation, turn each bottle half round twice or thrice a week for two or three weeks ; after that, they will need no further care. The corks should be soaked in water two or three dgVi-hgfoje. bfiRggd-g , benrycir-matheuiji--- Another mode is to tie the corks before putting the bottles in the water. The heat expel the air from the fruit. As soon as the bottles are . cool enough, apply the sealing wax. The secret consists in exhausting the air from the bottles, and making the corks air-tight. Insert Fecundity. French insectivorous math-, ematicians furnish some extraordinary figures upon the rapidity with which certain species of bugs multiply, and the services rendered to mankind by the swallows which feed upon them. A bug he is 4 acquainted with i produces nine generations in a season, and he remembers a pair that in one sum mer were the happy ancestors of 550,489,000,000, 000 descendants ! What, he asks, would beeome of us, were it not" for swallows, each one of which consumes 900 bugs a day f Vain in.the wide intervals to say, "I'll'save this year," if at each narrow interval you do not say, Til save this hour." Why is a watch-dog larger at night than be is in the morning? Because be is let out at night, and taken in in the" morning. The easiest and best wayo expand the chert, is to have a good large heart in it. It savestbe of gymnastics. t ... ; TSSvember and December are called, by theT 13 ton Post, the embers of the i dying year. Th same people who can deny others evA thing are famous for denying themselves aotbic 1- "" : X, ' : : . . ' Mi - ' rtl V t, I f J :