a - . t --..'-". 138 v.- 1 ' - 1 si mi:. mi. 5 fclETBOPOLTTAII COEEESPONDEHCE- LETTER X. ' ' " . ,. ' Now York, July 18th, 1853. The advantages of "having three pair cf eyes In auguration of the Crystal Palace Scene in the ..' ; Building Steel clad Warriors-The Prayer The-Anthem The Speeches The Chorus t State of the Exhibition Division of the Space '. J - Description of the Interior The Great Dome , ; . Colossal Statue of Washington on horseback r-Group of the Amazon A fountain of Per : fumes-Amencan Woods A Centrifugal Fount- : ajnTT-Puaiaroy Printing Presses Words of Advice and Caution The Destruction of the Empire. ' Mr dear Post .You ar fortunate in the pos session of three pairs of eyes, for so you can occa : , sionally send one of them abroad to see what is go- wg on in the great world. I did not chance to encounter the glance of the stray pair in the Crystal : , r , j Palace on Thursday last, but still I knew it was i ' there keeping a sharp lookout for the novelties frf" and pleasures of the grand inauguration festival, V .. which, was then and there celebrated. I am sin-V;-.' cereIy thankful that the Crystal Palace is open V , for now the thousand letter-writers of this city and I among them will have an inexhaustible . theme ! The long-looked for event transpired, as I have , said, on the 14th inst. Incredible as it must at- the interior of the Mr . within, and the scene wore a holiday aspect. Gay banners floated from -.the dome and towers of the building the flags of Great Britain, France, Ger many, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Holland and higher than them all, the "stars and stripes " of our own glorious country. - I siall be very brief in my account of the inau guration ceremonies for I remember that I got very tired before they were well over. The tide: set towards the. Palace at eight o?clock, and when I arrived there, about noon, it seemed as if the, en tire population fthe; city had congregated jn the vicinity of its various grand entrance ways. With some difficulty I succeed in effecting my way into the blue section of the Palace, which was so thronged that the only remaining seats were the gallery stairs. It was past two o'clock when the President of the United States entered the building and took his seat upon the dais which had been built for the occasion. .The scene at this moment was ex ceedingly; novel and brilliant. ; Several thousand people: were crowded into an area almost spanned by the vast dome of the Edifice. From the" gal leries upon every side, were rained down the bright glances of thousands of eager eyes. The air, was tremulous with the plaudits of Un thousand jjands, and with the thunderous hurras of .he multitude. I gazed with deep interest ,upon the. scone below me, (for I had mounted to a gallery,) and I saw the chief ruler of a mighty ,-people sitting, (not up on a throne,) and surrounded by the representa tives of many foreign powers, assembled to wit ness arid sanction the opening of a grand temple of INDUSTRY, and let me add, df Peace also ; for I feel assured that when the nations enter into the strife of the spindle and the hammer,, they will proportionally forget the strife of the cannon and the sword ! Casting my eyes upwards for a mo ment T observed standing ouVas it "were, from the opposite gallery, the figure of a mail-clad warrior. There he stood armed cap-'apie.m steel, and pres ently I discovered that there were other mailed men at opposite points', all seeming to look grimly down upon the; peaceful host below. I was. not . long in perceiving the spirit of the riddle. These steel-girt men are truly types of the Past. They have come from the grim old tower of London, commissioned by the fair and beloved Queen of England's realm, to point the contrast. of the times. We thank her warmly for the moral, and should '. not fail to thank God also for the occasbn and fit ness ofj the same. But I am i igressing. The ceremonies were begun with a-prayer by the Rev. Bishop Wain wright who read it, with considerable fervor, from an ornamental MS. before him. I will not carp at the worthy prelate's man nerthough I must say that I should have listen- ; ed with muth greater interest to an extempore prayer however much less rhetorical and elabo .. ' rate. . ' -' ( ' . The INew York Sacred Harmonic Society then sang an appropriate hymn, to the favorite melody of Oil Hundred, and as the waves of sound from choir and orchestra 'mingled with the deep dia pason of the organ, swelled up and rolled like a vast tide through the aisles of the Palace, I felt the power of music, and, at that moment, could have wept with the depth of my emotion. The 'two speakers of the occasion werethe two Presidents of the Crystal .Palace Association and of the United States, respectively. I name them in the order of their rising. Mr. Sedgewick made an eloquent demonstration of his reasonable pride in the! scene and the occasion welcomed the Chief Magistrate of the country to the halls of iron and crystal, and called upon him to proclaim his approval of the efforts heand his associates had made to magnify the genius, of American in " dustrvj The President of tCe United States obey ed the call, and frankly, waruiTy, but very briefly, "uttered the words which served as it were to put the national stamp UDon the enterprize. Hearty and repeated cheers fallowed his speech the en thusiastic and kindling strains of the Halleluiah Chorus pealed from -the great choir, and so the work was done ! lhe rest of the afternoon passed quickly away to the thousands who longed to in spect the works and objects, already in their places, for the great Exhibition. The music of Dod worth's and of the NationafBands, alternately gave wings - ing"rene1aenl "' strange experience of pleasure and satisfaction. The Crystal Palace is novy regularly open to the public every day at 10 .o'clock and, notwith standing: id lack of completeness, there . is vastly more to be seen than can be inspected in a single day. Several thousand visited it upon Friday and ' , Saturday and I am told that to-day the crowd is still greater. Meanwhile, the work of opening and arranging goo Is goes ou with great rapidity day and nigh. The United States department is in .the most "advanced condition, and Great .Britain, "perhaps, is in the least. The. whole i first, Jloor of ''; the Palace embracing an area' of nearly 1 0,000' - - square'feet i-- divided into' four great divisions by the intersecting naves. These are designated n-s-: pectivelv A, B, C, and D. A 's occupied by the United States ; B by Great Britain ; C by France,' Germany ajid Belgium ; and D. by Austria, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, British Colonies, Arc The galleries contain over 90,000 square feet, and are appropriated generally to the Countries which occupy the space beneath them. The whyle space below is subdivided into Courts, each twenty-seven feet square. These courts are enclosed by walls of wood-r-atfording a vast quan tity of wall space for. the display of all goods that wnN may be hung,. The grand passages of the Palace, wjt he form of a Greek cross, are three hundred "JJi sixty feet long and forty-one feet wide. At "'entre they meet in the grand octagon beneath the silen ome 'tee one of the greatest wonders of i n1J3rystal Palace. It is a hundred feet in diam , and its crown one hundred and twenty-thre above the floor. It is beautifully decorated in ' iotirs, as are all the ceilings of the buildiDg. r The whole effect of the interior is exceedingly nov el and pleasing. The iron columns of which there are, above and below, three hundred and sixty, are in shape slender and graceful and painted of a buff colour with bright ornaments pi esent little ob struction to the eye as it glance over the vast area enclosed within the walls of enamelled glass. I scarcely know where to begin in my observa tions for the benefit of your readers, and indeed I shall probably be very discursive since for weeks to come new objects in all parts of the building will oblige me to visit many times every part of the building. The centre of the octagon is occu pied by a colossal equestrian statue'of Washington, cast in plaster in imitation of bronze. It is the work of the Baron Marochetti "and naturally at tracts the gaze of the visiter before any thing else. As a work of art it is not so unquestionably enti tled to the distinction of its grand position, as it is by virtue of its subject. I would not, however, de tract from 'its very high degree of merit and 1 am quite sure that it will make a memorable impres sion upon every beholder. The eye cannot long be chained by it, however, for just beyond it (sup posing that you are looking at the face of Wash ington) is the great work of Kiss, the Berlinese sculptor. It is a group in bronze, representing an Amazon woman on horseback attacked by a tiger. The action of the group is wonderful beyond my power of description. The tiger, has fastened it self upon the breast of the horse, which is rearing in mingled. pain and terror. :The Amazon thrown back trom her natural position, and seemingly Icansfied with consternation, is yet preparin 2 to dreadfuTfoe7'a and power gleaming in her eye, that the sequel of the sory is just as plain to the eye of the spectator as if it rested upon the lifeless body of the fierce and savage assailant. This great work would, of itself, ' repay any lover of the arts, for a visit to the Crys tral Palace, even though he came all the way from the bosom of the " Old North State," The origin al of this famou3 group adorns the entrance of the . museum at Berlin. 'The present copy is cast m zinc, and the zinc is then galvanized svith copper so as closely to resemble bronze. Copies are now numerous. To the left " of the Amazon Group stands a statue of Daniel Webster, by. Carew, of which I will offer you my. opmion hereafter. Be yond this, is a canopy of wood and tinsel, erected for the display of all descriptions of perfumery and toilet articles. In the centre is a showy fountain of cut glass, which is continually, during the exhi bition hours," throwing up jets of cologne making" the surrounding atmosphere redolent of sweet per fumes. This temple of odours was erected by Phalqn, the well-known perfumer and hair dresser of the St. Nicholas Hotel. : Beyond this again (I . am now going up the eastern naye) is a frame con taining nearly two hundred specimens of the na tive wocmJs of America cut transversely from the blocks. Beyond this is the great fountain of the. Palace. It is not a jet d'eau, but a spherical sheet of water forced over the broad lips of a vas.t horn. The effect is very beautiful, and is produced by . means of a hydraulic machine, known as Gwy line's centrifugal pump. A few steps on. you come to the printing presses of Messrs. Putnam &s Co. where the power of steam is incessantly moving a system of levers and wheels and cogs and fingers to produce the printed sheets of the Official Cata logue, and the Illustrated Record" of the Great Exhibition. These presses and their appliances extend back into the machine Arcade, a region scarcely yet defined, except to the apprehension of the buikles. I wish iudeed, it were even now fin ished, for upon the long colonades of the machine room, and the long picture galleries above it, the expectations- of thousands are centering, for much of the interest of the exhibition. I do not feel any courage, at this moment, to venture upon another nave of the Palace. .Indeed, onotom jiovo'ic a n!y one in which objects have vet attained much " ftxttgr 'Tire -wn i bc ues of Italy gleam all arouud yous but they are on ly temporarily placed, and it is my design to con vey to your readers, as. well as I can,a,n impression of "objects in their real and permanent position and relations in the building! 1 shall resume my de scriptions in my next letter, and probably dei'ote the greater portion of my - correspondence, to the Crystal Palace for some weeks to come. A. word to your readers as to the time of visit ing New York. Supposing them to be at liberty toTchoose their own time, let me advise them to select the month of August, and not to be in a hur rv to leave home until the ides are past; The Ex hibition will not attain its acme of interest under a month, and although there is enough now to be wilder any one the effect of rare objects is im paired by vast blank spaces and by unfinished preparations all around. ! Wlvei your readers get to New York, let them not 'forget the fact that they are exposed to innu merable impositions, ln-doors and out-of-doors. I do not mean that they shall make themselves unhappy over what is inevitable, but simply that they shall be on the lookout, and suspect the kindness which is particularly obtrusive and giatu itous. I have barely room left to allnde to the new catastrophe upon the Hudson River. The destruc tion of the steamboat Empire, with the loss of sev eral lives and great injury to numerous persons, has' occurred at a most unhappy moment for the interests of the People's Line of Steamboats. The temptations of the Hudson River by daylight, or by ninonlitrht either, will hardly be great enough, I imagine, to counteract the apprehension of peril ij? which the passenger must now make the voy age of the river. It only needs now a terrible Collision upon the Hudson River Railway, to depopulate Saratoga for the Summer, or at least for a few Hays. ' four's faithfully, . COSMOS. " Who is Washington ? The London Daily News lately states that an old English newspaper IS Still KfcNU umuot.w fntmHamm -r.aBa.-.4 44 Who is Geordy Washington V -Jieplying to his own query, the journal states that "Geordy is an obscure leader of militiamen, who meddles with matters that are above his comprehension, and whose obscure life' will bs4 rounded' by the gallows if he continues his treasonable practices, and ' pro vokes his betters too far!' Further, the public is requested to decide his character by the station of his associates, one of whom is spoken of as a "dirty printer's man, named Benjamin Franklin !" Gool Cocragk.- At Albany, N. Y., last week, a team of horses ran off with a wagon in which a little child was left alone. A voung lady saw the danger, and in an instant, throwing her hat and shawl on the side walk, she made a spring at the tail of the-wagon, caught it firmly, the momentum of the wagon jerking her inside "of the box. She immediately clasped the child in her arms, and seizing a favorable, moment, sprang to the ground, without injury either to herself or to the little fond ling. : Such a womari deserves a husband and baby of her own. Our punning friend, whose bormots we have be fore recorded for the public amusement, let off a very brilliant thing at a recent race near Richmond, which should not be lost. The favorite horse was named Red Ee,and our friend was advising a gen tleman to take no bets against him,, as the issue of the contest wa-5 -already certain. "How so?" ask ed the gentleman. 4 Because, sir," replied the punster, 44 Id certum est quod cert um reddi po test. Southern Literary Messenger. . I :.-- AinnE, THE klSCHIEVOUS. I've a sweet little pet ! ae is op with the lark, And at eve ahe'a asleep wn n the valleys are dark, .And she chatters and dan s the blessed day longi Now laughing in gladnessi-now singing a song. She never is silent the whle summer day Sh is off on the green wti th blossoms to play ; INow seeking a buttercup-iseeking a rose, Ur laughing aloud at tlte istle she blows. She never is still ! now ati tome merry pelf. iYuu'll smile an von wntr.h fer in suite of yourself; You inay chi.le her in vainjfer those eyes full of fun Are smiling in nnrtli at thJuiischiei sti" s done. And whatever yon do that Bams thing without doubt Must the mischievous Anne be busied about; She's as brown as a nut. Lit a beauty to me. And there's nothing her kejn little eyes cannot see. She dances r.nd sings and has many sweet airs, And to infant accomplishments, adding her prayers; I have told every thing that the darling can do, For 'twas only last Bumtner her years numbered two. She's the picture of health, and a eouthern-borh thing, Just as ready to weep as she's ready to sing, And I fain would be foe to the lip that hath smiled At this wee bit of song of the dear little child. v Melodia. DAYS WITHOUT NIGHTS. There is nothing that strikes a stranger more forcibly, if he visits Swedei at the season of the j i rtAAwar ' tl. -m thfi nh tells us he had no conception of the effect produ ced, before his arrival at Stockholm, five hundred miles distant from Guttenburg. He arrived in the morning, and, in the afternoon, went to see some friends. He had not taken notes of time, and re turned about midnight v it was as light as it is here half an hour before sun-down. You see distinctly. But all was quiet in the streets ; it seemed as if the inhabitants were gone away, or were dead. No signs of life ; stores closed. The Sun in June goes down at Stockholm at a little before ten o'clock. There is a great illumina tion all night, as the sun passes round the earth to ward the north pole ; and the refraction of its rays is .such that you can see to read at midnight, without artificial light. There is a mountain at the head of" Bothnia, where, on the 21st of June, the sun does not go down at all. Travelers go there to see it. A steamboat goes up from Stokhplm for the purpose of carrying those who are curious to witness the phenomenon. It occurs only one night. When the sun goes down to the horizon, you can see the whole face of it, and in five - min utes it begins to rise. - At the North Cape latitude seventy-two degrees, the sun does not go down for several weeks. In June it would be about twenty-five degrees above the horizon at midnight. Th'e way the people there -know that it is midnight, is they see the sun rise. The changes in these high latitudes, from summer to winter, are so great, that we can have no conception of them a all. In the winter time the sun disappears, and is not seen for weeks. Then it comes and shows its face. Afterward, it remains for ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes, and then descends ; and finally it does not . set at al, but makes almost a circle around the heavens. Dr. Baird was asked how they managed in regard to hired persons, and what . they considered a day ? He could not say ; but supjesed they worked by -the hour, and twelve hours; would be considered a day's work. I j Birds and animals take tljeir accustomed rest at the usual hours. The doctor xlid not know how they learned the time, but they had ; and go to rest whether the' sun goes down or hot. The hens take to the trees about seven o'clock, P; M., and stay there until the sun is well up in the morning ; and the people ffet into ; thifc habit of late rising I holm, he was surprised to se4h'r miu ms room. He looked at his .watch, aid found it was only three o'clock ! the next tirije he awoke, it was five o'clock; but there were ip persons m the Street. The Swedes in the cities ai not very industrious, owing, probably, to the clintite. The Beginning of UsatuL MEX.--The late Samuel Appletou of Boston, one of the most emi nent and wealthy merchants of that city was, sixty years ago, a country scho61 teacher, at New Ips wich, from which piace he went forth with a certi ficate from the paster of th4 village that he was " a person who suppoittd a god moral character, and was possessed of abilities sufficient to instruct a school, in reading, vriting, otbgraphy, English grammar, and arithmetic." A the centennial ce iebratio.u of the settbmeni o. New Ipswich, in 1850, Mr. Apnleton snt 5,00i.to the literary in stitutions of .New Hampshire, the Academy of Ipswich in particular, to enable ; hat institution to assume its former stakdiiig,, and extend its future usefulness. The Boston Transcry, says : 1 Although he leaves an estate vun d at a million of dollars, yet had he been diposed to devote all his. powers to the cquisitio of wealth, he could easily have treble! his fortjie. But those who knew him best, will agree i opinion that he took far greater pleaspie in dispeing his boun ty than he did in the accimulatiou his fortune. Well and proper it is that our citizen should unite jn a testimonial of respect, to-day iniouor of the memory of the upright and honest An. ' n ' (. J , i MELANCtIOLV AND S IRANGE. are OtlCe more. reminded of the terrible 4IIiin of April last, near our city, by the followinr bftf but mel ancholy statements. It will be Imeibered that in the list of the dead were recortpdU inan, wo man, and two lads about eleven anl ftecn years of age, and they ere buried with 5eing recog nized, with no friend to foilowlf.em to the grave, and no inscription to be t-itten above them but the sad one, "unknown. U wilt be re membered also, that an infant, very ktly dressed, "i4?'cen !njred from the ruinsLt found it seif vrj0ng strangers, without one tcLim or even to recogv,jze jt It . naturally excitedflie sympa thies ot rmy Df our citjZens anj I care(1 for and nursed W one 0f our raost reSpeclle families. A cow was a Qn board the trajn fA wbich no owner could beund- It was feared t all these might belong to- ne and X nd faithful exert,ons sucj, ha3 foUn b Le case. The mvestigatity,, has aIso e,. ;d the fo. omng sad fact; that rnrother ou n. b M knled about seventeen ears of a to. be Mr. Misner, from.., oard found f ket with. this name upon itiWas aho Qne thfns The name of the famil; was Keliogg. They were moving from New rk. btate to dinLsota, whither two older sorfe ufi ,,1,-j , . . i i- j , ,7 naa alredymne, and leaving behind a daughter ,,f f.,! y ? V, .&. , Tr OI 11,11 age. hese three remaining members ot the. family K i i ? i ,i i, Iami,y hav een here, have reclaimed their inft siste,. ted the graves of their parent rnd three broth s. This is 3. livs sauuesa taie oi an fjnnected with able and heart-rendin catastrophe. memor- s record win live in some lamiiift, through mor, generation. Lfiicogo Mribune. an one IT O T.. . r.VTartfa reraarked b . . , J ngent ota larmer, -v i w,idd rather be taxi for the education of the boy ilaD the iguoraiX the iiji.ii , lyi mo uuc ur tutt other J am be." :-' compiled to Somewhat SiNGCI.Aa.It h 9aid t many; of 44 the old folks it home Tfc ENGLISH EPITAPHS. .. A late collection of em'taphs published in Eng land, contains among others, the fpllowing : On a Linendraper. Cottons, and camrics; all ad?eu, And muslins, too, farewell ; Plain, striped, and figured, old and new, . Three-quarters, yard or ell ; , By nail and yard I've measur'd ye, As customers inclined, The chureh yard now has measur'd me, And nails my coffin bind. From Cunwallow Churchyard, Cornwall. (It be read either backward or forwards.) Shall we all die ? may We shall die all, . AH die shall we Die all we shall. Others are explicit in point of peidgree as, for instance, the following, with its opening chorus of thanksgiving - e '. t From Broom Churchyard. ? God be-praised ! ; Here is Mr. DUDLEY, senior, , ' And Jane his wife, also, Who, whilst livinsr, was his superior ; But see what Death can do. Two of his sons also, lie here, . One Walter, t'other Joe : They all went in the year 1510 below. 1 Th? ale. hovej arejiard so absurd as.tne histories oi viornwau- . Father and Mothir and I ; Lies buried here, as under: Father and Mother lies buried here, And I lie's buried yonder. In Mrs. Greenwood's epitaph, as transcribed by Mr. Judson the best pair of lines is left out these being: My grief for this good woman is fo Fore That I can really only write four lines more. In St. Germain's, in the Isle of Man, the follow ing very singular epitaph is yet to be seen, in Latin, over the tomb of Dr. Samuel Rutter, .formerly pre bendary of-;, Litchfield, u and afterwards Bishop of Sodor and Man : . In this house which 1 have borrowed from umy brethren, the worms, lie I Samuel, by Divine permission, Bishop of this island. Stop, reader ; behold,, and smile at THE PALACE OF A BISHOP ! ..: who died May 30, 1C53. ' AMATEUR FOWL BREEDER. The Editor of the Lynn bay State h is been buy ing fancy eggs of some one in Boston, at a big figure, which did not turn out what he expected, aud so he coucludes that the hen fever is a great humbug ! Served him right ; he bought what was said to be Cochin China eggs, and after wait ing patiently four weeks, he found six ducks in his hatching coop one morning. So much for his foresightedness. yThat isn't half so bad as the case of one if his neighbors, who paid a round price for half a dozen choice eggs, queer looking speckled eggs, that he felt certain would produce rare chickens, and which he was very cautious in setting under his best hen. At the end of a fortnight he was startled at the breakfast table, to hear his favorite hen screaming 4 bloody murder' from within the coop ! He rush ed to the rescue, raised the box lid, and found the ben on tlte nest, Dut m atngnuui perturbation r-struggmig,;yernng and cackling most vociferous ly. He spoke to her kindly and softly ; he would fain appease and quiet her, for there was great danger, lest in her excitement aud struggles she should destroy the favorite eggs, those rare eggs, which .-had cost him so much money and trouble. But soft words were in vain. His " best heu" continued to scream, and he raised her from the nest to look at the cause of her trouble more crit ically. His astonishment was instantaneous, but immense ; and his surprise found vent in the brief but expressive exclamation "Turtles by Thun der!" Such wris the fact. She, poor innocent poultry fancier, was the victim of misplaced confidence. The party who sold him the eggs had sold the buyer shockingly! And .-instead" of a brood of pure Cochin Chin s, he 'found that his favorite hen had hatched half :i dozen 'of 'pure Mud Turtles, , all of which upon breaking from the shell, seized the flesh of the poor fowl, and had well nigh de stroyed her life, before they could be choked off ! He has given up the chicken business, and has since gone into the dwarf pear culture. Wedding DiviNATioNV-Bemg lately present on the occasion of a wedding at a town in the East Riding of Yorkshire, I was witness to the following custom, which seems to take rank as a genuine scrap of folic lore." On the bride alighting from her carriage, at her father's door, a plate covered with morsels of bridecake was flung from a window of the second story upon the heads of the crowd congregated in the street below, and the divination, I was told, consists in observing the fate which at tends its downfall. If it reaches the ground without being broken, the omen is a most unfavorable one ; if, on the other hand, the plate be shattered to pieces, (and the more the better,) the auspices'are looked upon as most happy. Notes and Queries. Two gentlemen were walking together in Paris. 44 1 will engage " said one to the other, 44 to eive the man before me a good kicking, and yet he shall "not be angry. He di : as he had undertaken to do. The strang er turned round and looked astonished. 44 1 beg your pardon," said the kicker, 44 1 took you for the Duke de' la Tremonille." lhe Duke was very handsome-tbe man very plain ; he was gratified by the mistake under which he believed he had suffered, shook himself, smiled, bowed, and went on his way. FlorAl Curiosity.-M. Delhommeau, a garden er at Le Mans, France, has at the present mo ment arose tree in bloom, which is the admiration of all amateurs. It is a hybrid, and bears a flower of a bluish lilac color, a tinge which has never be fore been' obtained. The flowers produced are most abundant, very strong and regular, and mea sure nearly four inches in diameter. lt has flowered this year for the first time Every body .knows that Barnum advertises. "He always did aud attributes his success in life main ly to that important fact. The following may be an advertisement, or it may be intended as a "bur lesque. It will pass for either : The Bearded Lady with her whiskers dark, Is seen each day at Uarnum's, near the park ; ; Barnum exhihitH, wi.h his usual taste, His only humbug that is not barefaced. The Woonsocket Pa triot editor makes merry over the mistake of an old Shanghai hen of his, that has been 44 setting" for five weeks upon two round stones and a piece of brick ! 44 Her anxiety," quoth he, "is no greater than ours to know what she will hatch. If it proves a brick-yard that hen is not for sale." THE EDITED BT CALVIN H. WILEY, WILLIAM D. COOKE, LYTT ELTON WADDELL, Jr. RALEIGH, JULY 30, 1853. -' Terms TWO DOLLARS PES ANNUM, in Advance. CLUB PRICES: Three Copies, . . Eight Copies, . . . TVr. Conies , . $5 full price, 6, 12 " ........... 16, 15 " ...........20, .rr'', .20 " w. - (Payment in all cases tn advance.) . KT Where a club of eight, ten or twenty copies is sent, th pern makSg up the cluh wiUbe entitled to a copy extra ADVERTISEMENTS Of a proper character will be inserted at the following rates. For 1 square of 14 lines, 1 insertion, 1 r I TT 1 I II I III. 1 do. 3 months, i do. 6 " .1 do. 9 " r--- 1 do. 12 " Business Cards, $5 for one year. 3.D0 6.00 8.50 10.00 For a auarter. half, or whole column a liberal discount will be made. 03- Advertisements should in all cases be marked with the .,.k, f incrtinnc Hairflfttherwise. thev will remain un til notice to discontinue is given, and be charged according to the above rates. The particular attention of advertisers m called to this nonce, as it is not our wish to require payment for an advertisement for a longer time than is necessary, and we do not wish our columns filled with advertisements that are out ol date. ' , - ah t,-j. f a T.?trarv character mav be addressed nesa letter, notices, acfverrtisemeinsi remittance?,' 4 should be addressed to W. D. Cooke. JKr Postmasters are authorized to act as Agents forth Southern Weekly rost. WILLIAM D. COOKE, Proprietor V. B. Pai.mur: the American newspaper agent, is duly em- cowered to take advertisements and subscriptions at the rates required by us. nis- receipts win do rcarueu jiajmcuw. Mr. H. P. Docthit is our authorized agent for the States of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. IMPENDING WAR. All eyes are now turning with anxious expectation to the dark cloud lowering over eastern Europe, and awaiting with awful suspense the actual commence ment of the bloody conflict. The first bolt has already fallen. The emperor Nicholas, steadily pur suing the policy so openly and boldly adopted in his numerous manifestoes, has taken military possession of the Turkish provinces of Wallachia and Moldavia, protesting all the time that his designs are peaceful, but in fact commencing a war of aggression upon the Ottoman empire, whichvill, in all probability, end in its dismemberment. : There is a great deal of speculation on .the part of the press, both here and in Europe, as to the probable effect of this movement upon the peace of the world. It is astonishing to see how far many suppose Russia majr proceed in her violation of the territorial rights of the Porte, without actually furnishing n casus bel li. To us, nothing appears more absurd than to admit the right of one power to seize the. provinces of another. If this does not justify war, we know not what can. It is the most aggravated act of national violence to attack the integrity of a neighboring em pire. It strikes not only at the honor, but at the ex istence of the nation. Andlsuch is the nature of the present invasion, by Russia, of the Danubian provinces of Turkey. It is not merely a cause of war, but war p itself, and would, in this country, suffh-e to call out promptly the whole military force of the confederacy. It will be observed that England and France, and even Austria, are assuming a very threatening attitude towards Russia, and taking J)oth diplomatic and mili tary measures to preserve their own commercial inter ests in the East There seems to be a general impres sion prevalent nat it noble, diStnteTcStecTregartr-Tor the safety of Turkey, and other exposed countries, has prompted this interference. Nothing could be more inconsistent with the recent policy of these powers. Austria has just returned from the conquest of heroic Hungary, arrd the suppression of the rising spirit of independence in Lombardy. She is even now mena cing the eastern borders of Switzerland. France still continues her unwelcome and insolent presence in Italy, and keeps an eye upon , Belgium; watching for the first opportunity to extend her empire to the Rhine. How absurd is it,.ihen, to imagine that two such rapacious empires, so utterly regardless of prin ciple and political honesty, and so merciless towards weaker nations around them, can be governed by a sense of justic or respect for the rights of mankind, .in their present opposition to Russian aggression! And England, that great joint-stock company, without shame and without a soul, some people are sq irra tional as to suppose that it is her devotion to free principles, and her dread of the growth of despotism in Europe, that lead her to assume so bold an attitnde in the presence of that vast power. . Pshaw ! It is. selfishness, pure selfishness, that animates all her present policy. Where was her zeal for the rights of nation, when Poland was carved up inconvenient slices to satisfy the appetite of her rapacious neigh bors? Where was her noble regard, for liberty and free institutions, when Hungary lay bleeding and crush ed under the feet ofthe Colossu-i? And if we turn to her own possessions, we may well ask, where is hep sense of justice, when poor Ireland supplicates in vain ; for relief from the oppression of military and eccle siastical dominion? We have no idea that anything !but a jealousy of Russian encroachment, a desire to 'maintain her communications with the East has influ enced Great Britain to take her present course. We do not pretend to prophecy, but we entertain a suspicion that France and England have lustful eyes fixed quite as intently upon Turkey as Russia herself It answers the purpose of public policy very well to make a great show of Opposition to- Russian aggres- bion, out, mere is a very anierent species of policy, carefVHj- -retted A am Ljm f mnt! 1 l to self-advancement as the great end of war and di plomacy. It will not surprise us' to see such a turn given to the present conflict as shall finally satisfy all the partieF, but the Sultan himself, by surrendering the Danubian provinces to Russia, and placing Syria and Egypt under the protection of France and Eng land, respectively. The crisis may be distant, but must certainly come, when the ill-sorted elements of the Turkish empire will fall apart, only to be organized anew under a dominion entirely different from that to which they are now subject, and the intelligent ob server of recent events cannot doubt that the powers of Western Europe will share largely in the plunder of the rich provinces to be derived from the struggle. . The sympathies of mankind are with the Sultan in the present difficulty, notwithstanding his faith, and the rude and primitive character of his government. The young monarch who now occupies the Ottoman throne, has signalized his reign by a liberal and en lightened , administration, and by the introduction of many salutary reforms, established a character which has justly secured for him the respect and good will of all who have observed his course. The emperor Nicholas could not have chosen a more unfavorable time for his own fame, to bully the Porte into acqui escence with his demands. He may be able to accom plish his purposes by means of his immense resources but it will be at the. expense of much of that sorry reputation which his previous misdoings have' left him. Long dreaded and distrusted by the world, he will soon become the object of its hate; and be follow ed to the grave by the execrations of millions who detest his tyranny and abhor his character. We look with profound interest for the t T" rPfiArA 1 C Ann' . trnm tuuruue. -m-1 kum wa; . . b"ig piomanc uins " i. mow Willpj, "! settle the question oi peace or war anion Powers. '6 Ull ACCIDENTS. Some philosphers have doubted whether dent can WKe piace. n e minn u they had V M - . i 1 ITT iL!1 i Ml i our. aay, mm nw - aycis, inev have been quite so skept ical. They wouu ' " f f have been Compelled to face down an mjR 1 multitude of facts, furnished fresh from the hH " siaugniei, ocijr jj mc iaiiroau and stt- I lines that intersect our country and dUsi pie with such marvelous rapidity. The London P some mounts ui-e, um-cicu an us pungent against the railroads leading from London aD up the various" companieto public rebuke, with'" master. The per ccntage ofdcaths on the E' railways was very alarmingly high about that but we think our own companies might at preD fclare a much higher dividend. Onr sin-L. in mortality and horror, by wholesale altof. W hilst we are comparing our country with Ery and others, perhaps it would be as well to com the results of our traveling industry, and prod tK. rrraol Ybibitinn thfi mncf anTM-Am.! i " ... aiill fgtj, methods in vogue among us, for the construe boilers and draw-bridges, so as to destroy the grejJ x : x l.xV XT 1 x 1 x x - amount oi iiie.m vue suoi test uine. pufSci think deserves emphatic notice. "Whilst the I rnmnoTn'oc unci lionet a lnroc 77 ,"T uoeraieiy as to tne Dest means of preventi awful sacrrflceof life, the people satisfy them wun denouncing ine carelessness of agents anH throng the same .fhoroughfares,, rush over the " draw-bndges, and boast of the 'velocity with f K n.r nrM AAnvoval TT.-im , I . . . 1 . . - v wu.cu iium puiui, 10 point. Hundreds neaaiong passengers every day stake their fives the vigilance of two or three unknown mdividaai who are employed on the lines, and then hold the fellows responsible for all that may result from slightest oversight. What infatuation ! The Fm are accused of remarkable recklessness of Ift buti Americans are beginning to manifest just as ninn dinary a degree of blind devotion to pleasure money, and they ought not to blame the prw nels and engineers lor accidents against make nd provi.-ion. wbich tiij THE GREEK CHURC J I he Russian .Uzar having - -claimed a cnisade against the Turks in defence nTTiili. Greek religion, it is natural to nujuire 1,. acter of that religion and its numerous professes The Greek or Eastern Church, separated fr in tlie La tin or Western Church, about the middle of the eleventh century. The schism was owing, in part, m differences of doctrine, and partly.to the jealousy a:d ambition of rival and conflicting authorities, the dig nitaries of. the church haying" for a long time befurt indulged in mutual abu.se and excommunication. The Greek religion preva l . all over the it ussb em pire, in Greece, Turkey, Cyria and Egypt. The Car claims a eertain degree of ecclesiastical authority cjr the professors of h s faith in Turkey, by virtue of concess-ion made some lime sint-e by the Sulian,k recently revoked at the instance of Fr.mce. Hiapi in tensions are resid ed by the higher clergy, hut sup ported by the masses of the people, and here ties much of the danger foreboded by hjs recent pi oceed ings. The Sultan seems resolved to maintain t ground, ,-ind keejj the iron hand o&hjii his dominions. . The Greek Church, whilst it rejeets some of the grosser innovations imputed to the Catholics of West, hassunk by degrees into'a degree of stupid perstitioh and coiTuption ot which the hitter w.jk be ashamed. The clergy are altogether infejior tt those of the Homan Catholic Church, in morals mi intelligence, and the people are degraded below h level of; the lurks themselves. A blind, famtia zeal for their religion is tie only evidence .of vitafc manifesed by them, and in this respect tlicy are qtiiu as rude and feiociou.H as the crusaders. The apjvH made by the Cz tr to this powerful sentimentrSe that of Peter the Hermit, nny arouse a frenzy in tfal part of Christendom, a disastrous as that excited oj his eloquence, and put a machinejry in mo ion iwii neither Nicholas nor the rest of Europe can contrfi, Of all y:.rs, that which is waged, really or nominSj, in the name of .religion, in most to be dreaded,! cause the worst passions of our nature are apt toi indulged, with the greatest license, under the applet sanction of Heaven. We hope the horrible enWM lies of the crusades may never be repeated. THE DEAF AND DUMB, AND THE BLEW- ; The next session of our State Institution for w , education of these unfortunate classes, will conim' on the first of September, and we 'take thin opportu nity to remind parents and guardians, and the human of North Carolina, of the advantages and benepts be expected from it. Many seem to he still inoni of the existence of this Institution or ol its. natup. and unless some exertion is made by persons acqua. ted with its objects and character, to awaken their" f riosty and interest in regard to it, they will contin to overlook it Those who desire Iq" exercise thea selves in a good work, have therefore ah opportuni'T to serve the cause of humanity and render to the Stat a benefit, the remembranceof whkh may console then hereafter. The parents of blind children are esp ally un.vilting or reluctant to part with theni, and th influence of an enlightened friend will frequently necessary to induce them to do so. We hope th? .nevolent hearts, and orompt them" to tome eW promote a cause so much appreciated in all other cr vilized and christian countries. Habolisa- In answer to the inquiry of a correspondent, aw ,v' v. f x. t ,. n will state tnw the above-mentioned work, embracing the Lectures i Dr. Hawks, Gov. Swain and Hon. William A- ham, together with a preliminary sketch of the tie of Alamance." wiil h rPdv for delivery course of a few wks Ti nrintinff has been MitoH anrl ihn kswl.a . . . iUn KinderV. We anticipate an extensive sale of this valaa j work It is emphatically a North Carolina hook. ought to be in the library of every citi?cn of Old North State," whether at home or abroad. . InfbYmation will be given as to the price, &c.,as as the work is completed. There is said to be an editor in North Caroling rpvptv hnUfi i.Avt -otta n duels ana 8U. enco-mtfers. Some one. sutrtrests that tns Ff , , i called the- "Bulletin," and" as the editor con loorto1 I 1 A K i' enlid. '3U' .tain leaded Times. UlAlkCI, 11 SI1UUIU L5 It is not either of us. Can any body tell who itis The Wilmington (N. C.) Journal says that the cff in the lower part of Eastern xsortn never more promising, and an abundant harv . probably be secured. The rain his greatly reV the corn, and in most cases the crop Will be an V one. So rte: ris e iei d n sit; fng rei i ai d: aec nte frr jni lg ihn fill 3WI P I ?E.- cs IL on ie ind !mj yas S i to exp bei ent iagi iy IP cy $7 vtn reti ivbo bet pin 1 $ C is. nil rth r m -jal yen ine nce abei pt i 6 ce Is v etie isi rle lot, in 'on tie U Ur tl 'Ml 101 t m ( & iei , ie v ir ite rio; to yd i , - ia 4 ' ai m to 1 er t he ft Ae !e 7e JitY axet icha rBi tt c ria. t