150 THE S OUT . . .Tor tiie Southern Weekly Post. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOE THE AD VANCEXLENT OF EDUCATION. . PirrsBCRG, August, 8,.fl 853. ; Mr bear Post : Know-ins vour intert in mat. fcrs pertaining to popular Education, I propose send you a few notes of the proceeding of the " to A- inerican Association for the advancement of Educa tion," which is to convene in this citv to morrow. Desirous of settling myself in comfortable quarters, before the influx of strangers drawn together bv the occasMjn, should, render such a consummation some what doubtful, I, have come on here a few days in advance of the time appointed for the meeting. 1 left Ihiladelphia on the morning of the 6th, by the Lenusylvania Railroad, which runs through an exceedingly rich and beautiful country A stranger in that reg.on. my attention was, arrested by seve ral features of the landscape thVat seem peculiar. Hirst; I noticed the great number of noble trees, ap parently re he of the primeval forests, that were scattered hroughout even the cultivated fields re freshing the eve with their verdure, and Affording grateful shelter from noontide heats. In this coun try the valueiof art occasional shade tree is but lit tle appreciated ; would that it were more so There, upon the hill tops, and in sheltered nooks, I could catch glimpse of comfortable farm cottages not standing " out of doors " in unbhishfno nakednes, but modestly peeping out from beneath overhanging trees, and from the midst ofsembower ing shrubbery ; and finally my eye waslattracted by ths uniform appearance of the huge barns,ihat stood-near them, suggesting ideas of wealth and comfort: However humble the homestead of a genuine Pennsylvania Farmer, his barn lofty, ca pacious, conveniont,often built of brick or stone, while he himself dwells within an enclosure of los, gives unmistakable evidence of thrift. Two of . the most annoying attendants unon Rail road traveling are the dust that buries you, and the smoke that almost suffocates you ; on the Pennsyl vania road, one f these an novances is effectually obviated ; throughout the whole length of the route the (fact b tween the rails, and even for some dis tance beyond them, is macadamized with coarsely broken stones, which effectually prevents any dust from being raised by the passing train.- Whenev er any method shall be discovered, of getting rid as effectually of the smoke and cinders from the loco.i.'otive, this will be a model road. But-1 have forgotten the American Association. My -object-m- writing previous to the meeting, is to give your readers some idea of the object of the as- I soeian. n, and to enlist their sympathies in its behalf., j In .October 1849, a convention, called by gentle- i men from almost every section of the United States, ! to devist? plans for the advancement of popular Ed- aavancemeiit ot Education " was formed, and the Rt.Rev. Btsbop Potter of Pennsylvania was elected President. The first annual tneetino- was held ih the city of Cleveland, Ohio, and was largely attend- ed. d. The second annual meeting was ity of Newark, New Jersey, Bishop Po held in the i c tter havinir . Ti's.l' oeen elected P; t-A , .-f .. .. ' 1 . Kl meeting which is to convene to morrow is the third, at which Prof. Josepb Henry, of the Smithsonian institution, is expected to preside. Tie objects of the association are catholic, em bracing the interests of education, in all its depart ments, from the primary school to the university, and if its plans can be carried out by the hearty cooperation of the friends of education, throughout the United States, I believe it -will prove a great blessing to our country. In regard to its proceed ings during the coming week you shall be dulv Pitted; , R. L. C. c-iuchl ior a seconn Term, i i 1'iltsburg, August iurn,r 1 FIRST DAr MORNING SESSIOX. lhe ttiird session of the " American Association for the Advancement of Education," convened yes terday morning, at 11 o'tlock, in the Cumberland street, between Wood and Smithfield streets .... v.urvi., ne. .ir. iryan s ,i on sixtli l . t t The officers elect, of the Association, consist of I the following gentlemen : " j Preshleul--Vruf. Joseph Henry, LL. D. ! Recording Secretary R.L.Cooke.. i Corresponding Sec re 'org" 1 P. Morris. :' j Treasurer John Whitehead. ' The Standing Committee consists of the follow- ! ing gentlemen : Dr. Asa D. Lord, Prof. W. M. ! ly.liespie, Edward C. Biddle, Wm. D. Swan, Wil Iiaiii Travis, and Prof. Caleb Mills. The Association was called to orden by' the Rt. 1 .-.. A. u 1 1 i , t ' . '. Ihe Association was opened with prayer by the j Rev. A. W. Black, of Allegheny city. , ' The Secretary, li. L. Cooked read the minutes of the preceding session, held in Newark, New Jer- sey. The minutes were approved. - ' M cssrs. Coiperwiiitbe, of Pennsylvania, Sherman o ; . kll of Michigan, and Andrews of Ohio. wre mv. in a comimuee on Uedautmls. j . .1 i-ia- i'uiiu.8, i x ennsyivania, ureenleat, ot New YorK, and Swan, of Massachusetts, werejap- )ap- pointed a committee to audit th e accounts of the lreasurt-r. The. following gentlemen were announced members ot the Association : Rev. UVD. Howard, Rev. Wm. H. Paddock, F. R, Brjiuot, L. N. Whiter L. Harper, Prof. James Thompson, Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, Hun. Charles Shaler, D. II. Kiddle, D. I)., A. W. Black, D. IX, Ib mer J. Clark, D. D., H. D. Sellers, M I)., Rt. ljv. Bishop O'Connor. Rev. Bishop Simpson, Rev. Dr. McMabpn, and L. T. Covell.of Allegheny coun ty V Rev. Alex. H. Larkey, of Jersey Shorse, Pa., J. S. Trovelli, Sewickley, Pa., James .k.M'Lain,' Zmesyille, Ohio, and James B. Richard of Phila delphia. ' . ' - : - . ' as . i'v" ''v 'f:'"5" tt.v. jor.n lommer. Aiie- -i O i--- is. t it 1 f J.. T Tl A r ohn Mortimer, All -i;-..r,.- ri,:., i - v . .,.i.uu v-iii-F, i. vrauiz, rsew I .J.Rt A I'...- T - wt luoti.-ii ui jji. IV hin, ot IN the special thanks of the Association were returned lew to the Trustees and Directors of the Third Ward Public School, for the liberal offer of their Hall for the Use of the Asstiation. , The motion was afterwards amended, and tbe use of ihe Hall accepted. This was owing to the Church being engaged during the latter "part of the week. ; Bishop Potter arose and said that it became his duty to retire from' the office which it haseen his honor to occupy for the last two or three years. ComUned with the pleasure be felt in being re- i lieted from the pnorons duties of the office was the gTeat pleasure of introducing Prof! Henry, of the j mit licAi.Qn Tn.-ti.ii... . ' 1 ; . - ." . ... 1. ! . i uumu--v,au u. uiuw:, ill 1 MMIIIIgU.-U V-UJ, -IS IJIS j successor. It was not necessary for him to say to j . was. J bat was not the place for tbe exchange of courtesies and compliments. But they had asso ciated themselves together for'the accomplishment of objects with which Professor Henry's name had become honorably identified. He had ever been a practical laborer for the advancement of science. He bad the sympathies of the laboring classes. It would hot be deemed uninteresting by the audi ence to state when the speaker first heard o him. lie was at that time living in the privacy of an ar tisan. His leisure moments were devoted to the acquirement of knowledge, early arresting the at tention xf intelligent citizens bv his solitarstudies. From the w-ork bench be went to the Acemy world, the knowledge he Lad acquired. He was soon , j - i : . t . . t i i ucamm, was nem in the city of Philadelphia. This was followed by another, of the same natureand in the same place, in August of the following year, at which tiino .tUa t '." .i 4.. ...., .,., ivuiei icaii Assoc aL on Tor ine advanced to a Professorship at Princeton, and more recently to the Smithsonian Institute, at Washing ton i City the only natiotal institution for the tiff fusion of knowledge, in this country. In his posi tion of administrator of the affairs of that Institute, he was the associate of those eminent persona1 who filled th& executive ofikes of the country, and stood before them as the exponent of American Physical Science. The speaker was proud of him in that capacity, and he was still more so that with in creasing fame, he did not forget the responsibility he owed to the seminaries of the land, and to those young spirits whose ambition may be to tread through the same unobtrusive paths' May the labors of the members of this Conven tion always Jbe associated with such men, men whose lineage is traced back to the masses, and who are looked up to by the people with confidence and respect. ' ' ,'.''. The Reverend Bishop then formally introduced,. Professor Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian In stitute, as incoming President of the Association. Professor Henry, after speaking of theeulogium bestowed upon him by Bishop Potter, as the partial praise of a dear. friend, proceeded to give a short account of his career in life, apologizing for his ap parent egotism. At the age of eighteen he com menced his education in a log school house; he left school, andwjw apprenticed by Imjrnother to a watchmaker. His employer failed irTbusiness, and he (the speaker) was thrown upon the world. At this time he was cast into company of a very deleterious character, and, became intimate ,with literary young men; books were thrown . in i his way, but, happily, by the impression produced on his mind by a single work, he resolved to devote bis life to the acquisition of knowledge. He went to the country, and commenced his new life in the character of the pedagogue, jln a sbort time he left the school for the academy ; but was compelled twice or thrice to return to teaching. This course was continued until he had received an education. He was then employed as a private tutor in the Van Rensselaer family ; next as an engineer ; then as principal of the Albany Academy, He was , then transferred to a Professorship at -Princeton ; and he there remained until called upon to preside over me institution with which he was connected at Washington City. This was a simple statement of the history of his life. Professor tH. .thanked the Association for the honor, they had conferred On him. He would glad-' ly have declined it, had his sense- of duty allowed him to do so. His time wa mostly occupied by his duties in Washington, but yet he hoped some good might be worked, out of his selection, and that the members would not be entirely disappointed in any hopes they mas entertain.' The Professor stated that at the dose of the year, he would em body his views' in the- annual address incumbent on him by the Constitution. . Prf. Henry concluded by congratulating the members of the Association on the prospero'is con dition of the cause in' which -they were engaged. He also adverted, in closing, to the great good that could be accomplished byhe meeting together of men from all parts of the countrv. nnrl Kv f hi -v. JI1 regarci to tne mode ot eduea- f""n vtTtvh should be pursued. Tf rpm. -..-! . . j t ' - - to be brief in their remarks the cause in which they were engaged ..was a holy one; and idle re, marks, would be injudicious as well as injurious. The gentleman was frequently interrupted by ap plause. - " .The hours of meeting adopted, were from 9 A. Ma to 12 M. ; from 3 to 5 P. M. ; and from 71-2 to 9 1-2 o'clock P. M. The following conditions in regard to member ship of the Association, were explained by the! Sec retary, Mr. Cooke : ; All persons enrolled as members of either of th JNa ional Conventions, held in the city of Philadelphia in me cu oi irnuaaeipnia shall be entitfed to Jte- &ing n admWtoriTeefoH xoTOBTnifmber! of this Assoc the.Constilution, and $2,00. Also, in like manner, and on th Km inn on nav tions, all delegates from Colleges or Universities, in- F,.lCu nuauemies, ivormai ana High Schools from Sfat rnnntr nfKn. A n i-li- L io promote education, provided lhat no morel th ' U: J.I .. i ii i - - - - tnree delegates shall be received from tn one Assogia- tion at the same time. . AM other persons who have been nnminnfo b Standirig Committee, a.-id elected by a majority 6f the i members present, n;ay become members in likelman-r I nr. and on the s.mie conditions.' Those be!ono-ng tpr I the above named classes, hhall be eligible to alfoffices of Ihe Society. i - Distinguished Educators and Friends of Education , in other countries, mav be elected CorrespoWino- Members by a vote of two-thirds of tne members ! present, , k' Associates for the vear. Anv nersnn rpfftmrnon owi.unis '.ojiiimiipe snail, nn navmsr he sum y me stanaing .ommi:tee shall hall not be eligible to anv office. Life Members. Pt-rsons entitled of a rihtlto be members, or elecied as prescriled bv the Constitution, may "constitute themselves Life Members, bv paying at any one lime the sum of twenty -five dollars."; nd subscribing to the Con-titutioi. and Rules, i They shall be eligible to all offices, and shall, be entitled to receive all the publi.hed transactions of the society C . - ..1 J ' t ..j . Regular members paying one additional dolUr, an- - r - O . x . v. . V' , ti il nualhv shall be eqtitled to receive the transactions in like manner, free of charge. The omission to nav .br nnu Vdir crill ..,-.. .Ka . 1 . - , . j -i , .-uai i ivjuci. mc pujnee to receive tne transactions free of e.harge; and the omission to Dnv rf'. - 1 I, . . . ! F -. - iui iwo fuccessixe years, sn;m torteit membership. Meinber.-hip may be. resumed, however, by resuming payment but not the privilege to receive the transac tions as aforesaid. The association adjourned, the regular hour for that purpose having arrived. AFTERXOOX SESSION. - The association was called to order at '3 o'clock. After the transaction of some uninteresting busi ness, Bishop Potter arose and remarked that there were present in the room, two men distinguished in their own country for their demotion to the cause of letters and learning. He referred to Professor Wil souV and Mr. Dilke. appointed by the British, govern- ent as Royal Commissioners to the industrial exhibition in this country. He called unon Prof W . .. J 1 .1 - . . . i rtjLjrt.s in- associat -nl--nl-i . ' -l iu. iisuu teMIKieU ' idThegaff"aivSf 'gave an interesting account ot the manner such institution were conducted in England. In 1 845, the speaker, with other g-ntlemen, entered into an enterprise of this kind. The ground selected was p of this ground was selected in order that the good! effects flowing from the seieiitifie culture of land might be made more visible. It was at first thought, that thatthe nstitution would in a great degree, aid the tenant farmers ; that it was peculiarly'adapted to the education of that class. But little encour agement was received, and the course of instruction jd price of tuition wt-re changed, in order tUt the higher class of pupils should be attracted to ithe in stitution. . Tie change was successful, : ud the in stitution placed on a sure footing. ; i The institution had attuhed'to it, about seven oiu,iu uiriiuu- IO admission, was required to pass an examination and uuuureu itcres oi jaiiu. icti scho ar nrevions to a partial acquaintance with Mathematics; Lajt in and Greek, and the natural sciences, was necessary to obtain admission. Ail the newly invented aorit-ul-tural implements, of : established "merit werejon the farm, which, together with the use of steam, in con nection with tbe mai-hinery.gave the pupils! an op portunity of learning of great practical advantage to them. The knowledge they acquired of the working of the agricultural implements, was obtain ed from, practical observation. They were required to participate in the work done on the farm; The collegiate term is three years, and each year, the tasks of the student are increased. There (are in the institution departments for the study of chem ist! y, of natural history, Botany and Geology j there . . - i was also a veterinary department with a hospital for the reception of diseased stock ; tbe students were required to pay particular attention to this branch, as one of .the most important acquirements to a farmer-. J5y attention in the lecture room, and tbe practical carrying out of the lessons received, in the treatment of diseased stock, the student became acquainted with the disease of cattle and the cure. Another important department was the instruction given in regard to physical Jaws, as applicable to agricultural implements and farm labor. ' The fifth department was devoted to generatengineering P,,r" p-'.ges such as measuring land, making roads, and applying the knowledge of surveying to obtaining a knovl-.lge of the situation of land, and its appli cability f,r drainage. " The speaker occupied the chair of agriculture ; and it was his duty to see thatthe students applied to" the firm labor, the knowledge which tljey ac quiied in the lecture room. Their lessons in bota ny, chemistry, geology, engineering, &c, were brought iuto practical use on the farm. If one stu dent had a particular inclination for any particular branch of farm labor he was assigned that depart- mci-fc milii an its responsi unities, ai one wisnea w take charge of the cattle, he could do so ; another of the feeding department, and so on, In England, there were not more than ten of these schools, but in Ireland there were over twenty ; and they were working a great deal of good. In that country, students were admitted at fourteen years of age, but were lequired towbrk part of the time, oa the farm, for their tuition, " There was also a 4s partment in the Institutions under" the charge or a Chaplain, to regulate the habits of the students. The statement of Prof. Wilson was listened to with deep1 interest. Mr. Dilke, of London, was called up by Bishop Potter, and gave a short and interesting account of the efforts making by the British government, to make the laboring masses more intimately ac quainted with practical science, and the relation it bears to the every day labor of the Artizan. 'A department of Practical Science and Practical Art had been established, and by the means of. a com prehensive system of public lectures, on appropri ate subjects, to ariizans alone, a great good was be ing aone. ihe masses are taking an interest in the lectures, and thronged them. An address, for instance, by an able lecturer, would be deliver ed on art, in connection wuh-textile fabrics; anoth er on iron manufactures ; another on wood enrra -ing, Sre. Mr. Dilke stated that the sum of 150, 000, remaining over from the fund of the Indus trial Fair, of 1851, would probably be devoted to this object. Bishop Potter followed in an address of great powjfer, arguing the importance of paying greater attention to the education of men and boys, after they had left school, and were engaged in the pur suits of life.' By practical lectures, such, as those spoken of, great good cou Id undoubtedly be done; it, would direct the mi'ndsof the artizan'and labnr- i er to habits of self-educatfon. Thev could associ ate their studies with their dailv toil'; and a knowl- me cinims oi meuianics ana natural sci ence, the character of the operative would be ele vated. The lecture system, as at present in vorrue in this country, never had any effect on the labor ing man our lecture rooms were crowded with fashionable people, instead of those most likely to receive benefit. ' ri 1 ,C i 1 ......... C I " 1 . i x ror. tiai.ieman continued the subiect. bv advert- ing to the beneficial intluemce resulting and flowing from the Franklin Institute, in Philadelr.bia The President, Prof. Henry, also noticed the Franklin Institirte, and related several instances where it had been instrumental in ovoii'r.- a great degree, measures of vast public importance. - O- Prof. Wilson followed, in a few remarks, in !!! 1 1 . j . . nien ne dwelt torcibly on the importance of Me chanics' Institutes, as a means of accomplishing Tue pimctical sciences JVerv town in Tvnnrlan me geniieman stated, ot A thousand population, Mechanics' Institutes were in successful operation.' Bishop Potter made a few remarks, in which he strongly urged on the citzens of Pittsburgh the very seat of the industrial' pursuits of the country the importance of such an institution; of lectures to the artizan, and of other measures calculated to elevate the character of the working man. At the request of MrfPlffts, of Pa., ProfHen ry consented to .'eliver an address, detailing the manner in which the cause of education was ad vanced by the Smithsonian Institute. List evening was selected, but owing to the an nuaraddress of Bishop Potter at that time, the period was changed. Aa invitation from the Library Committee of the Young Men's Library, inviting' the association td visit the rooms of the Iustitute; was accepted. Mr. Adamson, a gentleman whoh:is ben in this .t . ... - 1 .- vouui,i uut snort ume, irom .uth Africa, deliv- I ered an interesting address on the geography and coud'tion of the people of that country. Before he had concluded, the hour of adjournment arrived. j ' ! -rt r , evis-g session. : the i resident called the Association to order, at ...... ....... t.... ..!. . . y. . . . . . ; ...x,. -.t . uuuu. . in. ore. ousiness was the an- " B O,b00P rl" i . fP T 1 . . me oisnop commencod bvstat nrrtw,t e years ; since, steps were tasen to form an Association for ! the Advancement ot Education : and that two rears A ' vi i i til (i n ago,.m Cleveland, the present Association, was fi nally organized. The speaker then spoke in regard to the object of the Association, which, he said! ac cording to the Constitutiou was to promote inter course among those who are actively engaged in promoting. Education throughout the United States to secure the cooperation of individuals, Associ ations and Legislatures, in measures calculated to improve Education, and to give to such measures a1 more systematic direction, and a more powerful impulse. Another prominent object was to bring together the friends of education throughout the country, in order that they might smooth the difficulties which lay ifa the wav of-more o-eneral Fi,. ,........ .,;. -.11 I . - f -National Association an : Am nericau Association a iHxtv wnich sh i should lear the same relat?rn fn tUa minor educational associations throuhont tiJ I country, as the General Government Hop th btate Governments. The object had not been crowned vmh- the success that was desirable ; vet we should not despair. It is imnossiKl- tK, ' :i meetings should take place without benignant re su.ts Iree and earnest discussion cculdnever be misplace,! where the interests of truth alone are coifceroM. Th time has now arrived for the Association to engage in earnest work. It lias been suited mat a premium fund should be raised, to offer for a work suitable to Educaton and the Timesa work which should heal essting difficulties The shaker earnestly advocate theising 0f a premi um fund for such a purpos. He also adverted to other wants )n the eHur$;.nl k. .. times. -.-..... n.eraiure oi tue The reverend gentlemat then entered into an eloquent d.squis.tioh on thi philosophy, object and means of education. For nearly two hours be seem-ed-to hold the audenceJpell bound by his elo quence, and his sound andgical reasoning In the course of his remarks, the fesent style of text books was discussed, and criticisd ia a pointed manner. The Reverend Bhop ffter devoting considera-: ble space to the scnool Iitratura r.k. j . . eluded by eloquently exegsing his desire'for success of the Asociation . AfteT he. had conclude the Assodation, on mo tion adjourned. . . Ii. L. ,C. To be cdhMued.) I WRITTEN FOB THE SOUTHER WIED.T rOST.l NOETH CAROLINA SKETCHES. NUMBER I. THE COON HUNT. The field which I design occupying in the pres- ent campaign," that of portraying the past and passing scenes of real life has been so often occu pied before, and bv men of such eminent ability, thai I might well b'e excused, were I to shrink f'-om the task, even after having resolved to perform it. Washington. Irving,-Judge Longstreet and Col. Jos. B. Cobb, not to mention others, have all occu pied it, and each, in his time and way, has invest ed his State, with a peculiar interest, which, butf -r him perhaps, would not have been thrown around it. Others, prompted perhaps by a laudable ainbi -tion, have made honest, unsuccessful efforts to fol low in the footsteps of these illustrious men, while others still, have" brought themselves into ridicule by persisting in trying to do what nature and a look of talents had' eutire.y unfitted them foj It is not with the hope of winning a place by the side of the gentlemen I have named above, that I mount theaded hobby, but because so little has been and sq much vvty be written by the sons of North Carolina about their native State; be cause the field, is so open, so inviting, so beautiful, so rife with interest, So flowing; with every beauty bright, So mark'd whh gems of living lmht. So strewn with Sow'rs of eViy btie. , ' - , And fill'd with hearts warm, brave and true. ' Even a beginner may dare to occupy a corner in a field so broad and extensive and so free and un occupied here? without the fear of incurring the charge of vanity, or being regarded as an intruder. And, if he should fail to do justice to the theme, his defects may be generously winked at, and his presumption pardoned, in as much as he does not even attempt to occupy the whole ground. The field has been long open and ' entirely unoccupied. It was free to all, bo one else seemed disposed to enter it and I have determined tliat will, not however, to the exclusion of others who desire to do so. I shall be glad of company. With this perhaps too long exordium, I will now proceed to the narration of THE COON" HUXT. I must necessarily date back to' the " davs of yore" when fun and frolic, were mo? e 'sought after than npw, and when every fellow aspired to be the inventor of some scheme for raising a laugh .and having a jovial frolic. The man who was most successful at inventing and playing off ''quizzes" was certain to be considered the " best fellow" if not the "smartest man" in the community. In the sprightly little town of H--- (suppose I say Hamburg for short), lived as jovial a set of fellow? as ever put their heads together for the purpose ot making up a budget of fun. .1 lie toreuiost man irt the troop we will call I Jemmie Halondale, a merry, good-natured Scotch- man wno naa emigrates t,o tnis country many years before, and amassed a snug little fortune which he still continued to incrjiase bv strict at tention to a profitable mercantile business in which he was engaged. He loved his friends very much, but he loved his joke too, and would go any rea sonable length to have it, and so verv shrewd and i sucessiui was no wiat wtieuever be tried to invent a " quiz" ai"' P,a) off. or :'to ' he was never known to 6il. raise a good "joke" I wlIld have the reader understand what I mean f bJ t!ie worcl "joke" I mean, of course, an inno- 1 cent niece of snort to raise a heart v lancrh with nut. i . I .., . . ooing lur.tner injury than creating a little si le ache I was one? Editor of a newspaper, and a very punctual country subscriber a courting char acter called in my office to pay his subscription -uj-aavance. , me naymnt made and a receict given, my subscriber" roseo depart, but seemed to uae something on his mind, which he did not care to deliver ifi the presence of a third nerson niu ;;s mere was a tnend in time, he hesitated, but finally ..-.j . i . . . . r mv sanctum at the said " od dav Mr. inoriin, out i wish you would print some good love-jokes in the' paper that you send nn ." pro mised as a matter of course to .!. th.. h T .,, u to accommodate him, and lie left. But these are fiot the kind of jokes that Ilahmdale was fond of. They were something of a different order. One for example is this. There were two hotels in Ham burg, and both were pretty well tilled .with- board ers. Jemmie boarded at The Mansion'' and on going down one evening before supper, he found every seat around the fire in the sitting room occu pied, and himelf crowded out. " Ah gintlemen !" said he " haye ye seen the great - American Ear!e Col. C is carrying on with him to Washington as a present to General Jackson ? a fine bird gintie- men, a very hue turd. Col. C - was Indian j Agent in Florida, and had arrived in Hamburo- that evening and put up at "Fennell's hotel. " No" an- I swered 'half a dozen,, rising from their seats and i surrounding Jemmie, " where is he?" Over at i FennellV answered Jemmie, " and the Col. leaves i on the next stage. I would advice ve to take a ,...... i Pp aitnenooie, bird bv a mean' Tiov .mtl,. K ?W KS anU OVC rcoats and put out ----- I - V-4.J V ..IJ I lt, "UllC wiinout anv mrr ier r...,- nna At idi i -. iv hib. ! Jemmie quietly threw ,off his cloak and seating him- self by the fire, put his. feet np on the mantel and leaned oacK wun the utmost nonchalance The eagle-hunting partv went over to " Fen nells" and taking Mr. F. out aside asked for an introduction to Col. C iu order that they might get an opportunity pf seeing "the eagle that Col. C . was carrying on to General Jackson." "Col. C has no eale gentlemen" said Fen nel, " he has bee.n to Washinton and i now on his way home and has with him a rooster which he is taking along; if you wish I can show that to you;" but they did'nt want to see it, they all saw through the whole affair at a glance ami turning round they left " immediate! v, if not sooner," some of them not in the very best humor, while others smiled and coi'lw. it a " take in " A thev walked into the sitting room or - me sen li- ; r -. 1 j -x.-ts I iia do- without movinf mn. rtlJU Hllen Ulcv .a.J oil y naa all grot g, very ouietlv ml-A . in. e, it Weel gmwctuHi, uia ye see the Eao-le?" omt n.l a "..... laugu irom or two, was Uie i I.... 1 r -...,, S,UI1L Ir0in one .nlv rinlr .,! i ZZ tmS Jt then, all ad Besides Iiis iokes and his friends, Jemmie was ... V1 .huuiiv, ana had often dav and mght, hunted aUe,and by this familiar with all the " hh,- u.. CoQ MJXI VMrV Timlin r.f l.iinti aud crooi,,' from - Mud " ' " noie. One evening Jemmie made im a "r, u . with his friends Sam Jenkin ad irl T , ' a off they started , with old CJtt '.own trees, and take char- of b. J I, ? :forin th,,sedays there wet socie .es, and this last article was aroutTne sary m a coon hunt as the don, , T , , young fe,io7 mA no0?:iZu:jt rumcr on rii. Ii an ...- inougiit or a i 7 , -u'sion wittiout a uv full , f Applejack, than .!.... .i. - . . Ju? 11,11 Ti.I j ' ' :uvir nata and boots, -..v. paivi ueterininea ?n hunting throuo-h a, i , ' 1 rr, anj cor lj very much cut up by muddy, wet v aiil. Ul WOOUS IVln'T on Jh . . river, and consequ.-nt- ous, run- o : iV uai Jan. s nto tb Jpmmio u--i - m-,.n - . . " " me river. IhA K.11-. . it. . ocation of " if f; tz1', "! '',ed . iuus Htiu Had successful. Ilf thnrr.,. .... . u1uulu i.i uve un- invent some Iittl. ZCZ: its to o joke,") . . , v.-.t.uc ,ura --tft - (not a love i ut su;cful!v. a0oQtl Try hiaifdlowr "Find him boys I" and others equally familiar to coon hunters uttered in a kind of shout several keys above his ordinary, tone of voice ; but, alss ! it was to no purpose no coon could be found. The glad sound of a yelp had not yet reached the ears of the hunters. All was quiet and still in the' woods. l and no sound arose above the gentle breeze of nigut, or tue still more gentle Tailing dews, to star tle the birds from their slumbers, save the cracking of dry twigs beneath tbe feet of the huntsmen and now and then, tbe aforementioned cries from "old Ceasi" , True, Jemmie would occasionally ask his companions to "take a little to keep up their spirits," and anon would sing out " Heow d'ye like tbe sport gintlemiu ? the coons keep shy, but we'll hev' one up directly." " Bow wow wow !" opened old Hector. " ".Whoop ! Stand by him fellow !" shoiited Ceas, and away he darted, leaving his white skin companions to follow at their leisure. The doga seemg.1 to be running; there could be no doubt that '.they had a coon fairly up. The voice of Caasir was heard every moment or two urging, them on i- the sounds grew fainter and stiil more faint, till at last they were entirely lost to the organs of our three friends; and they were left, as Jemmie expressed it, "in a pretty pick! e gititlemin.' - Traveling on, they at length reached what in Roanoke Valley parlance is called "a gut," broad, wet and very muddy. The moon was shin ing out in undisputed sway, save anon when floating cloud swept over her face, as if Jo kiss the beauties there. Jenju ie saw the' gut and deter mined to have a little fun at the-expense of his companions. ; " Stop . gintlemen,? said he, . jist. stand here till I go dbwn a leetle and try me ear,' and'away.he went leaving Sam and Nick to await his return. ; v. Now, the fact is, Jemmie knew that a large tree had fallen across the bayou some one or two hun dred yards below, and his ol ject was to get safely across, and make the others take the mud. When, therefore, he reached the log, he shouted to the other two hunters to " come on," and then crossing the bayou, hastened up on the opposite side, and met t hem about half way. " Hallo !" said he " what 're ve doing there." '' Coming on," answered they "bow did you get across "Came across, came across; how ilse did ve think ? Come over w"i' ye, come over." " But the gut 's muddy, and we Ml get mired." " Oh ! niver mind a leetle mud, niver mind that when ye 're hunting; come hurry up." " Sam," said Nick, " I reckon if old Halondale can 'go it we can, and perhaps it 's not so muddy as we think." " Well," replied Sam, "it wont do-- to go back, evert-if we knew ! he way, for Halondale would have the whole town laughing at us to-morrow, and so here- goes," and down they went into the gut. Here it was about fifty fe.-t wide, and the bottom, for at least .fortytVrt across, Was covered with soft mud, varying in depth from one to three feet. There was hot more than one or two' feet depth, of water any where, and wherever the mud was deep est, the water was most shallow. Kerslosh went S un,, right into the mud. " Ugh," sai l he, "come on Nick." " Is it deep Sam V asked Nick. "Only moderate," said Sam, puffing and blowing ana striiirgnnor lorwans. Ssnla.sl i came Nick right after Sara, and endeav oring to follow in his footsteps. "How 're ye gittiug on ? How 're ye gitting on ?" enquired Jemmie. " ou 'd better ask how we 're going to get out," answered Sam. "Hallo Sam !" sung out Nick; "I 'm in up to my knees; hold ou and help me." . . " I say knees !" answered Sam, " I 've made three or four lunges almost up to my waist. I tell you what it is Nick, we 're fairly in for it and must work Uu-atighJ?. T i. , - "I "Ji be dag if ever I go coon hunting with Halondale again," said Nick. " nallo ! here I am nearly waist deep ; stop Sam and wait for a fellow." " Any where else with pleasure N ck," answered Sam, but there 's no stopping here,r a 'fellow 's lotind to keep irioying forward or he 'II keep'goinir down. Halond de's long legs were no doubt pecu liarly convenient to him in here." " Weel gintlemin, it 's very tiresome waiting here, and besides Old Ceas and the dogs will distance us ; do come on if you please," sung out Jemmie. " jur legs are not "as long as yours Jemmie, and we cdVt navigate this mudlike you can," replied Sani. " Down again deeper than ever," cried Nick.' "Sam, I don't believe I shall ever get. through. Cool a it is, I 'm sweating like a corn-field negro in July. Let 's go back." tome on ick,-tlie worst -is over," replied Sam blowing and struggling for life. . 1 do btlieve 1 'velost one of my boots," said Nick. "One!" said Sam, "then you must throw away the other to be even with me", for I've lost both of mine." " lhere eroes mv hat rirrbt into tbo viator ick, "eaten it Sam I" liut it floated avay too fast, they could not catch it. ; " I can't catch it Nick, it 's too far." - - ..v.., said ' W ell it don't make any difference, it was a very old one, and I intended to throw it away to-morrow any how," said Nick, too much rejoiced at the prospect of getting out to regret the Joss of.his hat and boot. They soon, now, scrambled up the bank, and as they did so, Halondale greeted them with, " Weel gintlemin, and how do ye like the1 river mud ?" " I guess we 're got some of it. But it was pretty hard work Jemmie, didn't you think so " " Pretty hard," " . f Why Hailo Halondale !" said Nick, " there isn't a particle of mud on your pantaloons! How did you getxhrougli without getting 'muddy !" Oh !" said Halondale carelessly, " 7 here ' a log just a few yards below here; but come gintlemin it's time we were trayeRng," and not waiting to tak for them to keep up with him It is needless to say the partv caught no coons and thev wer. nm : , coons, J..t i r 1 5 "iiuing me way home. i ? I 1 tLef P?rated, Nick called out to Hal ale and said : "Now loot here Halondale, I 've ! ost a boot and a hat, and Sam has lost a pair of boois, but we '11 fore-ive vn., if , u -P " in . a.f ,orgive you if you 'jl promise not to sav anything about this." ! yeoTLerke pr0n?Ues Siemm, I'll Jwt ! left Zm 0rDU,S- Good DSh e reYnn,e and S3m Were oW chelors, but- Nick rne. :ir.d d'x .rmen.tsa and boots Z Z tfcli her ?. Hegot home, knock ehnuired ooened it 13 VOUr nustr-e .ct. ' " Yes sir. w - - - wi.ci ; , it dnll 1 1 f 6 her'take thU 5001 ad tbrow tdovnthe horse-lot we'J, and hide these panta loons and s.cks, and have me some clean oneV and a very early breakfast in the mornin- " " es sir." " The next morning by breakfast time, the af&ir was all over town, but Nick was at his plantS seven mil off, and Sam very busy i n Ihey were not seen " n como tnr " f ojace. Halondale, however, in P morning saw then! in the crowd bat Tjtt "t around. They winked at M.k ... ' Sred ed to dodge, but heesoied tC n , attmP- ntlemin," said be, -glad to ehol Ho -.. t.-. -r.i : I. - , , : ' VJOflll roarmnar se ye out, hoie J ; w,e P,?asure of tak i re soon" and nn & r"er coon hunt HlfT .mil he had raised as much as " enl?S laugh Onlf one of thtr0 ,n the. ctciers m tbu narrauve now uvea kiuu-ucmuu Aim ciever a man ag haled the fresh air of .Heaven and if ,; meet t his eye, be will no doubt recoirr.;,. , . but lf hedoesn 7t 1 snail not introduce him i 1. - ill 1 - if .he doesn't I shall not "in trod ue.. k; ltie - coon jiuuv must oe its own gar.y WXITTEJf FOR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLY r0ST 1 A FEW QUESTIONS. Is Nash-square the public property jn sense, that it may be taken possession of bv ' of rude and "noisy ladsduring t,e afternoon'f Sabbath, for their sports ; such as dog-fio-jj wrestling marble playing, &c, to the great?" noyance of those who dwell in the neud.borh If such lads are beyond tbe reach of Lr, traint, or if these are parents w 0 do not ' control them, lest it should cuib their - is there no other authority lhat can anrKjif train them ? Do the officers of the city profess such power .and if they do, w, u!j tlitrre ' impropriety in their exercising it . " , ' Would it not be well to have a small and t cient police traverse the city in all its more J resorts every Sabbath ake up such deli1)0 and confine them in the Guard II,. use one iUe&U hours for punishment; and subject their parems2f white people to a moderate tine, and ifblact ten or fifteen lashes, for allowing theiut o disturbth : These questions are asked in no petulant gpiriA ritr tnrn a cirii).ri niKirfi- in rfr-i . these little Sabbath-breakers ; as well gooarf icrva tri reKt-oetj-bilitv fif our lnn ' '1 r a a s. and to secure if nossi b e. som fra..,. . ani,.iMi.Bnt rlnrinrif tliA ff I?T.VT . - A PAKEXT. Foi the Soiitherti WekJr P THE WABASH RIVER. t. t..i i i . t ,n is H mv uay, anu as i gaze out tm tL I C ..1 W. .l...l. T .. ; , . . ' l irai iuh icu m au.isn i remilKIeu Ot its aiir ance when it was first beheld bv the white Jt t'" Ooull one have beheld it in 1800, and tlien am. t l 'C :.' t i: .. ' t i i .. "' iiaeiniig in liiuiaua 1 uae loutiii lnucli to iie est. s Tl i now fi fsiafa fur i t. Qrl.-ot.r- .r.. r age. At an Jp.xannnation of the Indiana F.nsi College last liionth, during the Kxlii! itina u, thereof. Miss Hall, a beautiful and aceu.ipj.4 young lady, reaU a poem m reference to tbe progress of the State, and its prospects. The following lines are part of the same: In those days of danger the red foe hw,o round ' The C'-t of the woodsman, and paled ' The cheek of his daughter, with terror's wild o.r,i But the heart of the woodsman ne'er quailed. And still, thiough the forests were .broken, a;td lair The fresb fruits of ha n est w ere slitd ; The savage foe linger'd still serpent-like there, By the banner of Britain o'erspread, ' But thy sonp, Indiana, who seeking a land In the deuths ol the forest's dark deo. Have proven their lineage ruin Plymouth's breve bad Miown ttje spirit ol bunker rlill m.n. For the braye-nearted Jl"-rrison cume to the west, And passing our humfs in theWild, Fair fa. es.llong pahd with fear and iinn-st, Look'd fonh from the casement and smiled. 'Soon gathered around him our pioneer? then No hearts ever braver or truer They huntpd the wolf and wild deer n'er tb4"1" And theilong-trusted rifle was sure. j Yes, sure as the edict of fnte, and our (jes Ru?hcd haek to the wild-wood again, Whilst ihQ shout of the hunterTriumphanti From Tippecanoe and Fort VVaynu. How lovely the olive whh rnlor has won. How lovely the briglH bird of .nee ; As to the losfied seaman the lighyf the su Breaks forth when the nighr tempests ceal jiius, iair inrougn oar tx-roere tne ugui oi VVhen the white man might wonder seco Shone fortb oa-aar wuodlwlaM fading a , And our, rivers transparently pare. 1 The conclusion is as follows, and 'shoj future for Indiana. . : i . One foe yet remains in the mifct of onr laq Intemperance is roaming abroad : j But atrainat him are gathered a patriot band And their trust is their country and God j Not aloneiin our State but from center tol The tyrant hatb mled in his hour, ' Till even the hearts of the faithful and free Have qua i I'd at his terrible power. But a hope for the wretched arose like a star, And shone sw. etlyoa hill top and plain, I iU the sunlight of Tenipernnee, brsiming afar, bhone ffrth v Vr the mountains of Maine. Ye champions of right ! be yocr banners unfarii- Indiana has joined in the strain And soon; iike her sister, wtll give to the world. An example ot freedom again ! I V hen thd blessings of ebariry.temp'ranc?, andpeik V..I.1H Vr oi.-iie wan a nalu surround, Not then fehajl our cry f Kxcel. i r cense-1 -4? bur Kniowledee her einrv mun crown. nvWi through tbe length of our bloora-coverV a4 i ne rivers ol bcienee are rolrd ; And the laurel grows fair in the depths of our diA ' As on tofty Parnassus of old. Universities rise in the midst of our land Like fountsins of knowledge and Inrth, And around them are gathered a brave-hearted bri The nriblest and best of our youthr But the chivalrous sons of Indiana drink not Ot theiCastalian fountain alone; They haye giTen io woman a glorious lot, A portion as fair as their own. j Go on Indiana ! thv erlorv inrrefij.nor Thy sons and thy daughters withjiew g'ory -flq itirty my anmem oi inumpti still vibrate unc aei Till Earth's farthest nation re-echoes he eomt- Poetry is. of value when calculated to stinH to effort. ! Let sorn!e of the fine poetry written fortfM lions in -.orta Carolina be published. j -can flHE COUNTRY CHTJRCH- 1 , . "Hark, how the sacred charm that breathes irons Bids evpry fierce tamuhaous passion cease In still pmall accents whispering from the po A grateful earnest of eternal peace." To a person of any sensibility, who b visitea a country church, there is, we tlunK," quisite enjoyment in store, wkkh few ttitf In.suclj . reference, we of "coursa lude to those who have a reverence for 4 bo); and nottj the scoffer, who finds no pleasure irr tictpating; in aUy Df the ordnances creator. ; And oirao..!1n -. i r . k i ti! tu one wnose ioriunc i mostly wfthin city walls, is mi.-Ji a thiDir f'F6 ble. The quiet, orderly dervr.rtm.-nt which i on all sides; the 'meet feiti.'.' trdv e - the members, and withaPthe holy calm vades the entire scene, is peuiiariv refr J apeeabk Happy indeed is, suchV coDtr & placed ia oDiosii.,o - .:,;i. f3S( Zf? 80 man- So, far les., it wooU' MVW Prpt of a ptYrifying rd rr than to make a .i;Cr.i-.. .Ji ...: . rr.ereM of worldfy. vanity. . ' HlSTontCAL Arc was a beautiful youth of Athens who, for iK f Vg '". disguised himself, and at the Eleusinian rites and at this time t er with his beloved, and divers other yonrf of that citv, were snrnrifd bv nirates and ' . off, whoisunnosintr l.i'm fr. fc whaf he aiP. ,. was lodged with his mistress. In the dead of' i when the robbers were all asleer. he cut their tire Ihen iiol-;.. i t-L 4 .i.n. b'1 gained 5th the parents that he would revere ? their ri-iVrk-r ..-.,1 ..ii l niins. It r- Would rintiit mt tn !,.:- ..... .... mh'wh pror'7 very happy it became the custom to 'wa name ofjllymen at ail nuptjsls. Beauty fndes that jf Ibe girls in the cijy were to 'wipe their iUcef 'l. 1 - r : t . . . - cj tuieiti, an ineir good looks wou

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