Y POST 151 mifjimt MA lost. edited r ;V1N H. WILEY, I WILLIAM D. COOKE, LYTTELTON WADDELL, J. tALEIGH, AUGUST ,20 1853. 'erms TWO DOLLARS PER ANKUM, in Advance. f CLUB PRICES: hree Copies, . . . . $5 full price, $6, ight Copftes, ........ 1-2 " 16, en Copies,... ..15 " 20, wenty Copies, 20 ' . . . 40. t', : (Payment in all eases in advance.) f - Where a club of eight, ten or twenty copies is sent, the n making up the club will be entitled to a copy, extra 5 - ADVERTISEMENTS I proper character will be inserted at thV following rates. fFor 1, square, of 14 lines, 1 insertion,' . $0 75 I 1 ' ' 1 month, ......... 150 ' ; do. Smooths,.. 300 I - do. 6 " - 6.00 1 do. 9 " 8.50 I 1 do. 12 .; 10.00 l Business Cards, $5 for one year. ' -a quarter, half, or whole column a liberal discount will I ' be made. AdVertisernents should in all cases be marked with the Lions, in regard to certain reliffious and moral ob r of insertions desired otherwise, thev will remain un- F,. . . . . - iber of insertions desired otherwise. thpv wtllremain un lotice to discontinue is given, and be charged according to above rrfies. The particular attention of advertisers is ed to this notice, as it is not our wish to require payment 'iB advertisement for.a longer time than is necessary, and !o not wish our columns filled with advertisements that utof date. ." - - 'j Jl articles of a Literary character may be addressed ditors of the Southern Weekly Post, Raleigh, N.4J." Busi ( letters, notices, advertisements, remittances, &c, &c'., uld be addressed to W. D. Cooke. Postmasters "are authorized to act as Agents lor the athern Weekly Post. . - ; WILLIAM D. COOKE. Proprietor. V. B. Palmer; the American newspaper agent, is duly em wered to take advertisements and subscriptions nt the rates mired by us. ilis receipts will be regarded as payments. Mr. II. P. Douthit is our authorized agent for the States Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. i AMERICANISM. The student of Ancient History cannot fail to . tice and admire the patriotism of the people 'in ' t republican times of Greece and Rome. The ' tuous and sae&ed character of this sentiment ap ars to. have leen universally recognised by all rtios and factionsLlaowever violent might be their Itual animosity, or-bloody the conflicts in which jsy engaged on the soil of their birth. The hoi." .of succes.sfully defending their country from the fasions of a foreign foe,- was coveted as the Inijh I object of virtuous ambition, and exile from-its ores was regarded as a punishment stiffieieiitly lominious for conspiracy against the State. fWe al ways honor the same sentiment in the na ves of the dilFt-rent countries of.furopo. The iglishman, the Scotchman, the Frenchman, uhe erman, seldom loses his attachment to the land 'jhifr lathers, and thougli it often; appars to be ithing better titan an instinctive preference with X a reason, it is impossible for u.s not to respect wherever.it is found. There is in it somcthino' noble and beautiful, an elevation of feeling, ptity which has often commanded the admi 1 of an enemy, and soothed and softened into less the ruthless couqueror. . e are sorry to believe that this love of coun- iess intense in the American, than in the e.of almost any oher civilized country. A pntinwed liabit of observatitsn'haR convinepd it in spite of ourselves. We do not. deny our,' people are strongly attached, to their s; or that in any strong emergency they !l defend them with alacrity and courage. interest and principle would jn such a case ip'ly patriots to any desirable extent. But the meat, as it exists in some other countries, is arcely"observabla here. Enthusiasm in behalf four country. and its institutions is in disrepute, ur popular writers and speakers, who may be re wded as the exponents of the national mind, do 0t manifest in their proluctions that fond poetic armth of feeling and admiration for their father- ind, which glows in the current popular litera Jire of Europe. Some how 01 other we have ac uired the notion that devotion to one's country is species of egotism which should not be cultivated. Ye affect a philosophical superiority to such vulgar tantiments. We frankly confess the nidcuess' of our people, and rid.eule their eftor.s at taste and refinement We admire nothing but what is f .r e;ign, and are constantly endeavoring to show our foreign taste in 'admiration for Italian music, French manners, and English or German books. J It would be well if we could stop here. But it is evid ant that certain classes anion :st us are oro .v- Jing tired oT American principles and institutions. 2t is a'sad conviction which we would wiilino-lv ihave escaped from if we could. Is it not true that ;in religion, many of the American clergy, aban doning the simple, plain, straightforward Bible Christianity for which our country has become dis tinguished, have begun to import from Europe an other and at very dilferent system ! Is it not also true that a portion of the Press of this country has' betrayed, within the last few years, a growing indifference for the cause of human rights on that continent, and has, not unfrequently, palliated or defended the tyrannical measures of. the despotic governments by which its destinies are controlled ? Is" it uot true that a foreign influence is constantlv "at work in our midst, endeavoring to modify our institutions and laws so as to correspond with those of less favored countiies, and are not these efforts encouraged to an alarming extent by politicians and the press? And finally, is it not true that, in 6ome parts of the country, the right of free dis cussion has been insidiously attacked by Ameri- I can citizens, on the ground, falsely assumed, that those who address the people in the public streets are responsible for the riots that may ensue I These are some of the alarming signs we see of a declining patriotism, and they are well calculated to excite apprehension in every reflecting mind. r Would that our people would ponder jlhem seri ously, andresolve to rebuke, before it is too late, the venial and time-serving spirit of our politician :s ! Foreigners are multiplying constantly" amongst us, with all their inveterate prejudices, and all their abject stupidity of belief and bigotry. Our native population, on the other hand, have; been almost j . . . ; -. . .. . e m. a. shamed out of any mamiesiauon 01 iwunueui 10 the principles and institutions of their country. The consequence is that unprincipled partizans and selfish panderers to the popular taste, have discov ered that more can be made, by adapting them selves to the foreign element, than by an bonest -adherence to the patriot cause. We do not entirely: despond, m view ot these unfkvorable tendencies in our national af&tirs. The great body of our people can never be entirely misled by the designing demagogue; and we be lieve that as the ignorance of our foreign popula tion disappears, their prejudices "willalso diminish, and they will finally learn to appreciate the institu tions of a land which Providence has pointed ou1 to them as an asylum and a home. But this is. clearly true,' that a revival of American patriotism is needed to affect this happy consummation, be cause without it the great obstacle to our safety, popular ignorance, cannot be effectually removed." BLIND FAITH. The author of Junius has said somewhere in his letters, that " when once a man is determined to be lieve, the very absurdity of the dortrine confirms him in his faith." The observation itself is receiv ing, every day, additional confirmation.. It is true, every word of it. It is abundantly proved by the intense devotion of fanatics and errorists of every class, to the silly doctrines tliey profess, whilst the plain dictates of reason and common sense, are so reluctantly and languidly obeyed by . the mass of mankind. All men agree, with very few excep- ligations, such as the duty of reverence for the Deity and good faith to one another; but how little en thusiasm do they manifjst for the maintenance and propagation of such'prinfciples 1 4 On the other hand, jou will find the believers in certain deo-rad-ing delusions animated with a burning zeal for the triumphs of their faith, jehich if exercised in the right direction, would be worthy of all admiration. But as it is, their intense devotion is ' disgusting and ridiculous. Butler, in his Hudibras, indulging his peculiar vein, alludes to the sincere worship of an ox, by the Egyptians, in terms of just derision, and adds with equal point, ' " Others adored a rat, and some For that Churoh suffered martyrdom !" '-t t But we do not think anybody has a right to laugh at the poor herjthen, when they know what absurdities are swalldwed by persons educated in the light of Christendom. The Brahmins of India will not eat beef, out! of reverence :for the sacred bull. Yet there are. some Christians who are not so scrupulous, and ar ready to fight for their want of scruple. .. ! ' . - ' Our thoughts have drifted in this direction, from observing that Judge Edmonds, bf the Supreme Bench of New York, has come out in the papers with another article in support of the Spiritual Rapping folly, and promises the public a book on the subject. He has the character of a sincere and upright man, and we have no right to question his honesty. He doubtless believes what he professes to believe, but thn he happens to believe things to which many a far inferior understanding would scorn to stoop. Ex-Senator Tallmadge has degraded -a fine intel-' l ct b similar prostration at the shrine of Humbug. We wonder what business Judge Edmonds an have upon the Supreme Bench. It seems to us exceedingly dangerous to retain a man in such a position who may at any time be tempted to listen to the evidence of invisible witnesses, and thus to re cord in, an earthly court the decisions of an irres ponsible if not diabolical tribunal. EIHT3 jniiuiu xi ax vi The history of plants is full of poetry. Mute Mature sometimes spe1- i-ii iJatlrom wl.Job tho most gifted pen would attempt in vain. She has ' thus furnished to man a series of brief, touching lessons, easily understood and difficult to resist. . Weall remember the beautiful and instructive lines, " When on the fragrant sandal -tree - The woodman's axe descends, t And she who bloomi'd, so beauteously Beneath the keee stroke bends, -E'en on the. edge that wrought her death, Dying she breathed KeF sweetest breath, r- As if to token, in her fall, Peace to her fyes, and love to all. How hardly man this lesson learn, To smile, and bless the hand that pparns ; To see the blow, to tet-1 the pain, But render only love agnin,! This spirit not to earth is given One had it, but he came from Heaven. Reviled, rejected, and betrave'J, No curse he breathed, no plaint he mad?, 1 "But when in death's deep: pang he sighed, Prayed for his murderers; and died." The singular pjroductio i deseii -etl ba'o .7 may have been created to suggest to mai aiutl i-ous a id kindred thoughts to that so sweetly expressed in . the foregoing.. . The Sorrowful Tree, At Goa, tienr Bombay, there is a singular vegetable the sorrowful tree so called because it only flourishes in the night. At sun set no flowers are to be seen, and yet, half an hour after, it is ouite full of them. .They yield a sweet srtiell, but the sun no sooner i-hines upon ihem'th.m .soroe of thpm fall off, and others close up; and thus it continues. flowering inJthe night all the year. May it not remind us of those modest and re tiring bene factors of their kind who "go about" unobserved " doing good, ministering with tender hands, in the dark haunts of -un revealed wretched ness, to the wants of perishing humanity ? Though . few, alas! too few, there are some such viewless an gels ever employed beneath the range of the world's observation in works of benevolence and mercy. These beavenly comforters of others, aje often the children of affliction themselves, and have learn ed in the course of their own painful experiences, the value and the beauty of doing good. Having suffered, they know the .worth of friendly consola tion ; having tasted the sweets of sympathy, they know how blest is the heart from which it flows. And how often does the ungrateful world with hold its notice from these messengers of mercy, simply because they do not curt its applause ! Yet is their virtue all the purer for its freeness. Neglected by man, they have respect to, the " re compense of reward" which is laid up for; them in a brighter sphere, in the hands of himof whom it is written that " Righteousness and Judgment are the habitation of his throne." 3T " The North Carolina Democrat," publish ed at Milton by N. J. arid J. M. Palmer, has been entered with pleasure on our exchange list. It is a paper of very respectable appearance, and will no doubt do credit to the place as well as its con ductors. We learn from the Democrat that the prevailincr reports of the uohealthiness of Milton have been greatly exao-wrated, and that the few cases of diarrhoea that now occur are mi u ana manage able. Europe. From last accounts the prospect of a peaceable termination of the Eastern difficulty is less favorable than it -had, .been. The Czar does not Y ield COLLEGE HONORS. The recent speech of the lion. T. B. Macaulay in which he maintains that those who succeed in the race for college -honors, generally succeed bet ter than others on the theatre of life, seems to be eliciting discussion in various quarters Some hav expressed their decided dissent from his view3. We f 1 j 1. ,1 . . , ei . . .tu v. 'a'" 8",port of tne previous wek or one hundred a..d eighty far as it applies to England and conline ntal Europe. It may not be true in the United States, because profound learning and literary refinement have not been generally regarded here as recomraenda-j tions to popular favor. Our people have seeme t prefer on tx many occasions the flippant impu dence'of the demagogue, who boasts that bi " never rubbed his back against a college wall," fa the modest accomplishments of the .educated gen tleman." . If this be so, it certainly ought not to be so. We can never attain the, same eminence in litera ture and science, till the people come to understand the difference between arrogant assurance and ac tual merit, between empty sound and sound sense. In some respects our eloquence is far superior to that which now prevails in older countries, but we have produced but few such, mea as Brougham and Macaulay, who having the whole range of po lite; learning at command have -nrXoLed tho litw ature of their country through the medium of Parliamentary debates, and not only delighted but intsrueted mankind. E3T See accounts of the awful ravages of the Yellow Fever in New. Orleans. Cannot the Capit of North Carolina unite with other cities in raisin;,' jan offering for the benefit of the sufferersor th'ir surviving children ? His Honor, the. Mayor, would doubtless receive and transmit any funds which the j ciiaiuaoie i may ieei disposed to contribute to the j object. SrTr. lt l.t.rrtf ,,1 R T. P f.rmv Pittsburg did not reach us in time for publication last week. His report of the proceedings on the ' , , , . j 1 second and third days of the session of the Asso- ciation will appear in our next. These reports may be regarded as somewhat official our correspon dent being the Record ng Secretary. Stage Accident. The stage running from Xewbern to Beaufort was overturned on Wednes day the 10th inst., by the horses taking fright, and a number, of passengers injured Mr. James G. Stanly and lady, of Goldsboro', severely. The city of Bremen sendj a block of marble for .the Washington Monument, bearing the inscrip tion: "To .Washington the great, the good, the last, from friendly Bremen." There has been great mortality in the Northern cities during the last hot spell, from sun stroke. We are indebted to Mr. TukiIsb of the North Car olina Bookstore iif this city for a copy of abooken litled " The Teacher and the Parent ; a treatise on CommonSchool education, &c, by Charles No.thend, --r-ALjcjar.nj. hasty, examintion-of this Ijllle vol- - .... n ,t1 !.- YAa. nKnnliitnl rrmiio in rprsrn I lis Ilieiur, fa Kinuuuio jjiai.i.i.i.i j,- - engaged in the arduous vocation of teaching, the proper instruction f youth requires, in our judgment, as much wisdom as any of the other 'professions, and it is evident' that there is a great demand for practical treatises upon the noble art. The work of Mr. Nor thend, now hi its third edition, is designed to satisfy to some extent this demand. We therefore cheerful ly recommend it to common-school teachers and oth ers similarly employed, as a valuable1 aid to them in their arduous task. t We have also received from Mr. Turner the"1 " Youth's Manual of Geography, combined with His tory and Astronomy; by James Montieth,- Public School No. 18, New York city." This is doubtless a useful addidOn to the vast multitude of school bool:s of the same grade now published. V ,e can. discover in it no very peculiar merit, but it will probably stand a fair competition with older books of its class. The August number of " Dickens' Household Words" now published in this country in a monthly form, by McElrath and Barker, 17 Spruce street, Now York, has been on hand some days, and we Lake pleas ure in congratulating the American public that thin popular periodical can now be had in a shape so unwii more impropriate to its ch:.racter. It is one of the most valuable and interesting of the many re publica tions -now familiar to our readers, bounding in elabo rately prepared articles, equally removed from the fi " ' o'ous and the austere, and c ik-ulated to afford a st! cr entertainment, while it conveys ih most profitable information. Price by mail $2 00 a yenr. The Southern Literary Messenger for August, is also before us. The con'ents are of the usual high character for which 'he Messenger is distinguished. We have so often spoken in terms of dmiraiion of this favorite of the South, that, it is unnecessary to add more. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. Collision on the Camden ahd Ambot Railroad Focr Livts Lost, asd "m" any Teksobs t.u u jc Brunswick, August 9, 11 o'clock, P. M. A dreadful accident occurred this afternoon, on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, which resulted in the loss of several lives and the wounding of a number of passengers. The 2 o'clock train from Philadelphia, just after passing the old bridge, about 8 miles from Amboy, came in collision with the train from New York, owb.g to some cause yet to be explained. The effects of the collision were frightful. Both trains were rendered perfect wrecks. A gentleman, just returned from the scene of disaster, cays that four persons were instantly killed and three danger ously wounded. A great many weie aiso slightly wounded. The way car of the train from New York was forc ed by the concussion into the ladies' car, where those killed were sitting. AU the killed and seriously injured were on the New York train. Two men, one woman and a child were killed. Their names are not Known'. The wounded and killed were either left on the spot and taken care of by the ci izens in the place, or sent back to New York. Edward Marchamp, one of the conductors, was quite badly hurt, and remained at Hightstown. Several of the passengers in the train from Philadelphia were slightly injured, but none fa tally. The train arrived in this city about half-past eleven o'clock, with the passengers on board. So ma- ! nv different stories are told about it, that it is impos sible ,to give a detailed! correct account of the acci- j jeut Another Dreadful Railroad Acctdest More than Twentt Lives LosT.-Providence, R. I., Aug. 12. It is my painful duty to inform, you of another dreadful and terribly destructive railroad accident which occurred on the Providence Railroad this inom b.v wnich six,een to twenty per-ons, have been killed and probably twenty mo forty wounded some iirtaily, and others very seriously. " LITERARY KQTiCES. f YELLOW FEVER IS NEW ORLEANS. Iew Orleans, August 7. The fever shows not. the hlest abatement on the contrary, it is increasing ery hour. Hundreds are leaving fie city daily, and ere is a?most a total suspension of business. The fecial report of deaths during the week ending on h-idaT. the 5th instant, as publisld in the Pie-ivTmo Exhibits the frightful number of one thousand and ifty, f wn,cn eight hundred and seventy-nine were iirom y""" icirr, bukwuie au increase over trip rp- seven. During the twenty-four hours eridine'at 6 o'clock yesterday A. M., there were in all 238dea'hs: 184 01 wnicn were irom jeilow lever. 1 he total number of death- from fever alone for eight davs end- 'in? yesterday weie 1,073. f Another dispatch says : " The epidemic in extent amounts to a plague. : The numher of deaths in 2-1 Lours; ending at midnight on the 5th, is 238. of which 208 were of fever, and one cemetery to hear from. Deaths of the present week w ill exceed one thousand, from yellow fever alone. The highest number of deaths in. 1847, in one day was bul 97, makisur the present number of deaths an. increase of 300 per cent. The city bears truly a sad and desohtte ap pearance. Will not the cbizens of the Nbrth t;ike immediate measures for the relief of our suffering, dying inhabitants."; ' New Orleans, Aug. 7. The ravages of the yellow fever are terrible. The whole number of deaths for the la,st twenly-foar hours have been 2-tO, of which 195 were from yellow fever. New Orleans, August 8. The denths for the wt-ek ending yesterday, amounted, to 1,130, including 950 from yellow fever, j New Orlfans, August 8. The total number of deaths yesterday; wwSif which . 204 wor Lorn yellow fever. : New; Orleans, La., Aug. 13. The mortality has been a little on the decline for the last three d iys, ranging from two hundred and five to two. hundred and twenty-five, as the total number of deaths per day. Aug. 1 4. -i- The report of the board of h.ea'th for though the deaths are not quite so large for want of victims. pHILADELFHIA) Aujf. 1!dl A n,eo.inJr cf our mer. chants was held this afternoon, and $2,700 suhscrihed for the Howard Benevolent Association of New Orleans Gottschalk, the pianist, has tendered his services at ....... a . 1 ' . r .1 I i . ... 1 . 1 a ue g.xen lor me wtieut 01 tne iunu. Horrors Perpetrateo at Nankin. A letter from Canton, .China, speaking of the capture of Nankin by tne rebels, says : Of th T.-.rt-.r o-a mnr ih on ono ;i.,j ing the families of the soldiers women. -and1 ihildn n, were either put to the sword or committed suicide, it being, a point of honor with that singular people, to perish rather than yield. Every one of thf pries's, whether of the Budhist or Taonist religion, and who were very numerous the re, were massacred. Their numbers could not have been less than 1.500 or 2.000; while those killed in the assault, the mining of the walls and the entry of the rebels, are said to amount to over 20.000 men. Very mnnv families were com pletely annihilated by suicide. The stireets were so blocked up with dead bodies, that, in passing from point to pofnt, the conquerors burst open5. doors of houses, private ns well as public, :and threw them inside, as the Chinese expressed it, as if they had been logs of wood. Distinguished Honor to an Amf.r can Lady. We have been greatly graliHed to learn th t Queen Victo ria has given another evidence of the same rem uka-. ble spirit of discrimination and sense of propriety which she manifested in refusing to receive Mrs. Stowe at Court." This is in the instance of our fair and dis tinguished townswoman, Mrs. Le Vert. This lady, as it is known, being upon a visit to Laidy Stuaet Wortley, the daughter of the Duke of Rutland, and toother friends in England, arrived too 'late to be presented afc the closing drawing-room reception fojr the season, andnt was therefore not expected that she would be presented to the Queen. But it appears that Queen Victoria, waiving the usual strict rules of etiquette observed even towards Princesses, instructed the T,nrd Cbaroberlain tfpecially invite Mrs. Le Vert nzovne xcegiscer: Important from China Ainoy taTcen by the Reb-' eJSm A desp-itch received at Liverpool, from London, iust before the saLlino: of the Africa, announces that the Lhv ese renels naa capiurea jvmoy on me imoi May, after a severe fight. They are said to be most friendly to foreigners, and protect the fiictorits and; British consulate. Iney profess a desire to trade in all articles except opium. Any decisive success on the prt of the rebels in the North, it is supposed, would apparently cause a gradual rise, and lead to a convulsion of the empire. Bait. Sun. A Ray from Sir John Franklin. Information has been revived by the Russian Government that sever al Of vfiat "-are called g'ass-balls, probably botjUis, have been fund at the mouth of the river Obi, wliich falls into the Arctic basin at the seventieth parallel of east longitude. This locality is where such articles would he found, if thev were thrown from Franklin's i snip, m cast they had attuned a high northern iaatvwe. ' The Briti-h jjovernment ha requested 'that some of c bails be transmitted to the foreign offige. Stilt. Another Railroad Accident. Wheeling, Aug. 12. The express passenger train from Baltimore, on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, yesWiiny af omoo-, was thrown off the track when p :s-in,r tl.rougi! -i switch at Cameron. 27 mibs from iiiis city. J U" ' ! or lever fell down, which by clmi-gmg tii..; track' t'in-w th.ree of the cars, crowd..! wrli iv.-s-irv-, entirely oil". Tliey nere upset,, but st ran j of over 100 laiSi 'S and cntleuien, not i, to say. Oil ' tis kil'ed or seriously- wounded, dome .20 or 30'. ate slightly bruised and scra'ched. Cholera in Europe. The Swedish government have declared that the cholera prevails in Abo, Elsi nore, St. Petersburg, Cronstadf, Narrva, Reval. Ria and Copenhagen; and that the following places and territories are suspected to be inteetert : au tne Finnian harbors - from Ciiristintadt inclusive to the Rus-ian frontiers all the Ru-sian ports of the Gulf of Finland and the B-dtic, and nil the ports of Zea land. In Copenhagen there were over 300 cases daily, and 1,243 deaths had occurred. Fayetteville, N. G,, Au?. 13. Mr: Editor: A most melancholy and distres-ing accident occurred near this town to-dny. The stea mer " Chatham," wljen but a few miles distant on the Cape Fear River, exploded her boiler, killing the fire men, and .seriously injuring several others. The captain wa blown into the river, but rescued with Wjrurm ,.mllT. hxqlr TO.- t.-. t i mnA'ata SUllk-. She was loaded with spirits of turpentine. a"nd bound for Wilmington. Pet. Fx. A New Anesthetic is said to have been discover- ed in London by a Mr. Riehardr-on.who recently read a paper on the anesthetic properties of the comfnon Puff n..tl tr.u. J.MJ.. rw;nnv I.? attention was directed to the subject by the fact that in some parts of England bees have been stupifbwl by this a gent before the honey i taken from their 1 ive. Tde Rev. Db. King. k private letter received in New York by the Baltic. s:.ys: The cl dm of Dr. Kinj at Athens, has been settled by the offer of ihe Greek Government to pay 12,000 drachmas for his iund, appropriated to public use. A I anticipated,. I the religious part of his uriefa is not recognized as enti- j tied to redress. Asother Railroad Accidest. New York, Aug. 10. The night express to Boston on the New Haven Railroad ran off the 1ratk last night near Rh ter. The locomotive nd baggnge car were smashed, the engineer killed and the fireman badly injured. The passengers escaped unhurt. , At a sale of Napoleon redes in London, lately, a lock of the'mperors h ir sold for 3 15s., and she hat worn at the battle of Wagram for 45. The let ter was purchased Tor Madame Tusaud's exhibition in London. . The SjSchool question is lo be the preat topic at the next election in Maryland. The Catholics and Protes tants are making out separate nominations for Gover nor and members -f the Legislature. , . New Maml Ag est. Patrick McGowan, of Raleigh, has been appointed mail agent on the route between Raleigh, N. C, and Hicksford, Va., in the place of IL U Potie, removed the past twenty-four hours ending on Saturday morn iny fxliibits 174 deaths, of which" 153 were from yel low fever. The scourze is still on the increase ; Railroad Accideitts Dcrikg the Present Year. The following is the number of railroad accidents, with the killed and wouaded, during each month of the present year : Months, No. of Accidents, Killed, Wounded. January, - - . - -Fehraary, .... March, April, ; . . . - . May," June, July, ....... August, - - - Total to August 12, 12 25 40 6 6 11 14 24 62 4 25 64 8 54 49 5 6 19 1 8 22 5 :: 29 65 176 333 Sixty-fke casualties, a hundred and seventy-six deaths,1 and three hundred and thirty-three persons in-' jured ! There is a total which should put our civili zation to a blush, and almost make men forswear the progress of the age. DIED. In thvs City, about 6 o'clock, A. M., on the 11th inst., after but a few dayg iUneS9j Mr. George M. Ruffio, in the 23th year of his age. THE LITEST MARKETS. RICHMOND MARKET Wholesale Prices. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE -WXEXLT POST, By J. N. GORDON & SON, , Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. ' . k-Tjiar. August 16, 1853. Bacon Western and B?timore Sides 8)4 8c, Shoulders 7 1 ; Hams 12 (a 12). lieeswax Last sale9 27c. Coffer Rio 9 3i 10e ; tor fair to prime , prime Laguira Wiq 10c ; Java 1 1 ei 12c ; Cape 3c. Cotton Sles 11 cents. Candles Mould 121 O 13c: Adamantine 25 (a) 29c : Sperm 33 3-le.. Feathers Sales at 42 43c. Fish North .Carolina Gross Herrings, $5 S5) ; No. 1 Cut 7; Halifax Cut Herrings, No. 1 $5 : No. 2 Floor The mnrket is bare and receipts light. We quote . new country superfine sells at 65' $5' ; City Mills $6 Ginseng Sales at 45c. - Grains Com in demand at 65c; Jats 37J 40c; Rve80c; Wheat, we quote prime red, $ 1,20 ; white $1,25 bushel. Leather Good stamp 17 20c ; damaged 12 16 as in quality. MotasssesJVew Orleans in barrels 31 32c; Cuba in hogsheads 23 24c ; Prto Rico 28 30. Nails )i (dt for best brands. IVaval Stores Tar 82 ; Rsin . Salt-Liverpool filled l,f0(i: 1,70. Sugars Purto Rico 5- ; New Orleans 4' 6 ; Coffee Sugars 6 .; of 78X, Tobacco Inferior Lu?s S51 (eg f 6 ; good and fine ?6 (? ?8' ; common and middling Leaf, $7 ?10 ; Good and fine shipping 10;r (t 15: ManuCactunrjr S15 , 10. Wool 35 uj 40c, tor tub washed ; unwashed 27 t& 30e. J. N. GORDON vfc SON. NOUTII CAROLIXA INSTITUTION FOK THE DEAF AND DUMB AND BLIND. rpHE SESSIONS OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL X hereafter commence on the First day of September of each year, ar.d continue ten months. This change has been made in order to bring the vaca tions into tho months of July and August, which. n ac-. count ol the heat ot that season, are less adapted to study than the other months. It also brings the Commencement of th" .School, to the season when the Sheriffs of the different c-.unties are coming in to make their returns, thus af fording a good oppootunity for parents to 'send their child ren. The following ore the Officers in the Intellectual depart ment of this Institution. PRINCIPAL WILLIAM D. COOKE, M. A. , PROFESSORS AM) TEACHERS. J. A. WADDELL, M. D , I GEO E. KETCHAM. TALBOT B.COLEMAN, CHARLES M. GROW. TEACHERS OF WCSIc'lN THE. BLIND DEPARTMENT. Miss E. A. FITZ WILSON, H. 1. 1. SOLOMONS. Ey Applications for admission should be made to the Prin cipal. Kaleigh, August 20, 1853. tt. BRI NKLEY VILLE ENTERTAIN3IENT, i AKm;, -pio -t.Tr!a -r--r iind continue till middle ot October. As a precedent vinevard visitation in America, is the resort from all parts of Europe, to Switzerland, in the vintage season, with happiest results as to innocent pleasure ana improvea neatin. Aiiu that such entertainment in all ita details, has divine sanction through the approved exam le of the Sweet Singer ot Israel, and a " man arier Gi d's own heart," clearly ap pears from 1st. Chronicles, xvi. chapt., 3rd verse. And as to the legitimate-tendency, and most probable rpsults of the increase of vineyards in our country, on the cause of correct morals and true temperance, as well as health; all wishing for truth on the subject, ar inviied to look at most reliable inlormation, ns to the state of society in the vineyard districts of Europe, compared with other parts of the world. One well informed on the vineyard a id temperance subjects, and willing to impart desired Inlormation thereon, in any pro, per manner, time and place. SYDNEY WELLLR. Brinklevville, Halifax county, ) ' tf N.C., August 9th, 1853. $ u- N. B. To visiters interested in Agricultural improvement I can show an acre near my vineyard, surp:issing for luxurious growth and probable yield, any Corn they ever saw. S. W. PUBLIC MEETING. THERE WILL BE A DEDICATION OF' 'THE" beautiful Nevv Hall, situated on the Market Squnre, fronting on Wilmington-street, by Phcenix Division Sons of Temperance, on Monday evening. 22d inst. Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to attend and witness the ceremonies, and hear the speeches on the occasion. August 20, 1;53, lw- e mcrray. I ,' grant. MURRAY & GJ! ANT, COMMISSION t FORWARD IMG MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. August 20, 1353, ' n35 6ib. JUST PUBLISHED. EEWLUTIOSARY HISTORY OF-' NORTH CAROLINA. IS THREE LECTURES, B Y REV. F. L. HAWKS, D. D., LL. D., ' HON. D. L. SWAIN, LL. IV and HON. W. A. GRAHAM, LL. D., TO WHICH IS FBEVIXED A PRELIMIjrABT SKETCH OF THE BATTLE OF THE ALAMANCE . and WAR OF THE REGULATION; , COMPILED BY . UJJ.'CTRATrnBY FEW COPIES OF THIS WORK HAVE BEEN j j received fronrthe binders. A full supply is expected in j a few days. Price, ope' dollar. The work will b4 mailed to j any pan of the United States upon the receipt of one dollar i ana five three cent postage stamps. Address I ' WM. D. COOKE, Baleigh, N. C. W. WATTS, DEALER IS . BOSTON AND MAINE IOE, QUEEN STREET, PORTSMOUTH, VA. All orders from the country promptly at tended to. August 13, 1853. 37 4t. .Vi5If BOOKS! EREDEIiL on EXECUTORS ; BEING A Treatise on the law of Executors and Administrators IN NORTH CARUiiiA, By JAMES IREDELL. THE object of this work has been Uf exhibit the Jw' ,t now stands in North Caxouja, in relation the mat lers of which it treats. It embrace therefore Lngh-A doctrines, so for as they are recognised in our own SutCjSs well as our acts of AAembly, and Uhe S.a 'aS Courts on theso&rctof WILLS, & XLCUTORS I and I AD MINISTRATORS. It is thought J"h only to members of the leal profession, are frequently called upon to undertake the 'YJ fmportant responsible trosts of Faecutors and Admin trators. For Sale by w. L. FOMEROY Kaleijh, 0h AfJril l?fe2. BETWEEN PAssrA? AND NEW YORK: PASSAGE; & FARE 0U1Y $8, STATE ROOM INCLUDED . TK SWIFT AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIPS KOAXOKE AND JAMESTOYN, EING FITTED IN EVF.RV kpspppt irrncn. B ing tp the Act of Congress, will leav Norfolk for New Vnrk te VVr...;. f , A' i.vlnr'k ukti ii, i iTT J Jaturday mornings, at ten For pasfeage apply on board, or to J-M. SMITH & BRO. - June, 1853. . n29 tf- IN PORT ANT AND CHEERING NEWS' 1 F ARISEN & KING'S i. PER ROANOKE AND JAMESTOWN. REDUCE!) RATES i. INCREASED EXPEDITION. i . &.e., &c., &.c. nPHE PROPRIETORS HAVING MADE NEW AR- is always on hand for the accommodation of their friend?, at th loteest rate and unparalleled dispatch ; their Express leaving New York, is generally delivered at almost every . point of Virginia in 48 hours, and throughout North CmHnt in 56 hours and at Forn pes cent below the old HUM BUG MONOPOLY. Parisen Si. King's facilities for the exp ?rfi'fiou transporta tion of Freight'and Packages, cannot be beat by avy Exprti Company in existence, and they defy anv competition, there fore, in the shape of Humbug, Imposition, and Moo Voly ! - 03r Be sure to order von rrods by PARISEN &. KING'S EXPRESS, 2nd Barclay Street, New York. Jfc5" Rest assured, thai all they promise, they will faithfully fclfil! PARISEN & KING, 2nd Barclay street, N. Y. and Bollinghrook street, Petersburg, Vt. AGE N T S. V. D. Groner. Norfolk. Virginia. J. W. WOMACK. . , , William Bailky. Wm. L. Mavle. . j W. Bagby. .. s Mr. Minor.'. . ... '; John Campbell. , John Nutt : H. D. Turner.... ...... James L. Reid. ... .1 Tl'RNBCLL Sc StaLLINOS. S. H. Hamlet Stark &. Pierce, .j J. H. Whitfield, .j , James L. Duke. ..i. Farmvilie, Va. .Frederickburg, Va. Kichmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. . . .Charlottsville, Va. Weldon.N.C. . .Wilmington, N. C. .......Raleigh, . C. . . .Henderson, N. C. . . . Warrenton, N . C: . . .Goldsboro', N. C. . .Fayetteville, N. C. . Franklinton, N. C. . . . .Ridgeway, N. C. Littleton, N. C. C. Allen .', NOTICE. , Express packages for Norfolk, Petersburg. Richmond and I the interior,, intended for shipment per steamers Koakoxk and Jamestown, will hereatter be received by Messrs. PaRI skn &. King, 2nd Barclay street, New York, who are the only Authorized Agents to forward our Express packages by those steamships. ; VIRGINIA, N. CAROLINA & TENNESSEE. June, 1853. ' n'29-tf. IMPORTANT EXPRKSJ4 NOTICE. ! BEWARE OF ' -. IMPOSITION AN D 1 1 I'M BUG MONOPOLY ! I W E FEEL CALLED UPON, PROMPTED BY A sen-e of duty to the public and ourselves, to caution the nu merous Patrons and j Friends of Parisf.n &. King's Ex-prf-ss, throughout Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, agiiinst. '-Hm Bills" and Advertisements, issued by a cer tain Express Company, long known to the Merchants of the South, especially of 'irginia and North CarolinaJ as lho "tardy and exorbitant monopoly." - This fast Express wishes to impress upon the mind of tho public, that thev have; effected Arrangements for EXCLU SIVE EXPRESS PRIVILEGES on the steamships Roanoke and Jamestown, and thus lead the public to suppose lhat no other Express cun fori on. the ships. To settle this matter definitely, and lo placs it in its " true light" before the pul lie at large, we will only say, that we have been running our Im press on the steamship: Roanoke-since she made her second trip, and will continue jto run lintel she makes her last trip ; and, on the Mnh inst , will make our first express shipment on board the new and mhgnificent steamship Jamestowjt, and which exuresses w 11 be under the charge of OUR OWN SPECIAL M ESSENGERS. Freijght and Packages will be 11 J .1 I' J iilL - iMr . nA m fl,. psccc f'Avpiw no wa ht aware tnev musi Ui a iarue uuhi thei ness, and titojr patronsjpay Dig pnces.ior uic V ! 5Vcs i-xr ing a small room on board the ships, lor which PA RISEN &v KING offered the sum cf f 47,000 Forty Seven Thousand .Dollars fxr a five years contract. We will again and Ikstly state to the public and our patrons, that as OUR interests! are largely identified with the increas ing enterprise of the South, and the general direction of the business under the personal superintendence of one of the (inn, who nermancntly resides in Petersburg, Va , we eajl for a continuation of lhat liberal patronage as heretotore conJoned upon us, and a general support of lhat principle "yMf-to of ECONOMY. PtINCTtJALITY and EXPEDITION. as first introduced in the Express busines. by us, and upon which all may depend on its bems carried out to the let- tcr t t a dicpk; x. trrvri JAS. B. KING, Second Barclav flrcct. N. Y. WM. B. IURfSEN,Bolhiigbro..k and 2nd St. June, 18o3, n29-tf. Petersburg. a. NOTICE T0 THE PUBLIC. A nirhor seems to be going the rounds thoughout our en x tire Line of Exrjress, that PAKistwifc. Kwo have fold out their business to l;csrs Adams & Co., ahd as such rumor lends to the injurv of our business, we hereby notify the public that all rumors they may hear in that respect, arc a s false an iht.v aw Tnfilininim ; ai iti furihermcr. that Messrs. Adams, Si. Co., never had nor never wi I have siifiicint means to buy out lh". cnteriri7.e ot fsrisfu & K.ng. lint, fill tne ouier nana, Mess s P. & K intend 'to " eel and figlrt the enemy n their ..wn cround, until ihji y are obliged to their business on the ( coix mical and expeditions principle ol which they have b-en so aVhvK'iit.' i , , .. Pariskn &, King h vine their arrangements throughout ot the m. st complete svstem, .continue to receive and forward everv description ot Mfrchandize, Freight and Vax-ables, to and from New-Yorkj, Virginia, North Carohna andpenne see, with the utmost dispatch and at low rates. - j PAR1SLN fc KING, Bollinghrook street, Petersburg, Va , and 2 Barclay street. New York. July, 1B53. 32 tf. A BOOK I FOR THE PEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED NEW & PRACTICAL FORM BOOK. tiOTAlNJN' forms ot all those legal instrument ini to be known BY THE PEOPLE OP KQBTH CAE0LINA, a'd designed, also for the use of Julicej of th Peace. Sheriff. Clerk. Constables, Coto ners, ijc, compiled and arrange irom the bent authentic. By CAIVUT H. WILEY, Esq. To which is added, The Constitution of the UniUd Stairs and of North Carolina. r - . The number of Forms in this work w much larger than can be found in aoy Form Book heretofore published in N onh-Carolina ; and while it hoped they will meet the winu oetical Index, it will be easy to find any desired matter con - ,al'lV 'price6 of the" book will be One dollar, for which rom it will be stnt to any part of the State bf mail free of postage. T I trade will ; be supplied upon the usual terrnH. rX'HE G RE AT: DEM AN D FOR THIS VALUABLE X work, and thi many enquiries we receive, induce as to state that this book is not for rale at anv place in Raleigh, except at Mr. Potneroy's Book Store, and at the offic of the Aiperoori enclosing one dollar in a letter, or that amount in postage stamps.; will receive copy of the book by return mail free of pottage. Be very careful to send for Wiliy New Form Boox," and address, EW 0RM 7 WM. D. COOKE, Raleigh, N. C. CHAHE 07 SCHEDULE " on THE RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD THE RALEIGH AND GASTON ROAD IS NOW completed toi Weldon, and in fine order, and the follow ing permanent Schedule for the Passenger trains has been pot "LeavTfiiUlat 8 o'clock, a. M . arriving at Wsldon jt 1 o'clock, r. , in time to eonnect with the day trains tor re tersburg, Portsmouth and Wilmington, . ri Returning-Lve Weldon aft-r th arnrsl of tho Express Train from Wilmington at half-past 3 olock.r X. Amvs at Raleigh at half-past 8 o'clock , r. - . . . , . . Passengers wilj thu be enabled to w.'V" p'., fh and supper in Petersburg. Richmond, Norfolk Porruth, or wSgtoa -j or. breakfast at tho- point, and supper in R PeSns wishing to eomo from any point on. or East of this the most comfortable &J&a- (iffice Raleigp ana wuu "'f-w -t n80-&w. Jane 25, , NO 0EKN1NG AT HARDING'S A SPLENDID assortment of Spring and Summer Cloth ing, and Gents furnishing Goods, consisting of all tbtt X rangements for the still better dispatch of their Express by the steapships " Roanoke" und ' Jamestown.," from New V ork, they wish to keep it before nWmblio, that PAR1SEN &. KING'S POPULAR AND SOtJTilKRN' EXPRESS and exegencie ot the public, it m also DtiKreoHiw uw -onraov mav be relied on.havina been examined and approv- m-

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