V - --' C TA'IX II. wit.ky, AVTT.f.TAM F. COOKE. A FAMILY ' NEWSPAPER II POLITICS. EDITORS. TERMS jTy COLLARS PER ANNUM. lyttelton waddf.il, JR .. T ictotctr to all tijc Sntmste of Jtorfl) Carolina, .gftttotttott, ricultu, Cttcratmc, $eiis, ti)c iftmfots, fcc. VOL 39. UA LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, AUG. 27, 1853. MOLE NO. 91. -""""-""-""""?,",,""""" --IEUTRAL SELECT POETRY MORAL COSMETICS. BY HOI'.ACE SMITH. Ye w;ho wnu'd save your featu es florid, .Little limbs, bright eyes, uuwrinkled forehead, From Age's devastMion horrid, Adop't this plan, 'Twill make, in clumire cold or torrid, A hale old man : . Avoid, in youth, luxurious diet; - Bfotrtfiu the passion's i iw les riot j Devoted to domes ic quiet, I'e w isely gay ; So shall ye, s-pite of Age's fiat, ' v H Resist dec.iy. Seek not, in. Mammon's worship, pleasure; 15ut find your riei es.!, tie iresi treasure, In boos. f'rii ds, music, polished leisure : The mind, not sense, Miike.tiie.sole scale by which to measure J. Your opulence. ' . This is the so'aee, this the science. 'Life's purest, svveetest, best applmnce, That di ppoiuts i:o ma t's reliance, Wnat e'er hi- s ate ; . . But elia len .es with calm defiance, Tune,: foriune, fi:e. . t ' MISCELLANEOUS TAKING CARE OF NUMBER ONE. " Evi-r'v one "for iiims li.'1 1 bis was one of Law -".reiice Tilghman's .favorite mod of expression. "And it will do h ui no ii i tiee to sav, that he usii- all v -.acted up to the sentiment in Ins business trans actions and social intercourse.; though, guardedly, whenever a, too manifest exhibition of selfishness was iik-!vto aff.-cC him in the estimation of-certain parti, s with 'whom lie wished to tand particularly' lair. In ail his dealings, tins maxim was alone r g:.nd' d ; and he was never rsatistied, unless, in bar gaining, lie secured the greater advantage, a thing that pretty generally occurred. Tneie it-sided, in thoaine town witl'i Tilghman :; a western town a certain young lady, whose father owned a huge ' amount of property. She was his only child, and, would fa' I heir, at -his death, to all his. .wealth?. Of c urse, this young lady had attractions that were felt to be of a most weighty character bv certain young men in the town, who male themselves as agreeable to her as possible. : Among these Was Lawrence Tilghman. " L irry," said a friend to him one day rthey had been talking about the young lady "it's no fv.t juu mjiUj viie "agveuable, to Helen Wat- el." ; '- r ' " And why not, pray?" returned Tilghman. " The-v say jshe's engaged." . 44 lo whom" ''To a young man in 'Columbus " I can't inentiou my authority ; but it's good." j v Id says so "Eiigageil, h;i! Well, T1 break that engage j merit, if there's any virtue in. trying." Yo-.l will.?" " " Certainly. II h-n w il1 be worth a plume when the old man, her father, -dies'; and I've made up my riiiixl to handle some o. his thousands." " But certainly,, Larry you would not attempt to interfere w ith a niarriage contract ?" ."I don't believe. any contract exists," replied the young man. "Anyhow, while a lady is single I regard -'her as In, the 'market, and to be won by the boldest." ...-"Still, we should have some respect for the rights of others." t " Every one for himself; in this world," replied Tilghman." " That is my motto, i If you .don't take -care of. yourself, you'il be shoved to ihe. wall, in double quick time. Long ago, I resolved to put s.ome forty or fifty thousand dollars between my self and the -world by marriage, ami you may-be, , sure that4 will not let this opportunity slip for any .consideration. Helen must be- mine' Additional evidence of the fact that the young lady was under engagement of marriage soon came to the ears of Tilghman. Tlic "effect was to pro duce a clos-r attention on his part to Helen, who, : -greatly 'to his uneasiness, did not seem to give him Hill h encouragement, although she always treat ed him with politeness and -attention .whenever h- called to see her. But it was'not true, as Tilghman -had Ireard, that Helen was engaged to a young -an in na,hQ . ,,l. waJ" ;,, ,l.at b . in . ........ correspondence with a gentleman there named .Walker, atnl that their' acquaintance was intimate, and last approaching a lover-like character. St,ll she was not indifferent to-the former, and, ai he showed so-strong a preference foi her, began, gradually, to feel an awakeuing' interest. Tilgh ihaji was quick, to perceive this, and it greatly .elated him." In the exultation of his; failings, he said to hijnself . ' I " I'll show" this Columbus man that I'm worth' a d.'zen of him. The boldest wins the fair. 1 wouldn't give much fordiis engagement." , lilghnian was a .merchant, and visited the east . twice every year for the purpose of buying goods. In August, he crossed the mountains as usual. Some ni'-n, when they have home and go a i ong strangers, leave all the little good breeding they may 'happen to have had Whim I them. Such a man was Tilghman. The moment he stepped into a steaniltoat, stage, or raihoadear, the every-one-foi-hiniself principle by which he .was , governed, manifested itself -in all its naked deformity, 'and it was at once comlnded by ad with whom he came in contact, that, let him be who he would, he was no gentleman: .. On going tip! the river, on the occasion referred to, 6ut gentleman went on the free and-easy prin ciple, as was usual with him when in public con veyances : consul ti rig his own inclinations and tastes al"ne, and running his elbows into any and every- fody's rib -that happened to come: in his way. He was generally first at the table when the bell r"ig ; and, as he had a 1 good appetite, managed. hil., there, to secure a full share of the delicacies Provided f'r th eomnanv. - ' . " Every one for himself," was the thought in his mind on -these occasions ; and his actions fully ajrreed with his thoughts. On crossing the mountains in stages (this was .Wore -the railroad from. Baltimore to Wheeling was completed) as far as Cumberland, his greedy, elfish, and sometimes downright boorish propen. j'tiw annbyed his - fellow-passengers, . and particu larly a young man of quiet, refined, and gentle manly deportment; who could not, at times, help showing the disgust ; he felt. Because he paid his half dollar for meals. At the taverns on the way, -Tilghman seemed to feel himself licensed to gor mandize at a beastly rate. The moment he sat down to the table, he would seize eagerly upon the most desirable dish near him, and appropriate at least a half, if not two thirds, of what it contain ed, regardless utterly of his fellow -passengers. Then-be would call ;for ' the next most desirable dish, if he could not reach it, and help himself af ter a like liberal fashion. 'In eating, he seemed more like a hungry dog, in his eagerness, than a" man possessing a gram of decency. When the tiui'e, came to part company with him, his fellow travellers rejoiced at being rid of one, whose utter selfishness tided them with disgust. In -Philadelphia and New York, where Tilghmair fe't that lie was altogether unknown, he indulged his uncivilized 'propensities to their full extent. At one of the hotels, just oefore leaving New York to return to Baltimore, and .there take the cars tor the West a raln, he met the youifg man referred to as a travelling companion, and remarktd the fact that lie r cognized and frequently observed him. Under thi observation, as it seemed to have something sinister in it. Tilghman fel . at limes, a little unea sy, and at the hotel table, rather curbed his gree diness, when this individual was present. Finallv, he left New York in the twelve o'clock boat, intending to pass on to lialttiuore in the night train from Philadelphia, and experienced a sense of relief in getting rid of the presence of one who appeared to know -him 'and to have taken a preju-' ileeairainst him. As the boat swept "down the i av, T.lghman amused himself first with a cigar on the' forward deck and then with a pivm-Miade j:ou the upper deck. " lie had already secured his Kdinut-r ticket. When the fumes ot roast turkey earno to his eager sense, he felt "sharpset'' enough' tohae devoured a whole gobler ! Tins indication of the approaching Imeal caused him to dive: down below, where' the servants were busy in preparing the table." Here he, walked backwards and f-r-wnrds for about half: an hour in-company w ith a dozen others, who, like himself, -meant to take care of number one. Then, as the dishes -of meaher j g'an tp come in, he thought it tune to secure a good place. Jso, after taking careful- oberyyiiot3, he assumed a position, with folded arms, opposite a desirable dish, and; awaited the concretion of ar rangemeiits. At leiiglh ail was ready, and a w alter struck the bll. , Insiantlv, Tilghman drew forth a chair, and had1 the glory of being first at the table, lie had lifted his phite. and just cried, a he turneil partly around "Here, waiter! Bring me some of that roast turkey.; A side bone and a piece of the breast" when ; hand was laid on his shoul der, and the clerk of the boat said, in a voice of authority j " Further down sir. Further down '. We want these seats for ladies." ' Tilghman hesitated. "Quick: quick!'' purged the clerk. Tin re was a rustling behind him of ladies' Cross es, and our gentleman felt that he must move. In l'Kagerness o secure another place, he stumbled over a cnair ana came near iauing prosu ue. length he brought up at the lower end ot the table. " Waiter !" he cried, as soon as li found :a new position "waiter, I want some of' that roast tur key !" 1 The waiter did nqi hear, or was too busy with some one else, to obey. y ,. "Waiter, I say J Here! This way!" j So loudly and earnestly was this uttered, that the observation of e;ery one at that end of the ta ble was attracted towards tlie yotmg man. Put he thought, of nothing but securing- his provender.- At, length he received his turkey, when.be ordered certain, vegetables, and then began eating greeilily, while his eyes were levery moment; glancing along the table to see what else there was to tempt his palate. h - . .'. : - " Waiter !" he called, ere the first mouthful was fair! v swallowed. 1 i The waiter came, i - ', 'j 1 " Have you any oyster sauce?" j ; . "No, sir." r j. -i ' " Great cooks ! Turkey without oyster sauce ! Bring me a slice of ham !" I i " Pottle of ale, waiter," soon after issued from his hps. , The ale was brought, the cork drawn, and tle bot tle set beside Tilghman, who, in his haste, poured his tumbler two-thirds full ere the contact of air had produced effervescence. The consequence was . . . . . ii.i i i tiiat tlie "ll,or n,m'e" suddenly over me glass, aim spread its creamy foam, lor the space of tyur or pread its creamy 10am lor t He space ot lour or five inches around. 'Several persons sitting near bv had taken more interest in our young gentleman, who was looking after number one. than ijn the dinner before them ; and, when this little incident occurred, cou'd not suppress a titter. I Hearing this, Tilghman became! suddenly con scious. of the ludi rous figure he made, and glanc ed quickly from face to face. The first countenance his eyes rested upon - was that of the )oung;man who had been bis stage companion near him was a lady who had thrown back' her veil, ami whom he instantly recngnUed as Helen Walcot! She it was who stood behind him when the c erk ejecie I him from his chair, and she had been both an ear and eye-witness of his sayings and doing. since he dropped his present-place at the table. So much had his conduct affected her with a sense of the ri diculous, that she coiihl not suppress the smile th t curled her lips; a smile that was fell by Tilghman' as the death-ljow to:allJ)is hopes of winning her for his bride. With: the subsidence of the hopes went his appetite ; and with that he went also that is, from the table, without so niuch as waiting' for the dess rt. On' the forward deck he esconced himself until the boat reached South Amboy, and then he took good Care not to push ' his way into the ladies' car, a species of self-denial to which he was not accustomed. Six months afterWards--h d;d not venture to call again on Miss Walcot Tilghman read the an nouncement of the young lady's marriage to a Mr. Walker, and not long afterwards met her in com pany with her husband. He proved to be the traveling companion who had been so tiisgusteu , 'wth his boorish conduct when on his last trip to the east. ( Our young gentleman has behaved himself rather better since when from home; and w:e trust that I some other young gentlemen who are too ucli in ! lliii liol.it C n.l e 1 " m-ln.n mu,i, iHKing care oi iiumoer one they are among strangers, will be warned by his mortiticatio'i, and cease to expose themstlves to the ridicule of well-bred people. f '' 'Do nothing agairJt jour'dbnsenck. THE ICE TRADE. The trade in this commodity, originally of small importance, has lately been growing with a rapidi ty peculiarly American. Wealih has increased in all parts ot our country in an . astonishing ratio, bringing -with it, as necessary consequence, a more general desire for the luxuries of life ; and wherever there is a demand for .any article there is no lack of tradeis to supply it. If we look at our own city, for examp'e, we cannot but remark the fact that the banks of the Schulykill. where formerly there were but two or three ice houses, are now lined with them thickly from Fairmountto the Columbia Railroad bridge, arid there are also 'many pothers within the corporate limits. ' The river SehuyrkiJI, which is frozen up every winter, is the quarry whence the dealers obtain their supplies; and the process of t utting and housing the article rc-Yiders the stream in that season a curious and busy scene. At the edge of the river elevated platforms, with blocks and tackle, are erected, with tracks conduci ng to iheir respective houses, and the various oj eratiotis ot cutting the ue with u-e-pl nglis, tioating j and dragging it to the platform, hoisting it up and i sliding ft thence into the vaults, attract crowds, of curious spectators, all gratified with the siglitex-f cept the skaters, whose amusement is spoiled j thereby. - ' At New York and other1rge Northern cities j the trade has grown into simiar importance- but it is in the vuinity of Boston where it floi.rishes I 'most, for the New Englanders, having alvays a; superabundance of i.e, have long been in the habit j f exiiortiiio- it to nai ls where it is scarce. J hev have li.us reaped large profits by sending it to the tropical regions oi America. So great, however, has been the growth of our own cities in population that in 'mild winters ihe dealers are not able to ob tain supplies adequate to the demand, and the stores in the Eastern ice houses are drawn upon to remedy the deficiency. Perhaps the longest j mrney travelled regularly y cargoes of Yankee ice is mat from Boston around j Cape Horn to San Francisco.1 It is a fact. Vouched I ;.r bv a correspond! nt of the New York Journal ot Commerce, that the enterprising downeasters are able to send ice to .an Francisco, via Cape Uorti, ami se.l it tliere on tetter terms man aie j IT i . I I . .1 one reii by the dealers in iuis-aau ice. This latter commodity is described as of a supe rior quality, about twenty inches thick, Clear, and beautifully transparent. It is obtained from Sitka, a place situated on an island of the same name, on ihenoithwest coast of America, belonging to the Russians, and adjace .t to the southern part of their possessions. . f . " The Russian ice is sod bv the Russian Consul to a company called the " Americau Russian Ice Company," and the vessels and men carrying.it to San lwaneiseo are not allowed to trade witli tne people of Sitka for any other commodity.' T lucre are about 400 inhabitants in the place, and eonsid erab'e.trade is carried on in furs. It is evident that as the tioou'alion t)f California increases, this ice 1 trade with Sitka must increase proportionately"; I Already two large cargoes of it have been sent to i Saii.Franci.-co, .ami the enterprising trailers of that flourishing city will soon begin to make it available as a means of traffic with the Spanish American towns on the west coast. In the frigid regions i iVom whicli'these stores of ice are derived there are i such inexhaustible quantities always to be bad that ! if anv encouragement to the. -trade were held' out j by the Russians themselves, the American capital ists of California would soon furnish it to all the i troiiical regions on the Pacific, j. It is somewhat curious that the Russians have i' gone ahead of the wealthy and energetic Britons. 1 Sitka is in the same latitude as the northern coast ' of Labrador ; y t w hat Canadian, or British trader i has ever thought of rendering available as an arti j cle ttl commerce ihe ice which lies in immense j quantities in that northern -region ? Ice is a dear i commodity in Philadelphia during the present sea- son, on account of the light crop of last winter, and j the . Yankee ice dealers at the East have so many ( customers' for. their ice that they' can raise the price to suit themselves. It is evident that we cannot dways depend upon this source to supply our'de riciencies; and, in view of the great increase of our population as well as th; tof New York, it oeliooves us to loqk about for a source in case of necessity. IfLabra or could be rendered availably for the i purpose by the establishment of a settlement there either by British Canadians or Americans, u would j be .of great use in supplying our own Southern markets with ice ot a superior quality and in any required quantity. JYorth American. On Listening to Evil: Rkport. The longer I live, the more 1 feel the importance of adhering to the ruli s w hich I have laid down for myself in re lation to the following subjects: 1. To hear as little as possible what is to the prejudice of others. '2. To believe nothing of the kind till I am abso lutely forced to it. 3. .Never to drink into the spirit of one who cir culates an iil report. 4. Alwavs to moderate, as far as T ran. the. un- ! kindness which is expressed toward others. o. Always to believe that, it the" other side were ! heard, a very different account would be given of ; the matter. ; j I consider love as wealth; and as T would resist j a man who should come to rob my house, s would I a rtian who would weaken my regard for any hu ; man-being. I consider, too, that persons are cast ! into different, moulds : and that to ask mvself. What sbou d I do in that person's situation ? I noi a jusi m-xie ot judging. 1 must not exject a man that is natma ly cold and reserved to act as one mai ls naturally warm and affectionate: and I . i . 1 1 - . ... . think it a great evil that people do not make more allowances for each other, in this particular. I uioik icoiu peopie are loo nitie attentive to these considerations. Simeon. The following conversation took place some time since, in one of our county towns, between a gen tlerran and his major domo : 44 Who is that driving the wagon down the street, do you know Henrv ?" "Why! La me! master, it's Mr. .What tou CALLUm's son. You know him mighty well!- Sympathy. A very tender hearted clergyman was walking arm in arm with a friend, one of whose legs was shorter than the other. Such was the sympathy of the clerical gentleman, and his natu ral politeness, that he hobbled quite as awkwardly as his companion perhaps a little more . : J GEORGE WILSON. . A few years since as Mr. Gallaudet was walking in the streets of Hartford, there came running to him a poor boy, of very ordinary appearauce, but whose fine intelligent eye fixed the attention ofg, the gentlenian as the boy inquired, " Sir'pm you tell mejof 4tnan who would like a Wov for hini, an Jearn him to read ?" "Whose l)are you, and wljeVe do you live ?" " I have no parents," was the lejiy, " and have just run away from the workhouse Jbecause they would not teach me to read." i Th gentl eman made arrajigements with the autlioriljftof the town and took the boy into his own faWiTy"r'There lie learned io read. Nor j wajs this all. He soon acquired the confidence of j his new associates, by faithfulness and honesty, j He was allowed the nse of his friend's 1 brarv, and made rapid progress in the acquisition of knowl edge, ll became necessary, after a while, that George should leave Mr. Gallaudet, and he became apprenticed to a cabinet maker in the neighborhood. there die same' integrity won for him the favor of ls new associates. To gratify his inclination for s:iudy, his master had a little room finished for him jju the upper part of the shop, wln-re he devoted j;'js ejsure .jtlu. t( ,js faVorite pursuits. Here he iriHle i-cf attainments in. m ithematics, in the French language and other branches. After being ; this situation a few years, as he sat at tea with "the family one evening, he all at once remarked tial 1,4 wanted to go to France, " Go: to France "''said his master, surprised that t,e apparently contented and happy youth had thus suddenly become 'dissatished with las" situa tion t' tor what V . "Ask Mr. Gallaudet to tea to-morrow evening," continued George, " and I will explain." - His kind friend was invited aecordingly. At tea time the apprentice presented himself with bis manuscripts in English and French, and explained his singular intention to go to France. " In the time of Napoleon," said he, " a prize was off.-red by the French Government for the sim plest rule of measuring plane surfaces of whatever outline. The prize has never bel-n awarded, and that method I have discovered." He then demonstrated his iroblem. to the sur ' .,nsii umi gratification of Ins friends, who iminedi ately furnished him vith the means of defrax iug his expenses, and with letters of introduction to Hon. Lewis Cass, then our minister to the Court of France. He was introduced to Louis Phillippe, and in the presence of the king, and. nobles, and plenipotentiaries, thisf American youth demonstrat ed his problem, and received the plaudits of the court. He received the prize, which he had clear ly won, lesides valuable presents from the king. He then took letters of introduction, and pro- tended to , thft Court, of St. .Imnes" and took no a similar pri, offered by the Royal Society, and r-e-M.urned to ike United States. Here he was prepar- ing to"secure the benefit of his discovery by patent, when he received a letter from the Emperor Nich olas himself", one of whose ministers had witnessed his demonstrations at London, inviting him to make his residence at the Russian Court, and furnishing him with ample means for his outfit. He complied with the invitation, repaired to St. Petersburg, an is now Professor of Mathematics in the Royal College, under tlie special protection of. the Autocrat of all the Rnssias! Recreation Neckssaryto IIealth. It is very generally recognized and admitted, that depriva tion of air and exercise is a great evil ; but it is not so well known that abstinence from occasional recreation or amusement is also an evil of no slight magnitude. It is, however, a primary law of the economy that no organ can maintain its integrity without regular recurrent periods of activity and of rest. In the case ot the muscular system, if any muscle or set of muscles cease to be used, it wastes and disappears ; but if it be used too much, it be comes strained, and loses its power. It. is the same with the nervous system : if the brain ba nevejr exercised, its energy is impaired ; but if it' be over ejuVcised its energy is exhaiis'ted. If", when a person takes a verv long walk, he return home fatigued, and finds that his muscles are temporari ly thrown into a wrong or disordered condition ; and it he continues this process of fatiguing him self every day, alter a certain time lie becomes' thoroughly knocked up, ill. and incapable of un dergoing even a common amount of exertion. So it is with the brain, ft an. iiufividnal keep his attention upon the stretch for an undue number of hours, he experiences, at the Expiration of his task, brain fatigue, loss of inent a! power, and a sensible necessity' of rest ; and if this individual persevere, day after oay, month after month, year after year, m subjecting his brain, without intermission or re pose, to extreme fatigue, he will end by se ting up a peculiar state, which is, unhappily, excessively common in these times, and is known by the name of congestion of the brain. The activity of every organ causes a flow of blood towards itself. If "a persom raise his arm by the action of the deltoid muscle, that action or contraction of the muscle produces a determination ot biood to its interior; ! and if a iertu ihinl- tl,, o nf tli.mrht i.at.a j fl w of Wood to the brain ; but if a person think I intently, this flow of blood is often very perceptible. tor the head becomes hot, ami a sensation of 'throb bing about the temples, or in the head itself, is ex perienced. Now . when a man undergoes too i much brain work, a constant and considerab e ! flow of blood to the head occurs, which mav be-. j come chronic or permanent, and prtduee thai c -n Uiitioti which is end the head a condition which not unfi t queiitly ends in apoplexy or paralysis. Congestion of ih brain is neoiuie most prevailing tliseases that torture . - j I humanity, it )S especially rif in F.n(rind and j America, where the spirit ol comme.ee "ruling the ; length and breadth of the land, piles up with one nanu uiuuense fortunes for ibe few. while with the other sne scatters among the Multitude consuming diseases. Journal Heal h. . Chateaubriand remarks, that one can never be the judge of another's grief. That which ia a sor row to one, to another is joy. Let us not dispute with any one concerning the reality of their suffer ings : it is with sorrows a with countries each man has hi own. Ba more prudent for yonr children than, perhaps you have been for ydurstlf. When they, too, are parents, they will imitate you, and each of you will mit, together with jour memory, the worship of your wisdom. POPULATION OF THE GRAVE Under this head the 'Merchant's Ledger has some very curious and interesting calculations. It estimates the average of births per second, for -the last eighteen hundred- and fifty-thre years, at aUut 815.- This would make the whole number of human beings who hare liVed since the birth f Christ, about thirtv-two thousand millions. Deducting from this number the nine hundred and sixty mrfliwns, who form the present population f the gSbTand it leaves the number thirty-one thousand; and forty :uillions that have gone to the Of this number the estimate is that,nine thoj3iid mllioirjjiave died bv wars. ' Figlftfthousand miliiousby fomineand pestuetice. Five hundred milliohspy martyrdom. , Five hundred andeigty millions by intoxicat ing drinks. Tnirteeii thousand millions natural or otherwise. Bv this estimate it wili be seen that war and strong dmk have sent one-third of the human race to a- premature grav. Fiusr Lovn. Can any man lay his hand upon his waistcoat and conscientiously say, " Until 1 saw the present Mis. Jones, I never was in love in my life'" Can any man say so ? He is a poor creature if he can ; and I make no doubt he has had at least friy-fi e fift loves since he began to be capable of admiring at dl. As for the lad.es, them, of course, I put out of the question ; they are fresh, no doubt; ihey never fail in love until mamma tells them that Mr. So-and-so is an amiable young man, and in every wav eligible ; they never flirt 1 with Captain Smith at a bait : and sigh as they lie i at home in bed, and think what a charming, dash ing fellow he is'; they never hear the young curate n-ad his sermon so s,weeilv, and think In w pale anil '. interesting he looks' an how loiiely he must feel ; in his curate Incise, ami what a noble work it would ; be to share the solitude, and soothe the pains, and . listen to the delightful doctrine of so excellent a man ; thev never think f attaching themselves to anv mortal except their brother, until he brings home a young friend, from college, and says, " Mary, Tom Atkinson admires, you hugely, and is heir to 1 two thousand a year!" They never begin the at ' tack, as I hae hearfl ;'bul their young hearts wait i like so many fortresses, to be attacked and carried I after a proper period of seize by blockade, or by ' bribery, or by capitulation, or by fiery escalade. Whilst ladies persist in maintaining the strictly de fensive condition, then must naturally, as it wee, take the opposite line, that of attack ; otherwise, if both parties held aloof, there would be no more marriages; and the hosts 'would tlie in tl eir res pi ctive inaction, without ever coining t a battle. I'hns. u is evident that as the ladies will not, the men, must take the offensive. I, for my part, have made in the course of mv life, , at least a score of 'chivalrous attacks upon" several stiongly fortified hearts. Sometimes 1 began' my works too late in the season, and winter su hleiily came and rendered ' further labors impossible ; sometimes I have attack ed the breach madly, sword in band, and have been: piuiiged violently from the scaling-ladder into the ditch ; sometimes I have nnnle a decent lodgement iu the place, when bang! blows up a mine, and I am scattered to the deuce ! and sometimes, w hen I have been in the very heart of the .citadel ah, that 1 'should say it ! a sudden panic has struck me, and I have run like the British out of Cartha gena ! Thackeray. " It's all right. Captain." As the fleet steam er R. w as coming up the Mississppi. not long since, several way passengers came on board at Vicks- . burg, and among others a giant looking, middle aged Kentuckian, who very soon became the subject of curiosity, wonder and general remark. After travelling a short distance, the party, except our "hero" made their way to the " Captain's office," and paid their fare to the place of destination. The next dy, the clerk made bold to call n the delinquent passenger, 'who had taken no berth, but had passed the greater part of his time in his chal and wi ll his usual-urbanit y of manner,-asked, - the Kentuckian to give him his place of destination, as it would help him in making up his book, intend ing, his question also as a gentle hint for him to pay his fare. ' ' i The giant rose .from his lethargy and replied : i " I'm going up tlie" river a piece it's all right, ' Mr. Clerk." , The clerk not being ninch the wiser from this answer, again politely asked " At what point do you intend to land sir ?' ; l' Don't land at no 'point, Mr. Clerk. It's all ! right though." j Here the clerk left our hero and went to consult : the Captain, wlio at" once lost his wonted good j humor, as the ch-ik related thi result of his inter j view,, with the delinquent customer. The captain ; proceeded forthwith to bring the matter to a focus, , and accosted the Kentuckian, saying : j 44 How far are you going to bear us company i up the river, uncle V 44 Oh ! I am going a piece up with ye but it's ! all rviht, - Captain !" 44 lint, sir," said the captain, "you have neither j paid your fare nor given the clerk your place of destination, and you are old enough to know the custom of steamboat. men, that when a man retuses to pay his fare, or to give a good reason for not ! paying, we put him ashore immediately, i W-e-11. capiain, 'spose ts your custom, but J it's all right." r'" . ; Here the captain lost his patience, and resolved to put him ashore forthwith, and accordingly order ed the pilot to land, ami told him to make ready to go ashore, to which he very "graciously replied : 44 It's all riaht. Captain." The boat Ian led. and the plank pu out, the . .1 I .1 L ...... ,lllT QJiIlfAil iriant was told to wa.K. to wuicu ue ' sa ing i 44 It's all right." After gettin ' on terra firms, the captain gave ! him- a short blessing for giving him the trouble to land threatening him a tip top dressing if he ever saw him again, Ac. ' To which the old man resid ed again, with an air of triumph, pointing to a fine looking cottage just above him on the bank : j 44 It?sall all right, Captain ; that's my bouse. It' ! all right .n Pride. Pride is disgusting, if it manifest itself in contempt of others, even of the lowliest. A care less, frivol, .us fellow, may deal in ridicule and con tempt Without respecting uiiuwi, uu win uu respect others ! But am in who is conscious of Ids own wotth, has no right to uudervaite b fellow men: Goethie. he;seasons. Hay and corn." ahd buds and flowers, Snow and ice, and fruit and wi Sprit g and summer, fall and w in'er, V i h their suns, .-md sleei, and showers, ISring, in turn, thfe yifis divine Spring blows, summer glows, Autumn reaps, wi uer keeps. Sprinir prepares, summer pr hies, Autumn hoards, winter hides. , Come, then, frieqds, their praises sound : oumuurr, "ULUIIjn, Winiftr. u"""r', aunimn, winter, snru e. X4u.ru in linn v ith" gladness ing : Time drops Me-sings as he flies. Time mukes ripe and Time makes w ise. A Loafer's Solroqy.-M wish I knew where to get a cent, I do. Jlest, if I don't emigrate to Kamschatka, to dig gold. Money's scarcer than wit ; can't live by neither at least, I c.m't. "I'm an injured individual. Society persecutes me. I don't do society no harm as 1 knows on. I don't rob widder's houses. I "don't know widders. I don't put the b ttle to my neighbor's lips. . I ain't got no neighbors ; and the fact is, I don't own any bottles. Couldn't till em if I didr " I'm an innocent man. Nob; tly can look me in the face, and say I ever hurt' 'em nobody ; and yet I haven't a roof to-lay my head into.' My old landlady jated n,.- ? I couldn't pay, and! left. Cause why? ain't l better, to tiwell in a corner of the houe-top, than w ith a brawling wo man in a wid house? But I ain't got a house top ; and if I had, a coi ner' wouldn't be safe, ould it ! "I'm a desp'rit man. Pd go to work if it wasn't for my excessive benevolence Fni afeareii ot taking the bread out of somebody's mouth. Besides, wisdom's the principal thing ; don't the g'-ou oook say so f w liat s money to wisdom! Am't I stmh ing character ? If a man kicks nm b -cause I can't pay foV niy Iicker, ain't I getting understanding ? ain't it a lesson in human liatur ? I'm told the world owes nie a living. When is it going to pay, I wonder ? l'm tired waiting." Ladies. Riding Sideways. The honor of the 'uifoductioji of ri.iing sideways by the women in - - linjaiid. is attributed to Anna of Bt. emia, con- ( -sort of Ricliard H. She it was (at cording to"-" Stow), that origina ly showed the women of this $ country how gracefully and conveniently they " J might. ride on horseback sitlew:iys. Another wid ." historian, enumerating ihe new fashion of Richard : the Second's reign, t)bserves: 44 Likewise m-ble la- . dies then usetl high heads, ami corsets, and robes with I ng trains pd seats on ndtwttlte!, u their Imrses, by the example of th re$ectable JtetnV Anna, daughter of the KintJr'rtrjV wlu'fiist - , introduced the custom into tlie kijt"ufor liefore " women of every rank rode as meti." In tlie beau- - -tiful illustrative, picture of Chaucer's Canterbury Pdgrims, btethard appears to have comni ttd an ; anai hronism in placing the most ctuispicuous femalo character of his fine compositions sidewavs on "her steed. That the lady should have been depicted I riding in the male fashion might, it strikes us, have been inferred, without any historical research on the subject, .from the pot-t's describing her as' ha-ving on her feet 'a pair of spurres sharpe." . . Discovery of Covkrdale's Bible. A copy of the first complete edition of the English Bible, prin ted by Miles Coverdale, bearing date 1435. was accidentally discovered a short lime since, in ihe false bottom of an old oak chest, -at Ho kham Hail, . Norfolk, the seat of the Earl of Leicester. There are numerous imperfect copies .if this edition of the Holy Scriptures in existence, two being deposited in the Library of the British Museum, one in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, one in the Cambridge University -Librjary; and in fact most of the greal li braries and public institutions iu England, as well as Jnany private individuals, possess a voume. ' The copy now brought to light is the most valuable spe .cimen of Miles toverdaie's labors hitherto known, beingin every respect, jierfect; whereas, all ihe other volumes enumerated are deficient of many leaves, both. at the beginning and at the end. The pro prietor, atllolkSiam, has had 'he book appropriately Itound, and enclosed in an oaken box, ami it now graces the shelves of ifsmiagnifioent library. A Lon don bookseller is said to have offered $500 fortius biographical tieasure. Honesty. The man that woud steal a pin, would perforin the same operation upon a p:ck-axe, were it as easy of conceaii.iient. " The man that steals not from fear of the prison, far outstrips -the highwayman, for the latter has a good quality which ihe former lacks courage. , Honesty in the heart is a natural, and not a cul tivated plant. jThere are no gradations in rogueiy ; all who overstep the chaimed line of honesty bear the same stamp. Honesty is the half way house to piety, and 'Us there the fatigued way-farer, on his journey of competition, takes rest ami refresh ment. Honesty may lie ragged for a season, but the sound heart that leaLs 'neath the tatters feels a contempt for wa ll dressed villainy as he passes, and a confidence in his own path.. The man that makes not sacrifice in ihe cause of honesty, is but a bubble on the 'my water of roguery, that sooner or later bursts and forms a part of the fifth. Beauty. Beauty is inexplicable: it appears jto us a dream, when we contemplate the-works jof great art:sts ; it is a hov ring, floating, ami glitter ing shadow, who-e 'outline eludes the grasp of defi nition. MendeDssohn, the philosopht r, grandfather of the composer, and others, tried t catch beauty as a biitttM-fly, and pin it down for inspection. They have Biieceedediin the same way as they are likely tosucceed with a butterfly. The joor animal trem bles and struggles, anil its brightest colors are gone ; or, if you catch it without ipoi!ing the colore, you have at best but a stiff and awkward corps. But a corpse is not! am entire animal, it wants what is essential in all things, namely, lifo spirit, which sheds beauty on everything. Goethe. Grocer. Mr. Editor, I'll thank you to say I keep the best groceries in the city. Editor I'l)' thank you to supply my family with groceries gra tis Grocer J thought you were glad to get some thing to fiil op your paper. ' Editor--I thought you were glatpto fill store-r xvms for nothing. Ifi a poor rule th$t ron't work both ways. "Exit gro cer in rage tlireatening to kill the paper "