' V -ft C VT.VI N H. WILEY, 1 31,1-., JR., ) A FA 1 1 L Y ! E W S P APE R-ftE UTR A L n-rr.r.TAM T. COOKF, EDITORS. POLITICS. TERMS:jTWb DOLLARS PER ANNUM. LYTTKLTO'N WADDET ;aote to all tije Sntetxsts of Jforfl) Carolina, Vacation, &flricultwe, literature, Jfopsflje tarfeets, &c VOL II 40. RA LEIGH, XOliTii CAROLINA, SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, 1853. WHOLE SO. 92. Iff glK "A 'ir Of 10 ie- my tie1 SELECT POETRY 'TIS NOT FINE FEATHEBS THAT MAKE FINE BIRDS. . . A Peacock t ame, wi'h his plumtige gay, Strut. ing i" real iride, ie day, Where a litilu bird hung m a yildi-d cage, Wliose,soi;g, tniht a her;iph's ear euiiag. ' The bird sang on. while the,peacock s-tod. Vaunting bin 4utiie t the w.fgH4J0rhMi?, " And the radiant sun seemed not mwre' bright Than ihe bird that basked in Lis golden light ; But the little bird sii'g, in his oun sweet word, lis not fine feathers that make fine birds !" The peacock tr'ted : a. bird so f..ir Never before had ven ured there, . .While the small bird hung at theco'tage door, And what could a peacock wish tor more? Alas! the bird of tUe rJnbow wing. He w;it n't con ented, he tried to sing ! And they who tazed oa his be mty bright. Scared bv bis scieanring, soon took'lo flight ; While the filth- bird &id, in bis own w eel words, Tis not fine feather th;;t rrf ke Hne birds ! ' , Then, prithee, ake warning, middens f;ir, , ; And s ill of ihe peacoik's tale leare; Iteauty and wealth won't win your way. Though they're a' tii el in plum ge tray; 'Something to cbnrni you :.U musi know, Aptrt fiom tine fea hers an 1 outward show ; A t .lent, a giave.' a gift of mind, Or else small beauty is left behind! While the Irth- birds Ving, in fht-ir own true words, "?Tis not line feathers' that nu.ke fii.e birds!" . - . From Dickens' Household Words. MAHUOT COCQUIEL. Is.thcreigu of Piiilippe the Good, Duke of Bur- m'ii-.ilr mid ('omit i ,f ' H Miimnlt or. more id ecsii v. fcu,"7 " "r ' . r v in the year one thousand tour hundred and forty two; the iieighhomood of Touinav trance was hav;iuvd by a gaii- of cut throats, 'who contrived to ;set the gensdarmes of t. e Count c completely at du- liauce. The very evening f the day on '.;vhich the bur- roiuaster Van KoU-c, ac'compiihied by the magis Jtrates and principal citizens, left lournay for the fctii jHise of obtaiiiing.au audience of the duke re. lpecting these outrages, a cavalier presented himselt kt (vi. u ,f tha rt' t i ivt' ttlf tiiWIi :ltnl ilpjn.llirl. rl Hll- l ' r ...it .... ... e ,t.a , . .ui.i trance. Acconlinti to the cuWnn ot lliose iroultied times he alighted fronvlurseba. k, and followed to Ul i .i . i . i - l ., , ie fjuard lnuse the soldier whose duty it was to i i t .i 'Ti t ... " arrest his further pri;ress. 1 lie new arrival was i .i ; r .(ti . 1 1 iobt)rs, possession of an efheent passport of cie kind or other ; for he had scarcely entered, t , , a- e i i j .. , then tlie officer of the fjuaid motioned the gate- I . ti ' i . i - i- f leepcr to allow him to proceed, wisiiinr bun good i . Al 1 , . .i i li-lit at the same time, and treating him with the i i" , .. t i . i i 'i i . atniost deference. It nii"ht be eleven oclorkat ! I. , , , n " i i , , f .i 1 ftitrlit. aiitl the moon illumined tfie turrets of tin-i I- , , , i i , . .1 .)... clnui.l.u t ( ttiu fv.t.tl ll'!i t'Ut i i . ,i i - i- ii i .1 i i Jia.lows stretched out at full leno;t!i, and assumed! f . . e A . .. ,, , 1 tliou-at:d fantastic forms as they fell uiassively on I lp1-.. i -ii- - .ii " i i "i i Jie neiulilK-itincr buildings. All seemed buried lit , f ,. t i i . , , , - , wofound s umber. At east, the si ence which ., , . , ' jrvailed jave ood reason to suppose so. Ivevt-r i u . . ' i ". . . .... , i Jieltss. m .one of i lie streets, w Inch led from the) . . . ' . i i i . ! . r ....... t ,.t.... ... I I ..... .... I .. hi-litJlt 1 1 n III l -...v.., c,... II Hl7 rnr MC3 ,'i iiiv .... ..... .tone from behind one of the lozenffed windows of. i i hi iii.ii -i u.i i. k lo t lit; .iniiip.iiia, n ui 1 -ii i-iiii.iv i t . r. ' " . .. i .lie burgbinastor' Van lioOtc's house. Its owner jjad departed -to 'the Duke's cainp with a heavy Vart. at the ihirtight of ieanng his daughter alone fith the aed Inverness ;. w ho wwuld be powerless .p preserve her from the assiduities of the gallants ii. . i , i.. . . i .. i l 1..." l... ! fii" ceasi. jess . nasseu anu reoasseti uciuic toe i . .. I house, It is true ihat Jeanne was soon to marry j cavaiier whom her. father had authorised to pay Ber-court which he never tail d to do eveiy eve- ng and that this wivalier who was known oy the name of Philippe du Gardin kept sufficient -mtu wcr ui untie io luiiuiiuaie uiose n no neie ifiripted to -approach 'her, Philippe-had been an hour in company with j eanne, when the cavalier, of whom we havesjvoken. I ntered the street. Observing a riw fixed in the j , , r ..:i.k:.... i. . ii.. w..". i i- . t ii e . I i . i r i i - fail of a neighboring hostelry, he fastened his i iorseto t. and moved towards the house, of Van iobec; before which he placed himself under, the Ibadow of the front screen of a mercer's shop, i ...:.!. C...1W fiv.. ,.,.-.j.-;n. lined window, this wan; watched his prey. His! ueic, niLlI 1119 etc itiuauiuin ujvt noun nic inn Und convulsively grasped "the: pummel f his word, which he drew fivm .the scabbard whenever ktkmor nlnre-within -the house. At fast the street ! t i ri -i- r. I l..f, Li-... I wTAjpened: and Philippe, after having left a kiss 1h.hi tlie forehead-of his" bride,-proeeetled nome- fards. The cavalier. Quitting Lis retreat, advanc- '4 towards him. " Halt, my gentleman !" he said. " I am not Mistaken. You are -Philippe du Gardin, the be- Inahed' husband of the'young girl with whot.i you pave just parted j . . Jiefore replying, allow roe to ask who you are ; hd with what obi. er. von nut that ouestion ?" said j - j i lllfirvno T 1, ,,.. L-n.-vw w.u T Um npvnr RPetl fu; consequently. I can have no business with foir. Leave me." 'Oh no, returned the assailant. I have not Iravt lhd a couple of ljigues on purpiwe to find f,,u,. to feturj without, calling you to account for p-ur insults-. - " Insults J" ' ' " Yes, my dainty primrose" replied the cavalier. It was' only Yesterday that I heard nf roiir visiL tlie Dame de Beaufroid, and vou peiceive I have lot been slow iu " 1 The Dame de Beaufroid !" exclaimed Philippe fitlt"eniot;on. Yes, 3-oung ri an I" The Dame de ' Beaufroid . filh whom lam in love; ami whom! mean to l-o.-n i tnvself. - You understand i" I u Your mistress?' shouted the youth, drawing fs sword. " I our mistress ? ItisfaNe!" i A liar, am I ?" cried the cavalier cooly, placimr Mnself in the attitude of defence before Philippe. Prav are voui visits. to that Udy ties!" NV." replied the youth. ' An.l those tender letters which I have discov- N, and which .have informed me that, while, you e PaTl"g cpurt to her, you come here to marry a furtjfoiser' ' . Those letters are tme: but all the rest is false; "the lady' is mine: and. as I do not choose that should belong to any one else at least during J iifeHimef-make use of your sword." - air cavalier 1 , In what I have spoken there is Isiery-which I am not permitted to reveal; but. teeth of your accusations, whea l bear it said SELECTE'D STORYT that the Dame de Beaufroid has a favored lover, and that you are that lover ; then, in spite of the happiness which I expect to find in an approaching and a joyful union, I do not hesitate to accept your challenge, at the rink of perishing iu the struggle." No answer was given to these words ; but the two swonls were instantly crossed, and sparks flew to the right and left. Four or five passes sufficed to disarm Philippe. , ; ' " Kesuiue your swo-d,n said the cavalier coldly. " Our combat is only to be ended by death."; i Philippe took his sword, and the duel commenc ed with fury on both, sides. In a few seconds . the youth fell to the ground, pierced through his chest, and yielded his spirit without utterin a word. Quick as lightning, the adversary mounted his horse, and disappeared through the gate of the town by which he had entered, taking the road to the north wan I. , At the clashing of the arms, Jeanne and her I 1 III . I ( governess in terror had ventured to look out ftotn the open windo.w. The first, object which met their v iew w as the body of Philippe, outstretched in that part of the street where the moonbeams were shin ing bright st. A. cry of despair escaped from Jean ne's bosoin. At that cry the neighbours arose in al um. What was their surprise when they rccog nied the betrothed huband of Van Robee's tlausfh ter I Their first care was to carry him to the burgo" muster's house. In spite of the exclamations arid remonstrances of Uie g verncss, who 'returned to her mistress utterly overcome, the neighbors laid the body of Piiilippe on Van Kobics bet I, and one of them went to fetch. a surgeon, to be. authorua :ively assured that I fe was realiv extinct. Jeanne, win from the first story of the house beheld her betrothed lying on the ground and who heard all the bustle within doors, Insisted on entering the loom in which Piiilippe had been placed. In vain tlie governess tried to opt)Se her wish. In a few minutes the girl was in the midst of the sorrowing 'neighbors, who did their utmost to tear. her away from so sad a sight. But Jeanne sti uggled against them, embraced the. .corpse of her. betrothed closely in her ai ms, lavishing upon it the most affectionate endearments. When the doctor came at last he had to testify to the Rouble fact, that Philippe was dead, and that Jeanne v. as seized with madness. On leaving Tournay, the cavalier went across the country as far as the church of the first village ; descended into a little valley, traversed a narrow brook oil a bridge of. planks, and then, penetrating the wofd- in an easterly course, he succeeded jii ar- rmng at a iiamtet where lletopped before tlieaate ,. . , f fttau Ijfltinged to a powe.tul itimn , no uati auunieo ail as iuhi 10 a woman m, . ' . . . , . , ti om nve an i-t nrtv to forty vears ul ajre, of noble . ' . descent, uri.veu uv misfialUMtr '"-r imu fwff v.ars nrevi(lUSv, to Hve in re. ? " i i ,i . tiienient here, ihe oiilv journeys she Iiad maoe . . - .. . . . ,J . - . since her residence in. the hamlet wt-re restricted to . , . u .. two or three visits to lournav ;-where she went, it i - i was whisieied, to see some person to whom she ,' , ' . ' , : teiideriy attached ,. f. , . , ... , ., I he cavalier passed the mght as tranquilly as it !. i. ...i ..is"., i . i .. ... ; ... . e 'Ill 11' 1 I " i' . ue nau resumed irom ficfomi'iismii"' some u-iibiio . . . ' . ' . - simple and natural :nair; and, ftie next morning 1 . 1 i us moii as he awoke, his first care was to t.ee the . . ,. . . ' i i i Dame de Beauboid. Her countenance when she ..... . . , , , received him, was impressed with a deep melan- , , , , ., -4 ' i i i .. i i;. , i ,t choh ; but that veryMnelancholv, addiuu to; tie . - ' . . -. J , , , ;. .. ',j i,.,,i paleness which overspread her teatuies, endijweit I X - .. 11. . - . ... iior w ith mm inpYiir..ssi i e caiitu at n interest. "Ah . it s-you, Mahuot i said the lady, in a voice of emotion. 4'1 have passed a sleepless night, ,v- " o - : , agitated by a thousand painful presentiments " Preseutiinents do uot always deceive, lit ie re plied abruptly What do vou .Tiean ? (rood G-d! what is the j , - , . . meamii' - r ot that e iHiire in otir countenance ot , . f , , Iiei liaisiuiess oi juui it.ons ; i "It is u-eless that L should conceal the fact. I have seen that Philiipe, of whom we were talking yesterday. I could rest no longer in the eruej un certainty in which I was placed by- the lefters which i discovered in your ora ory. I did! not choose after having left the annv of the Duke of ' i .'.. ur?u-t , ,in 01 ll,me' wllet,Kr J"1 thus conciuae j der to come and ask you, for the iast ou were willing k espouse me and ....K.v.in nyvllfif l.M. f I i1 1 I At IIIUS COllCIUUC a ICUIUS wunouiu, l oiu iivi - , ,n w"-u t-X i . L u,ww;' 4 -V - . This p ""K i " ' ,.uutfc-v-..s v l" , '-i - "Anu you nave mci wim jl minpe : . 1. 1 t .iesi W measures were a.,u iny ,.- "" proved exacw. v,onSeMUeUt,,x .au; o. I01"-' nat particular -eue m he entreats you to crown his happiness ; "llvu ire conciuue. uv uanut: 10 iwu ..u i- , ' .- & J , receive his kisses." "Well." " Weil ! he has not denied it ! On the Contra- ry, he confessed " "And then?" ' ! "Then, inv indignation overcame all bounds. I reproached him with his own duplicity, and j with your treachery. I compelled him to take sword in iiaud, the. very moment after lie had betrayed you, iu turn, by embracing her whom be was soon to marry." ' i " Make an end of your tale." - j "1 kiiTed liim !" harshly rejdied the cavalier. The lady appeared for a moment to be utterly overwhelmed, lint, mak ng a stroug effort she .-tood proud and menacing before the assassin and said, " Do you know whom it is that y. u have stricken i" j The cavalier remained silent. ! " Bbt to whom do I address myself ?" she added vehemently. 44 1 entrust Heaven to pardon me-for. having ever knowiv you. I should le accursed if I ever joiued bauds with you. You have killed my son 44 Her ton !" exclaimed the man, hiding h face. The lad v, exhausted and stunned, fell Senseless on the sofa. ' , .. i These events filled the whole province with con sternation. Jeanne did not recover her reason ; and the aged burgomaster, after having in vain endeav ored to discover the murderer of Philippe, dieI of grief. Tlie Dame d Beaufroid quitted the- hateau in which sht ha 1 found shelter. Some, said that she had taken the veil. Mahuot Cticquiel had re- joined the army of the Duke of Burgundy, lie aiu not remain there long; for, in the year one thou sand four hu died and forty-four, he came to Val enciennes, and obtained there, no one knows how, the rights of citizenship. One fere-day of that year one thousand four hun dred and forty four, there was a greatjeoiicouise df ieopIe in Valencietines, The streefi. the"Rouares. ' and the hostelrtea were crowded, , Guiety ahoc in every countenance. Philippe the Good had come to visit his faithful and loyal Valenciewiois. In. a noted tavern, a few steps from the church of Saint Pierre, the throng was, greater than else where. Mali uot Cocquiel entered it ; and observing a vacant table, took his place there. He scrutiniz ed with curiosity the extraordinary bustle which reigned throughout the place, when a bourgeois named Jacotin Piou vie r seated himself beside hiiu. ih.l.iot knew this man so slightly, that he - as sur prised af the easy assurance with which he seated himself at table. " Ah ! is it you, Master Cocquiel T sard Jacotin, seating himself. 44 I am very glad to have met with ou." " Are you ?" replied Mahjuot, visibly annoyed. "I have something to say to you !" said Jacotin. " To me ?" I have to tell you some news about one of mv relations, who lately died (amongst the nuns of - - " Liere." " What business is that of mine?" "Important busiin ss.'yeu wi I own." added PIou vier; '-when 1 have to.d you that her name was Gertru !e." "Gertrude." "J here hold her last letter her last wish. Do you desire to be inf rnied of it ?" j "It is no attair of mine," replied Mahuot, rising j as if to leave the room. j "On the contrary," said Jacotin, taking Mahuot by the arm, and forcing him to sit down again, "it is no other person's affair than yours." " What are the contents of the letter ?" said Ma huot, burning wiih anger. 'In the first place, she orders me to find out a certain Mahuot Cocquiel. You are he! Secondly, she orders me, as soon as I have found him, to say to him : 4 Mahuot, you laid wait for a young man, who was just entering life, in order to put him re leiitl -ssly to death !' That's what she says. Well, I, Ja -otin Plotivier, bourgeois of Valenciennes, am resolved to avenge the death of that bo', as well as j of his f.riiie, who died insane in consequence of your j crime ; and I call upon God to judge between us!" " Never!" exclaimed Mahuot with so much ve" l hemeu e that all present turned towards the two j men. - j 44 Never, do you say ?" answered. Jacotin : " I wilf force you to it !" 8 And then addressing the. crowd w inch surrounded them, and w hich fi.Ied the taverji, he added : 44 FanMtnds ! here is a man who is come toitake,1i) his right of citizeiishio. and he is a mur- i derer;Y lie killed pne of my relations, Philippe du Gardm, my cousm s son." A long murmur of surprise went round the as sembly. . : vio, irj tinniusi-trris mams a"trnrrtTi?reTi r' off -r to jus'ify my accusation in single combat." 44 Bravt!" shouted a sergeant-at arm, as he en tered the tavern with a handful of soldiers who had been enrolled that morning for the purpose of keep inr order. " Bravo ! you shall both of vou come along with me;' aud he led Mahuot and Jacotin away. By the law of trial by battle a relic of barbar j ism only abolished, here, in our own da -the aff iir ; fell iut the hands of the authorities. Preparations ! were then made for the duel, says the historian Le : Glay d'Ar!eu' (whom we translate.) in his Notice sur .tlemaettnes ; and, as it Was a grave and 1111 ipsiiir ceremony Philippe' the Gootl, Duke of Bur- : gundv and Count of llainault, determined to be i present. On Tuesday, the tweiiti th of March, one ! thousand four hundred and forty -five, the Grand ! Place of Valenciennes was ' converted into a list, around which an immense multitude was congre ! gated. At nine o'clock the champions were led in. dressed in bagtnif, or bla -fe sheep's leather, of one entire piece, closely sewed together from their feet to their necks, with their he ids naked and shaven. heir feet naked, and their nails cut. Tney were accompanied by the Bretons, or masters of exerci i se5, who Had oeen assigned to eacn oi mem auer ; their first confinement in prison and who carried I their sfnelds and their sticks. I hese shields were forme ; of wiilow wood covered with sheeps lealh- j er ; and-were three feet long. 'I hey bore f r arms a cross gules on a field argent. The sticks were of medlar-woop1, three feet long, and sharpened at each end. , Jacotin Plouvier, the appellant, entered the first made several signs of the cross, and then seated himself on a chair covered with black cloth at one end of the list, ou the side of the church St. Pierre. Mahuot came afterwards, knelt down, crossed him self, kissed the ground, seated hiirbelf on the side of the blfiy. The provost of the town then en tered the enclosure, and the champions swore re respeciiveiy on the Holy Gospels that their quarrel was -good. Next, their dresses were greased, in or der that they might have less hold upon each oth- 1 er; spices were brought in silver cups to invigorate them, and two other cups 'containing ashes. -who which they rubbed Jtheir hands. , When all was properly disposed according to the ttages and franchises of the town," the provost threw the giove, which had been taken up as the gage of battle, and eriel, 44 Do your duty! do your dutyi do vour du- ty r ' -, . . . . -. . Ihe champions, after having, beaten each other with their sticks, grappled together, and shook each other violently. Mahuot fell; but instantly got up again. Jacotin rushed upon htm, threw liim down once more, held him firmly to the ground, thrust sand into his eyes, and tortured him for near ly three quarters of an hour, to make him confess the murder. Philippe the Good remained in the house of Melchior du Gardin. the provost of the town, and watched the combat behind a blind. He sent to inquire of the magistrate if tin re were no means of putting a stop to this horrible stiuggle. The magistrate replied tint that could not be without prejudice to the privileges of the city and that the conflict must have its course. At last, after b-ing for a long while; tortured by his adversary, Mahuot. utterly blind and crippled in every limb,"cried,' Enough V but, on rising, he endeavored to rush upon his foe ; but Jacotin twisted his arms until they broke. The wretched man, acknowledged himself beaten, and confessing the murder, had strength enough to cry out so as to le heard at a distance : 44 My Lord of Burgundy, pity ! pity! I served you well in your war with Ghent!" The Duke was moved even to tears. He again asked the magistrate whether it were possible to save the life of this un fortunate wretch, or at least, when dead, to accord him. burial in consecrated ground. The provost answered, that the law mnst.be fulfilled step .-by step.1 eanwhile, Jacotin hat completed his terri ble v!3icieaut with U Jffj of his stick. Uetiuced the bleeding corpse by one leg, and dragged it out of the list; after which and this part of the chron icle caniKt be read without a shudder he went to the church of Notre-Daroe la-Grande, to return thanks to God for having caused justice to triumph ! Themagistrate gave .judgment that the niur ? derer lHould be dragged on a hurdle to the gal-" Iowsid be tnerle y fr form's sake, strangled and' ha'uff-Xtk;'l4uke"'of; Burgundy, justly indignant, at theelcutioii ; which he Iiad witnessed, and which;5 Jo spite of all his power, he had leen una nble toj prevent; ; swore to abolish this barbarous custom? Thenceforwards it was never practised in the Low Countries. Pretty Incident. We heard a very pretty little incident, the other day, which we cannot help relating. A young lady from, the South, it seems, was wooed and won by a youthful 'physician living ,iu California. When the engagement was made. the doctor was rich, having been very succesjful at San Francisco- , It had not existed six-months, however, when, by an unfortunate investment, he lost hisTen tire "heap." This event came upon him, it should be added, just, as he was making ready to claim his bride. What does he do? Why, like an honorable and chivalrous young fellow, as lie is, he sits down and writes the ladv every par ticular of the unhappy turn which had takfii place in his fortunes, assui ing her. that if the -fact pro duced any change in her feelings tow ards him. she is released from everyS promise she had rmide him. And what does the deir, good girl do? Why. she takes a Jump of pure gold, w hich her lover bad sent her when in prosperity, as a keepsake, and having it manufactured into a ring, forwarded it to him, with; the following Bible inscription, engraved in distinct characters, on the inside : "Lntrvat me not to leave thee or to return from fol 'owing after thee; for whither thou goest, I wili go, and where thou lodgest, I wilHodge; thy ppople shall be , my ; people, and thy God my (iod; where thou dlest 1 will die ; and there will t be bu rieil; the Lord do so to me, and more also if aught but tieath part thee and me." i The lover idolized his sweethea-1 more than ever, wheu he receivedthis precioui evidence of her de votion to him, both - in storm and sunshine. We may add that fortune soon again smiled tip n the young physician, and that he subsequently returned to the Norjji to wed the sweet girl he loved, and who lovely him with such an undying affec tion. Nay more, the happy bride and bridegroom passed through our city not long since ou their way to the4me of. the latter in the golden State. incidenT seems to YtAYTOtieTare pretty sure to. make good sweethearts wid -better wives. Boston paper. Every man needs the Bible. If it be true, that God holds each man directly accountable lo himself, that every one must personally give ac- ! count of himself to God, then every man ha- a right to know for himself what God requires of him, and ujion what principles he is to be judged. If a priest cannot answer f.r me, he cannot learn for me. If he cannot stand between me and Jehovah, he has no ritrht to obtrude himself between me and God's word A man may as well propose to eat for me and promise that I shall not starve, as take from me my own' portion, of the bread of life and as-ure me the health of my own soul. Hi? may 'as well stand between me and the prinrr, and teil me he will i drink for me and insure meagiinst famishing, as stand between me and the fountain of living wateis, and mock me by saying that, my thirst ought to be assuaged by his diinkingj My heart burns with indignation when I hear mv Bible, mv blessed Bible, denounced as a dan- roV& kfc Dangerous to what ? to soundness "of talt, ? to j,Urity of morals ? It is the faith. It is ti,e only t fficacious work on morals. It is danger- ,,us to s;n t, js danrous to the claims of priest- iy despotism. It is; dano-erous to the system which takes a man's mind and sou 1 and conscience out of his own ownership, and passe it over bound to the c ntrol of a priest. Jt may be dangerous to Popery, but it is the life of Christniiiity. Rev. J. L. Bur rows. ' A Beactifcl Pictcke. The man who stands uon his own soil, who feels that by the laws of the land in which ihe lives. by the laws of civi lized nations rhe is the rightful and exclusive own er of the land which he tills, is by the constitution of our nature under a wholesome influence not ea- . sily imbibed from any other source. He feels oilier things being iequal m6re strongly than another,- the character of a man as the lord of an inanimate world. ) Of this great and wonderful sphere, which, fashioned by the hand of God, and , upheld by His power, is rolling through the heav ens, part is his his from the centre to the sky. It is ihe space on which the generation lefre mov ed in its round of duties, and he feels himself con nected bv a visible link wiih those who follow him, i and to whom he is to transmit a home. Perhaps his farm has come down to him from his fathers. l hey have gone to their last home! but lie can trace their footsteps over the scenes of hisj daily laliors. The roof whieh shdrpr him was reared by those to whom be owes his lieing. . Someiuter-e-sting tlomestic tradition, is connected with every enclosure. The favorite fruit tree was planted by his father's hand. He sported in bo hotnl beside the broofe, winch still winds thtough the meadow. Through the field lies the path to the village school of -earlier dayR. He still hears from the window the voice of the Sabbath bell which called his fa thers to the house of God ; and . near at hand is tne spot where his ' parents lay down to rest, and where, when his, time has cotm, he shall be laid by his children.! These are the feelings of the own ers of the soil. J : Word cannot paiut them gold cannot buy therjj ; they flow out of the deepest fountains of the heart, they are the life springs of a frsb, healthy and generous national character. " . Edward Everett. A Gem. One of the sweetest gems of poesy ever written, is the following, from the pen of Fran ces Ann Butler: , - Better trost all, and be deceired. -A nd weep that trust, and ihat deceiving, Thn doubt one heart. tht if belieTd Had bteed one's tifewith true believing. Oh, in this mocking world, too fast The doabtiog fie" id o'futes oor yoti ' Bsnerlw cbetted tt th last, . Tha Ij tobteacd bop k& - - t From the Newark Sentinel. RHYMING ADVERTISEMENTS. -Truly, Mr. Ldiior, w live in a wonderful age. . The genius of poetry is abroad in our midst, most lavish of her favors. In years departed the Par nassian lyre hung all too high lor vulgar hands to grasp, aud few, and far between -were they w ho dared to sweep its silver strings. The muses not utpwoottd were won. The dryads and the Naiads still shunned the hauHts of men, and in tuVtfeep shade of the forests, and far down in the cool depths of the waters they sported all unseen. Now doubt less ashamed of thei. exclusiveiiess, they sport and revel everywhere, and . n all hands do they dispense j their favors. tamest, dodhke men there were, j whom the world called poets, who with sublime devotion toiled -up awful sleeps, and laid their grey heads in the grave, leaving1 perhaps one soug be hind them to stir men's hearts for all time. But siicii weary plodding wul not do for the universal Yankee nation. Business, business,' is the . watch j word of life, and the fortunate Smith, or Brown, j who has amassed his million, is at the apex of glo- ry, An l why should not theses nymphs and muses be hauled from their erst secluded haunts and made j to bear a hand in hoisting Smith or Brown to the j summit of his ambition, even as they gently led ! with manifold tokens of love, Shakspeare and Mil-' j ton to their nooks qf fame ? Happy thought, and j !o!'.'tis done. Far and near on every side, twangs i the golden lyre. The tailor plies his glittering j steel and woos the sacred nine. St. Crispin fiees ! with tear fraught eyes from his rightful kingdom. and the Aoiiides reign in his stead; the voices of the mystic band blend with the hammer's tap, and j bot.t and gaiters pass in stately, array aloiiguhe j harmonious verse. The merchant even as he clips "his 'tape incontinently drops his scissors as the spell comes upon him; ru-hing to his desk the willing numbers flow, and the next day's paper bears wit ness in famous jingles to the transcendent merits of that very tape. The daguerrian t o, (I have noticed that this class of men furly revel in rhyme) probably fancying himself a painter, aud knowing mat painting and poetry go hand in hand, uses Ids sister, (if she will admit the relation,) it must be Coufessed, rather unsparingly. And so wet go. Muses and medicine men, cordwaiuers and Clio, Drjads and dry goods, Polyhymnia and pewter ware lush on p 11 mell, with shoulders to the wheel, an.' irons in the lire, and axes to the grindstone. Now stitching a sleeve, now composing a distich. now tap ting at a heel, and now tapping at a Hel icon ; now trimming a bonnet, then rhyming up on it; now penning a steer, and anon steering a RWl1 Vc? iSttg'Huljyutjoar), now writing a 8fn favbrs solicits a continuance of the same', Cut Little and biff, and short and tall, Ou ihe subset lbei . it you call, A kind reception you will meet At o. 6ireet. Vastly improved from the old style, every sensible man will a mit. By. the way, would it not be a prime usjec" for some chap to go i..to this iui iiess of making rhyming advertisements? Selling the i tuff by the yard, or foot, in lots to suit custom ers.. Some men could reel it off at ihe rate of a yard an hour, (average style.) This might not only be made a lucrative business, but I snbmit that it would be serving the cause of humanity and philanthropy. Only think for a moment how many hours of anxious labor are bestowed by -oine of th-W rhymesters, on a single couplet. The in spired grocery dealer, never for a moment imagm- 'g 1"' Fn,se luc I'ut" . i . . . -II .v ....i.i cellence f his soft soap and cinnamon, is exercised with agonizing mental throes to express in sound ing rh vines his heartfelt conviction that his is the. ouiy soft soap and ' .-iunamou on the continent worthy of the name, and so on ad infinitum. Come gentlemen geniuses ! hang out your shin gles, here is a scroll for a sign which I shall charge nothing for I, Joseph Jingle, of all men, Expert and rea ly with the p n, Take pleasure in this mode of saying To th.tse.desirous of displaying y Their wares bef re the public vision. - ' In teniw worthy ff, their condition, :" That I am ready, quid pro quo, To rhyme pro bono publico. Translated for consideration, . To write for xli the Yankee nation. In eveiy kindot advertising. Done up with cheapness quite surprising. Come irien, my friends, who deal in drygoods, If you would tickle those who buy goods, Grocers, fhoemea, butchers, bakers, Tinkers, tailors, undertakers, , 1 have poems ad and funny. Take your pick and pay your money. Epic, r didactic versing, Each its wond'rous tale rehearsing, , Call on Jingle, one and all. Little and big, and short and tall. JOSEPH JEfSLE, ESQ. Ksocked Back. A pious old negro was set to plowing a very rough piece of new ground. Every few feet the plow! would run against a rock or stamp. The horse; morever, was dull, so that when thus stopped, it was very hard to start him again. I he poor negro, of com se, had a hard time of it, and i his piety and patience were severely tested. At last, thev 1 began to give Way. The altercations between him and his horse became more violent at every fresh! occasion for getting him in motion again. Fi- J nally, in a moment of frenzy, he swore aay at the ! horse in a terr fic manner. A moment reflection, however, filled him with distress, and, addressing his lorse, he said in a plaintive tone : 44 Dar, now. yon roiserble brute, see what you've done! You've jes gone and knocked me right back into the world again!" CaAB, tocr Hoxo r The Cockney conun drum ('Why is the present age like a vegetable!" Answer: "Because it is a cab age") is now; an- exploded fallacy. The new Act of Parliament, which restricts the compensation of London cabmen to sixpence sterling a in'le, has caused a universal strike among that fraternity. The sixpenny fare i not considered "strictly remuneiative," as Mr. Mac awber says, and it is probabie-that the act will be modified' In the meantime the great metropolis' is in a quandary, and the Jehus hugely enjoy th popular pucker. Companies, however, are organi zing to fid up the "vehicular parenthesis"occasioner: by the sudden withdrawal of the cabs. Puncl has taken hold of the affair, and is making any quaatity of jocular capital out of it. i Ob ! Doctor," said an elder y lady recently t . Doctor H- , the celebrated bone-setter, in de cr'bing the e&ct of a diseased spipe ; ? tcan nejtlie. lav nor set." In that case;' replied he, u should-. Jjecwmmend the ropfiet of gpwfog. f ... , $i i RECIPES To Keep Fliks and Mcsqitoes off. Spear mint is a j reventive. Kub it on y-ur horse in the morning, and they will keep clear all day.. A few drops of the oil on the head ot pi) o r will fceeb musquitoes at a respectful distance. Try it; it don't cost much. - -'; . , Pickled Peaches.- Take a .gallon of good vinegar, add a few pounds of Mrgar, IkmI H for a few minutes, and remove any scrim that rrwy rise then take tling-stone peaches that are fully ripe' rub them with a flannel cloth to get off the" down upon them, and stick three or four cloves in each; put them intoi a glass or earthen vessel, and poor the liquor upori them boiling hot; cover them up, and let them stand in a cool place for a week or ten days, t hen jiour off the liquor, and boil it as before, after which return it boiling to the peaches, which should be carefully covered up and stored am-ay .for future use. r Peach -Preserve. -Take enough clarified sugar to cover the fruit, lioil it till the s rup blubbers'on ihe opposite side of the skimmer, then put, in the fruit and let it boil lively two minutes; remove the saim ; let it stand from the fire till the next day; then take out the ..fruit, boil the syrup again, and as soon as the fruit boils take them from the fire," and w hen cold put iuto jars, and keep free from heat or moisture. Peach Jam. Gather the fruit' when ripe, peel and stone them, put into' the p in, and mash them over the fire till hot; rub them through a sieve, aud to each pound of pulp add a pound of while sugar and half an ounce of bitter almonds blanched and iKiunded; let it boil ten or fifteen minutes, stir and skim it well. 1 "'-. Peach Jelly. Take free-stones, not too-ripe, wipe them, and cut into quarters; crack the stones and break the kernels small; put the peaches and kernels into a covered jnr, set them in boiling wat er, and let them do-till, soft; strain them thiough jeily-bag til- the juice is squeezed out; allow a pint of white sugar to a pint of juice; put the sugar and juice into a preseving kettle, and boil thein twenty minutes, skimming very carefully; put the iellv i warm into glasses or jurs, aiul when cold, tie up t i f- i - - - - tui uranuiea papers. Peach Wine. Take nearly ripe fruit, stone it, and bruise the pulp to one quart of water, and let. it stand 'twenty-four hours : then squeeze out the juice, and to every gallon of it add two pounds of vhite sugar : then put it into a cak, and when it ;.as fermented and liecome peifectly clear, botlle it i ip, aud use at pleasure. N: Y. Tinwt. urtrwuilT. In a late number of toi "paper, some remarks were made upon the difficulties and .danger likely to arise from the rapid immigration going on -into.-this country from Ireland, 'ermany, Great Britain, an I tither Eurtipeaii countries, and lastly "from the rCmpire of China. Material i-uch as this is must difficult to be moulded into true republicans into r. iiable American citizens ! Soon after the publi cation of that article we noticed the following rom one of the best thinkers and writers of Cincin nati, after some remarks on the abounding crimes of that city : .' . 44 In the experiment of free institutions, it has e taiuly been very unfortunate that we have had o many thousands of ignorant and animal beings i ast upon our hands to complicate ana to hazard the destiny of the repulJic. With the millstone of Europe around her neck, u may oe nurd for Ahier ,ca to swim. D.d the evil pause or, stop, there udght be more hope : but while despotism appears to In? mor firmly se ted than ever on the th roues of the Old1 World, to keep up the', manufacture of a depresstd type of humanity, and then lorce it by its exactions anil revolutions across the Atlantic, we must ply, with renewed energy and fi elity, every good institution, if we would make republi canism the fair and uot de state of government and stHJiety we ie;ieve ii to oe. vve may oe sure iub society in America is to be no pasunie, no gala day and festival the year round ; but that it is (aud is to be) a serious, earnest, life-and death matter, that Will require all the patience, and faith fulness, and .wisdom, and self-denial, human help and divine aid, which earth aud heaven can afford." Home Gazttte. SERVANTGALiSM.-Zac?y.: " Wish to leave I :Why, I thought, Thompson, you were very com fortable with ! me V . Thom.pt.yn. (who is .extremely refined.)- "Hoh, yes, mami. l aon t nua no iaiui wiia you mam nor yet with' master but the trnth his, roam i it... V, . . 1. . o.. .tula is a.-. rrifL vulnrfir anil hi 0110- rant, and speaks so hungrammatical, that I reely cap not live in the same . 'ouse with .'em and I should like to go this- day month, if so be has it won t inconvenience you l"rJJuneh. The editor of the Springfield Post says : tt A man who leaps iuto the matrimonial maelstrom now-a days, often marries more than he stipulates for in the contract. He not only weds himself to a woman, but a laboratory of prepared chalk, a quintal of whalebone, eight coffee bags, four baskets of novels, one poodle dog, and a lot of weak nerves f that will keep four servant gins and three doctors around the house the whole time. - Whether the fun pays for the powdet is a matter for debate." George Se'wyn once affirmed in company that no woman ever" wrote a letter without a postscript. My next letter shall refute your said Lady G. Selwyn soon after received a letter from her lady- . ' - , .: J. u n Q HTl ship, when after ner signature stoou : - sr. a. n uu is right now, yon or if .. .. : . - ' ' Wi have frequently heard that r tobacco was poisonous to snakes. Here i the proof: . . ... , ... ti -..'it.: . An old! way. in iow, wime wmsmg.iu wood, was! bitten on the end of her nose by a rat tlesnake. 4 The old lady recovered, but the snake died ! Coroner's verdict poisoned by snuff. A cheerful temper, joined with inncwnce will make beauty attractive, kaowledge delightful, and wit good natured. It will lighten sickness, poverty, and affliction, convert ignorance into an amiable simplicity, fnd render deformity itself agreeable; Two men were conversing about theilj humor .of their "wivi : -'.. r ').' ySS "-.':-'-' Ah, said one, with a sorrowfal expression, mine is Tartar . --h 'i f, ;,!l-v-.-WelV.rsplied the other, frro'n U VorM thlQ tlal xama jt tba Warn bf Tarfcuv '