t;r7" ' .. ,s - r :Z'i. . ... . ..... - r -..; V. . . 4 ... -er.-4 r, . tTTTEWON WADUE, L' EDITORS Li, JR., 3 A FAMILY NEWSPAf ER-tEUTRAL U POLITICS. TERMS:TW DOLnAKS ,, ( PER ANNUM. Petbt to all te Bnlertsts of orti) CawlM rucation, multure, literature, 3tos, tc ttarfeete, &c. fOL; II-NO. 42. 1IA LEIGH, XOimi CAI10LINA, SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 1853. WHOLE JO. 94. origin al;story. X- WtTTTKIC FOB THE SOCTHEBW WEEKI.T FOST. SOUTH- CAEOLUJ'A SKETCHES ' cakes whenever lien was, as they ever were of any thing; and old aunt Eady or uncle Corling, follow ed the candidates, around the county, with their cake and candy carts, a regularly' as they hauled up on the coni-t green during the sessions of court, and they drove a profitable business at it too. I say. Ben treated the bovs, but so did Silver George (another good-natured candidate) and Col. tlieir dinners, , The 1,s ELECTION SCENES, j u . , Tlie experiment has been fairly tested, and th -iesaViVas troveti bevotH all t-aviKtW " man v wi ' 3. J l 'I . 1 O ' . ... . ' r . . I Ot.nPr . P.nnnirlatAT worn liKai4 nnan.heartn mAn. tons is the very prop and support of our govern- W they only thougllt of; bojr8 and cakes "once in uWW WuMi.uij;u.y:.is vr, iu utucr nurus, w eir- -p- ft Qf ft an(j cross. cumscribe the bounds of huraaa freedom, you deal road3 taker combined and llttle feIIow he was, a aeaiu oiow 10 noeny : KnocK away tne main T, v t 4 t n i ii a - . ' 3 . L ve seen him hancr " old bosses after haviner filled his head and his pocket ivith aThe Jeflfei-sonian on election day, he ivon golden opinions frpm the gaping and admiring bystanders, by detecting and exposing a politician in reading from one of pillar of that noble and beautiful fabric which Washington and his compeers erected, and theit ' an(j descendants have labored to strengthen, and you dash the whole "structure to atoms. And shall this ever be t Shall time ever witness the downfall of liberty, and the hydra headed monsters anarchy, tyranny, misrule trampling on her prostrate and bleeding form, and smiling in derision or frowning in anger on her few remaining, constant, unappall ed devotees? Forbid it I thou Almighty God! whose boundless wisdom guided, and whose pow erful arm sustained the littler4'and of patriots in " times that tried men's souls" 1 Forbid it ! Oh, forbid it! and let the structure stand, and increase in beauty and strength, a monirment of thy power, thy mercy, and thy love ; and teach thy thoughtless creaturea here to estimate its value and love it next Thyself. General Harrison's letters more than it contained. M Haw ! haw ! haw V ihouted old Billy Stokes, " yon got him then Petej haw ! haw ! haw !' " Y-e,-s," said Gil, who always drawled out his words, w ith great precision and nicety, but never stuttered, " h e did-n't d-o a-n-y th-ing short-e-r, Pete is the.Srery man'for hiae." " Hurrah for Poker !" shouted some one in ths crowd, meaning Porter, for Ben was a comparative stranger in that region before he was brought out; as much so, perhaps, as James. K. Polk " was when, five years afterwards, he was announced as a candidate for the Presidency, "Hurrah for Poker! Tm gwine -'for him." "Hurrah-far Ginral Jackson !" responded some seas over; " Ginral How one's thoughts will soar when a subject so sublime engages -them! Liberty ! Liberty ! ot a. oM.t;m Democrat about half - ?, . , : . : -. - , Jackson agm the world." WlUUbV.-, uukiiiuna'Vu v.v.j w . matt. r; T,, i)l.. yi : 1 1. - .- - -'. r . i. I . iiv aiyo an v liiiiil- (iLiu. ucu jl unci : saui iiixi -P:e 156 iao .n exe-u- lu" "t" fcUCU u,a first, bristling up. . - ... . . - .i 1 does, less come on." answered number two. to bloom, awhile in all. the loveliness of -nature, to 1 Number one pitched right, into him, and they - - 5 ,& , , rolled over jn the sand for a minute or two, claw ifcssea oi some iair-njHjaiiu, auu ucur um i uc wi aside, neglected, to .wither and die, and mingle its beauties with the dust from whence it sprung. No; none of these, but it prckras jewel, richer far than bid Ocean's diamonds, and "as enduring as time it will' seekii'and u 'floUralf aslha-CeH'tay. tree" on another. It is a gif ing at each other for life.! " A fight ! fight !" shouted some ; " part these men," cried others ; " hands off and a fair fight," bawled several in a voice ; " I command the peace ! I command the peace !"- shouted old Squire Henly at the top of h-ia voif.' Jne pildt, , nf anfftt?8 self f for if forbidden a home on arie hemisphere. ; , ' , the fight went on brisklv. "''Take that back, you " r o ' I ran mnnth ntm.irmf. riitfl HiiAlr what, vni i equi anrin himseu,a gut mi ?uouit vr uo o you infernal ;ocus y0(.Mm or ru beafc life, and second only to the giver. .But while the- QU inU) a hoe.cake said nuraber one, who was Ml. J i f I,. .1 Annrt J tree, untrameuea ngut ui uu.g 7 - on top and giving it to number two in the short privilege tuat a treeman can possess, it is aist uu trora wnicn springs mucu Hu.U8..b . .-UJ ifurrah for Ginral Jackson, and d n, Ben pviU and the anna s 01 tue umereui eiecnous, men n , - ,, , , , evus , duu t"""" y : ' Pokum, answered number two trolicfes, tneir treaung, ine.r ugut,.,, -Gentlemen," shouted Sam Friday, "this aint a and "tavortuigr and .-every '"F'-l fair figllt? one man 's too drunk to fight, and the would have . combined tnree points ana Puv.. otLer 4s too dnjnk tQ dtf iriything ese ,r,u:rtu xi.i nrkf aan ;.hA rftauer s nonce : iiiuse ui TT 111 VIA WUv w - , , amusing, interesting and disgusting. ' About thirteen years ago, I first began to take notice'of these things and they then made a deep impression upon my mind, which time must fail to eradicate. uncVtnfla nliti.-ians" and.newsoaper scrib- 1 WOO i. 4 A ty, and any man had (or rather exercised) a perfect right to use his neighbor's horse, bridle and saddle, or buggy, no matter where he found them, or what the politics of the real owner were. It was suffi cient for him to know that he " was fighting for bia country ;" that the horse was therefore; his own ad interim, and should serve him till the battle, was over. ' tsm,joniijjn.iiight-4otH even three-men on a Hon; hugging each other most af ectionately and huzzaing with all thejr might for 'Gineral Tippecanoe .Harrison," or " Martin Van Buren" or " Gineral Jackson," or two orj perhaps all three of then?, . " i I have said heretofore, that. JLhis was the first campaign of which I took any notice it was also the most exciting except the .".By num. and Potter' bull dog warfare of which I have heard. Each party had made out accurate lists of al their adherents, aud the " doubtfuls,'f long before the fatal day rolled around, and the " whippers in" were busily engaged in looking after the tatter. All the candidates were elected on paper, a day or two before the election, but before sunset on that day half of them had concluded that they couldn't leave "hum" for anything short of the United States Senate., ' j Zeb Hokey was put down as one of the "doubt fuls." Now Zeb was one of the cutest fellows in the count', and though you might see him in a crowd, and take him for an arrant, fool, the chances were ten to one that he would satisfy you in the course of a twelve month's acquaintance that he was anything else. To describe Zeb is beyond my power, and yet there was nothing very peculiar about him. ,He was tall and lean, had a redundance of long red, uncombed hair, which, when his old hat (and I never saw him have a new one,) was on, his head, might have been taken for the lower end of a cow's tail converted into a wig. He was always raggedly attired, and had a dulj stupid appearance except when pretty deep in rot gut whiskey" (or lest I may shock the nice sensibilities of some fas tidious .reader in petticoats, I will say "rotten chit terlings whiskey,") and then- he would cut up all sorts of capers, and like as not, wind up. with a "Georgia rotation." Zeb was considered "some "Well ZeV said he, "I want to hire you a few days, I'll give a dollar a day and find you." "Good tfpu please," said Zeb, "here goes," and taking seat in the buggy away they went. Just before night they approached a rendezvous, and ZeV remarked to his companion4 Captain, ef you jj waitf re a hour cr two and lend me your coat, I kin. CaM steal another man." ! JakeJTUlH-, fWin, "utlLXaint here when YpugetAck, come on to Clem Dodger's, you'll findiDi3,here." ' AlLrighv' said Zeb, and giving the horse a crack vrith the whip, away he dashed, down the road. ' - ' " ' j On arriving at the fork be took the road leading to Dodgers, but just before he got there turned down a narrow by-path, aW driving some three hundred yards, stopped ad hitched. He 'then walked on till he came to atother path leading to Dodger's, which was about tfco hundred yards fur ther on; On arriving at Dodger's the first man he saw was Bill Foster. Now Bill was one of the " doubtfuls," but. Zeb knew he was " kindo' inclined tuther wav," so he beckoned him aside without be ing perceived. "See here Bill," said he "I know its mighty fine to stay here and get plenty o' good licker, but I know you cant do iothin' unneighbor-ly-Iike, and so-I've come to see ef I cant gijt you to go home wi' me and help me set up wi the old 'oman, beiu' as she's dreadful sick." " Yes, Zeb, I will, 'Miss (Mrs) Hokey took keer o1 me when I was sick, and I'll jess bedrotef.I wouldn't do anything in the world to ableege her." " Well, come on," and Zeb led the way down to the buggy. Hitching the horse and jumping in, was short work, and in a couple of hours! they hauled up, at Zeb's house. Bill was requested to unharness' the "cretur" while Zeb went in to see how the "old 'oman wa3." She was a good deal surprised to see him, but he soon let her understand the state of affairs, and by the time BiH got to the House, she was stowed away in bed and groaning like a dutchman suffering under the toothache. In the course of the night (having received a hint fronvZeb) she requested Bill, a.s a favor to her, to go' to tbe election md vote with Zeb. '"'I'll tell MISCELLANEOUS. JEERY AMONG THE ABOLITIONISTS. A day "or two since, we spent an agreeable half hour in the barber shop of Jerry, who had just re- 1 fcnow ;3 an age cf progress, and that th rights 6f humanity have higher claims To oursyu- AbolitiomsU " Ah ! like the rest of your un fortunate countrymen, I perceive that you have been nurtured in the school of deception, where false doctrines are inculcated and imposed upon the minds of a nation of God's people. Doyou not turned from a visit to the Northern cities, and the Niagara; Falls, 'listening to a history of hia adven- itfres Jimok tbVAbHtW 4 .... ..it.. o awwnt servant, -wtttouwgr iw uu-1'" 1 irnder oie earto r "r .iooiinonKtrrwic pathies than any, lay Jbat are given n ihebeaveua nister to Spain, the Hon. Daniel M. Barringer, and is highly respected by an extensive circle of ac quaintances for his honesty, good looks, humility and intelligence. The abolitionists made three as saults upon his fidelity during his Northern tour. They first attacke d him, three in number, in the city of Philadelphia. The oldest one approached and saluted him, when something like the follow ing dialogue ensued Abolitionist. " You are from the South, I pre sume,, sir ?" Jerry.-(Sot suspecting.) " Yes, sir." , Abolitionist. " From what part of the South are you, sir ?" Jerry."- From North Carolina, Sir.' Abolitionist. "The meanest State in the Un ion. "Do you take it up," cried Jake Jones, "Drot your soul come on,'' and into him he pitched. " Hurrah ! go it, give it to him Jake," cried Bill Haddon in perfect ecstacies. "Whop," went something beside Bill's head; " you 're agin cousin Sam are you ;" and away they went, in a fair wav to have a general battle. I biers, were like musquitoes on a Itoanoke plantation ; concIude(1 it was tjme for me to" leave, as the Tun you could scarcely go amiss for them ; and when they were not upon , you, they were buzzing all around. I well remember little Peter Pickle, and Billy Nod, and Tom Skinflint, and a host of others who flourished in those days of my "youth's sunny, flowery, but fleeting &istencev; and it is even now a source of pleasure and amysement, to go back . and live over again, those happy halcyon days now flown forever 'Tip and Ty," hard cider, log cabins, and "that same okl Coon, were then m the ascendant, ana the " little magician " and " old Tecumseh " were fst sinking down into a most peaceful and profound nothingness. One party had ad the thunder, (and hr is no telling what a vast amount of it was in had left the sublime, and the "toddy tub" was nearly empty, and I therefore got my " creetur " and paddled. The last words that fell on my ear " above the din of battle-" were "Hurrah for Ginral Jackson, he never gin up yet, and I'll be darn my pictur ef I'll disgrace him ; kill me ! kill me! hurrah for Ginral Jackson and d n your Ben Poky." ; In the different sections of the county, the con test for the State ofiieers was animated to the high est degree. Treating, fiddling, frolicking, hauling, betting and fighting were the order ot 'the day. Whiskey ; barrels bled freely, and noses almost equally so. Elections were not conducted as peace ably then as now, and it was considered a very tame you whatlMiss HokeyV said he " L don't know how punkfns" by a few of the knowW, ones, but- he 7Va.-ggwfc4iopQteil)Ut; dinff.inv..ca marm. (I preferred that others should think htm a fool, lie begs pardon, I ef you was to ask me in that way prefi was as true to his party as the needlej to the pole, but some of the " young smarts" considered him " doubtful," and therefore determined to " nurse him," or to use the term that is most commonly used " steal him." He therefore arranged every thing and went to see Zeb 'at his house about four days before the election. Zeb was glad to see him of course he was always glad to see any one. " Good mornin' Zeb," said he sitting in his bug gy, " how's the old woman and the little ones ?" " All well thankee Squire, how's yourn ?" " Pretty well Zeb here's some ginger-cakes for the-children they are fine little fellows (they were ugly enough to scarecrows,) you must have a pretty wife Zeb, to have such fine children, and she m list be smart too, for she keeps everything as clean and nije around here as a milk bowl." " Well Squire, you'r talkin' the truth now, for though I say it myself, Betsy's a number one gal, and she aint ugly nuther ; well, come light Squire, light and tie." , " I thank you Zeb, I havn't time, I came over to see if I couldn't get you to godown to my house and maul me some rails to fence in a little piece of ground I'm taking in to sow wheat in this fall ?" " Well Squire, I'm out of a job, jest now, and ef Betsy's willin' I shant mind ef I do what'l' you give V . .-ft .1 . VV7 "hard cider" and its accompaniments for tne time uninteresting affar to have a gathering and no bnin .while the other, alas: naa none, auu tW small arms could not, of course, stand a drowning cat's chance before the heavy artillery of w . . . , .I -i .' u: " .u.;. .PPnt. u Hard cider ' ana -tooii.m were bound to carry tbe day , - ewy- tf IO,eoaw that: but still, the "Corporal's guard"' as "Matty n rnr,mar9 wrft humorouslv termed DUJvr. v.- - fono-ht bravely throughout the whole contest. I was a school boy then ; yes, a gay and happy ' schoolboy; and with my fellow students was ai wavs found wherever there was to be any -public peaking, if it was . not more than six miles off, (for that was as far as we were willing to walk,) and I once went so far in my love of the fun, as to ; walk r W-,11 to Brinkley's to hear Mr. Wdburn and Col. Loyd mainly, however, the latter, for 1 did not know tha the former was to speak until I ' reached the spot and head him expounding the eternal gospel and the great whig creed, in a 16 by 24 log cabin. - Bea Porter, among others, was a candidate for the Legislature. .(Poor Ben! he was afterwards elected and re-elected; but alas! he nooocap.-- xnan's last resting" place ; he sleepa within the bosom of the cold, heedless earth ; and though the voices of honor and of friendship have no power to ,-";: Soothe the. 5dll cold ear of deathV -' Tet 1 knew'him so well, and esteemed him so high-1- . a;a .H who knew him, that I cannot pass lightly over his name, 6r allude to him without JLi ,w hlimble tribute of "friendships offer- ior to his memory. Peace, sweet, con ' tinned, uninterrupted peace, to his tear-embalmed and honored ashes. He aeaa , uu. ten ' Let the reader pardon this digression, 1 wi.l continue.) , The boys-were just as sure of ginger r -w-r- .- i fights. On such an occasion old Joe Ivent would go home crying, (pretty drunk,) and would say to his companions, "the muster want'wuth comin'to, Tvw. V. arw nmt uton o ai n of 1 A flOrVl t nor had one nuther." On Jordy V "oh lordy ! and what 'II Sally say when she finds out I aint? Oh lordy ! oh lordy ! she'll swar I've been too drunk, and wont bleeve me, and she wont let me go next time. Oh lordy ! oh lordy ! and she wont let me vote for nary one o' them candits, caus they dont git up no fights. Oh lordy 1 oh lordy ! ef 'twas only Jesse Bony he'd have 'em a fightin'. Yes, by blazes he would ; hurrah for Jessee Bony ! Zeke Slade, you 're not a Bony man, you 're a Loyd man, blast your eternal - pictur, and I aint a gwine to stand and hear no man abuse my wife and children, you ole cuss ;" and from the most pitiful whining he would work himself up into a terrible passion, and then into a fight, out of which ha always came second best; but he did'nt care for that, so that he could tell his old 'oman there had been some fight in', and, as he always did, that he " give Sam Jones or Allen Pepper or both, a h 1 of a whippin'." .1 have seen as many as five or six men engaged in a fight, knocking down they knew not, and eared not whom, like boys playing marbles, " every man for himself." - The candidates and their friends were spreading themselves. Every buggy, cart, carriage and wag on was employed and. filled with sovereigns two on a liorse and four "in a buggy, was abut the av erage. Every man who had no means of getting to a precinct, was provided for, and especially if he happened to be one of the doubtfuls." JSo man walked unless he preferred it, ud sometimes he didn't even do so then. Horses were public proper- "Half a dollar a day and find you." "Good enough wedges, couldn't tern as much at home, but efyou wont light, wait till I can step to the house and see Betsy." Well, make haste Zeb." " I'll be back in a minit," and-Zeb went into the house and consulted the old 'oman thus : " Betsey, Peter Jackson has come up to steal me, so take keer o' the childun, I'll be home Friday or Satur day, good-bye, feed the pigs reg'lar." 1 " Good bye Zeb," she replied, "bring I and: tne childun somethin'." ! : Zeb went out and got in Jackson's buggy, saying, " well Squire, I dont know as Betsey Tceers much, so I dont stay too long. " After reaching home, "the Squire puts Zeb to work about a quarter of a mile from the house and goes down occasionally to sta' with him. About Wednesday the " hauling," was pretty general, (the election being on the next day) and every " doubtful" was taken care of i in the most friendly manner. " The Squire" had been down with Zeb all the morning, and was just about to start home to dinner, when Zeb addressed him " I 1 say Squire ! You gwine to the house 1" " Yes." " Well you better not, somebody '11 steal me cer tain as you do it. " I'll be back in half an hour, you hide yourself if you see any one coming." " Well, I'll do my best Squire, but I feels mighty doubtish-hke, I'm mighty feerd you'll miss me when you git back." The Squire went home to dinner ; as soon as he got out of sight a buggy drove up as near as the road would admit, to where Zeb was mauling. " Hallo Zeb !" cried the occupant, " step this way a minute. Zeb picked up his hat and coat and went out to the road. Theoccupant of the buggy proved to be a mem ber of the opposite party. I'"- ' and sick too, ef I didn't vote for the devil himself even ef daddy war a candida'e agiu him, I'll do it sure." ' This was eno"gh, Mrs Hokey got so much bet ter during the night that Zeb and Bill started off by break of day, and they both voted together against the party to which the owner of tlie horse and buggy was attached. That night Capt. Billings found Zeb aiul took his horse and buggy, reproaching him for the non fulfilment of his promise. " You stole me," said Zeb, "and I told you ld steal another, and so I did. Drot ray beans ef I tole any lie about it." The Captain had met Bill Foster and heard "all about it," and feeling himself outwitted was in no very agree-ible humor, he left instanter, but before he got out of hearing distance, Zeb cried out to him, " I say Captain, keep a sharp look out, ef you don't ice'' 11 steal you next time" " Go to H " shouted the Captain giving his horse a bad crack. Zeb went down 'o Peter Jackson's to collect the money for his work. The Squire too; had heard . " the news." Well, Squire," said he " I was afeerd they'd steal me, and sure 'nough they did. I couldn't help ft Squire, they come it over me that time, but j they didn't so mighty much. One vote aint nuth in' you know." " Jackson didn't let Zeb know what he had heard "from good authority," paid him his wages in full and sent a new dress and some " purties" to " Bet sey and the childun," and Zeb departed for " hum,"" to eujoy for a twelve month the peace and quiet of private life." 7 , AC THORNLY. Jerry. -(Fired with indignation and beginning to suspect.) "Yes, sir! Our laws punish, most vigorously, all rogues, thieves and gamblers; and I am not surprised that our Sute should be unpopu lar with these classes of people in other States." Abolitionist. " Sir, vou had not dared thus to have answered a Southern gentleman." Jerry. " A Southern gentleman would not have spoken so contemptuously of my native State. But if I have offended you, I beg your pardon. I spoke the iTuth without reflection." Abolitionist. " Well, I'll forgive you. ' If you love your native State, it is your duty to defend herwhen her virtue is assailed. How are you tra velling, sir ?" Jerry had accompanied Messrs. W. W. Elms and John Wells, as. waiting man,. travelling on an ex cursion of business and pleasure, and he answered his jjuerist in the following vein : "J am travelling with my boss and another gen tleman on a trip of pleasure. We expect to visit . objects of curiosity in the North." Abolitionist. " D n your boss. We don't know such a character here. This is " free soil," and you are just as much of a boss as he is, if you choose to be so." Jerry. " Yes, sir. That may. be so, but I am perfectly contented with my lot. I am used well, and treated like a gentleman wherever I am known, school of the higher law Divines, and believe t& at old institutions are not suited to the present state , of progress in the world." .. Jerry." One would think so after listening to such a speech. You would doubtless call us all "old fogies," but we of the South are content to be denominated " conservatives " in law, religion and politics. Our fathers have lived and flourished un der the present order of things, and, with the bles sing of Providence, we think .thai we can do the same." Abolitionist. "Ah! I see you are a 4 hardened case.' But before I quit you, let me recommend you to our friend Dr Smith. He is the great or- ' gan of our Society, and the High Priest of the abolitionists in New York. The lawns such that you can be retaken by your master should you choose to declare yourself free in New York; but Dr. Smith will furnish you with fifty dollars, and devise the means for Our escape to Canada; pro vided that you will agree to refund the money when you get able. There you may live free and easy, regardless of the law, your master, and every body else." Jerry. "Do you suppose, sir, I would' betray my master and break up all the fond associations, whichMiave grown with my growth, and strength ened with mj strength, from my childhood up to the present time, for the pitiful sum of fifty dollars, and a friendless home in the rigid clime of Canada ! I have seen no freedom amongst your boasted " free blacks " since I have been here. They are not no ticed a whit more than dogs by the whites. They are not allowed to ride in public eabs ; not, allowed to go to the Theatre, or visit the Crystal1 Palace. I have enjoyed all these privileges as often as. I have chosen to do so since I Came here, in company with fmy kind masters for the time being. And as for teyygj.-'-WSWi-.hiiV nnafyT .anil - ,w before the man could answer this last interrogatory, he thrust his hand into his pocket and drew forth a handful of gold coin, which startled the speaker and his friends, who all bowed politely and simul taneously, and with much ado retired to their sev eral places of business or abode. The result of the interview soon became known throughout the city to visiting Southerners and their I . 1 T .11 . 1 1 1 and so are all slaves in the South, who demean t city tnends, and jerry was tne non ot tne ciay du- themselves well, and conduct the business of their masters with industry and fidelity. In nine cases out of ten, it is the slave's own fault if he is not treated with kindness and humanity by hjs master in the South. I have seen more wretchedness and poverty among the colored population in one hour since I have been here, than I ever saw in all my life put together in any class in the South." Abolitionist. 44 What time have -you, sir ?" . Jerry was dressed in a remarkably neat arid fine suit of clothes, a large gold chain and seal swing ing gracefully across his bosom. With great ease and dignity he drew forth from his side pocket a hundred and fiftv dollar gold watch, and answer ed : , . 44 1 lack ten minutes of ten, sir." Abolitionist. "Well, gentlemen, . suppose we walk on.- Good mornmg, sir. Jerry. (Tipping his beaver.) " Good morning masters." ; Jerry says he heard one of them remark, as they went along, "If that man is a fair specimen of Southern slavery, we have been deceiving ourselves and doinf humanity an iniury." j j -i From Philadelphia, the party, of which Jerry I J' A Paragraph for Positive People. How quietly, y ei strongly expressed, is the valuable idea of the paragraph, annexed. . It is the opening pass age "vT aifWfW in the last, WenUrvlniater Review : IIomeXoumil. "From time to time there returns upon'the cau tious thinker the conclusion that, considered simp ly as a question of probabilities, it is decidedly un likely that his views on any dcbateable topic are correct 4 Here,' he reflects, ' are thousands around me holding on this or that point opinions differing from mine wholly in most cases ; partially in the rest. Each, is as confident as I am of the truth of his convictions. Many of them are possessed of great intelligence; and, rank myself high as I may, I must admit that some are my equals perhaps my superiors. Yet, whilst every one of us is sure he is right, unquestionably most of us are wrong; Why should not I be amongst the mistaken ? True, I cannot realize the likelihood that I am so ; but this proves nothing; for though the majority ot us are necessarily in error, we all labour under the in ability to think we are in error. Is it not, then, J Jerry, loousn u" iaj i.rusi myseu s w nen l turn ami look back into the past, I fiud nations, sects, phil osophers, cherishing belief in science, morals, politics and religion, which we decisively; reject. Yet they held them with a faith quite as strong as ours ;;nay stonger, if their intolerance ot dissent is any criterion. Of what little worth, therefore, seems this strength of my conviction that I am right li A like warrant has been felt by men all the world through ; and, in nine cases out often, has proved a delusive warrant. Is it not, then, absurd in me to put so much faith in my judg ments 3"l ts.-, '$'""-. was a member, proceeded to New York, where, a few days afterwards, Jerry was again attacked by a party of, abolitionists, consisting of two white men and three colored individuals. After goirig through tlie usual ceremonies of & fir&t meeting. " piece of the party proceeded to interrogate our hero as to his birth-place, present home and social condition in life, which gave birth to the following conversation : Abolitionist. 44 You say that you were born and raised in the State df North Carolina, and belong to our ExJdinister to Spain, Mr. Barringer V That j-ou are now travelling with a party of gentlemen, who are visitiDg our cites on an excursion of busi ness and pleasure, and when you are at home, you practice the' trade of a barber?" Jerry. Yes, sir. Those words disclose my whole history." Abolitionist " Well, sir, your general appear ance, your conversation, and your manners bespeak for you a higher and more noble destiny. Do you not think that you could make more money, and live more hapily in a 4 free' country !" "The laws of my country bind mem S slavery to a kind and indulgent master, lne laws of my God teach servants to be obedieDt unto uieir masters ; and until the laws of my country are re pealed, or until God vouchsafes to us another and a different dispensation of his divine grace, I can not believe the white man is our sincere friend, who would advise us to violate these sacred obligations. And as for money and happiness on earth, they are only fleeting shadows, ephemeral .vanities, which are lost and forgotten when we step into the grave ; and besides, of these I believe I already possess more than my share." j ring the rest of his sojourn in the city of New York. I Another incident worthy of note transpired in New York during Jerry's visit to that city. A large wholesale dealer in boots and shoes, being an abo litionist, and without much Southern custom, fell upon the device of inviting Jerry to his Store, see- ! ing that he attracted about him a large number of : Southerners. Accordingly he did so, and when, Jerry went he found his Store full, including the ! Southerners who went with him. Whilst he. was there, a gentleman from the middle or eastern part . of this State stepped in and inquired for a pair of i boots. lie was soon accommodated with a suita- hie pair, and offered a ten dollar bili onthe bank of Charlotte in payment. ' The clerk handed the ' bill to a fanciful looking youth, who was luxuriat ing his dignity in a large cushioned chair, with a i golden headed cane in one hand, a segar in his i mouth, and his feet on the mantel-piece, and asked ! him if it was good. He looked at the bill, and with an air of supeicilious contempt, exclaimed, i 14 Who are Williams and Lucas? We know no I such men here." One of the clerks said he knew Mr. Williams, for be had seen him. trading in the 1 No matter, responded the dandy, it is too obscure, I wouldn't give more than seven dol lars for the bill." The purchaser paid for the boots in other money, and was stepping out, when Jerry, in a very modest manner, stepped up and J .-'.-.-- - ' - -" . , . " I am acquainted with the President and Cash ier of the Bank of Charlotte, I will give you gold for your bill if it will suit you as well." 44 Certainfy," replied the gentleman, " I am very much obliged to you forghe exchange." By this time a pretty large number of Southern ers had collected to watch over and protect Jerry, and they all evinced their approbation of his con duct by a loud burst of applause. Char. Whig. , The cost of one of the long railway passenger cars is, on an average, about $2000. There are in the United States upwards of eiglity private car manu factories, exclusive of those railways which make and repair all for their own use ; and it is calculated that a capital of 16,000,000 is inveted in this branch of industry, producing about 117,000,000 annually, and employing about six thousand men. The outstanding funded debt of the United States amounts to $63,434,697. This amount in cludes the $5,000,000 promised to Texas not yet issued, as well as 55,000,000 oi nice debt already issued. ; " We may be sure that our will is likely to be crossed in the day ; so prepare for it. " Watch for little opportupities of pleasure, and put little annoyances out of the way. The les wit a man has, the less he knows he wants it. JIM i'':"t'---".

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