m CiL Y F B S T... v. inrmopoLiTAH coeeespojjdence. I'- CterJ Yojck, Sept. 12, 1853. Ung Uniform 6onL ' 1:, J,. "? Yarna; Cylinder of the Firt a- - ""wtp-Tea-Kettleand Log-book AOnZi Dinner-plate ; Breakage, " TrZ ' r . TentvTZW' , Female Curio- T De-ad T-. . . U,ueJ:r& l-" in your rp:jI7 i . , . nivciiuon, ana l ... wake it the theme of "us letter. I r(Wof uAr " and PQnnl 1 ' ' it '-Z r 1 nsiaia uie paper, refor niifa . , , tuut, uiererore . i -w vujju. no nous wever, to recall the sub- ject of the paragraph. vuu. : lueairem ths Uv rl,, crowds jrd. every night, in whichthecler" are nuraer represented." I shonM fc.JLJTT oa Vf088 U t0 Since, however, you quoted the paragraph, with a query-incredi-... tl0gh t UaS,to the truth of it, I will turn "Kle from other theme, for a moment to answer it,- that your readers may not receive false impres sions. The statement is, of cpuse, absolutely false, not, perhaps, is to the first part of it which nuinns the. popularity of " Uncle T : om g Cabin." upon the boards of the National." That play- . uuse jg irequented by a hetrogeneous mass of the lower orders of the people and if a gentleman oJ lady ever enters its doors, it must be by a sad mis? take.. To intimate, then, that clergymen are in the habit of frequenting such a haunt as this, to witness a dramatic spectacle of any kind, is to libel, in the grossest manner, the sacred profession.- This, However, is not a strange thing for the Sunday press to do- With rare exceptions, the so-called Sunday issues of the New York press are sheets so deeply dyed withjnfamy that no respectable person will admit them into his house- I venture to affirm, ruy dear Post, that the clergy of this city, as a body, are scrupulously rigid in their ab stinence from places of amusement erring rather on the side of denial than of indulgence. I think it may be. safely affirmed (and the whdi Sun Jay and sulanic press of the city challenged to prov the contrary !) that no minister of the Gcspe!, in good standing with the churches of this city of whate ver evangelical denomination has ever been seen within the walls of the ' National TKcatre,. You queried further as to the sympathy of the clergy of this city with the dramatic absurdities of Uncle Tom. I think I may add to my denial that they ver go to witness f ihem, the assertion that they deeply deplore the spirit of fanaticism which fos ters thera : and in this feeling they occupy common ground ,with the mass of our enlightened and righf-iTndeoT cittzens. " " With these emphatic ob servations I may now ,dismiss the reckles-s slander of the Sunday journal which excited your indig nant query. I think I had something to say, in my last, of Jullien's concerts at Casile Garden ; but I must add a paragraph here to chronicle the brilliant success of a new composition which he has brought out there, Under the title of the American Qua drille. It is a melange, composed of several nation al melodies, opening effectively with "II ail Colum bia." M The StarSpangled Banner," and uOur Flag is There,' are the next components, and these are followed by. " Yankee Doodle !" Did you ever hear the latter played by any respectable band without its exciting enthusiasm in the audieuce ? Imagine, then, Jullien's band of one hundred in struments pouring out the familiar strains, jn the presence of several thousand patriotic auditors. The tricks of this composition are ingenious and pleasing. The full melody of the band is suddenly suspended, and the theme is taken up by the cornet a piston alone the mellciw but sonorous notes of which instrument, in the hands of M. Kcenig; ab solutely entrance the audience. Successively the air is performed by various solos, oyt- the double - bass viol of l3ottesiui the magic flute bf Keicher the piccolo the trombone, and in comic tonest each performance lapsing into a grand chorus of the band. . The finale of the piece is exceedingly ef fective. It represents a battle, and one can imagine he hears in the roar and crash of the wind and Btringed instruments, the tumult of a Itotly con tested field. ' The booming of the cannon swells louder than the diu of arms. The fight at leugth becomes a victory, and the conquerors move to a triumphal march, their banners streaming oh ihe air, while amid the trumpet blasts of victory and moicin. wild huzza rmg M.t PoTL; tsa very rirectlve .Climax which none but Pacb a 'daring leader as Jullien would venture to introduce. It is eminently successful in his hands, and the au dience rises en masse, to join U.e glad shouts of victory. 1 ' , v, , V The attendance at the Crystal Palace has in creased greatly since I wrote to you last. The change in the weather from hot to temperate, has had much to do with- this advance. The air is now cool and bracing, and at the hour of opening the Palace gates, a thrpng is waiting to rush in. Ano ther reason for the increased number of visitors is found in the issue of tickets for a week at one dol la r Thousands; wi'll purchase these tickets, and by judicious use of spare hours, by day and by ni'ht, manage in one week to see all the wonders ' ofthis microcosm of. Art and industry. I could earnestly wish that the -directors would open the Palace on at least tw6 days in every veek for tVDniy.five cents, that the multitudes of poor peo Dle might come in and enjoy ;the scene, who ire now effectually excluded by the fee. of fifty nta. The . London Palace was opened, I think, 'Le days out of six at onle shilling, (twenty-five ienU,) and on the Thursday before it closed the Lmber of visitors ex-Qeeded one hundred and ten thousand, and the income of the , day was upwards U e .hculd have cheap days, and I do not know if H were not wise to have even a New York When last in the Machine Arcade, I wainter f ted in watching the operation of a curious appa 'tus for manufacturing cots. These are cylinders i thin leather for covering the drawing rollers of n'nmng machines. A roll of leather of the proper idth is fed to the inaehiuwhich first cuU off a iece of given length then shaves prbevih its Iges one of which it covers with hot cement, wo steel fingers now clasp it and ingeniously bend ach end over until they meet, the two bevilled Jges overlapping, on which a hot iron descends nd presses twice, thus firmly cementing them to ' ether. The cot is now perfect, and the steel fitt ers drop it into a basket beneath. Not one in a hundred probably knows what roller cots" are, but I must confess I wasexceed agly amused and not a little astonished this morn iagto hear a leiirneJ and reverend Editor of one of he influential religious papers of this city, ask the ttendant of this curious machine if the cots were esigned to cover sore fingers ? I vouch for the ve icity of this . anecdote. Doubtless this learned lan had worn a cot made from some discarded love upon a sore,, finger, and never dreamed of ther uses for the'little leather cylinders ! He was . irprised to hear that no fewer than thirty-five lpusand of them are used and used up every day i the cotton factories of the State of "Massachusetts ?jpnc ! This beautiful automaton machine isr the ivention of a Mr. Wvllts of' Massachusetts, and ; the only one of the . kind in existence. The same ;igenious mechanic has invented another exceed ngly valuable machine, also upo exhibition, in the . Arcade. It is called " Wyllys' Patent Machine for gulating the sliver of cotton." I have not time - describe it fully, but may just explain that in ginning cotton yarns it is exceeding difficult to eep the thread of uniform size the sliver having tendency to fun either too light or too heavy, y ingenious conical feeders this beautiful machine elivers the fibroin precisely and invariably uniform - ilibre to the spindles, and thus greatly facilitates he manufacture of evtn yarns. By the 6ide of a cylinder of an oscillating beam Engine, exhibited by the celebrated Allaire Works f this city, is an object of no small interest, to wit : Vhe cylinder of the ' Savanuah " steamship, which i August' 1819, made the first steam voyage across he Atlantic ocean. She was commanded by Capt. loses Eoge is, and ex'ciud no small attention in England. Loid Lyndock presented her com inand r,a silver Tea-hrCBtle, which is also exhibited in the Crystal Palicel and with it the logbook of the fchip upon thatiHentical voyage. A day or two since I was in the office of the Su perintendants of the Crystal Palace, and saw there a plate of the Sevres porcelain which ha 1 been acei dentally shattered into fragments by the faM of something upon it from the gallery. I was inform ed that this single piece of porcelain was invoiced at the large sum of forty dollars. If the whole col lection of Sevres porcelain up'on exhibition should be broken, it would cost the Association a week's income to make good the loss. There have been many sad fractures and mutilations of choice goods and rare objects in their progress from the old world to our shores some of them utterly beyond 1 repair ,It ...reojli..p.esv. ail, .thpV-iffiln,.-i--U,WLioJicje. to keep visiters from handling the object exposed to view without the protection of a glass case not withstanding the cards of prohibition which are posted at every point. The propensity to touch, is too strong to be resisted. The curiosity of the fe male sex is proverbial, and observation in the Crys tal Palace, certainly goes to prove that it surpas-es, that of the other sex. The ladies will handle the china, and the glass, and the silks, and the Swiss wood carvings and the embroideries, and indeed every pretty thing they can get at, and the police men are sometimes sorely puzzled what to do when they ii.sist i pon " ju t Sitting it." . Bifore I close this letter let me mention a book which I have just read with an intense interest from the beginning to the close. It. is entitled " Ma p'e o:i, cr more work for the Maine law," and is from the pen cf a distinguished Baptist clergyman Rev. Dr. Church. As a work of art it has a degree of merit and power not a whit inferior -to that of Mrs. Stowe while the incidents' and catas trophies which the story invoives do not as in the case of " Uncle Tom," violate either probability or logic. It is a powerful well-aimed blow against the license system, and 1 tnvy not the moral and relig ious character of the man who can read its argu ments and its incidents of wo the strongest argu ments of all ! and not seriously pause to consider his own obligations to society in regard to leg islative interference with the traffic in intoxicating drinks. It is emphatically a book for the conscience, and with every reader's conscience I would gladly leave it. I deeply regret that before dismissing the subject, I must enter my protest against the inci dental introduction, in two instances, of what seem like abolition sentiments. My respect for the rev 'erend author, and my sympathy with the purely benevolent cause of Tempeiance which he so ably chaippkns, lead me to depior that h &ulddmysQa ntmseir at an open to tne charge or a fanaticism unworthy in this day, alike of the scholar and the philanthropist. I hope, for his sake and for the book's sake, that I attach more meaning to his words than they were designed to convey. COSMOS. For the Southern Weekly Poat. TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA. The reading public will remember that I have recommended, to be used in our Common Schools, Mitchell's Istermedtate Geography, and that I promised, in connection with the lion. D. L. Swain, to piepare for it an Appendix, giving a more full and accurate description of our State, her Institutions and Improvements, than could be found in any geographical work. The matter has been in the hands of the Pub lishers for several weeks, and, I am happy to say, they "have entered fully into the spirit of the under taking. I have just received a letter from them informing me tlitit the work will be illustrated with engravings of s a ;!i vie. vs a coall be furnished ; and that it will be accompanied with a map of the State, containing all the new 'counties, and larger than any other map in the Geography. I have a copy of this map, and pronounce it correct, except as to the precise location of the railroads to be built from Salisbury west, and from Goldsboro east the exict locatfoti of which uo otw can give. I earnestly recommend this works to all our Schools, Academies and Colleges, mahi and female : in fact, it recommends it3elf to those wishing . cor rect information, and to every true son Qd daugh ter of North Carolina. We have longomplained of the manner in which authors have ;treated us : will we shew a proper appreciation of those works which do us justice ? r"-T . u ' - The Publishers are Messrs. Thomaa, Cowper thwait, & Co., of Philadelphia, and I ain in no way interested, pecuniarily, in their work, s"d ave re ceived no compensation for my contributions. The newspapers which have manifested a friend ly regard for the cause of education in North Car olina, will please help to bring this ipotice to the attention of the public. ; f C. H. WILEY, Sup: Com. Schools. Burnsville, N. C, Sept. 8th, 1853. J " COLPORTAGE.i AN ABSTRACT Of the Quarterly Report of Wm, X W. Crow dkb. Colporteur of the American- Tract Society, in Wake County, for the quarfen endinp Au gust Zlst, 1853. - ' . v For the most part, during the p'ap qnarter, my field of operation ihas been ajigbly ifJesting one, promising much for the future. . I dve Visited, talked on personal religion, and prafed -with 316 families found 127 of thim destitute of all reli gious books except the Bible, 164 without God's Word, and 94 habituallyieglecting divine worship. Sold 809 volumes, containing about 1 75,000. pages, in value 70,89 ; and gave away 235 volunies, con taining nearly 23,000 pages, in value 139.01 In doing this work my plan is to visit all, from the richest and most refined, to the poorest and most degraded. The former treat, me with great respect and kindness, expressing a hearty approval of our work by say'ng, "It is just what we need, because it goes everywhere, making good and use ful citizen" of those who have ever been clogs to us." And anothen "This is the work, under God. to secure his blessings upon ns all, because these books come to us not trammeled with gajin, being snld at cost, loaded with prayers by the Authors, Publishers, Committees, and Christians of 14 dif ferent denominations, free from sectarianism, bid ding all mankind to come to Jesus and finally go to the Saints' everlasting rest in Heaven." The latter generally receive me kindH treat me civilly, and listen to me attentively. Many of the log-cabins to which I have trudged with mv saddle-bags of books on my back, were made vocal with praises to God, whi'e others sent forth loud cries for mer cy. Several of these said, "Well, Sir, you are the first man that ever came to our house to talk about God and Jeus Christ ; we love to hear it, although we are wicked, and would be glad if somebody would come to talk and pray with us every week." I spent a few days, previous to a late election, in and about an interesting village was greatly de lighted with all. I visited and spoke kindly to the dealers in ardent spirits, of the effects they pro duced upon the very soe'etv with which their chil dren must mingle, and tol l them, as they would .! fry - -yj HM'm ft oL IU. Am tin. i m f important help f good society to aid them in ta king a high and useful position in the world, they should keep a constant watch out to get rid of and -keep out everything which would tend to corrupt that society, and encourage and 'faithfully support every means which would tend to make it healthy, and as I had come to help them! improve their so ciety, I should stay at the electron to see if there were any corrupting it, and by what means they were doing it. Early in the morning of the election I spread my books on a table in the grAve, and near by I saw a class of men, fathers of children, set out and sell ardent spirits until a few got drunk, and several others were in a condition unfit to. be seen by the children. I was sorry for them, and especially when. I heard the entreaty of men, ' Come boys, all, and diink lemonade, for you must be trained to do things right." Many went, but on finding it dash. ec with liquor, most drew back, and their parents immediately interfered. O ! what a sad sight this was ! Around my table persons cro.wded, who seemed deeply interested with the facts I gave them, and my books and tracts. Very soon every temperance book and tract was sold and many more applied for ; I also sold nearly all: the religious books total sold, 47,000 pages. One of these dealers in liquor has expressed dissatisfaction to me in being engaged as he is, and said, w I intend, as soon as possible, to go to farming which I know is an honorable business, and wilt do no one any larm. In three neighborhoods I visited 60 families, and found 41 without the Bible. They number 221 souls over 10 years old; only 23 of them could read and 17 write. The average of their going to church was once in 7 years several from 30 to 45 years old had been but once or twice in their lives; nera a prayer nnui my , .ouu.jt snUw there was such a being as the Savior;, "also, boys and girls 12 and 15 years old, passing about with out any clothing, not knowing who made them. Ail of one family ran off, when I kneeled to pray, to the neighbors, to know what I was going to do with them, as they afterwards said. Some, of oth er families fell upon their faces instead of kneeling. At one house I got several of these families togeth er, where I spent sometime teaching them the fun damental doctrines' of religion, and while giving the- children a talk about' how good mothers and Sunday School teachers talked and prayed with the children, a sensible girl--Mary , sard, with tears filling her eyes, 44 1 wish I had such a mother and Sunday School teacher." This led to the organizing of a Sabbath School near byrof 40 members. A faithful Superintendent and good teachers took charge ; I visited the school last Sun day, found the house filled, all looking dean and nice', anxious to shake hands with me, and show how far they had gotten in their Tract Primer. In the 5 weeks many of them had learned their letters, to spell, and to read 'that "beautiful para graph, pag. 26, "The Bible is the test of all books," &c. Little .Mary and those children who once ran from me and hid in the bushes, were a mong the delighted group. How cheered and happy all seemed ! The School now numbers up wards of 60. A move is being made to build a church arrjong them. .A.. "r 1 In nearly every instance in these three commu nities ardent spirits was the first and main th;ng spoken of as the cause of their miserable condition. Many of them said, " I know liquor is ruining me, and I ought to quit it I keep trying to. quit it, huu ueueve 1 would, although I loveit so well, if it were not for others; I wish there want a drop to be had except as a medicine." Several, who were nearly always drunk, are now sober men, at work, and go to church. Such is the spirit of the Temperance tracts of the American Tract Society , that almost any one will be interested with them, and I find scarcely any difficulty in getting liquor dealers to listen to me reading them, to cheerfully take them, and, generally, to buy them. . One hquor seller,, a fine man, too, said, "If men would come right in, look right at us, and talk like these tracts read, instead of standing off, calling us by hard names, we might be convinced of error instead of being enraged." This man has since quit the business. During August there were upwards of 75 converted to God in this county, 10 of whom attribute their awakening to the Tract publications making a total, since I have been engaged in this work, of 39 converted, 6 grog shops broken np, and 17 who have abandoned the use of ardent spirits, by God's blessing upon our humble labors. To God be all the glory ! It .is cheering to see how JTiobly. the kind people of Raleigh have acted in this work since the in teresting Tract Meetings held in the City the 3d Sabbath of June, by J. Cross, of Virginia. I have received from them $192, making in all given by them this quarter for the Tract Cause, $428 40, and also a proposition to add, as a present, $100 to my regular salary $150 is nearly completed. With bu a few exceptions, all, of every denomina tion and class in the City, on whom we have had on opportuuity of calling, have given a donation. But few of the country friends have, as yet, been called on, and it is gratifying to say of that few, that every one 'contributed. Three persons made themselves Life members of the Tract Society by a contribution of $20 each. I think I can feel safe in saying that this people will be found faithful to the American Tract Society in future, seeing it is so faithful in providing us the necessary means to successfully combat the two great enemies to our prosperity and happiness ignorance and wickedness. Mav w all ever be found at our post, earnestly working to make strong and mighty these two prominent pillars religion and intelligce, on which rests our be loved Republic, and all pur hopes of happiness. ; P. S. The Society's Annual Report for 1853 may be had, gratis, at S. II. Young's Store, where my books are kept. MISCELLANEOUS. From the Raleigh Star. THE AGRICULTURAL I'AIR AND DR. TOMPKINS. Fur many years, I have desired to see our people of "the good Old North State" roused up on the important subject of agriculture. I have advocated the plan of holding annual State fairs, at which all the signs of agricultural improvement in our State might ueexhlbiteaiT3"uTtabTe premiums award ed to all the meritorious exhibitors. I advocated this, because I saw that it was working admirably elsewhere, and accomplishing much good. But seeing too plainly the lamentable backwardness of our Sta e in taking hold of any improvement, the reluctance of her citizens to leave the old beaten track of the first farmers, and their entire,-sleepy, satisfaction at raising one bushel of corn or wheat where five might have been raised, I finally gave up the matter, considering it hopelessly, " " Love's labour lost." i But the matter was taken up by one in whose vocabulary the word "fail" cannot be found, and I rejoice to see that North Carolina will at last brush away the cobwebs that have so long clustered about herand dimmed her lustrous name. ) Dr. John F. Tompkins of Beaufort county, who has 'devoted many years of his life to the stuci' of Agriculture, conceived the idea of publishing in North Carolina an agricultural periodical 44 The Farmer's Journal" was the offspring of this concep tion, and I may say with the utmost truth and sincerity that it is a work that doc's great credit to the founder and to the State, Through the Journal, and his indefatigable per sonal exertions n different seetions'of the State, Dr. Tompkins has succeeded in awakening a! spirit of enterprize among the farmers of North Carolina, and at last the cloud that have hitherto enveloped her are bsing scattered by the brilliant sun that is rising, and ere long a brighter day will dawn upon our noble old State. j There are some, perhaps, who would deny to Dr. Tompkins the credit of having gotten up' the fair. I will not. For though we were all willing to see it and for it, yet, without some one to take the lead in the matter and carry it through, we might have it.J Tim lair is 4:1 kely to be well attended and will no doubt confe'r inestimable benefit on the State, and the only fear that I have about it is, that the grounds are located in a section of the city where water cannot be obtained for the stock. This fear, however, I trust will prove groundless. , And now, I -would remark that the farmers (and citizens all) of .North Carolina ought to come up en masse to the aid of Dr. Tompkins. I learn from reliable sources, that thepublication of " The Farm er's Journal," so far from being a source 'of profit to its originator and owner, has taken abont eigh teen hundred dollars out of his pocket, bver and above all the receipts of the office. But till he is determined to keep it tip, and it is astorishing to me that men will send to New York and Albany for Agricultural papers, (unsuited to our !sosl and climate,) and see a better one at home suffer for the want of merited patronage. I am no fanner, but I subscribe for( the Journal, and Lall continue to do so. Let every man in the State say and do the same, and he, his children, and kit Siate will be the gainers even more thanDr. Tompkins and the derisive title of North Carolina will be i changed from Rip Van Winkle to the more creditable one of ' ARGUS. , From the Raleigh Star. Mr. Editor : Havingtsited the grounds where the State Fair is to be held, on the 18th of October, w must express our gratification at the manner ia which things are conducted. We found the Com missioners most industriously engaged in preparing the buildings, laying off the grounds, and in fact doing things in a most excellent manner. One House, the Farmers' and Mechanics' Hall, seventy-five feet by thirty, is up,, and the other buildings progressing. The ' Commissioners have been faithful We are informed that the Planters and other citizens throughout the State, are fully aroused to the importance of making this a good and glorious beginning. A large company may be expected here on this interesting occasion. Many persons have already engaged rooms at the Hotels, so we are iuformed. Push this along, Mr. Editor. Let the. friends of the Fair, especially those of the good old 'North State, know that preparations will be matjejfor all articles that may be sent for exhibition. The Rail Road will bring every thing for exhi bition free. OLD NORTH STATE. September Sib, 1853. THE bunt Utetklg lost EDITED BY CALVIN H. WILEY, . WILLIAM D. COOKE, RALEIGH, SEPT. 17, 1853. Terms TWO DOLLARS FES ANNUAL, in Advance. CLUB PRICES: Three Copies $5- full price, $6, Eight Copies, 12 " 16, Ten Copies, 15 " ........... 20, Twenty Copies 20 " . ..40. (Payment in all eases in advance.) ley Where a club of eight, ten or twentv copies is sent, the person making up the club will be entitled to a copy extra All articles of a Literary character may be addressed " Editors of the Southern Weekly Post, Raleigh, N . C." Busi ness letters, notices, advertisements, remittances, &c, &c should be addressed to W. D. Cooke. 9Cr Postmasters are authorized to act as Agents for he Southern Weekly Post. WILLIAM D. COOKE. Proprietor. Mr. H. P. Douthit is our authorized agent for the States of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. SOUTHERN LITERATURE. The literary voraciousness of the Southern peo ple has long be en proverbial. We are the greatest readers in the world, of the floating magazines and newspapers that come to us from the North. Our appetite for the trivial tales with which their pages are filled is morbidly enormous, and there is no telling how much excruciatingly had taste and emetic senti ment, furnished in cart loads by their hireling con tributors, we are capable of swallowing. They are the providers and purveyors of all our intellectual ali ment, and we do nothing but buy and devour at their hands. The idea of producing something ourselves, and of paying them in kind for their industrious la bors in our behalf, seems never to have been serious ly entertained by the southern mind. We have been floating listlessly down the tide of history, without thinking or taring about any thing but political no'o riety, contenting ourselves with an unproductive con servatism, and she jealousy with which we guard our institutions, while other sec ions of the Union have been earnestly active In all the departments of intel lectual and literary enterprise. How long shall this indifference lastl Wlyyj. wiUjiVSo.'.vHr moyse herself toa proper sense of her own powers and duties? " Lives of great men, all remind us, We can make our lives sublime. And departing, leave behind us . Foot-prints on the sands of time. Let us then be up and di .ing With a heart lor any fate ; Still achieving, stil 1 pursuing, Learn to labor, not to wait." There are indications around us that our people are at least beginning to be conscious of their error. The faejt is generally admitted in our papers, and in public lectures and addresses, that we produce entirely too little domestic literature for our opportunities and ca pabilities. We have abundance of talent, much cul tivated taste, and in many cases an excess of leisure, and still there is very little effort m.ide by the more competent amongst us to contribute something to the permanent literature of tlie country. Now and then a Ijook of local history, or an occasional novel will make its appearance, written by a Southerner, but pub lished at the North, and good or bad, is almost imme diately forgotten. It seems to be fcikcn for granted that a domestic work cannot by any possibility pos sess much merit, and the spirit of infant enterprise is immediately rebuked into silence. Our young ambi tion, springing up in the genial soil of Southern So ciety, is soon withered by the blast of a hasty and too scornful criticism. We believe that the f ;te of this country depends upon the creation of a So ithera Literature. The day has gone by when the progressive development of American Society could be controlled and moulded by the power of eloquence. The opiuions of the people were once formed by the powerful influence of our great public men, whose official and senatorial dignity, as well as their commanding popularity, secured for them the homage of the multitude. But it is no longer so ; The people are ahead of their rulers, and the voice of the. living statesman "i3 but the echo of popu lar sentiment. It is vain to hope that sufficient influ ence can ever again emanate from the political forum . t,r.l on o-nid the nonular will.- No'hinsbuta can hereafier be relied upon as a conservative ele ment, to mingle with and prevade the great mass of the people, and nave them from mutual ruin. The substratum of Northern society w already heaving with volcanic violence, the premonitory evidence of great social convulsions. Corrupt politicians and a hireling press are daily increasing the danger, and much of the literature of that section of the Union is unhappi ly too light and frivolous or too headlong and progres sive to arrest the evil. An original literature, reviving in the South and pervading the North, conveying into every neighbor hood and hamlet the productions of our genius and the sober and heathful influence of our principles, w uld do more to preserve the integrity of our insti tutions and save our country from anarchy and cor ruption, than a hundred yeirs of sectional strife. It would cause the moral and intellectual power of our people to react upon the North with a salutary energy, impressing her population with respect for their south ern brethren, and modifying their opinhmand cbeck ing'their restless spirit, with a silent but irresistible agency. In the language of the politicians, we intend to keep this suljject "before the people." It is not one of those noisy humbugs, to promote which a " World's Convention" is apt to be called; but it is neverthe less a matter of the first importance, which our south-em-readers ought not to be overlook. We speak our serious conviction when we say, that unless the comer vatlte South can somewhat influence and modify the progressive North, a fatal confusion will sooner or later involve our national affairs, and lead either to separa tion or to a common nun. We must write and pob- hsh, invest and improve more, in the southern Stales or leave tho national destiny in ruthless and danger ous hands. ;; There are many good men at the North who are contending with Almost desperate fidelity gainst the tendency 0f things amund them. The, ! deserve our sympathy and have a right to expectW aid. Let then continue no h.nger the idle tenintV of golden opportunities, but awake to the trumpet call of duty,, before its echoes are lost forever. -" m RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG MARKETS. We publish re-ularlyin ur vertln l,.mn, reliable reports of the Ruhnrond and Petersburg Markets. Both of these flourishing places are too apt to be overlooked by our southern merchants, in their eagerness to get to the North. In regard to many of the more substantial articles of merchandise, we venture the assertion that Richmond offers as ma ny advantages to southern country merchants ns New York or Baltimore. The same may be snid, with lit tle variation, of Petersburg, Portsmouth and Norfolk, and we are often surprised that our people should con tinue, from mere habit, to pass tliem by without no tice and spend their time and money in the Northern ciiies. We I make the comparison in no invidious spirit. The reports themselves will probably sustain us in all that we say. If commerce is the great bond of pur Union, surely the southern States ourht to be drawn closer to one another by commercial inter course. -ih cbmmoii Vcraooii 'CkvsxT From all parts of. our State the mot cheering indi cations reach us of a reviving Interest in our Common Schools. The, State Superintendent has been every where encouraged by the press, with very inconsidera ble exceptions, and the people are evidently waking up to the importance of the great subject which he advocates. The gentlemen editors of the State, have generally expressed themselves in a manner that pro mises a hearty co-operaiion in fulure, and we sincere ly hope that a bright day of intellectual improvement' is dawning on the horizon of North Carolina. If the ball can only be kept in motion, all will be well. A RELIC. "We are indebted to the kindness of a friend for an interesting relic from the Library of the late Presi dent Madison. It consists of five odd, unbound vo lumes of Malte-Brun's, 44 Precis de la Geographic Universe! Je," and the large Atlas accompanying it, all of the second Paris edition, and hearing date 1812. We very much prize the acquisi ion, not only for i!s intrinsic worth, but on account of its associ ition with one of the fn stand bet of our Presidents and Stites rnr n, the father of the Federal Constitution, and iti ablest champion. FOUND OUT. The murderers of Coleman, in Staunton Vs., havo been discovered, by the confession of an accessory Two butchers named Traver and Wilson, long resi dents of Staunton, have been arrested as the' actual perpetrators, and there can be little doubt of their guilt. Perkins, the informer, was arrested on suspi cion, and immediately confessed that he kept Watch at the door whilst the others were engaged in the hoi rible deed.. Thus has conscience fiithfully brought to light the authors of one of the foulest crimes that have recently stamen our annals. We nope that jus tice will be fully vindicated. J3P We invite the particular :ittenlion of our read ers to the interesting letters of our faithful correspond- J eoj-ii GoswAsJ'-jkhoM ju ui io.miky ntri- butions will continue for some time to enrich our col umns. We think they will furnish a most reliable; instructive rnd entertaining history of metropolitan affair?, in a style at once clear and graceful. The el egance of his descriptions is only equalled by the in dustry he displays in 'catering so agreeably for his readers. ! , New BitL. We have received a three dollar hill on the new 41 Bank of Yanceyville," Samuel P. Hill, President, and Jos. J. Lawson, Ca.-hier. The vignette is the interior of a Tob icco Factory, and is quite a neat bill. There were four new .ijanks chartered by the Legislature at its last session, viz: Charlotte, Yunceyville, Elizabeth City, theJatter with a branc'h at Greensboro', all of which we believe are now in operation. ' - Cannel-Coal. We have been shown some very handsome specimens of iin article pronounced by ge ologists to be Cannel "Coal. . They are from the coun ty of Chatham. On the accompanjing shale or shist'arc some most beaudful imprints of flowers and shrubs and very distinct, which, to the cdrious are ex ceedingly interesting. Dr. Scott howed us some fine ones which he has. This species of Coal is very rare as well as valuable. A company of gentlemen in Ra leigh, we learn, have made a conditional purchase of the lands. A very daring attempt at robbery was made On last Friday night at the Store of Messrs. Evans & Cooke. The burglars had succeeded in forcing open the back window of the Store and were just in the act of enter ing when the young man, who sleeps up stairs, hear ing a noise, went to the window. Tljf y then made good their escape carrying off the wheelbarrows wnich they h id brought with them for the purpose of secur ing their booty. . Methodist Chcrch. The ladies connected with the Methodist Church in this city, have recently had 1 it thorouahly clefc ' J.wrf hwotnVr wfled, TSvrconsiaeranie expense, preparatory to the meeting of the annual Conference, which will convene here on the 9th of November next By the way, we see' they are progressing rapidly wi:h the new Parsonage, which, through' the indefatigable efforts of the Rev. Mr. Pell, wiil soon be completed. World's Temperance Cosventios. This body which met in New York on the 6;h instant, wa9 a far more resp ctable and dignified one than that of the 1st. ieal Dow, the father of the Maine Law, presided, and was'asssi.-ted by a number of distinguished lights in the Temperance Church as Vice;President. The women were again very properly, excluded. There were many strong resolutions adopted, which we have no room to report. ' . . ; - mm . i . We find that our query last week has answered the purpose which we intended it should. Our Metro polian Correspondent cannot possibly have more confidence in the great body of the, evangelical clergy of New York lhan ourselves, and we only wanted to see them vindicated from a foul imputation. W We have received, and entered on our ex change list, " The Will's Valley Post," a handsome paper publishedjat Porterville, De Klb Co. Alabama. It's publication has just been commenced, but as it promises to be both interesting and useful, we hope its suceess will be equal 1o Its merits. , Ah Yoc Ready? There is now but one month to elapse before the great Fair commenceand we mnst urge our friends at a distance ito be on the alert. It is time to be getting ready for the trip. They may expect a warm greeting here. i !

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