r - - ' . ft,'"" y'-t ' ifl68 S O U T 1 ;E . . " W I. Y F 0 S T . ? SELECT POETRY. AND THOTJ AET fiEAD. And thoa art deadas young and fair As aught of mortal birth- i And form so soft, and charms so rare, loo soon returned to Earth t Earth receired them in her bed, And o er the spot the crowd may tread in carelessnfx.0 i ' There T mum, is an eje that could not brook A moment on that grare to look. 1 !U not where thou liestlow, i Wor gaze upon the spot ; There flowers or weeds at will may grow, So I behold them not: It is enough for me to prove That-what I loved, and long must love, Uk common earth can rot. To me there needs no stone to tell, 1 is nothing that I loved so well. Yet did I love thee, to the last, As fervently as thou, Who didst not change through all the past, And canst not alter now. T'ie love where Death has set his seal, ftor age can chill, nor rival steal, ' Nor falsehood disavow ; ..ar " Wvrse, thou canst not see, Or wrong, or change, or fault in me. The better days of life were ours; 1 he worst can be but The nnthat cheerijf the 8lorm. that ohall never more be thW. era The nlence of that dreamless sleep I envy now. too much to weep ; Nor need I to repine That all those charms have passed away, msht have watched through long decay, The flower in ripened bloom unmatched, Must the earliest prey ; J Though by no hand untimely snatched, The leaves must drop away ; And yet it were a greater grief . " - To watch it withering leaf by leaf, . Thsm see it plucked to-day; Since earthly eye but ill can bear To trace the change to foul from fair. I know not if Icou.d Have borne" '. To see thy beauties fade ; The night that followed such a morn Had worn a deeper shade. Thy day wjthout a cloud hath past,' And thou wert lovelv to the last - ' Extinguished, not decayed ; As stats, that shoot along the sky Shine brightest as they fall from hih: As once I wept, if I could weep, My tears might well be shed, To think I was not near to keep, One vigil o'er t'.iy bed : To gaze (how fundly!) on thy face, To hold thee in a faint embrace, Uphold thy drooping head; And show . that lore, however vainf Nor thou nor I can feel again. Yet how much less it were to gain, Thouah thou hast left rae free. The loveliest things that still remain, Than thus remember thee ! The all of thine that cannot die, . , Through dark; and dread eternity - Returns again to me ; And more thy buried love endears Than aught, except its living years. YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT. COHnffCTNIOATION OF IDEAS AMONG . CATTLE. There is a-large shallow inlet on the Prussian shore known-as the Frische 11 aft", crossed for the first time by steamers ten or twelve years ago. Upon tbeir way th vessels paddle by a common, near the Elbing river, upon which the towns-people turn cattle out to graze. When the first steam ers passed this common, they caused every flank of beef to quake : such fiends in dragon shape had never appeared before tp try the nerves of any cow, or to excite wrath in the bully bosom of the most experienced among the warriors of the herd. With tails erect therefore, and heads bent down, the whole colony upon the common, charged over dykes and ditches inland, roaring horribly. Every ap pearance of the steamer, to . the great joy of the crew, caused a panic ana a scattering oi oxen, until after a few days, the animals had become hardened to the sight, and took it as a thing of course, which meant no harm to them. Now, all the horned beasts on the common during that first year were in the usual way to be fatted. In the following spring they had gone the way of beef, and their place was filled by "a new generation altogether. So soon, therefore, as the Haff was clear of ice, and the steamers again began to play daily upon the rout between Elbing and Konigsberg, the sailors were on the, alert again to witness the old scene of upronr by ho wmtr -Wal But they were disap pointed Though there whs the pasture ground well stocked with new recruits for the market who had come from distant inland farms or opt of 'stalls within the town, though scarcely, one of them ;l "f anT one bad 'ever seen the apparition of a i. u,Kxaf not a cow flinched. The members of the whole herd went on grazing or scared impertur bablv at the phenomenon. It was a new thing, no doubt for them to see but tney naa aireaay oeen told of it. Every spring the first passing of the steamers is in this way regarded by a fresh gener ation on the common with complete indifference. The experience acquired by its fore-fathers ten or twelve years ago seems to be now added to the knowledge of every calf born in any corner of our province. And yet, in what way have tliese calves been educated 1 or, if this fact has been taught to .them at all, what else may they not know? Dickens1 Household Words. The foolish and wicked practice of profane curs ing aDd swearing is a vice so mean and low, that every person of sense and character detests and des- pises it. wasnwzw ; A Lazv fellow once declared in a public com pany that he could not find bread for his family. Nor j replied aa induatrious mechanic ; Ml am obliged to work for it." t Lay by a good store of patience, but U sure to put it where you can find it. FROM THE SCHOOLMATE. CHEAP, HOME-MADE TELESCOPE- la the first number of the Schoolmate was an article giving directions for making a cheap teles cope. Here is another method of constructing them with a wooden tube. In the autumn of 1842, being then nineteen years of age, and naturally of a mechanical and inquisitive turn of mind, and having read some indifferent works on philoso phy and astronomy, I undertook to make a cheap telescope ; and, as a knowledge of the process may not be uninteresting to all your readers, I give it for what it is worth. j I bought a common convex spectacle-glass of three feet focus, and a small glass one-half inch in diameter, one inch focus, both costing 75 cents. I then proceeded to make a tube as follows : I took a piece of two-inch plank, sawed it out two inches square, put it in my lathe, and merely rounded one end, but the other end I diminished to about one and one-fourth inches. I then applied it to a fine circular saw, splitting it in two halves. Then I hojjpwed out each part, leaving them a bout one-fourth of an inch thick,,and painted the inside black, with lamp-black and spirits of turpen tine. s4hen fastened them firmly together with glue, and made another tube in the sane manner about four inches long, small enough to slide close ly into the large .tube. " I j - I placed the largest glass in the largest end of ' the long tube, and the small one in the small tube near the end ; then by sliding the small tube into the large one so as to bring the glasses about three feet and one inch apart, (the sum of their focal dis tances,) and applying my eye to the small tube, I was astonished and delighted at the clearness with which I could discern distant objects. I placed it upon a sort of standard, in such a manner that it would turn in any direction, and I could then view the planets with great facility. It is true,-all terrestrial objects appeared inverted, but the eye soon became accustomed to it, and the j- clearness compensated for the absence of the other two glasses. On pointing it at Jupiter, I could plainly distinguisli his moons, but not his belts. Saturn's rings can be seen with it, but not his moons. Venus appears like a small moon through it, presenting the different phases of that luminary. But the rocky and mountainous portions of our moon present the greatest field for observation, be ing the nearest celestial ol jct, and though I have since looked through bettor -telescopes, there is not . that d fference which one would naturally suppose between a telescope costing and one costing. $200. Venus presented a beautiful appearance. Bufe-I will close, merely saying'.'that such sketch es have al ways been of interest to me, and thinking that others of your readers might have similar phrenological " bumps," I submit it to you toiay before them or not, as you think proper. R. C. Norton. A YANKEE BUGLE PLAYER Some ten or twelve years since, an American bugle-player concluded to make a trip to England, to learn by personal observation the state of instru mental music in that country. A day or two after Kis .arrival ? in Iandon.: Hn Which rIace hejflLas al most a total stranger,) he saw an advertisement in the " Times," for a bugle-player in one of the regi ments of the .Guards. Our American presented himself the next morning to the band-master of the regiment, and introduced himself, by saying that he had seen an advertisement for a bugle-player, and he had come to offer himself as a caudidate for that situation. ' ' ' The band-master, not thinking that the stranger presented a promising appearance, treated him rather cavalierly, but finally told him that there would be a rehearsal the next morning, and he rjiight come and show wh it he could do, intimat ing at the same time that his qualificationsmust be very high to obtain the place. Nothing daunt- ed, our American made his appearance with his E I fiat bugle in his hand, and took his place in the band. The rehearsal commenced with a new piece con taining a solo for the clarionet which the performer upon that instrument found great difficulty in ex ecuting. After 1 several failures, the Yankee bugle-player requested permission of the band-master to play the solo upon the bugle. Th'fi band-master laughed at him, and ridiculed the idea of his being able to perform it upon that instrument. However, the American being very sanguine, consent to the trial was finally obtained, and the band having .performed the prelude, the solo was commenced; but scarcely had our hero sounded half-a-dozen notes, when everybody Use ceased playing, and listened with wouder and ad miration to the magic. notes ! The solo .was concluded, havin j been executed, to perfection. A universal storm of applause shook the building. The band-master, rushing up to the performer, a.ndL aeissping his hand, exclaimed, "Who are you?", . 44 My name is Kendall," replied the Yankee. " What ! Edward Kendall, of Boston ? Yon are not only the greatest bugle-player of America, but of the world," said the band-master. The rehearsal wa3 over for the day, and Ned Kendall was the guest of the band during his .stay in Londou. Beautiful Little Allegort. A humming bird met a butterfly, and being pleased with the beauty of its peison, and the glory of its wings, made an offer of perpetual friendship. - " I cannot think of it," was the reply, " as you once spurned me, and called me a drawling dolt." " Impossible !" exclaimed the humming bird. " I always entertained the highest respect for such beautiful creatures as you." " Perhaps you do now," said the other, " but when you insulted me, I Was a caterpillar. So let me give you a piece of advice : never insult the humble, as they may some day become your su periors.7" . . . A Frenchman, wishing to speak of the cream of the English poets, forgot the word, and said "de butter of the poets." "A wag said that he had fair ly churned the King's English. "Why is a watch-dog larger at night than he U in the morning ! Because he is let out at night, ' and taken in in the morning. ' 1 The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother. A STORY FOR BOYS.. 'V,.". It is related of a Persian mother, that on giving her son forty pieces of silver as his portion, she made him swear never to tell a He, and Baid, tt Go, my son, I consign thee to God,! and we shall not meet again till the day of judgment," " The youth went away, and the party he travel led with was assaulted by robber?. One felloV ask ed the boy what he had, and Ire said, Forty dinars are sewed up in my garments." He laugh ed, thinking he jested. Another asked him he same question, and received the same answer. At last the chief called him and asked h!ni the same question, and he said, " I have told two of your people already that I have forty dinarssewed up in my clothes." He ordered the clothes to be ripped open, and found the money. " And how came you to tell tlm ?" said he. " Because," said the child, " I would not be false to my mother, whom . I promised never to tell a lie." i , " Child," said the robber, " art thou so mindful of thy duty to thy mother at thy years,4 an4 I am insensible at my age of the duty I owe to God? Give me thy hand, that I may swear repentance on it." He did so, and bis followers were struck with the scene., 1!'' " You have been our leader in guilitBthey to the chief, " be the same in the path of vtue and they instantly made restitution of the spoils, and vowed repentance on the boy's hands. There is a moral in this story, which goes be yond the .direct influence of the mother on the child, The noble sentiments infused into the breast of the child are again transferred from breast to breast, till those who feel it know not whence it came. AGRICULTURAL. TREATMENT OF SANDY SOILS. The term " sandy soils" may mean very differ ent things. It includes a great variety of states and conditions. It may describe a dry sand or a clayey sand. Some "sands " are little else than silex, and the clays which others contain may also be of various character. Hence the term conveys no very precise idea. They all agree, however, in one thing: they contain an excess of siliceous matter. If the silex is nearly pure, like that on a large ex tent of our northern seashore, it may be thrown in to water without producing much effect upon it, for it speedily settles at the bottom, leaving the water as clear as before. If the water is left mud dy, it may be poured off into another vessel, leaving the silex at the bottom, and allowed to settle grad ually. The nature of the deposit! can then be ex amined, and may be found to be clay, lime, veget able mould, etc. The character of the silex sedi ment arid the proportion it bears to the silex or pure sand may also be estimated with some accur acy. Portions of the soluble matter, however, may be dissolved in the water, and only general results, therefore, can be. reached by any such process. The evaporation of tli3 water is one step onward to- The addition of an acid to the solution may also determine with certainty as to the presence of lime and other alkaline bases, by the presence or ab sence of effervescence when the acid is poured into it. : Some sandy soils produce good wheat. For this, there should be from fifty to eighty per cent, of clay, ten or twenty per cent, of lime, and a similar proportion of htimus, or vegetable mould. Soma sandy soils contain over ninety per cent, of silex. These of course, must be extremely barren. But although sixty or seventy per cent, may be silex, if clay is present in considerable quantities, with some lime and vegetable matter, decent crops may be obtained. This view points out the mode of determining what is required by a " sandy soil." It will, how ever, be perfectly safe to apply bone manures, and other forms of lime mixtures, in connection with barnyard manure. Bones supply not only lime, but phosphorus, which is often wanting in soils from which wheat and other graips have been gathered. The best manure for sandy soils is found in the compost-heap. Peat, turf weeds, etc., mingled with ashes or bones tteatd previously with ;.cid, and with barnyard manure, will be found very effective. If clay can be had conveniently, this, too, should be added. Ten loads of stable manure, five to ten loads of clay, thirty bushels ot ashes, and ten bush els of lime may be mixed together. It should be allowed to remain a few weeks before it is applied to the land. These proportions may be varied accord ing to the condition of the soil. Itis also of great ser vice to sandy land to haul clay upon it in the fall. Af ter it is spread over the surface, the frosts of winter will prepare it for the plough in the spring. Thisj stratum and proper cultivation will secure" a thor-j oughmmgTing"amOTi2 xhes the addition of the manures described 6mitti ng the clay, perhaps) will insure an! ample return for the labor and cost bestowed upon it. B,ut, better than this, most sandy soils have a clay subsoil. This may be plowed - up, and by proper cultivation mixed with the sand without the cost of transportation. Plough, Loom and Anvil. SAVING FODDER, Before the issue of our next, this portion of the harvest may have arrived with some. It is a ques tion of importance, and one often settled to the in jury of the corn, to know when the fodder is ripe, or rather, when the corn will bear the stripping of the blades. This should never be done until the milk has disappeared, and the shrinkiug of the grain has well commenced. The exposure of the stalk and .the ear is very sudden j and very great, and if the grain is not well prepared bv its maturi ty, for the change, it must suffer loss, and one which is often greater than the value of the whole fodder crop. The blades when j pulled may be spread to dry iff the middle of the rows, or be hung in small bunches upon the stalk. When dry, these are to be made into larger bundles and stacked immediately. This is done late in the even ing or in the morning, before the dew has dried off. In an emergency, fodder may be stacked when par tially cured, and as soon as it. becomes hot' in the stack, pulled down again, slightly aired, and then re-stacked.. This is greatly preferable to having it wet by rain, as it is much more acceptable as an acticle of food. When well cured, the double or treble stack is better than the single, as so much less surface is exposed to the weather. It would be better, and we suppose generally good economy, to provide houses for all such crops. But necessi ty has uot yet forced upon us the importance of much care, in this department Soil of the South. LAYING OUT SURFACES. A few simple rules are oftentimes convenient to those who are not conversant with surveying operations; a writer in The Western Horticultural Review has communicated to that work some very good ones, some of which we copy, and to which we add a few others : '.To lay out an Acre ip a Circle. First fix a centre, and with a rope as a radius, seven rods, three links, and three eights long, one end attach ed to the centre and kept uniformly stretched, the sweep of it at the other end will lay out the acre. For one quarter of an acre, a rope three rods, and fourteen links will be the right length. For one-eighth of an acre, a rope two rods and thirteen links will be enough. To lay out an Ellipse or Oval. Set three stakes in a triangular position. Around these stretch a rope. Take away the stake at the apex of the tri angle, which will be where the side of the oval is to come j move tlk-afckk aloafg giMnt keeping it tight, and it will trace out the oval. . A square to contain an acre, or just one hundred and sixty fods, should have each of its sides just twelve rods, ten feet and seven-tenths long. To Draw an Oval of a Given Size. The long and the short diameters being given, say twenty feet for the shorter, and one hundred for the Ions' er, divide the short diameter into any number of equal parts, say ten, and from each point draw a line paralk-1 to the long diameter ; then divide the long diameter into the same number of equal parts, (ten) and from each point draw a line parallel to. the short diameter. Then draw a line from point to point where each corresponding line cuts the other, on th outside, and this connecting mark will describe the oval or ellipse -required. Maine Farmer. From the Southern Cultivator. SKIPPERS IN BACON HAMS- Messrs. Editors. The season for making Ba- con is at hand, and having seen many remedies recommended for the prevention of the ravages of the Skipper, I send you one which I have tried the present season with perfect success. As to the fat tening, killing, or curing, it is unnecessary to say , any thing. Eve y planter does these things in his own way, perhaps "just like Daddy -done" before ; but it is important to have the Bacon dried before the skipper fly makes its appearance, say by the middle of February. When perfectly dry, take-it down, wash the flesh- side, let the meat be set up . to drip, or wipe with a piece of coarse cloth. Then take black pepper, finely pulverized, (the finer the better) and -sprinkle pretty thick over the flesh part, and on the hock or jomt ; then hang it up again. One pound of pepper will be sufficient for from 20 to 2 hams, according to size. I have Hams now as seet as they were in February. I presume it J. tvnii tyl . rio oinal.iir ns ftnni tor Shim I horptntnrA kept! mine by packing down in strong ashes, but Jthis requires a quantity of soap and elbow, grease to prepare it for the table ; whereas, the pepper rather adds to the ' flavor of the meat. Several years since I tried the plan recommended by a Xorth Alabamian in one of the back numbers of the Cultivator, viz: sewing up the Joints in small sacks, or bags, and hanging them up. Well, when I took thein down the next summer, I found any quantity of skippers safely bagged in the Hams, and the meat unfit to use. It may do in North Alabama, but failed in North Mississippi. The recipe I send you I saw in some paper last ( summer, (perhaps the Louisville Journal) so I claim nothing original, except the writing of this letter, which, after correcting errors, you are at liberty to publish, provided you think it worth the space it will occupy in your valuable paper. Wishing you great success iit your laudable un dertaking, and my brother planters a good supply of sweet Hams next summer, (which, by-the-bye, are likely to be a very costly article) I subscribe myself, very respectfully, yours, kc, Bnlidi. liquid" manure. The subject of Liquid manure is, at"the present moment, exciting a great deal of attention in Eng land, and most striking results have taken place from its skilful and persevering applications. We have known instances in this country, where little advantage has been derived from its use? simply because cultivators did not know how it should be applied. , In all instances where it has been most success ful, it has been frequently applied, and very large ly dilu'.ed with water. In this way, a constant and equal supply of nutrition is afforded to the growing plants, which is not the case when they are glutted at one time, and deprived of it anoth- eFrfTtnIrie of solution, are ready for the immediate use of the plants, while, with 6rdinary solid manure, these in gredients are slowly and gradually dissolved, and sparingly furnished. v Liquid manuring is, in fact, only a modification of the process of irrigation in which a small quan tity of manure is contained in a very large quanti ty of water, and thus very widely and frequently spread Its superior advantage consists in its be ing all ready for absorption by plants, however dry the soil may be; while solid manure can be of no use, whatever, unless there is water in the soil to dissolve it, and it often happens that if the water I be in sufficient quantity to effect a free solution, there will be such a surplus for the plants, that they will be flooded. Immense quantities of liquid manure ae made and wasted in the sewers of towns, whichf in some instances, has been applied to the production of enormous farm crops. But, generally,its usjs has been confined to gardens ; as, for example, in the case of strawberries, it has caused so .luxuriant a i growth of leaves, as to yield little or no fruit. The difficulty is to be avoided by withholding a supply till the plants are forming their flower buds, and ceasing again during the ripening of the fruit. This rule is to be observed as nearly as practicable with fruit trees, and even with melons. It must be likewise remembered that it is during rapid growth only that liquid manure caq be of any use, and it may be even prejudicial at other times. The great heat and dryness of America will render this mode . of treating plants even more advantageous than in England. Country Gentle- man. HUMOROUS. Frm Punch. WANTED, A NOBLEMAN; f. We have for some time looked with much curi osity to ascertain the result of the death of a noble Earl, whose name used to be as familiar to us'as Household Words, in connection with certain pills which were warranted to cure bad legs, black-legs, and all sorts of legs of every degree of stand ing. If the pill and ointment business should have fallen off since the death of the Earl, who was ad vertised as a living specimen of the benefits to be derived from cramming himself with the one, and saturating his skin with the ether, we can only re commend the proprietor to put into circulation the following Advertisement, with the attractive head ing of " WANTED, A NOBLEMAN." Wanted, a Nobleman ! ready to fill His noble inside with a Popular Pill. He must have a Bad Leg, Indigestion, and Gout, With an abscess internal, that ought to come out ; He must suffer from Headache, Consumption, and I pains In the nerves, and the elbows, the eyebrows and . L, Vamsi- .v--L.. , , He mustnlo have tried yvery' doctor in town Doctor Jones, Doctor Smith, "Doctor White, Doctor Brown. But vain must have proved all professional skill, Till he heard, quite by chance, of the Popular Pill. Wanted, a Nobleman ! full of disease, From his head to his foot, from his nose to his knees; With Asthma, Paralysis, Deafness and Mumps, Sciatica, Elephantiasis, Dumps, r The Blues, Yellow Jaundice, the Gum, White Swelling-Confining him just twenty years to his dwelling, And making him pay many doctors a bill Till a friend recommended the Popular Pill. Wanted, a Nobleman ! ready to swear, Of cure or improvement he'd learned to despair ; When a friend, whom he'd known fifty years at death's door, Whose family long since had given him o'er, Ran into his chamber with laughter's wild shout, As he gaily, continued to caper about, Declaring he owed it to taking his fill (For the last eighteen months) of-the Popular Pill. Wanted, a Nol.leinan ! ready to munch The Popular Pill between breakfast and lunch ; He must take it at bed time, at sun-rise, at noon, At the fall of the leaf, at the full of the moon; If a noble there is, who's disposedto fulfil The office of puffing the Popular Pill, And will of its virtues incessantly speak, His salary will be a guinea a week! AN ARKANSAS "NOATIS." In a recent tour through one of the wildest and. most sparsely settled regions of the Arkansas (the land made classic by the effusions of that versatile genius, Pete Whetstone,) I arrived at the Cache River. A little log house grocery stood on the near bank, about fifteen steps from where the ferry flat lay, tied to a snag in the edge of the water. Several hour tl-In and jpfioo stne were naiWl..UI t.O 'dry. against the walls of the grocery, but the door was closed, and no .barkeeper, ferryman or any other person was in sight. I holloed at the top of my oice some half a dozen times, but no one answered. Seeing an advertisement on the door, I read as follows : NOATIS. . ' ef enny boddy cums hear arter liker or to git akross the Ruver They kin bio This here Home and ef i dont cum when my wife Betsy up at the House hers the Home a blowin shele cum down and sell the liker or set em akross the river ime guine a Fishin no creddet when ime awa from hoame john wilson N..B. them that cant rede will hev to go too the house arter Betsy taint but half a mile thar. In obedience to the " noatis," I took the blowing horn, which stuck in a crack of the wall, close by the door, and gave it a "toot" or two, which re verberated far around through the cane and swamp, and in a few moments was ,answered by a voice scarce less loud and reverberating than that of the horn ; it seemed to be about half a mile distance up the river ; and in about fifteen minutes a stal wart female made her appearance, and asked i" I w ah ted 'licker.' ' No madam, I want to cross the river, if you please.' - 1 Don't ye want some licker fust V No, madam don't drink never touch1 liquor.' Never tetch licker ! Why, ye must be a preach er then, aint ye?' 4,No, madam, I'm- only a son of temperance ; I wish to getacros3 the river, if you please; do you row the boat ?' 'O yes! I can lake you over in less than no time. Fetch up your horse !' r I obeyed, asking as I led the horse into the bjat the door there f ' ' No, sir-ree ! Schoolmaster Jones writ that. John haint got no laruin !' And the good woman rowed the boat across the ugly stream; and handing her the ferriage fee, I bade her good morning, believing then as I still do, that she was one of the happiest women, and best of wives I ever saw perfectly contented with her lot because she knew no better. New York Spirit of the Times. Our Dog Storv. When the Barker family were in this city, at their last evening's entertain ment, a large, ugly-looking cur stole intb the room, apparently in search of his master, and marching around in front of the staging, between the audi ence and the vocalists, his head and ' narrative," high up, pa?sed along to the platform, ascended to the top, and took a position by the side of the Bar kers, deliberately surveying the audience, while the vocalists were singing in their best style : "Do they miss me at home ?" The effect was most ludicrous. The whole audi ence were in a titter, and the Barkers themselves could scarcely control their risibles. Arthis criti cal juncture an urchin in the audience roared out, in a most comical juvenile voice, " He's one of the Barkers!" This last observation did the business for the audience. They couldn't hold in any lon ger,! but gave vent to their pent-up merriment in peat of laughter, amid which the vocalists retired. Oswego Times. "I am glad, Augusta, that you left the room when I bade-you," said a lover. She raised her eyes, refulgent with lote and trust, to his, and asked, - " Could you doubt that I would obey you ?" "I saw the trial I saw the struggle Mn your mind, Auguta, but knew how it would end. In that matter. I am perfectly satisfied with you, so no more of that. But I sent you hither, and have followed you to have a talk with you. She u got him," and in a few days afterwards they were married. " Ocr friend of the Darlington Flag, it seemshas been applied 'to for the definition of the sobriquet "Old Fogy." Tike annexed is his response: l "We were asked the other day the meaning of the term, and to our great mortification could not explain. "But our ignorance is enlightened. A " correspondent of lhe Pennsylvanian declares the creature to be " one who sits Yn the short tail of progress, and cries ' wo wo !' " . "w-4- "Diu you ever go to a military ball?" askef a lisping maid, the other night, of an old veteran of Jackson's army of '15. . . vj , " No, my dear," growled the old soldier ; in those days I had a military ball come to me, and what 'dye think ? It took my leg off.' At the mention of the word " vrt?" fainted, of Course. " Ah, my good fellow, where have you been for a week back ?" " For a weak back ! I have not been troubled with a weak'back, I thank you." " No, no ; where have you been long back ?" "Long back! Don't call me long back, you scoundrel !" " Shall I cut this loin of mutton saddle wise ?" said a gentleman carving. "No," said his friend, " cut it bridlewise, for then we may all chance to get a ' bit' in our mouths." KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE. COLLATED TOR THE SOTTHERN WEEKLY POST ORIGINS AND ANTIQUITIES. Why is a. table of the year called a calendar? Because the Romans called the first days of each month Calends, from a word which signifies called ; on account of the pontiffs on those days calling the people together, to apprise them of the festi vals in the month then beginning. Why is a calendar of tlie year called an almanac ? Because of its derivation from the Arabic, At manach, to count. Verstegan makes the word of German origin, Almonat ; and says that our Sax on ancestors were in the practice of carving the annual courses ol the moon upon a" small piece of wood, which they called Almotiauyht, (al-moon-heed.) . Why is the first day of the year-dedicated to Janus i - Because Janus, being two faced, is tbe emblem of retrospect and foresight united. Why d.o we make yifts on New Year's Day ? Jiooaiaaa in i nli iva l)ip r-usf oja in the time of Romulus and Tatius, when the usual presents were figs and dates covered with leaf gold, and sent by clients to; patrons, with a piece of money, which was expended to purchase the statues.of deities. Why is a certain inflammatory disease called St Anthony's fire?; . Because when it raged violently, in various parts, in the eleventh century, according to the lejrend, the intercession of St Anthony was ' prayed for, and it miraculously ceased. ' Why was cock fighting a popular sport in Greece ? Because of its origin from the Athenians, on the following occasion. When Themistocles was march ing his army agaiust the T'ershns, he, by the way espying two cocks fighting, caused his army to halt, and addressed them as follows: 'Behold! these do not fight for their household gods, for the mon uments f their .ancestors, nor for glory, nor for iberty, nor for the safety of their children, but only because the one will not give away, to.the other.' This so encouraged the Grecians, that they fought strenuously, and obtained the victory over the Per sians; upon" which, cock-fighting was, by a partic ular law,1 ordered to be annually celebrated by the Athenians. Caesar mentions the English cocks in his Com mentaries; but the earliest notice of cock-fighting in England, is by Fitzstephen the monk, who died 1191. i For the Southern Weekly Poet. BIOGRAPHICAL ENIGMA. I am composed of 24 letters. My 1, 3, 4, 1, 12, was a celebrated Italian poet. " 2j 6, 15, 15, a signer of the Declaration of In dependence. " 3, 15, 15, 12, 4, an agriculturist. u 4, 6; 10, 3, an eminent natural philosopher and mineralogist. fl. 3, 1 1 5. ona of -IUa chaxnpva of "'" liberty. 1 M 6, 14, 10j 3, 11, 3, 6, 14, one of the marshals of France. u u 7, 14, 15, 15, an agricultural writer. 8, 14, 15,.3, II, one of the most illustrious mathematicians. 9, 14, 10, 14, 4, 5, 14, 4, one of the Roman emperors. 10, 14, 12, 4, 8, one of the most illustrious warriors of France. . 11, -6, 15, 3, 12, 10, 2, one of the most daring discoverers. , 12, ,4, 15, 6, a Spanish Jesuit. 13, 14, 11, 7, 12, 4, a botanist 14, 15, 14, 1 0, 2, a Tartar prince, celebrated for his astronomical knowledge. 15, 8, 4, 9, 10, 3, distinguished as a novelist and a dramatist. 16, 2, 6, 15, 8, 4, one of the seven sages '. of ' Greece. ' 17, 4, 2, 3, 11, a divine and historian. 18, 12, 13, 2, 16, 8, 11, an eminent German novelist. 19, 18,-19, 16, 17, 4, one of the great men of the declining ages of Greece. 20, 17,13, 18, 8, 7, 12, 14, 4, one of the great est of the Latin, poets. 21, 8, 11, 18, 8,. 11, 6, 4, a celebrated Spanish historian. 22, 10, 12, 4, the greatest of the Spartan kings. 23, 4, 6, 8, 17, 4, a Greek orator. 2 1, 3, 4, 16, 12, 21, remarkable for hi brillian u 44 . 44 44 44 (4 cy as a writer. " '" My whole will be seen in Raleigh, N. G. Gonzales. Answer next Week. Answer to Enigma last week General Francis Marion.. . ":-' ' " . -v ' 5 I , 'S 5 4 ' "4 .4 mi ft it 4 f 4 i it 'A '4 : 4. -