I H 0 V f 1 Hi. - 170 , ' 1- ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. : HETKOPOLITAN CORRESPONDENCE- LITTER XVIII. New York, Sept. 19, 1853. Letter writing not always a pleasure Itt drawbacks Ole Buirt t Concerts-StrakosehA little NightingaleThe Fall Opera Season-Jullien's last weekThe approaching tair of the American Institute The Fresnel Light House at the Crystal Palace. My Dear Post : Much of the vaunted pleasure of letter writing is certainly destroyed, when it be come an imperative duty, instead of a voluntary employment, and I can testify that the day for my correspondence with you, comes sometimes without being welcome. It finds me, perhaps, with an aching bead, oV Vkith weary limbs; or, it may be, in the very midst. of absorbing and una voidable engagements. I ccufebS to being occa sionally tempted to omit the letter for just one week, and sometimes trv to think at the sacra lice, though it be of 'my vanity-that the readers of the Post will be real! v triad to miss it occasion- ally," ni its wonted corner. Give me credit, how- . ever, hjr-having faithfully resisted alt such allure ments to a neglect ' of duty, and for ' having tried every week to make up such a budget as might afford some gratification to vour readers. . There is, . certainly, no lack of material in this great metropolis, for the letter writer to employ in his periodical dispatches. Something new hap pens every day, and our city press contrives to lid immense sheets every, morning and evening, with matter of some sort. Believe me, however, when 1 say that, notwithstanding afi .tlm, I am some t mes much embarrassed when I sit down to vrite to know what to chco-e as my theme. There are, it is true, a legion of them. The Crystal Pal ace is still open; but have I not written about that half a score of time? already ? Jullien still wields hi baton at the opposite hd of thejeity but are not our readers weary of the meiitioii of it 1 Hiere are ;t thousand other tuples, but they iare albminor bne ui the esteem of the public. E.et me' glance j ul some .of them however.- 1 had the' pleasure, J erv recently, of attending one d Ik'LL s de lightful concerts', 'which, notwithstanding it was given upon a night famous .for attractions in divers .juarters, thronged Niidv s Saioon vjith auditors', entertainment was .conducted by Ma:kice Srr'.Aii- oscu, one oi iue most amiaoiu geuuemeu, as ne ccrtainlyis oi.e of the most talented pianists, of the . t I ile.s. . . . , j Oie IJ.ill and Strakosch upon tht-ir respective ; instruments; and the little Path, with her es.jui-s- j ite vocaliatiim,' constituted' the v.hoij; ana the suf j ticient charuj of the evening. It. is ite in the day ; to applaud tiie performances of -'fcifhier of the two j instruiuentists, and yet I never-hear them, without ! doing so most heartily with my hajids, and why . i . i i ... i . i .. i 'shouid I not allow my en the s;:uie privilege? But the httie Adelina Path, is not so fanous, and perhaps some of your readers may like to hear a little about hen !phe is a sister of Madame Strakosch, and certainly not ov er thirteen years of age pej hajSveii younger with a 'voice of wou- aenui sweciness capacuy nu ciuuvituun. . que ihas a petite arid beautiful figure, au'd her little face lis ever beaming with happiness as she stands be fore the admit ing' ' multitudes. She s'ung upon the occasion to which I ailu'de, some of the finest mu- ic of Ernani and Njunambuia, and also the won- j derful " YAm S m-'' of Jenny Lind -and in every J case she acquitted herself to my amazement. Her J intonation is full and rich her verbal enunciation j j'tveist and her feeling in the rendering of tiie j various pieces, apparently as genuine and earnest as those of the most famous prima donna. It was ' indeed a treat of no common kind, to hear that .'mid pouring out, like a bird, and with just as httie e.tibrt '. a tide of gushing and charming song. The Echo Sung especially, was exquisitely j given her little'laugh even m.)re musical though f lt'ss extraordinary than that of "the-Nightingale" herself ; and the cadences-managed w,ith a wonder- fid degree of skill..-It is impusMble to predict w hat j lier future will be ; but there is certainly nothing ! painful in her wonderful precocity. She appears I and sings with all the simplicity of childhood, j "Whv may she not become a second Jenny Lind j as yet an unknown phenomenon i ' i r Apropos of music. The opera season begins to - night with Steffanone in Ernani, if I'miUake not. A brilliant corps has been organized, and success is scarcely doubtful. I may sav, before dismissing music (I heartily wish I conf l dismiss-that ever lasting hand organ beneath niv window which ail the day-long plays one of tw o tunes as the overture to the performances of a learned bear !), I may say, that this is announced as 4i the last week of "j Jullieu." If there is no reprieve the musical world here will be disconsolate next wee"k, for the Nation al Quadrilles at Castle Garden have become a ne cessarv of life with multitudes'. If he continues his grand concerts, he must, however, inove up town, for Castle Garden is to be opened with fjie comjfg ia of "'"brown October," 'by tiie. American lustitute, whose " Aunual Fair " is. not to be extiu g'uished bv oui- glorious Crystal Palace. 1 am " m-artilv glad of this for it s'uows the vitaiity of " our industry, and its great resources. The Crystal Palace has necessarily excluded hundreds from iis jubilee, and these will gather in force at Castle Garden. The spirit of emulation is awake, and I do not question that there wiil-be such a fair as i the American Institute has never before held. At the Crystal Palace a new feature is riotice- . aye especially at night. It is a magnificent diop trie light, erected in the South nave.; It is intended for the light house on Cape llatteras, and is exhib ited here by the courtesy of the Bureau of Light Ltouses of the United States Treasury Department. The light is known as the Fresnel light, from the name of its inventor. It is of French origin, and the one under notice was manufactured for our frovetnment by Lepoutin, of Paris. fcIt consists of an immense lamp, placed within a pylinder, and beneath'- dome, composed of immense prisms of crystal of which the re are seven or eight hundred iu number. Immediately opposite the lamp, -on. each section of prisms there is a large lens from wbichvwben the eye of the spectator is upon a line with it, an intense and almost blinding light is. flashed. The cylinder and dome resolve by clock work, and hence the light is composed of a rapid ' ..succession of .these dazzling flashes. ' It ca"n be seen fifty or sixty miles at sea, and will greatly diminish the terrors of the stormy head-land of llatteras to I the sailor. In 'the day; time the prismatic action upon the light makes the "whole lantern a confused mass of broken rainbows. The Picture Gallery) is one of the most popular haunts of the visitors to the Crystal Palace. I think I have told you already that it extends com pletely over the Machine Arcat'e having a length of between four and five hundred feet. It is light ed by sky windows on each side, and at night by two rows of gas lights nearly one thousand in number. The catalogue an advance Copy of which is before me embraces six hundred and fifty titles, of which more than one-sixth are examples of 'the Dutch schools. Sixty-five are from the Academy of Arts at Dusseldorf, and more than this number from" other parts of the. German confederation. France contributes nearly a hundred pictures, and the Italian States nearly as many. There are fifty from England and Ireland," and about thirty from Belgium. Austria and Switzerland have a few w orks on the walls, and there are perhaps forty from Au.erican' artists. Very few, however, ofour paint ers have sent any thing to the Gallery, a fact which it is easier to deplore than" to explain. I have paid several visits to the Gallery and have found many meritorious works among the somewhat fewer than seven hundred which hang upon the walls.- I can not say that the collection as a unit is one of ex traordinary excellence. There are hof a few unmit igated daubs, and still moe of second and third rate merit and this, in spite of the absolute exclu sion of a-great many works, which were sent in for ; the Gallery, but found utterly inadmissible. - There are.however, some truly admirable pictures in the gallery, and a dozen such would atone for as many score of indifferent works. If this be admitted, the collection must be pronounced a good one not the' best w hich New York has enjoyed, but worthy still of.much admiration., I will not now particu larize the attractions of the Gallery reset ving the task for another occasion. ' In the absence of a catalogue of the paintings, it is amusing to witness the embarassmeut of many of the visitors as they pas's about with perplexed looks, and enjuiiy in their restless airs. This woful : disquietude will be relieved to-inoi row by the appeaVance of the official guide to the Gallery. . I have derived a Vast amount of amusement during m'v recent leisure, moments in reading the memoirs of Lorenzo Miitoni, a new book from the press of Rtdji Id, of this city. Nothing like it- has appeared these many days so fresh, so piquant, so picturesque, and s genial. It is the story, to be v..ry brief, of ait j.iiiian republican a refugee from the Lombard v" martyrdoms of two .decades ago ; and the work is full of a reformer's zeal and en thus! sin, while-it illustrates aio the inefficiency, ina praetic'al view, of Italian reform.. From be giiHiin to end, the book is consummate v aiii-iic ; and its picturesque views of Italian life and manner j are as fascinating as the veriest fictions of the ro mancer. 1 have a vivid recollection of the delight with which I tead an Italian book, (some doseii years' ago,) the memorirs of Benvenuto Cellini; and although iienoti is a very different man, I cannot tt Ap putting the two together, perhaps bwiause tfyej' ivere both such' charming egctists ! Head Benoni, mv dear Post, and tell all your readers, that it is the most fascinating piece of semi-fiction w hich has appeared within the century ; that they may par ticipate of your delight in i is perusal. There will now very speedily appear from the press of Mr. Kedfield, a revised' edition of Mr Simnis.' admirable novel " The Yemassee " to be immediately followed', by "The Partisan.'' The author has entirely re-written the first of these sto ries, and it will issue on its new dress with ail the charm of novelty. A complete and uniform series of Mr. Simms' works is a 'desideratum, and Mr. Hedrield will deserve the thanks .of American read ers, if he supplies it for since the death of Coop r Mr. Sim Ms stands at the head of the Ameiicau v iover,sts. i What, extraordinary facilities for collecting a liA" brary the present time affords. This'ris lb y frequent thought as I notice the announcements of the most popular and classic works in " new and cheap edi tions." Messrs. Little, Brown & Co., of Boston, are now reprinting the Pickering Edition of the British Poets at seventy-five cuts a volume! Goldsmith and Gray have already appeared in com plete " Aldine"' dress. Nor is this as some sup-' pose a feature of the book world peculiar to the United States. The English publishers are out doing bur own in cheap and beautiful editions. Mr. BotiN of London, publishes several series of the best books in all departments of Literature and Science. His Standard Library embraces History, Biography, Theology, Poetry and Fiction. The volumes are of uniform size about 500 pages du odecimo and can be obtained for less than, a dol lar ! His Scientific, Antiquarian, and Illustrated Libraries, and his Extra Vol 'uines, are all stories of the most delightful and precious lore which our Literature contains," and are but little more expen sive. Messrs. Bangs, Brother & Co. the con ductors of the gr.at semi-annual Trade Sales of books are the agents here of Mr. Boux, and all who are making up a library should certainly con sult their catalogue of Mr. Bohu's numerous publi cations. I have noticed that my recent letters intrude too far upon a second column of your paper, but it seems impossible to kepthem within mote reason able limits. I send them to vou as they are ; sub let them, if you will, to Procrustean measure, with out fear of offending. Yours faithfully, COSMOS. J WRITTEN TOR THE SOtTTHERS WEEKLY roST.l( THE CIRCUS BOY- 15V VIATOR. Sometime during the Autumn of '51, the writer left his home (Richmond, Ya.) to visit some rela tives residing in the Capital of the Old North State. He had proceeded as far on his journey as Peters burg, and just as the cars were about leaving that il ace, a well clad, intelligent looking boy, appar ' otly about eleven or twelve years of age, couduct d by two individuals from the Bollingbroke Hotel, .me up and applied for a free passage. The attendants of,, the youthful traveller, who .conded and urged with a good deal of pertinacity his omewhatrsiugular request, seemed to feel more aan an ordinary degree of interest in their little ! tu vf fc"l",i find been con- jnjicg, Alley siaieu. iu ,- - . ; - , , , nected with.a strolling compan jcf-circus actors, but by some accident bad beet rparated from them at Richmon I, an J heart ; . 3$$m that route, lie bad walked vehfrxru the latter city, a distance of 22 miles, whhouot. money, in order to join the troupesc " 4'T """' - The conductor of the traiq bfsir -not .at' the mo ment in place, the case was presented to-Ta s0rl of sub conductor or baggage agent, wpoicu that uader the circumstances th boy might gopn ; so at the sound, of the bell, atdTierVen known " all aboard," not being encumbero with, ahy bag gage hes prang upon the platform; and I as we mov ed ,bfff waved an adieu to his friend outside, ; We had proceeded but a short 'tsce when it became obvious that the young ;K .Vflj. would nnf I. .nor romsnn stranffer to XV 5'.lhftWn.eeU of the engine had hardly made a cxtT revolutions before he commenced a series ofjjcinl istics well calculated to attract the notice aoX excite the aP miration of his fellow travellers. ' One ot his Yeats was to pace as rapidly as the raovefjs-nt of the train would permit from one end of, ihMfci.e 9 W Glurf . ' . ts that hat. .ji: iivv leering as he passed along wjuvVtheTT11 borne Yaptdly: on Lis swift emiwr tlirotign the ous expression into the faces of th&tasseng th& pas'sengfe'rar , V This movement of course did tTioU. long escape idi?pf?.lorfg the observation of the conductor, who, meeting him for the first time on his transit from-one car to the other, enquired where he was going. This inter rogatory led to a statement substantially the same as had been made by the two persons who brought him to the depot at Petersburg. And where, my y .ung friend," asked the captain, ".do your parents live?" The boy replied that his parents were dead. "Your friends," again enquired the conductor, " where are they ?" ' I have no friends .;.. t n "Hut liavn vou! no money to pay your passage " : The boy replied in the nega tiveadding, the other gentleman (referring to the baggage master) had told him he might ride for nothing. This dialogue of course was notjfost upon the other passengers. . The unusual sprightliness of the boys manner, the wild and sometimes ; uunatural expression of his eye, his youthful ease and confi dence had attracted the notice of all;-.; but this in troduction to his singular history greatly increased ..ui. iiiini-ul in liim - j u I in i. i f v iii la iii.. . i It mut be observed, (to be faithful in the de scription.) that during the conversation with the Captain the boy manifested no sign! of . fear or anx iety ; no embarrassment. There was to be seen in him none of that thniditv which would natural- i iy have been looked for in one of suh tender years, ; His self-possession, his nonchalance was trulj re- markable. lie liad cue assurance,; uijy uueiiuc i of a man. and" withaV much of the earance at ! least of the artlessness characteristic of;a child 51 I ; must contess my own syinpatmes wew greany ex I cited on hearing the statements of the little wand i'erer, a child without father or nfelher,; without . .1 ... l. .. . 1..,.. t n1!.,!!.- in.tiA.-l tKin.vli - . . i . ilieuu, uiLiiouu a uoiuc . ii .--ijwBpi,. tuuugu J, here is an object rity arMl jftipby. " Alter what hadpaedvwi by theway, wasnotJytii fied with his. passports,'! called' tjlieHintfortiVfTrte child to me, determined to learu something more of his history, ily fitat impulse naturally was to rind out who the strange boy was;- the parentage of one whose life hitherto had evidently been by no means an uneventful one; and un enquiring I elicited the follow iug facts: He stated that his name was William Thomas Cox, aud that his parents, who died when he was too young to recollect them, hud lived in Fredericksburg, Va., and at their death .... I . .. -.ii lett iiifu m care otan old lauy ot me town.wim wnom i he staid some years, but not liking his native place, j and being naturally ofa roving'disposition, he ran otl anu weni auoaru a bciiooucr pi ing oen ecu oi ioin j and one -of the Northern ioits,oii which he served' a while in the capacity of cook or scullion. But the Captain not being pleased, as he said, with his cooking, w hich indeed was not to be wondered at, j discharge! him, and he quit the sea-faring life to try the iiiore stirring scenes ot aj pilgrimage on I and. Alter leaving me vessel, lie wauuerea aoout i . . j j in various places, both in his own and other States, j his acquaintance with the localities! and geography I of tiie country. fully corroborating this statement,. and finally had gotten to Richmond, and joined a- i 1 ( 1 1 I ! t t circus company, which having left him, he had fol- : low edit to Petersburg, where our acquaintance with him commenced.- j My interest in the boy increased as he told his singular story, and I at once formed the resolution of doing something to rec.aim hi in if possible. I j duced my voung adventurer to the several mem began by endeavoring to hold out to his youthful j hers of the" family, it was soon remarked that al- mmd some idea that might have the tendency to direct his tliougtits irom tiie captivating, yet dan gerous influences of the circus, anil I asked him if he would not like to-go back with me to Richmond, and go to a school where he would be taken care of and instructed, so that he might grow up to be a good and useful man. j The proposition at first seemedj to please him. He replied he thought, he ttwpiketo -o to school ; that he had 'been to school onee in Fred ericksburg and learned to read; but suddenly start ing up as if some new idea had occurred to him, and glancing wildly around, he exclaimed, " I must go to "that circus must. There is a man there I want-to see. Ho gives me fine clothes and mpney." At this juncture several of the passengers pro-' posed that a purse should be raised for him, on condition that die would return to Richmond. The suggestion was approved of by all, and in a few minutes a purse containing several dollars was placed in my hands. Supposing that we had at last touched the boy on the right nerve, and should now certainly succeed in accomplishing bur purpose, we soon discovered that we were mistaken, for as the cars approached the village where the circus riders were said to have stopped, his restlessness returned, and a change began to come over the spirit of his dream. Soon he forgot school, money and every thing but the circus ; and boldly expressed his de termination to carry out his own plans. It must be remarked that up to this t:me the conductor, as well as the passengers, had treated William with the utmost kindness He had era ployed the mildest means to induce him to abandon his object, but finding that these measures were unavailing, that official announced ; his determina tion, which was warmly seconded by all, to prevent his leaving us at Warrenton. He said he thought it his duty to take the boy on to Raleigh, and seed him back on the rkurn train next day. . This remark unfortunately was made within the boy's hearing, and was by no means lost on him, for very soon after the threat was made it was dis covered that ie had leaped from the platform aud made his escape. 4 'J he intelligence soon reached the ears of the conductor, who immediately gave a signal for the train td stop, and several of the hands were sent out to bring back the little fugi tive. After a fruitless search they returned without any tidings of him. Longer delay being inconsistent, even with the arrangement of our slow coach, and there being no encouragement to extend the search farther, the bell sounded, and we were on our way again, leav ing the homeless,' though not friendless boy to gt ope his way alone through the dark forest not, 1 thought, disturbed by any boyish fears, for he j seemed to have little of lhat element in his nature ; but I fancied that he already saw. in "imagination "the- tents of his former, companions, and wild itb excitement, pressed.; on ; as , the-sound r of. distant "music orthe jests of the cloWni fell upon his .ear. ---v -r -i-" - - i- ' ' i - - . s-. ,.""-"" "1 'v m- ' t'r"- .'mazes of the enchanted ring. In the meantime we sluggishly pursued our, journey, it being beiore the days of improvement, on this road, and on reaching Raleigh and meeting with my friends, I told them my story, but never expected " to see the circus boy again. n r One Sabbath morning, nearly six months af ter the incidenTabove related, the w riter return ing from church, observed - two individuals on the street in earnest conversation with a rather badly dressed, ill looking youth, who appeared from his excited manner to have received some affront from the other two. This being no very uncommon occurrence, even fur the Sabbath, I should most probably have passed them without further notice, had not m v ear. been shocked by a rather strong j expression, amounting to an oath, which appeared to have been uttered by the smallest of the trio. On a nearer approach, whilst I felt sure that the voice was a familiar one, that I had heard it some where before. I must 'confess, I was not -a uttle sur- j .,rjsej to find that the young swearer aud Sabbath breaker was my old acquaintance, the circus boy . It was tire same boy indeed, but the poor fellow seemed to have undergoue a sad change since our first meeting. His clothes, or i-at least a p.a t of them,-appeared to be the same that he wore when I last saw him. though they had by no means im- j p,.,-,vej by. the long and hud service. He wore a j .,aie aut careworn expression, and the marks of i ..v,,sure and disease were cleaiiv discermbfe. Accosting him in a kind and gentle manner, though taking occasion to administer a reproof for his profanation of the Sabbath, I asked him if he knew me. He seemed at first to mauifest no sigu of recognition, but after a motneut's reflection said : " Yes, I know you now," and stated where and the circumstances under which we had met. Then, as an apology for the oath, he saidV' ihose men have f!L'iuio S,m-tli-MoT'anSl7 pity ing the poor Loy,and seeing tShtiik' was "fain t amT weary, I asked him if he would go home with me. lie replied in the affirmative, adding that he was very hungry and tired walking. As we walked alonjj 1 gathered from him the following account of his adventures af.er we part ed. He sail that the circus riders had pitched their j teuU tie immediate neighborhood of the place j where he jumped from the cars, and. that he found ; tht..)J ,luu ni hu Bei bil(i!v UvilUid a. 45 , a - ' v sured hiU hJ WULilJ h Lis ai.pientieesh.p was of -suort Juration, and leaving the troupe, (no doubt j u!,! tu lllt.ui as his exit iVoin the cars j jjj been lo us, he went to lialeigh. where he spent some days ; theuce to Fayeiteville, Wilming ton and most of the principal to.vns in the Slate. Leaving North Carolina he went back to Fi der icksburg, (his native place.) but finding u not more agreeable than in former davs, he visited Baltimore, Sulf0ik) pol t5mouih aud some of the country seats in lower Yirgiuia. In Baltimore, (and this fact w as told me- by an acquaintance connected w' tih the Rich mond aud Fredericksburg Railroad Company,) he fell under the notice of thy mayor of the citv, w ho kindly took him into his familv, kept him some davs, j aUil offered to send him to school. But soon grow ing tired of the hospitality of tiie worthy mayor, he, ran off, and came to Richmond, w he.e he had been wandering about several days. Having by this time reached home and iutro- j though he had lost some of his former spirit, h still displayed his natural characteristics m a decided degree. In a few minutes he appear ed to feel entirely at home; indeed, so much so, that his ease of manner was rather an oc- casion of censure than of commendation. Mak ing allowances, however, for this undue freedom the natural consequence of travel and intercourse with the world, dinner being announced, we in vited him to take a seat with the family at table, where, a3 might have been expected, he waived many of the restraints of etiquette. His dinner, which was a moderate one, he was soon relieved of by a fit of vomiting,-and bis illness beinr nolono--er a matter to be concealed, a physician (Dr. P.) was sent for, who; promptly responded to the call. The Doctor found in his patient, he said, an old acquaintance, William having paid him a visit the very first night after his arrival in the city. He stated further, that he had provided sleeping con veniences for him in his own room, and invited him to stay all. night; but his hospitality was only half way accepted, the youth having absconded before the next morning. The usual remedies being administered, our pa tient soon recovered sufficiently to leave the house, and he was not slow in taking advantage of the liberty afforded him of going out. Indeed, but a small portion of his time was spent in the house When, quiet at all, his talent for drawing would display itself in sketching different kind ofVuw animals, ships, &c. But his chief amusement was' the performing in a miniature circus, which he got up for his own, and the amusement of the children of the neighborhood, performing the parts of rider and clown with equal versatility. Feeling that my second meeting with the lad was quite providential, I conferred with Dr. P. and other gentlemen, as to the best cpnrse to be pur sued ia regard to him. A suitable home and an education were " of course the first things to be secured. Dr. P. presented and warmly urged his case before the Board of Visitors of the Male Orphan Asylum, but without success ; the charier of that institution requiring that the parents of boys entering the school should have been residents of the city. This scheme having failed, efforts were again made by benevolent ladies and gentlemen of the city, to procure for the boy some employment that would interest and keep him steady especiallyto the unliritif efforts of Dr. P. and Mrs. S.yihe writer bears grateful testimony; but it sootl became olh, vious that for work he had no particular fondness and his spirit would not brook restraint. Finally, as a last resort, ouryoung hero was taken to the aucaisterian School, then under the supervision of a gentlemen eminently fitted for the management of youth, who kindly look him, and promised.jto use his utmost endeavors to ititerest him and se cure his attendance at the school. ( But I was again disappoiu ted, for on the same afternoon, I received a note fromTihe worthy teach er, stating that iy . protege had left him at noon, and hud not returned. Fearing, no doubt, there strains aud discipline of school, he 1ft the city, nor have any tidings of him been heard of since that day. The w riter lias given a sinip'e, though very im perfect sketch, of one of the most singular speci mens of humanity that it lias ever been his fortune to meet with. That there must have been some physical or mental derangement in this strange boy's organization, there can be little doubt, ilis conduct was so unusual, that ou the journey to Raleigh, suspicions as to his sanity were even then excited; and an intelligent physician, who saw him afterwards in Richmond, immediately gave it as his opinion that he was deranged, A gentleman in Fredericksburg, who was ap plied to for some information in regard to him, re plied that the tad was well known in. that town ; that he was wild, but not vicious, and that an ex traordinary aud uncontrollable restlessness seemed to be his prominent characteristic. "The "boy would do well," he wrote, " if anv. means could be j devised to ' fiV him in one place." ' i A$ to his fate since leaving Richmond, nothing certain is known, but k is sincerely to be hoped ! that'he has h:id the good fortune to fall among those whose efforts to 'fix' and reclaim him have proved more successful than those of his friends in i K:cip!iiond. LETTER. from a 1eaf-ml"1 e 1 0 a fk1end ix ih1s cuv, ox the death of hek moiiier. Fabics, Onondaga Co., New-York, Aug. 29th ;1S53. ) To C. M. G. Sin : I now comply with your request to give you the information of my mother's name and age, the time of her birth aud death. My i : other's name was Ruth Benton Hills, born on the 24th of August 1804, and died on the 11th -thisinpnt, and wald ltve been 4,ears of agel had she not taken her final repose ou the 5J4tli of this month. A tranquil summer day was fading away into a cloudless, serene and beautiful evening, and the rays of the setting sun shone cheerfully upon the bed where my mother was dying. She lingered in her mortal frame until about half past four in the morning and then tranquilly sank into that sleep which" knows no waking. Gazing upon her children who were weeping by her ;bedside, she said " I would Hot .feci bad. Do not weep for me; I am going home to my God and she would have said more, Were k not for her person so exhausted and weary. As she has gone to sleep in her grave with the congregated dust of her relatives and friends, i would not wish her back a;ain in this miserable world, for-nhe had suf fered much under the pressure ofa painful disease during eight months. Now her sufferings are over audi her weary soul, passing through the river of death, has reached the heavenly shore where no farewell tear is shed. The funeral services took place the next day after her death, at 2 o'clock; the verse, preached by the minister, was selected by j my mother before her death. It was Isaiah XLI1, 23, Who among you you will give ear to this? Who will hearken and hear for the time to come ? Those who have lost what worlds cannot supply, can give the sympathetic tear and sigh. Though friendship can- impart a soothing balm, Heaven alone can heal, the mourner's heart. She left a hus band and six children, four of whom' are educated, graduates of the New-York Institution for the Deaf aud Dumb, and the rest are gifted with hearing and speech, and her loss is deeply lamented by all the members of her earthly home and by manv who are well acquainted with her. May we be prepared before the sun of our life will set behind the horizon of time to rise in the morning of glory. There will we sing the songs of Moses and' the Lamb. Yours, Res. ectfullv, L. L II. Writino and Circulating Good Books. In the first ages of Christianity, as well as in the present, there were evil books and good books. The evil ones were made a bonfire of by the early disciples, and the good ones were read, as the Apos tle enjoin?, when he says, give attendance to reading." The authors of evil, books are doing mischief as long as their works continue tot be read, though not so long as themselves will be suffering for them in another world. The authors of good books are doing good long after tlfey have ceased from their labours. This is true not only ofa book, but even of a tract, or the simplest and smallest books. Much as Mrs. Hannah More did for the benefit of mankind by her larger w rks, as by the books she wrote for the education of the Princess Charlotte, it is doubtful whether her simple, cheap Repository tracts for the poor, which have never been surpassed, did not effect more good at the time, and have not ever since, than all her other more labored compositions. Dr. Watts wrote sermon,'and versified the Psalms for the use of the great congregation, but none so struck the mind ofa Samuel Johnson as his Hymns for; Infant Minds. And who can tell the good which these and his simple Catechisms have done? Was it a foolish saying of one who prophesied that the day would come when it would be considered a higher honor to be the author of the "Dairyman's Daughter," than to have Written the Iliad orEueid? ouco wjmg lue wuse, wuo, navmg the abililv h . - .. euueavnr .r only one tract, for the rich or poor, 'r;;: the times are Always needed? Let nii fi k i f our n; tetha care, now thev lmru . .1 'tout, f r . " J J in. ..1 1. the eartn. tut wnat is the use of h, 1. ' unless they be-put iu circulation? T. think bow manv o-ood nnw U,.,. 1 i havedeen comparatively useless only . "n wprfl not Ilhlivd within tli- ' 1 ' iii- - i icaon f t10 would read them if they had tiieill Meade. f V E01TED BY CALVIN H. WILEY. I vii n,,,: ' LYTTELTON WADDELL, ja RALEIGH, SEPT. 24 .Terms TWO DOLLARS PEE ASHUM, in7d Three Copies, 5 full prjCP - Eight Copies, ..12 ' Si Ten Copies, 15 " ' Jt Twenty Copies, 20 ' " : i (Payment, in all cases in adrtt'ii'r'f'- VThiirp n iln!i of oiurVit t.. .. i. person making up the club will be eutitkti ''':. l"i'V rV- Al Particles of a Literary character m-,v ness letters, notices, advertisements, lvjnm in ." should be addressed to W. D. Cooke. w' 4 Liunuis ui iuc ouuiuuiil T "O i OSt. Knli'i-rji k i usuiiasios are auuionzca to act m , Southern Weekly Post. Aflenu -.: - nu... . i - i WILLIAM D. COOKE. PK ,F Mr. H. P. Douthit is our nuthoriz'd aeoi ''r-' of Alabam-a, Mississippi and Te.nxessee. ".r':tJ; female' teachers. Whilst many part of our country ;,re y. with the subject of " Woman's Rights," v'0l;'' occupy the attention of our lady reader v. i; more important sulject of" Wni'n IW.-"?" can be no more, effectual means of seinr'r nier, than by a strict observance of tb,. lVr . influence of the female ch,ir.:cter -is in , . j when directed '.o the great ohjects wlik;, nature to their 'par', icukir sphere. Thev ;., i:l!l50 Jlnfl ft rwrr-wl n lliiiii.nli..c .t . ..i. ..Vv HIIUI-I.I11C, m iieu u;e'ii f.,. noisy arena ot public afh.irs, and ciSnhnd ,p;i. culine boldness' for the acquisition of politic-,,, clesiasticnl power. They wotifd act nmro vu. more decently, if they would "devote n'.on oi ! time and talents to the proper training of tti-t. and lessi to public efforts to increase their inl and gain Jin unbecoming no oiietv. To woman especially belongs the dutv :.r.-J-leje of forming the character of man. Fmrr irifancy. he is placed in her hand-, to lu-nrnv,'- ed, disctplinedf r.nd educated ;. 'and i: i-i'i ; f es iniate the extent of .her nnwr mr.- i.,., t tiivy. The statesman, the philo-opln r. and ih-, have to deal with the matured ai d .b. rd-ne u; of grown up.mtn, after they have b come j-ttrk. it were," wilhin, and incriiNted, widi'mt, wit.'j and. circumstances calculated lo icd-t tiicnf mm mtluences that may tie brought to be; r upDiiJ But the receives them into her plastw huidfe from the bosom ftf n.'lm-o nnrt upon ine character and welfare of society ' Its measurably greater than that r of all other H agencies combined." I AVe. wish to call the nt'emion of ? mhen a particularly, to the noble fiejd of iisciula.ii- fn. 4 K . I... - i ... ' mem oy rroviaence.- v c rv'i.v tk fc: ., -'', improper public displays have yet -aded d v f. . , ; them the censures and lidiculc of-a (iiirlit : i- I ' Their fault doc.s not lie. in indelicate f nv'ri - s brazen sclf-exposnre to the sneers an 1 lii-v- : , . . lie assemblies.' They are too prone, on ;.lat- d trr-? to maintain an excessive reserve, mi 1 to i .:! ". f ",-."-selves and the light, that should shire ,.iv.; , -.7 the seclusion of domestic retir. merit. Their : C coniinb Ihem entirely loo much within (Ur.-J fij '" ' impairing their physical health, and clmir ' :"' sphere which they ouht to ox-cupy witli a.'V4 and beneficent activity. . The occupation of a teacher is one which k: too generally avoid. It is one whidrthcr v.td delicacy and self-r'espect, and through ' wh'u : 'k benefit society more effectually th ui in rune: ployment suitable to their sex. ' liv. kif in: ,';'-5:i selves to its dutic, they can beci.i;c ,'; t members of society, and openly, ye! lao.jc t j " lo mankind the inestimable value of tin ir r ? f prcparii g.the young for the vai i'ohm ;;. - f socialstate. The reat want of the SoiidiV.".!, potent body of teachers to instruct Jh rhi ':r' 1 people. The reluctance rtf well miaiirio.1 r engage in such pursuits is the most formi-ia diment we experience in our efforts to. enii.!''' masses, and a vast field of usefulness thus lies i-: unoccupied, which southern" ladies . ir.i? ' py with becoming pride, and fi!I with t-.i " and flowers of their own direful ci;l;u:f . ' out leaving their own sphere, wy ouU partment of the public service, exhibit as isui?' olism, and contribute as much to the pro'" u.eir country, ns all the politicians put ig- y There is too much false piide in b"th ' South, which deters tliem from mbraci:t?ti lij5 opportunities of usefulness. . Youcg me" to engage in teaching, almost alys &rnrt w thing above the reach of the great ho iy '''1 may need their services. They are apt the common English school as beneath t!if"' 1 u themselves degraded by their profession c:m invest it with some lofiy, prcten ious tractions. Schools of a humble grad- , :ire ' c, . abandoned to incompetent men, or to t!i il" ...:n: . . . ' . i It i nn UIr'!lt imnrpctii.n tKat i....i,; cmo.i! and poor th'"rt y. C " , I li 111 JIIHII' w " I , 1 . elementary branches of-education, is bciie-i" niiy of gentlemen and ladjes. HJ, on "' far above the qualifications of "!a;T r;t, fill a higher sphere, aud we would urge "j0" rliic if Vi,. . t . u ciiiiiir 1!1 iur t-UUlll, WHO UCSlie iu i--l' - . . 1 n rt rin ii rl ii . n thi.ii- c country kind,, to look upon it in its true light, aj1 thrmsplvac k.a.. a, ,.)0ia!cfl niir'1'5, , . . uruiinji ii nsciv'"i r(iU''ii;'l bors and responsibilities of a teacher are j know. But the very difficulties" they I'l tendency to form those talents wbidi ibf) J'.j overcome them. It is a path of d;.ngl'r a f verely trying to the htren-fth and paW' wno enter it; but these consul" j,, deter thos whom doty.-calls to an '""V. They should gather nerve and in-pire i reer which, however humble it may " siiz less blessings in its way and leads to sux tisfaction at last. .krt mu. o.... , i, rt do.toovcrw f f I i of the other States in the education of ' ' f.,nf icturcs, - Agriculture, i commerce, ji.o"--- a Railrnna :inrrt lonf make US ?e:l .. Vn. - e I Education and intelligence have wane - ? ..rini lo i,:ii Y.jr cities. riaus a' ,4- tories, and whitened every sea with her 9

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