----.... , ,. - v. " -jt- 1 " 7 - ' " - . - . . . u navy. We must use the same me ns, if w e would rUch the some end ; k1 our success in a great mea Jure depends upon the'spirit f i-othern yomen. I". the days " that -tried metta sonl-," their ouls were also. tried, and were f.und equal to the crisis. They are still capable of displaying the Mme energy, ana patriotism, and have inviting pprtunMeH around them to contribute their effort to .he preservation of those institutions which their grandmo hers had so large a share in founding originally. Among the liitle boy, now running wildtn our pu.e I woods and mountain recesses, u.c. e ... w i acstiny has assigned the pn of future statesmen, ju- rists, generals and divines and in the zenith of their fime aid fortune tney may iu-. terest lb the days in which they received their elemen- j iiev. Dr. Laxt, after which a large procession accom tary knowledge 'from a lady's lips To pve an up- J p.inied the remains to th;. grave, ward impulse io great characters is worthy of any j Mr. Busbee was in his 38 h year, a rapidly rising woman's ambition, and ou;ht to be far more gratifying lawyer,-full of hope and pronifse. He held the ot to feminine pride. th"an the ordinary admiration award- j fu e of Reporter to the Supreme Court, and was a cd by the multitude to the ephemeral triumphs of , member cf the Council of S;ate. He leaves a young mice and beauty. To a distinction like this we would widow a,,d four interesting children, who-e bereave- point the aspirations of our southern ladies, and urge them to arouse their energies to a great wort which claims their special care, and promises them a brilliant reward. LOVELY NIGHTS. We have lately be5n enjoying a succession of those beau ilul moun-lig'it nig'its wln.h are characteristic of the season. To -our senses, the influence of such fl witching hours " is delicious, and they make us some limes'ask with Comus, " AVhat hath night to do with sleep ? Night haih better sweets to prove." -.'.The.light of the nioon is often so: .clear that it is quite easy to read by it, and every object, clad in its uin aithly drapery; stands out d.s in'ct with sheen and hiiadow, in a beauty never observed at other seasons. Thcair and skyjire so chaste and pure, the tempera tuic h so gratefully mild, and the universal tranquility of nature all around breathes such a tranqtiilizing influ ence u;ou the ob.iimer, that the dullest imagination cannot but share in the pleasure they sifford. Nflw and then a cloud ap;e irs on the horizon, and ' Turns forth her silver lining on the night " in a l ijie rlory of lunar reflection, and rolls about ' ts lowly io irs bed of blue, preserving continually varyiog , sljafe-i of be i try to the enraptured gaze. ; Iflunacy were possibly due to such an influence, we are inclined -to think the hallucination 'would bear . the impress of its origin. A delightful repose ought t'o be the portion of a mind dethroned by such a cause. We have seeri ;such a night on the smooth waters cf a -p:icions bay, and can imagine nothing in the external scenery of the world more celcsti.illv beauti ful. Who can witness such pure loveline-s and not realize that the works of God intii-.itt-ly surpass all ihe feeble imitations of human art ? On such occasions the mind is apt to conjure up a , thousand agreeable fancies, and to people the glorious scene with seuii-spiritual shapes engaged in fantastic revelry ;, k Milton, true to Nature, puts in the Iil Mitil of Coin us, The sounds and seas, with all their finny drove, Xow, to the moon in wavering morrtce move ; Amlion the. tawny sands and shelves Trip the pert fairies and the dapper elves. " . : Uv dimpled bro6k, and fountain's brim, ; The wooti-uymphs, decked with daisies trim, Their merry wakes and pastimes keep;" In some, of our cities there is ayeustom kept up of having instrumental music on jJn public grounds at short interval .fnrmg these pTetirrnreaso leaner when tire "'sweet regent of the y "happens to be ia the ascendant, and a balmy sweetness fills the eve ning air, .such performances hae :Klouble charm for the thousands who resort to them. We wi.-h there could bt something of the kind in Raleighi Such occasions have a happy effect upon the moral and social condi tion of .the people. t SCRAP BOOKS. '. Tt is surpji-ing that poop e living in .the counlrv and. taking some useful paper, do not lake more pains to preserve the vast amount of iisof.il information they contaio. It is a .iirlicult ni tier, we k.mv, to keep, such publicalious regularly filed, hut it is very easy to cut out mic-Ii aitic'cs as oi e may wish to pr, serve and paste ihem away in a book with blank leaves. The habit is soon formed, and with a little care and patience a valuable mass of useful and entertaining-matter may be accumulated, so as to tor in a respectable volume. We would suggest 10 our yunger readers this sim ple method of adding to their liitle libraries an annual encyclopedia of v.;rious kinds of information . An immense mass of histoneal, geographical, and plalo-f-ophical knowledge might thus be laid upon the shelf : nd in the memory at ti.e same time ; for booksof this kind possess an inexpressible charm for those ho construct them, and where the industry exists to col lect their mate.ials, the tateHo relish them is certdn to be formed." An excellent practical Inlk on r griculture might eastlybe made in this vhy mmy farmers, who shrink from the expense of purchasing new works of the kind.. We throw out thVhint to them, with the hope that it may induce some of them to try the plan WORLD'S CON VN HONS. The two World's Conventions of the friends of Temperance.-recently held in New York, have called forth a number of condemnatory notices from the pres in various quarters, and we are not surprised that such has been the case. Those Conventions have made it quite e'ear that a large part of the temperance party at the North areecply infected with a fanatical spir- it, and that fact alone .generally tends fo prejudice the .mjfo ciutious ponion of the people against the whole body. We are, however, inclined to' con gratulate the party, on account of the signal rebnk. V vhieh the " Woman's Rights " faction "received at the1 , Convention of the 6th. instant. It showed a decided flcterminatiqn onthe pairt of the best men in the Con , vention not to affiliate wi;h that sort of radicalism. ; But we must say that, whilst, the temperance cause ;has thus been successfully vindicated from; the injuri ous suspicion of alliance with one of the worst errors f the day, the action of the Convention in re gard to the Maine Law, by which thev endeavor to complicate the cau-e with political manoeuvres, was most erroneous in its principle and dangerous in its tendency. The errors of the reign of i Cromwell ought purely to be a warning against the fatal policy of a too sweeping legislation in the cau.e of morals. ' ! ; That excellent par, the &ientiric Akcrican has commenced a new volume, in a rew and lcgat drss This is one pf our most highly prized exchanges and we cannot too cordially recommend it to all business men engaged in the useful arts, i,r which a thorough acquaintance with' the improvements of the rge is de sirable. OrR f iend of the Star has quite a mcirv twinkle in . his eye this week. His congratulations and sympa thies" forjiis.hard worked brothers of the quill, are ex - pressed in excellent spirit. We are pleased to see that hi rec nt jaunt lias inspired him with so much lively Merest in s all. It ought to make him a Star cf the . first magnitude in these latitudes. "It 'a all right captain ! " The mor e you reflect upon the bright side ' of olWs, the ujore you will thins yourself, . DEATH OF PEREIN BTJSBEE, ESQ We record the unexpected death, of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Perrih Bcsbee, with unfeigned so'r row. Having just returned from his arduous labors in attendance upon the Supreme Court at Morganton, he was seized with fever on Monday of last week, from which on Thursday he appeared to be conva lescing. On the same day a relapse took place, and a fatal chill hurried him in spite of every effort of skill to his giive. He died on Friday night, and the funer al services took plage on Sunday at iTine o'clock in tbg Presbyterian Chutt-h, which waserowded with a vast conctuise of our ci.izens, i.ll deeply affected by the. Solemnities of the mournful occasion. An appro priate and excellent ;discourse was delivered by the meat is the subject of universal sympathy. A GOOD LAW. obtain from an exchange the following para graph, which, we think,' suggests a method of dealing with the evils of intemperapee, by law, quite as xaV tional and safe as any with which we are acquainted. It deals with the drunkard himself as the principal, and the liquor dealer as the accessory in relation to the drunkard, and leaves the sober, well-behaved cit izens of the State to think and act for themselves in regard to the use of intoxicating drinks. The princi ple is right, and we shall rejoice to see the law fairly and energetically executed. "The first case which has occurred in New Jersey, under the law relative to habitual drunkards, passed at the late session of the Legialature. took place at Princeton on the 22d ult., and is mentioned in the Wrhig. The Chancflor issued a commission to three gentlemen who proceeded to try before a jury an in quisition into Ihelabitual drunkenness of Charles Skiliman, and his Hii-apacity to take care of his prop erty. The jury gave a verdict that such was the case, and according to law .the Orphan's Court, on applica tion, must appoint a guardian over him. He is di vested of all control ()f his property, which will be res'ored on his reformation ; all liquor sellers, under a penalty, are forbidden to sll to him, and legally, lie is to be treated as a lunatic." Progressive. Improvements are rapidly progress ing in the western part of our city. We no'.iced a few days ago, whilst walking on the line of tire railroad" connection between the Depot of the Raleigh and Gascon Railroad, and that of the Central Road, a new row of edifices, recently erected, of which we would like to present our readers with a sketch. ' Rut wc are poor hands with the pencil, and will not tinder take to do justice to these interesting speeimens-of ar chitectural taste. As they are very faithful copies of the Bri i-h antique, carrying back the imagination of an observer, who is anything of a connoisseur in such matters, as far almost as the age of Alfred the Great; they may be regarded as well worthy of a walk to S' e tlfem. 1 hey .are occupied at present by gentlemen of the same color as themselves, which shows with what considerate taste their construction was designed. Wiihih, they are doubtless models of elegance. The line of connection between the depots of the Raleigh and Gaston and Central Railroads bids fair to be completed in good time. The ground-work has been going forward very rapidly for some weeks, it'wi-'MM W ready ftr silrs nf mils. , C We have made an arrangement with Mr. W. A. Guver, commission merchant Wilmington, by which he will regularly furnish us with weekly re ports iff the Wilmington markets. Mr. Guyer's Card jxcompanying his first report will be found in our ad vertising (.'olttmns. LITERARY NOTICES. Th? October number of Gode'y's Lady's Book has been received. It is well and usefully ornamented wi;h engravings, fashion plates and patterns, and cijn- tain a grent deal of cntertaininir reading--- The Western Horticultural Review for Septem ber is also belf-re ns in admirable work, always alounding in interesting tacts connected with Natus.d History, and practical article-sou the various branches of cultivation. - We have also received number one of " Le Bif.nfai tevr des Sourds-Muets- et d-es AvELc,LEs," a periodi cal just started in Paris by M. 1" abbe Daras, and de signed to promote the cause of education among the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind throughout the World. It is accompanied by a circular letter addressed to the heads of institutions erected for the benefit of these classes, asking for information on various specif jed subjects, and earnestly inviting their co-operation in a laudable effort to promote the interests of the cause. We wish the editor of Le Bienfaiieur all possible success. MEWS DEPARTIEI. NORTH CAROLINA ITEMS An unfortunate affair occurred a few days since, some "30 miles below this place, on the French Broad. It seems that two young men named Candler, met a runaway negro in the road, a short distance from their residence, and commanded him to stop. He refused to ob-y, and drawing a large knife, swore he would fight till he died ; at the' time moving rapidly off. One of the young men told him to -stop; or he would shoot fiim. The negro replied, "slioot. and be d d." The young man took him at his word, so far as the'shootincr was concerned, and lodged a load of shot in his Lhip, one shot penetrating the bladder. The negro died three days afterwards. Before he died, he gave several contradictory accounts of himself ; one of his statements, and the mot probable one, was that he belonged to a Mr. Tucker, of Edgefield District, S. C. He is represented to have been a stout, well built fellow, weighing probably 165 or 170 pounds, in color rather a daik mulatto. Ash.' Xt ws. Cape Fear and Deep RiVer. By an adver tisement of ''the 'Secretary of this Company, in an other column, it will be seen that the progress of the work transcends the expectations of many; and that some gloomy apprehensions recently entertain ed , may now' entirely subside. We congratulate the Stockholders and the pub lic, on the fair prospects now in view, in regard to this very important work of improvement, and hope those called upon on this occasion, will see the .importance' of c- mplying with the reasonable request ofthe Directors and be ready to meet and . greet the Secretary on the 1st of October. Wil-m'jton-Ooftimercial. , -" "- Accident.--On Tuesday night last,-a negro roan Allen, the property of Richard II. Battle," Esq., was run over by the Wilmington train otcars at Rocky Mount Depot- The train was approaching and he started on a ran with a light to tend ' the switches, when he fell and the train passed over him burning and mangling him horribly if not fat ally. Tarboro1 Southerner. 1 I ? : f - m to . .. , Death of Gtx. Jasl J. McKVt. The jWil uiington Journal of Thursday week, announce the unexpected death of this estimable gentleman! He expired at Goldsboro' on Wednesday evening, a bout 8 o'clock, after a brief but sefere illness of cramp cholic. . t. . : . ' -V"1- We are gratified to iearh that the Directors of the Bank of Washington have been able to declare a semi annual Dividend of 4 per cent on the origi nal capital stock, payable ou and after-the 1st. prox. Register. (..'J A sew Locomotive, the William A. Graiam, has been put upon the Raleigh and Gaston Road. It was built at the Tredegar Works, in Richmond, and is represented as a finely finished aiid powerful engine. Star. . : ' i . The next meeting of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of North Carolina,; will be held in .Wilmington, commencing on the 26th of Oc- toler. .; " : . - i - - GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. DOMESTIC. x The Steamer Cambridge L'estroyed By. Fire We learn from the Baltimore Sun of yesterday. t.tat the well known steamer Cambridge, of the port of Baltimore, belonging to the Maryland and Virginia Steamboat Company, took fire in the flr ward hold on Friday afternoon, in Carter's Creek, near the mouth of the R ippahautiock river, on her return from Freder'cksbug to Baltimore. ; and, not 1 withstanding every exertion was promptly made t?o suppress the tlaines, they progressed with such al arming rapidity that it was deemed necessary f r the safety of those on boad to run her ashore which was accomplished i.u as short a tinje as possible. All the passengers and crew were safely landed, but such1 was the progress of the flames, that nearly every thing in the way of freight, &c. was lost. In a short time after the laudinrr of the passengers and crew, the boilers exploded, making a complete wreck of the noble steamer. Uer cargo consisted of 750 bbls. of flom;, and other produce, which, it is supposed, a e touWv lost, j The Cam bridge was purchased a few Vears ao from the Eastern Shore Steainboat Company, for the sum of :0,000, and it is said, was not insured. She was one of the fastest and most popular steamers out of Baltimore. Had the accident occurred at a later hour, after she had reached the bay, the consequen ces no doubt, would have been of a more serious nature. Pet. Ex. have received several circulars in reference to the first annual exhibition of the Virginia State j(oTi cultural Society. It is known to our readers gen erally that the exhibition will open in Richmond, on the 1st llay of November next, and be contin ued dining four days. The annual address will be delivcied by John li. Edmunds, E-q., of Hali fax, and on each evening addresses and lectures upon Practical Agricultural subjects wijl be cfehver ed bv di.-tingui.-died gentlemen of this and other States. 'Ihe Society offers premiums amounting to $5000, in, sums from $3 to $30, for the best speci mens of live slock, poultry, agricultural; implements, household manufactures and implements, and farm andgaiden produce. The schedule of 'premiums is too long for us to insert, but many of our farmers have seen it in the Southtra Planter, to which all ought to subscribe. The Common Council of Richmond have ap propriated u square and 6000 to fit it up for the the Society,, and the lines of transportation will pass members of the Society and their . families, stock and all articles for the Fair, to and from this city, gratis. Any one can become a; member bv paying an initiation fee of two dollars, and a dollar at i n ua! ly th e t ea fie r. Sta u n ton Spectator. Accident on the Railroad. An; accident oc curred on Thursday on the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad by which .the engines of two trains, both going up, were much injured if not totally ruined, and one of the engineers, a Mr. Shannon, so bad ly hurt that it was thought he could not surviye. The Portsmouth Transcript gives the following statement: " As we understand it, .the accident happened as follows: the freight train which left here yesterday morning some hours before the ex press train, -on arrivingt Newsom's IDepot, as is the constant practice, backed off on the turnout, where it was to remain till the other train passed, but -the turnout being too short for thj entire train, the engine was left stauding partially across the main track, and a signal hoisted for the express train to stop on its arrival. But failing to observe the signal, or for some olher reason, the enoineef continued at full speed, running directly on to the other engine. The result was, of course, inevita ble. None of the passengers, we believe, was in jured. ' i- j " Since the above was in type we learn that en gineer Shannon is dead." Nor. & Ports: Her. A New kind of Cotton has been brought from among the Pino Indians of Now Mexico, by an of ficer of the Mexican Boundary Commission. Its peculiarity consists in a fine, silky staple, superior in length and strength to all kinds previously known. We learn that the seed has been int. educ ed into-Texas, and that the plant will soon be grown there exteusively. It luis also the great ad vantage of not degenerating, and not requiring a renewal of the seed. The plant, if all these pe culiarities are proved permanently t6 belong to it, must effect a revolution in cotton. New-Orleans paper. . . Accident on the South-Side Railroad. On Saturday morning last a negro man was caught between the coaches and the platform, at the junc tion, in Prince Edward co, and so badly mashed l that it is thought he caooot live. Et. EitEdTOK of Focr New DiOCESEs. The Free man's Journal says that Archbishop Hughes' of N. York, on Tuesday, received four Bulls erecting Brooklyn, Long Island ; Newark, N. Jersey Burl ington, Vermont ; and Portland, Maine, into Epis copal Sees, and naming to the See of Brooklyn the Very Rev. John Loughlin, Vicar-General of New York ; to the See of Newark, the Rev. J. R. Bay ley, Secretary to the Archbishop of New York; to the See of Burlington, the Very Rev. L. de Gcesbri- and, Vicar General -of Cleveland ; and to the See of Portland, the Very Rev. II. B. Coskery, Vicar General of Baltimore. ; The Bulls erecting Sees and naming Bishops in other Ecclesiastical Provinces will, it is presumed, bo speedily published in their respective localities, when the Journal promises to complete the list of new appointments for the whole of the United States. i . Business. Notwithstanding the terrible ravages ofthe epidemic, the indomitable spirit of our people is observable in the preparations which are now go ing forward in the way of repairs, overbadings and refittings in-doors and out for the fall business. This jstheseason in which it is usual for ourshops, stores an J'plaofes of butiess to be repaired, repaint ed and renew'ed in general, and it is pleasant to ob serve the quiet resolution and equanimity with which these ordinary preparations are c rried on amid the most trying scenes. iV. 0. Picayune. Another Fatal Railroad Collision.-Oneida, JV. F"., Sept. 16. The express train ou the Cen tral Railroad,. near this place, was run into last nio-ht by the freight train, which was going at full speed. The conclusion was terrible, smashing the engines and several of the cars to atoms, throwing them off the track. MrrBurkley Watcher, of Medina, Ohio, was instantly killed. Three or four others were, it is believed, fatally injured, and a -large number more: or less wounded. It is only suprising that greater destruction of human life had not ensued. P. T. Barnch has commenced a .crusade against tea, and calls tea-parties women sprees. lie says, '"just drop in when they have taken a stroiif cup each around, and you will find them so gar rulous and :a!kativc, that you would think that the ship which brought the tea from China had brought the language also." Barnum is a bold man : he has made war against man's " cups," and now at tacks woman's saucers. It is .said that his next more is to-be. directed against pork and beans. Worcester Transcript. The Roman Catholics have stolen a march upon the friends of religious equality in California, bv procuring a recommendation of the State Superin tendent of Common Schools, that a proportion of the public school money should be appropriated to the support of their Sectarian Schools. This re commendation was hastily acted upon at the heel of the late session of the Legislature, and became a law almost without examination. Newark Sen, Trial of Bishop Doane. The trial of Bishop EAiRiVfrPoa'neha? been ternjiinated at last. The Bishop ' made a confession on Thursday week, and the charges were immediately dismissed, a trial not be ing insisted upon. The Court of Bishops have ad journed sine die. It j seems, strange the Bishop could nothave made a confession at the beginning of the matter, and thus have put an end to all further dispute. Yellow Fever at Montgomery, Ala. On the 1 2th ult , two cases of yellow fever were brought to Montgomery, Ala., from New Orleans, and up to the 10th inst., 15 cases have occurred there, 9 of which the Board of Health reports came from the same city, and the rest originated in the family of an Irish laborer, living near the river. Only 6 of the cases proved faal ; 4 recovered, nnd 5 are un der treatment. Bait. Sun. Railroad Collision. We understand colli sion occurred on the Petersbunr and'Roanoke Rail road yesterday, causei by two freight trains com ing together a short distance south of Jarratt's Depot, Sussex. No person was injured, but the two engines, the "Seott" and "Yadkin," we learn,' are considerably broken. One was coming North, the other South j but a misunderstanding existed between the engineers as to the arrangements of one another. Hence the collision. A Costly Necklace. The most valuable arti cles of bijouterie on exhibition in the Crystal Pa lace is said to be owned in New York. It is a pearl necklace, which consists of a wreath of peails, with one large diamond in the midst, and is valued at fifteen thousand dollars. It is said that a mil lionaire, recently appointed by President Pierce to a diplomatic post in Europe, offered fourteen thou sand five hundred dollars for it, but that price wss refused. .''A&ttR. This morning, between 4 and 5 o' clock, a fire was discovered in the wooden building attached to the premises of G. P. R. James, Esq , which was soon extinguished by the timely arrival ofthe fire companies. This is the fifth attempt to bum this building. Wheie can the "Charleys " of Norfolk be ? Portsmouth Globe. The great Temperance Convention of Massachu setts, convened at the Tremont Temple in Boston on Monday the 12th, and during the sitting decid ed to carry the Maine Law agitation into the pri mary meetings of political parties, and also' to raise $100,000 to prosecute the sellers. Professor Agasslz's Cabinet. The scientific, cabinet, collected during many years by Professor Agassiz, has been purchased for Harvard Univer sity, at any expense, it is said, of $12,500, the greater part of which was raised by private sub-; scriptiou. T . Progress of the Yellow Feter. New Or leans, Sept. 12th. The deaths by yellow fever yes terday, were only 40. The disease is, however, raging dreadfully along the coast. 4 '. " A correspondent of the Natchez Courier, writing from the eastern part of the State, says that the army worm, boll worm, rot, rust and' lice, have all made their appearance upon the cotton, and fears much damage " y,, The I Hemp Caop.--It is estimated, says the St Lou-is Democrat, that the crop of hemp now grow ing in - issouri, will reach the unequaled figure of 70,000 bales, or nearly 15,000 tons. The National Democrat says that a slight fall of snow was visible i n Newf York on the afternoon of the 15th. The sixth annual cattle show of the Maryland State Agricultural Society will take place in Balti more in the" last week in October " The;Holly Springs (Miss.) Times reports an as tonishing case of seven children at one birth. I foreignT I I I LATER FROM MEXICO. NEir Orleans, Sept. 12. The steamer Texas, with tie California mails, has arrived. She brings news from the city of Mexico to Sept. 4th, and from Vera Cruz of the 8th. The Mexican . Government is making vigorous effects; to stop robberies, and several culprits had been executed. Mote troops' had been sent to the frontiers, os tensibly to repelthe Indians. Santa Anna continues his high-handed measures, executing persons on the slightless suspicion, and without warning. It was believed that another revolution would follow his arbitrary and tyranni cal course. Mr.) Gadsden, U. S. Minister, had been well received. Passengers by the Texas, state that Santa Anna had already raised an army of 50 000 of the finest troops ever known in Mexico, andit was believed he had been largely assisted by Spanish subjects. Interesting from Bcenos Ayres. The Flight of Gen Urquiza It was stated by telegraph in I the Baltimore Sun, that Gan. Urquiza, who has so long menaced Buenos Ayres, has sought refuge on board a U. S- steamer. The Water Witch, Lieut ; Page, commanding, is the steamer referred to. He was conveyed by her to Entre-Rios, and the Water Witch returned to Buenos Ayres on the 23d or July, to take on board a supply of coal, and some pieces of artillery sent, out by our government as a present to President Lopez, of Paraguay, whi ther she would proceed immediately. On arrving at Ascension, Lt. Page will determine on the plan of his scientific exploration of the livers Urquiz:i, it appears,, was induced to take flight in consequence of having been deserted by his fleet, and menaced by Gen. Flores. lie attempted to reach the steamer from his entrenchments, in day time, but one the road to Palermo being met by a mob, shouting " Death . to Urquiza and Lagos !'' " Long iive the government !" he was obliged to return and await the cover of night to make his es cape. At night he started in a coach (said to be J that of Mr Petidieton, U. S. Charge,) but broke I down-on the road.. In a few minutes, however, he procured a horse and reached the Water Witch, and was received with a salute. The Entre-Riauo troops embarked at the same time on board the English steam-frigate Locust, and all sailed imme diately for En ire- ilios. ! All the public officers under Urquiza, who were left behind, hastened to submit to the Buenos Ay rean Government. The news of Urquiza's flight, which the British" Packet avers was secured by the intervention of he Ministers of the United States, France and England, was received with the most extravagant delight in the city. Salutes were fl rod, bells were rung, the people turned out en masse, and repair ed to the Government House, with music, to con gratulate the ministry. . The Government decreed that the 15th and 16lh should be kept as feast days, and that ion the latter day at noon a solemn Te Deum should be chaunted " in thanks to the Omni potent Being by whose performances all corpora tions, civil and military, are assisted." - Death of Sir Charles Napier. The Frank lin brings us the intelligence of the death of the veteran Sir Charles Napier, of whose dangerous illness; we have had previous accounts. He was one of the most distinguished generals of the Brit ish army, and had been an officer, in different ranks and in various parts of the world, for sixty years. He was seventy-one years of age, and had receiv ed, in the course of his numerous wars a greater n timber of wounds than were perhaps ever surviv ed by any other soldier. At the battle of Corunna his leg was broken by a musket shot, he had a sabre cut on the head, a wonnd in the back with a bayoriet, and his ribs were broken by a cannon ball. Subsequently, at Busa;o, he was shot through the face, and had his jaw broken. Nevertheless, thirty years5 afterwards, he commanded in Scinde with a vigor that excited universal astonishment, and with 2,800 men attacked and defeated 22,000 of the enemy, after a desperate action of tLree hours. ! ' A Rcsso-American Alliance. The Frank lin brings word that the American expedition to Japan; was, at the latest dates, in the neighbor- hooa of the Loo-Choo Islands, awaiting" the arfiv-. al of ihe Powhatan. According to the Hong-Kong papers, the Emperor of Russia is resolved to share the glory of forcing open the sealed doors of Japan. His armament in the China seas, according ' to hese authorities, is a'squadron of observation, de signed to check and control theynovements of our fleet. ! Three vessels the Pallas, of 52 guns : the Divini, of 19 guns, and the Vostock, of 4 guns were io sail from Hong-Kong early in August, to join the American fleet and co-operate in the over ture. i Marriage of the Crown Prince of Belgium. - A despatch dated Vienna, August 10th, 6ays the ceremony of the marriage, by procuration, of Marie Henriette Anne, Archduchess of Austria with the Duke of Brabant, took place thal,evening at 6 o'clock, in the chapel of the chateau of Schon brunnl Monsignor Rauscher, Archbishop of Vienna, officiated. After the ceremony there was a grand gala reception in the grand gallery. All the mem bers of the corps diplomatique, and all the court, came to present their felicitations to her imperial highness. 44 As Bio as a Piece of Chalk " The ,M piece of chalk " whRhj-ecently fell from Dover Cliffs, in England, was fifty feet long, forty feet wide, and sixty feet deep, and is estimated to weigh two .tb iis'and xm. -; - w ' ;" LATER FR01I EUROPE. " The Collins steamer Artxo arrived at New York on Sunday, having Uft Liverpool bo the 7th with 207 passengers, induHng Mrs. H. B. Stowe, and her brother, Rev, Charles Beeoher, . The news is four days later but preseSTno in teresting features, the Eastern Question being stiU undecided. In the markets cotton was dull at previous rates : wheat had fallen A.l u...t. i , - , f' uusuei, ana nower is per barrel, in consequence of continued fine weather and a check put to the trade in Franca bv th. in terference of government. With regard to the Eastern Question, the excite ment in England had mostly subsided, as the sub ject was considered as settled, and the same opin .on prevailed at Paris, where it is thought that the emperor oi Russia will accede to the modificati, tions maue oy tne rorte to the Vienna note. ' RU3 issiani lecenuy arrived at Pans, however, do not ente tain tne same opinion. The London Times makes this important state ment ifTtrue:-MVe have reason to believe that the French Cabinet has already signified to the Sultan that the ulterior- steps tie may adopt con trary to the advice of his allies must be taken at his own peril." . The Times then goes over the arguments in fa vor oL the Czar's acceptance of the note,, and ihe restoration of peace". These are, briefly, that the winter is too near for the Russians to undertake operations beyond the Danube ; that the troops are sick and the supplies exhausted ; and that the Turkish f roes under Omar Pasha, are formidable ;n front. The acceptance f the note is, then, the only way to relieve ad parties from their embar rassments. ' From Belgrade. in Servia, August 12, a quieter state of public feeling was rep. rted, and there was no longer any fear of an outbreak. Ireland. Queen Victoria, and the Princes had a most magnificent and enthusiastic reception at Dublin, on the occasion of their visit to the Exhibit ion in that city nearly twenty thousand persons were present in the building on the Queen's first i.-it. . After leaving Dublin, it was stated the Queen would visit Ostend, to congratulated Duke and Duchess de Brabant on their marriage. The Bund in France. The blind in Franco are said to be about one to every thouand" individ uals. The unfortunate amount to 37, 6.G2 in cthe whole population of France. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS MARRIED, Near New Providence, Saratora en., X y f,mhe 29th of August. Mr. Joseph B. Hills to Mi-s Lvdia Ann Ballot, of the former place, Both parties are graduates of the New York In stitution for the Deal imd Dumb; Mr HilU is well and favorably known f o most of our citizens ( '0M Deems, James, R. McLean, Esq., to' Mi-s Unlhank, daughter of the Lite Wm. Un vjjrcu.-yoro, on uie lain m-t., by the 'Rev. Dr Narcissa J thank, Esc died; In New Orleans, of Yellow P"v.r Th.c. i .. .u -?.'onngct son of ihe late A. K. Srnedea. ' in mi uuy, at tne residence of.Sj fetter Smitfa, Esq on Sunday night, the 11th inst., Com Clopton daughter of Mr. Henry L Hervey, of Halifax, N. C. in the 4th year of her age. THE LATEST MARKETS. ! WILMINGTON MARKET-Wholesale Prices. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLY POST By W. A. GUYER, Commission Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. 1 September 19th, 1353. BaronN. C. Hams, 12'c $ Me.; N. C. Sides 10 10c ; N. C. Shoulders, 9 10c ; Western Shoulders 9c ; Western Sides 9 9c. Beef Mess $14 15; Fulton Market $20 bbl Batter 23 27c. Coffee-kio 12 13c ; Laguaira 13 Q Uc ; St. Domin eo 11 12c; Java 15e. Corn Meal 78 80c. Chrese- 129' 13c. Cotton New 11 llic. Flour-fJanal 7Jf g $8 ; Baltimore $6 $7 ; Fay- etteville $6' $6. ' Hay Eastern 110c 120c ; Northern "101 105c. tard-N. C. l4 13c ; Western 12c. Molasses Cuba 22 25c. " Mullets Scarce, $6 $6. Pork-Mess i? bbl. $17 $13 ; Prime tlG $17. Pitch 'ft blil. Sl4'. Rosin No. 1, as to quality, 250 350c ; No. 2, 110 125c ; No. 3, as to size of bbls., 90 95c. Rice ft lb 4 4c. Salt Liverpool sack 150 (& 160C ; Alum, retail buthel 50c. Sn?ar -Porto Rrc 7 8c ; New Orleans 6 7C ; Lotf and crushed U 12c , Clarified or granulated 8 9c. fTar If? bbl $2. 'Turpentine Spirits, ? gallon, declining1 51c ' ; Virgin and Yellow dip 1? bbl. $3?. ' Varnish gallon 20 22c. W. A. GUYER. RICHMOND MARKEf Wholesale Pricei. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE WEEKLY POST, . By J. N. GORDON & SON, Grocers and Commission Merchants, RICHMOND. VA. Tueadiv, Sep- emf ri0, 1853. Bacon Western Sides 8 9t ; Shoulder 7 8c ; Hums 12 13c. Beeswax None coming in, nominal price 26c. Coffee We have no change to n rte thui week, and con tinue to quote Rio and Laguaira at 11 UKc i 12c. Cotton 11 1 1 lV4c. Candles Muld 12 13c ; Hull's patent 15c , Ada mantine 25 28c ; Sperm 33 34c. Feathers Sales at 45 47c. ' . FlourCountry superfine 96) t6; FtmilT W Fish North Carolina Gross Herrings, $5 (3 $5J ; No. 1 Cut $7; Halifax Cut Horrings, No.' 1 $5 ; No. t Ginseng Sales at 45c. Guano None in first hands. Grains Prime red and white Wheat $lfi5 M tl5; Corn 67 70e; Rye 80c. ,lron Swedes 997X $100 ; American felled $90 ; English $70 75. r lVeather Good sle 18 20c,. for over and middle weights ; damaged 12)4 17 ibr common to prims. . Molasses New Orleans in barrels 31 32c ; Cuba 23 25 c't Sugar Hdnse in tierres and hogshead 20 22. Nails K 4. ; Naval Stoiree Tar from store, at Z V b"1 Roin Rice 4K 4e. for prim new. ' Salt-Liverpool .filed 154on whtrC 1 from store. Shot 7H 14 7c. -- - Snsars All kinds bave alihtly improved. We quota New Orleans Spi & tair to ctly prime ; Prto Rico 6 ; Cofiee Solars 7 7Ci Losi 10e. , piaster $4 on Wharf ;a $53.on Basin.. Tobacco Receipts small and more animation io prices ; inferior lugs $6 & KX I food and vfine $7 $9 ; interior to middling middling leaf, $9 & 10, good and fine shipping $11 $14; fine manufacturing $13 $25'. ' ' ' - Wool Tub washed J7e ; an wasted 20 5c 4 -1