CALVIN II. WILEY, . WILLIAM I. VOK:- - t EE A FAMILY NEW S Pi PEE I E U T R A L IM POLITICS. EDITORS. TERMS (TWO DOLLARS i PER ANNUM. LYTTEITON vaulz ScDtctr . to all tije Snteste of Stetft Cawltt muttutt, tcraturc, Jfctos, tijc Wadsets, RA LEIGH, XORTHfCMOlMprSATURDAY, OCT. 1,1853. NO. 44. . 1 . I fTAT IT -Sill CTED STORY. From Arthur's Home Gazette. THE THREE WIVES. BY T. H. COOKE. Mr. Jed bun Spike was fin eccentric bachelor f fiftv. is mother died in'giving him birth, and it would -n that the piotfaer-heart aieu wm hour the haplesseauthnn seemed to e.r from tui '-" . 1 - . . . n . . . j j: have no peT"0" of 'em,n,ne excellence, ana ui verted him; f with ridiculing the foibles of the sex, whose true aracter was to him a despised enigma. ''-.a babe. J was fed and tended by an invalid brotheni years his senior ; 'and he afterwards v crew insVe, and a hard, ungenial kind of wis- dom, wit As years fashion.alit were of 1 laundres much matronizing from anybody. po.essiiis increased, he boarded at a 'u Only too much so," returned the nephew. " It is my belief that she was modelled upon the most approved patterns and made up to order. If ever there was a machine for performing mechanically every outward virtue, it is Mrs. Henry Spike., She never loses her temper; indeed, I doubt if she has any to lose. She never betrays any flutter of van ity or wounded feeling. ; -To the calmness of a stat ue, she adds an instinctive perception of i decorum, a rigid adherence to rectitude, which leaves nothing to1 hope ur fear," aud-Tcry Iktfeftjrtyothing" can disturb her. When our infant was dangerous- j ly ill, she moved about hia cradle with the same unperturbed composure, and dropped his last cor dial, as we thought, into the cup with an untrem- bling hand.? "I hardly see how you came to marry her," re marked Edward, par parmthcse. She was pretty, and I mistook her natural roses for blushes, and her, silence for delicate reserve. I was much moved vhn she once left me in te;irs ; I have since learned she had the toolhache. I can never find in her deportment anything to forgive, and I am tired of praising where correctness seems inevitabb. Besides, she don't care for praise. She was wound up at birth, and her heart pulsates. with the regularity of a pendulum. If I should hang myself some morning of pure ennui, I know she would arrange everything for a respectable burial. My condition is desperate. In passing through New York last winter, I religiously avoided seeing Lola Montez for I knew I should be smitten at a glance. The slightest touch of 'human frailty seems absolutely refreshing. Speak, brother," -he added, after a brief pause,'and in mercy point out some defect in Mrs. Charley Spike." "Mrs. Charley Spike,''' responded the person ad addressed, "is not absolutely stupid, nor entirely indifferent in: matters of feeling. She gives some wii which human life is a failure, and happi- j variety to life in point of temper, and permits me nemyth.. r-Viih a devotion and patience hard- j to hope to please, as, well as fear to offend. But where "the cook and attendants , n sex, and ignored the address of his is predispositions against matrimony i 1 J ,v( li irfirl Kit 1 tin foti tliA brotlicat d t's wjio married somewhat late in Jife, a) .f ah unhappy connexion of seven years' durat'. i his widow- a permanent inmate of an " insauim, and his three boys to the guardian- fchi1) tiir uncle. The recipient of this unex" pect'-gjev, wh: had till then loved nothing in ; J the fe if his miserable, life, felt a strange pleasure iii tu ties 'of new and unsolicited relation. Th: litv with which the little fellows accommo '. .datieniselves' to tlie oddities of the eccentric hu-t, their timpiestioning faith in his moststart- linmas, and their artless exhibitions. -of per .. sojttaehment, won upon this isolated nature to;ree tlftit surprised himself. It seemed that thietpless chiidren were destined unconsciously to to tlie lonely old man that feminine mission Ivi expected of him, he reared the fragile boys to hood, gave, them all needful, advantages of loral schools arid pocket money, and at last saweiiail established in business, and in a way to d;TU,t to thetnselves and their connexions. JudoW of his painful astonishment when all threeupon him in a body, to announce that they aitly and severally formed the audacious resoluticf committh'ig titatrWiiony. Neither would h la'red approach the subject alone, and though e.nanced by each other, they felt so much grde, reverence and" compassion for the i.reiiidicjd man, that they fairly trembled for the resuj Whenj confession was made to Mr. J eduthu n Spike, hejied his back on the agitated young mert, ai;dked quickly to the window. After sta-idinor jitlv for some minutes, he turned and said verynly : "Welles, I have nursed you through the measles, ftho scarlet-fever, and the whooping-, cough, andid my hs, to alleviate what I could not preve You are now the victims of a disease quite as orah'as tlie. other, and for which there is no reniibut experience. Neither precept nor example, 'iere his li; s quivered slightly- ".have been ofaM'ail in yourcase. Go then, and marry, if -you wl give my consent, on one condition onlv. . IJiat you. all present yourselves in three years fixiuis day and hour, and declare solemn ly, uponP worth of your remaining manhood, whetheifu are unhappy, and why. The causes of miseju wedlock am very various, but the re sult is Jor r. ; I will excuse you now, boys, as I have appointment1 with my tailor." It isjedless to say that the three nephews availedfemselves of the permission thus unwilling ly glvejand that any self-reproaches they might iatinT the cherished wishes of their kind like your Rectina, she has, alas ! one paramount 1 idea. ; Order is Ileavea's first law,' and it is not the less that of my immaculate Vesta. Especially does she insist upon the most spotless neatness, at the'expense of all other considerations. I discov ered soon after my marriage that the world was a little too good to live in. The parlors were shut up to exclude the flies"; the chambers, to avoid :the dueL ; The dining room farniture was rpbpd in Hol land covers, and ugly mats deformed every square yard of carpeting. Canaries were banished' be cause they littered their cage, and my pet spaniel dismissed for neglecting to wipe his feet. Then pickles spoil the cutlery,' and eggs corrode the sil ver; coffee is liable to- stain the linen, and even butter, if incautiously used, may be the parent of a grease-spot. Cigars I have long since algured, because spittoons are an abomination. If I sit, it is, ' Mr. Spike,-your chair mars the wall,' or 'Charles, you are rocking upon the rug.' If I walk, it is, Pray leave your -boots at the door, Mr. Spike, and let ine bring your slippers.' I sometimes think I will remove to an hotelj and send home my compliments daily in a perfumed note. I shall ex pect soon after to see the whole establishment modelled in wax, and reposing under glass, like a collection of fanciful wonders. Come, . Edward, your wife is no paragon, luckily-. Confess your .misery, and don't detain us long." "Mine is not a pattern wife, certainly," was the response of the younger brother. "She is not dis tinguished for order, .nor faultless in neatness, nor unerrinrr in discretion. She is verv far from being MISCELLANEOUS: - From the New Yprk Obserrer. , THE FETE OF THE FIFTEENTH OF " AU GUST. ; -After all had paid devotion to the Virgin, they repaired to the Champs EMysees, io see"the illumi nation in honor of the Emperor, and at the expense of the city. By eight o'clock that whole avenue, from the Gardens of the Tuileries to the Arc of .Triumph a distance of one and-a-half Jiacakvaa. one blaze of light. The whole avenu?, on both sides, was a continual succession of triumphal arches, literally covered with lamps of various colors. The avenue was also crossed by festoons of lamps, and candelabras, to imitate globes, eagles and other duvices. I counted myself 1200 lamps in a space of 15 feet. Imagine the effect of an avenue made to represent a ball room 5,000 feet long, 150 widei and 40 feet high, with walls entirely covered with variegated lamps- a vast space of literally blazing and dazzling magnificence. The festoons suspend ed over the heads of the spectators from the side walls, gave the effect of innumerable chandeliers. The Place de la Concorde, a large open space, in front of the Tuileries gardens, was surrouuded by a similar wall of illumination the wall, as I call it, being-a successipn of pillars and arches, of the Moorish style. Immediately in front of the gardens was an immense arch, or rather temple of arches, rising to the height of the palace, itself, covered over with emblems and devices made of burning lamps. I never saw such a sicht. I don't believe there was ever such a sight before since the crea tion of the world." From any one point the spec tator "could see the effect ot 500,000 lamps. It took 1800 men neh' two hours to light them. Each lamp was a sort of glass cup, half filled w ith grease, which melted when, the wick was ignited. Each cup or lamp. was fastened to the wood work by iron sockets. The whole expense, I am told, was 500,000 francs, or $100,000, a large expendi ture for one evening's spectacle, .but not more than the Parisians are willing to pay. . And after all it was only, a tax of half, a franc 10 cents on each person in the city, and this collected by a duty on provisions which is called the octroi. Whether it was extravagant or not, it was certainly very beau tiful. It was like looking through an avenue of illuminated glass. Every spot. was as bright as a MORAL HABITS. IIabITS differ from principles, or constitutional desheslo that they are adventitious. Every habit is acquired repeated acts. The human consti tution jpoBS'esses a wonderful susceptibility of form, ing habit? of every kind. Indeed, we cannot pre vent the brrnition of habits of some kind "or other Still, 9r' reran Has much in his power as it regards the kiriadf habits which he forms, and is highly accoun able fot the exercise of this power. A man's character of his habits. Yea, a man's moral char acter derives its complexion, in a great degree from his habits. In this place, it is not necessary to go into the philosophy of the formation of habits Our object is to consider habits and habitual actions as they partake of a moral character, or as they are the objects of moral approbation, or dis approbation., If we should remove from the list of moral actions all those which are prompted by habit, we should cut off the larger number of those which men have agreed in judging to be of a moral nature. '.. That there are virtuous habits and vicious habits, will scarcely be denied by an' considerate persons A habit of lying, of swearing, of slandering, of cheat ing, of irreverence, of indolence, of vainglory, with many others, are, alas, too common. There are also virtuous habits, such as of industry, temper ance, kindness, veracity, diligence, honesty, &c. To be, sure, these virtues commonly flow from principle but the practice of them is greatly facilitated by correct habits. Two considerations will .show that men are properly accountable for those actions which proceed from habit. The first is, that in the formation cif his habits, man is voluntary. The acts by which thej7 are formed are i'ree acts, and the agent is responsible for ad their consequences. The other consideration is, that habits may be counteracted and even changed by the force oi virtuous resolutions and perseverance. Yv here hbit has become inveterate, it may be difficult to oppose or eradicate it ; but the strength of mora' principle has often been found sufficient to. coun teract the most confirmed habits. When it is asserted that men long enslaved by evil habits cannot make a change, if is on the ground that no principle of sufficient power exists in the mind of the agent; but for that deficiency, the man is, responsible. Yet a power from without may in WHOLE NO. 96- AUTUMN. . by Longfellow. O, with what glory comes and goes the year I The Buds of spring those beautiful harbingers Of sunny skies aud cloudless times enjoy Life's newness, and earth's garniture spread out$ And when the silver habit of the clouds Comes down upon the Autumn sun, and with A sober gladness the old year tikes up This bright inheritance of golden fruits, POWER OF WORDS. How deep an iusight into the failings 6f the human heart lies at the root of many . words ; ami if only we would attend to them, what valuable warnings many contain against subtle temptations and sins '. Thus, all of us have probably, more or less, felt the temptation of seeking to please others by an unmanly assenting to their view -of some matter, even when our own independent convictions would lead us to a different one. The existence of Ji?cha tempteUo an the fact that too many4 yield I A pomp and pageant fill the splendid scene. io n, are ootn declared in a Latin word tor a Batter er "assentator" -that is, " an assenter one who has not courage to say No, when a Yes is expected from him : and quite independently of the Latin, the German langnage, in its contemptuous and pre cisely equivalent use of" Jaherr," or " a yea Lord," warns us in like manner against all such unmanly compliances, I may observe by the way that we also once possessed the word " assentation" in the sense of unworthy, flattering lip-assent ; the last example of it which Richardson gives is from Bishop Hall : "It is a fearful presage of ruiu when the pro phets conspire in assentation.'''' The word is quite worthy to be revived. Again, how good it is to have that spirit of depreciation of others, that will ingness to find spots and stains in the characters of the greatest and the best, that so they may not oppress and rebuke us with a good n ess nd great ness so far surpassing ours to have this tendency met and checked by a word at once so expressive, and one which we should so little like to take home to ourselves, as the French " denigreur." This word also is now I believe out of use ; which is a pity, while yet the thing is everywhere so frequent. Full too. of instruction and warning is our present employment of the word " libertine." It signified, according to its earliest use in French and in Enjr- lish, a speculative free-thinker in matters of religion, and in the theory of morals, or, it might be, of government., But as by a sure process free-thinking does 'and w ill end in free-acting, as he who has cast off the one yok , will cast off the other, so a " lib ertine" came in two or three generations to signify a; profligate, especially in relation to women, a licen tious and debauched person. Trench. with hangings of harmless fire instead of curtains. ballroom. It was in fact a gigantic ball ro&m, j-trodttce a new principle potent enough, to over come evil habits. The importance of possessing It was a blaze of lights, as far as the eye could see, j rood habits, is admitted by all moralists. Aristotle and nothing could be seen but this blaze, except the heads of 1,000,000 of people as they walked between the illuminated arches, and beneath fes-i toons of hanging ' lamps. There was no jam, al though there were a million of promenaders. 1 have seen a much greater crowd in an evening party in New York or Philadelphia, that is, I have more felt the inconvenience of one. But where, except in Taris, is there an avenue which can le converged into a ball room to hold a million of hu man beings ? In what city, ancient or modern, will you find such an avenue as the Champs Ely- sees. London has its parks, but these cannot "be illuminated in such a manner as to resemble a vast ball room. No street in London could possibly hold one tenth of the people collected in Paris last evening in a single spot. If the lamps made the place beautiful, the crowd made it sublime. It is a grand spectacle to see the waving of a milHon of human heads. It is a grand triumph of civilization to allow the assembly and dispersion of such a crowd without tumult, accident or confusion. Not a piece of clock-work, and there is a great uncer- j a person lost his life or broke a "limb yesterday, teel at est ben ctor did not seriously embitter their hon-ey-moc The th ee years that followed stole a handfuf grey hairs from the bald forehead of Jeduth Spike, and, as if ashamed of the theft, secretl1 jstored them hidden among the chestnut lo-ksoiis young relations. And, as a farther res.titut i, the same silent agents transferred un noticed portion of the hopeful tenderness of the youthfi Benedicts to refresh the withered heart of the dis: pointed bachelor. The time for the inter view sobng anticipated, arrived at last In the luxuriotj rooms of the lonely uncle, Henry an I Char!es,,he tvo elder nephews, waited impatiently . tlie afrivl of the younger., "It isiselois looking for Edward," said Charles, at last. " W shan't se. hiin before evening. His wife is nw Uikiug for a needle- to darn his stock lngs, and rejace the missing buttons upon his -coat." . ; . I 1 '"-'' et, as he oke, a cheerful step was heard with out, aud the trdy brother entered the room, breath--ing quickly, d with a smiling apology for his delay. Tie tro first arrived exchanged meaning glances; jut (.he merciless uncle cut short their merriment, bysaying gravely, 44 Henry, m boy, you are the oldest. It is just that you shoull lead upon this occasion. Tell us frankly, how oo you enjoy married life Y The young man paused for a moment, then,: with a comical. grimace that but ill-concealed his reluctance, he replied : ' . ' It is a bitur dose to swallow, I confess. Un cle,, vou are re'enged." t-ajnty, sometimes delightful, sometimes painful, as tOiwhat she will attempt, and whether the result will be success or failure. There is room for doubt as to particulars ; none at ad as to the general ten dency of her conduct. She is as true-hearted a woman-as lives, ''anc? that which she" delights in must be'happy.' You may 'smile if you choose, but I do most frankly assure you that I am happy. I know not what Beatrice is doing at this foment, but I feel sure that,' in aims and efforts, she is true to herself, tp me, and to her Maker. I am sure that she moves me more than all the world beside, but not so much as she loves truth and duty and self-respect. Her . errors are all mistakes. They are the redundancy of a loving, generous, richly gifted nature. She is no model, hoasewife, but she has made great improvement, and she has the strongest incentive to improvement, a sincere and unselfish affection. It is trite that T was delayed to-day by waiting for a few last stitches from her practiced needle, not however upon my clothing, as I see you imagine, but upon a pair of slippers she has just wrought for uncle Jeduthun. Let me see them tried, my dear sir. I have an idea they will fit you," " Why, yes, tolerably," said the good man, wbo seemed more gratified than he cared to acknowl- neither in the crowd assembled to witness the illu mination, nor from the fire works, nor by accident on the railroads which disgorged ther thousands. Indeed not one death has occurred mall France for two years on any or all the railroads, by accid ent. They hold life dear in these old despotic lands, Nor was there a great show of military or police force to keep the people in order. And yet there was order, yea, universal civility. I walked after 9 o'clock, in the thickest of the crowd, twice through this whole illuminated and blazing avenue, arid I neither saw nor heard any thing improper or even disagreeable. Nobody trod on ray toes. Nobody pushed or thumped my back. Nobody puffed to bacco smoke in my face. Nobody uttered fcjolish noise-". All was decency, order and admiration. And this vast crowd, from every section and corner of iParis and its suburbs, men, wpmeu and children, the old and young, the rich and poor, the feebla and strong, separated, in good time, as peacealy as they had assembled. Nobody was carried to pri son for disturbing the pleasure of others, or for any outrage on themselves. I did not see one person, the whole day, the worse for liquor. Think of this, ye Americans, with your free institutions and your boasts of selfcontrol think of all this happen-: ingin infidel, superstitious, and despotic France makes the essence of virtue to consist in " practical habits, voluntary in their origin," and agreeable to flight reason. Dr. Thomas Reid, in his "Essay on the Active Powers,"' defines virtue to be " the fix ed purpose id act according to a sense of duty," which definiliyn Dugald Stewart modifies, by ob serving, " It is the fixed purpose to do w hat is right, which evidently constitutes what we call a virtuous disjjosilioii. But it appears to me that virtue, cousidered as an attribute of character, is moe properly defined by the habit which the fixed pur pose gradually forms, than by the fixed purpose itself." Dr. Paley lays it down as an aphorism, tlat " mankind act more from habit than refiec tion." " We are," says he, " for the most part, de termined at once, and by an impulse which has the effect and energy of a pre-established habit." To the objection, " If we are in so great' a degree passive under our habits, where is the exercise o. virtue, or the guilt of vice ?" he5 answers, "in the forming and contracting of these habits." " Aud hence," says he, " results a rule of considerable importance, viz, that many things are to be. done arid abstained from, solely for the sake of habit." Dr. Alexander. ; Why Mr. Buchanan Never Married. A cor respondent of the New Haven Palladium, writing from Lancaster, Pa., brjefly records the reason : " A short distance from the city is the country residence of Hon. James Buchanan, American Am bassador to the court of St. James. Its general appearance at once indicates that no fair hand is there to train the creeping vines or budding roses to their befitting place as you are aware that the honorable gentleman still remains in single blessed ness. The story is briefly told. Paying his ad dresses to a young and beautiful lady of this city, each became deeply enamored, and they were en gaged. On a given evening, she requested his company to a party of friends, which he declined on the plea of business engagements. Circumstances rendering it necessary, he, late in the evening, gal lanted a young lady to her home, and on the way they met. Mortified and chagrined at what she deemed unfaithfulness and desertion, and imagining the worst, she left tthe city early in the morning, and returned, a corpse. Such is the sad story of his early love, nor can the high places of distinction and trust make him forget, nor the wreaths of hon- : or that encircle his brows bury the memory of the early loved and lost."! ' I ' THE IVY MILLS The old paper mill, says the West Chester Register, in which the paper was manufactured used by Benjamin Franklin in his printing office, is ttill in operation: on Chester Creek, Delaware Co., and owned by Mr. Wilcox, the son of the gentle man who held it durinnr the lifetime of Franklin The paper was made at that time, and is still man ufactured by hand. Scarcely any change has been made in the mill, and the same process of making rag into paper is in operation to-day as was fol lowed some hundred and forty years ago ; the mill having been erected in the year 1713. ' Ivy Mills, alluded to above, has long been exclusively devoted to the manufacture of bank note and map paper, of course by hand. The paper for the notes of the old United States Bank, of w hich much was said at the time, was at this ' establishraeut. The paper was made of the best Russia lioen, and Ban dana handkerchiefs were shredded and mixed with the pulp to produce a red streak, then for the first time adopted in bank note paper. ed-e. "The truth is," he added, speaking with . j Could 100000 PeoPle meet together in New-York hesitation, as if he felt the need of an apology, " The truth is, I am going to live with Edward, and give lessons to Beatrice in housekeeping." Reputation is so tender a flower that if once crop ped or blasted, it is out of the power of the most benign sun or genial shCwers to restore it to its origiual beauty- How tender, 'then, should every ! one be not only dfsDeakinsr. but even of encouraging There was a slight movement of surprise, for i the busy tonues and malicious speeches of defam- ' rr .. --i.iji.iti I . J ers; for if defamation be a murderess of the reputa tion, as in other murders, every bystander ought to "rs. Uprirv Sn'lrB- was rpcofrmzed as' decidedlv n.v j . a , . table. '" I thought," said the uncle, drily, "that yours a pattern wife," be looked upon as a principal, since the law allow3 of no accomplice in of th it black nature. without a tumult or an accident ? But I saw a mill ion assembled in Paris without either accident, in decency, rudeness or danger. At 10 o'clock I wended my way through the crowded thoroughfares to the rail road station. At 12 o'clock those streets were J a desert. Such was Paris on the double Fete of the Assumption of the Virgin, and the birth day of Napoleon L L. J. He that will not permit his wealth to do any good to others while he is alive, prevents it from doing any good to himself when he is dead; and by egotism, which is suicidal, cuts himself off from the truest pleasure here, and the highest happiness hereafter My friend, hast thou ever thought how pleasant and altogether lovely would be. a life of entire sin cerity married to perfect love ? The wildest stories of magic skill, or fairy power, could not equal the miracles that would be wrought by such a life; for it would change this hollow masquerade of veiled and restiess souls into a place of divine communion. A Hat-Band. The Paris correspondent of th. N. Y. Daily Times, tells a good yarn about a hatter in that city. The thatcher of heads received an order from a well-dressed, gentlemanly looking fel low, for twenty-five hats of a peculiar shape, and liking the cut of tliems, he made a twenty-sixth for himself. A few days after the hats had been de livered, as per order, the chapelier sported his new tile on the Champs Ehjsees. He had not been jong on the ground, before he perceived several in dividuals hatted like himself, and presently one of them came up and informed him, in a confidential way, that it was " a good day for booty, and no beaks about." Shortly afterward another of the party came up, and popped three watches, two purses, and five handkerchiefs, into bis hands, with a request that he would put them into his " deep," which is the " flash " for pocket. The hatter now felt that ho had been manufacturing signals for pickpockets, and brimfull of indignation, hastened to a Commissary of Police, who crowned tha romance of the adventure by causing the arrest of the band. rhere is a beiuTaStlprnf BreatSSg--'f , Its mellow richness on the cfuster'd ttees And from a beaker full of iichest dyes, Pouring new glory on the Autumn woods, And dipping in warm light the pillar'd clouds. Morn, on the mountain, like a summer bird, Lifts up her purple wing : ai.d in the vales The gentl t winda sweet and passionate wooer-'-Kisses the blushing leaf, and stirs up life Within the solemn woods of ash deep crimsoned, And -ilver beech, and maple yellow-leaved Where Autumn, like a faint old man sits down By the. way ide aweary. Through the trees The golden robin moves-: the purple finch That on wild cherry and red cedar feeds, A winter bird, comes with its plantive w histle, And pecks by the witch hazel ; whistling along From cottage i oofs the warbling bluebird sings ; And merrily, with oft-repeated stroke, Sounds from the threshing floor the busy flail. O, what a glory doih this world put on For him wiio with a fervent heart, goes forth Under the bright and glorious sky, and looks I On duiies well performed and days well .pent I For him the w ind, ay, and the yellow lewes, -Shall have a voice, and give him eloquent teachings, He shall so hear the solemn hymn that Death lias lifted up for all, that he shall go " To his long resting place without a tear. HOW TO DETECT COUNTERFEITS 1. Examine the appearance of a "bill the gen uine have a general dark, neat appearance. 2. Examine the vignette, or picture in the mid dle of the top ; see if the skyor. back ground looks clear and transparent, or soft aud even, and not .scratchv. 3. Examine well the face: see if the expressions are distinct and easy, natural and life-like, particu larly the eyes. 4. See if the drapery or dress fits well, looks natural and easy, and shows the folds distinctly. 5. Exaroine the medallion, ruling and heads, and circular ornaments around the figures, fcc. See I if they are regular, smooth and uniform, not scratch)'. This work in the genuine looks as if raised on the paper, and cannot be perfectly imitated; 6. Examine the principal line of letters or name of 'the bank. See if they are all upright, perfect ly true and even ; or, if sloping, of a uniform slope. 7. Carefully examine the shade or parallel ruling on the face or outside of the letters. &c. ; see if it is clear, and looks as if colored with' a brush. The fine and parallel linos in the genuine are of. equal size, smooth and even ; counterfeits look as if done with a file. 8. Observe the round handwriting engraved on the bill, which should be black, equal in size and distance, of a uniform slope, arid smooth. This is in genuine notes invariably well done, and looks very perfect. In counterfeits it is seldom so, but often looks stiff as if done with a pen. 9. Notice the imprint or engraver's name which is always near the border or end of the note, and is always alike; letters small, upright, and engraved very perfectly. Counterfeiters seldom do it well. NoTE.It was remarked by Stephen Burroughs, before he died, that two things could not be per fectly counterfeited one' was the dye work, or pi r- trait, m dallion heads, vignette, fec, and the other the shading, or ruling above the letters. Bank Note Reporter. " We celebrate nobler obsequies to those we love by drying the tears of others than by shedding our own; and the fairest funeral wreath we can bring on their tomb is a fruit offering of good. If love is not really required to be blind to de merits, it cannot be too? quick-sigh ted in, discover ing, or constant in dwelling upon qualities of real value. 1 I Widow of John Haxcock. Mrs. Hancock, the widow of Johq Hancock, of the Revolution, married James Scott. Her last days -were secluded. Those who were admitted to her little supper-table, were considered highly honored. When Lafayette was last in this country, he made an early call upon her, and they, who were witnesses, speak of it with ad miration. The once youthful chevalier and the unrivalled belle met, as if only a summer had pass ed since they had enjoyed social interviews during the perils of the Revolution. She was attentive in her very last -days to taste in dress, as when in the circles of fashion. " She would never forgive a young girl" she said, " who did not dress to please; nor one who seemed pleased with her dress." New ark Sentinel. Antiquarian.- It is asserted, in a journal of Rome, that six stones, with paintings representing the incidents in the voyage of Ulysses, as related by him to Alcinous, in the Odyssey, were recently found in the demolition of some houses in that city ; and that, according to good authorities, one of them proves that the city of the Laestrigons, where the hero was so scurvi'y treated, and the precise wbereabou's of which classical geographers have neveV yet been able to fix, is no other than tho modern Terracina, in the Roman States. The pic torial representation on the stone exactly corres ponds, it is alleged, with the main features of Ter racina, as is now to be seen, and with the descrip tion of the Bay of Laestrigonia in the Odyssey. . j To pass through life without sorrow would, nat urally speaking, be good; but patiently to bear sor row, and profit by it, is still better; the former is a temporary good, the latter eternal. ; Aim at cheerfulness without levity. A Real Bloomer. The Salem Press relates the following: -"A farmer in this town Tiired last Spring a young Irishman to work upon his farm. He labored faithfully and gave good satisfaction, when, about a week ago, the discovery was made that his faithful hand was a, lass! of the. Emerald Isle. She could plough, hoe corn, swing a scythe, rake, load and pitch hay with the very best of them; but strange to say, she was not very good at the cradle" To possess a true-hearted friend is good, but to be able to endure, without resentment, the conduct of a false-hearted friend is still Better: the former is a temporary good, the latter eternal. . THE COMET The comet! he is on his way, And singing a he flies ; The whizzing planets hnnk before The spectre of the skies. ' Ah ! well may regal orbs burn blue, And satellites turn pale, Ten million cubic miles of head, . Ten billion leagues of tail! . . N

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