i I s. .. , f H E SOU - i ORIGINAL POETRY. Written for the Southon. Weekly Port. UNFADING BEAUTY. BT J. H. L. HCNTER. The nan who loves a rosy cheek WHhin this world of Borrow'; ' Will find alas, lo his regret Twill wither on the morrow : And should he place his heart upon A star-lit eye of fire, , Soon will time its brightness quench And cause it to expire. But lofty, noble, virtuous minda; Withstand the shock of ages ; And leave mementoes of their "worth Upon our history's pages , And generous thoughts and holy love And calm and pore desires, -Will kindle in the hearts of all Hope's never dying fires. ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. METROPOLITAN CORRESPONDENCE, LETTER XIX. ; - New York, Sept. 26, 1853. BrevityDearth of Newt-Horticultural festival Thewea- tkrr J-vReveti v4t a eoal fire Winter in the city The Poor Charity How to bestow it Children in the Crys tal Palace-The character of the Exhibition Philadel phia recreant Results of the Fair Prof. Silliman's Tour in Europe Dr Chalmers' Correspondence. Mr Dear Post : I do not intend to inflict npon your readers a long letter this week, and perhaps, fur tjie first tim1, sinje i and they have been " ac juent" I may Lave to close with an apology for the brev ity of my periodical dispatch. The budg et of rews for the past seven Jays would be speed ily exhausted. Literally nothing has transpired to frighten our planet, r at least this portion of it, V out of its propriety", since last I bad the hap piness. of 'addressing you. 1 'A pleasurable feature of the week .was the an niversary of the New .York Horticultural Society, with its wonted display of flowers the poetry of tire. 'earth, as stars are said to be the '.poetry of the skies--arjd of fruits, which perhaps, -by a poetical license, we may call the prone of the earth, or by any name which uhall indicate their more substan tial" and satisfactory -nature. I cannot tell vou who exhibited the finest dahlia,, or who . produced the lst 2air not of dahlias, hut ir $( .' for I was unable to attend the pleasant festival of the ard Hie'rs. . The weather, has change- itie,'e I wrote to you last and the piping notes of. Autumn aw becom ing familiar to our ears. Instead of gatherings up on the balconies and door-steps of. the houses du ring the twilight there, are gatherings about the fi-st fires of the season. You may hear, in the back arlpr, the cheerful :mark " Well ! I must say that a coal fire is a very pleasant tiling.' though a fortnight ago the man who uttered it would have been counted crazy. C'ircun stances do indeed al ter cases, Happy now is that-, household, where te cellar is well stocked with the shining hoards of carbon; and with the equally important piles of dry kindling wood; for of what use is coal if you cannot make it burn ! It is quite a different thing, my dear Tost, to kindle a coal fire from that of igniting a stack of wood ! When it is once fairly lighted, however, it burns in a manner to do the eyes good. How it glows' an J brightens! how it radiates its warmth into every corner of the room, mellow ing the bright tints of the tapestry, flashing iu the gilding and crystal of the chandelier, softening the lights and relieving the shadows of your favourite picture, and giving to the whole apartment an at mosphere of con. fort and coziness which it never could wear in the dog-days, or iu the dog-nights either.-; I prefer the city, iu the winter and the country ' in the summer. . When the coid winds whistle around the farm-house, and the air is full of the whirling leaves- all brown and sere-r the charm of the country is departed; and cannot be renewed, however bright the tire burns within the dwelling. In the city, upon the eonlrrry the winter aspect is delightful to me, for every thing is suggestive of the comfort within its Walls. As the season' ad vances into raid-winter, our home hour3 will multi- ply. liierainner, uituenu m ivo tbe table -t five; and the shutters will be closed attfi the gas burhing-bfightly even at that hour. A long evening will lollow and unless extraordinary temptations take us abroad, it will be passed at Lome with book, or chess, or music, or it may be all happily combined. There is- a dark side to the picture of a city w in terwould there wpre not ! The poor rejoice not in the approach of winter, and of these th-re are, and must be, thousands iu such a city as New York. They are the victims, it may be, "of misfurtune of : imprudence of dissipation of vice but from whatever cause, they are objects ot our pity, and I involuntarily say, as I think of their empty cellars, their cold hearth-stones, their destitution of food and clothing : '.God help the poor V It seems strange that, with the vast and well organized charities of this great city, there should yet be such an amount of want as there certainly does exist Beggars infest our streets, and increase as surely as the population does. Would not that legislation be wise which should forbid all street mendicity, and provide amply for the relief of the destitute at various points accessible to all ? I am atisfied that if the private charities uow indiscrim inately bestowed, were to flow, into some general reservoir for judicious distribution, they would al leviate Un limes the amount of suffering they now do. The bestowment of money upon street beggars is almost invariably an evil, or it is expended im mediately at the dram shop, or if given to children too young yet to be drunkards, it is taken home to minister to the depraved appetites of a drunken father, or it may be revolting as the thought is to a besotted mother 1 If. there were established in this city a Bureau of charity, with sub-offices where the str; nger could bestow . his gift, assured that it would relievo actual want, and that worthily, 6uch a bureau would receive from liberal hands enough to clothe all the naked and feed all the hungry in the-city, even though the benefactions of the public were not a whit increased. But I am occupying too much space with this subject- I have not had much leisure since I wrote last to d-Axte to the Exhibition at tfie Crystal Palace. An interesting feature of the attendance during the past week has been the introduction every day of five thousand children from the public schools. They are admitted gratuitously, in accordance with a provision in the grant, to the Association, of the land which the Pala?e stands on. This visitation is to continue during the present week, as there are about fifty thousand children connected with the public schools of this city. The little visiters make good use of their privilege, that is,- they crowd as much fun and frolic into their half-day's holiday as they possibly can. Entering the Palace in an orderly manner, two and two, they are no sooner within and set at liberty by their teachers, than they disperse in all directions and run through the naves and courts and galleries of the building much as if j they were playing 44 follow my leader " on the play ground! The crowds of children, added to the multitudes of adult visiters which the fine weather has brought out, almost filled the Palace. 1 should think that there must have been seventy-five thou sand persons within the building during the six days of last week. The character of the exposition is no longer doubtful Even the ill-natured, are compelled to .grant that it is satisfactory, while the unprejudiced are free to declare that it surpasses their highest anticipations It is a somewhat singular fact, but one which I am justified in declaring, that no por tion of the couutry has been so faithless and un- I just to the exhibitiou as Pennsylvania, aud partic ularly 'Philadelphia. The papers in the 44 City of brotherly love " have breathed any thing but a brotherly spirit towards the Crystal Palace aud are riot magrnauimous enough even uow to oo it justice. Tliere is however another couut in the in dictment and it is this: A very large proportion of the Philadelphia applicants for space have failed to occupy that which was apportioned -to them. Were they afraid, at, the last moment, to compete with their neighbors or have they kept back hum a stiii more unjustifiable cause a desire to discred it the euterpi ize ( It' the latter supposition be true, they have signally tailed having discredited only themselves, and lo some extent, their city. Yes, my dear Post, the Crystal i'ahico is a great success, i do not know that it will put money in to the purses of its stockholders liut it will infuse energy into the industrial ranks of our country cumulating them lo greater effort for- iuiure ex cehei ce iu every branch of human -labour. Our ariizuus. have, seen wi.at .'Europe does,, and where site excels theui ; and believe . me, they will not long remain behind in the race. This great exhi- bition wul give n& 'more exquisite' fabrics -from - American looiiis brighter examples ot ait trdui American artists, and .improved processes and re sults of mechanism iu all .the industrial arts. A debt of honor is due to the founders and executors of this international exhibition and to those who have frowned upon it, whether 'from narrow miud eduess or more sordid motives, the public owes a meed of indignation, which 1 hope will be unspar ingly bestowed upon them ! Let me turn, for a few moments, to my book table, and see what there is to challenge notice iu this letter. A: brace of volumes from the press of Putnam fc Co., record the observations and expe riences of the elder Sillimas the distinguished physicist and- accomplished scholar during a twelve months' recent tour in Europe. They are full of varied interest notwithstanding the fa;t that "every body knows .all about Europe now-a-davs." These volumes are the appropriate com plement of Mr. Ly ell's travels in the United Stales with the advantage to the former that they pos sess more geniality of spirit than was characteristic of the observations of the English geologist. Prof. Siiiiman was in Europe forty eight years ago, and his book . might be called, not inappropriately, 44 Europe uow and. then" for he delights t.o give us the contrasts which he cannot, help seeing at every step of his progress. He has expended- so much care upon his book both topographically and intellectually, that it will certainly become one of the few classics of European travel by Americans. The Harpers have just published, among other excellent books, a volume of the 44 Correspon dence of Dr. Chalmers".1 edited by his son-in-law, Dr. llanna. Nothing that came from the pen of that great man will be without permanent value, and his correspondence is particularly full of the riches with which his mind aud heart were stored. Let me here make my best bow to your readers before by my continued gossip, I render my intima-i tion of brevity, in the beginning "of this letter not only pointless but ridiculous which would be un becoming in one so grave as yours ever COSMOS. COMMUNICATIONS. f WRITTEN FOR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLV POST. SPEECH OF HON. A. W. YEN ABLE, Before the two Societies' of Wake Forest College, delivered Wednesday, Jum 8th, 1853. Ra leigh: A. M. Gorman, Printer. Spirit of the Age Office. We are not much accustomed to read Anniver sary Addresses, and still less to eulogize them, for they have become almost as jejune and hackneyed a fourth of July orations. Their authors, in place of taking a useful and practical subject, and en forcing it with all that benignity, earnestness, and. generous self-forgetfulness which should. character ize the monitions of the matured to the unmatur ed mind, too frequently yield to the temptation of dealing in glittering common places, titillating the popular ear, and reaping a harvest of praise on these interesting occasions, from a pleased, and therefore, genVrous auditory. If this be not so, why is it that so many of them are condemned for pointless, ob scure and general declamation ? We have read many that were both subjectless and objectless, or if any were discoverable, the one was self, and the other its glorification. Such authors are very far from doing what Archbishop Whately, with admi rable propriety , and condensation of expression, terras "taking the restricted view of a subject" As Commencement Addresses form a large part of our literature, and one of the distinctive features of our nationality, (for they are almost unknown in Europe, on account of their fewness and the con stitution of their Universities and Colleges.) they acquire an import which makes it desirable that they be excellent in matter and style. The address whose title stands, at the head of this, critical notice, though not perhaps, coming up to this high' standard in all respects, Is so replete with the garnered wisdom of experience and learn ing, so embellished with the beauties of expression and diversified with appropriate and beautiful fig ures, that it is worthy of recommendation and gen eral circulation. We know no way in which so much pleasure and profit could be imparted to American Students, at the same expense, as w uld be"incurred by presenting each of them with a copy of this excellent address. Elaborate criticism does not fall within the juris diction of a more critical notice, but we cannot forego the opportunity to commend .the following parallel, which the able author draws between the genial feeling and generosity of the man of genius, and the selfishness and petty tyranny of the medi ocre. He has made of it a mirror, in which these two characters may read their distinctive features. We. know that it appears almost ungrateful to find faults in so generous an ottering on the shrine of letters, but as the "critic's eye" may be denied us, if we 44 pass all imperfections by," we inform our young readers that we think we see iu some parts the want of strict logical connexion and that rhet orical smoothness and barmany, without which an uubroktn continuity of thought is impossible. C. Wake Forest College. EXTRACT FROM .MR. VENABLeVJSA?8 & " Of all the calamities which befall an age, the reign of mediocrity is the most deplorable. When mere dullness is in the ascendancy there is hope of improvement. . The dim eye may be reached -and excited by the light, and enquiry may be,awakened without the disturbing influence of suspicion. Dullness makes but few pretensions, and is satisfied with power. But mediocrity in attainments and intellectual gifts, having acquired power and influ ence, instinctively dreads comparison with superi ors, takes counsel of jealousy and i insensible to generous emotions. Under such control, orators g ve place to demagogues and ranters ; and states men ar substituted by crafty intriguers. This is the necessary result of the reign of mediocrity in literature, science, art and statesmanship. Never ijing high, of course it fixes its standard low. -Conscious of the want of intellectual acumen, it is suspicious of those who are supposed to possess it. Limited in mental resources, it is niggardly in the C'lthmiiniuation of -.thoughts. Deficient in wisdom, r substitutes in its place the counterfeit currency. Afraid of fratik and candid counsel, it seeks for to Is instead of advisers. - Feeling incapacity to control individual talent and attainments, reliance is placed upon party organization to resist the pow er of superior genius. lender this gloomy reign, mind slumbers, merit pines, and should talent make a successful assault upon the drowsy In st, a victory over prejudice or a. castigation of folly teaches no permanent lesson. ' bmall advautagi-. allure, and small points in policy absorb, and rules I ' fH of. beauty,and of lender and even sacred as adopted wit IkhiI comprehending the philosophy ! S'-ciationv The songs of the vintagers frequently, which suggested them, are looked to to exorcise j chorussed from one part of the field to the other, the spirit of disorder. Boldness of thought and j rin,r u!ithe!v into the bright summer air, pealino- independence ot action are proscribed ana clenounc- ! -d, and the tyranny of little men sustained for a season. Mediocrity and ignorance having obtain ed .power, a war upon all that is elevated and li beral, is waged to the knife. Nor does science, art, taste or literature fare any better under this autho rity. Ignorance regards learning as a -.species of necromancy , or at best a-useless accomplishment, and considers the elegancies of cultivated taste too expensive a recreation. The wisdom of the past and the experience of the present are regarded only as rubbish, except so far as it subserves the organ ization of party, or answers the ends of som poli tical pedlar. What does medi' crity care for the beauties of style or the sweet harmony of poetry ? Of w hat use td it is the accumulated wisdom of ages ? Fearing nothing so much as superiority, trembling at rivalry, and moved by the instinct of self-preservation, it hastens to inspire dread by smothering and destroying all that indicates the existence ot the one or the other. -Nece8e est multus timeat quern mvlti timent.'''' With the instinct of the Tyrant it seeks safety in proscrip tion, and security in the destruction of those whom jealousy distrusts or envy hates. Mediocrity in authority rarely reasons, because incapable of high mental effort ;" hence, it substi tutes apothegms and sayings, for reasons and prin ciples, uses the names of virtues for the reality, and cabalistic terms for the wisdom of statesman ship perceives greater evil, in the disregard of party tactics than in the commission of actual wrong. For this reason it is eminently proscrip tive, and unless some strong rebellion exposes its weakness and subverts its authority, the weight of its leaden sceptre wculd increase until the triumph of stupidity, more fatal than the incursion of bar barians, would overwhelm and overturn all that wisdom had discovered or experience fixed. A dark age would supervene, and the spirits of men de pressed by the tyranny ot interior minds, would take refuge under any strong arm which promised deliverance from such ignoble rule. But another and a more beneficent infiuence succeeds a bright er reign where power legitimately belongs, and where success and distinction are secured and be towed the reign of genius, which is always gener ous. Talent developes, and mind expands under its dominion, and the competition which it produ ces, only illustrates by brilliant achievement, the high position which intellect may attain. Like the f pring bursting from the mountain side, it has no distrust of the richness of the source, and leaps i l shining cascade, or flows in transparent beautv beside a Kindred stream ; receives into its bosom the rills which swell its volume, and pursues its course refreshing and enriching with unstinted pro fusion. Genius collects jewels only to refresh the eyes of all by their light accumulates treasures only to supply the wants of mindgathers flowers to embellish by their beauty, and delight by their fragrance smiles with pleasure upon every open ing bud, expanding it by culture, and cherishing it by attention. Jealousy expires in' the salubrious at mosphere which surrounds it, and envy perishes for want of food. The scarcely fledged -win? is sustained by iu hand and taught to soar, and the timid, but gifted, stimulated to high adventure. Genius takes no pleasure in grovel lino- intrigues, has no sympathy with selfish enterprises is not interested in the conflicts of little men, and has no toleration for the ascendancy of trickery over merit vreinus loieraiea ireeuoui oi enquiry, and rejoices in independence of thought conscious of creative pow er, it delights in the high creations of others posses sing a common interest in the treasures of knowledge, it glories in every accumulation, without paus ing to think who brought it to thecoraruou store regarding the whole world of science, knowledge, eloquence, poetry and art, as one great field for kindred minds to enter and possess. It owns no right in any to appropriate, but to enjoy not to exclude those who would ente-, but to invite all to come. As the sparkling gem or the lovely flower can as easily delight a thousand eyes as one bv its light or its beauty, so the creations of genitis'and of taste dispense their refreshing influence to the generations of mankind. The volumes of Jearning which have been given to the world, the history, poetry, and elegant literature, the temples, statues, and the canvass glowing with mimic life, are all the trophies of generous, prolific genius, which seeks for fair renown by doing justice to those who have gone before, and begins the pursuit by pro- He must fear many whom eo many fear. claiming their praises. It catches the dying ca dence of the song where it paused, only to recreate and swell its melody, and vary and prolong its notes. With a kiud and truthful ban 1 ;it records the glories of its predecessors, or the marble which covers the dust it holds communion-with the great departed in the works which they have left as a legaey to the world, and bring bright minds of ages past into the family circle. These are the offices, the powers, the associations, and the tri umphs of genius. It is here that you may come that you may be wiser, brighter and better. Here anthems of praise can employ every voice, and still retain the harmony. In this concentration of light, the roads to success and distinction are so clearly indicated that none can mistake theua." WRITTEN FOR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLY TOST. I Messrs. Editors: I request that the interest which I take I in your excellent and useful paper may exempt me from the imputation of officious ness, when I suggest to you the giving of addition-, al interest, beauty and usefulness to it, by occasion ally giving short articles on Architecture, with ac companying illustrations from ''Downing's Cottage Architecture," and similar works. There are peri ods in the history of every. State, when the people seeth to have a' contagious spirit of building. Soraethins: of this? kind I think is now discernible in North Carolina! It is admitted that there are few things in which we are more deficient than in Architecture. ' The State is covered with huge squares andi parallelograms of , painted ! weather boards, whicl might have been built up into sightly and comfortable dwellings for one half of what they originally cosfe It is needless to speak of the su perior preasuresof traveling in a State covered with neat buildings, since comfort, health and even mor ality are so much promoted by them. Verb. Sat. Very respectfully, -. ' , WM. II. OWEN. V THE VINTAGE. There have long existed pleasing, and in some sort poetical,. associations connected with the t:isk of securing for. human' use the fruits of the earth ; and to no species of cr p do these picturesque as sociations apply with greater force than to the in gathering of the ancient harvest of the vine. From time immemorial, the season has typified epochs of plenty and mirthful-heartedness of good fare and of good will. Tlu ancient types and figures de scriptive of the iiitage are stiil literally true. The march of agricultural improvement seems never to have set foot amid the viues. As it was with the patriarchs in tje E.ist, so it is with the modern children of men. The goaded ox still bears home the high-pivsse 1 grape-tub, and the feet of the trader are'still red in the purple juice. The scene . , aI , . , , , - , laughter shouted hither and thither. All the green jungle is alive with- the moving figures of men and women, stooping among the vines or bearing pails and ba-iketfuls of grapes out to the gras-growu cross-roads, along which the labmna: oxen drathe rough vintage c irts, groaning and creaking as they stagger along beneath their weight of purple tubs heaped high with the tumbling masses of luscious fiuit. The congregation of every age And bom sexes, and the careless variety of costume, add ad ditional features of picturesqueness to the scene. The white-haired old man labors with shaking hands to fill the basket which his black-eyed imp of a grandchild carries rejoicingly away. Quaint broad-brimmed straw and felt hats handkerchiefs twisted like turbans over stranrsrlinff elf-locks swarthy skins tanned to ar. olive-brown black flashing eyes and hands and feet stained in the abounding juices of the . precious fruit all these southern peculiarities of 'costume and appearance supply the vintage with its pleasant characteristics. Thf clatter of tongues is incessant. A fire 'of jokes and jeers, of saucy questions, and more saucy re torts of what, in. fact, in the humble aud un poetic, but expressive vernacular, is called u chaff" is kept up with a vigor which seldom flags, except now and then, when the bijtt-end of a song, or the twanging close of a chorus' strikes the general fancy, and procures for the morceau a lusty encore.- Meantime, the master wine-grower moves observingly from rank to rank. Xo neglected bu nch of fruit escapes his watchful eye. No careless vintager shakes the precious berries rudely upon the soil, but he is promptly reminded of his slovenly work. Some times the tubs attract fhe careful superintendent. Ele turns up the clusters to ascertain, that no leaves nor useless length of tendril are entombed in the juicy masses, and anou directs his steps to the pressing-trough, anxious to find that the lusty treaders are persevering manfully in their loug-c-Jntiuued dance. ' The reader will easily conceive that it is on the smaller properties, where the wine is intended, not so much for co.mrae.rce as for household use, that the vintage partakes most of the festival nature. In the large and first class vineyards the f process goes on under rigid superintendence, and is, as much as possible, made a cold matter of business. He who wishes to see the vintages of books and poems the laughing, j .kiiig, singing festivals amid the vines, which we are accustomed to consider the harvests of the grape must betake him to the multitudinous patches of peasant property, in which neighbor helps neighbor to gather in the crop, and upon which whole families labor merrily together, as much for the amusement of the thing, and from good neighborly feeling, as in cousideration of francs and sous. Here, of course, there is no ti'cht dis- cipline observed, nor is there any absolute uecessity for that continuous, close scrutiny into th state of the grapes all of them, hard or rotten, going slap dash into the cu vier which, in the case of the more precious vintages, forms no small cbeck upon the general state of careless jollity. Every one eats as much fruit as he pleases, and rests when he is tired On such occasions it is that you hear to the best advantage the joyous songs and chorusses of the vintage many of these last being very pretty bits of melody, generally sung by the women and girls, in shrill treble unison, and caught up and continu ed from one part of the field to another. Yet, discipline and control it as you will the vintage will ever be beautiful, picturesque, and full of assertion. The rude wains, creaking beneath the reekmg tubs-the patient faces of the yoked oxen-the half naked, stalwart men, who' toil to help the cart along the ruts and furrows of the way -the handWchiel-turbaned women, their gay red- and-blue dresses peeping from out the greenery of the leaves the children dashiag about as if the. whole thing were a frolic, and the gray headed old men tottering cheerfully a down the lines of vines, with baskets and pails of gathered grapj-s to fill the VawnilllT tubs tho ndirdu j . o ...... '.vv,,vs venerable, and picturesque, not more by association than actuality. THE jloutjicra ftalttMi) )ost. EDITED- BY CALVIN II. WILEY, WILLIAM D. COOKE, ' . LYTTELTON WADDELL, Jr. RALEIGH, OCTOBER 1, 1853. Terms TWO DOLLARS FEB AKNTJM, in Advance. ! CLUB PRICES: Three Copies, $5 full price $ Eight Copies, 12 " 16, Ten Copies,.. 15 " 20, Twenty Copies, 20 " 40. (Payment in all cases in advance.') Where a club of eight, ten or twenty copies is sent, the person making up the club will be entitled to a copy extra AIT articles of a Literary character mar be addressed " Editors of the Southern Weekly Post, Raleigh, N . V." Busi ness letters, notices, advertisements, remittances, &c, tXtc. should be addressed to W. D. Cooke. ' -. 83r Postmasters are -authorized-to act as Agents tor 'he Southern Weekly Post. ' ' -- ; 4 j WILLIAM D. COOKE. Proprietor Mr. H. P. Docthit is our authorized agent for the States of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. WORK vs. AGITATION. Human Society has been very aptly compared to a bee-hive. It has its drones, its workers, and its occa sional swarms. The similitude, however, fails when we I consider that "swarming" is d ne. among men generally by a distinct chss, who-e chsen occupa ion would seem to be to agitate and confound the rest of mankind. The relative numbers of ihee three class es of men are different in different places. In some countries, as Turkey, the drones have a decided pre ponderance. In others, such as England and Ger many, we find the workers in the ascendancy hat is the great majority of the intelligent classes are hear tily engaged 'in physical or intellectual labor on the great highway of life, too prudent and pnetii-al for the pursuit of visionary good, and too energetic and spirited to indulge in an indolent repose. But tliere are some parts of the world where a very l;:rge pro portion of the people seem to entertain an equal aver sion for profitable toil and the monotony of idleness. They! live on agitation. They swarm like bees on par ticular occasions, with an aetivi y altogether dispro portioned to the results that follow. In certain sections of the United Slates lhe swarms have become periodical, and their operations are conducted with systematic madness. They are growing in im portance, and must form an interesting and instructive feature in our future history. For many years past, our own State has not dis inguished herself for activity of any kind. We ob serve; with pleasure, however, th it new life begius to show; itself among her people, and feel encouraged to hope that hereafter she will progress in the path of improvement with a-commendable ze d. We would therefore humbly warn Our re ders that this progress must be retarded, rather than advanced, by excessive ag itation. It is chiefly bv a well directed enera-v in the use of the ordinary means at our command, that so ciety. or individuals are apt to succeed in their efforts to attain prosperity and distineti ui. It is a practical question of much moment whether the reviving spirit of enterprise in North Carolina shall expend itself in wild and theoretical schemes, or pursue the more ordi nary channels of useful labor and persevering exertion. Upon our present choice depends much of our future improvement. Looking to the example of more pros perous states, our eyes are apt to be arrested by those remarkable social phenomena which are coniiiiu:illy recurring there, and to overlook the more recondite and noiseless operations of the machinery to which their progress is due; and hence we often attrihue the wealth and power of those States to circumstances which have nothing to do with their improvement, but which actually interfere with it. It is not, to be more explicit, the agitation on the surface of Mew England society that constitutes its strength. It is her enlight enment, her morality, her s ci 1 equality, and the working habits of her people that have nude her the wonder and admiration of the world. The fanaticism displayed vby many of her people, and the f'on'dnes- for trick and humbug that has been generally ariribued to them, are tin; effects of 'redundant'' ig-T misapplied, and by no means the principal elements f her power- There cannot be too much eneriry and en;e p;ise, manifested by our ptople, if they would o crtake the leading States of the Union. JJut it must be energy of a substantial and steady character it must be. en terprise directed to those o1 jects which are evenwhere recognized among the elements of sicial prosperity Thesq cannot be successfully maintained whhout labor. If we; are to become a great, populous, and powerful commonweilth, we will have to work for the distinc tionto work hard, physically and . intellectually, in the great laboratory where idl lasting fortunes are made.; We must neither be drones nor agi ators, if we wish to contribu e to the public good. , These two classes are so many burthensome encumbrances sub idsting upon the undeserved bounty of the communi ty. Their multiplication in the bosom of society is a misfortune and a disease, and ought to be repressed by evpry influence that can counteract it There are a thousand well known channels in w hich a patriotic public spirit can easily' flow. Whatever has a tendency to improve our agriculture, to extend our commerce, to increase our manufacture!, or to de velop the mineral wealth that lies so abundantly be neath! the soil, is worthy of encouragement and culti vation. The education of lhe people, and ti.eir moraf improvement, the promotion of literature, science, and the useful arts in our midst all these are worthy of an increased interest and of greater perseverance of effort on the part of our citizens. Let us imitate our northern friends in the promotion of these and simi lar objects, and at the sirne time shun the errors they have tio often committed in tho exuberance of their visionary zeal. - In fine, let the number of our ivorlers multiply as rapidly as possible. They are the true patriots, the true friends of humanity after il, who apply their shoulders to the wheel and roll forward the ear of im provement with a steady progress. The noisy agis tor can only arouse a temporary excitement, which is necessarily succeeded by subsequent apathy. When we teach by example, the iufluence we exert is health ful and lasting, end therefore infinitely to be preferred. THE NEW COACH. A splendid new passsenger coach constructed by Mr. J.IR. Harrison of this city has just been put upon the track of the Raleigh & Gaston road, and is really an object of novel interest to our citizens. Mr. Har rison deseives great credit for the equally elegant and substantial style in which he has turned out his job, and the President of the Company also deserves the thanks of the community for his conbiderate preference of hoac manufactures. THE PEACE OF EURDP The apprehensions of a ue ieral i- I growing out of the difficulty U-twL j, l' Turkey appeir to be g.adu.lly su! L sf public mind on tint continent is returi j "' nary state or iranquiuiy. Tne iWi to 'lib , . lue i luvn m ' vimim- iu mt inreat. crM; enforce his claims by the permanent .i.. .Nv i, Hi provinces of Moldavia and Wallacl ia Ti 4 ! f Vl I V "v CCnil.: ' uipiuumuj vi i ranee, and AiHt t by a corribmed fleet of the two form ! however succeeded in inducing him tT --M'er" forces. This movement was not t ffec Jm had yielded to (he influence of its selfil '.! io a great extern, conceded lo Ktissid corumodation she demanded. This i nt A . A A A. 1 1 t red to be the result d the whole affair. J, ' lhe final adjustment has n-.t been rt-aced v course impossible for Turkey to i-ontedalo lti,', the Colossus of the North. V,fl The way in which the matter las bn ,n, quite amusing to the distant ohs-rv, one of the artifice so frequently employ in the Iliad. ..f rescuing his heroes wht j, ." the intervention of a. cloud Tbe diin,,.,,' h dispatch agents in the- service of tin- in-,,. Ws i in 'prs conirived to fet un :is err,. of .. i ' po. dicory reports apissiblo, ...nd thus in(J fair in a comnlfi'p. furr .'hehtn.-l ''"lira. "it- if ... r-- - men poor Turkey was compelled to back out ft-, v ..'.' .tMt o- : - ... .. . U W1 rou-J,,. . iion-7-wniisi ivuhsia apparently r r op evacuating me provinces, it has U-en ilit:u., 7". not erftditablv man mad.' if The hopes; the fears, the expectation f,i -. linim lt.,cs KoAti fliD.tnnnin-fir? I . u . . Mi ii , tiiui? uccii uiiji'i'L'wiM'i u iur i iin-ua a .1 uie ... aIiT nmtrnL-iiiir imfrl .-tin! v Kinrvlc J..i.i iions of the old world. IIugiry and lt;,n,.. ' the , a ill lo ger before the day. of iheir delivi-r;t. ,r' Russia must, bide her time, and embrace. ' futur " opportunity to make herself mis ress of ta,Ni ; pie. Louis .Napoleon must pos pmie hU ,,, the Rhine, and content himself with ncHrs ' his b'ook of fetes. But the day of doubt will-not be Ioml'. im sible that so many elements 0f disco itcntluin' on from year to year w ithout explosion, yr.i nv that now crushes Europe to the e, r h f i wi ijn itself the seeds of it- ow n dissolu io '. In inn-) goading of thetchain will finally nerve tl .rt Vij the people will certainly ti e like .m awalj ntl) drive their oppressors lro;n thel n l hevi cursed with their pn sem e. RAILWAYS IN P2.AKC1 A recent correspondent of he New Yoil '"''it. writing from France, makes th.- rein r ;l has occurred in France bv r.iil-ro d' .-avid years past. Tliis remarkaMe tac. i . c.':U-ul i ine peopie oi me l m eci ia es i y i s inoi trast'with our own almost daily record of ines. it is Hi so iiisiruciive, ocean -c it s :1. - that U of ra-ks -no i '.i-l .!. uie rauroau system can oe managen wi sacrifice of human life. We suppose tbi .i.i i ;j 1 ' i .... .. i. i travel in France is less th in with nsN-anJ are said to be considerably wider. Tlu-v !i doubt a much larger number- ol agents always in .atteudan e npon 'he grea then the de-po:ic character of tl.ie govt-rnnii it to evercise a far more vi.-ilant and ene plinnl man is possiuie in ims CMimrV'. j i irr.iijf why tae several companies m v n ' do ihl irliii. gence and increase the .numb r T h -ir :fs nd sentinel-, so as to accomplish to a Lrreit ot t f same result. . No expense ought o be. - pare effort left untried to dimmish the awful ainoutihunpn slaughter which our railways :;re cns':Hro hie ing. The lives of our citizens the ch r iir. country, and a; fir-sighted economy, all v.A mi early and effectual ref rm. - THE DEAF & DUMB AND TEE ND- We would again call the aitfeniiun Of otui-at a dis'an-e to these two classes, for who-efr the State has made so liberal a provision. It is tf;in:. but triMe, that there are many people in l-om who are still ignorant of tha" fact, and iliimic io be so, unless the more enlightened citizeno ie4!e near them take sufficient interest in the .;; t in form them of it. Our country popn'ati neiiiaik ble for want of curiosity. They even con Kai itrh and return hoin6 wiihout ever heariup ac S te Institution. Noyv it is a truly humamj clu iii n work to look up the-e unfortun.de d lin f t-e initio i e iu mon-y b vm-e-ct. to J'- State and let them know that such an ists. into which they can be admitted and without pru'e. All they have to fl VVill not s-nv of the g-ntlemea wh end the great State Fair on t e ISt i mon exeri tnemselves to discover and br-ifc ! ng f 1 them some of these iiten-s ing objects of-kn i cence of the Common weal. "h3 W'e sjait that they will, and that the preseut respec al iir of pupils will be thereby considerably enlan FLUCTUATIONS OF FAME. !' The rapid iy wi.h which literury ie;ai n : won and lost at the present day is truly aswug. I Within the last lew years 1 irge number 'of noairf have risen suddenly i do noiiee, ha e b'-e i thOj ! of the most extravagant praise, undalmo t a-iUt ly disappeared to make way for inore at rac w f cities. Some wiil doubtlest reppe roi tiir.z ' to bhiue witii steadier light, and p-.-ihaps bec rid f in permanent or I lis, whilst m.ny .-re proli(" from view never to re urn. We bar J ly lie r th' -' now of Tennyson,' Tupper. DvQuincey, Mel-' lis, und a number 'of -i.uiiar aspir. nts for m 'T plause and immorta'i y. Anotiier and a v ri' ent galaxy of modern g niu es ha-i t ken h p11 and Jane Eyreand Alexander Smith, on o e siof b( Atl n:ic, with Mi chell, Mrs. S ow, Iban, Read and the dke o.i tht-r, h-.ve wi bin th yer been enjoyi g in the a-eaida-ii tiuir se ison of suci-ess. Mrs., St owe h just g"t ' cndrely out, ; nd .po- r Alexander Smith i-'i";'- "1 Of hi 4 rays bv 'he mercilesss'ie .rs of ihi-iri for fame ! How timer aiu t;re iis ;riun. h-1 0 capricious its decisions ! '' SUPERINTENDENT OF THE:IUTlC ASYLUM I . We learn from the Vindicator ofStflpn'on Dr. E. C. Fisher, formerly of tha' ple, and n Richmond, has been appoin:ed Superkenden ' North Caroli ,a Luuadc Asylum. D'eJ this ci'y a few days ago, and we learnt be slDie confident ially frtm himself, bu! th- afiiounce-" the Vindicator enables us to refer .o il w it'. fP We do not know hat Dr. F. lias detai ely ','ePif this temporary appointment, but sincere y hi ' do so. We have known hi.u for ni nj yers, D cheerful testimony to his wor h. Hejisan eJilrt Iy amiable and i-onrtniu fmiiJfmtu.bf fi ie a and much experience in regard o iheireatuie insane obtained from actml re-ideuct'-'r1.6 1 ti J nf tmn it.. iir-..i . i .. vlrtTima v. iiu; in tut f esieru .isyiuni "i l b . t U ; . - . i . iK AsVl"1" i-uo provision requiring resiuencc at. i- -we believe, been repealed. ! f , tn I f W The communication of Prof. 0'en 0 "Oct t happilythough briefly, pointed out. As tbe . X of tho Pnt iu nhcant wo nan KaV n()thino . W: . . " j . . i,t(- " .... MveVu: practicability of adopting his suggestion quobtion of iu utility. . ! e i