THE "S O U'Tl' B E SI W 175 for the State F ir j A fmlschedulo f the preii.i.inn ,vi ,1 found i the Ad-r i er--np.ny-mr ll; A ,r. ntm.ber of copies wul immediately this pupcr. .-.0 jave'bef(re them, o that the pulK ..-., in good tine a rdi de o.' al committees appointed to premiums jmd the set award them. ! . . j- . From all queers the most encouraging indu-anns of pubic interest the Fair are constantly amur, in nor the nt-eion will he worthy of the .inpirit of the State, Dr. W. It. Holt of f-ex-ineion ri c us th'-t if possible he will exhibit twenty five North Dcv.n dKc, nd alo his favorite vaiieties of wheat f h rs arc rapidly sending in the names of lo the e-otnmi'tees. and we believe their eontribu'ion i great co f,l,iC the 18 h will n.i . . - r.C r . .rr. t will ncuimKta Vl mi the "Teat co comc ui .uF.v ....... ..... on the 18 h will fi"d tu''e 'IS many objects of interest they will fi;'ve lime to exatnme. as LITERARY NOTICES. VVe received smc d ys since the October Number of "Arthur's Home Migaziiie." The sober, moral and pr . ctical character of its contents will always coin mend this ' cvcej'onv periodical, to the discriminating judgment 'f the public. . . , . Graham for )ct"ti-r presents its usUal attractions. 'Apeu Court,"; a work which regularly appears in jis columns iss .id to be a most entertaining and well, sustained fictioiiTr posses i a rare degree of merit for 'an original eontribrition to i;oseriu periodical. We iire in leb ed to he editors of the University Magazine f-r copy of the Mori. A. O. P. Nicholson's atUress hefore the two Literary Societies of the Uni versity, at the 1 .te commencement. It is a fine effort, and wor hy both of the author and the audience. It U issued in b.auiful s la from the Standard office in this city. " n iin PIP m NORTH CAROLINA ITEMS. a ; it V Having a fine spell of weather, and f,.!n a;iii ar 1 1 -s. m iv reasonably expect a con i t i t I n niani e ol it. i ne coi n crop is maue, anu an f agiye. th'-if it is more' than an average. one. From I the ijii it trtv o! old coin in the country, it can hard iv ' a t at -more than $2 per barrel. . 'i li i-is iiuite an amusing contest going oa as ieT;nds 1 1 1 . Tolcicco crop; b -tween the planters and lllie Olivers The f inner wear that not more than half a rup' w is planted, and not more than two- ."thir o!- th il will -mature. The latter Vow they f under, tand the g no and the 1st of October will I fcee ai: average er -i) iiu !... We liniiK, as usual, l I .; II' .! 1 1 ithe tru;h lies between there.! was certainly not 5-a full-crop planted-from' all we can learn, but we ylhiiik at lea-i. three f.mi tlis of a -crop will ! cur - J I ton (. Iu on icli. I' jEjciix.lU'sBk.E. Ei., has been o!et;te-i a D.rec or of the N. C. Life Iauraac-j Coinpanv, vice jl'KiiKix BiHEE: dee'd. Mr. 1. was also subsein lit . ly elected Afttrney of the c mpany. At. the. sanv iiit..-ting. the following lioolutions were uiiitnimon--iy adopted : I The Directors ofthe North Cnroli la Mutual Life In uram e Co up ny record with feelings of sincere kionv, tlie de th of iheir friend and associate in this Board, IVrri'n Busbee, Esq. f Ri'S'ili eJ, Tha in the de ith of Mr. Busbee. ' this Bo iiil h s loa; a faithful and useful member, and an eflieien! ai d arle Attorney,- f Restilv That we deeply sympathize with the family ofthe. deceased under this afflicting dispensa tii n o'TDirine Protidenec. f I-'iici.-, 'I Vo- 1? rcrl lit i A:ic t forrrjl iw! nnmniT the procceilinjfs oft! is Board, and published in the' Ci v pap. is. JJrotcned. Two '-boys, ne aged 13 vears md ' the othr r 1 1. sous of. Mr. Humjihrey Robert, of Iredell comity, were Az-.-l Oacon's uiill pon l on Sun lav eveniro;, 21st Aug. Thev were bathing and g-t .into deep watfer neither could swim. A Voting lad cam near being drowned trving to rescue his brothers. 'Both the deceased Were buried the neit day in one grave, at Grassy Knob Church. f An. Immense liickr.. -Oiir friend, Janles E. Exum. s i , of Greene c -Vuiitv, has sent us a Ix-ft of the Cd species, weihin, winn first received, 13 3-4 tm Is, lengt h 28 inches, and 20 inches iu circum ereiice. Can W'-.w ne h at that j We alsi h ive an apple grown in ('raven weigh--Dg fifteen eunces arl measuring thirteen inches in i3iviunference. Golds. I'atriot. I The St'cn-tary and Treasurer of the North Car jiii i liiilroa l 'Company, lias given notice that in feiest v. il be Vxact-d iijioti all installments of stock I at h ie lo'ieiof re been called for and not paid J r th-- fi,-t of October; and that two more in- i)neiit ,,f 10 er cent, each are called, for, pay We repn-tivclv on the first d iy of November and 1st of J;ll,uary 18 54.--Standard. Kahn BtfiN-r.-iMr. Christian Sliach's barn, iu V 'Vidsoa County, about, eight miles from this place j" Iff It old - . 1 n u rlitr Pivi. tn-fii-i-.n :,ui s'Jy h glit, the 15t!i fnst., together with eon- !.t: coiisisuiig of wheat, hay, oats, a thrashing fl lejiiiK. w,igo.n,k. The horses and cattle in the ihles. were all rescue.! with the exception of one I 'w L 'sv-is estimated bv the owner at $1, 000. Mlrdeu in LCMBK.UON. We learn that a free gro m m was nm-dered in Lmnb.-rton on Satur- tvdat, by three whitt- men, liaiII,.j (;.hv:ni Ju!in. fn and Hall. G xlwin lS:l, HV11 ,..... , , - . f - .oeea ai tested and is. in funuerton j td. The others m 4,ie thVir F'lti. Obs. . I :. ; I lT.iV.C.H,rt,ru!.1icT.easurer,leftf..rNew York I Monday -I.;s;, :or the purpose of b-ing preset j the opening of bids for State h nds onth- 3pd! taut. Gov. Morehead passed through on Monday I his way to Aew Y oik. Standard. A soi: of Mr. James Fletcher, aged 10 or 12 rr8, in Iredell County, was recently kicked by O'T-e. and alive, at last accounts, it was thought he1 could recover.-Repitblkan Banntr. f ile Sn.K. of N ,rth Carolina, will meet at niingtui, Nov. 0di;- at'7 oock -F. ALi,' .; PREMIUMS. HEWS mi GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. DOMESTIC. The Protests of England and France. Tl New York Express learns from a person said to I in close communion with those w ho know ".what going on at the Capital that the statement in re gard to the remonstrances of France and England, touching C apt. Ingrahain and K oszta, is true. Tl Express savs : Mr. Crampton, the British Minister, was the fir to call on Mr. Mare-y. 'Mr. Sartiges had his it. structions .Mjine time since to call on the Seen tft of 'State. These instructions were very specific an pointed, but their delivery in person was delavc until Thursday, the 22d fast., owing to the a!enc of the French Minister at Newport until Wednef . day evening, when he returned to the Capital. Th . knew that these 'instructions were t come from France, and had been so informed sp c:ficallv some time since. The remonstrance is i terms that Opt. Ingraham's conduct was a violatio of the law of nations. Mr. Marcy has bad liis reply ready for some tira . but it has to undergo some modifications. Austri: he says, having appealed, to the world to justify it conduct, the United Slates will also make an aj pealjto the world itibehalfof jCapt. Ingrahain" conduct in saving Koszta. It would 6eem, tlierefore, that each of the fiv European powers had concluded Iq take grouii agaiust the United States in regard to Koszta. lit we apprehend no real collision of arms frm th paper warfare. The Utiiied States hold to one st of principles and will maiut;iin them, and the pow ers of Europe to quite another set, and we suppof will maintain them also. As usual, the California journals contain numei ous accounis of outn gi s of every description, bu as the authorities and others weie actively engage j in capturing and bringing to, jusiice villains of a- grades, there is again some prospect that the Go; den State will eventiiaily be iu a great mea tr purged of malefactors. There seeis to have b e a mistake about the cptur.o ef Joaquin. Tl rangers are said to have beheaded the wrong man Indian depredations and murders are still of fit qucnt occurrence in the interior. One bundle and fifty Indians, on the 17lh tilt., attacked a pa: ty of twenty two white men. After a despeiat tight, which lasted seuie fourteen hours, the . avag retreated, leaving five white men dead upon th field, -and five others badly wounded.- The Indiai are also the cause of intu h annoyance to the pe pie of Oregon. They murder the whites whein-vi-an opportnnity is presented. -'Commercial.' affairs in San Fiun. i-co were ex tremelv du.l consequent upon over trading an the l uk of orders for goods for the inferior. Th warehouses -were -completely crammed with mei, so much so that the market was fair! glutied. However, the'minerv and the agrieuiit lists were busilv engaged in a ten hi g io their heh f lalxr, which wire yitl img an ahi.n hinee titttli prec ous metal ai dgra n, and when .Jn sehu; bai.dtuen again come forth tioin tl.ehihs, the plaii ant! the valltyn, It Is pict'fltr.'e tfiai itie Supplies WT speeelilv dis.ippt ar fiom the pent-up waiehoies the citv. A". Y. Herald. The Yellow Feveu at the Sou hi. There wei 342 deaihs at New Orleans during the week end ing the 18;h uiiiino, of which ih 205 wvrefroi I ' . - yelk w fever. Among the . victims ee Geo. I Thornton, ef 1'etebu' g, Va., aim Win. A M Aiister and, Miss Eiizabeth Ann Warrick, n.itivt . of 'Baltimore. Business in the cny is a ready be ginning to revive. Gen. Twiggs had sent $100 fo the relief of the sufferers. ; At Mobile, from the lstvof August to the lGth there had been 611 fever deaths, but the diseas is now rap diy on the' d -thne. At Spring 113' six mi es irom Mobile, ti e epidemic r vairs to ai alarm ug extent. Jn the family of Col. James S, Deas there were over 20 cases. At Peiisacola and Warrington the dis -ase rea dying out. At the latter place, on the 15th, theri were five deaths, including that of pass -i. a- i t fit surgeon I). L. Bryan, of the naval hospital. Two daugters of the late Purser l'aunt!e.o i a 1 fin victims to the fever at Peiisacola. Mrs. -i hn Sweeny, sun and daughter, jformi Jy f . ew i rk died on the 10th at Fort Bana.c.s nea. P o- Cola. Mr. G. Carriers, eelitor of the I)unaldoni 1 (La.) Vigilant, who' was banish el tiom France b Louis Napoleon, elied of the epidemic on the l.Odi instant, and Wiliiiiui Foreman of Pa., on 'the 20th of August. George Hammett, from St. Mary's county. M .1., died'of bilhous fever, near Grand Ecore, La., on the 30lh ult., and his wife on the 2d ult. At Grand Guif, Mis's., it is said, the yellow fever deaths are equal to 1,100 per day at New Orlean,. At Vicksdmrg and other towns it wa-s e-unllj fatal. Mining, as an Investment of Money". The e is- now a growing disposition! among men o; ca, i tal to invest the same in the business of min ing in this country, through organized companies. It has extended to the. Lead Mines, and we hear ot several companies that have been formedj with large capital, as reported. ' To insure confidence in mining enterprises, it is absolutely necessary that all parties concerned should be well kuown as men of probity, and that all reports from the mines, whether gooel or bad, sneiuld be cl aracterized bv a strict adhereuc 10 truth. This last caution ean'tmt be too striet y re gnrded. not only because the ttudi is right and profitable- in all-cases, but bi-cause n euteipiises of s me ha.-:anl, iike that of ' mining, i exvienced men w ho risk their money on the jud,metK ot o h r.s, have a right to demand a I the acts that lay within the rauge of the ols -i vation of ttn se who report. them. Mining is no fancy work. It should be placed and pursued on a legitimate ba sis, by real men, n t for the purpose of mere spec ulation, but fr profit Tuis we hope to see done iu the best way. Tnere is mineral ground enough here for generations of meu to work on for some thousands of years at least, and there is no reason why the Ubor expended should not yield alar more profitable return than at present, bv the emj-l ly ment of capital, by a sort of lit,or"stving m c i nery.and by more svstemat urr mA.,r en ,-eraIly.. V. Mining JotirnaL & r 5 s Bcsixfcss ix Charleston. The fall business is LATEE FROM NEW MEXICO AND TEXAS. fail ly ojen and. promises better than it has ever j Ravages of the Fever at Galveston,' &c. done at any other period of our hi tory. A gentle- i NtW Qrkans, Sept. 23. By au arrival here we man engaged in extensive business, a few days ago have late advices from New Mexico. A grand pro informed us, that he has sol I more go-nls already cession and banquet took place at the Inauguration than during the whole of last season. His is perhaps j of Governor Merri weather. He was escorted from a solitary instance of such excessive increase, but the camp into the city bv a magnificent pageant. every consideration concurs in the belief that the increase has been general. The causes of this are various. There are many from the States of Alabama a; l Mississippi, who have been i the habit of a portion of their fall supply from Xew Oilean-; they are thrown upon Charleston; there are-others who were in the habit of purchasing in Ne.v Yrk for sliipment by way of New Orleans. The channel through' New Orleans being closed, they have b rii compiled to come to j Charleston. A Ido ' to this, there is nlore money I in the country than there has ever been at any j time before, and the fact that through the extens io irof our ra Ir rids, a larger trat of country has become tributary to this road, that Charleston ha biei mo.e he ilthy thui any other city upon the Ath ntic toast, a id we have causes which together might have very nuura'ly prepared u for what has come to pass. Charleston Standard. A man in New Orleans recently went home drunk, and bing there fjr some time, wanted hi wif to give linn a b ttt ' of'whik'fy whicli was locked up iu h i arm ir. The wife r -fused, stating that lie had :,a I iiuh a'realy. After a short parley the husband becam-- furious, seiz'-d an axe, and swore that he would break the armoir open, unless the liquor was g'ven him. As the wife still refused, he, with the axe, und it ok to put his threat into extcution A f:e: having broken open the annoir dor, a;id when abort: to s ize upon his prey, his wife sprung in before him, C night the bot tle, and bloke it on t: e hearing If the' husband was furious bef-re, he was n-wf 4 ubiy so. He stamped, swore, wung rhe axe ab ui his head with inaiie "ury, and dec'ao d h it he would bi-ak every thing iu the hou-e. lie then renewed his attack -u the armoir, and spin it in a thousand fragments. His wife, sister-in-law,-ami other fein s who happen ed to be in' the lions , i it-. rfeie l at this jn c n . tring to qniei him an I get possession of the ax . ' io-ir cll'iihs were however nil i filing. He s ill c n i in lu-tt t the frigh'. ful weapon around i i s h ad. t d eveii'.ua ly. it.camein fatal c uiiaet w :;. ,lo- Sorehead of Ami Burke, hi siti r-in-iaw, , jo f lling heavily on ihe flu r, diei'i iu the toiir-e t a few ininu es. An A gmi ji'l i'l'a al College asj Exi-EitiMKNi-al Fakm -A pr p siti m, it is said, is mi fot, a.,d n a fair way o: b-;ng tik mi u; an I supp .ri eel b men of wealth, f r t te ; irc'i i-. ., M mat, Vera . i, or s mie oth'-r su;t, ib e place, f r aa experiiiieii',a: farm, and the csjaolishmeiit. of a Unit--! Suite Agrieultur.d Co l ge thereon, for. the instructi -n of vouths an I other p"i -o;is in the seience of ag-i en litre. Among those who h ut mierested thekii selves to s.)iiie extent i:i this, says th -Siar. are tlie Mes-is. (Joi-eoran, Cieinenti Hill, ami Charles B. Calvert. Tnese gentlemen intend being jres(.nt at the meeting of the Nevv Yo k Agricul tural Societv, and wi'd exert themselves there to procure 'ozonations' trom tiie miilionair-s of ttiat tate for the immediate establishment of this enter prise on a firm basis. One gentleman of Washing ton lias already offend to subscribe one thousand dollars, it' this Agricultural College is estabiisheel, for the purchase of Mount Vernon. Sr. Louis and the East. We fin-! in the St. L uis Intelligencer, an interesting arti le on tie Missouri " Pacific Railroad." lom hic'i we seh ct the fodowiug table, shtwing the time required f r transit between St. Louis and -nine of the princi; a' poinjsjn ihe United States, when its railroad con- nectiobs shall have been ccmp!eted - F-om t. Louis to Boston From St. Luis to New York From S'. Louis to Philadelphia From St. Louis to Baltimore Days. 2 Honrs. 2 22 J7 14 16 14 00 04 19 1 I From St. Louis to W.-ishinirion Fro:n St. Louis to Ch ulestou From St.- Louis to Mobile From St. Lfuis to New Or'eans From St. Louis to Detr oit From St, Ionis to Cincinnati F om St Louis to Sa-i Fraociseo From Sau Fr oicisco ;.o New York 3 5 ! Distuessixg Accident. T!ie Enquirer ol yes terday, announces with sincere pain, that at 4 o'clock, P. M., on Wednesday last, El ward C. Lvons, was found denl ue ulv six miles from the residence of Win. B. Stanaid Esq , his brother-in-law, in Gooch land county. Young Lyons ..ft Mr Stanard's house iu t!:e morning, on horseback, with two dogs and a gun, to hunt partridges. It is supposed, thai in atteinping to open a g ite, with the breivh ef the gun, the cap exj)lo led and the w hole load of th gun passed through his lungs, producing death Edvard C. Lyons w as ab ut 17 vears old, the si c ond son of James Lyons, Esq., of Richmond, and was a youth of fin- promise nnl most 1 .velv and estimable qualities. Petershwg Express. -. Multii udks f st I angers from the country, s,:y the Boston M.-'.ical Journal are flockiiif to Bos' on on very singular business, considering th : ln)ast.-i; intelligence of the age. It is to" consult two pro fessed astrologers. One of them, as announced b circulars of the most extravagant character, pre seribes magical medicine. Their services are in the highest demand, and they are a most overwhelm! with patronage. Both are f .reigners. Their da ly receipts, even making a deda.ti u ol per cent. fr 7u what rumor reports, far exceed lite income of any f U r phys:cialisi in he eitv. Large Wtild Cat. will cat, measuiing 4 feet 6 inches in length, and 19 inches in height, w.-is k lied by Mr. F. Smith, one day lost we k, uoii Black Creek, in this District, after b.'ing run from daylight tili 10 o'clock. During the time it recoiveel 3 .shots, all of which took effect. Two cur d gs being put into the chase, overt'Kk it but were fairly w hipped the Imunds ran on, but about the hour above specified, it was shot down by Mr. Smith, nea. Mr. P. R. King's house. Lex.(S.C) Tel. Fire at Ru hmond. The dweiiinor .,f the n n. John V. Mason, at Richmond. Va., w is destroyed by fire on Monday vyeek. tog -ther with muWtf tue turuiture. Insured for $5,000. Ex-Go$ ernor Lane was prominent in the ceremo nies. A sumptuous collation was served up at the government house. The inaugural speech was loudly applauded, and sets forth the leading prin ciples by which the new Governor purposes being guided. He is decided and firm, but democrat in detail. By the arrival here of the steamer Perseverance, we have later advices from Texas. The yellow fe- rer was' making terrible ravages at Galveston and other places. Also iu Houston and' many other towns throughout the State. Within a few days, over one hundred well known citizens and several eminent phjsiciaus have fallen victims to the dread ful scourge. They died after a few hours' sickness. North Carolina Ioxds. VVe extract the fol lowing from the Washington Union. The atten tion of capitalists is invited to an advertisement in our paper, from which it will be seen that the State of North Carolina proposes to sell her bonds to the amount of half a milfion of dollars. The resources of Nio'-&aroliria.are - ueh ? as-' to command', the confidence of capitalis's, and to secure for her bonds a fuil price. No State in the Union has manifested more prudence in its' finances, and, in view of her unbounded mineral and agricultural resources, no State has shown more caution in resorting to its credit. In every point of view the bonds now of fered present ai' opiortunity for a safe investment, anel we shall be eli.sappointed it they do not com mand a good price. '. Dead Letters at Washington. A correspon dent ofthe Ba.tiiuoie Sun fays : The General Post Office on the 22d intaut transmitted to the pot office at Brem n 6 901 deu-1 letters lor the several Germaa letters were duly received here, and placed for delivery iirour respec post, offices, lieu n giU n ly adveriisi d, but from tiie absence of the persons, t ie leiters were in en I el for, their oiui si ,u to apply for ih -m oi ot.,er au-es, having failed to rcacn the parties .siiperscrib t ii. thev are n.w returned to the place from whence t :ev c i.n . Letier.s re- eived in the, cl-is d m'aiis ir in lVus ia are now eing mailed. About 475 ,f dead letters (American) have been opf-ne . in the office during ihe present ep tarter. The l i n n s v l v a n i a Cornwall Mines Thee mine,-, situate ab ut 25 m.L s Ir n llarnsbiug, c-vei! an area of ab ut uim'iy icii s, ihe e rirec u t nts oi which are reported to be a mass of fte purot and b t iron ore in Pennsylvania. Mr. Worrell, a competent engineer, it is said, has made a measurement of the mm s. from which he esti mates tiiem to contain forty millions of tons of ore above the water level, and .t is quite probable that ihere is wioe as m ich bel w the waier level. Tne ore is now b iug o dw and worked up at the rate of ab ut 400 tous jer elay, and it is expected that wheti. the Lebanon Valley Railroad is built, two thvusaud tons a day of it can be sold. B. Sun. Universalis!1 General Convention. Coluik bus, Ohio, Sept. 22.- The convention has tt-day adopted unanimously a resolution against the sins of Slavery, Intemperance and War. A resolution fully enelorsing t ie Maine. Lav passei with but oue dissenting voice. A resolution in favor o estabhsliiqg a Tio ologi u Seminary m t e State U New irk has a. so treeii a ;opted. Sermons hay' been pleached by the R -v. Williamson o. Alatiama, Brooks, ot Mas-acliusetts, Maurie, of New oik. Mo-ne. of Ne-.v Jersey, and Bacon.- of Penn sylvania. The convcutltn wili adjourn 'this even ing, afier he coiumuiiiiou service. Indian war in Oregon.-- L. to from On gdii to the of August have been received. An liViian iusuri'ecti n had bnke out iu Paogne river v;nl..y, 'w hi.-h created gre-tt coiiSU riia.i ni a mong the iiihabitanis. Several tr.bes had uniied aud commenced war of extermination upon ihii whites. Many massacr. s liael aTead. ! -u i-cnii-mitted. Among the victims were Dr. William It Rose, and Johu R. Harden. Lieutenant 13. V. Grif tiu, with a c-.mpaiiy of troops, had nude an at ac upon a party of Indians, but was obliged t re treat, himself ' wounded. An expedition under General Lane had gone t the scene of action, and bloouy work wts expect ed. Twenty whiles had 'been butchered. ; Tlia EPISCOPAL GiiNEHAL CoNVENHON. Tlli Diocesan and General Convention of tiie Prol. Epis Cnmch, which ueets th .s m omh, in N -w York be- gui t . excite ilLentioii. Tue Rt. Rev. Dr. Spencer i tie Bi.siiop ot Ma nas, will preach the Sermon a the ojKjiimg of the Diocesan Convention.. The Rt Rev. ti,e Ihsiiop vf Frederick on wili p eam th ? Seiraou beibre the' C lurch Sjoteties at aoinj time during its Sesioii. Several delegates hav4 aireaiJy arrived in New York. Snow Storm ix the Bay . We learn that ther was quite a vi. .lent' snow storm iu Chesapeake bay ,u Wednesday inoriimg.t 5 o"c. ck, which Ulster' a consid arable time. The atmosphere was very cold and on loard the steamer BeUidere, which hap peiied to be caught in the storm, they were ol-lig. d io hutli fires for the comfort of the passengers and - r t crew. This is a very rare an i reinirkab e occurrence for this time of year and in this latitude. Ex. ; Th: Norfolk Arus says that a faithless wife, soting, beautiful, and accompl.shed, who lately elotred from that city, with her paramour, for Oali fxui.i, via New York, took passage in the Geoigi which was tlriven into that p ut. The gui ty pair were thus brought back in a f-wi weeks, to con front those whom they had injured, and iu tiie very placejfrom which they l ad fled. An OaTHODtix Dog.. Toere is a d g at Green field, Mass., who is strictly sectarian in his religi ous notions. His master is a Baptist, but the do is a Cotfgregationalist,:; nd, after accompanying hi master to the B iptis' church, he go-8 n gularly t the Congregationachurch him-e f. and sieeps du ring the entire service. ! It is estimated tl a: four millinis .f tloiiars hav ihi- year en exp n led by Southerners in the var ous Ntrthern town-s and cities, in sight eeing an-dissipauun. DEATH OF A DISTINGUISHED MINISTER. The Rev. Hezekiah G. Leigh, D. D., a distin guished minister of the North Carolina Couference- ot the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, died at his residence near Randolph - Macon College, Va.f on the 18th inst. Dr.' Leigh will be remembered by hundreds throughout this State as one of the most active, intelligent, devote' and eloquent of ministers. His extensive labors amongst the people of this State, have endeared him to many a heart which will mourn his loss. Dr. Leigh had been for some years severely afflicted, but is represented as bearing his trials and sufferings with singular for-, titude and christian resignation. A great and a good man has fallen. Star. A (rood Movement. A general meeting of Presidents and directors of the various railroads in the United States, we see it stated, will convene at Washington during the month of October, to consider the adoption of a code of laws and the es tablishment of such general measures as shall guard against aocidents on railroads, and give more con fidence to travellers, jind assurance that precaution ary measures of the most reliable kind are hourly exercised upon every railroad throughout the Union. Rich Dispatch. University of Virginia. The next session of this institution will commeuce on the 1st day of October. The Charlottesville Advocate states that the number of students was 450 eluring the last session, and is likely to' be as high as 600 during the next ses ion. Dispatch. The foreign imports for the mouth of August, at the port of New York, show an increase of $4,885,036 as compared with the same month of hist year. Of the iuerease, nearly half a million of is in specie, and $1,800,000 are in gooels entered for warehousing. The Bridge of the Wilmington and Mamheeter Railroad across Little Pee Dee has !eon complet ed, and the track of the road west of that river is being Jaid down with ail possible expedition. ro A -a 'in. Georgia Siate Fair. The Eighth Annual Cattle Sh ow a id Fair of the Southern Central Aori cultural Society, will be held in the city of Augus ta, commencing on the 13rh day of October. Outrageous. Two men have been arrested in Cincinnati, charged with outraging, in the most cruel manner, the person of Mary Smith. The unfortunate girl was not expected to survive. The oscillations of .suspension bridges have here tofore prevented their being lighted by other than oil lamps; those in Paris tire now lighted with gas, which is introduced lv gutta percha tube's. That vivaeious won co ner and conglornerator, Willis,; has of late invented a much wanted epit het, to answer as an opposite to the word "pict- lll-eseque." It is, " puddle esque." The annual of exhibition of ;iie Ohio State Agri eulturaj Society was held at Dayton last week, and, it is said, 10.000 people attended the first day. Ohio now sends daily to X' w York quantities of meat, ready dressed, in refiigerators, via Erie Railroad. An excellent idea. Two; hundred and tim e persons died in Phila delphia last week. There were nine more fatal cases of yellow fever. Dr. Stone, one ofthe most eminent physicians in New-Orleans, dieel in that city last week, of yel low fever. , FOREIGN. Mummies. Mr. Buckingham thinks the Cata combs of Egypt contain more human bodies thau there are people now living on the globe. These uiummie- are now wh l!y desti nie of any animal matter. : Ii. has all changed into a resinous sub stance or decayed. They are taken from the c ata eomb to be exported, and to be Used for fuel. The finest a: ,- exported w hole as objects of curiosity for museums. Certain parts, as the inside of a head ::nd chest, are soil as a drug, and the back bone is gioiind into a powder, which is highly piized by artists. : At Petronell, a Hungarian town on the Da tiube, there has just Ireeii found, near the atle of the Counts of Abensberg Traun, an uncommonly fine mosaic pavement ; also, not f ir from the spot where the pavement was found, a military order of the Emperor Traj n was 'discovered. Petronell is the ancient Cornuntum, and near it are the remains ofthe triumphal arch, raised by the emperor Au gustus to: Tiberius, in memory of the conquest of Pannonia. An iron tubular bridge i being prepared at Lon- don intended to be thrown across the Nile, at Ben tra. The trains will pas's along the top of the tube. footpath wil1 be made on each side of the rails. The bridge will be 20 feet above the ordinary level of the water, and the centre portion of it is con structed to swing on a pivot, so that the boat traf- ; fio may lie secured during the rising of the Nile. SiORMS in Germany have been so disastrous this year, that the Berlin Hail Assurance Com pany, which generally clears 60.000for $70,000 annually, has now lost all its income and $70,000 which it took from its reserved fund. Its shares, formerly never in market, are now sold at 50 per cent, discount. Famine in Madeira It is siau-d that in con sequence of the entire destruction of this season's grape crop in Madeira, the inhabitants are in a worse condition than ever. Unless aid reaches them from other countrir-s. starvation is inevitable. The Bombay Gazette says it is a fact that the entire population of India do not on the average , spend a sixpence (twelve cents) ahead, for cloth ing annually. A coal mine is said to have been discovered on Mount Siriai. The M.-chanics' Institute of Ohio, at Cincinnati, have awar led their Diploma to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the widely eel brated remedy for Colds. Coughs and Consumption. This honor was richly merited by the Inventor of that invaluable mdicine which has secured not only the above commenda tion, but a!o that f the most eminent Physicians in this, as I well as the highest medical authority in oilier countries. Ami what is afar greater eric mium on it? us. fulness, is, that it has won it way to almost every fireside of the Auaeric50 Pu I& We seldom recommend a maniifactured medi ' cine, believing that, in most cases, nature herself perfects a cure more rapidly and effectually than can be accomplished by the vegetablesand miner als ct medical science. Buj in the matter of dys pepsia, there are chronic feature about it, which, very often, defy all the efforts of L-ature to create a hea.thy action of the digestive organs, it not un frequently happens that thousands suffer for years, diseased both in body and in mind, from indiges tion and its kindred ills. To such, Ho&Ws Ger- man jitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, are tru.y a in-t valuable preparation. It is a tonic medicine, giving a healthy action to the stomach, and will be found highly serviceable at all seasons, but especially during the spring. Dyspepsia can only be cured by a patient perseverance in one course of treatment; and to all those suffering un der this sad malady we would recommend an ap plication to the depot of Holland's German Bit ters, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia Inquirer. We have frequently hearJ the celebrated Ger man Bitters, sold by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street Philadelphia, spoken of in terms of the high est commendation, and we honestly believe that it is one ofthe best medicines adveitised for the com plaints for which it is recommended. They are pleasant to the taste, and can je takenr under any circumstances by the most delicate stomach. The press, far and wide, have united in commending this invaluable remedy for dyspepsia, debility, efce. ; and such are the healing effects of this panacea, that we hope it may be introeluced into every family where dyspepsia lias, or is likelv to have a victiir. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED, At Rocky Knoll, Granville County on Friday the 16th ult , bv the Rev. Josiah Crudup, Mr Joseph G. Watrstaff, to Mary N. Blacknall, all of Granville Country, Nor h Carolina. In Davie County, on the 15th ult., bv J. M. Johnston, Esq , Mr. Caswell H .'rbin and Miss Mary Jane Clement. In Cumberland county, on the 15th ult , by the Rev. T. G. Whit-iker, R D Atchi-on, Ksq . of Smith field, to Miss .Mary Margaret, daughter of Hector Stewart, deceased. Also, by the same and at the same time,' Mr W. J. Clements, of Cumberland to Miss Elizabeth N. daugh ter of said Hector Siew art, dec, In this untv. on Sunday inorninir, the ll'h ult., by Win. N. Smith. Esq, Solomon Fiazier to Miss Ann E. Williams, all of this County. DIED. In this county, on the 21st ult., of dropsy, Mr. Willie Hobbs, riged about 50 years. ' V In Jefferson county, Arkansas, on the 12th of August, Mr. Samuel II. Smith of Ball s county in that Sinte, and formerly ofCaswell county. Nor h Carolina. 0 the 1st ult, at the residence of his kiu-mtn, James B Sh'de, in Washington county. Alabama, after an illness of thirteen d.iys, Dr. Edwin E. Slaie, in the 47th year of his age. In this county, on the 27th of July, James Rig-by, in 'he J2d year of his age. Mr. Riby was a soldier in the war ofthe Revolution, and h d always sust in ed the character of a str ight-forward. Iionest man. In New Orlerm, on Tuesday morning, the 13 h ult.. at h ilfpast 2 o clock, of yellow fever, T. J. Damn, aired about 27 j-enrs, a native of Tarhoro', N. C. THE LATEST MARKETS. "WILMINGTON MARKET Wholesale Prices. KEPOETED EXPRESSLY FOR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLY POST, By W. A. GWYEIt, Commission Merchant, Wilmington, iV. C. September 24th, 1S53. Baron N. C. Hams, 12c 13c ; N. C. Sides 10 10c ; N. C. Shoulders, 9 10c ; Western Shoulders (& 9c ; Western Sides 9 9c. Beef Mess $14 15 ; Fulton Market $20 bbl. Butter 23 27c. Cand' E Tallow 12)i' I6e ; Adamantfne25 40 ; Sperm 43 50. Coffrc kio 12 13c ; Laguaira 13 ltd ; St. Domin go 11 12c ; Java 15c. Corn Meal 78 (g 80c. Ch ese 10 (g 12c.. Cotton New 10 lOc. Floii' Canal $7i lt 8 ; Baltimore 7; Fay- ettcville $6) $6?. Hay Eastern 90c 100c ; Northern 75 90c. La d-N. C. UM (ab. I f-; Western lla' YZc. Molasses Cuba 22 25c. Mullets Scarce, $6 $6. Nai!s 1f ft cut 3 to 5U2c wrought 10 hi Park Mess j) bbl. $17. $18 ; Prime 16 17. Pitch V) bill. $1'. . Riu No. 1, as to quality, 250 350c ; No. 2, 100 I50c ; No. 3, as to size of bbls , 90 (a 93c. Bice lb 4 4c. Salt Liverpool sack 140 100c ; Alum, none. Sniar Porto Flico 7 8c ; New Orleans 6 t& 7c ; Loaf and crushed 11 ; 12c , Clarified or granulated 8 0t 9c. Tar ? bbl f Z. Tarpcntiue Spirits, $ gallon, GOfc ; Virgin and Yel low dip bbl. ). Varnish gallon 20 0 22c. " Our Naval Store market has fluctuated considerably since , my last report sales were made of Spirits Turpentine on the 20th at M) cents per gallon'; 21st and 22d it remained rather dull; on the 23d it suddenly advanced and sales were effected at prices ranging up to 56 cents. To day considera ble sales have been made at 66 cents. Turpentine has ad vanced to $3,75. For prices of other produce see report. Respectfully yours, W. A. GWYER. RICHMOND MARKET molesale Prices. REPORTED EXmSSSLT FOR THE WEEKLY F08T, Bt JT. JN. GORDON St. SON, - - - - v -Grocer) and Ctrmmitmon Merehanlt, RICHMOND, VA. ' ' . C Tuesday, September 87, 1853. , ' Bacon Has improved j & K5 and we change our quo tations to 9 9)c for Sides, and 1Yk for Shoulders ; Hams 12 13 c. Beeswax None coming in, nominal price 26c. CoflTee The speculative feeling has subsided, but there is no material change in prices. Prime Rio sells at 11 and Laguaira & 12c ; inierior Rio 10f g 10 ; Java I24e 13. ' Cotto-n V4 MX. Candles-lMouldl3 He ; Hairs patent 15c , Adaman tine 25 ju 28e ; Sperm 33 34c. Feathers Sales at 46 g 47c. Flonr Has declined 25c. bbl., owing to unfavorable European advices Superfine 6 96'; Family 8 ; City Mills superfine $8. Fih orth Carolina Gross tiernngs, V fo ; No. 1 Cut 7; -ia ilax Cut Herrings, ISO. Jo. 1 So.t. 9 (linsenr Sales at 45c. ! inanf None in first hands. Grains Prime red and white Wheat $15 $ $120 ; Corn 67K 70c; Rye 80c. , Iron Swedes 97 tl,'J0; American rolled $90 ; English 75 (g, $80. ' , . . sAA. Leather Gkk1 sle 18 ( 20c, for over and middle weights ; damaged 12K W for common to pnme- - MolassesNew Orleans in barrels 31 a c ; ub83 25c : Sugar House in tierces and hogshead 20 & ; NavaWtoreU-ar from st- re at 3H barrel ; Roma $131- ' . -'- ' Rice 4 4Vc. for prime new. -lt-lVe$Kl filled ,15 from wharf. f& from store. SSS&fii lati have ahbtly improved. . We gnot. ew Orleans 5 g 6cc bJSJfX! Rico 6 & 6We; toffee Sugars T(a; Loaf 9 & 10c Plasier f4& on Whar! : fa . f54 on Baam. . Tobacco Receipts small and more animation in prices ; inferior lugs 6K ; 7 99 . mrioi U middling middling leaf, t9 10W, gW and fine shipping $11 a 14 fine manufacturing 13 e t'i Wool Tab washed 35 a 27c ; unwnMwnJ 20 & 25c.

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