176 SELECT POETRY. v For tha Christian Observer. LAST WORDS OF A WIFE. When death shall claim me for his prize, As suddenly he may, And heaven shall flash upon my eyes. It's pure unclouded ray JWilt thou, in sullenness repine, And in thy grief rebel ? Or, meekly say, the hand is Thine Who docth all things well" Thou wilt not meet the well known face "When twilight's hour shall come; And it may seem a desert place, And not thy much-loved home. Then, gatherv'uiidst thy saddening fearSj The prattlers round thy knee,: And wipe, with softest hand, the tears That each will shed for me. Soothe, if thou canst, each throbbing heart That calls forme in vain; And tell them, in the far off heaven i Their mother Uvea again. Link not her name with dread of death,' But point them to the sky ; r And whisper, in that better land They never weep nor die. Go with them to their lonely couch, At evening's silent close, . And softly press the pillowed cheek, And hush-to sweet repose; Yet, not till eactewith clasped hands Has lisped the evening prayer, For thou mustjblend a father's love With all a mother's care. ' A mother's care, a mother's love ! . And must they never know How deeply in her " heart of hearts," A mother's love may glow ? Will they yet bloom to vigorous youth, While she who gave them birth Lies nil forgotten, f;ir away, In a lone spot of earth ? Forgotten ! can' it be ? Oh, no ! Thou wilt remember still, The being who hath shared thy lot, ! Alike for good or ill ; Oft wilt thou think of all her love,. With faithful, fond regret, ' And, but the faults she could not hide. Thy heart will e'er forget, , Oft wilt thou tread thesacred spot, Where the green willow waves, And lead our children's tiny feet Among the quiet graves; And weeping, read the sculptured stone, Brief record of my life, ; Then say, liow faithfully 1 loved, As mother and as wife. How" can I say, farewell to thee? How mark thy bitter tears ? Look upward,ove, we only part 1 For a few fleeting years; Time will roll o'er thy darkened path, Swift as the shadows flee, And in a world of holier love, Will our blest meeting be. '-' LADIES' DEPARTMENT. HINTS ABOUT FEMALE EDUCATION. BY MRS. L. M. CHILD. The difficulty is, education does not usually point the female heart to its only true resting-place. That dear -English word, 41 homcf is not half so powerful a .talisman as " the world." f -Instead of the salutary truth, that happiness is tniduty, thev are taught to consider the two things'totally distinct ; and that whoever eeks one must sacrifice the other. The fact is, our girls have no home education. When quite young, they are sent to schools where no feminine employments, no domestic habits, can bo learned; and there they continue till they "come out" into the world. After this, few find any time to arnyige, and make use of, the mass of elementary knowledge they have acquired ; and fewer still have Either leisure or taste for the inelegant, every day? duties of life. Thus prepared, they en ter upon matrimony. Those early habits, which would have made domestic care a light and easy task, havenever been-taught, for fear it woqld in terrupt their happiness; and the result is that, when cares come, as come they must, they find them misery. I fin convinced that indifference . and dislke between husband and wife, are more frequently occasioned by this great error in educa tion, than by any other cause. The bride is awakened froni her delightful dream, in which carpets, vases, sofas, white gloves, and pearl ear-rings are oddly jumbled up with her lov er' looks and promises. Perhaps she would be surprised if she knew exactly how much of the fascination of being engaged was owing to the afowaid inanimate concern. Be that t as: it will, he is awakened by the unpleasaut conviction that cares devolve upon her. And what effect does this produce upon her character ? Do the holy and tender influences of domestic loe render self-denial and exertion a bliss ? No ! They would have dou so had she been properly educated-; but now she gives way to unavailing fretfulness and repin ing ; and her husband is at first pained, and finally disgusted, by hearing, "I never knew what care was when I lived in my father's house." "Ifl were to live my life over again, I would remain ingle as long as I could, without the risk of beiug an old maid.". IIow injudicious, how short sighted s the policy which thus mars the whole happiness of life, in order to make a few brief years more gay and brilliant! I have known many instances of domestic ruin and discord produced by this mista ken indulgence of mothers. never knew but one where the victim had moral courage enough to change all her early habits. She was a young, pretty, and very amiable girl, but brought up to be perfectly useless : a rag baby would, to all intents and purposes, have been as efficient a partner. She married a young lawyer without property, but with good and increasing practice. She meant to be a goad wife, but she did not know how. Her waste ; fulness involved him in debt. He did not reproach, ' though he tried to convince and instruct her. She loved him ; and, weeping, replied, " I try to do the best I:an ; but, when I lived at home, mother always took care of everything." Finally, poverty came upon him M like an armed man," and he went into a remote town va the Western States to teath chool. His wife folded her hands and cried, while he, weary, and discouraged, actually came home fromnschool to cook his own supper. At last his patience, and her real love for him, impelled her to exertion. She promised to learn to be useful, if he would teach her And she did learn ! And . the change in her habits gradually wrought such a change in her husband's fortune, that she might bring her daughters up in idleness, had not experi ence taught her that economy, like grammar, is a very tjiresome study, after we are twenty years old. APPEAL TO PARENTS. Encourage your children to be orderly , and stu diously to regard right. Youth are frequently terrpted, by the example of vicious associates, to violate the rules of good behavior, and spend their titrle in idle mischief, or vain pursuits.. As iyou cannot always keep them removed from pernicious influences, and depraved companions, do all in your power to form in'them an abhorrence of all that is evil, and a deep regard for everything that is " lovely and of good report." So train them, that' they may come in contact with vice without being contaminated ; nay, more than this, that their own upright conduct, and pure con versation, may exert a salutary influence upon those who manifest no love for virtuous acts.- Iraprove every fit opportunity to impress upon their minds the ruinous consequences of vice and idleness ; and, at the same time, show them that, " Wisdom's ways are pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." Teach them to avoid trifling devia tions, to do right at all times and on all occasions, 'because tis right, and because, by so; doing, they will be more happy and useful. Teach them that it is betterUo "suffer wrong than toVo wrong;" and that th4 fac t, that wrong has been done to them, is no reason why they should do wrong in return. Tell them that kindness will allay wrath, and that it is more noble and manly to return " good for evil," than to give "reviling for reviling " Teach them to feel that if they would be truly wise, and great, and happy, they must first be truly good. Encourage your .children to be studious, by man ifesting an interest 'in their lesson.. -Improve every suitable occasion to converse with them concerning their studies : and do all you can to convince them, that the more diligent and faith ful they are now, the brighter will be their pros-' pects for future usefulness and happiness Do all in your power to 'inspire them with a lave for knowledge, as a source of gratification and im provement. Ia the morning, enjoin upon them the great importance of diligence during the hours of school; and at tn'gjit, inquire respecting the studies of the day, and ascertain what ik-w ideas have been acquired, what facts have been stored up, what difficulties overcome, what kindly acts performed, Induce them to examine, to investigate, to think. In a word. do all you can to cause them to feel the great advantages; of education, and the necAsi ty of patient application to obtain it. You will thus increase their! interest, and cause them to re gard with pleasurej exercises that would, otherwise, appear dull and unimportant. Cultivate, in your children, habits of trite polite ness and courtesy. True education requires the full development and exercise of the' better feeimgs of the heart, and the proper culture of hese will exhibit themselves in outward actions and expressions. Indeed, we are much inclined to orm an estimate of those with f i , associate, from their mode of ad whom we meet or dress, and from external appearances. If they are coarse and rude in their maimers, rouirh and un dignified in their salutations and remarks, or un co.urteous and abrijipt in "their answers, we are in clined to avoid thjjm, and regard them as unkind and uncompanionable. We do not expect to find much that is attractive in them ; and, if they possess some worthy qualities, their first appearance is so repulsive, that we: are hardly prepared to witness any subsequent evidence of real humanity and goodness. Teacher and Parent. 5 i --- . Removing a - RjxG from a Young Ladys Fin ger. Dr. Castlej communicates to the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, the following ingen ious method, devised by him, for extrieatipg a young lady's finger from ki ring which was too small for her. We give his story in his own language : An interesting young-lady abcAit seventeen years of age had presented to her a gold ring, which she forced over the joints of her middle finger. After a few minutes the' finger commenced swelling, and the ring-could not be removed. . The family phy sician, Dr. , was sent for, but could do noth ing. The family,! and the young lady especially, were now in the greatest consternation. A jewel ler was sent for. After many futile attempts to cut the ring with cutting-nippers, and to saw it apart with a fine1 saw, and after bruising and lac erating the flesh, warm fomentations and leeches were applied, but all without affording the slight est benefit. Dr. requested my presence, with the compliment that 'perhaps my mechanical in genuity might suggest something.' I at once pro ceeded to the house of the patient, and found the young lady in a most deplorable state of mental agony,-the doctor embarrassed, and the family in a high .state of excitement. - I procured'some pre pared chalk, and applied it between the ridges of swollen flesh, and all around the finger, and suc ceeded in drying the oozing and abraded flesh ; then, with a narrow piece of soft linen I succeed ed in polishing the ring, by drawing it gently round the ring between the swollen parts. I then ap plied quicksilver to the surface of the ring. In less than three minutes the ring was broken (bv pressing it together) in four pieces, to the great relief of all parties. " In a similar manner without the chalk I some time since extracted a small brass rintT from the ear of a child, who, child-like, had inserted it -into the cavity of its ear. The operation was more painful and tedious but was equally successful. M The modus operandi. The quicksilver at once permeates the metals, if clean, (with the exception of iron, steel, platina, and one or two others,) and amalgamates with them. It immediately crystal izes and renders the metal as hard and as brittle as glass, lie nee the ease with which metals amalga mated with quicksilver can be broken." General happiness can have no other basis than he universal law. of justice and love. ' YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL- This magnificent edifice stands on high ground, in the centre of the city of London, and is a noble object'of admiration for miles around. It is one of the largest buildings dedicated to religious pur poses in the world being second only to the Ro man Catholic eathedral of St. Peter at Rome. The present church occupies the site of an ancient cath edral of the same name, which, after having weath ered the storms of several centuries, was so severe ly injured by the great fire of London, in 1666, as to be deemed insecure. It was therefore removed, and the present noble pile erected " a lasting me morial of the genius of its great architect, Sir Chris topher Wren." It is a fact, worthy of notice, that the erection of this cathedral, which occupied thirty five years, was performed under tha superintendence of one architect, the work undertaken and prose cuted entirely under one contractor, and the whole completed whilst one bishop occupied the episcopal chair. It cost the country a mi lion and a half in its erection, which sum was raised by a small tax on coal. The building covers an area of two acres sixteen perches, and is erected in the form of a" Greek cross. Over that part where the lines of this cross inter sect each other, a stately dome tower$& the skies ; this is surmounted by a lantern, embellished with Corinthian columns ; and above the whole is placed a ball of gilt copper, terminated by across likewise gilt; the weight of this ball is five thousand six hundred pounds, and of the cross three thousand six hundred. At the foot of the lantern is a bal cony, from which the dizzy eye can survey the mag nificent wonders of the great metropolis below. The principal entrance is ornamented by numer ous lofty pillars of the Corinthian order, and coi(js sal figures of the four Evangelists, together with St. Paul, St. Peter, and St. James. The clock is ajso situated here; the dial is fifty-seven feet in circum ference, or nearly twenty feet in diameter ; the length of the minute hand is eight feet, and of the hour hand five feet five inches, and the pendulum is forty feet long, carrying at its extremity a' weight equal to one hundred and twelve pounds. , The marble statue in front, represents Queen Anneiin her robes of state, holding in her hands the emblems of royalty. In the interior are found numerous mon uments, erected to the memory of the great and brave of men who have bled for their country, in battles by sea and land, and of others who have carved out for themselves niches in the temples de void by fame to the votaries of art, of science, or of literature. But the most noble monument lis that dedicated to the memory of the master spirit, who designed the wonderful work we now describe. His worth is told in Latin, on a. marble slab erected over the entrance to the choir. Translated into English, it reads thus : " Beneath lies Christopher Wren, the architect of this church and city, who lived more than ninety years, not for himself alone, but for the public. Reader, do you seek his monument, look around !" The interior surface of the dome is beautifully embellished by a series of paintings, by Sir James ThornhiH, illustrative of the extraordinary events -in the life of St. Paul. An anecdote is related, that when the gifted artist was painting this cupola, a gentleman, of his acquaintance was one day with him on the scaffolding, which, though wide, was not railed ; he had just finished the head of one of the apostles, and, running back, as it is customary with painters, to observe' the effect, had almost reached the extremity; the gentlemen, seeing his danger, and not having time for words, snatched up a large brush, and smeared the face Sir James ran hastily forward, crying out, "Bless my soiilj what have you done ?" " I have saved your life P' replied his friend. Within this dome is the whis pering gallery, long famed for its extraordinary re verberation of sound ; it is reachexLafter ascending two hundred and eighty steps, and from it you have the best view of the paintings which adorn the interior of the dome. The great bell weighs four tons and a quarter, and is ten feet in diameter. It is tolled only on the death of a member of the royal family, the lord mayor, the bishop of the diocese, or the dean of the cathedral. In the crypt under the church are deposited the remains of many who in life were the wisest or the bravest of their age, and whose deeds are inscribed on the marble monuments in the sacred edifice above. From the American Messenger. LOVE TO INSTRUCTORS. I hope you do not forget, dear children, 'every night and morning, in your prayers to ask God's blessing on your benefactors. All who have given yougood advice, or gifts of knowledge, should be thus remembered. Since useful knowledge is one of the most precious t attainments, your instructors should be ranked among your most prominent ben efactors. Be docile to their directions. Carefully treasure their precepts. Wh.en youfcease to be their pupils, consider them as friends. Wherever you meet them, show them marked respect, with words and smiles of affection. "Esteem them very highly in love, for their work's sake." It will be cheering to their hearts. It is one way to find out good children, if their instructors approve and regard them; and by their love tor their instructors, they also prove their own wisdom, inasmuch as they justly prize knowledge and are capable of gratitude. l. h. s. Breaking the Rules of School. Three broth ers are confined in the Ohio penitentiary, two for seven years, and one for three. They, with others, had tormed a secret society for the purpose of car rying on a regular business in housebreaking, the plan ot wnich was tound in their pockets when they were arrested. .Now it is well for every boy to know what the apprenticeship of such a business was, and let them mark it9 seriously. They began law-breaking by violating and defying the just rules of school. Young men and boys are very apt to think it quite maniy to rebel against rules, and show their inde pendence of teachers. But it is a very bad sort of manliness. Submitting to and respecting lawful authority is just the discipline you need inorder to be worth any thing. These three boys were ex pelled from school and from college for wilfully breaking the laws. Hating all restraint ttey trieS to get their living by their wits instead of their labor; and the consequence is, that they are now confined where public security and justice demand r that tliey should be. " The way of transgressor I is hard." Child's Paper. FARMERS' Dffln!iTr From Dr. Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry. DRAINING. The practical benefits of draining may be stated generally as follows : A. It is equivalent not only to a change of soil, but also to a change of climate, both in reference to the growth of plants and to the health of the population. B. It is equivalent also.to a deepening of the soil, both by removing the water and by allowing those noxious ingredients to be washed out of the subsoil which had previously prevented the roots from descending. C. It is a necessary preparation tot he many other roeans of improvement which may be applied to the land. You will now be able to perceive in what way it is possible that even light and sandy soils, or such as lie on a sloping surface, may be greatly benefit ed by draining. Where no open outlet exists under a loamy or,sandy surface soil, any noxious matters that either sink from above, or ooze up from be neath, will long remain in the subsoil, and render it more or less unwholesome to valuable cultivated plants. But let such an outlet be made by the establishment of drains, and that which rises from beneath will be arrested, while that which descends from above will escape. The rain-waters passing through will wash the whole soil also as deep as the bottom of the drains, and the atmospheric air will accompany or follow them. The same remarks apply to lands which possess so great a natural inclination as to allow the sur face water readily to flow away. Such a sloping surface does not necessarily, dry the subsoil, free it from noxious substances, or permit the constant ac cess of the air. Small feeders of water occasional ly make their way near to the surface, and linger long in the subsoil before they make their escape. This is in itself an evil ; but when such springs are impregnated with iron the "evil is greatly augment ed, and from such a cause alone a m're or less per fect barrenness not unfrequently ensues. To bring such lands by degrees to a sound and healthy state, a mere outlet beneath is often nlone sufficient. It is to this lingering of unwholesome waters beneath, that the origin of many of our moor-lands, especially on higher grounds, is in a great measure to be attributed. A calcareous or-a ferruginous spring sends up its waters into the subsoil. The slow access of 'air from above, or it may be the es cape of air from water itself, causes a more or less ochrey deposit, which adheres to and gradually cements the stones or earthy particles, among which the water is lodged. Thus a layer of solid stone is gradually formed the moor -land fan f many districts ;which neither allows the roots of plants to descend nor the surface water to es cape. Hopeless barrenness, therefore, slowly en sues. Coarse grasses, mosses, and heath, grow and accumulate uponjsons not ortjtmuy inclined to nourish them, and by which a better herbage had previously been long sustained. Of such lands many tracts have been reclaimed by breaking up this moor-land pavement, but such an improvement, unless preceded by a skilful drainage, can only be temporary. " The same natural process will again begin, and the same result will follow, unless an outlet be provided for tha waters from which the petrifying deposit proceeds. It ought to be mentioned, however, that where a ready passage and escape for the water is provid ed by an efficient drainage, and especially in light and porous soils, the saline and other soluble sub stances they contain will 'be liable, in periods of heavy, rain, to be more or less completely washed out and carried off by the Water that trickles through them. WThile, therefore, the establishment of drains on all -soils may adapt and prepare them for furth er improvements, and may make them more grate ful for every labor or attention that may be be stowed upon them yet after drainage they must be more liberally dealt with than before, if the in creased fertility they at first exhibit is to be per manently maintained or incre sed. Alexander Humtolt says, in his Geographic des Plantes, when speaking of cultivated vegetables or trees, " Plants are the most sensible .thermoscopes ; the more or less success with which they are culti vated indicates the smallest climatic differences." Long experience has shown to the inhabitants of Europe which are the kinds and varieties of fruit which will best succeed with them, and a careful observer will find that every province, or even every district, cultivates different varieties of fruit from that of neighboring provinces, either for market or home consumption, and that only the gardens of amateurs or nurserymen contain long lists of vari eties. "The plants d'scovered iu the ruins of Hercula neum, Pompeii, and Stabiae, enable us to judge of the alterations in them during the long period of 1700 years. The remains of plants the painted plants those in Mosaic, remain to instruct us. Many of those painted are fanciful. The stone pine, the Cypress, the Aleppo pine, the dwarf palm, wheat, barley, millet, no Indian corn, no rice, broad beans, perfectly like our modern ; asparagus in bunches, onions,,radishes, turnips, a small gourd, the olive a glass jar contained olives which' re tained, their flavor the oleander perfectly the same with ours ; no lemon, orange, or citron ; the citron was introduced into Italy in the third century,. 200 years after the cities were buried ; the orange and lemon still later ; pears, peaches, apples, cherries, almonds, ; plums, medlars, pomegranates, were there." Sheepskiks fob Dook Mats. Take two long wooled white sheep skins, and make up a strong lather of soap the sign of proper strength is when the lather feels slippery between the fingers. When the lather is cold wash the skins carefully in it, squeezing them between the hands so as to take all the dirt out of the wool. When this is accomplish d, lift out the skins and wash them well in cold water until all the soap is extracted. Have a ves-' of clean so!d water rdady, which sbtne alum and salt (about half a pound) which have been dis solved in a small qnantity of hot water, are added, and the skins left to steep all night. They are taken out in the morning and hung over a pole to drijp. . When all the alum water has dripped off they are spread out on a board to dry, and are care fully stretched, with the hand, from time to time. Before they are thoroughly dry, a composition of two tablespoonsful of alum, and the same ot salt petre are ground to a powder, in a mortar or oth erwise, and sprinkled carefully on the fleshy side of each skin. They are then placed the one on top of the other, leaving the wool outside, and hung upon a rack of slats, in a barn, shed, or dry, airy place, for about three days, or until they are dry they should be turned every day. After this they are taken down and the fleshy side is scraped with a blunt knife, and each skin trimmed for a mat. The flesh side may then be rubbed over with pipe clay, beat with a switch, and will then be found supple, of a beautiful white color, and fit for a door mat for a mechanic or a prince. KNOWLEDGE FOR THE PEOPLE. POPULAR CHEMISTRY. Why is our earth a globe. ? Because of the general attraction by which all its' parts are drawu towards each other, that is, to wards a common centre ; by which means the mass assumes the spherical or rounded form. We have interesting instances of roundness from the same cause in minute masses, as the particles of a mist of fog floating in air, there, mutually attracting and coalescing into larger drops, and then forming rain dew-drops water trickling on a duck's wing tears dropping from the cheek drops of laudanum globules of mercury, like pure silver beads, coalescing when near, and forming larger ones melted lead allowed to rain down bom an elevated sieve, which, by cooling as it descends, retains the form of its liquid drops, aivd becomes the spherical shot-lead of the sportsman. Arnott. Why is the pre?crijtion of medicine by drops an unsafe method ? Because, not 'only do drops of fluid from the same vessel, and often of the same fluid of different vessels, differ in size, but also drops of the same fluid, to the extent of a third, from different parts of the lip of the same vessel. Why are certain bodies solid ? Because their parts cohere so firmly as to resist impression. Why do blue and yellow poivdirs, when mixed, Jorm a green powder ? Because of the mere effect arising in the eye from the intimate fixture of the ycliow and blue light separately and independently, reflected from thejninute particles of each ; and the proof is had by examining the mixture with a microscope, when the yellow and blue grains will be seen separately aud quite unaltered. J. F. W. Herschd. Why is there a difference in the specific gravity of different bodies ? Because one body is larger, or takes up more room than another of the same weight, when the and vice versa. ' ' Why will not oil and watsr mix in a vial upon being violently shaken ? Because the water and the oil have no affinity for; each other; but if some caustic ammonia be added, and the vial them agitated, the whole will be mixed into au ammoniacal soap. This is what is called disposing affinity, or uniting bodies, which apparently have no tendency to unite of themselves, by the addition of another substance. Why do small needles float on tcater ? Because the particles of water cohere among themselves, and the weight of the needles is not sufficient to overcome that cohesion. Why do a pound of water, and a pound of salt when mixed, form two pounds of brine, but then occupy much less bulk than when separate ? Because the atoms of the one are partially receiv ed into what were vacant spaces in the other. A similar Condensation is observed in many other mixtures ; as a pound of sugar in a pound of water. Tin' and copper, melted together to form bronze, occupy less space by one fifteenth, than they do when separate. Arnott. Why is heat produced on slacking quick-lime ? Because of the violence of the chemical action, and the solidification of the water. Iti this process 68 parts of lime solidify 32 parts of water ; but it is remarkable, that in making what we call lime water, 500 parts of water are required to dissolve one part of lime. Why are not bitter and sweet essential qualities of matter? Because, as Dr. W. Herschel has recently dis covered, the mixing of nitrate of silver with hypo sulphate of soda, both remarkably bitter substances, produces the sweetest substance known. Thus, bitter and sweet, as well as sour, appear not to be an essential quality in the matter itself, but to de pend on the proportions of the mixture which composes it. - Why has strong salt and water a pellicle (or film) on its surface ? Because the attraction of the saline particles for each other is becoming superior to their attraction for: the water. This is the common criterion of the fitness of a solution for crystallization. Why will not salt crystallize when dissolved in a considerable quantity of water ? Because the particles of the salt are ,too far asunder to exert reciprocal attraction : in other words, they are more powerfully attracted by the water, than by each ether. Brande. Why do cer'ain salts called freezing mixtures) convert water into ice I Because, as heat is required to convert solids into liquids, it follows, that in cases of sudden lique faction, (as when the salts are dissolved in the wat er) cold will ensue: hence its production during the solution of many-saline bodies, and hence, also, the explication of the theory of freezing mixtures. Why do'fnany salts; when exposed to the air effloresce, or fall to powder ? Because they lose their water of crystallization. Why do some salts deliquesce, (or become moist or liquid) by exposure to the atmosphere ? Because they attract water from the atmosphere. HUMOROUS. PnnU PiVTCV- Pc-UfcT V T- x - ----- - - ; uy rem, Wh0, cently removed to York, public, . number of the Musical World and Tim? lowin r. sketch the text beino- frtk. " !' in eAcuauLio nu uayuEucu ,u remark tl object in nature so beautiful as young man." consci, nti Well ; I've seen the " Sea-Dog," and TLa-t and Tom Thumb, and "I "'um , hi ' Lady," and Father Mathew; the wi,;B: and Caruille Urso: the " wl."t a St.nwe :V" Chan tr and Fnvr" .i t ' 30(1 ' . o (t "u denny Ljmi Miss Bremer, and Madame Sonta. u ' to the top of the State House, made the t "Public Garden" and crossed the "F I've seen Theodore Parker and a loconinf. ridden in an omnibus, heard a Fourth-of J I ti n, and I once saw the sun rise ; but I n . er saw " a conscientious -young manr ' If there is such an organization on thepe of this globe, I should like to see him. jfj? icliere is he ? Who owns him ? Whenf 'j raise him? What does he feed on ? por 3 does he vote ? On what political platform dot conscientious toes rest I Does he know the j:ff ence between a W)ig and a Democrat ? b "Hunker" and a "Barn-burner ?" betIr' shell " and a " soft-shell V between a " uniform tional currency " and a " sound coiitjtutjona rency ?" Does he ha?e chills, or a fover i, T sees a wuuei xjkjkh ue iuuk at limit of th fiesiiL Aara Tin lirtt lrrlr at. flll ? TV-ioc lm tl,... .1 Of lCHLUer, uitiun uruuiac,; S'Moroosj' at sun-down ? and does be rest on an aristocr perch? -I'm all alive to see the specimen opera-glasrf.is poised. Can't you give us his r.- e. .. l Ae.nnnn 9 l i .. trait? Will he be at the World's Fair? JJ- Ibe permitted to shake hands with, and con late him ? I pause for a reply. . ' Faxkt Few. . What you may Hear in a Bell; . ous old philosopher of our acquaintance says can always tell what kind of master and serv1Eti there are in an establishment by the waving the bell is rung and answered. 1 f. the Wilis ri, sharply, or snappishly, or at all loudly, I SSt t myself, You are hard masters, impatient, mi,. ant, making no allowances, and always expect a thing to be done before it is even asked kai my suspicions are generally verified by their 155. ing the bell a second time mortFloudly tba first; and if the servants take a long time in & swering the bell, I say to myself,' You arc bad?, vants, either lazy,' or pampered, or spoilt bv i much indulgence, and evidently taking tit life interest in your master s wisnes. it is a sure sir that there is not much peace or comfort to be v. with in the house where the master :rlnrs severs times for everything he wants; and where the k vants require the bell to be rung twice before ti think of answering it." Punch. The Road in 1853. The days of the Hi? waymen are over: but that need not belameta by the twJurirers of tfae robbers of the goojif times. The Highwaymen have been succeed by the Rail way men. lb. A Rap for the Czar. A great deal of w gold coin is in circulation, but the worst Soverti; that has come before the public lately is the. tj peror or Russia. lb . Too Modest by Half. xdost of the illi tions in honour of the Emperor's fete at I'm A played the glittering initials, N. E. This -t ly telling half the truth. It wanted the ate of R. O., for the French' nation clearly to m stand in whose hoiiour the fete was given.-!- Another Dietetic Rule of Coxdcct.-V er to send, a servaiit out on an errand after Ji but always a little before. it is extraordinary' very quick, in the latter case, he (or she) turn. lb. A young Irish servant girl coming from recently in one of the night steamers, had tb to lose the 'recommendation ' which hadjWj en her on leaving her last place.. She brof-j however, the accompanying ' ticket,' whichsbef sented to a friend of ours : 'This is to say, that Kathleen O'Brian hid!; character when she left Albany, but she lo5 board the Steamer coming down.' " Will you keep an- eye od my horse, bj ! while I step in and get a drink ?" "Yes, sir." ' ' Stranger goes in, gets his drink, comes out .finds his horse missing. " Where is my horse, boy !" " He's runn'd away, sir." " Didn't I tell you to take care of him, jo"!0 " iso, sir, you told me to Keep mj cj and I did, till he got clean out of sight. WRITTEN FOa THB SOUTHERN VEEItl ENIGMA- BY A DEAF-MUTE. T A Vf MrnnAc rA T IO lafar Mv 1 9 roa fri.miW and leg15' J , , v , V, MM bUC - r o 1 n . ' t. r,f the Pe "' was me inveuiui Dumb alphabet My 3, 8, 2, is a name of a plant 1 t is an aaiecuve. . t.( J - e.. rain"" o, 3, 5, 9, is the classic name wr ' " 6, is a letter. 7, 2, 2, is an insect. 8, is letter. ; 9, 1. 8. 3. is' naed for erentlemen m 10, 2. 4. 6. 5. was one of the most " - r W W Italian poets. , 11, 6, 6, 5,.8, 9, was an early Latin p" u 12. 3, 4, is 4i verb. At My whole- was a distinguished lawyer, t iormeriy one 01 tne ioara wi auv- and Dumb and the Blind. I Answer to Enigma in last week pr" eeal ZlcjaAWr. Tatter.