CALVIN' H. WILI, ) A FAMILY NEWSPAPERS EUTRAL IF POLITICS. EDITORS. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. ii TERMS: l3ti)oteU to all fye Mttttste of Motfy Carolina, &tomtfton, & tpmtltutc, iterator. $lefe, til c Jttarfotfi &c VOL. II -NO. IT. R A LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 1853. WHOLE NO 99, THE GRAVE OF LILLY DALE. .. .i.M ,i,.ii-n i1k lock of her soft ir'olden hair. V E Slll'K'iU'i u""" o ' Ami folded her h oids on tier brca-t, ; . Aril lui'l IriT at eve in t lie valley so fair 'Mid the blossoms of summer to rest'. O'-i rest, Liily, rt-st. no care to assail, For green grows the turf ; 0'"er the tear moistened grave - Of the fairest il-Hver of the vale. fcl 'ncftiii the ?pot she had mark'd for rejwse, "Win-re flowers soonest blossom in spring, Vn.I zephyrs first breathe the piirfu'nies of the rose, And the birds-come at evening to sing.- .i . i :r.. ( . 1'hf wide spreading boughs of -the old chesnut tree, . Ucnd low o- the place where she lies, There eye's pufpliJ beams longest glow on the lea, And the moofi n:iU the dews as tliey rise. , " Vh ret, Lilly, rest. &e. Alone where the brook murmurs 'soft on the air, Siic sleeps' wifli 'he turf on her breast, As we laid her at eve in the valley so fair, 'Mid the blossoms of summer to rest, Oh rest, Lilly, rest, &e. - SELECTED STORY. THE M ERCH ANT'S HEART ; - on, tub jew's wagek. Matthias, the Levantine merchant, had spent his .whole life, from his boy time upward, in travelling for the sake of gain, to the east and to the west, and to the .islands of the south seas. ' He -had re turned to his native. p;ac', Tarsus, in the full vigor of i .in hood, an I -was reported to have amassed great wealth. II s first step was to make a prudent call unon the trovernor, and to present him with a purse and a string of pearls, in order to bespeak liis good-will. lie then buiit himself a spacious palace in the midst of a garden on the border of a stream, and began to lead a quiet lite, resting after the fatigues of his many voyages. Most persons considered him to be tllie happiest of merchants; but those who were introduced to his intimacy kiiew that his constant companions were thought and sadness. When he had departed in his youth, Tie Iiad'iefi, fns TatheV'ahd" hhT mofhertarM his bro thers, nnd his sisters in hea th, although poor ; but, r . . ! - i i :.. l...., ... ... .:i l :....,.. ,.f reiuj ueu in iiupe iu gnu iuu i ciuaiuuei ui their davs, he found that the hand of death had fallen upon them every one, and .that -there .was no one to share his prosperity : and a blight came over ' his heart, . The gossips in the bazaars 'soon began to talk of hl ease, and it was then that Hanna, -.-the Christian r' . i ... : i V. i .. ; .,. i.;. .n.i'ta uiiior, one uiy ;iiu m i iuuu voice wj him uj'JWJi.t neighbor, the Jewi-h money -clrnngeri " I iil lay the value of my stock that the merchant Matthias ..?tO. lV,.,l T...I.... i.i i .a .-i .k tlwit Vtrt rt!l lrwck 111 iillU euu.v 'ilLll'll 111 Ulul I 1.1L1 e , llllL lie; nmvuui--g the most beau ti t'u.i of our maidens ; and that he will found a family vfiicli shall be celebrated in tins "city as'-, long as its prosperity endures." To this flu J.-iv rti!ii.W" " Yl.nfr i tVio valnpnf tlift stock? .j...--, .......... . Three jackets returned upon thy hands, a rusty pair of scissors,, an old stool, and onft bundles of tli read Ver-ilv : the risk is not great." The Christian said a praver or two to himself, that he might not curse his neighbor, and then ansewred : " I will throw in Zarifeh, the ebony-black j il l whom I bought last spring to follow my wife when she goes out with . rlie little Gorges to the gardens AVhat say est thou now C The Jew -pondered awhile, leaning his grey beard on the -breast -of his caftan, lie remembered that forty years b'efore, he, top, had returned from travel : with his - Money-bags, and had found his house desolate; and that he had devoted 'himself ever since to moodv reflection, and to the heaping of j vmhboub upon mahboub. The thought had there fore become fixed ia his mind that when the mid ale time of life comes, there can remain no affection in the heart, either of Christian or of Jew, or of Mahommadan, but for gold, So he said : ." Let the odds be equal. I will venture five hundred pieees against thy five hundred pieces, that within five years the merchant Matthais does not take unto his bosom a wife." "Agreed !" cried the 'Christian. The neighbors were called in as wit nesses, and every one laughed at the absurdity of : the dispute. Matthais was not long in learning that a wager had been laid upon bis future life; and, in passing through the bazaar, he stopped one day and said, .sternly to the Christian tailor: "Son of rashness, why hast thou risked more than the whole of thy havings upon a matter which is only known to IL javen ? I have looked upon all the maidens of niy( people, and no emotion has stirred within me. Verily thou wilt become a prey to this Jew." ' My lord," replied the tailor,' smiling, " it is impossible for a good man to remain all his life alone. If thou w ilt come to my house and see my wife and my little Gorges dancing in, the arms of ; the 'ebony-black girl, Zarifeh, thou, wilt surely relent and seek at once to be, as I am. Terhaps thou hast hot well looked around thee. There is , Miriam, the daughter of owr baker, who is of maj estic presence, being as big as thyself: She will suit thee to a hair, if thou desirest, my wife shall make proposals for thee this afternoon." Matthias laughed and frowned, and went on, and the Jew chuckling in his beard said : " O Hanna, for how much w ilt 'tho.iufree thyself from thy wager ? Wilt thou pay a hundred pieces and let all be said?" But the Christian replied: In five years Saint . Philotea wore away a stone as big as this stool with her kisses and her 'tears in five years the heart of this man may melt." Matthias went not on his way unmoved after his conversation with the Christian tailor, lie began to think that perhaps, indeed, he was wearing away his life uselessly in solitude. There was certainly, no beauty sn4 no satisfaction in that manner of being. It was better to take to himself a compauion. But where find her? Amongst all the frivolous daughters of Tarsus, was there one with whom he would not be more lonely than with himself? Their mothers had taught them no thing but love of dress, and love of themselves. How could their capriciots and selfish natures find pleasure in communion5 with a man whom this world had sore tried, and who wished to watt in meekness and patience for the world to come ? These meditations d sturbed Matthias, but they did not render him more unhappy. They occupi ed his. mind ; they relieved the monotony of his existence; they prevented him from always turning his' eyes inward, upon himself ; they forced him to ljxk abroad. He jvent to the houses of his friends ,and once more ptudied the perfections or imperfections of their daughters. His object was so manifest, that the joke went round that hewisb ed to save the Christian tailor from ruin. People jested-with' the Jew as they brought. in their money to change. But, although Matthias saw many beautiful girls who threv the glances of their almond-shaped eyes encouragingly towards him, he saw none that pleased His reart; and, suddenly re tiring from society, shut himself up for a whole year in his palace,.seeing nobody, and taking back melancholy and discontent for his only companions. At length Matthias began to feel the desire of change, and made it a practice every morning to have his mule saddled and to ride out to the bas, of the mountains ;and then putting foot to ground to wander until evening amidst the rocks and valleys. On one occasion he went so far that he could not return to where he had left his mule and servant before night-fall, and lost his way. After going hither and thither for some time, he was compell ed to seek the shelter of a cave, and to wait until morning. Sleep overtook him, and he did not wake until the sun's rays slanting in thrdugh the cleft of the sock, played upon, his eye-lids. He got oj ; and Larin- sard hi, praters, vent forth and beheld a beautiful green meadow stretching along the banks of a stream which came from a narrow gorge at no great distance, He did not recognise his whereabouts and was doubtful of finding his way back, until he saw, at the further end of the meadow, some object moving rapidly to and fro. It was a young girl chasing a cow that had escaped from her, and ran with a cord tan tried about its horns in the direction of Matthias. Ah 1" said be, " I will catch this unruly animal, and then make its keeper point out to me the direc tion of Tarsus."' So he tucked up his ro1 es, and, being strong and vigorous, soon came up to the cow that was wantonly galloping hither and thith er, and brought it to astand-still. "May blessings light upon thy sturdy arms, stranger," exclaimed the girl, running up out of breath, and unwinding the rope from the cov-s horns ; " if Naharah had escaped they would have beaten me." "And who could jfind it in his heart to beat thee, child t" said the nlerehant, as he looked at her and wondered at "her delicate loveliness. "The fathers," she replied, pulling Naharah in the;direction"fehe wanted to go. " Triple blessings upon thee, again I say.; stranger !" Matthias forgot all about Tarsus, and walked by the side of the girl, asking questions of her. 'He learned that she was jthe bond maiden of a monas tery situated in those 'mountains, and that her duty was to take out the cows, and especially this one, every niorninji to theipasturao-e. " Do not follow me," said she, when they came to the entrance of the gorge from which the stream flowed ; " for I am forbidden to talk with those whom I may meet." Matthias thought awhile, and then bade her adieu, having learned what path he was to fol low, and Teturned tojhis palace full of nothing but the image of this simple bond-maiden. " Verily," said hei to himself next morning, "I forgot to ask the nahie of that girl. ' I must learn it, in order that I 'may send her a recompense." Under this poor pretence he mounted his mule, and rode towards the mountains, and began"his walk at the usual place, and repaired to the cave and passed the night there, and was out on the meadow before dawn. He soon saw four or five cyws driven out of the gorge, and the girl following them, leading the frolicsome Naharah. There is no need for thee to-day, stranger," said she, smil ing playfully, " unless thou wilt drive my herd down to the water to, drink, and take care that the black one goes in ifirst, or else she will gore the others." Upon this, Matthias took the branch of a tree and began to cry, " Hoo ! boo !" like a herds man,' and fo beat I the flanks of the black cow, which scampered aWay, and led him a long chase round the meadow ;! so that he did not come back until all the other animals had taken their morn ing drink, aud the! girl was sitting on the bank laughing at him, and wreathing a! crown of flowers to deck the horns of Naharah. j ".Thou dost not know thy new business," said she, to Matthias, ajs he came up out of breath ; whereupon he began to curse the cow which had led him that dance, :and to tb ink that be had made himself ridiculous in the eyes of the girl. How ever, they were soon sitting side by side in pleasant talk, and the merchant learned that the name of the bond-maiden was Carina. 'By this time Le bad quite made ur his mind to marry her, if she would have him ; but, although reflecting upon his wealth and her poverty, it seem ed scarcely prcbable that she should refuse, his modesty was so great that he dared not venture to talk of love. They parted early, and Matthias went away, promising to return on the morrow. He did so ; and for many weeks continued these meetings in which, for the fi.rst time since his youth, he found real happiness. At length, one day he took cour age, and told Carine that he intended to tike her away and marry her, and make her the mistress his wealth. " My lord," said she, with simple surprise, " has madness stricken thee? Dost thou not know that I am a bond-maiden, and that there is no power that can free me " Money can free thee, child," said Matthias. " Not. so," replied she; "for it is an ancient privilege of this monastery that bondsmen and bondswomen shall forever appertain to it. If any freeman casts his eyes upon one of us, and desires to marry her, he must quit his state and become a slave, he and his descendants forever, to the mons tery. This is why I was not married last year to Skandar, the porker, who offered twenty pigs for my freedom, but who refused to give up his lib erty." Matthias internally thanked heaven for having given an independent spirit to the porker, and replied, smiling "Believe me, Carine, that the fathers love money they all do and I shall purchase thee as my wife." . " It Is nonsense," said she, shaking her head, " they refused twenty pigs." " I will give twenty sacks of gold, baby," cried Matthias, enraged at her obstinacy. Carine replied, that she was not worth so much ; and that, if she were, it was of no use talking of the matter, for the fathers would not sell' her. " By Saint Maron !" exclaimed Matthias, "I can buy their whole mon astery." He tfas mistaken. The monastery of Selafka was the richest in all the east, and the head of it was the most self-w illed of men. He cut short the proposition of the merchant who went straight to him that very day by saying that on no account could the liberty of Carine be granted. " If thou wouldst marry her," said be, looking, as Matthias thought, more wicked than a demon, " thou must give up all. thy wealth J us,,nd beijo cmt bondsman." With this answer the lover went sad ly away, and returned to Tarsus, saying to himself " It is impossible for me to give up, not only the pains of all my life, but even my liberty, fb" the sake of this cow-girl. I must try to forget her" So he went back among his fiiends, and began again to walk in the bazaars. When the Jew saw him, he cried out " Hail, oh wise man, that wil uot burthen himself with the society of a woman !" But the merchant frowned black upon him, and turned aay ; and, to the surprise of all the neigh bors, went and sat down by the side of the Christ ian tailor, and, taking his hand, whispered to him : ''Close thy shop, my friend, and lead me, that I may see, 'as thou didst promise thy wife and thy child." " Which child V said the tailor. " I have now three, Gorges, Lisbet, and Hanna." "All of them," said Matthias: "and also the ebuny-black girl, Zarifeh." " Oh !" said the tailor, " I have set her free, and she is married to the pudding-seller, round the corner." " It seems," said Matthias to himself, " that it is the law of heaven that every mail shall marry." The tailor shut up his shop and took the mer chant home and showed him his domestic wealth that is to say, his pretty wife, his three stout children, aud a coal black girl called Zara, who was kneading dough in the court-yard. " My. friend," said Matthias, "what wouldst thou do if the powerful were to say to thee, thou must be de prived of all this, or else lose thy liberty and be come a slave ?" " Liberty is sweet," replied the tailor, shrugging his shoulders, " yet some live without it ; but none can live without love." Upon this the merchant went back to his palace and mounted his mule and rode to the monastery, where he found the court-yard full of people. " I am come," said he to one of the fathers whom lie met ia the gateway, " to give up my liberty and my wealth for the sake of Carine." ' It is too late," was the rply ; Skandar, the porker, has just driven in all his pigs, and they are putting a chain upon his neck in the chapel, and all these people that thou'seest collected are to le witnesses of his marriage with Carine." Matthias smote his breast with his hands, aT d the sides of his mule with his heels, and galloped through the crowd shouting out that nobody should be made a slave that day but he. The chief of the monastery, on learning what was the matter, smil ed and said, " That the porker had a previous claim ;" but the monks, who, perhaps, looked for ward to the enjoyments which the merchant's wealth would afford them, ingeniously suggested that he had the best claim who had hesitated least. Caine's opinion was asked ; and she, seeing both of her suitors' resolved, heartlessly condemned the enamored porker to liberty, and said : "Let the chain be put upon the neck of the merchant." The ceremony was immediately performed ; and, whilst the head of the convent was preparing tb begi the more interesting rite of the marriage, brother Boag, the treasurer of the monastery, set off to take an inventory of the wealth which had thus 'fallen under his jurisdiction. It is said that Matthias never gave a single j thought to his lost property, being too much absor bed in contemplating the charms of the beautiful Carine.vThe only stipulation he made was, that he should te allowed to go out to the pasturage with her; and, next morning, he found himself in sober seriousness helping to drive Naharah and its com panions down trt,'.e watera aidrv . ri:-: ' . . .u?inL4jJwt'-arnve.',n . , - -Meanwhile tue'tkernoc'f f Tarsus i heard, what bad bjvened to r" f a. ttiin: tui Wai&VnV1&-t rage, V: 3 -reused guards to be mounted, and set forth to the monas tery atMi summoned tha chief,; saying- Know, u monkhal Matthias is mjr friend ; and it cannot be that he ihakbe thyf slave, and that alljhis "wealth shall be transferred .from my city to thy monastery. He is ; a liberal citizen, and I mar not lose him from amongst' us." The governor spoke thus by reason of- certain loans without interest and presents (over and above the purse and the string of pearls .whici? the "merchant had presented at his first com ing,) with which Matthias had freely obliged the governor :who also hoped a continuance of the same.!' Whereupon the chief of the monastery hid his hands and was humbled; and the governor and he parted with a good understanding and a greement. .':'"' It fell put," therefore, that after a month of serv itude Matthias and his bride were called before an assembly of the whole monastery, and informed that, the condition imposed were sinudy for the sake oftriall Nearly ill the wealth of the merch ant was restored to him, and he was liberated and led back amidst applauding crowds to his palace at Tarsus. Of course he made a liberal donation to thai monastery, over and above a round sum which Boag, the treasurer, had not found it in his heart to return with the rest. Being a just and generous man, he not only relieved the Jew from the consequences of his wager, but made such pre sents to the Christian tailor, that he had no longer any need to ply the needle for his livelihood. Tradition dilates with delight on the happiness whicli Carfpe bestowed on her husband ; who used always to say. that with wealth or without wealth, withpibrrty or without liberty, she was sufficient to brlnv -potent into any house, and to make the sternest hart happy." W ?,'iV. I n 1? T T A M I? fl II . J A Colony of Sevex Hundred Lunatics. At the last sitting of the French Academy of Science, a paper oh insanity, was read by its author M. Mo reau, one of the physicians present. The chief ob ject of this pamphlet is to recommend the adoption in France, as regards pauper lunatics, of the plan resorted to in Belgium. M. Moreau states that in the village of Gheel, in that country, there is a colony of trot less than seven hundred lunatics, who are treated upon so admirable a system that they are perfectly harmless, and live and labor with the same inhabitants whose habits they acquire, and to which they become so attached that w hen cured they are frequently unwilling to quit the place. These lunatics are made usefql in agricuW ture and manufactures, and consequently the cost is small compared with ordinary lunatic asylums. The origin of this colony dated as far baek as the sixth contury, and is auotheT verification of the old adage, that there is nothing new under the sun. The mode of treating the lunatics at-Hantwell, near London, was considered, when first put into practice, as a novelty, and yet it was nothing but the Gheel practice imperfectly carried out. It is surprising that this improved mode of treatment should have been deferred so long in England ; and it Is now evident that it is capable of great exten sion in its application. Within the last few years orjy, in that country, medical men have ascertain edi the possibility of so classing and occupying lu natics as to render even the most violent of them comparatively tranquil, and thus facilitate the cura tive process. For chains, whips, and other means of correction, kindness and intelligence on the part of the keepers has been substituted. To Store Fruit. Those to be used first, lay by singly on shelves, or on the floor, in a dry southern room, on clean, dry moss, of sweet, dry straw, so as not to touch one another. Some or all the rest, having first laid a fortnight singly, and then nicely culled, are to be spread on shelves, or on a dry floor. But the most superior way is, to pack in i ar a large earthern, or China, or stone jars, with very dry, long moss at the bottom, sides, and also be tween them, if it might be. -Press a good coat of moss on the top, and then stop the mouth close with a cork, or otherwise, which should be rosined round about with a twentieth part of bees'-wax in it. As the object is effectually to keep out air (the cause of putrefaction), the jars, if earthern, may be set on dry sand, which put also between, round and over them, to a foot thick on the top. In all close storing, observe there should be no doublt of the soundness of the fruit. Guard, in time, from frost those that lie open. Jars of fruit must be soon used after unsealing. The great race between a nightmare and a cloth es-horse, came off last week. The man who enter ed the mare wasn't wide awake ; so the horse took the prize. If ybu doubt whether two skulls are better than one, just undertake to row against the tide some day. Tain- at the wide intervals to say, Til save this year," if at each narrow interval you do not say, 111 save this hour." AGRICULTURAL FAIR. CATALOGUE Of the Fitst Annual Fair of the North Carolina j State Agricultural Society. 1. Twenty-two Devon cattle, Dr. W. R. Holt, Lexington. . 2. 1 Bay 'Mare, Seth Jones. Wake county. yk Sitl Whit Tlnll r- HTJFMl'y',..t ilerarT4ik; 5.SorretIare, Bi Leathers, Orange. 6. China Fowls, A. Alden, Cumberland.- 1. 8. 1 Carriage, Bobbitt &' Menatree, Warren ton. Open Buggy, -' " 9. Two-horse Plow, R. fi Wainwright & Co., 1 i Granville. " -. -t 10. Single-horse plow, " Granville. Cultivator, " " Granville. 12,; Two-horse plow, 'W. B. Williams, Warren ton. 1 3J Single-horse plow, " " 14. ! Subsoil plow, " " 15. ; Jar Oil Mangoes, Mrs. C. M. Winslow, Fay- etteville. 16. ; Lamp Mat, Mrs. J. Dunning, Cumberland. i I7.i Cap, Apron and Cellar, Miss Dunning, Cum berland. 18. Jar of Butter, Mrs. W. B. Williams, Warren. 19. Stallion, Jonah Crump, Granville. 20. : Specimeu of White Rye, J. Paschal, Franklin. 21; " Poland Wheat, J. Kerney, " 22. : " . Leather, W. F. llilliard, Frank- linton. 2 3. ; -Two-horse Carriage, II. J. Clawson, Frank- linton. ' 2-1. 3 Sow pigs, S. S. Caraway, Lenoir. 25. 3 Boar pigs, " 44 2G. 3 Large Buars, (Chester,) S. S. Caraway, Lenoir. 27; Rye Stiaw Hat, W. H. Morning, Johnston. 28; Palm Hat, " " 29, 1" Net Quilt, Mrs. Beckwith, 44 30l Box Tallow Candles, W. H. Morning, " 3ll Lot of Squashes, 44 " ." 32 Lot of Paper, David Murphy, Cumberland. 33; Saddle Brood Mare, W. A. Eaton, Graqyille. 34; 3 year old plow Filly, X35 3 P5ece8 Parting. Wm. Stronacb, Raleigh. 37; " Sorrel- 3 i " Claybanks,; 44 44 39. Cotton' Yarns, S. H. Christian, Montgomery. 401 Lot of Wheat, " . 44 41. " Flour, " " 42. 1 Heifer 3 years old, James Kilpatrick, Ra- leigh. 43- Siigar Beets, James Kilpatrick, Raleigh. 44. 8 Paintings, Miss S. A. Partridge, Raleigh' 45. Embroidery, 44 44 ; 46. " Miss Virginia Garey, 44 47. Piece of Painting, . " 44 48. Wax Flowers, u a 49. Paintings, E. Colburn, " : 50. ax T lowers, " " . 51. Worsted Work, " ' " 52. Work Stand, Mrs. J. C. Partridge,- 44 . 53. Embroidered Chair, 44 " 54. Sun flower Quilt, Miss Jane-Ruth, 44 55. 1 Quilt, Mrs. S. Miller, 56. Quilt, (Mexican) Mrs. Murden, " 57. Young Man's Fancy, (Quilt) Mrs: Barbour, Raleigh. 58. Sunflower Quilt, Mrs. Barbour, Raleigh. 59. " " Mrs. Miller, . 44 60. 1 Wheat Fan, A. Stanly, Guilford. 61. 3 year old Filly, J. H. Marriott, Wake. 62. Painting (Death of Wesley) O. P. Copeland Northampton.. 63. Painting (Faith) O. P. Copeland,North'mpton, 64. " (Hope) 65. " (Charity) " " 66. Specimen of Flour, L. G. Haughton, Chatham. 67. Box of Hats, D. Gee, Cumberland. 68. Box of Hams, Col. Elliott, Cumberland. 69. Box of Tobacco, W. & J, D. Long, Caswell 70. Tobacco, 71. " 72. " 73. 1 Oil Painting, Mrs. u L. H. Walker, Greens- borough. 74. 1 Oil Painting, 75. ' " " f 44 (4 44 44 ii 44 (4 44 44 76. " 78. " 79. " 80. Painting, J. W. Conrad, Raleigh. 81. Cotton Yarns, A." M. Holt, Alamance. 82. " " " " 83. Striped Domestics 44 " 84. Counterpane, Mrs. M. A. Walker, Warren. 85. " 44 80. 1 Blanket, 44 " 87. Counterpane, 44 M. E. Paschall, 88. 44 . 44 " 44 44 ( M 89. Thorough bred Stallion, 12 years old, Gen. ; M. T. Hawkins, Warren, 00. Stud Colt, 1 year old, Gen. M. T. Hawkins, I Warren. 91. Thorough bred Mare, 12 years old, Gen. M. I T. Hawkins, Warren. 92. thorough bred Mare, 10 years old, Gen. M. T. Hawkins, Warren. 93. Thorough bred Mare, 6 years old, Geii. M. j T. Hawkins, Warren. 94. J Jack, 2 years old, Gen. M. T. Hawkins, ; Warren. 5. 1 Jennet, 8 years old, Gen. M. T. Hawkins "Warren. 1 Jennet, 8 years old, Gen. M, T. Hawkins, Warren. ... 1 Mule, 3 years old, Gen. M. T. Hawkins, vvarren. 98. 1 Mule, 4 yers old. Gen. M. T. Hawkins, 99. 1 Filly, F.H. Perry, Wake: - ' 1 00. Specimen of Flour, W. C. Upchurch, Raleigti. 101. l Morgan Stallion, W. S. BatUe, Edgecombe.. i nester i5oar 1031 Devorl Bull, years bld,,W. S. Jae'-'- Edgecombe, 104. 1 Hearth Rug, Mrs. J. Suten, Edgecombe. i.uo. i i-iece Carpet, 106. 1 44 ; 44 U M .107. Lamp Mat (Zephyr work) Miss M. F. King Tarborough. 108. Home made Soap, Mrs. Paul, Halifax. 109. Merino Wool, J. W. Cotton, Halifax. 110. Tobacco, R. A. Davis, Warren. 111. A Ham of Bacon, R. A. Davis, Warren, 1 12. Pair Horses, Y. & E. P. Jones, Yanceyville. 113. Durham Bull, R. D. Heartt.Nash. 114. i Stud, cream colored, 11 years old, David Gill, Wake. 115Blooded Horse, 10 years old, David Gill, Wake. 1 16. .1 Jack, 4 years old, 44 117. 1 Jack (2 years' old,) David Gill, Wake. 1 1 8. 1 44 44 " " H u 119. Buggy, W. C. Crabtree, for Wbite & doi, WTarretiton. 120. Pair Bay Horses, Maj. Uowerton, Hillsboro'. 121. 80 Fruit Trees, Thomas Lindley, Chatham. 122. Stud, (4 years,) Thos. C. Smith, Bladen. 123. Brood Mare, do. do. 124. Year old Colt, do. ' ' do. ; 125. Home-made Silk, A. E. Fuller, Granville. 126. Silk Cloth, ' do. do. 127. 1 Fat 0x4 J. H. Cooly, Franklin. 128. Packing Machine, Alpheus Jones, Wake. 129. Yoke of Oxen, do. Jo. 130. do. do. do. 131. 2 Bottles Scup. Wine, J. P. Robinson, Fay- etteville. 132. 1 Bolt of Domestics, Fay', mills, do. do. 133. 1 Saddle Horse, M. Pullen, Wake. 134. 2 Pair Bed Blankets, do. do. ville.' 135. Manufac'ed Tob'co, Y. & E. P. Jones, Yancey- 136. 44 - 44 1 ? u 137. 44 " V various kinds 41 138. ' - i : 4 . u 139. 1 Rickaway Harness, 140. Specimens of Minerals, J. P. Maybry, Lex ington, 141. 1 Patent Lamp, G. R. Griffith, Pittsboro'. 142. American Cream Soap, 44 ' . 143. Lot of Stone Ware, Sol. Loy, Chatham. 144. 1 Bed Quilt, Mrs. Langlay, Granville. 145. Fruit, Thos. Lindley, Chatham. 146. Blankets, Mrs. S. Vincent, 44 147. Pair Chester pigs, James Dortch, Nash. 148. Centre-table cover, Miss F. Lloyd, Bladen. 149. 1 Devon Cow, Sylvester SmithRaleigh. 150. 44 44 " 151. 44 44 44 152. 1 Cow, Devon and Durham, S. Smith, Raleigh. 153. Sample of Cotton, S. S. Carraway, Lenoir. 154. Pine Apple Quilt, Mrs. V. Cooke, Franklin. 155. Catawba Wine, D. M. Lewis, 44 156., Black Jeans, R. A, Sh'ultz, Salem. 157. Brown Jeans, '4 44 158. Negro Cloth, 44 44 159. Home-made Cloth,' 44 ' ' 160. Box of White Honey, 44 44 1 61. Domestic carpet, Mrs. A. W. Venable, Gran ville. 162. One 1 horse Wagon, J. P. Nissen, Salem. 163. Mule and other animals, Orwell, Leonard & Co. New York. 164. Rye straw Carpet, I. G. Sides, Salem. 165. Suit of fine clothes, J. J. Biggs & Co., Raleigh. 166. Lamp Mat, Miss M. F. King, Tarboro'. 167. Durham Cow, J. i. Dawson, Halifax. 168. Native Cow, 169. Durham Bull,. 170. - 44 171. 172. 44 ' 44 44 44 44 44 17.3. Imp. Dump Wagon, J. M. Wagner, Ral eigh. 174. Chittagong Fowls, Gov.- Manly, Raleigh, 175. Bremen Geese, 44 44 H6. Buggy Harness, T. W. Rowlett, Wiitentoa. 177. Stockings by girl.M. S. Graves, CaswelL 178. 1 Spanish Saddle.C. W. D. Hutchings,Raleif h. 179. Shaftean 44 M 180. Pad " 44 181. Lady's " 182. Buggy Harness M M 183. Single Buggy Harness, C. W. D. Hutchings, Raleigh. 184. Box of Wax Flowers, Graves and WileoX, Warrenton. 185. Painting, Graves and Wilcox, Warrenton. 186. 187. 44 44 44 44 U 188. 3 Worsted Mats, Graves and Wilcox, do. 189. Mare and Colt, Thomas J. Morse, Northamp ton. 190. 1 Bedstead, Wm. Thompson, Raleigh. 191. Sample of Apples, 44 192. 1 Fat Ox, J. H. Cooley, Franklin. 1 93. Pair of Muscovy Drakes, B. F. Moore, Raleigh, 194. Dora Com, 195. Shanghai Fowl, Giraffe, u u 196. Sample of Butter, Dr. W. R. Holt, Lexington. 197. . " " " 198. " White Blue-straw WTieat, do. do. 199. 44 Early Purple Straw, 44 do. do. 200. Flour, do. do. 96. 7. 3 i . t . . . ft f h n min-i r i -T- - - LS,-V.