i, - -'" 11 0 S f . 187 THE echlir lost. oittfiern EDITED BY ALV1V II. WILEY, I WILLIAM D. COOKE, ' LYTTELTON WADDELL, Jr. JjALKIOIl, OCTOBER 22, 1853. Terms TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in Advance. ' CLUB-PRICES: .''- Thr,e Copies, .'. f Ml price,-... . $6, Kiffht Copies; . . it , Tea Copier , Twenty Copu-s, .... . - . iu. f I'aummt in till cos's in advance.. trf Where a club of eisrht, ton or twenty copies is sent, the person making up the club wil be entitled to a copy extra I f,. '.rficif8 of a Literary, character may be addressed i L- Lrs nt" the Southern Weekly Post, Raleigh, N. C." Busi f ' 1,-ttVnt, notices, advertisements, remittances, &,c, &c, k.. .,,!,lrf-wd to W. D. Coofce. . jrt-j'j.stiiiasters are' authorized to act as Agents, for the K Mihirra Weekly Post. f . WILLIAM D. COOKE, Proprietor. tMR H. Doniirr ''"authorized agent for the State t Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. THE FIRST AGRICULTURAL FAIR Much of our time, during the present week, has been spent in -jm inspection, more or less minute, of t-he various articles exhibited at the First Agricultu ral Fair, which was opened io the public on Tuesday Inst. c neanuy eoncur in uie general impression that, frr a beginning-,, the occasion has been one of the I most -encouraging-, character. The enclosures have bfe.nJliroiiged vvith successive multitudes of citizens find visiters, all manifesting a high degree ot interest . - .i nnl f.itifrJ'ufT 1 1mlr rnr!nif v in PTftminino" We publish, in; another i Its (InKicm uiiMiunuii coluiiiti, a correct list of the various contributions, copied from the official record. It is of edurse alto retlier impossible for us to enter into a detailed de scription of the many interesting objects that caught our utfentioi). We must icfer, however, to a few of the more prominent of those that from' their novelty or striking features seem most worthy of notice. In doing so, we'wih.it to be understood that we do not pretend to be able to determine the relative merits of many of the nvt valuable articles, and that in all -probability, some -uiny have escaped our observation, which are most worthy, of description. . - ' Itijthe dep ii tiiicut of the Fine Arts, we must notice - the tasteful style in which the ladies of Raleigh deeo-' rated for the occasion the principal building on the ground, called in their honor " Floral Hall." Within this building we found a 'perfect. magazine of beautiful objects, placed there for exhibition, by the ladies of the State. " It vvojald be impossible to begin to do jus tice to the taste r.hd-vnergy ome of them have display ed in making tticic ion:ributions. On the walls were suspended some beauiiful specimens of oil painting by Miss S. Aj Partridge of this city, and Mrs. L. II. Walker of jtirceuslioro1. The latter were marked Edgeworth Female Seminary. All varieties of coun terpanes, quilts, table covers, mats, cushions, work stands, screens, and such articles, abounded on the wails and tables." A woolen and cotton carpet sent in by tiie lady of the Hon. A. W. Venable, deserves particular notice, as it was made from materials jgrown upon that gentleman's farm, and passed regularly through the various processes of manufacture on the same premises. A very prettily embroidered chair contributed by Mrs. J. C. Partridge of Raleigh, attracted our. eye. Another by Mrs. Ilines also excited general admira tion. 1 wo embroidered table-covers, the handiwork of Mrs. Cbvvper of Hertford, were, very prettily exe cuter!. A white Cashmere s.acque, beautifully em broidered with white silk, by Miss S. A. Partridge, was particularly admired by the ladies. ,The screen, inaniifactured from common wheat straw, by Mrs. Dr. Field of Warren, was regarded as a very interesting object on account of the simple materia! of which it was made. We also observed two very pretty work stands, made by Mrs; J. F. Jordan, and Miss S. A. P. rtr'ulge. Mr. Havens, Daguerreotypist of. this city exhibited some fine specimens of his art.and among the likenesses wc observed several of our most eminent men. On some of the tables wire found Specimens in me -vegeiauie. prouucnons 01 tiie a.atp, among w hich may lie mentioned. as possessing- speciil interest, ; some stalks of sugar cane raised in Lenoir Co., by Mr. 'outicil Wooten ; aso, some fine Scuppernong grapes by Dr. Sidney Weller of Halifax, and a basket of very fine pears by Mrs. G. Meredith. Mrs. S. Ifr Tucker also contributed some most luscious granates. look pg Ponie- Among the most useful and interesting objects we simply name the small card press exhibited at Floral llall by Mr. W. D. Cooke; one of the editc rs of this paper, and the raised ma for the blind, prepared by himself on a new plan, both of which excited much attention :by their novelty 'and uses. A globe, raised on the same principle with the map, and byl the same hands, is on exhibition at the Crystal Palace in New .York. i I A show-case, containing specimens of printing from 'the X. C. Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb and! the Blind was rendered still more attractive by somic beautiful fancy w ork made by some of the ladies connected with that establishment. Also a basket of elegant artificial '.Mowers 'contributed by Mrs. J. Bauer of Raleigh, whose skill "in this desirable art h ac miraole. Conspicuously placed at one end of the Hall were two beautiful Mosaic Rugs manufactured in England, and exhibited by John Cocke & Co., of Portsmouth, Va. .,1hey are 'splendid articles of the kind, 'designed with admirable artistic skill. We noticed on the tables, sind exafuined with considerable interest fome speci mens of excellent cloths' manufactured at Salem in State by F. & II. Fries.. They arc very creditable ia the manufacturing industry of that flourishing town. : Of the minerals 'of -'North Carolina, some very rich Teciniciis of gold, copper, and other ores were con tributed by persons residing in the mineral counties. T'!i largest collection was made by A. S. Horncy of Franklinsville." K. 1 ..W ebb of Orange sent in several specimens of tW vegetable egg plant .Dr. Sidney Weller also ex hibited, several varieties of his celebrated Njrth Caro lina Wines, particularly the Scuppernong. Also a considerable variety of plants, roots, and sc. ids, in evi dence of his success in Horticulture. The Carriage department was not very lull, but in - point of merit, equal beyond question to the best in 1 the Fair. We particularly noticed a splendid carriage - beautifully built and finished by Messrs. ' bobbitt & Minatree of Warrcnton. This carriage commanded nniversPl admiration. A very fine open buggy, by the same makers, also attracted much attention?" The - 4 I ' l! .1.1. 1 most snowy arucie, nowever, in the carriaje li a phaeton exhibited by Mr. Clawson of Franjklinton ne, was more elegant affair could hardly be found.. In the department of Agricultural imrflements great variety was displayed, and it would be impossi- e to notice ail those articles that really deserve it. 1- Whitman &, Co., of Baltimore, !corkrirjuted v erv largely frojn their extensive stock. We noticed a James M. Farm nirnn Tir tumnlnnr vHihitai1 v " agner, agent for this State, for Thos. Castor of Penn. Manufacturer and patentee. It was considered by practical-men-a Biost valuable invention. Bj the slight notion of a lever, it rolls off backwards arjd deposits its load like a common cart, and then returns to' its place with the same facility; Two new smut machines, one from Guilford ar.d the other from Orange, were also examined with interest by the farmers A singular Reaper and Mower, so constructed as to rake and pile the grain, was exhibited by the manufac turers, Messrs. Brown and Fisher of Norfolk, Va, It is rather a novelty here, and was examined with much gratification by the farmers. , f A Threshing Machine, moved by Horse Power, on the principle of the tread mill, also excited much at tention. We refer to it only as a curiosity, and not because we regard it as an instrument of much utility. In the department of the animal kingdom, we be gin with a beautiful silver Fih, exhibited by Mr. R. S. Tucker of Raleigh. It has been in Mr. Tucker's possession three years. Many of the visiters had nev er seen one before, and hung over it, as may well be supposed, with inexhaustible curiosity. Near the Hall, a long range ot, coops had been pro vided for fowls, and some of them were occupied with fine specimens of different varieties Mr. Whitaker of Raleigh, exhibited two noble specimens of what he calls the Giraffe Shanghaes. Mr. A. Alden of Cumberland, also contributed a very large pair of the Cochin China breed. These grenadier chickens, aa a matter of course, elicited much admiration from large numbers of visiters. A curious object in the bird de partment was exhibited by Mr. Jackson Moss. It is a cross between the common hen and the guinea fowl, intermediate between the two in size and form. This specimen is white. In the stalls appropriated to the cattle, we wera pieased to find some very pretty specimens of the improved English breeds, raised in this State. The number of contributors was small, but Dr. Holt of Lexington, true to his promise made several weeks since, exhibited his family of young North Devons, consisting of twenty-two head, from 12 to 18 months old, soiled and rubbed by their long journey, but still sufficient to set off to great advantage the department; to which they belonged. In his collection we observ ed several of the prettiest yearling' heifers we .ever avv. W. S. Battle, of Edgecombe, also exhibited a fine Devon Bull. Another fine young Bull of the same kind was exhibited by D. McDaniel of Nash. Ve are not sufficiently acquainted with the charac teristic points of this highly esteemed stock of ani mals to pronounce upon their relative merits. The large Durham Bull, of Mr. J. Leach, is a truly-noble animal. His form is full of majesty and powjer. Measuring 30 inches between the tips of his horns, the observer would hardly suspect it such is the symmetry of his proportions. This bull was raised in this vicinity, by Mr. Seth Jones. Several fine young" Stallions were to be seen on the grounds, but we must say that in our opinion the horse department was particularly deficient. Mr. Thomas McDowell, of Bladen, however, exhibited a fine'pair of mules t wo years and a half old, and the Jack of Mr. McDaniel of Nash is one of the largest we remember to have seen. Two negro women, twins, and so closely resem bling each other that it is almost impossible to distin guish -them, weighing 260 and 268 pounds, were pres ent on the ground part of the time, and excited much attention. They are fine looking women, genteelly dressed, of light brown color- and in every respect fine specimens of -their race. " . On Wednesday, the Hon. A. W. Venable, ora or of the occasion, addressed a large auditory from a stand erected near the Centre of the grounds, on the great subject of agricultural improvement. The address has been ordered for publication and will be widely circulated. It will doubtless tell with considerable effect upon the agricultural interests of the State. On Thursday the committees were busily engaged iii, their duties, and many premiums were awarded. 'We must postpone till next week the closing scenes of the Fair, and any notice of the proceedings of the State Agricultural Society, : which has held frequent meetings during its progress. THE NORTH CAROLINA TWINS. These little wonders, now the property of Messrs. Brower & Shelton, have been exhibited ii) this city for se veral days during the present week, to many visiters. They are regarded by all who have seen them as the most remarkable human curiosity ever produced with a prospect of life. They are two little negro girls, about two ycars'and three months old, of a brown color, well grown, good looking, and very sprightly. Their names are Chris tian and Milly, but each applies the latter name to the other. The visiter will generally find them seated on a table, neatly dressed, exhibiting to the first view no evidence of deformity; but on examination, the ana tomist will find them united to each other in a most remarkable manner at the' lower extremity of the, spine, the vertebrte of what is called, in anatomical language, the os sacrum, being blended so as to con stitute apparently one bone. All of the pelvic or gans are evidently distinct, with the single exception of a common termination of the intestine. These in teresting little creatures are just beginning to learn to walk' with the aid of an attendant, but their pro-' gress in locomotion must necessarily be slow and. awkward for some time to come. The personal identity of the two docs not seem to be at all con founded hy the union. There is no community of sensation, and they sleep and eat, laugh and cry, as independently as any two. individuals who are entire ly unconnected. ' It is remarkable that the pulse of one generally beats considerably more to the minute than that of the other. We advLe all medical men every-where to see these remarkable children, as they present a case of unpar alleled interest to the anatomist They are incom parably more wonderful than the celebrated Siamese Twins, or any other living specimen of natural ana tomical union. i STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. This Convention commenced its sessions in the Court House in this city on Monday last, and was at-' tended by a large and respectable delegation. Wm. Albright, Esq. was chosen President, a rfumber of gentlemen from various parts of the State Vice Presi dents, and A. M. Gorrnan, W. R. Carson, andW. M. Johnson of Alamance, appointed Secretaries. A com mittee of fifteen was appointed to prepare business for the Convention. We have had no opportunity to obtain a full report of jthe proceedings of this body since its sessions commenced, but the most'important fact connected with it, is the adoption of a-very strong series of resolutions, Tuesday night, after a protract ed and heated debate, by a large majority. One of these resolutions, declaring it the duty of the Legis lature at the next sessjon to prohibit entirely the manufacture and sale ofj intoxicating drinks within the State, except lor medicinal and mechanical purposes, was warmly opposed by some conservative and pru-. dent gentlemen, but all in vain. The prohibitory law will now be agitated all! over the State. W hat wus done subsequently we have not ascertained. The amount of matter on hand relating to the Fair, must exclude from our columns this week the usual variety 0f editorial and i miscellaneous, matter. We wiil endeavor to make up for it in our next number. At the time of going to press,' all the premiums have not been' awarded by the Agricultural Society, and we are consequently unable to publish a list this week. .- j HEGLIGENCE, ? We regret very much to learn that no flection of Common School committee-men for this county took place on Thursday of last week, the day appointed for that purpose. Why are our people so lukewarm on this momentous subject, when they can be so hot on some others of a more questionable character? People of Wake, do you know how vast are the interests sacrific ed by your supineness ? What great reform, moral, so cial, or political, cap possibly be successful, so long'as the leaden chain of ignorance hangs heavy upon the minds of the people? How can we expect to impart the most important truth to them, before there is sufficient intelligence to comprehend it? Let it be remembered that education is the great instrumental ity which is essential to the success of every effort to stimulate the people to improvement, in any depart ment of their interests, and that no salutary move ment can be effectual that does not appeal to the en lightened mind. a ' ' WAR IN THE EAST. It will be seen from the statement under our For eign head that, Turkey is reported, to have made a formal declaration of War against Russia. We have still some doubts about the fact, but it may be so. We feel confident, however, that France and England will not participate in it, and in that case, no chance ex ists for the Sultan.to contend long against his pojverfu antagonist. He will soon be .compelled to submit to an ignominious peace, or abandon b'i9 capital. Trotting Match.- A trotting match came off on the Fair grounds on Friday morning last, (three mile heats and both horses in harness,) between D. Mc Daniel's Black Mare and H. Mordecai's Bay Horse. The Judges awarded the premium to the Bay Horse. The Committee on Trotting Horses, however, award ed the premium to the Black Mare, as the best on ex hibition. LITERARY NOTICES. We are indebted to Mr. Turner of the N. C. Book store in this city, for a copy of a new work entitled " Notes on Uncle Tom's Cabin," by the Rev. E. J, Stearns, A'. M., late Professor in St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland. Published by Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Philadelphia. It is a minutelogical, and very searching review of Mrs. Stowe's notorious book, and will amply repay the reader for its perusal The author furnishes the public with 'keys" to Brother Jonathan's and John Bull's cabins, which disclose some very awful facts connected with those establishments, and very effectually lock up the mouths of those who have so impertinently scrutinized the af fairs of the Southern people. Mr. Pomeroy has laid on our table a beautiful copy of Harpers' edition -of Dickens' new work, Bleak House, which has'been so extensively republished in this country. It is not considered equal to some of the" author's earlier productions. Godey for November has arrived in good time. It is rich in all the usual attractions. Gkaham for November has also been received. Its table is an inviting one, and in other respects it is an average number of this very popular Magazine. DEPARTMENT. NORTH CAROLINA ITEMS. FATAL ACCIDENTS. We learn that on Thursday last Lorenzo .Miller of Mills' River was accidentally shot by a rifle, the ball entering above one of his hips and lodg ing in his viscera, from which he died on the follow ing day. It seems that Mr. Oliver Robison, who resides in the same neighborhood, was shooting at a mark, and that there was a small sapliug a bout midway between where he was standing and the mark, Mr. Miller standing near the sapling ; the ball in its passage struck the side of the tree and glanced in the direction of Mr. Miller, penetrat- inT mm as we nave stated. We also learn that on Sunday last, a small boy, on of Joseph T, Bryson who lives beyond Mills' l:ver on Bryson's creek, was playing with a pistol, while his parents were absent attending church, which he accident illy discharged, the load enter- no; his abdomen and causing death in a short time. These accidents sh uld serve as a solemn warn ng to persons who have occasion to handle fare-arms. 1 arents particularly, 'should be cau tious in placing these instruments of death within the reach of their children. ."Whether the old lady, who said that a gun was dangerous " without lock, stock, or barrel," was correct or not, there is fre quently much danger where little or none is sus pected. Ash. Spectator. . From the Newbern Atlantic LUNATIC ASYLUM. Mr. Editor : 1 see by some of the late papers, that the office of Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum at Raleigh, has been tendered to Dr. Ed ward C. Fisher, of Richmond, and that there is a probability of his accepting. It is sincerely to be hoped that he may, for as an amiable and accomplished gentleman, he will prove an acquisition to any society of which he may become a member.. My own acquaintance with him was, from cir cumstances, necessarily" short, sufficient however, to form an estimate of the gentleman, though not of the skill of the Medical Professor : to that, how ever, the highest testimony is borne, by those to whom he is best known. IBs practical knowledge of the treatment of the unfortunates about to be placed under his charge, was acquired in the Asylum at Staunton, Virginia, while acting for some years as Associate Physician with that able and accomplished gentleman, and true friend of humanity, Dr. Frauklin T. Stribling, then, as now,' the Superintendent of that admirable Institution. This association alone, would almost .of itself be' enough to insuie- Dr. Fs qualifi cations for the office, were other testimony want ing, so admirably is everything there arranged and conducted. A hearty and cordial welcome to the Dr. and success to his efforts in behalf of the afflicted. Copper. Mr. Lowry of this county, has just re. turned from Cherokee. Among several specimens collected at different points, he brought one ob tained at a shaft of Capt. N. S. Jarrett's, at the head of Valley River. On their being presented to Mr. Clingman for examination, he found this one to be rich in native Copper. ' This will no doubt be agreeable news to Capt. Jarrett, and many of our Cherokee friends, who are just now intererested in the matter. Ashville News. Dr. William L. Iliiliard has been appointed Post Master at this place, vice James L. McKee, Esq. Ashville News. NEWS The prospects of Yancey county are brighten ing very materially She is by nature one of the rithest counties in the State; but her want of facil ities for communication with the rest of the world, has kept her light under a bushel. We are glad to hear that much interest has been awakened on the subject of minerals, and that the copper fever is high, with some substantial food upon which to feed. Messrs. McRee, Avery and Tate, of Burke, have leased large tracts of mineral lands, and in tend to test the matter fully, i We are also informed that our esteemed young friend, D. C, has purchased largely of the supposed mineral region, and expects soonrto be a very weal thy individual. So mote it be. In the western counties, copper, copper, is the only theme. In Cherokee, particularly, they are going at the business with a rush. A few miles west of this place, the indications are said " to be good. Judging from present indications in every quar ter, we think we may safely conclude that the cop per millenium is at hand ! Ashville Neics. Supposed Murdsb in Greenville. A gentle man of our acquaintance arrived' in this place on 'ast Monday, morning, in pursuit of one James Lemons who,, with a knife, inflicted a wound, sup posed to fe inortal, on the body of one William Sisk, of Greenville. ' The unfortunate occurrence took place on last Sunday morning, and, it is said, without provoca tion on the part of the wounded man, who enjoys, if he yet lives, an enviable reputation where he is known. Lemons once lived in this place, and was gener ally regarded as a wild youth, but hopes were en tertained that he had reformed his habits. He is scarcely yet twenty years of age, and is now a fugitive from justice, for one of the most atrocious crimes known to the law. When our informant left Greenville, it was though by the Doctors tha1 the wounded man could not survive more than an hour. Ntw Era. Melancholy Accident. The Warrenton News leams thata little girl aged about nine years, daughter of Mr. Stephen II. Turner of Warren, was accidentally killed on Sunday last by the falling of a cart body. She and some other children were playing on the cart body, which was placed in a leaning position against a tree, when it turned over and fell, almost immediately killing the little girl, and very seriously injuring two other children. The Fall Term of our Superior Court is in ses sion this xveek, his Honor Judge Caldwell presiding. We understand the State Docket was cleared ' on Monday. A good indication, that. Dr. Baird 'fill ed his bond on Tuesday, and was sworn in as Clerk for the next four years. Ash. News. Fihe. The Wilmington Journal of the 10th i ays " that bet ween 10 and 11 o'clock last evening afire broke out on the Wilmino-ton ;fc Man chester R. R. Go's Bridge over Brunswick River, by which s me 60 feet of the suppersti uctiire on the end next to town was consumed, as also two plalformcars loaded 'with turpentine.' Col. llenryJi. Auston informed us this week, that he saw two hogs, the property of Berry Foster, Esq., of Davie, weighed a few day's ago. The hogs are only one year old, and one weighed 530 and the oth r 513 pounds. Can this be beat in the State ? -Rowan Whig. DOMESTIC. Day of Atonement. Yesterday evening the stores and other places of business occupied by the Hebrew portion of our fellow-citizens were all clos ed in consequence of the commencement of the Day of Atonement, the most solemn portion of the Jew ish year, which began about 4 o?clofk, P. M., yes terday, and doses at nightfall this evening. The 'different synagogues were crowded by worshippers ; and we learn from a communication in the Clipper, that every portion of the twenty-four hours is spent in prayers, without partaking of any nourishment whatever. Not one single drop of cold water is allowed. All the married male worshippers are dressed in snow white garments ; in their burial dress given to them as a present by their faithful spouses on the marriage day. The next -striking (to a stranger) features of their services are the plaintive chants, (they ciantall their prayers,) to gether with the repeated strokes upon their breasts, like the Publican of old, "Have mercy upon me a miserable sinner." Every worshipper gives himself no 1 ;ss than six hundred and fourteen strokes. The estimate is rather below the real number, and does not include the thirty-nine stripes.? On the same day the atonement is made, every pious Jew goes (about noon) to the synagogue and receives, of his own accord, " forty-stripes save one' : Oa the day preceding the Day of Atonement, each member of a pious family takes a cock, and a female a hen, repeating the 10th, 14th, 1 7th, and 21st verses of CVII Psalm, and the 23d and 24th verses of the XXXIII of Job adding at the com mencement, the words, "Children of men." After having repeated this formula, he moveth the bird three times arourd his head, saying "May this be my atonement ; may this be my substitute ; may this be my commutation ; this (here follow the va rious alterations; if the atonement is made for a male member, the words are, 'this cock,' for a fe male, 4 this hen,') goeth to death, but may I be gathered and enter into a long and happy life, and unto peace." Bait. Times of 12th. v Politeness Unequalled. Mr. Barret, who, for many years has been conductor on the Lowell rail road, stands at the head of the list of polite and accommodating men at Jeast in the estimation of the ladies. Yesterday afternoon, as the inward ex press train passed through West Medford, a young, pretty and, we presume affectionate lady ob served a female friend upon the platform in front of the station, and requested the Conductor to stop the train that she might kiss her. Mr. Barrett complied instantly. The train was stopped, the lady left the car, kissed her friend lovingly, resum ed her sea, and the train passed on. Chroniclt. The Colored Convention recently held at Chi cago adopted resolutions hostile to Colonization in all its forms Impeaching a Maw's Name. At a literary dinner in London, where Thackeray and Augus B. Reach were itV-a-rwat the table, Mr. Thackeray who had never before met Mr. Reach address ed him as Mr. Reacli, pronouncing the name as its orthography would naturally indicate. 4Re ack, sir, if you please,' said Mr. Reach, who is punctilious upon having his name pronounced in two syllables, as if spelled Re-ack. Thackeray of course apologized, and corrected his pronunciation ; but in the course of the dessert, he took occasion to hand a plate of fine peaches across the table, saying in a tone which only he possesses, Mr. Re aclc, will you. take a pe-ackT As Mr. Jeames would say, phansy Mr. Re-ack'a phelinx ! Sun day Courier. Revolution in Journalism. The New York Tribune, under the head of "a revolution in jour nalism," notices two new inventions. First, the manufacture of fine paper from straw instead of rags, by Mr. Mellier, a French chemist ; and sec ond, an improvement in presses by a citizen of NewjYork. Itsays: "Ivisa printing press, which, at a moderate rate of speed, will deliver ' thirty thousand ' sheets printed on both sides in a single hour ! Its move mentcombines the original principles of Napier, wbch are appliedy Hoe in his great press, with some! new and beautifully simple arrangements and devices of the inventor." Sublime Porte. The word "Porte" is derived from a version given by Italian interpreters to an oriental phrase. It was an ancient custom of east ern sovereigns, in administering justice or exercis ing, other functions of their office, to sit, as the the scriptural expression runs, at the gate of their palaces. Gate became thus synonymous with " court " or "office," and the Sultan's court was called, by excellence, the exalted or lofty gate. The phrase, in the liberal transactions of the Drago mans who were mostly Italians, became La Porte To the same source we owe the term "Grand Seicr- mur, , as applied to tiie ottoman Empire. The Bishop of North Carolina. It will bo seen by the proceedings of the Episcopal "General Convention that the difficulty in regard to the'ere dentials of the Rev. Dr. Atkinson, (of Baltimore,) Bishop elect of North Carolina, and the resignaton of Dr.; Ives, his predecessor, has been amicably set-' tied by the convention resolving to accept them as valid and regular. This new Bishop, therefore, will be consecrated, and it is said with great ceremony, at Trinity church, in New York, as soon as the convention shall adjourn. On the same occasion Bishop Ives will be regularly depxsed. Murder Morrissey, the Prize Figiite, Deadv James Morrissey who fought with Yankee Sullivan, near Boston, on Wednesday, for a wao-er of 2,000, died at New York on Friday afternoon, from the effects of the injuries he received in the brutal encounter. His face and head was so cut and beat as to present a most horrible spectacle. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of Yankee Sullivan, as well as for the four seconds Andee Shenan, William Wilson, Awful Gardner, and Tom OTnnel. The affair has caused great eJtcitcment in New York. Death of Dr. George Wtatson. We learn from the Richmond papers, with deep regret, of the death of this eminent physician. He breathed his last on the. morning of Wednesday the 12th inst. at his country residence in Louisa, his native county. Dr. Watson was nearly seventy years old at the time of his death, and for forty years was a practising physician in Richmond. Pet. Exfress. Snow in Maine. On Wednesday before last, snow fell in the town of Rangeley, (Me.,) to the depth of one foot. Between that place and Phil lips, travel was interrupted for several days in con sequence. The trees bordering the road were so loaded .with snow that they bent down and obstruct ed the way. ' An'Aiimy of Orphans. The Howard Associ ation, of New Orleans, announce that they have now about three hundred orphan 'children under their charge, whose parents have fallen victims to the epidemic, and that the Association will have a surplus of about 8100,000 after settling all their liabilities. Muscatine, an ox six years old, raise 1 at Mus catine, Iowa, now en route for the World's Fair, is believe 1 to be the largest ox in the United States. He is 6; feet 8 inches high, 17 feet 4 inches long, girts 10 feet 9 inches, and if fatted, it is believed, would weigh over 4,009 lbs. Provid;ence. R. I., Oct. 13. The Hon. Trist ram .Burgess, for many years U. S. Senator from Rhode Island, and a man of great ability as an orator, died in this city this morning, in the 84th year of his age. Movements of the Cabinet, &c. New York, Oct. 14; Secretary Guthrie and Peter G. Wash ington arrived here yesterday, and are at the Astor House. Mr. Dobbin has left for Washington. At New Orleans, on the 7th inst., the weather was cool and delightful, but the papers do not encourage strangers to come there yet. Wm. G. Boggs, formerly publisher of the New York Evening Post, has recently been - appointed Postmaster at Springfield, Ohio. Seven thousand copies of Mr. Choate's eulogy of Webster it is said have been sold. FOREIGN. BY THE ATLANTIC. The Eastern Question. A report says that hostilities had already commenced. Omar Pacha had previously made a strong demand for leave to fight before the winter set in. The Russians were supposed to be moving to attack the Turkish posi tion at Routehouk. Previous accounts had put a different face on matters. The meeting of the Emperors at Olmutz had terminated,, and a new proposition was to be made to I the Porte, Austria again siding with France, England and Prussia, and conferences were to be resumed at Vienna. But a telegraphic despatch from Conatantinople of the 26th, stating that the Grand Council of the Ottoman Empire had recommended the Sultan to declare war, had caused an immediate meeting of the British Cabinet, and excited the greatest ap prehension in the public mind. The Sultan's de cision was not then known, but was hourly expect ed at Marseilles. The Russians were pouring: fresh troops into Southern. Russia, and evidently preparing for a pro tracted campaign. Strong corps of Russians had moved ud the Danube, and it seemed to be intended to take up more extended position over ao-ainst Bulgaria. These movements seemed to, be no secrets to the Turks on the opposite bank, and strong patrol par ties had been sent out from Shumla in the direc tion of Widdin. Accounts from Alexandria to the 19th Septem ber, state that Abbas Pacha had issued an order prohibiting the export of grain from Egypt from and after the 28th September, but on the represen tation of the European consuls, the prohibition may be delayed until the 30th November. BREADSTCFFs.r Prices during the last three days receded and considerable business was done at 3d a 5d decline in flour, and 6d a 2d in wheat. Intelligence from the East, however, had again rais- . ed prices and the market closed at last week's quo tations. White wheat 9s lOd, a 10s 3d; mixed, and red 9s 2d a 9s 9d. Western Canal flour 33s 6d a 34s ; Philadelphia and Baltimore 34s fid a 35s ; Ohio 35s a 36s ; white corn 41s a 42s ; yet low 40s a 41s. ARRIVAL OF THE ASIA THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. New York, Oct. 18. The steamer Asia arrived to-day bringing three days later advices from Europe. Turkey. Costa left Smyrna the 23 ult., for the United States. It is stated that the Sultan had not yet signed the declaration of war. Grand Council voted in favor of, war, and leaving to the executive when to commence hostilities. It is stated that France would send 10,000 men to Constantinople and that the combined fleets would reach there on the 7th. - Czar at 01 mutz expressed au ardent desire for peace. Hon. P. Soule reached Madrid on the 29th. ' Paris correspondent of the Time9 says, news has been received confirmatory of the report that the Sultan had signed a. declaration of war on the 26th. Another despatch from Vienna says, Turkey de mands that Russia shall within' four weeks evacuate the Principalities. Markets. Liverpool, Oct. 8th. Cotton is low er, Middlings have declined l-8d, since the sailing of the Atlantic. Sales of the past week 36,000 bales. Flour Flour has declined 6d. . ' .Wheat declined 2d.' -MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED, On Wednesday morning, ih 19th Inst., at the Manse of the Presbyterian Church, in this city, by the Rev. Benjamin H. Rice, D. D., Thomas W. Dewey. Esq, Cashier of the Bank in Charlotte, to Bessie, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Lacy. ! .. DIED, " " In this city, on the 29th ult., Mary Gorman, infantdaogh ter of Peyion P. and Pnscilla A. Williams. In Sampson county, on the 8th inst.. Mart E. Hobbs, daughter ot H. J. and Penelope C. Hobbs, in the sixth year of her age. 1 THE LATEST MARKETS. WILMINGTON MARKET Wholesale Prices. reported expressly for the southern weekly post, By W. A. GWYER, Commission Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. October 15th,' 1853. Baron N. C. Hams, 12c l3jc; N. C. Side9: 10 ; N. C, Shoulders 8 9c ; Western Sides 9 ($ 9c. Beef Mess $14 $15; ' Fulton Market half barrels $103, barrels $18 $20. P ' Butter 23 cents. Candles $ lb Tallow 12 14c ; Adamantine 20 30, as to quality ; Sperm 40 45. Coffee Kio 12 (g 13c ; Laguaira 13 14c ; St. Domin go 11 12c. . , t Corn Scarce, selling from store at 80 c. j Meal scares at 82c. 85c. Cheese-HXc 123c. . Cotton 10c. lie, as to quality. Flour $7lA S $8 ; Fayetteville $6 $6. j Hay Has advanced. Eastern 120c; Northern 10S Q 120 cents. Lard N. C. 12 12c ; Western 11 12c. Lime 110c $ barrel from vessel, s Molasses 25c. Mullets $5j. Nails 5 5c. ' PorkMess $18 $19; Prime $16 $17; N. C.in barrels $16. Pitch i? bbl. $1", Rosin Strictly No. 1 is scarce, would bring 350c ; No. 120 150c ; common 95 100c, as to size of barrels. Rice $ lb 4 4Kc. Salt-i-Liverpool sack 150c ; Turk's Island 50c. Sugar Porto Rice 7 8c ; New Orleans 6 7c ; Loaf and crushed 11 12c , Clarified or granulated 8 9c. Tar Sales at $2,60. ;- Turpentine Arrivals light, and prices tending down ward. A deduction of 20 cents per barrel has been submit ted to, and sales made at $3,80 lor virgia and yellow dip. Sales of the week 2000 barrels. ' Varnish V gallon 20 22c. 4 Spirits Turpentine has declined with light sales. A sale was etlected on Wednesday last at 57 cents per gallon. The market is very irregular, and no definite quotation, can be given. Sales have been made' since, but prices not mad public . Respectfully yours, W. A. GWYER. PETERSBURG MARKET Wholesale Prices. reported expressly for the sodth'ern wxerxt post. By Messrs. McILWAINE. SON & Co. Grocers and Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG. VA. October 18, 1853. Bacon Demand light. Sides and shoulders 8J g 10 fr Western and Virginia. Cotton Market quiet. Buyers ofler 9 ; holders generally asking 10 cents. - Corn In good demand at 77 78. Cofl'ee 11 WA for Rio andLaguira ; Java X 13 Flour Superfine 6 O $7. Groceries Without material change leading articles generally firm. Guano No supply at present, and the nominal once V 'X a 60. Iron Swedish $95 ; English $75 lor tne ordinary merits. . Leather-Market firm ; 12 19 for damaged to good according to quality. . . . .... Lardlweatern in barcls 12 ; Keg. ; Virgyua It. Nails Prices advanced X&K ceot- . Salt Stock light at present. , Sugars Active at an advance of )i 7 Tobicco AD descriptions sell at lull prices, with s rood demand. s Wheat $1 40 & 55 0WinR to the dry. weather the millers cannst grind to any extent, but the demand for ship men t is very active. The fall trade has been more extensive and more goods sold in Petersburg than ia any season for many years past. . McILWAINE, SON.. Co. 4 V

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