in 1 rt a vf.'-,. - , - i ' - J .--' ?.! CALVIN' II- WII.UY, ) .: It V A FAMILY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. vVlM.IAM -COOK I-.. 1. YTT KLTON :-WAD DEL COOKE. EDITORS. LL, JR., ) TERMS:iTWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. 4 -4? acfroteft to aljT flic Zntmata of 3tortij Carolina, oucation, multure, Citetatut, iletos, tfj c ilrtrficts, fcc VOL. II 49. RA LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1853. WHOLE m 101. NEWSPAPER - SELECT POETRY. THE SABBATH. BY SIK E. 1ULWER LYTTON. Fresh glides .lire brook and blows the gale, 7 Vet yonder halts the quiet mill ; T he whirring wheel, the ru-hing sail, ; flow motionless and still ! Six days of toil, por child of Cain, Thy strcing h the slave of Want may be ; The seventh thy limbs escape the chain A God hath made thee free ! - I Ah, tender (as the Law that gave This holy respite to the breast, TV hieadielthe gale, to watch the wave, And know the wheel may rest ! i But where Ithc waves the gentlest glide What imjige charms, to lift, thine eyes! The spire rifled ed on the tide lnviics thee 10 the skies. i -.. To teach tlic soul its nobler worth This, rest from mortal toils is given; ( .Jo, snatch he brief reprieve from earth And pa-s! h-a jn'e' t tu heaven. Thcv t 11 thee, in their dreaming school, Of I'cwcr fvotn old deminion hurled, Whea ri h nn 1 por. with juster rule, - . HJ;i!l share tlie altered world. ;A'as sincej time i sclf began, - Tha;. fahl(j; h i:h hut fooled the hour ; (E ich age that ripens Power in Man, But subjects Man to Power. Yet every d iyiu seven, at least, One bright rep ibli- .-hall he known ; Man's world awhile hath surely-ceast, . ','' W lu-n Gold proc laims his own ! Six days may Rank dhide the poor, ': Dives, from thy hanquet-h.dl . The seventjil!ie Fa her i.pes the door, And holdsidiis feast for all ! SELECTED- STORY. ! From the Romance of the Forum. LOVED AND LOST. fiee isi perhaps, no irountrv or climate mnn t r-ni-iful llian E.-nd, its seen in one of its rural I iiid-c tpes, when -the sun has just risen upon a summer's dawn. The very , feeling that the delightful freshness of the monient'ovill not be w seen mi uircui lis iuku . ..... -..T Ztr, ........1 t-Htiielv destroyed during 'he whole day. renders the .ivspect. 111.01-9. agreeable than the anticipated i lien luKance of the sun in southern or tropical land.-. Exhilaration and gladness are ihe marked i'ii.afacU-rlsties of'an English sumnier morning. So j it ev.T ' i, iiil so it, was huudr' of years ago, j . - . . . when occurred tjhe events we are about to narrate. ." . . 1 1 : 1 . ...I- . .... 11 .. ,i ... llow lov. iv then, on MRU a morning as we auuue : Ito, "lo.,ked thai' rich vale in the centre of. Glouces- ! f tershire. ihruiig ji which the lordly Severn flows ! i ihe bird-, the reflective splendor of is, the glittering of the dew as it j Tlie singing of the silverv 'watt .lazzied and' disappeared all combined to charm : sound, sight and senstjand to produce a strong feeling of joy. But-tiie horseman, who was pass ing through this graceful scene, scarcely needed the'ai of any external bjoct to enhance the pleas urable sensation that already tilled his breast. The stately horse on which he sat, seemed, by its light sups, and by ever and anon proudly prancing, to j share in. the animation of its rider. So, the noble j 1 . 1 . i l i .1 i 11 ' " 1 i i tag nouna tnat ioiiowea, ana continually rooKen : up contentedly at its 'master, appeared, likewise, a participator in the general content. The stra'nger h:id -indeed cause to rejoice, for he was upon the fairest errand He had wooed and won the gentle ! s . , ' heiress of a proud, but good-hearted Gloucestershire 1 ,1 , , baroii ho had wooed and won her, too, with the . . . .. ' tail consent of father, kinsmen and fneuds, and he : L ,-rtll"-., . " ua now on his way to the baron's castle, to arrange with ids betrothed the ceremonial of the nuptials. .on, thou gallant knight, ride on, and swifter toe; tor though the day will be yet early when 'tin u -arrivest, ihou wilt find thyself expected with in the got! ic enct int of the Baron de I?otetourt's d'-eliiiig. A banirer waves tVoin the topmost tower d thee honor and welcome; there walks", too, l- t!lt- '''tdeiiumis, one whose night has been sleep- l bicuse of the.', whose thoughts and whose ."hole existence centre in thee, whose look firmly attacht -s to the Yoa d that brings thee to her. Ride'1 on then, speedily. Sir Knight, to 'he happiness thy ! virtue and thy d eds have so well deserved. 1 Idsdoyer is no oidinary suitor : he is' of mingled S.i ...... T X- 11.111 . --uAon :.ainw ..:rman noose blood, the recent com- j 1'aiii .n in-arms of Richard Cceur de Lion. His j name is Ualph de Sudl.y.aud though he has pass- j ed hi thirtieth year, the eftect of lono- tod and war 1 a - ) scarcely appears upon his handsome and'still very youthful countenance. Yet tho t-i.;t.f i.., ..,. I anu endured much : he has been with, Richard at tne siege and capture ot Acre, and at the battle of Azotus. AVhen Ooi-rad of Montfenat fell by th dagger of the" assassins. Sir Ralph took a prominent hart in tht 'storm v debates whii-h nniarl the Crusaders, lie even proposed with his men- I alarms, and those who would follow him, to in- ; vade the territory of the Lord of the Mountain, and to avenge' in his blood the death which that ' -king of mnrde -eii had caused to be done to Con- r-d. This event 1 made so deep an impression on bis ni'md, that 'h4 still took every opportunity of urging upon has own and other Christian govern. , . ... . ..ouvw rtiuuuii ra9 us ti e rrece-s:tv f extirpating these Eastern 8 a e. 0 1, his .return from the Crusades, Sir &Hh Ouud taodaukter of 'bis friend, the Baron tie Botetourt, jut verging fnto beauteous .woman- I hood. Tho glory of his reputation, and the graces j f his person, gained her heart at once ; the Ladv ; Aiianore, though much his junior in years, loved the knight most fondly and devotedly. Sir Ralph has reached the. portcullis of the cas J tie ; the wardour and men-at-arms are there to re j ceive him with full honors, though he wmes pri vately, wituout his armour or his followers : he wears the civil but costly dress of the period, with no other we.ipon than a .slight sword at his side. But the baron will have each advent of his future son-in-law welcomed as an approach of state. " Grammercy. Sir Baron," observed the knight,' as after passing through a crowd of domestics, he grasped his host's hand upon the threshhold, " one would imagine me Richard of England himself, or rather Saladin, that greatest and most gaudr of Oriental Soldans, to see this pompous prelude to my disjune .with your lovely daughter and your self." . " " li Nay, Ralph de Sudler," replied the baron, " my castle mus.t needs put on its best looks, when it beholds the entry of one who is to be its lord and protector when I shall l e no more. But I see vou are all impatience to go within ; and. in truth, the sooner your first interview he over the better, for the table is prepared, audlthe pasty awaits us, and the chaplain too, whose j inward man, after the morning's Mass, craves some solid refreshment." 44 A moment, mv worthiest of friends! aiw.1 I am j with you," said the knight, as he hurried bv : in another instant the Lady Alianpre was in his em ! brace. . Need we repeat the, oft told tale of love ? Need we describe the day of delight Sir Ralph i passed -in. the-castle, lingering from hour to hour until the dusk ? Oh ! there is: someone we must depict, the lady herself, who so subdued and soft- fened this knightly soul. Ther e, one !iaii d Uwn the shoulder ojfher jover, her other hand locked in 1 his. she sits listening to his words, anil luxuriating j in his discourse. The Lady Aiianore, somewhat j tall in stature, but perfect in form, has a face of dazzling beaut v, yet tlie bewitching sweetness of I her smile is tempered by a certain dignity of coun j tenance, to which her dark, raven hair, and darker eyes, do not a little contribute; her handstand the foot that peeps from bnftathJ -s W, rc, , . -.'.-.1 . ,..,.icrD.iu, ..Vx. ht-Tjj rK -l l c 'pUieSt IV OT"- man oioou. jier exiieme iairness, suaueu uy iter ii t it ... i- : i ill i sable locks, form a strong contrast to the auburn hair and ruddv visage of the stalwart warrior be side her.. , t This will indeed Ik.- too much, Ralph," observ- ed the lady ; "a monarch', his .queen, and his-courl, to. come to thi out-of-the-way castle, to honor the wedding of a lone damsel like myself; Lean haidiy support the idea of so much splendour." "Fear not. my beloved," replied the knight, Richard is homely, enough, at'd ail' good-nature, i . .... ...... ,. j i Moreover, it 1 but a return, ot civiluv : tor l it was K acco-mpauied him to the altar, w here he ob- t;lined the hand of Berengaria of Navarre; the 0ffiw was a dangerous one then, .since -I incurred j,v jt the wrath of ITiilqV of France. And why, dearest, should not every magnificenoi attend our nuptials ? It is the outward emblem of our great content a mark, like those gorgeous ceremonies that accompany the festive prayers of the churcl which tell the people of the earth, of a joy having something of ,the gladness and glory "of-heaven in it." . ' ' u j;e jt as yOU wjsN niy own tru,. knight; yet I almost''feel that I am too happy. May God bless aluj protect us . Tti us passed this bright day. until the approach of .dusk imperatively compelled the enraptured lov- to senarMte. The knirht had urgent business" . , . . , t.s end u .-.orti- Iia morrow at his own oast 10. . . . . T , . . .1 I before setting out for London, to announce to the j . i n 1 c i 1 11, 'kingthedav fixed for the espousal, and ; to beg 1 . " . . .r. ,. , 1 . 4,.,n , ,e monari-h the fu h inellt of he Oromise he j - , . ; i,U .o,,,.t licVV.1 Illclllir, LO UC JIICCIH, 111 J.'V1.-V Kim v-1 i , at the wedding of his gallant and faithful vassal. The knight was therefore' forced to depart ere the loom advanced ; for though his journey lay in a friendly and peaceful country, it was not the habit m those days to be abroad much alter dusk, with out an escort. . Sir R-dnh r. !u.erntlv onitted his betrothed : he j made inoi.euver flm lh(. baron anJ tne .; chap!.lin wllo praVed his further tarrying, to share . a..,r t-n ' ;lf RU(,uish about tc be uroduced. The horse aud dog were at the porch, and, in a few ... ... , minutes, the, knight had pas-ed the drawbridge, .1 j.' -J 1 aint vvas in me same iair ruau anaiu. 1 1 t 1 1 c:e .i. i. c i.: i.;.i, " ..v. 1 11 q ita L'ntm .11 ii.;iiiiii irtiiii ni iiiilii. served the baron to the chaplain, "and I love him as my own son. Tlie king may well come here to see him wedded ; for he has not -a- nobler, brarer, or more generous knight within his realm." ."Truly, Sir Baron, he is endowed with much ex cellence," replied the priest; " 1 do greatly admire i his stron"1 denunciationagainst the Templars and other warlike orders, wjio tolerate the protracted existence of that bancfof mnrdereis in the Eiist, who have their daggers;ever pointed against the . rf. . , 1 .t.r. -l son ot the ,'urch- fc,r Avtllh fKS 1 ct like a true 80,dier o Cross'" "Very true," retorted th baron, " yet I wish our I chevaliers would cease to think of foreign broils ' and questions, and attend to affairs at home. The ' Rhenish is perfect : after all, wine is the only thing really good that originates beyond our seas." Their discourse had scarcely proceeded further, ; when it was suddenly Mnterrupted by the loud j howling and barking of a dog. The baron and the j chaplain started up. "It is Leo, Sir Ralph's dog," exclaimed the former ; " what, in God's name, can he the matter ?" and the two rushed out. The Lady Aiianore, at her orisons above, heard the same terrible howl and bark. She instantly descended, tohe court-yard; as she came there, the gate was opened, and Leo, the knight's dog. flew past the wardour, and ran to the feet of the lady. The animal's mouth was blood-stained, and liis glaring eyeballs and ruffled crest shaded the extent of his fury and despair. "Something dreadful has happened to Sir Ralph," she cried, and urged by the dog, who had seized her robe, she hurried through the gate, and crossed the drawbridge, with a rapidity those who followed could not arrest. When the baron, his chaplain, and his domes tics had proceeded a little beyond a quarter of a mile upon the road, a fearful sight met their new. The knight lay dead upon the green sward by the side of the highway; a poniard which had ef fected the mortal wound, still rested fixed into his back. His body was locked fast in the embrace of the Lady Aiianore, who lav senseless upon it : the dog stood by, howling pite usiv. No trace could be discovered of who had done the deed. 'No proof was there beyond the dagger itself, which was of Oriental fashion, and bore the inscription in Latin. Hoc jjropter verba tua : naught beyond that and another circumstance, which went to show that the knight had b en slain by an Eastern' enemy. The j dog, as he re-entered the castle, called attention to j some pieces of blood-stained rag. which, from their j appearance, had dropped from his mouth; one of i these, the innermost, was in texture aud pattern j evidently part of a Syrian garment. j Tli a T .i i-, ' n r i ,i-i i i 1 lie J.a'U Aiianore did not be under this dread- f,,t .1 . i - i . ti i i ' tul calamity : she uv ea to mourn. 1 he knight was : ;,.,.. i , i :. .t e ! mi -ii i ! ltuerip l witlnii the precinct of tiie Abbey Church of Gloucester : his. tomb and efhVv were in a niche. at. an ;iil("le ot the e!oifi ITtwi. unnlil A iliinnrA : ,.,;.,, i i t i i contmualh conn-, accompanied bv Leo, who, since j i . . . .. c i J i ii! Ins s Oeatti, never left her side : here would she stop fixedly gazing upon the monument, -the tear in her eye, and the 'chill of hopeless so iffy tJoirJ her heart. There are, indeed, few of us, f'Comf0iow dering through the interior of some. -wey a astical edifice, can suppress :i feeliihe Playing" an X Y, , rrrV ''-' a" mine," saia a who has died in his prime, m tti i ,. , ! , j iAi equal amount, achievements and his lame, and. who,.? ' 1 . 1 . 1 i- i. 1 : .r:- 01m. I- K II.. Harness 01 ms priue, lies ouisireicneu m 1 . before us. Courage and courtesy, chlvaUT Christianity, are buried there-there .the r..,., wit. i.r.n.,r tl. t to feJ anA the ritrht J ' "'i,,!,- nitn to defend. The monument tells oftbe sudden extinguishment of some bright light that shone m a semi-barbarous age, which had its main civil izsj tion and refinement from knights and churchmen ilelv. If.this sight would sadden a stranger soul, wj n mnt n;ive i e(,u tle j Jr.-H.f uf tue j.ujv as 1 she contemplated the cold memorial of Sir Ralph, i and felt that, tlie concentration of her whole earth i Iv comfort was there entombed ! A secret senti- inent that satisfied,' or rather softened her mental I .ii agonv,. brought her agaia and again to the place ay, again and again to gaze upon the grave, and 1 then to retire into the church, to long and ardent I f. prayer. y About two years after the knight had been dead A the Ladv Aiianore was one morning departing through .the cloisters from a visit to the tomb, when! her attention w as suddenly arrested by a low growl from the dog who accompanied her. She turned back, and saw two persons in the garb of foreign merchants or traders, the one pointing out to the other the knight's monumental effigy. Scarcely had she made the observation, when Leo rushed from her side, and new at the throat ot mm wno was exhibiting the. grave ; in an instant he brought him to the ground ; the other endeavored to escape, but some sacristans who heard the noise, hastened to the spot, and the men were arrested. On examination, the two pretended merchants were found to wear Eastern habiliments beneath their long gowns, and the cloth of the turban was nnde). the broad-brimmed bat of each. Thev both had daggers, and upon the arm of the one "the dog had seized, there was the deep scar of what seemed to be A desparate bite, further proot became needless, for when every chance of escape was gone, they made a full confession, and appear ed to glory in it. They were emissaries from the Old Man of the Miuntain. The one on a previous occasion had journyed from the "far" East to do his fearful master's bidding,and had stabbed the knight in the back, on the evening be rooe in his gladness from the abode of his affianced bride. The fanatic himself narrowly escaped destruction at the time ; for the dog had fixed his teeth into his arm, and it was only by allowing the flesh to be torn out, (his dagger was in his victim,) that he contrived to reach a swift Arabian horse, which bore him from the ceue. He had since "returned to Phoenicia," and had once more come to England, bringing with himlfl a comrade to remove a doubt expressed by his mas-W ter, and to testify to the monarch of the Mountain! how Effectively his object had been accomplished The B&ron de Botetourt, with the assent of thev crown, caused the two miscreants to be hanged upon a gibbet on the summit of his castle, their turbafis tied to their heels. Leo, as if he had nothl ing more to live for, soon after pined and died. The Lady Aiianore, retired into a convent, and eveftto ally became its abbess During the course of her monastic life, she preserved in silence her undyirg regret for the knight, and the recollection of her happiness, so miserably thwarted. She was always kind and gentle jet always also diguilfed and li served. On he,r death-bed, she requested that her remains might be interred in the Abbey of Glou cester, nigh unto the tomb of Sir Ralph de Slid lev, and that her monumental tablet should contain no more than her name and stat, and an inscription iption n fell- pointing out the extreme vanity of all human city. 6uch a memorial, it is said, was, untd entire- . j ly.erlkc.dby time to be seen read and thought j upon, within the cloisters of Glosces.U's fune-ho.i- ored and sanctified cathedral. MISCELLANEOUS. " It's Me." Passing a neat little martin box of a house last evening, we happened to see a man waitng at the door for admittance. At the in stant, a green blind above just opened a little way, and by the gas light, we caught a glimpse of a pair of brilliant eyes, and a flutter of something white, and a bird-toned voice softly said, " Who's there ?" "It's me," was the brief reponse. The eves and the flutter disppeared from the window like stars in a cloud, and we almost fancied as w passed oti we could hear the pattering of two little feet upon ! the s(airs, winged with welcome. j It was a trifle; it all happened in an instant, but i it haunted us for an hour. If ft me. Amid tlie -jar j of the great city those words fell upon the quick ear j aloft, and met a glad response. It's me ! and who was " n,e ?" T1,e P,i,!e ut' a heart's life no doubt ; t,ie t,ve vine wa clinging to ; the " Defender of t,ie faithful," in the best sense of the world. we Many theie -are who would give half their hearts," and more than half the. hope in them, f'r vnesucli recognition in this " wide, wide world." On 'Change, in the Direetorv. at the Post-office, he . T s is. kiown as A? B. C, Esq., but on the threshold, . 1 ' an" Wlthin those walls. '' me ' and nothing more; " . ' iiu vvii.ii more is suere one wouiu love to te Few of all the hearts that beat so wildl v. warmlv. sadly, slowly, can recognize a true soul amid the din , , , . . an(l darkness of the world in that simple but elo- . 1 . quent It's me .' As if he had said. Now I am nothing to ail the world, For I'm all the w orld to thee. yxo.MY in a Family. There is nothing, savs adiuiV vriter, which g es six far tow ards placimr , ,in the management of their domestic af date E' ' . . , t matters not whether a man furnishes tiie ..... ,e or much for his family, if jhete is a continual J 1 :. . 1.:.. 1 : ..!. ' ' "'n'11" ... u. jmuu., u,uuSjnnv 1 1. .. .. .i 1 A .U J w.U - ol now., , u,..tuc.u.. -"r " More !" like the horse leech's daughter, until he that provided has no more to give. It is the hus band, s dutv to bring into the house, and it Ms the duty of the wife to see that none goes wrongfully out of it. A man gets a wife to look to his affairs and to assist him in his journey through life ; to educate and prepare his children for a proper sta .. 1. c 1 . . . 1 1 1-1 tion in lite, and not to dissipate his property.' it:e husband's interest should be the wife's care, and her greatest ambition should carry her no further than bis welfare or happiness, together with that of her children.. This should be her sle aim. .and k"tfie theatre of her exploits in 'the bosom of her family, where she may do as much towards making a .fortune as he can in the counting-rooms or the work-shop. It is not the money earned that makes, a man .wealthy it is what he saves from his earnings. Self gratification in dress, or indulgence in appetite, orinore company than his pnrse can well entertain, Kgi Equally pernicious. The first adds vanity to extjYgahce, the second, fastens a doctor's bill to a longbutcher's account, and the latter brings intemperance, the worst of all evils'; in its train, i G AtH8me in the Evening. One of the grossest neglectVof a youth, producing incalculable mischief and ruin, is the spending of his evenings. Dark ness is temptation to misconduct ; suffering the youth to be out when the light of day does not restrain them from misconduct, is training them to it. We have already an abundant harvest of this seeding. . Riots, mobs, crimes giving fearful fore bording, are the results of youth becoming fit agents of outrageby 'running, uncared for, in theievenings. j What wfijsee in these respects is deplorable enough but what is this compared with what we do not see multitudes making themselves miserable and noxious to the wot Id, and what is that to come to ? Parents should look at the truth, that pleasures and recreations are often dearly purchased the price of their own impaired comfort, and the blight ed prospects of their offspring. It must be ob vious, that in this matter there can . be no interi or of all the evening recreation and employment, yet there is an evil not only destructive to youths but planting thorns in many paths, and covering many lives with desolation. The information demanded must proceed from judgment and con sicence must be enlightened. Heads of families must learn that the place on earth best adapted to be a blessing, is home ; and by example and whole- . ..... ...1, C3 some restraint, they must teach this truth to fell t under them. One of the mcst ex-pressive touches of native elo quence, that we ever heard, was" that which fell a few days since from an old negro woman a native African who had been long sick. A lady visiting her asked whether her husband was kind and at tentive to her. 44 O yes, Missis," was the answer 44 he's' lika a woman to me." It was a 44 volume in a word." Fishermen, it is. i, o t:xtn dinary medi cal jowtrs for they Lever attempt to cure a fish unal it & CkJi. THE FAITHFUL PASTOR. lie mu!t preach the Gospel in fami y circles or many families will never hear it. It is a great mistake (savs a writer in the Ver- moot Chrontcle) that a good pastor w,ll not be i'kely to be an able preacher. True, h.s sermons may not be learned essays, as is true of imicli that , called "able preaching," but, if judged by the gospel standard of able preaching the- vr' be so. ! his accounts for their sirrnal sir.. r.l K1a. 1 I such men. i c J j A faithful pastor has a power over his people -J that can never be gained by preaching only, no ! matter how able it may be. He is known in every family, and beloved. The poor, the sick, the chil dren of sorrow, the widow nnd fatherless know hi lis ; trenil .'Lfur i',i.-..- ..... ... . i i . . ,W1VCS. j.,UUi are music 10 i.earis mat kuow iitue ot cheer besides. He knows the name of every boy and girl in the range of his labors. It there is an anxious sinner he rinds it out, and finds many he would never have known, ifTie had not to them. Tlrose who cannot go to church he comforts, and attends the a;red down to their i i-. . i 3r:ivesj Many that "otherwise woi.ld never have entered his fine meeting hou-e, or have regarded l'ie '"mister as too proud to come and see them in l'le,r tumble cottages, or farm -homes, have their P'judjces removed, and become his wannest friends, ! ami are Drought to Christ. But for that visit he ' ; might bave preached all the abl.. sermons he could j !'ve written, and they would have been none the 1 b-tter for them. "Ihe Tact is, the gospel must be carried, in the ; I,v,"g tjce "f t,K' '''ter, to many a house, or the ; tamiiies will never have it. Mu'titudes in all our j towns will never be reached from the pulpit. In j sight, of our churches, they will no more come U, I the guspel than the he-alien nations will, and will j af c,rta?,!,,v perish if the cup of salvation is not caV ; rie'' to;l,,,J,n- f-veii then, many of both wilUlash i it from them, but not all. j A man who is now a worthy member rf the 1 . j 1 . congregational church of has frequently said 10 nis pastor, it you had not come to my house, and conversed wiih me( there, you might have preached till I was dead, but I should never have l", r, v'hi. 1 supposed vou was a ukui.i i and cliurcu" meifiliers, for they never" took any no- lice of me. Whejn you took so much pains to come to my house, and w as so familiar, I thought .vou cared for me, and every word you spoke went to my heart. You are the first minister that was ever I seen wftmn the doors of my house, and- the. first one 1 ever went to hear preach. I knew I was a i poor ruined man, and thought no one cared any ! riling about me or my family ; and so I made up j my mind that I must live and die as I was. But when you came and spoke so kindly, I felt as if J ! bad one v friend on earth. 1 had no idea that a i w retch like ine eou.M ever become Christian, j Years ago I had abandoned myself to despair, and j was going, with all my family, to hell, and I knew" it, mv home wps a hell every day. but when you encouraged me, that so-vile a man as I might come to Christ, I felt a resolution moving in my breast to try. For three weeks my sins crushed me down. I could neither eat nor sleep, and thought l must die in the struggle. At last I gave ail up, ami cast myself on Christ as undone, and he spoke peace Jo my soul. From that moment, the power of my habits was broken, and I have been in a new world. All this I owe, under God, to your visit. Oh ! if you never had looked me up,, what would have become of me ! Thanks to God for such a minister." This!(man lived far back in the mountains, four miles from the village. Two large churches, for nearly half a century, had existed in the town ; able ministers had settled there ; and yet this man, born in the town, the father of ten chlidren, at this lime nearly sixty years of age, had never heard a sermon, had never read a word in the Bible, had heard of the book, but knew nothing about it ; had never heard of the Lord's prayer ; had neither seen nor read a religious book ; his children had never been led to the Sabbath school, and hardly knew of such . a thing as the Sabbath ; he had been a miserable drunkard from bis youth poor, profane, degraded, dishonest and despised. This man and his wife became praying people, erected the famny altar, learned like children the words of God, taught their little ones to kneel with them to say their prayers, aud fear God. He immediately clothed himself I and family ; took a slip in the church, and fills it every Sabbath ; himself and wife joined the church and are among the most growing and esteemed members. Jokes Never Die. Jokes are immortal. Cap ital or shocking they survive the most studied speeches of orators, the profoundest papers of states men. Had some antedeluvian editor treated his read- ers to one, we do not believe that all the waters of I floo(j 1(j u drowned it. A ffood ioke now. , goe5 to i,ep digest the roast beef and cherry puddings of a thousand families. It makes the circuit of the world, steams over the ocean, skates on tele graph . wires, tunnels mountains, rides expresses, excites the risibles of armies and of evening circles, makes many merry, and harms no one. Verily, a good joke is a great thing, and a bad one is abomi nable. Let jocose people beware. Make sure? first .and principally, of that knowl edge which is necessary for you4a a man and a memberof society. Next, of what is necessary in your part cular way of life. Afterwards improve .vurself in all useful and ornamental knowledge, 88 far as your capacity, leisure anH fartuuB wfll tfltiwY Sundav ix San F Raxci$co. An incident pe- cnaractenstic of San Francisco occurred the vicinity of the Plaza, In no other city in. the United State nmii.-i . ."t. . tween states, the feeling and the education of the inhabitants, be M4,ir.;,,i t... - o'clock, some Chinamen had erected a kind of show box on Brenham Place for the exhibition of Pmicb and Judv m l j . V , u ,., c , . J riifnnc nf v, l ,.i .... nuu oiuer outrageous instruments. To this crowd the exhibition was niade,atso much a sight. Returning to the same place two hours after, a crowd might still have been seen but how striking the contrast ! Instead of a display of puppets, a minister of the gospel was addressinjr his fellow-men nnon the truth ,.c tj:ui i . ' invokintr tY .in fl,. .. i r , , ortuie ,ol vvnicn no nal occu pied almost weekly for foi..- years, the blessings of heaven upon his fellowmen. This is one of the contrasts our city is constantly furnishing.Sa Francisco Hemld. The Million Copies ok -the New Testament for China. The ReV. J. A. James states that he' is receiving numerous letters of approval of this scheme, and that offers of assistance are coming in fast. One irentleman I !..,!! .,i....:k ... 500 copies at least." Anothe r says, " t shall sub- i scnte lor 1000 copies for myself, and another 1000 j for my wife." The Earl of Gainsborough has ' ! sent a subscription of. $100..' A member "of the j Society of Friends suggests that, from calculations I he has m.-idv, it will require a ship of more than j '200 tons "to-carry out the million copies to China -j and that the duty upon the paper would amount j to nearly -MoibOO, which, however, he thinks ! might, by applTcation to the Chancellor of the Ex ; chequer, h-i remitted in the way of drawback. The I British and F..rrn liibh Soeiety have, wv ob . serve, passeti a resolution, stating that "the Coni- mitte-j, reAing upon the sympathy of theliritisli pubhc in tins desirable object, are prepared to take upon uiemseives al tt:e measures necessary for printing, with Ihe least practicable delay, one mil lion copies of the Chinese New Testament." jvr n-.. several hours contemplating a dish, which lie could not touch, according to -etiquette, because the offi cer in rank was absent in the country, and could not be at, his post iu less than half u day. But the prince would have sooner died of hunger than suf fer a point of etiquette to be transgressed. Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, is said to have caught a severe cold one '.day, while waiting to have an under garment put on, the lady in wait ing being at the time absent", and the next lady not daring to infringe the law of etiquette, which rendered the pleasing officio of dressing the queen the exclusive privilege of the rirst lady of .the bed chamber. : Ocean Floweks. TJow wonderful is nature, and what worlds appear to open before us, as we contemplate the variety of existences that she pre- i sents for our admiration and study ! Would it be ; imagined by any but the enthusiast r student ac- ! quainted with the fact, that the apparently barren sea Reach is strewn with creatures having life and perception of pain and .enjoyment ; and that in the sea-weed there exists multitudes of little creatures, endowed with the most wonderful organs, and pro vided by the simplest means with instruments, by which they are enabled to procure the susten ance necessary to their existence. That they not only have a beautiful , bodily adaptation to their, different situatiohs and modes of life, but they pos sess remarkable symetry and elegance of appear ance. Earth has its suh-flowers and star-light j blossoms, and the ocean too, is the birth-place of beautifully formed plants and creatures, resembling the creations of earth and sky, and vieing with them in loveliness, in the admiration-that they ex cite, and in the feelings of love and reverence with which they cause us to regard' our kfaker, who has surrounded us with such evidence of his goodness wp and love. Goethe said he married to obtain respectability. Wilkes declared he wedded to please his friends. Wychebly, in his old age, took his servant girl to spite his relations. The Russians have a story of a widow who was so inconsolable for the loss of her husband, that she took another to keep herself from fretting to death. A fast young gent married a woman old enough to be his grandmother, because be owed her $50 for board. One. One hour lost in the morning by lying in bed, will put back all the business of the day. One hour gained by rising early is worth a month in the year,' One hole in a fence will cost ten times as much as it will to fix it at once. One unruly animal will learn all others in com pany bad tricks. One drunkard will keep a family poor and make them miserable. One good newspaper is a good thing in every family. One might have heard a pin fall, is a proverbial expression of silence ; frit it has been eclipsed by the French phrase -you might have heard the unfolding of a ladjY cambric pocket-handtar- cMfet "r.L if I 0. f -i . vf1 V 1 . r' ) 1 v 1 it - ". ' .... yA;--vc' '