- y ' - - . ;. x, ; ?. - j ...... .j-.,".- -. ..- ....'. S CALVIN H. WILEY, A! FAMILY N E W S PA P E R-M TJT R A L I POLITICS. arTTT.TAM D- COOKE. EDITORS. TERMS:(TWO DOLLARS ,rrrTP.T,TON WADDELL, JR u x a -- .- - PER ANNCJMr BeUotc to all tfj $nttw$te of Moify Carolmaj ton, mlture, Citoturc, 3js, flje iWrltcts, &c. -1 VOL. II, -NO. 50. RA LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1853. WHOLE NO 102. SELECT POETRY. V LINES. ET M. E. M. 'Tis sweet to mark at evening hour The lamp gleam forth from distant tower, And know its light is kindled thus By one vk fon:7thnks of us. : ; v -Tlff-T wo.-' 1 ?.n.biT:tt u an car Will list our coming step to hear ; -Tis sweet to know there is an eye . "Will brighten when it sees ua nigh ; To know there is a kindred heart Will sink in sorrow when we part; 'Tis sweet to soothe the mourner's pain With whisper'd vows " we meet again." 'Tis sweet to hear our vigil broke By the shrill clock's expected stroke ; i Whose warning summons, slow yet true, Proclaims the hour of interview. 'Tis sweet that meeting hour, to while' With braken phrase and speaking smile, And question kind, and mute reply. Or glanc'd in look, or breath'd in sigh, And fond reproach, that not the less Springs from the soul of tenderness. Then, while the time glides swift away, And leaves a thousand things to say, Sweet the impatient thrill we feel O'er all our fluttering senses steal, That prompts our hasty tale to tell, Ere forced to sever with " farewell." But love may die, grow cold or change, Or yield to arts that faith estrange ! Then what a dull and dreary day Succeeds when all has passed away ! O weary doth' the spirit seem Of one who wakes as from a dream ; "Who sees the lamp extinct above, Or lighted for another iove ; Who sees no more from kindling eye The radiant glance of welcome fly; Who feels the meeting hour now glide In silence down time's darkened tide ; Whose heart i4one, whose hope is fled, Whose ardent feelings all are dead. To spirit thus forlorn of mood, The world is " peopled solitude." ED STORY. THE JOURNEYMAN'S : SECRET. fKOM THE DIART OF 'A JOURNEYMAN PRINTER. "You can take this case," said the foreman; ".here -is a stick here is some copy ; and if you I- would like a quiet and steady partner, you will find this gentleman still enough in all conscience. ; The " partner " merely looked up and faintly smiled in acknowledgment of the foreman's com pliment, and kept on with his work, while the foreman turned a waylo attend to something else. We v.-orked on steadily until dinner, as we were fin a hurry to get the paper out, without exchang- ing a 'word, pr even a look. In the afternoon, I had nimf leisure to study the physiognomy of my neighbor. lie was a young man of about three or .v. ,- .. ) i: .i ...iii l j .1 luui auu nveiuy, wuii iianasome leaiures uuu a J rather intellectual cast of countenance. His face J was quite pale, and the raven darkness of his hair. eye-brows and eyes, made me immediately come to the conclusion, after thoroughly studying his phy siognomy, that he was a hard student during his leisure hours, or that, depriving himself of the' re creation of books, or other sources of ... enjoyment, he spent all h.isfwaking hours at the case. The latter supposition time proved correct. , As day after day passed away, I became ac quainted with him ; and I found him to be a sinrii- lar character. Beneath his stand he bad construc ted a kind of a. closet; 'which contained a spirit lamp, a mattress, with bedding, a few cooking . utensils, and a small stock of the plainest kind of food. When the hours for meals arrived, he would light.his lamp, and putting some. fod over it to cook, woukl work until all the rest of. the hands had left the office, when he would sit down to his frugal repast, He worked incessantly during work hoors, hardly leaving the office, unless to purchase food, or upon some errand of that kind. Morning, noon and night, when I returned from my meals, I invariably found him at the case, working away with all his might as if some great issue depended upon the improvement of every minute. I suppose he si en t unon thp. onf. whiMi ho Vpnf. in lna rlnset. hut as he was always at work when Pretumed in the morning, i could not positively assert that he ' did so. I 2LXXX lint. VPrv orfi VMiIrviio oc-iniollr urlin employed at the case, and as he would not first address me. I would the SELECT be fun and joke were passing round the otheKht' and forcinS hhn inf a corner' 1 claimed -tscjs, we were silent as the enSve. I was notions "Gentlemen, one word, if you please ! It would ca m discovering that there was some mystery ' con nected with him, and that his intense annlication to labor was not prompted merelv lv n Aa;. v money; for if there is anything in phrenolorv. judging from the formation of his head, he was the very one wnom.l would have selected from a scdre for a spendthrift. Occasionally- his cheek would -flush, his eyes light up, and a happy ;smile bpjr- spread his features; than the smile would go awav l.:, . - n ii....:.L . i ! uip eyes wouiu mi wim tears, wmie an expression ot sadness almost despair would seat itself upon his countenance. . I have been tempted a thousand times to ask him the cause of this, but as he ap peared so cold and isolated, I refrained from doing so, as it is not pleasant proffering sympathy un asked. " Well, how do you like your neighbor ?" ksked one journeyman of me, as we were descending the stairs one evening " I can hardly make i iirn out," said I ; he appears to be a strange sort of .being. You are better ac quainted with him thanj I; how do you like him?" u For my part I hale i him, and what is more, he has not a friend in the I whole office. That fellow has been here for three jnonths, and he has hardly poken to any one. A; man who makes such bills as he does, : andJ jMiirp his jnoney like a miser f have Very J illi rneud&lii p for." - - Weouldh't any""" of its care so much if he! would be a little sociable, and spend a dollar, or even a dime occasionally; but no- every five-cent piece he gets he hangs on to as if he was afraid the eagle on it would spread his wings and fly away with it, doing him out of a five-cent piece. But he can't stay here long." We have insulted him a .doien times ; and he has less spunk than I think be ijas, if he don't resent it some day. We'll get him into a quarrel then, and have him discharged." ' " " But," said I, " do you know anything about his history ? lie may have some all absorbing end to accomplish, which is the cause of his untiring assi duity. You should have a little charity for the fellow, and taking Crockett's motto, ' be sure you're right before you go ahead.' " . " No, we know" nothing of him ; andif circum stances are as you suppose, it will be his own fault if they are discovered too late, for we have tried often enough to scrape an aequaintance with him. You had fetter not take up on his side if you do not wish to incur the displeasure of the whole office. "Good night. I had some charity for the fellow, and was re solved to see him. righted should he set into a dif ficulty. I soon saw that he was very unpopular, and that I, as I felt rather disposed to make allow ances for him, was considered his friend. Many were the jokes, craeked at our expense. Whenever the " Quaker corner" (as the place occupied by us hod been dubbed) was inentioned, a universal tit ter ran round the office. These little things irri tated me some, but as I was not the priucipal ob ject at whoin. these . arrows were aimed, I resolved to forbear and let him be the first to speak. " I say, fellows," said a rowdy looking customer, who went by tiie name ot'Zeke, " do the Quakers ever have a camp meeting ?" " Yes," answered another, " they have a camp meeting over there iniQuaker corner every night. That fellow camps out uponthe floor every nap he takes." " Well," said another, " I've heard of boarding at the market house and sleeping on the bridge,' but I never saw an illustration of it before. " Wonder if they wouldn't take in boarders?" asked the first speaker. " I'll see if they don't want the rules and regulations of the house printed. If they do, I'll board out the bill." ' I glanced at my neighbor to see how lie bore this ridicule. Ilis face was .flu shed and his lips firmly compressed, as if to choke down the rising indigna tion, but tie s ua not a word. . 1 fancied, however, that he picked up the type faster -than usual. u Things could not go on this way much longer, for' as God-like a qualilty as forbearance is, it cannot hold out against every, thiug. I saw that a storm was gathering, and prepared to act my part as a pian when it burst forth. It was Saturday afternoon ; the hands were rang ed around the "stone," with their bills in their hands waiting to be paid off. " Quaker" happened to be at one end of the "stone," and immediately opposite him stood " Zeke." As usual " Quaker" was the "observed of all observers," and sly whis pers, which were answered by a titter or a nudge of,the elbow, passed around the group. As the foreman paid " Quaker" the amount due him, he gave him a new quarter dollar to make out change. This did not escape " Zeke's" eye, and he said in a tone loud enough to be heard by all " If that eagle on that quarter had life, -and I were a State prison convict, I would'nt swap places with it, for my confinement would be far preferable to being squeezed to death.". This was the hair that broke tle camel back. With the' exclamation, " You scoundrel 1" he made one bound, and with a stunning blow, brought " Zeke" to the floor. Then jerking off his coat and placing himself in a fignting attitude, he turned to the astonished group with " come on, now, cow ardly ruffians ; if you cannot hit me alone peaca bly, I will make you do it by force. I have borne your insults long enough, and if you have any more to offer come on with them !" This challenge was sufficient. Coats came off and sleeves were1 rolled up in a minuted I saw that my friend would be apt to get the worst of the be cowardly for you all to attack this man ; I will not see it done. And if you will attempt it, I have something here (tapping my breast significantly,) that will stop it. He is hot to blame ; he has on ly resented an insult, which any of you would have done. You have insulted him because he has con ducted himself strangely ; let him explain his con duct, and perhaps we can make up our quarrel. He owes you an explanation if not to you, he certainly does to me. . And now, sir, said 1, turn ing to him, "I demand it of you as a right. - He hesitated a moment. 41 Come, my mend,, said I, " let us have it, whatever it is, and at once put an end to this quarrel." " Well, gentlemen," said he, " I am not disposed to lay my private affairs1 open to public gaze, but I suppose I must do it for once. You must know, then, that from my earnings I must not only sup port myseii, but my mother, two sisters and three small brothers, who reside'n adistant State. . ' I could earn enough at home to support bem well, but my reason for coming here is this : One of jmy sisters,, who is now a beautiful girl of sixteen, and the pet of the family, lias" been blind ' from : birth, j We had bo hope of her ever acq ninng the facility . of sight, and were content, toalide bv ' what we thought ;satiodfjEmvidenceL J3;.t u7 centTyT "liave seen a case similar to here a young man- who was restored to sight by an eminent physician of Paris. I have corresponded with that physician, and he has high hopes that in my sis ter's case lie can effect a eure. This, gentlemen, is what I have been laboring for since I have been here to raise funds sufficient to take her to Paris. I love that sister as I do my life ; I have labored day and night have deprived myself of many comforts, and borne your taunts and jeers for her sake. But I can bear it no longer. If you are men you will desist; if you do not, I warn you of the consequences !" " Zeke," had risen to his feet and heard all my friend had said. As he listened to the " Quaker," I could see the moisture coining to his eyes ; and when he had finished, he stepped forth, and grasp ing " Quaker's" hand, while the tears trickled down his face, he said, in a voice quivering with emo tion! I "My noble fellow, we have wronged you deeply, and I, for one, ask your forgiveness. Had you but told us what your object was, we would not have placed a single obstacle in your way." " I forgive you freely, sir I forgivo you all," said "Quaker." ' V " And how much have you to raise yet," I ask ed, " before you will have tlie requisite sum ?" "About one hundred and fifty dollars. If I have my health and continue to make good bills, I shall be ready to start to Europe in about two months." " You wont have to wait that long,'' said " Zeke" laying the money he held in his hand, upon the' stone, " if my week's wages, every cent of which you're welcome to, will help you along any. Come boys," he added, " how many of you will follow suit?" " Well, there's mine," said Jim, laying an X upon the . p, 5,n "atid mine, said a dozeit voices, as each had deposited an equal amount, until they had made quite a pile of bank bills. " There, stranger, take that, and may God pros per 'ou," said " Zeke," tendering him the money " No, gentlemen," answered the " Quaker," " I thank you for your liberality, but I cannot take your money. I am no beggar ; all I ask is that I may be allowed to do my work without being dis turbed." "But you must take it," urged "Zeke," grow ing warm, " we owe it to you, and you shall take it. We've done you a great wrong we've abus ed you, we have no other way of making amends. Besides, if you don't take it, it will be spent before Monday moiniug, and I know that for my part it will be much pleasanter to commence the week with the consciousness of having appropriated my money in a sensible way, than with the foggy head, aching limbs, and empty pocket, which always fol low a. "free and easy." Still the stranger hesitated. "Take it take it for your sister's sake," said two or three voices. "I. accept it, gentlemen," said the "Quaker," "as you say, ' for my sister's sake,' and I hope to be able some day to return it, principal and interest." "Quaker" left for Paris shortly after; and in a few months we had the satisfaction of hearing that his sister was completely restored to sight, and that they were on their way home., I have heard from him several times since. His lines have been drawn in pleasant places, and he is now a judicial functionary in a neighboring State (Kentucky.) Ghost Storie(s. There is a foolish and perni cious practice with some people, of relating stories to young children to excite alarm and terror. If it was only foolish or unreasonable, it might, not justly call forth strong expressions of censure. Yet, even in such case, the practice had better be dis continued and condemned as quite improper. Sto ries to aroifse curiosity and excite inquiry, if the subjects tend to utility, are certainly proper and commendable. But the common tales of Blue Beard and giants, of spectres and ghosts, are ex tremely injurious in their influence and effects. Unfounded and absurd notions are received, that serve only to . terrify, and Which, even by correct knowledge afterwards received, cannot be entirely subdued or eradicated. It is in vain to reason against them, or to oppose to them the knowledge derived from natural philosophy' and the sciences. I have known men of great learning, who were un able to get rid of early but unreasonable fears. produced in childhood by the stories of nurses or illiterate parents, and who are always occasionally under their unhappy influences, though their so ber judgment told them they wre fictitious. Let children be taught that the great Creator has im pressed laws on all things, which operate uniform ly ; and that they are in safety when they behave well and have a reverence for that great and good Being. They should be taught that ghosts and apparitions are wholly fanciful 5 that all the spee tres they need guard against are guilty fears ; and if they are virtuous, these will never haunt them, nor ever exist. Qodey's Lady's Book. A word cuts deeper that a dagger, and the wound is longer healing. I - ." MISP.EU-.llWEnilS I i EAST INDIA JUGGLERS. - An- East India correspondent of the "Post," give the following account of a recent exhibition of t 3 Jugglers jn the East who seem to have lost T.cr of that skill for which they long since became'-. In Madras are found, in perfection the celebra ted Eastern Jugglers. Groups of them are daily at the hotels upon the arrival of a steamer, to exhi bit their wonderfu feats and receive rupees. Snake dancing, sword swallowing, fire-bating, tumblingj &c, are shown to the crowd who search for amuse ment. With some others, I hired a party to exhi bit on the verandah5 of the hotel, and I am quite assured of their superiority over all other magici- M . !. .l t-1 . .. ans, protessea or amuteur, in uie worm. At the time assigned, thej were on the spot arranging their implements preparatory to great wonders and marvelous deceptions. While thus preparing, I took a cheroot from my case, the more readily to find out everything about what was to go on, and searched among the circle of passengers for a light. Perceiving the desire, one of the jugglers came to me, went through i pantomimic request to regard his face attentively, and commenced blowing like a pair of bellows. , Much to my surprise a slight stream of smoke issued from his lipt, and finally a pointed jet of flame, shaped as gracefully as a gas light, and ex tending two inches u my direction, which he kind ly placed at my convenience. I availed myself of it by lighting the cigar, expressed my obligation and also a desire to examine intrinsically so polite a salamander. I opened his mouth, looked in, looked around and felt outside, but I could not dis cover any cause for the sudden and approp s con flagration. But the magic was about to commence and I forgot my friend with the port-ible furnace in other wonders, less individual, perhaps, but quite as mysterious. They danced cobra capellos, operi ing thjir fiat heads to show them sound in fangs and venom bags, and- made them perform a varie ty of poses. The snakes danced in a circle, kept admirable time with the music, and exhibited the i , ... ... . i .. 1 1 1, i fc ... .11.1. i.i . ...ii. date Europeans. A handful of sand taken from the road was made to mark every color, and finally to produce a shovel full of every variety by a sim ple manual operation. Plants grew perceptibly, balls danced in the air, swords, hooks, j igged pieces of iron and steel were used iike sounding-leads to penetrate abdomens ; eggs made birds and birds made rabbits, and rab bits in their turn underwent various transforma tions ; common cotton balls moved at command, going away an immense distance but returning on the ground very obediently, until we we-e complete ly tried up and turned inside out ourselves with amazement, and credulity. Then came the great feat of the greatest juggler in India ; the most no torious and wonderful of all descriptions and " for this night only." The performer, the leader of the party, had rested quietly with his wife and child outside of the circle, watching the entire pro ceedings of his men, and noting the general effect upon the assembl ge. At the conclusion of an nouncement proportionate with his dignity and elevation, he stepped in the enclosed space to give a grand finale to the whole performance. Taking the child, a little boy five or six years of age, from its mother, despite her tears and entreaties, he signed the attendants to procure the required ira- plements for his feat, directiug their arrangement and position according to his mind. A large basket six or seven feet deep, made of straw, wfjs shown to the spectators, that they might assure themselves of its "being a basket with outj any addition or improvement simply a bas set of straw, very common in all parts of the world. Inverting it, after the diligent investigations of the entire party, he stood his little boy in the centre of the circle and covered him with the basket like an extinguisher on a candle. The room allowed the ittle fellow an upright and apparently comfortable position. We were permitted to see him under the basket and-to satisfy ourselves of his being there without any doubt. A naked sword having received an equally close examination, was placed in the man's hand, and the feat commenced. Assured of the child's con cealment under the basket, of the keenness and va lidity of the sword, we waited in silent horror for his next proceeding. There was no table with its apartment, no trap in the basket, nothing but the hard stony floor, and no confederate near him. Taking the weapon in his hand, he waved it in the air, muttered a jargon and commenced a series of rapid thrusts through the basket, making the point penetrate every time the opposite side, down into the basket, and all over it until it could hardly support its own weight from mutilation. It was perforated like a seive. A cry came from the interior, and a stream of blood began to trickle from under it along the stone floor on to the feet of the spectators. Cries of horror pierced the air, the smother ran shrieking to the basket to seize her horribly gashed and bleeding boy ! She overturned it no child was there, noth ing but a pool of blood. Every body looked fright ened and relieved, while the juggler coolly wiped the blood from the sword blade..; Suddenly burst ing from the middle of the group of observers the little fellow came running to his mother, unhurt, unharmed, and a pretty smile on his brown child ish face. Taking hold of her hand he seemed to ask the cause of her tears, and began fondJing her in affectionnte sympathy. It was a trick a de ception a humbug. But how to explain it. I saw the child under the basket a moment before the thrust; I saw the sword; its plain iron handle, no shelter for the keen sharp blade; I stood on the same stone floor upon which rested the basket, I watched the whole carefully while, the sword p,assi4 around there was no refuge in' the basket? there was no confederate, no mantIe;"no trapoorT The noise of the straw was distinctly heard at each thrust ; the blood was there, and yet at the end the child came from the crowd and quite alive! I was within six feet and could not understand it ; perhaps you who were farther away will be more successful. But isn't it a point or two in advance of Alexander, Blitz, and those men ? THE HIGHLAND COTTIERS. The following story of a Highland eviction is very simple, but very touching: "Many poor crofters or cottier tenants lived on the estate of Knoydart, in Glengary, owned by Mrs. MacDon nell. For a long while the crofters, for the most part, have been unable to pay their rents, and many of tligm were in heavy arrears. To clear the way for a more profitable class of tenantry, the propri etress resolved to clear the estate; but in order that the crofters might be placed in circumstances which, in her judgmeut, would be for their benefit, she offered them a choice of enjgratiou to Ameri ca or Australia, undertaking 10 eniracn a-vessel at her own expense, to provide them with suitable clothing, to let them sell their little stock, and for give them all arrears of rent. The proposal ap-v peared to be accepted by the crofters generally, and they preferred Canada to Australia, a colony of Glengarry men having been established there for half a century. A vessel was then engaged and sent to the Isle of Onisey, in Skye, where the em igrants were to be shipped but when the hour of trial came, about sixty persons, who had agreed to the terms of removal, refused to leave their crofts, and the vessel had to sail without them, taking out two hundred and eighty emigrants in all. In these circumstances, summons of removal were served on the refractory crofters and cottars, but they were unheeded. Notices to quit in forty-eiht hours Laere J.hcn 2iven.and these alsofkiliux in fef$ut, tin legal officers were' instructed tto eject the people. They met with no forcible resistance. First, the little furniture the crofters had was taken out. The officers, with their assistants, next proceeded to un roof the cottages, and then to pull down the mud walls. The scene now was truly a painful one. So long, as there was a hope of being left with a cov ering over their heads, the cottars were compara tively quiet; but now that they were homeless, many of them became frantic with grief, and were driven to seek shelter in some of the neiirhbourinor quarries, where some are now living, and others among the caves of the rocks with which this wild district of the Highlands aboun i. The crofters who were on the poor roll wre allowed to remain, but the others are ail scattered. The weather has been tine since their ejection, and thus far they have been supported by the benevolence of their poor neighbors, and what little they can do at fish ing;cbut un ess something is done for them before long, there can be little doubt but starvation will ensue ; the wives and children -are most to be pit tied. They all admit that their proprietress was liberal in fulfilling her engagement; and they seem conscious that they are legally in the wrong ; but they ;ling to the home of their fathers with des perate tenacity, and judging from their conduct in preferring ejection to emigration, and the strong feeling which they show, it is clear that the7 look on their case as one of expatriation." It is said, as an excuse for Mrs. Macdonnell and others who act like her, that sheep walks and shooting grounds are more profitable than farms with peasants ; but it is a mean policy that refuses to improve men, and strives only to increase cattle. APPLICATION. If young persons enter into their various pursuits witlT becoming ardor, and steadily persevere in a course of diligent application, ;it is impossible to fore see the eminence to which they may attain. Difficulties, which timidity and jndolence would deem insurmountable, are overcome; and knowl edge in all its variety, and with all its honors advantages, and pleasures, is rapidly and effectually gained. Among the students who obtained classi cal honors and distinction in a late examination at the University of Oxford, in England, was a Mr. Seymer, who, notwithstanding the disadvantage of blindness from his infancy, was placed in the high est class but one. Let no youth despair. Humility is not the pliant, supple thing that the superficial suppose it to be. Columbus was humble, when refusing to sacrifice to the ridicule of the multitude the belief which he deemed prov identially given, that a new.world awaited his ad venturous fleet. Luther was humble, wheD, lifting up the Bible before the Imperial Diet, he refused to recant, and stood boldly upon the ground of the? New Testament against royal threats and Papal anathemas. Paul was humble, when, at Athens, and before Agrippa, and at Rome, he boldly pro fessed his allegiauce to Christ, and confirmed his allegiance at last under the executioner's sword. What, indeed, i3 humility, but the surrender of man's will to the Divine will a surrender that may give proof of itself, now in lowly . penitence and prayer, and now in bold confession find heroic daring ? ! i 1 ' i It is not sufficient to have great qualities, we J must be able to make proper use of them. Curious Literary and Artistic Project. . An undertaking, which cannot Jfail to produce no common degree of interest in the world of litera ture not only here, but throughout that of Eu rope and America is beiDg drganized with the utmost activity and with every! prospect of sue cess. It is to make, the French; literature of the day take, its place in the Great Exhibition to be held here. inBirreehm as follows : A commission is to eUct a hundred writ- s ers, who are to compose a beok bs large as an ordi nary sized journal, and containing one thousand pages, ten for each writer. Thi subjects are con fined to such as spring from the Exhibition- itself Here a picture or a statue inspires a poem; a piece of tapestry forms the groundwork of a legend; the produce of some distant land leads to the de scription of a voyage; silks and-jewels alas! we fear female vanity will generally ;be selected as the theme when they are brought bn the tapis ! in struments of labor and husbandry will suggest a pastoral in prose or verse. In short, with so rich a mine to work upon, the difficulty will be, not to find, but to select a subject. The form given to this literary movement will present a luxury in all its details, for which neither taste nor expense is to be spared. At the bead of each article, a first rate artist is to make an illustration of the subject, rep resenting the portion or object , in the Exhibition suggestive. of the piece; and a portrait of the wri ter, taken from a photograph, is; to be appended, with a specimen of his writing and signature. The characters for the printing are to be cast expressly ; and, instead of paper, parchment or vellum is to be employed. j Editorial Literature. There was more point and poetry than propriety or pathos in the cool effrontery of a Scotch poet, lounging lazily in' his sung sanctum or library in all the fuxury of London, and pithily compassionating the j hardships of his marine brethren by singing j Ye gentlemen of England,' who stay at home at ease. Ah, little do you think upon the darigers of of the seas. But there is no one to parody jthese verses" with such appropriate effects as to winj for the editors of city papers (editorials are a ver mechancial con irlvauce la lAe country ipr W wiJbing mainly concocted with paste and scissors) li e in dulgent sympathy of the public, by chaunting in mournful recitative .. . ' -' Domestic, politicians, who read r.thbme at ease, Ah, little do ye reck of an editor's jmiseriea ! Ye loll upon your cushioned Chair land pish nnd psha amain, I But ye think not of the racking of in editor's troubled brain. s Of all sorts of task-work, of melre day-labour, the toughest, the most fatiguing, the most exacting, and the most thankless, is the! dire necessity of providing day by day the regular pabulum , of thought, and the prescribed quantum and quality ' of commentary for ii daily papei. Day after day, through all seasons of the year, the same still-bc-gining, never-ending duty is to bf performed ; the freshest thoughts, the most vigorous fancies, the most judicious reasonings, are to e supplied from a mind that has no leisure for selfyculture, no rest for the reviving influnce of n'aturai repose, and no exemption from disquietude and fat'gue. When the character of the intellectual prqduce incessantly exacted is considered, it is amazing that so much genius and talent, and even profundity, should be exhibited by the newspaper pressj: but is it not equally amazing that it should not experience a juster and more kindly appreciation! How to Wear Spectacles. llho following ie copied from a " Treatise on the Eye," by Mr. West, an eminent optician : j; "In the proper use of spectaclesfthere is no cir cumstance of more importance thati their position on the head. They should be wrn so that the -glasses may come as close to the ef es as possible, without touching the eyelashes! They should also be placed so that the glassed may bp parallel with the paper when the head is in an i easy position. To accomplish this, let the sides of j the spectacles bear on the head about midway between the top of it and the ear ; the eyes will then look directly through the glasses to the- paper, and make the most advantageous use of them, instead of looking obliquely through them to the paper, as spectacles . are usually' wornj with their bows i contact with the ear, in. which position they produce a distorted image on the retina. The sides of jtbe spectacles should also be placed at an equal height on the head." The genius of the Psalms is the genius of the principal author, who has given them name and character. The collection, as it exists -in our Bible, is to be regarded as the Hebrew Anthology, or perhaps more fitly, as the hymn-boqkof the He brew church, David is named in the titles as the chief writer, although six names are! given in ad dition to his. Seventy-one of the one' hundred and fifty are. expressly ascribed to him. What ia his genius ? Its chief characteristic is eminently this the power to embody every emotion pf the heart in language and imagery at once simple, graphic, exalted. He uses the familiar objectslof nature as his alphabet of expression, and trees, bills, moun tains, seas,' heavens, birds, beasts, men,jrange them selves at his bidding, and become interpreters of bis soul. Every state of feeling has'lts speaking 1 imagery. The snake may reach the eminence as certainly, as the eagle, but he reaches it by crawling and still remains a snake. t 1 ; 7 I ,1