T 199 .j w,reen the literature of social ntraS phU'htopic reform on the one hand, op cs anu i roiimnn on the other. i the p r it ot me " '" -- , il tut -i'" . . ... j . attachment Scents and principles characterize the whole lt,-i- . ; e tu.. athnr that a l and show, as in tne case ui -ark, .., nfih sublime artiste and entnusi;iMwt'-v-r a beautiful, are, as inumaiery - 1 n thev are witn true yoc.jr. Xhc contents ol me ru. ' 1 i ; 'successive numbers in the Southern Literary area m - . . .,, aiiinVii. es-entrer They a del anouier iu mc uwm; which have already been made to our fcntrihuiion Imerican literature thro a "h. the columns of that ex- llent Magazine. n . November Number of the fcOLTHERN Literary vrrn has been rcecjvea. ii is very interesting. T .Tr.' li'rcDCiL-c onrl XfrtPV tm STATE INTELLIGENCE. . ; ' : . Saie of Lots at Carolina City. We under hand that at the sales at Carolina City on Monday ist abut 200 lots were disposed of at , an aggre gate of 15,000. V Tbe cover but a small propor- ion of the city. Some Of the lots were.bu by u uan& others 80 by 160 feet. A square jras floriated to a company wlio oounu iuiii3cive iu ,t;i Hotel upon it, to cost not less man -?-o,- that 100 AH tne lots were buici upu ....... , ,. i: ,.,.f l.nA lmnaa shnnlrl lift erected iDtie wu uic-juwi n tje,n Fayctteville Carolinan. . r ' 1 Ha x k of Wadeshokocgh. It will be seen by reference to the Cashier's advertisement found in :,Putlier column, 'that the Directors of this Hank iiave declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 pr. ct. -.Besides which we learn that they have been :,!, to add 2 pi ct. to the Surplus Fund. This shows that the business of the Institution been ablv managed, mock is sougnt aitcn i n ,.,..... .1 .. l,w.l. v,...;,.i o on t. i.t bavins been - offered and refused. JV. Carolina Jt''(. ' ' Moick Coal. C. L. Bahner, Esq., has shown us a fine specimen of coal, found on his land, on Town Fi.rlc. about five miles East of Germunton. The (-cam is represented as being over '.three.. feet wide 1 ho nrosiect ! tor an abundance ot coal there is ur'ud, and. easy of access. Salem J ress. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE DOMESTIC. A Heavy SwiNDLE.-Vrhe -late Fair says the1 Enquirer of yesterday, brought to Richmond scores if pickpockets and swindlers, from abroad, who tiiouliL-.it was a favorable opportunity r.o operate upon, thfi honest and .unsuspecting eoma'ry of our Siatf. We have heard of the tbsi of at least twenty pocket books, and of various other robbe ries, during the last week, and we regret to learn that Mr. Samuel Cottrell, an aged and respectable taiiin r ot Henrico county, was, on Thursday last, va nulled out of 500, by two finished scoundrels, in the following maimer ::. . ' M r. C. was met on the street, near the Exchange '.auk, by a man of respectable appearance and gen te 1 tVportmcut,, who said his name was Johnson. 11 approached' Mr. C. in a cordial and familiar manner, and asked him if he had been to the cat tle show, and if so, how he liked it, titev .'Mr. C. replied "that be. had b'-en, there, 'and was Wry much pleased viili"tiie Exhibition; The conversation was .continued, and Mr. C. inferred from the re- marks ot the man, mat he was a wealthy 'tanner V-j i.f tin! tnon tii. 1 1. 1 I 1 11.. of Virginia, on a -'isit to the Fair. . lie .appeared familiar with agricultural matters, and spoke of geutleujeii in .-Hanover enmity, known to be far mers there, lie stated that he had that day bar ' giiined with a -gentleman : at the Fair for; some fine imported stock, for whlc in consequence ' of som 5 he was to pay 500 ; but ! ; little misunderstanding, bst'mate and refused to let the owner had become J him Iiave -them at that pnee, while he was willing to-sell, them to any other person for that sum. lie a.sked Mr. C. if he had any objection to mak ing the purchase lor him. Mr. C. consenting, he was invited to step into a hotel, near by, to receive the money ($500) to pay for the cattle. Here tliey met a' man" who represented himself as the soli of the owneiof the cattle. He confirmed the statement about the misunderstanding; with his fa tlujr, and expressed adesire that Mr. Johnson" shoal get the cattle. The money was partly, count 'ed' out, when -Johnson suggested that it would prob ' ablv be well for Mr. C. to buv them with, his own niiiney, in order to save Mr. C. from the necessity - of ancquivpeation, if the owner of the cattle should wish to know whether or not he was buying for himself. M. C. yielded to his suggestions, and went to the Bank and drew from his deposits there 5501) for the purpose indicated. After leaving the Bank, it was further -agreed' that the son of the owner- should- take the mony, and, in -company with Mr. C, go and inform his father that he had N 'Id the. cattle, and have them , delivered. They start d, and in a few minutes thereafter " Mr. John son'' and the: pretended k" son" slipped-out of the company of Mr. C, and disappeared, as if by mag ic from his view ; and thus ended the swindle a tnck. new to Mr. C, but one which has often been practiced'.at the various Fairs of the country. Virginia AiucuItural Fair. About 20,00'0 : j.ersons, it is said, visited this exhibition, on Tliurs day. Peter A. Browne, Esq., 0f Philadelphia de livered an ad ress, at 11 o'clock, on the subject of rearing sheep, the various qualities of wool, their adaptation for various localities in Virginia, and for different fabrics. At 12 o'clock, the plowing match, tor the prize of $100, (given by Madame Sontag.) : took place, and elicited -much interest. .Madame Sontag was" escorted over th ground by Wm. BoulwartyEsq., late Charge 'to 'Naples.'. The liich- Riond Whig says : "We have never seen so many people in such .. good humor. The best evidence of the enthusiasm which. -pervades the farmers was the subscription for the benefit of the Society, on Wednesday night, ot $39,000. Numerous other contributions, were inade on Thursday, and the .amount will proba bly be swollen to $50,000. Richmond city subscrib ed $5,000." ' lie ni"" IMS DEPARTMENT. " LATER FROM CALIFORNIA, DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT 80N0RA. The steamer Daniel Webster arrived at New Orleans on Sunday, with dates from San Francis co, to the 16th ultimo, bringing passengers through ih the short space of twenty-one'days. She brings, 200 pas'sengers and 50,000 in gold dust, brought by the steamer Sierra Nevada from' San" Francisco at Panama. ! ; The steamers Golden Gate and the. Uncle Sara sailed from San Francisco for Panama on ihe same day as the Sierra Nevada. The Sierra Nevada brought doxy n to Panama $1,200 000 in gold dust, and the Goiden Gate $1,130 000. j . There has been a terrible fire at the city of So nora, destroying full one third oT the city. The loss is estimated at a million and a half, i ' The Irish patriot, John Mitchell, of whose es cape from Van Dieman's Land accounts have been received, arrived at San Francisco on the l2th ult. He has been most enthusiastically received 1 and welcomed to freedom by all classes of citizens. A public dinner had be.cn tendered to the Irish patriot, John Mitchell, before his departure for New York, which he accepted. j The Supreme Court of California has imade an important.decision, declaring valid all grants made in accordance jvith JtheIexie.an law. TLe effects of this will be to oust hundreds from lots held by them for many years, and restore them to the original irrantees. It is considered a death blow to squatters, and will cause millions of dollars worth of property to change hands by jthe mere operation of the law. j. Murders and outrages have been occurring throughout the State to an alarming extejht. , The old City Government of Sah Francisco re tired after contesting the election, and a new one has been organized. ' . Bigler's majority in the State for Governor, will be quite eighteen hundred. j Tragedy at Louisville. Professor, Butlerf Principal of the High School, at Lousville, it has been announced by telegraph, was shot by Mat. F. Ward, oldest son of li. J. Ward, on Wednesday morning last, and died that night. Tlie Courier says of the lamentable transaction : "lie went to the High School accompanied by two of his brothers, Robert Ward, a yonth of six teen, and William, a smaller bov, and called for Mr. Win. II. G. Butler, one of the teachers, A few words passed between them, when Mr. Ward pulled out a pistol and shot Mr. Butler down. The ' ball penetrated his left breast, over the heart, and he fell to the floor,- exclaiming, in his agoiiv, " I am ... i " killed uh, my poor wife, and child !" Ward .then dropped his pistol, and, accompanied by h;is leather retreated from the school-room. "Mr. Butler was able to rise from the! floor, and left the-room, assisted by some boys ; but, when in. the street, he fell again, and was carried home. The ball could not be extracted, and he bled in wardly. Mr. Butler had corrected Win.-Ward, one of his pupils, the day previous, for telling a false hood, which led to the tragic affair. "Hubert .Ward,, who . accompanied his brother, drew a Bowie-knife,, and when Prof. Stijrgus, the other teacher in the school, advanced to !the assist ance of Mr. Butler, he made such demonstrations that the Professor retreated ami made his escape out of a window. The. scholars in the school-room were also scattered in all directions by tjie display of such warlike instruments in their midst. " Mr. M. F. Ward and Robert J. Ward, Jr., were promptly arrested and lodged in jail, and as the affair will undergo a judicial investigation, e forbear narrating the particular's. - :' Mr. Butler'-was ony of the best and most inof fensive men in the world, and we can appreciate the anguish of his friends at his being so untimely cut off, and in such a maimer. The affair is gene rally regarded as of a most atrocious and unpro voked character, and, when it became known, the deepest indignation prevailed throughout the city. The Ward family is one of the wealthiest and most prominent in Kentucky." Another Victim of the Rappings. We have heard of another instance of the results of these singular phenomena, the facts of which we give to the public as they were told- to us. Some nine months ago, a young man and woman, both re siding in the town of Evans, in this county, redeiv ed notice through one 'of the '-mediums, in that . town, that it was the will of "the powers that be" above that they should. become man'and wifeforth with. They were firmbc!i,evers in the new dispen sation, and, although scarcely acquainted with each other, immediately went before a Justice, and were "consolidated." , The woman, who had not been well before, per haps owing in a good degree to the influences which had obtained over her such complete control, con- tinued to grow worse, and was placed tinder the care of a spiritual" physician, who gave prescrip tions hitherto 'unknown ih the practice of rnedi- cine, fehe would go out ot the house at his com mand, and stretch herself upon the ground, face downwards, and there remain for hours, as he said, for the purpose of getting the electricity from the ground. Other performances equally absurd were gone through repeatedly, till the victim of such strange practice and of her own delusion, died some two weeks since. IIertbody, however, was kept for a week or more without burial, owing to fears .which some of the friends, entertained that she was not dead. 1 Her limbs, though cold, did not grow stiff for three or four days, and if the finger was drawn across her cheek with a slight pressure a red spot was left which gradually 'died out, as a rush of blood in the living body would follow in like cir cumstances. Neither did the corpse show any symntoms of decay, but remained . as it was the first day after death. She was buned at length, the physician and her spiritual friends quieting all doubts in heir own minds by asserting' that her spirit was too .happy in ihe sphere where it had gone, to return again to the cares and pains incident to a tabernaclino- in the flesh. This is but another instance of the deplorable results flowing from this system, if it can be so -called, of error and wicked delusion. Buffalo Courier, Oct. 29. New York, Nov. 7.-The Crescent city has arrived bringing Havanna dates to the 1st. The Cholera and Yellow Fever has entirely disappear ed from the Island. - ' Murder in Sussex, Va A Slave Whipped to Death by his Master. We received at a late hour last night the particulars of a revolting affair which has just transpired in the county of Sussex, on the same farm at which the bloody transaction pub lished bv us a few months since occurred. From 1 all we have been enabled to ascertain, it appears that Mr. Henry Birdsong, whose little son was killed by his side, and himself dangerously wound ed a few 'months since, so cruelly whipped and beat one of his negroes on Tuesday night last, that he died in a few hours. Mr. B., a gentleman in forms us, had given orders to his negroes that they were to report themselves to him at his dwel ling every night at an early hour. On Tuesday night last they failed to do so, and upon one of his boys coming into the house to get his, Birdsong's, shoes, to clean, he was called to an account for his disobedience. Mr. B. being unusually rigorous and severe with his servants generally, the boy expect ed a whipping, and ran out of the house to escape it. Mr. B. followed him closely, and calling a very ferocious dog, (of the bull species,) started the an imal in pursuit of the fugitive also. The dog soon overtook, and bit him very seriously before he was taken off. Mr. B. then tied the boy, and beat him so that he died in a few hours. These facts com ing to the knowledge of the Coroner, a-jury was summoned, and ah inquest held, which resulted in the finding of a verdict, that deceased came to bis .death by sundry blows, etc., inflicted by his mas ter, Henry Birdsong. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Birdsong, which was executed on Thurs day. The accused was immediately conveyed to the county jail and secured. We understand that the negro was most cruelly whipped and beat one of his eyes having been knocked entirely out with a stick. Pet. Express, 5th inst. Sontag in Virginia. The Philadelphia Bul letin has. the following good jeu d'esprit upon Son tag's new honors in Virginia : Oh, Carry me Back. When Sontag, the sing er, married a count, to the despair of a regiment of other suitors, including the celebrated Count Mon day, so called because he inveterately followed Sunday (Sontag) she was still far from the summit of her fame. When she was courted and caressed in all the European capitals, honored by Kings and Emperors, and petted by Queens and Empresses, she was still remote from the acme of her glory. It was reserved for the State of Virginia tn crown her with her highest honor, and, accordingly, she has just been elected a life member of the Virgin ia Agricultural Society! A "Sontag Prize"' of 100, has been endowed by her donation, and it was contended for at a grand ploughing match, 'where! the chivalry of the F. F. V's entered the lists to, compete for the purse honored with her gold and her name, while the Countess herself was present to give her countenance to the kuights of the plough's tail and reward the victor with one of her . best stage, smiles. Truly this is one of the drollest of avocations ever offered to an artiste. -Henceforth Mad.-Sontag must be .associated, in the American mind, with ploughing matches, the tobacco-crop, the lat sales of Galle&'o i of guano, and other interesting ideas connected with agriculture in Virginia, and "Cany me back to Old Virgiuny" must be added to her repertoire. Court. At 12 o'clock on Saturday night last the term of our Court expired with ihe Judge on the bench,' the jury in p.sse-siwii of an indictment lor murder and a !e ise cn.iwd of anxious specta tors' who had tt that hour awaited the anxious re sult of the trial involving the fate of two human beings. Neer has the sensibility of our commu nity been more intensely awakened. There was a mis-trial, the Jury not having time to agree on their verdict, having had the case under considera tion but a few iinnub-s, after a patient hearing of the testimony and arguments during two entire i 'i-! . !; i .i .'i.i uavs. mere win oi course oe another trial at the next term, a'ti d any observation ou the melancholy facts elicited, would be improper at this time. But we cannot refrain from solemnly admonishing the parents ot our country, of the awlul dangers, at tending the possession of deadly weapons by their children Here are two haif grown boys, betray ed into -t most shocking and deliberate murder, simply from being allowed prowl over the coun try ou'the Sabbath, in search of mischief and with pistols in their pockets. Those who heard this trial were deeply impressed; aud we trust that good will result from it. The sobriety and orderly deportment which characterized the early part of the week continued to the end. May it last for ever. Darlington Flag. A Curious Divorce Case. A curious divorce case came up before Judge Edwards of the Su preme Court, in New York, on Tuesday. The co.uplaina-i t is an English woman, who, after the death ofher first husband, went to Australia,. having- a; little fortune of about 2,150 sterling. On the voyage she met with a fellow passenger who represented himself as a German baron, compelled to fly on account' of his politics, and so won on her widowed affections that she married him on reaching Sydney. Afterwards they sailed for Cal lao, where the " baron" got possession of the mon ey, amounting to 1,900 sterling, on pretence, it is alleged, of depositing it f r safetv with the Brit ish consul.' This, however, he d d not do. They sailed then for the United States, and at Baltimore he deserted her, writing back from New York en closing $1,000, and saying before she received it, 'he would be on his way to Europe. She was smart enough not to -believe this, and hurrying on to New York where she found him, got a writ out for his detention, and now sues for the recovery of her money and for a divorce. The name of the hero of this story; under which he was married, is Ed ward Max Alexander Rudolph, Baron of WTerten hagen, of Mecklenberg, Germany. The Judge took the case under advisement. Baltimore, Nov. 6, 1853. The slave schooner Advance, captured some time since by the sloop-of-war John Adams, has been condemned by the Dis trict Court at Norfolk. In consequence of the election -of 'the' Maine Law ticket, Dearly all the taverns in this city were closed to day, the proprietors anticipating a rigid enforcement of the Sunday law. Duty on Sugar. The revenue duty on Sugar for the last five years has amounted to $36,000,000. Common Schools of ,New England. By the last official returns of the public schools in the six New England States, the whole number of pupiL in attendance during the year wa3 641,983. The whole cost of instruction for the year was $2,055,- 131 65. In Vermont "the average cost of each pupil was $222 ; in Maine, $135 ; in Rhode Island, $164. In Massachusetts the law requires each town to raise by tax at least $150 per child, be tween five and fifteen years of age, as a condition of receiving a share of the income of the State school fund. All the towns complied with this condition last year, and 180 towns raised double the sura thus specified. Theamount expended in Massachusetts last year for each child above nam ed was $454. Virginia Washington Monument. A gen tleman direct from Richmond, Virginia, states that the workmen on that noble work, the Virginia Washington Monument, are preparing to set what is technically termed the " horse block," which is the terminus of the architectural, part of the work. The block is very substantial, about twelve feet in length, seven wide, aud fourteen inches thick, The managers expect soon to be gratified with a letter from Mr. rawlbrd, who is diligently engaged on the grandjftaestrian statue'of the illustrious Wash ington, wuich 5s to surmount the monument. The same sculptor las also under engagement, the pe destrian statues, two of which, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry, are already completed. Arrest of Sullivan. Yankee Sullivan, the notorious prize fighter, wa3 arrested at New York on Friday last, on a requisition from the Governor of Massachusetts, as a fugitive from justice, and had a hearing this morning on a writ of habeas corpus in the Supreme Court, before Judge Edwards. The Judge ordered the prisonser to be sent to Massachusetts tobefe'ied for engaging in the late prizefight. Morrisey cannot be found. lie is said to be in Baltimore. The Madeira Refugees. Dr. Kalley, of New York, to whom many of the Maderia Protestants owe-their conversion, has collected some $5,500 of the $6,000 necessary to defray the expense of bring ing. to this fountrv the two hundred still remain ing on that Island, ou, perchance, already on their way hither. The 8500 yet to be raised will. doubt less' be promptly supplied. A Big Gun.. One of the 700 Turkish cannon which guard the Dardanelles is charged with 230 pounds of powder, and throws a stone shot of one thousand pounds weight. Of course .such immense' guns are more formidable in appearance than reali ty, and the firing is not unattended with danger to their own artillerymen. Pacific Railroad Company. The stockhold ers of this Company met in New York-on Thurs dav, and elected Philip F. Thomas, of "faryland, Hon. Robert J. Walker, of Washington, N. F. Green, of North Carolina, Wm. Noyes, of Pa., an 1 others, to constitute a Board of Directors. Served ILm Right. A stout robust butcher insulted a woman in Wade Street Market, Cinci nnati, last week. She procured a horse-w hip, and "plugged" it into him for about five minutes, with a vengeance. lli face was bftdlv cut. Wm. P. Danckhfikld, E--q., formerly- of Rock ingham county, Va.. has been appointed Judge by the Governor of California, of the judicial district in which he resides. Mr. Dangerfield ' left Rock ingham some-three or four y ears ago. . Thanksgiving The Governor of Illinois, in a capital anel comprehensive little proi-lamat soli of fourteen lilies, appoints the 24th inst., for Thanks giving Day. This the eleventh Stale that will ob serve that day. NEWr Invention A new wheel-barrow has been invented. The wheel is placed under the centre so that none of the weight of the load rests upon the hands. A man can wheel twice the usual weight. New Orleans. Nov. 7. Intelligence received here to-day by Express from El Passo, states that five thousand Mexicans are marching on the town. Arrived arrived at -Several members of Congress have W ashington. FOREIGN. PARIS. The Paris correspondent of the New York Her ald, in a letter dated the 20th ult., says: The rain still pours in torrents, not only here, but all over France and Europe. The streets of Genoa were the beds of torrents' on the 14th; tje Arno overflowing a day or two before ; Havre and the vicinty were drenched on Sunday ; and as for us, we have been realizing the old couplet On driait que le del, qui se fond tout en eau, Veut inonder ces lieux d'un deluge nouv eau. Compiegne, I presume, escapes the showers. The court has been there for the last week ; and the old castle, which has been untenanted since Napoleon I. gave his last fete there in 1810, has been restored in pristine splendor. The imperial bedchamber is said to be a wonder of art ; quite equal to the nuptial chambers in your hotels. Be tween this fairy palace and the hois de Compeigne, the Emperor divides his time. I am enabled, thanks to the enterprise of the official journals, to give.you a more exact account of the performance in the latter than in the former retreat. The fol lowing is a correct list of the killed and wounded : 90 quails, 109 pheasants, 25 bucks, 3 foxes, 1 wolf, 2 wild bears, and 17 sparrows, -and other small birds. Twenty-three of the above fell by the hand of the Emperor, thirty-four had the honor of be ing missed by the imperial fow ling-piece. . Shoot ing, however, is not the only diversion of the court at Compeigne. A new set of court rules is being framed. Among others, I understand it has been decided that no one shall be received at the Tuil eries who is not noble, and that ladies shall be bound to wear the habit de cour, which Beranger has immortalized. What is to be done with for eigners, and especially American?, lias not trans pired. Mr. Sandford has not been invited to Com- pe gne, however, and your countrymen are in hourly dread of proscription. . Do not fancy that these amiable diversions pre sent the Emperor from exercising his customary vigilance over his beloved empire. Kussuth pop ped in upon us the other day, to put his children to school, it lssaid, but was warned off in double quick. time. W!iilP t.K abbpfl a few other suspected individuals : M. Michel Good- chaux, who was Minister of Finance in 1848 ; M. Charles Delecluzs, who filled the post of Prefect of the Department of the Nord at the same time, and has since acted as an emissary of Ledru Rol- hn; M.Charles de la Varenne, a man of letters, and the celebrated Maujin and his son, who are proprietors of the Pkare de la Foire newspaper. The example seems tn hava Unn ntnmmc Tn Lombardy, Count Sales and five other persons have been imprisoned, on suspicion.dn the castle of Mi lan. At Verenna twenty youths have been taken care of by the Austrian police. In the Tyrol, three poor fellows, uamed Calvi, Roberti, and Chinelli, who were depraved enough to wish to go to see their relations, have likewise been lodged in jail. In point of fact, the Italian governments have bet ter grounds for adopting stringent measures than Louis Napoleon. Ever since the Koszta affair the utmost excitement has prevailed throughout the north. On every wall in the large cities of Tus-" cany, the. following, or similar, words have been chalked by the people : "Vivav'il General Pierce! Viva V America ? Viva la Fraternita dei Popoli !" Rome is on the verge of an explosion. If the French army ever leave it,; the secret societies, which are known to be numerous and determined, will certainly break out, and it is more than prob able that; poor Pius IX. will be thrown overboard. You will be pleased to hear that the Council of State, having disposed of the Turkish question and other unimportant affairs, has set itself to work seriously to regulate matters of higher mo ment. Such is the Emperor's nose. Satisfactory evidence having been laid before the Council to prove that that august feature lias been misrepre sented by various evil intentioned persons, calling h;irnc-il 1-.0 rt.,K 1 .1 1 1 uicm.-n.-iti-a avuipion ami iuoueiiers, a decree was issued, ordering the immediate, destruction of all existing busts and casts, and forbidding the sale of any but those furnished by the Ministry of" the Interior. The new bust is said to resemble the Jupiter. Tonans about the brow, and the Appollo about the nose and mouth. Posterity is safe. Appropos of fine arts, Horace Vernet has dis covered a method of using olive oil in painting. Hitherto, as you are aware, painters have been un able to use olive oil, from its being too slow in drying. Horace has stuck a drawing plaster on his picture, and this imbibes tlie moisture, and seems to surmount the difficulty. General Var iant's 'portrait is being painted by this process. A novel sort of exhibition has been drawing crowds to the Palace de fa Bastille. A nigger figured as master, and a white man as clown; the latter being b iptised Uncle Tom and the fun con sisting in the energy with which the black man SiySi:i'l.iL(i-lL1iLllLet')inos5 wi'h which the whitejg ceived cuffs and kicks. Parisans laugh and pass on. E. F. G. Foreign Miscellany. A letter from Trebizond of the 2lst ult., states that the fortifications, tlie citadel, and all the works of defence of that place, haveju-t been armed in a very formidable manner, and that an attack from the Russians on. the side of the !!l.tck Sea was not to be feared. The squad ron which had beeu demanded f- the protection of the coast was every day expected from Constan- t.U-q le. The Turkish army, on tnat important point of Aia Minor, is in ex ellent condition, verv nunierou-, and we'd commanded. The Russian foices, on the contrary, are represented as interior in condition, and not numerous on the western frontier, being entirely concentrated in Georgia and Circassia. It was in order to demand rein forcements that the military governor of the Cau casian provinces, whose head-quarteis are at Tiflis, had lately sent one of the officers of his staff to Sl Petersburg. J?r Advice from Vienna, in the Post Ampt Gazette- ' of Frankfort, confirm the rumor that the Russian troops are moving up the Danube in great masses." The situation' 0!' the Christians who inhabit the Turkish towns is represented as becoming daily more critical ; the Albanians stationed at Rustjuck, who talk with great ardor of a war against the Russians, are suspected of contemplating piilage. The Congress of Protestant clergymen for all Germany, now assembled at Berlin, have drawn up among other resolutions the following : The church, recognized by the State, ou Jit not to have either the will or the power of restraining such of its members as may prefer, to separate from it, in order to form particular sects. The only weapon which should be used against dissenting parties is persuasion. The Archbishop of Cambrai, France, has issued instruction to the cures and other ecclesiastics of his diocese to refuse the rights :f sepulture to per sons "committing suicide, unless it were clearly proved that they labored under mental alienation ; also to habitual drunkards, who had lost their lives in consequence of that vice ; and lastly, to those persons who had neglected or refused to conform to the laws of the church, and had only gone through the civil rite 'of marriage. He also orders that no one shall be allowed to bold any subordi nate office in the church who does not bear an ir reproachable character, and that no one shall be employed as organist, singer, or musician, who shall perform at balls or other public places of amuse ment, aud that no young girl who frequents public dances shall be allowed to carry any statue, banner, or wax-lights at processions. . The newly born son of Don Miguel was baptised ou the 4th, in the chateau of Heubach. The cere mony was celebrated by the Portuguese Bishop of Guarda. The godfather was Don Carlos, Infant f Spain, who was represnted by the" Prince Charles Henry de Lopenstein-Wertheim Rosenberg. The chitf Received several names, ,the principal one be- ing Miguel. ? Among the officers commanding the Egytian contingent now at Varna, is one of Napoleon's ad jutants, Colonel Seves, who after the disastrous re treat from Russia, took service in Egypt, and having been distinguished by Mehemet Ali as a brave and capable officer, received the 1st regiment ef Egyp- tian Guards, became a Mussulman,; and took the name of Solimaa Bey. " POPACTIOS OF THE TURKISH EmPIRI. We are constantly told of twelve millions of Greeks domineered over by four millions of Turks. The proportions are not correctly given, eren if we confine ourselves to. European Turkey alone. In umaie are given the whole Greek popula tion, m all the dominions of the Sultan, whilst the Mussulman numbers are only those of Europe. xu idiesi authority upon the statistics of the pop- uiauon 01 the whole Turkish Empire is a work just published in Paris by A. Ubicini. He gives the numbers as follows ; " Religions. Europe. Mussulmans, 4,550,000 Asia. 12,650,000 3,000,000 260,000 80,000 Africa. 3,800,000 Greeks 10,000,000 Catholics.... 600,000 J ews 7f).ono Gipsies 80,000 From the Sandwich IsLANDS.-r-Highly impor tant intelligence from the Sandwich Islands has . been received at San Francisco. Dr. Judd has been removed from the office of Minister of Finance, and Elisha Jallen, late United States 'Consul ap pointed to his place. ' Very decided steps have been taken toward annexing ha Islands to the United States. The French and British Consult protested ,. to the King against such an act, aud the Ameri can Commissioners had replied to tlieir protest in a firm but dignified manner. This movement has caused the very greatest excitement on the Island. Fashionable Again. Necklaces, which have been so. long discarded by the fair sex; a Paris let ter says, have made their appearance in the estab lishments of the fashionable jewelers of Paris, and will be worn in all the high circles. Some are composed of strands of fine gold chains, formed into festoons by medallions of precious stones; others .are strings of jewels, connected by links of gold or enamel." Pretty fancy bracelets are of gold girn- pure, or Venice point, with pearls and corals. A Parisian Item. The worshippers in a Jewish chapel have sued a chocolate maker, next door, for the vibrations caused by his steam engine, of fif teen horse power. It seems 'that the 'jar positively threatens to bring down the wa Is of .the building, and it rentiers any prayer airdtnward retrospection out of the question. The chocolate man was or dered to stop the lacket of his nraelyne during cer tain hours, and certain days. If he damages the architecture of the temple, he will have to pay for it. Scarcity of Figs. Aceounts from the interior y in a letter from Smyrna, speaking of figs, says, tliat the falling off will be fully one-half, aud many be- lieve it will be still greater, as compared with last year. In consequence of these- advices, figs have advanced from. 40 to 50 jMgr cent., in the Bazaars since the first arrival of camels from the interior, and the price now ranges fully 100 per cent, high er for the Ijest. . ! MARRIED, In this city, 011 the 2d. inst., by the Rev. Drury Lacy, Mr. E. O. Macy to Miss A. L. Hardie. In the vicinity of this city, on the 2d. inst., by the Rev. Wm. E. Pell, Mr. Wm. E. Alley to Miss Martha KirkhOm. I DIED, In Johnston county, 011 Friday the 4th inst.,.Thaddens W. Leach, son of A. 'J. Leach, Esq , aged 2 years, 7 months and 9 days. ! THE LATEST MARKETS. WILMINGTON MARKET-Wholesale Prices. REPORTED EXPRESSLY TOR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLY TOST, By W. A, GWYER, Commission -Merchant, Ullmingto7i,, X. C. - November 7, 1853. ' Baton Stock ample, and market declining; Shoulders 8K 9c ; Middlings 94 ; Hams, 12. Beef Dull, Mess $I3 5 $14; Fulton Market half barrels 10. Butter Is in better sup ly, selling 23 25 cents. Candles Tallow 13 14c ; Adamantine 25 40. Coffee Rio 11 13c ; Laguaira;13 14c ; St. Domin go 11 12c. x Corn Stock light, and selling irom store at 80 cents. Cheese lie . I2)c. for prime quality. Cotton Has slightly improved, with quick sales at 9 94 cents. , Flour The receipts of Fayettevilfe are light, and meet a ready sale from wharf at $6 ; for Superfine ; $6 for fine, and $63, for cross. Fish Mullets $5 ; selling from store, at $6 $6J. Hay The receipts are of an inferior grade, and will not command usual price, EelJiug from store at 81,20. Lard Has declined, sales 1212c, Lime $1,15 per cargo ; selling from store at $1,25 81.37K- i Molasses Stock very light, 28c 30c. from store. Nails 5 5. Pork Marketidull ; Mess $19; Prime $17; N. C. mess $15. ' Rosin Stock limited and no large transactions ; $1,15, barrel large size. Rice No sales of rough ; clean from store at 4 5c. Salt Liverpool afloat $1,45 sack. .. Sugar Porto Rico 5 7c ; Granulated 6 9e. ; ixxti 10 gi lie i Tar Receipts very light, demand active at $2,15. Turpentine Since my last review the receipts have been light and the market advancing, there is unactive de mands, the market is firm with sales of all offering at $3,80, for virgin and yellow dip. Spirits Turpentine The receipts of this articlo are rapidly falling off; market quiet: Since the first of Novem ber spirits is sold, with the barrel included, as in ether mar kets, and our quotations are under the new arrangement. Sales at 62)4 64c. . 1 Respectfully yours, v. a. uvy 1 Cit.. PETERSBURG MARKET Wholesale Prices. REPORTED EXPRESSLY t OR THE SOUTHERN WEEKLY POST By Messrs. McILWAINE. SON & Co. Grocers ari Commission Merchants, j PETERSBURG. VA. November 8, 1853. ' Sides and shoulders 8 Bacon Demand moderate 9cents- . , , . Cotton Receipts moderate and a fair enquiry. Sales this week 9 9K- , Corn No sales of consequence. Held at higher . prices since the "Africa's" news. Coflee H & UK for Rio andLaguira ; Java 12 S 13; Flour Country $6 $7; City Mills $7 Groceries Generally firm. A fair trade doing. GuanoiSales on the spot at $50. Offered to arrive at $46$47. .' .. Iron Swedish $95 ; English $75 for the ordinary assort- . ments. . Lard In barrels and kegs 12g 13. Leather Damaged 11 16 ; good 17 20. Nails Prices advanced further. -t. Salt Market bare. Ground $1K ; fine . Sugars Active t an advance of , j. Tobacco Little offering. Prices firm J Wheat Sales of Red and White at $1,40 IL55, ter fair to prime qualities. MtLLWAINE, SON & Co. ft 1 ! -I r. I' 3