CAIA'fX II. wn-Hv, ) V F'A M J I Y NEWSPAPER-NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. EDITORS. T E R M S T W 01)0 LUARS PKIl ANNUM. Sct'otctr to all fljc interests of ioittj Cmolhm, fctttottoti, Sericulture, gTrtcrataw, $Xcm, tijc ittarfects, I Wi, III -NO. 2. R A LEIGH, X0RT1I CAROLINA, SATURDAY, DEC. 10, 1853. WHOLE Sd 106 rth- . tdiy bis oa our iirtg nod- m lid ; 11 ' SELECT POETRY THE PRAYER ON BUNKER HILL. BY MRS. SK;0"EXtT. I), lav; the battle of Bunker Hill, a venerable clergyman j. nijj u the field, with hands upraised, and pey head un f,,vtfu'l and, while the bullets whistled around hiiii, prayed fr.tln- success of his 'compatriots, and the deliv. ranee of his country. ' "' ; ateJ'drt'B--'--""' J HiL'h rose the battle cry, . ' And round in heavy "volume, spread The v;ii- cloud to the sky. "fwas.noi, as when in rival strength Contending nations meet, ' . Or love of conquest madly hurls A monarch from his seat. ' " . , Yet one was there, unused t tread The. path of mortal strife, . Who bntthe Saviour's, flock5 had fed . -'.'Beside the fount of life. ," He knelt where the black smoke wreatli'd His head was bowed and b:ire, While, for an infant hind, he breathed The agony of prayer. The column, red with early morn ( May tower o'er Bunkers height, And promptly tell a race unborn Their patriot fullers' might': Biit thou, O patriarch, old and grey, Thou prophet of the free. Who knelt among the dead that day, What fame shall rise to dice? . It is not meet that brass or -sf Which feels the touch of nine, Should keep the record of a faith! That woke thy deed suj.lime; We trace it-6n' a tablet faii Which glows when stars wa.vpale, A promise that the good man" prayer Snail with his d'od prevail.. SELECTED STORY. AFFECTION REWARDED ltY MvVY MARTIN". Mot lor, can vou see the spire just beyond that ;c i.J ci'iii f ft. 'is very nd the doctor Yesterday. lear nlvfii "wh'e're I It is not more than a mile '.farther, and if the carriage dues not jar you too 'i-n ucli; we ',wih ..go there first, and then proceed the robins have taken." Mn iteai- child, 1 suppose vou anticipate much . pleasure and happiues, but you know not the trouble which' awaits yo.u. on have urged me to come here to pass ihe rriHainier of "my. life. which'contident i tntt short, mat may re- jeoive meuicai assistance. u is t"o late" tor; a per h fnianeut cure : mv disease is too tar advanced to i ibe staved, by human" hand,- and 'when our little ... ' ? ;8tocTv ot money is exliau-t-'d what is to become ot us-aud- of yo:i ' w hen 1 'am gone I . A bis, I fear much sorrow, is in store for You., dear Alice." lv not look upon the dark side of the picture. mother, I camiotjtelicve you are past relief, but this is the oflice." 's As they alighted, from the carriage, the mother so feeble she ..could scarcely walk. Tiie exer- ti Mi. ha l been too nnn h f r her, and before she reached the door; she fainted. . l!.:it the gentle Aiice," where -wib she ?'. .There, hovering near" her mother, ' to hear the first word sj.uketl. . - As I r. 'Belmont raise. , , i the book i is eves.irom was reading, he si a :'e I with' surprise from- I clr; nr. He had tfioug it Iter pretty, but hail never. I deemed' h r so very beautiful h tiidh'dit 1 1 . .. . : " f nieli love iness in one so young; -too younir. tooJ v.Qimg tor due. A loud jeal of thunder aw oke Alice. siie was ; i . ,t: ; i I- i tI , .1 . ivii ptiod to see the vivid lijxlitnnii, and 1 1 ram p"uritie-'ii i-i 'i ts ' It continued to i ,'j j , ' ,i 'e ,, ' ram, and thoughts or the future burst upon the mind of Aiice. ' She had ht.eded j net the doctor,soi ihtent had she been with her i jown confused id.- is, until he "lK-reeive'd it was t flowing ,1-ttk. She then addressed him s'av'inc 'lie didn't kpow liow. her mother was to be remov '- I to her lo,l ri.,,rs ' ''. mi certainly 'must 11 t leave. Miss Lawrence it Would be en.l o gering your' mother's health." a 'at! morning, j Me ent' red the sick room. 'she st her mother had changed. - itran,r to ht-r I 1 lie. . ! " Alice, mvldear child m iv (io.l in He-.ven i i .1IIV.C, in. toe. u cnu.1, may itoii iu tleavc less you tor you f kindness to me. . When I ai fcmie. remember jo be a gnl as Vou have be ain v oeen Iux;ng my life, rhuembe,- Vour Heavenly Father! 1 V. may you beappy here, and hereafter "' j T'ne weening' Alice tell in.m. :i.' ..'i 1 rayed to God to spate herhnothe,-; if not to take lerto him. She arose calm and subdued. Not word was sjx.ken. Ihe- doctor an, I i .i. Vd on in silence, and Could but join in 'weepino- at tch a solemn scene. .1 ! 'Alice, dear, sing. to me that beautifurhvriin i Are we almost there, are we .almost there,' but irt read to me from the Bible." " She -lead with a firm, full Voice, and sanf so o f-etly that the" attendants were for a moment P"-!l-bound. , As the last note died away, the fiother 'ave one List farewell and then her snirit - -r.... I ura, uj over exertion, woiud sometirxies sietfi ; iie " " v uuncuiau icrenotu e l b her better liome. j down her checks, but then with all ber hardships j his charge, and seeing his head was gone, exclaim N"w. the last look has .been, given.- She to j there were some n1..c - t in : ed - Well ! these Illinoians are the alfiredest liars ! ftlOin she ellinrr clnivLlmr..! li, njutli tha rrroen - e ..,.v.. i.. j,... 'J- iSow q tUncA , f i .j: .,.i ;nxi.;i;,, f .f . . vi loueiiuess -nun iuahiihv iu y die debts which ehe had contracted, so wrought i upon Iter reelings, that she skhi became very ill. I It was iiian'v weeks ere she left the room. Reason I fled, mid for six long weeks did she struggle for lite.; at the expiration of that time, she began to ; improve. -. Days passed before she was able to walk or ride; when that time came, she called up- ; on the doctor to procure her a place in the' alms house. "No," said he, "you cannot lw removed until ott m-e entireTy recovereL'' " I beg of you, sir, to assist me in what I' have requested, as I am unacquainted here and know j not. to whom to apply for advice ; but trusting to j your kindness and good feelings, I placed implicit j confidence in you. Do not refuse me: I bave j contracted debts which it will be impossible to li- j qui date." Miss Law rence, if you ever expect td recover your health, you will not leave for the present ; and if you will receive it kindly, I will advance wfiat money you need, and ask you nothing for my services." '" I ani already very much indebted to you, and know not how you will ever be fully remunerated fir your kindness. I could not remain upon, the conditions vqu have mentioned, unless' you will in form me how soon I may leave with safety, and when I am able to pnware it, promise to receive our jtist compensation." Dr. "Belmont knew it would be of no use. to op- pose her, and' acceded to. her proposal. It was a j bitter thing ' her to be a dependant, hut there ap- j poa"cu to te no ;sad forebodings 1 poaVd to be no nhei native. Her sainted mother's ui(t roou aavice were uie subject of her thoughts. The Bible was her daily companion, and the counsel there was sweet indeed. She' rapidly improved and soon engaged board with atY-aged lady, to whom she had been recommended ' Alice found Mrs. 5 lay, with whom she now re side'1, to be a very pious woman an 1 a kind friend.' They both toiled hard. At the expiration of a year she was enabled to. her great satisfaction to hands- mely remunerate good 1 r. Belmont. lie .had met with her severalftimes since her illness, but not until now had she called at the office. She had grown much taller and increased if possible, in "loveliness. She appeared wholly unconscious of In-r charms, which rendered her doubly interesting. She had been seen in public but a vyry little until , a short time past, and the people were ail enquir ing out the lair creature with the chip hat and au birn curls. Their eager ciiriousity was not grati fied until she called at the doctor's office. ; One gentleman was present, who had hoard her described. ' Thii moment" she' entered he knew it was the far-famed beautv, whose unrivalled loveli ness was upon the lip of ali who had obtained a glimpse f her. Of the doctor he learned her his tory, her unceasing efforts tocontnbute to the hap piuess of her mother. But Alice knew nothing of thjir approbation. 'their warm commendations.. !f the almost fastidious clerks smiled whenever she entered the shops, she observed it not. - No idea of vanity occupied her mind. 1'ride was not a pre dominant feature in her character. But goodnos, perfect, goodness, . i.Ier late home had been a happy one, until death deprived her of heivgooTl friend Mrs. May. Then sorrow was again meted out to her. It seem ed as if she was now. without a home, thrust once more upon her own resources. She lost her former means- of maintenance, and could obtain no em-. p'oyment which would be agreeable, and finally, to. save herself from utter destitution, resorted to washing. She found a home with an old lady who ' - . . . J ; lollowed'the same occupation. Dr. lehnont to vhoin she had looked as. a father, she had not met ' 1 i- - 1 1 1 ' 1 . . ' O. 1 . 1 . l1jr Ulan montlis, anti now wneti sue waiKeu me lr.i-: aim inicci,l lii Litnllv- hrtw She misseil ; ' " ...-v - his occasional calls. He. often brought her some 1R'W l,ok, or rare flovver. He discovered in her in- 1 u: . ..l r i ir vi i finLnt'e oi a rare airee. iier miners ear y . j .oeatn auu their limited means had prevented her from attending school, but w hile her.mother's health - ' ''iained firm she received from her daily intruc- i tion. -vimi,.w uere was ur. xeiiuont an mis unie 5 rot .1 -1 1 i ti 1. . .i.i pi i i rv t i. a n .I..''. i -v- . Jit "ome, lmieeci ; ami cnu ne noi tniiiK 01. Her as she glided noiselessly over the paveraVent, with her j an offer of his hand and heart. He judged right in Id blue' eye raised so pleasantly U acknowledge ! ly. and the poet was promptly accepted. Salad his salutation. The most beautiful' Country scene- for the Solitary. ry, not even the sublimity and magnificence of i- agara could cause him to forget that face. He haT Tili- -in iiilrtiDi for lir from tli liairiiiinner rfif tlnair v ..v.... .. v. .v.. .. ,11111 ..I-. acquaintance; ana wny snoiuo ne not . 5 ,ai nrsi in . destitute circumstances, and hnally lett an orphan. a dependant upon his bounty. But no journeys. however long, would cause him to forget that sun- nT smile a,lli returning home after a long absence, he called at her former residence. I o ins great a- tonishmenf he found her removed, be knew riot whither. Some thought to,an adjoining town. ! There he repaired as soon as possible, but he could obmin no information respecting her. Keenly did be blame himself for leaving ber without a protec- tor in iIia. midst of a p-ret city with a crowd of O y beartless people.-- How did he know but she was even now beg 1 -o-m 1..-.V. t. Ja TT- itntimi- I v i. j l e!.a i Still uci oreau irom uoor to uwi. ; i '" warcil. inu xVllCe wucic naa 011 . sw... toiling on. no mnrmnrin.r no discontent, but a j gentle, submissive nirit Tme the tears forced' ! from l . ' . " , , . i lier ovictar.,. .l.': i i , . . . ., .oinrvr, "Dicu inn htenp I her' onward Datn. The. bo-k which Dr. Belnn.nt l.o.i i,, om source of much real happiness. Reflections upon their merits were exceedingly advantageous, and served to beguile rnanv a weary hour. She possessed talents which only needed culti- vation to shine forth with surpassing brilliancy. She strove to acquire what additional knowledge she could ob am in her few leisure moments and longed for an opportunity of obtaining a more complete education. The question, how and in ;i whjjt wajp this 1 ta accdMjpMsJredas-S SErb- jjectofmuch meditation. One day as she was rapidly passing down the street, she suddenly heard her name pronounced, and with an exe'amafion of surprise mingled with joy, she beheld Dr. Belmont, " Had you forgotten me, Miss Lawrence ? You were' not going to speak." j "Forgotten ytyu, sir; oh no, I could never do i that," she replied in 1nr usual artless manner, i "But where are you now residing;?" " But a few steps from here." "Then with your permission,'! will accompany you thither; but I Understood you had left the city." "That was incorrect, but- vou do not know sir, how much I have missed you your advice and judgment., and I was just thinking so intently upon it and my present need of it, that I did not observe vou." "Then it was only mv sage wisdom that vou desired," he replied rather mischievously. " What a pity that 1 am so unfortunate as to merit your approbation in ne other manner." A t pair of blue eyes peered wonderingly up to nun. "1 know of no compliment that ould be more flattering," said a iati'diiu"" voice. "But seriously, Mis Lawrence, what new pro ject have you now f "I was wishing for vour advice restucting a school, as I hope soon to be able to attend." "What have sou done with ail the books 1 left you, Euclid and Latin, to say nothing of the phi- I losophy, chemistry and botany ?" j . "I have been vain -enough to consider a 'longer attendance to those, branches a wotk of superero-' j gation. But here is my home, sir. You have, of j course, heard of the death of Mrs. May. Will vou ; ma come in' and see my new landlady ?" v Ktwe ved bis guide into a smalCand neat sitting-room. j Everything was in jerfect order. There upon the j iable were all the hooks and magazines carefully I arranged. A simple vase filled with fresh flowers'; : adorned the mantle-piece. How cheerful it seemed. 1 . The tea-kettle was putting over the blazing coal- : 'fire. The kitten jumping upon him as if to : welcome Alice's visitor. This was a homeqiicum ' t t .i i Tri , wnicii pist suile. tne taste ot tne. Uoctor. Jle long- - i ed for a fairy like the one hovering here, to beau ;...,. ... i r i Alice, do vou know I envy you vour otiiet, " - i "XW1 lo"K : ; -'What, you envy me, doctor, when you have a ! , . ' -' ! home so much nicer and handsomer, one so much ! ' ! better adapted to vour Uistes and pursuits V I ! . . 1 I "But you forget, Alice, that I too, am an or- ' ; . I phan. Do Vou not 'think I can sometimes feel II - i lonely, and lng fir a companion to cheer me - .. . i Would .yon be willing Alice, to be that friend ?" i - ' ' j The tiny hand was frankly extended, and Alice j -was the betrothed of one of Nature's noblemen, I Suffice it to say, that. Alice had her wish and at- tended a seminary of high reputation, and is now j the bride of Dr. Belmont, a very eminent physician in one of our southern cities The story of the marriage of Lamartine is one r . . . 'I'l 11 1 -1 j ot romantic interesc. i ne iaiy, wnose mauien i ,vi 1 tireh w , luKto.l rf r,iic!ilr;iKI a ! property, and w hen passed the bloom of youth, , y w..o.......s. I she became passionately enamoured of the poet, I lom LLie pein- oi ui--. .ucuiuhi'mw ,. lux suinc lime she nursed thi sentiment in secret, and being apprised of the embarrassed state of his af- j fairs, she wrote him, tendering him the bulk of I her fortune, louclied with tins remarkable proof of I i i A,...i.i l v. oer geueiosiLv, auu aup-pusiug it vuuiu ouiy i 11 . a L . i l causeo oy a preieiene -ior uimseii, ne at once maae -- : j A oheat man is one who, in some sense or other ' ..1.1- t, 1 1, i,-,.l.- ,..-.,ici.,r. K, I r, ,iuvyi.. m. ,,,111 j'o3c-5iV,u , uc ll( ,u uiciu- .-, , .. inent, in poetry, or in philosophy, tie is a bringer into life a builder, a creator, a planter, an invent or in some sort, a deer of that which nobody, then, besides himself, seemed willing or prepared to do. Now, it is very certain that the world re ally loses none of its possessions. A truth once known, is known forever. Simms. i A Great Liar. An Arkansas volunteer in the Mexican war, riding on horse-back, came across an Illinoian who was shot in the leg. The Ulinoian told him where he was wounded, and suggested to be taken up and conveyed out of danger. Ark ansas placed him on the saddle behind him, and fastened him to himself with a leather strap. While ' Hv wore hasten? tier from danger a (mma bnf , Q o t i ! took Illinois' head off"; but Arkansas thought be I had onlv fainted from fatigue and pain. When a i c una arnrJ ot'-fKa kJsK.,.rnnn .aUeI ! tt 1 t,Q ),agl r.fT ...1 1 ii.ere is itiM on u.-. ou, ueu us ium me he was only shot in the leg. You can't believe a word these fellows say.' MISCELLANEOUS ' PROFESSOR LIEBIG. 0ur principal object in Geissen, however, was to pay jour respects to Liebig, its celebrated professor of chemistry. We had sent in our cards, and 1. Tl n nr r nrnttiniv a Qrnt'ol ff tkn l,si, , i , , , f .. 4- . v about the town and obtained access to the library of the University, which contains two hundred thousand volumes. It is arranged in a large and handsome building, and we were attended by a very intelligent librarian, who spoke English flu ently. He made our brief visit interesting by leading us through the different departments of this large collection. The books are divided by subjects : theology, physics, mathematics, etc., be ing placed in Separate departments, which is ob viou? ly the most useful and convenient arrange ment. -We were amused for a moment bv seeing, near the library building, a peculiar kind of convex mirror. It was nothing more than a huge bottle of green glass, apparently a carboy, such as sui- phuric.acid is commonly put up in. It was secur- ed, with its mouth down, on the top of s post, and from its sides the landscapes ami houses were re- fleeted in elegant reduced pictures, cnangtng w.ith every change of position, of the observer. "These we observed to be very common in Geissen,. At. the door of Professor Liebig's lecture room we were detained a little bv the reluctance of the janitor, under orders not to admit any one after the lecture had begun ; but our Gorman attendant whom we had engaged at the inn, oW rcame his objections, and we were admitted. Professor Lie big, who was sitting and lecturing in his chair, per ceiving our entrance, gave us a pleasant smile of recognition anil welcome, and the young m.-u eour- j teotisly gave n- seats. Ile spoke about fifteen niin- utes after we entered. His pupils were very at i. tentive, and most, of thern were engaged in taking notes. Their appearance was very much like that of a imiiar collection of American students. The roqm was crowded, and, from its dimensions, it could not have contained over one hundred stu dent. The table was full of the usual accompa niments of a e.le'iHC;d lecture. Evervt hiixr wjmi Vftave beeniirprised at the small size of the lecture-rooms in several of the European Uuiver- "sities which we have visited, and at the small num ber of pupils who generally frequent them. In Heideiberg. for example, Professor Leon hard threw open, f r our inspection, the doors of his lecture- room, which was in his house, and contiguous'to his geological collection. Tlx; apartment had a ; rough appearance, and the benches .did not imply more than thirty pup lc ! 1 rotessor l.iep'gs manner ot lecturing is ca:m i . i : i i i i i i a 1 'ln,,,t ; 'ns V"1C'' s musical, and his fine, dark, 1 deep-set eve sparkles with a depth of intellectual j , r ,. . f , , . tI expressxm and lire indicative of high genius, lie ; i,, flj- , , ? .i , , . ; lias nothing ot the action and vehemence of some I r ,i , v . i i : of the 1 ariMan. professors, and, with a manner per- if,,.!,. .o..oi i , i . i . 1 I ie(.tly natural, he appeared to command entirely i 'tf.t; , t- i r 1T- i- , . i tne attention ot his audience. His subject w as 1,- ,.,i , , ., c -iV1 i morjinme, ami otiier a kaloids of opium. When j i i.,,,,,.. .,. i i i r i . j ins lectin e was finished Ire came immediately to j Us, gave us a very warm reception, and showed us j about his working laboratory. There are four i rooms, in two of which the workino- students are employed in their analytical labors. The tables exhibited every appearance of actual ,labor. They were full of chemical vessels and reagents, and; of ! course, in the disorder which necessarily attends ou the numerous operations in which many per- riM i n 1 sons are eugagea. me number ot worKing pu- ' Oils in this dftDJirf mrnt of tlio laKrotArr was from twenty to thirty". It being the hour of dinner, (at . , r . ... ....c.vv one o'ebek, as in New En rland,) there were only a few young men present, and they appeared to be employed as .private pupils ; but Professor Liebig told us that there were forty young men at work in another department, under an assistant teacher. Professor Liebig is a very pleasing man. In his person he is tall and genteel, and apparently about forty, or not much beyond that age. He is very affable and courteous; and as he speaks the En glish language perfectly, with only a slight Ger man accent, our interview was particularly inter esting and agreeable. He showed us some new chemical products, among which was cordein, which, in prosecution of his researches on the flesh-fluids, has been extracted from the heart of the ox. Cor dein crystallizes, and appears to be siniijar to su gar, having a swe.-t taste. Nitrogen does not en ter into its composition, which is the more remark able, especially for a principle extracted from mus cle.. Professor Liebig also called our attention to the result of a process for obtaining barberine from the bark or alburnum of the barberry ; it i a yel low crystalized substance. The expression in the published print of Profes- crwr T.ieblor IS VAfV Aiff&rant frstr-i Viat rC Vile crieak- e nBt vT ; a r . ing face. Ihe print is true to the form of features, , . Ana. nni e a but it does not give the lmDression of suavity and miTclness which he wears in conversation. It is, however, a common misfortune to men whose minds have been much exercised with thought, that the artist often catches the settled fixed expres sion, ia which intensity is easily mistaken for se verity. Professor Liebig expressed much regret, which we of course felt still more, that our interview must be so brief; but he was going to London, and we exchanged addresses, hoping to meet again in that city. To our errnest invitation that he would visit the United States and lecture in our institutions, he gave no encouragement, expressing great reluctance to speak in a foreign language ; and when we nam ed Professor Agassi z as an example of great success in the United States, he added that he had a peculiar facility in acquiring a foreign language. j A at tonal Mogazme. THE LATT" DP. TTTTn'W Frotnjin imperishable memorial of this pioneer American missionary, in two volumes, by the liev. Dr. Wayland, assisted by Mrs. Judson, we give the closing passage, admirably combining strength, and beauty. history, "Such was the man who is known throughout the East as the apostle of Burmah. He went forth alone, trusting simply in the promise of 'God, and buried himself in the. thickest darkness of Budd- I hisin, until " righteousness; came forth as brightness, and salvation as a lamp that burnetii." Crucified ; to evert desire.for human applause, God h is given ! I'1"1 a name that is spoken with affectionate fjrver- j by every household in Christendom. Driven j with indignity from British India he lived to re- ceive the thanks of the governor genernl in council j for the services which he had rendered to the gt)v- eminent. That his motives might be purified from : any trace of ambition, he destroy! every line . within his .power that might minister to i.osthu mous fame and God has -indelibly in-crib. d his name on. every tablet of the future history of Bur inah. lie left behind him ali that he lo ed in his native land, and only asked as his reward, that he might, gather a church wf a hundred members from the woisidppeis of Gaudama, and see the Bible translated into t: -ir language. All this and more than this was granted, and the Karens aio were g.veii to him, a people of w hose existence no Chris tian had heard, win. in he beheld by thousands flocking to the standard of the cross. He asked tnat he might redeem a few immortal souls from eternal death, and it was granted to him to lav the foundations of Christian civilization for an empire. ; W hen the kingdoms of theworId shall become ; the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ; when ( every pagoda shall have been levelled, and every ; hil!-!op from the Bay of Bengal to the foot of the iljj.nala0 sJial). bi-rvywid witL unphr to Jcho j vah ; when the landscape shall be thickly studded j with schools, scattering broadcast the seeds of hu man knowledge; when" law shall 'nave spread the shield of its protection over the lowly and the most exalted; when civil and religious liberty shall be the birthright of every Burman, then will the spot where stood the prison of Oiuig-pen-la be con secrated ground ; thither will pilgrims resort, to do honor to the name of their benefactor; and moth ers, as they teach their children to pray to the e.ernal : God. will ' remind them of the atheism of thefr forefathers, and repeat to them the story of the life : and labors of Adoniram Judson. Such honor doth God bestow upon f'oly, humble, self -denying, and long-aujfi rhiq love.'"' Keei' oi:k Sons Employed. Let plav be but their occasional privilege, and they will enjoy it far more highly. Employ them in the gardenif you have one. as work is not play. (Jive them daily and regular duties about the house. It will do them no harm to perform humble service. It will help you, an 1 help them still, more to have them bring wood or coal, to scour the knives, to make their own room ir. order. You may thus render th in highly useful, and greatly contribute 1 to their future welfare. Louis Phillippe, the forrn- j er King of France, was, in childhood and early : youth, required to wait, upon himself in the hum- i LI. Xl r . . ! ! . 1 . ' . .1 . . I . j. oie onices, 11 was inrougn ims cuuure mai. ne i Wis trailierl MM one ot flic motif remarkable men of j the present age ..r . The latest discovery of the excavators of Pom- j peii is a group of skeletons in the act of flight, ac companied by a dog. There are three human be ings, one of them 4a young girl," with gold rings and jewels still on her fingers. The fugitives had ! hags of gold and -silver w ith them, snatched up, no doubt in haste and darkness. But the firey flood was on their track ; and vain their wealth, their flight, the age of one, the youth of the other. The burning lava rolled above them and beyond ; and the faithful dog turned; back to share the for tune of his mistress dying at her side. Seen by the light of such an incident, how vividly that night of horrors looms upon the sense. An editor lately had his wallet abstracted by a pickpocket at one of our State Fairs ; but contain ing nothing more than the usual currency of the fraternity, it was returned with the following note enclosed : " You raiserabil feller, hears your pocket book. I dont keep no sich trash. For a man dressed as well as you was to go round with a wallit with j' nothin in it but a lot of nusepaper scraps, a ivery tooth comb, too nusepaper stamps and a pass from , ' .rr r .r a raleroad directur, is a contempterable imposition i . . . ' r on the public. As yore an edlter, I return yore trash. I never robs any but gentlemen.j ONCE ALL THE TIME. You ask me, love, how many times I think of you a day, I frankly answer only once, And "mean just what I say. You seem perplexed, and somewhat hurt, Bat wait and hear the rhyme ; Pray how can one do more than once, Wkat cne does all the tim ? A SPLENDID DESCRIPTION. One Paul Denton, a Methodist preVelWin Tex as, advertised a barbecue, with better jliquor tuau usually furnished. When the people Were assem bled, a desperado in the crowd, cried otjt " Mr. Paul Denton, your reverence jhas lied. Vou promised us not oulv a good barbecue,, but i" - j.,i'?rt.-i -C-w-i .t?ik- " There," answered the missionary, in tones of wu..ui, ano. pointing bis motionless lWer at the matchless dUble spring, gushing up irt two strong columns, with. a sound like a shout of joy from the bosom of the earth. There," he replied, with a look terrible as the lightning, while hs enemy ac tually trembled on his feet, " There is! the .liquor which God the eternal, brews for all IjW children. Not in the simmeringstilIover smoky fires, choked with poisonous gases, and surroundeU with the stench of sickening odors and rank (jorruptions, doth your Father in Heaven prepare the precious essence of life, the pure cold water. '; But in the green glade and grassy deli, where tljie red d--er wanders and the child loves to play there God brews it; and down, low down in the ueepest val ioys.where the fountain murmurs; up n the tall tops, w here the naked granite glitters like gold in ihe sun, where the sformsi crash, and away, far out on tl" wide, wide seal where tl hurricane howls uitisi.-, ;Uid the hi'-' wat- roar the i chorus, sweenin ' the march of God iCeOlllir the march ot Go. i there he brews it, that beverage of life, health ivin water. And everywhere it is a thing of i-aut in the dew-drop, singing in the summer learning air, sinning in tne ice gem. tin tlie trees all see! li turned to living jewels, spreading a, golden veil over the set ting sun, or a w hite gau'z around flje midnight moon ; sporting in the cataract : sh-ehing in the glacier: dancing in the hail shower folding its bright snow curtains softly about the wjinti v world, au I weaving the nisnv colored in tjiat serapl zone of the sky, whose, warp is the i earth, whose wool is the sun-oeajn of checkered over with celestial lloweis, iv hand of refraction. ain drop of lieav.-n, all tiie mystic ... . : l l . i . . r i t , i f oii.i always is n neatiuiiir mat taesea lite wa- i iiii i i - L - . . ter . iio poisoii-hubhles on its orn.K ; its foam nnngs not madness aiid murder; no blood stains it li quid glass ; pale widow-, and t$rvitlg .jirphatm weep not burning tears in its depth i no drunk- ard's shrieking ghot from the grave words of et rnal despair? Speak out, would you'exchange it for the .lemon curses u in my friends, iliiiik, al- colioi A shout ' No !' " ike the roar of a letnjiest an swere Good Cocnskl. The accompanying anecdote j is related of the Hon. Jeremiah Masoji, of X. II., j am I the cae is mouth : -an id to 1 iave occurrc il at Ports- . There is a well known custom prevailing in our criminal court , assigning counsel tosnj:h prisoners as have none to. defend them. On oie occasion, the court finding a man accused of theijt, and with out counsel, said to a wag of a lawy r w ho was present " Mr. please withdraw with the prisoner, confer with him, and give himjsuch coun sel as may be best for his interests." The lawyer and client withdrew ; and in fifteen ininutes the lawyer returned into court alone. " Wfhere is the prisoner ?" asked the couit. He has gone ; vour honor told me to give him the best advice I could for his interest ; and as ! lie said he wjas guilty I thought the best advice I could give Shim was to 'cut and run,' which he took at once. Mas. Howard's Spending MqEY. i-The benev olent John Howard, well known for his philan thropy, especially his attention to prisoners, having settled his accounts at the close of a particular year, and found a balance in hi favor, proposed to his wife to make use of it in a journey to London, or in any other excursion she chose. " What a pretty cottage for a poor family it would build !" was the answer. This charitable hint met his! cordial ap probation and the money was laid out accordingly. i i There is philosophy in the remark, that " every j raan na8 jn his own life fbhie3 enough fin his own I mind, trouble enough in the performance of his duties deficiencies enough in ais own fortunes evils enough without being curious' after the af fairs of others. Lycurgus being asked why he who in other re spects appeared to be so zealous for the ejqual rights of men, did not make his government cal rather than oligarchical. "Go you" legislator, " and try a democracy in house." democrati- replied the your own Love one human being purely and warmly, and you will love all. The heart in this heaven, like the wandering sun, sees nothing, fromj drop to the ocean, but a mirror whicq it warms and fills. Jean Paul: There is a town in Arkansas, containing but six inhabitants, viz : aerippled negro, ajackaiss.a quack doctor, a buzzard, a polecat and an alligator There was a population of seven until the postmaster ab squatulated. A genius down east has invented a spyglass of wonderful Dowers. He said ne looKeoi . i i 1 it through it at a third cousin, and it brought hinr hearer than any of bis brothers. relatively Mrs. Partington says that because dancing gils are stars it is no reason why they should be r garded a heavenly bodie. , : ' .. . ..t . v F A i i if