L Y TO ST . S OUT 10 CONTRIBUTIONS.- METROPOLITAN CORRESPONDENCE. . LETTER XXVIII. New York, Dec. 10, 1853. Irresolution of Winter Coincidence Philadelphia Antithe. teg A Bay's journey Choice of routes to Quake rdom Camden and Amhoy Railway Courtesy ry Hts Officer Ho tels Contrast lettceen Xew York and its Xeiqhbour Pa geantry of Gotham Fire ! Fire! ! Fire !! .'Destruction ' of Harper f- Brother's great Bool-House Xature of the LosCwiS(ouencesAnticipatwns Burning of an histori cal nviitiQiXaoUon at St. Helena tb Sir Hudson Zwe . Bum n's hook on America. Mr Dear Post : .This is as bright a December day as ever j beamed upon our planet, and imparts any thin or else than a wintry aspect to the metrop olis. As I have before intimated, winter seems to nave come amontr us in a vorv irresolute mood, now inclined to assert his sovereignty, and anon seem ing to toy with the brown but lovely autumn who hangs coquetishly about his neck, even as he is said sometimes to 'linger in the lap of Spring." iv niijuL nuiry ui snuw auu some cooi, over-cuaiy days are, all the demonstrations he has -et made. a ,.!:,.!. fl.J e j i in hunting ip coincidences among the memoirs of long ago, nd they will tell you after the usual weather-wise salutations that "this is just such a season as we had in '24 "or perhaps, that they " do not remember another such a December in thirty years." At all events, il is fair to conclude V.ot ,. ....,..1.1.1 l. .... 1 T 1. ...... ..!,.,! - men, tins o i iriuai kilic muuiii, iiiiu i jiave an f ftuy drawn a red line around it in mv ' Family Al manac", j Th ave been to Philadelphia since I wrote to vou last to the city of angles and squares of red brick walls and white shutters.; aud io complete the antithesis of brotherly love and firemen's brawls. A trij) to our sister citv is quite a diver tisemeut.. We can do it in a verv short time go ing if we please in the morning," after 'a reasonably late breakfast, and spending four hours there, be home again in time for evening calls. Five or six times a day, by steamboat and railway together, the tide of travel flows and ebbs between the two cities, and every time a large number of passengers are carried along with it. ne wondeis, reasona bly, as he enters the' crowded ears at Jersey Citv, or the .-elegant Steamboat, John Potter, at her New orL- vnrirt lie the wi'iit u-r f:iir i.r t,nl ;itwl L. I - . . . . I- ! the -hour what it may to see such a large numbej; j . of people always on the wing. No wonder that foreigners rail us a. migratory people, and say that.! we live either upon the highways or in hotels'. We j are certainly a nation of travellers, at home' every where and never at home 1 j When the choice is left tome of the two great routes to Philadelphia," 1 -prefer that by South Am- J hoy. .Thus it was I went on Wednesday, taking ! the steamboat before named at L' o'clock. The romiortaoie lounges ot its cabins -are more seduc tive than the 'cribbed' chairs of the railway car triage, and for' two hours oncinav quietly "doze or still more pleasantly beguile the time with a new book, such for example, as " Charles Anchester" with its fascinating revelations of musical nature and soul, or " Merkland " with, its rare - and lofty exemplification of ' self-sacrifice for the sake of a pure and true friendship. At South Ambov, a mere wharf and station, we took the elegant cars ! of -the Camden :'.nd Amhoy railway, and were' sootrj rdidinr swiftly oyer the unattractive plains of New i Jersey. : I know'of no raitway in the country let j me say, tn ussnit. :au the remark is equally ap- - 1 11,1 ' 1 .' ! 1 . i rvln.ii l.l.i tint. LTii'lTiiriit'if .miL.ti,, ...t . . - i where the passenger mav depend upon all the offi cers for more courtesy cheerfully and promptly i -i,.-.-n t,,n,v,n tl rs,,.U A,,, ..,.! ! I know-it is sui'ietinn s decried as "a monopoly :" 'hut -I'smcerelv wish that tlu- term properly implied T no more reproach than 7 can bring against the Company in question. They do what they under take to do well, and subject the traveller to fewer experiences of the mischances of the road" than any other company I can name. t reached Philadelphia, crossing the Delaware at Camden by a .-team, feny soon after the lamj: I rek )S 1 Were uguieu., aim iuuk up 1111 iju.uit i,iis i ii;ivs . 1: .! .; .1 . ,. .. . t do malgro the seductions of new hotels--at the 'comfortable, quiet and central ' Washington IIous. After toast and tea I took a walk up Chestnut Street, and although the eighth hour had not yet sounded' , f 1I1IV. Y 1 .1" , turee or lour ..quicks on iy liuei veneumy notei ana a region of-quiet that I venture to say, could not be. paralleled anv where w ithin the four-mile ran re ; of our lroadwav at the same hour. Turning out of the grand promenade of the Quaker City into Broad Street that divides the city proper from the Schuylkill town, I passed a new and brilliant ly gas-lighted house bearing the name of La Pierre: a handsome, aristocratic, up-town hotel. I telt, lit every step, tue contrast 01 ew 1 one ana . Tl M." 1 ! l.:. r.i'.tn.lt .oil,- f..t xnn A .-,1- ribed. The whole of my observations and expe riences during the next day, amid the veriest 'bu siness and bustle' of the town, in.no wise altered my impressions. We certainly do make ten times as much show and noise in New York, as our quaker cousins do in Philadelphia, andi. as one of the most enterprising of their opulent .merchants remarked to me one day in Broadway, Hhe mere pageantry of Gotham would require ail the wealth of its quieter neighbor to rival.' I do not intimate,, iu these observations, the idea that Philadelphia is behind ew York in substantiality and comfort. Doubtless her enterprise- rest upon quite as firm - . . bases,as those of the Metropolis, and within her less ostentatious and palatial homes, neither the social pleasures, nor th refinements of , luxurious : tate are a whit less abundant than those of our own city. New York is the queenly, magnificent Defearraved in velvets, "ind decked with dia monds Philadelphia is the more, retiring maiden, content with, a drapery of delicate silk and a set of pearls! ' I was startled in the very midst of the preced ing paragraphs by a rumor ot a terrible hre in the lower part of the city, and the rapid and long pro ; tracted clangor of the bells ' " Too much horrified to speak, They can only shriek, shriek, : Out of tune " assured me that; a more than ordinary conflagra tion Was raging. Too much indisnosed to ffo out aod afcertain the nature ud location of 'the fire, I waited somewhat impatiently the arrival of news, which was' speedily brought in an extraof the 'Times' newspaper, and by the lips of messengers from the scene of disaster. I can scarcely express the sense of regret with which I learned . that the vast and spl ndid booS establishment of Harper fc Brothers . was burned to the ground! . If my first impulse was to sympathize with the enterprising owners in their fearful loss, it wa3 quickly changed into a deeper and painful sense of the wide spread; snffering which must result to the thousand opera tives, dependant upon the great proprietors for that employment by th$ fruits of which alone they sub sisted in comfort, jl could scarcely believe the sad story, that two short hours had sufficed for the fire demon to devastate the grandest book manufacto ry in thvj New World, that all suddenly millions of volumes had been consumed, more than a score of presses stopped and destroyed, innumerable forms of type and engravings melted into shapeless mass es, of metal, the busy hands of hundreds of prin ters, folders, binders, finishers; packers, scribes and porters paralyzed, and perhaps not less than a mil lion of dollars, in one single establishment,, utterly and immediately consumed. I confess to a con tinued feeling of disquiet in view of this fearful conflagratiorv&ver since my after-dinner coffee. I trust that the extensive vaults of the establishment, with their tens of .thousands of plates are intact, and that the ruin above5 ground will 'not be aggravated by destruction below. The January number of the Magazine-was probably nearly all printed and in the hands of the binders, while the forms were still upon the presses, all involved in the common destruction. Among the numerous books nearly ready for publication, and of whish, perhaps, not a vestige now remains, was Kane's Arctic Expedition, a work upon whish a great deal of labor and money has been expended. " I remember that- only a few days since oneof ti e members of the firm informed me that they had in readiness and in advanced stgges of preparation at least twenty "new books. Some of these are expensively illustrated works, and a still greater number in hand. It is proba ble that the plates and several printed sheets of the February number of the Magazine are also in voled in the common destruction. Writing, as I do, while the ruins of this gigan tic establishment are still blazing and smouldering and before any of the details of the destruction are known to the public, I cannot clearly indi ' i - '.1 caTetllO iccialities of the - dismal 'affair. The generalities, however, are gloomy enough. Men, women, boys and girls how many . hundreds in alt I know not thrown out of work just when winter is. coming-upon us . "like an armed man," with all his terrors of ice and snow. The most in- defatigable exertions, directed by indomitable en ergy and urged 041 by ample wealth, cannot sud denly rebuild that acre of blackened ruins, and re store to its innumerable departments, the applian ces" of busy labor. When even that is done, how long must the presses groan with ceaseless toil to reduplicate the millions of books just consum ed ! I have faith in the men who controlled this wonderful enginery of literature, that they will do all that can be done to restore the. waste places but there must be, for weeks and months vet to come, a great chasm in the. book-world and great disturbance, in many a home, that was lighted and warmed by the toils- so fearfully interrupted. T mav add to mv expression of faith in the-energy of the great publishers a conviction f their abounding generosity too which will devise lib eral things for those- who will feel the great ca lamity more painfully than they can possibly do. You will see from the telegraph h and extra" reports, that the fire not only destroyed the Ilar- " Frs' an,i rtedgej- establishments .up.' m one side of Pearl .Street, but extended across t h aivet tp the old "Walton House" which' was soon wrap- H' in n:tines '"id injured l'yoiid repair at least so tar as its ininviuiialitv is concerned -an. this was all it .oast. It was built in the- English ba ronial stvle more than a century ago. It was the home of Sir Cuv Carlton during the RevolutionaCv War. and has remained ever since a time-honored land-mark f the Past. Its destructi on is justly lamented by those who have any reverence for 1 I I : t niMon . I have allowed myself to be beguiled from the subject which 1 designed to take up in this letter, aud it is fortunately one of those topics which do not .spoil by being kept in reserve. I have been reading with attention and interest the past week, a work entitled " Xapohon-'at St. Hekn i, from the Letters and Journals of Sir Hudson fJoice?': I need hardly sav that it tells a very different story from Montholon's Captivity, of Napoleon and Meara's Voice from St. Helena. It is indeed u the other side of the question." The work is edited by M. Forsyth, an acute and learn ed lawyer, who has brought all his professional skill to the task he has undertaken. I think that every reader who compares the testimony on both sides,, will be compelled to believe that the truth lies be tween the disputants, but certainly much nearer j A New Comet. Another comet was discover to the English party than to that of die imperial ' ed last evening by Mr. Robert Van Arsdale of this exile. Sir Hudson Lowe lacked none of the ele- city, in the constellation of Cassiopea, which is mente of a successful general, but lie appears to nearly in the zenith : its approximate declination have been deficient in that loftiness of soul and al- j and right ascension at six o'clock fifty minutes, sS in that undetinabb? tact which were essential in i mean time, was North dec, CO der iom; tire governor of such a man as Napoleon Bona- Right ascen. 2 hours 5 min., it came to the merid parte a caged lion, fretting at his'' fate, ami too ian at nine o'clock forty-eight min., decl. "60 dec eager to find fault with his keeper. I do not sup- j Right ascen., 3 hours 7 min. It is of a small' pose that any man could have pleased the captive, round, bright appearance, with an exceedingly but others might have less signally failed to do so ! rapid motion in a direction apparently opposite to than Sir Hudson Lowe: The book willoccupy an j that of the sun. After only a short observation it important place intne already extensive Napoleonic library. My return journey from Philadelphia afforded ij .1 ... me an opportunity to run through Alfred Bunn's new book on America, just published by Hart of Philadelphia. It is a bold, dashing, and I mav say vulgar book, well adapted to please the tastes of the unfortunately numerous readers of the ki Sunday papers ;" those reckless and insolent de famers of religion and virtue and'benevolence, and ready panderers to the depraved tastes' of the vic ious. "What is true in Bunn's book is scarcely worth the trouble of searching out amid the mass of nonsense and rhadomontade which forms its staple. I have extended this letter to ah unusual length, for which I must offer the stereotyped excuse of " a great press of matter.' Yours ever, OOSMOS. For the Southern Wekly Po Translated from the Frekch of Boukdaue. By Miss M. E. C. NEGLECT OF THE POOR. ' How many poor are forgotten ; how many le without succour and without assistance ! Forgetful ness so much the more deplorable, as on the part of the rich it is voluntary, and consequently crimi nal. I will explain ; how many unfortunate per sons reduced to the utmost rigours of povertyand whom we do not relieve, because we neither know, nor wish te know them ! If the extremity of their want was felt,-we would manifest for them, if not charity, at least humanity. At the sight of their misery we should blush at our excesses, be ashamed of our delicacies, and should reproach ourselves with our foolish expenses, justly considering them as crimes. But because we are ignorant of what they suffer, and do not wish to be instructed therein, because we do not wish to hear them spoken of, removing them far from our presence, we think ourselves guiltless in forgetting them ; and however great their evils may be, we become insensible to them. How many truly poor whom we reject as if they were not so, without taking or wishing to take the trouble to discover their real condition! How many poor whose groanings- are too feeble t reh us, 'and whom we do not wish to draw near, thereby making it our duty to listen to them ! How many abandoned poor ! How many desolate in prisons ! How many languishing in hospitals ! How many ashamed of their condition in private families! Among those whom we know to be poor, and of whose sad state we can be neither ignorant nor for getful! How many are neglected! How many are harshly treated, how many want for everything, whilst the rich live in abundance, luxury and ease. If there was no final juegment, this is what would be called the scandal of Providence the patience of the poor outraged by the harshness or insensi bility of the rich. For the Southern Weekly Post. A PARALLEL. When the skilful architect takes from the quarry the ryugh shapeless blocks of marble, gives to them form, polish and comeliness, and by his art rears the beautiful temple, with its strong col umns, its massive pillars, its symmetrical domes and lofty spires, filling the eye witli stately mag nificence, and presents to his country this offering of genius, we feel that right worthilv does he merit the, praises of that country. But to the intellectual architect, who takes the infantile mind in blank find thoughtless state, and makes the impress of his own mind thereon : who " rears the lender j thought;" "teaches the young idea how to shoot;" J fixes the generous purpose and high resolve in the j glowing breast ; draws out and educates the facul j ties of that mind ; pruning iis redundancies; poi-jishing-its asperities, and presents to his country j the cultivated' human intellect, in ali iis symmetri cal beauty and loveliness, in ail its mighty power and tremendous influence for good, we feel at once that to this latter belongs a far higher, a far nobler meed ol praise. The one is a temple of marble, and must perish under the ruthless tooth of time, the other is a temple of the immortal spirit and the mind, and will still echo the .praises of Cod and its benefactors, when the locks of eternity it self, shall be hoary with age. T. II. P. MISCELLANEOUS. Soi.au Kci iesE in 1854. On Friday, the 26th of May next, t here will be an eclipse of the sun, which will be more or less visible in all parts of the Uni ted States and Canada, and in a portion of both will be annular. Its commencement in the cityof Washington will be at 4h. 20m. in the afternoon, its greatest obscuraiim at oh. 18m., and its end at Oh. 27m. As the apparent diameter of the moon will be ,a little less than the sun, the eclipse cannot be total anywhere. The Christian Almanac says: ''The ring will be only about one third of a difit wide, and will be visible only in the .vicinity where l)t central eclipse passes. The eclipse is central in longitude 3 53 west of Greenwich, lat itude 44 14 north, and in longitude 04 35 west, ; latitude 41' 10 north. Iy finding these positions upon h map, and drawing a line from one to the other, the towns and countries through which the central eclipse passes will be' readily discovered. .The path of the annular eclipse will be about one . hundred miles wide, and extend about fifty miles ! each side of the lines we have described. The an nular eclipse will move about one hundred miles per minute. The first time this eclipse ever occur red was in, 1813, July 2d; since then it has return ed thirty-one times, including its return next year. It occurred in April, 1815, in May 1818, and in May 1836. It will return again in June 1872. Its last return will be in the year 2593, August 17th. The next solar eclipse that will attract much attention in this country will be in 1858 March 15th. changed its place very perceptibly. No record of this heavenly visiter is known to have been nrevi- ous,v raaJe- II is apparent to the naked eve ! 'HT" T T-v . . J Newark Daily Advertiser, Nov. 26." -fc. Tlv Hiffiprpnt nntinnc ,i ., . . J " 'j uay in me week is , set apart for public worship : Sunday by the j Christian ; Monday by the Greeks ; Tuesday by the j Persians ; Wednesday by the Assyrians; Thurs day by the Egyptians; Friday by the' Turks ; j Saturday by the Jews. Add to this the diurnal j revolution, and it is apparent that every moment is ounaay somewnere. It matters not what a man loses, if he saves his soul ; but if he loses his soul, it matters not what he saves. . A wag recently appended to the list of market .regulations in Cincinnati, "No whistling near the eu&age stalls." THE mast EDITED BY CALVIN H. WILEY, WILLIAM D. COOKE, LYTT ELTON WADDELL, Jb- RAhIGH, DEC. 17, 1853. Terms TWO DOLLARS PEE ANNUM, in Advance. CLUB PRICES: $5 full price, ....12 - ".'.V20 " Three Copies, . . . Eight Copies, . . . Ten Copies, . .-. .. Twenty Copies, . . ..$6, ., 16, ..20, ,:40. (Payment in all cases in advance., 55 Where a club of eight, ten or twenty copies is sent, the person making up the club will be entitled to a copy extra All articles of a Literary character may be addressed " Editors of the Southern Weekly Post.Raleigh, N.O. Busi ness letters, notices, advertisements, remittances, &c, &c, should be addressed to W. D. Cooke. ' 55" Postmasters are authorized to act as Agents lor the Southern Weekly Post. WILLIAM t. COOKE. Proprietor. Mr. H. P. Dodthit is our authorized agent for the State of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. i POLITICS The great seething caldron of party politics, is again in active ebullition, generating its usual excess of steam and stench. All eyes are turning with curi osity and interest towards Washington, to see what issues are to become the prominent topies of discus sion, and what men are to "lead the various factions in their hostile nianceuvers. There is visible in the me tropolis, ah exciting activity, and perhaps no city of its size in the world, ever witnessed so much intrigu and corruption. The spirit of political speculation, infects the surrounding atmosphere, and pervades the length and breadth of the land. The people are on the qui vice, and every little village tavern or grogge ry, is the scene of animated debate upon the relative merits of the two parties, where tipsy patriotism bel ches forth its anathemas against one or tlye other, and huzzas for a cause, in the benefits of which it never can participate, and whose merits it cannot compre hend. It is the misfortune of our country that its political controversies-are conducted with so much heat and passion, o much duplicity and jugglery, whilst calm investigation and independent thought are unscrupu lously sacrificed fr the sake of a party triumph. Mul titudes seem to look upon these contests much as they would upon a horse race or a prize fight, in which the parts and powers of the combatants are the engross ing themes of controversy, and where the great prin ciples of truth and rigH are, of course, out of the question. It is truly mortifying to observe how little feeling of patriotism is manifested in,, these exciting contests for power. Party ties are the influences that control almost all our active politicians, and party success seems to be the one great object for which so many volumes of gaseous eloquence are yearly ex pended. It is now a matter of history that neither of the two great parties has been willing to stake its success upon the patriotic enthusiasm of the people. Both of them have enjoyed a brilliant opportunity of doing sn within a few years past. By cutting loose from sectional ultraism of every description, and planting itself unequivocally upon the integrity of the constitution and the Union, either one of them might have entitled itself to the lasting confidence and gra titude of the people. The reason they have not done so, is clearly because the leading politicians have not had sufficient confidence in the majority of the people. They apprehended defeat at the polls, and therefore chose to conciliate the favor of opposite factions, rath er than expose the fortunes of iheir respective parties to the doubtful patriotism of the country. It is very probable, indeed, that corrupt and unprin cipled coalitions are necessary to success in the pre sent condition of the public mind. The enthusiasm f.f the people for parties, has been enlisted by every method which human ingenuity could devise, whilst the sentiment of cordial patriotism has been little cultivated or cherished. The pride of the people has been to exagerate the merits of sectional differences and peculiarities, and to forget those great national ideas which are common to all, and ought to main:aii a constant supremacy in every American breast. But whose fault is it that the popular mind has been thus diverted from i:s legitimate channels ? The party po litical chtefs are, in our judgment, the conscious and responsible authors of this lamentable perversion of national habit?, and will have some day to suffer a heavy retribution for the dangers in which they have involved their country. The only remedy that we can discover for the evil to which we have adverted, is in the hands of the people themselves. They must come to adopt a se cond Declaration of Independence of party influence and intrigue. Wc would not . obliterate all party lines, but we would have the people to think more freely for themselves, and not allow a momentary en thusiasm for this orthat candidate, or for this or that little question of temporary expediency, to cause them to forget the value of their relations to this great Re publican Confederacy, which is at once the admiration and the hope of the world. The name of an Ameri can citizen is a prouder and far nobler title than Whig or Democrat, or any other party designation. Both of these parties might dissolve to-morrow, and leave the great temple of our liberties standing as securely as ever, in all its glorious majesty and splendor. Only let the people resolve to think for themselves and take care not to confound great questions with trifles, mountains with mole hills, and whatever may become of the present organization of parties, the Union and its blessings may still be preserved. COURTESY OF THE PRESS. We are not very much inclined to complain of little oversights which occasionally appear in our exchanges, by which the materials fnrnishqgl in our editorial col umns are appropriated n a quiet way without credit, but a very glaring act of injustice perpetrated in a late number of the " New York Mining Journal," callsVor a prompt notice at our hands. A letter from one of the editors, published in the editorial columns of the Post, in editorial type, and signed with his initials, appeared a few weeks ago, in which a full account of the Duck Town mines was given. "The Mining Journal " copied the article into its own columns, with another caption, without signature, and without credit. Now we must say, that although the said letter was not published by the writer as a high literary effort, the conduct of the editor of the " Min ing Journal " appears to us anything but genteel. Some people seem to think that distance not only "lends enchantment to the view" of natural scenery, but palliation, if not innocence, to acts of palpable in justice. There is too little respect generally shown, both far and near, for the rules of mutual courtesy which the relations of the press require to be observ ed. Mere rudeness, however, or such discourtesy as results from a half concealed spleen, we can easily forgive or despise. We only speak when compelled to do so, and hope we shall not have another provo cation of the kind soon to record. Hon. Fayette McMulles, member of Congress from Virginia, has applied to the Legislature of that State for a divorce from his wife. MANNERS. Manners, by the French, are very correctly called the minr morals. True politeness is the natural ex pression of our benevolence, and where it is entirely wanting, there must be something wrong at the heart. There are many excellent people, however, who seem "to regard the little courtesies of life as altogether un necessary in those whose conduct is governed by u stern integrity, and whose virtues have become like fixed and unalterable habits. They seem to think there is something savoring of levity and insincerity in those little customs. that have long existed in society by which one perspn communicates to another his sentiments of good will and respect. But the univer sal prevalence of these customs, in one form or anoth er, through all ages and all nations, shows very plain ly, that they are natural expressions, when the feel ings are sincere, and that an entire neglect of them implies either a radical defect in the character, or a restraint upon the emotions which is itself artificial and indefensible. Some form of salutation, for exam ple, is found all over the world, and surely it cannot be regarded as an extravagance to notice in some way the presence of a brother man. There are, nevefthe less, many persons in every Christian community, who are evidently so well satisfied with their integrity, their intelligence, their money or other claims to su periority, that they seldom put themselves to much trouble to show their benevolence to those around them. They may be liberal to the poor, and yet be destitute of those kindly, neighborly feelings towards others which are the best bonds;, of the social state. When one vessel speaks another at sea, there is always a thrill of emotion, excited by the transaction, which tends to'awaken and keep alive the nobler sen timents of the heart. It is just so on a smaller scale, when neighbor meets neighbor with a friendly saluta tion. When, on the other hand, we pass and repass without recognition, as cold and repulsive as brother ice bergs in the northern main, the heart is necessa rily chilled by the unnatural suppression of friendly sentiments ; and what begins in mere oversight be comes at last the cherished habit of a life time. BARBARISM. We publish below only a part of a long extract from the Shepherd of the Valley, which we cu,t from the New York Ohserver. There may be some who still doubt whether there are any influential persons in this country who are endeavoring to overthrow our in stitutions. The following passage ought to be suffici ent to remove all doubt. The Archbishop of St. Louis recommends the paper from which it is taken, to the people of his diocese, and thus constitutes it one of the organs of the Catholic party in the United States. This assault upon the cause of human freedom and civilization itself, cornea from no obscure quarter, and should not be regarded as the mere ebullition of an eccentric egotist, but as the significant portent of for midable combinations against the peace and liberties of our citizens : Ignorance, the mother of devotion. The Shep herd of the Valley, which is published under the special sanction of the Archbishop of St. Louis, holds the followinjr language, in a late number, upon Popular Education. It needs no comment ; it speaks for itself. We subjoin the imprimatur of the Archbishop. N.Y. Ohserver. We are not the friend of opular education as at present understood. The popularity of a humbug shall never, we trust,, lead us to support it. Wc do not believe that " the masses," as our modern reformers insultingly call the labor ing class, are one whit more happy, more respectable, or better informed for knowing how to read. His i's our pri vate opinion, however, and as we entertained it before we had the happiness of becoming a Catholic, -the'parsons are hereby warned not to set it down as peculiarly Popish doc trine. We think that the "masses" were never less happy, less respectable, ad less respected, than they have been since the Reformation, and particularly within the last fifty or one hundred 3-ears since Lord Brougham caught the ma nia of teaching them to read, and communicated the disease to a large proportion of the English nation of which, in spite of all our talk, we are too often the servile imitators. heading is only one method of gaining information, and a method that can seldom be pursued with any success in pri vate, where there is no one to direct tbe student, and on guar antee that he desires his own improvement rather than his own amusement. One of the best informed most respected men of his station in life that we ever knew, could not and cannot read a letter to this day. The idea that teaching people to read, furnishes them with innocent amusement, is entirely false. It furnishes the ma jority of , those who seek amusement from it with the most dangerous recreation in which they can indulge. In view of these and other facts, we, on our own private account, and not as a Catholic, but as a prudent man and as a good citizen, unhesitatingly declare, that we regard the in vention nf.printing as th reverse of a blessing; and our modern ideas of education as entirely erroneous. However the thing is done and cannot be undone. A new want has been created to a race which had, before this discovery, more unsatisfied wants than they well knew how to put up with, and an appetite has been created which must be satisfied. The question is how to satisfy it with the least evil to the community at large, and all concerned. THE IRISH EXILES. We have now, in this country, three of the celebra ed Irish exiles, Meagher, O'Donohue and Mitchel, who have successively escaped from British durance, and sought peace and liberty on our shores. What a proud satisfaction should it be to every American, to see all classes of victims escaping from European op pression, and finding a home and a protection in our glorious confederacy. Wc all unite to welcome these distinguished sufferers in the cause of freedom, and they may justly consider themselves as the nation's guests. These are the men whom America can well receive without suspicion. With cultivated minds, hearts beating with a noble enthusiasm, and souls expanding with a world-wide humanity, they come to this coun try with a glowing admiration of its'principles and in stitutions, and would be the last to plot against our peace or disturb our repose. We have always loved " Green Erin," and sympa thized in her sorrows. We draw our lineage from her fruitful soil, and our pulse beats with Irish blood That is the reason wc have sometimes expressed our selves in terms of unusual severity against her1 ene mies. The British government, which confines her body with strict military surveillance, and the dicta torial priesthood who bind the fetters of ecclesiastical authority upon her soul, are entitled to the bitterest invectives they have provoked.. We have no partial ity for them. But Ireland, generous, sensitive, hos pitable Ireland ! our desire for her is to see the fet ters fall from her limbs, and the veil from her eyes, and the blessings of enlightened freedom showered at her feet. We shall now hope to heaV that the remaining cap tives have also found means to escape. The more of these educated laymen that come amongst us, the bet ter. Their presence may serve to infuse into the masses of their countrymen, a profound respect for the land of their adoption, and a cordial love for its prin ciples. Under such influences the Irish emigration may add new strength to our nationality. They may contribute a desirable element to our population and render yet more admirable the proportions of our composite national character. Bank of the State. It will be seen Irom the no tice of the Cashier, in the Advertiser, that this Institu tion has declared the handsome dividend of 5 per cent for the last six months. We also learn that the sum of $22,000 has been added to the surplus fund These facts show the Bank to be in a very prosperous con-dition. MIND YOUR HBalttt In this climate which is liable L ' sitions, it is particularly important in ' w son to guard the lungs agair,st j,,, tab'.ishme terrible and fatal disease, piieufcouj., i l? fir! f brought on by eudden exposure 4, u ' J caused bj ooay is nut " i'""""- '"-Ufa iq . -it - J ....t.kfiilnDau nrA nn.,L I V buildings. care ami an.mu'"'-'3j cf-arv Messrs. 11 the part of persons who are aecufe; til of whi to avoid the deplorable cons iiurn Thnsp who have lonff acquired prudentnal Indnts of ll!e nre notin terprising danger, perhaps, as others, w ho think their t present strong, and therefore do ne t ,ed carefu! Ifoture. J tion. . 1 ' t . ' . .. .. I disaster , coia weather generally com mtiy , f, ,r , (pondent. in this rpmon that npnnle dn nA. ' ... .. ' ' . t ' nyrt rovido with such systematic prudence, as they. latitudes, uur naoitations ai e ,t 1 j r , .v. lU(J liable itrieiBiitc iu wiiiLer, aim nun Ionr eoir,,.,., reierenc .1 , UlO V W both windows and doors to pane cane one, .' Hlo farnisc damp weather, thus exposing one sijp r . ' Market. f 1 "ur in ..1 ' - fv-'i 111 Cft J .. w to the chilling blast, while the other i8 Wasti -different an enormous fire. And thea when ""'?U last mom is little precaution to protect ourselves with Vrom clothing from the .depressing; influence of!, of wind. We do not advocate 1 00 much deli, 7 ! Ur ' firm frw thaco thintrc but. wic 1 ' . 1 active and hearty, that they a re particularly jji certain dangerous dises wkisjj ap( fo J'e ore tr.3 Ernper :?. Portu: 1, 1. . 1 i !it ' .... ... - 1 "fStto to men 11 nas not ueeu uwu Motnect- Jluch of 1 Cham1 t weakness of lungs complained of by Northern '"'land pie is undoubtedly produced by clje houses and TBourbon fined air ; but we 01 the boutn a re tpo much disposed run into the opposite extreme, juid after week-''-warm weather, to expose our persons unprotected a cold and damp' atmosphere, .nd jtltufs often incurt'r'1 fatal chill of acute pneumonia. j The great rule for the prese rvation of the lunK to allow them a plentiful supply Of fresh air ard ' avoid, as much as possible al I sudden transition I- temperature. BIGOTRY AND PREJUDICE. We see a great deal in print , and hear a great da said about "sectarian bigotry ;"; hut there are who seem to recognize the differenjee between and prejudice, which are expressive of two verv i ferent states of mind, although found in the same r ftypograp son. Bigotry is a blind and unrei.teonahlp nttaAm. to our own creed or system : religious prtjnilirt i unreasonable dislike of the opinions or practiced others. We know these sentiments generally cih; ist, but they ought not to be confounded. V a: so often censured in this country under the namei higolry, is in fact too strong an expression of oa: sentment against the bigotry of 01 her people. : not common, now-a-days, for polite persons to ki their own Church, in eilravagant terms, or to boa;: its superiority to others', in ordinary conversatinn.- Many American christians never express themseks warmly in favor of their most cherished views. Bk- try rather exhibits itself here by supercilious airs and a haughty self-complacency. ' It U prejudice that nt ters its sentiments with so much: indecent violence and deserves so much of that censulrc which h.i,'with justice been inflicted upon the Amei'h-an Church. A NOVEL CASE. A young man named Going, hejeame enamored of a young lady 'in Lynchburg, Va., but encountered some parental obstacles to his matr moni.il designs. The damsel, however, interested herself .actively in his behalf, and by dint of tfiat persweving agency far ... . r . ... .. - .. 4.. ces, got permission fr m her fatlujr to become Mra Going, provided she would also be gone, never to re turn. He also authorized Mr. Goijsi; to pen, iulii? which the sex is distinsuishe l under such circumbtan ilaaiCi v name a written consent to the union, which duly ii;arge si nesseuwas presenteu at the clerk s jonice, and exenar- gedfora regular marriage license. jMr. -.oing thmir-t jjndepet he was going to be married, but was surprised to nV;f ihe himself going to court and to pribon on a charge clTempei Unn-n-.. TU .. I .! i - . I 1 A .. . .t.J. . ' ' . 1 iuicij. iuc inveisHgauon was renewed anera shot,. confinement, when the truth was extracted from 6 old gentleman, much against his wjll, that he had an thonzed the writing that bore his name., Cupid haii w his way after all, and Mr. and Mrs.f Going. o: of the paternal paradise, have at Ia.jt gone into win quarters in the Elysium of Matrimdny. h MR. DYER, j This distinguished vocalist from Philadelphia.? our citizens one of his rich musicalientertaiiinw:.''1 Monday night last. He was in a firje vein fo:.T and favored the audience with a number pieces not included in the programmie. In cock'?' particularly, we think Mr. Dyer excejs. WeadutJJ who know how to enjoy these riclj combinations humor and melody to go and hear him. Mr. h? left here Monday afternoon for i'ayetteville. hope that wherever he goes, all who are not averse i' innocent entertainment, will lend hiijn their ears. Loss of the Revi'.nce Cuttek Ha.miltos.-Is mournful news of the wreck of thisivessel with near ly all on board, reached this city on Tuesday laA' Lieutenant Camillus Saunders, whq perished in it of the life boats, was a son of otfr fellow ciUK Judge Romulus M. Saunders, whose (family have beet thus suddenly bereaved by the awful; catastrophe. The Hamilton was driven from ier jnoorings'r Charleston bay during the gale of Thursday of 1 week, and so shattered that the oilicers and cre V c ; t .. 7 sought safety in their life-boats. Both parties subsequently lost, with the exceptiori of one seaffli- named Hvan. who had lashed himself to the boat w ... a "i l : mi. .. v.siu have hw-8! nun jikiicu up uy ji sieamer. mo mi j ntnin Rudolph, Lieuten-i ..v-v.. - v.. W ..f j - , (i ntc c..,, ii : .,j Ua citpw- consisted 0' " uauiiuci.i atiu uiues, aim t" vv twelve men and boys. CoNGRESs.--Both houses of' Congi'ess had a recess from Thursday of that week to Monday the l2t- On thftt itov tV,o cfnri;nrr onmtnlKpCS Ht : anHOUDCeCl An election of nrinter tn the Senate resulted in Ja- of Beverly Tucker, of the Sentinel. Gen. CaSS?j ed a resolution: asking for correspondence 1etj the British and United States Governments in to the treaty of Washington, which Having on mow of Mr. Clayton been so amended as tc include vrof tion to foreign ministers, was adopted In the lion a resolution offered by Mr. Wentworjth, affirming Fu"" rt,,u uuiy 01 congress to conhjii"i.. to the Pacific . Was Inirl nn iho fnhlt b a party vote"- 126 to 12. On. Tuesdav. several other resolution ij iavor ol the same road, were laid on! the rau'v- thing interesting has yet been done irt either nou- Confirmation. This religious rite ed at the Episcotoal Church on Sunda was admini' bv Bishop -v'" kinson, to seven persons. Among the recipient onm of thA t th. Institution lor and Dumb and the Blind, himself a deaf-mute. Wo nnot.n hot Thnrrlav the 2'2d month has been designated as the day for the co cration of the Church, and that, all persons whde to be present are invited to attend, j A new and elegant Hotel is' to be obened in mouth, Virginia, on the first of January. It,is the " Macon House," in honor of thf late ;lt Macon, of North Carolina. Portsmouth is impro rapidly so sajs the Transcript. have b The F The E gents ma result of cf Erie, read. ' G rrie. Th t -ent to We di " Iletrop irDowe c rrccte Mrs.,. J, at I , Gkai is well; "Satur. and of lse, and sujbaeri tiona to ST AX this p presen I .3 C c .angi .3 tf ... .' 1 ar. - ad' -t; -1 r :it c-rj i '-p ' I t k 1 r aIs '::mp urve infon the h comp by ix IU that' Clarl ' te ; - tl " ta j Si ttev r-i 4

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