aw. vis n. wir-KV, .V, . . , . iv ( :( ) )K I'i.t A FAMILY EWSPIPER-KEUTHAL IN POLITICS. ...r EDITOR? TWO doiLi.ars LYtTi-:i.n ' v, M .., ... ..K TERMS ;I'KR ANNUM. cDotclr to ill X)t Sntmsts of tCortf) Carolina, attcattou, uwulturc, $iterature, 3tos, tije ilarfetts, &c. VOL Ifl - NO. 4. Ji A LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, DEC. 24, 1853. WHOLE NO 108 - SELECT POETRY. SHOULD SORROW O'ER TKY BROW. ' " A SONO, '. Should sorrow 6t thy brow, Iu. darkened shadow fling, ' . And -hopes, that' cheer' thee now Die in their early spring; Should pler.surc at its ; birth' Fade like the tyies of even, Turn thou away from earth, ' There's rest fur tliee in Heaven. If ever l;fe ha!l seem, To thee a" toiNouia w-ay, A-'d jjladncss- cea-i' to beam Cpon 'its clouded day: If, like the wearied dove ,' . . I'er idvrelessoce:ms driven, II dsc theu'-thiue eyes above, There's rest for thee in. Heaven. 'Hut,-- 0 ! ; if t hornless flowers Throughput thy pathway bloom, Ainl g'yly fleet the hours, (In-stained by earthly gloom. Still let not every thought To this poor world be given, . Nt always be f irgot Thy better rest in Heaven. When sickness pales thy cheek, .And dims thy lustrous eye, And pui'ses low and weak Tell of a tiiiic to die; Sweet hope. shall whisper then, Though thou from earth be riven, There's bliss beyond thy ken, ; There's rest for thee in Heaven. SELECTED STORY. Frtmi-. the National Magazine. THE MOUSE AND MERCHANT. A. hundred years ago to .us are olden times.--Kudo times they seem, too, cotupared with those iii which, we live. The schoolmaster, the press, and the mechanician had not then done so much for our people. Nevertheless, prudent and pious men walked the, world with our great-grandfathers, and among th-m. th:rc wn one -fc-n-jTrn to Jim cor respondents as Mr. Francis Fairhold, merchant, of Cheapside, in the citv of London. s The. I'airholds had been notable in Gheapside ever since it was called Westcheap, or the western market. One 'representative of the family had helped to clear St. Paul's of relies and images,; .-'another-had fitted.. out a ship at his own expense against the Spanish Armada ; and one served as member for his '.borough in tho-Long Parliament. Their house ; had been almost desolated by tiie plague, and burneddown in the great fire of Lon don; but it rose from its ashes with the rebuilt city, and son had regularly succeeded sire therein till about the vear 175-3", when George the Second sat on the throne of England. Johnson. Burke, and Goldsmith were then in the morning of their fame, and Air. Francis Fairhold was reckoned a substantial member of the honorable company of linen-drapers'. Mr. Fairhold remembered the bursting of the South Sea bubble, the great frost, the last Jacobite ! rebellion, and was, at the period of our story, a discreet, middle-aged gentleman, plain of speech, friendly -of "manner, and attired, like the- rospeeta- ! ble citizens of the day, iu amply-skirted coat, j clubbed hair, and silver buckles: Air, -Fairhold j was-in high respect am mg the London drapers of 1 those homely times. They kiicw Ids word to be as j safe as his-bond, his custom to be larv. and his I credit stiil more extensive. - j -A prudent and prosperous man in every sense j was our merchant erf-. ( 'heapside. Active, but n-.t ! over anxious for. thi- world, he carried on his bus- ' in ess with the steady, and quiet industry of those hold's tims. It was a species of leathern port ld t'adiioned days, giving time for recreation - as ;an tnteau, much about the. size and shape of those well as work. His evenings were ta-scd 'in house hold leisure-with a citv friend or two, w!iq frequent ly dropped in to -upper. When shop ami ware house were closed, on S uurd iy afternoon he walk ed with his family, to "..' tlx ir gVand-tmelo, the 'Id farmer at M.;ryteb-iie then a village in the ' visits, to his j acids, or paid m re -ceremonious kmgbted cousin Sir Thomas .who kept his coach, ' and -iived in the fashionabl-. Iic-ilitv'- of lied U.n Square. Once a year, when badness was slack, ; about the end -'of .summer, Mr. Fairhold made a J circmt of his country :istoiiier.-, to collect, debts ; and square accounts, g- n.-iai; v. He had no son ' to succeed him iu the fashion- of his family, nor even a nephew, having been himself an only child ; ' oui, tnanktul tor tw,, g.od .daughters; the merchant ; ..did not despair of finding .a snec.or. an,i took no , troublo regarding, the cwtimiance ,f his house. I Ihe experience of other had taught him tn-it'evn I l . . . . paternai hopes are- iht safe frolu. disappointment. ' He had seen s "s turn out neither a comfort nor ! 'a credit ; and the s-id :'olleC CtlOll 1,'; tanging abodt ! ins own peaceful premises was that of a young and , " : ' : V " 1 ' le o. 8;n.ot his nei.l,bor) W i.i.Mir , nt.iiit..n tel.-. 1. . 1 ! and 1! d M ' ' " " 'w,)UVub an- ea e . a. ame m her day. Perhaps the boy's mot ier had spoiled him. Perhaps the love of gy company (aa he thought it) had led h'is youth nito nares ; tor, , Splte ot care, admonuton. and the onler of Mr. Farhold's house, poor Willia :i ....m eji aequamteii nrst wil l stro iner p avers, then : '- , " - ! un mora duegerous characters ; ami at length,, a,.. , . - 51 . , ' ' uetected in an attempt to rob his master, he fled .. . , ' , , tne city, and had not been heard ot for years. P.- , .. , ..J rieved at heart was Mr. Fairhold, and he dili - ll ,! .. . 1 . . . I . II- . . gently inquired after his-apprentice, in hopes, m-r-! ciJul man as he was. of reclaiming him. No int. 1 1 ll-jerVct, however, of tlie youth could ie trained. an nioL.iei, a wea, toi i 1 1 -mn ut'u; w omau, ai ter j fretting for some time over di.-grace he had I 1 brought oii her genteel family, married an ill-doing J t i i :ii :. i i ............ c , . .. I j excise officer, whom she bad rejected with high j I scorn im her youth, and removed w ith him to one : -T . of the lVrthrij counties, , The remembrance of poor Wiiliarn Waterton ; 'or, things were by no means in the order he had j without delay. The morning sun was shining" on served to make Mr. Fairhold more earful. rfard- j s-fn them. The pewter n the shelves was dim ; j heath and hill, and though the road was miry with ing fiis apprentices. Not that he had. ever been j the once white walls were dingy; there was a j the last night's raiiOlr. Frhohl felt nowise in remiss on that point. Our merchant was an up- ! smouldering fire on the wide hearth, and by it clined to stay. The kitchen 'company bad depart right, conscientious man, who felt that business j three slovenly, ill-looking men sat, each with a . ed over night ; but the ostler bad tlie satisfaction had more duties f? him-than to g t rich. No one, '-pipe and tankard. The landlord himself dosed in ! of hearing the valise chink once more, besides r under bis authority, had cause to complain of sel- bis elbow cha'r 'n the chimney corner, and no ost- j ceiving his yearly tenpenee. The landlord pfjuivd fish exaction, or iucon-iderate carelessness. ILs friends and family jyahifd bim for a mild "and phi cable temper. His worldly dealings were just, 'ids religion practical and. sincere. Nevertheless, Mr. Francis Fairhold was not tree of fan-Its ; and among them w as a tendency at times to grumble at small and casual annoyances. Our merchant did not ex actly lose his teiaper at every turn ; but a spoiled dinner, or a room out of order,, would vex him more than he cared to tell. Most of us, perhaps, bear great jtroubles better than little ones in pro portion to their weigjit ; but as the latter are by far the niosTTibundant, that Christian philosophy which helps one to keep easy under them has a daily usefulness as well as dignity about, it. Sure ly a traveller to eternity .should not bje disturbed by every straw in his path ; moreover,! sniaii t-vIL may contain the seeds of great good, and Francis. Fairhold was .taught that truth by ojne of those wonderful work's of Providence which prove to the Christian's mind that no instrument is Weak in the -baud 'of Omnipotence. The wild rose had faded in Fngland's fields and hedgerows ;' Che hav was mown in ali her meadows, from Kent to Northumberland; and the flush of ripeness was growing on her orchard boughs, when Mr. Fairhold, having regulated life 'books, duly committed his business-to Jolmstone, t&e foreman, who bad been in his employment fifteen years, and having taken leave of his family and j most inti mate neighbors, set forth with a good horse and a ieJJ-eoured vwJf, with many good' ivishes, and commissions almost as numerous, on : his yearly .circuit among the country customers.! This and the stage-coach or wagon ' were the only public 'modes of travelling in the time of our story ; but the latter, besides being a slower rnelbod, owinor to bad roads and stoppages at every inn, Icould only be had on the principal lines of trafficjand never approached those small towns and scattered vil lages where our merchant's customers flourished. I Mr. Fairhold's journey, like his business, was quiet, but regular. He was a peaceablei man, and had always travelled safely, though there were bold highwaymen in those days,, and the - police sy-tem was far from its present completeness. His customers were mostly steady, methodical men, iiiven to clear accounts and punctual payments. With many of them Mr.. Fairhold was! an old ac quaintance, joyfully entertained at their houses in memory of similar hospitalities received in their great journeys to London. The landlords. of all the respectable inns on his way waited fqr our mer chant's coming year by year, as that ofjan impor tant guest ; and he rode on from one country towu to another, through narrow, rutty roads, familiar only with cart and wagon, at a pace varying from fifteen to twenty miles a day, attending to his horse's comfort as well' as his own, settling old ae- counts, openi g new ones, and depositing his re- ceints in a diminutive stronff box constructed for that purpose in his valise. There may jbe readers of our tale who have never seen a specimen of that antiquated convenience; but the valise; played an important part in the travelling of Francis Fair- ponderous folios iu which laborious scholars then; stntlied law and divinity, and was fastened to too back of the si Id e bv straps and buckles too nu merous 'or th -.patience of our hurrying jdavs. -the valise respectable travellers were accustomed to p:iek all their requisites, including money: and Mr. Fairhold had seventeen hundred pounds' the entire returns ot his country business, besides bills and bonds, in the before mentioned strong box, when, at the end of a seven weeks' circuit, liej arrived at an old and favored -hyirknown trs the Golden Lion, and standing on the ancient road betweeij Farnham and Guilford. The country- is now studded with hafrilets and firm-houses ; "but at the 'time of our taie, a wild heath extended for milei alonjj tlie base of the chalk hills, through which the road, little better than a modern sheep-path, wound wkli many a curve and angle. At one of these tu'rns'stood the Golden J.joi one of the oldest hostels ihthecoun- Uv of Surrey. ' Travellers had resoit-d to that house before the civil war. Its quaint chimneys, low windows and wide porch were wreathed with - ivy but its thick walls of timber, hewn! from the J I : famous oaks of Sussex, its roofs deeply j thatched with reeds and oaten straw, were stilfptoof against time and weather. The sanded space in front stiil contained the horse-block and the draw-well. ' Sounds of pigeons and poultry came from the yard behind, cattle b,-ol nA rolled in fields - - v. ....v. . scmi-,-1.- - . . i 1 .i j l "lv separate 1 from the surrounding heath, and. half inn le.if f..... v . . , , t . . .i "in.n.tit farm house, the old hostel greeted ail i wayfarers witl,' tl, i e- irers viui, the creak of its swinging sign, on i which the forest l-i . j ff r:n loresi king was represented in rather m- I definite gilding. For twenty years Mr. Fairhold had rested there roughly disgusted, our order loving merchant start on bis homeward way; but as he now approached ed up. Things were not as- they ought .to be at the house, late in a close, cloudy afternoon, with i the Golden Lion! that Was manifest; and he would . i i . x great drops oi neavy rain, announcing a v el eveu- ing, he could not help observing that something of ! neglect and carelessness had grown about the Gol j den Lion. Its eaves were less trim, its porch less j carefully swept and scoured ; and in the best kitch- j en, which had always served for tap room and par- ! !er was t be seen. Mr. Fairhold made these dis- coverii's before his arrival was perceived. He had thrown his bridle over the staple in the porch, and stepped quietly in. to tho'great- surprise of tlio three, j who saluted him with keen, suspicious lo ks; ami still "more to the astonishment of the host, who woke up at the sound of his entrance. , Changes had come over the old house since last the merchant saw it. Mrs. Ilobbes, the honest ac tive landlady, had been summoned from her do mestic cares to the house appointed for all living. Mr. Ilobbes had married the maid, and latterly ta ken strongly to old October, of which, like many a country innkeeper in his day, he was a notable brewer. Things in consequence were not as they had been at the Golden Lion ; but Ilobbes wel comed Mr. Fairhold with all the noise and bustle he deemed requisite for such an old and distin guished customer, shouted .for the ostler and stable-boy to look after his horse, summoned Mrs. Ilobbes. the second to provide for entertainment, and with muttered apologies for the company in his best kitchen, marshalled bim and his valise to the parlour. That room of pride, fur such it had been to the 'former hostess, contained the chief treasures of the Golden Lion. There were tlie glazed cupboard filled with china, the eight day j clock, and the best bed hung with 'dimity. Mr. ' Fairhold thought the round table and oaken floor 1 had lost the dark polish they used to exhibit; but ' the rain, was heavy without, the evening was dark i and chill, and lie sat -by the blaze of a bright wood tire discussing a substauf'al supper after his long ride, and hearing, through the wooden partition which divided the kitchen and parlour, the ostler expatiate on the weight and chink of his own va lise to a, number of inferior travellers w hom the rain or Ilobbes' strong ale had assembled. The merchant did not much mind that, though he remembered one of the three ill-looking men shading his face with his hand while glancing at him, and wished the ostler had not guessed so correct. ly concerning his strong box. More solemn thoughts came as he looked round that old frequented room. It spoke to him of life and its uncertainties. The busy, good-humored landlady, w hom he had known for twenty years, was gone: and the furniture by which she set such store, and which she took plea sure in scouring, all were there, up to the silver tank ard and the plated candlestick which flanked the Duke of Marlborough's picture on the chimney piece; a coarse print in a clumsy frame it was, and Fairhold had seen it many a year, but never with out thinking of an early friend. John Churchill Phillips (as his father had named him, because the boy was born when the great duke's fame hail the j flush of Blenheim fresh upon it) was the. son of a j London draper, not wise enough to see tlie woeful waste of such victories, but sufficiently prudent j and successful to leave him in a flourishing busi- i ness. lie and Francis Fairhold were schoolfellows, j and grew up tnends. 1 heir inheritance was ot equal value. I hey married in, the same year I Phillips named Ins eldest son after Fairhold, and tood godfather' to his eldest daughter but Phil- (lius was m haste to be rich. There- were games of 'speculation phyed in his 4,ime, and he. joined one of them called the Morocco Company, which pro- mised ieat things by shipping linen to the Moors. , - ' ' - , Phill ps thought it would make his fortune; but 1 ' I i .... i. . l ..: i i i1. i . . . . . losses ov mo .Mio'iiue- pirates a o. ueiaicauoiis ai ' ' ! home broke the company, and his affairs ,were ru , i"od. It must be acknowledged that insolvency ; '. mo,v r:i,e and serious occurrence a hundred j ,s a. l,,an 11 lias s"c5 become in the mercan- , uiewou-i.- i ui.iips was proua as we.l as weak; ; He i ; could not bear ti.e ..b.ervaitou, and, leaving all in i the hands of his creditors, tied with his wife and . child, it was believed, to Ireland. Our merchant's recollections of him were interrupted by the en j trance of Ilobbes, the landlord, who came, in re- i "it5"!' ' his guest's quality, to ted and inquire after news, leaving the door ajar, as custom direct ed, for the gratification of his kitchen company, "Call me at seven," said Mr. Fairhold, after in- forming his host that the E trl of. Bute was stid prime minister, a;rl tlie Hanoverian succession like ly to be secure ; in return for which lie heard of a foal with five legs and a bewitched dairy. "Seven ' will give tiie to reach Guilford before dinner; and j 1 am so. lire, I that a long sleep wdl be useful." I Ilobbes retired, promising punctuality; and, j having committed himself and his concerns to the - care of Him who neither sleeps nor slumbers, Fran- ! cis Fairhold was soon dreaming of his own good ; household and friends in London. The man slept i soundly, for he had good health and a "clear con- . science: but as the tlin of piireons. cocks, and sruin- ea-towi rose .round tne solitary inn at the summer i long Lweii tae terror ot tne southern counties, jmt. sunrise, Mr. Fairhold was disturbed by something ": Fairhold felt the solemn. responsibility of an Eng running across his face. It was a mouse. He saw j lish juror, as his eye wandered over the crowded it dart away among the whito dimity, andj tho- f coUtfc and rested on the prisoner. He was a- sul- never caw mere again. mese reflections he rose and dressed himself. It was hours before the appointed time, but thp household were all astir; People rose eariy in the country then ; the bacon, egsS&l-,- strong ale, which formed a wefl -to-do merchant's breakfast, were, therefore, prepared j forth his good wishes; Mrs. Ilobbes eama ajjjflaV as i.the draw-well to make her parting courtesy ; and with all the civility he could assume,(our merchant rode on to Guilford The mouse had caused him to yield to his infir mity of grumbling; but the day was fur, and his annoyance diminished amazingly, -when, at some milts from his destination, he found the wagon, which had left that town for. Horsham with the tirstjight, sticking fast in a deep rut.. The horses had broken their traces and lied over the fields pur sued by the wagoner and "one of bis passengers ; while the rest, consisting of two Sussex fanners, a brewer, a butcher, and the master of a Portsmouth trader, stood in great trepidation regarding anoted gang of highwaymen, said to be somewhere in the neighborhood. Our traveller Jheered their hearts with the assurance that he had neither seen nor heard of them. The wagoner and his help hail by this time caught the horses, but all endeavours to mend the harness proving vain, the latter offer ed to proceed with their new acqna'ntance to Guild ford, and bring back assistance if possible. Such accidents were by no means .uncommon in the travelling of those times. Fver ready to oblige, Mr. Fairhold at once assented to the proposal ; anJ: h.v wnJ of making baste, it was agreed that each should ride and walk by turns. It wassoon found, however, that the wagon traveller, who was little more than a ypuih, could Set ovel' the miry road almost as quick as Fair- holdVjjoiet horse ; rapid progress of all kind was indeej impossible, and they begu'led the way with conversation. There was something in the active figure and honest, cheerful look of his companion which seemed funiliar to the merchant's memorv. He had a frank, courteous manner, too, which at once won Mr. Fairhold's liking; and as b is dress spoke of respectability striving with narrow means, our merchant ventured, on the strength of seniori ty, to hint some inquiries touching his history and prospects. "My father," said the young man, was once a prosperous London merchant, but speculation ruined him, and he died in compara tive poverty in Dublin. My mother followed him. early to the grave, and my boyhood was passed in j t)(1;U'"g about among our relations in Bristol: Af ter that, I got my own living by serving two dra pers in succession; but the first failed, the second was burned out. I have been trying hard for a. situation in London, and, though little to mv lik ing, it seems the will of .Providence that I should go to sea with a cousin of mother's, in whose com pany I was on my way to Portsmouth when our wagon stuck fast." "What is your name, young man V inquired Fairhold, earnestly. '"Francis Fairhold Phillips, at your service," said the- youth. ' " Then you are my namesake, and the son of my earliest friend," cried the merchant, grasping : his hand ; "you will never want a situation while j I have a ware house. My boy, I have got a lc-s- ! son this morning against grumbling at trifles ; but' for a .mouse, which woke me up in no goodtem- J per, I shouldn't have left the' Golden Lion for j som- hours later, nor have fallen in with you and 'the Horsham wa"on " " ! n..f,. i n i i i j : rsetore things were fully explained, they entered .i,(1 ...,, . ' . " ,-. . " v i tlie town ; assistance was forthwith dsspatched to i 1 t th.. ..,, i -m -n- . v. , . i I tne w agon, and voung Phillips, on ii good norse j frnm ( ae Crown Too rode b;ick to take leave of j i-s mother's cousin.' Joyfully he returned to join j t10 merchant - and Mr F-drhold with his chink- i ing vaJist and his new-found namesake, journeyed i safely on to the old house in Cheanside. There j he f))Un(1 lis famJv aml business all fis he had left j tht.m ,some two m,;nths hefore. xhe honest fore, ! man .AV(. un - i ' ; ti, merchant made his annual payments, and the house of Fairhold continued to flourish. Its mas ter found in the son of his friend an assistant on whose business abilities and, better still, on whose sterling principles he could rely; and as his true worth became every day more apparent in home ! and warehouse, Mr. Fairhold was wont to remark j how much, under ' Providence, he owed to that j disturbing mouse at the Golden Lion, and how ; short-sighted he had been to crumble: at what had ; been a blessing under disguise. j The good merchant had half made up his mind 1 j to call there on his approaching journey, when at ! the summer assizes, held at the Old Bailey, he ' was summoned to act as a juror on the trial of a I ntan indicted for highway robbery. The case ex- cited considerable interest of that morbid kind so common to mobs in all ao-es. for the man was be- ' lieved to be the last of a desoerate rausr who liad ...ii ,i. vr:.i. i . . - Jen, hardened man, whom the alternate want and riot of an evil life had made prematurely old j There was no trace of better days .about him ; but ' . as his many aliases were read over with the i j dictmeiit, the last of them was William AVatel'oftf The evidence was clear; the facts were p i ed. - j The prisoner had been a companion of 'rnj hers,, and active in breaking the laws of bothod and" "j man; but Francis Fairhold remembered the boy I who had sat in his church-pew, and worked in his warehouse, and though conscience obliged him to concur in the unanimous verdict of "guilty," his reasonino- hronrdit the whole iurv 1.-iy to ree- - p--- j ommend him to mercy, in consideration of early seduction and a misguided youth. , : The law had little mercy in those davs ; but the judge being a humane man, as judges ought to be, supported the petition which Mr. Fairhold by great exertion got up, and the capital sentence was commuted to transportation. His good work was searoly finished, when our merchant received a message one morning from the governor of New - gate, saying that the prisoner Waterton be'"-'ed hard to see him. Hoping an impulse of repentance, might have caused this, Mr. Fairhold hastened to -see his lost apprentice in the prison cell. The unhappy man was more moved than could have been expected at his coming, and when they were alone said " Sir, you have done a great deal for me, and ill I deserve it ; but I couldn't cross the sea with out speaking to you of one thing. You remem ber, almost a year ago, when you stopped at the Golden Lion on your way back to London. You had collected a deal of money, and I knew it though you didn't know me, for I was one of the three men who sat drinking in Ilobbes's kitchen. "We were all of the same gang, ami hearing that you were to go at seven next morning, we laid a plan to rob you at tt lonely part of the road, and 1 meant tcr take your life, sir, because you had been my master, and tried to keep me in order. I have lived to be thankful that we were disappointed ; but, to this hour, cannot understand why you should have set out three hours before the time.'' Readers, the chasm was wide betw een the pious, upright merchant and the convicted felon ; but both learned wrtmii tlrfe walls of " N?ev!te what" wondrous work an overruling Providence bail wrought by a puny instrument. The mouse, which distubed Air. Fairhold's sleep, and ruffled his teinner, had been the means of saving his life, and through him that of his intended murderer. Even on the liardened mind of the latter the event explained by his old ma-ter made an impression which proved lasting, for hopeful accounts of him -were heard from the penal colony. Francis Fair hold carried on business for many a year in Cheap side, and made many a journey among his coun try customers, always calling at the Golden Lion. In memory of his marvellous escape, he livd a broad seal engraved with the figure of a mouse, and thus motto : " By it God preserved me." The modest, upright young man, whom he met on that eventful day, became to him a son through the special favor of h'is daughter Sophy. Kate wedded a neighbor's son, and lived close by her parents ;,. but never did his increasing family gath er round the good merchant's board, at Easter or Christmas time, that he didn't recall the event of the wayside inn with fervent thankfulness. Some times, too, he related it to impatient spirits, with this exhortation: "Never get out of sorts at small annoyances ; they may be God's messen gers." MISCELLANEOUS From a Correspondent of the Boston Post. . FACTS RESPECTING THE PAST AND PRE- SENT STATE Or TURKEY. As we have heard so much about the decay of Turkey, it will he as well to compare, by compe tent authorities, its past with its present state. The revenue of the Sultan was, about seventy years since, 4,494,250.; at th" present time the revenue of the Turkish empire is 6.500,000. The (axes are at the present time very moderate, and collect ed, on the whole, v;ry fdriy. This increase of re- venue has taken place entirely since the recent re- forms. Surelv an increase in the revenue of a na tion equal to 44 per cent, is anything but a sign of .decay..'. i Then, with respect to the army :in 1774 the Tur i kish government, with its utmost efforts could only j bring into the field 142. OoO men, and those totally undisciplined. In 1812 little more than 50.000 J Russians kept the principalities against the Turks, j In the Greek war, from 1851 to 1828, the Turks j were never able at any one time to bring into the, i field 80,000 men a.nd these, with the exception of I the Egyptians, were mere rabble. In 1829 the , Su'tan Mahmoud could not bring into the field' 1:30,000 men, and three-fourths of these were whol ly without discipline, and the residue raw r- cru'ts. , . curing the wars with Meuemet All, u,uwumen j were the. outside military force the Turks could muster, and the comjositiori -of their forces was j contemptible. At the present time it appears- that Aoaui .ueujia nas on the two ironuers u,wu men under arms, of which three fourths are re- ! gular troops, by all accounts, equal, if not superior, to an equal numlifr of Russians. Is this a symptom of decay ? This doe. not in- 1 , ' . dude a reserve of 150,000 men m garrison, or on j their way to the seat of war. In fret, it may be I tion for fame filling a world's ear, for fjie highest I safely assumed, taking into account the compOsi- I power for the sweetest sleep that ever $11 on mor l tion of the forces; the zeal and ability of many of tai'a eye" the officers, that the Ottoman emp re .M noyer during the whole of its existence, hd in rfiljd at any one time au army l0 be cornered will, the present one. In reading the history of Turkey it will I found that the Russians have lu.ver hefut- ed in tlie open field'to attack th- irrj dar Turkish tro-or when tlu-v have' Un jut t, U J , r portion "of four to on. ' ' '' ' It appears, now that the Turks ro diacipiine.I and properly led, that, man for man, they are a match for the Russians. It m;.st aso be'rvi j lred that, under the old system, the-jturks plunder : ed iiidisrimina'.e v;.,r,,i .,.1 r. . t . ; ""-v ...vim- ...o iocs. io such an ; extent was this carried previous" lo jhe destruction i of the Janizaries, that the advent if the Turkish r army was a signal for the inhabitants to have their i dwellings. Now, thre is no more plunder with a : Turkish army than with au Englwhlone. The' al- most universal sobriety of the Turks is one reason , why they are so amenable to disciplijue. Their na- ' vy. also, is very far -superior, bv all accounts to ; what it has been at nriy previous ,ii j ,,f ,M.jr hist-a v, ' ! The jgreat improvements and imfivase in their j military and naval forces, the large additions to their revenue,-the ameliorations in their and o-ener- I ai pohcy, the toleratioir displayed, anjd kind treat- ment f the Christians, show anything but the cle- cay we so often hear of. In fict, nations have gteat vitality, and millions now living mayj yet see Jur key become one of the great powers jof Europe. THE HISTORY OF SERMONS, When shall the world be favored with a history of the pulpit, and who ivill write it? . Such a work is a great, disideratum, and, well exicuted, might prove of incalculable value. The world is full of material, which only needs to be c llected, sifted, and arranged. Let some one of our jmeir of ui'ght gird himself for the task. One chapter in Mich a work, or perhaps more, should be giveu lo the . origin and iji's-orv of ser mons, and curious indeed would bij its develop ments; especially if all their secret jhiMory coi Id ' be made known. Let us give two- dr thiee facts, which may go to show somewhat ofowjhat we mean. One of the 'most beautiful and popular of tho sermonsjof, Robert Hall, Ui t4vccji.irn,l the death of the amiable Princes (Jhailotte, who died in 1817 a sermon wltch he I bail not even thought of delivering an hour before ijts commence ment. Devoted to his -duty, this eminent man -el- " do'm looked at a newspaper, and was isiiprenielv ig norant of passing events, so that he jvas not "aware : of the time when the princess was to! be buried. The funeral ceremony took place on -Wednesday evening, jut at the time of Mr. Hall's weekly lec ture. Royal bereavements generally have atten tion paid them for the pulpit, especial y at the hour of interment, but the thought never occurred to Mr. Hall that anything more than ordinary service would take' place at Harvey Lane. On his arrival there, as usual, ' behejd the whole house was lighted up and crowded. . V -How is this, sir?'' asked Mr.. .Hall of one of the deacons. - " What does this crowd mean ?" ".Why, sir, the Princess Charlotte, you know, is buried this even ing, and the people are come to hear your funeral sermon of her." "Well, sir, I am Very sorry I had entirely forgotten ir ; ak"Mr. 1 to intro duce the service, and I will sit down, in the vestry and endeavor to think of s unething tb saw" The substance of the' seinion on the topic, which ap pears in the first volume, of U., works, was the re mit of , half an hour's let! cii ns; the sermon was afterwards written, published and produced great j effects. The widowed prince described it as the best f all sermons sent hirn on the oieasibn ; and another eminent man thought that i.h? production of such a sermon went far to account for the mvs terious removal of the princess. Much Smaller events than the removal of the great have suggested good sermons. !1 he admira- ! ble disciurse on " Walking by Faith," ithe first ser- muii bv Andrew fuller, owed its ongni to a small- . ' . t er matter. It was delivered t an annual meeting t o of the Noi thainptoiishire Association, p4. whose re quest it was printed. Like the sermon f his friend Hali, not a word of it was written till latter its de livery. On his way to the Association the roads i "' in several places were flooded, arising jfrbm recent rains, which had male the rivers "overflow. Mr. Fuller came to one place where the wafer was very deep, and he, being a stranger to its efcact d.-pth, was unwilling to go on. A plain c untryman re siding in the neighborhood, better acquainted with the water than the preacher, cried out, "Go on, sir, you are quite safe." , Fuller urged on hi3 horse, but tlie water soon touched his saddle and he stopped to tliiak. "(io on, sir, all is right," shouted the man. Taking the man at his word, Fuller proceeded, arid the text whs su "-rested. "We waik bv faith, not! bv sight." Xalional Majazirtn. j Beautiful. Here is a beautiful sentence from j tU; M,U (f Coleridge. Nothing can U more elo- - nf nothing more true j "Call not that man wretched whoJ whatever ejse ie suffers, as to pain inflicted or pleasure deni. i e(J jjas SLC1(i for whom lie hopes an4 on whom pOVerty mav grind mm to) the dust, j 0i.sclir:tv mav cast its dark mautle 6ver him; his i voce inay he unheeded by those, among whom he ; dwells and his lacejnay be unknown bylhis neigh- j bors-even pain may rack his joints' and sh ep i fleet from his pillow, but he has a gem with which ; , . . -f fo the -hh defrir,Wnrn,ta- V i Ssrt -! - ' ."- 1 I t 11. . r V

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